D220 Inventory and Order
Management Non-Stock Items
Last Revision: 04/20/2021
Acumatica ERP 2021 R1
| Contents | 2
Copyright............................................................................................................................... 4
How to Use this Course......................................................................................................... 5
Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items..................................................................................... 7
Creating Non-Stock Items: General Information..............................................................7
Creating Non-Stock Items: Implementation Activity.........................................................9
Lesson 2: Creating Service Items........................................................................................ 11
Creating Service Items: General Information................................................................ 11
Creating Service Items: Implementation Activity........................................................... 11
Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping............................................................... 14
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: General Information......................................... 14
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Process Activity............................................... 16
Lesson 4: Selling Services................................................................................................... 19
Sales of Services: General Information........................................................................ 19
Sales of Services: Process Activity...............................................................................20
Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt...................................... 23
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: General Information.................23
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Non-Stock
Items....................................................................................................................... 25
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of
Services................................................................................................................... 28
Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt................................................................... 31
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: General Information..........................................31
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Process Activity................................................ 32
Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items.......................................................................... 36
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: General Information............................................... 36
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Process Activity..................................................... 37
Additional Materials............................................................................................................. 41
Appendix 1: Creating Non-Stock Items........................................................................ 41
Creating Non-Stock Items: Configuration Prerequisites...............................................41
Creating Non-Stock Items: Related Forms and Reports.............................................. 41
Appendix 2: Creating Service Items.............................................................................42
Creating Service Items: Configuration Prerequisites...................................................42
Creating Service Items: Related Forms.................................................................... 43
Appendix 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping....................................................... 44
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Implementation Checklist............................. 44
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Generated Transactions................................ 45
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Related Reports and Forms........................... 45
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Mass-Processing of Documents ..................... 46
Appendix 4: Selling Services.......................................................................................47
Sales of Services: Implementation Checklist............................................................. 47
Sales of Services: Generated Transactions................................................................48
Sales of Services: Related Report............................................................................48
| Contents | 3
Sales of Services: Mass-Processing of Documents..................................................... 49
Appendix 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt.................................49
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: Implementation Checklist.... 49
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: Generated Transactions........ 51
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: Related Reports and Forms... 51
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: Mass-Processing of
Documents........................................................................................................... 52
Appendix 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt.......................................................... 53
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Implementation Checklist.............................. 53
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Generated Transactions................................. 54
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Related Reports and Forms............................ 54
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Mass-Processing of Documents.......................55
Appendix 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items.................................................................55
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Implementation Checklist....................................56
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Generated Transactions...................................... 57
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Related Reports and Forms................................. 58
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Mass-Processing of Documents............................ 58
| Copyright | 4
2021 Acumatica, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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Software Version: 2021 R1
| How to Use this Course | 5
How to Use this Course
This course introduces the creation, sales, purchases, and drop shipment of non-stock items (including
services) in Acumatica ERP based on a set of examples that illustrate the listed above processes in a
small company. The course consists of lessons that guide you step by step through the examples and
explanations of the configuration and business process flow related to non-stock items in Acumatica
This course must be completed on Acumatica ERP 2021 R1. For this course, you will use an Acumatica
ERP tenant with the U100 dataset preloaded.
You perform the following general steps to complete the course:
1. You prepare an Acumatica ERP 2021 R1 instance.
2. You complete the lessons of the course to learn how to create non-stock items (including services)
and process the sales and purchases of non-stock items in Acumatica ERP.
3. At Partner University, you take Certification Test: Creation, sales and purchases of non-stock
4. At Partner University, you complete the course survey to finish the course and get the Partner
University certificate of course completion.
What Is in Lessons?
The course consists of 7 lessons. In Lessons 1 and 2, you will learn the creation of non-stock items
(including services). In Lessons 3 and 4, you will learn the sales of non-stock items with and without
shipment. In Lessons 5 and 6, you will learn the purchases of non-stock items with and without
receipt. In Lesson 7, you will learn the drop shipment of non-stock items.
What Is in a Configuration Lesson?
A configuration lesson—that is, a lesson dedicated to the configuration of system settings and entities
—provides a brief overview of the required system configuration and a description of other settings
that could affect the workflow. Also, the lesson could provide information about reports and inquiry
forms that can be used for gathering information about the configured entities.
Each lesson includes at least one implementation activity that you have to complete in your Acumatica
ERP instance to configure the core system settings or to prepare system entities.
What Is in a Process Lesson?
A process lesson—that is, a lesson dedicated to the performing of a particular business process—
includes a description of the process workflow and a process diagram that illustrates the user scenario
supported by this process. The lesson also provides a brief overview of the settings and entities that
need to be prepared in the system before you start to perform this business process. Also, the lesson
could include a description of generated transactions, information about reports and inquiry forms that
can be used for gathering information related to a described business process, and explanations on
how to mass-process documents during performing a business process.
Each lesson includes at least one process activity that you have to complete in your Acumatica ERP
instance to learn how to perform the described business process.
| How to Use this Course | 6
What Are the Documentation Resources
The complete Acumatica ERP documentation is available on https://help.acumatica.com/ and is included
in the Acumatica ERP instance. While viewing any form used in the course, you can click the Open
Help button in the top pane to bring up a form-specific Help menu; you can use the links on this menu
to quickly access form-related concepts and procedures and to open a reference topic with detailed
descriptions of the form elements.
How to Create a Tenant with the U100 Dataset
To add to an existing Acumatica ERP instance a tenant with the U100 dataset, which is required for the
completion of this course, and prepare the tenant for completing the activities, perform the following
1. Go to Amazon Storage.
2. Open the folder of your Acumatica ERP instance version.
3. In this folder, open the Snapshots folder, and download the u100.zip file.
4. Launch the Acumatica ERP instance, and sign in.
5. Open the Tenants (SM203520) form, and click Add New Record on the form toolbar.
6. In the Login Name box, type the name to be used for the tenant.
7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
8. On the Snapshots tab, click Import Snapshot.
9. In the Upload Snapshot Package dialog box, select the u100.zip file, which you have
downloaded, and click Upload.
The system uploads the snapshot to the Snapshots tab of the Tenants form.
10. On the form toolbar, click Restore Snapshot.
11. If the Warning dialog box appears, click Yes.
12. In the Restore Snapshot dialog box, make sure that the correct snapshot package is being
uploaded, and click OK. The system will restore the snapshot and sign you out.
You are now on the Sign-In page, and you can sign in to the tenant you have just created.
Licensing Info
For educational purposes of this course, you use Acumatica ERP under the trial license that does
not require activation and provides all available features. For production, you have to activate the
purchased license; each particular feature may be a subject to additional licensing; please consult the
Acumatica ERP sales policy for details.
| Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items | 7
Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items
Creating Non-Stock Items: General Information
Non-stock items may be products that consist of no physical entity and thus cannot be stocked in
warehouses (as with services), or they may be physical entities for which you do not need to track
quantities in a warehouse. In Acumatica ERP, you create non-stock items by using the Non-Stock Items
(IN20200) form.
This chapter focuses on non-stock items that represent physical entities. Thus, in the rest of
the chapter, non-stock item refers to this kind of non-stock item. To learn more about non-
stock items representing services, see Creating Service Items: General Information.
In the following sections, you can find information about the creation and settings of non-stock items.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Prepare the system for the creation of non-stock items
Create non-stock items
Applicable Scenarios
When you are initially configuring entities and settings in Acumatica ERP, you may need to create a
non-stock item in the following cases:
When you are going to sell or purchase goods that you don't want to track in inventory
When you are going to drop-ship goods
Non-Stock Items in Sales Orders
Although non-stock items are not tracked in inventory, you may want to process them through
shipment, so that these items will be listed in pick lists and shipment confirmations. For each non-stock
item, you define whether a shipment is required by selecting the Require Shipment check box on the
General Settings tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. When the check box is selected, you
can create an SO invoice only after the shipment is created and confirmed for the sales order of the
type that requires shipment in Acumatica ERP.
Non-Stock Items in Purchase Orders
For each non-stock item, you define whether a purchase receipt is required when the item is included
in a purchase order by selecting or clearing the Require Receipt check box on the General tab of the
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. In a purchase order line on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form,
when you select a non-stock item that requires a receipt, the system inserts Non-Stock as the line
type. When you create a purchase receipt for the purchase order, the system copies all Non-Stock lines
to the purchase receipt.
Posting Accounts for Non-Stock Lines
For purchase order lines with the Non-Stock line type on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, in
the Account column, the system inserts the Expense account defined by the Use COGS / Expense
| Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items | 8
Account From setting of the posting class specified on the Posting Classes (IN206000) form. If the
Subaccounts feature is enabled in your system, in the Sub. column of the Purchase Orders form, the
system also inserts the subaccount that is composed as defined by the Combine COGS / Expense
Sub From setting of the Posting Classes form.
Accounts and subaccounts are used for processing Non-Stock lines as follows:
When a purchase order is created, the item amount is recorded to the Expense account (with the
Expense subaccount, if applicable).
When a purchase receipt linked to the purchase order is released, the line amount is moved from
the Expense account (with the Expense subaccount, if applicable) to the PO Accrual account (with
the PO Accrual subaccount, if applicable).
When a bill is created for the receipt, the amount is moved back from the PO Accrual account (with
the PO Accrual subaccount, if applicable) to the Expense account (with the Expense subaccount, if
The Expense and PO Accrual accounts to be used for receipt-related transactions are defined by the
posting class of the item on the Posting Classes form; the default accounts assigned to the item on the
GL Accounts tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form will be used if the Use COGS / Expense
Account From and Use PO Accrual Account From settings for the posting class have the Inventory
Item option selected.
The Expense subaccount and PO Accrual subaccount are also defined by the settings of the posting
class of the item; the default subaccounts assigned to the item on the GL Accounts tab will be used
as the segment value sources for the resulting subaccounts based on the Combine COGS / Expense
Sub From and Combine PO Accrual Sub From rules. For more information, see Posting Classes:
General Information.
Rules for Closing and Completing Non-Stock Lines
The way the lines of the Non-Stock type are completed and closed depends on the completion rule
specified for the applicable non-stock item in the Close PO Line box on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000)
form. The system determines if a line of the Non-Stock type should be closed and completed by using
the following rules:
If By Quantity is selected in the Close PO Line box for the item, the purchase order line is
considered completed if the sum of the received quantity for the released purchase receipts
prepared for the line is greater than or equal to the following: The quantity of the purchase order
line * (Complete On %/100)
If By Amount is selected in the Complete PO Line box of the Non-Stock Items form for the item,
the purchase order line is automatically considered completed if the system has closed the line
(that is, if the Closed check box is selected) when the amount of all the bills for that line is greater
than or equal to the amount of the line.
Regardless of the item selected in the Close PO Line box, a line of the Non-Stock type is also
considered completed on release of the purchase receipt prepared for the line if the user has selected
the Complete check box manually in the non-stock line on the Details tab of the Purchase Orders
(PO301000) form.
If a user processes the lines of a purchase order partially, multiple related purchase receipts and AP
bills can be prepared for a single purchase order. The system determines which purchase order lines
should be added to the prepared purchase receipt or AP bill depending on the state of the Complete
and Closed check boxes in each line, as follows:
| Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items | 9
Completed purchase order lines are not added to the purchase receipt corresponding to the
purchase order.
Closed lines are added to neither purchase receipts nor AP bills corresponding to the purchase
If all purchase order lines have the Complete check box selected, and at least one line still has the
Closed check box cleared, the purchase order is assigned the Completed status. If all purchase order
lines have the Complete and Closed check boxes selected, the purchase order is assigned the Closed
You cannot delete a non-stock item from the system if there are any complete or incomplete
transactions with the item or any unreleased documents that include this item.
Units of Measure for Non-Stock Items
If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, for each non-
stock item, you can select the units of measure (UOMs) used as base, sales, and purchase units for
the item and specify conversion rules for them and for other UOMs used for the item. If the feature is
disabled, only base units can be specified. You can select global UOMs or enter new UOMs on the fly.
Every conversion rule is specified with respect to the UOM selected as the item’s base unit. Because
the process of configuring UOMs for stock and non-stock item is quite similar, for details on UOMs, see
Stock Items: Units of Measure.
Creating Non-Stock Items: Implementation Activity
The following implementation activity will walk you through the process of creating a new non-stock
Suppose that the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company is holding a promotion in which customers who
buy a certain quantity of fruits in the SweetLife Store also receive a teddy bear toy. The company
needs to buy a certain number of these toys from a manufacturer. The promotion is temporary and
the SweetLife Store doesn't need to track the quantity of distributed toys; thus, the teddy bear will be
registered in the system as a non-stock item.
Acting as a SweetLife sales and purchasing manager, you need to create the new non-stock item and
specify the needed settings for it.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a non-stock item on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, specify the
needed settings and save the created non-stock item.
System Preparation
To prepare the system, do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as an accountant, use the wiley login and 123 password.
2. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen,
make sure that the SweetLife Store branch is selected. If it is not selected, click the Company and
| Lesson 1: Creating Non-Stock Items | 10
Branch Selection menu button to view the list of branches that you have access to, and then click
SweetLife Store.
Creating a Non-Stock Item
To create a non-stock item, do the following:
1. Open the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click New Record.
3. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
Description: Teddy Bear toys
4. On the General tab, specify the following settings for the item:
Type: Non-Stock Item
Posting Class: NONSTOCK - Non-Stock Items
Tax Category: EXEMPT
Require Receipt: Selected
You select this check box because you want to record the receipt of this item.
Require Shipment: Cleared
You clear this check box because customers will receive the teddy bear promotional item only
in the SweetLife Store.
Close PO Line: By Quantity
With this option selected, a purchase order line for this item is closed based on the line
quantity when the receipt or bill is released. You select this option to make sure that the
appropriate quantity was provided by the vendor.
5. In the Unit of Measure section of the General tab, specify the following settings:
Base Unit: EA
Sales Unit: EA
Purchase Unit: EA
6. On the GL Accounts tab, in the Expense Account box, make sure that 60000 - Purchase
Expense is selected.
7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
You have successfully created the non-stock item for the promotional teddy bear.
| Lesson 2: Creating Service Items | 11
Lesson 2: Creating Service Items
Creating Service Items: General Information
Non-stock items may be products that consist of no physical entity and thus cannot be stocked in
warehouses (as with services) or they may be physical entities for which you do not need to track
quantities in a warehouse. In Acumatica ERP, you create non-stock items by using the Non-Stock Items
(IN20200) form.
This chapter focuses on non-stock items that represent services. Thus, in the rest of the
chapter, non-stock item refers to this kind of non-stock item. To learn more about non-stock
items representing physical entities, see Creating Non-Stock Items: General Information.
In the following sections, you can find information about service items in Acumatica ERP.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Prepare the system for the creation of service items
Create service items
Applicable Scenarios
When you are initially configuring entities and settings in Acumatica ERP, you may need to create a
service item in the following cases:
When you are going to provide service items to customers
When you are going to buy service items of other companies
Services in Sales Orders
The sales of service items typically do not involve shipments. You can define whether a shipment is
required or not by selecting or clearing the Require Shipment check box on the General tab of the
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
Services in Purchase Orders
The purchase items of services typically do not involve purchase receipts. To process purchase orders
for service items with receipt, make sure that on the Process Service Lines from Normal Purchase
Orders via Purchase Receipt check box is selected in the Other section of the General Settings
tab on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form. If the check box is cleared, the non-stock lines
of the Service type are not copied to purchase receipts and can be billed only directly from purchase
Creating Service Items: Implementation Activity
The following implementation activity will walk you through the process of creating a new service item.
| Lesson 2: Creating Service Items | 12
Suppose that the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company wants to create a landing page (a website) that will
advert its products and services on the Internet. The company also wants the website to be visible in
the search results of all popular search engines so that the customers could find it easily. To achieve
these goals, the company addresses the Blueline advertising agency. The agency will create the
website and promote it in the search engines.
Acting as a SweetLife sales and purchasing manager, you need to create the new service item for
creation and promotion of the website and specify the needed settings for it.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a service item on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, specify the
needed settings and save the service item.
System Preparation
To prepare the system, do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as an accountant, use the wiley login and 123 password.
2. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen,
make sure that the SweetLife Store branch is selected. If it is not selected, click the Company and
Branch Selection menu button to view the list of branches that you have access to, and then click
SweetLife Store.
Creating a Service Item
To create a service item, do the following:
1. Open the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click New Record.
3. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
Description: Creation and promotion of a website
4. On the General tab, specify the following settings for the item:
Type: Service
Posting Class: NONSTOCK - Non-Stock Items
Tax Category: EXEMPT
Require Receipt: Cleared
You clear this check box because you do not want to record the receipt of this service item.
Require Shipment: Cleared
You clear this check box because the company does not ship this item.
| Lesson 2: Creating Service Items | 13
Close PO Line: By Amount
With this option selected, a purchase order line for this item is closed based on the line amount
when the receipt or bill is released. You select this option because you pay a certain amount on
a regular basis.
5. In the Unit of Measure section of the General tab, specify the following settings:
Base Unit: EA
Sales Unit: EA
Purchase Unit: EA
6. On the GL Accounts tab, in the Expense Account box, make sure that 60000 - Purchase
Expense is selected.
7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
You have successfully created the service item that you can use in payments for the creation and
promotion of your website on the Internet.
| Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping | 14
Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: General
Non-stock items in Acumatica ERP, which are defined on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form during
implementation, are used to represent products that cannot be stocked in warehouses (such as
services or charges) or physical entities whose quantities you do not need to track.
The following sections describe the sales process of non-stock items that are shipped to the customer.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Prepare a sales order for a sale of non-stock items with shipping
Prepare the shipment for the sales order
Prepare the invoice that corresponds to the sales order
Applicable Scenarios
You process a sales order with non-stock lines, and then create a shipment if a customer buys some
goods that are defined as non-stock items in the system, and the goods must be delivered to the
customer's place.
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping
The standard sales process with order management software typically includes entering a sales order,
processing a shipment of the items, and preparing the related sales invoice for the customer. In
Acumatica ERP, to begin processing a sale that requires the items to be shipped before billing occurs,
you enter a sales order of the SO type on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form and add to the order the
non-stock items the customer has requested.
Then you use the Shipments (SO302000) form to prepare and confirm the shipment or shipments
related to the sales order. When the shipment is confirmed, you need to bill the customer for the
shipped items by preparing an SO invoice, which is a financial document in the system that contains
links to the applicable shipments and sales orders. You can review the prepared SO invoice on the
Invoices (SO303000) form; then you can release it. When the SO invoice is released, the system
releases a corresponding AR invoice, which you can view on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form.
An AR invoice is a financial document that is similar to the SO invoice but does not contain the links to
the applicable shipments and sales orders. The system assigns the same reference number to the SO
invoice and the related AR invoice. Both of these documents contain the link to the batch of the general
ledger transactions, which was generated when the AR invoice was released. For more information on
processing accounts receivable invoices, see Processing AR Invoices.
Workflow of Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping
If a sales order includes only non-stock items with shipment, the processing of the sales order involves
the steps and generated documents shown in the following diagram.
| Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping | 15
| Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping | 16
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Process
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing and processing of a sales order for
non-stock items that need to be shipped to the customer's location.
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant customer has asked SweetLife to conduct a two-day
training course on home canning for the café's employees.
The materials to be used for the upcoming training on home canning (which are included in the price of
the training) need to be delivered to the customer's location before the course is conducted. You, as a
sales manager, need to reflect these details in the system by entering and processing the appropriate
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this activity, the following prerequisites actions have been performed in the
On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Inventory feature has been enabled.
On the Order Types (SO201000) form, the SO order type has been configured and activated.
On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has
been configured.
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the OFLCOURSE (Home canning courses at customer's
place) non-stock item has been configured, and the Require Shipment check box has been
selected for this item on the General Settings tab.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and then add a non-
stock item to it. After that, you will create a related shipment document on the Shipments (SO302000)
form. On this form, you will check the settings that the system has specified automatically, and then
confirm the shipment. After shipment confirmation, you will use the Invoices (SO303000) form to
prepare an SO invoice to the customer and release it.
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the norman login and the 123 password.
| Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping | 17
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
Step 1: Entering a Sales Order
To create a sales order, do the following:
1. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, click New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
Order Type: SO
Customer: GOODFOOD
Description: Home canning training
2. On the Details tab, click Add Row on the table toolbar, and specify the following settings in the
Warehouse: WHOLESALE
Quantity: 2
Unit Price: 45
3. Save the order, and notice that it is assigned the Open status.
Now you need to create a shipment for the materials that need to be shipped in advance of the
Step 2: Creating a Shipment
To create the shipment related to the sales order, do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the sales order you have created on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form,
on the form toolbar, click Create Shipment.
2. In the Specify Shipment Parameters dialog box, which is opened, make sure that the today's
business date and the WHOLESALE warehouse are selected, and click OK.
The system creates closes the dialog box, creates a shipment and opens it on the Shipments
(SO302000) form.
Step 3: Confirming the Shipment
To confirm the shipment, do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the shipment on the Shipments (SO302000) form, review the lines on the
Details tab, and make sure that the order line with the non-stock item has been included in the
2. On the form toolbar, click Confirm Shipment.
| Lesson 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping | 18
Notice that the shipment is assigned the Confirmed status. Now you can prepare the invoice to bill the
customer and increase the customer's debt in the system.
Step 4: Processing the Invoice
To prepare and release an SO invoice related to the sales order (and shipment), do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the shipment on the Shipments (SO302000) form, on the form toolbar,
click Prepare Invoice. The system prepares the invoice and opens it on the Invoices (SO303000)
2. On this form, review the details of the prepared invoice. The invoice has one line on the Details
tab, as the initial sales order does. In the Shipment Nbr. and Order Nbr. columns of this tab,
the system has inserted the reference numbers of the related shipment and sales order (which you
created in Steps 1 and 2 of this activity); these numbers are also links that you can click to view
the shipment and sales order on the appropriate forms.
3. On the form toolbar, click Release to release the SO invoice. The invoice is assigned the Open
4. On the Details tab, in the only row, click the link in the Order Nbr. column to view the associated
sales order.
5. On the form, which opens, review the details of the sales order, as shown in the following
screenshot. Notice that the sales order has the Completed status, which the system assigned on
release of the SO invoice and which means that the processing of the sale is completed.
Figure: Sales order completed on release of the SO invoice
| Lesson 4: Selling Services | 19
Lesson 4: Selling Services
Sales of Services: General Information
Non-stock items in Acumatica ERP, which are defined on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form during
implementation, are used to represent the products that cannot be stocked in warehouses (such as
services or charges) or physical entities whose quantities you do not need to track.
The following sections describe the sales process of non-stock items that represent services.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Create a sales order for a sale of services
Prepare the invoice that corresponds to the sales order
Applicable Scenarios
You process a sales order with a service line or multiple service lines if you need to track this sale (and
then bill the customer for the provided services), which does not involve a shipment being processed in
the system.
Sales of Services
Although you could record the billing for a sale of services directly in the system by using an AR
invoice, by entering sales orders for all sales, you implement a single entry point for the processing
and tracking of sales, including the sales of services. For a sale of services, you start with entering a
sales order of the SO or IN type on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form and add to the order the non-
stock item or items representing the needed services.
After you have entered the sales order, you need to bill the customer for the sold services by preparing
an SO invoice, which is a financial document in the system that contains links to the applicable sales
orders. You can review the prepared SO invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form; then you can release
it. When the SO invoice is released, the system releases the corresponding AR invoice, which you can
view on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form.
An AR invoice is a financial document that is similar to the SO invoice but does not contain the links
to the other applicable documents. The system assigns the same reference number to the SO invoice
and the related AR invoice. Both of these documents contain the link to the batch of the general
ledger transactions, which was generated when the AR invoice was released. For more information on
processing accounts receivable invoices, see Processing AR Invoices.
Workflow of Sales of Services
If a sales order includes only services that do not involve shipping, the typical processing of the sales
order involves the steps and generated documents shown in the following diagram.
| Lesson 4: Selling Services | 20
Sales of Services: Process Activity
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing and processing of a sales order for
non-stock items that doesn't need to be shipped to the customer's location.
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
| Lesson 4: Selling Services | 21
Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant manager has ordered a three-day training course on home
canning for the restaurant's employees. The course is conducted online, and no shipping needs to
occur. You, as a sales manager, need to reflect these details in the system by entering and processing
the appropriate documents.
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this activity, the following prerequisites actions have been performed in the
On the Order Types (SO201000) form, the SO order type have been configured and activated.
On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has
been configured.
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the ONLCOURSE (Home canning courses online (website
session) non-stock item has been configured.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and then add a
service line to it. After that, you will use the Invoices (SO303000) form to prepare a related invoice to
the customer and release it.
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the norman login and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
Step 1: Entering a Sales Order
To create a sales order, do the following:
1. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, click New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
Order Type: SO
Customer: GOODFOOD
Description: Home canning training
2. On the Details tab, click Add Row on the table toolbar, and specify the following settings in the
Quantity: 3
| Lesson 4: Selling Services | 22
Unit Price: 14.5
3. Save the order, and notice that it is assigned the Open status.
Step 2: Processing the SO Invoice
To prepare and release the SO invoice that is related to the sales order, do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, on the form
toolbar, click Actions > Prepare Invoice. The system prepares the SO invoice and opens it on
the Invoices (SO303000) form.
2. On this form, review the details of the prepared invoice. The invoice has one line on the Details
tab, as the initial sales order does. In the Order Nbr. column of this tab, the system has inserted
the reference number of the related sales order; this number is also a link you can click to view the
document on the Sales Orders form. Notice that the Shipment Nbr. column of the Details tab has
no number.
3. On the form toolbar, click Release to release the invoice. The invoice is assigned the Open status.
Also, an AR invoice with the same reference number, which you can view on the Invoices and Memos
(AR301000) form, becomes available.
4. On the Details tab, in the only row, click the link in the Order Nbr. column to view the associated
sales order.
5. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, which opens, review the details of the sales order, as shown
in the following screenshot. Notice that the sales order has the Completed status, which the
system assigned on release of the SO invoice and which means that the processing of the sale is
Figure: Sales order completed on release of the invoice
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 23
Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and
Services with Receipt
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with
Receipts: General Information
Non-stock items in Acumatica ERP, which are defined on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form during
implementation, are used to represent products that cannot be stocked in warehouses (such as
services or charges) or physical entities whose quantities you do not need to track. In Acumatica ERP,
you can process purchases of non-stock items and services with receipts.
The following sections explain how to process a purchase of non-stock items and services with receipt,
and which documents are prepared during the processing of the purchase.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Enter a purchase order for a purchase of non-stock items including services
Prepare the purchase receipt for the purchase order
Prepare an AP bill that corresponds to the purchase order
Applicable Scenarios
You process a purchase order for non-stock items (potentially including services) and process a
purchase receipt if you need to prepare a bill to pay the vendor for the purchased non-stock items.
The standard purchase process of non-stock items includes entering a purchase order, processing the
purchase receipt when the purchased non-stock items are received, and preparing a bill to the vendor.
Purchases of services are usually processed without purchase receipts also being processed
in the system. You might want to process a purchase of a service with a corresponding
purchase receipt if you want the receipt to serve as proof that the work was finished. If the
service is paid by the hour, the receipt is also needed to track the actual number of hours,
which may differ from the expected number of hours in the purchase order.
Purchase of Non-Stock Items (Including Services) with a Corresponding
In Acumatica ERP, you create a purchase order by using the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form. You use
a purchase order of the Normal type for processing a standard purchase of non-stock items (including
When you create a new purchase order, you first select the vendor and the Normal type in the
Summary area. Then on the Details tab, you add lines with the non-stock items, including services, to
be purchased from the vendor.
For this scenario, once the purchased items have been received, you need to create a purchase receipt
on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 24
Then you need to create an AP bill to increase the vendor's balance in the system with the amount to
be paid for the received items. You can review the AP bill on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
If all the lines in the purchase order have been billed in full, the system assigns the purchase order the
Closed status. For more information on the rules that affect line closing and completion, see Non-Stock
Lines in Purchase Orders.
Workflow of a Purchase of Non-Stock Items with Receipt
When you process a purchase of non-stock items (including services) with a purchase receipt, the
typical processing of a purchase order involves the steps and generated documents shown in the
following diagram.
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 25
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with
Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Non-Stock Items
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing and processing a purchase order
for non-stock items that are required to be included in a purchase receipt. This activity involves non-
stock items that are not services.
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 26
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
Suppose that the SweetLife Store gives a free magnet with a SweetLife advertisement to every
customer who buys goods in the retail shop. Further suppose that today one of the managers has
reported that the supply of magnets is almost depleted.
As a purchasing manager, you need to enter and process a purchase order for the Wingman Printing
Company, from which SweetLife buys these magnets. You also need to process the corresponding
purchase order and AP bill.
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this activity, the following prerequisite actions have been performed in the system:
On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Inventory feature must be enabled.
On the Vendors (AP303000) form, the PRINTICO (Wingman Printing Company) vendor has been
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the MAGNETS (A box of magnets with company
advertisement, 50pcs) non-stock item has been defined, and the Require Receipt check box has
been selected for this item on the General Settings tab. This indicates that when this item is
purchased, it needs to be included in a purchase receipt.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form and add the
magnets to it. When the magnets have been received, on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form,
you will then create a purchase receipt for them. On release of the purchase receipt, the system
automatically generates an inventory receipt to create a GL batch. Then on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP301000) form, you create an AP bill to pay the vendor.
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the wiley login and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the company and branch selection menu, on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select
the SweetLife Store branch.
Step 1: Creating a Purchase Order
To create a purchase order for the magnets, do the following:
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 27
1. On the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, click New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
Type: Normal
Description: Purchase of magnets
2. On the Details tab, click Add Row on the table toolbar, and specify the following settings in the
Branch: RETAIL
Inventory ID: MAGNETS
Warehouse: RETAIL
Order Qty.: 20
Unit Cost: 100
3. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and notice that the purchase order is assigned the Open
Step 2: Processing the Purchase Receipt
Create the purchase receipt for the purchase order as follows:
1. While you are still viewing the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, on the
form toolbar, click Actions > Enter PO Receipt. The system prepares the purchase receipt for the
selected purchase order and opens it on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Save.
3. Review the details of the prepared purchase receipt. Make sure that the Create Bill check box is
cleared in the Summary area. (In the next step, you will prepare the bill manually.)
4. On the form toolbar, click Release.
5. On the Other tab, click the IN Ref. Nbr. link, and review the details of the generated inventory
receipt, which the system opens on the Receipts (IN301000) form. Make sure the inventory receipt
has the Released status.
Step 3: Processing the AP Bill
Do the following to process the AP bill associated with the purchase order and purchase receipt:
1. Return to the purchase receipt that you have processed earlier in this activity on the Purchase
Receipts (PO302000) form, and on the form toolbar, click Actions > Enter AP Bill. The system
generates an AP bill for the vendor of the goods and shows the created document on the Bills and
Adjustments (AP301000) form.
2. In the Description box, enter Purchase of magnets.
3. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and then click Release to release the bill.
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 28
4. Return to the purchase order for PRINTICO on the Purchase Orders form, and review its settings.
Notice that the order now has a status of Closed, as shown in the following screenshot.
On the PO History tab (also shown in the screenshot), notice that the left pane lists the
corresponding purchase receipt, and the right pane lists the AP bill that was prepared for the order.
The inclusion of these documents on the tab indicates that the purchased magnets have been
received and billed in full, so the purchasing process is completed.
Figure: The corresponding purchase receipt and AP bill for the closed purchase order
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with
Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Services
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing and processing a purchase order
for non-stock items that are required to be included a purchase receipt. This activity involves non-stock
items that are services.
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
Suppose that a manager has reported that a computer in the SweetLife Store doesn't work. Your
system administrator has contacted the company that provides computer services, Compulink and Co.,
and the company has sent a service technician to repair the computer.
Acting as a purchasing manager, you will process the relevant documents in the system. Because
Compulink and Co. charges for repair services by the hour, you will prepare the purchase order after
the technician finishes the job. You will also process a purchase receipt for this job to document that
the job was completed, and the computer works now. You will then process the corresponding AP bill.
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this lesson, the following prerequisite actions have been performed in the system:
On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Inventory feature has been enabled.
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 29
On the Vendors (AP303000) form, the COMPULINK (Compulink and Co.) vendor has been
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the MAINTENANCE (Repair of hardware) non-stock item
has been defined, and the Require Receipt check box has been selected for this item on the
General tab. This indicates that when this item is purchased, it needs to be included in a purchase
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form and add the
purchased service to it. On the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form, you will then create a purchase
receipt for the ordered items. On release of the purchase receipt, the system automatically generates
an inventory receipt to create a GL batch. Then on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, you
create an AP bill to pay the vendor.
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the wiley login and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the company and branch selection menu, on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select
the SweetLife Store branch.
4. On the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form, select the Process Service lines from
Normal Purchase via Purchase Receipt check box so that the system allows the processing of a
service line that will be included in a corresponding purchase receipt.
Step 1: Creating a Purchase Order
To create a purchase order for the computer repair service, do the following:
1. On the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, click New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
Type: Normal
Description: Repair of a computer in the shop
2. On the Details tab, click Add Row on the table toolbar, and specify the following settings in the
Branch: RETAIL
Warehouse: RETAIL
Order Qty.: 3
| Lesson 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipt | 30
This indicates that the repair service took three hours to complete; each unit represents one
hour of work.
Unit Cost: 20
3. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and notice that the purchase order is assigned the Open
Step 2: Processing the Purchase Receipt
Create the purchase receipt for the purchase order as follows:
1. While you are still viewing the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, on the
form toolbar, click Actions > Enter PO Receipt. The system prepares the purchase receipt for the
selected purchase order and opens it on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Save.
3. Review the details of the prepared purchase receipt. Make sure that the Create Bill check box is
cleared in the Summary area. (In the next step, you will prepare the bill manually.)
4. On the form toolbar, click Release.
Step 3: Processing the AP Bill
Do the following to process the AP bill associated with the purchase order:
1. In the purchase receipt that you have processed earlier in this activity on the Purchase Receipts
(PO302000) form, on the form toolbar, click Actions > Enter AP Bill. The system generates an
AP bill for the vendor of the goods and shows the created document on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP301000) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and then click Release to release the bill.
3. Return to the purchase order for COMPULINK on the Purchase Orders form, and review its settings.
Notice that the order now has a status of Closed, as shown in the following screenshot.
On the PO History tab (also shown in the screenshot), notice that the left pane lists the
corresponding purchase receipt, and the right pane lists the AP bill that was prepared for the
order. The inclusion of these documents on the tab indicates that the purchased service has been
received and billed in full, so the purchasing process is completed.
Figure: The corresponding purchase receipt and AP bill for the closed purchase order
| Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt | 31
Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: General
Non-stock items in Acumatica ERP, which are defined on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form during
implementation, are used to represent products that cannot be stocked in warehouses (such as
services or charges) or physical entities whose quantities you do not need to track. If a non-stock item
is included in a purchase order, the item’s settings determine whether the item must be included in a
corresponding purchase receipt.
The following sections explain how to process a purchase of services that will not be included in
corresponding purchase receipts, and which documents are prepared during the processing of the
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Enter a purchase order for a purchase of a service that does not need to be included in the
applicable purchase receipt
Prepare an AP bill that corresponds to the purchase order
Applicable Scenarios
When you need to purchase services from a vendor, you usually process a purchase order without
processing a corresponding receipt. In this case, the purchasing process includes entering a purchase
order and preparing a bill to pay the vendor.
Purchase of Services Without a Corresponding Receipt
In Acumatica ERP, you create a purchase order by using the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form. You use
a purchase order of the Normal type for processing a standard purchase of services.
When you create a new purchase order, you first select the vendor and the Normal type in the
Summary area. Then on the Details tab, you add lines with items and services (including the services
that do not need to be included in a purchase receipt) to be purchased from the vendor.
Once the purchased services have been received (that is, provided), you, on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP301000) form, need to create an AP bill to increase the vendor's balance in the system with amount
to be paid for the received services.
Workflow of a Purchase of Services Without a Purchase Receipt
When you process a purchase of services without a purchase receipt, the typical processing of a
purchase order involves the steps and generated documents shown in the following diagram.
| Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt | 32
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Process
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing and processing a purchase order
that includes a line for a service that doesn’t need to be included in a purchase receipt when it is
For simplicity, this chapter focuses on purchases of only services that do not require corresponding
purchase receipts. However, this activity demonstrates a purchase of both a service that does not
need to be included in a purchase receipt and a stock item that does need to be included in a purchase
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
Suppose that you, as a purchasing manager for SweetLife Fruit & Jams, urgently need to buy some
jars for packing SweetLife’s produced jam, which is sold in the retail store. SweetLife buys these jars
(which are tracked as stock items in the system) from Jar Co., which offers free delivery of the jars.
| Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt | 33
You order the jars, but you will not be able to use Jar Co.'s regular delivery service because its soonest
free delivery is in three days. Because you are in urgent need of the jars, you agree to pay Jar Co. an
extra service fee to arrange for delivery by a third party, which you have defined in the system as a
service that does not need to be included in a purchase receipt.
Thus, you need to process a purchase order for Jar Co. that includes both the jars (at their normal
price) and the expedited delivery service. You also need to process the corresponding purchase receipt
(which includes only the jars, because purchased stock items are always included in a purchase
receipt) and AP bill (which includes the jars and the expedited delivery service).
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this activity, the following prerequisite actions have been performed in the system:
On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Inventory feature has been enabled.
On the Vendors (AP303000) form, the JARCO (Jar Co.) vendor has been defined.
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the URGDELIVERY (One-time delivery service) non-stock
item has been defined, and the Require Receipt check box has been cleared for this item on the
General tab. This indicates that when this item is purchased, it does not need to be included in a
purchase receipt.
On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the JAR96 (Glass jar 96 oz., 24 pcs) stock item has been
defined. Because stock items are by definition items whose movements are tracked in inventory,
when they are purchased, they must be included in the purchase receipt corresponding to the
purchase order.
For details about the process of purchasing stock items, see Standard Inventory Purchases:
Process Activity.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form and add the
purchased expedited delivery service and jars to it. Although the service does not need to be included
in a purchase receipt, because the jars are stock items, you will process a purchase receipt for them
on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form. Then on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, you will
create an AP bill to pay the vendor.
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the wiley login and the 123 password.
2. On the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form, make sure that the Process Service lines
from Normal Purchase via Purchase Receipt check box is cleared so that the system does not
include service lines in purchase receipts.
3. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
| Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt | 34
4. On the company and branch selection menu, on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select
the SweetLife Store branch.
Step 1: Creating a Purchase Order
To create a purchase order that includes the jars and the expedited delivery service, do the following:
1. On the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, click New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the
following settings in the Summary area:
Type: Normal
Vendor: JARCO
Description: Purchase of jars
2. On the Details tab, for each of the rows whose settings are listed below, click Add Row on the
table toolbar, and specify the listed settings in the row.
Branch Inventory ID Warehouse Order Qty. Unit Cost
3. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and notice that the purchase order is assigned the Open
Step 2: Processing the Purchase Receipt for the Jars
Although the URGDELIVERY non-stock item does not need to be included in a purchase receipt, the
purchase order also consists of the JAR96 stock item. When this item is purchased, it needs to be
included in the corresponding purchase receipt, because the movements of all stock items are carefully
tracked in inventory. Thus, you still need to create a purchase receipt.
Create the purchase receipt for the purchase order as follows:
1. While you are still viewing the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, on the
form toolbar, click Actions > Enter PO Receipt. The system prepares the purchase receipt for the
selected purchase order and opens it on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
2. Review the purchase receipt.
Notice that the line with the URGDELIVERY service, which had been included in the purchase order,
is absent in the purchase receipt. This is because the Require Receipt check box is cleared for the
non-stock item on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
3. On the form toolbar, click Save.
4. Review the details of the prepared purchase receipt. Notice that the Create Bill check box is
cleared in the Summary area. (You will create the bill manually in the next step.)
5. On the form toolbar, click Release.
| Lesson 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt | 35
Step 3: Processing the AP Bill
Do the following to process the AP bill related to the purchase order:
1. Return to the purchase order that you have processed earlier in this activity on the Purchase Orders
(PO301000) form, and on the form toolbar, click Actions > Enter AP Bill. The system generates
an AP bill for the vendor of the goods and shows the created document on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP301000) form.
2. In the Description box, enter Purchase of jars with expedited delivery.
3. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and then click Release to release the bill.
4. Return to the purchase order for PRINTICO on the Purchase Orders form, and review its settings.
Notice that the order now has a status of Closed, as shown in the following screenshot.
On the PO History tab, notice that the left pane lists the purchase receipt that includes an item
from this purchase order, and the right pane lists the AP bill that was prepared for the order. The
inclusion of these documents on the tab indicates that the purchased jars have been received and
the jars and the delivery have been billed in full, so the purchasing process is completed.
Figure: The corresponding purchase receipt and AP bill for the closed purchase order
| Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items | 36
Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: General
In Acumatica ERP, you can create sales orders whose goods are intended for drop shipping. Drop
shipping means that a customer orders the goods from your company, pays your company for the
order, and receives the goods (which your company has ordered) directly from one of your vendors. In
the system, you define these goods as non-stock items because your company does not keep them in
If the Drop Shipments feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you can mark
particular non-stock items for drop shipping and create drop-ship orders for these items.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
Process a sales order for non-stock items to be drop-shipped
Mark items for drop shipment in a sales order
Create a drop-ship purchase order for the sales order and process the drop shipment to completion
Applicable Scenarios
You use a drop shipment to fulfill a sale of non-stock items that your company does not keep in its
warehouses. Instead, your company processes the needed documents to have your vendor ship the
items directly to the customer
Drop-Shipping Process
To process a sale with drop shipment, you create a sales order of the SO order type on the Sales Orders
(SO301000) form, and add the non-stock items ordered by the customer. On the Details tab of the
form, you mark the non-stock items for drop shipping by selecting the check box in the Mark for PO
column and selecting Drop-Ship in the PO Source column, which means that the items will be ordered
from the vendor and shipped directly to the customer.
When you mark items for drop shipping and save the sales order with the Open status, the system
creates purchase requests of the Drop-Ship plan type. You then create a drop-ship purchase order by
processing Drop-Ship purchase requests on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. This drop-ship
purchase order contains links to the related sales order.
The items from this purchase order are not shipped to the company's warehouse; rather, they are
shipped directly to the customer. After you have received confirmation that the customer has received
the items from the vendor, you prepare and release the purchase receipt for the drop-ship purchase
order. When you release the purchase receipt (which is listed as a shipment document for the sales
order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form), the status of the drop-ship purchase order and sales
order is changed to Completed. You can then you prepare an SO invoice for the customer.
| Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items | 37
Workflow of a Sale with Drop Shipment
For a sales order with non-stock items intended for drop shipment, the typical processing involves the
actions and generated documents shown in the following diagram.
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Process Activity
The following activity will walk you through the process of preparing a sales order with non-stock items
marked for drop shipping and processing this sales order to completion.
The following activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if
any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of
the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset
to its initial state.
Suppose that the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop (COFFEESHOP) customer has ordered two rare
teas at SweetLife’s retail store. Although these teas are presented in SweetLife’s website catalog, the
company does not keep them in the wholesale or retail warehouse; they are defined in Acumatica ERP
as non-stock items. When a customer orders these teas, SweetLife drop-ships them from the Tea &
Spices (TEACOMPANY) vendor, which regularly stocks these teas, directly to the customer who ordered
the teas. To fulfill the customers request, acting as the sales manager of the SweetLife store, you need
to process a drop shipment.
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this activity, the Drop Shipments feature, which provides the ability to create and
process sales orders with drop shipment, has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS101000)
The following entities, which you will use in this activity, have been predefined in the system:
| Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items | 38
On the Customers (AP303000) form, the COFFEESHOP customer has been configured.
On the Vendors (AP303000) form, the TEACOMPANY vendor has been configured.
On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the EMPTEA and KINGTEA non-stock items have been
configured. For each of these items, the TEACOMPANY vendor has been added to the Vendors
tab. Also, the Require Receipt and Require Shipment check boxes have been selected for these
items on the General tab. These settings are required to process drop-ship sales.
Process Overview
In this activity, to process a sale with drop shipment, you will create a sales order of the SO order
type on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form; on the Details tab, you will add the items ordered by the
customer. Because the items are not kept in stock, you will mark each of them for drop shipping by
selecting the check box in the Mark for PO column and selecting Drop-Ship in the PO Source column,
which means that the items will be ordered from the vendor and shipped directly to the customer.
You will then create a drop-ship purchase order by processing purchase requests of the Drop-Ship plan
type on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. The drop-ship purchase order generated from
purchase requests, which can be viewed and processed further on the Purchase Orders (PO301000)
form, contains links to the related sales order.
After you have received confirmation that the customer has received the items from the vendor, on the
Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form, you will prepare and release the purchase receipt for the drop-ship
purchase order. You will then prepare an invoice for the customer by using the Invoices (SO303000)
System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. To
sign in as a sales and purchasing manager, use the wiley username and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure
that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will
create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the company and branch selection menu, on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select
the SweetLife Store branch.
Step 1: Creating a Sales Order
To create a sales order, do the following:
1. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, create a sales order, and specify the following settings:
Order Type: SO
Description: Website order #00785 (tea)
2. On the Details tab, add rows with the settings shown in the following table.
| Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items | 39
Branch Inventory ID Warehouse Quantity Unit Price
3. Click Save on the form toolbar to save the sales order, which is assigned the Open status.
Step 2: Marking the Items for Drop Shipment
To mark items for drop shipment, while you are still viewing the sales order on the Sales Orders
(SO301000) form, do the following:
1. For each of the lines on the Details tab, select the Mark for PO check box and select Drop-Ship in
the PO Source column.
2. On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 3: Creating a Drop-Ship Purchase Order
To create a drop-ship purchase order from purchase requests, do the following:
1. On the form toolbar of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form while you are still viewing the sales order,
click Actions > Create Purchase Order.
2. On the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form, which opens, select the unlabeled check boxes in
the two rows with Drop Ship specified as the Plan Type (which are the lines that are related to the
sales order that you have prepared).
3. In both of the rows, specify TEACOMPANY in the Vendor column.
4. On the form toolbar, click Process to process the purchase requests you have selected.
The system creates a drop-ship purchase order for the TEACOMPANY vendor and opens it on the
Purchase Orders (PO301000) form.
5. On the Details tab of this form, review the Sales Order Nbr. column, which shows the number of
the sales order to which this purchase order lines are linked.
6. In the Description box of the Summary area, type Purchase for website order #00785.
7. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold.
Step 4: Processing the Drop-Ship Purchase Order
Suppose that you have been notified that the customer has received the ordered teas. To process the
drop-ship purchase order to completion, do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, click
Actions > Enter PO Receipt on the form toolbar.
2. On the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form, which the system opens with the created receipt,
review the details of the prepared purchase receipt, and make sure that both purchase order lines
have been added with the appropriate quantities.
| Lesson 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items | 40
3. In the Summary area, select the Create Bill check box to make the system generate the bill
automatically on release of the purchase receipt.
4. On the form toolbar, click Release to release the purchase receipt.
The system releases the purchase receipt and assigns it the Released status.
5. On the Billing tab, review the only line in the table, which shows the generated bill, and make
sure the bill has a status of Closed.
Step 5: Processing the AR Invoice for the Customer
To complete the processing of a sale with drop shipment, you need to generate an invoice to the
customer. Do the following:
1. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, open the sales order for the COFFEESHOP customer that you
have created earlier in this activity.
2. On the form toolbar, click Prepare Invoice.
3. On the Invoices (SO303000) form, which opens, review the details of the invoice to make sure that
both items have been included in the invoice.
4. On the form toolbar, click Release to release the invoice.
5. Return to the sales order on the Sales Orders form, and notice the Completed status (shown in
the following screenshot), which reflects that you have processed the sales order to completion.
Then on the Shipments tab, review the only row (also shown in the following screenshot), which
indicates the shipment for the order. Notice that the purchase receipt that you have processed is
listed as a shipment for this sales order and that the reference number of this purchase receipt is
shown in the Document Nbr. column of the row (see the following screenshot).
Figure: Sales order with drop shipment processed to completion
| Additional Materials | 41
Additional Materials
Appendix 1: Creating Non-Stock Items
Creating Non-Stock Items: Configuration Prerequisites
Before starting to create a non-stock item, you must be sure that the system has been configured
properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following sections.
Enabling the Needed Features
To be able to process sales and purchase orders that include non-stock items, you need to enable the
Inventory and Order Management feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If you want
to configure the processing of sales and purchases orders that include non-stock items with shipments
and PO receipts, you should also enable the Inventory feature. If the Inventory feature is not enabled,
you can process sales and purchases only directly, by using AR invoices and AP bills rather than sales
orders and purchase orders.
Configuring the System
You need to make sure the following tasks have been performed in Acumatica ERP before you begin
creating non-stock items:
The performing of the minimum system configuration. For details, see Company Without Branches:
General Information.
While the U100 dataset you are going to use to configure a non-stock item has
predefined posting classes, in a production environment you can configure a non-stock
item without posting classes.
On the Tax Categories (TX205500) form, the definition of the necessary tax categories, which you
will assign to the new non-stock item.
Creating Non-Stock Items: Related Forms and Reports
This topic describes the forms and reports you may want to review to gather information about non-
stock items.
If you do not see a report or inquiry, this could mean that you have signed in to the system
with a user account that does not have access rights to a form. Sign in as the admin user, or
contact your system administrator.
Reviewing Sales Prices
You can review the sales prices of a particular non-stock item by clicking Inquiries > Sales Prices
on the toolbar of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form while you are viewing the item. The system
navigates to the Sales Prices (AR202000) form, where you can review any sales prices that have been
| Additional Materials | 42
specified for the selected non-stock item. On this form, you can also add a new sales price for the non-
stock item.
For details of managing sales prices, see Sales Prices: General Information.
Reviewing Vendor Prices
You can review the vendor prices of a particular non-stock item by clicking Inquiries > Vendor
Prices on the toolbar of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. The system navigates to the Vendor
Prices (AP202000) form, where you can review any vendor prices that have been specified for the
selected non-stock items. On this form, you can also add a new vendor price for the non-stock item.
For details on managing vendor prices, see Vendor Prices: General Information.
Reviewing Sales Order Details by Inventory Item
If you want to view detailed information about open sales orders, you use the Sales Order Details by
Inventory Item (SO611500) report. You can view sales order details for all items, grouped by inventory
item, or select a particular non-stock item among the parameters you use to run the report.
Reviewing Shipment Details by Inventory Item
If you want to view shipment details, you use the Shipment Details by Inventory Item (SO621500) report.
You can view the shipment details of all items, grouped by inventory item, or select a particular non-
stock item among the parameters you use to run the report.
Reviewing Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item
If you want to view detailed information about the open lines in purchase orders of the Normal or
Drop-Ship type, you use the Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item (PO611500) report. You can view
this information on all items, grouped by inventory item, or select a particular non-stock item among
the parameters you use to run the report.
Appendix 2: Creating Service Items
Creating Service Items: Configuration Prerequisites
Before you start configuring a service item, you must be sure that the system has been configured
properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following sections.
Enabling the Needed Features
To be able to process sales and purchase orders that include non-stock items, you need to enable the
Inventory and Order Management feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If you want
to configure the processing of sales and purchases orders that include non-stock items with shipments
and PO receipts, you should also enable the Inventory feature. If the Inventory feature is not enabled,
you can process sales and purchases only directly, by using AR invoices and AP bills rather than sales
orders and purchase orders.
Configuring the System
You need to make sure the following tasks have been performed in Acumatica ERP before you begin
creating non-stock items:
| Additional Materials | 43
The performing of the minimum system configuration. For details, see Company Without Branches:
General Information.
While the U100 dataset you are going to use to configure a non-stock item has
predefined posting classes, in a production environment you can configure a non-stock
item without posting classes.
On the Tax Categories (TX205500) form, the definition of the necessary tax categories, which you
will assign to the new non-stock item.
Creating Service Items: Related Forms
This topic describes the forms and reports you may want to review to gather information about non-
stock items.
If you do not see a report or inquiry, this could mean that you have signed in to the system
with a user account that does not have access rights to a form. Sign in as the admin user, or
contact your system administrator.
Reviewing Sales Prices
You can review the sales prices of a particular non-stock item by clicking Inquiries > Sales Prices
on the toolbar of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form while you are viewing the item. The system
navigates to the Sales Prices (AR202000) form, where you can review any sales prices that have been
specified for the selected non-stock item. On this form, you can also add a new sales price for the non-
stock item.
For details of managing sales prices, see Sales Prices: General Information.
Reviewing Vendor Prices
You can review the vendor prices of a particular non-stock item by clicking Inquiries > Vendor
Prices on the toolbar of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form while you are viewing the item. The
system navigates to the Vendor Prices (AP202000) form, where you can review any vendor prices that
have been specified for the selected non-stock items. On this form, you can also add a new vendor
price for the non-stock item.
For details on managing vendor prices, see Vendor Prices: General Information.
Reviewing Sales Order Details by Inventory Item
If you want to view detailed information about open sales orders, you use the Sales Order Details by
Inventory Item (SO611500) report. You can view sales order details for all items, grouped by inventory
item, or select a particular non-stock item among the parameters you use to run the report.
Reviewing Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item
If you want to view detailed information about the open lines in purchase orders of the Normal or
Drop-Ship type, you use the Purchase Order Details by Inventory Item (PO611500) report. You can view
this information on all items, grouped by inventory item, or select a particular non-stock item among
the parameters you use to run the report.
| Additional Materials | 44
Appendix 3: Selling Non-Stock Items with Shipping
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Implementation
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for
the processing of sales of non-stock items with shipping, and to understand (and change, if needed)
the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales of non-stock items with shipping, you should make sure the
needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as
summarized in the following checklist.
Form Criteria to Check
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to
sales orders have been specified, as described in
Order Management Basic Configuration: General Infor-
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and
has been configured, as described in Sales Order
Types: To Configure the SO Order Type.
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been
defined in the system, as described in Customers:
Implementation Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items have been
defined in the system, as described in Creating
Non-Stock Items: Implementation Activity.
Make sure that the Require Shipment check
box is selected for non-stock items that you
plan to ship.
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
You can affect the workflow of processing sales of non-stock items with shipping by specifying
additional settings as follows:
To cause shipments to be created with the On Hold status (so that the user can verify them before
processing them further), select the Hold Shipments on Entry check box on the Sales Orders
Preferences (SO101000) form.
To cause general ledger batches generated during the processing of sales documents to be posted
automatically, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger
| Additional Materials | 45
Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches, see GL
Transactions: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale
of non-stock items, as described in Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Process Activity.
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Generated
To be able to process a sale of non-stock items, you create and process a sales order. The following
sections describe the GL transactions generated during the processing of the documents for a sale of
non-stock items.
Sales orders of the SO type and shipment documents do not produce any GL transactions.
Transactions Generated for an SO Invoice
When you create and release an SO invoice with one line with a non-stock item, the system generates
the following general ledger transactions.
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable
Customer Amount 0.00
Sales account Depends on the settings of the
order type on the Order Types
(SO201000) form
0.00 Amount
You can view the reference number of the GL batch in the Batch Nbr. box on the Financial Details
tab of the Invoices (SO303000) form. You can click the link in this box to view the details of the batch
on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Related Reports
and Forms
In the following sections, you can find details about ways to gather information about sales of non-
stock items that have been processed or are being processed in the system.
If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the
system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact
your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.
Finding Shipments Related to a Sales Order
If you need to find a shipment that is linked to a particular sales order and review it, you can do this by
opening the sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301010) form and reviewing the Shipments tab, which
lists all the shipments that have been prepared for the order. To review the details of a listed shipment,
| Additional Materials | 46
you click its reference number in the Document Nbr. column; the system opens the shipment for
review on the Shipments (SO302000) form.
Tracking the Status of Order Fulfillment
To track how a sales order is being fulfilled, you can check its status in the Summary area of the Sales
Orders form. On the Totals tab of this form, you can also check the quantities and amounts that are
not yet shipped and not yet billed, and the amount that is not yet paid.
Printing Pick Lists
To prepare a printable pick list for a shipment document that is being processed, you use the Pick List
(SO644000) report. While you are viewing a shipment on the Shipments (SO302000) form, you can
navigate to this report for the selected shipment by clicking Actions > Print Pick List on the form
toolbar. The system opens the printable pick list on the Pick List report; then you can review the pick
list and print it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
Printing Invoices
To prepare a printable form of the SO invoice that is being processed, you use the Invoice / Memo
(SO643000) report. While you are viewing an SO invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form, you can
navigate to this report by clicking Reports > Print Invoice on the form toolbar. The system opens
the printable version of the SO invoice on the Invoice / Memo report; then you can review the SO invoice
and print it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
Sales of Non-Stock Items with Shipping: Mass-Processing
of Documents
The following sections explain how to process multiple sales orders and related documents, and how
the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.
Mass-Creating Shipments
Shipments can be mass-generated for sales orders. To generate shipments for multiple sales orders at
a time, you open the Process Orders (SO501000) form and select the Create Shipment action. Then you
select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the orders to be processed, and click Process on the
form toolbar. The system prepares shipment documents for the selected sales orders.
Mass-Confirming Shipments
Shipments can be confirmed in bulk. To confirm multiple shipments at a time, you open the Process
Shipments (SO503000) form and select the Confirm Shipment action. Then you select the unlabeled
check boxes in the rows of the shipments to be processed, and click Process on the form toolbar. The
system confirms the selected shipment documents.
Mass-Creating Invoices
SO invoices can be mass-generated for sales orders or for the shipments that correspond to sales
orders. To prepare multiple SO invoices for sales orders, you open the Process Orders (SO501000)
form. To prepare multiple invoices for shipments, you open the Process Shipments (SO503000) form.
On either form, you select the Prepare Invoice action, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows
of the sales orders or shipments to be processed, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system
prepares invoices for the selected documents.
| Additional Materials | 47
Mass-Printing Pick Lists
For multiple shipments with the On Hold or Open status, you can mass-print pick lists by using the
Process Shipments (SO503000) form. On this form, you select the Print Pick List action, select the
unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the shipments for which you need to print pick lists, and click
Process on the form toolbar.
Mass-Printing Invoices
You can print multiple SO invoices at a time by using the Process Invoices and Memos (SO505000) form.
On this form, you select the Print Invoice action, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the
SO invoices to be printed, and click Process on the form toolbar.
Appendix 4: Selling Services
Sales of Services: Implementation Checklist
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for
the processing of sales of services, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect
the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you begin processing sales of services, you should make sure the needed features have been
enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following
Form Criteria to Check
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to
sales orders have been specified, as described in
Order Management Basic Configuration: General Infor-
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO or IN order type is active
and has been configured, as described in Sales Or-
der Types: To Configure the SO Order Type. (If need-
ed, you can set up and activate both of these or-
der types.)
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been
defined in the system, as described in Customers:
Implementation Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items have been de-
fined in the system, as described in Creating Non-
Stock Items: Implementation Activity.
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
To cause general ledger batches generated during the processing of sales documents to be posted
automatically, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger Preferences
| Additional Materials | 48
(GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches, see GL Transactions: General
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, we recommend that you process a sale
of stock items, as described in Sales of Services: Process Activity.
Sales of Services: Generated Transactions
To be able to process a sale of non-stock items, you create and process a sales order. The following
sections describe the GL transactions generated during the processing of the documents for a sale of
non-stock items.
Sales orders of the SO type do not produce any GL transactions.
Transactions Generated for an SO Invoice
When you create and release an SO invoice with one line with a non-stock item that doesn't require
shipping, the system generates the following general ledger transactions.
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable
Customer Amount 0.00
Sales account Depends on the settings of the
order type on the Order Types
(SO201000) form
0.00 Amount
You can view the reference number of the GL batch in the Batch Nbr. box on the Financial Details
tab of the Invoices (SO303000) form. You can click the link in this box to view the details of the batch
on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Sales of Services: Related Report
In the following sections, you can find details about ways to gather information about sales of services
that have been processed or are being processed in the system.
If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the
system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact
your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.
Printing Invoices
To prepare a printable form of the invoice that is being processed, you use the Invoice / Memo
(SO643000) report. While you are viewing an SO invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form, you can
navigate to this report by clicking Reports > Print Invoice on the form toolbar. The system opens the
printable version of the invoice on the Invoice / Memo report; then you can review the invoice and print
it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
| Additional Materials | 49
Sales of Services: Mass-Processing of Documents
The following sections explain how to process multiple sales orders and related documents, and how
the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.
Mass-Creating Invoices
Invoices can be mass-generated for sales orders or for the shipments that correspond to sales orders.
To prepare multiple invoices for sales orders, you open the Process Orders (SO501000) form. On either
form, you select the Prepare Invoice action, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the sales
orders or shipments to be processed, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system prepares
invoices for the selected documents.
Mass-Printing Invoices
You can print multiple SO invoices at a time by using the Process Invoices and Memos (SO505000) form.
On this form, you select the Print Invoice action, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the
invoices to be printed, and click Process on the form toolbar.
Appendix 5: Purchasing Non-Stock Items and Services
with Receipt
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts:
Implementation Checklist
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly
for the processing of purchases of non-stock items (including services) with purchase receipts, and to
understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of non-stock items which may include
services, you make sure the needed settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as
summarized in the following checklist.
Form Criteria to Check
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to
purchase order management have been speci-
fied as described in Order Management Basic Con-
figuration: General Information.
Make sure that the Process Service lines
from Normal Purchase Orders via Pur-
chase Receipt check box (in the Other sec-
tion of the General Settings tab) is selected.
| Additional Materials | 50
Form Criteria to Check
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been
configured as described in Vendors: General Infor-
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items have been
configured as described in Creating Non-Stock Items:
Implementation Activity.
Also, make sure that the Require Receipt check
box (in the Item Defaults section of the Gen-
eral tab) is selected in the settings of each non-
stock item for which a purchase receipt will be
processed when the item is purchased.
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled
to be able to create purchase receipts.
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
You can affect the workflow of processing purchases by specifying additional settings:
To cause an accounts payable bill to be created automatically on release of a purchase receipt by
default, select the Create Bill on Receipt Release check box on the Purchase Orders Preferences
form (in the Other section of the General Settings tab). In this case, when a user creates a
purchase receipt on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form, the system automatically selects the
Create Bill check box in the Summary area. (The user can clear this check box for a particular
receipt, if needed.)
To cause the system to automatically release accounts payable bills that are generated on release
of purchase receipts, select the Release AP Documents Automatically check box on the
Purchase Orders Preferences form. For information on processing bills, see AP Bills: General Info.
To cause purchase receipts to be created with the On Hold status (so that users can verify them
before processing them further), select the Hold Receipts on Entry check box on the Purchase
Orders Preferences form (in the Other section of the General Settings tab).
To cause the system to automatically release inventory receipts generated on release of purchase
receipts, select the Release IN Documents Automatically check box on the Purchase Orders
Preferences form (in the Other section of the General Settings tab).
To cause the system to automatically post general ledger batches generated during processing
purchase documents, select the Automatically Post on Release check box in the Posting
Settings section of the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on processing
general ledger batches, see GL Transactions: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, process a purchase order, as described
in Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Non-Stock Items and
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts: To Process a Purchase of Services.
| Additional Materials | 51
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts:
Generated Transactions
To process a purchase of non-stock items and services for which a receipt is required, you create a
purchase receipt and an AP bill. On release of the AP bill and inventory receipt, the system generates
GL transactions described in the following sections.
Transactions Generated on AP Bill Release
When an AP bill prepared for a purchase order (or for purchase receipt) is released, the system creates
a batch of the following transactions.
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Payable account Vendor 0.00 Amount
PO Accrual account Item Amount 0.00
You can view the reference number of the GL batch generated for a particular AP bill in the Batch Nbr.
box on the Financial Details tab of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. You can click the link in
this box to view the details of the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts:
Related Reports and Forms
In the following sections, you can find details about ways to gather information about the purchases of
non-stock items or services that have been processed or are being processed in the system.
If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the
system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact
your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.
Reviewing Purchase Order Information
If you need to review all information related to a purchase order—including the order total, open
quantities, unbilled quantities and amounts, and related purchase receipts and accounts payable bills
with their dates, amounts, and current statuses—you first open the particular purchase order on the
Purchase Orders (PO301010) form. Then on the form toolbar, you click Reports > View Purchase
Order Receipt and Billing History to open the Purchase Order Receipt and Billing History (PO643000)
report for this purchase order.
Finding the Purchase Receipts Related to a Purchase Order
If you need to find a purchase receipt linked to a particular purchase order, you can open the purchase
order on the Purchase Orders (PO301010) form and review the PO History tab. The left table on this
tab lists all the purchase receipts that have been prepared for the order, and the table footer shows
the summary information for all listed documents. To review the details of any receipt, you click its
reference number in the Receipt Nbr. column; the system opens the purchase receipt for review on
the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
| Additional Materials | 52
Finding the Bills Related to a Purchase Order
If you need to find an AP bill linked to a particular purchase order, you can open the purchase order on
the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form and review the PO History tab. The right table on this tab lists
all the AP documents that have been prepared for the order, and the table footer shows the summary
information for all listed documents. To review the details any listed bill, you click its reference number
in the Reference Nbr. column; the system opens the AP bill for review on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP302000) form.
Reviewing the Unbilled Quantities of a Purchase Order
To check whether a purchase order has quantities of items and amounts that have not yet been billed,
you can review the Unbilled Quantity and Unbilled Amount boxes on the Other tab of the Purchase
Orders (PO301000) form.
Printing a Purchase Order
To prepare a printable version of the purchase order that is being processed, you use the Purchase
Order (PO641000) report. While you are viewing a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000)
form, you can print the purchase order by clicking Reports > Print Purchase Order on the form
toolbar. The system opens the printable version of the document on the Purchase Order report; then you
can review the order and print it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
Purchases of Non-Stock Items and Services with Receipts:
Mass-Processing of Documents
The following sections explain how to mass-process purchase orders and related documents, and how
the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.
Mass-Releasing Purchase Receipts
You can release multiple purchase receipts at the same time by using the Release Purchase Receipts
(PO501000) form. On this form, you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows to be processed, and
click Process on the form toolbar to release the selected documents.
Printing and Emailing Multiple Purchase Orders
If needed, you can print or email multiple purchase orders at the same time by using the Print/Email
Purchase Orders (PO503000) form. To do this for multiple purchase orders simultaneously, you select
the Print Purchase Order or Email Purchase Order action, select the unlabeled check boxes for the rows
to be processed, and click Process on the form toolbar to process the selected documents.
Consolidating Purchase Orders or Lines into a Single Purchase Receipt
Instead of preparing an individual purchase receipt for each purchase order, you can add multiple
purchase orders of one vendor to a single purchase receipt; you can also add individual lines of one
purchase order or multiple purchase orders. To do this, you create a new purchase receipt of the
Receipt type manually on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form; you then click Add PO on the table
toolbar of the Details tab and add the lines of multiple purchase orders with the same vendor to the
purchase receipt. If you click Add PO Line on the table toolbar, you can add purchase receipt lines.
| Additional Materials | 53
Consolidating Purchase Receipts or Lines into a Single Bill
Instead of preparing an individual accounts payable bill for each purchase receipt, you can add multiple
purchase receipts of one vendor to a single bill; you can also add individual lines of one purchase
receipt or multiple purchase receipts. To do this, you create a new accounts payable bill manually on
the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form and make sure that the Tax Settings option is selected in the
Tax Calculation Mode box on the Financial Details tab. You then click Add PO Receipt on the table
toolbar of the Document Details tab and add the lines of multiple purchase receipts with the same
vendor to the bill. If you click Add PO Receipt Line on the table toolbar, you can add purchase receipt
Appendix 6: Purchasing Services without Receipt
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Implementation
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly
for the processing of purchases of services that will not be included in a purchase receipt, and to
understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
We recommend that before you initially process purchases of services without receipt, you make
sure the needed settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the
following checklist.
Form Criteria to Check
Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings related to
purchase order management have been speci-
fied as described in Order Management Basic Con-
figuration: General Information.
Make sure that the Process Service lines
from Normal Purchase via Purchase Re-
ceipt check box (in the Other section of the
General Settings tab) is cleared.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been
configured as described in Vendors: General Infor-
| Additional Materials | 54
Form Criteria to Check
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items to be pur-
chased have been configured, as described in Cre-
ating Non-Stock Items: Implementation Activity.
For each non-stock item that does not need to be
included in a purchase receipt when the item is
purchased, make sure that the Require Receipt
check box (in the Item Defaults section of the
General tab) is cleared.
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
You can affect the workflow of processing purchases of services without receipt by selecting the
Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form to
cause the system to automatically post GL batches generated during processing purchase documents.
For information on processing GL batches, see GL Transactions: General Information.
Testing of Settings
To make sure that all settings have been configured correctly, process a purchase order, as described in
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Process Activity.
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Generated
To process a purchase of services without receipt, you create an AP bill. On release of the AP bill, the
system generates GL transactions described in the following section.
Transactions Generated on AP Bill Release
When an AP bill prepared for a purchase order is released, the system creates a batch of the following
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Payable account Vendor 0.00 Amount
PO Accrual account Item Amount 0.00
You can view the reference number of the GL batch generated for a particular AP bill in the Batch Nbr.
box on the Financial Details tab of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. You can click the link in
this box to view the details of the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Related Reports
and Forms
In the following sections, you can find details about ways to gather information about the purchases of
services that have been processed or are being processed in the system.
| Additional Materials | 55
If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the
system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact
your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.
Reviewing Purchase Order Information
If you need to review all information related to a purchase order—including the order total, open
quantities, unbilled quantities and amounts, and related purchase receipts and accounts payable bills
with their dates, amounts, and current statuses—you first open the particular purchase order on the
Purchase Orders (PO301010) form. Then on the form toolbar, you click Reports > View Purchase
Order Receipt and Billing History to open the Purchase Order Receipt and Billing History (PO643000)
report for this purchase order.
Finding the Bills Related to a Purchase Order
If you need to find an AP bill linked to a particular purchase order, you can open the purchase order
on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form and review the PO History tab. The right table on this tab
lists all the AP documents that have been prepared for the order, and the table footer shows the
summary information for all listed documents. To review any listed bill, you click its reference number
in the Reference Nbr. column; the system opens the AP bill for review on the Bills and Adjustments
(AP302000) form.
Reviewing the Unbilled Quantities of a Purchase Order
To check whether a purchase order has quantities of items and amounts that have not yet been billed,
you can review the Unbilled Quantity and Unbilled Amount boxes on the Other tab of the Purchase
Orders (PO301000) form.
Printing a Purchase Order
To prepare a printable version of the purchase order that is being processed, you use the Purchase
Order (PO641000) report. While you are viewing a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000)
form, you can print the purchase order by clicking Reports > Print Purchase Order on the form
toolbar. The system opens the printable version of the document on the Purchase Order report; then you
can review the order and print it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
Purchases of Services Without Receipts: Mass-Processing
of Documents
The following sections explain how to mass-process purchase orders, and how the system generates,
changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.
Printing and Emailing Multiple Purchase Orders
If needed, you can print or email multiple purchase orders at the same time by using the Print/Email
Purchase Orders (PO503000) form. To do this for multiple purchase orders simultaneously, you select
the Print Purchase Order or Email Purchase Order action, select the unlabeled check boxes for the rows
to be processed, and click Process on the form toolbar to process the selected documents.
Appendix 7: Drop-shipping Non-Stock Items
| Additional Materials | 56
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Implementation
The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly
for the processing of sales of non-stock items intended to be drop-shipped, and to understand (and
change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.
Implementation Checklist
Before you initially process sales with drop shipment, you should make sure the needed features have
been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the
following checklist.
Form Criteria to Check
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Drop Shipments feature is en-
Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, Pur-
chase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form
Make sure that all necessary settings related
to sales orders and purchase orders have been
specified as described in Order Management with In-
ventory Configuration: Implementation Activity.
Order Types (SO201000) form Make sure that the SO order type is active and
has been configured as described in Sales Order
Types: To Configure the SO Order Type.
Vendors (AP303000) form Make sure that all needed vendors have been
configured as described in Vendors: Implementation
Customers (AR303000) form Make sure that all needed customers have been
configured as described in Customers: Implementa-
tion Activity.
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form Make sure that all non-stock items are configured
as described in Creating Non-Stock Items: Implemen-
tation Activity.
Other Settings That Affect the Workflow
You can affect the processing workflow by specifying additional settings as follows:
To process services lines marked for drop shipment on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form with
receipt, select the Process Service Lines from Drop-Ship Purchase Orders via Purchase
Receipts on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form.
To cause sales orders of a particular order type to be created with the On Hold status (so the user
can verify them before processing them further), select the Hold Documents on Entry check box
for the order type on the Order Types (SO201000) form. For more information on other order type
settings affecting the workflow of sales orders, see Sales Order Types: General Information.
To cause the system to automatically create an accounts payable bill on release of a purchase
receipt by default, select the Create Bill on Receipt Release check box on the Purchase Orders
| Additional Materials | 57
Preferences (PO101000) form. In this case, when a user creates a purchase receipt on the Purchase
Receipts (PO302000) form, the system automatically selects the Create Bill check box. (The
user can clear this check box for a particular bill.) For information on processing bills, see AP Bills:
General Info.
To cause the system to automatically post general ledger batches generated during the processing
of sales and purchase documents, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the
General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches,
see GL Transactions: General Information.
Validation of Settings
To make sure that all settings are configured correctly, process a sale with drop shipment, as described
in the Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Process Activity.
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Generated
To be able to process a sale of non-stock items intended for drop shipment, you create and process a
sales order and a purchase order. The following sections describe the GL transactions generated during
the processing of the documents for a sale of non-stock items for drop shipment.
Sales orders of the SO type do not produce any GL transactions.
Transactions Generated for an SO Invoice
When you create and release an SO invoice with a line with a non-stock item, the system generates
the following general ledger transactions.
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable
Customer Amount 0.00
Sales account Depends on the settings of the
order type on the Order Types
(SO201000) form
0.00 Amount
You can view the reference number of the GL batch in the Batch Nbr. box on the Financial Details
tab of the Invoices (SO303000) form. You can click the link in this box to view the details of the batch
on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Transactions Generated on AP Bill Release
When an accounts payable bill prepared for a purchase order (or for purchase receipt) is released, the
system creates a batch of the following transactions.
Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Accounts Payable account Vendor 0.00 Amount
PO Accrual account Item Amount 0.00
| Additional Materials | 58
You can view the reference number of the GL batch generated for a particular AP bill in the Batch Nbr.
box on the Financial Details tab of the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form. You can click the link in
this box to view the details of the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Related Reports and
In the following sections, you can find details about the reports, inquiry forms, and dialog boxes you
may want to review to gather information about sales with drop shipment that have been processed or
are being processed in the system.
If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the
system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact
your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.
Finding Purchase Requests Pending Drop Shipment
You can find purchase requests of the Drop Ship type on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form.
On the form, you can filter purchase requests by any of the following criteria: warehouse, vendor,
order type, order number, inventory ID, item class, customer, product manager, and workgroup.
You can generate purchase orders of the Drop Ship type for all the listed purchase requests, or you can
select particular purchase requests (by selecting the unlabeled check boxes in the rows) and generate
these purchase orders.
Reviewing the Purchase Order Linked to a Sales Order Line
You can find the purchase order that is linked to a particular line of a sales order by clicking the sales
order line on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and then clicking PO Link on the
table toolbar. The Purchasing Details dialog box, which opens, lists all the purchase orders that are
linked to the selected line of the sales order.
Printing Reports and Documents
To prepare a printable form of the purchase order that is being processed, you use the Purchase
Order (PO641000) report. To do this while you are viewing the purchase order on the Purchase Orders
(PO301000) form, you click Reports > Print Purchase Order on the form toolbar. The system opens
the printable version of the purchase order on the Purchase Order report; after you review the order,
you can print it by clicking Print on the report toolbar.
Drop Shipment of Non-Stock Items: Mass-Processing of
This topic explains how to process multiple documents related to sales with drop shipment, and how
the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.
Mass-Creating Drop-Ship Purchase Orders
Drop-ship purchase orders can be mass-generated for purchase requests related to multiple sales
orders at a time. To mass-process sales orders marked for drop shipment, you open the Create Purchase
Orders (PO505000) form, on which you can create drop-ship purchase orders based on the drop-ship
purchase requests that have been created for sales orders.
| Additional Materials | 59
On this form, you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the purchase requests of the Drop-
Ship plan type to be processed and click Process on the form toolbar to generate the purchase order
or orders of this type. A sales order can have two or more linked drop-ship purchase orders, but
each generated drop-ship purchase order can have only one linked sales order. The system creates a
consolidated drop-ship purchase order for each group of purchase requests for which both the sales
order and the vendor are the same.
Mass-Creating SO Invoices
You can create multiple invoices on the Process Orders (SO501000) form by selecting the Prepare
Invoice action, selecting the unlabeled check box in the rows of the sales orders to be processed, and
click Process on the form toolbar to generate the SO invoice or invoices.