International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3): pp. 257-280.
© 2019, Senate Hall Academic Publishing.
The Long-Run Performance of Born
Globals in Computing: The Role of Digital
Shon Ferguson
Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm, Sweden & Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
Magnus Henrekson
Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract: Using data on all Swedish startups in the computing sector founded 2007–2015, we find
a systematic positive relationship between the propensity of a computing firm to reach customers
globally via digital platforms and its long-run employment growth relative to domestic-oriented
computing firms. We also find positive, yet weaker, evidence that born globals in computing grow
faster in terms of sales or value added. Our analysis also indicates that very few computing firms fit
the profile of born globals; only 15% of the 250 largest computing employers in 2015 were born
globals. Moreover, only 1.5% of computing startups founded 2007–2015 were computer game
publishers, which arguably have the highest propensity to be born global. Thus, although we find
positive born global effects at the firm level, policymakers must be aware that encouraging more
born globals need not necessarily lead to large benefits for the overall economy.
JEL Codes: F14, F23, L25, M13.
Keywords: born globals, computing industry, exporting, firm growth, globalization, job creation.
Acknowledgement: We thank Victor Ahlqvist, Enrico Deiaco and Joacim Tåg for useful comments
and suggestions on an earlier version of this study. Financial assistance from the Marianne and
Marcus Wallenberg Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank Karl-
Adam Bonniers Stiftelse for stirring our interest in this topic and for financing an initial pilot study.
1. Introduction
The rising dominance of the service sector in general, and the computing sector in
particular, marks one of the most significant economic transformations of our
1. Shon Ferguson. Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), P.O. Box 55665, SE-102 15
Stockholm, Sweden. Tel:+46 8 665 4500. Email: sh[email protected] & Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), P.O. Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden.
2. Magnus Henrekson (corresponding author). Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN),
P.O. Box 55665, SE-102 15 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: magnus.h[email protected]. Tel: +46
8 665 4500
© 2019, Senate Hall Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved
258 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
time. Policymakers have thus become interested in encouraging the proliferation
of high-tech startups in order to promote economic growth and boost job creation.
This has led many countries to adopt policies that assist high-tech small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an internationally oriented product to
expand. The goal of these policies has been to create successful fast-
internationalizing firms, which are often referred to as born globals.
Born globals are defined as startups that quickly and successfully engage in
multiple foreign exports without first establishing a strong customer base in the
domestic market.
The ability of these firms to circumvent a lengthier
internationalization process has caught the attention of many governments.
example, in 2016 the Swedish government published an export strategy that
specifically emphasized the importance of encouraging born global firms. In the
strategy document it is stated that: “There are many successful examples of
Swedish companies that have been international from the start, but there could be
even more of these so-called born globals.”
Many of the most prominent examples of born globals are found in
computing. In Sweden, for example, the most prominent examples of born globals
include Skype, Spotify and Mojang (developer of Minecraft). However, there is a
dearth of empirical studies that take stock of the number and size of born globals
in the computing sector and evaluate whether internationally oriented startups
outperform their domestic-oriented peers in the long run. Many governments
around the world actively support computing startups via business incubator
programs (UBI Global 2018), making the choice of supporting domestically
oriented versus internationally oriented startups with government subsidies an
important policy question.
In this analysis, we exploit the fact that some computing services suffer less
from export barriers than others, and thus firms that specialize in such digital
products have a more natural inclination to quickly expand sales globally. We
thus identify born globals in this study according to whether their line of business
sells its product on a digital platform directly to customers. The ability to engage
directly with customers via computer-mediated transactions has allowed for the
emergence of small and export-intensive firms in certain industries (Varian
2010). Selling a digital product online entails a fixed production cost, but the
marginal cost of production is nearly zero, which allows firms to scale up quickly.
Kudina et al. (2008) and Cannone and Ughetto (2014) find that born globals are
typically characterized by a production process that is easily scalable. Rapid
internationalization may provide a first-mover advantage for these firms (Bell et
al. 2003), allow them to diversify risks (Almor 2011), provide the firm with a
3. The term born globals was first coined in a report by McKinsey (Rennie 1993) to describe
enterprises that are able to quickly and successfully engage in foreign exports.
4. Initiatives to promote born global firms currently exist in, inter alia, Japan, South Korea, China,
the Netherlands, Brazil, and Canada (Growth Analysis 2016).
5. Government Communication 2015/16:48, “Regeringens exportstrategi”.
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 259
competitive edge (Oviatt and McDougall 1994) and provide positive learning
effects (Andersson and Lööf 2009).
Our analysis is based on highly detailed firm-level register data for Sweden,
a small and open economy with a thriving computing sector. In the first part of
the analysis we manually inspect the websites of the most successful computing
firms in Sweden in order to inform us about the segments of the industry with the
highest propensity to be born global. We thus focus on the top-250 computing
firms in Sweden according to employment in 2015, the most recent year in our
dataset. The data indicate that only 15% of these firms fit the profile of born
globals according to the international nature of their product and distribution
system, while the remaining 85% are either foreign-owned affiliates, spinouts
from existing Swedish firms, or other types of computing startups with a domestic
orientation. Among the top-250 firms, computer game publishers tend to fit the
definition of born globals, while computer consulting firms overwhelmingly fit
the definition of domestic-oriented firms. These results suggest that some
segments of the computing industry are more likely to be born global than others.
The notion that some industries have higher born global propensity than others is
intuitive, and we are not the first in the literature to make this distinction. Kudina
et al. (2008), for example, point out that high-tech companies are “particularly
prone to the born-global effect”.
In the second part of the analysis we compare the employment growth of the
entire population of startup computer game and computer consulting startups in
the Swedish data founded 2007–2015. We argue that the online nature of
computer game distribution implies that computer game makers have a higher
propensity to become born globals compared to computer consulting firms. We
find that employment among computer game startups outpaced employment
growth at computer consulting firms. We also find that computer game firms are
initially smaller than computer consulting firms in terms of sales, and it takes four
years before they are significantly larger than computer consulting firms in terms
of sales. In addition, we find that only a small number of workers in the
computing sector are employed by computer game firms, so employment growth
is higher in this sector, but the level of employment is relatively low in aggregate.
Our results thus suggest that promoting born globals may not be the most
6. Our emphasis on technology-driven born globals differs from theories that focus on the
favorable performance of born globals due to their adaptability as young firms (Autio et al.
2000; Johanson and Vahlne 1977; Figueira-de-Lemos et al. 2011; Casillas and Moreno-
Menéndez 2014). Some authors argue that born global management strategies may lead to
slower growth or exit due to increased risk (Bonaccorsi 1992; Knight and Cavusgil 2004;
Luostarinen and Gabrielsson 2006), and that firms that are quick to expand internationally face
a disadvantage of “foreignness” (Zaheer and Mosakowski 1997; Rugman and Verbeke 2007)
and “newness” (Stinchcombe and March 1965; Zahra 2005; Sleuwaegen and Onkelinx 2014).
Finally, Andersson and Wictor (2003), Oviatt and McDougall (2005), Sapienza et al. (2006)
and Carr et al. (2010) posit that young firms are particularly constrained with respect to
management competencies and other resources, which can make rapid internationalization
260 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
effective policy since they are relatively small contributors to output and
employment. Our results also indicate that foreign-owned affiliates, spinouts and
domestic-oriented enterprises such as computer consulting firms play an
important role among the top employers in the computing sector in Sweden.
We contribute to a small and growing literature in the fields of
entrepreneurship economics and international business that study the causes and
consequences of born globals’ export-intensive strategy (Knight and Cavusgil
1996, 2004).
Research on born globals has mainly focused on documenting their
characteristics and understanding the underlying trends that give rise to these
types of firms (Moen and Servais 2002).
Most analyses of born globals are based
on surveys and case studies, which often focus on a highly selective group of
successful born globals that may not be fully reflective of the behavior of born
globals in general. Cavusgil and Knight (2015) and Zander et al. (2015) have thus
called for a more rigorous approach to study born globals, namely using
longitudinal data spanning all firms in order to obtain a proper control group of
other startups.
Our study also contributes to a new literature on “born global industries”
where all firms in a sector are born global. The literature includes studies on
microelectronics (Aspelund et al., 2018) and offshore wind power (Lovdal and
Aspelund, 2012), but the case of the computing industry has not been studied in
this context.
By identifying potential born globals at the industry level according to the
industry’s propensity to be born global, we distinguish ourselves from the many
studies that identify born globals in the data based on export performance early in
the firm’s life.
Such “ex post” identification of born globals suffers from
spurious correlation, as it is unclear whether long-run outcomes are caused by the
early internationalization itself, or if both early internationalization and long-run
success are driven by the firms’ innate features, which predate firms’ export
Our approach to identifying born globals is in line with the most
common qualitative definition of born globals in the literature, namely as
“business organizations that, from or near their founding, seek superior
7. These studies found that born globals are typically innovation-intensive (Andersson and
Wictor 2003; Cavusgil and Knight 2015) and human capital-intensive (Knight 2001;
McDougall et al. 1994, 2003; Melén and Nordman 2007; Kaur and Sandhu 2013).
8. Studies using the quantitative definition include Kuivalainen et al. (2007), Hashai (2011),
Sleuwaegen and Onkelinx (2014), Sui and Baum (2014), Choquette et al. (2017), Garcia-
Garcia et al. (2017), Ferguson et al. (2019) and Braunerhjelm and Halldin (2019). The
quantitative definition of born globals is usually defined along two dimensions: the degree of
export intensity (exports as a share of total sales must exceed a certain value) and the age of
the firm at which this export intensity criteria is met. In the literature, numerous definitions
have been applied (see, e.g., Braunerhjelm and Halldin 2019; Gabrielsson and Kirpalani 2004;
Oviatt and McDougall 1994; Rennie 1993), such as export activity within 2–10 years and a
minimum export share of total sales ranging between 20 to 80 percent.
9. It is a well-established empirical fact in the international economics literature that more
productive firms tend to self-select into trade (Bernard and Wagner 1997; Bernard and Jensen
1999, Mayer and Ottaviano 2008).
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 261
international business performance from the application of knowledge-based
resources to the sale of outputs in multiple countries” (Knight and Cavusgil 2004,
p. 124).
It is thus the aspiration to sell products in international markets that
defines born globals, not necessarily their future exporting success. We thus
argue that the very nature of the computer game industry implies that all Swedish
computer game startups since 2007 had the global market in mind upon founding.
Knight and Liesch (2016) recently point out in a review of the born global
literature that an ex post quantitative definition, such as the 25% three-year rule,
is arbitrary. They also note that an export intensity threshold is highly sensitive to
country size, making cross-country comparisons difficult.
Our identification of potential born globals using a highly detailed industry
classification does not require data on each firm’s exports of services. We apply
this approach to the Swedish data, where services export data would otherwise be
inadequate to identify born globals, and our methodology could be applied in any
country where services export data on startups are lacking. The lack of detailed
data on service exports in almost all countries has discouraged comprehensive
empirical analyses of born globals in the service sector in general. Data on trade
in goods is gathered by the customs authorities at the point when goods cross the
national border. Firm-level data on trade in services must instead be collected via
surveys, which often only cover larger firms. Other strategies therefore have to be
used if one wants to study service exports among startups in the vast majority of
As a result, the few existing empirical studies of born globals using
firm-level register data have focused on manufacturing, where detailed export
data on the entire population of manufacturing firms are available (Choquette et
al. 2017; Ferguson et al. 2019; Braunerhjelm and Halldin 2019). To the best of
our knowledge, we are the first to study born globals in computing using firm-
level register data, which cover the universe of firms in a particular country and
sector. Given the rapid growth of service-based startups and trade in services, our
study fills an important void in the literature.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. An overview of the historical
growth in services exports is described in Section 2. The incidence of born globals
among the top-250 Swedish computing firms is given in Section 3. Data sources,
descriptive statistics and our regression methodology are provided in Section 4.
The regression results are presented and discussed in Section 5. Conclusions
follow in Section 6.
10. Cavusgil and Knight (2015, p. 4) paraphrase their original definition as “entrepreneurial
startups that, from or near their founding, seek to derive a substantial proportion of their
revenue from the sale of products in international markets.” Similarly, Oviatt and McDougall
(1994, p. 49) define an International New Venture as “a business organization that, from
inception, seeks to derive significant comparative advantage from the sale of outputs in
multiple countries.”
11. A notable exception is Germany, which collects services trade data for all firms with total
annual transactions in excess of EUR 12,500.
262 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
2. Growth of Services Exports
The growth of service exports is a global phenomenon. Table 1 presents exports
of goods and services as a percentage of GDP in Sweden, Finland, Germany, the
United Kingdom and the United States in the years 1998, 2007 (the year before
the financial crisis) and 2016. The table shows that services exports have grown
substantially as a share of GDP between 1998 and 2016; its share has roughly
doubled during this period. In Sweden, roughly one third of exports consists of
services, and services exports are even more important after adjusting for the
import content of exports in goods versus services. 38% of Swedish goods exports
consist of imported inputs, which implies that the value added from exports of
goods in 2016 equaled 18% of GDP ((1 – 0.38) x 29.4 = 18.2).
In contrast, the
import content of service exports is only 16%, which implies that the value added
from exports of services from Sweden in 2016 equaled 12% of GDP ((1 – 0.16) x
14.0 = 11.9). Thus, the contribution of services exports to Swedish GDP in 2016
was 40% of the total contribution of exports.
Another striking observation that can be made is that goods exports dropped
sharply in Sweden and Finland after the financial crisis, while goods exports have
returned to pre-crisis levels in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United
States. In contrast, the service exports share has increased by between 20 and 33%
in all five countries. These facts highlight the importance of studying service
Table 1: Exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP in Sweden, Finland, Germany, the
United Kingdom, and the United States, 1998, 2007 and 2016.
12. We use the measures of “Domestic value added share of gross exports” in agriculture, hunting,
forestry, fishing and industry (NACE Rev. 1.1 1-41) and services (NACE Rev. 1.1 50-95) for
2014, the most recent estimate from the OECD Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database.
1998 2007 2016
Sweden Goods 32.9 37.0 29.4
Services 6.6 11.0 14.0
Total 39.5 48.0 43.4
Finland Goods 31.6 34.8 24.5
Services 6.0 9.2 11.1
Total 37.6 44.0 35.6
Germany Goods 22.9 36.9 37.9
Services 3.8 6.1 8.1
Total 26.7 43.0 46.0
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 263
Source: OECD, authors’ calculations.
3. Born Globals Among the Top-250 Swedish Computing Firms
We first identify the number of born global firms among the top-250 firms in the
“Computer and related services” sector, based on their employment in 2015.
We use annual data covering the universe of Swedish firms between 1998 and
2015 from the IFN Corporate Database. This data, based on register data from
Statistics Sweden, includes detailed accounting records collected from tax
returns, including employment, sales and value added. The data also include
information on ownership that allows us to determine if the firm belongs to a
Swedish company group or is an affiliate of a foreign-owned firm.
Born globals are characterized by an ability to overcome the initial barriers
and risks that are associated with entry into foreign markets without first
establishing a strong home market presence. In contrast, conventional firms build
up a customer base in the domestic market and then gradually expand
internationally under a more traditional internationalization process (Bilkey and
Tesar 1977; Cavusgil 1980; Johanson and Vahlne 1977).
With the qualitative definitions of born globals of Oviatt and McDougall
(1994) and Knight and Cavusgil (2004) in mind, we use the name of each firm
among the 250 largest employers in order to find their website and determine
whether it fits the profile of a born global firm in the context of computing. We
identify firms as born global according to five criteria: 1) they are not spinouts of
existing Swedish conglomerates, 2) they are not foreign-owned affiliates in their
first year of operation, 3) they sell to consumers using an online distribution and
United Kingdom Goods 16.6 14.5 15.4
Services 7.1 10.4 12.9
Total 23.7 24.9 28.3
United States Goods 7.4 8.0 7.8
Services 2.9 3.4 4.0
Total 10.3 11.4 11.9
13. The “Computer and related services” sector corresponds to NACE Rev 1.1 division 72. We use
NACE Rev 1.1 when studying the top-250 firms because it captures all computer-related
activities. In contrast, computing activities in the more recently introduced NACE Rev 2
classification are spread across three divisions: “Publishing activities” (58), “Computer
programming, consultancy and related activities” (62) and “Information service activities”
(63), which all include several non-computer industries. Using the older industry classification
allows us to identify the industry of firms upon founding as far back as 1998 in the data. We
use the NACE Rev 2 industry classification and focus on startups founded from 2007 onward
in the regression analysis in the next section because NACE Rev. 2 is more detailed and allows
us to identify computer game startups in the data.
264 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
payment system, 4) they have an English-language website, and 5) they sell a
product with a clear international market (i.e., computer games, apps, cloud
services). Among the top-250 employers in the computing sector in 2015 we find
that 37 firms fit the profile of born globals.
While excluding spinouts and foreign-owned firms is intuitive, the latter three
criteria for identifying born globals deserve more motivation. An online
distribution and payment system reduces transaction costs for domestic and
international customers alike. Knight and Cavusgil (2004) posit that the
widespread diffusion of the internet makes internationalization a more viable and
cost-effective option. Gabrielsson and Gabrielsson (2011) find that internet-based
sales channels are more common for born globals that sell to consumers instead
of firms. An English-language website is a must for firms targeting an
international audience. In contrast, a Swedish-language website would be highly
suggestive of a firm that is targeting Swedish customers only. Finally, selling a
product with a clear international market (such as computer games) is crucial for
selling to customers globally. A Swedish startup with a product or service tailored
to the domestic market would clearly not be a born global.
Among the top-250 employers in 2015 there are a large number of firms that
do not fit the profile of born globals. 94 firms implement business software
solutions for other firms. These firms are not as internationally oriented as the
born globals, as they often install customized digital business solutions on-site
and have a primarily Swedish customer base. Their websites are often exclusively
in Swedish. Some of these firms may have an international presence, but all of
these firms have a clear focus on the Swedish market. We thus define these
businesses as domestic-oriented firms. Another 48 firms began in Sweden as
foreign-owned affiliates and are therefore not classified as born globals. In
addition, 55 firms began as spinouts from existing Swedish conglomerates, and
are not classified as born globals. Born globals are startups by definition and are
thus not established as a spinout of an existing firm.
Finally, 16 firms could not
be categorized into any of these four groups. Overall, only 15% of the top-250
firms fit the profile of born globals.
The evolution of the average employment per calendar year for born globals,
domestic-oriented firms, foreign-owned affiliates and spinouts among the 250
computing firms with the highest 2015 employment is illustrated in Figure 1. The
majority of these firms were founded after 1998, and average employment was
relatively low and similar across groups in the late 1990s. Employment among
foreign-owned affiliates grew the fastest compared to other types of firms
between 2000 and 2005, then grew at a slower pace between 2006 and 2015.
Average employment growth among born globals was similar to spinouts during
the 1998–2015 period, which was lower than foreign-owned firms but higher than
domestic-oriented firms. Overall, Figure 1 suggests that successful foreign-
14. This is an important difference compared to many international new ventures that begin life as
spinouts (Oviatt and McDougall 1994).
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 265
owned affiliates have contributed more to employment than successful born
globals in recent years. These results also suggest that born globals had a
considerable size and growth advantage compared to domestic-oriented firms
between 2007 and 2015. This aspect will be studied more rigorously in the next
The breakdown of born globals by industry among the top-250 firms is given
in Table 2. Computer game publishers among the top-250 2015 employers are
few, but overwhelmingly belong to the born global category. Other software
publishing firms are also few in number and split evenly between the born global
and domestic-oriented category. 20 of the 37 born globals are classified as
computer programming firms, although there are nearly twice as many computer
programming firms that are domestic-oriented. Finally, very few computer
consultancy firms fit our definition of computing born globals. While there are 45
computer consultancy firms among the top-250 2015 employers, only seven
qualify as born globals. These results suggest that computer game publishers are
the most likely to be born global, while computer consulting firms are more likely
to be domestic-oriented and thereby well-suited to act as a control group. Other
software publishing and computer programming firms share characteristics of
both born globals and domestic-oriented firms.
Figure 1: Average employment per year among the 250 computing firms with highest employment
in 2015: export-oriented firms, domestic-oriented firms, foreign-owned affiliates and spinouts.
266 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
Table 2: Number of born global and domestic-oriented firms by industry class among the 250
computing firms with highest employment in 2015.
Notes: Sample based on firms included in Figure 1. Includes only industry classes that report at least
one born global firm. Domestic-oriented firms also found in four other industry classes.
4. Regression Methodology
The analysis of the top-250 computing firms revealed that certain categories of
business have a higher predisposition to be born globals than others. We use this
insight in our firm-level regression analysis by comparing the performance of
computing startups according to their industry class. In this section we describe
the firm-level data, provide some descriptive statistics and explain our regression
4.1. Data Description
We use firm-level register data covering all computing startups founded 2007–
2015 in the IFN Corporate Database. The analysis focuses on the following
NACE Rev. 2 classes: “Publishing of computer games” (58.21), “Other software
publishing” (58.29), “Computer programming activities” (62.01) and “Computer
consultancy activities” (62.02). Firm accounting variables such as sales, value
added and the number of employees, as well as capital (fixed assets) and labor
costs, are derived directly from firms’ tax returns.
Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 3, where we report the sample
averages for the firm size measures under various sample restrictions. Table 3
highlights the fact that newly created firms in computing tend to be small, with
less than four employees on average in the unrestricted sample. Removing
foreign-owned firms and spinouts leaves the sample averages largely unchanged
for the outcome variables and average labor costs, but removing spinouts
increases the capital–value added ratio.
NACE Rev. 2 class Number of firms
Born global Domestic-oriented
Publishing of computer games 5 1
Other software publishing 3 3
Computer programming activities 20 38
Computer consultancy activities 7 38
Data processing, hosting and related activities 1 3
Web portals 1 4
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 267
Table 3: Descriptive statistics, Swedish computer game, computer consulting, other software and
programming firms founded 2007–2015.
Notes: Sample based on firms included in Tables 4–6. Sample restriction criteria use information
for the year that the firm is founded.
The number of firms included in the analysis for each age cohort using the
full set of sample restrictions is illustrated in Figure 2. The analysis includes 134
computer game startups, 3,597 computer consulting startups, 490 startups
producing other software and 4,211 programming startups. Note that computer
game startups thus only make up 1.5% of all startups in the computing sector. The
number of firms in the analysis decreases with firm age, which is due to a
combination of exits and truncation due to the fact that we only observe firms
until 2015, regardless of age. Figure 2 suggests that exit rates are similar across
the different types of computing businesses.
Figure 2: Number of firms by firm age: Swedish computer game, computer consulting, other
software and programming firms founded 2007–2015.
Variable (Averages)
+ add firm
+ not foreign
+ remove
Employees 3.6 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.7
Sales (million SEK) 4.0 4.5 4.0 3.6 3.6 3.4
Value added
(million SEK)
2.9 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.1
Capital–value added ratio 0.10 0.12 0.43 0.36 0.36
Average labor costs
(thousand SEK)
486 480 472 474 474
268 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
Figure 3: Average employment by firm age: Swedish computer game, computer consulting, other
software and programming firms founded 2007–2015.
The average number of employees by firm age among born globals (i.e., firms
in the computer games industry), computer consulting firms, other software firms
and programming firms in the data is presented in Figure 3. The figure suggests
that all types of firms start with approximately two employees on average upon
founding. Computer game publishers grow faster in terms of employment,
reaching about 13 employees for firms that reach the age of eight years. Other
software and programming firms employ an average of between six and seven
employees at the age of eight, while computer consulting firms grow most slowly
in terms of employment, with just more than five employees on average among
the oldest firms in the analysis.
The average sales and value added among born globals (i.e., startups in the
computer games industry), other exporters (other software and programming
industries) and non-exporting firms (computer consulting) under our final sample
are presented in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. Our final sample corresponds to
the sample after imposing the same restrictions in column (6) of Table 4 but
includes firms of all ages. We find that computer game publishers initially grow
faster than other types of startups in terms of sales and value added, but computer
consulting firms nearly catch up by the time they are eight years old. The decrease
in sales and value added for computer game publishers older than four is caused
primarily by Mojang, a highly successful computer game startup founded in
The fact that older startups are not present in the data for all years
15. Mojang’s accounting period was exceptionally long (18 months) in 2014–2015. In the analysis,
we accrue 2/3 of their sales and value added to the 2014 accounting period, and 1/3 to the 2015
accounting period.
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 269
underscores the importance of controlling for calendar year in the regression
Figure 4: Average sales by firm age: Swedish computer game, computer consulting, other software
and programming firms founded 2007–2015.
Note: USD 1 SEK 8.
Figure 5: Average value added by firm age: Swedish computer game, computer consulting, other
software and programming firms founded 2007–2015.
270 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
4.2. Empirical Approach
We test whether five-year-old computer game publishers founded 2007–2015 are
larger than computer consulting firms. We perform a cross-section regression
analysis at the firm level using OLS, which takes the following form:
) = + (BornGlobal
) + (Controls
) +
where Size
is the size proxy for firm i in the year where it turns five years
old. We regress equation (1) separately using employees, sales and value added
as measures of firm size. The main explanatory variable of interest is the born
global indicator variable, BornGlobal
, which equals one if firm i’s main activity
is “Publishing of computer games” and takes a value of zero if its main activity is
“Computer consultancy activities”. Controls
denotes firm-level controls
for capital intensity and labor costs per worker, both measured when the firm is
one year old. Controlling for firm-level capital intensity and labor costs per
worker ensures that our results are not being driven by more primitive underlying
firm-level characteristics. We include a set of calendar year indicators,
, which
control for the impact of year-specific factors on firm size, such as the business
Since we log the firm size measures, a positive point estimate for the industry
indicator variable indicates that computer game publishers are (e
1) x 100
percent larger in size compared to computer consulting firms. Logging removes
the small fraction of observations with non-positive employment, sales or value
added, and results in slightly different numbers of observations in the regressions
depending on the outcome variable of interest. The null hypothesis is that there is
no size difference in terms of employment, sales or value added between the two
industry types.
5. Regression Results
Our estimations of the size premium of five-year-old computer game publishers
compared to computer consulting firms are presented in Table 4.
Panels A, B and C in Table 4 present the results using logged employees, sales
and value added, respectively, as measures of firm size. In column (1) we estimate
the size premium associated with born globals without any sample restrictions. In
column (2) we control for firm-level capital intensity and labor costs per worker.
In column (3) we have removed firms that are foreign-owned in order to ensure
that our results are not driven by foreign-owned affiliates. We define firms as
16. The same regression model will also be used below to estimate any differences in the three
outcome measures between computer consulting firms and other software publishers and
programming firms, respectively.
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 271
foreign-owned if they are formally owned by a foreign company group, or if their
name includes the words “Sweden” (in English or Swedish) or the word
“Europe”. In column (4) we estimate the size premium of born globals after also
removing spinouts. A firm is defined as a spinout if its employment is less than
50% of its company group’s total employment upon inception, which removes
firms belonging to larger company groups. In columns (5) and (6) we present the
regression results after further restricting the sample to include only firms with
less than 50 employees and 20 employees in their first year, respectively. We
impose the employment restrictions in order to further ensure that our analysis is
focused on true startups.
Table 4: Regression results, computer game publishers versus computer consulting firms,
Notes: Capital intensity and average labor costs at age=1 and calendar year fixed effects included
in all specifications. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Panel A: log(employees)
+ firm
+ remove foreign
+ remove
+ <50
+ <20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
N 949 853 786 751 714 712
0.041 0.056 0.045 0.038 0.040 0.040
Panel B: log(sales)
+ firm
+ remove foreign
+ remove
+ <50
+ <20
N 1,121 918 843 806 766 764
0.009 0.065 0.063 0.052 0.056 0.054
Panel C: log(value added)
+ firm
+ remove foreign
+ remove
+ <50
+ <20
N 717 643 593 567 538 536
0.004 0.096 0.078 0.061 0.063 0.061
272 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
Panel A of Table 4 presents the results for employment. In column (1), prior
to adding firm-level controls and removing foreign-owned firms or spinouts, we
find a large and statistically significant employment premium associated with
computer game publishers. This employment premium persists after adding firm-
level controls in column (2), removing foreign-owned firms in column (3), and
removing spinouts from the analysis in column (4). The point estimate for
continues to be statistically significant and stable in magnitude when
we also remove firms with unusually high employment in their first year in
columns (5) and (6). The point estimate for BornGlobal
in column (6) implies
that the number of employees among five-year-old computer game publishers is
154% ((e
1) x 100 154) higher than similarly aged computer consulting
firms on average.
In Panel B we find a statistically significant size premium in terms of sales
once firm-level controls are added, which is robust to applying the full set of
sample restrictions. The point estimate in column (6) of Panel B suggests that
sales among computer game publishers is 138% ((e
1) x 100 138) higher
than computer consulting firms at the age of five. However, in Panel C we find
evidence of a statistically significant size premium in terms of value added only
in column (2). Overall, the results of Table 4 suggest that computer game startups
have a clear size advantage relative to computer consulting startups in terms of
employment, but less clearly so in terms of value added.
In Tables 5 and 6 we present the regression results when software firms and
programming firms are defined as the born global group, respectively. In Table 5,
the odd-numbered columns report the point estimates for the BornGlobal
indicator variable when no sample restrictions are applied, while firm-level
controls are added and foreign-owned firms, spinouts, and firms with 20
employees or more at founding are excluded from the sample in the even-
numbered columns (corresponding to the full set of restrictions used in column
(6) of Table 4). We find that software firms are characterized by a statistically
significant size difference in terms of employment, which is robust to excluding
foreign-owned firms and spinouts. The point estimate in column (2) implies that
the number of employees among five-year-old software publishers is 32% ((e
1) x 100 32) higher than similarly aged computer consulting firms on average.
Software firms display no size advantage in terms of sales regardless of whether
the full set of controls and restrictions are applied. Finally, we find a significant
size advantage in terms of value added, which implies that value added of
software publishers is 43% ((e
1) x 100 43) higher than similarly aged
computer consulting firms on average at the age of five.
The results for programming firms in Table 6 reveal a statistically significant
size premium in terms of employment, but not in terms of sales or value added.
The point estimate for BornGlobal
in column (2) implies that the number of
employees among five-year-old programming firms is 10% ((e
1) x 100
10) higher than similarly aged computer consulting firms on average.
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 273
Table 5: Regression results, other software publishers versus computer consulting firms, age=5.
Notes: Same sample restrictions as column (6) in Table 4. Capital intensity and average labor costs
at age=1 and calendar year fixed effects included in all specifications. Robust standard errors in
parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Table 6: Regression results, programming firms versus computer consulting firms, age=5.
Notes: Column (2) uses same sample restrictions as column (6) in Table 4. Capital intensity and
average labor costs at age=1 and calendar year fixed effects included in all specifications. Robust
standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Overall, we find a systematic positive relationship between the propensity of
a computing firm to be born global and its size premium relative to computer
consulting firms at the age of five. Computer game firms, which arguably have
the highest predisposition to become born globals, are characterized by the largest
size premium in terms of employment (154 percent). Other software publishers
and programming firms, which are less inclined to become born globals
compared to computer game publishers, have a correspondingly lower size
premium in terms of employment at 32% and 10%, respectively. We find mixed
log(employees) log(sales) log(value added)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
None All None All None All
1,076 791 1,270 852 812 596
0.024 0.025 0.006 0.060 0.006 0.081
log(employees) log(sales) log(value added)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
- 0.0248
None All None All None All
2,171 1,603 2,611 1,731 1,658 1,222
0.014 0.020 0.006 0.068 0.001 0.081
274 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
evidence for a computing born global size premium in terms of sales or value
Our results differ from studies of manufacturing born globals by
Braunerhjelm and Halldin (2019) and Choquette et al. (2017), which find larger
size premia in terms of sales than in terms of employment. Ferguson et al. (2019)
find no size premium in terms of employment and small and weakly significant
size premia in terms of sales and value added among manufacturing firms. In the
context of manufacturing, Ferguson et al. (2019) argue that the weakly positive
result for sales and value added among manufacturing firms may be due to the
presence of economies of scale in production, whereby export growth leads to
higher output among born globals but does not result in a corresponding increase
in employment in these firms. In the context of computing, however, many
software and programming startups are characterized by low sales and value
added in early years.
In Figure 6 we present the results of the regression analysis by firm age. The
results are based on regression equation (1), and each column illustrates the point
estimate for the BornGlobal
indicator variable and the corresponding 95%
confidence interval within each firm age cohort.
The first column illustrates the
regression results when the dependent variable is logged employment the year the
firm is founded (age=0), the second column illustrates the results in the following
year (age=1), and so forth. We perform separate regressions for each age group in
our data up to eight years after birth. We perform these regressions by firm age in
order to confirm that our results for the cohort of five-year-old firms are robust to
varying the time horizon of our analysis. The gradient of these point estimates
over firms’ lifespans is also informative regarding the relative growth in
employment, sales and value added for born globals versus other exporting firms
in the long run.
Panel A of Figure 6 reports the regression results by firm age for computer
game, other software and programming firms when firm-level employment is the
dependent variable. We find that employment among computer game publishers
is statistically significantly higher for all age cohorts, and the size premium for
computer game publishers grows over their lifespan, from a 60% premium upon
founding ((e
1) x 100 60), to a 243% premium at the age of seven ((e
1) x 100 243). Other software firms are characterized by a positive size
premium until they reach the age of six, whereupon their size premium
diminishes. The employment advantage of programming firms is statistically
significant until the firms reach the age of six, but the effects are small.
Panel B of Figure 6 reports the regression results by firm age when firm-level
sales is the dependent variable. The results indicate that computer game, other
software and programming firms are smaller than computer consulting firms in
terms of sales at inception, but sales grow over their lifespans. Computer game
17. The sample used in Figure 6 imposes the same sample restrictions as column (6) of Table 4 for
each age group.
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 275
publishers overtake computer consulting firms at the age of two, but their size
advantage in terms of sales is not statistically significant until they reach the age
of four. Other software firms display a negative size advantage until they are three
years old, and no statistically significant size advantage in later years.
Programming firms begin life with the smallest size disadvantage but their low
subsequent sales growth entails that they do not overtake computer consulting
firms at any point over the eight-year age horizon that we study.
Figure 6: Difference in employment, sales and value added by firm age: computer game publishers,
other software publishers and programming firms versus computer consulting firms.
Panel A: Employment
Computer games Other software Programming
Panel B: Sales
Computer games Other software Programming
276 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
Panel C: Value Added
Computer games Other software Programming
Panel C of Figure 6 reports the regression results by firm age when value
added is the outcome variable. Computer game publishers begin life at par with
computer consulting firms in terms of value added, and then grow over their
lifespan. However, we find evidence of a statistically significant difference in
value added among computer game publishers only for firms aged two, three, six
and seven. Other software firms begin life with significantly lower value added
compared to computer consulting firms, and the low and erratic growth in value
added implies that we find a statistically significant size advantage in terms of
value added at age three and five among these firms. Finally, programming firms
also begin life with a size disadvantage, and their low growth leads does not lead
to a statistically significant size advantage in terms of value added.
6. Conclusion
Promoting the emergence and growth of born globals in the computing sector is
seen in many circles as a desirable policy goal. We have analyzed whether
computing startups within industries with a high propensity to be born globals are
characterized by higher employment, sales and value added in the long run. We
study this question using detailed firm-level data on the universe of Swedish
computing startups founded 2007–2015, which allows us to follow computing
startups for a period of up to eight years.
Overall, our results suggest a systematic relationship between an industry’s
propensity to be born global and its long-run employment compared to our control
group of computer consulting firms (which were shown to be more often
domestically oriented). We find the largest size and growth advantage among
computer game publishers, which were shown to have the strongest propensity to
become born globals. However, a corresponding size advantage in terms of sales
takes several years to materialize, and the long-run size premium in terms of value
International Review of Entrepreneurship, Article #1607, 17(3) 277
added is highly unstable (yet positive overall). Other software publishers and
programming firms exhibit a modest size advantage over computer consulting
firms in terms of employment, but not in terms of sales or value added. Finally,
our results suggest that a born global export strategy is practiced by a small
number of Swedish computing firms; only 15% of the 250 largest employers in
computing were identified as born globals. Moreover, a mere 1.5% of all
computing startups were computer game publishers, which arguably have the
highest propensity to be born global. Policymakers must therefore be aware that
encouraging more born globals need not necessarily lead to large benefits for the
overall economy.
Our use of a qualitative definition of born globals that is independent of the
firms’ later performance may be seen by some as a limitation of the analysis, but
we argue that it is useful in ensuring that the investigation does not only focus on
successful exporters but also on those firms that seek to be global from the outset
but do not succeed. A qualitative definition is potentially a useful approach to
studying born globals using register data in industries where export data is
lacking. Another potential weakness of the study is our definition of the entire set
of computer game startups since 2007 as born global in their entirety. However,
we argue that the digitalized distribution of computer game sales implies that all
of these firms had the global market in mind upon founding, and this is therefore
another example of a “born global industry”. We hope that our study encourages
future work on not only the methodological issues related to evaluating born
globals’ performance, but also the broader implications of born globals for
aggregate employment.
278 The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing
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