Harris County, Texas
Commissioners Court
Request for Court Action
1001 Preston St., 1st Floor
Houston, Texas 77002
File #: 24-2594 Agenda Date: 4/23/2024 Agenda #: 490.
Department: Commissioner, Precinct 3
Department Head/Elected Official: Tom S. Ramsey, P.E., Commissioner
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Supplemental RCA
Type of Request: Policy
Project ID (if applicable):
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable):
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 3 for discussion and possible action related to the Rules of Procedure, Conduct
and Decorum at Meetings of the Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas.
Background and Discussion:
Expected Impact:
Alternative Options:
Alignment with Goal(s):
_ Justice and Safety
_ Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
_ Public Health
_ Transportation
_ Flooding
_ Environment
Governance and Customer Service
Harris County, Texas Printed on 4/18/2024Page 1 of 2
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*See attached order
*See attached order
File #: 24-2594 Agenda Date: 4/23/2024 Agenda #: 490.
Prior Court Action (if any):
Agenda Item #
Action Taken
Address (if applicable):
Precinct(s): Countywide
Fiscal and Personnel Summary
Service Name
Current Fiscal Year Cost
Annual Fiscal
Recurring Expenses
Existing Budget
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Total Current Budget
Requires Fiscal Review Request Form
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Total Additional Budget Request
Total Funding Request
(Fill out section only if requesting new PCNs)
Current Position Count for Service
Additional Positions Request
Total Personnel
Anticipated Court Date: April 23, 2024
Anticipated Implementation Date (if different from Court date):
Emergency/Disaster Recovery Note: Not an emergency, disaster, or COVID-19 related item
Contact(s) name, title, department: Conrad Joe, Administrative Assistant
Attachments (if applicable):
Harris County, Texas Printed on 4/18/2024Page 2 of 2
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The Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas, convened at a meeting of the Court at
the Harris County Administration Building in the City of Houston, Texas, on April 23, 2024 with
all members present except Commissioner Ellis.
Commissioner Briones introduced an order and made a motion that the same be adopted.
Commissioner Garcia seconded the motion for adoption of the order. The motion, carrying with
it the adoption of the order, prevailed by the following vote:
Vote of the Court Yes No Abstain
Judge Hidalgo
Comm. Ellis
Comm. Garcia
Comm. Ramsey, P.E.
Comm. Briones
The County Judge thereupon announced that the motion had duly and lawfully carried and
that the order had been duly and lawfully adopted. The order thus adopted follows:
To add IV.G. as follows: Each member of the Court can place no more than two resolutions per
regular court meeting. Additional resolutions may be placed on the business court agenda with
no limitations.
To replace IV.C.(1) as follows: A member of the Court may add an item to the discussion list or
remove an item to the consent agenda that was previously placed on the discussion list once a
meeting has commenced, by asking the Judge or presiding officer for additional items to be
placed for discussion or removed to the consent agenda. If a member does not request additional
items, the Judge or presiding officer shall proceed with the discussion list and consent agenda as
To amend IV.F. as follows: The County Judge or Presiding Member of the Court has discretion
to modify the order of business and routine procedural matters in accordance with the provisions
of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, upon approval by a
majority of Commissioners Court.
To add IV.F.(1) as follows: Each member of the Court can request items to be taken out of order.
The Presiding Officer will call for a vote from the Court prior to moving all items, with a
majority of the members present required to support moving items.
To amend IV.E. as follows: The order of business for the meetings of the Court session shall be:
(1) Call to order
(2) Opening Prayer, which shall be inclusive of the various religions in Harris County
(3) United States Pledge of Allegiance
(4) Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas State Flag
(5) Resolutions and signing of resolutions
(6) Photographs
(7) Public Comments (shall be noticed in the agenda)
(8) Lunch Break (1 hour, generally prior to 1 pm)
(9) Corrections and clarifications
(10) Consent Agenda
(11) Items for discussion
(12) Public hearings
(13) Executive Session
(14) Adjournment
Harris County, Texas
Commissioners Court
Request for Court Action
1001 Preston St., Suite 934
Houston, Texas 77002
File #: 24-1317 Agenda Date: 3/7/2024 Agenda #: 1.
Department: County Attorney
Department Head/Elected Official: Christian D. Menefee
Regular or Supplemental RCA: Regular RCA
Type of Request: Policy
Project ID (if applicable): N/A
Vendor/Entity Legal Name (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Contracted Goal (if applicable): N/A
MWDBE Current Participation (if applicable): N/A
Justification for 0% MWDBE Participation Goal: N/A - Goal not applicable to request
Request Summary (Agenda Caption):
Request for approval of revisions to the items that can be placed on the Business Court meeting agenda.
Background and Discussion: N/A
Expected Impact: N/A
Alternative Options: N/A
Alignment with Goal(s): N/A
_ Justice and Safety
_ Economic Opportunity
_ Housing
_ Public Health
_ Transportation
_ Flooding
_ Environment
x Governance and Customer Service
Harris County, Texas Printed on 2/29/2024Page 1 of 2
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File #: 24-1317 Agenda Date: 3/7/2024 Agenda #: 1.
Prior Court Action (if any): N/A
Agenda Item #
Action Taken
Location: N/A
Address (if applicable):
Choose an item.
Fiscal and Personnel Summary
Service Name
Current Fiscal Year Cost
Annual Fiscal
Recurring Expenses
Funding Sources
Existing Budget
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Total Current Budget
Additional Budget Request
Requires Fiscal Review Request Form
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Total Additional Budget Request
Total Funding Request
(Fill out section only if requesting new PCNs)
Current Position Count for Service
Additional Positions Request
Total Personnel
Anticipated Court Date: N/A
Anticipated Implementation Date (if different from Court date): N/A
Emergency/Disaster Recovery Note: Not an emergency, disaster, or COVID-19 related item
Contact(s) name, title, department: Bridget Johnson, Executive Assistant & Agenda Coordinator Office of the
County Attorney Christian D. Menefee
(if applicable)
Harris County, Texas Printed on 2/29/2024Page 2 of 2
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Last updated: March 7, 2024
Commissioners Court
Harris County, Texas
Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum at Meetings of the
Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas
I. Purpose:
These Rules of Procedure are adopted by the Harris County Commissioners Court
expressly to promote the orderly conduct of the business of the County and to help those
members of the public who have business before the Court or who wish to observe the
meetings of the Court.
II. Meetings:
A. The Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas meets in the Commissioners
Courtroom of the Harris County Administration Building, 1001 Preston, 9
Houston, Texas. Meetings may be held at another location as specified in the notice
setting the meeting.
B. All meetings are posted by the County Clerk, Commissioners Court Records
Department, in the lobby of the Criminal Justice Center, 1201 Franklin. As a
courtesy, notices are also posted on the first floor in the lobby of the Administration
Building, 1001 Preston, and on the ninth-floor bulletin board and in the lobby of
the Juvenile Justice Center, 1200 Congress Street in accordance with Tex. Gov’t
Code Ann. § 551.043.
C. The County Clerk, Commissioners Court Records Department, will also post
Regular and Special meeting notices as required by law. According to the Texas
Local Government Code § 81.005(b), the County Judge or three County
Commissioners may call a Special Meeting.
D. A proposed schedule of regular meeting dates and a court agenda will be made
available by the Agenda Director in the Office of County Administration and will
be posted on the County’s website: https://agenda.harriscountytx.gov/. The results
of previous meetings will be maintained and made available to the public by the
County Clerk, Commissioners Court Records Department.
E. All Regular, Special, Emergency, and Executive Session meetings of the Harris
County Commissioners Court will be called and conducted in accordance with the
provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
F. Commissioners Court may convene a meeting designated as a business court that
will be limited to:
(1) Approval of vendor invoices and payment of audited claims as presented
by the County Auditor, and/or any other county department;
(2) Approval of plats as presented by the County Engineer;
(3) Approval of changes to attributes of certain vehicle control numbers for
various departments and approval to destroy certain records that have met
the retention period specified in the Harris County Records Control
Schedule as presented by Universal Services;
(4) Approval of changes to the list of regular Deputies as presented by the
(5) Approval of tax refund payments presented by the Tax Assessor-Collector;
(6) Transmittal of a project scheduled for advertisement and of bids and
proposals for advertised jobs that were opened as presented by Purchasing;
(7) Approval of awards and contracts as presented by Purchasing;
(8) Resolutions designated by their author for consideration by the business
court that require no discussion;
(9) Approval of routine litigation expenses;
(10) Approval to submit grant applications and to accept grant funds;
(11) Approval to accept donations; and
(12) Approval to include time-sensitive items that will not require any
discussion upon approval by the Agenda Director.
Any business court item that requires any discussion will be placed on the agenda
of the next regular meeting.
III. Open Meetings Attendance:
Regular, Special, and Emergency meetings of the Commissioners Court are open to the
public and representatives of the media. Executive Sessions of the Commissioners Court
are not open to the public or representatives of the media and only those individuals
permitted by law may attend Executive Sessions of the Court.
IV. Agenda:
A. With the exception of funding requests as addressed in IV.B. below, any County
Elected Official or County Department may place an item affecting their
department or area of responsibility for discussion or consideration on the agenda.
The request must be submitted electronically to the Agenda Director, Office of
County Administration, via [email protected]. The request shall be
in a form approved by the Agenda Coordinator. Requests for placement of items
received after the deadline may be posted as supplemental items at the discretion
of the Agenda Coordinator.
B. All agenda items presented by a County Department or Elected Official other than
a County Commissioner or the County Judge will be reviewed by the Office of
County Administration to determine whether the item has a fiscal impact. For items
expected to have a fiscal impact, the items will be referred to the Office of
Management and Budget for a fiscal review before the items may be placed on the
agenda for Commissioners Court.
The Office of Management and Budget will complete fiscal reviews for an
expenditure or commitment of any County funds in any fiscal year that would
require supplemental budget for that agency, department, or office, or that results
in new ongoing costs for the County. The following will be considered in the fiscal
review: costs, savings, revenue gain, or revenue loss that may result from
implementation of the item. The fiscal review will be appended to the item when
the item is included on a Commissioners Court agenda.
Along with the fiscal review, the Office of County Administration will complete a
review of items with an anticipated and qualifying fiscal impact to determine
whether the item aligns with the current County goals adopted by Commissioners
Court and make a recommendation whether the Court should approve the item. The
analysis and recommendation from the Office of County Administration will be
appended to the item when the item is included on a Commissioners Court agenda.
This process does not apply to requests considered part of Harris County’s annual
budget processif an item with an anticipated fiscal impact has been previously
considered and approved by Commissioners Court in the County’s budget process,
then the item is exempted from this fiscal review and the review by the Office of
County Administration.
[The Office of County Administration and the Office of Management and Budget
develop the appropriate processes, define the formats for both the fiscal review and
the OCA recommendation, delineate the timeframes for the OMB and OCA
reviews, and commence executing on the requested reviews no later than October
1, 2023 (FY 2024).]
C. The County Judge may group certain items on the Court’s Agenda as “Consent
Items”, which may be approved by the Court on a single motion (“Consent
Motion”) and voted. Members of the Court will designate which items should be
placed on the Consent Items portion of the agenda no later than 24 hours prior to
the meeting using the procedures set out by the Agenda Director.
(1) Prior to the consideration of the Consent Items, a member of
Commissioners Court may remove an item from the Consent Items and the
item will be separately considered by the Court.
(2) Each agenda item may, after discussion, be designated as a Consent Item,
if appropriate, and included in the Consent Motion during the meeting of
Commissioners Court.
D. The Office of County Administration shall maintain a list of scheduled invocations.
Court offices seeking to alter the list for their presenter(s) shall inform the OCA no
later than the close of business two business days before Court is scheduled to meet
in regular session or business court. The senior (longest serving) member of the
Court present shall announce the introducing office in accordance with Section
E. The typical order of business for the meetings of the Court session shall be:
(1) Call to Order
(2) Opening Prayer, which shall be inclusive of the various religions in Harris
(3) United States Pledge of Allegiance
(4) Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas State Flag
(5) Resolutions and signing of resolutions
(6) Photographs
(7) Lunch Break (1 hour, generally prior to 1 pm)
(8) Public Comments
(9) Corrections and clarifications
(10) Consent Agenda
(11) Items for discussion
(12) Public hearings
(13) Executive Session
(14) Adjournment
F. The County Judge or Presiding Member of the Court has discretion to modify the
order of business and routine procedural matters in accordance with the provisions
of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, unless
overruled by a majority of Commissioners Court.
V. Court Procedure
A. To the extent not addressed by these Rules, the Court will follow Rosenberg’s Rules
of Order in all meetings with the following exceptions:
(1) All motions, amendments or changes presented to the Court will only
require a majority of members present to vote in favor for the item to be
(2) To the extent Texas law conflicts with these rules, Texas law shall govern.
B. There is a 10-minute time limit on discussion of each item, which can be extended
two times in 10-minute increments upon majority vote. A super majority is required
for additional extensions, which will be of 10 minutes in length. This time limit
applies to discussion/debate among the Members of the Court and does not limit
the length of presentations by department heads.
The Clerk of the Court shall keep time for discussion, and the Parliamentarian will
notify the Clerk of the Court when to start and end the time for any qualifying
discussion. The timer chime will report when time is expired.
VI. Public Participation:
A. Purpose of Meetings:
The business of Harris County is conducted by and between members of the Harris
County Commissioners Court and those members of the County staff, Elected
Officials, Department Heads, consultants, experts, and/or members of the public
requested to be present and to participate. The public is invited to attend all
meetings of the Commissioners Court (except Executive Sessions). Each member
of Commissioners Court may allow verbal comments from up to 3 members of the
public not present in the Courtroom with notice of at least 1 hour prior. This does
not apply to Harris County employees, who are welcome to call in virtually.
B. Appearance Request Form:
(1) A member of the public who wishes to address the Court must complete an
“Appearance Request Form”, indicating which issue being considered by
the Court he or she wishes to speak on, by completing the form online at
https://appearancerequest.harriscountytx.gov/, or delivering the completed
form to the Harris County Office of County Administration, 1001 Preston,
Suite 500, Houston, TX 77002.
(2) Appearance Request Forms must be completed and submitted one hour
before the commencement of a meeting. All persons speaking must indicate
what items they are addressing. Speakers are not permitted to comment on
issues not listed on the Appearance Request Form or on issues for which
they have not registered to speak. Persons who fail to complete an
Appearance Request Form will not be permitted to address the Court
C. Conduct of Meetings:
Members of the public who have properly submitted a completed Appearance
Request Form may address the Court after being recognized by the Presiding
D. Order of Consideration of Public Comments:
The Court must consider public comments regarding a specific item on the agenda
when recognized by the Presiding Officer or their designee, but prior to
Commissioners Court voting on the specific item.
E. Time Limit:
Each member of the public who appears before the Court to speak about a topic is
limited to one minute to make his or her remarks. A member of the public who
requests to speak about a topic that does not address a specific Agenda item will
speak after all agenda related speakers. Speakers can be given additional time to
complete their remarks upon approval of a motion by the majority of the Court for
an additional minute of time. Speakers are limited to a maximum of 3 extensions
of time. All members of the public are strongly encouraged to submit written
statements to the Court as part of the official record. Submissions may be made in
place of an oral presentation and can be made electronically to the Agenda Director,
Office of County Administration, via [email protected]. A member
of the public who addresses the Court tdehrough a translator or who requires
assistance shall only have the time during which the member of the public (rather
than the interpreter) is speaking should be counted toward the member of the
public’s speaking time limit.
The Clerk of the Court or another person designated by the County Judge shall keep
the time for speakers. The Bailiff is responsible for silencing the microphone at the
speakers’ podium upon the second reminder from the Clerk that a speaker’s time
has expired.
F. Proper Conduct Required:
It is the intention of the Commissioners Court of Harris County to provide open
access to all members of the public of Harris County to express themselves on
issues addressed by County Government. However, members of the general public
are reminded that the Harris County Commissioners Court is a Constitutional
Court, created by the state with judicial, administrative, and legislative powers. As
such, the Harris County Commissioners Court possesses full power and authority
to issue Contempt of Court citations. Accordingly, persons in attendance at any
meeting of the Court shall conduct themselves with proper respect and decorum in
addressing the Court, in participating in public discussions before the Court, and in
all actions in the presence of the Court or while in the Commissioners Court
Profane, insulting or threatening language and racial, ethnic or gender slurs or
epithets will not be tolerated. No person shall brandish, wave or display or cause
to be brandished, waved, or displayed any sign, placard, poster, or banner within
the Courtroom in such a manner as to impede the use of the aisles, interfere with
the use of the seating area, obstruct the view of another or in any other way disturb
or interfere with the orderly conduct of the meeting at any time during which
Commissioners Court is conducting a meeting inside the Courtroom. These rules
do not prohibit displays and visual aids used connection with a presentation to the
Commissioners Court. No cellphone (except if used by the speaker solely for the
purpose of reading prepared comments or translation/interpretation purposes), tape
recorder, paper bag, plastic bag, handbag, briefcase, purse, satchel, box, envelope,
or other containers of any sort, or other loose items not used for the purpose of the
speaker’s comments, may be brought to the speakers’ podium. A drawer shall be
provided near the speakers’ podium where handbags, briefcases, and other small
items may be placed during an appearance.
Unauthorized remarks from the audience, including applauding, booing, stamping
of feet, whistles, yelling, or otherwise audibly expressed approval or disapproval of
the actions being taken at Court or from the public speakers’ podium in a loud and
raucous manner calculated to disturb the meeting shall not be permitted, except for
public recognition initiated by the Court.
Those persons who do not conduct themselves in an orderly and appropriate manner
will be ordered to leave the meeting at the request of the presiding officer or a
majority of the Court, and recognition to speak may be refused at subsequent
meetings of the Court. Refusal to abide by the Court’s Order may result in a
Contempt of Court Citation.
G. Media:
Subject to reasonable rules of the Commissioners Court, media members and any
other individuals may audio or video record meetings of Commissioners Court.
Media (or other) personnel and/or equipment, including cameras, microphones, or
lights, may not be located behind the Commissioners Court Bench without the
express approval of the Court. Reporters and media technicians are required to
structure their movements, equipment setup and takedown, and other activities in a
manner so as not to disrupt the Commissioners Court’s deliberations or the ability
of the public to see, hear, and participate in the proceedings. Interviews shall not
be conducted inside the Courtroom while the Court is in session and should be
conducted in a manner to avoid disruption of the proceedings of the Court.
VII. Court Personnel
A. Presiding Officer:
The County Judge shall serve as presiding officer and is responsible for conducting
all meetings. When the County Judge is not present, the senior (longest serving)
member of the Court present shall serve as the presiding officer.
B. Bailiff:
Commissioners Court shall designate County law enforcement officer(s) to serve
as Bailiff at all meetings of the Commissioners Court. Bailiffs are charged with
maintaining order within the Courtroom and will remove any person from the
Courtroom that has violated the decorum of the Court at the request of the Presiding
Officer or a majority of the Court.
C. Parliamentarian:
The Harris County Attorney shall designate an attorney within the County
Attorney’s Office to serve as parliamentarian for each Regular, Special, and
Emergency meeting. The parliamentarian’s role is to advise the Commissioners on
the application of these Rules. The parliamentarian is not charged with enforcement
of these Rules.
D. Clerk of the Court:
The Deputy County Clerk, or designee, shall serve as the Clerk of the Court for all
Regular, Special, and Emergency meetings.
E. Agenda Director:
The County Administrator shall designate a County employee in the Office of
County Administration to serve as the Agenda Director.
F. Agenda Coordinator:
The County Administrator shall designate a County employee in the Office of
County Administration to serve as the Agenda Coordinator.