Upper Merion Dance &
Center, LLC.
530 Hertzog Blvd, King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone 610-731-0022; Fax 610-731-0034
[email protected]; www.umdgc.com
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UMDGC” includes all the programming that Upper Merion Dance & Gymnastics Center, LLC. offers, including but not limited to
dance, gymnastics, tumbling, UMAS Cheer, cheerleading classes, circus arts, acrobatics & tumbling, parkour, birthday parties, open
workouts, and special events.
Team Programs” are the UMDGC Gymnastics Team, UMAS Cheer, UMDGC Performance Company, and any other groups that
may be created for competition or performance purposes.
“UMDGC Portal” refers to UMDGC iClassPro Customer Web Portal assessable from www.umdgc.com and the UMDGC iClassPro
App . Business name for login purposes is “umdgc” without quotation marks.
Waiver, Risks, and Rules
Assumption of Risk
All activities involving height and/or motion, including those
at UMDGC, carry a risk of physical injury. Every attempt is made
to maintain the equipment and facility. I am aware of and
understand these risks.
Waiver & Release
I am fully aware of and appreciate the risks, including
bruises, dislocation, soft tissue sprains and strains, catastrophic
injury, paralysis, and death, that may result from participation
in, and traveling to or from, UMDGC programs and any activity
involving height and/or motion, as well as being present on
UMDGC owned and leased property. Being aware of this, I, my
executors, and other representatives, hereby COVENANT NOT
TO SUE and FOREVER RELEASE this facility, affiliated and
partner companies and organizations, property owners and
lessors, staff, contractors, subcontractors, instructors, coaches,
owners, directors and other members involved in this facility's
program(s), from all liability and for any and all damages and
injuries suffered by my student(s) during instruction,
supervision, and/or control during any and all classes or extra
I affirm that the person completing the registration and
enrollments is a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age.
Withdrawing, Changing Classes,
Missed Classes, and Charge Backs
Please check “Refunds, Credits, & Changes to Your
Registration” at the end of the UMDGC Policies to view details
and procedures. There are no makeups or refunds for missed
classes; UMDGC Credits will be issued instead. No
reimbursement for missed days of camp or team practices.
Advertising & Social Media Release
UMDGC reserves the right to take images and videos of
participants during camps, clinics, workshops, classes, practices,
performances, competitive events, and other events associated
with and attended by UMDGC. The images and videos may be
published on websites, advertisements, and social media
platforms. By entering UMDGC facilities, visitors coming to
watch the participant understand and accept that they may be in
the background of any of these images or videos that may be
viewable to the public.
In addition, I understand that photos of the participants may
be taken and integrated in a non-public way with the third-party
software that UMDGC uses for registrations and class
management - iClassPro.
Behavior, Expectations, & Consequences
To ensure a safe, family-oriented, and productive
environment, all individuals entering UMDGC must follow posted
and signed policies as listed on the website, posted in the facility,
and communicated by UMDGC staff, and behave in an age-
appropriate, thoughtful, and considerate manner.
1. Do not enter the studios, gym, and restricted areas
without UMDGC authorization.
2. Children not participating in programming must always
be supervised by a guest/visitor/spectator.
3. Please keep behavior, conversations, and noise levels
classroom appropriate.
4. No flash photography or bright lighting.
5. Please do not interact with staff or participants while
they are in the gym areas and studios.
6. Direct all questions or concerns to the front desk or
upstairs sign-in desk.
7. Do not touch another individual for any reason or at any
time unless it is a part of the training for your program.
When an individual fails to comply, UMDGC reserves the right
to reprimand, discipline (e.g., including but not limited to
timeouts), remove from UMDGC, and other disciplinary action.
Additional policies will apply to participating in weekly and daily
camps which can be found on the camp registration form.
The CDC’s “Heads Up” concussion information can be found
on the CDC's website and UMDGC's website. I understand the
participant may be restricted from participating in UMDGC
activities until a health care professional releases the participant
and Return-to-Play protocol is completed after sustaining a
Health Insurance
While enrolled at UMDGC, I affirm that the participant will be
covered by an insurance policy that I consider adequate for the
participant’s protection. Any insurance that UMDGC supplies is
secondary insurance.
All injuries to a participant or guest on UMDGC property must
be reported to the front desk, instructor, or supervisor
immediately. If the participant or guest feels that it may lead to
medical attention or prolonged restrictions, UMDGC will send
notification to an emergency contact. If the injured leaves the
premises without notifying UMDGC or if the condition worsens
after leaving UMDGC, it is the responsibility of the injured to
notify UMDGC within 24 hours via email to
[email protected]. All medical notes or updates to the
injured individual relating to the injury sustained on UMDGC
property or during UMDGC programming must be forwarded to
[email protected] within 24 hours of receiving them.
Medical Attention
I fully understand that UMDGC staff members are not
physicians or medical practitioners. With the above in mind, I
hereby release the UMDGC staff to render first aid to the
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participant in the event of an injury or illness and, if deemed
necessary by the UMDGC staff, to seek medical assistance at any
local health care facility or hospital, and/or call an
ambulance. UMDGC staff will attempt to contact one of the listed
contacts once the participant’s condition is stabilized.
I release UMDGC from all claims from injury to the participant
directly or indirectly from the wearing of piercings.
Registration Process
1) If you feel that the participant’s previous experience
warrants starting at a higher level, please contact the front desk
to schedule an evaluation before the participant starts
programming. 2) Programming is strictly limited in size to
guarantee safe, educational, and productive training. All spaces
are first-come-first-served and only reserved with receipt of full
payment, first month’s tuition, first installment payment, or 30%
deposit of summer camp fees. 3) UMDGC neither offers priority
registration periods nor reserves a space for future sessions. 4)
If requesting to be grouped with friends and/or siblings for an
introductory class, requests must be submitted via email to
[email protected] every session. Requests must be
received by UMDGC no less than 72 hours prior to the first class
of each session. UMDGC will try their best to accommodate
requests if received by the deadline.
SafeSport & Child Abuse Prevention
UMDGC strictly adheres to the SafeSport Policies as set forth
by the national governing bodies of the programs that are
offered, as well as those required by the state of
Pennsylvania. To better inform the participants and their
parents/guardians about the signs of child abuse, SafeSport
Information is included. Additional information can be found
under the Gymnastics Team and UMAS Cheer Team sections of
Updated Special Needs & Contacts
It is the responsibility of the participant and/or
parent/guardian to promptly update and periodically review the
iClassPro account with the following essential information:
Phone numbers for all emergency contacts and individuals
authorized pick-up.
Mailing address for all parents and guardians.
All special needs, allergic, medical, and/or neurological
conditions for each participant, whether they are expected
to directly affect participation in UMDGC programming or
not. UMDGC will try to accommodate the special needs of
the participant, however there are no guarantees.
Scheduling changes may be needed to accommodate
special needs and/or ensure others have a safe, productive,
and enjoyable experience.
Failure to communicate any of the above necessary
participant information may lead to expulsion without refund.
General Policies
Discounts are only available at the time of registration;
previous registrations are not eligible for discounts. Pay-as-you
go programs do not count towards nor are they eligible for
discounts. Discounts may not be offered for select classes; see
the schedule for details.
Add-A-Class (50%)
Starting no later than the second week of each session of
gymnastics, tumbling, and parkour classes, all currently enrolled
students of UMDGC classes or teams may register for an
unlimited number of additional classes in the same session at
50% off. Non-recital dances may also be eligible. Fees will be
prorated for any missed classes. Depending on enrollment and
capacity, this discount may start earlier than the second week of
a session. The discount code for online transactions will be
emailed to current students of teams and classes. If registering
in-person, please make certain to let the office staff member
know prior to starting the transaction that you are eligible for the
add-a-class discount. Please see the email for more details.
Camp Discounts (10%-20%)
UMDGC offers discounts when two or more participants in the
same household register for camps that are occurring
concurrently. They do not need to be the same type of camp,
but the camps must be occurring at the same time. Because
iClassPro does not apply the correct discount if enrolling for
different types of camps, please make sure to email
[email protected] so that the front desk staff can make sure
all discounts are applied correctly and you can be refunded any
# Campers Percent off
2-3 10%
4 or more 20%
Class Discounts (10%-30%)
UMDGC combines multiple family discounts to provide
greater flexibility and potentially greater savings for our most
committed families. Enrollments must be happening
concurrently, whether they be for concurrent classes for the
same person or concurrent classes for the members of the same
household as registered on iClassPro. This discount only applies
to classes fees; team tuition, camps, and clinics are not
# Class Registrations Percent off
2-3 10%
4-6 15%
7-9 20%
10+ 30%
Early Enrollment (5%-20%)
Receive a discount when enrolling early for select programs.
Discount amounts and deadline dates are listed on the schedules.
Prices listed online reflect any Early Enrollment discounts. If
paying monthly, the Early Enrollment discount applies only to the
months that are paid; all unpaid months will not be discounted
for the early enrollment discount. To encourage early
enrollment, UMDGC offers higher discounts for programming that
starts further from the release of the schedule.
Employee Discount (25% and up)
UMDGC employees scheduled to work a minimum of one hour
per week are eligible to save on programming that occurs while
scheduled to work. The employee and all members of the
household receive at least 25% off; directors and general
managers receive more generous discounts. If the employee has
prepaid and is no longer employed for a minimum of 1 hour per
week, the employee will be invoiced for the difference and will
not be able to participate until the balance is paid. The employee
discount applies to classes, camps, clinics, and team tuition.
Competition fees, uniform fees, costume and other recital fees,
and other fees paid to third parties are not included in the
employee discount.
Military (10%)
Participants receive 10% off if any member of the household
is a current member or veteran of the military. This discount is
valid on classes, clinics, camps, and team tuition only. Copies of
any of the following will be accepted as proof: driver’s license
with veteran designation, Veteran ID Card (VIC), DD-214, and
NGB-22. Proof may be submitted via email to
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[email protected] or in-person, and only needs to be
submitted once. This discount is applied after all other discounts
are applied. Proof must be on file prior to receiving the discount.
SNAP Program (10%)
Families must submit proof of eligibility for the SNAP program
to [email protected] or in-person at the front desk starting
September 1 of each year. The only acceptable proofs of SNAP
eligibility are: 1) a screenshot of the family’s online SNAP
account stating “active” or 2) a current copy of “My COMPASS
Account Benefit Details”. Proof must be on file prior to receiving
the discount. Each eligible participant receives 10% off class
fees, team tuition, and camps.
Financial Assistance
Assistance is available for families with an established history
with UMDGC that are facing temporary financial hardships such
as a medical emergency, bereavement of a member of the
household, unexpected loss of a job, and major emergency costs.
Those experiencing such an emergency must reach out to the
owners directly in a timely fashion. Financial assistance is not
guaranteed, it is offered at the owner’s discretion, and it is
distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. Financial
assistance can take the form of working for credits, larger
discounts, installment payments, and/or scholarships. Proof of
the need for financial assistance may be requested by the
Ages & Levels & Groups
General Information & Evaluations
To ensure a safe, consistent, and productive workout
environment, all classes are split into levels and/or age groups.
If you are a new student and believe you would be eligible
for a class based upon the class description, please contact the
UMDGC front desk (610-731-0022 or [email protected]) to
schedule an evaluation prior to enrolling. Evaluations are for
experienced participants who are new to UMDGC but not yet
enrolled in classes and would like to determine the correct level
in which to enroll. Evaluations last approximately 15-30 minutes
and are done one-on-one or in small groups with UMDGC staff.
Age is determined on the first day of the class session or week
of camp; or on the day of registration for pay-as-you-go classes,
clinics, and open workouts. Age restrictions are strictly enforced
for the safety and productivity of the class.
Levels & Skills
Dance programs are divided by age and into levels based
upon experience and instructor discretion. Evaluation reports to
keep students/parents up to date on the dancer’s progress will
be distributed at the end of the Fall and Spring sessions.
All other programs are split into levels with up to forty skills
per level. Because skills at higher levels build upon lower-level
skills, the participant must master all skills at the current level
and pass a skills test to move up a level. Skill testing will be
done by the supervisor during class starting the second week of
each session or, in isolated and special cases, by appointment
outside of class times.
Every student learns new skills at different rates; therefore,
UMDGC tracks each participant’s progress separately. Each skill
will be evaluated by the UMDGC staff and given a rating on a
three-star system:
1 star = has been introduced to the skill
2 stars = is close to mastering the skill
3 stars = has “mastered” the skill. This means they can do
the skill consistently with proper technique, meets all
execution expectations, and with sufficient form to meet
the standards of the program. Please note that each
program may have different standards.
Authorized users of the UMDGC Portal can view their student’s
skills in real-time.
When staffing permits and enrollment warrants, participants
are grouped based upon skill level, age, and/or gender. After
the first class of each session, participants cannot switch groups
due to the disruptions, safety concerns, and most groups fill.
This includes those joining the class late (check to see if there is
room in the group you want to be in before registering) or failing
to submit their requests in a timely fashion.
Staff are reassigned each session; therefore, the same
coach/instructor is not guaranteed even if the participant is
enrolled in the same class.
Grouping Requests
If requesting to be grouped with friends and/or siblings for
an introductory class, requests must be submitted via email to
[email protected] every session. Requests must be
received by UMDGC no less than 72 hours prior to the first class
of each session or the first day of camp. UMDGC will try their
best to accommodate your requests if received by the deadline.
A few considerations for special requests:
Register early if you have special requests as spaces are
filled first-come-first-served.
All groups and classes are strictly limited in size, so
groupings greater than the ratio size listed in the class
schedule cannot be accommodated. In these cases, the
group will be split into two or three so that each person is
with at least one friend.
After level 1 of each program, groups are split based upon
skill level. If participants are of different levels and the
request can be accommodated, the higher-level participant
will be moved down to the lower-level group.
Registering & Payments
Changes & Cancellations
Prices, scheduling, policies, instructors, and descriptions are
subject to change without notice. Programs may be canceled
due to low enrollment or changes in instructor availability.
Limited Availability
Programming is strictly limited in size to guarantee safe,
educational, and productive training and instruction. All spaces
are first-come-first-served and only reserved with receipt of full
payment, first month’s tuition, first installment payment, or 30%
deposit of summer camp fees. UMDGC neither offers priority
registration periods nor reserves a space in future sessions.
If you have special requests or limited scheduling, it is highly
encouraged to register as soon as the class schedule is released
to increase the likelihood your needs can be met.
How to Register and Payment Methods
To register for any UMDGC programming, you may make
payment using the following options:
Register in-person during office hours with cash, check
(“UMDGC”), UMDGC Credits, Venmo (@UMDGC), Cash App
($UMDGCLLC), Gift card, or credit/debit card.
Returned check fee is $35.
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Drop the payment in the drop box next to the UMDGC Front
Desk. Include the student’s name, birthday, and what you
are enrolling in and/or sizes of the items to be purchased.
Enroll through the UMDGC Portal at www.umdgc.com.
An annual waiver form must be completed through the
UMDGC Portal prior to enrolling in and/or attending any UMDGC
programming. The form will only be accepted electronically,
though you can print a copy of the policies at any time through
the UMDGC Portal.
Trial Classes & Team Tryouts
UMDGC offers FREE trial classes for those who may want to
try a class before registering. The family must register through
the UMDGC Portal and accept all policies prior to attending the
trial class or trying out for one of the Team Programs.
Trial classes start the second week of each session in classes
that are not full; no trials permitted during the first week of each
session. Prorated payment must be received at the completion
of the trial class to guarantee your spot in future classes.
Prospective team members may try three free practices prior
to making a commitment. However, due to the logistics of
adding new team members, there are limitations as to when new
team members can officially join UMDGC. See the team
handbooks or contact the team director for details and more
Pay-As-You-Go & Passes
For select programs, participants may pay with cash, UMDGC
Credit, Venmo (@UMDGC), Cash App ($UMDGCLLC), or an
electronic punch pass each time they attend. An ATM is available
in the lobby. Pay-as-you-go classes and passes are not eligible
for discounts.
UMDGC will accept late enrollments at any time if the class is
not full, the student meets all requirements for enrollment, and
the addition of the new student will not interfere with current
instruction. Fees will be prorated for any missed classes.
Installment Payments
Please see the program schedules for details and classes that
offer installment plans. When joining a program with installment
payments, the fee is prorated based upon the total amount due,
not by the number of months missed.
If the installment payment is not paid by the due date, a late
fee is assessed. Late fees of 10% of any remaining balance are
assessed on the 2
and 16
of each month. The participant is
not permitted to attend the program until the total amount due
is paid in full or other payment arrangements are made.
UMDGC’s refund process takes precedence over all other
agreements with your credit card company or bank. Failure to
comply will result in all members of your household being
removed from current and banned from future UMDGC
programming. For this reason, please communicate with those
that balance your accounts or double statements about your
UMDGC purchases so that they are not accidentally disputed.
If UMDGC receives a chargeback/dispute, the following
procedures will be in effect regardless of whether the
chargeback/dispute is accidental or done purposefully.
We must receive written notification from your bank or
credit card processor within 48 hours of UMDGC notifying
you of the chargeback stating that the funds will be
returned to UMDGC’s account and dispute will be dropped
and found in UMDGC’s favor.
Because UMDGC’s credit card processing companies often
charge a fee and because of the amount of time that is
needed to submit all the pertinent information, a $35
charge will apply to all chargebacks/disputes. The fee must
be paid prior to enrolling in future programming, regardless
of the outcome.
If all the above is followed and your bank or credit card
company still finds in your favor, UMDGC will notify you of
the amount that must be repaid. If this amount is not
received with 24 hours, UMDGC will automatically remove
all members of your household from all UMDGC
programming; all prepaid programming will be refunded to
you within 30 days; and all household members will be
banned from future UMDGC programming.
All additional information, including but not limited to
policies you have signed electronically or with hard copies,
email communications, and contemporaneous notes take
to record in-person conversations prior to or following the
dispute will be submitted as evidence to UMDGC’s credit
card processor to assist them during the dispute
process. All communication regarding chargebacks must
be in writing so that both parties can submit it as evidence
in the dispute. The only members of UMDGC that will be
permitted to discuss cases will be owners and general
managers; office staff are never authorized to discuss
charge back cases.
FREE Extended Supervision
See camp brochure for times for each camp. UMDGC staff
will supervise campers while they play card and board games,
watch a G- or age-appropriate PG-rated movie, watch child-
appropriate TV programming, relax, or bring their own activity.
All campers must promptly check-in at the designated sign-
in location each day; parents do not have to come in if your
account is current, Waiver & Release has been completed, and
contact and special needs information is current.
An adult must sign-out the camper using the phone number
registered with your iClassPro account. $5 per carload will be
charged for each 5-minute period. This fee must be paid prior
to attending or enrolling in additional UMDGC programming.
Lunch & Snack
UMDGC will provide campers with two 30-minute breaks for
lunches and snacks. UMDGC does not supply food, drinks,
utensils, refrigerators, or microwaves. UMDGC staff will only
enforce eating plans or eating expectations that are supplied by
a health care professional. Please no glass containers.
Camper Rules and Expectations
Please make sure the camper understands the following
expectations and rules.
Campers must follow the directions of UMDGC staff.
Campers must always remain with their group when in the
gym and studios.
Notify a staff member immediately of all injuries or
Gum, food, and drinks other than water are prohibited in
the studios and gym.
Campers are expected to participate in all activities or must
sit in the lobby for the remainder of the rotation.
Campers are expected to behave in an appropriate manner
and show respect to others.
Campers may not touch other campers without
coach/instructor permission.
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UMDGC is not responsible for damaged, stolen, lost, or
misplaced property and money. Bring it at your own risk
and keep it in your bag or check it in at the front desk.
Proper attire is essential for the safety of the camper and
staff. Anyone not dressed correctly will not be permitted
to participate.
All “official” calls will be made from the UMDGC phones,
unless UMDGC has lost utilities.
Other General Policies
Attendance & Punctuality
For safety reasons, participants must be properly warmed-up
for class, especially at higher levels. At the staff’s discretion,
students who are late may not be permitted to participate in class
but may observe the class or, if experienced and mature enough,
the student may be asked to warm-up independently prior to
joining the class.
If only one or two dancers attend class, the class may be
dismissed early at the instructor’s discretion. UMDGC staff will
notify the parent at the start of the class to let them know if this
adjustment will be made.
Attire & Appearance
For specific details regarding clothing, footwear, and
restrictions, see class description online or one the class
schedules. General policies are:
Hair: Long hair must be in a bun, ponytail, or braid to keep
it from contacting or covering eyes. Hair should be secured
with hair ties or scrunchies. Hard headwear is discouraged
because it can be uncomfortable and dangerous to the
Jewelry: No necklaces, anklets, or bracelets except for
medical bracelets.
Earrings & Piercings: Participants may only wear stud
earrings. Cheerleaders are not permitted to wear any
earrings or piercings. Any other piercings must be
completely covered. UMDGC is not responsible for any
injuries to the participants caused by piercings.
Participants not wearing proper attire may be removed from
programming. The final decision will be based upon the level of
the class, the number of times the incorrect attire was worn, and
the possible effects on the participant and the UMDGC staff that
are instructing them.
Comments & Concerns
If you would like to pass along positive feedback, you may
contact the staff member or supervisor directly.
If you see a problem or have a concern or question, please
contact the front desk or class supervisor immediately so that
the issues can be rectified in a timely fashion to provide the
safest, most productive, and most positive experience possible.
Email is UMDGC’s primary and preferred method of
communication. Make sure to keep your information, including
email addresses, cell phones and emergency contact numbers
updated through the UMDGC Portal.
Inclement Weather
UMDGC will always close if NWS Mount Holly issues a winter
storm warning for either ice (.25”) or snow (5” +).
If the weather does not reach warning level, check the
voicemail at 610-731-0022 or the UMDGC Portal no more than
one hour before the start time of your programming to check its
status. Due to call volume, messages regarding class status
inquires will not be returned. If you feel unsafe driving, you
should request a “Future Absence” through the UMDGC Portal.
Inclement weather does not grant an increase in the maximum
number of missed class credits that may be requested.
We will also attempt to:
send out emails (put [email protected] on your safe
senders list).
post notifications in the UMDGC Portal.
send text messages to those enrolled to receive them
through the UMDGC Portal.
send updates through UMDGC BANDS.
Canceled classes will be made-up if time permits or issued a
UMDGC prorated credit if time does not permit a make-up.
Lice Policy
UMDGC follows the school guidelines set forth by the CDC
(www.cdc.gov). The following is an excerpt:
Head lice can be a nuisance, but they have not been
shown to spread disease. Personal hygiene or cleanliness in
the home or school has nothing to do with getting head lice.
Students diagnosed with live head lice do not need to be sent
home early from school; they can go home at the end of the
day, be treated, and return to class after appropriate
treatment has begun. Nits may persist after treatment, but
successful treatment should kill crawling lice. Both the
American Association of Pediatrics and the National
Association of School Nurses advocate that "no-nit" policies
should be discontinued.
UMDGC's goal is to instill confidence and independence. To
achieve this goal, as well as reduce distractions, all guests must
observe classes from the studio window or observation areas.
Only participants and UMDGC staff are permitted to enter the
studios or gym areas, unless invited by staff to enter. If a
student is timid/crying, parents can stay for the first few minutes
of class. If still not comfortable, the student may sit in the
observation area until the participant is ready to enter the class
on their own.
Personal Property
UMDGC is not responsible for lost, stolen, misplaced,
damaged, broken, or discarded items. UMDGC will do the
following with all items found unattended at UMDGC:
Dance/cheerleading shoes, grips, bags, electronics, book
bags, jewelry, water bottles, lunch boxes, jackets, and any
item with initials or a name on it will be held at the front
desk for up to seven days.
All food and beverages will be discarded at the end of each
All other items will be discarded within 48 hours unless you
contact the UMDGC Front Desk immediately.
Any items left after the time limits above will be donated to
charity or resold as a fundraiser for UMDGC teams.
Team Recruitment
UMDGC will never individually solicit gymnasts, dancers, or
cheerleaders from other squads/teams to join the Team
Programs. UMDGC will provide information about the Team
Programs in general newsletters or when a parent contacts
UMDGC directly requesting more information.
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Refunds, Credits, & Changes to Your Registration
Missed Classes
To ensure a safe and productive workout environment, and
because most classes fill, UMDGC does not offer refunds or make-up
classes. Instead, UMDGC offers credits toward future registrations
or purchases. The number of missed class credits that may be issued
is limited and available on the UMDGC website and printed
schedules. Additional classes may be eligible for credits during
government mandated time periods.
To receive a missed class credit, complete a Future Absence
Request through the UMDGC Portal or email frontd[email protected]
no later than the start time of the class. Requests received after the
start time of the class will not be granted.
UMDGC Request Form
UMDGC REQUEST FORM. The UMDGC Request Form can be found
at the top left of www.umdgc.com. UMDGC owners will make the
final decision on requests once all required information is received.
UMDGC owner decisions are final once made.
Date of the request is determined by the latter of: 1) the date
that the form is confirmed and received by UMDGC, and 2) the
date when all necessary documentation (if needed) is
submitted via email to frontde[email protected] (or other email
address if so directed).
If information is missing, unclear, or incorrect, the Request
Form will be denied and will need to be resubmitted.
All credits and refunds are adjusted for any discounts and
prorating that you received at the time of payment.
The email address used to submit the UMDGC Request Form
will be the only method for further communication.
Credits and refunds may take longer than the above time limits
during pandemics, severe/lengthy severe weather, and other
large-scale, unavoidable events. During pandemics, UMDGC’s
Pandemic Policies will take precedence over the following
policies. These will be based upon the government’s guidance
and requirements.
Exceptions to the listed policies will only be considered if a
doctor’s note directly related to the reason for making the
request is submitted via email to frontdesk@umdgc.com at the
time this request is received.
Refunds will be processed within 1 calendar month of receiving
the confirmed UMDGC Request Form. The method of refund will be
the same as the method of original payment. If further info is
needed such as credit card number and expiration date, UMDGC will
send an email that submitted the form to gather the necessary info.
This may delay the processing of the refund beyond the 1 calendar
month deadline. Please note that refunds to credit/debit cards may
take several business days or even weeks to appear on your
statements; please contact your financial institution.
UMDGC Credits will be issued within two business days. UMDGC
Credits do not expire, may be transferred to other participants by
submitting the request via email to frontdesk@umdgc.com, and
have no cash value after being issued
Switching Programming/Changing Sizes
All requests to switch classes or change sizes of purchased items
must be submitted electronically using a completed and confirmed
UMDGC Request Form.
A charge for the difference of any increase in fees will be applied
to your iClassPro account and must be paid prior to enrolling for
future programming. If the new price is lower than the original price,
the difference will be applied to your iClassPro account as a credit.
After the first switch, there will be a $40 fee for each additional
switch for the same class. The charge will be made to your UMDGC
Portal Account and payment must be made before any additional
enrollments are made. Switches resulting from cancelations by
UMDGC, being accepted off a waitlist, or changes to sizes before the
deadline are never charged a fee.
Apparel, Uniforms, Costumes, & Other Items: Switching sizes/styles
of apparel and other orders is permitted prior to the purchase
deadline. No switching of sizes/styles is permitted after the
purchase deadline.
Camps (Weekly) & Classes: May be made anytime if the participant
meets the requirements for the new program, the new program is
not filled, and doing so will not disrupt the operations of the new
program. If the switch can be made, it will take place at the next
class or day of camp. Once switched from the original program,
the space will be open to those on the waitlist or the public, or the
limit may be lowered.
Camps (Daily), Clinics, & Workshops: May be made prior to the start
time of the program if the participant meets the requirements for
the new program, the new program is not filled, and doing so will
not disrupt the operations of the new program. Once switched
from the original program, the space will be open to those on the
waitlist or the public, or the limit may be lowered.
Withdrawing from Programming/Canceling Sale
All requests to withdraw from UMDGC programming or canceling
an order for items must be submitted electronically using a
completed and confirmed UMDGC Request Form.
Apparel, Uniforms, Costumes, Other Items, & Trips: 100% UMDGC
Credit or refund if received prior to the purchase deadline. There
are no refunds or UMDGC Credits after the deadline.
Camp - School Year: 100% refund if received 24 hours prior to the
start of camp. 100% UMDGC Credit if received before 9:30a on
the day of the camp. No UMDGC Credits or refunds issued after
9:30a on the day of camp.
Camp – Summer: 100% refund or UMDGC Credit if received by
6:00p on the first day of each week of camp. If received after
6:00p on the first day of each week of camp, a $50 UMDGC Credit
will be issued for each remaining full day of camp at the time the
request is received.
Classes: 100% UMDGC Credit or refund if received by 11:59p on
last day of the second week of each session (see schedules for
specific dates). If joining after the first day of the session, the
request must be confirmed no later than 11:59p on the day of the
first class the student attends. If received after these deadlines,
UMDGC Credits will be issued for all remaining classes at the time
the request is received using the Credit Rate listed on the class
schedule or online.
Private Lessons, Clinics, Workshops, & Special Events: 100% refund
or UMDGC Credit if received by the start of the clinic, workshop,
or private lesson. If received after these times, no refunds or
UMDGC Credits will be issued.
Passes: Passes that have not been used are eligible for 100%
UMDGC Credits or refunds. Passes that have been used are
eligible for prorated UMDGC Credit for the unused portion; there
are no refunds on passes that have been used.
Tuition & Installment Payments: 100% UMDGC Credit or refund of
prepaid tuition if the request form is confirmed before the first of
the month (for monthly tuition) or first practice of the week
(weekly tuition). No credits or refunds if received after these