Sample Reference Form
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number/Email Address
First Name, Last Name, Title
Name of Company
City, State Zip
Phone Number (Home or work, as appropriate)
Your relationship to this person (e.g., “former professor,” “current employer”)
First Name, Last Name, Title
Name of Company
City, State Zip
Phone Number (Home or work, as appropriate)
Your relationship to this person (e.g., “former professor,” “current employer”)
First Name, Last Name, Title
Name of Company
City, State Zip
Phone Number (Home or work, as appropriate)
Your relationship to this person (e.g., “former professor,” “current employer”)
Try to list 3-5 individuals who can attest to your professional skills, abilities, or educational
background. Keep the reference sheet separate from your resume. Submit it along with
your resume and cover letter (if required) when applying for a position. Otherwise, bring it
to the interview and be prepared to give it to the interviewer.