Tips for making a good video contest submission
Hi, WTN Youth Science Contest participants! A video can be a great way to present your projects. You
can showcase your voice, your excitement for your project, and add in visuals to support your points.
If you choose to make a video, don’t worry that you aren’t a professional filmmaker. We won’t be
judging you based on the technical quality of your video. There is no need for fancy effects. The video is
the medium for you to present your project; we are judging the project.
Here are some tips to help you make a good video that will support your project message.
There is no one, best way to make a video. Do whatever it takes to tell your story. That might
mean recording your computer screen, or filming your face while you talk, or having a mixture
of still shots, screen grabs, and live recordings. Use the types of images that serve your project
Record multiple takes. Your presentation will probably get tighter each time, as you get more
comfortable with your material and exactly what you need/want to say.
Shorter is better. Be succinct. Try to keep your video under 10 minutes.
Look at the camera.
If you don’t want your name to be public, don’t say your name in your video.
Record in a quiet, non-echo-y place.
Have light on your face, not behind it. Don’t stand in front of a window, or have the camera
pointed toward the sun.
Take care not to have things in the background you don’t want shown. This includes
photographs of family or friends.
Be aware of how close you are to your microphone. Be consistent, so the sound doesn’t change
as you move.
Record in a quiet, non-echo-y place.
Speak clearly.
Helpful Apps
Various apps and programs can be used for recording your screen, including apps for meetings.
If you are recording yourself and are having trouble looking at the camera instead of your notes,
there are lots of teleprompter apps available.