Cardinal Health 200, LLC
CPG Policies & Procedures
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2. Applicability ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Distributor General Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Payment Terms and Credit Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 4
6. Payment Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Ordering, Products, and Pricing ...................................................................................................................................... 5
8. Customer Service Contact Information........................................................................................................................... 8
9. Logistical and Freight Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 9
10. Returned Goods Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 11
11. Damages, Shortages, and Overages Procedures ...................................................................................................... 13
12. Tracings & Bill Back Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 14
13. EDI Requirements and Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 16
14. Product Recall Policies .............................................................................................................................................. 17
15. General Provisions .................................................................................................................................................... 18
16. Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Exhibit A: Cardinal Health Ordering Terms Table ................................................................................................................. 24
Exhibit B: Returned Goods Restocking Fee Charges ............................................................................................................. 24
Exhibit C: Cardinal Health’s Principles for E-Business ........................................................................................................... 25
Exhibit D: Replenishment Center Maps ................................................................................................................................ 26
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A. Cardinal Health 200, LLC (“Cardinal Health”) agrees to sell certain Products to Distributor subject
to the terms of the Distributor Policies and Procedures as set forth herein (“Policies and
Procedures”). Distributor acknowledges and agrees that submission of any purchase order,
electronic order, or other mechanism utilized to order Products from Cardinal Health is subject
to these Policies and Procedures.
B. Cardinal Health objects to all additions, exceptions, or attempted changes to the Policies and
Procedures, whether contained in any Distributor: purchase order, electronic order, proposal,
website, printed form, acceptance, user license agreement, or elsewhere, unless such terms are
expressly approved by Cardinal Health in writing.
C. In the event of a conflict between the terms of these Policies and Procedures and the terms of
any fully signed, active, and executed agreement between Cardinal Health and Distributor
relating to the purchase and sale of Products, the terms and conditions of such agreement shall
control with respect to only such conflicts specifically addressed therein.
D. These Policies and Procedures may not be modified without Cardinal Health’s written consent
and approval.
A. “Additional Billing” or “Ad Bill” means any document, such as an invoice, charge-back, or letter,
generated by Cardinal Health notifying a Distributor of funds owed.
B. “Affiliate” means a Cardinal Health, Inc. division, business, or operating company.
C. "Authorized Secondary Distributor” means a Distributor authorized by Cardinal Health to
purchase Products from a Master Distributor.
D. Bill Back means a reimbursement that Cardinal Health pays to the Distributor via auto-
deduction by Distributor, as the difference between the Distributor Purchase Price and the
applicable Contract Price for such Product.
E. Bill Back Claim” means a claim that Distributor makes to Cardinal Health for a Bill Back.
F. “Contract” means a written agreement (excluding a purchase order) submitted by or on behalf
of a Customer and accepted by Cardinal Health, or between Cardinal Health and a Customer,
that establishes the Contract Price for such Products.
G. “Contract Price” means the agreed upon price extended to a Customer by Cardinal Health for
Products under a Contract.
H. “Customer” means an end-user third party that purchases Products from Distributor.
I. “Distributor” means any distributor that has a direct account authorized and approved by
Cardinal Health and resells Cardinal Health Products to Customers pursuant to the terms and
conditions of these Policies and Procedures.
J. “Distributor Purchase Price” means the amount charged to Distributor for Products by Cardinal
Health pursuant to these Policies and Procedures.
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K. “Master Distributor” means only those Distributors who are permitted by Cardinal Health to sell
Products to an Authorized Secondary Distributor. Such list may be amended and modified from
time to time by Cardinal Health in its sole discretion.
L. “Product(s) means any product(s) sold by Cardinal Health to Distributors in accordance with
these Policies and Procedures. A catalog of then-current Cardinal Health Products is located on
the Cardinal Health Market website located at
A. Annual Minimum Purchase Requirement - Distributor must comply with the terms and
conditions of these Policies and Procedures and satisfy the Minimum Annual Purchase
Requirement set forth in Exhibit A to maintain status as an authorized Distributor. The Annual
Minimum Purchase Requirement is subject to change. In the event a Distributor has not or is not
trending to achieve the Annual Minimum Purchase Requirement as measured by Cardinal
Health, then upon notice, Cardinal Health may adjust or remove Distributor’s authorization to
distribute Products, suspend or refuse Distributor’s orders, or transition Distributor to an
Authorized Secondary Distributor for fulfillment from a Master Distributor.
B. Product Sourcing Requirement - Distributor shall purchase all Products directly from Cardinal
Health, and not from secondary or gray markets, or any other source.
C. End-Customer Requirements Distributor shall sell Cardinal Health Products only to qualified
Customers approved by Cardinal Health to purchase such Products.
i. Distributor shall not substitute Products without Customer and/or Cardinal Health’s prior
written consent.
ii. For all Customers, Distributor shall use reasonable efforts, including without limitation
the discontinuance of sales to a particular Customer, to ensure that the Customers are
purchasing such Products for their own use and not for resale.
iii. Distributor shall not sell, resell, exchange, ship, export, re-export, transship, or otherwise
transfer directly or indirectly - any Products (including any technology or services
related to the Products) to any entity that is not located within the fifty states of the
United States of America or the District of Columbia (thus excluding any other territories
or possessions of the United States and any foreign country).
D. E-Commerce Policy Distributor shall not sell Products on or through any third-party website or
eCommerce platform without prior written consent from Cardinal Health. If approved, Cardinal
Health may revoke such approval on notice.
E. Product Storage Inspection - Distributor will permit an authorized Cardinal Health representative
to enter and inspect, during normal business hours and upon a forty- eight (48) hour notice, the
establishments in which any of the Products are held to determine whether said Products are
held in compliance with these Policies and Procedures and provide Cardinal Health with
documents to validate such compliance.
F. Administrative Requirements
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i. Inventory Reporting - If requested, Distributor must provide, at minimum, a monthly
report within (ten) 10 days of the end of each calendar month setting forth Distributor’s
inventory of Cardinal Health Products for the preceding month, detailing at minimum
inventory by SKU on the first and last day of such month, and such other information
requested by Cardinal Health.
ii. Customer Initiated Audits - Distributor must notify Cardinal Health in writing within seven
(7) days of all Customer initiated audits.
iii. Contact Information Distributor must provide Cardinal Health with a valid email and
physical addresses. Any notices required under these Policies and Procedures may be
made via metered mail delivery, email, or hand-delivery.
A. Distributor shall pay Cardinal Health for Products shipped pursuant to Distributor’s orders.
B. Payment Terms - Payment terms are 1% 30, net 31 days from invoice date. Payment discount
must be taken at time of payment (Product invoice payment only not applicable to late fees,
ad-bills, or any other amounts owed to Distributor). Distributor shall pay to Cardinal Health a
service charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (or the highest amount allowed by
law, if lower) on all amounts past due.
i. Unauthorized Payment Discounts In the event that the Distributor claims and receives a
payment discount as a result of a violation of these Policies and Procedures, Cardinal
Health reserves the right to reduce future Bill Back credits, deduct and/or set off from
any incentives, rebates, or discounts earned by the Distributor, or to send an Ad Bill to
the Distributor for direct payment to Cardinal Health.
C. Non-Sufficient Funds Fee If Distributors payment to Cardinal Health is declined, in whole or in
part, due to non-sufficient funds, Cardinal Health will charge Distributor a $25 non-sufficient
fund fee plus any additional costs incurred by Cardinal Health. Any non-sufficient fund fees will
be reflected on Distributor’s statement.
D. Cardinal Health reserves the right to request from Distributor credit applications, financial
statements, and other credit related information and Distributor shall promptly provide such
information as reasonably requested.
E. Distributor will resolve all Cardinal Health Additional Billings for disputed items within 60 days of
Ad Bill date.
F. Distributor will provide a detailed, written deduction explanation or debit memo for all
adjustments to Cardinal Health invoices within 30 days of invoice date.
A. All payments must be received by Cardinal Health on or before the due date in accordance with
the Distributor’s payment terms by wire or ACH (automated clearing house) payment.
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Distributors can send an ACH or wire from their bank or use Cardinal Health’s payment portal
linked to the Cardinal Health Market website at
B. Distributors can email [email protected] to obtain a sign-on or
speak with their Cardinal Health Market administrator. Distributors can add banking information
to the portal and mark invoices for payment. The portal will pull an ACH from the Distributor’s
bank account.
i. Distributors who are existing Cardinal Health Distributors may use their existing Cardinal
Health remittance information for future payments.
ii. If you have any questions, please contact the collections representative listed on your
account statement or call 877.254.2738.
C. Payment Methods
i. Wire Payment
Beneficiary Name: Cardinal Health 200, LLC
Beneficiary Account Number: 5104963
ABA: 021 000 021
Bank address:
JPMorgan Chase Bank
270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Please send remittance advice to:
ii. ACH
Beneficiary Name: Cardinal Health 200, LLC
Beneficiary Account Number: 5104963
ABA: 071 000 013
Bank address:
JPMorgan Chase Bank
270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Please send remittance advice to:
iii. Paper/Check
Please mail paper checks payable to Cardinal Health 200, LLC to the remittance address
shown on your invoice. This address will vary by region.
Distributors who are existing Cardinal Health Customers may use their existing Cardinal
Health remittance information for future payments.
A. Order Placement Utilize the following to place an order: EDI Ordering, Web Ordering via
Cardinal Health Market, or by calling Customer Service. Orders placed via Customer Service will
result in a Manual Order Fee as set forth below.
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i. EDI Ordering Setup: To implement EDI/electronic ordering, send the following
information to your Cardinal Health contact: First name, Last name, Title, Email, Phone
Number, and Cardinal Health SoldTo and ShipTo Numbers. The Cardinal Health EDI team
will contact you to finalize setup. For EDI troubleshooting, contact technical support at
ii. Web Ordering via Cardinal Health Market Setup: To register for online ordering through
Cardinal Health Market (, send the following information to your
Cardinal Health contact with subject line: CARDINAL HEALTH MARKET ACCESS REQUEST: First
and Last name, Email, Phone Number, Administrator or Buyer, Cardinal Health Sold To and/or
Ship To Account Number(s)
Once set up, you will receive a username and temporary password. When logging onto Cardinal
Health Market for the first time, you will be prompted to set up a new password.
If you have any trouble logging on or with your user ID and password, please contact Customer
Technical Support at 800-326-6457, select option 3, then option 1.
For security, Cardinal Health Market passwords are required to be changed every 90 days.
B. Manual Order Placement Each standard order placed manually (phone, fax and email) will
incur a $200 charge. Decreasing quantities on an order, canceling an order, or canceling a code
on an order due to a backorder, must be handled by phone or email and will not incur any
charges. Non-standard orders must be ordered manually, by phone, fax or email, and will not
incur any charges.
C. Minimum Order Requirements A minimum order charge of $200 will be assessed to any
purchase order less than $2,500.
D. Drop Shipment Policy - A drop shipment is defined as an order that Cardinal Health invoices to
the Distributor and ships directly to a Customer or a Customer’s designee. A $200 drop-ship
charge will be assessed for this service. In addition to the above “Drop Ship Charge(s)”, all
freight charges associated with such order will be charged to the Distributor. Any additional fees
set forth in this Agreement shall be applicable to drop shipments in addition to the Drop-Ship
Charges. Due to the additional processing and cost required for drop shipments, Distributors are
requested to use the drop-ship alternative as a last alternative to traditional distribution
channels and may be rejected by Cardinal Health.
i. Drop Ship Account Creation New drop ship accounts require setup within Cardinal
Health systems. Please contact your Cardinal Health sales representative or customer
service to set up a new drop ship account.
E. Rush Order Policy A rush order is defined as a Product shipment outside of Distributor’s regular
delivery schedule. Rush orders will incur charge of $200. In addition to the above Rush Order
Charge(s)”, all freight charges associated with order will be charged to the Distributor. Any
additional fees set forth in this Agreement shall be applicable to rush orders in addition to the
Rush Order Charges. Rush orders shall have a maximum of five (5) cases and shall not exceed
one hundred and fifty (150) pounds. Due to the additional processing and cost required for rush
orders, Distributors are requested to use this service as a last alternative to traditional
distribution channels. Cardinal Health reserves the right to refuse a rush order request.
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i. Drop Ship Rush Orders Refer to Section 7.D. for setup of drop ship accounts. Rush
orders to drop ship accounts will incur a $200 charge and any cost of freight for shipment
will be invoiced to Distributor. Drop ship rush orders shall have a maximum of five (5)
cases and shall not exceed one hundred and fifty (150) pounds. Any additional fees
associated with order such as minimum order fee will continue to apply to drop ship rush
orders as outlined in Exhibit A.
F. Limitations on Ordering
i. Cardinal Health reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject any of
Distributor’s Product orders for any reason without penalty or liability. Additionally,
without limitation and liability, Cardinal Health may allocate Product among all
purchasers and Distributors. In the event of a delay or failure of shipment or delivery,
Distributor may cancel a delayed order, without penalty, when required to do so by a
ii. Cardinal Health may, in its sole discretion, limit Distributor’s monthly Product purchase
quantities in aggregate or at the Product level, measured in units and/or dollars, equal to
one hundred and ten percent (110%) of one-twelfth of the quantity of Products
purchased by such Distributor during the preceding Cardinal Health fiscal year or based
on a ninety (90) day average.
G. Inventory On Hand Distributor shall maintain a mutually acceptable inventory of Products;
rotate this inventory on a first-in, first-out, basis; and, at Cardinal Health’s request, advise where
all Product inventory is located. Cardinal Health shall have no liability for Products outdated as
the result of Distributor’s inventory management practices.
H. Changes in Products If the regulatory status of a Product (e.g., “may be dispensed by
prescription only”) changes, then Cardinal Health may delete that Product from the Product list
by notice to Distributor. Cardinal Health may discontinue or modify any Product at any time.
Cardinal Health may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, restrict the sale of specific Products to
I. Custom Products Custom Products, defined as those Products made to the specifications and
requirements of an individual Customer and/or bear a Customer’s name or logo, are intended
for sale to the Customer specified on the Product label and may not be sold or rebated to any
other Customer without Cardinal Health’s prior written approval.
J. End Customer Credit and Re-bill Corrections Distributor is responsible for credit and re-bill
correction to the end Customer for identified price discrepancies. Any credit and re-bill
transactions must be reported in the Distributor sales tracings.
K. Limitations on Pricing Price list given to Distributor by Cardinal Health is to be leveraged only
within the class of trade Distributor operates in as approved by Cardinal Health. Cardinal Health
reserves the right to change Distributor Purchase Price based off the class of trade of the end
L. Drop Ship Only Products - Cardinal Health reserves the right to classify a Product as “drop ship
only. Such Products will ship to the Distributor outside of the standard consolidated ship day. All
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freight charges associated with such order will be charged to the Distributor. Products that are
drop ship only will be reflected on the Distributor’s price list.
M. Distributor Purchase Price Changes Cardinal Health will make commercially reasonable efforts
to provide at least 60-days’ prior notice in the event of a Distributor Purchase Price change,
except for pricing for personal protective equipment Products or other Product categories that
Cardinal Health designates from time to time, which may be updated on 30-days’ prior notice.
i. Price Change Bill Back - In the event of a Distributor Purchase Price change, Cardinal
Health will calculate and pay Bill Backs at the new list price for orders shipped by
Distributor starting on the effective date of the change.
ii. Price Decrease - In the event of a Distributor Purchase Price decrease, Cardinal Health
will determine if a market-wide Bill Back adjustment is appropriate to offset the impact of
monetary loss due to inventory devaluation.
iii. Price Increase & Inventory Revelation - In the event of a Distributor Purchase Price
increase, Cardinal Health reserves the right to Ad Bill the Distributor, at any time, for the
increased value of the Distributor’s on-hand inventory and in-transit inventory, reflected
as of the effective date of the price change.
1. If the Distributor does not provide on-hand inventory and in-transit inventory, a
30-day calculation will be used based on Cardinal Health’s records.
2. All purchase orders accepted by Cardinal Health prior to the effective date of the
Distributor Purchase Price Change will be considered in the on-hand calculation to
determine the Ad Bill.
N. Extraordinary Events / Taxes - Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Policies and
Procedures, if Cardinal Health’s cost to manufacture or supply Product(s) hereunder increases
due to (i) an increase in the cost of raw materials, inflation, governmental action, a force
majeure event, or any other event beyond Cardinal Health’s reasonable control that causes the
cost of the Product to increase by at least 5% (an, “Extraordinary Event”), or (ii) the imposition of
a tariff, sales, use, excise, value-added, or similar tax to the Product or any transaction under this
Agreement (a “Tax”), then, notwithstanding any price change or notification language to the
contrary herein, Cardinal Health will have the right to (x) increase the price of such Products
hereunder by an amount equal to the cost increase resulting from such Extraordinary Event or
Tax, or (y) pass-through the amount of such Extraordinary Event or Tax on the invoice for the
Product or on a separate statement provided to Distributor.
O. Products shall have no less than sixty (60) days of dating prior to the expiration date of such
Products as of the date of shipment.
A. Customer Service For items listed below, please contact Cardinal Health Customer Support
Call: 800-635-6021
i. Order placement and support
1. Daily order resolution
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2. Product Alternatives
3. Product availability inquiries
4. Rush orders NOTE: Please call
5. Drop ship orders
6. Order cancelation requests
7. Backorder reports and issues
8. Delivery tracking information
ii. Report a discrepant (shortage, overage, mispick, damaged, wrong product) order
iii. Return authorizations, recalled product returns, and defective product returns
iv. General pricing inquiries
v. Document requests (packing slips, invoices, certificates of sterility, certificates of
compliance etc.)
B. Product Support Including standard kit components bill of materials, general and technical
product questions, and manufacturing & testing data
Call: 877-227-3462
C. Pricing Information - Contract pricing questions and information including Price List, Local
Contract Price, or GPO Contract Price
D. GPO Information Information regarding GPO Rosters, Memberships, and LOCs
E. Recall Questions and Support & Equipment Service/Repair Assistance
Call: 877-227-3462, Option 1
A. Order Receipt Procedures All shipments to a Distributor location must be promptly accepted
and unloaded by Distributor upon arrival. No shipments may be rejected from the carrier. To
initiate a return, overage, shortage, or damage claim shipment must be accepted pursuant to
this Section.
B. Consolidated Ship Day Distributor and Cardinal Health will mutually agree on one consolidated
ship day per week, depending on weekly volume, for its standard orders. All orders placed will
consolidate and ship out to the Distributor each week on the designated ship day. This will
maintain an efficient shipping process and provide a consistent delivery pattern. Cardinal Health
will contact Distributor to arrange for the consolidated ship day.
C. Standard Product Orders Standard orders will be shipped F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid
using Cardinal Health’ s preferred shipping method including, but not limited to, common
carrier, parcel or air depending on size of order, Distributor U.S. location and Product
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D. Alaska & Hawaii Orders Alaska and Hawaii orders will be shipped Freight Prepaid and add by
the preferred method of Cardinal Health including, but not limited to, common carrier, parcel or
air, depending on size of order, Distributor location and Product requirements.
E. Lift Gate Policy Orders that require a lift gate for delivery may be assessed a $75 per order lift
gate service charge.
F. Distributor Pick Up Policy Distributors may not pick up Products at Cardinal Health distribution
centers without prior approval.
G. Unloading Policy Distributor shall be responsible for unloading Product from the carrier
promptly upon arrival.
i. Cardinal Health will not arrange with carriers to provide Distributors with a “dropped”
trailer to unload for any Product delivery. Should Distributors choose to arrange with a
carrier to drop their delivery (e.g., to leave trailer loaded with Product and not promptly
unload), Cardinal Health will not accept financial responsibility for the service, and
Distributor agrees to pay and be liable for any associated fees and costs with such action.
H. Back Order Policy Purchase orders with a backorder over 90 days will be systematically
canceled without liability by Cardinal Health. Distributor will need to place a new purchase order
for any backordered Products that have been canceled.
I. Sort and Segregate Cardinal Health will not arrange with carriers to provide Distributors with
“Sort and Segregate” services. If these services are required, Cardinal Health will provide carrier
“Point of Contact” information and Distributor may arrange for such service. Should Distributor
choose to make such arrangements, Cardinal Health will not accept financial responsibility for
the service.
J. Product Hold/Quarantine Distributor shall follow Cardinal Health’s instructions regarding a
Product hold/quarantine. Distributor shall hold and/or quarantine Product pursuant to Cardinal
Health’s instructions, including, but not limited to, Product disposition. Such disposition may
include, but is not limited to, releasing Product back into commercial distribution or returning
Product to Cardinal Health.
K. Delivery Appointments
i. Late Cancellations - In the event Distributor cancels a delivery appointment and the
carrier arrives within 20 minutes of the scheduled appointment, Distributor will be
responsible for carrier hold and driver time charges. Cardinal Health will send an
additional invoice with documented charges.
ii. Accessorial Charges - Distributor shall receive delivery within two (2) days of the carrier
suggested delivery date. Fees incurred or assessed to Cardinal Health from the carrier as
result of delivery occurring after the original suggested delivery date, such accessorial
charges, shall be Distributor's responsibility and invoiced to Distributor by Cardinal
L. Proof of Delivery Distributor will request all proof of deliveries from Cardinal Health in writing
within 30 days of invoice date.
M. Damages, Shortages, and Overages - Claims for damages, shortages, and overages will be
processed per the guidelines in the “Damage, Shortage & Overage Procedures” Section of these
Policies and Procedures. Distributor will report full pallet overages/shortages and/or damages
within 7 calendar days of delivery. Delivery must be accepted to initiate any return/credit
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process. Signing the Bill of Lading or Delivery Receipt, “Subject to Count,” or similar language will
not be considered valid for purposes of claims raised after the notice period.
N. Shipping Pallet Policies
i. Pallet Consolidation While preparing orders for shipment, Cardinal Health will structure
pallets to maximize the integrity and shipping efficiency. Accordingly, Distributor will
receive pallets with multiple Products and/or Products from multiple purchase orders.
Whenever possible, Cardinal Health will provide one consolidated packing slip and/or
advanced ship notice (ASN) per consolidated shipment.
ii. Pallet Height - Distributor shall accept deliveries from Cardinal Health on pallets based on
shipping height. Distributor facilities shall accommodate deliveries of double stacked
pallets which may be up to 104 inches in height.
iii. Receipt of Palletized Goods For goods shipped on pallets, Distributor must sign the Bill
of Lading or Delivery Receipt in pallet count, not case or piece count. Signing the Bill of
Lading or Delivery Receipt, “Subject to Count,” or similar language will not be considered
valid for purposes of claims raised after the notice period. Distributor will report full
pallet overages/shortages and/or damages noticed upon delivery on the applicable
carrier’s documentation.
1. Claims for shortages and damages will be processed per the guidelines in the
“Damage, Shortage & Overage Procedures” Section of these Policies and
iv. Pallet Recovery - If requested, pallets in reusable condition are to be returned to Cardinal
Health’s distribution center(s). Failure to return pallets may result in a pallet charge.
O. New Facility Notification Distributor must notify Cardinal Health of any new warehouse or
facility location at least 60 days prior to placing any orders for that location. Failure to do so may
result in delays in order shipment or denial of order acceptance for such locations without
liability to Cardinal Health.
A. Return Policy - All standard saleable Products may be returned for credit subject to Cardinal
Health’s return approval. Credit is issued based upon the reason for the return. Except as set
forth in Exhibit B, returns are subject to a 30% restocking fee (see Exhibit B: Returned Goods
Restocking Fee Charges). Product must be in saleable condition, returned in original packaging
with return label placed in an open area of package to receive credit.
i. Return requests must be initiated within 90 days of invoice date.
ii. Cardinal Health reserves the right to refuse any return.
iii. Credit is based on disposition at a Cardinal Health warehouse/DC.
iv. All Product returns must be sent freight prepaid unless Cardinal Health approves
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B. Returned Goods Authorization - All returns must be authorized by Cardinal Health Customer
Service and assigned a return authorization number. Return requests must be initiated within 90
days of invoice date.
i. Cardinal Health Customer Service will assign a Product returns authorization number
once the following information is provided: a reason for return, item number, quantity of
item, original invoice number, purchase order number, and lot number. Cardinal Health
will respond to return requests within 30 days of request.
1. Large Quantity Returns Alert your Cardinal Health sales representative of any
returns equal to or in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds. Large quantity
returns must be pre-approved by CPG Operations to facilitate shipping and
warehouse operations.
ii. Customer Service will forward a copy of the Product Return Authorization to the
appropriate Distributor contact along with return instructions. The Product Return
Number and return goods packing list must be included with all paperwork.
iii. Returned Goods Authorization numbers not utilized within 30 days shall be cancelled and
null and void. Distributor must contact Cardinal Health Customer Service for a new
Returned Goods Authorization Number after 30 days have lapsed.
C. Returning Product - All authorized returns must be received at the designated Cardinal Health
distribution center, in their original, unopened packaging, and in salable condition within 30 days
of the return authorization date.
Returns must be shipped to the designated Cardinal Health distribution center from the
Distributor’s warehouse. Returns may not originate from Customer or any other third
D. The following Products are not eligible for return: (if Distributor attempts to return such Product,
credit will not be given, such Product will not be returned to the Distributor, and Distributor may
be assessed a destruction fee):
i. Products that were purchased over 90 days before return request
ii. Expired Products
iii. Products within 6 months of expiration date
iv. All Presource, Made-To-Order, Custom-Manufactured Products and Promotional
v. Discontinued Products, divested Products, and Products not listed in current price lists
vi. Used Products, Products in unsalable condition, opened Products, or unreported
damaged Products
vii. Products that are not in original packaging - standard selling unit-of-measure (i.e., full,
unopened cases of Product)
viii. Products that were not purchased directly from Cardinal Health
ix. Products that have not received a return authorization by Cardinal Health
x. Regulated hazardous chemicals, reagents or prescription devices, refrigerated, frozen or
temperature-controlled Products
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xi. Products not manufactured by or on behalf of Cardinal Health, including those shipped
directly from the vendor (including In & Outs) are not eligible for returns.
E. Exceptions to Returned Goods Policies - Any Customer reports of defective Product received by
the Distributor must be communicated to Cardinal Health’s Customer Service Department within
24 hours. Cardinal Health will contact the Customer, investigate the problem, and notify the
Distributor of the outcome and any action taken.
The following information must be provided:
i. Name and address of Customer
ii. Customer contact and phone number
iii. Product catalog number and description
iv. Lot number, if applicable
v. Nature of problem and quantity involved
vi. PO Number
A. Damages, Shortages, and Overages - Claims for damages, shortages, and overages will be
processed per the guidelines in this Section.
i. Distributor will report full pallet overages/shortages and/or damages within 7 calendar
days of delivery.
ii. Delivery must be accepted to initiate any return/credit process. Credit will not be issued
for Products that were not accepted by Distributor from carrier.
B. Damages
i. Visible Damage - If Distributor becomes aware upon Product shipment arrival that such
Product was damaged in transit, or from Cardinal Health’s packing and loading,
Distributor may claim a credit by
accepting the Products delivered by the carrier, note the visible damage or
breakage on the carrier’s delivery documents, and have the carrier sign the
ii. Concealed Damage - If Distributor finds concealed damage that occurred during, or
resulting from, Cardinal Health’s packing and loading over-packs or pallets, Distributor
must report the following to Cardinal Health Customer Service within 7 calendar days
after delivery:
1. Over-packs (e.g., multiple SKUs in a master case);
2. Damage concealed within palletized shipments.
C. Shortages
i. To ensure appropriate credit is issued in the event a shortage occurs in transit,
Distributor must accept all Products delivered by carrier, note visible pallet shortages
related to LTL and FTL shipments on the carrier’s delivery documents, have the driver
counter-sign, and send to GMB-CAH-DIST- [email protected] within 7
calendar days after delivery.
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ii. Cardinal Health will arrange for a replacement shipment, if requested by Customer.
Cardinal Health will investigate shortage claims by reviewing carrier Proof of Delivery,
pallet architecture (for pallet shipments) and distribution center product cycle count.
iii. Cardinal Health will issue a credit for shortages if Cardinal Health concludes the shortage
is validated and subject to the following conditions:
1. Shortages in dropped trailers, live unload palletized shipments, small package
shipments, and over-packed corrugates must be reported to Cardinal Health
within 7 calendar days of delivery date. Distributor must sign of number of pallets
2. Shortages within full cases should be reported to Cardinal Health Customer
Service immediately when encountered.
D. Overages
i. To ensure appropriate processing (billing or return authorization) is completed if an
overage occurs in-transit, Distributor should accept all Products delivered by carrier, note
visible overage on the carrier’s delivery document, and report the overage to Cardinal
Health Customer Service.
ii. Overages must be reported to the Cardinal Health Customer Service Department within 7
calendar days of delivery date. This applies to dropped trailers, live unload palletized and
small shipments and includes overages within an over-packed corrugate.
iii. Returning Overages - Cardinal Health will arrange for a carrier to pick up the over-
shipped Product(s) within a reasonable timeframe.
iv. Keeping Overages If Distributor requests to keep Products in overage, Cardinal Health
will issue an invoice for over-shipped Product(s) at Distributor request.
E. Non-conforming Product - Non-conforming Product, defective Product or out- of- box failures
should be handled as a warranty issue by contacting Cardinal Health Customer Service.
F. Destruction of Product In the event Product is required to be destroyed, approval must be
acquired from Cardinal Health prior to destruction of Product. Distributor must provide Cardinal
Health with a signed certificate of destruction, or (with prior Cardinal Health approval) a copy of
Distributor’s formal damaged product destruction protocol/procedure. The certificate of
destruction must be received by Cardinal Health within seven (7) calendar days of obtaining
approval for Product destruction. These requirements must be satisfied for credit for destroyed
Products to be issued to Distributor.
A. Tracing Submissions - Distributor must provide, at minimum, a monthly sales tracing report
detailing all Distributor sales of Products during the preceding month. This report must be in
Cardinal Health’s standard format, which must include Distributor’s unique customer ID per line.
For the most up to date format, please reach out to GMB-MCG-USD-DMG-Tracing-
[email protected] . The monthly tracing report must be provided within the first ten
(10) days of each month, at no charge to Cardinal Health, to facilitate Bill Back operations.
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Tracings submissions must be emailed to GMB-MCG-USD-DMG-Tracing-
i. Corrections to Prior Tracing Submissions Corrections to prior lines can be included with
Distributor’s next regular trace file if (1) Contract Price is corrected by Distributor issuing
full credit and simultaneously re-invoicing or (2) Distributor is notified by Cardinal Health
of a Contract Price discrepancy.
1. Send re-submissions of same original line(s) with edits to GMB-MCG-USD-DMG-
[email protected] AND GMB-Distributor-
2. Email must be received within 45 days of either the original tracing submission or
of Distributor being notified by Cardinal Health of a discrepancy.
ii. Submissions of Missed Tracings Distributor may submit missed sales tracings lines up to
45 days after the missed sales tracings date. Tracings that contain Bill Backs submitted
after 45 days may not be eligible for Bill Back rebates.
Example: Tracings for July 2023 are due by August 10, 2023. Resubmissions (corrections
or missed lines) are due by September 14, 2023, unless Distributor has been notified by
Cardinal Health to resubmit the lines at a later date.
B. Cardinal Health and Distributor will mutually cooperate to complete Bill Back operations to
reconcile between the Distributor Purchase Price and the Contract Price.
C. Distributor may calculate and self-deduct its Bill Back. Distributor must reference on its
remittances either the same debit memo number(s) included in a separate detailed submissions
to GMB-MCG[email protected] or (absent specific debit memos)
reference the claim month and note “chargeback” on the remit.
D. Bill Back Requirements
i. All Bill Back claims will be calculated on Distributor-provided sales tracings (not to exceed
Cardinal Health shipments) based on invoice date.
ii. Direct Purchases Only Only Distributor’s Product purchases directly from Cardinal
Health and sold at a Contract Price to a Customer are eligible to receive a Bill Back. No
secondary, gray-market or overstock purchases are eligible.
iii. If a Customer returns Product to the Distributor, the return must be reported as a
negative sales tracing and a negative Bill Back claim.
iv. Receiving more than one Bill Back for any sale is prohibited.
v. Bill Back Calculation Number Format Distributor must convert Distributor sales units to
the equivalent Cardinal Health sales units and round to four decimals. Next, calculate the
Bill Back amount based on the equivalent Cardinal Health sales units multiplied by the Bill
Back amount.
vi. Cardinal Health’s Bill Back system does not generate formal credit memos.
vii. Monthly Bill Back periods cannot be considered closed without the written consent of
Cardinal Health.
E. Unauthorized Bill Back Deductions In the event that the Distributor claims and receives any
unauthorized Bill Back payment as a result of a violation of these Policies and Procedures,
Cardinal Health reserves the right to reduce future Bill Back credits, deduct and/set off any
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rebates or discounts earned by the Distributor, or to send an Ad Bill to the Distributor for direct
payment to Cardinal Health. Cardinal Health also reserves the right to deny future Bill Back
claims and to charge the Distributor for reasonable costs associated with audit procedures.
F. Bill Back Disputes and Resubmissions
i. Cardinal Health will send a monthly variance report to Distributor to highlight any
discrepancy in deducted bill backs. Cardinal Health will make commercially reasonable
efforts to provide the monthly variance report in 60 days after final submissions are
ii. All items on the monthly variance report requires payment within payment terms stated
iii. If Distributor disagrees with items on the variance report, Distributor must resubmit the
Bill Back via the process in this Section.
iv. General Procedures
1. Resubmission must be received within 60 days of Distributor receiving the
variance report or forever waived.
2. All resubmissions must be sent via email to GMB-Distributor-
3. Resubmission must use the monthly variance report received by Distributor with
comments on each line item describing Distributor’s objection with the Bill Back
4. Cardinal Health will process resubmission within 60 days after receipt and will
return to Distributor for review.
5. Distributor will have 30 days to review processed variances and make final
payment for any remaining variance denials. A second resubmission will not be
A. Cardinal Health is committed to the use of electronic automation (E-Business) and is willing to
comply with any of the open E-Business and EDI standards. Distributor’s E- business will be
implemented according to the table located in Exhibit C-A.
i. A full statement of Cardinal Health’s E-Business principles is included as Exhibit C-B.
B. Cardinal Health will not pay third party EDI testing process charges or monthly charges for EDI
document processing.
C. End-User Sales (Transaction Set #867)
i. To improve Product flow through the supply chain, Cardinal Health requires approved E-
Business Distributors to supply rebates and tracings, at no charge to Cardinal Health for
all transactions.
ii. Rebate and tracing reports must contain standard information. Please reach out to GMB-
MCG-USD-DMG-Tracing-Rebate[email protected] for a copy of the most up to date
tracings submission template.
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iii. If a Distributor manufactures kits containing Cardinal Health Products, sales must be
reported by Cardinal Health component Product code numbers.
iv. This requirement applies to both Contracted and non-Contracted Products, as follows:
1. End-user sales (including the end-customer invoice for regular and drop- ship
2. Product returns (from Customer to Distributor/from Distributor to Cardinal
3. Product transfers
4. Any other changes to inventory
5. Credit re-bills/price adjustments
v. Distributors that do not utilize EDI 867 must report all transactions through the last
calendar day of the month within 10 days following the close of the calendar month. This
report must be in Cardinal Health’s standard format. Please reach out to GMB-MCG-USD-
[email protected] for a copy of the most up to date tracings
submission template.
D. The following EDI transaction sets must be sent by Distributor at least once per calendar month
and no more than once daily:
i. Purchase-Order (Transaction Set #850) - The electronic transmission of purchase order
data using industry standard format: (HIBCC approved version of ANSI x .12).
ii. Purchase-Order Acknowledgement (Transaction Set #855) - The electronic transmission
of purchase-order confirmation data using industry standard format.
iii. Invoicing (Transaction Set #810) - The electronic transmission of invoice information from
Cardinal Health to the Distributor. This data will be provided in industry approved ANSI
x.12 format and will enable the Distributor to automatically match invoices to the original
purchase order and receipt.
iv. Funds Transfer (Transaction Set #820) - Electronic Funds Transfer provides a means for a
Distributor to electronically transfer funds and remittance data from the Distributor to
Cardinal Health. The data would be provided in industry-approved banking standards
(CTX). Cardinal Health can provide support for working through the necessary testing and
communications with the Distributor’s bank to help facilitate the setup of this
E. Cardinal Health supports additional E-Business transactions such as: Advance Ship Notice,
Pricing, and Availability. Please contact your Cardinal Health Sales Representative for further
A. Recall Policy Cardinal Health will notify Distributor of a Product recall. Distributor shall
promptly notify impacted Customers and instruct them to return Product affected by such recall
to Distributor. Distributor will issue a credit to the Customer for the recalled Product and process
a negative sale, and Bill Back, if appropriate, to Cardinal Health. Distributor will send all recalled
Product to Cardinal Health and Cardinal Health will issue credit to Distributor.
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B. Distributor shall facilitate a five (5) days response to any Product recall or similar action
including, but not limited to, reports showing Customers that have purchased the impacted
Product, physical inventory count and quarantine areas for recalled Product, at no expense to
Cardinal Health.
C. To facilitate any necessary Product tracing or recall, Distributor shall maintain a written recall
procedure in effect and shall make available, upon request, the lot number (or serial number, if
applicable) with: Customer name, address shipped to, and date of shipment for each Product
i. If lot numbers or serial numbers are not available, Distributor shall provide a
comprehensive list of all Customers to whom shipments of the affected Product were
made during the timeframe Cardinal Health shall request, including Customer name,
address shipped to, the date of shipment for each Product sold.
D. Distributor Shall immediately notify Cardinal Health of:
i. any event that might require Cardinal Health to file a report or otherwise comply with
any applicable law, rule, or regulation governing medical devices
ii. any Product malfunction which, were it to recur, would be likely to cause serious injury or
iii. any serious device effects to a patient and/or operator.
E. Distributor shall report all Product and service complaints for recalled Products to Cardinal
Health, including the following information:
i. Product model number,
ii. Product serial number (if applicable)
iii. Nature of complaint or situation
iv. Any action taken
v. Confirmation by Distributor of stated complaint of situation.
A. Policies and Procedures - Cardinal Health reserves the right to maintain separate policies and
criteria regarding any Distributor or reseller, including suitability of Distributor for certain
Products. Accordingly, not all Distributors may qualify to distribute all Products.
i. Distributor’s non-compliance with these Policies and Procedures may result in forfeiting
access to Cardinal Health Contract Price, Bill Backs, Cardinal Health programs, Cardinal
Health terms and conditions, and/or termination of Distributor status.
ii. Set Off - Without limiting Cardinal Health’s rights under law or in equity, Cardinal Health
and its affiliates, parent or related entities, collectively or individually, may exercise a
right of set-off against any and all amounts due by Distributor. For purposes of this
Section, Cardinal Health, its affiliates, parent or related entities shall be deemed to be a
single creditor.
iii. Notwithstanding to anything to the contrary set forth herein, Cardinal Health may
transition Distributor to an Authorized Secondary Distributor for fulfillment of Product
orders through a Master Distributor.
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iv. Notwithstanding to anything to the contrary set forth herein, Cardinal Health reserves
the right to terminate Distributor’s right to purchase Products hereunder for any reason
and without liability upon written notice.
B. Terms and conditions set forth in any other documentation or communication shall not be
binding unless and until the party to be bound acknowledges and agrees to such terms in
writing. Accordingly, Distributor acknowledges and agrees that, except as set forth these Policies
and Procedures, Distributor shall not assess or attempt to collect any fee, charge, expense or
other monetary penalty and any attempt to do so of no force or effect (whether in Distributor’s
purchaser order, website, ordering instructions, acknowledgments or other medium).
C. Modification by Cardinal Health - Cardinal Health may modify the “Availability Status” and “Non-
conformance Charges” in the “E-Business Transactions” (Exhibit C), Payment Terms, Specific
Terms, Returned Goods Policies, and any Exhibit or provision of these Policies and Procedures
upon notice to Distributor. These Policies and Procedures may be modified only by Cardinal
D. Cardinal Health and Distributor each may audit the books and records of the other party, upon
reasonable advance written notice and during regular business hours, to determine whether
such party is in compliance with these Policies and Procedures. The parties are limited to one
audit per twelve-month period. Each audit is limited to the twelve-month period prior to the
written request to audit and may not audit a previously audited period.
E. Violation of End Customer Requirements - If Distributor sells Products to un-authorized
customers or accounts, (including, but not limited to, other resellers, re-processors or
manufacturers), then, in addition to any other remedy available under these Policies and
Procedures, Cardinal Health reserves the right to reduce and/or setoff future Bill Back credits,
rebates or discounts earned by Distributor under agreements with Cardinal Health, or by direct
payment to Cardinal Health.
F. Requirements For Distributor’s Sale of Distributor’s private label products (if applicable):
i. Cardinal Health recognizes that a Distributor or its affiliates may choose to manufacture,
market, or sell products of their own which, directly, or indirectly, compete with Cardinal
Health’s Products. The following is intended to protect the integrity of the manufacturer-
distributor relationship under these Policies and Procedures where such a situation
exists. It is not intended to preclude or hinder Distributors from carrying competitive
products. Instead, it ensures that such Distributors are properly dedicated to the Cardinal
Health Products and the consumers to which they are ultimately sold.
ii. Distributor shall:
1. Use Cardinal Health Confidential Information, including pricing information, only
for the distribution of Cardinal Health’s Products.
2. Implement adequate procedures to ensure that Cardinal Health Confidential
Information is maintained as confidential and proprietary with no less than the
same degree of care and protection afforded to Distributor’s own Confidential
Information and in no event less than reasonable care.
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3. Disseminate Cardinal Health Confidential Information only to Distributor’s
employees who have a “need to know” such information in order for Distributor
to effectively distribute the Products.
4. Use Product contracts, agreements, and information solely for the purpose of the
distribution of Products to Customers.
5. Not substitute any products (whether national branded or Distributor’s own
private label products) for Cardinal Health Products without the express
permission of the Customer.
6. Not communicate or disseminate misleading information to any third-party,
including without limitation, any Customers, concerning Product availability,
quality, attributes and service.
7. Refrain from false or derogatory comments concerning Product quality,
availability, service, attributes or support.
8. Provide, upon request, a written report that certifies to Cardinal Health
compliance with the foregoing and summarizes the steps the Distributor has
taken to comply with the foregoing requirements for distribution of private-label
A. Term Survival - These Policies and Procedures shall remain in full force and effect until amended
or terminated by Cardinal Health. Cardinal Health may amend or terminate all or part of these
Policies and Procedures upon notice to Distributor. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set
forth herein, Cardinal Health may terminate Distributor’s status as an authorized Distributor for
any reason and without liability upon notice to Distributor. These General Provisions and any
other terms set forth in these Policies and Procedures, which, by their nature or to be effective
for their stated purpose, must survive amendment or termination of these Policies and
Procedures, shall survive the termination, modification, or expiration of these Policies and
Procedures and/or Distributor’s participation hereunder.
B. Notices - Notice provided pursuant to these Policies and Procedures shall be in writing and
delivered by messenger, by postage-prepaid mail, email, or by facsimile to Distributor, provided
notices or communications shall be effective when received by, or otherwise known to the
recipient or its legal representative. The methods of delivery described above are not intended
to be exclusive, and any written notice received shall be sufficient.
C. Relationship of Parties - The relationship of Distributor to Cardinal Health is that of independent
contractor. These Policies and Procedures do not create a partnership, association, or other
business entity. Neither party has the right to bind the other. Unless specifically provided
elsewhere herein, nothing in these Policies and Procedures is intended to benefit any person or
entity not a party hereto.
D. Publicity - Neither Distributor nor Cardinal Health shall permit or generate any publicity,
advertising, nor promotion concerning these Policies and Procedures without the prior written
consent of the other party, except that Cardinal Health may list Distributor as a customer or as
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required under applicable law or by any governmental agency, in which case the party required
to make the press release or public disclosure shall use commercially reasonable efforts to
obtain the approval of the other party as to the form, nature and extent of the press release or
public announcement prior to issuing the press release or making the public announcement.
E. Cardinal Health Warranties / Limitation of Liability - Cardinal Health warrants that it will convey
to Distributor good title to the Products, free and clear of all security interests, liens or other
encumbrances of any kind or character. Cardinal Health further warrants that any product it
manufactures (the term “manufacture”, for purposes of this warranty does not include product
repackaging) shall, as of the date of shipment, be fit for the purposes and indications described
in the product labeling. Cardinal Health does not warrant product that it does not manufacture;
however, to the extent assignable, Cardinal Health will assign to Customer the manufacturer
warranties for those other products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any warranties provided by
Cardinal Health shall not apply in the event that any product delivered pursuant to these Policies
and Procedures is misused, altered, damaged or used other than in accordance with product
label, inserts, or other instructions provided by Cardinal Health. Cardinal Health has
manufactured, packaged and is selling the Products to Distributor in compliance with all
applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.
F. Indemnification - Distributor hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Cardinal
Health and its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, and employees from and against
any and all third-party (including any governmental authority) claims, causes of action,
judgments and/or settlement costs, other costs and expenses (including, but not limited to,
reasonable attorney fees and expenses), losses, fines, penalties, or liabilities of any kind
(collectively, “Liabilities”) arising out of the negligent, reckless, or willful misconduct of
Distributor, its agents, employees, or subcontractors related to the representations and
obligations under these Policies, and/or the use of Products provided under these Policies.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Distributor will not be liable to Cardinal Health under this
indemnity to the extent the Liabilities are caused by the negligent, reckless, or willful acts or
omissions of Cardinal Health or its agents, employees, or subcontractors.
Cardinal Health hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and to hold harmless Distributor, and its
agents, employees and servants, from any and all third-party (including any governmental
authority) Liabilities for physical injury or death, arising out of, in connection with, or as a result
of the purchase or use of any defective products manufactured by Cardinal Health and
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purchased under these Policies and Procedures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cardinal Health
will not be liable to Distributor under this indemnity to the extent the Liabilities are caused by
the negligent, reckless, or willful misconduct of Distributor or its agents, employees, or
It shall be a condition to indemnification under this Section that the party seeking to be
indemnified give the indemnifying party prompt notice of the third-party Liability as to which
indemnity is sought, permit the indemnifying party to control the response to and any
settlement or defense of the underlying claim, and cooperate with the indemnifying party with
respect to the claim and any response, defense, or settlement. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the indemnification obligations required under this Section shall not be voided if a delay in the
notice required hereunder does not materially prejudice the right of the alleged indemnifying
party with regard to the defense of such Liability.
G. Force Majeure - Non-compliance with any obligation under these Policies and Procedures for
reasons of force majeure (such as: acts, regulations, or laws of any government; war or civil
commotion; destruction of production facilities or materials; fire, earthquake or storm; labor
disturbances; failure of public utilities or common carriers; and any other causes beyond the
reasonable control of the party affected) shall not constitute a breach of these Policies and
H. Legal Compliance - Both parties will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws in
connection with these Policies and Procedures and the sale of any Products hereunder or by
Distributor to Customers. Distributor further represents and warrants that it complies with the
standards set forth in the Cardinal Health Vendor Code of Conduct found at or, in the alternative, has adopted substantially similar policies and
complies with the standards set forth therein. These Policies and Procedures or any contract may
involve a discount or other reduction in price with respect to one or more Products under 42
USC 1320A- 7B§ 1128B(b) (3) (A) of the Social Security Act (42 USC § 1320a-1128B(b)(3)(A), and
regulations issued thereunder. Under such circumstances, Distributor or Customer is responsible
for accurately reporting and/or providing information on any such discounts, including rebates or
reductions in price, to reimbursement agencies (including Medicare and Medicaid) and other
entities in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, 42
CFR § 1001.952(h). Distributor agrees that it shall properly disclose and appropriately reflect any
discount or other reduction in price in its cost claimed under Medicare or any State Health
Program and shall advise any Customer of its responsibilities under such laws. If the use of the
Products sold hereunder require the reporting of costs on a cost report, then the benefit of any
discount will be claimed in the fiscal year in which the sale to which such discount relates
occurred and Distributor and/or Customer (as applicable) will fully and accurately report any
such discount in the applicable cost report.
I. Confidentiality, Trademarks and Proprietary Information - The confidentiality obligations in this
Section shall survive for three (3) years from the date of receipt in writing of any trade secrets,
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proprietary or other confidential information that is labeled as “Confidential” or would be
treated as such by an objective third party (collectively, “Confidential Information”).
Confidentiality obligations of trade secrets or proprietary information shall survive indefinitely.
Distributor and Cardinal Health shall not disclose any Confidential Information (including sales
data) to third parties without the non-disclosing party’s prior written consent. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in these Policies and Procedures, and without Distributor’s consent,
Cardinal Health may disclose to Customers Confidential Information that includes, but is not
limited to, Product sales data, fill rate data, and other Product purchase, order, and delivery
transaction data. Cardinal Health agrees that disclosure of Confidential Information such as sales
data to a group purchasing organization may be made only with respect to Contract sales of
Products with such group purchasing organization.
Each party shall hold in confidence Confidential Information supplied to it by the other party and
shall not divulge the same to any other person or entity without the prior permission of the
disclosing party. The confidentiality obligations in this section shall not apply to Confidential
Information which:
i. becomes public other than through the receiving party
ii. is already known to the receiving party as evidenced by its written records
iii. becomes known by the receiving party in the future from another source which is under
no obligation of confidentiality to disclosing party
iv. is subsequently developed by the receiving party in a manner that it can conclusively
establish was independent of the disclosure hereunder
v. is subject to disclosure by operation of law, legal process, or the reasonable request of a
government agency, in which event receiving party shall notify disclosing party prior to
making such disclosure.
Packaging and labeling of Products shall contain Cardinal Health’s or a Cardinal Health brand’s
trademarks and trade names. Such trademarks and trade names shall remain their exclusive
property, and nothing herein shall be construed as transferring any right, title, or interest of any
kind or nature whatsoever thereto, to Distributor. Except as specifically provided herein,
Distributor shall not use the trademarks or trade names of Cardinal Health or another other
Cardinal Health brand in any way and will not do any act which would in any way infringe upon
or be in derogation of the validity of such trademarks or trade names and will notify Cardinal
Health of any conflicting claims that challenge any such trademarks or trade names of which it is
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Manual Order
Order Fee
Drop Ship
Drop Ship Rush
Order Fee
$200 per order
$200 per order
not in
$200 per
$200 per
* Minimum purchase order fees apply to any drop ship order, rush order, or drop ship rush order
wherever applicable
**The Annual Minimum Purchase Requirement is subject to change. In the event a Distributor is unable
to/not trending to achieve a current or adjusted minimum threshold, Cardinal Health may transition
Distributor to fulfillment via a Master Distributor.
Unwanted Product
Invoiced price less 30% Restock charge
Defective Product
Sales Representative must initiate and authorize.
Invoiced price
Damaged Item
claim must be made within 7 days of delivery.
Invoiced price
Affiliate Shipping or Order Error
Invoiced price within 90 days
Distributor Order Error
Invoiced price less 30% Restock charge
Distributor Refused Shipment
No credit
Distributor Stock Reduction/Large Quantity Return
Sales Representative must initiate and authorize return.
Invoiced price less 30% Restock charge
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A. Cardinal Health utilizes the EDI standard HIBCC subset of the ANSI X.12 format. See Table below.
E-Business solution is via the EDI X12 standard.
B. Meeting our Distributor and Customer needs is our top priority. We are committed to making
available internet enabled purchasing services at no incremental cost to our Customers. Cardinal
Health believes that supply chain efficiencies derived from E-Business will be reallocated over
time throughout the entire supply chain. We also believe this will make product selection,
purchase and utilization more efficient for all connected parties. To this end, Cardinal Health will
allocate resources to all mutually beneficial initiatives. The following are our guiding principles:
i. Cardinal Health will work with its Customers to create quantifiable savings and
efficiencies in our E-Business efforts.
ii. Cardinal Health is committed to holding down supply chain costs and will not pay
incremental charges that will result in increased supply chain costs.
iii. Cardinal Health will accept transactions from e-commerce companies when our
Customers request it.
iv. Cardinal Health cannot be responsible for keeping information up to date on any third
party or e-commerce company’s websites or portals, as it will only increase the costs and
inefficiencies of doing business.
v. Cardinal Health does not approve, condone, nor authorize transaction or pricing data to
be available to any parties other than the purchaser and Affiliate(s) involved in the
vi. Cardinal Health will support industry data standardization efforts if they measurably
benefit all constituents in the supply chain.
Business Transaction
Preferred Format
Availability Status
Non- conformance
End-user Sales
X.12 Direct
EDI 867/844
Purchase Order
X.12 Direct
EDI 850
Purchase Order
X.12 Direct
EDI 855
X.12 Direct
EDI 810
Direct from the
EDI 820
Consolidated Advanced
X.12 Direct
EDI 856
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vii. All e-commerce messages and transactions to Cardinal Health must be X12 Direct EDI.
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