ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
ECO4 and The Great British Insulation Scheme: Templates to evidence private
domestic premises and social housing v2
These templates are to be used in scenarios where the documents to be provided on request, as
outlined in The Great British Insulation Scheme Delivery Guidance, are not available. For example,
Land Registry extracts
, or a tenancy/occupancy agreement.
Suppliers need to ensure that documents demonstrating that premises are private domestic
premises or social housing are made available on request and to the timelines agreed. They do
not need to keep copies of the documents.
These templates must be accompanied by proof of residence dated within 12 months before the
date of completion of the measure.
Templates 1-6 should be used for private domestic premises and template 7 for social housing.
These templates include:
Example Template 1: Landlord & occupier statement for expired tenancy agreements
Example Template 2: Landlord & occupier statement where no written tenancy
agreement exists
Example Template 3: Executor/administrator of the estate declaration of occupancy
Example Template 4: Declaration where title deeds are held
Example Template 5: Declaration where title deeds are lost or destroyed
Example Template 6: Declaration of change of name
Example Template 7: Declaration where title deeds are lost, or destroyed for social
Any references to the land registry are references to the Majesty’s Land Registry in England and Wales, or the Land
Register of Scotland and the Register of Sasines in Scotland.
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Templates 4 and 5 must be signed by professional third parties (these are specified in the
templates). Template 7 must be counter-signed by an authorised signatory within the social
housing provider. Where possible, these templates should be printed on the headed paper of the
company signing the statement/declaration.
Where statements or declarations are used, you should ensure that all relevant parties:
complete all sections laid out in the template, and
sign and date the statement/declaration.
Where a statement or declaration refers to “a person”, a person includes a natural person, body
of persons corporate or unincorporated.
All templates must be completed accurately to provide evidence of private domestic premises.
Monitoring and auditing
Monitoring and auditing may be undertaken to ensure that any of the following templates used
to provide evidence of a private domestic premises status are completed in line with our
All templates should be provided to the installer or obligated energy supplier that is promoting
the energy efficiency measure.
Completed templates may contain personal information, therefore, sending these forms to other
parties will amount to the processing of personal data as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998
(DPA). These forms must not be sent to Ofgem directly unless requested for auditing purposes.
Any evidence of electronically duplicated or forged signatures will be investigated. Any measures where
suspected fraudulent activity or scheme abuse is detected will be rejected
The format of these templates may be adapted, provided that the content is not changed and
Ofgem branding is not used.
Please see chapter 8 in the Delivery Guidance for further information.
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 1: Landlord & occupier statement for expired tenancy agreements
This statement confirms an occupancy agreement between the landlord [insert name]
_________________________ and the occupier [insert name] ___________________
The original written tenancy agreement between the landlord and occupier has now expired.
The occupier listed above currently resides at the property listed above, pays rent to the
landlord and has the right to occupy the property until a date notified by the landlord.
Address and postcode:
Occupier address
Address and postcode:
(please print)
Occupier name
(please print)
Landlord Signature
Occupier Signature
If the landlord is a corporation or other association, please insert the name of the corporation or association.
Where more than one executor/administrator of the estate exists, only one is required to sign this declaration.
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 2: Landlord & occupier statement where no written tenancy
agreement exists
(please print)
Occupier name
(please print)
Landlord Signature
Occupier Signature
If the landlord is a corporation or other association, please insert the name of the corporation or association.
Where more than one executor/administrator of the estate exists, only one is required to sign this declaration.
This statement confirms an occupancy agreement between the landlord [insert name]
_________________________ and the occupier [insert name] ________________
There is no current or expired written tenancy agreement for this occupier. The occupier listed
above currently resides at the property listed above, pays rent to the landlord and has the
right to occupy the property until a date notified by the landlord.
Address and postcode:
Occupier address
Address and postcode:
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 3: Executor/administrator of the estate declaration of occupancy
This statement confirms an occupancy agreement between the executor/administrator of the
estate [insert name] __________________________________________________
and the occupier [insert name]
_______________________________________________There is no current or expired
written tenancy agreement for this occupancy. The occupant listed above currently resides at
the property listed above and has the right to occupy the property until a date notified by the
executor/administrator(s) of the estate.
Executor/Administrator address
Address and Postcode:
Occupier address
Address and Postcode:
Executor /
Administrator name
(please print)
Occupier name
(please print)
Where more than one executor/administrator of the estate exists, only one is required to sign this declaration.
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 4: Declaration that title deeds are held
Statement relating to the owner’s [insert name] _____________________________
ownership of the property.
I am aware that this statement may be used by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
(Ofgem) in its statutory determination under The Electricity and Gas (Energy Company
Obligation) Order 2022 and (The Great British Insulation Scheme) Order 2023, as to whether
a person is a freeholder or leaseholder (England/Wales) or the person holding the owner’s
interest or right (Scotland).
The property is not registered.
I confirm that [delete as applicable] I hold/my company holds the title deeds to the property
and that the person named above is named on the title deed is as the freeholder or the
person holding the owner’s interest or right.
(please print)
Profession / title of
signatory and business
activity of company
Company name
Contact address
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 5: Declaration where title deeds are lost or destroyed
Statement relating to the owner’s [insert name]
I am aware that this statement may be used by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
(Ofgem) in its statutory determination under The Electricity and Gas (Energy Company
Obligation) Order 2022 and (The Great British Insulation Scheme) Order 2023, as to whether
a person is a freeholder or the person holding the owner’s interest or right.
The property is not registered.
I am satisfied that the title deeds to the property have been lost or destroyed. I have
investigated ownership of the property and I am satisfied that the person named above is
likely to be the freeholder or the person holding the owner’s interest or right of the property.
(please print)
Solicitor / Land conveyancer / Official from a bank or building society
[delete as applicable]
Company name
Contact address
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 6: Declaration of change of name
I am aware that this declaration may be shown to, and relied on by, the Office of Gas and
Electricity Markets (Ofgem) in its role as the Administrator of the Energy Company Obligation
and the Great British Insulation Scheme. I declare that my name has changed from [insert
the name appearing on the document that demonstrates the person’s owner/tenant status]
______________________ ______________ to [insert the new name appearing on help to
heat group benefit documents or other official documents]
(please print)
ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme - Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and
Social Housing v2.0
Example template 7 (Social Housing): Declaration where title deeds are lost or
Authorised signatory (i.e. senior manager):
(please print)
Job title
Statement relating to the Registered Social Landlord’s [insert name]
I am aware that this statement may be used by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
(Ofgem) in its statutory determination The Electricity and Gas (Energy Company Obligation)
Order 2022 and (The Great British Insulation Scheme) Order 2023, as to whether the
premises are owned or let by a social landlord.
The property is not registered.
I am satisfied that the title deeds to the property have been lost or destroyed. I have
investigated ownership of the property and I am satisfied that the person named above is
likely to be the freeholder or the person holding the owner’s interest or right of the property.
(please print)