Department of Mathematics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Faculty of Science
Mathematics Undergraduate Handbook
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 82121 or 85886
Fax: +64 9 373 7457
Email: ugadvice@math.auckland.ac.nz
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
2 | 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Important dates 5
Mathematics studies: questions and answers 6
Why study mathematics? 8
What are the main degrees with mathematics? 10
Mathematics and your career 11
Undergraduate mathematics studies 14
Introduction to undergraduate studies 15
Pre-degree programmes 14
Selecting Stage I courses 15
Stage I courses 16
Stage II and III 19
Stage II courses 20
Stage III courses 24
2010 Undergraduate courses diagram 30
Branches of mathematics 28
Pure mathematics 28
Applied mathematics 29
Mathematics education 32
Mathematics with statistics 32
Industrial mathematics 33
Mathematics with computer science 33
Furthering your studies 34
Graduate mathematics 35
Graduate Diploma in Science 35
Bachelor of Science (Arts) (Honours) 36
Postgraduate Diploma in Science 36
Master of Science (Arts) 36
2010 Postgraduate Courses 37
Department and university information for new
students 38
Facilities for new students 39
Organising your studies and getting help 40
Further information about a
mathematics course 40
Courses timetable 40
Lectures, tutorials and assignments 40
Time allocation per course 40
Study guides 40
Course work and assignments 40
Applications for Aegrotat and
Compassionate consideration 40
Getting help 41
The Student Resource Centre 41
Assistance Room 41
Māori and Pasika (Tuākana) tutorial rooms 42
Individual assistance from teaching staff 42
Extra tutorials 42
One-to-one tutoring 42
Buying textbooks 42
Calculators 42
Computer access 42
Communication and student representation 43
Admission and enrolment procedures 44
Academic programmes structure 45
Improve your English language skills 48
Academic honesty, cheating and plagiarism 48
Student services and important locations 50
Student associations 51
Students with disabilities 51
Harassment 51
WAVE: Welfare. Advocacy. Voice. Education 52
Career advice 52
Student support services 53
Important locations 54
University Library | Te Tumu Herenga 55
Lecture theatres locations 56
City Campus map 57
Members of the Department 58
Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is provided as a general guide only for students and
is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at The University of Auckland must consult its ofcial document, the Calendar of The University of
Auckland (see www.auckland.ac.nz/calendar), to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.
The Department of Mathematics is one of
the largest and most diverse departments
within The University of Auckland, covering
Applied Mathematics, Mathematics
Education and Pure Mathematics. It has
a strong international reputation and
offers degrees and diplomas that enjoy
widespread recognition with employers in
New Zealand and internationally.
Staff of the Mathematics Department teach and
research in many of the faculties of this
University. It is possible to study Mathematics in
combination with a very wide range of other
subjects, especially in the Faculties of Arts,
Commerce and Science for the degrees of BA,
BCom or BSc. Mathematics is an ideal supporting
subject for students of many other disciplines.
Those studying in this department will be
introduced to the excitement of learning and
exploring mathematics for its own sake and to the
satisfaction of using mathematics to model and
explain our world. They will be expected to use
their skills and imagination on problems from old
and emerging areas of mathematics, and from
applied elds such as modelling the functions of
the heart to waves in sea-ice.
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
The increased analytical ability, comprehension of
abstract concepts and creative thinking that you
gain from studying mathematics are highly
valued in the business, industrial, social and
academic worlds.
Graduates from the department take up positions
in business, foreign affairs, industry, research
teams, planning and environmental
organisations, and a wide range of other areas.
If you are majoring in another subject but enjoy
mathematics, you might like to consider a double
major which includes mathematics. It is our
experience that your future prospects and
employability in any other eld are enhanced with
signicant mathematical content in your degree.
Using mathematics as a supplement to your
primary major will enhance your future career
and professional life.
We will be pleased to welcome you as a student
to the Department of Mathematics.
Head of Department
Important dates
Academic year 2010
Summer School - 2010
Lectures begin Tuesday 5 January
Auckland Anniversary Day Monday 1 February
Deadline to withdraw from Summer school courses 1 week before end of lectures (Friday 5 February)
Waitangi Day Saturday 6 February
Lectures end Friday 12 February
Study break/exams Monday 15 February - Wednesday 17 February
Summer School ends Wednesday 17 February
Semester One - 2010
Semester One begins Monday 1 March
Mid-semester/Easter Break Monday 5 April - Friday 16 April
ANZAC Day Sunday 25 April
Graduation Thursday 29 April - Friday 7 May
Deadline to withdraw from rst semester courses 3 weeks before end of lectures (Friday 21 May)
Queen's Birthday Monday 7 June
Lectures end Saturday 5 June
Study break/exams Saturday 5 June - Monday 28 June
Semester One ends Monday 28 June
Inter-semester break Tuesday 29 June - Saturday 17 July
Semester Two - 2010
Semester Two begins Monday 19 July
Mid-semester break Monday 30 August - Saturday 11 September
Graduation Tuesday 21 September - Thursday 23 September
Deadline to withdraw from second semester courses 3 weeks before end of lectures
Lectures end Saturday 23 October
Labour Day Monday 25 October
Study break/exams Saturday 23 October - Monday 15 November
Semester Two ends Monday 15 November
Semester One - 2011
Semester One begins Monday 28 February 2011
Closing dates for applications for admission in 2010
1 December 2009
Deadline for new students to submit an Application for admission, if they wish to
take Summer school courses in 2010
8 December 2009
Deadline for new students to submit an application for Admission if they plan to
take only Semester One and Two courses.
If you are a new student, only one
Application for Admission is required. This form is due on either 1 December or
8 December, depending on whether you want to take Summer School courses
as well. Applications received after these dates may be accepted if there are
places available.
“People with a knowledge of maths are in demand
in all sorts of areas you might not expect, like the
military or Department of Foreign Affairs, and in
any branch of industry where processes need
modelling. In its purest form, maths is the ability to
think abstractly and analytically, and to solve
problems, and those skills always have currency.”
BSc(Hons) in Mathematics, now PhD
student at Princeton
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Mathematics studies:
questions and answers
Why study Mathematics? 8
What are the main degrees with
mathematics? 10
Mathematics and your career 11
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
What makes mathematics different
from other subjects?
The subject of Mathematics has many aspects: it
can be challenging, beautiful, powerful,
fascinating, even mysterious to some people, but
above all it is useful.
Mathematics interacts with other disciplines and
makes essential contributions to science,
medicine and commerce, as well as to many
important contemporary areas of technology
such as communications, linguistics and genetics.
Wherever problems need to be solved,
mathematics has a role to play. In fact, many
sciences rely so heavily on mathematics that their
most important questions are, fundamentally,
What will a mathematics major do
for me?
Mathematics leads to perhaps more diverse
potential careers than any other discipline
because it is the language through which nature,
technology and reality are described. It is thus
essential for almost every sphere of knowledge
and activity in the modern world.
For these reasons, mathematics is a powerful and
versatile major.
With a degree comprising quantitative methods
courses (mathematics, statistics, operations
research and computing) you will have many
opportunities for careers in industry or
government, computer development, insurance,
meteorology, trafc engineering, systems
analysis, computer programming, statistics,
biometrics or operations research, and many
other elds.
There is also a strong demand for mathematics
teachers, in New Zealand and abroad.
Mathematics majors are also strong candidates
to pursue graduate studies in a variety of elds.
What is the mathematics major
Mathematics majors have a broad choice of
courses and pathways. After completing a set of
core courses, you will be able to chose from a
variety of courses representing the main areas of
First-year (Stage I) courses in mathematics are
designed to provide you with a range of concepts,
theoretical results, and analytical, computational
and modelling skills that may be applied in a
wide variety of areas - in the biological,
information and physical sciences, economics,
engineering and nance for example.
Stage II and III courses build on these, covering
more advanced topics, with the aim of helping
you to acquire a broader base of skills and a
deeper understanding of the concepts involved.
Will I have the opportunity to study
topics I have a deep interest in?
Yes. Every year, undergraduate research Summer
Scholarships are awarded to some of the top
students in the department. This is an
opportunity to experience the kind of research-
related work that you could do at postgraduate
What if I choose another major?
If you are majoring in Computer Science,
Statistics, Finance, Economics, Physics, Psychology,
or any other science, then you will nd that the
coursework in your major relies heavily on
mathematics. In order to have the best
opportunity to do well in those courses and
absorb that material, it is very benecial to
identify and take the appropriate mathematics
The courses offered by the Department of
Mathematics have applications to many other
What about a double major?
If you are majoring in another subject but enjoy
mathematics, you might like to consider a double
major which includes mathematics.
Using mathematics as a supplement to your
primary major will enhance your future career
and professional life. It is our experience that your
future prospects and employability in any other
eld are enhanced with signicant mathematical
content in your degree. The increased analytical
ability, comprehension of abstract concepts and
creative thinking that you gain from studying
mathematics are highly valued in the business,
industrial, social and academic worlds.
What degrees may I get with
a double major which includes
Please refer to page 10 of the Handbook.
What are the degree and major
You will nd the requirements for various degrees
that give you the opportunity to study
•at www.science.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/ for
Science degrees and diplomas
•at www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/ for Arts
degrees and diplomas
Can I take mathematics courses
even if I do not have a good math
Yes. There are entry-level Mathematics courses
for various degrees of preparation. Please consult
the information on pre-degree programmes (page
14) and on entry-level courses (pages 15-18).
Can I t mathematics into any
Yes. Besides the regular entry level maths
courses, another way of discovering Mathematics
when you are majoring in Arts, Social Sciences,
Business and Commerce, Humanities, Life or
Physical Sciences, Communications or Languages,
are two General Education courses (see the
General Education section for details): MATHS
101G “Mathematics in Society” and MATHS
190G “Great Ideas Shaping our World”.
I am not sure what courses to
choose: who can I talk to?
If you wish to discuss your major options, have
problems enrolling in mathematics courses or any
enquiries, please contact the Undergraduate
Advisor at the Mathematics Department:
Jamie Sneddon
Room 305 - Building 303
Phone: ext 82121
Email: ugadvice@auckland.ac.nz
Why study Mathematics?
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
What are the main degrees with mathematics?
Choosing a Degree
Mathematics can be studied as either a major or
minor in any of the most popular degrees. The
Faculty of Science offers degrees in Mathematics
(this includes Mathematics Education courses)
and Applied Mathematics. The Faculty of Arts
offers degrees and diplomas in Mathematics (this
includes Applied Mathematics and Mathematics
Education courses). Your choice of degree
depends upon what else you want to study.
BSc (Bachelor of Science, 3 year programme)
For a major in Mathematics, as part of a
Bachelor of Science, you can combine
mathematics courses with courses in: computer
science, statistics, physics, psychology, biological
sciences, geography, chemistry, geology, or sports
and exercise science.
You can also take mathematics courses as part of
a specialisation in Bioinformatics, Logic and
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Degrees and specialisations including Mathematics courses
Degrees Majors Specialisations
Mathematics Applied
Logic and
* * * * *
* * *
* *
* * *
* * *
* *
Computation or Industrial Mathematics.
BCom (Bachelor of Commerce, 3 year
Take Mathematics along with courses in
accounting, nance, economics, management,
marketing, computer information systems.
BA (Bachelor of Arts, 3 year programme)
For a major in Mathematics, combine
mathematics courses with any of: statistics,
geography, sociology, anthropology, politics,
education, philosophy or any other Arts subject.
Conjoint BCom/BSc or Conjoint BA/BCom
(both give 2 degrees in a minimum of 4
These are challenging programmes that permit a
broader education and increased employment
See the Graduate Mathematics section (Page 25) and the Mathematics Postgraduate Handbook for
explanation about graduate and postgraduate (post-Bachelor) degrees and diplomas.
Does not include
a mathematics major, but require specialisations in these areas (including courses in topics other than
mathematics) .
Requires PGDipSci/BSc(Hons) in another subject than Mathematics.
Mathematics and your career
A good mathematical background enhances and
develops your problem-solving skills,
comprehension of abstract concepts and
analytical and creative thinking. These are valued
qualities in technical roles and in positions of
leadership and management. According to the
US-based website www.careercast.com, the job of
mathematician is the “best” occupation out of a
list of 200, with other maths-based jobs like
statistician, actuary, accountant, computer
scientist and economist also making the top
For more information about how mathematics
studies could enhance your career, see
Our graduates have made careers in:
•Analysis with Policy Focus
•Biotechnology (USA)
•Commercial Banking
•Ecological modelling (AgResearch)
•Electrical or Computer Engineering
•Insurance Risk Assesment (Vero)
•Information systems or Computer science
•Investment banks
•Meteorology (Metservice)
•Ministery of Defence
•Operations Research
•Research (Crown and private institutions)
•Software Programming
•Statistical analysis (eg. Statistics NZ)
•Trafc Analysis and Engineering
•Sustainability Analysis (Landcorp)
or as
•Business Analysist
•Information Analysist (MSD)
•Neuroscientist (Harvard)
•Resource Accounting Analyst (Landcorp),
•Scientist-Modeller/Statistician (NIWA)
•Telecommunications consultants (Telecom)
Further possible careers include:
•Airline scheduling
•Automobile industry consultants
•Brain modelling and imaging
•Circuit design
•Cryptography (including internet and
telecommunication security)
•Data mining
•Drug development
•Internet trafc-routing
•Military intelligence
•Seismic exploration
•Space missions
•Stock-market brokers
... applied mathematicians have even been
consultants to chocolatiers!
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook 12
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Mathematics Studies
Pre-degree programmes 12
Selecting Stage I courses 13
Stage I courses 14
Stage II and III 17
Stage II courses 18
Stage III courses 22
2010 undergraduate courses diagram 30
Branches of mathematics 28
Pure mathematics 28
Applied mathematics 29
Mathematics education 32
Mathematics with statistics 32
Industrial mathematics 33
Mathematics with computer science 33
Introduction to
undergraduate studies
Most students coming to The University of
Auckland study towards a degree. The most
common is a Bachelor’s degree, such as a
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Arts (BA) or
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). A degree is also
known as a programme.
It usually takes three years of full time study to
complete a BSc. Each year at university, students
should take 8 courses if they are doing a full time
programme – 4 courses per semester.
As progress is made through the degree, the
courses become more specialised. To illustrate
this, courses are divided into three levels of
difculty – Stage I, II and III. Sometimes, students
need a preparation to Stage I courses: several
pre-degree programmes exist for them.
Some Stage I and II courses need to be taken
before some other Stage II and III courses. The
former are called prerequisites. Some courses
cannot be taken if other courses are taken. These
are known as restrictions.
A student needs to take at least 4 courses (60
points) at Stage III for a major or a specialisation.
A BSc in Mathematics can be in Mathematics or
in Applied Mathematics. Mathematics can also
be taken as a major for the Bachelor of Arts (BA).
Mathematics courses are also included as part of
other programmes such as: the Bachelor of
Technology and the Bachelor of Commerce.
A good starting point for essential information
about enrolment and degrees is the Faculty of
Science Prospective students webpage at www.
The present handbook should be read in
conjunction with the 2010 University of Auckland
Calendar. See www.auckland.ac.nz/calendar.
Particularly, students should refer to the Calendar
to ensure they comply with all degree
requirements. The Calendar is the legal reference
document of The University of Auckland. It sets
out details of general University and programme-
specic regulations and provides detailed course
information. It can be accessed online, or via
Faculty ofces or at the University’s various
libraries. Details on courses and their
requirements can be found in the “Regulations for
the Degree of Bachelor of Science” (or in the
“Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts”)
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Pre-degree programmes
Superstart refresher course
Superstart aims to boost skills and understanding
in order to make a pass in the standard
entry-level mathematics courses more achievable.
(Please see the table on page 13 for advice on
enrolling in the appropriate entry-level courses.)
Superstart makes a big difference specically to
students planning to enrol in: MATHS 108,
MATHS 150 or ENGSCI 111 and who:
•have a low level of achievement in Year 13
Calculus: eg. NCEA Level 3 Calculus (average
below merit), or C or less in CIE A2
•have gaps in their preparation
•have studied Statistics rather than Calculus at
Level 3,
•have 7th form equivalent maths qualications,
but have not studied maths for some time.
Students falling into the categories above can
expect real difculty in the rst year entry level
Mathematics courses (MATHS 108, ENGSCI 111).
Students who have 18 credits at Level 3 mainly in
Statistics and who wish to study MATHS 150
(Advancing Mathematics 1) should consider
enrolling in Superstart for its calculus content.
10 day course
(recommended for most students)
Date: 15 - 26 February, 2010
Course fee: $250
7 day course
(recommended only for students with strong
algebra and a good understanding of functions
but gaps in calculus and/or trigonometry)
Date: 18 - 26 February 2010
Course fee: $185
For further information see:
MAX (Mathematical Acceleration
and eXtension)
A course designed for high-school students who
have shown themselves to be able
mathematicians and who can handle a solid
workload. For further details see
www.math.auckland.ac.nz/Teaching/Max/ or
Wendy Stratton
Room 413
Phone: ext 85757
Email: w.stratton@math.auckland.ac.nz
Tertiary Foundation Certicate
Programme (TFC)
The Tertiary Foundation Certicate Programme
(TFC) is recommended for students who need
skills, condence and a qualication, to equip
them for university study. It is a full-year
programme covering a range of subjects where
Mathematics and English are compulsory. The
Mathematics section prepares students for
MATHS 101 or MATHS 102 the following year.
Further information is available from the
Programme Secretary:
Gill Stringer
English Department
Arts 1 Building
Room A 403
Phone: ext 84145
Email: g.stringer@auckland.ac.nz
For information on the Mathematics component
Moira Statham or Sheena Parnell
Room 324 - Mathematics Department
Phone: ext 85750
Email: parnell@math.auckland.ac.nz
or statham@math.auckland.ac.nz
Selecting Stage I
mathematics courses
The Mathematics Department has a variety of entry-level courses in Mathematics, depending upon a
student’s mathematical background.
Enrolment in Stage I courses is largely determined by NCEA results, or equivalent. Students should
consult course diagrams and descriptions in this handbook and choose the courses they feel will suit
them best. Enrolment choices can be revised during the rst two weeks of each semester.
Background Course Notes
No Level 3 Mathematics or Statistics
and fewer than 12 credits in
Mathematics at Level 2.
MATHS 101/101G
Mathematics in Society
For students with little or no
school mathematics
preparation. Can also be
taken as General Education
At least 18 credits in Mathematics
at NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent) and
fewer than 12 credits in Calculus or
Statistics at NCEA Level 3; or less
than C in Mathematics CIE AS.
Functioning in Mathematics
Covers much of the content
of NCEA Level 3 Calculus.
At least 12 credits in NCEA Level 3
Calculus, or at least 18 credits in
NCEA level 3 Statistics; C or D in
CIE A2 or C or better in CIE AS; or
MATHS 102. May not be taken after
General Mathematics 1
Extends Level 3 Calculus.
At least 18 credits in Calculus at
NCEA Level 3, including at least 6
credits at merit or excellence (or
equivalent); or B or better in CIE A2
Mathematics; or B+ in MATHS 102,
or a pass in MATHS 108 ;or
Advancing Mathematics 1
Students considering a major
in Mathematics, Economics,
Physics or Computer Science
should take this core course.
Students also need to be enrolled in
MATHS 108 or 150.
Modelling and Computation
Applied Mathematics majors
should take this core course.
Enrolment requires permission from
Department. See MAX brochure or
Accelerated Mathematics
For Year 13 High-School
students only. UoA students
should take MATHS 150.
No prerequisites or restrictions.
Please refer to General Education
MATHS 190/190G
Great Ideas Shaping our World
Can be taken either as a
General Education course or
as part of a BSc/BA.
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Stage I Courses
MATHS Mathematics courses
SS Summer School
S1 Semester 1
S2 Semester 2
C City Campus
E Epsom Campus
M Manukau Institute of Technology
91 - 94 Tertiary Foundation Certicate
100 - 199 Stage I /100-level courses
200 - 299 Stage II/200- level courses
300 - 399 Stage III/300- level courses
Textbooks are available from the University
Bookshop (UBS) in the Kate Edger Commons
building, City Campus.
Study Guides and other resource materials are
available at the Student Resource Centre (SRC) in
Room G16, on the ground oor of the Science
Centre, Building 303, 38 Princes St, Auckland.
MATHS 101/ MATHS 101G (15 points)
Mathematics in Society T
Recommended Preparation: For students who
have not studied mathematics at NCEA level 3
(or equivalent) or have no formal mathematical
background. This course may not be taken with or
after any other Mathematics course at Stage I or
MATHS 101 and the General Education
Mathematics course, MATHS 101G, are taught
as a single course. They are aimed to build
condence using Mathematics while
demonstrating the role Mathematics plays in
understanding and guiding human activity. The
course is taught thematically and students
experience how fundamental mathematical ideas
occur in modelling diverse features of our society,
such as our environment (e.g. air pollution) or
medicine (e.g. burns, drugs dosages).
MATHS 101/101G Timetable
S1 C 4:00PM to 5:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Wed
S2 E 10:30AM to 12:20PM Mon Wed
S2 M 9:00AM to 12:00PM
8:30AM to 10:00AM
Text required: Course Resource Pack from
Student Resource Centre
For advice: Dr Maxine Pfannkuch
m.pfann[email protected]kland.ac.nz
Following course: MATHS 102
MATHS 102 (15 points)
Functioning In Mathematics
Recommended Preparation: For students who
have achieved fewer than 12 credits in Calculus
or Statistics at NCEA Level 3, or who have
achieved at least 18 credits in Mathematics at
NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent) and fewer than 12
credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3
Restriction: MATHS 102 may be taken with or
after MATHS 190, or after MATHS 101. It may
not be taken with or after any other Mathematics
course at Stage I or above.
This introduction to calculus focuses on the
development of mathematical skills and concepts
leading up to calculus, through active
participation in problems using functions to
model real life contexts. It prepares students for
further study, for instance, MATHS 108, 150.
MATHS 102 Timetable
SS C 10:00AM to 12:00PM
10:00AM to 11:00AM
+ tutorial
Tue Wed Thu
S1 C 10:00AM to 11:00AM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Thu
S2 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Thu
Recommended Text: Coursebook from
University Book Shop or download from Cecil
For advice: Garry Nathan
nathan@math.auckland.ac.nz or
Hannah Bartholomew
hannah[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses: MATHS 108 or MATHS 150
with B+ or better
MATHS 108 (15 points)
General Mathematics 1
Recommended Preparation: MATHS 102 or at
least 12 credits in NCEA level 3 Calculus or at
least 18 credits in NCEA level 3 Statistics (or
A general entry to mathematics for commerce
and the social sciences, following year 13
mathematics. Selected topics in algebra and
calculus and their applications including: sets,
real numbers, integers; linear functions, linear
equations and matrices; functions, equations and
inequalities; limits and continuity; differential
calculus of one and two variables; integral
calculus of one variable. These are studied in
general settings using applications from science,
commerce and information systems.
Restriction: ENGSCI 111, MATHS 130, 151, 153,
208, 250, PHYSICS 111, 210; May not be taken
after MATHS 150
MATHS 108 Timetable (each stream has
also a set of tutorials to choose from)
SS C 12:00PM to 2:00PM
12:00PM to 1:00PM
1:00PM to 2:00 PM
Mon Thu Fri
S1 C 8:00AM to 9:00AM Mon Wed Fri
S1 C 10:00AM to11:00AM Mon Wed Fri
S1 C 3:00PM to 4:00 PM Mon Wed Fri
S2 C 12:00PM to 1:00PM Mon Wed Fri
S2 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM Mon Wed Fri
S2 C 5:00PM to 6:00PM Mon Wed Fri
Texts required:
•Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th
Edition). Wiley.
•Anton, H., & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”. Wiley.
Recommended Text: Coursebook from the
University Book Shop (UBS).
For advice: Julia Novak
Following courses
•MATHS 208
•MATHS 250 with A or better
•MATHS 270 with MATHS 162
MATHS 150 (15 points)
Advancing Mathematics 1
Prerequisites: B+ in MATHS 102, or MATHS
108, or 18 credits in NCEA Mathematics with
Calculus including at least 6 credits at merit or
excellence, or B in CIE A2 Mathematics, or
The gateway to further mathematics courses, for
students intending to major in mathematics,
statistics, physics, economics, nance or
mathematical biology. It gives an introduction to
the use of careful mathematical language and
reasoning applied to univariate optimisation,
matrix methods for linear equations, integration
techniques and the solution of differential
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Texts recommended:
•Anton, H, Bivens, I & Davis, S “Calculus” 8th
•Anton, H & Busby, R “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”, Wiley.
For advice: Wendy Stratton
strat[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses:
•MATHS 208, 250, 260, COMPSCI 225
•MATHS 270 with MATHS 162
MATHS 162 (15 points)
Modelling and Computation
Corequisite: One of MATHS 108, 150, 153,
In this introduction to mathematical modelling
and scientic computing, students will learn how
to formulate mathematical models and how to
solve them using numerical and other methods. A
core course for students who wish to advance in
Applied Mathematics.
MATHS 162 Timetable
S1 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Thu Fri
S2 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Thu Fri
Text recommended: Coursebook from
Universirty Book Shop or as pdf le on Cecil
For advice: Allison Heard
Following course: MATHS 270, with MATHS 108
or 150
MATHS 190/ MATHS 190G (15 points)
Great Ideas Shaping Our World
Mathematics contains many powerful and
beautiful ideas that have shaped the way we
understand our world. This course explores some
of the grand successes of mathematical thinking.
No formal mathematics background is required,
just curiosity about topics such as innity,
paradoxes, knots and fractals and cryptography.
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
equations, and builds a strong foundation for
further mathematical study.
Recommended preparation for MATHS 250.
Restriction: MATHS 109, 151, 130, 250, ENGSCI
111, PHYSICS 111, 210
MATHS 150 Timetable
S1 C 3:00PM to 4:00PM
+ tutorial
Tue Thu Fri
S2 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Thu
Texts required:
•Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th
Edition). Wiley
•Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”. Wiley.
For advice: Wendy Stratton
strat[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses
•MATHS 208, 250, 260, COMPSCI 225
•MATHS 270 with MATHS 162
MATHS 153 (15 points)
Accelerated Mathematics
A version of MATHS 150 for high achieving
Year 13 students.
Note: Enrolment requires consent of
Restriction: MATHS 108, 109, 130, 150, 151,
MATHS 153 Timetable
First lecture 4:30PM to 7:00PM Tue 16
S1 C
school terms)
4:30PM to 7 :00PM
(mid-February to
early June)
(tutorial 5:30PM to
6:10 PM)
Materials required: Lecture Notes and a CD
(also available free as web download).
MATHS 190/190G Timetable
S1 C 12:00PM to 1:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Wed
S2 C 12:00PM to 1:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Wed
Text required: E. Burger and M. Starbird, “The
Heart of Mathematics” (2nd edition), to be
ordered directly from publisher.
For advice: Claire Postlethwaite
Stages II and III
Stage II
There are two levels of courses at Stage II. The
rst level, MATHS 208 (General Mathematics 2)
and MATHS 250 (Advancing Mathematics 2),
follow on from their Stage I equivalents, MATHS
108 and 150. Students with A or A+ in MATHS
108 are encouraged to progress to MATHS 250.
MATHS 270 (Numerical Computation) follows on
from MATHS 162 (Modelling and Computation)
and is required for a major in Applied
COMPSCI 225 (Discrete Structures in
Mathematics and Computer Science) is also a
mathematics course. It follows on from MATHS
108 or 150.
Beyond MATHS 208 and 250 come MATHS 253
(Advancing Mathematics 3), MATHS 255
(Principles of Mathematics) and MATHS 260
(Differential Equations).
Mathematics majors should take all three of
these courses.
Applied Mathematics majors should take
MATHS 253, 260 and 270.
Entrance to MATHS 253 and 255 requires
MATHS 250 (Advancing Mathematics 2) or A in
MATHS 208.
Stage III
There are several pathways into many of the
Stage III courses. Stage III Pure Mathematics
courses often require MATHS 255 as a
At Stage III, a major in Applied Mathematics
must contain MATHS 361 and 340; it is
recommended that it also contain 362 and 363.
A major in Mathematics (sometimes referred to
as Pure Mathematics) has less restrictions. It
should contain MATHS 332 and 320 or MATHS
328 if you are considering postgraduate study.
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Stage II Courses
MATHS 202 (15 points)
Tutoring in Mathematics
Prerequisite: 30 points from courses in
Mathematics and Departmental consent required
This is a mainly practical course in which selected
students learn tutoring skills that are put to use in
MATHS 102 tutorials. In a small interactive class,
students learn to mark, to question strategically
and to facilitate learning. The theory and issues
of Mathematics Education as a research eld is
also introduced.
It will normally be expected that students will
have passed at least 90 points at Stage 1
including at least 30 points in Mathematics, and
that they are enrolling in at least one other Stage
II Mathematics course.
MATHS 202 Timetable
S1 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM Mon Tue Wed
Text required: CD accompanying the MATHS
102 course is available from the SRC.
For advice and enrolment: Greg Oates
Following course: MATHS 302
MATHS 208 (15 points)
General Mathematics 2
Prerequisite: 15 points from ENGSCI 111,
PHYSICS 111, MATHS 108, 130, 150, 151, 153
Restriction: Cannot be taken, concurrently with,
or after, MATHS 250, 253, PHYSICS 210, 211
This sequel to MATHS 108 features applications
from the theory of multi-variable calculus, linear
algebra and differential equations to real-life
problems in statistics, economics, nance,
computer science, and operations research.
Matlab is used to develop analytical and
numerical methods of solving problems.
MATHS 208 Timetable (each stream has
also a set of tutorials to choose from)
SS C 12:00PM to 2:00PM
12:00PM to 1:00PM
1:00PM to 2:00PM
Mon Tue
S1 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM Tue Wed Thu
S1 C 5:00PM to 6:00PM Tue Wed Thu
S2 C 8:00AM to 9:00AM Wed Thu Fri
S2 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM Wed Thu Fri
Texts recommended:
•Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th
Edition). Wiley.
Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”. Wiley.
For advice: Alastair McNaughton
Bill Barton barton@math.auckland.ac.nz
Following courses:
•MATHS 150
•MATHS 250 with B+ or better
•MATHS 260, 269
•MATHS 253, 255 with A or better
MATHS 250 (15 points)
Advancing Mathematics 2
Prerequisites: 15 points from ENGSCI 111,
MATHS 150, 153, PHYSICS 111, or A pass in
MATHS 108, or B+ in MATHS 208
Restriction: MATHS 109, 152, 230, PHYSICS
112, 210
This preparation for advanced courses in
mathematics is intended for all students who
plan to progress further in mathematics. Covers
topics from multivariable calculus and linear
algebra that have many applications in science,
engineering and commerce, including vector
spaces, eigenvalues, power series, least squares
and improper integrals. The emphasis is on both
the results and the ideas underpinning these.
| 2008 Mathematics Handbook
MATHS 250 Timetable
S1 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Thu
S2 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM
+ tutorial
Tue Wed Fri
Texts required:
•Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th
Edition). Wiley.
•Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”. Wiley.
For advice: David Gauld
gauld@math.auckland.ac.nz or
Wendy Stratton
strat[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses: MATHS 253, 255, 260, 269
MATHS 253 (15 points)
Advancing Mathematics 3
Prerequisites: 15 points from MATHS 152, 250,
PHYSICS 112, 210, or an A pass in MATHS 208
Restrictions: PHYSICS 211
The standard sequel to MATHS 250. It covers
topics in linear algebra and multi-variable
calculus including linear transformations,
quadratic forms, double and triple integrals and
constrained optimisation. It is a preparation for a
large number of Stage III courses in mathematics
and statistics, and for many advanced courses in
physics and other applied sciences.
All students intending to advance in mathematics
should take this course.
MATHS 253 Timetable
S1 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM
+ tutorial
Tue Thu Fri
S2 C 3:00PM to 4:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
Texts required:
•Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th
Edition). Wiley.
•Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear
Algebra”. Wiley.
For advice: Alastair McNaughton
Following courses:
•MATHS 340
•MATHS 320 with A- or better
•MATHS 361, 362 with MATHS 260
•MATHS 332 with MATHS 255 or A- in MATHS
MATHS 255 (15 points)
Principles of Mathematics
Prerequisites: 15 points from MATHS 152, 250,
PHYSICS 112, 210, or an A pass in MATHS 208
An introduction to mathematical thinking and
communication: how to organise arguments
logically and prove results. Rigorous notions are
developed using topics that are central to the
foundations of algebra and analysis including set
theory, logic, abstract vector spaces and
elementary number theory. An essential course
for all students advancing in pure mathematics.
MATHS 255 Timetable
S1 C 9:00AM to 10:00AM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
S2 C 3:00PM to 4:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Wed
Text required: Geoff Smith, “Introductory
Mathematics: Algebra and Analysis“, Springer
For advice:
Jianbei An
an@math.auckland.ac.nz or
Warren Moors
moor[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses:
•MATHS 315, 320, 326, 328
•MATHS 332 with MATHS 253
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
MATHS 260 (15 points)
Differential Equations
Prerequisite: One of MATHS 150, 153, 208,
250, PHYSICS 111, ENGGEN 150, ENGSCI 111, or
at least A- in MATHS 108
The study of differential equations is central to
mathematical modelling of systems that change.
Develops methods for understanding the
behaviour of solutions to ordinary differential
equations. Qualitative and elementary numerical
methods for obtaining information about
solutions are discussed, as well as some
analytical techniques for nding exact solutions in
certain cases. Some applications of differential
equations to scientic modelling are discussed. A
core course for applied mathematics.
MATHS 260 Timetable
S1 C 11:00AM to 12:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
S2 C 11:00AM to 12:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
Text required: Blanchard, Devaney and Hall,
“Differential Equations”, (1st or 2nd edition).
For advice: Vivien Kirk
Following courses:
•MATHS 361, 362 with MATHS 253
•MATHS 332 with B+ or better and MATHS 253
•MATHS 363 with B+ or better, or with MATHS
MATHS 269 (15 points)
Mathematics of Money
Prerequisite: One of MATHS 150, 153, 208,
250, PHYSICS 111
An introduction to the mathematics of the
personal nance of saving and investment.
Topics include interest, ination, annuities, bonds,
shares, mortgages and pension plans. Aspects of
KiwiSaver will be covered. This course will provide
a useful introduction to STATS 370 but is not a
MATHS 269 Timetable
S1 C 3:00PM to 4:00PM +
Mon Tue Wed
Text required: D Lovelock, M Mendel, and A
Larry Wright, An introduction to the mathematics
of money - saving and investing, Springer, 2007.
(available through the UoA Library as an
For advice: Allison Heard
heard@math.auckland.ac.nz and
Robert Chan
Following course: STATS 370
MATHS 270 (15 points)
Numerical Computation
Prerequisite: One of MATHS 108, 150, 153,
PHYSICS 111, ENGGEN 150, ENGSCI 111, and one
of MATHS 162, COMPSCI 101, 105, INFOSYS 110,
120 (recommended MATHS 162)
Restrictions: MATHS 267
Text required: Lecture notes are available online.
Many mathematical models occurring in science
and engineering cannot be solved exactly using
algebra and calculus. Students are introduced to
computer based methods that can be used to nd
approximate solutions to these problems. The
methods covered in the course are powerful yet
simple to use. This is a core course for students who
wish to advance in applied mathematics.
MATHS 270 Timetable
S1 C 4:00PM to 5:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
S2 C 9:00AM to 10:00AM
+ tutorial
Wed Thu Fri
For advice: Allison Heard
heard@math.auckland.ac.nz and
Robert Chan
Following course:
MATHS 363 with MATHS
COMPSCI 225 (15 points)
Discrete Structures in Mathematics and
Computer Science
Prerequisite: 15 points from MATHS 108, 150 or
153 or COMPSCI 101, PHIL 101
Restriction: Cannot be taken after MATHS
Introduction to logic, principles of counting,
mathematical induction, recursion, relations and
functions, graphs and trees, and algorithms. This
course is especially suited for students of computer
science and others who are interested in logic and
the foundations of mathematics.
COMPSCI 225 Timetable
S1 C 10:00AM to 11:00AM Mon Wed
Thu Fri
S2 C 9:00AM to 10:00AM Tue Wed
Thu Fri
For advice: Eamonn O’Brien
Following courses:
•MATHS 315
•MATHS 326: B+ in either MATHS 208 or 250
•MATHS 328: B+ in COMPSCI 225 and one of
MATHS 208, 250, 253
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Stage III Courses
MATHS 302 (15 points)
Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Recommended preparation: at least 45 points
from courses in Mathematics or Statistics
For people interested in thinking about the social,
cultural, political, economic, historical,
technological and theoretical ideas that inuence
Mathematics Education, who want to understand
the forces that shaped their own Mathematics
Education, or who are interested in teaching.
Students will develop their ability to communicate
ideas in essay form.
MATHS 302 Timetable
S1 C 4:00PM to 6:00PM Mon Wed
Texts recommended:
•“Mathematics Education: A Handbook for
Teachers, Volume 1”, edited by J. Neyland,
published by The Wellington College of
Education, Wellington.
•“Mathematics in the New Zealand
Curriculum”, Ministry of Education, 1992.
For advice: Judy Paterson
MATHS 310 (15 points)
History of Mathematics
Corequisite: At least 30 points at Stage III in
This study of some topics occurring in the history
of Mathematics which facilitate understanding of
modern Mathematics. Topics include concepts of
number, geometry, algebra and differential and
integral calculus.
MATHS 310 Timetable
S2 C 5:00PM to 6:00PM Mon Tue
Wed Thu
For advice: Garry Tee
MATHS 315 (15 points)
Mathematical Logic
Prerequisite: COMPSCI 225 or MATHS 255 or
PHIL 222
Logic addresses the foundations of mathematical
reasoning. It models the process of mathematical
proof by providing a setting and the rules of
deduction. Builds a basic understanding of rst
order predicate logic, introduces model theory
and demonstrates how models of a rst order
system relate to mathematical structures. The
course is recommended for anyone studying high
level computer science or mathematical logic.
MATHS 315 Timetable
S2 C 3:00PM to 4:00PM
+ a tutorial
Mon Tue Wed
For advice: Sina Greenwood
Following course: MATHS 713 Logic and Set
Theory with B+ or better
MATHS 320 (15 points)
Algebraic Structures
Prerequisites: MATHS 255 or 328, or an A–
pass in MATHS 253
This is a framework for a unied treatment of
many different mathematical structures. It
concentrates on the fundamental notions of
groups, rings and elds. The abstract descriptions
are accompanied by numerous concrete
examples. Applications abound: symmetries,
geometry, coding theory, cryptography and many
more. This course is recommended for those
planning graduate study in pure mathematics.
MATHS 320 Timetable
S2 C 11:00AM to 12:00
+ tutorial
Mon Thu Fri
Text required: Gallian, J.A., “Contemporary
Abstract Algebra”, Houghton Mifin Company.
For advice: Jianbei An
Following courses:
•MATHS 714 Number Theory with B+ or better
•MATHS 715 Graph Theory and Combinatorics
•MATHS 720 Group Theory
•MATHS 721 Representations and Structure of
Algebras and Groups
•MATHS 725 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, with
MATHS 326 (15 points)
Combinatorial Computing
Prerequisite: MATHS 255, or COMPSCI 225 and a
B+ in either MATHS 208 or 250
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that
studies collections of objects that satisfy specied
criteria. An important part of combinatorics is
graph theory, which is now connected to other
disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical
engineering, molecular chemistry and social
science. The use of combinatorics in solving
counting and construction problems is covered
using topics that include algorithmic graph theory,
codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial
S1 C 12:00 to 1:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Thu Fri
Following course: MATHS 715 Graph Theory and
For advice: Jamie Sneddon
sneddo[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
MATHS 328 (15 points)
Algebra and Applications
Prerequisite: MATHS 255, or B+ pass in COMPSCI
225 and one of MATHS 208, 250, 253
Text required: Algebra and Applications” is
available from the SRC.
The goal of this course is to show the power of
algebra and number theory in the real world. It
concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial
rings, nite elds, groups of points on elliptic
curves, studies their elementary properties and
shows their exceptional applicability to various
problems in information technology including
cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable
transmission of information through an unreliable
S1 C 9:00AM to 10:00AM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
For advice: Arkadii Slinko
Following courses:
•MATHS 320
•MATHS 714 Number Theory, with B+ or better
MATHS 332 (15 points)
Real Analysis
Prerequisite: MATHS 253 and 255, or 253 and
a B+ in MATHS 260
A standard course for every student intending to
advance in pure mathematics. It develops the
foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it
introduces a rigorous approach to continuous
mathematics and fosters an understanding of the
special thinking and arguments involved in this
The main focus is analysis in one real variable
with the topics including real elds, limits and
continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
S1 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM Mon Tue
For advice: Rod Gover
[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Following courses:
•MATHS 333
•MATHS 730 Measure Theory and Integration
•MATHS 731 Functional Analysis
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
•MATHS 725 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, with
•MATHS 735 Analysis on Manifolds and
Differential Geometry
•MATHS 740 Complex Analysis
•MATHS 750 Topology
MATHS 333 (15 points)
Analysis in Higher Dimensions
Prerequisite: MATHS 332
Strongly Recommended: MATHS 253, 255
By selecting the important properties of distance
many different mathematical contexts are studied
simultaneously in the framework of metric and
normed spaces. Examines carefully the ways in
which the derivative generalises to higher
dimensional situations. These concepts lead to
precise studies of continuity, xed points and the
solution of differential equations. A
recommended course for all students planning to
advance in pure mathematics.
S2 C 9:00AM to 10:00AM Tue Wed
Thu Fri
For advice: Shayne Waldron
Following courses:
•MATHS 731 Functional Analysis
•MATHS 730 Measure Theory and Integration
•MATHS 725 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, with
•MATHS 740 Complex Analysis
•MATHS 750 Topology
MATHS 340 (15 points)
Real and Complex Calculus
Prerequisite: MATHS 253
Restriction: MATHS 347
Calculus plays a fundamental role in
mathematics, answering deep theoretical
problems and allowing us to solve very practical
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
problems. Extends the ideas of calculus to two
and higher dimensions, showing how to calculate
integrals and derivatives in higher dimensions
and exploring special relationships between
integrals of different dimensions. It also extends
calculus to complex variables.
Text required: Michael Greenberg, Advanced
Engineering Mathematics (2nd edition)
S1 C 1:00PM to 2:00PM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Wed
S2 C 2:00PM to 3:00PM
+ tutorial
Wed Thu Fri
For advice: Bruce Calvert
calvert@math.auckland.ac.nz or
Robert Chan
Following courses:
•MATHS 740 Complex Analysis
•MATHS 761 Dynamical Systems
•MATHS 762 Nonlinear Partial Differential
•MATHS 763 Advanced Partial Differential
•MATHS 769 Applied Differential Equations
•MATHS 770 Advanced Numerical Analysis
MATHS 361 (15 points)
Partial Differential Equations
Prerequisite: MATHS 260 and 253, or PHYSICS
Partial differential equations are used to
model many important phenomena in the real
world (such as heat ow and wave motion). An
introductory course on methods of solution for
linear partial differential equations in one, two
and three dimensions.
S1 C 10:00AM to 11:00AM
+ tutorial
Wed Thu Fri
Text required: Michael Greenberg, Advanced
Engineering Mathematics (2nd edition)
For advice: Jari Kaipio
Following courses:
•MATHS 761 Dynamical Systems
•MATHS 762 Nonlinear Partial Differential
•MATHS 763 Advanced Partial Differential
•MATHS 769 Applied Differential Equations
•MATHS 770 Advanced Numerical Analysis
MATHS 362 (15 points)
Methods in Applied Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 260 and 253, or PHYSICS
Recommended preparation: MATHS 340
and 361
Restriction: MATHS 347
Techniques such as variational methods, Green’s
functions, and perturbation analysis are a crucial
part of the applied mathematician’s toolbox.
Covers a selection of such advanced topics in
detail, and is suitable for those students intending
to advance in applied mathematics or physics.
S2 C 10:00AM to 11:00AM
+ tutorial
Mon Tue Fri
Recommended texts:
•Holmes “Introduction to perturbation methods”
•Stakgold “Green’s functions and boundary
value problems”
Tang “Mathematical Methods for Engineers and
Scientists 3 Fourier Analysis, Partial Differential
Equations and Variational Methods”
For advice: Mike Meylan
MATHS 363 (15 points)
Advanced Modelling and Computation
Prerequisite: MATHS 260 and 270
Much of modern research in applied
mathematics, physics and engineering relies
heavily on the construction and numerical
solution of mathematical models. Covers the
theory and practice of such computational
approaches, including the study of numerical
linear algebra and differential equations, and
bifurcations in ordinary differential equations.
Matlab is used extensively.
S2 C 12:00PM to 1:00PM +
Mon Thu Fri
Recommended reading:
•Holmes “Introduction to Numerical Methods in
Differential Equations”
•Strogatz “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos”
•Blanchard, Devaney and Hall ”Differential
•Haberman “Applied Partial Differential
For advice: Steve Taylor
Following course:
•MATHS 770 Advanced Numerical Analysis
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Branches of Mathematics
Pure Mathematics
Pure mathematics is mathematics which is
studied because of its intrinsic beauty and
usefulness within the subject, rather than
mathematical techniques (sometimes called
applied mathematics) which are developed to
attack specic problems arising outside the eld
of mathematics. Much pure mathematics was
developed completely without regard to its
applicability outside mathematics, but has since
proved to be absolutely indispensable in many
and varied applications, and underlies all applied
A degree with a focus on pure mathematics is an
excellent qualication for a career in teaching or
research, but also in many other domains. Taking
additional courses in applied mathematics,
computer science and statistics can open career
opportunities in government, insurance, banking
and communications. A degree grounded in pure
mathematics provides a good base for further
study towards a masters degree or PhD in
mathematics, or in other branches of the
mathematical and information sciences.
Pure mathematics may be classied broadly into
the areas of Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics,
Geometry, Logic, Number theory and Topology.
There are many interconnections between these
areas and this adds to their beauty and strength.
Analysis is the subject that grew out of Newton’s
discovery of calculus, although concepts as
convergence and limit can be traced back to
Greek mathematicians of Antiquity, while the rst
works on innite series are due to Indian
mathematicians of the Middle Ages. Analysis
studies such topics as continuity, integration,
differentiability, including the study of ordinary
differential equations, partial differential
equations and probability theory. All these
subjects are critical to the applications of analysis
to physics, engineering, nance, statistics, biology,
genetics and almost anything that has a
quantitative component.
Algebra is concerned with the study of structure,
relation and quantity. It is a pure eld but has a
wide variety of applications, from understanding
the Rubik’s cube to classifying crystal structures
and designing algorithms. A recent powerful
application is to communications security: How
do you communicate securely over an insecure
network (eg. the Internet)? This problem has been
around in a simpler form for centuries and its
solution (found in the late 1970s) is used every
time you use your browser for secure
transmission, such as banking transactions. The
solution, part of what is now called public-key
cryptography, is described completely using
mathematical ideas which are presented in
MATHS 328. You can even easily make your own
Topology is sometimes called rubber sheet
geometry, because it concerns itself with the
spatial properties that are preserved after shapes
are stretched or deformed without breaking. It
does not distinguish between a square and a
circle (as a rubber band circle can be stretched
into a square) and it ignores distances (so that
two different sized circles are equivalent in the
topological universe). Topology studies global
characteristics of shapes and surfaces and
quanties the differences algebraically, then uses
those algebraic tools to further explore these
characteristics and related ideas. The Poincaré
Theorem (a long standing conjecture whose last
case - in 3-dimensions - was proved by Grigori
Perelman) is one of the most famous topological
results. In a simplied version (from 1904) it
states that if any loop on the surface of a
3-dimensional shape can be shrunk to a point (as
a loop can do on the 3-D sphere), then the shape
is just a 3-D sphere. This theorem has
implications in a variety of elds such as
astronomy and relativity theory. Topology has
strong connections to abstract algebra, analysis
and geometry, and has applications to physics,
genetics (eg. understanding the knotting and
unknotting of DNA) and computer science. A
recent development, the topological quantum
eld theory, can be used for breaking
cryptographic systems based on integer
factorisation, widely used in banking encryptions.
“People say pure mathematicians are just playing
games with a bunch of rules“, says Prof. D.
Gauld, whose research topic is topology. ”The
amazing thing is that, so often, 10 or 50 years
later, these great applications arise. When I rst
heard about topological quantum eld theory, in
1994, there was no mention of their connection
with banking encryptions.”
Geometry arose as the eld of knowledge
dealing with spatial relationships. It was one of
the two elds of pre-modern mathematics, the
other being the study of numbers. It appeared
(more than 2500 years ago) as a collection of
techniques dealing with the lengths, angles,
areas, and volumes of physical objects, both on
earth and in the sky. Greek mathematicians
made it into a tool for developing logical
arguments, abstract reasoning and investigating
the nature of space and time. Euclid’s Elements is
the most famous geometry book of the Antiquity,
since it presents geometric knowledge of that
time through a set of axioms, which later came to
be known as Euclidean geometry. Geometric
thinking became a means to nd the most
efcient way to model a given phenomenon, after
abstracting it from its particular instances. After
the development of the calculus and the theory of
differential equations, geometry was expanded to
cover situations in which the classical lines,
planes, and spheres were replaced by ‘shortest
paths on a surface’ (or higher dimensional
objects), ‘minimal surfaces’ (like soap lms), and
‘constant mean curvature surfaces’ (like soap
bubbles). In fact, all sorts of problems in which
the solution was a conguration that minimized
some quantity (such as mass, energy, volume,
etc.) were seen to be special cases of a new
‘differential’ geometry and this launched a
revolution in the study of partial differential
equations that is continuing today. Einstein’s
theory of relativity and modern quantum theory
(including string theory and its generalizations)
are all part of differential geometry’s wide scope.
Its applications include not only theoretical
physics, but computer modelling of shape (eg.
computer models of the brain), graphical
representations, heat ow, optimization and
control theory, and understanding properties of
partial differential equations and their
transformation rules.
The four courses MATHS 150, 250, 253 and
255 form a core that should normally be taken
by students wishing to advance to courses in
Pure Mathematics at Stage III or beyond.
Applied Mathematics
Modern science relies absolutely on applied
mathematics. Any student interested in physics,
biology, Earth sciences, engineering, medicine,
chemistry, economics, or many other areas, will
nd the study of applied mathematics not only
useful, but vitally important.
It is the job of an applied mathematician to show
how mathematical techniques can be applied to
science and technology to answer interesting
questions. Our goal is usually to use
mathematical equations to study real-world
problems rather than to study equations for their
own sake. In our department we use mathematics
to study such diverse areas as physiology, ice
ow, oating runways, astronomy, quantum
chemistry, nonlinear systems, the human genome
and many other areas. Elements of these
research areas are incorporated into our courses
wherever possible.
The rst year course MATHS 162 provides an
introduction to applied mathematics, and it is
strongly recommended that all students with
interests in applied mathematics take this
course. Pure mathematics courses are also very
important for applied mathematics and should
be included in any course of study in applied
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Please consult the Undergraduate Advisor for a personalised study plan.
Mathematics in
1 2*
Functioning in
S 1 2
Mathematics 1
S 1 2
Mathematics 1
1 2
Great Ideas
Shaping our
1 2
Tutoring in
Mathematics 2
S 1 2
Mathematics 2
1 2
Mathematics 3
1 2
Principles of
1 2
1 2
Mathematics of
1 2
Teaching and
History of
Algebra and
Real Analysis
Analysis in
Real and
1 2
Methods in
Modelling and
Modelling and
1 2
1 2
2010 Undergraduate Courses Diagram
S = Summer Semester
1 = Semester One
2 = Semester Two,
*Course only available
at Epsom Campus and
Manukau Institute of
Technology Campus
All other courses are
offered at the City
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Students taking applied mathematics will often
also be taking another science major. Indeed, we
encourage this, as this gives a breadth of training
that students will nd useful.
For further information contact the
Undergraduate Advisor,
Dr. Jamie Sneddon
Room 305 - Building 303
Phone: ext 82121
Email: sneddo[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
or Vivien Kirk
Room 423 - Building 303
Phone: ext 88792
Email: kirk@math.auckland.ac.nz
Mathematics Education
Mathematical thinking is behind almost every
type of activity in society, and there is thus a
permanent need for mathematics graduates who
are adept at passing on mathematical knowledge
and techniques.
Some mathematics graduates will take up careers
in secondary teaching, some will tutor individuals
or groups, and some will enter a university as
lecturers. Mathematics education is a basic study
for any of these activities. Mathematics teaching
is an extremely satisfying occupation. It involves:
helping people to overcome their fears of
mathematics and appreciate the beauty of the
subject; helping others gain mathematical
understanding and a new power over their
environment; and sharing ideas with other
The Mathematics Education Unit within the
Department of Mathematics offers courses which
examine the teaching and learning of the subject.
These can be taken by anyone studying
mathematics, but are particularly suitable for
those who are thinking about teaching, tutoring,
or lecturing mathematics as a career. The courses
require a reasonable background in mathematics,
and they will contribute to a student’s own
understanding of mathematics while providing an
opportunity to reect upon how mathematics is
Please note that MATHS 302 is a recommended
preparation for all graduate mathematics
education courses.
To become a secondary mathematics teacher
you need at least one Stage III mathematics or
statistics course in your degree and to have
completed the one year Graduate Diploma in
Teaching (Secondary) programme.
Interested students are invited to discuss their
programmes with:
Judy Paterson
Room 322 - Building 303
Phone: ext 88605
Email: paterson@math.auckland.ac.nz
or Mike Thomas
Room 327 - Building 303
Phone: ext 88791
Email: m.thomas@math.auckland.ac.nz
Mathematics with Statistics
Mathematics is the foundation for statistical
theory and practice. A strong background in
calculus and linear algebra provides ideal
mathematical training for the budding
statistician. Statistics is an indispensable tool for
a wide range of mathematical applications, in
areas as diverse as Industrial Mathematics,
Operations Research, Financial Mathematics,
biological modelling, Physics and Chemistry.
Statisticians work in the following sorts of areas:
banks, Crown research institutes, Crown health
enterprises, nance companies, government
departments (eg. Treasury, Statistics N.Z.,
AgResearch, MAF etc.), industry, insurance
companies, local bodies, market research
companies, universities and technical institutes.
In all of these jobs they are designing studies,
analysing data, making projections and helping
to make decisions.
Statistics courses at The University of Auckland
are designed not only for future statisticians, but
for all students to help them become better
accountants, applied mathematicians, market
researchers, psychologists, biologists,
geographers, engineers and so on.
In addition to general Statistics, courses in
Operations Research (OR) are offered. OR is the
application of mathematical and scientic
methods to solve certain classes of problems in
the design and management of large or complex
systems found in business, industry and
government. Basic OR techniques can be
grouped broadly into two classes, namely
optimization methods such as linear and non
linear programming, Markovian decision theory,
deterministic and stochastic dynamic
programming, optimal control and inventory
control; and modelling techniques such as
computer simulation, queuing theory, Markov
processes and time series analysis.
For further information contact:
David Smith
Rm 226 - Mathematics Department
Phone: ext 85590
Email: dsmith@stat.auckland.ac.nz
or Ilze Ziedins
Rm 211 - Statistics Department
Phone: ext 85051
Email: ilze@stat.auckland.ac.nz
Industrial Mathematics
Industrial Mathematics may be taken as a
specialisation in the 3-year BSc programme. This
will enable students to advance in problem-
solving methodology across a broader front than
possible within the present subject majors. Many
rst-degree graduates need to be acquainted
with an appreciation of, and skills in,
mathematical methods, deterministic and
stochastic modelling, data analysis, numerical
and computational mathematics, and operations
research. This is not possible within a single
major, yet this broad approach will be an
attractive option for many students intending to
do a three year degree only.
For further information contact:
Shixiao Wang
Rm 408 - Mathematics Department
Phone: ext 87316
Email: wang@math.auckland.ac.nz
Mathematics with Computer
The disciplines of mathematics and computer
science are strongly linked and have had
considerable inuence on each other over the past
four decades. Each new application of computers
and each technological advance in their design
brings a new set of associated questions in
mathematics. graph theory, the study of network
arrangements, is studied because of its usefulness
in modelling many practical problems which can
be solved by computers, and its relationship to
other branches of mathematics such as topology,
abstract algebra and linear algebra. An
increasingly important problem-solving skill in
computing is the ability to count or enumerate
objects using techniques in combinatorics. Logic is
one of the foundations of mathematics in terms of
proof, and also now used as a tool for proving the
correctness of computer programs, dening
procedural meanings for computations, and
extracting programs from specications.
The courses COMPSCI 225 (Discrete Structures in
Mathematics and Computer Science), MATHS 315
(Mathematical Logic) and MATHS 326
(Combinatorial Computing) have been developed
to meet the demand for skills in these areas, and
also to enhance the mathematical maturity of
students taking computer science programmes.
The blend of skill and knowledge developed during
such a programme is valued by employers in a
number of elds including portfolio forecasting,
actuarial science and Internet marketing.
For further information contact:
Jamie Sneddon
Rm 305 - Mathematics Department
Phone: ext 82121
Email: j.sneddon@math.auckland.ac.nz
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Furthering your
Graduate Mathematics 35
Graduate Diploma in Science 35
Bachelor of Science (Arts) (Honours) 36
Postgraduate Diploma in Science 36
Master of Science (Arts) 36
2010 Postgraduate courses 37
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Graduate Mathematics
If you wish to further your studies after a BSc, BA,
BCom or BEng, there are 4 programmes with
mathematics that you can chose from.
The information below summarises the
regulations for the degrees and diplomas with a
mathematics or applied mathematics major.
For details on graduate programmes and courses,
please consult the
•Mathematics online Postgraduate Handbook
at www.math.auckland.ac.nz/wiki/PGHB
and the
•University of Auckland Calendar at
If you require further information, please contact
Steve Taylor
Graduate Advisor for all graduate programmes
(except PhD)
Room 306 - Mathematics Department
Email: pgadvic[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Graduate Diploma in Science
If you do not have a major in Mathematics
or Applied Mathematics but wish to add a
mathematical edge to your degree and enhance
your careers perspectives, this is the programme
you need.
Before you can enrol in a GradDipSci you must
have a BSc or an equivalent degree. You must be
ready to take Stage II courses, as Stage I courses
cannot be included in this diploma.
We offer the GradDipSci in Mathematics or
Applied Mathematics. If you have BSc/BA with
a Mathematics major, you can study towards
a GradDipSci in Applied Mathematics, and
To complete a GradDipSci, you must pass 120
points at Stage II and above, with at least 75
points (of the 120) at Stage III or above. 45
points are from the Mathematics or Applied
Mathematics major; the remaining 30 points
come from any Science subject (possibly your
previous major).
A GradDipSci can be taken part-time over four
years. If you have any questions about this
programme, please contact the Undergraduate
Equivalent degree
Minimum B average
BSc or BA
Maths/Applied Maths Major
Bachelor Degrees
without Maths Major
(*) A Mathematics Major BSc/BA can continue with an Applied Mathematics PGDipSci and vice versa.
Minimum B average
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Bachelor of Science or Arts
(Honours) (BSc(Hons) / BA(Hons))
BSc(Honours)/BA(Honours) in Mathematics
Prerequisite: A major in Mathematics including
(either MATHS 320 or MATHS 328) and MATHS
332 and at least 90 points at Stage III (These
courses need not all be in Mathematics or
Applied Mathematics.)
•30 points: MATHS 776 (Dissertation in
Mathematics or Applied Mathematics)
and either
•90 points in 700-level Mathematics courses
•at least 45 points in 700-level Mathematics
courses and up to 45 points, subject to
approval by the Head of Department, from
700-level courses in a related subject
BSc(Honours) in Applied Mathematics
Prerequisite: A major in Applied Mathematics
and at least 90 points at Stage III
Note: Mathematics Education students may
substitute MATHS 302 for one of these courses
• at least 45 points from MATHS 761, 762, 763,
764, 769, 770, PHYSICS 701, 707
• 30 points: MATHS 776 Dissertation in
Mathematics or Applied Mathematics
• up to 45 points from approved 700-level
courses in Mathematics or related subjects
with approval of the Head of Department.
You can do an Honours degree either full-time
over one year or part-time over two years.
Postgraduate Diploma in Science
PGDipSci in Mathematics
Prerequisite: A major in Mathematics, including
(either MATHS 320 or 328) and MATHS 332, or
an equivalent
Note: Mathematics Education students may
substitute MATHS 302 for one of these courses
•at least 75 points in 700 level Mathematics
•up to 45 points from approved 600 or 700
level courses in Mathematics or related
subjects, with the approval of the Head of
PGDipSci in Applied Mathematics
Prerequisite: A major in Applied Mathematics,
or equivalent
•at least 60 points from MATHS 761, 762, 763,
764, 769, 770, PHYSICS 701, 707
•up to 60 points from approved 700 level
courses in Mathematics or related subjects with
approval of the Head of Department. If your
average marks for the courses of your PGDipSci
are sufciently high, you will be awarded the
degree with distinction or merit.
Master of Science (MSc) and
Master of Arts (MA)
Before you can enrol in an MSc/MA you must
have a BSc(Hons)/BA(Hons) or PGDipSci with
sufciently high marks in the required major. To
enroll in an MSc/MA, you must nd a supervisor,
decide together on a project topic, and either
complete a 120 point thesis or a 90 points
research portfolio and 30 points of approved
700-level courses.
You can do an MSc/MA in Mathematics (this
includes Mathematics Education) or an MSc in
Applied Mathematics. Staff in the Department
can also supervise Bioinformatics or Logic and
Computation masters. A MSc can be done
part-time over two years.
2010 Postgraduate Courses
Title Point
Prerequisites or Recommended
Summer Semester
701 Research Skills in Mathematics Education 15 Department approval
Semester 1
705 Social Issues in Mathematics Education 15 Department approval
712 Mathematics and Learning 15 Department approval
715 Graph Theory and Combinatorics 15 MATHS 326 or 320
720 Group Theory 15 MATHS 320
730 Measure Theory and Integration 15 MATHS 332, Rec. MATHS 333
740 Complex Analysis 15 MATHS 332, Rec. MATHS 333, 340
750 Topology 15 MATHS 332 or 353, Rec. MATHS 333
763 Advanced Partial Differential Equations 15 MATHS 340 and 361
764 Mathematical Biology 15 Department approval
769 Applied Differential Equations 15 MATHS 340 and 361
770 Advanced Numerical Analysis 15 MATHS 270 and one of MATHS 340,
361, 363
Semester 2
703 Theoretical Issues in Mathematics
15 Department approval
713 Logic and Set Theory 15 MATHS 315 or PHIL 305
714 Number Theory 15 B+ in MATHS 328 or 320
721 Representations and Structure of
Algebras and Groups
15 MATHS 320
731 Functional Analysis 15 MATHS 332 and MATHS 333. Rec.
MATHS 730, 750
735 Analysis on Manifolds and Differential
15 MATHS 332. Rec. MATHS 333 and 340
761 Dynamical Systems 15 MATHS 340 and 361
762 Nonlinear Partiol Differential Equations 15 Recommended: MATH 340 and MATH
Various special topics and advanced topics courses,
in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and
Mathematics Education are also available
15 or
Require a supervisor and Department
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Heading A
Contents 0
Department and
University information
Facilities for new students 39
Organising your studies and getting help 40
Further information about a
mathematics course 40
Courses timetable 40
Lectures, tutorials and assignments 40
Time allocation per course 40
Study guides 40
Course work and assignments 40
Applications for Aegrotat and
Compassionate consideration 40
Getting help 41
The Student Resource Centre 41
Assistance Room 41
Individual assistance from teaching staff 42
Extra tutorials 42
One-to-one tutoring 42
Māori and Pasika (Tuākana) tutorial rooms 42
Buying textbooks 42
Calculators 42
Computer access 42
Communication and student representation 43
Admission and enrolment procedures 44
Academic programmes structure 45
Improve your English language skills 48
Academic honesty, cheating and plagiarism 48
Facilities for new students
This is a two weeks preparation course for
MATHS 108 sand MATHS 150, available during
the summer semester. For details see the section
on Pre-degree programme (page 14) or
The Student Learning Centre
The Student Learning Centre (SLC) can help you
achieve academic success. Workshops and
consultations are offered by academically
qualied and experienced tutors.
Once you are registered with the SLC, you can
use the SLC’s services for the whole academic
Appointments for individual consultations are
available and can be made by contacting the
The Centre has mathematics skills workshops for
those students who do not have the background
knowledge normally assumed for MATHS 102 or
MATHS 108. You may register for workshops, or
make individual appointments with tutors at the
SLC ofce.
SLC (City Campus)
Level 3, Kate Edger Information Commons
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 88850
International Students
Mathematics courses at all levels are available to
international students who are admitted into a
degree or diploma programme, say Bachelor of
Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). Bachelor of
Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Engineering
(BEng), etc..
Information about minimum entry requirements
for the various degree programmes, application
procedures and tuition fees is available from:
Auckland International
Phone: +64 9 373 7513
Fax: +64 9 373 7405
Email: int-questions@auckland.ac.nz
Web: www.auckland.ac.nz/international
The International Student Information Centre is
located at the back of Old Choral Hall near the
University Library on 7 Symonds Street, Auckland.
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Organising your studies and
getting help
Further information about a
mathematics course
Prospective students are invited to consult the
Department of Mathematics webpages at
www.math.auckland.ac.nz, which provides study
guides for courses, as well as some other course-
related information.
Current (enrolled) students should use Cecil
(www.cecil.auckland.ac.nz ), the main repository
for course-related information: coursebooks,
lecture notes, assignments, class announcements,
Lectures, tutorials,
Lecture and tutorial rooms
Each course gets its lecture and tutorial rooms
allocated one or two weeks prior to the
beginning of the semester. Log into the student
administration server, nDeva, www.auckland.
ac.nz/ndeva in order to check the venues of their
classes. For certain popular classes, you need to
chose a stream and a time that suits your
Lectures and tutorial timetable are available
online on nDeva: www.auckland.ac.nz/ndeva.
You either login or enter as a Guest, then use the
Class search function.
Time allocation per course
In addition to time spent attending lectures,
laboratories or tutorials, you should plan a
minimum of six hours per week studying notes
and working on assignment problems.
Approximately 10 hours per week over one
semester, or 20 hours per week over Summer
School should be devoted to a 15-point course
taught over one semester.
Study guides
During the initial lectures of Mathematics
courses, a Study Guide for the course will be
distributed. This contains the name(s) of the
person(s) teaching the course, their ofce number,
hours when they are available for help,
assignment due dates, procedures for handing in
and collecting assignments, semester test dates,
textbooks required, coursework requirements etc.
It is your responsibility to obtain a Study Guide
(use Cecil www.cecil.auckland.ac.nz or the
Department website if you missed the hand-out),
read it carefully, and then follow the information
in it.
Coursework and assignments
Coursework consists of tests and assignments.
Credit is given for coursework as well as for nal
exams; the proportion for each course varies.
Details of this, test dates and assignment due
dates are given in the Study Guide. Due to the
volume of assignments to be processed, and the
mechanism for distributing them to the markers,
it is not possible to accept late assignments.
All assignments are to be submitted in the
drop-off boxes of the Student Resource Centre
(see next page), unless otherwise indicated by
the Study Guide.
Sickness or bereavement
If you know you will be unable to sit a test you
should approach your lecturer as soon as
possible. The lecturer may be able to arrange
another time to sit the test, or make other
If temporary illness, injury, or exceptional
circumstances beyond your control prevent you
from sitting an examination or seriously impair
your examination preparation or performance,
you may be eligible to apply for aegrotat or
compassionate consideration.
Applications for Aegrotat and
Compassionate consideration
An application may be made for Aegrotat or
Compassionate consideration by candidates who
may have been prevented from being present at
an examination, or who consider that their
preparation for or performance in an examination
has been seriously impaired by temporary illness
or injury or exceptional circumstances beyond
their control. This also applies to tests, but not
Application forms are available online or from the
relevant campus Student Health and Counselling
Services and Examinations Ofce.
The application form must be submitted to the
University Health and Counselling Service within
one week of the date that the examination
affected took place, or if more than one
examination has been affected, then within one
week of the last of those examinations.
Following the decision of Senate on an
application for Aegrotat or Compassionate
Consideration, a student may apply for
reconsideration of that decision no later than four
weeks after the student is notied of Senate’s
Please refer to The University of Auckland
Calendar for the ofcial regulations.
Getting help
There are several ways of obtaining help with
mathematical problems. Given the large numbers
of students in rst and second year courses it is
your responsibility to seek help when needed. This
help will be more effective if you seek it after rst
trying to read the relevant parts of the text and
lecture notes and identifying the specic
questions you would like to ask.
The Student Resource Centre (SRC)
The main point of contact for undergraduate
students on the City Campus.
Where: SciSpace (Room G16), Ground level,
Science Centre, Building 303, 38 Princes Street,
City Campus.
The Centres deals with student-related activities,
as follows:
•assignment collection and returns after
•updating student records such as assignment
and test marks
•locker hire, property lost in the building,
student stationery such as CDRs, graph paper,
transparencies, Matlab software.
If you don’t know where to submit your
assignment, have submitted it in the wrong box, if
your marks do not show up, or have been entered
incorrectly, please enquire at the SRC.
Assistance Room
The Mathematics Department operates an
assistance room in the City Campus, to help with
undergraduate mathematics courses.
Room G16 is situated on the Ground oor of
Building 303, Science Centre. The assistance
room is primarily for Stage I students, with some
help available for Stage II and III students.
The assistance room is staffed from10am to 4pm,
Monday to Friday during semesters, and
available for reduced hours during the study
breaks. Tutors wearing blue sashes are available
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
to help you with problems arising with
assignments or the understanding of a course.
The Mathematics Assistance Room is
coordinated by:
Wendy Stratton
Room 413 - Building 303
Phone: ext 85757
Email: strat[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Māori and Pasika (Tuākana)
tutorial rooms
Māori and Pasika students taking a
mathematics course are invited to participate in
the Tuākana Mathematics Programme. The
programme provides additional assistance and
support in mathematics and an opportunity to
work with our senior Māori and Pasika students.
The programme will be based in Room 124, level
1, Building 303, 38 Princes street.
In particular, students who take Stage I courses in
mathematics, and some Stage II students will be
contacted by the start of Semester One. If you
are not contacted by the end of the rst week,
please contact:
Gary Nathan
Room 315 - Building 303
Phone: ext 84931
Email: g.nathan@math.auckland.ac.nz
Ofce hours: individual assistance
from the teaching staff
Lecturers designate several hours (ofce hours)
per week when they will be available in their
ofce to assist you with mathematical questions.
These times are usually posted on their ofce
door and announced either in the Study Guide or
during lectures, as well as on the department
website. Most lecturers will also give assistance
at other times when they are free.
Extra Tutorials
These are offered for some courses during the
week and in weekends when there is demand,
and especially immediately prior to semester
tests and examinations.
One-to-one Tutoring
Individual assistance for Stage I courses can be
obtained by lling in an appointment sheet. The
one-to-one tutoring appointment sheet is
available from the Student Resource Centre
(Room G16, Building 303). You can book a 30
minute slot of one-to-one tutoring every week.
Study groups
If you wish to organise a study group for your
class, or be be part of such a group, please
contact your class representative.
Buying Textbooks
Most textbooks and coursebooks are available at
the University Bookshop in the Kate Edger
Information Commons. Coursebooks and other
resources prepared by the Department are also
available online, as pdf les, via Cecil www.
auckland.ac.nz/cecil. Texts for some courses are
in the Short Loan Collection at the Kate Edger
Information Commons.
Some courses prohibit or restrict the use of
calculators in tests and examinations. Restrictions
may include such capabilities as:
•alphanumeric keys,
•storage of formulae,
•programming capability,
•communication capability.
The Study Guide for each course indicates
whether calculators are to be used and what
restrictions, if any, are to be placed on them.
Computer access
Many students have their own computers. It is
not, however, necessary to own a computer to do
mathematics, statistics or computer science. The
laboratory facilities of the departments are
available for you. Computing packages unlikely to
be found on most home computers are available
on the laboratory machines which are
Laboratories are open during work hours, and
also on some evenings, weekends and holidays.
Using the Computer Laboratories
The Department shares three 120 machine
computer laboratories with the Departments of
Statistics and Computer Science. These are
located in the Science Centre, Building 303S.
All students enrolled in science courses have
access to these laboratories. The login name is
their NetAccount name - the NetAccount
password is also used. Student ID cards are
needed to use a computer laboratory.
Mathematics students have booking privileges in
the basement laboratory, but may use the other
two laboratories when they are not being used by
Computer Science students. Because the
Laboratories are used by a large number of
students and will be very busy around
assignment due dates, students are strongly
encouraged to work on their assignments early.
Students who leave their work to the last day may
nd all the machines are booked!
Handouts are available on topics like using a PC,
An Introduction to the Undergraduate Lab,
Getting Started Using UNIX.
Demonstrators are rostered in the laboratories
and they are available to assist you. They can be
easily identied by the bright orange or yellow
sashes they wear. Their role is not to do
assignments for students, but rather to assist
students to gain a better understanding of the
computer packages being used, and of course to
cope with technical problems. Specically, if the
computer being used is, or becomes, faulty, do
NOT attempt to remedy the fault personally but
ask a demonstrator.
The Computing Laboratory Coordinator for the
Department is:
Dr Allison Heard
Room 414 - Building 303
Phone: ext. 88816
Email: heard@math.auckland.ac.nz
More information about labs (inlcuding opening
hours and online computer bookings) can be
found at www.scl.ec.auckland.ac.nz
Almost all rst and second year courses will be
using the computer algebra system Matlab and
its Symbolic Math toolbox in both teaching and
assessment. The program is available in the
undergraduate computer lab and for purchase
from the Student Resource Centre. For more
information and a tutorial on getting started with
Matlab go to the webpage at www.math.
Communication and Student
Each class elects a representative each semester
to attend meetings to discuss matters concerning
students and the department. Generally two
meetings are scheduled each semester. Those
meetings are attended by the elected student
representatives and departmental staff. Any
problems affecting students may be raised at
these meetings. Students are able to approach
their class representatives if they want a matter
raised. Student representatives also attend
meetings of the Science Faculty, the Board of
Studies of Mathematical and Information
Sciences and the Mathematics Department. The
departmental coordinator is:
Alastair McNaughton
Room 330 - Building 303
Phone: ext 85244
Email: a.mcnaughton@math.auckland.ac.nz
Any student with a complaint about the way he
or she has been treated by the department is
invited to discuss the matter with the Head of
Department. If the prospect of approaching the
HOD is daunting, other avenues for complaint
are through the class representative, or the
Departmental Manager for Mathematics, Lynda
Pitcaithly (Rm 336, Ext 88063), or any
approachable lecturer. Complaints like
inaccurate marking of tests or assignments are
usually best dealt with by the course coordinator..
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Admission and enrolment
New students
If you are not enrolled at The University of
Auckland, apply online at www.auckland.ac.nz/
apply_now. If you are unable to access our
website, please call 0800 61 62 63 or visit the
Student Information Centre at 22 Princes Street,
Auckland. This is open Monday to Friday from
8am – 6pm and Saturday 9am – 12noon during
peak times.
Student Information Centre
Room 112, Level 1 (Ground Floor)
The ClockTower Building, 22 Princes Street
Auckland City Campus
Phone: + 64 9 373 7599 ext 88199
Fax: + 64 9 367 7104
Email: studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz
The closing date for most undergraduate Science
applications is 8 December 2009.
If you want to take courses at Summer School, or
wish to apply to Sport and Exercise Science or the
Bachelor of Optometry, applications close
1 December 2009.
Only one application is required.
After submitting your application:
Your application will be acknowledged by post,
and you will receive your Net ID, password and a
list of items required to evaluate your eligibility to
be admitted to the University and to your chosen
programme/s (if you are submitting a hard copy
application form, you are required to include
relevant documentation at the time of
submission). When all documentation
requirements have been met, your application
will be assessed by the Admissions Ofce and
relevant faculties. If your application is approved,
you will receive an offer of place.
Your Net ID and password allow you to access
the University’s nDeva site, enabling you to
monitor the progress of your application and
check if further documentation is required.
Once you have accepted an offer of place, you
will gain access to the Enrolment module on
nDeva and you can then proceed to enrol in
courses online. Postgraduate students may need
to contact their department for enrolment to be
Returning students
If you are currently enrolled at The University of
Auckland in 2009, and would like to change your
existing programme (for example MSc after
completion of BSc(Hons)), you should apply on
nDeva (www.auckland.ac.nz/nDeva) by logging
on and clicking on Add/Change programme.
You will be able to enrol via nDeva, but if you
would like help, please call 0800 61 62 63 or visit
the Student Information Centre or the Faculty of
Science Student Centre (Ground Floor, Building
301, 23 Symonds Street). Postgraduate students
may need to contact their department for
enrolment to be completed.
The University of Auckland is open for enrolment
from November 2009 to the end of February
2010. You are welcome to attend at any time
during normal ofce hours to seek academic or
enrolment advice or assistance in completing
your enrolment.
Room 112, Level 1
The ClockTower, 22 Princes Street
Auckland City Campus
Phone: 64 9 373 7599 ext 88199
Fax: 64 9 367 7104
Email: studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz
For advice on enrolling in Mathematics courses,
please contact the Undergraduate Advisor at the
Mathematics Department:
Jamie Sneddon
Phone: ext 82121
Room 305 - Building 303, 38 Princes Street
Email: ugadvice@auckland.ac.nz
Changing Enrolment
Choose carefully at the beginning. It is however,
possible to add and delete courses within the rst
two weeks of each semester without penalty (i.e.
tuition fees are refunded for deletions). After this
time, you may not enrol in new courses for that
semester, and if you are unable to continue a
course a ‘withdrawal’ from courses can be done
with consultation of the Associate Dean
(Undergraduate Students) until the third week
before the end of lectures. However, tuition fees
are not refundable in these cases. The regulations
for changing courses are outlined in the latest
version of The University of Auckland Calendar.
Staff at the Student Information Centre in the
Clock Tower Building, at the City Campus and at
the Student Resource Centre on the Tamaki
Campus have the necessary forms to ll in for
change of programme or course. The
Departmental Graduate Coordinator should be
consulted for changes to Masters or Diploma
Students who fail the recommended preparation
for a course are strongly advised to repeat the
failed course (or courses) rather than continue
with their proposed programme. For example, if
you have enrolled for MATHS 250 in the second
semester but fail MATHS 150 in the rst semester
you should cancel your enrolment in MATHS 250
and re-enrol for MATHS 150. It will be assumed
that students who continue with MATHS 250
have mastered the earlier material.
Academic Programme Structure
Points Structure
From 2006, all courses were changed to a
different points value. Students enrolled in a
normal full time course of study now complete
120 points per year. The courses in most
undergraduate degrees carry a value of 15 points
and a normal full time enrolment is eight courses
per year.
Transition Points Structure
Transition regulations apply to all students who
have continued enrolment during the transition
period having commenced study in their
programme at this university prior to the 2006
academic year. They also apply to students who
commence study in an undergraduate degree in
the 2006 academic year having commenced but
not completed study in a different undergraduate
programme at this university between 2001 and
The Transition regulations were written to ensure
that students are able to complete their
qualication without disadvantage in terms of
duration of study or the proportion of their
qualication to be completed.
Transition regulations are available in the
Transition Regulations Handbook. This handbook
is available from the Science Faculty Student
Centre, the Short Loans Library and online at
General Education
The University of Auckland is the only New
Zealand university to include a General Education
component in its undergraduate degrees.
Courses in the programme are designed to give
you a greater understanding of New Zealand and
its place in the world, an opportunity to mix with
students from different disciplines, and expose
you to cross-disciplinary research.
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
BSc students must take two General Education
courses (30 points) in their degree. These can be
taken at any time during the degree, but it may
be preferable to take these in Year 2 and 3.
Students will choose General Education courses
from schedules which list courses available to
their particular degree. The schedules have been
developed so that students will take General
Education courses that allow them to explore
areas of interest outside of their degree subjects.
The General Education schedules are:
A) Music, Art and Contemporary Issues
B) Humanities and Social Sciences
C) Business and Society
D) Life Sciences
E) Physical Sciences
F) Mathematical and Information Sciences
G) Communication
H) Languages
The courses available to BSc students will depend
on the subjects in which they are enrolled. For
example, students enrolled in a Mathematics
course will not be able to take General Education
courses from Schedule F Mathematical and
Information Sciences.
In some cases, courses are available both as part
of the General Education programme and as part
of the portfolio of regular degree courses. If
students are taking a dual purpose course as
part of the General Education programme, they
will enrol in the G version of the course (e.g.
HISTORY 103G). The classes and programme of
study will be the same for all students.
A General Education website, www.auckland.ac.
nz/generaleducation can be accessed from the
University webpage and enables students to view
the courses available to them and provides the
information needed for course selection.
The requirement for General Education applies to
students who enrol at The University of Auckland
from 2006 to begin their rst undergraduate
degree. Transition students are not required to
include General Education as part of their
degree. Special arrangements will apply to
students transferring from another tertiary
institution with credit.
Students are encouraged to seek advice on
General Education in their degree from the
Science Students’ Centre.
Postgraduate Programmes
Masters programmes are one year degrees
preceded by either a one year Bachelor Honours
degree or a Postgraduate Diploma.
Doctoral Students
Doctoral degrees remain essentially the same in
structure and duration. The structure of the PhD
is now recorded on the academic transcript in
new points in accordance with the 120 points
For named doctorates which include courses with
points, the courses have been re-weighted as part
of the 120 point structure.
Undergraduate Enrolment - where to from here?
Visit www.auckland.ac.nz or contact our student advisers for any information you need.
Phone: 0800 61 62 63 | Email: studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz
Student Information Centre: Room 112, ClockTower, 22 Princes St, Auckland
Apply for a place in a programme(s)
Do you have internet access, or can you come on to campus to our help labs?
Log on to www.auckland.ac.nz
Click on Apply Now.
Complete the online Application for a place in your programme(s) of choice.
You will receive an acknowledgement letter asking you to provide specific certified
documents (and in some cases to complete other requirements*) before your
application can be assessed. The letter will also tell you how to access the University’s
nDeva system to complete the next steps.
Phone: 0800 61 62 63
(or +64 9 308 2386 if overseas)
Email: studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz
The ClockTower Call Centre will
forward required information to
Your application will be assessed and, if successful, an “Offer of a place in a programme” letter will be mailed to you. This
normally happens from mid January.**
Accept or decline your offer of a place in a programme online. Remember – you still need to enrol in your courses!
Enrol in your choice of courses
For help with choosing courses you can:
talk to staff for advice, and listen to talks on various programmes at Courses and
Careers day in late August or the Orientation Day in late February
refer to www.science.auckland.ac.nz or to publications relating to your
programme, or to The University of Auckland Calendar. For programme
publications call 0800 61 62 63. The Calendar is for sale in bookshops or can be
accessed from www.auckland.ac.nz Click on “Current Students” then “University
Calendar” in the Quick Links box
check the timetable for your chosen courses at www.auckland.ac.nz/ndeva
for more information visit the Faculty of Science Student Centre, Ground Fl
Building 301, 23 Symonds Street
or call 0800 61 62 63.
Enrol in courses via the online nDeva system, using your login and password.
Pay your tuition fees.
consult www.math.auckland.ac.nz or email ugadvice@math.auckland.ac.nz
* For some programmes, you may be
required to submit supplementary
information (eg, a portfolio of work, referee
reports, an online form) or to attend an
interview/audition. If you have not already
done this, any outstanding requirements will
be explained in the acknowledgement letter
– ensure that you follow them up as quickly
as possible.
** You can also check the status of your
application online using your login and
password (if you don’t know these, check the
instructions on your acknowledgement
letter). If you are not offered a place in the
programme(s) of your choice, you will
receive a letter outlining alternative options.
Please follow the advice on the letter or get
in touch with the ClockTower Call Centre.
Your final offer of a place is dependent both
on you gaining admission to the University
(which for school leavers may be dependent
on your final school results) and assessment
by the faculty offering the programme.
You are now a University of Auckland student. Congratulations!
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Improve your English
language skills
All rst-year students are required to
undertake an assessment that enables us to
identify your level of academic English. This
free assessment is available via DELNA.
Diagnostic English Language Needs
Assessment (DELNA)
DELNA is only available to students who have
accepted a place and enrolled at The University of
Auckland. It cannot be used to exclude you from a
particular programme and the results do not
appear on your academic record.
The Screening - a 30 minute compulsory
assessment includes a vocabulary task and a text
editing task. It enables us to quickly identify
whether or not you need assistance with the
demands of academic English. If you do require
assistance, you will undertake the second part of
the assessment.
You can book your screening assessment during
Orientation Week or the rst week of semester by
going online to: www.delna.auckland.ac.nz/
The Diagnosis – is only necessary if your screening
results suggest you need assistance with
academic English language skills. This two-hour
assessment includes a listening, reading and
writing task. It enables us to recommend
appropriate English language enrichment options.
If you do need to improve your skills, you will be
invited to discuss your needs with the DELNA
Language Adviser and guided to sources of
effective English language enrichment within the
For more information visit www.delna.auckland.ac.
English Language Self Access Centre (ELSAC)
ELSAC provides free services to improve your
academic English skills, including tailored support
from a Language Advisor and language learning
materials. Get help with academic writing, listening
skills, and pronunciation and more. ELSAC is located
in the Kate Edger Information Commons.
Level 1, Kate Edger Information Commons
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 82134
For more information visit www.elsac.auckland.ac.nz
Academic honesty, cheating
and plagarism
Cheating is viewed as a serious academic offence
by The University of Auckland. The University will
not tolerate cheating, or assisting others to cheat.
Penalties are set by the Discipline Committee of the
Senate and may include suspension or expulsion
from the University.
What is cheating?
Cheating, in the context of University coursework
and examinations, is the act of attempting to gain
an unfair advantage by violating the principle that
lies behind all University work – that of intellectual
and scholarly integrity.
Work submitted for grading – in coursework and
examinations – must ultimately be your own work,
reecting your learning and performance. To cheat
is to be intellectually dishonest by passing off as
your own, work that has been done by someone
else. It is also unjust in that it devalues the grades
and qualications gained legitimately by other
All staff and students have a responsibility to
prevent, discourage and report cheating.
Examples of forms of cheating
•Copying from another student during a test or
examination, whether or not there is collusion
between the students involved;
Student support
Typically students cheat because they are having
difculty managing workloads, feel that the
course content is too difcult or experience
difculties with the language of the course. None
of these reasons are justication for cheating.
There are many people and services at the
University to assist students. Besides the
possibilities listed on page 41 (Getting help
section), options of people to approach include:
• the course convenor/coordinator, lecturer,
tutorial head, lab demonstrator
•Head of Department
• faculty-level ofcial
• Student Learning Centre or Library staff
• AUSA or other students’ association
• health and counselling services staff.
Students should also consult the University’s
major academic referencing resource: www.cite.
The following website provides further
information about the key principles and
practices underlying academic honesty, and
related resources:
•Using the work of other scholars or students
when preparing coursework and pretending it
is your own by not acknowledging where it
came from. This is called plagiarism. Course
coordinators, lecturers or tutors are the
appropriate people with whom you should
discuss how to use and acknowledge the work
of others appropriately;
•Making up or fabricating data in research
assignments, or the writing up of laboratory
•Impersonating someone else in a test or
examination, or arranging such impersonation;
•Submitting the same, or a substantially similar,
assignment that you have done, for
assessment in more than one course;
•Misrepresenting disability, temporary illness/
injury or exceptional circumstances beyond
one’s control, then claiming special conditions;
•Using Material obtained from commercial
essay or assignment services, including
web-based sources.
Group work
On the whole, the University requires assessment
of the work of individual students. On those rare
occasions where the work of a group of students
is assessed, group members need to make sure
that the workload is shared equally. Course
coordinators will determine their own procedures
for dealing with cases where the nal piece of
work reects unequal participation and effort.
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Student Services and
Important Locations
Student associations 51
Students with disabilities 51
Harassment 51
WAVE: Welfare. Advocacy. Voice. Education 52
Career advice 52
Student support services 53
Important locations 54
University Library | Te Tumu Herenga 55
Lecture theatres locations 56
City Campus map 57
Members of the Mathematics Department 58
Students Association
Auckland University Students’ Association
(AUSA) offers many services to support students
and to provide discounted goods. AUSA runs
training workshops for Class Representatives
throughout the year and publishes a monthly
newsletter available through the Department.
Students may also contact a Student Advocate,
the AUSA Education Coordinator or the
Education Vice President regarding academic
concerns. If interested in creating a club and
receiving funding, contact the AUSA Clubs
Liaison Ofcer. Phone 309 0789 or visit the
AUSA House, 4 Alfred Street, across from the
General Library on City Campus.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities are encouraged to
attend and accomplish at The University of
Auckland. If you are living with an impairment, if
you suspect that you have an impairment,
please contact the Disabilities Ofce Co-
ordinators. They will assist you in accessing
services and resources or put you in touch with
the right people to help.
Disabilities Ofce Coordinators are located in
Room 036, Basement Level, ClockTower,
22 Princes Street
Phone: +64 3737599 88808,
Fax:+64 9 308 2354
Email: disabilities@auckland.ac.nz
In the large and complex society of the University
it is possible that students may encounter
problems with the behaviour of staff or fellow
students. If this behaviour is unwanted,
unacceptable or offensive it may be harassment.
University policy is that harassment on any
grounds - including, but not restricted to sexual,
racial, religious, and academic - is totally
unacceptable. For informal and condential
assistance in dealing with harassment problems,
students may approach any member of the
Resolve Network (a list of their names can be
found on posters displayed around campus) or
the Mediator. For information and contact details,
visit www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/about/uoa/run/
policies/antiharrass.cfm .
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Heading B
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Welfare. Advocacy. Voice. Education.
WELFARE is a welfare referral service. If you’re
stressed, hungry or have exhausted your
overdraft - we try to help! We have an onsite
foodbank and hardship funds that you can apply
for. We can also put you in contact with the right
people and agencies to provide you with the
resources you need.
ADVOCACY is the run by Advocacy Manager
with support from the Advocacy Assistant and
the Student Advocacy Network (SAN). If you feel
you have been treated unfairly or have a
grievance with the university, WAVE provides a
condential, free service available to all students.
They can advise on student rights and university
procedures, assist in resolving disputes involving
students or staff, and provide information and
referrals. They can also provide general legal
advice on issues such as tenancy, employment
and many other areas of law. SAN hours are
10am - 12 noon every weekday during semester.
You can also contact the Advocacy Manager and
Advocacy Assistant on Phone 309 0789 ext 202
or 251.
VOICE is student representation - Class Reps and
students on University committees. WAVE offers
class rep training, class party funding, a class rep
handbook and quarterly newsletters. They also
organize the election, training and support of
University Committee Reps. University
committees set the direction for The University of
Auckland, drafting policy and regulations. You
can have your say through student committee
reps. Check out their website at www.ausa.org.
nz/wave for more details!
The EDUCATION Vice President (EVP) acts on
wider educational issues that affect you. This may
include submissions to the University and to
central Government. Their role involves bringing
concerns about education matters to the wider
WAVE is located in AUSA House, 4 Alfred Street
(across from the General Library).
Phone: +64 9 309 0789 ext 251
Email: advocate@auckland.ac.nz
Web: www.auckland.ac.nz/wave
Careers advice
A science degree from The University of Auckland
will give you a foundation of knowledge and skills
that can lead to a wide range of career
opportunities. Our graduates begin their careers
in research organisations, local government,
central government, universities, commerce and
industry, international and community
organisations. You may begin your career in a
science position, or in a position that is not
directly science related but where your science
knowledge and skills are of benet.
The University Careers Centre can assist you with
your career planning and job search throughout
the course of your studies. The Careers Centre
provides assistance to science students through
careers information and advice, job search and
career research workshops in the Careers Centre,
plus seminars and a drop-in service at a variety
of times and locations in the Science faculty. For
more details please see our website
Make sure you visit Careers.Sci, an online career
planning programme customised for Science
students that will allow you to manage and plan
your career. Log on to Cecil (cecil.auckland.ac.nz)
and check it out!
For job vacancies and information on current
graduate career opportunities, visit
http://careerhub.auckland.ac.nz, which also
advertises employer presentations on campus.
Also go to the Science@Work careers fair in
August/September each year.
Student Service
Location Contact details
Accommodation and
Conference Services
O’Rorke Hall, 16 Mount Street +64 9 373 7599 ext 87691
Careers Centre Room 001, The ClockTower +64 9 373 7599 ext 88727
Early childcare services 28 Park Avenue Grafton +64 9 373 7599 ext 85894
Chaplain’s Ofce 18 Princes Street +64 9 373 7599 ext 87731
Disability Services Room 036, The ClockTower (South
+64 9 373 7599 ext 82936
Mediator’s Ofce +64 9 373 7599 ext 88905
Equal Opportunities Level 1, The ClockTower (East
+64 9 373 7599 ext 84923
Student Finance Room 108, ClockTower +64 9 373 7599 ext 84422
Health Services
(including Counselling)
Level 3, Student Commons +64 9 373 7599 ext 87681
Dental Services Level 3, Student Commons +64 9 373 7599 ext 83860
International Students’
Information Centre
Auckland International, Old Choral
+64 9 373 7513
Recreation Centre Building 314
17 Symonds Street
+64 9 373 7599 ext 84788
Scholarships Ofce Room 012, The ClockTower +64 9 373 7599 ext 87494
Student Advocacy Network AUSA House
3 Alfred Street
+64 9 309 0789 ext 215
Student Information Centre Room 112, The ClockTower 0800 61 62 63
+64 9 373 7599 ext 88199
Student Learning Centre Level 3, Information Commons +64 9 373 7599 ext 88850
Student loans and allowances StudyLink 0800 88 99 00
Student Resource Centre Room G16, Science Centre,
Building 303
+64 9 373 7599 ext 85510 or 89378
Students’ Association AUSA 4 Alfred Street +64 9 309 0789
Tuākana Mathematics
Room 124, Science Centre,
Building 302
+64 9 923 4931
University Bookshop (UBS) Kate Edger Building +64 9 306 2700 www.ubsbooks.co.nz
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Important Locations
Information Commons
Designed as information hubs, the Information
Commons give you computer access and learning
support, as well as proving group and individual
study areas. You’ll nd these facilities at our City,
Grafton and Epsom campuses.
At the Kate Edger Information Commons on the
City Campus you will nd computer training
rooms, the Student Learning Centre, a Disabilities
Resource room, the Library’s Short Loan service
and the English Language Self-Access Centre
The IC Helpdesks provide walk-in, roaming, email
and telephone support with all aspects of student
computing resources and services.
Information Commons
Phone: 373 7599 ext 82333
Email: ichelpdesk@auckland.ac.nz
Facilities and support for all
Refer to the general University Prospectus or the
University website www.auckland.ac.nz for a
more extensive list of services in place for
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Mathematics Department Ofce
The administrative ofces for the Mathematics
Department at City Campus are located in:
Room 303, Science Centre
Building 303, 38 Princes Street
Phone: 373 7599 Ext 85886
Email: enquiries@math.auckland,ac.nz
Website: www.math.auckland.ac.nz
Ofces of Mathematics Department
These are located along the main corridor of the
third and fourth oors of the Science Centre
Building 303, at 38 Princes Street.
Mathematics and Statistics
Computer Laboratories
Basement and ground oor of the Building 303S.
Student Resource Centre
Students’ primary contact with the Mathematics
Department will be through this service. The
Student Resource Centre is located in G16 (within
SciSpace), ground oor of the the Science Centre,
Building 303, on the City Campus. See page 41
for details.
Assistance Room for Stage I and II
Maths Students
The Assistance Room is located on the Ground
oor of the Science Centre, Building 303 in room
G16, past the Student Resource Centre.
Tuākana Rooms
The Tuākana programme rooms for Stage I and
II Māori and Pacic Islands students are located
the rst level of the Science Centre, Building 303
in rooms 122 (tutors ofce), 124 (tutorial room)
and 125 (study room).
University Library |
Te Tumu Herenga
General Library
Most science serials are now available
electronically. The majority of the science book
collection is shelved on Level M where you will
also nd printed serial collections for biology,
marine science, chemistry, computer science,
food science, geology, physics, mathematics and
statistics. Geography, computer science and
psychology serials are shelved with the book
Courses, tours and training
Tours and hands-on courses will give you the
condence to use the University Library, its
Information Commons service and all its
resources. If you are a new student, the following
courses are recommended:
•Library and Resources Overview: an
introduction to the University Library resources
and services.
•Database Searching: how to choose and use
•Uni IT Essentials: covers University IT facilities,
Netaccount and NetID, Cecil, Webmail,
wireless and other electronic resources.
To book a Library course visit www.library.
Visit the subject librarians in Science Information
Services on level M. Consultation sessions are
available during visits made by the Subject
Librarian to the Departments.
Other Library services include Ask a Librarian
Service, Enquiry Desk, Information Commons
Help Desk, Inter-Campus Library Delivery Service,
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery and the
Short Loan Collection.
Subject Librarians
Visit the subject librarians in Science Information
Services on Level M. Consultation sessions are
available during visits made by the Subject
Librarian to the Departments.
Mathematics Subject Librarian
Michael Parkinson
Room M13, Level M, General Library
Phone: 373 7599 ext 85858
Email: m.parkinson@auckland.ac.nz
Borrowing and accessing resources
Your student ID card is your Library card. Use it
to access the photocopiers, printers and to
borrow items. You also have 24-hour access via
the Library website
General Library
5 Alfred Street, City Campus
Phone: 373 7599 ext 88044
The University Library consists of the General Library and 12 subject-specic libraries with over 2.2
million items, 4700 study spaces and 1100 computers.
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
2010 Mathematics Handbook |
Lecture Theatre Locations
Building 303 (includes most common Mathematics tutorial rooms)
114 (301.114) Mathematics tutorial room , (rst oor)
B08 Postgraduate lecture room (basement)
B10 Small tutorial room (basement)
B25 Mathematics tutorial room (basement)
B75 (BTL) Basement Teaching Lab (basement, south wing)
B90 Another Computer Lab (basement, south wing)
G16 SciSpace, Student Resource Centre and Mathematics and Statistics Assistance Area
(ground oor)
MLT 1 Large Mathematics Lecture Theatre (ground oor)
MLT 2 Mathematics Lecture Theatre 2 (rst oor)
MLT 3 Mathematics Lecture Theatre 3 (rst oor)
PLT1 Large Physics Lecture Theatre 1 (ground oor)
PLT2 Physics Lecture Theatre 2 (ground oor)
PLT3 Physics Lecture Theatre 3 (basement)
SLT1 Science Lecture Theatre 1 (ground oor)
Other buildings
301.242 Geol242: Small lecture/tutorial room in the Chemistry/Geology Building
301.248 Geol248: Tutorial room in the Chemistry/Geology Building (301.248)
ALR Architecture Lecture Room, Architecture Building, 22 Symonds Street
Arts Arts1 Building, 14A Symonds Street
BLT100 Biology Building Room 100, 5 Symonds Street
BLT204 Biology Building Room 204, 5 Symonds Street
CA, CB, CC Commerce A, 3A Symonds Street; Commerce B, 5 Symonds Street; Commerce C, 18
Symonds Street
Chem Chemistry Building, (corner Symonds and Wellesley Streets) 23 Symonds Street) contains
the Large and Medium Lecture Theatres (LgeChem, MedChem)
Conf Cen Conference Centre, 22 Symonds Street Eng Engineering School, 20 Symonds Street HSB
Lib B10, Lib B15,
Li bB28
Library Building Basement Theatre 10, 15 and 28 respectively, 5 Alfred Street
Law Law Buildings, 5-17 Eden Crescent contains Stone, Algie, Northey and Small Lecture
LargeChem Large Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor Chemistry Building
MedChem Medium Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor Chemistry Building
OCH Old Choral Hall, corner Symonds and Alfred Streets, 7 Symonds Street
OldGovLT Old Government House Lecture Theatre, 3A Symonds Street
OGGB 3/4/5 Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road
F&PAA Fisher and Paykel Appliances Auditorium, 12 Grafton Road
HSB 1/2 Human Sciences Building, 10 Symonds Street
| 2010 Mathematics Handbook
Lecturing staff - Mathematics Department
Name Ext Room Email
An, A/Prof Jianbei 88773 307 [email protected]kland.ac.nz
Bartholomew, Dr Hannah 84239 308 h.bar[email protected]
Barton, Prof Bill (Associate Head - Academic, Head
Mathematics Education Unit)
88779 312 b.bar[email protected]
Bryant, A/Prof David 88763 365 d.br[email protected]
Calvert, A/Prof Bruce 88780 314 [email protected]
Chan, Dr Robert 85212 312 [email protected]
Conder, Prof Marston (NZIMA Co-director) 88879 319 [email protected]
Galbraith, Dr Steven 88778 tba s.galbraith@math.auckland.ac.nz
Gauld, Prof David 88697 432 [email protected]
Gover, Prof A. Rod (Head Analysis, Geometry, Topology) 88792 423 gov[email protected]
Greenwood, Dr Sina 88776 404 [email protected]
Heard, Dr Allison (Computer Labs Coordinator) 88816 414 [email protected]
Kaipio, Dr Jari 88818 412 [email protected]
Kirk, Dr Vivien (Head Applied Mathematics Unit) 88812 406 kir[email protected]
McKenzie, Helen (Tertiary Foundation Certicate) 88789 325 [email protected]
McNaughton, Dr Alastair (Tutors & Markers Coordinator;
Students-Staff Liaison Committee Coordinator)
Meylan, Dr Mike 85865 407 [email protected]
Moors, Dr Warren (Associate Head - Research) 84746 332 moor[email protected]
Nathan, Garry (Tuākana Programme Coordinator) 84931 118 [email protected]
Novak, Julia
84747 321 novakj@math.auckland.ac.nz
Oates, Greg 88605 322 [email protected]
O’Brien, Prof Eamonn (Head Algebra and Combinatorics) 88819 411 [email protected]
Parnell, Sheena (TFC) 85750 324 [email protected]
Paterson, Dr Judy 88605 322 [email protected]
Pfannkuch, Dr Maxine 88794 310 [email protected]
Postlethwaite, Dr Claire 88817 414 c.postlethwai[email protected]ckland.ac.nz
Sharp, Dr Philip (Deputy Head) 88884 329 [email protected]
Slinko, A/Prof Arkadii 85749 409 [email protected]
Sneddon, Dr Jamie (Undergraduate Advisor) 82121 305 [email protected]
Sneyd, Prof James (Head of Department) 87474 417 [email protected]
Solomon, Dr Wiremu 88771 209 [email protected]
Statham, Moira (TFC) 85750 324 [email protected]
Stratton, Wendy (MAX and Assistance Room Coordinator) 85757 413 [email protected]
Taylor, Dr Stephen (Postgraduate Advisor) 86622 306 [email protected]
ter Elst, Dr Tom (PhD Advisor) 86901 404 [email protected]
Thomas, A/Prof Michael 88791 327 [email protected]
Waldron, Dr Shayne 85877 410 [email protected]
Wang, Dr Shixiao 86629 404 [email protected]
Administrative Staff
Lee, Min-Ah (Department Administrator/PA to HoD) 88777 303 [email protected]
Maltseva, Karren (Department Manager to 03.2010) 88063 336 k.maltseva@math.auckland.ac.nz
Moala, Olita (Financial Administrator) 88743 302 [email protected]
Nagy, Adina (Academic Administrator, Webmaster) 85886 303 [email protected]
Pitcaithly, Lynda (Department Manager) 88063 336 [email protected]
Subject Librarian
Parkinson, Michael (Librarian) 85858 M113 m.par[email protected]
Student Resource Centre
Liow, Lily (Coordinator) 89378 G16 sr[email protected]uckland.ac.nz
Venugopalan, Jaya (Manager) 85510 G16 [email protected]