How to record in the Camflare studio
Download our app from the App Store or Google Play - just
search ‘Camflare’.
Open the studio link or enter the studio code in the app.
You are ready to record.
Access Studio (Mobile/Tablet)
Choose your camera with the flip camera button.
Adjust/Edit your Teleprompter by pressing the cog.
In the Studio (Mobile/Tablet)
If you receive a studio session with a teleprompter, then you will
be able to change the speed, size and script in the settings cog.
Everything is clearly labelled and you will see the script over your
live video picture. The script is just a guide and will not be
recorded in your final video.
Teleprompter (Mobile/Tablet)
Press record when ready.
A 3 second countdown will occur and then you can start
recording after the word ‘Go!’.
When you are finished, press the stop button.
Recording (Mobile/Tablet)
Once you have finished, hit play to watch it back.
Playback (Mobile/Tablet)
Once you are happy, press the up arrow button to upload a
copy back to the person who requested it.
Keep the app open while uploading. If the app crashes, or
you navigate away from it - re-open the app and open the
‘Recordings’ tab where your upload will continue.
*The session may be set to auto upload and ask you for a
file name.
Upload (Mobile/Tablet)
After you have started an upload, your file will move into
the ‘Recordings’ tab, which is accessed from the homepage
of the app.
Here you can play it back and see the status of the upload.
Recordings (Mobile/Tablet)
If you have been sent a link, open it in Chrome.
If you have been sent a code, go to in
Chrome and enter you pin code.
Access Studio (Desktop/Laptop)
Allow your camera/mic in Chrome.
You will know you are ready to record when you can see
yourself in the browser.
In the Studio (Desktop/Laptop)
Scroll through the handy tips and familiarise yourself with
how to make the recording the best it can be.
Tips (Desktop/Laptop)
In the top right you will see an audio level input. Try and keep this
in the green. Red means it’s too loud and you will need to adjust
your volume.
Across the bottom of the screen you will see record, play, stop,
download, upload and the settings cog.
Controls (Desktop/Laptop)
If you receive a studio session with a teleprompter, then you will
be able to change the speed, size and script in the settings cog.
Everything is clearly labelled and you will see the script over your
live video picture. The script is just a guide and will not be
recorded in your final video.
Teleprompter (Desktop/Laptop)
Once you are happy with your video and audio, press record.
A 3 second countdown will occur and then you can start
When you are finished, press the stop button.
Recording (Desktop/Laptop)
Always check your recording. Once you have finished, hit
play to watch it back.
Playback (Desktop/Laptop)
Once you are happy, press the download button to
download a local copy to your ‘downloads’ folder.
If you want to view this in the future, just drag it in to
Chrome Browser and it will automatically play.
Download (Desktop/Laptop)
Once you are happy, press the up arrow button to upload a copy
back to the person who requested it.
Remember to wait until you see the message ‘Recording Saved’ -
this could take some time if you are uploading a long file and have
slow internet.
Make sure you are only using Chrome on a Laptop or Desktop with
a good quality webcam and mic.
Never navigate away from your session or close down the window,
without downloading or uploading - as the recording will be lost.
Never close down your machine while uploading - you must see
the ‘Recording Saved’ message first.
Things to remember
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