Faculty of Science
Biomedical Science Handbook
| 2015 Biomedical Science Handbook
Biomedical Science programme 3
Programme regulations 4
Year Three Options 7
Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 7
Cardiovascular Biology 7
Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine 7
Genetics and Development 8
Microbiology and Immunology 8
Neurobiology 8
Nutrition 9
Reproduction, Growth and Metabolism 9
Postgraduate study in Biomedical Science 9
Helpful information 10
Entry requirements for Biomedical Science 10
Degree structure 10
General Education 10
Transferring into Biomedical Science 10
Entry into other programmes from Biomedical Science 10
Entry to Medicine 11
Entry to Optometry 11
Honours 11
Careers in Biomedical Science 11
Further Information
For further Information regarding the Biomedical Science programme contact the
Faculty of Science Student Centre email [email protected] in the rst instance.
Professor Larry Chamley, Biomedical Sciences Programme Director
Phone: 64 9 373 7599 ext 87020
Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is provided as a
general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at the University of Auckland must
consult its ofcial document, the Calendar of the University of Auckland, to ensure that they are aware of and comply
with all regulations, requirements and policies.
2015 Biomedical Science Handbook |
Biomedical Science
This major within the Bachelor of Science
is designed for very academically able
students with an interest in emerging
areas of medical science.
The Biomedical Science programme provides an
understanding of the scientic basis of health and
disease in humans and animals. During the rst
three years, the programme will deliver rigorous
scientic training in a range of disciplines and
students will gain a unique insight into this
important area of modern biological research.
This research-led eld is currently the most rapidly
developing area in basic biological science and is
therefore associated with a high level of public
awareness and approval. The University of
Auckland is acknowledged as a centre of
excellence in Biomedical research and the options
within the programme at Year Three reect our
particular strengths. Biomedical Science is jointly
taught by the Faculties of Science and Medical
and Health Sciences, with lectures split between
the City and Grafton campuses.
Biomedical Sciences Programme Director
| 2015 Biomedical Science Handbook
Year One (Science Common Year)
BIOSCI 101 Essential Biology: From
Genomes to Organisms
BIOSCI 106 Foundations of Biochemistry
BIOSCI 107 Biology for Biomedical Science:
Cellular Processes and
CHEM 110 Chemistry of the Living World
MEDSCI 142 Biology for Biomedical Science:
Organ Systems
PHYSICS 160 Physics for the Life Sciences
Elective (any course but if applying for
Medicine it must be POPLHLTH 111)
General Education or other
Year Two
BIOSCI 201 Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOSCI 202 Genetics
BIOSCI 203 Biochemistry
MEDSCI 205 The Physiology of Human
Organ Systems
At least 3 courses from:
MEDSCI 201 Human Structure and Function
MEDSCI 203 Mechanisms of Disease
MEDSCI 204 Introduction to Pharmacology
and Toxicology
MEDSCI 206 Introduction to Neuroscience
BIOSCI 204 Principles of Microbiology OR
MEDSCI 202 Microbiology and Immunology
PSYCH 202 Biopsychology
General Education
For course descriptions go to
Programme regulations
A BSc - Biomedical Science must include:
90 points: BIOSCI 101, 106, 107, CHEM 110,
60 points: BIOSCI 201-203, MEDSCI 205
at least 45 points from MEDSCI 201, 203,
204, 206, (BIOSCI 204 or MEDSCI 202),
at least 15 points from STATS 101, 108,
at least 30 points from BIOSCI 347-358
at least 30 points from MEDSCI 301-317
at least 15 points at Stage III from BIOSCI,
MEDSCI, CHEM 390, 392 or PSYCH 305
at least a further 45 points from the Schedule
for the Bachelor of Science
30 points from General Education courses
approved for this degree
2015 Biomedical Science Handbook |
Year Three suggested options and recommended preparation
We strongly recommend you focus your studies on a recognised area of research as you move into
your second and third years. There are eight strands of research supported by academic groups at
the University of Auckland and a range of courses you can take to gain experience in these elds.
You should complete 30 points from BIOSCI 347-358, 30 points from MEDSCI 301-317 and a further
15 points at Stage III from BIOSCI, MEDSCI, CHEM 392 or PSYCH 305. Students wishing to take
Honours must include a total of 90 points (6 courses) at Stage III. Subject to timetabling limitations, we
recommend you choose one of the following combinations to structure the third year of your degree.
Research area Part 3 courses Part 2 courses
Recommended core courses Recommended preparation
Recommended complementary
Desirable courses
Cancer Biology and
MEDSCI 301-303 BIOSCI 201-203,
MEDSCI 203-205
BIOSCI 351, 353, 354, 356, 358,
CHEM 390, 392,
MEDSCI 306, 314
Cardiovascular Biology MEDSCI 309, 311, 316 BIOSCI 201-203,
MEDSCI 205, 206
BIOSCI 350, 351, 353, 354,
MEDSCI 301, 305, 317
Cellular and Molecular
BIOSCI 350, 351, 353 BIOSCI 201-203, MEDSCI 205
MEDSCI 301, 303-305, 309, 316 MEDSCI 203, 204, 206
Genetics and Development BIOSCI 351, 354, 356 BIOSCI 201-203, MEDSCI 205
BIOSCI 350, 353,
MEDSCI 301, 312
Microbiology and
MEDSCI 301, 314
BIOSCI 201-203,
(BIOSCI 204 or MEDSCI 202),
MEDSCI 203, 205
BIOSCI 347, 348, 350-353
Neurobiology MEDSCI 304, 307, 316, 317 BIOSCI 201-203,
MEDSCI 204-206
BIOSCI 350, 351, 353, 354,
MEDSCI 309, 312, PSYCH 305
MEDSCI 201 or PSYCH 202
Nutrition BIOSCI 358, MEDSCI 312, 315 BIOSCI 201-203, MEDSCI 205
BIOSCI 348, 351, 353,
MEDSCI 301, 306, 307, 314, 316
MEDSCI 203, 204, 206
(MEDSCI 202 or BIOSCI 204)
Reproduction, Growth and
BIOSCI 351, MEDSCI 312, 313 BIOSCI 201-203, MEDSCI 205
BIOSCI 350, 353, 354, 356, 358,
MEDSCI 301, 314
MEDSCI 201, 203
| 2015 Biomedical Science Handbook
Year Three
At least 2 courses from: And at least 2 courses from:
BIOSCI 347 Environmental Microbiology
and Biotechnology
BIOSCI 348 Food and Industrial
BIOSCI 349 Biomedical Microbiology
BIOSCI 350 Protein Structure and Function
BIOSCI 351 Molecular Genetics
BIOSCI 353 Molecular and
Cellular Regulation
BIOSCI 354 Gene Expression and
Gene Transfer
BIOSCI 356 Developmental Biology and
BIOSCI 358 Nutritional Science
MEDSCI 301 Molecular Basis of Disease
MEDSCI 302 Cancer Biology
MEDSCI 303 Principles of Pharmacology
MEDSCI 304 Molecular Pharmacology
MEDSCI 305 Systematic Pharmacology
MEDSCI 306 Principles of Toxicology
MEDSCI 307 Neuroscience: Neuropharmacology
MEDSCI 309 Biophysics of Nerve and Muscle
MEDSCI 311 Cardiovascular Biology
MEDSCI 312 Endocrinology of Growth and
MEDSCI 313 Reproductive Biology
MEDSCI 314 Immunology
MEDSCI 315 Nutrition, Diet and Gene Interactions
MEDSCI 316 Sensory Neuroscience
MEDSCI 317 Integrative Neuroscience
At least 15 points from Stage III BIOSCI, Stage III MEDSCI or CHEM 390 Medicinal Chemistry,
CHEM 392 Issues in Drug Design and Development, PSYCH 305 Human Neuroscience
45 points from the Science schedule including STATS 101 or 108
For the full Science schedule go to www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/regulations/BSc.html
2015 Biomedical Science Handbook |
Cancer Biology and Therapeutics
The control and cure of cancer still remains a
substantial challenge. Considerable innovative
research is undertaken by a wide network of
cancer researchers throughout the University.
This includes the internationally renowned
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre
(ACRSC) in the Faculty of Medical and Health
Sciences, which has successfully developed
numerous anti-cancer drugs. The multi-
disciplinary cancer research within the network
ranges from understanding the genetic,
molecular and cellular basis of the disease, the
design and development of new drugs and novel
therapeutic strategies, as well as strong
translational links to the Oncology clinics. The
background provided by the courses in this theme
provides students with a wide range of
knowledge applicable to the multi-disciplinary
nature of this research eld.
Associate Professor Nuala Helsby
(Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 89831
Cardiovascular Biology
Cardiovascular disease kills 50% of the
population and is a major area of health and
research expenditure worldwide. Cardiac muscle
cells and other cells form the heart; this organ’s
rhythm and function is regulated by the central
nervous system, which gives rise to blood
pressure and blood vessel tone. There is huge
scope for research in all of these areas at the
University of Auckland, where the largest and
most respected grouping of cardiovascular
researchers in New Zealand is located. Students
choosing this option will have a vast range of
research laboratories to choose from including
molecular and cellular issues relating to cardiac
muscle cells and blood vessels, to heart structure
and function, to control of blood pressure and
even human cardiovascular studies.
Professor Laura Bennet
(Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 84890
Year Three Options
Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine
This option offers students a chance to focus their
study at a fundamental level and apply it to the
widest possible range of biomedical research
themes. The emphasis is on how basic studies in
molecular and cellular biology contribute to the
development of knowledge in a variety of
biomedical elds. Students will gain rst-hand
experience in the application of state-of-the art
technologies including genomics and proteomics,
biomolecular structure analysis, cellular imaging
and electrophysiology. Research interests of
afliated staff cover gene structure and
expression, molecular cell biology and the
structure and function of biomolecules as applied
to molecular neuroendocrinology, metabolic
regulation, diabetes and insulin resistance,
molecular virology, membrane transport, cellular
physiology and drug development.
Dr Judy O’Brien (Option Adviser)
School of Biological Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 88764
| 2015 Biomedical Science Handbook
Genetics and Development
Developmental biology is concerned with how
multicellular organisms and their complex
structures, such as different organs and tissues,
arise from a single cell. Much of the excitement in
developmental biology today arises from our
growing understanding of how genes direct these
developmental processes. Reference will be made
to many model organisms in this option and you
will learn how genes inuence development by
focussing on specic organs and tissues. We will
also consider how problems in development
underpin many diseases of the human body.
Research in all areas of biomedicine requires an
appreciation of the temporal and spatial patterns
of gene expression and developmental
programmes, and it is these areas that are
highlighted here.
Professor Phil Crosier
(Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 86279
Microbiology and Immunology
The course of infectious disease in humans is
determined by the replication and spread of
microbial pathogens on the one hand and the
ability of the host immune system to recognise
and eliminate these invaders on the other. This
option integrates two of the most active areas of
biomedical research: the molecular microbiology
of bacteria, viruses and microbial eukaryotes
together with the nature and complexity of the
immune response triggered by their infection of
animal hosts. The overall objective is to give
students an insight into the interactions between
pathogens and host at the molecular level and to
provide a view of the human immune system as
both an effective barrier to disease and the major
driving force behind microbial evolution, with
research groups active in the Faculty of Medical
and Health Sciences and the School of Biological
Associate Professor Roger Booth
(Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 86475
One of the fastest growing areas of modern
biomedical science, research in this eld deals
with structures and mechanisms that underlie the
function of the brain and nervous system in
health and disease. Neurobiology is an area in
which the University of Auckland is particularly
strong with numerous research groups
acknowledged as world leaders in their elds.
Multi-disciplinary teams in the School of Medical
and Health Science are working on the
development of the nervous system, the cellular
basis of learning and behaviour, mechanisms of
hearing and vision, control of breathing and
circulation by the central nervous system,
regulation of feeding behavior and body weight
and the molecular and cellular basis of
neuro-degenerative brain disorders.
Associate Professor Johanna Montgomery
(Option Adviser)
Department of Physiology
Phone: 373 7599 ext 89828
Email: jm.montgomer[email protected]
2015 Biomedical Science Handbook |
While nutrients were traditionally considered
necessary for preventing deciency diseases, it is
increasingly clear that inappropriate diet may be
responsible for almost half of the global burden
of Non Communicable Diseases, as well as
signicantly enhancing susceptibility to
Communicable Diseases. There is a considerable
nutrition-related skill base across the University of
Auckland, both in the Faculty of Medical and
Health Sciences and in the School of Biological
Sciences, which also directs the Human Nutrition
Trial Unit in Mt Eden. Several groups are focused
on research areas ranging from molecular
nutrition through to population-based studies,
and include clinically related examples.
Professor Lynn Ferguson (Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 86372
Reproduction, Growth and
For one in six couples, infertility, miscarriages and
other diseases of pregnancy prevent them from
giving birth to and raising a healthy child. Further
to this, one in ve children resulting from
successful pregnancies will develop obesity,
diabetes and health-related complications as they
grow through puberty into adulthood. In this
option you will learn about all aspects of
reproduction in humans and animals. The
University of Auckland has a long tradition of
excellence in reproductive science, growth and
metabolism that continues today. Research
groups are located in the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Liggins Institute,
the Department of Physiology, Molecular
Medicine and Pathology and the Department of
Dr Lynsey Cree
(Option Adviser)
School of Medical Sciences
Phone: 373 7599 ext 81695
Postgraduate study in
Biomedical Science
Students may proceed to postgraduate study in
Biomedical Science by selection for BSc(Hons) -
Biomedical Science, or through entry to PGDipSci
and MSc in Biomedical Science.
BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science
90 points BIOMED 791 Research Portfolio
30 points from BIOINF 701, BIOSCI 736, 737,
741, 755-759, HLTHPSYC 716, MEDSCI
701-723, 725-734, 737-739
A major research portfolio will be prepared on a
topic associated with the work of one of the
biomedical research teams within the University.
Advice on the research portfolio and how to
choose a project will be given during Semester 2
of Year 3.
PGDipSci (Biomedical Science)
At least 90 points from MEDSCI 703-723,
725-739, BIOINF 701, BIOSCI 728, 729, 733,
736, 737, 738, 741, 755-761, HLTHPSYC 716
Up to 30 points from other 600 or 700 level
courses as approved by the Board of Studies
(Biomedical Science)
MSc (120 points):
Prerequisite: A BSc(Hons) or a PGDipSci in
Biomedical Science, or an equivalent
qualication as approved by the Board of
Studies (Biomedical Science)
Requirement for Research Masters:
120 points: BIOMED 796 MSc Thesis in
Biomedical Science
In exceptional circumstances a 240 point MSc
may be available.
| 2015 Biomedical Science Handbook
Helpful information
Applications for Admission close on 8 December 2014 – Biomedical Science has limited places so it is
advisable to apply early. The last day to enrol for the programme is 14 February 2015.
Entry requirements for BSc –
Biomedical Science
Recommended subjects to take in Years 12 and
13 are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and
English or another subject which develops literacy
and communication skills.
School leavers: You will have an NCEA rank score
of at least 280 (domestic and international).
For Māori and Pacic Island (MPI) domestic, you
will have an NCEA rank score of at least 280.
CIE rank score of at least 310 (domestic and
international). For Māori and Pacic Island (MPI)
domestic, you will have an CIE rank score of at
least 280. IB score of at least 37 (domestic and
international). For Māori and Pacic Island (MPI)
domestic, you will have an IB rank score of at
least 37. Rank scores are calculated using the
best 80 credits in a maximum of 5 subjects.
If you apply but do not meet the entry
requirement, your enrolment will be changed to
BSc – Biological Sciences.
University of Auckland returning students must
achieve a grade point average of 5.0 to be
Degree structure
3 years – 360 points
Honours fourth year - 120 points
Each course is worth 15 points
General Education
What courses can I take?
General Education courses are identied by a “G”
sufx to their course code (eg, HISTORY 103G).
Courses in the programme are organised into six
schedules. The ones that are related to the BSc
are the following:
Open Schedule (O)
Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences,
Science (EMHSS).
Note: Students taking a BSc in Biomedical Science
wishing to apply to the MBChB after their rst year
must take one General Education course in Year 1.
Students admitted to the MBChB will not be able to
take a second General Education course.
Transferring into Biomedical
Students wanting to transfer into Biomedical
Science Year 2 from other programmes may be
considered if they achieve a GPA of 5.0 or above
and there are spaces available.
Entry into other programmes from
Biomedical Science
Biomedical Science Year 1 can be credited in part
or whole to other BSc majors, including: Biological
Sciences, Bioinformatics, Medicinal Chemistry,
Chemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Sport and
Exercise Science, as well as the Bachelor of
Technology in Biotechnology or MPIT (see web for
more details).
2015 Biomedical Science Handbook |
Entry to Medicine
Biomedical Science students who gain a B+
average in their rst year of study may be eligible
for consideration for an interview for entry to
Medicine. Students must complete all Biomedical
Science Year 1 courses in the same academic
year, including the elective POPLHLTH 111 and an
approved General Education course. There are no
advantages in taking either the BHSc or BSc –
Biomedical Science as a pathway into Medicine.
Students should choose their programme
according to their ability, interest and preference.
Go to www.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/medicine for
more information.
Entry to Optometry
Students may apply for selection to Optometry at
the end of Biomedical Science Year 1. The core
passed courses will be credited to Part 1 of this
programme. Go to www.optometry.auckland.
ac.nz for more information.
This year is demanding and intended for those
who would like to ll leadership roles in research
and development through a PhD. Up to 60
students with a GPA of at least 6.5 are selected
at the end of Year 2. These students will complete
Year 3 of the undergraduate programme and
must maintain at least a
B average. Eligible students should then apply
online for the BSc (Hons) – Biomedical Science.
Careers in Biomedical Science
Biomedical science has revolutionised research
over the past decade, stimulating growth in a
wide range of industries including agriculture,
pharmaceuticals, veterinary science and medical
research. Graduates of the BSc (Biomedical
Science) can expect to nd employment within
biomedical and biotechnology companies as
laboratory technicians and scientic ofcers, as
teachers, or as researchers in universities, Crown
Research Institutes, or government agencies, such
as the Environmental Risk Management
Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Employment in biotechnology and
pharmaceutical companies is especially buoyant
in the United States and Europe, with signicant
growth expected in New Zealand.
Faculty of Science Student Centre
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: 0800 61 62 63
Web: www.science.auckland.ac.nz
The Faculty of Science Student Centre
8:45am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
Students wishing to see the Science Advisers
regarding programmes or course advice,
planning and approval, may make an
appointment to visit during consultation hours.
To receive general advice or obtain further
information, students are free to drop in
throughout the day.
Physical Location
Science Student Centre
Room G016 (Ground Floor)
Building 303 (Maths/Physics Building)
38 Princes Street