Research Priorities and Collaboration Opportunities
Partnership guide
Partnership guide
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06 20
Get to Know S&T
Contracting and Procurement
Partnership Goals and Existing
Keep Up to Date on News and Current
Partnership Opportunities
Learn About Our Needs
Become Familiar with Our
Partnership Tools
Explore In-depth Descriptions of Our
Key Mission Areas
At the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Science and
Technology Directorate (S&T),
we know there is great power
in partnerships. In our work to
deliver effective and innovative
scientic and technological
insights, methods, standards,
and solutions for homeland
security, we leverage a broad
network of partners to help fulll
mission requirements.
As the research, development, test, and
evaluation (RDT&E) arm for DHS, it is our job to
ensure the Department has the solutions of today
and tomorrow to secure our nation in the face
of evolving threats. But we can’t do it alone. S&T
relies on our partners to identify and develop
innovative technologies for homeland security.
S&T provides unique business opportunities,
contract mechanisms, and supports development
of innovative technologies for homeland security.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 03
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Ofce (CWMD)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
U.S. Secret Service (USSS)
DHS Headquarters Elements
State, Local, Tribal, Territorial First Responders
Other Federal Agency Partners
Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE)
Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Secure U.S. Borders
Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity
and Economic Security
Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen
the Department
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 05
Near-Term Component
Includes projects/activities that focus on
gaps or needs that have been identied by
DHS components.
Foundational Science
Enduring research that results in better
and more actionable data sets, knowledge
products, standards, and peer-reviewed
publications to support scientic endeavors.
Future Needs and Emerging Threats
Exploring emerging science and technology
areas and their potential threat or application
to future DHS missions.
S&T’s innovation ecosystem is a
network of government and private
sector entities across the globe that
work together to address a range
of current and emerging threats—
from aviation security to chemical
and biological detection to critical
infrastructure, resilience, climate
and natural disasters, cybersecurity,
and beyond. By leveraging
relationships with our network of
partners, we remain an effective
catalyst for improving the strength
and resilience of our nation.
S&T’s Industry Liaison is your primary entry point into S&T.
Email us or check out our website.
SandT.Innov[email protected]ov
You can also tell us about your capabilities and what you have
to offer by lling out our Industry Outreach Form.
Learn about our Partnership Pathways on page
12 and discover how you can tap into S&T’s
innovation ecosystem.
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We want support the transfer
and commercialization of
capabilities to end-users
and the homeland security
We want to partner with
innovators to develop new,
or adapt existing, solutions
to meet the Department’s
numerous operational needs.
We want to connect with innovators and discover
unique ideas, prototypes, and technologies that can
address homeland security challenges.
S&T streamlines access to the expertise of the nation’s colleges and universities
to address pressing homeland security needs. This includes programs that bring
together university-led, multi-disciplinary consortia of scientists, mathematicians,
and engineers from across the nation along with public and private sector partners. These
researchers investigate important questions relevant to homeland security and develop new
technologies and methodologies to solve complex homeland security problems.
For more information, visitce-university-programs,
or contact universityprogr[email protected].
FFRDCs act as a vehicle for special research and development contracting within
the federal government that perform high-quality research and provide advice
that is authoritative, objective, and free from conicts of interest caused by competition. S&T’s
FFRDCs provide DHS with independent and objective advice and quick response on critical issues
throughout the HSE.
For more on S&T’s work with FFRDCs, visit or
contact ST[email protected].
Our Partners and Capabilities
Through par
tnerships with a variety of entities, S&T provides
pathways to external RDT&E investments and non-traditional
performers, sponsors cutting-edge technology and capability
development, and delivers high-impact solutions for S&T customers.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 09
We are always
looking to expand
our network
and engage new
innovators! There
are so many ways to
connect, and we are
looking forward to
hearing from you.
S&T engages and cultivates relationships with industry stakeholders to identify,
develop and deliver cutting-edge technologies for the homeland security mission
and transfer federally funded technology into the marketplace. S&T provides
unique business opportunities that incentivize industry to develop and commercialize innovative
and mission-relevant technologies.
For more information, visit or contact
SandT.Innov[email protected]ov.
S&T works with and engages foreign governments, international institutions,
and global networks as well as industry to accelerate capability development
and transition, enhance affordability, and take advantage of emerging ideas and
solutions. International partnerships can help further the DHS mission, facilitate bilateral and
multilateral technical fora, support policy and operational global engagement on science and
technology matters and plans, and help implement the Under Secretary’s unique authorities
for international cooperative activities. For more information, visit
technology/st-icpo or contact SandT.InternationalPrograms@HQ.DHS.GOV.
S&T’s coordinated network of laboratories provides a centralized laboratory-
based RDT&E function for the entire Department. This network includes S&Ts own
national laboratory capabilities and sites, which align with core RDT&E needs of
DHS, and features streamlined access to Department of Energy National Laboratories as well
as facilitated access to other government labs throughout the interagency. These labs leverage
partnerships with industry to help fulll homeland security mission needs.
For more information, visitce-national-laboratories
or contact [email protected]ov.
Protecting our nation requires timely response to rapidly
evolving dangers while protecting against longer-term
threats to the homeland. To fully understand the needs
of our operational components, we identify priorities that
require solutions in key mission-focused areas.
The priority needs in these areas drive S&T’s RDT&E
investments and we’re looking for organizations ready to
partner with us.
Summary of RDT&E
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 11
First Responder Capabilities
Click the links below to see detailed descriptions of our RDT&E priorities in the directory.
Air, Land and Port of Entry (POE) Security
Chem-Bio Detection
Emerging Risks and Technologies
Cargo/Baggage / People Screening
Biometrics and Identity Management
Detection Canine Services
Explosives Threat Assessment
Community and Infrastructure Resilience
First Responder Capability
Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Opioid/Fentanyl Detection
Probabilistic Analysis of National Threats, Hazards and Risks (PANTHR)
Countering Violent Extremism
Physical Security
Forensic and Criminal Investigations
Immigration Services
Maritime Safety and Security
S&T is continually looking for new
partners to help us develop and
deliver the best technological
innovations to the DHS workforce
and safeguard our nation. We have
unique tools for working with many
kinds of innovators and we are
looking to partner with you!
Learn about the ways you can
innovative technologies, and
DELIVER solutions to homeland
security end users.
The SAFETY Act Program
incentivizes development and widespread
deployment of effective anti-terrorism
technologies by providing risk
management and litigation protections to
ensure that the threat of liability does not
deter potential manufacturers or sellers
from developing and commercializing
innovations that could save lives. These
evolving technologies may include a
single product or combination of products,
equipment, software, or services. The
program engages with the public and private sectors to
increase awareness of SAFETY Act protections, encourages
best practices, promotes participation and collaboration, and
builds partnerships with the developers of new anti-terrorism
technologies for the protection of critical infrastructure,
national security, and public safety.
For more information, visit
If you or your organization would like to tell us about your technology and
receive news and updates from S&T about our opportunities, please ll
out the DHS Industry Outreach Form at
industry-outreach-form and submit back to SandT[email protected]ov.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 13
For more information, visit
S&T’s Industry Liaison is your primary entry point into
S&T! DHS maintains a network of Industry Liaisons that
foster strategic relationships with vendors and other
stakeholders that seek to do business with the Department.
S&T’s Industry Liaison is a dedicated point of contact
for private sector organizations to learn about S&T’s
mission and R&D needs. If you want to provide capability
information, understand our requirements and opportunities,
or get your questions answered, reach out to our Industry
Liaison today at SandT.Innov[email protected].
Not industry? We still want to hear from you regardless of your
organization type. Our Industry Liaison can connect you to the
right S&T point of contact.
Private sector innovation is a key to success for DHS
S&T to develop new technologies to support homeland
security R&D needs. S&T’s Innovation Funding
Programs and Tools are unique tools for working
with many kinds of entities. Whether you are a small
or large business, academia, or startup, we want
you to help us innovate and advance homeland
security solutions. Check out the table for eligibility
requirements and read more on our programs to learn
how you can innovate with S&T.
Binational Industrial
Research and Development
(BIRD) Program
Provides grants to U.S. and Israeli entities partnering to develop advanced
technologies of mutual interest for homeland security (BIRD Homeland Security
Program) and Cybersecurity (BIRD Cyber) missions
Hacking for Homeland
Security (H4HS)
Pairs university students together with DHS mentors, technical experts, and
business leaders to develop innovative solutions for homeland security problems
In-Q-Tel Engagement
A resource for DHS and federal partners to find innovative and cutting-
edge, venture-backed commercial technology
Long Range Broad Agency
Announcement (LRBAA)
A standing invitation for members of the scientific and technical communities to
propose novel solutions for RDT&E projects in support of our nation’s security
Prize Competitions
Crowdsources innovation to harness the creativity of the American public to
spur groundbreaking solutions to critical homeland security challenges
Silicon Valley Innovation
Program (SVIP)
Works with start
ups from around the world to develop and adapt
innovative technology for operational missions
Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) Program
Works with U.S. small businesses to provide quality research and to develop new
processes, products, and technologies in support of U.S. government missions
Targeted Broad Agency
Announcement (BAA)
Time-sensitive topic solicitations that execute dened research and development
to deliver practical solutions to homeland security priority needs
Please visit program websites for more
specics about eligibility requirements.
Medium to Large Businesses
Small Businesses
Entrepreneurs & Startups
National Labs, Recognized R&D Organizations
Private Citizens
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 15
S&T’s Technology Transfer and
Commercialization (T2C)
is the central point to
manage technology transfer activities throughout
DHS and the DHS laboratory network. Technologies
developed and evaluated within the Department
can have tremendous potential for commercial
applications throughout the nation, enhance the
competitiveness of individual small businesses, and
expand areas of exploration and cooperation for all
non-federal partners.
technology-transfer-program or contact us at [email protected]ov to
learn about DHS technologies that are available for licensing.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 17
Intellectual Property
and General Licensing
T2C supports the protection of DHS-funded intellectual property
(IP) through patents, trademarks, or copyrights; licenses DHS-
owned IP, and disburses license royalties
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-owned patent
applications and patents available for licensing can be found at
Accelerator Program
CAP increases the likelihood of successful transfer of federally
funded technologies from lab to market
Cooperative Research
and Development
Agreements (CRADAs)
DHS CRADAs facilitate collaborative R&D activities between DHS
and non-federal entities. S&T executes CRADAs across DHS to
support the development and delivery of technology solutions to
homeland security end users
Homeland Security
Startup Studio (HSSS)
Pairs teams of entrepreneurs with promising federally funded
technologies to assess their commercialization potential and move
the technologies to market
Agreements (PIAs)
Non-prot entities with specialized skills to assist DHS with
technology transfer and commercialization activities
Federal Procurement
Acquisition Planning
Forecast System
The Acquisition Planning Forecast System is
a searchable database geared toward small
businesses. It projects all anticipated contract
actions above $250,000 that small businesses
may be able to perform, either through a direct
contract with DHS or through a subcontract
arrangement with a prime contractor.
Procurements valued under $250,000 are not
listed; businesses are urged to contact the
appropriate DHS Small Business Specialist
for each Component for information on those
The Government Acquisition & Grants Portal helps more
than 100,000 vendors and grant applicants nd, respond
to, and win opportunities for contracts, grants, and other
types of assistance funding. houses more than
1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for
federal grant-making agencies.
The federal government has centralized business
information in a one-stop platform called
business, aimed at making it easier for businesses to
access services to help them grow and hire. If you want
to do business with the federal government, there are
rules and procedures to follow to qualify. For further help,
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 19
SAM.GOV is the single point-of-entry for federal government
procurement opportunities over $25,000. Through one
portal—–government buyers directly publicize their
business opportunities, and commercial vendors seeking
federal markets for their products and services can search,
monitor, and retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire
federal contracting community. Doing business with the
federal government starts with registration, which requires you
to obtain a Unique Entity ID from for administrative,
contracting and tax purposes.
Sub-contracting with Prime Contractors
Large business prime contractors at DHS may be interested
in subcontracting with small, minority, women-owned,
HUBZone-certied, 8(a), veteran-owned, and service-disabled
businesses. The DHS list of prime contractors provides
visibility to pursue this avenue toward contracting work.
Small Business Contracting
Assistance Programs
The U.S. Small Business Administration has resources to
specically help small businesses and entrepreneurs navigate
federal procurement opportunities. Geared toward specic
sub-sets of business owners, these programs help small
businesses through mentorship and exclusive contracting
Teaming and Subcontracting
Opportunities with IT Contracts
DHS is establishing Department-wide contracts
for information technology (IT) services and
commodities. For the latest on IT task orders and
teaming and subcontracting opportunities, see
Unsolicited Proposals
If you do not nd a current open opportunity
through S&T, you may consider submitting your
capability through the DHS Unsolicited Proposal
Process. This process is for innovative and unique
products and services that are not commercially
available, and specic criteria must be met before
an unsolicited proposal can be submitted. Find
out more at to
begin this process
Additional Resources
DHS provides additional online resources where
businesses can nd contract opportunities at
Connect with us
Connect with us and keep up to date on
the latest S&T news and opportunities!
SandT.Innov[email protected]ov
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 21
DHS Science and Technology Directorate
DHS Science and Technology Directorate
DHS secures U.S. borders, territorial waters, ports, terminals, waterways,
and air, land, and sea transportation systems. S&T invests in border
security research and development for technologies and solutions to
prevent illicit movement and the illegal entry or exit of people, weapons,
dangerous goods, and contraband; and provides solutions that help
manage risks posed by people and goods in transit.
Air, Land, and Port of Entry (POE) Security
Technical capabilities are needed to strengthen the security of our
national airspace and land border by detecting and preventing the
ow of illicit goods and people, while also facilitating and safeguarding
lawful trade and travel through ports of entry.
Air Security
CHALLENGE: DHS operational elements, law enforcement, and rst
responders must maintain persistent air-domain awareness of all
manned and unmanned aircraft in the national airspace to identify
anomalies in patterns, connect disparate events, and detect potential
threats. Converging mission requirements, emerging asymmetric
threats, evolving technologies, and critically strained resources require
advanced technologies that produce efcient, force-multiplying
aerospace coverage. These technologies include sensors to detect,
track, and classify manned and unmanned aircraft; intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance sensor technology with command
and control and advanced air mobility; communications tools for
disseminating time critical and operationally relevant information from
air-based platforms; and tools to improve operational efciency and
reduce the lifecycle costs of operational technologies.
IMPACTS: ICE, CBP, USCG, and rst responders at the local, county,
and state levels will be able to cost-effectively invest in aircraft
technologies, sensors, small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), and
ground-control equipment that will meet mission needs, integrate into
ongoing operations, and address privacy and safety concerns.
Trade and Commerce Protection
CHALLENGE: CBP needs to leverage technology to safeguard the
American public and promote legitimate international commerce while
considering the increasing volume and complexities of international
trade. This includes enhanced capabilities to enforce trade laws against
counterfeit, unsafe, and fraudulent inbound goods and to facilitate
lawful trade. CBP also requires technology assistance on advanced
analytics and machine learning (ML).
IMPACTS: Meeting the challenges in this area will result in the
expedited processing of legitimate commerce and will enhance CPB’s
abilities to target illegal or fraudulent cargo; efciently collect duties,
taxes, and tariffs; and effectively enforce U.S. trade law.
Ground-Based Technologies
CHALLENGE: DHS components need capabilities to reliably and
accurately detect, identify, classify, track, and interdict illegal activity
along land borders and via telecommunications networks around
and between POEs. Commercial telecommunications companies are
deploying new networks that may pose challenges to law enforcement
investigators who use digital tools to locate and investigate criminal
and terrorist activity on telecommunications networks.
IMPACTS: Meeting the technology challenges will enhance land-
domain awareness, increase detection and tracking of illicit border
activity, facilitate data sharing and analytics to support CBP and ICE
investigations, increase the interdiction of illicit border activity, enhance
the effectiveness of eld agents, and provide new tools and methods to
investigate and prosecute suspected criminals and terrorists.
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Data Visualization and Emerging Analytics
CHALLENGE: CBP needs data visualization and emerging analytics
that can enhance tracking for cargo and people from origin to destination
with advanced interactive visual analytics to better identify transnational
activity and provide additional insights into customs recovery and threat
detection in the supply chain while expediting trade.
IMPACTS: Enhanced tools for visualizing and analyzing transportation
data will facilitate CBP’s ability to identify, investigate, and prosecute
illegal activity related to the transport of illegal goods and people
across U.S. borders.
Tunnel Detection and Surveillance
CHALLENGE: CBP and ICE need capabilities to reliably detect cross-
border tunnels, support unmanned investigations of discovered tunnels,
and perform forensic analysis of tunnels to support investigations and
IMPACTS: New technical solutions to safely detect and investigate
tunnels will increase CBP’s ability to investigate and exploit discovered
tunnels, facilitate the arrest and prosecution of individuals involved in
creating and using the tunnels, and prevent hundreds of tons of drugs
from reaching U.S. streets.
International Mail
CHALLENGE: In accordance with legislative requirements to identify
and prevent illegal imports, CBP needs to inspect hundreds of
thousands of pieces of incoming international mail each day to prevent
prohibited items from entering the United States. CBP needs improved
processes and technologies to facilitate and expedite the inspection of
incoming international mail.
Impacts: Upgrading the related equipment and technologies will
enhance CBP’s ability to interdict illegal or fraudulent mail and improve
the efciency of collecting duties, taxes, and tariffs.
Non-Intrusive and Alternate Inspection Technologies
CHALLENGE: CBP’s non-intrusive inspection systems need technology
improvements to maintain parity with emerging threats. Although the
volume of inbound goods and people passing through the POEs is
projected to increase from year to year, CBP manpower will not increase
proportionately. Therefore, CBP requires improvements in software
algorithms, ML, and threat detection to enhance efciency and expand
the range of detectable threats.
IMPACTS: Upgrading equipment, software, and processes will
increase interdiction rates, increase the throughput, and improve
resource loading to provide a signicant increase in efciency without
additional stafng.
Biometrics and Identity Management
Biometric and other identity technologies facilitate identity inspections and
screening operations across U.S. POEs, transportation security checkpoints,
secure facilities, and online systems. Data-driven approaches help
identify and prioritize changes in existing operations based on anticipated
improvements, consequences, and costs of new solutions.
Biometrics and Identity Screening
CHALLENGE: DHS components require more efcient identity and
biometric capabilities to improve screening and the identication of
people accessing secure federal facilities and those who are arriving
in, departing from, and traveling within the United States. Improving the
accuracy, exibility, and scalability of these capabilities must balance
security concerns with ongoing needs to facilitate lawful trade and travel.
IMPACTS: Updated capabilities will result in enhanced, less intrusive
traveler identication validation; improved abilities to detect terrorists,
criminals, and dangerous individuals; streamlined, scalable, and
cost-effective security, screening, and inspection operations; reduced
technical risk in DHS’s acquisition of secure, interoperable, enterprise
solutions; improved DHS stafng efciency; and improved traveler
throughput and satisfaction.
Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Research, test, evaluate, and transition technical capabilities that
strengthen the security of DHS-designated and -approved covered
assets and facilities by detecting, tracking, identifying, and mitigating
the threat posed by nefarious sUAS.
Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS)
CHALLENGE: Recent technology advances have resulted in
inexpensive and easily obtainable sUAS for a variety of uses, some
of which are nefarious. DHS is responsible for protecting critical
infrastructure and certain facilities and assets from nefarious UAS
use. DHS needs improved technology and equipment to identify DHS
component operational requirements based on their specic mission
sets, identify potential commercial off the shelf (COTS) and Government
off the shelf (GOTS) solutions that meet component operational
requirements, and apply COTS, GOTS, and other mature technologies
to address urgent needs. S&T must coordinate with Department of
Transportation (DOT)/Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure
minimal impact to the National Airspace. S&T needs to conduct rapid test
and evaluation of technologies in support of component acquisitions.
IMPACTS: Meeting the complex challenges in this category will result
in well-dened and validated DHS component C-UAS requirements
and acquisition strategies, knowledge of the state of the sUAS market
and existing COTS and GOTS C UAS systems, and solutions to meet
component-specic requirements.
Forensic and Criminal Investigations
Multiple DHS components are tasked with the detection and investigation
of various types of criminal activities. To maintain effectiveness and the
ability for quick action requires technology, procedures, and intelligence
capabilities that enable DHS components to collect, analyze, share, and
act on law enforcement data and information.
Digital Forensics
CHALLENGE: Law enforcement ofcials in various agencies need fast,
intelligent technology and tools to combat the explosion of online child
sexual exploitation. The current manual process is slow and labor intensive.
Law enforcement agents need automated technology to sort and analyze
the massive amounts of digital images and data to locate crime scenes,
identify and rescue victims, and identify and apprehend perpetrators.
IMPACTS: Speeding up triage and improving the efciency and
accuracy of the forensic deep-dive analysis of seized exploitive digital
imagery will shorten the time to rescue victims, provide evidence for
prosecution, and reduce agents’ exposure to traumatizing material.
New digital forensics tools developed for the child exploitation problem
could be leveraged for other crimes with digital evidence.
Illegal Immigration Investigations
CHALLENGE: DHS is securing the U.S. border and executing the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) public health
authority to safeguard the health of the American public and migrants,
and protect children. ICE is working around the clock to process
the ow at the border, collaborating with other agencies in an all-
government effort to address the current situation at our southwestern
border, and seeking longer-term solutions to irregular migration from
countries in our hemisphere that are suffering worsening conditions.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 25
IMPACTS: Upgrading systems, proving technology solutions, and
implementing methods for humanely enforcing immigration laws
will facilitate ICE and Enforcement and Removal Operations in their
implementation of immigration processes and help prevent the need
for detention.
Transnational Organized Crime and Counter Networks
CHALLENGE: Efforts to combat transnational organized crime (TOC)
are currently hampered by the growing online presence of these
networks and actors and the difculty of detecting and preventing
criminal behavior. DHS components require connected, purpose-built
data systems and forensic tools that enable enterprise-wide data
sharing and a centralized data-analytics platform to facilitate and
encourage collaboration across DHS components.
IMPACTS: Component efciency and effectiveness will be enhanced
by implementing an upgraded, unied approach to combatting
TOC. Centralized data hosting and analytics, distributed access to a
collaboration platform, and vital new forensic tools that incorporate
articial intelligence (AI) and ML will allow agents from disparate
agencies to share discoveries, theories, and analysis and improve the
performance of these tools for law enforcement applications.
Immigration Services
USCIS is responsible for adjudicating all applications and petitions
for immigration benets; maintaining the cohesiveness of legitimate
immigration IT systems; and providing trust-worthy and timely
immigration, employment, and identity information.
Immigration-Based Technologies
CHALLENGE: USCIS needs to improve the efciency and guarantee
the integrity of immigration services and activities to reduce the
lengthy applicant backlog. Meeting this challenge includes upgrading
the technology and related processes used for the adjudication of
citizenship and other immigration applications to strengthen and
streamline the vetting process.
IMPACTS: Upgrading computers and software will enhance USCIS’s
ability to efciently process immigration benet applications and
petitions, identify fraudulent immigration applications and petitions,
reduce applicant backlogs, and improve customer throughput and
Maritime Safety and Security
U.S. maritime border-security agencies and service bodies safeguard
lawful trade and travel to prevent the illegal transport of illicit goods
or people and maintain the safety and resilience of the maritime
transportation system.
Port and Coastal Surveillance
CHALLENGE: USCG, ICE, and CBP require operational capabilities
to improve maritime domain awareness (MDA); enhance their ability
to detect, deter, interdict, and investigate illegal maritime activity;
and coordinate across the HSE. This includes sensors and platforms
(including autonomous systems), information-sharing technologies,
mission support tools and techniques, and decision-support
IMPACTS: Enhanced, automated, and well-connected technologies
for MDA would support the abilities of all related agencies to detect,
track, and interdict illicit activity; increase the efciency, effectiveness,
and safety of personnel and equipment; augment U.S. presence in the
maritime domain; and enhance and automate information-sharing to
support DHS maritime safety and security missions.
Port and Waterway Resilience
CHALLENGE: The USCG needs upgraded tools to conduct rapid and
accurate port and waterway health assessments, analyze the condition
of ports or waterways after incidents or disasters, and develop risk-
based approaches for mitigation, response, and recovery. These tools
include support for analytical visualization, measurement and data
collection, and other more effective and user-friendly capabilities that
support maintaining resilience of ports and waterways.
IMPACTS: Upgrading and supplementing these technologies will
help ensure human and environmental safety, preserve the economic
security of maritime ports and waterways, improve situational
awareness and understanding of waterway criticality, and enable
decision-making for more efcient and effective resource allocation to
keep ports and waterways open.
Remote Maritime Operations
CHALLENGE: USCG and CBP need to operate in the Arctic and other
remote maritime regions and effectively detect and respond to illicit
maritime activities, hazards, or emergencies in a timely manner.
IMPACTS: Upgraded, remote, and autonomous monitoring equipment
will reduce risks to staff and equipment while enhancing capabilities
for near real-time detection of illicit activities or emergency situations in
the Arctic and other remote regions; real-time analytics at scale; time-
dominant operations; and while responding to illicit maritime activities,
hazards, and/or emergencies.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 27
S&T supports prevention, protective strategies, and the coordinated
surveillance and detection of CBE threats. S&T’s R&D efforts focus on
the creation and improvement of technology, methods, and procedures
for detecting CBE threats including the prevention of terrorism;
reduction of critical infrastructure vulnerability from terrorist attacks
and other hazards; and detecting and preventing the illicit movement
and illegal entry or exit of people, weapons, dangerous goods, and
Chem-Bio Detection
DHS components assess, prepare for, prevent, detect, respond to, and
recover from incidents involving chemical and biological (CB) threats
and hazards. DHS and the HSE use risk-awareness tools, knowledge
products, and technical solutions to protect the nation from incidents
involving CB hazards and to counter CB threats. A rapid response to CB
events (biological or chemical attacks or a disease outbreak) is critical
to save American lives, protect critical infrastructure, and safeguard the
U.S. economy.
Chem-Bio Threat Surveillance
CHALLENGE: Providing timely, effective, and accurate surveillance
methods in enclosed spaces is essential for the prompt detection of
threats and the subsequent coordination and rapid response actions
that must occur. DHS components; other federal agencies; and
state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) customers, including public
health and rst responder communities, depend on the effectiveness,
accuracy, and accessibility of surveillance infrastructure for the
timely detection of and condent response to the release of and/
or exposure to harmful chemicals and biological pathogens. Aging
systems and software and a worsening threat environment are
hampering component abilities to detect threats and coordinate and
communicate effective safety and countermeasures.
IMPACTS: Updated technology and tools and cost-effective
capabilities for detecting, communicating, and responding
to biological and chemical threats will help responsible DHS
components prepare for, potentially prevent, and respond to these
threats and save the lives and health of those affected in an attack.
Food, Agriculture, and Veterinary Defense
CHALLENGE: The United States is at risk for outbreaks of highly
infectious and dangerous foreign animal diseases—which can be
introduced to the United States through natural, accidental, or
deliberate means and can spread within the U.S. agricultural system
causing major economic disruption to the agriculture sector and the
health of the human population. Mitigating these risks requires next-
generation vaccines and other countermeasures to ensure that the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other rst responders have
the information and tools needed to effectively identify, respond to,
and recover from foreign animal disease outbreaks.
IMPACTS: Strengthening the defense of the U.S. agricultural
infrastructure to ensure that USDA and other rst responders
in the animal agriculture community have effective responses
to foreign animal disease outbreaks. Multi-pathogen
countermeasures would provide faster and more comprehensive
protection to limit the spread and size of an outbreak. Improved
data would support the regulatory licensing and/or availability
of new countermeasures in the event of a high-consequence
outbreak in the United States.
Multifunction Detectors
CHALLENGE: DHS components and SLTT rst responder
communities currently use multiple technologies to detect or
conrm different categories of threat agents, creating logistical
and operational challenges. To streamline the detection and
identication of chemical and biological threats, DHS agents
need a handheld system that can accurately and simultaneously
detect and identify a broad range of threats in a variety of
IMPACTS: A single, handheld device with multifunction bio-
chemical hazard detection and identication technologies would
allow DHS personnel to execute an efcient, integrated approach
to CB security and defense; provide rapid, reliable interdiction
of CB hazards; and increase the safety, situational awareness,
timeliness, and reliability of hazard detection and response for
front-line operators.
Wide-area Decontamination
CHALLENGE: A terrorist attack involving the release of an
aerosolized biological agent in a major metropolitan area, often
located along a coastal region or inner waterway, will require
eld-tested methods to rapidly restore vital services and critical
infrastructure necessary to serve and help protect the public. These
services and technologies include effective and scalable methods
for characterization, decontamination, waste management, and the
clearance of wide-area biological agents.
IMPACTS: Providing effective and efcient methods for rapid
recovery of large metropolitan regions, coastal areas, and critical
government assets following a wide-area biological contamination
event will enable faster re-occupation of populated areas and restore
condence in the safety of natural resources (e.g., drinking water).
Urban Security
CHALLENGE: Subway systems, other mass transit systems, and
indoor venues that serve large metropolitan areas are attractive
targets for potential acts of bioterrorism, particularly with aerosolized
biological threat agents. New chemical and bio-detection
technologies, detection architectures, and mitigation strategies are
needed to limit agent transport and public exposure to an aerosolized
IMPACTS: Improved detection and neutralization tools and
techniques would minimize the impact and consequences of
a bioterrorism event in underground and above-ground mass
transportation systems and indoor environments.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 29
Detection Canine Services
Detection canines are a valuable resource in responding to new and
emerging threats including drugs of various kinds, existing and newly
identied explosive materials, and occurrences of global human
pandemics such as COVID-19.
Detection Canine Skills and Efciencies
CHALLENGE: Improving the operational prociency of over 16,000
detection canine teams requires new tools, techniques, and knowledge
to better understand, train, and employ detection canines and their
handlers. Over the last 20 years, the demand for elite detection
canines from foreign countries has increased while domestic supply
has not kept, pace resulting in a subsequent reduction in the quality of
available canine candidates.
IMPACTS: Expanding the domestic detection canine supply and
developing more effective canine-handler training techniques will
improve detection canine prociency in operational environments,
provide more reliable responses to emerging biological and chemical
threats, and address the growing threat and operational concerns of
securing soft target venues and large public events.
Opioid/Fentanyl Detection
DHS components and law enforcement partners use advanced
detection and intelligence capabilities to enable the condent
discovery and interdiction of opioids and other narcotics being
smuggled across U.S. borders without disrupting the ow of legitimate
Opioid/Fentanyl Detection
CHALLENGE: DHS needs to disrupt the ow of synthetic opioids
like fentanyl that cross U.S. land, sea, and air borders. Specic needs
include physical detection and interdiction of synthetic opioids
smuggled in very small or dilute quantities; automated detection
systems; and discovery and disruption of TCOs, drug trafcking
organizations, criminal networks, and individuals who exploit open
source and dark web marketplaces to support illicit manufacturing
and smuggling. DHS components and law enforcement partners have
identied critical needs for advanced technologies to aid in their
missions to target, investigate, and dismantle illicit opioid and other
narcotic smuggling into the United States.
IMPACTS: Providing DHS components and law enforcement partners
with advanced, operationally effective detection and intelligence
capabilities will enable the condent discovery and interdiction of
opioids and other narcotics being smuggled across U.S. borders without
disrupting the ow of legitimate commerce.
S&T works to identify individuals or groups that intend to conduct
terrorist attacks and/or illicitly move weapons, dangerous goods, and
contraband. It also provides assessments of high-consequence attack
methods such as CBE threats that terrorists may use to attack the
United States.
Emerging Risks and Technologies
S&T supports DHS operational missions by conducting assessments,
studies and analyses to identify and prioritize emerging risks and
technologies, including determinations of adversarial use and
representing opportunities to use and opportunities to mitigate the
adverse impacts of emerging technologies to protect the Nation.
Emerging Risks and Technologies
CHALLENGE: DHS needs to identify, contextualize, and prioritize
critical emerging risks and leverage emerging technologies to defend
against them. Trends, risks, and opportunities must be identied as
far in advance as possible in collaboration with government agencies,
partners in the defense and intelligence communities, and the private
sector. Versatile technological solutions that can address a wide range
of areas or be easily tailored to changing needs will ensure readiness
and provide efcient, cost-effective tools.
IMPACTS: More reliable emerging risk assessment will facilitate
the prioritization of response strategies across critical DHS missions.
The collection and analysis of key metrics involving antagonistic
trends, eroding infrastructure, and fragile ecosystems will enable DHS
to determine its posture toward emerging risks; communicate with
interagency, academic, industrial, and international communities; and
focus resources and investments to best meet mission requirements.
Explosives Threat Assessment
S&T researches and identies current and potential explosive threats
to understand the risk posed to the United States, bolster the
international aviation security system, improve various security processes
and technologies, and encourage partnerships with industry. These
responsibilities encompass risk-based threat characterization, attribution,
strategic planning, explosive magnitude disaster potential, and employ a
range of analytical technologies, strategies, and procedures.
Aircraft Vulnerability
CHALLENGE: DHS needs to understand the vulnerability of commercial
aircraft to the broad range of conventional and emerging improvised
explosive device (IED) threats, including the vulnerability of new composite
aircraft structures currently entering the civil transport eet. When designing
screening technologies for the detection of explosives on passengers, in
checked bags, or in air cargo, the agency must determine the effects that
explosive threats have on commercial aircraft.
IMPACTS: Providing TSA the information required to ensure that the
explosive detection system’s threat thresholds are sufcient to prevent
introduction of explosive threats that would result in catastrophic aircraft
loss if detonated, will help reduce the vulnerability of commercial aircraft to
internal explosive threats.
Homemade Explosives (HMEs)
CHALLENGE: Detonation of an HME device presents an ongoing threat
to the public using transit services and in public places. DHS needs to
better understand and address the persistent and continuously evolving
threats from HMEs. This requires research, development, integration, and
certication testing for the identication, detection, and mitigation of
threats, including the management and use of laboratory facilities.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 31
IMPACTS: Providing TSA and other DHS components with better
technology and facilities that will allow the agency to develop and eld
more effective transportation security equipment, provide better training
to frontline personnel, validate and monitor continuing and emerging
threats, and transition products to protect national security and build
Technology Explosives Assessment
CHALLENGE: Rapidly evolving explosive threats complicate the ability
of current TSA screening approaches to detect new threats as they
emerge. DHS needs tools and approaches for rapidly characterizing
these evolving and emerging explosive threats and to drive the
development and validation of versatile screening equipment to reliably
detect new and emerging threats.
IMPACTS: Availability of faster, more accurate, and more cost-effective
threat-screening equipment that conforms with TSA’s requirements for
detecting existing and emerging explosive threats, and a process to
drive innovation and foster the development of new technologies for
detecting other contraband substances (e.g., opioids).
Probabilistic Analysis of National Threats, Hazards, and
Risks (PANTHR)
S&T, DHS components, and the HSE address biological, chemical, and
hazard knowledge gaps to inform defensive strategies that provide
accurate, useful, and defensible knowledge and tools to decision
makers in time to enable informed choices for defense against
threats and attacks. Advanced, tailored analysis capabilities, tools,
and processes are required to support national threat assessments,
characterize biological and chemical hazards, develop effective and
targeted biological and chemical defenses, and coordinate hazard
awareness and characterization activities across populations.
Chemical and Biological Threat Characterization
CHALLENGE: DHS components require updated analytical tools, data,
and processes to provide more accurate and timely predictions of the
risks and consequences of chemical and biological attacks. Substance
characterization data and advanced analytical tools and processes
are also needed to dene performance requirements for defensive
countermeasures (e.g., detectors, personal protective equipment, and
operational protocols) to develop solutions that effectively mitigate
hazards posed by chemical and biological threat agents.
IMPACTS: Improved, rapidly available characterizations (data)
of chemical and biological agents will inform advanced analytical
processes and produce knowledge products that will enhance decision-
makers’ abilities to effectively prioritize defense investments to prevent,
prepare for, respond to, and recover from an attack based on the
specic nature of the deployed substance.
Integrated Risk Evaluation
CHALLENGE: DHS decision-makers need relevant risk data that
characterize the likelihood of threats from weapons of mass destruction
to manage resources and reduce the likelihood and impact of
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) incidents.
Current tools and processes do not meet the requirements for
efcient targeted, coordinated, cohesive surveys of the current threat
environment and our ability to prevent or mitigate damage in specic
at-risk locales.
IMPACTS: Improvements and additions to the existing risk-evaluation
toolset and process will enable efcient, tailored analyses that assess
chemical and biological risks and enable strategic, operational, and
tactical decisions to increase prevention, protection, preparation,
mitigation, response, and recovery from CBRN hazard events. Better
assessment of potential threats and greater understanding of hazards
enables improved risk management and bolsters DHS’s abilities to
prioritize resources based on the highest potentials for occurrence and
The increasing reliance on complex data, technology, communication,
and interconnectivity has expanded arenas of potential vulnerabilities
and increased potential risk to governmental, citizen services, and
critical infrastructure continuity. Protecting individuals and organizations
from cyberattacks requires R&D, test and evaluation, and the
technology transition of advanced cybersecurity and information
assurance technology solutions to secure current and future critical
cyber infrastructure.
AI/ML, data analytics, cyber analytics, natural language processing, and
software assurance all play important roles in securing industrial control
systems, information related to all aspects of life, and communication
networks. Fully researched and vetted technologies designed to
strengthen defensive cybersecurity capabilities in a spectrum of
strategic technical areas will mitigate risk to U.S. critical infrastructure,
federal agencies, and SLTT organizations.
Cybersecurity, Articial Intelligence, and
Machine Learning
CHALLENGE: The growing threats to national, organizational, and
personal information and cyber infrastructure create vast, complex
risks that cannot be managed with traditional approaches or outdated
technology. The CISA needs AI and ML applications to automate and
streamline advanced analytics.
IMPACTS: Providing applied AI and ML infrastructure, algorithms, and
tools will enable security orchestration, automation, and response;
behavioral anomaly detection; data reduction; tipping and queuing of
analyst workows; and other user-driven mission needs.
Data Analytics Collaborative Environments
CHALLENGE: Working collaboratively to build efciency, manage
resources, and minimize discrepancies requires a centralized source
and capability that will allow operational units to query and correlate
information related to cyber risk analysis, physical and infrastructure
risk, and blended cyber-physical risks and threats.
IMPACTS: A secure, centralized data platform would allow CISA to
correlate the data collected from all CISA programs into a common
information architecture available to all CISA critical mission activities.
The related hybrid cloud infrastructure would support the full breadth
of cyber defense operations, encryption techniques, and commercial
solutions to enable sensitive, unclassied data sharing with critical
infrastructure owners and operators. The centralized platform and
infrastructure would protect privacy, application programming interfaces,
and data access mechanisms to ensure that data is available within
and across CISA and mission partners.
Cyber Analytics Tools and Techniques
Challenge: Currently, malware analysis relies largely on time-consuming,
manual processes. CISA needs improved computational analytics and
information-sharing facilities to improve DHS cyber-physical security
risk analysis and encourage collaboration across government agencies
to improve process efciency.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 33
IMPACTS: Advanced cyber analytic capabilities, including AI, ML, and
natural language processing (NLP) would facilitate automating malware
analysis, leverage expertise across multiple partners to accelerate
cyber-related R&D, use data and analytics to gain information about
adversaries and improve real-time network defense, and upgrade and
improve existing risk assessment methods that are needed to develop
the National Critical Functions risk architecture.
Natural Language Processing Capabilities
CHALLENGE: The emerging cyber-physical landscape has opened
new avenues to malicious incursions of physical infrastructure, from
manufacturing equipment to home appliances. CISAs traditional
security products (alerts, warnings, assessments) are not sufcient to
detect or deter cyberattacks on our physical infrastructure and devices.
CISA needs NLP algorithms, approaches, and technologies to better
correlate CISAs heavily structured cyber data with its unstructured
physical infrastructure security data.
IMPACTS: NLP and ML algorithms can ensure alignment with CISA’s
Enterprise Conceptual Data Model, populate required metadata, and
improve the results of CISAs security alerts, warnings, and assessments.
Software Assurance
CHALLENGE: CISA works to ensure that software applications
relating to security and safety in government environments are free
from vulnerabilities, either intentionally designed into the software
or accidentally inserted at any time during its lifecycle. The agency
needs enhanced cybersecurity tools and analytic techniques to detect
malicious and problematic software sooner in the software development
lifecycle, potentially preventing our adversaries from compromising
critical systems.
IMPACTS: Enhanced software assurance tools and processes that can
quickly and reliably analyze software to determine which aspects of
an organization’s code base are least mature and need attention, and
analyze software composition of codes at the source, byte, and binary
levels to track usage, origination, and identify extra features that are not
Industrial Control Systems and Cyber-Physical Security
CHALLENGE: CISA and critical infrastructure operators are hampered
in their efforts to prevent inadvertent errors or malicious actions from
negatively affecting various industrial and manufacturing control
systems. System and network monitoring capabilities are required to
immediately identify negative impacts to process safety, function, or
efciencies, and improve defensive capabilities to negate or minimize
IMPACTS: Identifying weaknesses and installing and upgrading
operational technology networks, industrial control systems (ICS),
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) monitoring and other
defensive measures (e.g., intrusion detection and prevention systems,
agent-based security mechanisms, and automated patch management
capabilities) will help protect national critical infrastructure.
Communications Security
CHALLENGE: The security risks associated with cellular networks
include network operations, stakeholder data protection, and supply
chain management. Research and applied solutions are needed to
ensure the security of the communications ecosystem from mobile
devices, software applications, and data to the underlying infrastructure
of carrier networks, mobile operating system providers, and enterprise
systems and infrastructure.
IMPACTS: Enhancing the interoperability and integrity, reliability,
and security of critical communication systems for DHS components
through the promotion and use of standards-based solutions.
Improving the United States’ ability to withstand, respond to, and
recover from disasters and hazardous situations of all kinds, regardless
of the cause, is becoming increasingly important due to the increase
of possible threats from foreign adversaries, our eroding infrastructure,
rising inter-community hostility, and fragile environments.
DHS’s goals in this area include reducing the vulnerability of critical
infrastructure to terrorist attacks and other hazards by working with SLTT
and local governments to secure their information systems and identify
hazards and assess vulnerabilities; by developing strategies to manage
risks, increase the level of disaster preparedness of SLTT partners,
nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, and the general
public; by improving emergency and interoperable communications
capabilities; and by improving the emergency management and
leadership capabilities of DHS and its components.
Cargo, Baggage, and People Screening
Transportation systems need advanced, versatile screening systems
to detect threats to the safety of passengers and vehicles. The
development of prototype solutions to bridge technology capability
gaps within the security screening processes will help ensure the safety
of air travel and other mass transportation systems.
Air Cargo Screening
CHALLENGE: DHS needs next generation air cargo screening systems
to address challenges posed by the increasing volume of air cargo and
the wide range of air cargo commodity types. Evolving threats contained
in air cargo pose a signicant and continual threat to passenger safety.
Process and technology needs include augmenting existing screening
systems via advanced hardware and software, developing low-cost
computed tomography (CT) systems for 3D imaging of skids, automated
threat detection algorithms, and technologies to screen dense cargo.
IMPACTS: Providing next generation cargo screening capabilities will
strengthen the air cargo and aviation security infrastructure, which has
a vital impact on passenger safety and economic interests.
Next Generation Explosives Trace Detection
CHALLENGE: DHS needs enhanced explosives screening at aviation
checkpoints, border crossings, and large public events. National
security forces, the end users of explosive trace detection technologies,
need more effective tools to detect, identify, and conrm emerging
explosive threats. S&T must continue to assess the effectiveness of
deployed technologies against emerging threats; identify capability
gaps; develop capabilities to address these gaps; and test, evaluate,
mature, and transition these capabilities to end users.
IMPACTS: Providing knowledge and capabilities to meet evolving
explosive threats and equipping end users and operators with the
equipment and tools needed to optimize operations and keep false
alarm rates low will reduce passenger wait times and the need for
agent contact.
Primary Screening for Carry-On Baggage
CHALLENGE: As the number of travelers with carry-on bags increases
and as new threats emerge, TSA needs next generation technology
for screening carry-on bags to meet the increased demand, optimize
operations, keep false alarm rates low, and enhance end-user
satisfaction by reducing wait times and the need for agent intervention.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 35
IMPACTS: Providing TSA with advanced technology will facilitate
greater throughput and higher security measures and reduce operator
burden. Improved technologies and algorithms would allow TSA to detect
prohibited items quickly and accurately without removing electronics,
liquids, aerosols, powders, or gels.
Primary Screening for Passengers
CHALLENGE: As the number of travelers increases and as new threats
emerge, TSA needs next generation passenger screening technology to
meet increased demand, optimize operations, keep false alarm rates low,
and enhance end-user satisfaction by reducing wait times and the need
for agent intervention.
IMPACTS: Providing advanced checkpoint technologies will provide
faster, less invasive, and less costly screening of passengers. Limited
requirements for passengers to remove items will decrease passenger
inconvenience and increase checkpoint throughput. Systems with material
discrimination ability will determine if suspect items are potentially
harmful or benign, reducing the need for pat-downs and other intrusive
security measures.
Checked Baggage Technology
CHALLENGE: TSA needs next generation checked baggage screening
technology to optimize operations, minimize false alarms, and
automatically detect the full array of existing and emerging explosives
and non-explosive contraband materials. Additional needs include an
expanded library of detectable explosives and explosives signatures;
enhanced threat image projection tools to improve efciency; improved
system reliability, screening speed, and reduced cost; and improved
baggage movement technologies that support changes to security
parameters to improve operations and allow for innovative infrastructure
IMPACTS: Providing TSA with enhanced threat detection capabilities,
lower false alarm rates, improved alarm resolution, and reduced
lifecycle costs will allow TSA to keep pace with new threats and the
evolution of the traveling public.
Screening at Speed (SaS)
CHALLENGE: Current TSA airport checkpoints are costly and time-
consuming to upgrade in response to evolving threats, subject to
false alarms that require intrusive pat downs and manual searches to
resolve, and require passengers to remove personal belongings. TSA
needs detection technologies that effectively and efciently screen for
concealed threats using an integrated system-of-systems with layered
screening technologies.
IMPACTS: Providing integrated screening tools with real-time and
walk-by sensing, wide-area surveillance, credential authentication,
risk-based screening, and other technologies will reduce overall risk
throughout in airports and in other operational areas including soft
targets and special national security events. Improved detection
probabilities and reduced false alarms will translate into fewer
secondary inspections, lower per-passenger costs for TSA, and reduce
passenger inconvenience. A system-of-systems approach integrated
using open architectures and capable of deploying a layered aviation
security posture from curb-to-gate will reduce security risks and
costs and facilitate rapid, cost-effective system upgrades to continue
countering evolving adversaries.
Community and Infrastructure Resilience
Protecting at-risk communities and infrastructure includes the
involvement of state, local, and the private sector in plans and
recommendations as well as investigating new and emerging
technologies for streamlining and optimizing FEMA disaster resilience
investments in insurance, mitigation, and recovery operations.
Climate Adaptation and Resilience
CHALLENGE: Climate change directly impacts the DHS mission;
the nation faces increased loss of life, infrastructure damages, and
economic costs due to natural disasters driven by climate change.
These increases impact the ability of the federal government to
nancially support disaster recovery and develop and maintain a sound
nancial framework for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Impacts: Identifying affordable, game-changing technologies such as
self-healing materials and other innovations can protect the American
people from the impacts of worsening climate conditions such as
droughts, ooding, wildres, and hurricanes.
Disaster Recovery
CHALLENGE: Local communities need access to new and emerging
technologies and innovations to streamline and optimize disaster
recovery operations and assistance programs. Communities need to
expedite recovery and reduce the time necessary to restore critical
functions, establish community lifelines, and assist survivors in getting
back to their daily lives.
Impacts: Identifying and implementing new technologies for disaster
recovery will help expedite recovery assistance to survivors and
households in affected communities, track and monitor restoration
functions through improved damage assessments, reduce the
complexity of applying for and receiving assistance, promote adaptive
recovery, and enable faster decision-making.
CHALLENGE: New and emerging technologies are needed by
FEMA and state and local governments to identify high-risk areas for
remediation, predict and alert impending oods, and reduce future
fatalities and damage. Needed processes and technologies include
new ood sensors and alerting systems, smarter remote sensing for
situational awareness, new analysis products using high-performance
computing and AI, realigned economic incentives and risk analysis,
enhanced community resilience, improved access to high-quality ood
data, and improved predictive models and analytic services.
IMPACTS: Better ood risk analysis through more effective use of
existing data sources to create multi-dimensional representations of
community functions using an integrated system-of-systems approach.
Analysis will enhance whole community collaboration around disaster
risk reduction, identify indicators of community resilience and
opportunities to introduce advanced technology solutions, empower
communities with decision-support capabilities to enable pre-event
risk planning and adaptive recovery in the post-event environment, and
enable faster decision-making.
Community Resilience Testbeds
CHALLENGE: FEMA and state and local communities need access to
new and emerging technologies and innovations to strengthen critical
infrastructure, mitigate hazard vulnerabilities, and strengthen residential
housing and commercial structures to reduce disaster risks, losses, and
damages allowing communities to rebound more quickly.
IMPACTS: Providing the ability to evaluate and validate new solutions
and make more informed technology investments toward keeping pace
with evolving disaster risks will expand state and local capacity, reduce
fatalities and property losses, and prioritize and optimize its pre- and
post-disaster grant programs.
Next Generation Disaster Proong
CHALLENGE: FEMA and state and local communities need access
to new and emerging technologies and innovations that reduce risk,
improve protective measures, optimize mitigation investments, and
reduce damages, disruption, and costs of disasters.
IMPACTS: Providing innovative technology and tools to FEMA
operations, pre- and post-disaster assistance programs, communities
in the NFIP, and state and local partners and critical infrastructure
operators will allow FEMA to keep pace with the evolving ood risk,
enable state and local prevention and recovery capacity, and reduce
fatalities and property losses.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 37
Critical Infrastructure Resilience
CHALLENGE: Critical infrastructure owners and operators need
data-driven information on position, navigation, and timing (PNT),
electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and geomagnetic disturbance
(GMD) threats and the impacts to their sectors, including up-
to-date information on the actions they should consider for risk
management and mitigation. PNT is an essential element for many
critical infrastructures such as the electric grid, telecommunications,
transportation, and emergency services. Other electronic capabilities
within critical infrastructure ecosystems are susceptible to intentional
attack or a natural occurrence of EMP and GMD.
IMPACTS: Providing best practices and tools to critical infrastructure
owners and operators will allow them to understand, prepare for, and
protect PNT capabilities and electronic systems against an EMP or GMD
event. Enhancing the security and resilience of both government and
private sector critical infrastructure will help safeguard the systems from
disruption, corruption, and dysfunction by providing opportunities for
innovative industry solutions to mitigating risks.
Countering Violent Extremism
Policy makers and operational end users need to make informed
decisions to divert vulnerable individuals, prevent potential offenders,
mitigate vulnerabilities, and enhance community resilience in the face
of social and behavioral threats. Evidence-based research is needed
to guide decisions that meet policy, operational, and public needs
regarding improvements to public safety and violence prevention efforts
implemented by federal, SLTT and non-governmental stakeholders.
Public Safety and Violence Prevention
CHALLENGE: DHS needs an analytical and qualitative approach to
preventing, responding to, and recovering from acts of violence. One of
the Department’s top priorities is to protect citizens from terrorism and
other homeland security threats; however, the drivers behind these acts
are not fully understood. Targeted violence and terrorism represent a
complex host of problems, crimes, and activities that are related to a
number of threats.
IMPACTS: Advanced, evidence-based data collection and analysis will
allow the HSE to enable education and awareness efforts to launch and
reinforce a whole-of-society prevention architecture. The architecture
would equip and empower local efforts from peers, teachers,
community leaders, and law enforcement to minimize an evolving threat
while emphasizing emergency preparedness and developing effective,
situation-based responses. The program would increase understanding
about approaches that work, fail, and are emerging in public safety
and violence prevention efforts, while informing strategy, policy, and
operations for DHS components and other key stakeholders.
First Responder Capabilities
Protecting and assisting rst responders during any emergency involves
providing the tools and equipment, current and accurate information,
and efcient situation-specic procedures to aid rst responders,
emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to
hazardous situations.
Personal Protective Equipment
CHALLENGE: DHS and related components need to determine
priorities and methods for developing and distributing compact,
effective personal protective equipment (PPE) that protects rst
responders from the health risks associated with exposure to biological,
chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, or other hazardous elements
in the operational environment.
IMPACTS: Available and viable PPE solutions along with adequate
communication and training will help provide protection from serious
injuries and illness associated with the exposure to hazards in the
operational environment.
Explosives and Radiological and Nuclear Resilience
CHALLENGE: To safely and effectively respond to a bomb, radiological
dispersal, or nuclear device detonation, rst responders need improved
training and equipment to prepare for and mitigate the consequences
of such incidents. Response organizations require improvements in
radiological-nuclear response management, incident characterization,
initial response capabilities, medical care and triage, casualty and
evacuee care, impacted-area stabilization and control, and site cleanup
and decontamination.
IMPACTS: Providing improved response capabilities at the national
and SLTT levels with increased agency preparedness, improved
understanding of the impacts and risks, and technological solutions to
radiological and nuclear capability gaps and mission needs will help
protect responders while they work to control and mitigate damages as
quickly and effectively as possible.
First Responder Technologies
CHALLENGE: Our nation’s rst responders need innovative
technology to address high priority capability gaps to ensure the
safe and effective performance of their duties. S&T must research
the changing requirements for various situations, identify promising
innovations, and evaluate potential investments in technology that
will maximize the safe and effective execution of their duties. Needed
solutions and technologies include data management and information
sharing; gunshot detection, localization, alert, and recording; hands-
free presence of life through walls detection, localization, alert, and
recording; crowd control; and improvised explosive devices (IED)
IMPACTS: Providing responder organizations with effective and
relevant technologies will strengthen the response community’s ability
to protect from and respond to disasters and save lives.
Public Safety Communications
CHALLENGE: DHS components need advanced mission-critical
communications solutions. While the introduction of broadband
networks has increased the ability to share data and provided
an alternative voice network, it has resulted in a more complex
environment requiring interoperability across networks. Although the
evolution and diversity of emerging networks such as 5G, Smart Cities,
Internet of Things, and advanced computing have provided advanced
capabilities that can be leveraged by DHS components and rst
responders, they present challenges for ensuring reliable, interoperable,
and secure communications. These challenges include the effective use
of applications and services while addressing threats and challenges
(spectrum, utilization, network resiliency, cyber, and physical attacks).
IMPACTS: Providing highly available and resilient critical
communications and information sharing capabilities for DHS
components and rst responders using emerging technologies and
communications networks will enable the efcient and effective use of
networks and spectrum.
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate | 39
Bomb Defeat Operations Support
CHALLENGE: Bomb squads and SWAT teams need innovative tools
to address emerging threats from active shooters, complex coordinated
attacks, and IEDs. Bomb technicians need capabilities to preserve life
and property once an IED has been discovered. Responders require
an ongoing evaluation of needs, required capabilities, and potential
investments in innovations to conduct their missions more safely,
effectively, and efciently.
IMPACTS: Advanced solutions to shooting and explosive threats will
strengthen technicians’ and responders’ abilities to safely neutralize
the highest priority threats and effectively counter terrorist and criminal
activities while saving lives and protecting property.
Training and Performance Optimization
CHALLENGE: DHS components and law enforcement agencies need
enhanced training infrastructure and research-based mission execution
training capabilities that maximize prociency, effectiveness, efciency,
safety, and more capably support the DHS mission to respond to local,
national, and international disasters or emergencies. Training needs
to deliver the skills and exibility required for a variety of conditions
including operating in uncertain, time-constrained, and hazardous
IMPACTS: Providing HSE end users and rst responders with
improved training methods, technologies, and tools will result in
operational performance increases and an increase in national security.
More effective and efcient training measurably improves performance
and is directly correlated to increased preparedness, safety, robustness,
and capacity for rapid recovery and adaptability.
Physical Security
Ensuring safety requires effective screening for potential threats in
unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces
without impacting trafc and while maintaining privacy.
Soft Targets and Crowded Spaces
CHALLENGE: DHS needs to screen people and their belongings
in soft targets and crowded spaces, such as surface transportation
centers, without limiting trafc or invading privacy. The unique
requirements of these environments include large, open systems with
no xed checkpoints, unstructured crowds, extremely high throughput,
and an unalterable existing infrastructure within which screening
technologies must t.
IMPACTS: Effective technologies will provide a layered and integrated
capability to safely screen people and their belongings for potential
threat materials and contraband in unstructured crowds in soft-target
venues and crowded spaces without impacting the speed of travel and
while maintaining individual privacy.