Office of Instruction
Thank you for your interest in UGA! Just as various schools and campuses have unique missions and
identities, so do they have their own academic priorities and course offerings. The challenge for the
transfer student in planning is to make the best possible choices for the degree program they eventually
want to complete. A smooth transfer requires careful preparation and attention to detail. The
University of Georgia would like to help you to make informed decisions now that will serve your
interests well once you have been accepted. This guide will provide you with a general overview of how
core courses are transferred, as well as links to important resources for further planning. The
Transfer Planning Guide is based upon requirements in place during the 2018-2019
academic year and is intended only as a general guide for planning to transfer. Some
degree requirements and transfer policies may change between the time a student begins
their undergraduate career and reaches the point of transfer to UGA. It is the student’s
responsibility to check the UGA bulletin
frequently for changes in requirements. No
guarantees are implied or expressed in this guide. In addition, you will find links to each
college’s transfer handbook at the end of this general information. These guides will give you major-
specific information about critical courses and college requirements.
For transfer admission eligibility, visit the Admissions requirement page. We hope that the Transfer
Planning Guide will provide you some assistance as you choose your courses today to reach your goals
of tomorrow.
Table of Contents
Dual Enrollment
Transfer Course Designations
Transferring From A Technical College
Graduating With A UGA Degree
USG Core Curriculum Policy
AP and IB Transfer Credit
Experience (Clep) And Departmental Placement Test Credits
How To Use The Transfer Planning Worksheets
Making Sure You’re On The Right Track
Additional Tips For Transfer Planning
Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Information Session
Office of Instruction
UGA requires official transcripts from all colleges attended, even if the work is from dual enrollment
courses, transient work at another college, etc. If the credit is transferable, it will apply towards the
UGA Minimum Transfer GPA and Hour Requirements.
The department that offers the UGA class a student wishes to receive credit for is the evaluating
authority on how a class may transfer.
Course designations with 'GXX' or 'TXX' indicate the class will transfer into UGA, and will count
towards minimum transfer application hours and GPA requirements.
1GXX / 2GXX: A transfer credit with a 'GXX' course designation means the class will transfer
into UGA as a General Education Core Elective, and will satisfy part of the student’s core
curriculum. The course will require further evaluation with an Academic Advisor to determine
how the class may apply to the core curriculum.
1TXX / 2TXX / 3TXX: A 'TXX' course designation indicates the course does transfer, but will
require further evaluation with an Academic Advisor to determine how the class will apply to the
core curriculum. After enrollment into UGA, the student has the option to request a UGA course
designation be assigned to the ‘TXX’ class by the department offering the course.
HIST 1GHX: A Comprehensive U.S. History course, commonly used for USG System School
transfer credit, and indicates the class may satisfy part of the core curriculum, as well as the U.S.
and Georgia History graduation requirements.
NTFR: Indicates the class is not transferable into UGA, and will not apply towards the Transfer
Minimum Hours and GPA Requirements.
PE / Physical Education: UGA only accepts one [1] hour of PE transfer credit with an ‘S’ grade.
Thus, any additional PE credits will not be applied to toward the UGA minimum transfer hours
and GPA requirements.
UGA accepts only General Education courses as transfer credit from most accredited technical colleges.
It is important to review credit earned from a technical college to confirm the transferability of the
credit. The majority of technical college courses are typically non-transferable into UGA. Students
intending on transferring into UGA are encouraged to enroll in to a University System of Georgia (USG)
School. USG schools have core- to- core curriculum guarantee.
The UGA Admissions Office has developed a "Transfer Equivalency Search System" for all Georgia
colleges and many out-of-state colleges, but it should be used only as a guide. Courses or schools not on
the UGA Equivalency Search have not been researched and general rules of transfer are the only
resource for determining transferability before acceptance. The general rule is academic college degree
level credit from an institution accredited by their regional Association of Colleges and Schools
generally transfers (Bachelor’s Degree). Transfer/General Education Core at a community or technical
college should transfer (Associate Degree). Non-academic, non-accredited or non-college level credit
will not transfer (Applied Associate Degree, diploma, certificate, and continuing education). The way
Office of Instruction
that classes transfer cannot be determined exactly until the official transcripts are reviewed, and the
applicant is admitted as a student.
Click on Transfer Equivalency Search System
to check your course equivalencies.
A UGA Bachelor’s Degree is comprised of four sets of requirements:
University System Requirements--CORE, US/GA History, US/GA Constitution
University of Georgia Requirements--Cultural Diversity, Physical Education,
Environmental Literacy.
o Residency Requirement45 of the student’s last 60 hours must be taken in
residence at UGA.
o 39 Hour RuleStudents must have 39 hours in upper division courses in
order to graduate.
College RequirementsThese vary by college. You will find the college requirements in their
transfer handbook (see attached links) or in the bulletin.
Major Requirements
Along with 27 other colleges and universities, the University of Georgia is a school within the University
System of Georgia (USG). Many students who transfer into the University of Georgia will transfer from
another school within the USG. The USG’s General Education Core Curriculum was developed with the
goals of assuring institutional accountability for learning, incorporating learning requirements in global
perspectives and critical thinking, and allowing institutions some flexibility in tailoring courses to their
institutional mission, while ensuring that core curriculum courses completed at one USG institution or
through eCore, the USG’s designated online core curriculum, are fully transferable to another USG
institution. See Section 2.4.9
of the USG Academic and Student Affairs Handbook for more
Although Core requirements are the same for all UGA students, departments may suggest preferred
course choices in some areas. This is important to understand, as these preferred courses may serve as
prerequisites to major coursework. Whenever possible, it is in the student’s best interests to choose
preferred courses in the major they believe they will pursue. Preferred courses are designated in the
bulletin under the major degree requirements as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
fice of Instruction
Advanced Placement credit will only count towards meeting admissions criteria if it is adequately
represented on another college transcript. The credit must be identifiable as AP, have a course
designation (e.g. ENGL1101), and credit hours (e.g. 3 credit hours). If UGA Admissions cannot
determine the course, hours, or if it is AP credit, the credit will be ignored.
Please confirm with the Registrar’s Office of your current school that the awarded AP credit will be
posted with course designation and hours on the official transcript. Many schools post AP credit
without course designations as a total number of hours awarded.
CLEP scores are not accepted by the University of Georgia. Experience (CLEP) and Departmental
Placement Credits awarded by other institutions are not used towards meeting admissions
After acceptance, students wishing to be awarded credit for experience or tests other than Advanced
Placement, International Baccalaureate, SAT or ACT may contact University Testing Services, or the
UGA department that offers the subject.
On this site you will find a link to a transfer planning worksheet. College transfer handbooks also list
priority courses and other important information for the majors that interest you. Please open the
fillable worksheet and the priority course lists that apply to the majors that interest you.
Once you have your planning worksheets open, you will need to go to The Transfer Equivalency Search
System and, when you have read the information page from Admissions you can begin your search
either by class or school. You will probably find it most efficient to search by institution. When
searching by institution, your search will look like this:
fice of Instruction
In this case, you will find all the courses that have been evaluated for equivalency listed by their
prefixes. Choose the prefix of the course you are researching and find it in the drop down list.
ote that the transferring course, BIOL 108 is the equivalent to UGA course ECOL 1000. Now go to
your planning worksheet and fill in the course number and the semester you plan to take it or have
taken it, credit hours and the area of core it fits into at your current institution, as follows:
Office of Instruction
Generally, courses designed to apply toward a bachelor’s degree at accredited institutions should
transfer and apply accordingly to a UGA bachelor’s degree. The UGA Department that offers the class a
student wishes to receive credit for is the evaluating authority on how a class may transfer. If your
institution is not listed on the transfer equivalency website, you will want to check the accreditation to
be sure your courses will be transferable. If the specific courses you’re interested in are not listed, it
may be that they have never been evaluated for UGA credit. When planning, you will want to compare
the UGA course description in the bulletin ( with your institution’s course description
to make the “best guess” for planning purposes. Courses will not be evaluated by UGA
departments in advance of admission.
Transfer planning can sometimes be a revealing process, as the student discovers what certain majors
actually require. It is always a good idea to make sure that you are suited to the major you have chosen.
UGA offers an extensive selection of majors, minors and certificate programs to explore. You can begin
at the Admissions’ majors page. Advisors in The Exploratory Center
are specially trained to help you
make course decisions while also exploring major possibilities. For further information about majors
visit the
UGA Bulletin. You will also find that departmental websites are excellent sources of
information about desired majors and projected schedules. Finally, UGA’s Career Center will provide
valuable information about majors, careers, possible internships and other opportunities.
Although a student may be tempted to complete as many requirements as possible at their first
institution, it is not always the ideal choice. Not only is the student adjusting to a new institution which
they may find more academically rigorous, but they are forced to take a heavy burden of upper division
major courses during the transition semester. When planning to transfer, it is a good idea to reserve a
few lighter course requirements and electives to create a balanced schedule for the first semester. The
transferring student also needs to be aware that their first choice in courses may not be available, since
native students will already have filled many open course sections prior to transfer orientation. Leaving
a few requirements open provides some backup course options. Minors and certificate programs can
also provide additional course options and provide the student flexibility in course selection. Links to
complete lists and descriptions of minors and certificate programs can be found on the Majors tab of
the Bulletin
If possible, we suggest you attend an Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Information Session in
Terrell Hall. These small, informal sessions will give you the opportunity to speak with a Transcript
Evaluator about our transfer process and policies. You may bring a copy of your unofficial transcripts
for a quick review and advisement on transferring credits. Sign up for a Transfer Information Session
Please note that UGA policies may differ from your previous institution. For example, UGA does not
practice grade forgiveness. Additionally, other policies, such as those governing withdrawals and
repeated courses may vary at UGA. See
General Academic Regulations and Information.