AQA Computer Science A-Level
4.9.4 The Transmission Control Protocol /
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Advanced Notes
Specification: TCP/IP:
Describe the role of the four layers of the TCP/IP stack (application,
transport, network, link)
Describe the role of sockets in the TCP/IP stack
Be familiar with the role of MAC (Media Access Control) addresses
Explain what the well-known ports and client ports are used for and the
differences between them. Standard application layer protocols:
Be familiar with the following protocols:
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
POP3 (Post Office Protocol (v3))
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SSH (Secure Shell)
Be familiar with FTP client software and an FTP server, with regard to
transferring files using anonymous and non-anonymous access
Be familiar with how SSH is used for remote management
Know how an SSH client is used to make a TCP connection to a remote
port for the purpose of sending commands to this port using application level
protocols such as GET for HTTP, SMTP commands for sending email and
POP3 for retrieving email
Be familiar with using SSH to log in securely to a remote computer and
execute commands
Explain the role of an email server in retrieving and sending email
Explain the role of a web server in serving up web pages in text form
Understand the role of a web browser in retrieving web pages and web
page resources and rendering these accordingly IP address structure:
Know that an IP address is split into a network identifier part and a host
identifier part Subnet masking:
Know that networks can be divided into subnets and know how a
subnet mask is used to identify the network identifier part of the IP address IP standards:
Know that there are currently two standards of IP address, v4 and v6
Know why v6 was introduced Public and private IP addresses:
Distinguish between routable and non-routable IP addresses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP):
Understand the purpose and function of the DHCP system Network Address Translation (NAT):
Explain the basic concept of NAT and why it is used Port forwarding:
Explain the basic concept of port forwarding and why it is used Client server model:
Be familiar with the client server model
Be familiar with the Websocket protocol and know why it is used and
where it is used
Be familiar with the principles of Web CRUD Applications and REST:
CRUD is an acronym for create, retrieve, update, delete
REST enables CRUD to be mapped to database functions (SQL)
Compare JSON (Javascript object notation) with XML Thin- versus thick-client computing
Compare and contrast thin-client computing with thick-client computing
TCP / IP stands for transmission control protocol / internet protocol. The protocol is used in
all parts of the Internet to enable different devices to communicate.
The protocol is formed from four distinct layers that form the TCP / IP stack. These layers
are application, transport, network, link and each is responsible for a seperate part of
communication over the Internet.
Selects and uses the correct protocol to transmit data. The layer
interacts with the user with application software like a web browser.
Let’s suppose we’re sending the following message over the Internet:
Would you like to go bowling tonight?
Establishes what’s called a virtual path: an end to end connection
between the sender and the receiver. The layer then splits the
transmission into packets.
Each packet has a sequence number which identifies a packet’s
position in relation to other packets that form part of the same message.
Also contained in each packet is the port number to be used which
identifies the protocol in use. In this case, port 443 is HTTPS.
Provides the correct IP addresses for each packet’s source and
Routers work within the network layer, using the IP addresses on a
packet to send it to its destination.
Controls physical connections between pieces of hardware in a network.
Adds MAC addresses to packets which it receives from the network
layer. MAC (which stands for media access control) addresses are
assigned to every device that can connect to a network by their
manufacturer and are unique to that device.
The MAC addresses identify the hardware to which a packet should be
sent. These MAC addresses change with every hop through a network.
At the receiving end
Once a packet has been received by its intended recipient, it is stripped of its extra
information by reversing the TCP / IP stack.
Firstly, the link layer removes MAC addresses from the packet. Next, the network layer
removes IP addresses before the transport layer uses the packet’s port number to
determine the correct application to send the packet to. The transport layer also uses the
packet’s sequence number to ensure that it is in the correct position relative to other
packets in the same transmission.
Finally, the application layer receives the packets and displays the information to the user
Socket addresses
When an IP address is combined with a port number, a socket address is formed. These
are formed from an IP address, followed by a colon, followed by the port number in use.
A socket address identifies which of the applications on the recipient device a packet
should be sent to.
Well-known ports
The table below lists some well-known ports, their port number and their purpose.
(File transfer protocol)
20 & 21
Used for sending files between devices. FTP
client software can run on devices, allowing
them to connect to FTP servers which send
files requested by the client.
Clients can access FTP servers anonymously
or non-anonymously by logging in with a
username and password.
(Secure shell)
Used for remote management of computers,
allowing computers to be accessed and
controlled remotely.
In order to access a remote computer, SSH
requires a username / password combination
and encrypts information during transmission.
SSH clients are pieces of software which can
be used to make a TCP connection to a
remote port. Once a connection is established,
commands for application-level protocols can
be sent to the remote computer.
(Hypertext transfer protocol)
Web servers hold web pages in text form,
which they can deliver to clients using HTTP.
Application software on the client receives
these text files and renders them as web
(Hypertext transfer protocol
HTTPS performs the same function as HTTP,
but encrypts information during transmission.
This doesn’t just keep information sent by
clients secure, but helps to prevent information
from being tampered with or modified during
(Post office protocol 3)
110 & 995
Used for retrieving emails from an email
server. Email servers are responsible for
receiving and sending emails. POP3
communicates with email servers to check for
and download any new messages.
(Simple mail transfer protocol)
25, 587
& 465
Used for sending emails. SMTP is used
between a client and an email server.
The structure of IP addresses
An IP address is split into two parts: a network identifier and a host identifier. Each of the
computers in a network shares the same network identifier but has its own host identifier.
Networks can be divided into smaller
networks, called subnets. Each subnet has
a different network identifier.
The network identifier part of an IP address
can be determined with a subnet mask.
Let’s say that a device has an IP address of and a subnet mask of
In order to work out which subnet the
device belongs to, we have to apply the
subnet mask as follows.
IP Address of device
IP Address of device (binary)
Subnet mask
Subnet mask (binary)
IP address AND subnet mask
Network identifier (IP address AND subnet mask, in decimal)
As it happens, is a fairly common subnet mask that is easy to use in
examples. However, the same procedure can be applied to any subnet mask.
The more bits that are assigned to the network identifier of an IP address, the more
different subnets a network can have. In the same way, the more bits that are assigned to
the host identifier, the more different devices can be connected to each subnet
IP address standards
There are two types of IP address in common use: versions four and six (IPv4 and IPv6).
IPv4 addresses are dotted quad numbers, meaning that they consist of four parts that are
separated by dots. Each of the four parts of an IPv4 address is assigned one byte (eight
bits) allowing for numbers from 0 to 255 to be represented.
This allows for a total of slightly over 4 billion (256
) unique IPv4 addresses. That may
sound like a lot, but IPv4 addresses are in short supply. The number of devices on the
Internet that require a routable IP address is increasing so rapidly that a new version of IP
address had to be created. This was IPv6.
IPv6 addresses are formed of eight blocks separated by colons. Each block contains four
hexadecimal characters (a-z and 0-9).
IPv6 addresses use 128 bits which, compared to IPv4’s use of 32, allows for far more (in
the order of 10
) unique permutations.
Public and private IP addresses
An IP address is said to be either routable or non-routable (public or private). If every
device that is connected to a network had its own public IP address, there wouldn’t be
enough IP addresses to go around.
Instead, each home or business that requires internet access has a small number of public
IP addresses. Most homes have just one public IP address while some businesses will
have multiple addresses.
Routable IP addresses are globally unique whereas millions of devices can have the same
non-routable IP address, provided they are not on the same network. Global authorities
are responsible for assigning routable IP addresses which ensures that the same address
is never issued twice.
Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
The number of available private IP addresses within a private network is limited. Assigning
each device on a network its own private IP address would not be sensible, as that device
may leave and never join again, resulting in a wasted IP address.
Instead, DHCP is used to assign IP addresses to devices as they join a network. DHCP
uses a pool of available IP addresses to allocate IP addresses to new devices for the
duration of their session. Once a device leaves the network, the IP address that the device
was using is returned to the pool for allocation to a new device.
Network address translation (NAT)
The diagram shows a network
consisting of three computers, each
of which is allocated a private
(non-routable) IP address. The
network’s router has two IP
addresses, one private address on
the private network’s side and a
public (routable) address on the
Internet’s side. There is a server
connected to the Internet with a
routable IP address.
If a device on the network sent a packet to the server, the server couldn’t respond to the
computer directly because the computer’s IP address is non-routable - not globally unique.
NAT gets around this problem.
When a device
on the private network (let’s use
needs to communicate with a device on the
Internet (let’s use the server), it sends packets
through the router, which makes a record of
the packet before replacing the private IP
address of the computer with its own routable
IP address.
When a response is received, it is sent to the
router’s public IP address, which then
forwards the response to the correct private IP
address by using the record it made when
sending the packet.
Port forwarding
Port forwarding is used when a client needs to communicate with a server that is
connected to a private network.
The client sends packets to the public IP
address of the router belonging to the
server’s private network.
The packets sent by the client contain the
port number of the application running on
the server that the client wishes to access.
The private network’s router then forwards the packets to the server using NAT.
The client server model
In a network that uses the client server model, clients send request messages to servers,
which reply to the clients with response messages. These messages may contain
requested information, a confirmation that a requested action has been completed, or a
message explaining why the requested action hasn’t been completed.
There are a number of different types of servers, each of which specialise in a certain task.
For example: file servers, database servers and email servers.
An API (application programming interface) is a name given to a set of protocols relating to
how different applications communicate with each other. They define how interaction
between the applications should be carried out, allowing applications to make use of other
The websocket protocol
The websocket protocol is an example of an API which operates in the application layer of
the TCP / IP stack. The protocol can be used to provide a constant stream of information
between two devices, usually a client’s web browser and a server.
The connection created by the websocket protocol is full-duplex, meaning that data can be
transmitted in both directions at the same time.
The websocket protocol, which allows for fast transmission of data by reducing the size of
packet headers, is used in video streaming, online games and instant messaging.
Web CRUD Applications and REST
CRUD is an acronym for c
reate, retrieve, update, delete; four commands that can be used
to query online databases. Each of the four CRUD commands has a SQL equivalent.
An acronym for re
presentational state transfer, REST is a design methodology for online
database applications that are queried with a web browser.
REST uses the four HTTP request methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE to query
When a client needs to connect to a database, it follows these steps:
1. Client-server request made by the client to the web browser
2. Web browser responds with the requested web page (which is delivered as a text
3. This text file contains JavaScript which loads an API. The API uses REST to enable
the database server to be queried by the client with the use of HTTP request
4. The client sends HTTP requests to the database server.
5. The database server responds to the client’s requests using either JSON or XML.
6. The client’s browser processes the JSON or XML and displays the response to the
Database servers deliver responses to queries using either XML or JSON. XML stands for
tensible markup language and does the same job as JavaScript object notation
 
"Department": {
"Subject": [
"Name": "Physics",
"Board": "Edexcel"
"Name": "Maths",
"Board": "AQA"
The table above shows the same information represented as both XML and JSON. As the
table shows, JSON is more compact, easier to read, easier to create and faster for
computers to process than XML. However, XML is sometimes seen to be more flexible
than JSON.
Thin- and thick-client computing
Networks can be configured as either thin-client or thick-client networks.
Thin-client networks
In thin-client networks, the majority of the network’s processing power belongs to servers
which provide services and resources including storage and processing.
It’s easy to add new clients to thin-client networks and the clients themselves are
inexpensive machines. Thin-client networks also allow for greater centralised control of the
network as software updates and security can be managed from the server.
However, thin-client networks require a powerful server which is expensive and requires
expertise to set up and maintain.
Thick-client networks
In a thick-client network, the clients are powerful enough to provide their own processing
power and storage. This independence eliminates the requirement for a server, although it
is possible for thick-client networks can make use of a server.
Thick-client networks require more powerful clients than their thin-client counterparts,
making the network expensive to set up. However, the cost and expertise required in
setting up and maintaining an expensive server is done away with.
Thick-client networks are harder to maintain because there is no facility to issue updates
and manage security from a central server.
Compared to thin-client networks which suffer from high volumes of traffic communicating
between clients and the server, thick-client networks boast much quieter communication
channels which reduces the likelihood of data collisions.