The 39
Annual Ketcham Summer Gymnastics Camp 2016
For girls entering Kindergarten through 9
***Register early - camp typically fills to capacity before June***
WHERE: Ketcham High School, 99 Myers Corners Road, Wappingers Falls
WEEKS: June 27
- July 21 - $300
WEEKS: June 27
- July 7 - $200
Monday – Thursday 8:45 to 11:45
WEEKS: July 11 - July 21 - $200
COST: Attend 4 weeks $300
(sibling discount $250 each). Attend 2 weeks $200 no sibling discount
SCHEDULE: Warm ups plus 6 rotations: vault, bars, beam, floor, dance, and challenge - plus a snack break.
ATTIRE: Leotards, shorts, t-shirts. No footwear – barefoot is best. No jewelry should be worn.
DIRECTORS: National Board Certified - Physical Education Teachers: Anne Seymour of Kinry Road and
Dawn Turpin-Orgetas of Oak Grove. First grade teacher Michele Keenan of Sheafe Road School.
STAFF: Teachers, college students, current and former members of the Ketcham/John Jay Gymnastics Team.
Instructors trained in safety & under direct supervision of Directors who are USA Gymnastics Safety Certified.
CONTACT: [email protected] or call 463-7322 x 15016 before June 24
REGISTRATION: Mail registration with a check for $100 (per camper) to: Anne Seymour, 84 S. Remsen Ave
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. Make checks payable to: Ketcham Gymnastics. The $100 deposit reserves your
space and remaining balance is due on first day of camp. (or pay in full when sending registration form to avoid
waiting on line the first day) No refunds after June 1. REGISTER EARLY – We expect to be at full capacity
before June so don’t delay. Visit above website to check when registration is closed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - detach and return - - - - - - - - - - - -
Registration Form Ketcham Summer Gymnastics Camp 2016 (for siblings use 1 form & 1 check)
Child First Date of
Last Name:____________________________________Name(s):_____________________Age:__________ Birth:_____________
Grade in
School:____________________________________ Sept 2017_________ Phone:________________________________________
E-mail required
for confirmation:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
___ 4 wks $300 (June 27 July 21)
___ 2 wks $200 (June 27 – July 7)
____2 wks $200 (July 11-21)
EMERGENCY CONTACTS (please list in the order in which we should call during camp hours)
Relationship to Child
Phone Numbers
I, the undersigned, hereby agree that I will not hold the Ketcham Gymnastics Camp staff or the Wappingers Central School District
liable in the event of injury to my child. It is further understood that if an injury occurs, the parents primary insurance will provide the
necessary care.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signed