DAS Procurement Services, Version 2 April 2, 2018 Page 1 of 9
Tips for Drafting Statement
of Work (SOW)
DAS Procurement Services, Version 2 April 2, 2018 Page 2 of 9
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
Writing Effective SOW Requirements ..................................................................................... 3
Write an Effective Objective ....................................................................................... 3
Write an Effective Deliverable .................................................................................... 3
Write an Effective Task ............................................................................................... 4
Defining the Work ................................................................................................................... 4
Create a Hierarchy with a WBS ................................................................................... 4
Document Specifications and Establish Traceability................................................... 5
Define Tasks for Each Deliverable ............................................................................... 7
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A well-written statement of work (SOW) is the key tool in managing a contract and avoiding disputes
and performance problems. The SOW is the heart of the contract. At the heart of the SOW are the
objectives, the tasks that perform the work to implement the objectives and the deliverables that
achieve the objectives and goals of the project.
This guidance document provides tips for drafting project requirements, including objectives, tasks and
deliverables defined in a contract SOW. Refer to the SOW Writing Guide for more information on
organizing and drafting all SOW content areas.
Writing Effective SOW Requirements
The SOW establishes the basis for managing the contract. Requirements contained in the SOW gauge
contractor performance and overall project results. In defining project objectives, deliverables and tasks,
the procurement team should establish criteria that will facilitate its ability to link performance to
results and to assess whether the project is meeting its objectives. To accomplish this, use the SMART
criteria to draft SOW elements: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
Write an Effective Objective
An objective is a level of performance, or achievement used to determine if the project has met its goals
for delivering the intended business value.
A SMART objective:
Starts with “To...”
Contains measurable words like “increase”, “decrease”, “reduce”
Has a number, defining a desired level of performance
Is temporally-bound, by a date or time period to achieve
Does not include ambiguous or un-measurable words like “optimize”, “maximize”, “minimize”,
or “ongoing”
Write an Effective Deliverable
A project deliverable is the end-product or service that a contractor submits to an agency for
acceptance. A deliverable must satisfy one or more SOW requirements. A documented deliverable
should provide a means to trace it back to a specific SOW requirement to monitor its development and
ensure its quality throughout the project.
A SMART deliverable:
Is expressed as a noun and references a thing
Does not begin with an action verb
Can be related to a standard or a specific set of requirements by which it can be evaluated
Can be related to a performance expectation
Can be related to a schedule and milestones by which its development and delivery can be
Can be related to a pricing schedule
Is discrete and does not overlap with other deliverables
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Write an Effective Task
A project task is an element of work that describes what needs to be done and what needs to be
produced. Tasks produce the work products that manage the project and processes as well as the
project deliverables and outcomes. Each project task should correlate to at least one of these elements.
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool that helps develop comprehensive descriptions of
deliverables, tasks, resource requirements and assignments, and acceptance criteria. The levels of detail
in each WBS will vary according to the SOW type. Tailoring the WBS tool to the contract type enables
prospective contractors to develop proposals responsive to the requirements of the SOW. Refer to the
section below on “Defining the Workfor more information on developing a WBS.
A SMART task:
Is an action statement, beginning with a verb
Has an estimated start date and finish date or duration
Includes an estimate of hours to complete
Reflects no less and no more duration than can be reasonably managed during a reporting
period (4-8 hours minimum and 40-80 hours maximum)
Assigns responsibility and resources
Appears in logical sequential order based on when it must be undertaken
Relates to another task, a project milestone or a deliverable, as applicable
Defining the Work
There are many ways to identify and define the work necessary to complete a project. A well-defined
structure, organized around project deliverables that are labeled and traceable throughout the project
life cycle, will enable the procurement team to define exactly “what” needs to be built and the
acceptance criteria for each product. After identifying, defining and agreeing to the deliverables, use this
same model to develop descriptions of the tasks that define “how” to build the product.
This section provides examples and methods for analyzing, documenting and organizing work,
deliverables and outcomes specified in a SOW, depending on the contract type.
Create a Hierarchy with a WBS
A WBS is a tool used to identify and define the work necessary to complete a project. A WBS is a
hierarchy organized around categories, or branches of work. Some SOWs require the contractor to
submit a WBS as a component of a project work plan. For a design-based SOW, the contracting agency
should have clear insight into the development process to describe the tasks necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the SOW.
While it might be tempting to begin identifying all of the obvious tasks related to each branch of work,
the WBS should first identify the project outcomes or deliverables. This deliverables-based approach
begins with the end in mind and enables the team to visualize the project outcomes and end-products
that must be delivered to deem the project a success.
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Each level of the WBS reflects a more detailed representation, or decomposition, of the work. Figure 1
provides an example WBS for a website redesign project. Beginning at the top, or project level (1.0)
through the third level (1.n.n) of decomposition, this example reflects the project deliverables by the
project phase or work category.
Figure 1: Deliverables-Based WBS Example
Additionally, a WBS assists in estimating the time and cost to perform the project tasks and produce the
deliverables, identifying the resources needed to support project tasks and establishing quality
measures as a basis to guide acceptance criteria.
Document Specifications and Establish Traceability
The WBS can also provide a means to associate performance, delivery and acceptance standards with
the deliverables. The following table provides an example to use in conjunction with a WBS. The
Deliverables List relates the project deliverables to their branches of work and creates a means to trace
these deliverables to the standards and criteria for their review and acceptance.
For example, the project deliverables shown in Table 1 indicate which items require a Deliverable
Expectation Documents (DED). A DED provides details of the form, format and content of a deliverable.
The DED aligns a contractor’s product and service delivery with the customer’s expectation for the
product or service.
Table 1. Deliverables List
Project Work
Deliverable ID
Project Kickoff Presentation
Project Management Plan
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Communication Management Plan
Weekly Status Report
Design and
System Requirements Specification
Batch Development Standards
Test Management Plan
Test Plan and Scripts
System and Performance Test Report
Deployment Plan
Table 1 also assigns a unique deliverable number, which provides traceability of the item throughout the
project lifecycle. For example, Table 2 presents an expanded definition of the customer’s expectations
for BA-1, Project Kickoff Presentation and BA-2, Project Management Plan.
Table 2. Deliverables Requirements
BA-1 Project Kickoff Presentation
Required Delivery
Within 30 days of the effective date of the contract
This deliverable is a presentation to familiarize project team members
with the project. The presentation includes the following topics:
Project Overview
Project Schedule (high level)
Objectives and Definitions
Roles and Responsibilities
Success Measures
Next Steps
Questions and Answers (Q&A)
NOTE: The kickoff presentation must be provided to the agency at least
3 working days prior to the presentation to provide sufficient time for
the agency to review and provide input on the material and request
revisions if necessary.
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BA-2 Project Management Plan
Required Delivery
Submitted for approval within 30 calendar days of the effective date of
the contract
The Project Management Plan must cover the following areas at a
Project Overview
o Project Description
o Project Scope
o Assumptions
o Constraints
Project Organization
o Project Structure
o External Stakeholders
o Roles and Responsibilities
Project Start-up
o Project Life Cycle
o Methods, Tools and Techniques
o Work Activities
o Schedule, Resource, and Budget Allocation
Communication Management Plan (refer to separate BA-3
Configuration Management Approach
o Change Management Plan
o Requirements Management Plan
Performance Management
o Project Business Metrics
Risk Management Plan
The requirements listed above shall conform to IEEE Standard 1058 for
Software Project Management Plans.
Define Tasks for Each Deliverable
Task analysis may involve several levels of decomposition, from high level to very specific sub-tasks. The
type of SOW affects how detailed the procurement team needs to describe the tasks. For example, a
design-based SOW describes tasks at a more detailed level than a performance-based SOW, which
focuses more on the specificity of the outcomes or deliverables and not the tasks.
A procurement team should incorporate the following tips, tailored to the project or procurement
requirements, to develop the contract SOW:
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Gather information needed to meet the contract objectives. If starting with a previous contract,
copy only the task and deliverable information, not the template information.
If using task and deliverable language from another contract, revise to meet current project
requirements, expectations, and specifics that apply to the project and contract.
Give each task, subtask, and deliverable a number and a brief name.
For each task, briefly describe the main purpose of the task.
Assign responsibility for activities to perform under the task.
Contractor may
required for contractor
optional for contractor
required for agency
Identify tangible, measureable deliverables that indicate the objectives of the task. Specify
requirements for acceptance.
Deliverable must
describe requirements
Be as detailed as reasonably possible when describing deliverables and requirements. If written
standards exist, incorporate them into the contract by reference. If there are no written
standards, seek to provide an example of a completed deliverable to the contractor.
Require a draft of a deliverable to gauge quality. This allows for corrections before finalizing the
Be as specific as possible. Avoid using ambiguous words or phrases, such as we, they, our, assist,
help, work with, acceptable, reasonable, best efforts, industry standards.
When unable to determine specific tasks and deliverables to be completed, use a phased
approach to the contract. For first phase, clearly describe the final objective of the contract and
describe the process used to determine specific tasks and deliverables needed for the next
Define all acronyms in the body of the SOW, then use the acronym consistently throughout.
Contractor shall prepare an Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP). The IAMP
Avoid using multiple terms to refer to the same thing. Instead, define a term, and then use the
defined term consistently throughout the SOW.
Contractor shall prepare an Implementation Project Status Report (Status Report). The
Status Report must...
For ease and consistency, when indicating a quantity use numerals. Do not write out the word.
Examples: 3 copies; 15 copies, not three copies; fifteen (15) copies.
Choose to either specify deliverable due dates within each task or list all in a single table. Placing
due dates in multiple locations can create conflict when making revisions.
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Below is an example of a task statement. This example incorporates the following tips for
drafting a task:
Task number and name
Task purpose
Deliverable requirements
Use of contract writing conventions when assigning responsibility
Contractor responsibilities
Agency responsibilities
Deliverable and submittal requirements
Task 7 Preparation of Reports
Contractor shall prepare and submit a Geotechnical Report and Subsurface and Foundation Data
Sheets (Geotech Report) summarizing evaluations, analyses, and recommendations.
Geotech Report must include:
Site Plan and Vicinity Map showing the surveyed boring locations
Subsurface and Foundation Data Sheets conforming to ODOT standards (refer to Task 8)
Discussion of regional and site specific geology, seismicity, and seismic hazards
Summary of subsurface conditions encountered
Summary of hydraulic conditions relevant to the bridge foundation and geotechnical
design considerations
Summary of design recommendations and evaluations as outlined in Task 6
Guidelines for earthwork and foundation construction
Appendix items must include drill logs and color rock core photographs as provided in
the engineering Geology Report, appropriate as constructed plan sheets, milestone
bridge plans available at the time of the final report preparation, seismic and Lpile
parameters (if not included in the body of the report) and marked up special provisions
Contractor shall prepare and submit draft Geotech Report for agency review and comment.
Contractor may include graphs and illustrations in the draft Geotech Report.
Agency will review draft Geotech Report and provide written comments back to Contractor no
later than 10 days after receipt.
Contractor shall incorporate or address agency’s comments in the preparation of the final
Geotech Report.
Task 7 Contractor Deliverables and Schedule
Draft Geotech Report Submit 3 hard copies within 5 weeks after receipt of Notice to
Proceed (NTP).
Final Geotech Report Submit in electronic format and submit 10 hard copies within 14
days following receipt of agency comments. Subsurface and Foundation Data Sheets
must be printed on 11x17 paper.