Microsoft 365 Admin Center
Surface Self-Service Repair
Global Admin: Add a User
Add a User
Not a global admin?
ONLY a Global Admin can create/manage users and their roles.
To contact a Global Admin about adding a user, follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the M365 Admin Center homepage, choose Users in the left-hand
2. From the drop-down options under Users, choose Active users.
3. Located in the options bar towards the middle of the screen, choose Filter.
4. From the list of Standard filters, choose Global Admins.
5. The users shown as a result of applying the filter are your Global admins.
6. Choose a user by clicking on their display name to view account details,
including their email address.
7. Email your global admin about adding a new user or giving you permissions to
do so
Add a User
More information about each role
Please visit Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center for more information. See image
to the right on where to go for specifics on admin role details.
M365 offers admins the ability to assign admin roles to users in your organization. Admin
roles are mapped to common business functions and gives people in your organization
the permissions to do specific tasks in the admin center.
The link above is also a great resource to learn more about admin center updates and
capabilities. Using the left-hand navigation, you can find information on the following to
assist you with adding/managing a user:
Assigning/Unassigning licenses to users
Changing a username and email address
Restoring a user
Guest users
Adding a guest to a M365 group
Add a User
Commonly assigned admin roles
Admin Roles
Global Admin: Assign to users who need global access to most management features
and data across Microsoft online services.
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Surface Device Repair Requests
Add/Edit/Delete Ship to Address(es)
Create/Manage users and their roles
Service Support Admin: Assign to users who need to open or manage service requests
and view or share message center posts.
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Surface Device Repair Requests
Billing Admin: Assign to users who need to make purchases, manage subscriptions,
manage support tickets, and monitor service health.
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Surface Device Repair Requests
Add/Edit/Delete Ship to address(es)
Global Reader Admin: Assign to users who need to view admin features and settings in
the admin center that the global admin can view.
User can:
View Repair Requests
1. Navigate to the M365 Admin Center homepage
and log-in using your account credentials.
2. Choose Home in the left-hand navigation.
3. Towards the middle of your screen, you will see
User management. Choose Add user
The ‘User management’ section may move
depending on the size and format of your
Add a User
The Homepage screen can also be used to review
active users, contacts, guest users, and deleted
users under Users in the left-hand navigation.
1. Fill out First and Last name, Display name, username. Domains is a
locked field that auto-fills based on the global admin's domain. Note:
Display name is required and will auto-fill using the first and last
name of the user.
2. Choose automatically create a password or create your own (uncheck
the box). Note: a strong password is required and must meet
3. Select either Require this user to change their password when they
first sign in OR Send password in email upon completion.
4. Choose Next
Add a User
Set up basics
If operating from a small screen or window, the navigation pane (seen on
the left in this image) can be found at the top of the screen.
1. Under Select location, choose the country in which the Service support admin
or Billing admin will be operating in.
2. Under Licenses, choose Create user without product license. A license is not
required to be assigned an admin role.
3. Choose Next
Add a User
Assign Licenses
If operating from a small screen or window, the navigation pane (seen on the left in
this image) can be found at the top of the screen.
1. Under Optional settings, choose Roles.
2. From the items listed in the dropdown, choose the admin role for the user. If the
role you are looking for is not present, choose Show all by category.
(Note: see below for details on most commonly assigned admin roles)
3. Do not choose Next. See instructions on the next slide for listing Profile
Add a User
If operating from a small screen or window, the navigation pane (seen on
the left in this image) can be found at the top of the screen.
Global Admin: Assign to users who need global access to most management features and data across Microsoft online services.
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Repair Requests
Add/Edit/Delete Ship to Address(es)
Create/Manage users and their roles
Service Support Admin: Assign to users who need to open or manage service requests and view or share message center posts.
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Repair Requests
Billing Admin: Assign to users who need to make purchases, manage subscriptions, manage support tickets, and monitor service
User can:
View Repair Requests
Create/Manage Repair Requests
Add/Edit/Delete Ship to address(es)
Global Reader Admin: Assign to users who need to view admin features and settings in the admin center that the global admin can
User can:
View Repair Requests
1. Fill in Profile information (Note: All information is not required but is
beneficial for the admin users' profile)
2. Review information entered. This information will be listed on the new admin
user's profile.
3. Choose Next
Add a User
If operating from a small screen or window, the navigation pane (seen on
the left in this image) can be found at the top of the screen.
1. Review all information before adding
admin user
2. Choose Finish adding
Add a User
Admin user role and profile information can be edited by Global admin after you finish
setting up the new user profile.
To confirm that the user has been added, go back to the homepage and click Users from
the navigation pane, then choose Active Users.
The new user should be listed using the profile information you provided and should
immediately be able to access the admin center.
Having trouble getting started?
Type “add user” in the search bar (see image). From
here you can:
Manage user templates: quickly add new users
with a saved configuration. (Best)
Add a user: jump straight to setting up a new
user (Better)
Add a guest user: takes you to the Azure add
admin user webpage (Good)
Add a User
Additional information
Add a User
Helpful Links and Resources
Contact support
For more information about adding an admin user for your business, please visit Add users and assign licenses at the same time. Here you can find helpful resources for the following:
How to create a template and save configuration
Adding users one at a time
Adding multiple users at a time
Next steps after you have added an admin user
For more information about adding licenses to admin users, please visit Assign licenses to users. Here you can find helpful resources for the following:
Information needed to get started
Where to go to assign licenses
Assign license to one user
Assign licenses to multiple users
For more information about changing a username and email address, please visit Change a username and email address. Her you can find helpful resources for the following:
Change an admin users email address
Set a primary email address
Change an admin user’s display name
Frequently asked questions