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Redmond, Washington
Catalogue for the Academic Year
2001 / 2002
Print Date: July 19, 2001
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General Information
The DigiPen Institute of Technology is authorized by the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board
and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree-granting institutions
under the Degree Authorization Act. This authorization is valid until May 15, 2002, and authorizes The
DigiPen Institute of Technology to offer the following degree programs:
Associate of Science in Real Time Interactive Simulation
Baccalaureate of Science in Real Time Interactive Simulation.
Associate of Applied Arts in 3D Computer Animation
Any person desiring information about the requirements of the Act or the applicability of those requirements
to the institution may contact the Board office at: P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430.
Copyright Notice:
Copyright © 2001 DigiPen Institute of Technology and its owners. All rights reserved.
No parts of the publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, translated into any human or computer language, without the express written permission of DigiPen
(USA) Corp., 5001- 150th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Trade Marks:
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
and Super NES
are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.
is a trademark of DigiPen (Canada) Corp.
All other product names mentioned in this booklet are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Important Notices:
*All items including, but not limited to, application forms, transcripts, reference letters, resumes,
software, any accompanying documentation or works of art (collectively "the Items"), forwarded to
DigiPen by any person (the "Sender"), whether at the request of DigiPen or otherwise, become the
exclusive property of DigiPen unless otherwise agreed to in writing by DigiPen, and DigiPen shall be
under no obligation whatsoever to return the Items to the Sender. At DigiPen's discretion, the Items
may be destroyed after being reviewed.
*DigiPen Institute of Technology reserves the right to make changes to the curriculums and calendar
without any prior notice.
Caution: The course offerings and requirements of DigiPen Institute of Technology are under continual
examination and revision. This catalog is not a contract; it merely presents the offerings and requirements in
effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings and requirements will not
change. The Institute specifically reserves the right to change requirements for any major during any
particular year. Whenever changes in course offerings or requirements occur, students will be notified by a
posting outside the Office of the Registrar. The individual student assumes full responsibility for compliance
with all current academic requirements. Current course offerings maybe obtained from the Registrar. Current
major and degree requirements may be obtained from the Registrar.
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General Information
Table of Contents
Important Dates ...............................................................................................................................5
Deadlines .........................................................................................................................................5
General Information .........................................................................................................................6
Name of the School......................................................................................................................6
Contact Information...................................................................................................................... 6
History of DigiPen......................................................................................................................... 6
Mission of Institution.....................................................................................................................6
Program of Studies Offered.......................................................................................................... 6
Advisory Committee .....................................................................................................................6
About our Facilities.......................................................................................................................6
Description of the Library Facilities and Internet Access ............................................................. 7
Applying to DigiPen..........................................................................................................................7
Part-Time Studies ............................................................................................................................ 7
Tuition and Fees ..............................................................................................................................7
Cancellation and Refund Policies 2001-2002.................................................................................. 8
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)......................................................................8
Release of Student Directory Information .................................................................................... 9
NO to Release of Information.......................................................................................................9
Change from NO to YES.............................................................................................................. 9
Standards of Progress .....................................................................................................................9
Grading System............................................................................................................................9
Grade Reports............................................................................................................................11
Grade Point Average..................................................................................................................12
Satisfactory Progress .................................................................................................................12
Grade Changes .......................................................................................................................... 12
Supplementary Exams ...............................................................................................................12
Repeating Courses..................................................................................................................... 13
Withdrawing from School and the W Grade...............................................................................13
Dean's Honor List Requirements ...............................................................................................13
Grievance and Appeal Process.................................................................................................. 14
Academic Ineligibility .................................................................................................................. 14
Attendance ................................................................................................................................. 14
Leaves (absences longer than one week) ................................................................................. 15
Waiver, Credit, & Advanced Placement examinations, CLEP and other credit............................. 15
Course Waiver Examinations..................................................................................................... 15
Advanced Placement Examination ............................................................................................ 16
International Baccalaureate........................................................................................................ 16
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)............................................................................. 16
Transfer Credit ...........................................................................................................................17
Validation Examinations and Course Challenges ...................................................................... 17
Credit Evaluation Forms............................................................................................................. 17
Transferability of Credits to Other Institutions............................................................................ 17
Granting Credits for Experience................................................................................................. 18
Financial Assistance ......................................................................................................................18
Veterans Benefits...........................................................................................................................18
Student Services............................................................................................................................18
Degree Status and Graduation ......................................................................................................18
Graduation Requirements .......................................................................................................... 18
Applying for Graduation.............................................................................................................. 19
Graduation Application Process................................................................................................. 19
Placement Services....................................................................................................................19
Institutional Calendar ..................................................................................................................... 19
Regulation of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures ..................................................................... 19
Offenses ..................................................................................................................................... 20
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General Information
Warning ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Procedures .................................................................................................................................21
Termination by the Institute........................................................................................................21
Real Time Interactive Simulation ...............................................................................................23
Program Objectives....................................................................................................................25
Semester Credit Hour................................................................................................................. 25
COURSES OFFERED ............................................................................................................... 27
Baccalaureate of Science Requirements (154 credits)..............................................................28
Associate of Science Requirements (82 Credits) ...................................................................... 28
Student Internship Guidelines .................................................................................................... 28
Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 31
Department of Mathematics (MAT) ............................................................................................ 31
Department of Computer Science (CS) .....................................................................................33
Department of Game Software Design and Production (GAM) ................................................. 35
Department of General Education (GEN) ..................................................................................37
3D Computer Animation..............................................................................................................39
Program Overview...................................................................................................................... 41
Courses Offered .........................................................................................................................43
Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 44
Art (ART) ....................................................................................................................................44
Animation (ANI) ..........................................................................................................................44
Film (FLM) .................................................................................................................................. 45
Computer Graphics (CG) ........................................................................................................... 46
General Studies (GEN) ..............................................................................................................46
Projects (PRJ) ............................................................................................................................ 47
Staff and Faculty Roster – Fall 2001 .............................................................................................49
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General Information
Important Dates
April 30, 2001 Summer Session Classes Begin
May 28, 2001 Memorial Day No Class
July 4, 2001 Independence Day No Class
July 17-21, 2001 Summer Session Final Exams
August 10, 2001 Summer Session Ends
August 31, 2001 Orientation Day-First Year Students
September 3, 2001 Labor Day No Class
September 4, 2001 Classes Begin-Fall Semester
November 11, 2001 Veterans Day
November 12, 2001 Observance of Veterans Day No Class
November 22-25, 2001 Thanksgiving No Class
December 10-14, 2001 Final Exams
December 14, 2001 Fall Semester Ends
Dec 17,’01-Jan 1, 2002 Winter Holidays No Class
January 2-4, 2002 Intersession No Class
January 7, 2002 Spring Semester Classes Begin
January 21, 2002 M.L. King Day No Class
February 3, 2002 Founder’s Day No Class
February 4, 2002 Founder’s Day Observed No Class
February 18, 2002 Presidents Day No Class
Mar. 18-22, 2002 Spring Break No Class
April 22-26, 2002 Final Exams
April 26, 2002 Spring Semester Ends
April 27, 2002 Commencement
April 29-May 10, 2002 Intersession No Class
May 13, 2002 Summer Session Classes Begin
September 10, 2001 Last day to add classes for Fall Semester
September 17,
Automatic Withdrawal Date from classes missing prerequisites
Final Day to Drop Class without academic penalty
October 29, 2001 Last day to drop classes for Fall Semester. A ‘W’ will appear on
December 1, 2001 Balance of tuition for Spring Semester due
January 11, 2002 Last day to add classes for Spring Semester
January 18, 2002 Automatic Withdrawal Date from classes missing prerequisites
Final Day to Drop Class without academic penalty
February 15, 2002 Tuition Deposit for Summer Session Due
March 1, 2002 Last day to drop classes for Spring Semester. A ‘W’ will appear on
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General Information
General Information
Name of the School
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Contact Information
DigiPen Institute of Technology
5001-150th Ave. NE
Redmond, WA
USA 98052
Telephone: (425) 558-0299
Facsimile: (425) 558-0378
History of DigiPen
Founded in 1988, DigiPen began as a computer
simulation and animation company. Frustrated
with the lack of qualified computer graphics
employment candidates, DigiPen decided to offer
training in the area of 3D computer animation.
After three to four years, the city of Vancouver
became known as an excellent source of
computer animators. In 1991,discussions with
Nintendo of America initiated the idea of offering
educational training in the area of computer/video
game programming. Nintendo and other video
game development companies have constantly
expressed the need for qualified game
With advisory support from Nintendo of America,
DigiPen's engineers developed a two-year
program with a unique curriculum in video game
programming. In 1993, DigiPen Applied
Computer Graphics School opened in
Vancouver, BC, Canada, offering programs in
computer/video game programming as well as
continuing the training in 3D Computer
Animation. Prior to DigiPen's course offering in
video game programming, this type of training
was unheard of in North America. The inaugural
class graduated in 1996, nineteen graduates
gathered about thirty job offers from various
game development companies, such as
Nintendo, Iguana, Sierra Online, Konami,
Electronic Arts, Bandai Entertainment, and Sony
of America.
To fulfill the growing number of positions
available in the digital entertainment industry,
DigiPen decided to offer a unique degree
program-a Baccalaureate of Science in Real-
Time Interactive Simulation. As many of
DigiPen's students came from the US, DigiPen
decided to apply to the Washington State Higher
Education Coordinating Board for the
authorization to grant such a degree. The
authorization was received in 1996.
Institute of Technology was opened in
WA in January 1998, offering both Baccalaureate
and Associate degree programs in Real-Time
Interactive Simulation. In September 1999,
DigiPen added an Associate degree program in
3D Computer Animation to the programs
Today we continue to fulfill the needs of the
interactive simulation and 3D computer animation
industries, and to encourage our students to
learn the skills and knowledge necessary to
succeed in their field of training.
Mission of Institution
The mission of DigiPen Institute of Technology is
to offer higher education to those who would like
to pursue studies and careers in fields of
interactive computer technologies, which include
graphics and real-time interactive simulation, and
provide highly qualified personnel to the
interactive computer industries to sustain their
growth and productivity.
Program of Studies Offered
Currently, the Institute offers the following
degree programs:
1. Baccalaureate Degree of Science in
Real Time Interactive Simulation.
2. Associate Degree of Science
in Real
Time Interactive Simulation.
3. Associate Degree of Applied Arts in 3D
Computer Animation.
Advisory Committee
The decision criteria of an applicant's
enrollment in the above Degree Programs
are established by the advisory committee of
the program. The committee recommends
certain criteria be met, mainly:
The prerequisites of grade 12,
as stipulated in the respective programs
• Reference letters from
instructors and supervisors
Grade transcripts of the last
three years of education
• Applicable work experience
and/or portfolios
About our Facilities
DigiPen encompasses over 42,000 square
feet with a library, lunchroom, and
auditorium, dedicated computer labs for
each cohort of students, as well as additional
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General Information
classrooms for lectures and instruction. The
current student to computer ratio for the
2001-2002 academic year is 1:1. Our
maximum class size for 2001-2002 is 150
students in either lecture or computer lab
Major equipment items include microphone
and LCD projection systems in several of the
classrooms, multiple presentation media in
the auditorium including VCR, document
camera, DVD, Laser Disc and CD player.
Students also have access to BetaCam SP
recording equipment. Computers currently
range in power from 233 MHz Pentium II to
450 MHz Pentium III. DigiPen upgrades the
computer equipment on a regular basis.
Description of the Library
Facilities and Internet Access
Library Facilities
The library has 3-5 copies of every recommended
textbook for each class offered. In addition,
students will have access to a variety of
reference books relevant to their program of
study. The library also subscribes to a selection
of major journals and magazines related to the
fields of gaming, simulation and animation.
Furthermore, a yearly budget of $10,000.00 is
allocated for updating the contents of the library.
The 1600 square foot Library currently holds over
300 books, subscriptions to over 25 different
magazines, and more than 74 console and
computer games. Over 300 networked
computers, located in dedicated computer labs,
form an integral part of the Library resources
available to students. Students also have access
to ACM publications online, as well as online
access to the Microsoft Developer’s Network
Internet Access
Internet Access is a regulated service. It is
provided to the student free of charge. Students
may lose this privilege if they do not abide by the
Internet Access rules and regulations. For further
information, please refer to the section entitled,
"Rules and Regulations".
Applying to DigiPen
Part-Time Studies
Part-time study will be available for the
upcoming school year. Please inquire with
the Registrar's Office to determine course
Tuition and Fees
Enrollment APPLICATION Fee
A US$75.00 application fee must
accompany the application form. $50.00
of the fee is refundable if the applicant is
not accepted to the Institution.
Registration Fee:
Upon acceptance into the Degree
Program, a US$100.00 non-refundable
registration fee must be paid to confirm
U.S. Resident
Cost/Credit US$ 300.00* US$ 350.00*
Total Cost
of Science
(154 Credits)
(154 Credits)
Total Cost
Associate of
(82 Credits)
(82 Credits)
Total Cost
Associate of
(80 Credits)
(80 Credits)
*Tuition is subject to change with 6 months
Students re-registering for a failed course
must pay the regular course fees.
Tuition Fee Payment:
Tuition fees are payable upon registration.
The payment of tuition and all associated
fees is the sole responsibility and obligation
of the registering student. Students must be
fully paid no later than one (1) week prior to
the start of the semester. Tuition increases
will be announced 6 months before taking
Text and reference books are estimated to
be approximately US$500.00 per year. This
cost is not included as a part of the tuition.
On-campus parking is available for $280.00
a month. Please see the Administration
office for details regarding parking
Administrative Fee:
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General Information
Effective January 1, 2002 this fee covers a
limited number of transcript requests,
add/drop requests, late registrations, re-
registrations. $20 per semester for all
students enrolled in 12 or more credits,
$10/semester for students enrolled in fewer
than 12 credits.
Technology Fee:
Effective January 2002, this fee will cover
paper and toner for the student-use printers
and maintenance costs associated with the
upkeep of the computer labs. $20 per
semester for all students enrolled in 12 or
more credits, $10 per semester for students
enrolled in fewer than 12 credits.
Graduation Fee:
This $50.00 fee covers the cost of the
graduation gown, graduation application,
degree audit and graduation ceremony.
Required at time of submission of graduation
Cancellation and Refund Policies
Tuition Refund Schedule:
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Students who submit official withdrawal in
writing, or who are determined by the
Administration to have withdrawn from the
before the beginning of classes are
entitled to a tuition refund of all money
paid towards tuition for the upcoming
before the close of the seventh calendar
day after the beginning of classes must
pay 15% of the semester's tuition. Any
portion of tuition paid above this
percentage will be refunded.
before close of the thirtieth calendar day
of the semester must pay 50% of the
semester's tuition. Any portion of tuition
paid above this percentage will be
after the thirtieth calendar day of the
semester must pay 100% of the
semester's tuition.
Fees are refunded on the same schedule as
Refunds will be issued within 60 days of the
date of final payment, or the final date of
attendance, whichever is later. If a student's
financial obligation is not fulfilled, the Institute
is authorized to do the following until the
owed monies are paid:
withhold the release of the student's
academic records or any information
based upon the records.
withhold the issue of the student's
If the student's account remains delinquent,
the Institute reserves the right to cancel the
student's registration. Late tuition payments
are subject to an interest charge of one
percent per month or twelve percent per
Special Cases:
In the documented event of prolonged illness
or accident, death in the family, or other
special circumstances that make it
impractical to complete the program, the
Institute shall make a settlement that is
reasonable and fair to both parties.
Application of Policy
Any monies due the student shall be
refunded within 60 days from the last date of
student attendance or within 60 days from
the date of receipt of payment in the event
that the date of such receipt is after the
student’s last date of attendance.
If a student's financial obligation is not
fulfilled, the Institute is authorized to do the
following until the owed monies are paid:
withhold the release of the student's
academic records or any information
based upon the records.
withhold the issue of the student's
If the student's account remains delinquent,
the Institute reserves the right to cancel the
student's registration. Late tuition payments
are subject to an interest charge of one
percent per month or twelve percent per
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) affords students certain rights with
respect to their education records. These rights
The right to inspect and review the
student's education records within 45 days of the
day the University receives a request for access.
Students should submit to the registrar, dean, or
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General Information
head of the academic department [or appropriate
official] written requests that identify the record(s)
they wish to inspect. The University official will
make arrangements for access and notify the
student of the time and place where the records
may be inspected. If the records are not
maintained by the University official to whom the
request was submitted, that official shall advise
the student of the correct official to whom the
request should be addressed.
The right to request the amendment of
the student's education records that the student
believes is inaccurate or misleading. Students
may ask the University to amend a record that
they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They
should write the University official responsible for
the record, clearly identify the part of the record
they want changed, and specify why it is
inaccurate or misleading. If the University
decides not to amend the record as requested by
the student, the University will notify the student
of the decision and advise the student of his or
her right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the
hearing procedures will be provided to the
student when notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of
personally identifiable information contained in
the student's education records, except to the
extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without
consent. One exception, which permits disclosure
without consent, is disclosure to school officials
with legitimate educational interests. A school
official is defined as a person employed by the
University in an administrative, supervisory,
academic, or support staff position (including law
enforcement unit and health staff); a person or
company with whom the University has
contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or
collection agent); a person serving on the Board
of Trustees; or assisting another school official in
performing his or her tasks. A school official has
a legitimate educational interest if the official
needs to review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the Institute discloses
education records without consent to officials of
another school in which a student seeks or
intends to enroll.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S.
Department of Education concerning alleged
failures by the University to comply with the
requirements of FERPA. The name and address
of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Release of Student Directory
The Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 protects the privacy
of your education records. However, the following
information is considered public or directory
information and may be released to anyone
unless you inform the Office of the Registrar that
you do not wish any information released:
telephone number
e-mail address
major field of studies
dates of attendance
degrees and awards received
full or part-time enrollment status
educational institutions attended
NO to Release of Information
If you do not wish to authorize directory release
and do not want your directory information to
appear in any published or electronic Student
Directory, you may restrict access through the
Administration Office. No information will be
released on students or to students, who have
restricted release of directory information,
including degrees awarded and dates of
Change from NO to YES
If you restricted release of directory information
and now wish to change your authorization and
allow release, you must go to the Administration
Office, present photo identification and a
completed release/restrict of directory
authorization form.
Standards of Progress
Grading System
The following grading system is in use, and,
except where otherwise specified, applies both to
examinations and to term work. The weight of a
final examination grade is a matter individually
determined by each instructor. See Grade Point
Average section following for additional
A - Excellent = 4.0 quality points
A- - Excellent = 3.7 quality points
B+ - Good = 3.3 quality points
B - Good = 3.0 quality points
B- - Good = 2.7 quality points
C+ - Fair = 2.3 quality points
C - Fair = 2.0 quality points
C- - Fair = 1.7 quality points
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General Information
D - Poor = 1.0 quality points,
lowest pass grade, failing grade for
F - Failure = 0 quality points
For degree programs offered at DigiPen Institute
of Technology, all courses are considered part of
the student’s major except: GEN 300, GEN 350,
ENG 300, ENG 350, and all courses offered by
the General Education department.
Grade A - A distinguished grade for superior
1. You mastered the content and
objectives of the course, can apply
what you learned to new situations
and can relate it to other
2. You consistently distinguish
yourself in examinations, reports,
projects, class participation and
laboratory or training situations.
3. You show independent thinking
in assignments and class
4. Your work is consistently in
proper form, shows satisfactory
evidence of careful research (where
required) and is submitted
5. Where achievement in the
course involves development of
analytical skills, you consistently
demonstrate superior skills, ability
and performance.
6. You complied with the instructor's
attendance requirements.
Grade B - A better-than-acceptable grade
1. You consistently show mastery of
the course content and objectives
and usually apply what you learned
to new situations or related it to
other knowledge.
2. Your work is in proper form,
shows satisfactory evidence of
research (where required) and is
submitted punctually.
3. Where achievement in the
course involves development of
analytical skills, you consistently
demonstrate above average skills,
ability and performance.
4. You complied with the instructor's
attendance requirements.
Grade C - An acceptable grade permitting
progress forward in course sequence
1. You show evidence of a
reasonable comprehension of the
subject matter of the course and
have an average mastery of the
content sufficient to indicate
success in the next course in the
same field.
2. You consistently make average
scores in examinations, reports,
projects, class participation and
laboratory or training situations.
3. If the subject carries transfer
credit, your work indicates sufficient
competence in the content to
continue in the subject field upon
4. Your complete your assignments
in good form and on time.
5. Where achievement in the
course involves development of
analytical skills, you consistently
demonstrate average skills, ability
and performance.
6. You complied with the instructor's
attendance requirements.
Grade D - A less-than-acceptable, passing
grade, failing grade for core courses in your
1. You fall below the average in
examinations, projects, reports,
class participation and laboratory or
training situations, but show some
competence in the assigned subject
matter of the course.
2. The competence demonstrated is
insufficient to indicate success in
the next course in the subject field.
3. Assignments are completed in
imperfect form, are sometimes late,
or of inconsistent quality.
4. Where achievement in the
course involves development of
analytical skills, you consistently
demonstrate below-average skills,
ability and performance.
5. You complied with the instructor's
attendance requirements.
Grade F - A failing grade
1. With respect to examinations,
projects, reports, class participation
and laboratory or training situations,
you fail to perform at the "D" grade
2. You show little or no competence
in the assigned subject matter of
the course.
3. Where achievement in the
course involves development of
analytical skill, you fail to perform at
the "D" or above grade level.
4. You did not comply with the
instructor's attendance
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General Information
AU - Audit. Indicates course was attended
without expectation of credit or grade.
I - Incomplete = 0 quality points –
The Incomplete is intended for use when
circumstances beyond a student's control prohibit
taking the final exam or completing course work.
The Incomplete is not intended as a mechanism
for allowing a student to retake a course. A
student who has fallen substantially behind and
needs to repeat a course can drop the course
prior to the end of the 8th week of classes.
Otherwise, the instructor should assign the
appropriate final grade (D or F, for example).
An Incomplete may not be used simply to allow a
bit more time for an undergraduate student who
has fallen behind for no good reason. An (I) may
be granted only to students who have a
legitimate excuse. Examples of unacceptable
reasons for approving an Incomplete include the
need to rewrite a paper; the demands of a time-
consuming job; the desire to leave town for a
vacation or family gathering; the desire to do well
on tests in other courses; and the like.
The (I) Indicates one of the following three
1. Some work remains to be completed to gain
academic credit for the course. An (I) is assigned
in the first instance at the discretion of the
instructor. This assignment shall not be automatic
but shall be based upon an evaluation of the
student's work completed up to that point and an
assessment of the student's ability to complete
course requirements within the allowed time limit.
Work to remove an (I) must be performed within
the 12 months following the last day of the
semester in which the (I) is incurred or earlier if
the instructor so requires. When such work is
completed, the instructor will assign a final grade
for the course.
2. The student has failed to complete unfulfilled
academic assignments within the specified 12
months, and the grade of (I) has been entered on
the student's permanent transcript. No further
opportunity to complete the course will be
available to the student after this time.
3. Work not completed because of documented
illness or other "emergency" occurring after the
eighth week of the semester.
Registrar's Note: Definition of "emergency:" "A
situation or event which could not be foreseen
and which is beyond the student's control and
which prevents the student from taking the final
examination or completing other work during the
final examination period." Also note that as
previously defined, a student may not request an
(I) before the end of the eighth week; the
rationale is that the student still has the option to
drop the course until the end of the eighth week.
The grade (I) exists so there is some remedy for
illness or emergencies that occur after the drop
Arrangements for the grade of (I) and its
completion must be initiated by the student and
agreed to by the instructor prior to the final
examination. An Assignment of Final Grade for
Completion of an Incomplete (I) Form must be
completed each time a grade of (I) is assigned.
On the form, the instructor will specify to the
student and the department the work remaining
to be done, the procedures for its completion, the
grade in the course to date, and the weight to be
assigned to work remaining to be done when the
final grade is computed.
If make-up work requires classroom or laboratory
attendance in a subsequent term, the students
should not register for the course again; instead,
the student must audit the course and pay audit
fees. If the make-up work does not require
classroom or laboratory attendance, the
instructor and student should decide on an
appropriate plan and deadline for completing the
When the course is completed, the instructor will
submit a change of grade to the registrar’s office.
These procedures cannot be used to repeat a
course for a different grade. (An I grade should
not be assigned to a student who never attended
class; instead, instructors may assign a failing
W - Withdrawal. Indicates withdrawal from the
course before the end of the eighth week of
classes, or withdrawal from the Institute . The
grade of W will not be assigned to any student
who has taken the final examination in the
course. (0 quality points). An instructor may not
withdraw a student from a course.
S - Satisfactory. Given only in non-credit courses.
(0 quality points).
U - Unsatisfactory. Given only in non-credit
courses. (0 quality points).
AW - Administrative Withdrawal. Did not attend 3
consecutive class sessions, and did not provide a
documented reason for missing the class
P- Pass. Given for internship courses and to
students who successfully challenge classes for
credit or waiver.
Grade Reports
Reports of the final grade in each subject will be
mailed to the student soon after the close of each
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General Information
Grade reports are withheld from students who
have delinquent accounts with the Administration
Office, Security, or Library.
Grade Point Average
The academic standing of each student is
determined on the basis of the Grade Point
Average earned each semester. The Grade Point
Average (GPA) is determined by using the quality
points assigned to each student's grade.
The quality point value for each grade earned
during a semester is multiplied by the number of
credit hours assigned to that course as listed
elsewhere in this catalog. The sum of these
points is the total number of quality points earned
during the semester. This sum is divided by the
number of credit hours attempted (hours from
courses with grades of A through F) to obtain the
grade point average.
The cumulative Grade Point Average is obtained
by calculating the Grade Point Average for all
courses attempted at the DigiPen Institute of
Technology. Course grades of, W, and (I) are
non-punitive grades. They are not calculated in
the overall GPA since they carry no quality
The following example will help you calculate
your grade point average:
CS 100
CIS 115
CS 120
12 (3 x 4)
16 (4 x 4)
9 (3 x 3)
3 (3 x 1)
9 (3 x 3)
Total grade points divided by total credits equals
the cumulative grade point average. Therefore,
the grade point average for the above example is
49 divided by 16 for a 3.06 GPA.
Satisfactory Progress
Satisfactory progress toward a degree by a full
time student is defined as successful
completion of 28 credits during an academic
year. This should include registration for at least
14 credits per semester and successful
completion of at least 14 credits per semester.
"Completion" is defined as the receipt of a final
letter grade (A to F) but not the receipt of a
Withdrawal (W) or an Incomplete (I). "Successful
completion" is defined as the receipt of a passing
letter grade (A to C) in the major and (A to D) in
non-major courses. The Registrar makes
decisions on student status.
Students are required to maintain a minimum
cumulative grade point average in accordance
with the following scales:
Baccalaureate Candidates
-Grade Point Average of 1.50 for 3 to 34
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.60 for 35 to 49
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.70 for 50 to 64
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.80 for 65 to 79
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.90 for 80 to 94
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 2.00 for 95 or more
credit hours attempted
Associate Candidates
-Grade Point Average of 1.50 for 3 to 17
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.60 for 18 to 24
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.70 for 25 to 32
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.80 for 33 to 38
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 1.90 for 40 to 47
credit hours attempted
-Grade Point Average of 2.00 for 48 or more
credit hours attempted
Appeals involving extenuating circumstances
may be addressed to the Dean of Faculty for
resolution by an appropriate faculty committee.
Grade Changes
The faculty person who administered the grade
makes grade changes. In cases where the faculty
is not available to consider a grade change, the
department chair in consultation with the Dean of
Faculty may make such change. Grade appeals
go to the department chair responsible for the
course, then to the Dean of Faculty.
Supplementary Exams
The purpose of a supplemental exam is to allow
failed students an opportunity to show that they
have acquired the knowledge presented in the
failed class. This is to give the students an
opportunity to continue with their program of
study without undue interruption as a result of the
time lag involved in scheduling classes from one
semester to the next.
Supplemental exams may be written by students
who have a final grade of D in any given core
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General Information
course, up to two courses per semester. If a
student has a D in 3 or more core courses in any
given semester, he/she will be required to retake
the failed courses. Supplemental exams are
scheduled only during the first week of the Fall
and Spring Semesters. No other exam dates will
be given for supplemental exams. A
supplemental exam will test the student’s
knowledge of the total body of the course. In
order to pass the supplementary exam for any
given course, a passing grade of C- must be
achieved. The final grade listed on the students
transcript for the course will be no higher than C-.
If a student does not pass the supplemental
exam for any course, he/she will be automatically
withdrawn from any currently enrolled course for
which the failed course is a prerequisite. The
student will then be given the opportunity to re-
enroll for the failed course when it is next offered.
Repeating Courses
A student may repeat any course in which he/she
has not received a passing grade (Passing grade
is A to C- in a core course, A to D in a non-core
course), as long as the student is in good
standing with the school and eligible to continue
his/her studies.
Withdrawing from School and the
W Grade
A student may withdraw from the institute before
the end of the eighth week of instruction of a
1. If a student withdraws before the end of
the third week of instruction, no course
entries will appear on the student's
transcript for that quarter.
2. If a student withdraws after the end of the
third week of instruction and before the
end of the eighth week of instruction, the
registrar will assign a final grade of W to
the student for each course in which the
student was enrolled at the beginning of
the fourth week of instruction.
3. Each student will receive a final grade for
each course in which the student was
enrolled at the end of the tenth week of
instruction of the semester.
Dean's Honor List Requirements
The Dean's Honor List, prepared at the end of the
fall and spring semester, officially recognizes and
commends students whose grades for the
semester indicate distinguished academic
accomplishment. Both the quality and the
quantity of work done are considered.
You must meet the following qualifications to be a
recipient of this honor (no Dean's Honor List
certificates are awarded for courses taken during
the Summer Session):
You must be matriculated.
You must be registered in credit-bearing
Full-time students must complete 12 or
more credits in one semester.
Part-time students must complete 12 or
more credits in two consecutive
Only passing earned grades (A, B, C
and D) in credit-bearing courses are
counted for eligibility.
Minimum GPA Required:
12 Credits --- 3.75 or higher
13 or 14 credits --- 3.65 or higher
15 or 16 credits --- 3.55 or higher
17 or more credits --- 3.45 or higher
No failing grades, a grade of F in any
course makes the student ineligible,
regardless of other grades.
Any courses that do not count towards
the degree are excluded
AP, Internship and Independent Study
credits are excluded
Pass/Fail credits are NOT to be counted
when calculating qualifying credits
Incomplete grades will be evaluated
the Incomplete grade is made up.
The student must have qualified for the
Dean's Honor List before and after the
Incomplete grade was made up.
The student's cumulative grade-point average is
not considered; only the grade-point average for
that particular semester is relative.
Students will be appointed to an official Deans
Honor List at the end of a semester in which they
complete a minimum of 12 graded credits with
the appropriate grade point average.
The Dean's Honor List will be displayed in the
lobby of DigiPen Institute of Technology after
each fall and spring semester. If you meet these
requirements, you will also receive a
congratulatory letter from the Dean.
Reason(s) why your name might not have been
a) Fewer than twelve graded credits
b) Grade change(s) or late grade(s) submitted
c) Change of major (check listings under your
previous major)
d) "Privacy Request"
e) No local address on file
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General Information
If you believe you fulfilled the criteria indicated
above, please stop in at the Registrar's Office to
fill out a special form requesting a review of your
semester grades. No action can be taken without
this form. Assuming you qualify, you will receive
a confirming letter. If you did not qualify, you will
be informed of this fact, with the reason(s)
Grievance and Appeal Process
Academic Standing
Students who would like to file an appeal against
a decision regarding their academic standing in a
particular course should discuss the matter with
their instructor. If a satisfactory resolution is
unattainable, the student may file an appeal with
the Head of the Department. If the resultant
solution is still unsatisfactory, then the student
may file an appeal with the Dean of the Institute.
Students may appeal grades and review exams
no later than two weeks after their announcement
by the instructor. Appeals may not be made after
transcripts are issued.
The administration reserves the right to destroy
any examination papers after the two week
appeal period. However, academic records will
be kept indefinitely.
Appeal for Refund of Tuition
Students who would like to file an appeal against
a decision regarding their tuition refund shall file
a written request
to the Registrar. If the student
is not satisfied with the decision of the Registrar,
a second appeal may be filed with the Chief
Operating Officer. If the student is still
unsatisfied with the decision, the student may
appeal to the executive director of the Higher
Education Coordinating Board of the State of
Academic Ineligibility
Students with a cumulative GPA Between .01
and .50 below the minimum GPA required for the
number of credit hours attempted to date must
meet with their academic advisor to develop an
academic plan for the following semester. These
students will be placed on ‘Academic Probation’
for the following semester, and must improve
their cumulative GPA to at least the minimum
GPA required for satisfactory progress.
Failure to improve his/her GPA during the period
of Academic Probation will result in the de-
registration of the student for a period of one
year. The student may re-apply to the Institute
after the one-year suspension period has ended.
The Institute will thoroughly review this
application and make the final decision on
acceptance. All application must meet the
Institute’s entrance requirements applicable at
the time of re-registration. Students may appeal
this suspension by making application to the
Academic Review Committee.
Students with a cumulative GPA too low to be
eligible for Academic Probation {see above}
become academically ineligible to continue with
their courses, and cannot re-register for a period
of one year. The student may re-apply to the
Institute after the one-year suspension period has
ended. The institute will thoroughly review this
application and make the final decision on
acceptance. All applications must meet the
Institute’s entrance requirements applicable at
the time of re-registration.
In order to remain in the program of study,
students must meet the minimum acceptable
cumulative GPA, as described in this publication,
and a minimum of 70% attendance record in
each course at the end of each semester.
Failure to maintain the minimum attendance and
GPA requirements may be considered grounds
for de-registration. Students must also abide by
the rules and regulations set forth by the Institute.
Students more than 15 minutes late to class will
be marked as absent for that entire class.
Students may not leave class early without
instructor permission.
All students are required to be in attendance at
the times scheduled by DigiPen for final exams.
Instructors are not required to make
arrangements for individuals to write final exams
at a different time then the rest of the class.
Should a student miss an exam, it is the student’s
responsibility to notify the instructor and
Administration within 24 hours of the missed
Should a student miss a final exam, the individual
circumstances shall be reviewed by
Administration. Only medical reasons
accompanied by a doctor’s note will be
considered acceptable reasons for missing
exams. Exam retakes shall be allowed at the
sole discretion of the Administration and
Department Chair.
Retake exams shall be different than the one
taken by the students at the original exam, and
the timing of the retake exam shall be at the sole
discretion of the individual instructors. In all
cases, the retakes shall be administered no later
than 1 week after the original missed exam.
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General Information
Leaves (absences longer than one
Leaves longer than one week must be approved
by the Registrar. They must be requested in
writing four weeks prior to the start date of the
leave. In case of catastrophic situations, the
Institute must be notified as soon as possible.
Leaves without approval may result in the
termination of student status.
In all cases, it is the student’s responsibility to
make up missed work. Extensive leaves may
result in the repetition of an entire semester, for
which the student will be charged full tuition.
Waiver, Credit, & Advanced
Placement examinations, CLEP
and other credit
Students who can demonstrate that their
knowledge and skills are equivalent to those
gained by courses offered at DigiPen Institute of
Technology -- whether they were gained by
formal education, exam, work experience, or life
experience -- may apply for academic credit or
course waivers. Credit may be granted through
other means: Advanced Placement (AP) Exam
scores, International Baccalaureate courses, or
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
subject exam scores and transfer credit from
other post-secondary institutions. A maximum of
9 credits per semester may be earned by these
Course Waiver Examinations
A student may meet an academic requirement,
within specified limits, by passing a waiver
examination at least equal in scope and difficulty
to a final examination in a course. Successful
completion of the examination waives the
curricular requirement, but does not result in
credit earned. Thus, it does not reduce the total
number of semester hours required for a degree,
but will increase the available number of elective
hours. The department in which the course is
offered considers waiver requests at its
discretion. Waiver examinations must be taken
prior to the final semester of residence and may
not be repeated.
Students have the opportunity to waive
designated core courses by demonstrating
mastery of the material in one of two ways:
1. A waiver petition to the
respective department, indicating
prior academic coursework and
relevant work experience in the
subject area; or
2. Performance on a placement
exam offered by the respective
department at the beginning of
each Fall term
Waiving a core course enables the student to
substitute an elective for a required course.
Waivers do not earn course credits.
To petition to waive a core course, the student
must complete a waiver request form for each
course, attach a transcript or photocopy of
transcript, with relevant coursework highlighted,
to each waiver request and submit your requests
to the Registrar. Copies of the waiver request
form are available from the Registrar. Each
department will designate the courses for which a
waiver exam or credit exam may be offered.
For waiver requests received by July 1, students
will receive notification by August 1. Waiver
requests arriving in the Registrar’s Office after
July 1 will be handled on a rolling basis, at faculty
convenience. Because of faculty schedules,
results of waiver requests received after the
deadline are not guaranteed to be available
before the start of classes.
It is not possible to predict the results of faculty
review of core course waiver requests. Core
courses generally include intermediate level
material so a student who has completed only
introductory work in a subject is not likely to be
granted a waiver. Faculty take many factors into
consideration, including the academic caliber of
the school where the course was taken, the
difficulty of the text, the grade received and the
time elapsed since completion of the course.
The following restrictions apply to all waiver
A student must have an approved
waiver request on file before credit by
examination can be recorded on the
permanent record.
A student must be currently enrolled
before a waiver examination can be
recorded on the permanent record.
A maximum of 15 semester hours may
be waived toward a baccalaureate
degree and a maximum of 9 semester
hours may be waived toward an
associate degree.
Examinations may not be repeated.
Repeat course work and F grades are
not open to waiver requests.
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General Information
Students may not take waiver
examinations on courses they have
Waiver examinations must be taken
prior to the close of the seventh
calendar day after the beginning of
Advanced Placement Examination
Credit may be earned by successful completion
of an Advanced Placement examination. These
tests are graded on a scale of 1 to 5.
Credit or course waivers may be granted for
satisfactory attainment on Advanced Placement
Exams of the College Entrance Examination
Board. An exam score of four or above earns
from 3 to 6 hours of credit toward courses in
comparable subjects or a waiver of these
courses. No grades will be assigned to the
courses, nor will they be figured into a student's
grade point average. Hours granted or courses
waived are entered on students' transcripts, but
no grades or quality points are awarded. Official
results must be sent to the Registrar for analysis
before credit or course waivers are granted.
A maximum of six credits earned through A.P
examinations may be applied to satisfy DIT
degree requirements. The examinations and the
courses for which waiver is granted are listed
below. Credit granted for a specific course counts
toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward
which the listed course counts.
AP Exam Score
Art-Drawing Portfolio 4
Art-History of Art 4
English-Comp. 4
English-Creative Writing 4
English-Literature 4
Mathematics-Calculus AB 4
Mathematics-Calculus BC 4
Physics-Physics 4
International Baccalaureate
In general, three (3) semester credits hours are
waived for each Higher Level subject in which a
score of 5 or higher is earned.
The IB courses and scores listed below are
eligible for waiver at DigiPen Institute of
Course and
Science - HL
English (A1 &
A2) - HL
Mathematics - HL
Philosophy - HL
Psychology - HL
Anthropology -
Theatre Arts - HL
College Level Examination
Program (CLEP)
There are two types of CLEP examinations,
General and Subject. DigiPen Institute of
Technology grants credit for Subject
Examinations only. The tests are administered
by appointment. Candidates should consult with
the Registrar for application forms and other
specific information including fees. These tests
may not be repeated. Examination must be taken
prior to the student's completion of a total of 40
hours of college credit.
CLEP offers a number of subject-matter
examinations. Students obtaining the percentiles
established by the mathematics, computer
science and general education departments will
receive credit toward that basic requirement.
Students wishing credit in courses other than
those listed above should consult the appropriate
departmental chair.
Credit or course waivers may be granted for
satisfactory attainment on Subject Examinations
of the College-Level Examination Program
(CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination
Board. These tests may be taken at any of a
number of test sites and the responsibility for
scheduling such examinations is the student's.
Credit will be given only in those areas in which
comparable courses are offered at DIT. For
further details and information concerning test
centers, and dates, students should check with
the College Board at
Hours granted or courses waived are entered on
students' transcripts, but no grades or quality
points are awarded. Official results must be sent
to the Registrar for analysis before credit or
course waivers are granted.
DigiPen Institute of Technology will grant credit to
students who pass the CLEP Subject
Examinations approved by the department
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General Information
appropriate to the examination. The score
necessary to receive credit through a Subject
Examination will be the mean score achieved by
"C" students in the national norms sample. The
number of course credits to be given for passing
a Subject Examination will be determined by the
appropriate department.
Transfer Credit
Credit earned by examination at other colleges or
universities may be transferred provided such
credit meets the guidelines used by DigiPen
Institute of Technology.
College credits earned elsewhere will be
evaluated by the Registrar with respect to
curricular requirements at DigiPen Institute of
Technology. Transfer credit is granted for
academic classes appearing on official
transcripts of post-secondary institutions in which
students earn a grade of "B" or better. Transfer
credit is not granted for developmental classes,
orientation classes, or for classes in which a
student receives a "Pass". Current DIT students
are advised to confer with the Registrar prior to
enrolling in course work at other institutions if
they intend that the credit be applied toward
graduation from DIT. Class standing of transfer
students will be based on the number of credits
accepted for transfer. Hours earned and courses
waived are entered on students' transcripts, but
no grades or quality points are awarded.
Students who wish to have transfer credit applied
to the major at DIT may be required to take a
challenge exam for that course.
Transfer credit may be accepted subject to the
following conditions and restrictions.
The course(s) offered for transfer must
be taken at an accredited institution.
The course(s) must be comparable in
academic quality to DIT courses;
transfer credit will be denied for courses
not meeting this standard. Accordingly,
current students are strongly urged to
seek transfer approval from their advisor
and the Registrar using the form
provided for this purpose prior to
enrollment in any course for which
transfer approval might be sought.
Transfer credit will be considered for
courses in which the grade of "B" or
better is recorded.
Courses transferred to the students
major may also require a validation
examination in order to be accepted.
Credit or Pass grades will not be
accepted in transfer.
If a course is accepted for credit, it will be
counted as "transfer credit". No grade points from
such transfer courses will be calculated in the
DigiPen Institute of Technology grade point
average. However, grades transferred for
courses taken in residence at institutions for
which DigiPen Institute of Technology has direct,
formal institutional exchange agreements are
exempt from this policy, and will be recorded.
Courses transferred in may not be used to
substitute improved grades for passing grades
earned at DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Validation Examinations and
Course Challenges
Students who have transcripts from
nonaccredited colleges and/or transcripts
showing nontransferable college courses may
request to take validation examinations in
courses which are comparable to those offered
by DigiPen Institute of Technology. Upon
successful completion of the examination(s), the
student will be given credit as specified.
Departments may designate as challenge
courses certain courses involving primarily
substantive materials or technical proficiencies. A
student at the appropriate level of classification
may, with the approval of the department chair,
challenge the course by taking an examination. If
the student makes a satisfactory grade on the
examination, full credit for the course will be
given. Students challenging courses for which
they are not registered will pay a fee of $50 per
credit hour.
A challenge examination is a college-prepared or
a standardized examination that, if successfully
completed, will yield regular college credit. The
student must take the examination before
enrolling for further study in their program. The
challenge examination may not be repeated and
must be taken prior to the final semester of
Credit Evaluation Forms
Application forms for challenge, and/or waiver
examinations may be obtained from the Registrar
or online. A student must have approval for an
exam prior to taking an exam.
Transferability of Credits to Other
The Institute will furnish transcripts and other
documents necessary for a receiving institution to
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General Information
judge the quality and quantity of a student's work.
The Institute advises all prospective students that
the work reflected on their transcript may or may
not be accepted by a receiving institution.
Students should inquire with the specific
receiving institution about transferability of
Institute credits.
Granting Credits for Experience
The Institute does not at this point grant credits
for experience.
Financial Assistance
Federal financial aids are not available yet;
however, student loan programs offered by the
SLM Financial Corporation (Sallie Mae) and by
Key Bank are available to interested eligible
applicants. For more information, SLM Financial
Corporation can be reached at (800) 559-3220 or
on the web at Information
on Key Bank loans may be obtained at 1-800-
539-5363 or online at
Veterans Benefits
DigiPen Institute of Technology’s academic
programs of study are approved by the Higher
Education Coordinating Board’s State Approving
Agency (HECB/SAA) for enrollment of persons
eligible to receive educational benefits under Title
38 and Title 10, US Code.
The Associate of Applied Arts degree program is
approved by the Workforce Training and
Education Coordinating Board for the training of
veterans and other eligible beneficiaries under
Chapters 30, 32, and 35 Title 38; and Chapter
1606, Title 10; US Code.
Student Services
Open House
A weekly open house is offered to the general
public free of charge. Any person interested in
finding out more about the programs offered by
the Institute is welcome to attend an information
session held at the Institute. Currently, the
information session is held every Friday at 4:00
pm, excluding holidays. Students who are
accepted are required to attend an official
orientation session prior to the start of the
Admissions advising
Staff is available to assist applicants in
determining a relevant course of study required in
order to be accepted into a program of study at
DigiPen. Staff will also assist students who are
enrolled in the program to determine their
recommended course load according to their
academic objectives (i.e. honors program,
specialization, etc.).
Career Planning
Advice on career options is available for enrolled
Degree Status and Graduation
Graduation Requirements
Degrees and certificates will be granted during
the semester in which the final requirements are
completed. For example, if you receive an (I) in a
course required for graduation in your final
semester, you will not graduate until the
semester in which the (I) is replaced by a letter
grade. During that semester, you must reapply
for graduation.
A program of study must be completed within a
reasonable period of time to be eligible for
graduation; that is, the credit hours attempted
cannot exceed 1.5 times the credit hours required
to complete the program.
All students must officially declare their degree
intent by the end of their first semester at DigiPen
Institute of Technology. The Degree Status Form
may be obtained from the Registrar.
A student may request a change in their degree
status by completing the Degree Status Form
(Part I) provided by the Registrar. The student
must sign the form and submit it to the Registrar
for approval. The Registrar reserves the right to
review each request on a case-by-case basis.
The conditions for changing are:
The student must be in good standing at
the time of the official request.
Students changing from the bachelor’s
degree to the associate degree must
request the change by end of semester
Students changing from the associate
degree to the bachelor’s degree must
request the change by the end of
semester 3.
Students requesting a change in degree
status from the bachelor’s to the
associate degree must complete 75% of
the required core courses at DigiPen
Institute of Technology. Transfer credits
from other institutions will be reviewed
on a course-by-course basis.
Students may transfer excess credits
beyond the associate degree to the
bachelor’s degree if they choose to re-
enroll in the Bachelor of Science
degree program at a later date.
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General Information
Applying for Graduation
The Institute sets minimum requirements for all
students seeking undergraduate degrees. The
Institute reserves the right to change
graduation requirements at any time. Every
degree candidate is expected to comply with
changes in requirements as they relate to the
uncompleted portion of coursework.
Most students will follow the graduation
requirements published in the catalog for the year
they enter DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Students who interrupt their attendance may be
held to the requirements of the current catalog
when they return.
For additional information regarding
requirements, please refer to the current General
Catalog or on the World Wide Web. Students are
responsible for insuring that all graduation
requirements have been completed.
Approximately 4 to 6 weeks after students apply
for graduation, a degree audit report will be
issued. This report identifies courses students
have taken to complete the bachelor degree
requirements. This report is used to assist
students in planning future course work to insure
that all graduation requirements are met.
Students should take the degree audit report with
them when checking progress toward graduation
with the department adviser and/or the Registrar.
Students are responsible for notifying the
Registrar of any changes in their proposed
programs and questions resolved prior to
registration for their final term at DigiPen Institute
of Technology.
Undergraduate students who feel there is
justification for an exception to these graduation
requirements may petition the Graduation
Committee. Information on filing a petition is
available at the Registrar’s office.
All incomplete (I) grades and conditions affecting
graduation must be removed from the student's
record by the last regular class period of the
All credit course work affecting graduation must
be completed by the regular class period of the
A letter of instruction is mailed to degree
candidates in March regarding deadlines and
procedures for commencement-related activities
including rental of caps and gowns through the
Administration office.
Graduation Application Process
1. Student completes Parts I
& II of the Graduation
Application, and submits the
$50.00 graduation fee.
2. The academic advisor should review most
recent transcript or degree plan to verify
progress and sign Part III if student has
completed all courses satisfactorily to date and, if
upon satisfactory completion of courses for which
student is currently registered, he/she will be
eligible for graduation.
3. After this review, the Registrar will make a
preliminary review of progress during final
semester of enrollment and sign Part IV.
4.Final approval will not be made until after final
grades are submitted and posted to student’s
record. Degrees will be mailed as soon as
possible after that process, which should be from
4-6 weeks after completion. The student needs to
keep the Registrar informed of address changes
so that degrees are mailed to correct address.
Placement Services
The Institute continues to establish relationships
with various companies, and prospective
employers who wish to recruit DigiPen students
are cordially invited to conduct on-campus
interviews. However, employment upon
graduation is not guaranteed. The Institute also
provides placement services in the form of
internships that may be available during the
summer; the placement program bases its
recommendations of students on their academic
Institutional Calendar
The Institute is closed on all statutory holidays.
The laboratory facilities may be closed for a
period of two consecutive days per month for
maintenance. It is usually the last two (2)
working days of the month unless otherwise
Enrollment occurs once a year in September.
Regulation of Conduct and
Disciplinary Procedures
The Institute has the right to take whatever
disciplinary action is deemed to be warranted by
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General Information
a student's misconduct. The specific provisions
as to Offenses, Penalties and Disciplinary
Procedures, which are set out below, should not
be construed as limiting the general authority of
the Institute.
Misconduct subject to penalty includes, but is not
limited to, the following offenses:
1. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious form of academic
misconduct in which an individual submits or
presents the work of another person as his or her
own. Possession of source code, artwork,
concept or other material without the explicit
permission from the owner is also construed to
be plagiarism. When excerpts are used in
paragraphs or essays, the author must
acknowledged through footnotes or other
accepted practices.
Substantial plagiarism
exists when no recognition
is given to the author for phrases, sentences, and
ideas of the author incorporated in an essay or
other academic presentation submitted for
Complete plagiarism
exists when an entire essay
or other academic presentation is copied from an
author, or composed by another person, and
presented as original work.
(Students who are unsure as to what constitutes
a case of plagiarism should consult their
2. Submitting the same essay,
presentation, or assignment more than
once whether the earlier submission
was at this or another Institute, unless
prior approval has been obtained.
3. Cheating on an examination or falsifying
material subject to academic evaluation.
Cheating includes having during an
examination any materials other than
those authorized by the examiners.
4. Impersonating a candidate at an
examination or availing oneself of the
results of such impersonation.
5. Submitting false records or information,
in writing or orally, or failing to provide
relevant information when requested.
6. Falsifying or submitting false
documents, transcripts or any other
academic credentials.
7. Disrupting instructional activities,
including making it difficult to proceed
with scheduled lectures, seminars,
examinations, tests, etc.
8. Evidencing symptoms of alcohol or drug
use while on school property, or the
procurement or possession of illegal
substances on school property.
9. Damaging, removing, or making
unauthorized use of the Institute's
property, or the personal property of
faculty, staff, students or others at the
Institute. Without restricting the
generality of "property", this includes
information, however it may be recorded
or stored.
10. Assaulting individuals, including conduct
which leads to the physical or emotional
injury of faculty, staff, students, or others
at the Institute, or which threatens the
physical or emotional well-being of
faculty, staff, students, or others at the
11. Attempting to engage in, or aiding and
abetting others to engage in, or attempt
to engage in, conduct which would be
considered an offense.
12. Downloading or installing software on
school equipment without express
permission from school authorities.
13. Failing to comply with any penalty
imposed for misconduct.
The penalties that may be imposed, singly or in
combination, for any of the above offenses may
include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. A failing grade or mark of zero for any
course, examination, or assignment in
which the academic misconduct
2. Suspension from the Institute for a
specified period of time or indefinitely.
Students will not receive credit for
courses taken at another institution
during a suspension.
3. Reprimand, with the letter placed in the
student's file.
4. Restitution, in the case of damage to
property or unauthorized removal of
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General Information
5. A notation on the student's permanent
record of the penalty imposed.
1. The penalty for plagiarism or for
cheating is normally suspension from
the Institute.
2. Charges filed under federal or state
legislation or the commencement of civil
proceedings do not preclude disciplinary
measures taken by the Institute.
3. Students are fully responsible for
ensuring that proper back-ups of their
work are maintained. DigiPen is not
responsible for any lost work due to
improper back-ups.
An alleged instance of student misconduct
deemed serious enough for action by the Institute
shall be referred to a disciplinary committee.
After an investigation and hearing at which the
student is invited to appear, the committee
reports to the Dean of Faculty. The student then
has the opportunity to meet with the Dean of
Faculty, if he or she wishes, before a decision is
A student suspected or apprehended in the
commitment of an offense shall be notified, within
a reasonable period of time, of intention to report
the alleged offense to the department head,
student services officer, or other appropriate
person. The student shall also be given the
opportunity to explain the incident and, if he or
she requests, to meet with the department head,
student services officer, or other appropriate
person, before the alleged offense is reported to
the Dean of Faculty.
Termination by the Institute
The School may, at any time by notice in writing,
to the Student, terminate the Student at the sole
discretion of the School, if the Student is in
default of any of the terms, covenants or
conditions of the Institute. Furthermore, the
School reserves the right to withdraw a Student if
the Student is unable to maintain the minimum
required GPA in his/her courses at the end of
each semester
A student has the right to dispute the decision of
the Dean of Faculty. A student who wishes to
make an appeal must notify the Chief Operating
Officer in writing and must provide a full
explanation of the reasons for appealing.
Appeal hearings take place before a committee
called together by the Chief Operating Officer. A
student is entitled to be represented or assisted
throughout the appeal process by an advocate
who may be a friend, relative, or legal counsel.
The student is entitled to explain the reasons for
appealing either orally or in writing, and may call
witnesses. The Dean of Faculty is also present,
and puts forth the reasons for the original
The members of the committee may ask
questions of both the student and the Dean of
Faculty. As soon as possible after the hearing is
completed, the Chief Operating Officer will notify
the student of the final decision in writing.
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
The Baccalaureate and Associate Degrees of Science in Real Time
Interactive Simulation
Program Objectives
Both programs focus on the subject of computer
simulation with an emphasis on real time
interactive simulation technologies. They offer
extensive training in mathematics and physics as
a foundation for the various topics presented in
general computer science and computer
graphics. The various lectures offered each
semester converge towards the creation of a
practical project. Each practical project
embodies the theoretical knowledge gained from
the courses offered in the previous and current
semesters. These projects are game-oriented
productions since games are a perfect media to
present complicated subjects in a format
agreeable to students. The advantages of game-
oriented productions are:
Games are graphics-oriented
simulations, including two, and three-
dimensional based simulations.
Games can realistically reproduce or
simulate natural phenomena and real
life events. Flight simulators are
excellent examples of such simulations.
Games are highly interactive, requiring
an elaborate and efficient Graphical
User Interface (GUI). The development
of a GUI requires the management of
windows, menus, dialog boxes, and
hardware resources including
keyboards, mice, and display monitors.
Games react in real time. The
implementation of such simulations
requires a thorough knowledge of
computer hardware and computer
Games are story-based simulations
requiring a plot in which game objects
must interact intelligently with each
other. Therefore, in order to make
games challenging and interesting,
students must design and implement
good artificial intelligence algorithms,
which serve as the cognitive processes
for the computer-controlled game
Games could be designed for either a
single-player or multiple-player
environment. The development of a
multiple-player game requires the
understanding of subjects such as
Computer Networks, TCP/IP, and
internet programming.
Games are excellent examples of large
and complex productions. Teamwork is
essential to the successful completion of
such productions. Therefore, students
are divided into teams and are
rigorously trained in Object-Oriented
Programming Languages, paradigms,
and Software Engineering techniques
and practices. These collaborative
efforts reinforce student ability to work
competently within a group while
completing projects.
Successful graduates of these programs will gain
the skills required to successfully pursue careers
in the rapidly growing world of computer
technologies in general, and computer graphics
and simulations in particular. Students should
note that those completing a Baccalaureate
degree program will have an additional two years
of academic and practical training in advanced
concepts of mathematics, graphics and
simulations. Since successful graduates of both
programs will have developed an extensive
portfolio of games, the computer/video game
industry may be their prime choice in choosing a
career field. Graduates of the Baccalaureate
Degree program may expect intermediate level
job opportunities, while Associate Degree
graduates will be prepared for entry-level jobs in
the industry.
These degree programs are intense educational
experiences in a specialized, highly technical
area. They do not attempt to provide a broad,
general education, but rather, directly prepare
students for a rapidly expanding career field.
Advisors are prepared to counsel students
desiring more general education course work
about supplementary opportunities available
through other institutions.
The Baccalaureate Degree program consists of
one hundred fifty four (154) credits offered over
eight (8) semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each.
This program usually takes 4 academic years to
The Associate Degree program consists of eighty
(82) credits offered over four (4) semesters of
fifteen (15) weeks each. This program usually
takes 2 academic years to complete.
Semester Credit Hour
The semester credit hour (sch) is the basic unit of
credit. As a rule, one semester credit hour of
academic credit is given for each lecture class
hour per week for a fifteen-week semester. In
laboratory or studio situations, one semester
credit hour normally is given for two to five
contact hours per week for a fifteen-week
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
semester. In addition, undergraduate students
typically will be expected to spend two hours in
preparation outside of class for each lecture or
recitation hour; additional outside work may be
required for laboratory or studio classes. During
shorter summer sessions, the student earns
semester credit hours for class contact hours that
are essentially equivalent in number to those
provided in the regular semesters. Where
semester hour is used in this Catalogue, it is
synonymous with semester credit hour (sch)
As a minimum requirement all applicants must
Proficiency in the English language.
Non-native English speakers must
provide a minimum TOEFL score of 550
for the written test, or 213 for the
computer test.
Completed Grade 12 with the following
additional requirements:
High School Graduates
Applicants must have achieved a
minimum of a "B" average or a 3.0 GPA
in their Grade 12 Mathematics and have
a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
Relevant Physics, Chemistry, and
Computer Science courses are also
University / College Students
Applicants who have already begun their
post-secondary education must have a
"B" average or at least a 3.0 GPA in
University/College level Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, or Computer
Science. A College/University transcript
must be submitted to be considered for
Entrance Examination
Applicants may be asked to write an
entrance examination. This exam is
given to ensure that the applicants have
the sufficient background necessary to
successfully pursue DigiPen’s
programs. The main areas to be tested
Proficiency in the English language (For
non-native English speakers)
• Mathematics level
High-school Sciences mainly:
Computer Sciences
Idea(s) for game storyboard(s)
Applicants who complete the entrance
examination are competing for a limited number
of seats; therefore, a passing grade does not
guarantee enrollment. Furthermore, the entrance
examination may not be available if more eligible
students have already filled the designated
number of seats.
The Institute determines eligibility for acceptance
into a program. In general, admission is
competitive; those who exceed the minimum
admission requirements are more likely to be
accepted into the program.
Application Process
1. Applicants must submit a complete
application form, official transcripts for the last
three years of education and two letters of
reference from past teachers or employers.
2. An Application Evaluation Fee of $75.00
must accompany the application. Applicants who
are not accepted to the program will have $50.00
of the Application Evaluation Fee returned to
them. Checks or money orders should be made
payable to “DigiPen”.
3. If the applicants’ primary language is not
English, the applicant must have a minimum
TOEFL score of 550.
4. Once all requested documentation has
been received, eligible applicants will be
interviewed, either in person or by telephone.
5. Accepted applicants will receive an
enrollment package in the mail. This package
will include an enrollment agreement, information
on financial aid, and student services information.
By returning the signed enrollment agreement
and the enrollment fee, an applicant becomes a
new student.
6. Applicants who are not accepted to the
Institute will receive a letter of denial by mail
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
Mathematics Department
MAT 100 Algebra and Trigonometry (4
MAT 140 Linear Algebra and Geometry (4
MAT 150 Calculus and Planar Analytic
Geometry (4 Credits)
MAT 200 Calculus and Solid Analytic
Geometry (4 Credits)
MAT 250 Linear Algebra (3 Credits)
MAT 300 Advanced Surface Modeling (3
MAT 350 Solid Modeling (3 Credits)
MAT 351 Quaternions, Interpolation and
Animation (3 Credits)
MAT 352 Wavelets (3 Credits)
MAT 353 Geometry: Affine, Projective,
Differential (3 Credits)
MAT 354 Computational Geometry (3
MAT 355 Graph Theory (3 Credits)
MAT 356 Differential Equations (3 Credits)
MAT 357 Numerical Analysis (3 Credits)
MAT 358 Combinatorics (3 Credits)
MAT 359 Implicit Curves and Surfaces (3
MAT 360 Finite Elements (3 Credits)
PHY 200 Motion Dynamics (3 Credits)
PHY 250 Waves, Optics, and Aero-
Dynamics (3 Credits)
Computer Science Department
CS 100 Computer Environment (3 Credits)
CS 110 Operating System I Man-Machine
Interface (3 Credits)
CS 120 High Level Programming I (3
CS 170 High Level Programming II (3
CS 180 Game Implementation Techniques I
(3 Credits)
CS 190 Special Topics in Computer
Science I (3 Credits)
CS 200 Computer Graphics I (3
CS 220 High Level Programming III (3
CS 230 Game Implementation Techniques II
(3 Credits)
CS 240 Special Topics in Computer Science
II (3 Credits)
CS 250 Computer Graphics II (3 Credits)
CS 260 Computer Networks (3 Credits)
CS 270 High Level Programming IV (3
CS 280 Data Structures (3 Credits)
CS 300 Advanced Computer Graphics I (3
CS 310 Low Level Programming I (3 Credits)
CS 330 Algorithm Analysis (3 Credits)
CS 350 Advanced Computer Graphics II (3
CS 360 Low Level Programming II (3
CS 370 Image Processing (3 Credits)
CS 380 Artificial Intelligence (3 Credits)
CS 400 Ray Tracing I (3 Credits)
CS 420/320 Graphics File Format (3
CS 450 Ray Tracing II (3 Credits)
Game Software Design and Production
GAM 100 Introduction to Game Design &
Production (3 Credits)
GAM 150 Project I (3 Credits)
GAM 200 Project II (8 Credits)
GAM 300 Project III (10 Credits)
GAM 400 Project IV (10 Credits)
GAM 390 Internship I (1-5 Credits)
GAM 490 Internship II (1-5 Credits)
General Education Department
ART 210 Art Appreciation (2 Credits)
ART 400 Drawing Fundamentals
(2 Credits)
GEN 300 3D Computer Animation
Production I (3 Credits)
GEN 350 3D Computer Animation
Production II (3 Credits)
GEN 400 Multimedia Aspects of Game
Making I (3 Credits)
GEN 450 Multimedia Aspects of Game
Making II (3 Credits)
ENG 110 Composition (3 Credits)
ENG 150 Mythology for Game Designers (3
ENG 400 Creative Writing for Game Design
(3 Credits)
ENG 450 Elements of Media for Game
Designers (3 Credits)
SOS 150 Thought, Cognition and Creativity
(3 Credits)
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
Baccalaureate of Science
Requirements (154 credits)
One of the
All of the following
ART 210
MAT 350 ART 400
MAT 351 CS 100
MAT 352 CS 110
MAT 353 CS 120
MAT 354 CS 170
MAT 355 CS 180
MAT 356 CS 200
MAT 357 CS 220
MAT 358 CS 230
MAT 359 CS 250
MAT 360 CS 260
CS 270
CS 280
CS 300
CS 310
CS 330
CS 350
CS 360
CS 370
CS 400 or 380
CS 420
CS 450
ENG 110
ENG 150
ENG 400
ENG 450
GAM 100
GAM 150
GAM 200
GAM 300 or GAM 390
GAM 400 or GAM 490
GEN 300
GEN 350
MAT 100 or MAT 140
MAT 150
MAT 200
MAT 250
MAT 300
PHY 200
PHY 250
SOS 150
Associate of Science
Requirements (82 Credits)
All of the following
ART 210
CS 100
CS 110
CS 120
CS 170
CS 180
CS 200
CS 220
CS 230
CS 250
CS 260
CS 270
CS 280
ENG 110
ENG 150
GAM 100
GAM 150
GAM 200
MAT 100 or MAT 140
MAT 150
MAT 200
MAT 250
PHY 200
PHY 250
SOS 150
Student Internship Guidelines
An internship is any carefully monitored work or
service experience in which an individual has
intentional learning goals and reflects actively on
what she or he is learning throughout the
experience. It is usually a professional activity
under general supervision of an experienced
professional, in a job situation, which places a
high degree of responsibility on the student.
These learning goals may include:
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
Academic learning - the individual can
apply knowledge learned in the
classroom to the workplace;
Career development - the individual
gains a knowledge of the qualifications
and duties of a position and can explore
their interest in a field;
Skill development - the individual gains
an understanding of the skills and
knowledge required in the workplace;
Personal development - the individual
gains decision-making skills, critical
thinking skills, increased confidence and
Internships may vary in duration; they can last
from a month (or less) to one semester. They can
take place in any work or service setting.
Internships can be part-time or full-time, paid or
unpaid. They are part of the educational program
and as such, they are carefully monitored and
evaluated for academic credit. The important
element that distinguishes an internship from a
short-term job or community service is the
intentional "learning agenda" that the intern
brings to the experience.
Students must have a minimum of 45 internship
hours for each credit granted. The three
components of the final letter grade are listed
below. Only Pass/Fail grades are used to
measure outcomes:
The evaluation form which is sent to the
supervisor two weeks prior to the end of
the semester.
The student must evaluate his or her
own learning objectives against the
experience attained.
Instructor feedback gained from
observation or communication with the
All students intending to engage in an internship
must obtain prior approval from the appropriate
faculty advisor.
The internship may occur at any time during the
year. However, students preparing to enter an
internship should contact the faculty advisor of
their appropriate emphasis at least six weeks
before the employment is to begin, as an
application is required which includes a plan for
the internship.
Prior to the formal approval of the internship, a
planning meeting is conducted. This meeting
includes the faculty advisor, the student and the
person(s) who will directly supervise the student
(field supervisor). The purpose of this meeting is
to agree upon a job description, a work schedule,
performance expectations and remuneration (if
any). Specific learning objectives set forth in the
application will be sent to the Dean of Faculty
before the start of the internship.
The faculty advisor will assist in assuring that the
work experience meets both student and
organizational needs, with priority given to the
student's interests and to the assurance that the
experience will result in learning outcomes
acceptable to the students degree program.
Although an internship may involve some
payment or stipend for the student, this cannot be
expected in all cases. Anyone receiving financial
aid should check with that office regarding the
implications of additional income from a paid
The faculty advisor will send the agreement to all
parties outlining the terms and conditions of the
student's placement prior to any internship work.
The student must register for an internship
course during the semester that the internship
experience will be completed. Ordinarily this
means registering for the internship course just
prior to beginning the actual internship
Permission from the appropriate internship
instructor is required before
registering for the
course as follows.
Semester applying for
Instructor must be
contacted by:
Fall June 30
Spring November 30
Summer March 1
The primary means of evaluation for grading
purposes will be determined through
communication between the student, the field
supervisor and the faculty member. This may
include conferences, letters, reports, and the field
supervisor's evaluation. Written reports, plans,
products designed, and other products may be
used as evaluative materials. Achievement of
specified learning objectives should be
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
addressed in the student’s evaluation letter.
Students who work for multiple supervisors (more
than two) are encouraged to maintain a diary of
activities. Whenever possible, the evaluative data
should emphasize the application of theories,
concepts and techniques relevant to the student’s
degree program.
The time spent in conferences (and travel to
such) may be considered part of the student's
internship assignment and work hours.
Students must present a final written evaluation
of their internship prior to the final week of the
semester in which the internship course is taken.
If this written evaluation is not completed, a
failing grade is given for the course.
The student must read and understand
the Internship Guidelines.
The student must fill out an Internship
Application the semester before the start
of the internship according to the
schedule above.
The student and the faculty member
should participate in setting up the
internship. Students are urged not to
place too much emphasis on the fact
that an internship carries a stipend but
on the future career value of the
A meeting before the start of the
internship must take place with the
faculty member, the student and the
internship supervisor.
An internship agreement must be sent
to the internship supervisor prior to the
start of the internship.
During the internship, the student must
have contact with the faculty member on
a timely basis. This can take place by
meeting, memo, e-mail, or any other
means. Every two weeks is a good
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
Course Descriptions
Department of Mathematics (MAT)
MAT 100 Algebra and Trigonometry, 4 cr.
Pre-Requsite: None
Objectives: This course provides a solid
foundation in basic algebra and in trigonometry,
which is essential for further studies in
mathematics, physics and computer graphics
MAT 140 Linear Algebra and Geometry, 4 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 100 or advanced placement
Objectives: Linear algebra is one of the most
important mathematical tools in computer
graphics. This course will cover the basic
concepts, constructions and computations in
linear algebra as they relate to computer
MAT 150 Calculus and Planar Analytic
Geometry, 4 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 100 or MAT 140
Objectives: This is a course that presents an
algebraic treatment of basic geometrical planar
primitives. In addition, the practical applications
of this course include the implementation of many
graphics algorithms related to the creation of two-
dimensional shapes on the computer screen.
This course also introduces the students to the
techniques of differentiation.
MAT 200 Calculus and Solid Analytic
Geometry, 4 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 150
Objectives: This course extends the topics
presented in MAT 150 into the third dimension.
As in the case of MAT 150, this course is
fundamental in the implementation of many
graphics algorithms related to the creation of
three-dimensional objects. Additionally, the
student is introduced to the techniques of
MAT 250 Linear Algebra, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite:MAT 200 or MAT 140 and MAT
Objectives:This course will cover the
mathematical foundations for vectors and linear
transformations that are so important in computer
graphics, in fact, all of modern science.
MAT 300 Curves and Surfaces, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 250
Objectives: This course introduces the students
to the techniques involved in the creation of
complex curves, which are required for building
three-dimensional objects. These topics are also
used in simulating physical phenomena.
MAT 350 Curves and Surfaces II, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: This course presents the
mathematical foundations for non-uniform
rational B-spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces.
The de Casteljau and de Boor algorithms are
presented and applied to knot insertion and
subdivision. The course also introduces
subdivision surfaces and the basic Fourier
analysis used in analyzing the convergence of
subdivision schemes.
MAT 351 Quaternions, Interpolation and
Animation, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: Part I: Algebra and analysis of
quaternions, and Part II: Interpolation of
quaternion curves. Some background
mathematical material will be needed in both
parts, and will be covered in the course. In Part I:
groups, real manifolds and Lie groups, differential
geometry of curves and hypersurfaces, calculus
of several variables and complex variables; in
Part II: calculus of variations, curvature,
constrained optimization.
MAT 352 Wavelets, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: Wavelets provide a method of
representing and approximating functions.
Applications to computer graphics include image
editing, compression, surface reconstruction from
contours and fast methods of solving 3D
simulation problems.
MAT 353 Geometry: Affine, Projective,
Differential, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives:{This course is not being offered
this academic year.}
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MAT 354 Computational Geometry, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: Geometric algorithms arise in
graphics, robotics and artificial intelligence. This
course focuses on fundamental geometric
algorithms and their computational complexity.
Topics include triangulations, Gallery theorems
and path finding algorithms.
MAT 355 Graph Theory, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: In this course we examine the
basics of graphs and trees and the algorithms on
them. Major applications considered of graphs
and binary tree algorithms include Artificial
Intelligence and computer graphics.
MAT 356 Differential Equations, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: This course will cover the basic
theory of first and second order linear differential
equations, harmonic oscillators, stability, and
dynamical systems. Amongst the many
applications are: classical mechanics, periodic
phenomena, attractors, chaos theory, predator-
prey problems, calculus of variations.
MAT 357 Numerical Analysis, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: In this course we study the
numerical techniques which bridge the gap
between courses like calculus and linear algebra
and the implementation of these topics in a
computer system. Topics include root finding,
interpolation, approximation of functions, cubic
splines, integration, differential equations,
stability, iterative methods, eigenvalue
approximation, FFT.
MAT 358 Discrete Math and Combinatorics, 3
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: Counting and integer functions,
enumeration, recurrence relations, generating
functions, basic probability and graph theory,
network algorithms, asymptotic analysis.
MAT 359 Implicit Curves and Surfaces, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite:MAT 300
Objectives:{This course is not being offered
this academic year.}
MAT 360 Finite Elements, 3 cr.
Pre-Requsite: MAT 300
Objectives: {This course is not being offered
this academic year.}
PHY 200 Motion Dynamics, 3 cr.
Co-requisites: MAT 200
Objectives: This course provides a fundamental
understanding of the dynamics of various moving
bodies. This course allows the students to
understand and implement the laws of physics
into their simulation programs in order to achieve
realism. (Formerly numbered as PHY 400)
PHY 250 Waves, Optics and Aero-Dynamics, 3
Pre-requisites :PHY 200
Objectives: This course provides a fundamental
understanding of the properties of light, periodic
motions, and fluid dynamics. By understanding
the physical laws that govern these phenomena,
students will be able to implement ray casting
and ray tracing algorithms, create realistic flight
simulators, and create various lens effects in two
and three-dimensional environments.
(Formerly numbered as PHY 450)
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
Department of Computer Science (CS)
CS 100 Computer Environment, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course provides a
comprehensive and detailed description of the
architecture and organization of a computer
system. In addition, the concepts of Software
Engineering are introduced.
CS 110 Operating System I, Man-Machine
Interface, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: CS 100, CS 120
Objectives: This course presents the various
components of the memory map of a computer
and the techniques involved in writing software
based on operating system calls.
CS 120 The C Programming Language, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: CS 100
Objectives: The objective of this course is to
present the C programming language. It serves
as a foundation to all high level programming
courses and projects. The course starts with an
introduction to the compiler used during the
course. Grammar for describing computer
languages is explained using BNF notations and
regular expressions. These two topics are
followed by a presentation of the C programming
language and the C preprocessor.
CS 170 Advanced C, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 120
Objectives: This course focuses on advanced
topics of the C programming language. Such
topics include advanced pointer manipulation
techniques, pointer applications and using
standard library functions more efficiently. The
course also presents many methods designed to
avoid common C programming errors and pitfalls.
Mastering the various topics presented in this
course would enable the student to become a
more productive programmer.
CS 180 Game Implementation Techniques I , 3
Pre-requisites: CS 110, CS 120
Objectives: In this course, the students learn
about the major components that make up a
video game. This course also puts into practice
all the information and knowledge acquired in the
previous semester and in CS 100, CS 110, CS
120 and CS 170:
CS 190 Special Topics in Computer Science I ,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: The objective of these courses is to
provide theory and rigorous application
experience in a variety of current Computer
Science Topics.
Such topics may include, but are not limited to:
HTML language.
Java and Network Oriented Interpreters.
Artificial Intelligence.
Alternate Graphics Engines and APIs.
Variations on Optimized 3D
Loaders, linkers, object format and
executable format.
CS 200 Computer Graphics I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: MAT 150, CS 170
Objectives: The objective of this course is
to provide a rigorous presentation of the
mathematical elements and algorithms involved
in the generation and viewing of two-dimensional
graphic primitives.
CS 220 The C++ Programming Language, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 170
Objectives: The objective of this course is to
present the C++ programming language. Along
with the C programming language courses, it
serves as a foundation to all high level
programming courses and projects. The course
starts with the presentation of the Object
Oriented Paradigms. The presentation of the
C++ programming language follows. The various
topics of C++ are presented in the same order as
the C programming language [CS 120]. The
parallel between the presentations of the two
languages puts the emphasis on the fact that C is
a subset of C++.
CS 230 Game Implementation Techniques II, 3
Pre-requisites: CS 180
Objectives: This course discusses the
construction of a ray casting engine and its
application in game programming. In addition, the
course topics cover bitmap manipulation
techniques that are used in texture mapping two-
dimensional objects.
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CS 240 Special Topics in Computer Science II,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: The objective of these courses is to
provide theory and rigorous application
experience in a variety of current Computer
Science Topics.
Such topics may include, but are not limited to:
HTML language.
Java and Network Oriented Interpreters.
Artificial Intelligence.
Alternate Graphics Engines and APIs.
Variations on Optimized 3D
Loaders, linkers, object format and
executable format.
CS 250 Computer Graphics II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 200
Objectives: This course is the continuation of the
Computer Graphics I [CS200] course taken in the
previous semester. Particular emphasis is placed
on studying the mathematical elements and
algorithms used in the generation and viewing of
three-dimensional graphic primitives.
CS 260 Computer Networks I, Interprocess
Communication, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 220
Objectives: This course introduces the
hierarchical network communication in a
distributed computing environment. The course
topics cover the network technologies,
architecture and protocols. Hence, it prepares
the students for programming multi-player games
in later semesters.
CS 270, Advanced C++, Designing Classes 3
Pre-requisites: CS 220
Objectives: This course presents the Object
Oriented Methodologies used in the development
of large software projects. Combined with the
knowledge acquired in the C++ Programming
Language [CS 220] course, students will be able
to better manage their game projects and
produce reusable code and libraries.
CS 280 Data Structures, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites CS 220
Objectives: The objective of this course is to
introduce the classical Abstract Data Types
(ADT) in Computer Science discipline. The ADTs
provide the hierarchical views of data
organization used in programming. The course
topics cover the algorithms and primitives of the
data structure for list, stack, queue, binary tree,
and B-tree.
CS 300 Advanced Computer Graphics I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 250
Objectives: This course deals with the advanced
topics of Computer Graphics that are involved in
viewing three-dimensional environments.
Particularly, the course topics cover algorithms
used for detecting the visible lines and surfaces
of three-dimensional objects.
CS 310 Low Level Programming I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 120
Objectives: This course provides the students
with an introduction to microprocessor
architecture, as well as the knowledge required to
directly address and program the microprocessor
and the various hardware devices connected to
it. The resulting code is usually faster than
similar code written in a high level language such
as C or C++. Hence, it has great importance in
improving the response speed of real-time
interactive programs.
CS 320 Graphics File Format and Data
Compression Techniques, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 250, CS 280
Objectives: This course introduces the concept
of storing and retrieving digital images in a coded
format. The course topics cover various popular
graphic file formats such as PCX, TIFF, GIF,
JPEG, DXF, etc.
CS 330 Algorithm Analysis, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 270, CS 280
Objectives: The objective of this course is to
describe and analyze algorithms on the ADT
such as table, queue, binary tree, and linked list.
Particular emphasis is placed on studying the
correctness and efficiency of these algorithms.
CS 350 Advanced Computer Graphics II, 3 cr
Pre-requisites: CS 300
Objectives: This course deals with the advanced
topics of Computer Graphics that are involved in
rendering a three-dimensional environment.
Particular emphasis is placed on adding realism
to the rendered surface of three-dimensional
objects as a result of lighting, shading and texture
CS 360 Low Level Programming II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 310
Objectives: The aim of this course is to present
the architecture of the hardware used in the
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
implementation of the main, low-level game
projects [GAM 300, GAM 350].
CS 370 Image Processing, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 250, CS 280
Objectives: This course introduces some of the
popular image processing techniques. The
course material covers methods that can be
applied in:
1- Creating special effects with digital
2- Preparing graphics information for
either human or computer
CS 400 Ray Tracing I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 350
Objectives: This course introduces the ray
tracing technique in computer graphics. Particular
emphasis is placed on studying the mathematical
elements of light illumination models, light
intersection calculations, and also data structure
CS 450 Ray Tracing II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CS 400
Objectives: This course deals with the advanced
topics in ray tracing that are involved in rendering
highly detailed digital images. The algorithms
discussed in this course include techniques for
handling anti-aliased, environmental texture
maps, animation, morphing, shadows and light
Department of Game Software Design and
Production (GAM)
GAM 100 Project Introduction, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: CS 100, CS 110, CS 120
Objectives: This class is intended to be the
basis of the Game Production curriculum for the
remainder of the students’ time at DigiPen
Institute of Technology.
Once project management basics are covered
the student will move onto creating their first
written draft game design document for a puzzle
game. This part of the course will instruct the
students in the format accepted within the
industry for draft game designs and using the
tools taught the students will create their own
unique game design to follow the vision of their
title. Students also learn about the proper
creation of an industry accepted Technical
Design Document.
GAM 150 Project I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: GAM 100
Objectives: The students are given a three-week
period to refine the Game Design documents
prepared in GAM 100 into an actual Game
Design. Students are tasked to learn the
different types of puzzle games, a history of
gaming conventions used for puzzle games, as
well as the difference between a puzzle game
and other genre of gaming. Students will also
explore the standard and non-standard ASCII
character set as well as simple sprite based
graphics for their applications.
The written outline is then evaluated in class and
revised into a full game design document that is
presented to a panel of instructors for review and
grading. Following this the student must prepare
a complete Technical Design Document
complete with timeline for implementation by their
team of the designed project.
Once the technical documentation is complete
the students, in teams, progress to actualizing
their design into a working game. These final
games are judged by a panel. The students are
graded on technical merit, originality of idea, as
well as quality of documentation and quality of
source code commenting.
GAM 200, GAM 250 Project 2, 4 cr+4 cr.
Pre-requisites: GAM 200: GAM 150, 170, 180,
MAT 150. GAM 250: GAM 200, MAT 200, CS
200, 230
Co-requisites: GAM 200: MAT 200, CS 200,
230. GAM 250: CS 250, 260, 270, 280
Objectives: This project is divided into 2
semesters where the students are tasked with
designing and implementing a scrolling game
engine. Along with creating a scrolling engine
the students will also explore networking within
conventional games, sound, and music as it
affects game design during this full year project
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as well as an introduction to designing games for
a multiplayer environment.
Since the project at this stage is intended to be a
multiplayer game, the player creates during
Semester III a multiplayer game on one system
and migrate their game to being networked onto
multiple machines during Semester IV. The
proposal and implementation of this game follows
the same guidelines as for project 2.
GAM 300, GAM 350 Project 3, 5 cr. + 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: GAM 300:GAM 250, CS 250,
260, 270, 280. GAM 350: GAM 300, CS 300,
310, 320, 330, GEN 300
Co-requisites: GAM 300: CS 300, 320, 330,
GEN 300. GAM 350: MAT 250, CS 370
Objectives: This project is divided into 2
semesters whose focus is on low level
programming of a Simulation type game,
complete with Artificial Intelligence. Given the
complexities and nuances of a simulation, ideally
the teams will remain together for the entire year
to work on a specific form of simulation (sport,
vehicle, or city management).
A large component of this class will be focused
on assembly language coding as well as the
requirements for A.I. in games from a simulation
perspective. Also, real life physics will be
required to be modeled in the projects so an
understanding of what this entails will be covered
in class.
The proposal and implementation of this game
follows the same guidelines as for project 3.
Similar to Project 2, the students are given a
three-week period to present their ideas in the
form of a written game design and Technical
Design. The written components must include all
the sections described earlier in Project 2 as well
as demonstration of understanding of low-level
programming and the ability to define a memory
map for their applications.
GAM 400, GAM 450 Project 4, 5 cr. + 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: GAM 400: GAM 350, CS 350,
360, 370, GEN 350, MAT 250. GAM 450: GAM
400, MAT 300, PHY 400, CS 400, GEN 400
Co-requisites GAM 400: MAT 300, CS 400.
GAM 450: MAT 350
Objectives: This is a 2-semester project, with a
focus on Personal Computer Based 3-D games.
The requirements of modeling in a 3-D (as
opposed to sprite based) game will be covered
as well.
3-D games offer all of the challenges of Projects
1-3, plus the added nuance of management of
polygonal (vector based) characters as opposed
to sprite based graphics. Furthermore,
controllers (analog and digital), and other forms
of tertiary input are covered. 3-D games also
push the student to manage their memory
effectively in order to sustain a high frame rate for
polygonal animation.
The game design and technical specifications of
this game will follow the same guidelines as for
Project 3.
Similar to Project 3, the students are given a
three-week period to present their ideas in the
form of a written game design and Technical
Design. The written components must include all
the sections described earlier in Project 3 as well
as marketing materials, user manuals,
packaging, sell sheets, Focus Group responses
and extensive examples of Beta testing and
creation of a final deliverable for commercial
GAM 390/490 Internship, 1-5 cr.
Pre-requisites: GAM 200, GAM 250, GAM 300
An internship is any carefully monitored work or
service experience in which an individual has
intentional learning goals and reflects actively on
what she or he is learning throughout the
experience. It is usually a professional activity
under general supervision of an experienced
professional, in a job situation, which places a
high degree of responsibility on the student. The
learning goals of an internship may include:
Academic learning - the individual can
apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the
Career development - the individual
gains a knowledge of the qualifications and
duties of a position and can explore their interest
in a field;
Skill development - the individual gains
an understanding of the skills and knowledge
required in the workplace;
Personal development - the individual
gains decision-making skills, critical thinking
skills, increased confidence and self-esteem.
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Department of General Education (GEN)
ART 210 Art Appreciation, 3 or 2 credits
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course is an introduction to art
and will provide students with a better
understanding of the artistic influences of our
modern culture. In helping students gain basic
awareness, knowledge, and enjoyment of the
visual arts, the course should provide the
groundwork for further personal study in the arts.
This in turn will help them further develop their
own creativity. Along with the history of art,
students will study the meanings, purposes,
styles, elements, and principles of art and the
various media used to create works of art.
ART 400 Drawing Fundamentals, 2 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: The development of strong drawing
skills is of extreme importance as they are
essential tools for expressing ideas, particularly
during the pre-production stages of an animation
project. Therefore, the objective of this course is
to present the basic elements of drawing and
graphic design in order to improve the students’
practical ability to draw with skill and imagination.
Methods of observing, describing and organizing
form will be covered using various mediums such
as pencil, charcoal, and color pencils.
ENG 110 Composition, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: George Leonard wrote: “To learn is
to change. Education is a process that changes
the learner.” Writing is also a process, which
changes the writer. In this practical course in
composition, students will spend time generating
ideas for writing, sharing and critiquing their
writing and ideas, changing their ideas, and
learning more about themselves as a result.
Emphasis will be placed on using writing as a tool
to explore and discover their thought processes,
beliefs, and world concepts.
Students will employ writing as a tool to develop
critical thinking skills. In the process of organizing
ideas and, subsequently, manifesting those ideas
into various compositional styles and forms,
students will become conscious of the concepts
which have shaped and are continually shaping
their personal realities.
ENG 150 Mythology for Game Designers, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ENG 110
Objectives: The power of myth resides in its
ability to touch the essence of our humanity and
put meaning into our lives. Artists, filmmakers,
game designers, and writers have appropriated
elemental mythological premises and ‘updated’
them to create modern myths accessible to
contemporary audiences. Whether we are
playing a role-playing game wherein the task is to
rescue the princess and save the planet, reading
the latest cyberpunk novel, or watching an
animated Disney classic, our psyches are being
touched by the power of mythology.
This course is an overview and analysis of cross-
cultural mythology presented as prose, film, and
game. The idea that myths have influenced
cultures of the past and continue to inform and
influence our culture of today will be discussed in
depth throughout the course. The course will also
examine the practical use of myth. Emphasis will
be placed on the monomyth of the hero’s journey
and how a game developer may redefine the
archetypal figures and adventures therein and
incorporate them in a game design.
ENG 400 Creative Writing for Game Design, 3
Pre-requisites: ENG 150
Objectives: Creative Writing for Game Design
will focus on interactive storytelling, threads and
multiple end-game scenarios, the construction of
a game design document, and basic story-telling
skills. Exercises designed to brainstorm ideas
and hone students’ talents of characterization;
exposition, plot, conflict, back-story, dialogue,
and appropriate use of language will be
presented. Students will learn how symbols,
graphic style, and sound can be utilized in telling
the story of their game. Students will create a
character bible, a story bible, and also be
encouraged to access their own cultures and life
experience and transform it into creative material.
At the end of the course, students will write a
game design document.
Title: ENG 450 Elements of Media for Game
Developers, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: In this course, students will be
introduced to the principles of film and other non-
game forms of media. Students will review
technologically and artistically groundbreaking
media. Emphasis will be placed on analyzing film,
TV, and even graphic novels and examining how
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Real Time Interactive Simulation
certain elements of historical and modern media
can be adapted to the burgeoning industry of
game and interactive media development.
Students will have an opportunity to brainstorm
how they, as future programmers and designers,
might borrow from the masters of 20
media and utilize such knowledge to surpass the
current boundaries of interactive media products.
SOS 1150 Thought, Cognition and Creativity,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites None
Objectives:The fast paced game industry asks
now for deeper psychological understanding of
the drive that lies behind people’s need in
general to participate in a variety of games and
game types. Furthermore, producers are
constantly searching for even more intuitive
interfaces to present new and complex concepts,
animations or ideas. What makes an interface
intuitive? What makes it appealing to a certain
market? Why do certain audiences respond the
way they do to different game themes? What is
creativity? What is art? How do we choose a
style? What is new?
These questions are partly what this course will
cover by through theories and concepts from
subjects as diverse as the history of art,
architecture, mathematics, the sciences, human
behavior and values. The course challenges the
intellect to be able to understand what
psychological and cognitive issues are behind the
notion of right and wrong, beauty and ugliness,
and relativity vs. absoluteness within the frame of
creativity. Practical, graphical and theoretical
exercises are incorporated into the course.
GEN 300 3D Computer Animation Production
I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course deals with all the basic
theories and techniques utilized in the production
of computer animation. Students are introduced
to a computer-based 3D animation package,
which they will use throughout the course.
GEN 350 3D Computer Animation Production
II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: GEN 300
Objectives: This course builds on the
fundamentals taught during GEN 300. Students
learn about key framing, special effects, final
rendering, and recording.
GEN 400 Multimedia Aspects of Game Making
I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: With the introduction into the market
of high-level tools allowing the assembly of video
games from a set of pre-programmed
components, game programmers can very
quickly assemble games. More often than not,
these games lack optimization and are more
suitable for prototyping or creating interactive,
multi-media presentations. Some of these tools
include high-level programming languages in
addition to the click and point Graphic User
GEN 450 Multimedia Aspects of Game Making
II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: GEN 400
Objectives: In this second section of the course,
students take the knowledge gained in GEN 400
and apply it in the creation of a game, or an
interactive portfolio.
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3D Computer Animation
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3D Computer Animation
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3D Computer Animation
Associate of Applied Arts Degree in 3D Computer Animation
Program Overview
As the 3D computer animation industry matures,
there is a noticeable shift by companies to hire
employees that demonstrate more than a working
knowledge of a specific commercial 3D software
package. More than ever, employers desire
computer animators who have strong content
creation skills. Studios like to see strong
traditional art skills in addition to an
understanding of fundamental animation
principles. Story development, character design,
storyboarding, lighting, camera composition, and
sound design are some of the other issues that
animators must have a good grasp of if they wish
to be successful. Graduates receiving the
associate degree can anticipate eligibility for
entry level jobs as 3D artists in various industries,
including game development, electronic media,
and graphic design.
DigiPen’s Associate of Applied Arts Degree in
3D Computer Animation seeks to achieve the
To provide students with the necessary
practical skills using industry-standard,
computer hardware and software.
To educate students about creative content
issues to ensure that they have the ability to
maximize the fullest potential of this digital
To help students develop a strong work ethic
needed by successful production artists
including the ability to work with others and
to complete the work by the deadline.
To allow students to express themselves
artistically while ensuring that a student’s
portfolio work is marketable to industry
To implement a production oriented
environment that will allow students to
produce a high quality portfolio.
The intensive theory courses will be reinforced
through multiple production cycles whereby
students will be expected to complete several
animation productions.
The Associate of Applied Arts Degree in 3D
Computer Animation program consists of eighty
(80) credits offered over four (4) semesters of
fifteen (15) weeks each. This course usually
takes a total of 2 academic years to complete
As a minimum requirement, all applicants should
meet the following conditions:
Applicants to the full-time program should
be 18 years and older.
• Completed Grade 12 or High School
equivalence with a minimum of a 2.5 overall
Provide official grade transcripts from the
past three (3) years of schooling.
The applicants must supply a minimum of
ten (10) samples from their art portfolio that
demonstrate their artistic range, preferably
of original design. In particular,
figure/animal studies, character designs,
architectural renderings, landscape studies,
sculpture, and painting. If necessary,
DigiPen may request more samples for
review. Please note that applicants should
submit copies (i.e. photographs, slides,
photocopies) of their portfolio submissions,
as they will not be returned.
Proficiency in the English language. Non-
native English speakers should provide a
minimum TOEFL score of 550.
Should provide at least two (2) reference
letters from past or current
Applicants will be required to write the entrance
examination of the Institute. This exam is given
to ensure that the applicants have the proper
background to pursue the studies offered during
the program. The main areas to be tested are:
• Perspective drawing
• Figure drawing
Use of color
Application Process
1. Applicants must submit a complete
application form, portfolio, official transcripts for
the last three years of education and two letters
of reference from past teachers or employers.
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3D Computer Animation
2. An Application Evaluation Fee of $75.00
must accompany the application. Applicants who
are not accepted to the program will have $50.00
of the Application Evaluation Fee returned to
them. Checks or money orders should be made
payable to “DigiPen”.
3. If the applicants’ primary language is not
English, the applicant should have a minimum
TOEFL score of 550.
4. Once all requested documentation has
been received, eligible applicants will be
contacted to arrange to write the entrance exam,
either at the Institute or in their local area.
5. Accepted applicants will receive an
enrollment package in the mail. This package
will include an enrollment agreement, information
on financial aid, and student services information.
By returning the signed enrollment agreement
and the enrollment fee, an applicant becomes a
new student.
6. Applicants who are not accepted to the
Institute will receive a letter of denial by mail.
Books and Material Costs (Not included in
tuition fees)
Books and course material costs are estimated to
be US $600.00 per year.
Passing Classes and Graduation
In addition to the pre-requisites set forth in the
beginning of the Calendar, students must
successfully complete all 100 level PRJ courses
in order to proceed to any 200 level courses.
Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least
2.0 to graduate.
Associate of Applied Arts Degree Requirements (80 Credits)
Requirements Credits
ANI 100
ANI 110
ART 100
CG 100
ENG 100
PRJ 100
ANI 150
ART 150
ANI 160
CG 150
FLM 100
PRJ 150
INT 190 (Elective) 5
ART 200
ART 210
CG 200
ENG 200
FLM 200
PRJ 200
ANI 250
ANI 260
ART 250
CG 250
FLM 250
PRJ 250 (or INT 190)
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3D Computer Animation
ART 100 Drawing Fundamentals I(3
ART 150 Drawing Fundamentals II(3
ART 210 Art Appreciation(3 Credits)
ART 200 Drawing Fundamentals III(3
ART 250 Drawing Fundamentals IV(3
ANI 100 Animation – Theory &
Techniques I(3 Credits)
ANI 110 Project Management(3 Credits)
ANI 150 Animation – Theory &
Techniques II(3 Credits)
ANI 160 Sound Design for Animation(3
ANI 250 Acting for Animation(3 Credits)
ANI 260 Industry Preparation(3 Credits)
FLM 100 Cinematography(3 Credits)
FLM 200 Visual Language & Film
Analysis(3 Credits)
FLM 250 Post-production(3 Credits)
CG 100 3D Computer Animation
Production I(3 Credits)
CG 150 Digital Graphics Tools(3
CG 2003D Computer Animation
Production II(3 Credits)
CG 250 Graphics for Games &
Internet(3 Credits)
ENG 100 Creative Writing(3 Credits)
ENG 200 Literature(3 Credits)
PRJ 100 Animation Production I(5
PRJ 150 Animation Production II(5
PRJ 200 Animation Production III(5
PRJ 250 Animation Production IV(5
INT 190 Internship in 3D Animation(5
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3D Computer Animation
Course Descriptions
Art (ART)
ART 100 Drawing Fundamentals I, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: The development of strong drawing
skills are of extreme importance as they are
essential tools for expressing ideas, particularly
during the pre-production stages of an animation
project. Therefore, the objective of this course is
to present the basic elements of drawing and
graphic design in order to improve the students’
practical ability to draw with skill and imagination.
Methods of observing, describing and organizing
form will be covered using various mediums such
as pencil, charcoal, and color pencils.
ART 150 Fundamentals II, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ART 100
Objectives: whereas the focus of ART 100 was
on basic principles for drawing objects, this
course presents concepts for drawing the figure.
Attention will be given to anatomy,
conceptualizing form and approaches to
overcoming difficult poses. In addition to quick
sketches, students will also do longer, more
complete drawings to describe form with tone.
ART 200 Drawing Fundamentals III, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ART 150
Objectives: The first half of this course
introduces students to the techniques for drawing
both real and fantasy wildlife. The second half
addresses the general concepts of set design
with an emphasis on aspects useful for
ART 250 Drawing Fundamentals IV, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ART 200
Objectives: This course focuses around
personal development of each artist. At the
beginning of the course, each student consults
with the instructor to develop a unique study
outline that will address areas of artistic
weakness or artistic exploration. Students will
also utilize this class to refine existing work for
their portfolio in preparation for graduation.
Animation (ANI)
ANI 100 Animation - Theory & Techniques I, 3
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course introduces students to
the principles of animation through classical
animation techniques. In addition to examining
the important aspects of character design and
development, there will be an emphasis on the
art of creating convincing movement through
good timing and motion design. Students will
learn that movement makes an appealing
character, not just look or design.
ANI 110 Project Management, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: The success of an animation is
dependant on more than just talented artists.
Ultimately, the planning and management of a
production has great impact on whether the
animation is completed to an acceptable level by
the deadline. Production agreements, licensing,
scheduling, and resource allocation are just some
of the things that every commercial production
must face. The students’ final assignment is to
prepare a production and pitch a concept to the
Storyboarding will be given extra emphasis as
students are expected to produce industry-
standard storyboards based on verbal or written
descriptions. Both technical storyboarding issues
(i.e. panel design, action notes, camera moves,
dialogue) and creative storyboarding issues (i.e.
rough staging, composition, cutting, continuity)
will be presented.
ANI 150 Animation - Theory & Techniques II, 3
Pre-requisites: ANI 100
Objectives: Building on the animation concepts
presented in ANI100, students will refine and
combine the various skills with more confidence,
creativity and accuracy. Further study in
character design will cover issues such as
personality types, body language and attitudes.
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Longer and more rigorous exercises offer an
opportunity for each student to develop the acting
abilities that are central to good animation and to
begin to explore their personal style. Students will
also look at the techniques for animating dialog
as well as animals.
ANI 160 Sound Design for Animation, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: Every good animation relies on a
well-designed soundtrack to enhance the
production. While most animators do not
produce the soundtrack themselves, they need to
understand the effect of music, voice, and sound
effects on an audience. More importantly,
animators must be able to communicate their
ideas to today's musician, who has a multitude of
sound production tools at his or her disposal.
Initially, students will survey a broad range of
music from different eras of Western and non-
Western cultures. Emphasis will be on
developing basic listening skills in hearing
rhythm, melody, harmony, color, texture and
form. The latter portion of the course will focus on
soundtrack design and production issues.
ANI 200 Acting for Animation, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ANI 100, ANI 150
Objectives: An animator’s ability to express
attitude, thought, and emotion through body
language is a fundamental skill necessary for
success. Therefore, the focus of this course is to
present tools and techniques for translating
thoughts and feelings into specific gestures and
ANI 250 Industry Preparation, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ANI 100, ANI 150
Objectives: As animation students approach
graduation, they must compile their best work in
a clear and concise package to effectively
communicate their creative and technical
abilities. This course will focus on helping each
student prepare a commercially marketable
portfolio and will also present employment
options ranging from seeking a posted position to
working freelance or even establishing a
Film (FLM)
FLM 100 Cinematography, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: Like a director of photography,
computer animators must have a good
understanding of appropriate camera
composition and lighting techniques to enhance
the visual impact of the story being told.
Appropriate composition and camera motion help
to reveal the action while lighting can set the
mood and highlight a desired element of a scene.
Students will analyze examples of effective
cinematic techniques from different animations
and films to study the various approaches used.
Assignments will utilize still and video cameras to
reinforce concepts presented.
FLM 200 Visual Language & Film Analysis, 3
Pre-requisites: ANI 110, ENG 100, ANI 160,
FLM 100
Objectives: Animation is ultimately “film making”
and animators should learn from the many
“classics” how to effectively bring various film
production elements together. Building on the
courses presented in the first year, students will
review several films to look deeper at issues such
as character and script development,
cinematography, and musical scores.
Understanding the creative processes utilized by
the influential filmmakers will provide insight into
how a student can produce a better film.
FLM 250 Post-Production, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ANI 110, ENG 100, ANI 160,
FLM 100, FLM 200
Objectives: The last step of any animation
project involves the assembly of various
production elements ranging from rendered files
to sound effects. This is also the stage where the
visual effects seen in today’s movies are added.
The focus of this course is to teach the
fundamental skills that are used in post-
production. While students will spend most of
their time learning how to edit effectively, they will
also cover material regarding the planning,
execution, and addition of “special effects.”
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3D Computer Animation
Computer Graphics (CG)
CG 100 3D Computer Animation Production I,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course covers all of the general
principles of computer graphics and introduces
students to the primary 3D computer animation
software that will be used to create the various
productions. In addition, students will be taught
how to use a 2D paint package for the creation of
CG 150 Digital Graphics Tools, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CG 100
Objectives: 3D computer animators utilize a
great deal of technology that is constantly
changing. Therefore, it is important that students
be aware of and understand recent
developments in both the hardware and software
industries. The first part of the course will
discuss various hardware components as well as
current software applications. The second part
will provide more extensive training in a 2D paint
package, which is one of the most important tools
a 3D animator must use. This will build on the
training provided in CG 100.
CG 200 3D Computer Animation Production II,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CG 100
Objectives: In order to provide the students with
a broader skill set, this course presents the
“mechanics” of how to use another 3D animation
program, with an emphasis on the unique
strengths of the package.
CG 250 Graphics for Games & Internet, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: CG 100, CG 150
Objectives: The tremendous growth of the video
game industry and internet has resulted in a high
demand for good 2D and 3D artists. Limited
color palettes, file size, file formats, and low-
resolution 2D images/3D objects are some of the
issues that need to be handled properly for
implementation into a game or web site. This
course examines the issues in creating graphics
for these areas and teaches effective production
General Studies (GEN)
ENG 100 Creative Writing, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: Fundamentally, a good animation
requires a good story. This course introduces
students to the fine art of writing and more
importantly, provides an understanding of the
elements of a good story. Towards the end of
the course, students will learn the process of
converting a story into a properly formatted script.
ENG 200 Literature,
3 cr.
Pre-requisites: ENG 100
Objectives: Students are given an overview on
influential works of literature from various periods
and countries in order to examine the
fundamental elements that have helped these
stories “stand the test of time.” Providing a basic
knowledge and appreciation for these works is
important, as they are an incredible source of
inspiration. Many of these literary works have
been adapted into screenplays that were
ultimately produced as films or theatrical events.
Towards the end of the course, students will have
an opportunity to review the films/animations and
analyze whether the productions were successful
or not.
ART 210 Art Appreciation, 3 cr.
Pre-requisites: None
Objectives: This course is an introduction to art
and will provide students with a better
understanding of the artistic influences of our
modern culture. In helping students gain basic
awareness, knowledge, and enjoyment of the
visual arts, the course should provide the
groundwork for further personal study in the arts.
This in turn will help them further develop their
own creativity.
Along with the history of art, students will study
the meanings, purposes, styles, elements, and
principles of art and the various media used to
create works of art.
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3D Computer Animation
Projects (PRJ)
PRJ 100 Animation Production I, 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: Full-time registration in
Semester 1
Objectives: Each semester, the students are
expected to create animations that will ultimately
comprise a portfolio showcasing their creative
and technical skills. Students treat each project
as a commercial production whose deadline at
semester’s end must be met. Weekly production
meetings with an instructor ensure that the
animation stays on track while aiming for a high
standard of quality. Generally, the student
decides the subject of the animation, but the
instructor must consider the undertaking both
commercially marketable and inoffensive in
nature. DigiPen reserves the right to refuse any
student production proposal that it deems
The production cycle for each project generally
follows the following path:
Pre-production - concept, scripting, form and
motion research, character design, set
design, storyboarding, timing tests, lighting
design, sound design and final instructor
Production – modeling, application of
materials and textures, animation, rendering,
compositing, and inclusion of credits.
Post-production – final edit and soundtrack
As each production comes to its conclusion,
planning begins for the next. Therefore, students
are in a constant production mode and are
expected to produce quality work while
maintaining a high level of professionalism at all
times. Failure to meet this standard may result in
expulsion from the program.
For the first project, each student will be required
to create a series of short animations that
primarily demonstrate technical proficiency with
the software. The exercises also demonstrate
the student’s understanding with regards to many
of the creative concepts presented during the
semester. Exercises will include elements of
modeling, material creation/application,
animation, lighting, camera composition, and
PRJ 150 Animation Production II, 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: Full-time registration in
Semester 2
Objectives: The focus of this project is for each
student to produce an animation from initial
concept to final rendering. This project is the first
real opportunity for a student to experience the
many creative and technical issues associated
with producing a full animation. In addition,
students must learn how to strike a balance
between creating their best work and meeting the
production deadline.
General guidelines include:
Productions are to be no longer than 1
minute in length (excluding credits) without
specific instructor approval.
The subject of the production is generally left
to the discretion of each student. However,
the instructor must consider the project to be
both commercially marketable and
inoffensive in nature. DigiPen reserves the
right to refuse any student production
proposal that it deems inappropriate.
PRJ 200 Animation Production III, 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: Full-time registration in
Semester 3
Objectives: This project is an opportunity for a
group of students to work together towards the
completion of a project. Production teams are
assembled by the instructor and can decide on
one of the following options:
A team may request to be assigned a non-
profit organization to produce work for.
There is no better simulation for
understanding what “real” production is like
than by working for a client. This option is
reserved for students who have shown both
exceptional professionalism and technical
competency with the tools. DigiPen does not
guarantee that clients will be available but it
will try its best to fulfill student requests.
A team can opt to create a production of
their own design. These productions
generally range from 2-3 minutes in length
and must be found by the instructor to be
both commercially marketable and
inoffensive in nature. DigiPen reserves the
right to refuse any student production
proposal that it deems inappropriate.
Production lengths must be instructor
General guidelines include:
If the instructor feels that a student needs more
personal skill development, that student will not
be permitted to participate in a group project but
will be guided through another animation that
addresses the deficiencies.
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3D Computer Animation
PRJ 250 Animation Production IV, 5 cr.
Pre-requisites: Full-time registration in
Semester 4
Objectives: This final project is decided upon
after discussions between the student and the
instructor. Generally, all work produced to date is
reviewed and weaknesses are identified. At that
time, students will plan an animation or series of
animations to address these areas of the
General guidelines include:
Productions are to be no longer than 1
minute (excluding credits) in length without
specific instructor approval.
The subject of the production is generally
left to the discretion of each student,
however, the instructor must consider the
production both commercially marketable
and inoffensive in nature. DigiPen reserves
the right to refuse any student production
proposal that it deems inappropriate.
INT 190 Internship, 1-5 cr.
Pre-requisites: PRJ 100, PRJ 150
Objectives: An internship is any carefully
monitored work or service experience in which an
individual has intentional learning goals and
reflects actively on what she or he is learning
throughout the experience. It is usually a
professional activity under general supervision of
an experienced professional, in a job situation,
which places a high degree of responsibility on
the student. The learning goals of an internship
may include:
Academic learning - the individual can
apply knowledge learned in the
classroom to the workplace;
Career development - the individual
gains a knowledge of the qualifications
and duties of a position and can explore
their interest in a field;
Skill development - the individual gains
an understanding of the skills and
knowledge required in the workplace;
Personal development - the individual
gains decision-making skills, critical
thinking skills, increased confidence and
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3D Computer Animation
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Staff and Faculty Roster – Fall 2001
Computer Science
Jason Hanson* B.S. Mathematics University of Massachusetts
M.S. Physics University of Virginia
M.A. Mathematics Columbia University
Ph.D. Mathematics University of Hawaii
Tyler C. Folsom B.S. Mathematics Villanova University
M.A. Mathematics University of Maryland
M.S.E.E. Electrical Engineering University of Washington
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Washington
Matt Grove B.A. Mathematics Reed College
Peter Mason B.A. Mathematics Reed College
M.S. Mathematics University of Washington
Nathan Ukrainetz B.S. Electrical Engineering University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
B.S. Computer Science University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Hao Wu B.S. Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University (China)
M.S. Electrical Engineering University of Washington
Claude Comair M.S. Environmental Engineering Osaka University
Xin Li B.S. Computer Science Northwest University (China)
M.S. Computer Science Academic Sinica (China)
Ph.D. Computer Science University of Central Florida
Bruce Dawson
Preston Vanderwesyt
Michael Jahn* B.S. Mathematics Southern Methodist University
B.S. Electrical Engineering Southern Methodist University
Ph.D. Mathematics University of Wisconsin-Madison
Matt Klassen B.S, Mathematics University of Arizona
Ph.D. Mathematics University of Arizona
Charles Duba B.S. Physics University of California-San Diego
M.S. Physics University of Washington
Game Design and Production
Philip Alne* B.A. Political Science San Jose University
M.A. Business Administration Santa Clara University
Christopher Erhardt B.Sc. Human Resources &
Organizational Behavior
University of San Francisco
Jared Larsen B.S. Computer Science University of Minnesota
Sanjay Bala-Krishnan B.A. Finance University of South Florida
Raymond Yan* A.S. Broadcasting British Columbia Institute of Technology
Melvin Gonsalvez Certificate Art Merchandising Vancouver Community College
Certificate Building Techn. Archit. British Columbia Institute of Technology
Eric Brown B.A. Photography/Cinematography Brooks Institute
Lawrence Schwedler B.A. Music University of California at Los Angeles
M.F.A. University of California at Los Angeles
Kari Rust A.A. General Arts Kwantlen College (Canada)
Diploma Fine Arts/Animation Emily Carr College of Art and Design
B.F.A. Fine Arts Open University (Canada)
Jay Gale B.A. Broadcast Communications University of Colorado
Abbot Smith B.F.A. Fine Arts
Tito Pagan Bachelor of Design University of Florida
Jim Carrey
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3D Computer Animation
General Education
Cedric Page* B.A. Geography Syracuse University
M.A. Geography Rutgers University
Ph.D. Geography Rutgers University
Stephen Schafer B.A. English
M.A English University of Denver
Wendy Blake B.A. English
M.A. English University of Maine
Claude Comair President
Jason Chu Chief Operating Officer
Rick Page Dean of Faculty
Meighan Shoesmith Vice President, Administration; Registrar
Yuki Taber Director of Administration
Asuka Tsumura Office Manager
Gina Corpening Admissions and Outreach Coordinator
Monica Warkentin Office Support
Gordon Dutrisac Librarian/Student Services Director
Ryan Fulcher IT Support