Glendalí Rodríguez, Curriculum Vitae University of Wisconsin-Stout Provost
Professional Certificate- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2013
Management Development Program - Higher Education Administration
Graduate School of Education
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 2002
Master of Architecture (MArch)
Thesis: “Mixed-Use Building Design for a Private & Public Venture”
Awards: SGF Master’s Studio Competition Finalist
Yale University, New Haven, CT 1996
Bachelor of Arts, Concentration in Architecture
Administrative Experience
Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs November 7,2021 - Present
University of Wisconsin-Stout August 19, 2019 - November 6, 2021 (Interim)
Serve as Chief Academic Officer, providing academic strategic planning and vision.
o Coordinated creation of the first Academic Affairs divisional action plan in 2020 in
consultation with Provost’s Council and Academic Affairs unit leaders. The plan incorporates
each divisional unit’s action plan and aligns our work with the university’s FOCUS goals.
Supervise, collaborate with and mentor the following Academic Affairs unit leaders:
o Dean of the College of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Science (CACHSS)
o Dean of the College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences (CEHHHS)
o Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management
o Associate Vice Chancellor for Curriculum Quality
o Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Partner and Student Engagement as of July 1, 2021
o Career Services Office Director
o General Education Director
o Graduate School and Stout Online Director (2019-2021), Interim Graduate School Director as
of July 1, 2021.
o Honor’s College Director
o Office of International Education Director
o Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Director as of July 27, 2021
o Provost’s Office Budget Manager
o Sustainability Liaison (2019-2020)
Lead the Academic Affairs division through Pandemic Planning and Recovery
o Coordinated transitions for the campus pivot to fully remote delivery during the middle of
the spring 2020 term. Work included identifying professional development needs for
instructional staff and faculty, assembling temporary grading policy adjustments (i.e.,
CR/NC, attendance, probationary status exceptions, etc.) and providing information to
shared governance committees for their review and recommendation. Attended daily
Pandemic Planning meetings as the divisional representative and communicated updates to
the division leads.
o Co-hosted 16 virtual open forums for various stakeholders (campus employees, students, and
student families) during the spring and summer 2020, with the chancellor and Recovery
team members. Collected questions in advance of each forum and provided answers via each
forum or subsequent web update Q&A document.
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o During summer 2020, met weekly with department chairs, program directors, associate
deans, and college deans, to foster a successful kick-off to the 2020-21 academic year. Work
included addressing questions, coordinating and facilitating the first enrollment scheduling
summit for all academic departments and colleges to meet institution-wide goal of
maintaining 50% in-person courses while fostering personal safety; identifying ad-hoc teams
to determine socially distanced seating capacities by room, classroom seating charts,
cleaning and disinfecting protocols, instructional training modules (via the Teaching and
Learning Hub) and syllabi language recommendations to foster student success; and
coordinating outreach campaign to nonregistered students.
o Responded to faculty, staff and student inquiries directly received and/or forwarded from the
covid19updat[email protected] email account.
o Created and maintain a repository of faculty and instructional staff resources via the
Provost’s Intranet Site. The site serves as a one-stop portal for information from various units
including the Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center, Learning Information Technology, the
University Library and Stout Online.
o Maintained leadership through unanticipated personnel transitions within key positions in
Academic Affairs. These included Stout Online and the Graduate School, and college
leadership positions within CACHSS, CEHHHS and CSTEMM.
Manage and monitor academic budgets and resources totaling nearly $47 million. Includes
approximately 66% of the institution’s GPR (102) funds
o During the 2020-21 academic year, coordinated an 8+% reduction in GPR across the division,
to help meet the structural deficit via an inclusive and transparent process. This included
incorporation of recommendations by the Faculty Senate Finance Committee and changes to
the administrative procedures for workload.
o Worked with the Customized Instruction (CI) Assessment Review Ad-hoc Committee to
implement changes that will help support strategic reinvestments for the campus, starting
o Working closely on increasing budget literacy within the division via partnership with the
Faculty Senate Finance Committee and longer-term solutions for sustainable workload
Fundraise and promote UW-Stout to external stakeholders
o Championed the creation of the Learning Environments Fund with the Stout University
Foundation, which works to build resources for the $1 million plus annual needs for
laboratory and classroom modernizations
o Championed securing multi-year funding from the Stout University Foundation Board to
support the zero-credit Performing Arts Courses tuition subsidy ($20,000 per year)
o Continue to allocate and increase support from the Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence and
Student Success fund for professional development opportunities via the Office of Research
and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) ($50,000) and in support of campus equity, diversity and
inclusion (EDI) efforts coordinated via the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan ($13,500)
o Championed securing seed funding from the Stout University Foundation to develop dual-
credit programming (amount TBD)
o Continue to advocate and work to increase Faculty Start-up Funds via diversified funding
sources (currently $30,000 allocated)
o Applied and successfully received UWS support, as one of only five campuses, for the UWS
Pathways Initiative ($200,000). Under my leadership, we are the only campus that has
partnered with two other UWS comprehensive institutions (Stevens Point and River Falls) on
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the initiative to embed a Career Coach in regional high school and Community Based
Organizations and foster an increase of students to the UWS.
o Applied and secured UWS support ($91,500) through the UWS Online Learning Initiative. The
grant provided funds to support 125 instructors (faculty and staff) via professional
development Canvas modules, coordinated by the Teaching and Learning Hub (Nakatani
Teaching and Learning Center, Learning Technology Services College Liaisons, Stout Online,
and the Associate Provost for Curriculum Quality) and instructors that participated in the
General Education Online Cohort during summer 2020 and winterm 2021.
Facilitate Shared Governance
o Attend monthly meetings of the Faculty Senate, Senate of Academic Staff, University Staff
Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Attend the Stout Student Association
meetings as requested.
o Meet monthly with all governance leaders and chancellor to maintain open communications.
o Include governance chairs (all four senates) on Provost’s Council, the Academic Affairs
Advisory Team (AAAT), and bimonthly meetings of the Department Chairs and Program
o Collaborate closely with all the curriculum-related governance committees and the associate
provost to foster curriculum quality.
Coordinate Faculty and Staff Development in partnership with the Orientation and Professional
Development Committee. Sessions for the 2021-22 academic year include topics of advising, General
Education revision efforts led by the General Education Response Team, Customized Instruction (CI)
budget literacy, and program director and department chair training.
Address personnel issues in consultation with the academic colleges, the Dean of Students Office,
and Human Resources.
Serve as the People Process Culture (PPC) Advisory Committee Chair. Currently working alongside the
advisory committee, the outgoing PPC Chair, the donor and chancellor on re-envisioning PPC 2.0.
Transitioned the Cabot Executive in Residence to the Stout University Foundation to foster a broader
campus outreach in partnership with the donor and Professional Education Services/Discovery
Center. Continue to work with the donor, the SUF and the Discovery Center on the annual event.
Coordinate academic affairs documentation for Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requirements and
discipline-specific accreditations.
o Served as lead author for assurance argument criterion 3 (Teaching and Learning: Quality,
Resources, and Support) and criterion 4 (Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and
Improvement) for the institution’s successful 2020 HLC Open Pathway four-year virtual
assurance argument review.
Advise the Chancellor on Academic Matters
o Served interim Chancellor Patrick Guilfoile until March 2020, and Chancellor Katherine Frank
starting March 2020.
Serve as a member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet
Represent the Academic Affairs Division on the Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC)
Represent Academic Affairs on the University Policy Committee
Liaise with University of Wisconsin System (UWS) Administration, the Wisconsin Technical Colleges,
and all UWS Institutions. This includes attending and representing UW-Stout at the UWS Provosts’
and Wisconsin Board of Regents’ meetings. For UWS meetings, I actively provide agenda topics on
UW-Stout’s behalf and provide constructive and collaborative feedback.
Administer Campus and UWS Board of Regents Policies
Represent UW-Stout as a member of the Global Partnership in Education Alliance (GPEA) and annual
Polytechnic Summits
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o Served as the kick-off evening virtual keynote at the 2021 Polytechnic Summit hosted by TU
Excerpt of Projects Underway:
o Working with stakeholders to implement the 2021 recommendations from the Research
Practices Ad-hoc Committee. This includes restructuring of the Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs as a direct report to the provost, providing additional intentional
supports for research infrastructure, and relocating the unit to a central location within the
campus (University Library).
o Working with stakeholders to implement changes to foster additional success of the
Graduate School. This includes working closely with the interim director during the 2021-22
year via campus focus groups.
o Working to increase institutional support structures for partner and student engagement,
including recalibrating the Student Jobs Program via the Office of Career Services, creating
the University Partnership Council, continuing refinements of our experiential learning
processes, and expanding our work with K-20 partners.
Associate Provost- Academic Affairs July 1, 2018- August 18, 2019
Interim Provost- Academic Affairs (1-month dual role) July 12- August 12, 2018
Associate Provost- Academic and Student Affairs January 2, 2014- June 30, 2018
Coordinated academic affairs documentation per University of Wisconsin System and Higher
Learning Commission (HLC) requirements. Served as lead author for assurance argument report
criterion 3 and 4 and helped lead the institution’s successful 2016 HLC Open Pathway comprehensive
site visit.
Reviewed and interpreted academic policies and procedures. Serve as the Provost’s Office
representative for the Access to Learning (ATL) and Student Course Fee (SCF) processes.
Collaborated with college and department representatives in academic program and course
development and review
Assisted with articulation and transfer issues
Assisted in the institution's assessment of general education
Served as the ex-officio non-voting provost’s representative on Faculty Senate committees related to
curricular and programmatic quality:
Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC)
Review, develop, and recommend policy and guidelines regarding curriculum. Includes requests
for new courses, course revisions, new programs, program revisions, major and sub-major
academic programs, minors, concentrations, and specializations.
General Education Committee
Review, develop, and recommend policy and standards regarding general education. Includes
requests regarding the inclusion of courses in the list of general education courses.
Graduate Education Committee
Review, develop, and recommend policy and standards regarding graduate education. Includes
requests regarding the approval of graduate faculty members and requests regarding the
approval of new or revised graduate courses and graduate degree programs.
Racial and Ethnic Studies (RES)/Global Perspectives (GLP) Curriculum Committee
Develop and recommend UW-Stout policy and standards regarding the RES and GLP requirement
to the CIC; recommend acceptance or rejection of RES/GLP courses.
Planning and Review Committee
Annually review the UW-Stout academic plan. Review notices of intent to plan and relay
recommendations to the Faculty Senate. Review the procedure, policies and collected
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information in the program review process. Review all undergraduate and graduate degree
programs on a schedule. Forward findings, stipulations, suggestions, and observations to the
Faculty Senate.
Supervised the Directors of the Library, Career Services Office, Advisement Center (2017), Nakatani
Teaching and Learning Center, the University Registrar (2017), and the University Curriculum
Organized and facilitated new Department Chair and Program Director orientations
Organized and facilitated the participatory Laboratory and Classroom Modernization Process (2017-
2021). This allocates approximately $200,000-$600,000 annually toward campus-wide learning
environment improvements. Approximately $1 million in requests are received each year.
Represented the Academic Affairs division on the Capital Projects and University Space Allocation
Committee. Work includes contributions to the campus master plan.
Represented the Provost’s Office at university and community events
Assisted the provost with special projects and new initiatives. 2018-2019 work included chairing the
taskforce for revising the Program Director Position Description, serving on the taskforce for the
General Education Director Position, coordination with an external General Education Consultant,
and co-planning the 2019 Polytechnic Summit.
Construction Department Chair (2012-2013) 2011-2013
Interim Construction Department Chair (2011-2012)
Established first departmental strategic plan through a participatory faculty process
Administered the department’s student evaluation of instruction process and used the results for
performance evaluation and improvement
Secured staffing needs, including the Construction tutoring labs
Worked closely with the Program Director on the development of articulation agreements,
prospective student visits/tours, and meeting transfer student needs
Led departmental performance evaluation processes, identifying mentoring and professional
development opportunities for the faculty
Managed budget/accounting practices during university-wide financial cuts
Facilitated fundraising events and partnerships with alumni and industry advisory board for the $1+
million Endowed Construction Chair campaign, coordinated via the Stout University Foundation
Coordinated the design of the Construction Department Office with campus Physical Plant
department. The project was built during the summer of 2012.
Represented the department at university and community events
Science, Technology, and Engineering Preview Summer (STEPS) Program 2010-2013
Program Director (2013)
Sponsor/Scholarship Coordinator (2010-13)
Since its inception in 1997, the STEPS for Girls Program served as a model within the United States. The
program’s objective was to inspire young women to prepare for and aspire to careers in engineering,
technology, and science. The four-week residential program was for 160 girls entering seventh grade.
Coordinated approximately 50 staff members, including students, faculty and academic staff
Managed $125,000 in program revenue from individual and corporate donations, grants, and
tuition, to maximize disadvantaged youth participation
Nurtured relationships with donors, including alumni and industry representatives from Xcel Energy,
3M, and the Ann Marie Foundation
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Initiated new partnerships with the UW-Stout Alumni Office and Admissions Office to track UW-Stout
students/alumni who are STEPS graduates
Commitment to Inclusive Excellence
Language Skills
Spanish/English Bilingual
Intercultural Development Professional Development
Embracing Everyday Diversity, UW-Stout campus virtual series 2020-2021
Facilitated by Justin Jones-Fasu, Four-part series: Agreement, Assessment, Alignment, and
How to be an Anti-Racist Spring 2020
Ibram X. Kendi, Director of The Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. Special
Forum Presentation, UW-Eau Claire.
Power, Privilege and Leadership Spring 2020
UW-Stout campus session facilitated by Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. Founder/Program Director for the
White Privilege Conference (WPC).
Inclusive Excellence in the Hiring Process & Beyond. Beth Zemsky, facilitator. Fall 2020
SHIFT- Exploring the Needs of Minority Faculty and Staff Spring 2019
January and May campus sessions facilitated by UW-Stout Intercultural Development Ambassadors
Inclusive Excellence Abroad Fall 2018
Campus session facilitated by Dr. Aaron I. Bruce, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at
ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, CA.
Facilitating Cultural Change Workshop Participant, St. Paul, MN Spring 2014
Intensive three-day workshop to gain skills as a facilitator of the Intercultural Development
Continuum (IDC) framework
Inclusive Excellence Service
Chancellor’s Diversity Leadership Team, Member 2014- 2016
Help coordinate campus-wide sessions regarding the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC)
framework. The IDC is a practical and proactive approach to diversity that has the potential to impact
teaching, programs, procedures, relationships, and the campus climate.
Minority Faculty and Staff Network (MFSN) Member, UW-Stout Fall 2005- 2016
The MFSN was created to foster growth and opportunities for minority faculty and staff, to create an
awareness of people from diverse backgrounds, and to enhance relationships to benefit the campus and
community at-large.
Served as MFSN Secretary/Treasurer, 2005-2007
Collaborated with members to create the MFSN Mentorship Program, 2007. The program goals:
integrate MFSN faculty and staff members new to UW-Stout into the university community;
address needs of MFSN faculty and staff members new to UW-Stout; and foster professional
development of MFSN faculty and staff new to UW-Stout.
Latinos Unidos (LU) Student Organization Advisor 2005-2007
LU promotes community awareness and understanding on campus and in the community of the Latin
Cultures in the U.S. and abroad.
Helped reestablish the UW-Stout Chapter of LU as an official student organization
Coordinated biweekly chapter meetings and semester events with the student members
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Introduction to Hispanic/Latino Culture in the Construction Industry Workforce Spring 2007
Led and facilitated a two-hour session to 50 undergraduate students in the Interior Design and
Construction programs at UW-Stout
Higher Learning Commission Leaflet September 2020 Peer Reviewer Highlight
UW System Outstanding Woman of Color in Education Recipient, Fall 2019
UW-Stout School of Education Outstanding Partnership Award- Special Education, 2014
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Wisconsin 2014 Citation for Distinguished Service
Yale Alumni Schools Committee Outstanding Member, Wisconsin nominee, 2010-11
Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. of WI, Projects of Distinction Juror, 2009-12
UW System Outstanding Woman of Color in Education Recipient, Spring 2008
UW-Stout Minority Faculty & Staff Network Outstanding Contributing Member Award, 2007-08
Ranked third for Teacher of the Year (out of 115 instructors), College of Technology, Engineering and
Management (CTEM) 2007-08, UW-Stout
Top 10% Teacher of the Year (out of 108 instructors), CTEM, 2006-07, UW-Stout
Media Highlights
The TechEdPodcast. The Advantage of a Polytechnic Education. Dr. Katherine Frank, Chancellor, and
Glendali Rodriguez, Interim Provost, University of Wisconsin-Stout. June 2021
The West Side, Wisconsin Public Radio Interview, April 24, 2020. Academic Outreach Implications of
the COVID-19 pandemic.
Momentum West Video Interview, Higher Education Representative, October 2020
Scholarly Activity
Book Chapter
Rodriguez, G. (Book Chapter, 2018) Providing academic choices while fostering rigor in cross-
disciplinary courses. In Zaloudek, J., Chandler, R., Carlson, K. & Howarton, R. (Eds.). Universal
Design for Learning: Teaching All College Students. Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Rodriguez, G. (2014) “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) within an Interdisciplinary
Course for Building Information Modeling (BIM).” Conference Proceeding Paper &
Presentation. Building Innovation 2014- The National Institute of Building Sciences Conference
& Expo. Washington, D.C.
Ding, X., Howarton, R., Rodriguez, G., Tharp, K., & Wirtanen D. (2012) “Applied Universal
Design for Learning in STEM Education.” Conference Proceeding Paper & Presentation. 2012
American Society for Quality: Advancing the STEM Agenda in Education, the Workplace and
Society Conference, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI.
Bowman, M. & Rodriguez, G. (2012) “Seeing the Forest for the Trees- An Industry & Academic
Partnership.” Conference Proceeding Extended Abstract and Presentation. 2012 American
Society for Quality: Advancing the STEM Agenda in Education, the Workplace and Society
Conference University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI.
Rodriguez, G. (2012) “B.S. Sustainable Management Online Capstone: A Polytechnic Experience.”
Conference Proceeding Abstract and Presentation. Presented at the 2012 (4
) Annual
Polytechnic Summit, Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, GA.
Rodriguez, G. (2012) “B.S. Sustainable Capstone Course - Building Real-World Skills for the
Future Workforce” Conference Proceeding Abstract and Presentation. Presented at the 2012
Green Energy Summit, Milwaukee, WI.
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Online Newspaper Article
Guilfoile, P. & Rodriguez, G. (2018). “How Collaborating Across and Beyond the University Supports
Relevance, Effectiveness and Efficiency.” The evolllution; a destiny solutions illumination. 29
August 2018.
External Presentations
Rodriguez, G. (2021) “A Polytechnic in a Post-Pandemic World.” June 1, 2021, Evening Keynote.
2021 Polytechnic Summit, June 1-4. Hosted by TU Dublin. Virtual Presentation.
Rodriguez, G. (2021) Feminist Leadership Working Group: April 29, 2021. University of Wisconsin
Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium Monthly meeting series. Virtual Presentation.
Rodriguez, G. (2021) “Approaches to Building an Inclusive Leadership System.” 32
Annual Quest for
Excellence Conference. Virtual Presentation, 2021. A Virtual Showcase of Baldrige Award
Recipient Best Practices.
Rodriguez, G. (2021). Virtual Quest Networking Session for Education Panelist, 2021. A Virtual
Showcase of Baldrige Award Recipient Best Practices.
Rodriguez, G. (2020) “UW-Stout: Our Polytechnic Model, our COVID-19 Response and Post-Pandemic
Opportunities.” Virtual Presentation, 2020 China Center for International Educational Exchange
Virtual Conference Call.
Wentz, M., Ghenciu A. & Rodriguez, G. (2019) "Innovation Through Strategic Planning," and
Life After Baldrige: UW-Stout 15+ Years Later." Presentations. Baldrige Fall Conference, Tune
into Excellence, Nashville, TN.
Rodriguez, G. (2019) “Maintaining Your Values Through Significant Shifts in Higher Education.”
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point 23
Annual Teaching Conference. Stevens Point, WI.
Rodriguez, G. (2018) “Challenges in Higher Education.” Panelist. National Diversity Congress
Inaugural Women in Leadership in Higher Education Conference. Cambridge, MA.
Brown, A., Reimer, C. & Rodriguez, G., (2018) “Some Things Just Can’t Be Measured: Busting
Assessment Myths, Engaging Faculty, and Closing Loops.” Presentation, 2018 IUPUI Assessment
Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
Rodriguez, G. & Guilfoile, P. (2018) “The Evolution of a Polytechnic University.” Presentation, 2018
Polytechnic Summit. Lima, Peru.
Rodriguez, G. (2017) “The UW-Stout Program Director Model: Leadership for Recruitment and
Retention.Presentation, 2017 Annual AACRAO Strategic Enrollment Management
Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Drzakowski, M., Kellom, G., & Rodriguez, G., (2017) “Preparing for a Productive Open Pathway Site
Visit.” Presentation. 2017 HLC Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Drzakowski, M., DeGroote, J. & Rodriguez, G., (2016) “Using a Cascading Scorecard System to Track
Performance at the Organizational, Unit and Program Levels.” Presentation, Baldrige Regional
Conference. Chicago, IL.
Rodriguez, G. & Wirtanen, D. (2012) “Universal Design for Learning: What it is and STEM
applications.” Presentation, 2012 UW System Women & Science Program. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
University of Wisconsin-Stout Presentation Highlights
Has UW-Stout reached a Tipping Point? July 2020 University of Wisconsin-Stout Stakeholder Virtual
Visioning Session Co-Presenter.
Keynote for the UW-Stout Women in STEM Panel and Meet and Greet, 2020
UW-Stout Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Open Forum Panelist, 2020
Department Course Scheduling Practices, Fall 2012 Professional Development Week.
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Mother and Academic Mayday Panelist, Spring 2011, Nakatani Teaching & Learning Center
BRILLA Panelist, Spring 2011, Multicultural Student Services, UW-Stout
New Instructors Sharing Community, Spring 2009, Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center
Service Learning, Fall 2008, Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center
Perspectives as a Woman in Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC), Winterm 2008, Women &
Minorities in Management course, INMGT-415
Service Learning: Engaging Students Through Real Clients and Community Work, Fall 2006,
Professional Development Week
Grants (Awarded)
Rodriguez, G. (2021) University of Wisconsin System (UWS) Pathways Initiative ($200,000). Funds to
launch a “Career Coach” initiative to increase the number of Underrepresented Racial and
Ethnic Minorities (UREM) and First-Generation students attending UWS.
Rodriguez, G. (2020) University of Wisconsin System Online Learning Initiative ($91,500). Funds for
faculty and instructional academic staff professional development.
Rodriguez, G. (2014). Professional Development Grant. $1,400. University of Wisconsin-Stout. To
present and attend the 2014 Building Information Modeling (BIM) Academic Symposium in
Washington, D.C.
Rodriguez, G. (2013). Science, Technology, Engineering Preview Summer Camp (STEPS) for Girls 2013.
$3,000 AnnMarie Foundation.
Rodriguez, G. (2013). Science, Technology, Engineering Preview Summer Camp (STEPS) for Girls 2013.
$4,000 Xcel Energy Foundation Grant for Education, WI Jurisdiction.
Rodriguez, G. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering Preview Summer Camp (STEPS) for Girls 2013.
$32,500 Otto Bremer Foundation.
Rodriguez, G. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering Preview Summer Camp (STEPS) for Girls 2012.
$4,000 Xcel Energy Foundation Grant for Education, WI Jurisdiction.
Bowman, M. and Rodriguez, G. (2011). UW-Stout Curricular Incubation Grant, Revision of AEC-191 The
Built Environment. $900 Award.
Academic/Teaching Experience- University of Wisconsin-Stout
Full Professor Fall 2016- Present
Associate Professor Fall 2010- Spring 2016
Assistant Professor Fall 2005- Spring 2010
Developed and facilitated class sessions, presentations, assignments, quizzes, and examinations for the
following courses: Architectural Graphics, Orientation to the Construction Industry, The Built
Environment (General Education), Architectural Design I, Architectural Technology, and Sustainable
Management Capstone (Online). Assisted with course development and accreditation documentation
for American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), the National Association of Schools of Art and
Design (NASAD), the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) and the ABET: Engineering
Technology Accreditation Commission site visits.
Undergraduate Instructional Highlights: Spring (Sp), Summer (Su), Fall (Fa)
Sustainable Management Capstone (Online) Sp 2011, Su 2011, Fa 2011, Sp 2012, Su 2012
Collaborative UW-Extension Program (UW-Stout, UW-Parkside, UW-River Falls, UW-Superior), B.S. in
Sustainable Management. Developed and taught the online capstone course as an application and study
of sustainable management through the solution of an industry-based project. Implementation of a
triple bottom line solution to industrial or community-based problems was emphasized. Via distance,
secured and facilitated projects as required, with the following organizations at the students’ locale:
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American Family Insurance, WI
Eurest Dining Services, WI
Focus On Energy, WI
Smart Business Forum, WI
Travel Green Wisconsin Department, WI
University of Wisconsin-Stout, WI
Knowlton Development Corporation,
Western Oregon University, OR
Green City, Germany
City of Duluth, MN
Architectural Design I - Service Learning Projects
Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, Lanesboro, MN Sp 2009, Sp 2012
Traveled with Construction Honor Society students to take as-built measurements of the Director’s
Residence and created as-built drawings in a new parametric drawing program, REVIT (Sp 2009). In
2012, worked with Architectural Design I students to study the concept of a Deep Energy Reduction
Retrofit and submitted a proposal for a sustainably designed kitchen at the Director’s Residence. The
student work was displayed and presented at the Spring 2012 STEM Expo hosted by the STEM College at
River Heights Elementary School (RHES) Playground, Menomonie, WI Fa 2006
Worked with Architectural Design I students, RHES staff, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and River
Heights neighborhood community members to develop a strategic plan for a community-based
playground redesign. In October 2007, a five-day building event, involving additional UW-Stout students
and community volunteers, resulted in an accessible playground widely used today. The playground
project received the “Quality of Place Enhancement” award from Synergy: Collaboration for Sustainable
Growth. Synergy is a project of the West Central Wisconsin Regional Education Consortium.
Space Plan- Greater Chippewa Valley Boys & Girls Club, Eau Claire, WI Sp 2005
Worked with Architectural Design I students and Greater Chippewa Valley Boys & Girls Club staff to
develop a low-cost remodel floor plan to incorporate a pending donation of audiovisual equipment.
Additional work included interior finishes redesign, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
accommodation review, and furniture layout.
Architectural Technology - Service Learning Projects
Campus Community Garden- UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI Fa 2013
Worked with Architectural Technology students, campus Physical Plant department representatives, and
the campus Sustainability Coordinator to study the feasibility of a campus community garden located
along the perimeter of a campus parking lot. The students divided into 10 teams and provided low-cost
proposals that considered access to alternative energy and traditional utility systems, as well as green
space that accommodated ADA. The student work was displayed and presented at the Fall 2013 STEM
Expo hosted by the STEM College at UW-Stout.
Space Plan- Bridge to Hope, Menomonie, WI Sp 2013
Worked with Architectural Technology students and the client to provide low-cost options for a space
plan remodel. Students had to interview staff from the Bridge to Hope and learn about the sensitivities
in designing for a non-profit organization committed to ending Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and
Human Trafficking.
Orphanage Construction Project, San José, Costa Rica - Study Abroad Sp 2006
Traveled with four Construction Program students to San José, Costa Rica, over spring break. Hands-on
building experience using recycled wood products and manual tools. Each student was paired to work
with a local Spanish-speaking laborer, providing a culturally diverse experience.
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Graduate Education Experience
M.F.A. in Design Program Advisory Committee Member 2016
Recommend curricular changes; advise and assist on curriculum matters, including program assessment
and review, student needs projections, placement prediction, and job market outlook.
Graduate Thesis Committee Member 2012, 2016, 2020
Student: Nicolette Morgan, University of Wisconsin-Stout, M.F.A. in Design
Thesis: “From Vacant Shopping Malls to Thriving Senior Housing Communities” (2020)
Committee: Dr. Julie Peterson (Chair) and David Richter-O’Connell
Student: Ia Vang, University of Wisconsin-Stout, M.S. Applied Psychology
Thesis: “The Impact of Smartphones Usage on Perceptions of Work-Life Balance: The Influence of
Segmentation Preference, Work-Group Norms, and the Moderating Role of Perceived Autonomous
Control” (2016) Committee: Dr. Alicia Stachowski (Chair) and Dr. Sarah Wood
Student: Matthew Simoneau, University of Wisconsin-Stout, M.S. Career and Technical Education
Thesis: “A Viability Study of the Building Inspections Technology Program at North Hennepin
Community College” EDUC-770 (2012). Committee: Dr. Urs Haltinner (Chair) and Dr. Sylvia Tiala
M.S. Construction Management Program Development 2013
Completed internal documentation and received campus approval for Fall 2015 launch of the online
program via customized instruction funding (distance delivery); hired and coordinated a Graduate
Assistant to work biweekly with faculty team on the development of curriculum and marketing
materials; communicated closely with Program Industry Advisory Board on all aspects of program.
UW-Stout’s Baldrige Executive Committee, 2018-present
Communities of Excellence (CoE) Assessment Program Examiner, Excelsior Springs, as a member of
the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence, August 2021
Communities of Excellence (CoE) Assessment Program Examiner, Northwest Missouri, as a member
of the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence, October 2020
Panel Moderator: Free Speech and Academic Freedom: What can we learn from the McAdams case?
John McAdams- Marquette University, John K. Wilson- ACADEME blog, Paul Secunda- Marquette
University. Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation, UW-Stout. October 21, 2019.
Yale Alumni Schools Committee Member, 2010- present. Volunteer interviewer for regional high
school applicants (4+ applicants per year).
Honors College Contract Advisor, Fall 2017. Project: “1:12 Scale Replica of a One-story House.
Student: Susanna Bordelon, B.S. Apparel Design and Development.
Sigma Lambda Chi-Epsilon III Chapter (SLC), Construction Program International Honor Society, Co-
advisor, Fall 2008- Fall 2013
Attended weekly chapter meetings; secured community involvement projects for the chapter;
provided advisement on year-round events including the Annual Spring Career Fair (35 companies),
Spring Golf Outing (25 teams of student/industry representatives), Annual Campus Specialty Days
showcasing emerging technologies; coordinated assistants for Construction Program faculty during
Advisement Day, as well as campus preview days, STEM Career Day, Skills USA competitions, and
service-learning projects such as building a Wakanda Elementary School Library cart and providing
site-surveying assistance to the Tainter Menomin Lake Improvement Association as part of a
Department of Natural Resources grant.
Glendalí Rodríguez, NCARB
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UW-Stout Faculty Senate, Fall 2012- Fall 2013, Construction Department Representative
UW-Stout Planning and Review Committee (PRC), Fall 2009- 2012
UW-Stout Environmental Sustainability Steering Committee (ESSC), Spring 2009- Fall 2013
Program Advisory Committee for Department of Art and Design, Member, 2006- Fall 2013
Skills USA Leadership & Skills Competition at UW-Stout, Architectural Drafting Competition
Coordinator and Event Facilitator, 2005-2012
Developed the drafting competition exercise for 20+ high school contestants and secured volunteer
architects and college students to serve as judges. Drafting exercises incorporated contemporary
issue design problems.
Personnel Committee Chair, Construction, Fall 2008- Fall 2010; Member, Fall 2010-Fall 2013
Professional Development Highlights
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Quality Initiative Reviewer Training, August 2021
Educational Advisory Board (EAB) New Provosts Virtual Intensive, 2020
HLC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 (Virtual)
Wisconsin Forward Award Examiner Training, Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence, 2018
Higher Learning Commission Peer Corps Member, October 2016- present
Leadership Academy, UW-Stout, 2016
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2014 Global Learning in College: Cross-Cutting
Capacities for 21st Century College Students, Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2014
Leadership Institute, UW-Stout, 2012
American Society for Quality, Advancing the STEM Agenda, Conference, UW-Stout, 2011
Sustainable Building Design Conference, Menomonie, 2011
Women in Construction Panel Presentation, sponsored by API Group, Inc., UW-Stout, 2011
Universal Design Institute Cohort Member, Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center, UW-Stout, 2011
UWS Institute on Race and Ethnicity Campus reading seminar, “Privilege, Power, and Difference” by
Allan G. Johnson, 2007
Seminar Participant, “Hispanics in the Construction Industry”, St. Paul, MN, 2006
Professional Highlights
Professional Certifications
Architect, Wisconsin, 2007- Present
Maintain licensure by annually completing 12 hours of continuing education units.
Professional Memberships
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), 2008- Present
NCARB certification facilitates reciprocal registration and is the highest professional standard
established by the architectural registration boards responsible for protecting the health, safety, and
welfare of the public.
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Wisconsin Northwest Chapter, 2005- 2016
Served as Secretary (2012), Vice President (2013), President (2014). As a board member, coordinated
regional activities for the 100+ member architects within northwestern Wisconsin.
Century College Master Academic Plan (MAP) External Coordinator Team, 2021
Assistance for Higher Learning Commission Open Pathway visit, UW-River Falls, 2018
Stout Technology Park Development Corporation (STPDC) Design Review Team, 2014-2018