Effective Troop Meeting Plan | 2652 | 01-27-2020 |
Effective Troop Meeting Plan
This is a recommended weekly Troop Meeting Plan. This proven formula contains best practices from some of the
most successful Trail Life Troops. The order and steps outlined on the Agenda are simply recommended, not required.
Planning for the next week’s meeting (3-4 days beforehand):
Physical arrangements of meeting location
Reminder sent to all members (outline any expectationswhat to bring, how to dress, etc)
First Officer mentoring (Troopmaster coaches him to lead the meeting wellgo through each step)
Meeting night:
Set up (Adult and Youth Leaders arrive 20-30 minutes early)
Gathering (15 minutes)…have a pre-meeting activity planned for boys/families who arrive early
TROOP MEETING AGENDA (total time is approx. 75 minutes)
1. Opening ceremony (start on-time, every time7 minutes)
Presentation of the colors/pledge, led by a different patrol each time (with AHG sister Troop)
Recite the Trailman Oath
Prayer (select a different Trailman each time)
2. Announcements (4 minutes)
Made by First Officer (only RARELY by the Troopmaster)
Describe what we are doing tonight (and why); highlight next 2-3 big activities coming up
3. Chaplain mentoring moment (2 minutes)
Inspirational and faith-building; sets the tone for the rest of the meeting
4. Patrol breakouts (40 minutes)
Outdoors (weather permitting)
Hands-on and action-orientedfocused on your purpose
Advancement work for Woodlands Trailmen
Skills training for Navigators and Adventurers (youth led)
5. Regather in main room for Troop-wide game (15 minutes)
Fun, physical release; make sure younger boys have a chance to succeed
6. Wisdom for the Wild (keep it to ONE minute); AHG Leader minute (same for her)
Recognize special achievers
7. Closing ceremony3 minutes
Always emphasize an informed, empowered youth-leader culture
Effective Troop Meeting Plan | 2652 | 01-27-2020 |
Involve parents and your AHG sister Troop (while recognizing that there are limitations for those who are
not registered members of TLUSA)
Chaplain: remain available to speak with uninvolved parents who stay for the meeting