16 DECEMBER 2010
Certify Current, 7 January 2015
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Supersedes: AFI 36-2707, 1 May 1998
Certified by: AF/A1Q
(Mr. Dwayne E. Walker)
Pages: 14
This instruction establishes and outlines procedures for prohibiting discrimination based on race,
color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, and genetic information in the Department of
the Air Force programs that are either receiving Federal financial assistance (aid, loans, grants)
disbursed by the Air Force or programs conducted by the Air Force. It applies to all Air Force
activities including the U.S. Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard units and members.
This instruction implements Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (the ―Act‖),
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, DoD Directives 1020.1, 31 March 1982, 5500.11,
27 May 1971, and 1350.2, 15 Aug 1995, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-27, Equal Opportunity,
22 May 2009, and other applicable law or regulation. Discrimination complaints filed by
Department of the Air Force civilians or applicants for employment regarding federally assisted
programs are processed according to this instruction. However, complaints by Air Force civilians
or applicants for employment, concerning employment or personnel matters or discrimination
complaints filed by military personnel are processed according to the procedures in Air Force
Instruction (AFI) 36-2706, Equal Opportunity Program. This instruction will be implemented to
the greatest extent possible for Air National Guard personnel and United States Air Force
Reserve personnel not on extended active duty (including Active Guard and Reserve (AGR)
personnel through appropriate Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve directives. Ensure that
all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in
accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of
in accordance with Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records
Disposition Schedule (RDS) located at
2 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
This revision clarifies and updates general Air Force instructions and procedures prohibiting
unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, and
genetic information in programs and activities either assisted or conducted by the Department of
the Air Force; updates responsibilities for implementation of this instruction; provides guidance
and procedures for processing discrimination complaints for military and civilian personnel in
programs and activities assisted or conducted by the Department of the Air Force; revises
functional terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, glossary of references, and terms related to
Federal financial assistance and programs impacting people with disabilities. Table A3.1.
outlines functional agency responsibility and guidance for handling complaints.
Section AGeneral Information
1. Air Force Nondiscrimination Policy.
1.1. Air Force Nondiscrimination Policy. It is Air Force policy that no person shall be
excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information
(except as prescribed by statute or policy consistent with statute) under any program or
activity either conducted by the Air Force, or receiving Federal financial assistance disbursed
by the Air Force.
1.2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI, provides that no person in the United States
shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, denied
the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal assistance.
1.3. DoD Directive 5500.11, Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs, 27 May
1971, is the basic implementing directive for DoD compliance with the Civil Rights Act of
1964, Title VI.
1.3.1. DoD Directive 1020.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally
Assisted or Conducted Programs and Activities, Conducted by the Department of
Defense, 31 March 1982, is the basic implementing directive for DoD compliance with
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504. Individual discrimination complaints by Air
Force appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees or applicants for employment
concerning employment issues and alleging violations of section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are processed under the procedures outlined in AFI 36-2706.
1.4. This instruction implements Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and DoD Directives 5500.11, 27 May
1971, 1020.1, 31 March 1982, and 1350.2, 18 Aug 1995, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other applicable law or
1.5. The Air Force will conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination. It provides
equal opportunity for all members irrespective of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, disability, or genetic information (except as prescribed by statute or policy consistent
with statute).
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 3
1.6. Whenever unlawful discrimination practices are found, the Air Force will immediately
take action to address the inequities and ensure channels are available to air complaints
without fear of reprisal.
1.7. This instruction establishes, and outlines guidance prohibiting discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information in the
Department of the Air Force. It applies to programs either receiving Federal financial
assistance disbursed by the Air Force, or programs conducted by the Air Force. These
programs apply to all Air Force activities including the U.S. Air Force Reserve and National
Guard units and members.
Section BProhibitions
2. Specific Prohibitions: No Air Force program or recipient of Federal assistance disbursed
through the Air Force may, whether directly or through contractual, licensing, or other
arrangements on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic
information (except where otherwise permitted by law):
2.1. Deny a person any service, aid, or other benefit provided by the program.
2.1.1. Intimidation or Retaliatory Acts Prohibited. No recipient or other person shall
intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of
interfering with any right or privilege secured by section 601 of the Act or this instruction
because he or she has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner
in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this instruction. The identity of the
complainants shall not be disclosed except when necessary to carry out the purpose of
this instruction, including the conduct of investigations, hearings or judicial proceedings.
2.1.2. Use of Illegal Drugs. This instruction does not prohibit discrimination against an
individual based on that individual's current illegal use of drugs.
2.2. Provide a person any service, aid, or other benefit that is different from and not
equivalent to that provided to others under the program, unless such action is necessary to
provide a qualified individual with a disability with an aid, benefit or service that is equal to
that provided to others.
2.3. Restrict a person in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others
receiving any service, aid, or benefit provided by the program, or afford a qualified
individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or
service that is not equal to that afforded to others.
2.4. Subject a person to segregation in any manner, or to separate treatment in any way
related to receiving services or benefits through the program.
2.4.1. Segregation based on sex is permissible where consistent with Federal law.
2.5. A recipient may not choose a site or the location of a facility that has the purpose or
effect of excluding individuals or subjecting them to discrimination on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.
4 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
Section CScope
3. Scope of This Instruction: This Instruction applies within the United States, including the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Wake Island, the
Canal Zone, and the territories and possessions of the United States. It applies to:
3.1. The Air National Guard per Title 32, United States Code, Sections 101-716 (1976 and
Supplement III, 1979.
3.2. The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) per Title 10, United States Code, Section 9441 (1976 and
Supp IV 1980).
3.3. Those programs specified in DoD Directive 5500.11, Appendix A, and DoD Directive
1020.1, involving the loan or disposition of surplus property.
3.4. Those programs included in DoD Directive 5500.11 and DoD Directive 1020.1,
involving research grants made under the authority of Federal law.
3.5. Programs or activities conducted by the Department of the Air Force not specifically
covered in AFPD 36-27 Equal Opportunity and AFI 36-2706, Equal Opportunity Program.
3.6. This instruction applies to Department of the Air Force civilian employees and, in
discrimination matters, to applicants for employment regarding Federally assisted or
conducted programs. Programs that receive Federal financial assistance are governed by this
Section DResponsibilities
4. Responsibilities Assigned: This instruction establishes the following responsibilities and
4.1. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR)
is the Responsible Department Official (RDO) to implement this instruction and DoD
Directive(s) 5500.11 and 1020.1 as they apply to the Civil Air Patrol (CAP). SAF/MR
approval is required before any policy change or revision is made to this instruction.
4.2. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel (AF/A1) has overall
responsibility for implementing this instruction and DoD Directive(s) 5500.11 and 1020.1 as
they apply to civilian employment under programs assisted or conducted by the Air Force, as
well as to schools operated by the Air Force in the United States.
4.3. The Air Force General Counsel (SAF/GC) advises the Secretary of the Air Force in all
matters covered by this instruction and advises SAF/MR and AF/A1 on matters of policy and
law concerning this instruction. The Deputy General Counsel for Fiscal and Administrative
Law (SAF/GCA) is the OPR for providing GC legal support as described herein.
4.4. The Judge Advocate General (AF/JA) provides legal advice, coordination, and litigation
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 5
4.5. The Chief of Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) is designated the RDO to develop specific
programs for the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) personnel and provide oversight in
support of Air Force policies.
4.6. The Chief National Guard Bureau (NGB/CF) is designated as the RDO to implement
this instruction and DoD Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1 in the Air National Guard.
4.7. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support (AF/A4/7) is
designated as the RDO to implement this instruction and DoD Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1
as they apply to those programs involving the loan or other disposition of surplus personal
property to non-federal agencies or activities (See DoD Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1).
4.8. The Commander, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC/CC) is designated as the RDO
to monitor, and when necessary, investigate compliance with this instruction and DoD
Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1 as they apply to those Air Force Materiel Command managed
programs involving loans, transfers, and research grants, made under the authority of public
4.9. AF/A4/7 is designated as the RDO to implement this instruction and DoD Directives
5500.11 and 1020.1 as they apply to those programs involving the loan, transfer, lease of real
property installed equipment and facilities, and historic buildings and properties maintained
by the Air Force.
4.10. The Surgeon General (AF/SG) implements this instruction and DoD Directive 1020.1
as they apply to providing specialized medical support in Air Force medical facilities.
4.11. The Director of Public Affairs (SAF/PA) ensures the implementation of this instruction
and DoD Directive 1020.1 as they apply to ensuring accessibility for individuals with
disabilities to public and community activities and meetings.
4.12. The Warfighting Integration & Chief Information Officer (SAF/XC) implements this
instruction and DoD Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1 as they apply to promulgation of rules
and regulations for public comment in a manner that offers individuals with disabilities a
reasonable opportunity for such participation in such promulgation.
4.13. Major Commands develop, establish, maintain and implement this instruction and DoD
Directives 5500.11, and 1020.1 as they apply to providing oversight, implementation, data
collection and reporting of information regarding support of Air Force Federally assisted or
conducted programs.
4.14. Installation/center commanders (directors) are responsible for implementing this
instruction and ensuring discrimination complaints falling under the purview of this
instruction are referred and reported through appropriate channels to Air Force Equal
Opportunity (EO) Office (AF/A1Q).
6 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
Section EOversight and Channels for Processing Complaints
5. Complaints Processing Information Requirements: Process complaints by persons who
believe they have been discriminated against in programs and activities assisted or conducted by
the Department of the Air Force according to Table A3.1. Responsible agencies must provide a
summary of complaints pertaining to programs and activities receiving Federal financial
assistance disbursed through Air Force channels to the AF EO Office, (AF/A1Q), along with
periodic updates as necessary to ensure current status is recorded.
5.1. AF/A1Q is the designated OPR for oversight of discrimination complaints that fall
under the purview of this instruction and must be advised of all violations pertaining to
Federally assisted programs. Further, they will maintain records and coordinate responses
through the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD (P&R)) for
programs and activities assisted by the Department of the Air Force.
5.2. Complaints by Air Force civilians or applicants regarding employment or personnel
matters (Appropriated and Non-appropriated fund employees) are processed according to
AFI 36-2706, Equal Opportunity Program, AFI 36-1202, Labor Management Relations, AFI
36-1203, Grievance Procedures, 29 CFR part 1614, and local Negotiated Grievance
Procedures (NGP) where applicable.
5.2.1. Air Force civilians who believe they have been discriminated against in programs
or activities assisted or conducted by the Air Force in non-employment matters will
process their complaints according to this instruction.
5.3. Active duty military members will process discrimination complaints in accordance
with AFI 36-2706.
5.4. The policies in this instruction will be implemented to the greatest extent possible for
Air National Guard (ANG) personnel and United States Air Force Reserve personnel not on
extended active duty (including AGR personnel) through appropriate Air National Guard and
AF Reserve directives.
5.5. The installation/center-level EO Office will forward complaints filed by private sector
civilians to AF/A1Q for immediate staffing and processing. The procedures outlined in AFI
36-2706 do not apply.
5.6. This instruction interfaces with AFPD 36-27, Equal Opportunity Program AFI 36-701,
Labor Management Relations, AFI 36-1203, Administrative Grievance System, and AFI 36-
2706, Equal Opportunity Program, and with applicable NGP.
Section FCompliance and Program Additions
6. Program Status Compliance. AF/A1Q periodically accomplishes notification to the OSD
(P&R) or the designated representative. Upon notification to an applicant or recipient of a
finding of noncompliance, agencies who administer Federal financial assistance programs, as
noted, provide information to AF/A1Q on the basis of the complaint and the nature of the
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 7
6.1. Procedures for Additional Programs.
6.1.1. Air Force officials who are authorized to approve Federal financial assistance as
defined in DoD Directives 1020.1 and 5500.11 must periodically review those programs
within their approval authority and report to AF/A1Q any programs not previously
identified. For each newly established program, the following information is required: A brief description of the new program. The assistance provided. The appropriate DoD or Air Force directive, instruction, or authority
governing each new program. The statutory authority, if known.
Section GCompliance
7. Assurances of Compliance:
7.1. A sample assurance form is at Attachment 2. Modifications to this form may be made to
satisfy the peculiar requirements of a specific program.
7.2. Hearing Examiner Grade Requirements. When hearings are required per DoD Directive
5500.11, Air Force hearing examiners must be judge advocates in the grade of major or
above. Civilian employees who work in attorney positions and are in grades GS-13 or above
may serve as hearing examiners.
7.3. Decisions Requiring DoD Approval. Those decisions specified in DoD Directive
5500.11, requiring Department of Defense approval must be sent directly to AF/A1Q, for
forwarding through the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense (Force Management and Personnel).
Section HAccessibility
8. Program Accessibility:
8.1. Transition plan for structural changes. When applicable, responsible Air Force
agencies/officials identified in section D must review their areas of responsibility and
determine if structural changes are required per DoD Directive 1020.1. Results of these
reviews must be reported to AF/A1Q. If structural changes are found to be necessary,
AF/A1Q, in coordination with appropriate agencies, must develop a transition plan with the
assistance of the responsible agencies or components. Per DoD Directive 1020.1, this plan
must outline steps necessary to effect the required changes.
8.2. Historic Properties and Military Museums. In accordance with this instruction, the
AF/A4/7, in coordination with AF/HO, must develop a plan for compliance with program
accessibility requirements as outlined in DoD Directive 1020.1. All Air Force museums are
subject to this instruction.
8 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
8.3. Reasonable Accommodation or Reasonable Modification Requirements. Send requests
for modification of reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification requirements
through command channels to AF/A1Q. These requests must be based on demonstration of
undue hardship on the operation of an applicable program, per DoD Directive 1020.1.
8.4. Ensuring Compliance
8.4.1. Required Assurances. AF/4/7, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for
Installations, Environment and Logistics (SAF/IE), and AFMC/CC, or their designated
representatives, must require applicable recipients of Federal financial assistance to file
written assurances that their programs or activities will be conducted according to this
instruction and DoD Directive 1020.1. They must also require recipients to designate a
responsible official to coordinate compliance requirements and implementation of any
necessary supplementary guidelines.
8.4.2. Investigations. The RDO will make a prompt investigation whenever a compliance
review, report, complaint, or any other information indicates a possible failure to comply
with this instruction. The investigation should include, where appropriate, a review of the
pertinent practices and policies of the recipient, the circumstances under which the
possible non-compliance with this instruction occurred, and other factors relevant to a
determination of whether the recipient has failed to comply with this instruction.
8.5. Self Evaluation and Consultation With Interested Persons or Organizations.
8.5.1. AF/A4/7, SAF/IE, and AFMC/CC, or their designees must require applicable
recipients to conduct the self evaluations as required by DoD Directive 1020.1.
8.5.2. Dissemination of Information. Designated RDOs must ensure that applicable recipients of Federal financial
assistance carry out the information dissemination requirements of DoD Directive
1020.1 and this instruction. Notifications must be made by recipients as required by
DoD Directive 1020.1.
8.6. Compliance Reviews
8.6.1. Designated RDOs must determine the compliance of applicable recipients of
Federal financial assistance as described in DoD Directive 1020.1. A post approval
review of each recipient must also be conducted according to DoD Directive 1020.1.
DCS, Manpower and Personnel
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 9
Attachment 1
Public Law 88-352, Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d, et seq.)
Section 504, Public Law 93-112, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794)
Section III, Public Law 93-516, Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1974
Section 119, Public Law 95-602, Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services and Developmental
Disabilities Amendment of 1978
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Pub. L. 94135 (42 USC 6101, et seq.)
Department of Justice Regulation, Implementation of Executive Order 12250, Nondiscrimination
on the Basis of Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs, 11 Aug 81 (28 CFR 41)
DoD Directives 5500.11, 1020.1, 1020.02 and 1350.2
Air Force Policy Directive 36-27
Air Force Instruction 36-2706
Air National Guard Regulation 30-12
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Regulation 39-1
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AGRActive Guard and Reserve
ANGAir National Guard
CAPCivil Air Patrol
CECivil Engineering
DoDDepartment of Defense
DOJDepartment of Justice
EEOEqual Employment Opportunity
EOTEqual Opportunity and Treatment
FM& PForce Mgt and Personnel
FOAField Operating Agency
ICInstallation Commander
10 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
MAJCOMMajor Command
NAFNon-appropriated funds
NGBNational Guard Bureau
OCROffice of Collateral Responsibility
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
PAPrivacy Act
PAOPublic Affairs Office
RDOResponsible Department Official
SGSurgeon General
USCUnited States Code
Applicantany entity that files an application or unsolicited proposal or otherwise requests
Federal financial assistance from the Air Force.
ComplainantAny person who believes him/herself, or any specific class of individuals, to
have been subjected to discrimination prohibited by this instruction may, by themselves or by a
representative, file with the responsible Department official a written complaint. A complaint
must be filed within 90 days from the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing
is extended by a ―Responsible Department Official.‖
FacilityAll, or any portion of buildings, structures, equipment, roads, walks, parking lots, or
other real or personal property, or any interest in such property. The term "facility" includes all
or any portion of structures, equipment, or other real or personal property or interests therein, and
the provision of facilities includes the construction, expansion, renovation, remodeling,
alteration, or acquisition of facilities.
Federal Financial AssistanceA grant, loan, contract (other than a procurement contract or a
contract of insurance or guarantee), or other arrangement by which the Federal government
provides, or otherwise makes assistance available in any of these forms:
1. Funds.
2. Services performed by Federal personnel, such as providing technical assistance,
counseling, training, and provision of statistical or expert information.
3. Real and personal property and the interest in, or use of this property. The interest or use of
such property includes: the transfers or leases of such property for less than fair market value,
or for reduced consideration for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or in recognition of the
public interest to be served by such sale or lease to the recipient; and the proceeds from a
subsequent transfer or lease of this property if the Federal share of its fair market value is not
returned to the Federal government.
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 11
Individual with a DisabilityA person who has a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment or is
regarded as having such an impairment. This term is further defined in regulations of the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, found at 29 CFR Part 1630.
Historic PropertiesThose properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places.
Qualified Individual with a DisabilityAn individual with a disability who, with or without
reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural,
communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets
the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or
activities provided.
RecipientAny state or political subdivision or instrumentality thereof, any public or private
agency, institution, organization, or other entity, or any person that receives Federal financial
assistance directly or through another recipient, including any successor, assignee, or transferee
of a recipient, but not the ultimate beneficiary of the assistance. The term includes persons and
entities applying to be recipients.
Responsible Department Officialswith respect to any program receiving Federal financial
assistance means the official of the Department who by law or by delegation has the principal
authority within the Department for the administration of a law extending Federal financial
assistance. It also means any officials designated by due delegation of authority to act in such
capacity with regard to any program under this Instruction.
Substantial impairmentA significant loss of the integrity of finished materials, design
quality, or special character resulting from a permanent alteration.
12 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
Attachment 2
(Name of applicant-recipient) (herein called "Applicant-Recipient") HEREBY AGREES THAT
it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, all requirements imposed by or pursuant to
Department of Defense Directives 5500.11 and 1020.1, and all requirements of Air Force
Instruction 36-2707. In accordance with the above referenced statutes and regulations, no person
will be excluded on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or
genetic information from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity for which the (Applicant-Recipient) receives
Federal financial assistance from the Department of the Air Force, and HEREBY GIVES
ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this
agreement. If any personal property or real property, or interest therein, is provided or improved
with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the (Applicant-Recipient) by the
Department of the Air Force, or if such assistance is in the form of personal property or real
property, or interest therein or structure thereon, then this assurance shall obligate the
(Applicant-Recipient) or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the
period during which the property is used for a purpose for which Federal financial assistance is
extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, or for the
period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property, whichever is longer. In
all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the (Applicant-Recipient) for the period during
which the Federal financial assistance is extended by the Department of the Air Force.
This assurance is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal
grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts, or other Federal financial assistance extended after
the date hereof to the (Applicant-Recipient) by the Department of the Air Force, including
installment payments after such date on account of arrangements for Federal financial assistance
which were approved before such date. The (Applicant-Recipient) recognizes and agrees that
such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representation and
agreement made in this assurance, and that the United States will have the right to seek judicial
enforcement of this assurance. In the event that any complaint alleging discrimination based on
race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or genetic information is received by the
(Applicant-Recipient), the (Applicant-Recipient) assures that it will notify the Department of the
Air Force of the complaint within ten (10) duty days of its receipt.
AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010 13
THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the (Applicant-Recipient), its successors, transferees, and
assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this
assurance on behalf of the (Applicant-Recipient).
DATED: ________________________________________________________
By _________________________________________
14 AFI36-2707 16 DECEMBER 2010
Attachment 3
Table A3.1. Determining Complaint Processing Responsibilities and Disposition for
Programs and Activities Assisted or Conducted by the Department of the Air Force.
If the complaint alleges discrimination
based on race, color, national origin, sex,
age, religion, disability, or genetic
information involving
The Air National Guard
see Air National Guard Regulation 30-12
The Civil Air Patrol
see Civil Air Patrol Regulation 39-1
the loan or other disposition of surplus
property to a non-federal agency or activity
as defined in paragraph 1-4b(b3)(a) for
personal property(b) for real property
forward a letter with complete details within
180 days of the alleged discrimination to:
HQ USAF/ ILS, 1030 Air Force Pentagon,
Wash DC 20330-1030
HQ USAF/ILE, 1260 Air Force Pentagon,
Wash DC 20330-1260
research grants made under the authority of
Public Law 85-934 as defined in paragraph
forward a letter with complete details within
180 days of the alleged discrimination to:
Commander, AFMC, 4375 Chidlaw Rd., Ste
l, WPAFB, Ohio 45433-5001
any Air Force administered federally
assisted or conducted program not covered
in rules 1-4 or in AFI 36-2706, and covered
by AFI 36-2706
forward a letter with complete details within
180 days of the alleged discrimination to:
AF/A1Q, 1040 Air Force Pentagon, Wash
DC 20330-1040