How to Record High-Quality Video
From Your Home
A full-blown, in-person production with a professional crew, lighting, audio, makeup,
wardrobe – you get the idea – will always produce the highest quality results.
However, there are plenty of ways to capture content from the comfort of your home or
oce with readily-available equipment like the webcam on a computer. There is more to
it than simply hitting record, though.
This guide will walk you through 5 steps to recording a high-quality video to make sure
you’re putting your best foot (and face) forward.
1. Setting up Your Home Video Equipment
The rst step to capturing a video on your computer is making sure you have the
required software and audio/video equipment.
This includes a webcam or an external camera that mounts onto your monitor.
In general, if you can, use an external and high-quality webcam, smartphone, camera
and microphone, a higher quality device is always recommended. If you want a better
picture, make sure your video device is at least 1080p. For some reason, if we have to
crop the image, the original denition must be as high as possible.
If you already have/ can obtain an external webcam :
Here are 3 external webcam options we recommend:
Logitech C930e is the best option if you need to record from a wider angle since
the camera has a 90-degree eld of view.
Logitech C922 Pro is the best option for most people as it’s easy to use, has a 78-
degree eld of view, a glass lens, and 2 omni-directional microphones.
Logitech BRIO is an expensive option but will produce the highest quality video
due to its 4k image sensor, HD 5X zoom, automatic adjustments, and more.
Software to Record Videos
From there, you’ll need the software required to record from your webcam. There are
plenty of ways to do this, including but not limited to:
OpenReel is a remote capture platform that allows you to record high-quality
video natively through a web browser on a computer or a phone app. VMG
Studios now utilizes this platform for our remote video productions as we believe
it oers the most features and produces the highest-quality product.
Camtasia is a screen recording and video editing software thats compatible on
Windows and Mac. Camtasia, which is a TechSmith product, oers a free 30-day
trial. There are individual, business, education and non-prot pricing options
Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free and open-source software for video
recording and live streaming on Windows, Mac or Linux.
QuickTime Player This application only applies to Mac users. It has 3 dierent
options for recording: Movie, Audio, and Screen. If you’re looking to lm yourself
on-camera, you’ll want to do a Movie recording which utilizes your webcam. A
screen recording will capture the content on your computer monitor.
If you are not able or allowed to download and install third-party applications, check
with faireprod :
Once you have your recording software installed, make sure you’re conguring your
computer and webcam appropriately.
Check your audio and camera inputs to make sure you’re using the correct ones/
grant permission for your application of choice to access the computer’s camera
and microphone.
Turn o system notications or any other computer sounds or pop-ups, like the
ping you hear when a new email hits your inbox, that might play or display.
If you are doing a screen recording, clean up your desktop. A messy or busy
desktop could distract from what you’re trying to show on-screen.
If you have (or can get) a smartphone :
First of all, go to the video settings to record ideally in 4K or at least in 1080, install your
smartphone on a tripod and use the back camera of your phone.
Here is a series of objects options we recommend for your recording:
To watch what you’re lming
- Reector -
- Filmic Pro
- Filmic Remote
- (cheaper alternative) Movie Pro Bundle
Audio equipment and tripod
- Micro Canon (inside) Shure or Rode cheaper 50
- Micro Cravate ( outside) even cheaper 20
- Tripod amazon 25 or Joby 75
- Câble lightning 2m
- Stabilizer DJI Osmo Mobile
2. Recording Audio for Your Video
How a person looks on-camera is important, but how they sound is just as, if not, more
important. Bad audio (mued, scratchy, quiet) can lower the quality of a video.
The internal microphone of your computer captures decent audio, but if for this project
we’re looking for a higher quality sound.
Here are two options we recommend:
Blue Yeti USB Mic Features include gain control, mute button, and zero-latency
headphone output.
USB Lavalier Lapel Microphone Includes a sound card that is compatible on a PC
or MAC and a built-in headphone jack so you can listen to yourself in real-time.
Try to avoid recording where ambient noise is loud, such as the front room of your
home or oce that’s close to a busy road or next to the laundry room when the dryer is
running. Pick somewhere quiet with little to no bounce in the room. A microphone
"hears" everything.
If you’re recording outside for some reason, stay out of the wind as much as possible.
3. Location and Placement of Your Home Video Shoot
Once you have your software ready to go, you’ll need to nd a good place to record.
Where you record your video can make a big dierence in professionalism.
You’ll want to nd a clean, uncluttered, and pleasing background to not distract from the
subject in the video. Examples of good backgrounds, in either an oce space or your
home, include:
A solid wall at an angle. Brick also looks great on-camera.
An elegant lobby or lounge space.
Larger spaces or rooms with soft textured décor, like throw pillows and blankets,
help prevent echo, so try to avoid really small and stark spaces.
Once you nd a good background, you’ll need to place your computer accordingly and
at an appropriate distance. In general, the computer should be about two to three feet
away from the subject. The subject should be close enough for the microphone to pick
up their voice but far enough away that their face isn’t an overwhelming presence in the
picture frame. The camera lens should be at eye level.
Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is a good one to follow: mid-abdomen to mid-chest and up (never just
from the neck up).
Presentation to camera rule of thirds
This is probably how you picture recording yourself on-camera: framed center and
looking directly at the lens.
The host is looking into the camera from the center of the screen, body is aligned to the
center, and the eyes are on the upper third line.
Use this framing if you are presenting.
4. Lighting Your Home Video
This is where things can get a little tricky since you might not have professional lighting
equipment on-hand, but lighting is extremely important when it comes to the quality of
your video.
Here are some tips on how to best light your video when recording from home.
Natural light
This is the next best thing besides a professional lighting set-up. Find a window that
brings in the most natural light throughout the day. It is most pleasing if this is splashing
on your face at a 45-degree angle.
Avoid backlight
This is any light that is shining on you from behind. It can cause you to silhouette.
Natural lighting is the best, but do not shoot yourself with the window (or sun) behind
Ring light
This is a simple lighting tool that you can easily set-up anywhere. It helps reduce
shadows on the subject’s face and you can adjust the color temperature. Here are some
that we recommend:
1. Ring Light Pixel 19-Inch Pro
This includes a light stand, 3 color lters, wireless remote, Bluetooth sele
remote, and a phone carrier.
2. Pixel 19-Inch Bi-Color Ring Light
This includes a light stand, white lter, wireless remote, Bluetooth sele
remote, and a phone holder.
3. Inkeltech Ring Light
18-inch LED ring light kit with a stand. Includes a remote control, sele
control, phone holder, and camera holder.
4. LED 6-Inch Ring Light
This is a smaller version and comes with a tripod stand, a cell phone
holder, and 3 light modes.
Neutral or slightly warm light
If you can’t get good access to natural light, this is a good option. Overhead lighting is
not ideal as it can cast odd shadows and be sure to avoid uorescent lights if at all
5. Preparing and Shooting the Video
Once everything is in place, you’ll next want to make sure you are camera ready. Dress to
make an impact. Think about your target audience and the message you want to convey,
and dress appropriately.
Once you’re ready to say action, there are a few more things to keep in mind to ensure
your on-camera performance goes o without a hitch.
IMPORTANT : Before starting to lm to record the image please clap your hands
strongly and in front of the camera lens ,to allow us to synchronize sound and images.
Do not touch the laptop or table it is sitting on
This will jostle the camera and make the video shaky
Make eye contact with the lens.
It’s easy to ick your eyes down to your own image or to your script but try to keep your
eyeline on the camera itself.
Speak clearly and slowly
It’s easy to get nervous and start speaking too quickly, which can lead to stumbling over
your words. Slow it down.
Record multiple takes
As long as it’s not a live-streaming event, it’s okay to record a second or third take if you
stumble over a line. Just make sure you backtrack a bit so it can be seamlessly edited in
Be careful reading your script
If you can, try to memorize as much as your script as possible to avoid reading your
script on your screen while recording. Why? Because the audience will see your eyes
moving since you’ll no longer be making eye contact through the camera.
Practice, practice, practice
This is simple. Practice your script ahead of time and try to memorize it as much as
possible. You’ll feel more comfortable and natural the more you practice.
The use of a prompter can be very useful. FreeTeleprompter is one of the best online
prompter and it is totally free. It is very easy to use and has few options which makes
the tool quite intuitive. Here are the options it oers:
- Changeable screen resolution
- Writing size
- Reading speed
- Mirror option
- White writing on black background or black on white background
Once you have entered your text, click on "start teleprompter". The screen changes and
your text starts to scroll. All you have to do is read your text! Of course do not forget to
place the camera in the right place, test and repeat if necessary.
Wrapping Up Your Video
When you’re done recording your video, make sure you save your project or le right
away. The last thing you want is to lose all your hard work.
After saving your work, please send us to editing at : cecile.courr[email protected]
Utilizing the techniques and technologies listed in this guide ensures you can capture
video content anywhere, anytime.