4 JANUARY 2024
Special Management
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OPR: SAF/IGQ Certified by: SAF/IG
(Col Ian M. Dinesen)
Supersedes: AFI90-301, 28 December 2018 Pages: 196
This instruction implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive (DAFPD) 90-3,
Inspector General. This publication applies to all Regular Air Force (RegAF) and United States
Space Force (USSF) personnel, Department of the Air Force civilian employees, Air Force
Reserve (AFR) personnel, Air National Guard (ANG) personnel, and the Civil Air Patrol when
conducting missions as the official Air Force Auxiliary. Failure to observe the prohibition against
reprisal in paragraph 5.2. or the prohibitions against restriction in paragraph 6.2. by Regular Air
Force military members, Air Force Reserve military members on active duty or inactive duty for
training, and Air National Guard military members in Title 10 status is a violation of Article 92 of
the Uniform Code of Military Justice or Article 132 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Department of the Air Force civilian employees who violate these provisions are subject to
administrative or disciplinary action. Air National Guard personnel not in federal status are subject
to their respective state military code or applicable administrative actions, as appropriate. This
instruction assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for reporting and processing all
allegations or adverse information of any kind against Department of the Air Force senior officials
and Department of the Air Force officers and complaints involving allegations of reprisal or
restriction. This instruction requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected
by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Title 5 United States Code (USC) Section 552a, Title 10
United States Code Section 9013 and Title 10 United States Code Section 9020. The applicable
System of Records Notice (SORN) F090 AF IG B, Inspector General Records is available at: In implementing this instruction, Inspectors
General (IGs) may collect and maintain this information. The reporting requirements in this
instruction are exempt from licensing in accordance with Air Force Instruction (AFI) 33-324, The
2 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Air Force Information Collections and Reports Management Program. Refer recommended
changes and questions about this publication to the office of primary responsibility (OPR) using
the DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the
field through the appropriate major command (MAJCOM) or field command (FLDCOM) IG.
Ensure all records generated as a result of processes prescribed in this publication adhere Air Force
Instruction 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, and are disposed
in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is located in the Air Force
Records Information Management System. Major commands (MAJCOMs), field commands
(FLDCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs), direct reporting units (DRUs) or equivalent may
supplement this instruction. However, any supplement must be submitted to and approved by
Secretary of the Air Force, Office of The Inspector General, Complaints Resolution Directorate
(SAF/IGQ). The authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified
with a tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See Department of
the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, for a description
of the authorities associated with the tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain
of command to the appropriate tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the publication
OPR for non-tired compliance items. SAF/IGQ is the waiver approving authority for non-tiered
requirements in this publication. Compliance with attachments is mandatory. For the purpose of
this instruction, the term: “reprisal” refers to retaliatory actions against a military member
prohibited by Title 10 United States Code Section 1034, unless modified by the term “civilian” or
referencing Title 5 United States Code Section 2302(b); “MAJCOM” includes the Air Force
District of Washington (AFDW); wings include Space Force Deltas, independent groups; days
are calendar days unless otherwise specified. Additionally, for purposes of this instruction,
commander is as defined in AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption of Command.
This publication has been substantially revised and needs to be completely reviewed. Major
changes include the inclusion of US Space Force and updated National Guard responsibilities;
updates guidance on reporting complaints against colonels; adds the IG oath; clarifies procedures
when there is a perceived conflict of interest; introduces the “tentative conclusion letter” and
associated procedures for all investigations recommending a substantiated finding; updates
collection, notification and reporting of adverse information; creates processes for screening IG
records for the Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) as well as
personnel selected for IG positions; clarifies and updates procedures for addressing Department of
Defense Hotlines cases; clarifies and updates procedures for marking IG records, responding to
official use and Freedom of Information Act requests. Adds reporting and tracking requirements
of William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year
2021, Section 554.
Section 1AThe Department of the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Resolution Program 12
1.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 12
1.2. The IG Complaints Resolution Program. ................................................................. 12
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1.3. Relationships Within the IG System. ....................................................................... 12
Section 1BAuthority of The Inspector General (TIG) of the Department of the Air Force 13
1.4. Delegated Statutory Authority. ................................................................................ 13
1.5. Investigations not Covered by the Authority of the IG System. .............................. 13
1.6. Authority to Direct Investigations. .......................................................................... 13
1.7. Authority to Conduct Investigations. ....................................................................... 14
1.8. Authorized IG Positions. .......................................................................................... 14
1.9. Authority for IG Access to Records/Documents. .................................................... 14
Section 1CThe Department of the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Resolution Program
(CRP) 15
1.10. Program Benefits. .................................................................................................... 15
1.11. Mission Focus. ......................................................................................................... 15
Section 1DRoles and Responsibilities 16
1.12. SAF/IG Responsibilities. ......................................................................................... 16
1.13. SAF/IGQ Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 17
1.14. SAF/IGS Responsibilities. ....................................................................................... 18
1.15. SAF/IGX Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 19
1.16. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, Component, JFHQ, FOA, and DRU IG
Responsibilities. ....................................................................................................... 19
1.17. Deployed Forces. ..................................................................................................... 21
1.18. Center/Host/Wing/Delta IG Responsibilities. .......................................................... 22
1.19. Judge Advocates (JA) at every level assist IGs by: ................................................. 25
1.20. The Judge Advocate General (AF/JA) assists SAF/IG by: ...................................... 25
1.21. The General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/GC) assists
SAF/IG by: ............................................................................................................... 26
1.22. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1) assists
SAF/IG by: ............................................................................................................... 26
1.23. Equal Opportunity (EO) Office personnel at every level assist IGs by: .................. 27
1.24. The Secretary of the Air Force, Legislative Liaison, Congressional
Correspondence Division (SAF/LLC) assists SAF/IG by: ...................................... 27
1.25. The Department of the Air Force Inspection Agency (DAFIA) supports SAF/IG
by: ............................................................................................................................ 28
1.26. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) supports SAF/IG by: ...... 28
1.27. The Air Force Audit Agency (AFAA) assists SAF/IG by: ...................................... 29
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1.28. The Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Public Affairs (SAF/PA). ...................... 29
1.29. The Headquarters Air Force Directorate of Security Forces (AF/A4S) assists
SAF/IG by: ............................................................................................................... 29
1.30. The Surgeon General of the Air Force (AF/SG) assists SAF/IG by: ....................... 30
1.31. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management
and Comptroller) (SAF/FM): ................................................................................... 30
1.32. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force-Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Air
Force Civilian Appellate Review Office (SAF/MRBA) (also referred to as
AFCARO) assists SAF/IG by: ................................................................................. 30
1.33. The Vice Chief of Staff, Executive Talent Management (AF/A1L) assists
SAF/IG by: ............................................................................................................... 30
Section 1EThe Wing IG Program 31
1.34. Wing/Delta IG Program Background. ..................................................................... 31
1.35. Establishment of the Wing/Delta IG Program. ........................................................ 31
1.36. Wing/Delta IG Organization. ................................................................................... 31
1.37. Assigning Additional Duties to IGs. ........................................................................ 32
Section 1FCommanders and the Inspector General Program 32
1.38. How the IG System Helps the Commander. ............................................................ 32
1.39. Roles of the IG in Relation to the Commander. ....................................................... 32
1.40. Commander Support of the IG System. ................................................................... 33
1.41. Commander Directed Investigations (CDIs). .......................................................... 34
Section 1GAdministering the IG Complaints Resolution Program 34
1.42. Administrative Procedure. ....................................................................................... 34
1.43. Data Management. ................................................................................................... 35
Section 1HTraining Requirements 36
1.44. IG Training Requirements. ...................................................................................... 36
Section 1IWear of the Inspector General Badge 37
1.45. Department of the Air Force Inspector General Duty Badge. ................................. 37
1.46. Wear Criteria. ........................................................................................................... 37
Section 1JEducation of Department of the Air Force Personnel 37
1.47. Educating Department of the Air Force Personnel on the IG System. .................... 37
1.48. IG Oath. ................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 1.1. Oath for personnel assigned to the IG. ..................................................................... 38
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Section 2AFiling a Complaint 39
2.1. Procedure for Filing an IG Complaint. .................................................................... 39
2.2. Approval of Official Travel to Submit Complaints. ................................................ 39
2.3. Complaints Resolved Through Other Agencies and Grievance Channels. .............. 40
Section 2B—Complainant’s Rights and Responsibilities 40
2.4. Complainant’s Rights. ............................................................................................. 40
2.5. Complainants’ Responsibilities. .............................................................................. 42
2.6. Removing Complaints from the IG System. ............................................................ 43
2.7. Requests to Delay Command or Personnel Actions. ............................................... 43
Section 2CHow to File an IG Complaint 44
2.8. Procedures for Filing an IG Complaint. ................................................................... 44
Table 2.1. How to File a Complaint. ......................................................................................... 44
Section 3AIntroduction to the Complaints Resolution Process 46
3.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 46
3.2. Protection of Information. ........................................................................................ 46
3.3. Procedures for Managing IG Complaints. ............................................................... 47
3.4. The Complaint Resolution Process. ......................................................................... 48
Table 3.1. The Complaint Resolution Process (T-1). ............................................................... 48
Section 3BStep 1: Contact (< 5 Days) 49
3.5. Procedure for Receiving Complaints. ...................................................................... 49
Table 3.2. Processing Complaints. ............................................................................................ 49
3.6. Higher Headquarters Taskings. ................................................................................ 50
3.7. Complaint Intake Procedures. .................................................................................. 50
Table 3.3. How to Conduct a Complaint Intake. ...................................................................... 50
Table 3.4. How to Conduct a Complaint Clarification. ............................................................ 52
Section 3C—Step 2: Analysis (≤ 20 Days) Conducting a Complaint Analysis 53
3.8. Procedure for Complaint Analysis. .......................................................................... 53
3.9. Conducting a Complaint Analysis. .......................................................................... 53
3.10. Complaint Analysis Procedures. .............................................................................. 54
Table 3.5. How to Conduct a Complaint Analysis. .................................................................. 54
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3.11. Documenting a Complaint Analysis. ....................................................................... 54
3.12. Processing Allegations/Issues of a Special Nature. ................................................. 55
Table 3.6. Processing Special Interest Complaints. (T-1) ......................................................... 55
3.13. Other Agencies and Grievance Channels. ............................................................... 62
Table 3.7. Other Agencies and Grievance Channels. ............................................................... 62
Section 3D—Step 3: Tasking: Transfer, Assist, Refer, Dismiss, or Investigate (≤ 5 Days) 68
3.14. Transferring a Complaint. ........................................................................................ 68
Table 3.8. When to Transfer A Complaint to Another Department of the Air Force IG (T-1) 68
3.15. Procedures for Transferring a Complaint. ............................................................... 69
Table 3.9. How to Transfer a Complaint (T-1). ........................................................................ 69
3.16. Procedures When Another Appeal or Grievance Channel Exists. ........................... 70
3.17. Assisting a Complainant. ......................................................................................... 70
3.18. Procedures for Assisting a Complainant. ................................................................. 70
Table 3.10. How to Assist a Complainant (T-3). ........................................................................ 70
3.19. Referring a Complaint. ............................................................................................ 71
3.19. 1. .............................................................................................................................. 71
Table 3.11. ................................................................................................................................. 71
3.20. Procedures for Referring a Complaint. .................................................................... 71
Table 3.12. How to Refer a Complaint (T-1). ............................................................................. 71
3.21. Dismissing a Complaint. .......................................................................................... 73
Table 3.13. When to Dismiss a Complaint (T-1). ....................................................................... 73
3.22. How to Dismiss a Complaint. .................................................................................. 76
Table 3.14. How to Dismiss a Complaint (T-1). ......................................................................... 76
Section 4AProcedures for Initiating an Investigation 77
4.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 77
4.2. Investigating a Complaint. ....................................................................................... 77
4.3. Procedures for Conducting Investigations. .............................................................. 77
4.4. Procedures for Tasking an Investigation. ................................................................. 77
Table 4.1. How to Task an Investigation (T-1). ........................................................................ 78
4.5. Notification Requirements for Investigations. ......................................................... 78
Table 4.2. Notification Matrix for Investigations. (Complaint Analysis and Investigation
Phases) (T-1) ............................................................................................................ 78
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Section 4BStep 4: Pre-fact Finding (≤ 5 Days, see Table 3.1) 79
4.6. Procedures for Appointing an Investigating Officer (IO). ....................................... 79
4.7. How to Appoint an Investigating Officer. ............................................................... 80
4.8. Requirements for Investigation Preparation. ........................................................... 80
Section 4C—Step 5: Fact Finding (≤ 21 Days) 81
4.9. IG Responsibilities. .................................................................................................. 81
4.10. Responsibilities of IOs. ............................................................................................ 81
4.11. Gathering Evidence. ................................................................................................. 82
4.12. Interviewing Witnesses. ........................................................................................... 83
4.13. Persons Present During an Interview. ...................................................................... 85
4.14. Civilian Employees Represented by Unions. ........................................................... 86
4.15. Procedures Regarding Rights Advisements. ............................................................ 86
4.16. Procedures Regarding Subject/Suspect/Witness Hand-offs. ................................... 88
Section 4D—Step 6: Writing the Report (≤ 34 Days) 89
4.17. Standard of Proof. .................................................................................................... 89
4.18. Analyzing the Evidence. .......................................................................................... 90
4.19. Category of Findings. .............................................................................................. 90
4.20. Procedures Regarding Report Writing. .................................................................... 90
4.21. Case File Format. ..................................................................................................... 91
4.22. Reporting Requirements Periodic Updates (PU). .................................................... 92
Section 4E—Step 7: IG Quality Review (≤ 7 Days) 92
4.23. Requirement for IG Quality Reviews. ..................................................................... 92
Section 4F—Step 8: Technical Review (≤ 3 Days) 92
4.24. When is a Technical Review Necessary? ................................................................ 92
Section 4G—Step 9: Legal Review (≤ 10 Days) 93
4.25. Requirement for Legal Reviews. ............................................................................. 93
Table 4.3. Actions to Take Based on Legal Sufficiency Review. (T-1) ................................... 94
Section 4H—Step 10: Reworking the Report (≤ 5 Days) 94
4.26. When Reports are Returned for Rework. ................................................................. 94
Section 4I—Step 11: Completing the Case (≤ 7 Days) 95
4.27. Appointing Authority Approval. .............................................................................. 95
4.28. Closure Requirements. ............................................................................................. 96
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4.29. Notification Requirements for Case Closures. ......................................................... 96
4.30. Responding to Complainants after Closing an Investigation. .................................. 97
Table 4.4. Notification Matrix for Closure of IG Investigations. (T-1) .................................. 98
4.31. Command Action. .................................................................................................... 98
Section 4J—Step 12: Higher Headquarters Review (≤ 23 Days, see Table 3.1) 98
4.32. Requirement for Higher Headquarters Quality Review (QR).................................. 98
4.33. Disagreement with Findings. ................................................................................... 99
Section 4K—Step 13: SAF/IGQ Review (≤ 5 Days) 100
4.34. Requirement for SAF/IGQ Review. ........................................................................ 100
5.1. Governing Directives. ............................................................................................. 101
5.2. Whistleblower Protection Against Reprisal Under Title 10 United States Code,
Section 1034 (10 USC § 1034). ............................................................................... 101
5.3. Procedures for Receipt of Reprisal Complaints. ...................................................... 102
Table 5.1. Reprisal Referral for Civilian Employees. ............................................................... 102
5.4. Notification Requirements for Reprisal Complaints. ............................................... 103
5.5. Conducting Complaint Analysis for Allegations of Reprisal. ................................. 105
5.6. Investigating Reprisal Complaints. .......................................................................... 107
5.7. Reviewing and Approving Reprisal Investigations. ................................................ 109
5.8. Final Approval and Notification Requirements. ...................................................... 109
6.1. Governing Directives. ............................................................................................. 111
6.2. Department of the Air Force members and civilian employees who fail to obey
the prohibitions of this chapter are in violation of 10 USC 1034 and may be
punished. .................................................................................................................. 111
6.3. Procedures for Receipt of Restriction Complaints. .................................................. 111
6.4. Notification Requirements for Restriction Complaints. .......................................... 112
6.5. Conducting Complaint Analysis into Allegations of Restriction. ............................ 113
6.6. Evaluating Allegations of Restriction. ..................................................................... 115
Table 6.1. Elements for use in Evaluating Restriction. ............................................................. 115
6.7. Investigating Restriction Complaints. ...................................................................... 115
6.8. Reviewing and Approving Restriction Investigations. ............................................ 116
6.9. Final Approval and Notification Requirements. ...................................................... 116
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7.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 118
7.2. Governing Directives. .............................................................................................. 118
7.3. Collecting, Documentation and Notification requirements for Investigations and
adverse information involving officers. ................................................................... 118
7.4. Commanders, directors and civilians leaders will: .................................................. 118
7.5. IGs will: ................................................................................................................... 119
Table 7.1. Collection, Documentation and Notification Requirements in support of the
Department of the Air Force Officer Promotion Screening (T-1). .......................... 120
7.6. Department of the Air Force Screening. .................................................................. 121
7.7. Roles in the Officer Screening Process (1st Lt - Colonel Promotions). ................... 122
7.8. Screening Outside the Promotion Process. .............................................................. 123
8.1. Requirements for Investigating Allegations Against Senior Officials. .................... 126
8.2. Notification Requirements. ...................................................................................... 127
Table 8.1. Senior Official Complaint Processing. .................................................................... 127
Table 8.2. Senior Official Notification Matrix. ........................................................................ 128
8.3. Investigating Allegations Against Senior Officials. ................................................ 129
8.4. Closing a Senior Official Investigation. ................................................................... 130
9.1. Governing Directive. ............................................................................................... 132
9.2. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 132
9.3. SAF/IGQ Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 132
9.4. Subordinate level IG Responsibilities. ..................................................................... 133
9.5. DoD Hotlines. .......................................................................................................... 133
Table 9.1. How to process a Department of Defense Hotline for ACTION (T-1): .................. 133
Table 9.2. How to process a Department of Defense Hotline for Information (INFO) (T-1): . 136
9.6. Allegations under OSI purview. .............................................................................. 139
9.7. Command or agency responsibilities when receiving a DoD Hotline. .................... 139
9.8. Matters Not Appropriate For The DoD Hotline. ..................................................... 140
9.9. HCR quality standards. ............................................................................................ 140
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Section 10ADirective, Terms and Overview 142
10.1. Governing Directives. .............................................................................................. 142
10.2. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 142
Section 10BMaintenance of IG Records 142
10.3. Marking IG Records. ............................................................................................... 142
Figure 10.1. CUI Designation Indicator for All Documents and Material. .................................. 142
10.4. Protection of IG Records. ........................................................................................ 143
10.5. Protecting Privacy Interests. .................................................................................... 143
10.6. Maintenance and Disposition of IG Records. .......................................................... 144
10.7. Maintenance and Disposition of Commander Directed Investigation (CDI)
Records. ................................................................................................................... 144
Section 10CRestrictions for Use of IG Records 145
10.8. Restrictions for Use of IG Records. ......................................................................... 145
Section 10DOfficial Use Requests (OUR) 145
10.9. Release Determination for OURs. ........................................................................... 145
10.10. Procedures for all OURs. ......................................................................................... 146
10.11. OURs Related to Command Action. ........................................................................ 146
10.12. OURs for Other than Command Action. ................................................................. 147
Section 10EFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests 148
10.13. Authority Responsible for Making Release Determinations for FOIA and PA
Requests. .................................................................................................................. 148
10.14. Procedures Regarding FOIA Requests. ................................................................... 148
Section 10FMaking Release Determinations 148
10.15. General Guidance. ................................................................................................... 148
10.16. Further FOIA ........................................................................................................... 149
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Chapter 1
Section 1AThe Department of the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Resolution
1.1. Overview. This chapter covers the background, authority, and purpose of the IG complaints
resolution program. It defines the roles and responsibilities of IGs and other offices and agencies
involved in the IG process. It also covers the organization of the IG complaints resolution program
throughout the United States Air Force (USAF), USSF, Air Force Reserve, and Air National
1.2. The IG Complaints Resolution Program. The IG complaints resolution program used
throughout the Total Force is based on the concept that IGs serve as an extension of their
commanders by acting as the commanders’ eyes and ears to be alert to issues affecting the
organization. IGs serve their commanders and their assigned organizations both by executing the
complaint resolution process and by proactively training all members of the organization about IG
processes and fraud, waste, and abuse issues. A successful complaint resolution program is
designed to enhance the organization’s discipline, readiness, and warfighting capability. IGs use
fact-finding methodologies to seek out systemic issues affecting the organization.
1.2.1. The effectiveness of the IG system requires the mutual cooperation of all Department
of the Air Force IGs.
1.2.2. IGs assist Airmen and Guardians of all ranks, family members, civilian employees,
retirees, and other civilians. These individuals represent the IG’s constituency, and IGs bolster
the chain of command by performing a problem-solving mission in support of this
1.2.3. All IGs must maintain a clear distinction between being an extension of the commander
and their duty to serve as fair, impartial, and objective fact-finders and problem solvers. They
must be sufficiently independent so complainants continue requesting IG help, even when they
feel the commander may be the problem. Commanders must support this clear distinction for
their IGs to be effective.
1.2.4. The IG system support process includes operational planning, training, administration,
personnel, and resource management. This facilitates the execution of the complaint resolution
program for all Department of the Air Force leaders.
1.2.5. Operational readiness is integrated into all phases of the IG system. IGs provide
complaint resolution services at all times.
1.3. Relationships Within the IG System. While IGs report to their respective commanders, IGs
may request and are expected to provide support to other IGs within the Total Force IG system.
All IGs who work matters under the Complaints Resolution Program must adhere to IG policies.
The Department of the Air Force Inspector General (SAF/IG) maintains the integrity of the IG
system through policy, training, and oversight.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 13
Section 1BAuthority of The Inspector General (TIG) of the Department of the Air Force
1.4. Delegated Statutory Authority. DAFPD 90-3, Inspector General implements 10 USC §
1.4.1. Within the Department of the Air Force, authority to manage the Inspector General
Complaints Resolution Program (CRP) is hereby delegated to IGs at all organizational levels.
Subordinate inspectors general at all organizational levels below SAF/IG derive their authority
from DAFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution.
1.4.2. In accordance with Title 10 United States Code, Section 936(b)(6), the authority to
administer oaths for the purpose of military administration may be granted to persons
designated by regulations of the armed forces. Authority to administer oaths for IG
investigations is hereby granted to the IG investigative staff and investigating officers (IOs) at
all organizational levels. This authority includes not only the administering of oaths to
witnesses, but also the administering of oaths to technical advisors and administrative support
1.5. Investigations not Covered by the Authority of the IG System. Personnel who direct or
conduct administrative inquiries or investigations governed by other policy directives and
instructions (e.g., Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 1-101, Commander Directed
Investigations) will not cite this instruction as the authority.
1.6. Authority to Direct Investigations. The Department of the Air Force IG CRP requires each
investigation be initiated and closed in writing by a designated appointing authority. Only those
individuals incumbent in the positions listed below are authorized to direct an IG investigation,
and are therefore, appointing authorities. Appointing authorities have the singular authority to
direct investigations, appoint investigating officers (IOs), and approve the reports of investigation.
Commanders or IGs at any organizational level will not further delegate “appointing authority”
except as stated below. (T-1)
1.6.1. Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF).
1.6.2. The Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/IG) and designees.
1.6.3. Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF).
1.6.4. Chief of Space Operations (CSO)
1.6.5. Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB).
1.6.6. The Adjutant General (TAG) of all states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam,
and The Commanding General of the District of Columbia as well as The Assistant Adjutant
General for Air of all states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam, and the District of
1.6.7. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA, DRU, Numbered Air Force (NAF), Center, Wing, Delta,
and Joint Base commanders.
1.6.8. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ), FOA, DRU, NAF,
Component, Center, NGB, Delta, and Wing Inspectors General, if designated in writing by
their respective commander. At the MAJCOM, FLDCOM and Center level, commanders can
delegate appointing authority to their deputy Inspectors General or IGQ division chief.
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1.6.9. In all cases, the appointing authority, military or civilian, will be of equal or greater
grade than the subject(s) or suspect(s) being investigated.
1.6.10. Appointing authorities will not initiate investigations into allegations against
themselves. Such allegations will be forwarded to the next higher-level IG for resolution. (T-1)
1.6.11. Appointing authorities will not initiate investigations into allegations against their
commander. (T-1) Such allegations will be transferred to the next higher-level IG for
1.7. Authority to Conduct Investigations.
1.7.1. Appointed investigating officers are authorized to conduct IG investigations within the
scope of their appointment and under the authority and guidance of this instruction. Appointed
investigating officers’ responsibilities expire when the report of investigation is approved by
the appointing authority or after final higher headquarters approval, whichever is later.
1.7.2. Under the authority of this instruction, properly appointed inspectors general may
conduct complaints analyses to determine resolution paths for complaints received by their IG
office. If the recommended resolution path at the conclusion of the complaint analysis includes
investigation, the IG may serve as the IO but must be appointed by his/her appointing authority
to conduct the investigation.
1.8. Authorized IG Positions. The below are authorized to have IG positions:
1.8.1. The Secretary of the Air Force.
1.8.2. Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB).
1.8.3. The Adjutant General (TAG) of all states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam,
and The Commanding General of the District of Columbia.
1.8.4. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, FOA, DRU, NAF, Center, Joint Base, Delta, and Wing
1.8.5. Commanders must request SAF/IG, through the MAJCOM or FLDCOM IG (as
appropriate), approval to establish IG positions not identified in this instruction. (T-1)
Commanders requesting IG authorization must certify the individual assigned will function
solely as a full-time IG. (T-1) SAF/IG must approve requests for such positions in writing
prior to individuals functioning in this capacity. (T-1) ANG commanders must route such
requests through the National Guard Bureau, Inspections (NGB/IG) at the ANGRC. (T-1)
1.8.6. IGs approved by SAF/IG have the same authority and responsibilities as IGs in positions
identified in this instruction.
1.9. Authority for IG Access to Records/Documents. To carry out their responsibilities, IGs,
IG staff members, and IOs must have, to the extent consistent with law and relevant policy,
expeditious and unrestricted access to and copies of all Air Force, Space Force, Air Force Reserve,
and Air National Guard records, reports, investigations, audits, reviews, documents, papers,
recommendations, or other relevant material authorized by law and policy. To the extent allowed
by law, it is Department of the Air Force policy that IGs are authorized access to all documents
and all other evidentiary materials needed to discharge their duties. For any record requiring
special handling, coordinate with a legal advisor to ensure records are properly obtained. IGs must
have the maximum access allowable under the law to all DAF documents, regardless of medium.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 15
1.9.1. No Air Force, Space Force, Air Force Reserve, or Air National Guard member or
employee may deny an IG, an IG staff member, or a properly appointed IO access to records,
regardless of medium, unless such release is prohibited or otherwise limited by law. (T-1) If
access is denied, the agency denying access must show specific law, policy or regulation
denying access. When denied, consult with servicing legal office to determine if IG access to
a record is permitted.
1.9.2. Appointing authorities will ensure IOs appointed to conduct investigations involving
classified material have the appropriate security clearance and access.
1.9.3. See Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 6025.18, Implementation of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care
Programs, for guidance on accessing records covered by the of the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act.
Section 1CThe Department of the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Resolution
Program (CRP)
1.10. Program Benefits. The Department of the Air Force IG CRP is a leadership tool that:
1.10.1. Indicates where commander involvement is needed to correct systemic, programmatic,
or procedural weaknesses and ensures resources are used effectively and efficiently.
1.10.2. Resolves issues affecting the Department of the Air Force mission promptly and
1.10.3. Creates an atmosphere of trust in which issues can be objectively and fully resolved
without retaliation or the fear of reprisal.
1.10.4. Assists commanders in instilling confidence in Department of the Air Force leadership.
1.11. Mission Focus.
1.11.1. The primary charge of the IG in this role is to sustain a credible Department of the Air
Force IG system by ensuring a responsive CRP.
1.11.2. The IG ensures the concerns of all complainants and the best interests of the
Department of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding.
1.11.3. To create an atmosphere encouraging submission of credible complaints, IGs must: Ensure their personal behavior is above reproach. Adhere to and advocate Department of the Air Force core values. Enhance openness and approachability by briefing the Department of the Air
Force IG CRP at venues such as newcomers’ sessions, commander’s calls, staff meetings,
First Term Airmen Center, and other base and unit gatherings. Educate Department of the Air Force members, commanders, and civilian
leadership regarding rights of and protection for those contacting an IG. Avoid self-investigation and the perception of self-investigation. Ensure IOs and IG staff members are trained to write detailed complaint analyses
and conduct thorough, unbiased investigations based on fair and objective fact-finding.
16 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 Ensure compliance with the timeline for completing all complaint actions (i.e.,
complaint analyses, investigations, etc.), thus promoting responsiveness to all parties and
enhancing Department of the Air Force credibility.
Section 1DRoles and Responsibilities
1.12. SAF/IG Responsibilities.
1.12.1. SAF/IG provides Department of the Air Force IG policy guidance, develops
procedures, and establishes and evaluates the Department of the Air Force Complaints
Resolution Program.
1.12.2. When necessary, TIG may direct, as the appointing authority, investigations be
conducted on any pertinent matter.
1.12.3. SAF/IG has also authorized the following individuals to be responsible for certain
types of cases: Director, Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General, Senior Official Inquiries
Directorate (SAF/IGS) for senior official and special inquiries. Director, Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General, Complaints Resolution
Directorate (SAF/IGQ) for colonel (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) and below cases
with Department of the Air Force-wide delegated appointing authority. Commander, Department of the Air Force Inspection Agency (AFIA) for
investigations directed by SAF/IG. Director, Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General, Special Investigations
Directorate (SAF/IGX) for complaints related to Special Access Programs.
1.12.4. SAF/IG has oversight authority over all IG investigations, to include commenting on
and overturning any subordinate IG’s findings.
1.12.5. SAF/IG must report all allegations of misconduct made against senior officials,
including a summary of the allegation(s) and date received in accordance with Table 8.2. (T-0)
1.12.6. SAF/IG is responsible for reviewing all cases involving substantiated allegations or
adverse information against all officers and for preparing draft Adverse Information
Summaries to support the SECAF’s Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File process. See
Chapters 7 and 8 for further reference.
1.12.7. SAF/IG will provide CSAF and CSO adverse information on Command Screening
Board candidates. SAF/IG is the decision authority regarding which summaries are provided
to CSAF for USAF investigations and CSO for USSF investigations.
1.12.8. SAF/IG will, as appropriate or warranted, share with the Secretary of the Air Force,
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Force Management and Personnel information on the Air
Force Academy that suggests a systemic problem or involves a policy or procedural matter that
could affect a significant number of people.
1.12.9. Through command channels, SAF/IG may pursue removal of any Airman, Guardian
or civilian from service as an IG for violations of law, directives, instructions or ethical conduct
regulations, which represent a combination of the Department of the Air Force core values and,
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 17
for IGs, the IG oath. Commanders may relieve military IGs for cause without SAF/IG approval
when appropriate in accordance with DAFI 90-301 but must notify SAF/IG immediately
through SAF/IGQ. Civilian IGs may lose their IG status based on misconduct verified by an
investigative action. SAF/IG will permanently suspend the individual's access to the
Automated Case Tracking System (ACTS) when appropriate.
1.13. SAF/IGQ Responsibilities.
1.13.1. Establish policies and procedures to manage and execute the Department of the Air
Force IG Complaints Resolution Program for non-senior official personnel.
1.13.2. Administer the Automated Case Tracking System and serve as the central point to
compile, process, and analyze Department of the Air Force IG complaint data.
1.13.3. Conduct investigations as directed by TIG, or as required by this instruction and, as a
designated appointing authority by SAF/IG, appoint IOs when investigations are administered
1.13.4. Conduct training for newly assigned IGs and IG staff members at all levels. Provide
special training as requested by lower-level IGs.
1.13.5. Serve as the Department of the Air Force DoD Hotline Coordinator.
1.13.6. Upon organizational request or as needed, conduct staff assistance visits to answer any
questions and review MAJCOM, FLDCOM, Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ), FOA, and
DRU files and documentation to help standardize the way Department of the Air Force IG
cases are handled.
1.13.7. Maintain adverse information concerning all officers (or civil servant grade 15). Maintain the Department of the Air Force central repository for reports and
adverse information of any kind concerning officers (or civil servant grade 15). Conduct files checks requested by Air Force General Officer Management Office
(AF/A1LG), Air Force Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO), Air Force Senior
Executive Management Office (AF/A1LS) or Space Force Senior Leader Management
(SF/S1L), or TIG to identify adverse information, or allegations, which, if substantiated,
may constitute potentially adverse information about colonels by reviewing Department of
the Air Force, DoD, and other government investigative files to support the post-board US
Senate confirmation process. If adverse or potentially adverse information is identified, a
summary of the adverse or potentially adverse information will be provided to AF/A1LG. Respond to screening requests from lower-level IGs regarding officer grade
determinations, Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, or personnel
selected for IG positions IAW Chapter 7.
1.13.8. Examine Command Screening Board selection results for officers with adverse
information. Prepare and submit Adverse Information Summaries to TIG. TIG will determine
which summaries to provide to CSAF along with the Command Screening Board report.
1.13.9. Review all non-senior official investigations involving allegations of reprisal and/or
restriction as identified in 10 USC § 1034 and DoDD 7050.06, Military Whistleblower
18 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1.13.10. Maintain a Department of the Air Force Complaint Hotline.
1.13.11. Help identify trends, indicators and warnings in a proactive nature to address
institutional or process issues affecting service members and/or missions before becoming
1.13.12. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1325.06, Handling
Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, to the
Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the Military (DIG
(DIEM)) within 15 calendar days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. SAF/IGQ
will coordinate with the DoD IG and DIG (DIEM) to assign a unique Defense Case Activity
Tracking System, Enterprise (D-CATSe) identification codes to each allegation.
1.14. SAF/IGS Responsibilities.
1.14.1. Manage the Senior Official Complaints Program and process senior official cases IAW
Chapter 8.
1.14.2. Conduct complaint analyses and investigations on complaints involving Department
of the Air Force senior officials, including allegations of military equal opportunity violations.
Only SAF/IGS is authorized to conduct these investigations.
1.14.3. Assign IOs for senior official and special inquiries as a designated appointing authority
by SAF/IG.
1.14.4. Notify appropriate persons/offices involved with senior official complaints as set forth
in Table 8.2. (T-0)
1.14.5. Act as the Department of the Air Force repository for all substantiated allegations or
other adverse information against senior officials.
1.14.6. Respond to inquiries involving senior officials. Conduct files checks as required by
the Air Force General Officer Management office (for general officers or general officer
selects), and Senior Executive Management (for civilian senior officials only) to support pre-
and post-board actions and US Senate confirmation. SAF/IGS will review Department of the
Air Force, DoD, and other government investigative files to determine whether derogatory
information exists on specific senior officials.
1.14.7. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1325.06, Handling
Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, to the
Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the Military (DIG
(DIEM)) within 15 calendar days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. SAF/IGQ
will coordinate with the DoD IG and DIG (DIEM) to assign a unique D-CATSe identification
codes to each allegation.
1.14.8. Act as the Department of the Air Force office of primary responsibility for Senior
Officer Unfavorable Information File preparation supporting the general officer selection
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 19
1.15. SAF/IGX Responsibilities.
1.15.1. Coordinate with IGQ on any case matters or assist in coordination with HQ AFOSI as
needed if they do not receive adequate information out of the normal Inspector General
complaints process.
1.15.2. Assist IGQ as needed or requested, in clearing officer promotion lists through AFOSI
and ensure a process exists for notifying TIG when subjects of national security investigations
are up for promotion.
1.15.3. Coordinate with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Office of Special
Project (AFOSI/PJ) on Special Access Program (SAP) complaints which may require
1.15.4. Conduct SAP inspections as appropriate.
1.15.5. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1325.06, Handling
Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, to the
Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the Military (DIG
(DIEM)) within 15 calendar days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. SAF/IGQ
will coordinate with the DoD IG and DIG (DIEM) to assign a unique D-CATSe identification
codes to each allegation.
1.16. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, Component, JFHQ, FOA, and DRU IG
1.16.1. Establish procedures to manage and execute the Department of the Air Force IG
Complaints Resolution Program for non-senior official personnel at MAJCOM/FLDCOM
level and below. (T-1)
1.16.2. Answer all higher-headquarters IG taskings within applicable time constraints. (T-1)
1.16.3. Refer criminal allegations to AFOSI or Security Forces, IAW AFI 71-101V1, Criminal
Investigations Program, Attachment 2. (T-1) If they decide not to investigate a criminal
matter, obtain a documented transfer back to the IG and complete the complaint analysis to
determine appropriate resolution path.
1.16.4. Follow all procedures and requirements for resolving IG complaints as outlined in this
instruction. (T-1)
1.16.5. Ensure required training for newly assigned IGs and IG staff members is
accomplished, as required by paragraph 1.44.1. (T-2)
1.16.6. Review, direct revisions, and approve or disapprove, via Department of the Air Force
Complaints Resolution Program Supplemental Guide (DAFCRPSG) Attachment 18, SAF/IGQ
Quality Review Checklist, all lower-level IG complaints analyses resulting in dismissal and
Reports of Investigations requiring SAF/IGQ review prior to forwarding. (T-1) Higher-level
IGs have oversight authority over all subordinate command IG cases. However, higher-level
IGs will not substitute their judgement for that of the lower-level IG to take action on a case
unless the higher-level IG can show a clear mistake of fact or process in the subordinate IG’s
analysis or handling. (T-1) In such cases, higher-level IGs may pull the case to their level for
20 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
resolution of the case, but must clarify in writing the appropriate appointing authority (e.g.,
Wing/CC or MAJCOM/IG). (T-1)
1.16.7. Manage, monitor, and report to SAF/IGQ on DoD Action Hotline complaints which
IG DoD referred to the Department of the Air Force. (T-0)
1.16.8. Upon request, conduct staff assistance visits to answer any questions and review
lower-level IG files and documentation to help standardize the way IG cases are addressed.
1.16.9. Notify SAF/IGQ within 7 duty days after receiving complaints containing allegations
of reprisal or restriction. Follow the notification procedures in paragraphs 5.4 or 6.4 of this
instruction, as appropriate. (T-0)
1.16.10. Immediately notify SAF/IGQ after receiving complaints of misconduct by colonels,
but not colonel selects or civil servants grade 15 (or equivalent). Follow the procedures in
Chapter 7.
1.16.11. Immediately notify SAF/IGS through SAF/IGQ, as appropriate, after receiving
complaints of misconduct by senior officials. Follow the procedures in Chapter 8. (T-0)
1.16.12. Notify SAF/IGQ within 7 duty days after receiving notification of an open
investigation against an officer. Follow notification procedures in Chapter 7 of this
instruction, as appropriate. (T-0)
1.16.13. May conduct the complaint analysis for reprisal and restriction complaints at the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM level when manning allows. For an analysis accomplished at the
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU level where investigation is required, the
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, Component, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG may either retain the
investigation at their level or transfer the complaint to the lower level IG for investigation.
1.16.14. May conduct investigations for reprisal or restriction at the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, Component, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU level using trained, experienced investigating officers
when manning allows.
1.16.15. Maintain continuous and comprehensive oversight of analyses and investigations
dealing with reprisal or restriction, to include periodic interim quality reviews to minimize
formal rework, improve quality, and ensure compliance with this instruction and other
governing directives. (T-1) Early detection and correction of deficiencies will streamline the
formal quality review of the final product and preclude protracted rework.
1.16.16. Report all substantiated findings of misconduct and/or adverse information against
officers to SAF/IGQ IAW Chapter 7. (T-1)
1.16.17. Report the opening and closing of investigations on any officer.
1.16.18. Maintain a Complaint Hotline. (T-3)
1.16.19. Document changes to case files in ACTS made using non-validation edit (NVedit)
with a case note. (T-1) The case note will describe every change made to the case file using
NVedit. (T-1) Attach any other relevant documentation on the “Attachments” tab in ACTS.
Not applicable for NAF and JFHQ.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 21
1.16.20. Perform continual evaluation of subordinate Complaints Resolution Programs and
augment Unit Effectiveness Inspection teams, as required, IAW DAFI 90-302, The Inspection
System of the Department of the Air Force. (T-1)
1.16.21. (MAJCOM only) Respond to Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act requests for
IG records IAW paragraph 10.14. (T-1)
1.16.22. Respond to screening requests from lower-level IGs regarding officer grade
determinations, Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, or personnel selected
for IG positions IAW Chapter 7. (T-1)
1.16.23. Collect CDIs in accordance with DAFMAN 1-101, Commander Directed
Investigations, and Chapter 10. Attach CDIs in ACTS following procedures in DAFCRPSG
Attachment 33.
1.16.24. For ANG, Joint Force Headquarters Inspector General (JFHQ/IG) offices process all
notifications and case movement through National Guard Bureau, Office of The Inspector
General (NGB-IG).
1.16.25. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang
Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days of
initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. IGs will use DAFCRPSG Attachment 37 to
report required information:
1.17. Deployed Forces.
1.17.1. Component Numbered Air Force Inspector General (C-NAF/IG): C-NAF/IG is assigned to the rear headquarters element, works directly for the
Component Numbered Air Force Commander (C-NAF/CC), and is responsible for
crafting/coordinating strategic policy affecting the complaints resolution program. Validates and executes IG manpower requirements as functional manager. Coordinates with combatant commander (CCDR) and their subordinate IGs. Acts as a conduit with The Secretary of the Air Force, Legislative Liaison,
Congressional Correspondence Division (SAF/LLC) and Headquarters Air Force (HAF)
functional managers to resolve high-level inquiries. Conducts IG investigations in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) initiated by the
1.17.2. Air Force Forces Inspector General (AFFOR/IG) is assigned to the forward
headquarters element, works directly for the C-NAF/CC, and is responsible for tactical
operations affecting the complaints resolution program. The AFFOR/IG will: Oversee the liaison IG program including training and accountability. Ensure each wing commander (or group commander when the group commander
is the highest ranking commander on the base) appoints a member to act as his/her liaison
IG during their deployment IAW paragraph 1.17.3. (T-1)
22 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 Resolve complaints from IG liaisons, AFFOR staff and component IGs from
Airmen and Guardians. Advise AFFOR staff and wing leadership. Travel as directed by the C-NAF commander.
1.17.3. Deployed Liaison IGs: Are authorized in the deployed environment only. Will be a field grade officer who is not assigned to a commander/vice
commander position or a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Should not be a command chief, first sergeant, or director of staff. Brief leadership and assigned personnel on the availability of a local IG liaison
program. Advise complainants on the Department of the Air Force IG CRP and forward
their complaints to the IG responsible for their location. Be appointed in writing by wing or group commander as appropriate who will
forward the letter to the AFFOR/IG.
1.17.4. Deployed Wing IG Responsibilities: Deployed wings authorized a fully trained IG
will operate as directed by paragraph 1.18 of this instruction. (T-1) For functional purposes,
the IG falls under the C-NAF/IG for ACTS management and consultation. The wing IG
submits appropriate notifications and complaint analyses through the C-NAF/IG to the
appropriate component command IGQ office for review/approval. (T-1)
1.18. Center/Host/Wing/Delta IG Responsibilities.
1.18.1. Manage and execute the Department of the Air Force IG Complaints Resolution
Program for non-senior official personnel at the center/host/wing/delta level. (T-1)
1.18.2. Answer all higher-headquarters IG taskings within applicable time constraints. (T-1)
1.18.3. Refer criminal allegations to AFOSI or security forces IAW AFI 71-101V1,
Attachment 2. (T-1) If they decide not to investigate a criminal matter, obtain a documented
transfer back to the IG and complete the complaint analysis to determine appropriate resolution
path. (T-1)
1.18.4. Provide periodic updates as required by Chapters 3 and 4 of this instruction. (T-3)
1.18.5. Manage, monitor, and report to SAF/IGQ, through the appropriate MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG, on DoD Action Hotline complaints which
IG DoD referred to the Department of the Air Force. (T-0)
1.18.6. Notify SAF/IGQ, through the appropriate MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG, within seven duty days after receiving complaints containing allegations of
reprisal or restriction. (T-0) Follow the notification procedures in Chapters 5 or 6 of this
instruction, as appropriate.
1.18.7. Notify SAF/IGQ, through the appropriate MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG, within seven duty days after receiving notification of an open investigation
against an officer. (T-0) Follow the procedures in Chapter 7.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 23
1.18.8. Notify SAF/IGS, through the appropriate MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG, after receiving complaints against senior officials. (T-0) Follow the
procedures in Chapter 8.
1.18.9. Coordinate with Equal Opportunity (EO), JA, and supporting agencies to ensure an
understanding of one another’s roles in the CRP. (T-3) MAJCOMs /FLDCOMs are
responsible for processing FOIA requests, see Chapter 10 for further guidance.
1.18.10. Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6495.02, Volume 3, Defense Sexual
Assault Prevention and Response: Retaliation Response for Adult Sexual Assault Cases,
requires commanders to immediately confer with servicing staff judge advocate and Service’s
IG office upon becoming aware of an allegation of a sexual assault related retaliation to ensure
allegations are referred to the appropriate office for evaluation. DAFI 90-6001 requires
commanders to establish a monthly meeting with the servicing IG requiring a briefing on new
and ongoing complaints, concerning alleged incidents of retaliation, reprisal, ostracism or
maltreatment allegations from a victim, witness, bystander, SARC, SAPR VA and VVA,
responder, or other parties to alleged reported sexual assault, to include those filed via a DD
Form 2910-2, Retaliation Reporting Statement for Unrestricted Sexual Assault Cases. IGs will
not provide complainant identity, but only that the complaint relates to the complainant’s status
as a victim, witness, bystander, SARC, SAPR VA and VVA, responder, or other party to
alleged reported sexual assault. (T-1) If there are no new or ongoing complaints, the monthly
meeting is not required.
1.18.11. Identify and ensure investigation of reported questionable intelligence activities
and/or significant/highly sensitive matters as applicable and immediately notify their
associated intelligence oversight program managers and legal counsel (T-1)
1.18.12. Educate the base populace on their rights and responsibilities in regard to the
Department of the Air Force IG Complaint Resolution Program (commander’s calls,
newcomers briefings, etc.), see paragraph 1.47. (T-2) See DAFCRPSG Attachment 22 for
a template for documenting training in ACTS.
1.18.13. In those situations where there is a host wing IG and a tenant unit (with no assigned
IGQ) residing on the installation, the host wing IG will: Intake complaints from all sources. (T-2) Coordinate with all tenant units under host-tenant agreement and conduct
training for all personnel. (T-2) Coordinate with the appropriate MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU with responsibility for the tenant unit as to how to proceed. (T-2) Transfer
complaints when initial complaint analysis indicates that the issues are best resolved by a
different organization/owning MAJCOM/FLDCOM with responsibility for the
complainant and/or subject (refer to Table 3.7 and Table 3.8.). The owning MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU will have final determination concerning resolution
by the host wing IG for the local unit. For open investigations against officers assigned to the tenant unit, notify the
owning MAJCOM/FLDCOM of the investigation so the owning MAJCOM/FLDCOM can
accomplish adverse information reporting IAW Chapter 7. (T-2)
24 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 Assist the appointing authority as requested. appointing authority will remain
with commanders designated in paragraph 1.6. A tenant unit commander (if authorized
in paragraph 1.6) is authorized to delegate their appointing authority to the host wing IG.
(T-2) Work with tenant units to develop memorandums of agreement (support
agreements) to define and delineate IG roles and responsibilities, as required. (T-2) See
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements
Procedures for more information.
1.18.14. Maintain continuous and comprehensive oversight of investigations conducted at the
center/host/wing/delta level, to include periodic interim quality reviews to minimize formal
rework, improve quality, and ensure compliance with this instruction and other governing
directives. (T-1) Ensure coordination of draft documents and reports of investigation with
HHQ occurs as soon as possible as early detection and correction of deficiencies will
streamline the formal quality review of the final product and preclude protracted rework.
1.18.15. Immediately notify SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF,
JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG after receiving complaints of misconduct by colonels, but not colonel
selects or civil servants grade 15 (or equivalent). Follow the procedures in Chapter 7.
1.18.16. Report all substantiated findings of misconduct and/or adverse information against
officers through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG to
SAF/IGQ using the "Notify" function in ACTS IAW Chapter 7. (T-1)
1.18.17. Maintain a complaint hotline. (T-3) Having voicemail on the main IG phone number
meets this requirement.
1.18.18. Conduct regular unit visits to assess the economy, efficiency and discipline of the
installation’s organizations. (T-3) Each visit should involve informal interaction with unit
personnel in their working environment. Provide feedback to the appropriate leadership.
1.18.19. Respond to screening requests regarding officer grade determinations, Defense
Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, or personnel selected for IG positions IAW
Chapter 7. (T-0)
1.18.20. Collect CDIs in accordance with DAFMAN 1-101, Commander Directed
Investigations, and Chapter 10. (T-1) Attach CDIs in ACTS following procedures in
DAFCRPSG Attachment 33.
1.18.21. For ANG Wing/IG offices process all notifications and case movement through
1.18.22. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang
Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB,
NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days of initial wing, delta,
or servicing IG notification. Upon receipt of prohibited activity allegations, IGs will use DAFCRPSG
Attachment 37 to report required information. IGs may provide Attachment 37 to reporting
agencies for the agency to fill out the necessary information.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 25 IGs will create ACTS case files for all reported prohibited activity allegations
using DAFCRPSG Attachment 38 as a guide. IGs will update the case file with follow on
actions as required by paragraph 3.12.1 and sub-paragraphs.
1.19. Judge Advocates (JA) at every level assist IGs by:
1.19.1. Analyzing complaints to identify allegations of misconduct at the IG’s request.
1.19.2. Providing advice on framing or re-framing allegations prior to investigation.
1.19.3. Providing advice, pertinent comments or recommendations, and assistance to IOs
during the course of investigations and regarding draft Reports of Investigation.
1.19.4. Providing legal reviews of IG Reports of Investigation. The servicing Staff Judge Advocate or his/her designee will review the Report
of Investigation for legal sufficiency (see definition in Attachment 1) and provide written
legal reviews prior to appointing authority review. See Chapter 4. A different JA should perform the legal review other than the individual assigned
to advise the IO as legal advisor.
1.19.5. Reminding commanders, and civilians leading an organization designated as a unit
IAW AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization, of their responsibility to immediately notify
IG, wing, or delta, and their higher-level commanders when: They receive complaints/allegations against a colonel or senior officials IAW
Chapter 7 and/or 8. (T-0) There is an open investigation with any officer as a subject/suspect. (T-0) Article 15s are served on any officer. Copies of the final actions and any appeal
documents must be provided upon completion of the action. (T-0) Court-martial charges are preferred against any officer. Follow-on notification
must also be accomplished when a decision is made to refer the charges to trial and again
at the conclusion of the trial. (T-0) There is a substantiated finding of misconduct resulting from an investigation or
inquiry and/or adverse information IAW Table 7.1 against any officer. (T-0)
1.19.6. Advising IGs on the disposition of materials gathered during investigations, such as
recording tapes, discs, memos, etc. (T-1)
1.20. The Judge Advocate General (AF/JA) assists SAF/IG by:
1.20.1. Providing legal support to SAF/IGS and SAF/IGQ as needed and advising SAF/IGS
and SAF/IGQ on the disposition of materials gathered during investigations, such as recording
tapes, discs, memos, etc.
1.20.2. Reviewing all senior official investigations and reviewing all adverse information
summaries proposed by SAF/IG.
1.20.3. Ensuring subordinate JAs are aware of their responsibility to remind commanders and
civilians leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101, to:
26 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 Notify SAF/IGS immediately through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF,
JFHQ, FOA, DRU, wing, or delta IG when notified of allegations or adverse information
of any kind against senior officials. (T-0) Notify SAF/IGQ within seven duty days through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, DRU, wing, or delta IG when notified of an investigation against
any officer below the grade of brigadier general. (T-0)
1.20.4. Ensuring commanders notify SAF/IGS and SAF/IGQ whenever Article 15 action is
taken (upon completion of the action and appeal, if any) or when charges are preferred against
a senior official or officer. (T-0)
1.20.5. Reporting to SAF/IGQ all substantiated findings of misconduct and/or adverse
information against any officer. (T-0)
1.21. The General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/GC) assists SAF/IG by:
1.21.1. Providing legal advice and support in administering the Department of the Air Force
IG Complaints Resolution Program when requested by SAF/IG.
1.21.2. Providing legal support in initiating, conducting, and finalizing cases on senior civilian
officials, when requested.
1.21.3. Reviewing (when requested) any report submitted by or to SAF/IG.
1.21.4. Acting for the SECAF in determining the content of a Senior Officer Unfavorable
Information File and whether a Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File will be provided
to a selection board.
1.21.5. Providing training and expertise to SAF/IGQ when SAF/IGQ conducts investigations
into alleged acts of reprisal under 5 USC § 2302(b) against Department of the Air Force civilian
employees at the direction the Secretary of the Air Force.
1.21.6. Acting on behalf of the SECAF by requesting investigation into allegations referred to
the Department of the Air Force by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and routing results of
OSC disclosure investigations by AF IGs through SAF/IGQ to the Secretary of the Air Force,
Office of the General Counsel, Office of the Deputy General Counsel for Fiscal, Ethics and
Administrative Law (SAF/GCA).
1.22. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1) assists SAF/IG
1.22.1. Maintaining close liaison with SAF/IG on policies governed by this instruction.
1.22.2. Ensuring IG access to personnel records and information.
1.22.3. Notifying SAF/IGQ when formal allegations of violations of EO policies are made
against officers (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) and providing SAF/IGQ status reports
of all EO or other grievance cases involving allegations against officers (or civil servant grade
15 or equivalent) as required by paragraph 7.4 and Table 7.1, as appropriate.
1.22.4. Ensuring EO personnel do not conduct complaint clarification reviews of MEO
allegations against senior officials. These complaints must be forwarded to SAF/IGS.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 27
1.22.5. Acting as technical advisors, when requested, for IG investigations involving
personnel policy and/or procedures.
1.22.6. Providing SAF/IGS the same information provided to SAF/IGQ in paragraph 1.23.3
when complaints of violations of EEO policies against senior officials are made.
1.22.7. Notifying SAF/IGQ prior to assigning an enlisted or officer to any non-Department of
the Air Force Inspector General position (DoD/Joint) in order to comply with pre-screening
requirements IAW DoD policy.
1.23. Equal Opportunity (EO) Office personnel at every level assist IGs by:
1.23.1. Acting as technical advisors on MEO complaints when unlawful discrimination or
sexual harassment allegations cannot be separated from other matters under IG investigation.
1.23.2. Conducting a clarification on allegations of unlawful discrimination or sexual
harassment that can be separated from other matters under IG investigation. EO professionals
must contact potential complainants and advise them of their rights and options under the
formal EO process and follow all procedures for addressing and resolving EO complaints as
outlined in DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity Program.
1.23.3. Referring any military member who claims to have been subjected to reprisal or
restriction to the wing or delta IG.
1.23.4. Referring any MEO allegations against senior officials to their servicing IG or
SAF/IGS. Refer to Chapter 8.
1.23.5. Reporting to their servicing IG or SAF/IGQ all open investigations against any officer
(or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent). Refer to Chapter 7.
1.23.6. Providing the results of EO investigations or complaint analyses conducted as a result
of allegations against all officers (or civil servants grade 15 or equivalent) to SAF/IGQ.
1.23.7. Ensure procedures are in place so that EO offices report all allegations, and all follow-
up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged
in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06,
Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed
Forces, to wing, delta, or servicing IG office no later than 30 calendar days after receiving an
allegation. For Air Reserve Component (ARC) officials, transmission is required not later than
60 calendar days.
1.24. The Secretary of the Air Force, Legislative Liaison, Congressional Correspondence
Division (SAF/LLC) assists SAF/IG by:
1.24.1. Referring congressional complaints involving IG matters not pertaining to senior
officials to SAF/IGQ for complaint analysis and determination of appropriate IG action.
1.24.2. Referring congressional complaints involving senior officials to SAF/IGS for
complaint analysis and determination of appropriate IG action.
1.24.3. Notifying congressional staff members of complaints accepted by SAF/IG for action
and direct response to the complainant.
1.24.4. Referring complaints not accepted by SAF/IG for action to the appropriate agency for
action and response.
28 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1.24.5. Acting as office of primary responsibility for communications with congressional
staffers. This responsibility will not hinder SAF/IG’s direct communications with members of
Congress or their staff on matters of congressional interest.
1.24.6. Forwarding courtesy copies of IG investigative responses and findings to
congressional staffers, when directed by SAF/IG.
1.25. The Department of the Air Force Inspection Agency (DAFIA) supports SAF/IG
by: Reviewing FOA and DRU complaints resolution programs, detecting fraud, waste and abuse,
and identifying indicators of possible fraud, waste and abuse during all inspection activities.
1.25.1. Help identify trends, indicators and warnings in a proactive nature to address
institutional or process issues affecting service members and/or missions before becoming
1.26. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) supports SAF/IG by:
1.26.1. Detecting fraud during investigative activities and process disclosures referred to
1.26.2. Conducting appropriate investigations into allegations of fraud referred by the DoD
Hotline. Provide SAF/IGQ interim reports on investigations into allegations of fraud
made through the DoD Hotline as prescribed in Chapter 3. Report findings to SAF/IGQ by forwarding a copy of the findings, using Hotline
Completion Report format, and corrective actions taken upon completion of the
1.26.3. Providing periodic updates to SAF/IGQ for investigations assigned by SAF/IG.
1.26.4. Assisting commanders, and civilians leading an organization designated as a unit IAW
AFI 38-101, by providing briefings and other material related to fraud, waste and abuse, and
providing investigative assistance to inspectors and auditors examining suspected fraud.
1.26.5. Conducting internal reviews (using the Air Force Office of Special Investigations,
Inspector General (AFOSI/IG)) for IG complaints involving allegations against AFOSI
personnel or programs.
1.26.6. Providing SAF/IGS (through SAF/IGX) a copy of any AFOSI report involving a senior
1.26.7. Providing SAF/IGQ a copy of any AFOSI report involving an officer. Additionally,
upon SAF/IGQ request, provide SAF/IGQ a copy of any completed AFOSI report against any
officer which SAF/IGQ does not already possess.
1.26.8. Conducting files checks as requested by SAF/IGS and SAF/IGQ.
1.26.9. Manage the IG responsibilities for reporting intelligence oversight complaints under
the authority of DoDD 5240.01, DoD Intelligence Activities; DoD 5240.1-R, Procedures
Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence Components that Affect United States Persons;
and AFI 14-404, Intelligence Oversight.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 29
1.26.10. Ensure procedures are in place so that AFOSI units report all allegations, and all
follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and sub-paragraphs, that a service member
engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI
1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the
Armed Forces, to wing, delta, or servicing IG office no later than 30 calendar days after
receiving an allegation. For Air Reserve Component (ARC) officials, transmission is required
not later than 60 calendar days.
1.27. The Air Force Audit Agency (AFAA) assists SAF/IG by:
1.27.1. Identifying policies and procedures discovered in the course of an audit, which may
contribute to fraud, waste or abuse.
1.27.2. Performing audits when conditions or situations indicate fraud, waste or abuse,
determining the effects on operations and programs, and recommending corrective action.
1.27.3. Reporting to leadership apparent fraud, waste or abuse disclosed by an audit; referring
the matter to the appropriate commander, or civilian leading an organization designated as a
unit IAW AFI 38-101, and AFOSI detachment for investigation when fraud is suspected; and
delaying the publication of audit results relating to apparent fraud, if requested by AFOSI,
when publication could interfere with ongoing investigations.
1.27.4. Reporting any fraud, waste or abuse allegation or adverse information against senior
officials to SAF/IGS or against any officer to SAF/IGQ. Additionally, report any substantiated
findings against any officer to SAF/IGQ.
1.27.5. Providing audit assistance when asked by inspectors and investigators looking at
allegations of fraud, waste or abuse and providing periodic updates to the tasking activity when
audits involve IG tasking, to allow preparation of progress and completion reports.
1.28. The Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Public Affairs (SAF/PA). SAF/PA facilitates
the appropriate release of information regarding IG cases to news media representatives. News
media requests for IG records will be processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information
Act. SAF/PA is responsible for informing media officials of the proper procedures for obtaining
IG records through the Freedom of Information Act.
1.29. The Headquarters Air Force Directorate of Security Forces (AF/A4S) assists SAF/IG
1.29.1. Ensuring incidents of fraud, waste or abuse reported to Security Forces are referred to
the proper agencies for information or action, assisting Loss Prevention Working Groups with
identifying waste, and staffing corrective actions.
1.29.2. Ensuring resource protection technical consultants are trained to recognize fraud,
waste and abuse when performing surveys.
1.29.3. Notifying SAF/IGS when an allegation or adverse information is received regarding
senior officials.
1.29.4. Reporting to SAF/IGQ all open investigations against any officer.
1.29.5. Reporting to SAF/IGQ all substantiated findings of misconduct and/or adverse
information against any officer.
30 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1.29.6. Ensure procedures are in place so that Security Forces units report all allegations, and
all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and sub-paragraphs, that a service member
engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI
1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the
Armed Forces, to wing, delta, or servicing IG office no later than 30 calendar days after
receiving an allegation. For Air Reserve Component (ARC) officials, transmission is required
not later than 60 calendar days.
1.30. The Surgeon General of the Air Force (AF/SG) assists SAF/IG by:
1.30.1. Notifying SAF/IGS (for senior officials) or SAF/IGQ (for all officers or civil servants
grade 15 or equivalent) when completing actions to suspend, limit, or revoke clinical privileges
as governed by AFI 44-119, Medical Quality Operations, and Defense Health Agency-
Procedures Manual (DHA-PM) 6025.13, Volume 3, Clinical Quality Management in the
Military Health System; Healthcare Risk Management, and forwarding a copy of the final
report to the appropriate SAF/IG directorate. This process and subsequent documentation is
protected pursuant to Title 10 United States Code, Section 1102; further release of the
documents is not authorized unless specifically provided for by the exemptions within the
1.30.2. Conducting Medical Incident Investigations, or reviewing and commenting on
complaints referred by IGs regarding medical treatment. Provide the IG who referred the
complaint with a copy of final response to complainant (if applicable). Medical Incident
Investigations or other quality of care reviews are protected pursuant to Title 10 USC § 1102.
Release of these medical quality assurance documents to complainants is prohibited, and
further release by the IG is prohibited unless specifically provided for by the exemptions within
the statute.
1.31. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and
Comptroller) (SAF/FM): assists SAF/IG when a senior official or officer is accused of violating
the Anti-Deficiency Act, Title 31 United States Code Section 1341, by notifying SAF/IGS or
SAF/IGQ, respectively, and by providing a copy of the completed reports of investigation to
SAF/IG. Additionally, provide a copy of the completed report of investigation for substantiated
findings of misconduct against any officer to SAF/IGQ.
1.32. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force-Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Air Force
Civilian Appellate Review Office (SAF/MRBA) (also referred to as AFCARO) assists
SAF/IG by:
1.32.1. Providing case information and status to SAF/IGQ or SAF/GC upon request.
1.32.2. Ensuring the Civilian Senior Executive Management Office (SAF/MRL) provides
SAF/IGS copies of any adverse information on SESs; and, provides SAF/IGQ copies of any
adverse information received on GS-15s (or equivalent).
1.33. The Vice Chief of Staff, Executive Talent Management (AF/A1L) assists SAF/IG by:
1.33.1. Ensuring the General Officer Management Office (AF/A1LG) provides SAF/IGS
copies of any adverse information received on general officers or brigadier general selects.
1.33.2. Ensuring the Colonels Group (AF/A1LO) provides SAF/IGQ copies of any adverse
information received on colonels or colonel selects.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 31
Section 1EThe Wing IG Program
1.34. Wing/Delta IG Program Background.
1.34.1. The concept of appointing a separate, full-time wing IG was implemented to remove
any perceived conflict of interest, lack of independence, or apprehension by Department of the
Air Force personnel as a result of the previous practice of assigning vice commanders IG
1.34.2. To sustain a trustworthy relationship with Department of the Air Force personnel, the
wing IG must be independent (see paragraphs 1.2.3 and 1.39.3.). Department of the Air Force
personnel must be free from any form of retribution, retaliation, or reprisal for communicating
with the wing IG.
1.35. Establishment of the Wing/Delta IG Program.
1.35.1. Independent IGs will be established at all active component, Air Force Reserve, and
Air National Guard wings. (T-1) Wing/Delta IG (87GX). Will be a Lieutenant Colonel or higher or Department
of the Air Force civilian with a substantial breadth of experience, exceptional maturity, and
demonstrated sound judgment. (T-2) Appointing authorities are discouraged from
selecting IGs lower than the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or civilian equivalent. Wing/Delta Director of Complaints Resolution (87QX) will be a Major or higher
or Department of the Air Force civilian with a substantial breadth of experience,
exceptional maturity, and demonstrated sound judgment. (T-3) Wing/Delta IG Superintendent (8I000). Will be a Master Sergeant qualified in
accordance with the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory. (T-2) Wing/Delta IG Complaints Resolution Coordinator (8I200). Will be a Master
Sergeant or Senior Master Sergeant qualified in accordance with the Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory, or civilian equivalent. (T-3) If this requirement is waived, select
personnel no lower than the grade of E-7. (T-3)
1.35.2. At bases where there is a host/tenant relationship, associate unit personnel and tenant
wings may use the host wing IG for complaint analysis and assistance. Host wing IG support
to associate and tenant units will be defined and documented in memorandums of agreement
(support agreements). (T-2)
1.36. Wing/Delta IG Organization.
1.36.1. The wing IG is organized as a staff function and will report directly to the wing
commander. (T-1)
1.36.2. The two-letter functional address code for the Office of the Inspector General at all
levels will be ”IG“ and the office symbol shall be ”unit designation/IG“ (e.g., 51 FW/IG) .
32 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1.37. Assigning Additional Duties to IGs.
1.37.1. The focus of wing IGs must be the Department of the Air Force Complaints Resolution
and Inspection Programs. (T-1) Any activities that may diminish the effectiveness of IGs in
the performance of their complaints resolution responsibilities are not acceptable.
1.37.2. The IG position will not be combined with another position in the organization. (T-1)
Operational duties required to maintain qualification/currency, as well as inspection related
responsibilities and duties defined in DAFI 90-302, are not considered additional duties for the
IG and staff.
1.37.3. IGs must not be constrained by additional duties that detract from their primary
responsibilities. (T-1) Therefore, IGs and IG staff members, to include IGI, must not be: Assigned any duties (such as Director of Staff) that subsequently disqualify them
from conducting an unbiased analysis of complaints against functions or activities of the
wing or installation to which they are assigned or organizations for which they have IG
functional responsibility. (T-1) IGs will not serve as mediators or neutrals in support of
equal opportunity or alternate dispute resolution actions. (T-1) These activities require
the IG to make assessments and recommendations that could later be called into question
should the interested parties decide to file an IG complaint regarding those proceedings. Given responsibility for the wing commander’s “action line.” (T-2) Assigned duties as the congressional inquiry manager or point of contact for
SAF/LLC. (T-2) This does not preclude the IG from answering IG related congressional
inquiries as directed by the wing commander.
1.37.4. IGs can be appointed to conduct investigations by appropriate appointing authorities,
however those investigations will be IG investigations conducted IAW Chapter 4. (T-1)
Section 1FCommanders and the Inspector General Program
1.38. How the IG System Helps the Commander.
1.38.1. Complaints help commanders discover and correct problems affecting the productivity
and morale of assigned personnel. Resolving the underlying cause of a complaint may prevent
more severe symptoms or costly consequences, such as reduced performance, accidents, poor
quality work, poor morale, or loss of resources.
1.38.2. Even though allegations may not be substantiated, the evidence or investigation
findings may reveal systemic, morale, or other problems impeding efficiency and mission
1.39. Roles of the IG in Relation to the Commander.
1.39.1. The roles of the IG are to: Be the “eyes and ears” of the commander; be alert for and inform the commander
of matters indicative of systemic, morale, or other problems impeding efficiency and
mission effectiveness. (T-1) Keep the commander informed of potential areas of concern as reflected by
trends based on analysis of complaint data. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 33 Function as the ombudsman, fact-finder, and honest broker in the resolution of
complaints. Educate and train commanders and members of the base populace on their rights
and responsibilities in regard to the Department of the Air Force IG system. (T-1) See
paragraph for more requirements for educating commanders. Assist commanders in preventing, detecting, and correcting fraud, waste, abuse,
and gross mismanagement through an effective complaints resolution process.
1.39.2. To fulfill these roles, the IG must be an integral member of the commander’s staff and
have unimpeded access to the commander. (T-1) Commanders must ensure their IG’s
authority, duties, and responsibilities are clearly delineated. (T-1)
1.39.3. The independence of the IG must be firmly established and supported to overcome any
perceived lack of autonomy that would discourage potential complainants and preclude
disclosures of misconduct from being brought to the attention of the IG. IG offices should be
located in areas that foster open and unfettered access to everyone and which are not in
proximity to the commander's office. (T-1) Active Duty JFHQ IGs will have unfettered access
to The NGB Inspector General when circumstances arise within a state involving complaints
from Airmen against the command chain within the state.
1.40. Commander Support of the IG System. To support the IG system, commanders will
ensure their IGs have the resources necessary to intake, process, maintain, and protect material
associated with the CRP. To support the IG system, commanders will:
1.40.1. Ensure the IG office is manned, equipped, and trained. (T-1)
1.40.2. Ensure the IG and subordinate commanders follow the requirements of this instruction.
1.40.3. Educate Department of the Air Force members about the rights and responsibilities of
all personnel regarding the IG system at commander’s calls, staff meetings, and other
gatherings. (T-1)
1.40.4. Ensure other staff agencies provide support when required. (T-3)
1.40.5. Designate personnel to serve as IOs to conduct investigations when required. (T-3)
1.40.6. Ensure IG offices have adequate office space to conduct private interviews and provide
workspace for temporarily assigned IOs. (T-3)
1.40.7. Report all allegations, and all follow-up actions specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and
sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an activity prohibited under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang
Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, to Wing, Delta, or servicing IG office no later
than 30 calendar days after receiving an allegation. For Air Reserve Component (ARC)
officials, transmission is required not later than 60 calendar days.
1.40.8. Ensure any uniformed Airmen or Guardians notified of the initiation of an IG
investigation and who may be at risk to danger to themselves or others are assisted IAW DAFI
90-5001, Integrated Resilience. (T-1)
34 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1.41. Commander Directed Investigations (CDIs).
1.41.1. All commanders possess inherent authority to investigate matters or incidents under
their jurisdiction unless preempted by a higher authority. DAFMAN 1-101, Commander
Directed Investigations, provides instructions on conducting CDIs. IG investigation Appointing Authorities can determine whether it is more
appropriate to direct an IG Investigation or refer the issue to command to consider a CDI. The primary purpose of a CDI is to gather, analyze, and record relevant
information about matters of primary interest to command authorities. CDIs remain an
official record for the command and appointing authority. IG investigations will be conducted in accordance with this instruction and, when
conducted, will be an official IG matter of record.
1.41.2. Commanders should refer to DAFMAN 1-101 for instructions on conducting CDI.
1.41.3. Commanders will not: Cite this instruction as authority to conduct CDIs. (T-1) Investigate allegations of reprisal or restriction. (T-0) Commanders will refer
such allegations to the IG for resolution. Appoint IGs or IG staff members as inquiry or investigation officers for CDIs.
(T-1) (Note: Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard IGs may be appointed to conduct
CDIs at installations other than their own.) Conduct any investigations into allegations against senior officials (see Chapter
8). (T-1) Conduct any investigations into allegations of IG misconduct, i.e., violations of
DAFI 90-301 as opposed to professional conduct.
1.41.4. Commanders are the authority responsible for making release determinations for CDI
reports. Refer to DAFMAN 1-101 for specifics. The commander must ensure all information
subject to the Privacy Act and references to third-party information are protected. (T-1)
1.41.5. Commanders will report the opening and closings of all CDIs when an officer (or civil
servant grade 15 or equivalent) is named as a subject IAW paragraph 7.4 (T-0)
1.41.6. Commanders will provide IGs all CDI Reports of Investigation (ROIs), regardless of
the subject grade, IAW DAFMAN 1-101, Chapter 7. (T-1)
1.41.7. Ensure any uniformed Airmen or Guardians notified of the initiation of an CDI
investigation and who may be at risk to danger to themselves or others are assisted IAW DAFI
90-5001, Integrated Resilience. (T-1) (T-1)
Section 1GAdministering the IG Complaints Resolution Program
1.42. Administrative Procedure. IGs at every level are responsible for establishing and
directing the Department of the Air Force IG Complaints Resolution Program IAW this
instruction. (T-1) All IGs will:
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 35
1.42.1. Develop and implement procedures for administering the IG Complaints Resolution
Program. (T-1)
1.42.2. Establish procedures for interaction with higher headquarters IGs, other military
service IGs, other statutory IGs, and other agencies regarding IG matters. (T-1)
1.42.3. Document correction of substantiated wrongs and their underlying causes. Identify
systemic problems and provide the commander, or a civilian leading an organization
designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101, with recommendations for corrective action (if
requested). (T-3)
1.42.4. Conduct and analyze trend assessments and submit reports when required. (T-3)
1.42.5. Control access to information obtained under this instruction to protect against
unauthorized disclosure. (T-1)
1.43. Data Management.
1.43.1. ACTS is the official AF system of record for the Inspector General Complaints
Resolution Program. All IG contacts, actions (transfer, assists, referrals, dismissals, and
investigations), and IG DoD Hotline complaints must be recorded in ACTS. The ACTS User’s
Manual is available on the ACTS home page ( ACTS is the Department of the Air Force IG tool used to capture all IG
investigative and administrative activity Department of the Air Force-wide, except for
SAF/IGS. ACTS is the repository for all non-IG actions tracked by the Department of the
Air Force IG system, such as adverse information reporting for officers and CDIs. ACTS enables IGs at every level to accurately analyze complaint trends and
findings in order to advise commanders, and civilians leading an organization designated
as a unit IAW AFI 38-101, on appropriate action to take in response to these trends. Use the ACTS “attachments” tab to attach all relevant case documents. (T-1)
Ensure documents are properly marked IAW paragraph 10.3 prior to attaching records in
ACTS. (T-1) As ACTS is the System of Record for storing IG records, IAW Air Force
Instruction 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, IGs will
only upload official records (e.g., for AA approved documents, the signed document not
draft versions, etc.) to the system. (T-1) Convert all documents (e.g., Word documents,
Excel spreadsheets, Outlook emails, etc.) to Portable Document Format (PDF) for ACTS
upload. (T-1) IG offices will not maintain paper or electronic records created IAW
paragraph once a case is closed. (T-1) IGs at all levels will maintain electronic case working files separate from ACTS
at all times until a case is closed to be prepared should the ACTS database become
unavailable. (T-1) In the event of a loss of access to the ACTS database, IGs at all levels
will continue to intake and process complaints and document case actions in their own
system until ACTS is restored. (T-1) Once ACTS is restored IGs will have to upload all
case related documents/information in ACTS. (T-1) Access to ACTS will not be granted until IGs have attended ACTS training at
the IG Training Course-Complaints Resolution (IGTC-Q). (T-1) MAJCOM, FLDCOM
or NGB will create new ACTS accounts. (T-1) MAJCOM/IGQ, FLDCOM/IGQ or NGB
is the waiver authority for the IGTC-Q attendance requirement.
36 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 When IGs are reassigned outside of the IG, the IG being reassigned will notify
their MAJCOM/FLDCOM/NGB IG to delete their account. (T-1) IGs will document IG-conducted training in ACTS (see DAFCRPSG
Attachment 22 for a template). (T-3)
1.43.2. ACTS administrators at all levels will review ACTS accounts at all levels within the
organization once a month and delete any user accounts no longer authorized. (T-1)
1.43.3. The ACTS Subjects and Allegations Tab will be completed for reprisal and restriction
cases, CDIs, adverse information reports, officer under investigation cases, DoD Hotline
ACTION referrals, and any referral resulting in a substantiated finding. (T-1)
Section 1HTraining Requirements
1.44. IG Training Requirements.
1.44.1. Newly assigned IGs and IGQ staff members should attend the IG Training Course-
Complaints Resolution (IGTC-Q) prior to assignment, but must attend no later than 90 days
after assignment. (T-2) Air Reserve Component (ARC) members must attend no later than
180 days after assignment. (T-1) Training will be coordinated through the or
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/NGB or equivalent command IG. Under no circumstances will an untrained IG or IG staff member conduct
complaint analysis beyond assistance (i.e., no evidence or assertion of misconduct) and/or
investigate allegations of misconduct brought forward by a complainant until completing
IGTC-Q. (T-3) Army and National Guard personnel assigned to NGB/JFHQ IG offices with
assigned responsibilities for ANG complaints resolution matters will attend the IGTC-Q as
soon as practicable after assignment. Department of the Air Force and Air National Guard personnel assigned to
NGB/JFHQ IG offices with assigned responsibilities for ANG complaints resolution
matters will attend the IGTC-Q as soon as practical after assignment. (T-2) Other DoD or US Government agencies who desire to send IG personnel to AF
IG training will nominate their IG personnel directly to SAF/IGQ. Course dates and locations may be found on the SAF/IGQ portal website. IGTC-Q completion provides eligibility for award of Special Experience
Identifier YHR for officers and Special Experience Identifier 309 for enlisted.
1.44.2. All IG staff members designated to receive complaints or conduct investigations will
be familiar with DAFPD 90-3 and this instruction. (T-1)
1.44.3. IGs and their IGQ staff will receive refresher training every three years or if returning
to the office after being detailed, deployed, or incurring any other break in service, for at least
12 months. (T-1) Refresher training includes attendance at IGTC-Q or any other SAF/IGQ
approved refresher training (e.g., MAJCOM conference, IG DoD course, etc.). MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, and any “command unit-level” ACTS organization will report the percentage of
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 37
IGs with current training dates to SAF/IGQ at the end of each April and October. Training
dates will be maintained in ACTS.
1.44.4. For IGs assigned to AF units which conduct intelligence or intelligence-related
activities, refer to AFI 14-404 for specific intelligence oversight training requirements.
1.44.5. All IG staff members designated to receive complaints or conduct investigations will
complete at a minimum the Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) for Investigative
Professionals Training on the Joint Knowledge Online web site:
B. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will maintain a list of additional training tools and resources for all IGQ
staffs. The refresher training interval for investigative professionals, after the initial entry
training, will be every 3 years IAW DoDI 2200.01, Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP).
Section 1IWear of the Inspector General Badge
1.45. Department of the Air Force Inspector General Duty Badge. The IG Duty Badge is
required for wear by any military personnel performing official duties, appropriately trained, and
assigned to an IG office or performing full-time duties with IGQ.
1.46. Wear Criteria. The IG Duty Badge is worn by assigned military IGQ personnel only under
the following conditions:
1.46.1. Upon completion of formalized training. Personnel must complete the Inspector
General Training Course-Q or, upon authorization, other SAF/IGQ approved course and be
assigned to SAF/IG, or an authorized Inspector General office at a MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, Center, JFHQ, Delta, or Wing. (T-2)
1.46.2. The badge is not authorized for continued wear when no longer assigned to an
authorized IG position or when withdrawn for cause by the Commander. (T-2)
Section 1JEducation of Department of the Air Force Personnel
1.47. Educating Department of the Air Force Personnel on the IG System.
1.47.1. IGs at every level are responsible for ensuring Department of the Air Force members
are aware of and understand their rights and responsibilities regarding the IG Complaints
Resolution Program. (T-3) Document any training conducted in ACTS using DAFCRPSG
Attachment 22 as a template.
1.47.2. IGs at every level will actively publicize the IG CRP and train Department of the Air
Force members by taking the following actions. (T-3) Publicize the IG Complaints Hotline through base websites/newspapers,
bulletins, newcomers’ orientations, staff meetings, commander’s calls, and by visiting
work areas. (T-3) Distribute IG Complaints Resolution Program posters for unit high traffic areas
(for maximum exposure), reflecting the IG’s name, location, and contact information, and
the DoD Hotline, AF Complaints Hotline, MAJCOM Hotline, FLDCOM Hotline, and any
base level hotline. (T-3) The purpose of these posters is to assist personnel in contacting
38 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
the IG. IGs at every level are authorized to develop and publish visual aids using DAFI
90-301 as the prescribing directive. Educate personnel on how to use the IG system and the Department of the Air
Force policy on reprisal and restriction. (T-3) Educate commanders and civilian leaders (squadron and above) within 90 days
of their assignment: On reporting responsibilities regarding allegations against senior officials
(see Chapter 8) and open investigations against officers (2d Lt through Col) (see
Chapter 7). (T-3) On reporting responsibilities regarding substantiated findings of
misconduct and/or adverse information against officers, including documentation
requirements detailed in Chapter 7. (T-3) On the rights of service members to make protected communications.
(T-3) On responsibilities regarding processing non-IG issues referred to them for
appropriate action. (T-3) Locally disseminate IG-related news, innovative ideas, and lessons learned.
(T-3) On reporting responsibilities regarding allegations, and all follow-up actions
specified in paragraph 3.12.1 and sub-paragraphs, that a service member engaged in an
activity prohibited under paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06,
Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed
Forces, to Wing, Delta, or servicing IG office no later than 30 calendar days after receiving
an allegation. For Air Reserve Component (ARC) officials, transmission is required not
later than 60 calendar days.
1.48. IG Oath. The IG oath reminds inspectors and inspection augmentees of the special trust
and confidence inherent with the IG position and of the need for impartial and independent
evaluations on behalf of the commander. Uniformed personnel and Department of the Air Force
civilians performing duties on behalf of the IG will take the IG oath (Figure 1.1.). (T-1)
1.48.1. Administering the IG Oath. Normally, the IG oath will be administered at the
conclusion of IGTC. Otherwise, the commander will administer the IG oath to the IG
(delegable to the deputy commander/MAJCOM IG). (T-3)
Figure 1.1. Oath for personnel assigned to the IG.
I, ______________________________, having been assigned as an Inspector General (or a member of a
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/Wing Inspection Team), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I accept the special obligations and
responsibilities of the position freely, that I will uphold the standards for Inspectors General prescribed by Law and
regulations and that I will discharge investigative (or inspection) duties without prejudice, bias or partiality on
behalf of the commander. [So help me God.]
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 39
Chapter 2
Section 2AFiling a Complaint
2.1. Procedure for Filing an IG Complaint.
2.1.1. In accordance with AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards , Department of the Air Force military
personnel, unless otherwise exempted by operation of law, regulation, or policy, have a duty
to promptly report fraud, waste, abuse or gross mismanagement; a violation of law, policy,
procedures, instructions, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct,
or misconduct (as defined by this instruction); or a deficiency or like condition, through
appropriate supervisory channels, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an
established grievance channel. Civilian employees (appropriated and nonappropriated fund)
should report such activities and conduct IAW DAFI 36-147, Civilian Conduct and
Responsibility. Fraud, waste and abuse complaints may also be reported to the AFAA, AFOSI,
Security Forces, or other proper authority. All military and civilian employees, unless
otherwise exempted by operation of law, regulation, or policy, must promptly advise the
AFOSI of suspected criminal misconduct or fraud.
2.1.2. Complainants should, but are not required to, attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest
possible level (appropriate for the circumstances) using supervisory channels before
addressing them to higher-level command channels or the IG.
2.1.3. When complaints are addressed to a higher level (the President, Congress, IG DoD,
CSAF, SAF/IG, etc.), the IG office tasked with the complaint will determine the appropriate
level or organization for redress of the complaint. The complaint may be referred back to the
complainant’s local IG for resolution.
2.1.4. When complainants send the same or a similar complaint to several levels of the
government, the highest level with which the complainant corresponds will reply, unless
determined otherwise by the higher level office or other directives. (T-1) If it is decided that
a lower level will respond, the IG must inform the complainant he/she will not receive separate
replies from various levels of the government and inform the complainant which level will
provide the response. (T-1) IGs must verify the higher level of government is addressing the
complaint before it is closed at the lower level.
2.1.5. Complainants use DAF Form 102, Inspector General Complaint Form, to file
complaints with an IG. DAF Form 102 collects name, grade/rank, military status, contact
information and sufficient information regarding the complainant’s issue to assist in resolution
of the complaint. Use of the DAF Form 102 is not required, but highly recommended.
2.2. Approval of Official Travel to Submit Complaints.
2.2.1. Complainants normally do not travel at government expense to present a complaint
unless authorized. If authorized, funding will come from the complainant’s unit or will be
funded by complainant's personal funds and travel will be conducted in leave or permissive
TDY status. Such travel may only be funded IAW the Joint Travel Regulations.
40 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
2.2.2. Requests to travel to meet with SAF/IG personnel must be coordinated with SAF/IGS
or SAF/IGQ prior to unit approval of the TDY request.
2.3. Complaints Resolved Through Other Agencies and Grievance Channels.
2.3.1. The IG Complaints Resolution Program may result in complaints being addressed
through other established grievance or appeal channels, unless there is evidence those channels
mishandled the matter or process. If a policy directive or instruction provides a specific means of redress or appeal
of a grievance, complainants should exhaust those procedures. Complainants must provide relevant evidence that the process was mishandled or
handled prejudicially before the IG will process a complaint of mishandling. Mere
dissatisfaction or disagreement with the outcome or findings of an alternative grievance or
appeal process is an insufficient basis to establish IG mishandling.
2.3.2. Table 3.7 outlines agencies with established programs for the redress of various
complaints. The table is not all-inclusive. Matters without specific grievance channels or not
mentioned in Table 3.7 may generally be referred to the appropriate level of the chain of
Section 2B—Complainant’s Rights and Responsibilities
2.4. Complainant’s Rights.
2.4.1. Any person may file a complaint with the Inspector General.
2.4.2. In accordance with The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended by The Inspector
General Reform Act of 2008, Title 5 Appendix 3, Section 7; Complaints by Employees,
Disclosure of Identity, Reprisals: The Inspector General may receive and investigate complaints or information
from an employee (employee in this context includes military, civilian and nonappropriated
fund employees) of the establishment concerning the possible existence of an activity
constituting a violation of law, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of
funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety. The Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from
an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee,
unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course
of the investigation. Any employee who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or
approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or threaten to
take any personnel action against any employee as a reprisal for making a complaint or
disclosing information to an Inspector General, unless the complaint was made, or the
information disclosed, with the knowledge that it was false or with willful disregard for its
truth or falsity.
2.4.3. Complainants have the right to: File an IG complaint at any level without going through their supervisory channel.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 41 File a complaint with an IG without fear of reprisal. Request withdrawal of their IG complaint in writing; however, IGs may still
examine the issues at their discretion and treat it as a third-party complaint. Request the next higher-level IG review the lower-level IGs resolution path
determination within 90 days of receiving the IG response. However, simply disagreeing
with the action taken will not justify additional IG review. The request for review must: Be in writing and give specific reasons why the complainant believes the
original IG complaint resolution was not valid or adequate. Provide additional new and compelling information to justify a higher-level
review on previously considered issues. Request review by the referral agency, or, if appropriate, the next higher
organizational level within that agency, when a complaint is referred by the IG to an
agency outside of the IG. Requests for reconsideration of IG resolution strategy must go to the higher
level IG. For referrals, complainants may request reconsideration of the complaint
resolution to the next level in the chain of command or appropriate agency. Requests
for reconsideration must be filed within 90 days of receiving the resolution from the
IG. Submit complaints anonymously. Additionally, when the complainant's identity
is known, the complainant may still elect to be treated as an anonymous filer when
submitting the complaint. This is not the same as a complainant electing to not release the
complainant’s identity outside of the IG system. For anonymous complaints, the ACTS
record should not reflect the identity of the complainant, if known. For complainants who
do not consent to release of their identity, the IG will obtain the referral agency response
and forward to the complainant. Submit a complaint if they reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred,
or a wrong or violation of law, policy, procedure, instruction, or regulation has been
committed, even if the complainant is not the wronged party or was not affected by the
alleged violation. Individuals who have witnessed a violation or misconduct first-hand, or
have direct evidence a violation or misconduct took place, will be considered first-party
complainants. Individuals who submit a complaint on behalf of another individual against
an DAF military member, civil service employee, program, or organization; or only
have indirect evidence of a violation or misconduct will be considered third-party
complainants. Third-party complainants are not entitled to a response regarding the
substance of alleged wrongs not directly affecting them. Third-party complainants are
only entitled to have receipt of their complaint acknowledged. Third-party complainants are not entitled to personal information or other
information not releasable to the public under the FOIA/Privacy Act (PA). To release
personal information concerning a first-party individual (complainant, subject), a
written and signed consent to release private information must be acquired from the
affected individual. (T-2) If the individual does not give his or her consent to release
42 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
first-party information to a third party, IGs must inform the requestor that personal
privacy information will not be released. See Chapter 10 for additional release
information. Lawyers representing complainants are not considered third-party and
may receive information regarding complaint on behalf of the complainant, if written
proof of representation is provided. Request whistleblower protection under 10 USC § 1034 if they are military
members and believe they have been reprised against for making or preparing a protected
communication. Refer to Chapter 5 for more specific information regarding reprisal
complaints. File complaints with allegations that have been previously investigated and then
reviewed by a higher-level IG office. If the current complaint does not provide new
information or evidence that justifies further investigation, it will be dismissed. Address their complaints to any IG if their unit does not have an appointed IG. Contact an IG or Member of Congress regarding any issue.
2.5. Complainants’ Responsibilities.
2.5.1. Normally, complainants will prepare, sign, and submit to an IG an DAF Form 102 to
ensure awareness of the Privacy Act and their responsibilities. Complainants making verbal
or telephonic complaints should normally return a completed DAF Form 102 to an IG within
5 calendar days. Complaints not submitted on an DAF Form 102 should be drafted following
the same format outlined in Table 2.1, steps 3, 4 and 5.
2.5.2. Time limit: An evaluation of timeliness is fact-dependent, taking into account factors
such as whether there is a known complainant, the specificity of the allegation, how long the
complainant has known about the alleged misconduct, the ability to conduct a focused
investigation, etc. While there is no stringent rule regarding timeliness, complainants should
submit IG complaints in a timely manner in order for the IG to resolve them effectively.
Complaints should be submitted to the IG within 90 days of learning of the alleged misconduct,
and within one year of learning of the alleged misconduct for reprisal complaints. There is no
time limit for filing restriction complaints. IG complaints not reported within the appropriate
time limit may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony. IGs may accept and
refer complaints that exceed the above time requirements if the complaint is of special
Department of the Air Force interest or the complainant is able to demonstrate that he/she was
unable to meet the time standards due to unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances, and such
circumstances justifies the delay. The IG may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the
alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is a reasonable probability insufficient
information can be gathered to make a determination, and/or no special Department of the Air
Force interests exist to justify investigating the matter. See paragraph 3.22 and Table 3.13.
2.5.3. Cooperation. Complainants must cooperate with IGs and IOs by providing factual and
relevant information regarding the issues and/or allegations (unless exercising Article 31 of
the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or Fifth Amendment of the United States
Constitution rights). If complainants do not cooperate, the IG may dismiss the complaint if
the IG is unable to conduct a thorough complaint analysis due to lack of information.
Complainants will be allowed at least 10 calendar days to provide requested information prior
to the IG dismissing their complaint. The case may be dismissed IAW Table 3.13., Rule 4 if
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 43
after three attempts within 10 days by the IG, the complainant fails to respond to requests for
additional information. If a complaint is dismissed, and complainant later files the same
complaint issues, the complaint will be accepted as a new complaint (i.e., with a new ACTS
file reference number).
2.5.4. Truthfulness. Complainants providing information to the Department of the Air Force
IG system must understand they are submitting official statements within official Department
of the Air Force channels. Therefore, they remain subject to punitive action (or adverse
administrative action) for knowingly making false statements and for submitting other
unlawful communications. Additionally, unless otherwise protected by law, any information
complainants provide to the IG is subject to release during or after the IG inquiry.
2.5.5. In situations where a complainant has a documented history of presenting patterns of
issues or allegations that are false, baseless, malicious, deceptive, defamatory, improbable, or
previously addressed as baseless, not substantiated, or not appropriate for the Department of
the Air Force IG System, the IG may limit the response or resolution path to the complainant.
2.6. Removing Complaints from the IG System.
2.6.1. Complainants may elect to withdraw a complaint from IG channels in writing.
Withdrawing the complaint does not prohibit the complainant from submitting the complaint
to another grievance channel for resolution. However, IGs may elect to address the complaint
if the allegations identify a wrong or a violation of law, policy, procedure, regulation or other
recognized standard. Exception: Allegations of reprisal or restriction must be resolved within
IG channels. (T-0)
2.6.2. Unless there is evidence of mishandling by the appropriate grievance agency/channel,
IGs will direct, via assistance or referral, complaints that belong in another Department of the
Air Force investigative or grievance channel to the appropriate grievance channel. See
paragraph 3.15 and Table 3.7 for assistance in determining if a complaint belongs in other
channels. Inform the complainant of the alternatives and advise the complainant it would be
appropriate to submit their complaint via that channel. IGs may refer a complaint even if the complainant disagrees with the referral.
Such referrals may include, but are not limited to: allegations of crimes, notice of danger
to people and/or property, personnel matters, and problems with potential impact on
national defense.
2.7. Requests to Delay Command or Personnel Actions.
2.7.1. IGs cannot delay command and personnel actions based on the filing of an IG complaint
or the initiation of an IG investigation. Filing an IG complaint will not delay or prevent
completion of command actions such as reassignment, retirement, discharge, nonjudicial
punishment, etc., unless deemed necessary by appropriate commanders.
2.7.2. IGs do not have the authority to place individuals on administrative hold. The authority
to place an individual on administrative hold or to delay command action rests only with
commanders and the respective personnel center. Therefore, complainants must submit such
requests through their respective commander or servicing personnel office.
44 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Section 2CHow to File an IG Complaint
2.8. Procedures for Filing an IG Complaint.
2.8.1. Complainants may file complaints through an IG Complaints Hotline, the DoD Hotline,
or directly with an IG. Complainants may file anonymously.
2.8.2. Complainants should follow the steps in Table 2.1 and complete an DAF Form 102,
Inspector General Complaint Form, prior to filing a complaint with the IG office.
2.8.3. Complaints not submitted on a DAF Form 102 should draft their complaint following
the same format outlined in Table 2.1, steps 3, 4 and 5. Complaints not submitted in the
outlined format may cause a delay in the processing of the complaint and the determination of
IG action.
Table 2.1. How to File a Complaint.
If unable to resolve the complaint in supervisory channels, review Table 3.6 to
determine if the complaint should be filed with the IG. Complainants should file a
complaint if they reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred or a violation
of law, policy, procedure, instruction, or regulation has been committed.
Complete the personal data information on an DAF Form 102 (typed or printed
legibly), the preferred format for submitting complaints so it may easily be
Briefly outline the facts and relevant background information related to the issue or
complaint on the DAF Form 102 in chronological order. The complainant should
include witnesses who can corroborate the allegations or provide additional evidence
relevant to the issues. The complainant is responsible for describing what each
recommended witness can provide regarding the issues and/or allegations.
List the issues and/or allegations of misconduct BRIEFLY, in general terms, and provide
supporting narrative detail including chronology and documents. Allegations should be
written as bullets and should answer:
1. When did the issue occur?
2. Where did the issue occur?
3. Who took the action in question 1. (e.g., Maj John A. Smith,
4. What did the person (or people) in question 3. do (e.g., gave a letter of reprimand,
wasted resources)?
5. To whom did the action in question 4. happen (e.g., complainant, SSgt Smith, etc.)?
6. What law or regulation was violated (e.g., DAFI 36-2803, Military Awards and
Decorations Program, 10 U.S.C, etc.)?
7. What remedy is being sought?
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 45
If more than 90 days (one year for reprisal, no limit for restriction) have elapsed since
learning of the alleged wrong, the complaint should also include:
1. The date the complainant first became aware of the conduct.
2. How the complainant became aware of the conduct.
3. Why the complainant delayed filing the complaint.
Submit the completed DAF Form 102 to any Department of the Air Force IG and set up
a follow-on meeting to discuss the complaint.
If an IG is named in the complaint, contact the next higher-level IG.
46 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 3
Section 3AIntroduction to the Complaints Resolution Process
3.1. Overview. This chapter instructs IGs at every organizational level how to manage and
process IG complaints and discusses the complaint lifecycle from receipt through resolution. The
Department of the Air Force endorses a proactive oversight and follow-up system that achieves
the high program standards described in the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency,
Quality Standards for Federal Offices of Inspector General.
3.2. Protection of Information. A key goal of the IG CRP is to facilitate a complaints resolution
environment that promotes confidence in Department of the Air Force leadership. Assurance that
an individual's privacy will be safeguarded to the maximum extent practicable encourages
voluntary cooperation and promotes a climate of openness in identifying issues requiring
leadership intervention. Specifically, the IG has the responsibility to safeguard the personal
identity of individuals seeking assistance or participating in an IG process, such as an investigation,
including complainants, witnesses and subjects. While this does not mean communications made
to an IG are privileged or confidential, it does mean disclosure of those communications (and the
identity of the communicant) should be strictly limited to an official, need-to-know basis. This
information should not be disclosed unless required by law or regulation, when necessary to take
adverse action against a subject, or with the approval of SAF/IG, or IAW paragraph 3.2.2. See
Chapter 10 for guidance on the Department of the Air Force IG Records Release Program.
Persons who request anonymity or who express a concern about confidentiality must be informed
of this policy. All personnel reviewing or processing IG information shall be briefed on this policy.
(T-1) All IGs and staff members are obligated to protect IG information when their tenure of
service as an IG is completed. The following guidance applies to all personnel at all organizational
3.2.1. IG personnel must protect the identity of all complainants as described in paragraph
3.2. (T-0) At the time the IG receives a complaint, he or she will advise the complainant that
in accordance with The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended by The Inspector General
Reform Act of 2008, Title 5 Appendix 3, Section 7; Complaints by Employees, Disclosure of
Identity, Reprisals: The Inspector General may receive and investigate complaints or information
from an employee (employee in this context includes military, civilian and nonappropriated
fund employees) of the establishment concerning the possible existence of an activity
constituting a violation of law, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of
funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety. The Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from
an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee,
unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course
of the investigation and/or complaint analysis. (T-0) Any employee who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or
approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or threaten to
take any action against any employee as a reprisal for making a complaint or disclosing
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 47
information to an Inspector General, unless the complaint was made or the information
disclosed with the knowledge that it was false or with willful disregard for its truth or
3.2.2. IGs/IOs should not divulge a complainant's name to a subject or to any witness, or
permit a witness to read the complaint without the appointing authority's written permission
(reference paragraph 4.10.8.).
3.2.3. In accordance with DoDI 7050.01, DoD Hotline Program, inspector general personnel
may disclose the identity of the complainant when: It is necessary to address an emergency situation; or Transfer of cases to local law enforcement or other authorities outside the
Department of the Air Force in instances where the recipient has jurisdiction over the
matter or where complainants appear to be a danger to themselves or others or appear in
need of assistance by local health officials. In such instances, the inspector general will
provide a Privacy Act Notice to the complainant informing them where and why their
identity was disclosed (unless the privacy notice may jeopardize safety or compromise an
3.3. Procedures for Managing IG Complaints.
3.3.1. IG complaints will be managed in a manner that facilitates efficient and effective
mission accomplishment. (T-1) IG complaints will be reported and resolved with due
diligence and in a timely manner. (T-1) IGs at all organizational levels must document all
complaints and adhere to the process timeline outlined in Table 3.1. (T-1) Complaints within
the purview of the IG CRP should be addressed at the lowest appropriate level, including high-
level complaints (e.g., those sent to the President, Congress, DoD, SECAF, SAF/IG). This
ensures the higher-level IGs remain unbiased and are available to review any rebuttals or
appeals of the lower-level investigations or actions.
3.3.2. IGs should resolve complaints at the lowest possible level, but may elevate complaints
when appropriate. IGs must elevate complaints when self-investigation or the perception of
self-investigation is an issue. Complaints that involve a conflict of interest with the local chain
of command will be referred to the next-level of command. Complaints that involve a conflict
of interest with the IG, will be transferred to the next-level IG. Even perceptions of conflict of
interest can undermine the confidence of our Airmen and Guardians in the IG system. If in
doubt on specific cases, consult with your MAJCOM/FLDCOM/NGB IGs. Complaints
involving the local chain of command should not be referred back to the local chain of
command and must be elevated at least one level up.
3.3.3. Complaints against senior officials will be processed IAW Chapter 8. (T-0)
3.3.4. Complaints against all officers (or civil servants grade 15) will be processed IAW
Chapter 7. (T-0)
3.3.5. Complaints of Primary Interest Under the Department of the Air Force CRP. IGs will
always retain responsibility to resolve complaints of: Reprisal (see Chapter 5). (T-0) Restriction (see Chapter 6). (T-0)
48 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 IG misconduct regarding actions taken relating to the CRP or Air Force Inspection
System (AFIS). The next higher-level IG will conduct the complaint analysis and
investigate complaints if required.
3.4. The Complaint Resolution Process. To assist IGs in managing complaints, the following
table describes actions required to resolve a complaint from receipt through investigation to
closure. The process contains 15 steps and is divided into 3 phases: complaint analysis,
investigation, and quality review. The goal for completing assistance and dismissal cases is 30
days (contact, 5 days; conduct complaint analysis, 20 days; finalize complaint analysis and
determine resolution path, 5 days). (T-1) For referrals, 30 days for decision to refer, and 60 days
for a response from command. For Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve IGs: To meet the
goal to resolve all case matters promptly, Phase 1 actions need to be completed no later than the
end of the next unit training assembly (UTA) after receipt of the complaint.
Table 3.1. The Complaint Resolution Process (T-1).
Total Phase Timelines
30 Days
Transfer, Assist, Refer, Dismiss or Investigate **
See Table 3.8 for Transfer, Table 3.10 for Assist, Table 3.12 for Refer and Table 3.14
for Dismissal
60 Days
Report Ready for Quality Review - 90 days from Complaint Receipt
60 Days
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 49
Compliance with above timeline will ensure cases receive
appropriate level review within statutory and Department of the
Air Force Instruction requirements
150 Days
Note 1: *Except in extraordinary circumstances, a resolution path for each issue in a complaint
will be determined and tasked to appropriate agency no later than 30 days after receiving a
Note 2: **Transfers requiring higher headquarters review.
Note 3: *** For substantiated findings, the timelines for the tentative conclusion letter includes
30 days outside the normal timeline.
Complaint Analysis
Section 3BStep 1: Contact (< 5 Days)
3.5. Procedure for Receiving Complaints. Air Force, Space Force, Air National Guard, and Air
Force Reserve IGs receive and process complaints from any source (including anonymous), via
any medium, regarding operations, organizations, functions, and personnel. IGs can accept
telephonic and verbal complaints, but every attempt should be made to obtain a written complaint.
For telephonic and verbal complaints, IGs should obtain adequate information for clarification and
follow-up actions. IGs will enter all contact/complaint data into ACTS within 5 calendar days of
initial contact (or by the conclusion of the UTA for the Air Reserve Component (ARC)). (T-1)
Follow the administrative procedures in Table 3.2 to process complaints made to their office.
Table 3.2. Processing Complaints.
Log complaint into the ACTS database (Note: ACTS case notes should contain a
complete description of the facts, sequence of IG actions taken, record of
persons/organizations contacted, and date contact was made.)
Mark/type/insert text, “CUI” and “COMPLAINANT PROVIDED” on each page of
documents provided by the complainant. Load as a portable document file (PDF)
attachment to the ACTS case file and put a check mark in the “complainant prov
. The IG loading the documents in ACTS must mark them complainant provided.
50 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Contact complainant in writing, by telephone, or in person within 5 duty days to
acknowledge receipt (unless received directly from complainant). Provide a periodic
update to the complainant, regardless of resolution path (to include referrals), 60 days
after receipt of the complaint and every 60 days (for ANG/Air Force Reserve: every
other UTA weekend) thereafter until a final response is provided. Log the periodic
update in ACTS and add a case note to reflect completion of the update. If the update is
done via memo or email, upload the memo or email to the Attachment Tab.
3.6. Higher Headquarters Taskings.
3.6.1. When complaints are addressed to a higher-level IG office, that office will decide if
tasking to a lower-level IG is appropriate by determining whether: The complaint was previously addressed and merits a higher-level IG review. There is a need to avoid the appearance of self-investigation at a lower level. There is evidence the lower-level IG or command may be biased.
3.6.2. Absent any of the circumstances described in paragraph 3.6.1, the higher-level IG
should transfer the complaint to the lower level IG for complaint resolution. This ensures the
higher-level IG office remains unbiased and is available to review any rebuttals or appeals of
the lower-level investigation.
3.7. Complaint Intake Procedures. Thoroughly understanding a complaint is the foundation for
conducting a complete and accurate complaint analysis. The IG will conduct a complaint intake
for all cases using the procedures in Table 3.3. (T-1) Fully document the contact in ACTS.
Table 3.3. How to Conduct a Complaint Intake.
Find a private location if the complaint is made in person.
If the complainant has not yet done so, ask them to complete a DAF Form 102 or some
other record that documents their complaint.
Determine if the individual has sought assistance from an appropriate support agency
(for example military personnel section, finance, or equal opportunity office). Advise
them to go to that agency if they have not. Refer to Table 3.7.
If the complainant has not talked to their supervisory channel, find out why. Unless
circumstances warrant otherwise, encourage the complainant to utilize the chain of
command first. Explain why this is the preferred approach (faster resolution,
commanders have the authority to remedy the situation, etc.). Explain if the matter is
clearly a command issue and not an IG matter, the complaint should be addressed by
supervisory or command channels regardless of the desires of the complainant.
If it has been more than 90 days since the complainant learned of the alleged wrong,
one year for reprisal cases (no time limit for restriction cases), inform them the
complaint may be dismissed. Explain that complaints are reviewed for dismissal on a
case-by-case basis and the length of time since the alleged event can seriously impede
the effectiveness of an investigation. Ask the complainant why they delayed filing the
complaint and if there were compelling circumstances that justified the delay.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 51
Ask the complainant to clarify their issues and provide a chronology, as necessary.
Generally, a statement of fact must identify the nature and substance of the alleged
wrong with sufficient detail and facts to enable the IG to ascertain what potential
violations may have been committed. The complainant should also identify the source
(for example, the documents or names of witnesses who can corroborate the issue); the
date; and the act or condition that occurred or existed at that date. Obtain answers to
the questions identified in sections II and III on the DAF Form 102. If the
complainant alleges reprisal or restriction, or words to that effect, explain the
whistleblower protection afforded by 10 USC § 1034 and have complainant sign the
Department of the Air Force Complaint Resolution Program Supplemental Guide
Attachment 14 Whistleblower Protection Under 10 USC § 1034. Explain to all
military complainants that their communication with the IG is protected under 10 USC
§ 1034.
Advise the complainant any records or documents he/she provides to the IG become
part of an IG record and are not returnable unless they complete a FOIA request. See
Chapter 10 and AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program. At the
time of intake, ask complainant if he or she has copies of his or her complaint.
Ask the complainant what remedy is being sought. Advise complainant the IG does
not have the authority to direct actions to initiate remedy sought by complainant.
Additionally, explain that IGs cannot delay or prevent command and personnel actions
nor do IGs have the authority to place individuals on administrative hold.
Explain the steps involved in processing an IG complaint and/or conducting an
Inform the complainant when you expect to get back to him/her. See Table 3.4 for
complaint clarification procedures.
3.7.1. Complaint Clarification Procedures. Complaint clarification interviews may be
necessary, but are not required for allegations being referred outside of IG channels, transferred
to another Department of the Air Force IG, or those addressed through assistance. All IGs
receiving complaints that allege misconduct to be addressed in IG channels will complete a
complaint clarification interview after the initial complaint intake. (T-1) This interview must
be documented and attached in the ACTS case file before the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, Whistleblower Reprisal Investigations (IG DoD/WRI) will approve
the case recommendation. (T-0) Follow the steps in Table 3.4 when conducting a complaint
clarification. (T-1) It is highly recommended that this interview be recorded so that it is available for
verbatim transcription if needed for analysis and report documentation later during the
inquiry process. In the absence of the ability to transcribe the complaint clarification
interview, the IG may summarize the testimony using the recorded interview and request
the complainant certify the IG’s summarized complainant’s testimony as accurate. If
unable to record the complaint clarification interview, document the discussion with a
memo for record (MFR) stating when the interview occurred, the medium by which it was
conducted, and a general synopsis of the contents of the discussion. (T-1) If the IG is unable to complete a complaint clarification interview with the
complainant, the complainant will be asked to complete a signed memorandum detailing
his or her testimony. Email is acceptable.
52 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Table 3.4. How to Conduct a Complaint Clarification.
For cases that do not involve 10 USC § 1034 issues
Review DAF Form 102 and any other documentation provided by the complainant.
Update/create chronology based on review of information received during Intake and
complaint analysis conducted by the IG. Starting with a solid chronology based on
information learned at intake is critical and will allow the IG to better validate the dates
and key details with the complainant.
Acquire relevant documents, as necessary, so evidence is available to ensure an accurate
complaint clarification can be performed.
Contact the complainant to schedule the clarification interview (can be accomplished in-
person, via telephone, or with an interrogatory. Email is acceptable). If a complainant
requests the presence of legal representation during the interview, it may be granted.
Ask questions to clarify the issues to determine the best resolution strategy. Recording
the complaint clarification is encouraged; however, recorded or not, the interview will
be summarized and attached as part of the ACTS case file. (Note: If the interview is
recorded, complainant must acknowledge awareness of the recording.)
For cases that involve 10 USC § 1034 issues
The IG should focus the complaint clarification interview on the protected
communications, personnel actions and information that suggests the possibility of a
causal connection between the protected communications and the personnel actions.
Include questions that identify potential responsible management officials, their
knowledge of protected communications, and what motive they would have to reprise
against the complainant. Have complainant explain why he/she believes the personnel
actions were taken in reprisal. See DoDI 7050.09, Uniform Standards for Evaluating and
Investigating Military Reprisal or Restriction Complaints and the DoD Guide to
Investigating Military Whistleblower Reprisal and Restriction Complaints for example
Obtain as much detail as possible. Dates are particularly important regarding the
protected communications and personnel actions and whether an inference of reprisal is
As necessary, ask complainant to provide what information each witness identified in the
complaint can provide regarding the issues being addressed. Failure to identify primary
witnesses early can lead to insufficient fact-gathering and analysis.
When evaluating restriction issues, clarification interview questions should focus on what
was done or said to restrict the member. Keep in mind that allegations of restriction are
not subject to the 1 year filing deadline.
If complaint clarification interview is completed prior to submitting reprisal and
restriction notification, annotate with entry in “Comments” section. If the interview is
conducted after the notification was made, record in “Date Complainant Interviewed”
block on the decision document.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 53
Section 3C—Step 2: Analysis (≤ 20 Days) Conducting a Complaint Analysis
3.8. Procedure for Complaint Analysis. In each case, IGs at every organizational level will
conduct a thorough complaint analysis to determine the appropriate complaint resolution strategy.
(T-1) A complaint analysis is always required and results in: assistance, dismissal, investigation,
referral or transfer of the complaint. Complaints containing multiple assertions may require
multiple resolution strategies, e.g., transfer, assist, referral, dismissal and/or investigation. For
every contact, document the rationale for the selected resolution strategy in ACTS in accordance
with paragraph 3.11.2.
3.8.1. When complaints have different resolution strategies (e.g., assist, referral, and
dismissal), or the same resolution strategies but to different agencies, create an additional
ACTS case for each resolution strategy. (T-2) Cross-reference cases in the “Nature of
Complaint.” (T-2)
3.8.2. When transferring portions of contacts/complainants to different IGs, create an
additional ACTS case for the transfer.
3.8.3. All IGs, during the complaint analysis process, will consider whether the evidence
supports allegations of reprisal and restriction regardless of whether the complainant
specifically makes those allegations. (T-1) If complainant does not think they received an
adverse action in reprisal, analyze the complaint as a non-reprisal complaint.
3.9. Conducting a Complaint Analysis. A complaint analysis is a preliminary review of
assertions and evidence to determine the potential validity and relevance of the issues to the
Department of the Air Force and to determine what action, if any, is necessary within IG,
supervisory, or other channels.
3.9.1. During complaint analysis, complaints of misconduct will be treated as issues until it is
determined through the analysis that further investigation is warranted. (T-1) If a complaint
analysis recommends further investigation, the IG will conclude the analysis of each issue in
the complaint analysis by framing proper allegation(s) for investigation. (T-1) Refer to
paragraph 5.5 when completing a complaint analysis into allegations of reprisal or paragraph
6.5 for allegations of restriction. If the complaint analysis recommends dismissal, in that an
investigation is not warranted, then the IG will conclude the analysis of those issues as issues
rather than allegations. (T-1) When framing allegations, IGs shall consult with their servicing
legal office to ensure that all allegations clearly and concisely identify the complainant's
assertions as specific violations of law, regulation, procedure. (T-2)
3.9.2. A framed allegation is a factual proposition to be proved or disproved during an
investigation, and which if true, would constitute misconduct. If an allegation cannot be
properly framed, then an investigation is inappropriate. Framed allegations must contain the
following: (T-1) When did the alleged violation occur? Who committed the alleged violation? What violation was committed? What law, regulation, procedure, standard, or policy was violated? A properly framed allegation is constructed as follows:
54 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
When (on or about 10 January 2004), Who (Major John A. Smith, XX Sq/CC) did what (gave a
referral EPR to SrA William Tell), in violation of what standard (in reprisal for a protected
communication in violation of 10 USC § 1034).
3.9.3. Do not combine allegations to simplify the process. If the complainant asserts multiple
violations on different occasions, make each of these a separate allegation. The same rule
applies when the complaint contains multiple subjects, occurrences, or standards.
3.10. Complaint Analysis Procedures. Use the complaint analysis procedures in Table 3.5 to
determine the appropriate complaint resolution strategy.
Table 3.5. How to Conduct a Complaint Analysis.
If issues are appropriate for IG action but should be addressed by another IG, see
paragraph 3.14 and Table 3.8. If appropriate for transfer to another IG, follow
the guidance in paragraph 3.15 and Table 3.9.
Determine if the complaint is appropriate for IG channels, typically complaints of
reprisal, of restriction, or against IG personnel in the performance of their IG duties.
See Table 3.6.
Determine if the issues fall under the category of special interest complaints in Table
3.6. If issue meets the criteria for a special interest complaint, follow the directions in
Table 3.6. If the issue does not meet the criteria, return to this table.
If the complainant, based on information provided by the IG, voluntarily elects to address
their personal concerns or alleged misconduct in an alternate grievance channel or outside
agency, follow the guidance in paragraph 3.18 and Table 3.10 and resolve the complaint
as an assist. If the complainant elects instead to address the issue using the IG CRP,
continue with this table as necessary.
If Table 3.7 indicates the issues are more suitable for resolution for designated agencies
and grievance channels, follow the guidance in paragraph 3.20 and Tables 3.7 and
Determine whether the issues are appropriate for dismissal. See Table 3.13. If
appropriate for dismissal, follow the guidance in Table 3.14.
Determine whether the issues asserted are appropriate for investigation. See paragraph
Document the rationale for the selected complaint resolution strategy. The complaint
analysis documentation in DAFCRPSG Attachment 1 provides a template for
documenting complaint analysis. See paragraph 3.11.
Document appropriate complaint information in ACTS, either by case note or as an
attachment. See paragraph 3.11.
3.11. Documenting a Complaint Analysis. IGs and IG staff members at every organizational
level will document each complaint analysis and include the rationale for the selected complaint
resolution strategy. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 55
3.11.1. If, during the initial complaint analysis, the IG deems the complaint should be handled
by another IG office, contact that IG office and discuss rationale of potential transfer. If
transferred, the gaining IG office will accomplish a detailed complaint analysis and required
documentation. (T-1)
3.11.2. Document the complaint analysis (see DAFCRPSG Attachment 1, for example) and
attach the document to the ACTS case file. (T-1) For complaints that are resolved through an
assist, dismiss, transfer or referral, the IG can document the complaint analysis in an ACTS
case note in place of the complaint analysis documentation letter. The case note must include
the background, issues, analysis, and resolution path as separate paragraphs. If any special
interest category is marked on the main tab in ACTS, include a discussion of the special interest
category in the complaint analysis.
3.11.3. If the complaint analysis recommends an IG investigation, the complaint analysis
document must contain properly framed allegations. (T-1) For allegations of reprisal, see
Chapter 5 and for allegations of restriction, see Chapter 6 for additional requirements.
3.11.4. A complaint analysis recommending an IG investigation will be approved by the
appointing authority. (T-1)
3.12. Processing Allegations/Issues of a Special Nature. Table 3.6 explains special processing
instructions when a complainant makes assertions against senior officials, officers, IGs, or
allegations of a special nature.
Table 3.6. Processing Special Interest Complaints. (T-1)
If the complainant makes
Against a senior official
Report the allegations IAW paragraph 8.1.2 notify
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG using
DAFCRPSG Attachment 13 and reference Chapter 8.
(T-0) When sending a notify, always notify the agency
(NAF, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, or SAF) Group Box.
When sending a notify to SAF, always notify the SAF
Group Box in ACTS. If the senior official is not a
member of the DAF, contact SAF/IGS for assistance.
56 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Against a colonel, (but not a
colonel-select or GS-15)
Notify SAF/IGQ, through the appropriate MAJCOM,
receiving complaints containing allegations of
misconduct against colonels. (T-0) Follow the
procedures in Chapter 7.
Against an IG
After consultation and coordination with the next higher-
level IG, transfer the complaint to the next higher-level
IG for action and document as a transfer in ACTS. When
transferring a case to SAF, always transfer to the SAF
Group Box in ACTS. (T-1)
That a military member was
reprised against for making a
protected communication
Advise complainants of whistleblower protection under
10 USC § 1034. Follow the procedures in Chapter 5.
(T-1) If not completed as part of Complaint Intake, Step
6, explain the whistleblower protection afforded by 10
USC § 1034 and have them sign the DAFCRPSG
Attachment 14, Whistleblower Protections Under 10
USC §1034.
That a military member was
Advise complainants of whistleblower protection under
10 USC § 1034. Follow the procedures in Chapter 6.
(T-1) If not completed as part of Complaint Intake, Step
6, explain the whistleblower protection afforded by 10
USC § 1034 and have them sign the DAFCRPSG
Attachment 14, Whistleblower Protections Under 10
USC § 1034.
Of violations of Equal
Opportunity policy
Assist/Refer, as appropriate, the complaint by directing
the complainant to the Equal Opportunity office for a
complaint clarification following the procedures in Table
3.7, Rule 11. (T-1)
Of fraud, espionage, sabotage,
treason, subversion, disloyal
statements, disaffection, or
other criminal offenses (i.e., to
include but not limited to
homicide, use/possession/sale
of drugs, theft, etc.)
Consult with the JA and local AFOSI office or
AFOSI/IG to determine whether the allegations
should be handled through command or law
enforcement channels. (T-0)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 57
Of sexual harassment
Determine if complainant has made a restricted or
unrestricted report of military sexual harassment with
SAPR or if the complainant has engaged in any EO
complaint processes. If no report or complaint has
been made, advise the complainant of his or her
options IAW DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity
Program or DAFI 90-6001, Sexual Assault
Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program. (T-0)
Handle case according to complainant’s decision
regarding reporting of the sexual harassment. (T-1) If
referred to EO, no response from EO or SAPR is
Of sexual assault
Determine if complainant has made a restricted or
unrestricted report of sexual assault. If no report has
been made, advise the complainant of his or her
options (restricted or unrestricted) IAW DAFI 90-
6001, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
(SAPR) Program. Handle case according to
complainant’s decision regarding reporting of the
sexual assault. (T-1) If referred to command, no
response from command is necessary. IGs are not
mandatory reporters for purposes of DAFI 90-6001.
Of reprisal, ostracism, or
maltreatment related to a sexual
Determine if complainant has made a restricted or
unrestricted report of sexual assault. If no report has
been made, advise the complainant of his or her
options (restricted or unrestricted) IAW DAFI 90-
6001. (T-1) If complainant has made an unrestricted
report of sexual assault, the complainant has the
option to file a report of retaliation with SAPR via the
DD Form 2910-2. If complainant has made a
restricted report of sexual assault, advise the
complainant of the consequences of going forward
with a complaint (e.g., it will be difficult to maintain
the complainant’s anonymity or conduct an effective
investigation with an anonymous complainant).
Ensure notifications of reprisal of a sexual assault
victim are sent to IG DoD and clearly emphasize the
sexual assault nature of the complaint to determine if
they will investigate the allegation IAW DoDI
6495.03. See paragraph 5.4. (T-1) Close the case as
an Assist after DoD IG takes the case. Ostracism and
maltreatment are referred to command.
Of retaliation (ostracism or
maltreatment) not related to
sexual assault
Ensure complaint is regarding retaliation not reprisal,
then refer to command IAW AFI 36-2909, Air Force
Professional Relationships and Conduct. (T-1)
58 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Of reprisal affecting eligibility
for access to classified
information (Presidential Policy
Directive 19, Protecting
Whistleblowers with Access to
Classified Information, Part B)
Ensure notifications of reprisal clearly emphasize the
effect on access to classified information for
coordination with IG DoD. See paragraph 5.4.
Of Intelligence Oversight
Refer complaints to the senior intelligence officer of
the organization where the alleged violation occurred
and provide a copy of the complaint to the servicing
legal office. (T-1) Refer to AFI 14-404. When
creating the ACTS case, do not attach classified
Of Civil Liberties violations
Determine if complaint meets the guidelines of AFI
33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties
Program and annotate the ACTS special interest
category as appropriate. (T-1) For a list of civil
liberties that must be monitored, see Attachment 1.
Through a congressional
For IG issues contained in congressional inquiries
(i.e., reprisal, restriction, and allegations against an
IG ), see rules 2-4 above as appropriate. Ensure the
appropriate box in ACTS is checked.
Of a complaint to OSC referred
to SECAF and SAF/IG for
investigation pursuant to AFI
51-1102, Cooperation with the
Office of Special Counsel
Follow procedures in AFI 51-1102. SAF/GC is
SECAF’s liaison to OSC for all allegations referred
to SAF/IG. SAF/IGQ will closely coordinate with
SAF/GC, AF/JA, and the coordinating Air Force
Legal Office during the course of any IG
Investigations based on OSC referrals IAW AFI 51-
1102. (T-1)
Of supremacist, extremist, or
criminal gang activity
Consult with servicing legal office to determine
whether issue should be referred to command or
AFOSI. Refer to DAFI 51-508, Political Activities,
Free Speech and Freedom of Assembly of Air Force
Personnel and DoDI 1325.06, Handling Dissident
and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed
Forces. Annotate the appropriate ACTS special
interest category. Ensure reporting requirements
IAW paragraph 3.12.1. and sub-paragraphs are met.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 59
Requesting reconsideration of
the resolution path of a
previous IG complaint.
Complete a complaint analysis and document in
ACTS with either a case note IAW paragraph
3.11.3. or an attachment (see Air Force Complaints
Resolution Program Supplemental Guide Attachment
1, for example) and follow guidance in Chapter 3 as
Which are more appropriately
handled by another service IG
(e.g., Army, Navy, Marine)
Treat as assists except when the complaint asserts
misconduct by an Department of the Air Force
member. Based on the context and complexity of the
complaint, may require coordination with SAF/IGQ
and the appropriate service IG.
3.12.1. Reporting and Tracking of Activity Prohibited under Department of Defense
Instruction (DoDI) 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities
Among Members of the Armed Forces. Initial reporting of allegations of prohibited activity. The term “referral” in this
section indicates placement of allegations under investigation or inquiry by a competent
agency outside the AF IG system and should not be confused with the DAFI 90-301 referral
resolution path. Military criminal investigative organizations, security police, military
commanders, and other military organizations and officials must report all allegations
to wing, elta, or servicing IG office no later than 30 calendar days after receiving an
allegation. (T-0) For ARC officials, transmission is required not later than 60 calendar
days. IG offices receiving these allegations will electronically transmit the initial
notification to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will then report the allegation to DIG (DIEM) within 15 calendar
days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. Allegations received must be reported to DIG (DIEM) in de-identified
form. These reports will not include the name, DoD ID number, phone number, or other
personally identifiable information that would directly identify alleged offenders or
victims. (T-0) For alleged offenders, reports will contain only the grade/rank, unit,
occupational or specialty code, gender, age, military service, how the offender is
alleged to have violated DoDI 1325.06 or other relevant military department or service
policies (if applicable), and the date and location of the alleged prohibited conduct (if
known, while balancing the need for operational security for open investigations). (T-0)
For victims, if known, reports should contain only the age, gender, and military service
or other military affiliation (as applicable), grade/rank, occupational or specialty code,
and unit. SAF/IGQ will coordinate with the DoD IG and DIG (DIEM) to create a D-
60 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
CATSe number to assign to each allegation. This unique identifier will be provided to
the commander of any alleged offender, to the organizational party or parties that
reported the allegation and to the IG (unless reported in a non-official duty capacity),
and to DIG (DIEM). (T-0) The D-CATSe number will be used with any future
reporting or tracking requirements relating to the same incident. (T-0) See
DAFCRPSG Attachment 37 for instructions. If more than one Airman or Guardian is
implicated by an allegation, the identifier should reflect this fact so that each allegation,
and the number of service members involved, can be tracked without over-reporting
the total number of allegations (for example, an allegation that the joint actions of three
service members constituted active participation in extremist activities might be coded
as Case-01, Case-02, and Case-03). To the maximum extent possible, SAF/IQG will
work with the Offices of the Army Inspector General, Naval Inspector General, and
Inspector General of the Marine Corps to ensure that allegations implicating service
members from multiple military services are assigned corresponding D-CATSe
number for concurrent tracking. All allegations described in paragraph 1.13.12 that are not referred for
investigation or inquiry, the commander, or other authority responsible for that
determination will notify the wing, delta, or servicing IG of the decision not to proceed
within 30 calendar days (60 calendar days for allegations reported to ARC officials) after
the decision not to investigate or inquire is made and provide the reason(s) an investigation
or inquiry was not initiated. (T-0) IG offices receiving these notifications will electronically transmit the
decision to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will then report the disposition to DIG (DIEM) within 15
calendar days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. SAF/IGQ’s report to DIG (DIEM) will include the unique identification
code for the allegation, that the allegation is not being referred for investigation or
inquiry, and the date of the decision to not refer. The referral of any allegation described in paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure
3 to DoDI 1325.06 for purposes of investigation or inquiry, to (i) a military criminal
investigative organization; (ii) an IG; (iii) a military police or security police organization;
(iv) a military commander; (v) the Insider Threat Hub; (vi) another organization or official
of the Department of Defense; or (vii) a civilian law enforcement organization or official: The commander or other authority responsible for the referral must report
all allegations to Wing, Delta, or servicing IG office within 30 calendar days (or 60
calendar days for ARC officials). (T-0) In the case of referrals to civilian law
enforcement organizations or officials, this timeline begins when any individual or
entity who may receive an allegation becomes aware of the civilian law enforcement
referral. IG offices receiving these allegations will electronically transmit the initial
notification to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days. (T-0) The report to SAF/IGQ
must include the D-CATSe number for the allegation, the entity to which the allegation
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 61
is referred for investigation or inquiry (including contact information) and the date of
the referral. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will report the allegation to DIG (DIEM) within 15 calendar days
of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. Upon receipt of the final report of any such investigation or inquiry to a
commander or other appropriate authority for action for each allegation described in
paragraphs 8 through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06, a military commander or civilian
equivalent, servicing legal office, or other appropriate authority shall notify the appropriate
IG within 15 calendar days (or 30 calendar days for ARC officials). (T-0) IG offices receiving these allegations will electronically transmit the initial
notification to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days. (T-0) The report to SAF/IQ must
include the D-CATSe number for the allegation, the name of the military commander,
servicing legal office, or other authority that received the final report of the
investigation or inquiry for action (including contact information); the date of the final
report; and the date of receipt of the final report. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will report the allegation to DIG (DIEM) within 15 calendar days
of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. The report to SAF/IGQ and DIG (DIEM) must include, at a minimum, the
unique identification code for the allegation; the name of the commander, servicing
legal office, or other authority that received the final report of the investigation or
inquiry for action (including contact information); the date of the final report; and the
date of receipt of the final report. (T-0) Upon final determination of whether any allegation described in paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06. was substantiated, commanders or their
civilian equivalents, servicing legal offices, or other appropriate approval authorities shall
notify the appropriate IG office within 15 calendar days (30 calendar days for ARC
officials) of a final determination of whether an allegation is substantiated. (T-0) IG offices receiving these allegations will electronically transmit the
notification to SAF/IGQ within seven calendar days. (T-0) The report to SAF/IGQ
must include, at a minimum, the D-CATSe number for the allegation; the name of the
military commander, servicing legal office, or other authority that assessed the
allegation was substantiated (including, if possible, contact information); the date that
the allegation was deemed substantiated; and the date of receipt of the determination
of whether a service member engaged in a prohibited activity under paragraphs 8
through 10. of Enclosure 3 to DoDI 1325.06. (T-0) SAF/IGQ will report the allegation to DIG (DIEM) within 15 calendar days
of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification. Commanders and their civilian equivalents will notify the appropriate wing,
delta, or servicing IG of any resulting action taken against a service member (including
judicial, disciplinary, adverse, or corrective administrative action, mitigation resulting
from insider threat reporting, or counseling), to include no action (as the case may be), of
62 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
such actions (or non-action), within 15 calendar days (30 calendar days for ARC officials)
of a final decision. (T-0) IG offices receiving these notifications will electronically transmit the
decision to SAF/IGQ within 7 calendar days. (T-0) The report to SAF/IGQ must
include, at a minimum, the D-CATSe number for the allegation, and whether any action
was taken against a service member. (T-0) If action was taken against the service
member, the transmission should also include the type(s) of action taken, and in the
case of an administrative separation or judicial action, the basis for the action (i.e., the
specific policy or Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) article violated), the
sentence or decision reached (i.e., acquittal or conviction and sentence, retention or
separation and characterization of discharge, etc.) and contact information for the
servicing legal office. If no action was taken despite a finding that an allegation was
substantiated, the transmission should explain the reasons why no action was taken. SAF/IGQ will then report the disposition to DIG (DIEM) within 15
calendar days of initial wing, delta, or servicing IG notification.
3.12.2. Quarterly Reports. SAF/IGQ will submit quarterly reports to Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD(P&R)) and the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S)) within 30 calendar days of
the end of each quarter of the fiscal year. Attachment 6 describes the required elements for
each quarterly report.
3.13. Other Agencies and Grievance Channels. DoD and Department of the Air Force policy
mandate the use of specialized investigative agencies or procedures for certain types of complaints
made against non-senior officials. In these cases, complainants should be advised of the
appropriate agency which can address their complaint. Table 3.7 assists IGs in determining if a
complaint belongs in other channels. Also see DAFCRPSG Attachment 27, Common Personnel
Actions and Applicable Standards as a reference for many personnel issues.
Table 3.7. Other Agencies and Grievance Channels.
Type of Issue
Appropriate Agency to Resolve the Issue
Appropriated Fund employees
Conditions of employment (personnel
policies, prohibited personnel
practices, and matters affecting
working conditions)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
issues (discrimination based on age,
The servicing Civilian Personnel section for action
IAW civilian grievance system (either
Administrative IAW DODI 1400.25-V771_AFI 36-
706, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Administrative Grievance System or negotiated IAW
locally negotiated agreements) (T-0)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 63
race, color, sex, religion, disability,
national origin, genetic information;
sexual harassment; retaliated against
for opposing discrimination; or for
participating in a protected activity)
For allegations of civilian reprisal
under 5 USC § 2302(b) against a civil
service employee or applicant.
For allegations of civilian restriction
EEO Complaints should be assists/referrals to the
local EO Director for processing IAW DAFI 36-
2710, Equal Opportunity Program.
For allegations of civilian reprisal, direct the
complainant to DoD Hotline
For allegations of civilian restriction the
complaint will be addressed as an abuse of
authority IAW paragraph 6.3.3. DoD IG will
not accept complaints of civilian restriction.
Nonappropriated Fund employees
Conditions of employment
(personnel policies, practices, and
matters affecting working conditions)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
issues (discrimination based on age,
race, color, sex, religion, disability,
national origin, genetic information;
sexual harassment; retaliated against
for opposing discrimination; or for
participating in a protected activity)
For allegations of civilian reprisal
under 10 USC § 1587 against a
nonappropriated fund employee or
For allegations of civilian restrictions
Servicing Nonappropriated AF Employment Office
for conditions of employment.
For discrimination, complaints should be
assisted/referred to the local EO Director for
processing IAW DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity
For reprisal allegations, advise the complainant he
or she can file their complaint directly with IG DoD
(IAW DoDD 1401.03, DoD Nonappropriated Fund
Instrumentality (NAFI) Employees Whistleblower
For allegations of civilian restriction the complaint
will be addressed as an abuse of authority IAW
paragraph 6.3.3.
ANG Statutory tour program issues
National Guard Bureau, Human Resources
(NGB/HR) -- See ANGI 36-6, The Air National
Guard Statutory Tour Program Policies and
64 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
ANG Active Guard/Reserve (AGR)
National Guard Bureau, Manpower and Personnel
(NGB/A1) -- See ANGI 36-101, The Active
Guard/Reserve(AGR) Program
ANG incapacitation benefit program
Command -- DAFI 36-2910, Line of Duty
Determination (LOD), Medical Continuation
(MEDCON) and Incapacitation (INCAP) Pay
ANG Administrative demotions
Command -- DAFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman
Promotion and Demotion Programs
ANG enlistment/reenlistment issues
Command -- DAFMAN 36-2032, Military
Recruiting And Accessions
ANG enlistment/reenlistment issues
Command -- AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment &
Extension of Enlistment in the USAF
ANG retention matters
Command -- ANGI 36-2651, Air National
Guard Selective Retention Review Boards;
ANGI 36-2602, Air National Guard Retention
National Guard Military Technicians
(Excepted Civil Service under Title 32
United States Code Section 709)
State Human Resources Office (HRO)
Air Force Reserve assignment matters
Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC)-- DAFI 36-
2110, Total Force Assignments
Equal Opportunity Issues
Local EO Director -- DAFI 36-2710, Equal
Opportunity Program. For Title 32 ANG refer to
Chief National Guard Bureau Manual 9601.01,
National Guard Discrimination Complaint
Administrative Separations
Local Military Personnel Section (MPS) -- DAFI
36-3211, Military Separations.
Equal Opportunity in off-base housing
The Housing Referral Office -- DAFPD 32-60,
Landlord or tenant disputes
Command -- DAFI 32-6000, Housing Management
Privatized Housing
Housing Helpline 1-800-482-6431
Claims against the Government
SJA -- AFI 51-306, Administrative Claims For And
Against The Air Force
Correction of military records
AFPC and Virtual Military Personnel Flight
(vMPF) web sites for appropriate processing via
Air Force Board for the Correction of Military
Records -- per DAFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for
Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 65
Appeal of an Officer Performance
Report (OPR), Enlisted Performance
Report (EPR), or Promotion
Recommendation Form (PRF)
AFPC and vMPF web sites for appropriate
processing via Evaluation Reports Appeal Board
(ERAB) -- per DAFI 36-2406, Officer and
Enlisted Evaluation Systems
Support of Dependents and Private
Subject’s commander-- DAFI 36-2906, Personal
Financial Responsibility
Airmen Powered by Innovation
(Formerly “The Air Force Innovative
Development through Employee
Awareness (IDEA) Program)
Local API POC -- AFI 38-402, Airmen Powered
by Innovation and Suggestion Program.
Change to an Instruction/Regulation
or current policy guidance
Appropriate AF OPR -- DAFMAN 90-161,
Publishing Processes and Procedures
LOC, LOA, or LOR (other than
Command (military or civilian) or Area Defense
Counsel (ADC) (military)
Punishment under UCMJ (courts-
martial, Article 15 non-judicial
Command or ADC; For ANG refer to NGB-
JA -- DAFI 51-201, Administration of
Military Justice, DAFI 51-202, Nonjudicial
ANG: Punishment under the State
Code of Military Justice
State Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Article 138 of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (Complaint of Wrongs)
ADC -- AFI 51-505, Complaints of Wrongs Under
Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice
Hazardous Working Conditions
(unsafe or unhealthy)
Command DAFMAN 91-203, Air Force
Occupational Safety, Fire, And Health Standards
and local Ground Safety Manager
Elimination from AETC Training
If elimination authority is Group CC or lower,
next higher CC. If elimination authority is the
Wing CC, transfer to Air Force Education and
Training Command, Inspector General
Elimination from other
MAJCOM/FLDCOM training courses
Medical Treatment/Provision or
Quality of Care
Transfer to DHA
TRICARE Complaints
MTF CC/director and/or DHA
Medical Readiness
Retain in Department of the Air Force CRP and
refer to MTF CC/Director as required
Issues involving sexual orientation
66 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Misuse or abuse of government
Base Transportation -- AFI 24-302, Vehicle
Unprofessional Relationships/Adultery
Command -- AFI 36-2909, Professional
Relationships and Conduct
EO -- CNGBM 9601.01, National Guard
Discrimination Complaint Process, local EO
Director, DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity
Allegations regarding non-AF
organizations or agencies
Specific agency or service IG or to DoD Hotline
Allegations of reprisal where DoD
contractors are the complainant
IG DoD (Reference paragraph 5.3.3)
Allegations against Military Attorney
regarding professional responsibility
(AF/JAX when a conflict of interest in
Anti-Deficiency Act violations
Local CPTS or FM
Commander-Directed Investigation
Command for CDI process issues. Command or
ADC for CDI corrective action
Acquisition Issues
Issuing contract unit, Air Force Contracting
(SAF/AQC), or Program Executive Office (PEO)
Intelligence Oversight
DAFI 90-301, Table 3.6, Rule 13, AFI 14-404,
Intelligence Oversight
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA)
MTF HIPAA Privacy Office or DHA Privacy and
Civil Liberties Office
Privacy Act complaints
Base Privacy Act Officer -- AFI 33-332, Air Force
Privacy and Civil Liberties Program
Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
Transfer to Air Force District of Washington,
Inspector General (AFDW/IG) for referral to
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and
Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR) for CAP corporation and
policy issues
Security Violations
Base Information Protection Office, Unit Security
Contract Issues
Servicing Contracting Office
Improper Mental Health Evaluation
(Unless alleged in reprisal)
Presidential Policy Directive 19
Protecting Whistleblowers with Access
to Classified Information
IG DoD Hotline
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 67
Alleged Law of War (LOW)
JA IAW AFI 51-401, The Law of War
Trafficking in Persons
Hazing and Bullying
(See DoDI 1020.03 Harassment and
Prevention Response in the Armed
Indebtedness to the AF
AF Remissions Board -- Applies to all current and
former members of the Regular Air Force, Space
Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard
whose debts were incurred while on active duty.
DAFI 36-3034, Remission of Indebtedness.
Members apply through servicing Financial
Services Offices
Deny or revoke security clearance
Personnel Security Appeal Board (PSAB) --
Adjudicates appeals of security eligibility/clearance
withdrawals by the AFCAF (Air Force Central
Adjudication Facility). The PSAB determines if the
appellant should have their eligibility reinstated or
if their appeal should be denied. Individuals appeal
IAW DoDM 5200.02_AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force
Personnel Security Program Management (T-0)
Fitness Assessment records errors
Fitness Assessment Appeals Board--Individuals
notify Unit Fitness Program Manager IAW
DAFMAN 36-2905, Department of the Air Force
Physical Fitness Program (T-1)
Medical Evaluation Board
Air Force Office of Disability Counsel ODC
(AF/JAJO), and MDG Physical Evaluation Board
Liaison Officer (PEBCO) office
Hatch Act Violations
Consult with JA
Anti-Lobbying Violations
Refer to AFOSI
Note 1: Table 3.7 is not all-inclusive.
Note 2: If a complainant has an issue identified in column A, the IG will assist the complainant
by putting him or her in contact with the agency most appropriate to help them solve his or her
issue or refer the issue to the appropriate agency.
Note 3: When the subject is a senior official, process the complaint IAW Chapter 8 and Table
68 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Note 4: If the complaint does not concern reprisal or restriction and is not in Table 3.7, the
complainant or complaint should normally be directed to command channels.
Section 3D—Step 3: Tasking: Transfer, Assist, Refer, Dismiss, or Investigate (≤ 5 Days)
3.14. Transferring a Complaint. A complaint is transferred when the complaint analysis
discloses that the matter is appropriate for Department of the Air Force IG action, but an IG other
than the one receiving the complaint should handle the matter. IGs will comply with the
requirements of Table 3.8 and paragraph 3.15 concerning the transfer of complaints to other IGs.
Table 3.8. When to Transfer A Complaint to Another Department of the Air Force IG
The complaint has not been
addressed at the level where
the alleged misconduct
The higher-level IG
determines transfer to the
lower-level IG is appropriate
and no evidence of bias by
lower-level IG exists
Transfer the case to the
lower-level IG.
The complaint presents a
conflict of interest for the
appointing authority or IG
Transfer the complaint to the
next higher-level IG. When
transferring a case, always
transfer to agency (NAF,
SAF) group box.
The subject is the IGs
commander or vice wing
Transfer the complaint to the
next higher-level IG. When
transferring a case, always
transfer to agency (NAF,
SAF) group box.
The subject is an IG or an IG
staff member
The allegations are regarding
IG specific duties (e.g.,
violation of DAFI
Transfer the complaint to the
next higher-level IG. When
transferring a case, always
transfer to agency (NAF,
SAF) group box.
The subject is an IG or an IG
staff member
The allegations are regarding
professional conduct as an
officer or non-commissioned
officer (e.g., DUI,
inappropriate relationship)
Transfer the complaint to the
next higher-level IG for
referral to command. When
transferring a case, always
transfer to agency (NAF,
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 69
SAF) group box.
The subject is assigned to
AFOSI or the issue is related
The complaint is received by
any IG other than SAF/IGQ
Transfer the complaint to
The subject is assigned to a
higher-level of the Air Force,
Space Force or
MAJCOM/FLDCOM other than
the IG receiving the complaint,
or deployed
The alleged wrong happened
in a unit under the other
higher IG’s jurisdiction
Transfer the complaint
IAW Table 3.9 to the IG
at the same level and
command as the subject or
where the alleged wrong
happened. Coordinate
with SAF/IGQ to direct
solution if there is
disagreement between
The complainant is
assigned to the host wing, a
tenant unit, or is
The subject (person,
process, or agency) is
assigned to the host wing
The host IG will process the
complaint and oversee or
conduct the investigation (if
The complainant is
assigned to the host wing, a
tenant unit, or is
The subject (person, process
or agency) is assigned to a
tenant unit
Follow the guidance in
paragraph 1.18.13.
3.15. Procedures for Transferring a Complaint. Use the procedures in Table 3.9 to transfer a
complaint. (T-1)
Table 3.9. How to Transfer a Complaint (T-1).
Conduct a complaint analysis to determine if the complaint should be transferred to
another IG. Do not make any notifications regarding reprisal or restriction or officer
adverse information reporting. These notifications will be done by the receiving IG.
Ensure all documents attached to the ACTS case file are properly marked IAW
paragraph 3.2 and paragraph 10.3.
Coordinate a complaint transfer with the appropriate IG explaining the rationale for
transfer telephonically or via email before initiating transfer. If the transferring and
receiving IGs do not agree whether a transfer is appropriate, elevate the case to the
MAJCOM or FLDCOM IGQ office(s) for resolution.
Notify the complainant of the transfer in writing and attach the response in ACTS.
Transfer case file to receiving IG office through the applicable MAJCOM/FLDCOM,
JFHQ, NAF, or DRU IG. Transfers must be accomplished in ACTS.
70 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
If the complainant expresses concern about bias at a lower-level, advise him/her of the
right to appeal the lower-level IGs finding and the fact that the higher-level IG oversees
the action of lower-level IG.
Document the case IAW paragraph 3.11.2 in ACTS as a “Transfer” and take
other actions needed to ensure the ACTS record is transferred to the appropriate
IG office. The IG office which resolves the issue will close the case in ACTS at
the appropriate time.
3.16. Procedures When Another Appeal or Grievance Channel Exists. When a member has
a complaint or appeal regarding adverse actions for which law and/or regulation provide a specific
means of redress or remedy, IGs will advise the complainant of those other redress or appeal
channels as provided for by the specific law or regulation. (T-3) Dissatisfaction with the outcome
of an appeal is not sufficient basis for an IG inquiry. For complaints that are not appropriate for
the IG CRP see Tables 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 or 3.14. (T-1)
3.16.1. IGs will assist or refer complaints when they fall under the purview of another office
or agency, or when they are covered by other directives with established grievance channels
IAW paragraphs 3.18 and 3.20. (T-3)
3.16.2. If the member alleges the appeal process was improperly or prejudicially handled, and
has no other means of redress, the complainant may enter a complaint of mishandling under
this instruction for IG complaint analysis which may result in referral to the process owner.
3.17. Assisting a Complainant. The purpose of assistance is to quickly resolve complainant’s
issues and allow him or her to refocus on the assigned mission. Assistance involves providing
information to complainants that allows them to address their concerns quickly with an appropriate
outside agency or grievance channel. IGs may facilitate the process by making phone calls, asking
questions of functional experts, soliciting helpful information from an appropriate organization or
agency, or putting the complainant in contact with the person, organization, or agency that can
appropriately address the problem IAW Table 3.7., Note 2. (T-0) Table 3.10 explains when and
how to assist a complainant. Do not disclose the identity of the complainant to the complainant’s
command or supervision chain during assistance process without the complaint’s consent;
disclosure of the complainant’s identity to other neutral helping agencies such as EO, SARC, JA,
etc. is authorized if needed to facilitate assistance.
3.18. Procedures for Assisting a Complainant. Use the procedures in Table 3.10 to assist a
complainant. (T-3)
Table 3.10. How to Assist a Complainant (T-3).
Discuss concerns/issues with the complainant.
Conduct a complaint analysis to determine if the complaint can be appropriately handled
through assistance.
Document the complaint analysis using the complaint analysis documentation letter
(DAFCRPSG Attachment 1) and attach the document to the ACTS case file or
document the analysis in an ACTS case note (include all appropriate information as
referenced in DAFCRPSG Attachment 1).
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 71
Advise the complainant that the IG can assist the complainant in resolving their
concerns and provide them the appropriate agency contact information from Table 3.7.
If the complainant is not comfortable independently contacting the appropriate agency
the IG can make phone calls or other contacts to provide the complainant with assistance
Document the case IAW paragraph 3.11.2 in ACTS as an “Assist,” inform
complainant, record appropriate information, and close the case once it is clear the
complainant’s issue is resolved.
3.19. Referring a Complaint. When the complaint analysis determines an organization or
agency outside the Department of the Air Force IG can more appropriately handle a complaint
alleging a violation of instruction, policy, or procedure, IGs may refer the complaint to the
appropriate organization or agency following the procedures described in Table 3.12 and
paragraph 3.20. When referring complaints, IGs will include the Referral Completion Report
template (see DAFCRPSG Attachment 21) with the complaint, and complainant response template
(see DAFCRPSG Attachment 28). (T-1) The organization receiving the referral will respond to
the complainant, complete the Referral Completion Report, and return it to the IG within 60 days
of receipt along with a courtesy copy of any written response to the complainant. (T-1) The
Referral Completion Report is an IG record, regardless of which office writes the report.
3.19. 1. Ensure Referral Completion Reports include all required information contained in
DAFCRPSG Attachment 21. (T-1)
3.19.2. Attach completed Referral Completion Reports and agency response to complainant
in ACTS under ”Disposition/Resolution Documents.” (T-1)
Table 3.11.
The complaint is appropriate for another
agency or grievance channel
Refer the complaint and the Referral
Completion Report template to the office
having functional responsibility.
The complaint is a command issue (i.e.,
financial irresponsibility, adultery, etc.)
Refer the complaint and the Referral
Completion Report template to the appropriate
3.20. Procedures for Referring a Complaint. Use the procedures in Table 3.12 to refer a
complaint, and DAFCRPSG Attachment 4 for a sample referral letter, but do not attach the IG’s
complaint analysis. (T-1)
Table 3.12. How to Refer a Complaint (T-1).
Conduct a complaint analysis to determine if the complaint should be handled by
another agency or grievance channel.
72 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Document the complaint analysis IAW paragraph 3.11.2 (see DAFCRPSG
Attachment 1 for example) and attach the document to the ACTS case file. The
analysis may also be documented in an ACTS case note (include background, issue,
analysis and resolution path).
Notify the complainant of the intent to refer the complaint and, if not already indicated
on the DAF Form 102, request permission from the complainant to provide his or her
name and contact information to the referral agency. If the complainant refuses
permission, inform the complainant that in certain cases, release of his or her personal
information is integral to resolution of the complaint and communications between the
complainant and the referral agency may be necessary to arrive at a desired outcome.
Do not mark the ACTS case complainant tab as anonymous just because the
complainant has not consented to release of his or her personal information. At no time
should a complainants identity be released to a referral agency without the
complainants permission, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is
unavoidable during the course of the investigation and/or complaint analysis. It is
highly encouraged that this permission is received in writing (e.g., a letter, email or
check box on DAF Form 102).
For all complaints, refer the complaint (e.g., DAF Form 102, DoD Hotline, etc.), in
writing, to the appropriate agency, grievance channel or commander (Note 1) at least one
level above the highest ranking responsible management official (RMO), to ensure an
independent and objective review. If there is any potential or perceived conflict of
interest, it is imperative the complaint is referred to the appropriate level of command or
agency, well above the perceived conflict interest. Use the Sample Referral
Memorandum, DAFCRPSG Attachment 4. DO NOT attach the Complaint Analysis, but
share enough IG analysis to the referred agency to ensure an accurate assessment and
review of the referred situation will be addressed by the referral agency. Redact
portions of the complaint that do not directly apply to the referral action. Redact the
complainants identity if the complainant has not given permission for the release (see
Step 3 of this table). Instruct the referral office, agency or commander that they may not
divulge complainant identity to any office or individual other than minimum necessary
to address the complainant's matter. Include a copy of the Referral Completion Report
template, DAFCRPSG Attachment 21 and Complainant Response Template,
DAFCRPSG Attachment 26. Referral Completion Reports are not included when
referring complaints to EO or AFOSI. See Chapter 9 when referring DoD Hotlines.
Notify the complainant, in writing, of the referral.
If the complainant provided consent, direct the referral agency to provide the
complainant with a final response explaining the resolution of the issue. Direct the
referral agency to provide you a copy of the finished Referral Completion Report, and
a courtesy copy of any written closure response to the complainant for your case file.
IGs will follow up with the referral agency if a closure response has not been received
within 60 days.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 73
Document the case in ACTS as “Refer,” and record appropriate information. If the
referral results in the investigation of an officer, ensure SAF/IGQ is notified IAW
paragraph 7.5. Additionally, if an officer is the subject in an investigation,
monitor/track the case until completion and collect a copy of any ROI, legal review,
command action, rebuttal to the command action for all officer IAW Table 7.1 and for
any substantiated findings against any other subject, including enlisted or civilian.
Additionally, commanders must provide all completed CDI ROIs to the local IG for
retention, regardless of rank or finding. When a copy of the Referral Completion
Report and other documents as required by Table 7.1 are provided to the IG, close the
case in ACTS (Note 2). For referrals to EO or AFOSI, after confirming EO or AFOSI
has accepted the case, make a case note and close the case.
Note 1: Referrals should not normally be made below squadron/detachment commander or
agency head levels.
Note 2: If the complainant notifies the referring IG that he/she did not receive a final response
from the referral agency, the IG should follow-up to ensure the referral agency received the
complaint and provided a response to the complainant. Responses will not be sent to anonymous
or third party complainants. For complainants who do not consent to release of their identity, the
IG will obtain the referral agency response and forward to the complainant.
3.21. Dismissing a Complaint. A complaint may be dismissed following a thorough complaint
analysis if there is no assertion or evidence of a standard being violated or when the complaint
falls under one of the rules in Table 3.13. Tables 3.13 and 3.14 help IGs determine when and how
to dismiss a complaint.
Table 3.13. When to Dismiss a Complaint (T-1).
If the complaint analysis
reveals the complainant has not
brought forth credible evidence
of a violation of law,
instruction, regulation, or
Dismiss the complaint.
The complaint is appropriate
for another agency or grievance
The complainant has
exhausted procedural
appeals with the
administrative process and
there is no evidence of a
process problem
Dismiss the complaint.
74 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Timeliness of complaints. The
complainant did not contact the
IG within 90 days of learning of
the alleged misconduct, one
year of learning of the alleged
misconduct for reprisal
complaints. There is no time
limit for restriction
complaints.(see paragraphs
2.5.1 and 2.5.2)
An evaluation of
timeliness is fact-
dependent, taking into
account factors such as
whether there is a known
complainant, the
specificity of the
allegation, how long the
complainant has known
about the alleged
misconduct, the ability to
conduct a focused
investigation, etc. If the
IG determines: (a) there
are no extraordinary
circumstances justifying
the delay; and/or (b) there
is no special AF interest in
the matters alleged; and (c)
given the nature of the
alleged wrong and the
passage of time, there is a
reasonable probability that
insufficient information
can be gathered to make a
Dismiss the complaint.
(Note 1)
The complainant refuses to
provide sufficient evidence to
properly conduct the complaint
The complainant fails to
respond to requests for
additional information after
three attempts to contact
them within 10 calendar
IGs will document contact
attempts via case notes and
dismiss the complaint.
The complainant files a
concurrent complaint under
Article 138, UCMJ (Note 2)
The Article 138 complaint
addresses the same non-10
USC § 1034 matters
addressed in the IG
complaint (NOTE-10 USC
§ 1034 issues cannot be
addressed using Art 138
and must be addressed in
the IG CRP)
Dismiss the IG complaint.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 75
After completing a thorough
complaint analysis, the IG
determines the complaint
cannot be referred and is:
without merit; or that an IG
investigation would not
appreciably affect the outcome
or remedy sought (Note 3)
Dismiss the complaint.
Complainant requests higher
level review of previously
adjudicated IG complaint
The complainant provides no
new evidence or information
that justifies further
Dismiss the complaint.
The complainant requests to
withdraw the complaint
There is no overriding
Department of the Air Force
interest in the complaint
Dismiss the complaint.
Complainant concurrently filed
the same claim/complaint with
another non-IG grievance
channel and that complaint
remains active/open
The complaint is NOT a 10
USC § 1034 issue. See
paragraph 5.4.8. for 10
USC 1034 reprisal and
paragraph 6.4.6. 10 USC §
1034 restriction
Dismiss the complaint.
The complainant has a history
of presenting patterns of issues
or allegations that are false,
baseless, malicious, deceptive,
defamatory, improbable, or
previously addressed as
baseless, not substantiated, or
not appropriate for the
Department of the Air Force IG
The issues or allegations
were previously addressed as
unfounded, not substantiated,
or not appropriate for the
Department of the Air Force
IG System
Dismiss the complaint.
Note 1: The most important consideration before dismissing a complaint based on the time
requirement established in paragraph 2.5.2 is the potential to gather sufficient information to
determine the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged misconduct. With the passage of
time, it becomes increasingly difficult to gather relevant evidence, testimony, and information
for many reasons. For example, it may be difficult or impossible to collect relevant witness
testimony if the witnesses have moved, retired, or died. In addition, as time passes, witnesses’
memories may fade and documents are destroyed when their retention periods expire. The IG
may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there
is reasonable probability insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination.
However, if it is possible to gather sufficient information, a further analysis may be warranted.
76 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Note 2: Do NOT dismiss the complaint when there is an allegation of reprisal or restriction and
conduct the appropriate CRP actions without delay.
Note 3: See definition of complaint without merit in Attachment 1.
3.22. How to Dismiss a Complaint. Follow the procedures in Table 3.14 to dismiss a complaint.
Table 3.14. How to Dismiss a Complaint (T-1).
Conduct a complaint analysis to determine if the complaint should be dismissed.
Prepare a complaint analysis letter and supporting decision documents IAW
paragraph 3.11.2, then attach the documents to the ACTS case file. Use the
complaint analysis documentation (DAFCRPSG Attachment 1) For cases involving
reprisal or restriction; follow the guidance in Chapter 5 or 6 as appropriate. For
cases not involving reprisal or restriction, the analysis may also be documented in
an ACTS case note (include all appropriate information as referenced in
DAFCRPSG Attachment 1).
For issues of reprisal or restriction, refer to Chapters 5 or 6, respectively.
Notify the complainant in writing of the dismissal ensuring the rationale for the
dismissal is clearly communicated. Upload the PDF document to the case
“Disposition/Resolution Document. For issues of reprisal or restriction, the
MAJCOM, FLDCOM IGQ or NGB will notify the complainant once IG DoD has
approved the AF recommendation to dismiss.
Advise the complainant of his/her right for reconsideration by the next higher-level IG
and Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records (or other appeal channels), if
Document the case in ACTS as a “Dismiss,” record appropriate information, and close
the case.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 77
Chapter 4
Section 4AProcedures for Initiating an Investigation
4.1. Overview. This chapter instructs IGs at every organizational level how to manage and
conduct IG investigations and discusses the investigation lifecycle from complaint analysis
through resolution. The Department of the Air Force endorses a proactive oversight and follow-
up system that achieves the high program standards described in the Council of the Inspectors
General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Quality Standards for Investigations (QSI).
4.1.1. All IG investigations are conducted IAW Chapter 4, or Chapter 5 in the case of
reprisal, or Chapter 6 in the case of restriction, as well as other applicable laws and regulations
concerning the specific allegations. (T-1) Investigations involving allegations of IG
misconduct must be completed IAW this chapter. (T-1)
4.1.2. IG investigations are administrative in nature--they are fact finding rather than judicial
proceedings. Preponderance of the evidence is the standard of proof. It is preferred that IG
investigations be conducted by investigating officers assigned as members of an IG office.
4.2. Investigating a Complaint. Appointing authorities can direct an IG investigation into
allegations within their authority, with the understanding that the investigation will follow the
procedures outlined in this instruction and the investigation will be an IG record. (T-1)
4.2.1. An IG will investigate a complaint when a properly framed allegation is derived from
the issues asserted or implied by the complainant and the IG determines that there is sufficient
evidence collected during complaint analysis which indicates that an investigation is
warranted. (T-1)
4.2.2. Not all matters are appropriate for the IG, nor are all matters relevant to the Department
of the Air Force. Most Department of the Air Force processes have embedded appeal
procedures that provide complainants with due process, and should be used as the best avenue
for resolution. Table 3.7 outlines matters that are not appropriate for the IG to investigate.
The complaint must be timely to ensure information is available to support the investigative
4.2.3. Refer to Table 4.1 when initiating an IG investigation. (T-1)
4.3. Procedures for Conducting Investigations. The decision to conduct an IG investigation
will only be made after completing a thorough complaint analysis of all issues presented. (T-1)
IG investigations are performed to address complaints by checking records, correspondence,
reviewing applicable instructions, examining material evidence, and interviewing the complainant,
subject(s), expert witnesses, and persons having direct knowledge of the matter. IAW paragraph
4.6., Procedures for Appointing an Investigating Officer, all investigations require an appointment
letter from the appointing authority.
4.4. Procedures for Tasking an Investigation. Use the procedures in Table 4.1 to task an
investigation. (T-1)
78 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Table 4.1. How to Task an Investigation (T-1).
Using a complaint analysis, determine if the issues raised by the complainant warrant an
IG investigation. When an investigation is warranted the complaint analysis will
determine which issues are to be investigated and properly frame allegations for each.
IGs shall consult with JA to ensure that all allegations clearly and concisely identify the
complainant's assertions as specific violations of law, regulation, procedure, standard, or
policy. The appointed IO will use the framed allegations verbatim when conducting the
Prepare and forward a complaint analysis document and supporting decision
documents to the appointing authority.
The appointing authority reviews the complaint analysis and supporting material to
determine whether an investigation is warranted. If a non-IG appointing authority
declines the IG’s recommendation to initiate an IG investigation, transfer the case in
ACTS to the next higher-level IG for review and resolution at the higher-level.
The appointing authority directs an investigation by appointing an IO in writing (see
paragraph 4.7). Any changes, to include additional allegations, must be approved by
the appointing authority. See paragraph
Follow appropriate notification procedures per paragraphs 4.5 and/or 8.2.
The IG places the case in Under Investigation status using the Investigate action
in ACTS and continues to record appropriate information (e.g., tasking date, etc.) in
ACTS until the case is closed.
4.5. Notification Requirements for Investigations. Table 4.2 describes the notification
requirements when an IG investigation is started. (T-1)
Table 4.2. Notification Matrix for Investigations. (Complaint Analysis and Investigation
Phases) (T-1)
If in the
And the
Then the
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 79
Analysis Phase
identified the
need for an IG
1. Appointing authority directs an investigation by
appointing an IO in writing (see DAFCRPSG
Attachment 6).
2. Appointing authority notifies subject’s
commander in writing of the specific allegations
against the subject. (See DAFCRPSG Attachment
3. Commander notifies subject in writing of the
specific allegations against the subject. (Note 1)
4. IG or IO notifies witnesses.
5. IG notifies complainant.
6. The IG places the case in “Under Investigation“
status using the “Investigate” action in ACTS and
continues to record appropriate information in
ACTS until the case is closed.
7. For cases involving an officer as the subject,
NAF, or DRU IG IAW Chapter 7.
Investigation is
IG provides periodic updates to complainant and
subject per paragraph 4.22. Document in ACTS
under Suspense Tab.
Note 1: Commanders will comply with DAFI 90-5001, Integrated Resilience, when notifying
subjects of the initiation of an IG investigation in which they are a named subject. (T-1)
Section 4BStep 4: Pre-fact Finding (≤ 5 Days, see Table 3.1)
4.6. Procedures for Appointing an Investigating Officer (IO).
4.6.1. An appointment letter is an IO’s authority to conduct an investigation: swear in
witnesses, collect evidence, and examine/copy documents, files and other data relevant to the
4.6.2. An appointment letter is necessary for all investigations, including those conducted by
an IG or IG staff member. (T-1) (Note: Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard IGs may
be appointed to conduct CDIs at installations other than their own.)
4.6.3. An IO is the personal representative of the appointing authority. IOs must be impartial,
unbiased, objective, thorough, and have the availability to complete the investigation. (T-1)
4.6.4. The IO must be equal or senior in grade and rank to the most senior subject and not in
the subject’s chain of command. (T-1) When no IO in the required grade is reasonably
available for appointment, the appointing authority will request a waiver, in writing, from the
FLDCOM IG is the waiver authority for cases investigated at the MAJCOM or FLDCOM
level and below. The waiver request should describe the measures taken to locate an IO in the
required grade prior to requesting the waiver. If approved, the MAJCOM IG will document
the waiver in writing. Refer to DAFCRPSG Attachment 8 to determine where to place the
document in the case file.
80 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
4.6.5. To support IO impartiality and independence, follow either of the two subsequent
paragraphs: There must be at least one level of command between the IO and the complainant,
and there must also be at least one level of command between the IO and person(s) who
are the subject(s) of the allegation(s). (T-0) The IO must be separated by organizational assignment from the complainant, and
the IO must also be separated by organizational assignment from the person(s) who are the
subject(s) of the allegation(s). (T-0)
4.6.6. If necessary, an IO may be verbally appointed; however, a written directive must follow
within three working days. (T-1)
4.6.7. The investigation will be the IO’s primary duty until the report is completed and
approved by the appointing authority. (T-1)
4.6.8. Appointing authorities should not appoint an IO who is retiring, separating, expects
reassignment, or expects deployment within 180 days.
4.7. How to Appoint an Investigating Officer. DAFCRPSG Attachment 6 shows a sample letter
for appointing an IO to conduct an investigation. If the IG assumes the role of the IO, he/she is
also required to be appointed and must receive an appointment letter from the appointing authority.
(T-1) IGs who have been designated as the appointing authority cannot appoint themselves as an
IO. IGs will prepare an investigation plan (see DAFCRPSG Attachment 7 and paragraph 4.9.8)
as the “Directive to the IO” shown as Attachment 1 in the IO appointment letter (see DAFCRPSG
Attachment 6). (T-1) The IO’s appointment and responsibilities expire when the ROI is approved
by the appointing authority or after final higher headquarters approval, whichever is later (see
DAFCRPSG Attachment 6). (T-1)
4.8. Requirements for Investigation Preparation.
4.8.1. IGs will train IOs before they begin an investigation by using this instruction, the Air
Force Inspector General Investigating Officer Overview course, and the SAF/IGQ Guide for
Investigating Officers (IO Guide) available at IGQ Portal Page and SharePoint. (T-1) In
addition, the IG will discuss the investigative requirements and answer questions. (T-1)
4.8.2. IOs must confer with their legal advisor, preferably by meeting in person, before
initiating the investigation. (T-1) The legal advisor will assist the IG in training the IO. (T-1)
4.8.3. IOs must review the allegations and supporting documentation as part of their
investigative preparation. (T-1) All appropriate regulations/directives should be identified
and reviewed.
4.8.4. Based on the review of the allegations, supporting documentation, and applicable
directives, the IG will revise and update the investigation plan (Directive to IO) as necessary.
(T-1) See DAFCRPSG Attachment 7 for a sample investigation plan. This plan will assist the
IO in completing periodic updates and in keeping track of the dates he/she completes the
planned actions.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 81
Section 4C—Step 5: Fact Finding (≤ 21 Days)
4.9. IG Responsibilities. IGs are responsible for managing the investigative process. The IG
must assist the IO in solving investigative challenges while managing the investigation’s quality
and schedule. (T-1) It is the IG’s responsibility to ensure the report of investigation is completed
on time and meets qualitative standards. (T-1) Specifically, the IG:
4.9.1. Must provide the IO an appointment letter from the appointing authority describing the
scope of investigation, authorizing the collection of evidence, and setting the suspense date for
completion. (T-1)
4.9.2. Must provide the IO the complaint analysis, all complainant-provided materials, and the
framed allegations. (T-1) Additionally, the IG must enter all allegations addressed in the ROI
in the subject tab of the ACTS case file. (T-1)
4.9.3. Must verify the IO has completed the Investigating Officer Overview Course (see
paragraph 4.10.1) and train the IO using the SAF/IGQ IO Guide and DAFI 90-301. (T-1) IG
should document training in an ACTS case note.
4.9.4. Must brief the IO on the Hand-Off Procedures. (T-1) See paragraph 4.16.
4.9.5. Must schedule appointments with key support staff including legal and technical
advisors as necessary. (T-1)
4.9.6. Should provide the IO suitable workspace, computers, administrative support, and
technical assistance.
4.9.7. Should review the proposed witness questions and associated rights advisement, if any.
4.9.8. Will prepare an investigation plan (DAFCRPSG Attachment 7) identifying key
milestones, standards, witnesses, evidence, and administrative requirements. (T-1)
4.9.9. May prepare an evidence matrix facilitating evidence collection IAW the DoD IG Guide
to Investigating Military Whistleblower Reprisal and Restriction Complaints.
4.9.10. Has no authority to grant promises of confidentiality to subjects, suspects,
complainants, or witnesses.
4.9.11. Will provide the ROI format. (T-1) See DAFCRPSG Attachments 9 and 10 for
examples of ROI format.
4.10. Responsibilities of IOs. The IO:
4.10.1. Must complete the Air Force Inspector General Investigating Officer Overview
Course, and review the SAF/IGQ Guide for Investigating Officers (IO Guide) available at IGQ
Portal Page and SharePoint. (T-1)
4.10.2. Must advise the appointing authority immediately of any personal relationships or
other factors that may affect his/her impartiality. (T-1)
4.10.3. Must advise the appointing authority if he/she is retiring, separating, expects
reassignment, or expects deployment within 180 days. (T-1)
4.10.4. For ANG: Should be put on continuous orders for 30 days initially to conduct the
investigation. Should continue on orders if the investigation is not complete within 30 days.
82 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
4.10.5. Must begin the investigation without any preconceived notions. (T-1) Never take sides
with any party--be impartial, unbiased, and objective. (T-1)
4.10.6. Must investigate the complaint, not the complainant. (T-1) Keep the investigation
focused on the allegations in the complaint and not the person making them. (T-1)
4.10.7. Must interview the complainant first in order to re-clarify the allegations and obtain
specific details to help with the investigation. (T-1)
4.10.8. Must protect information IAW paragraph 3.2 and: (T-1) Will only report the results of the case only to the appointing authority, IG, and
legal advisor. (T-1) Will not comment to any complainant, subject, or other witnesses regarding his
or her opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations during or after completion of
the investigation. (T-1) Will not provide copies of testimony to complainants, subjects, or witnesses.
(T-1) If a subject/witness requests case file information, refer them to the appropriate FOIA
office. (T-1)
4.10.9. Shall not grant express promises of confidentiality to subjects, suspects, complainants,
or witnesses. (T-1)
4.10.10. Should not take leave except in emergencies or be involved with activities that would
interfere with the timely completion of the case.
4.10.11. Must consult with the appointing authority and/or supporting IG, legal advisor, and
read all applicable instructions and directives before beginning an investigation. (T-1) Must
consult in advance with legal advisor about the need for rights advisement when applicable.
4.10.12. Should use the SAF/IGQ IO Guide for proper guidance on how to conduct an
investigation. For reprisal or restriction investigations, IOs will reference DoDI 7050.09,
Uniform Standards for Evaluating and Investigating Military Reprisal or Restriction
Complaints. (T-1)
4.10.13. Must inform the IG of any significant changes (e.g., key milestones, standards,
witnesses, evidence, administrative requirements, etc.) to the investigation plan. (T-1)
4.10.14. Must verify the duty status of Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel
(witnesses, subjects, suspects, complainants) at the time of the occurrence and at the time of
any scheduled interviews. (T-1) Consult with legal advisor if questions arise as to the duty
status of the individual.
4.11. Gathering Evidence. Evidence is information that tends to prove or disprove the existence
of a fact. Evidence comes in many forms. It can be written or oral, direct or circumstantial,
relevant or irrelevant, first-person or hearsay.
4.11.1. Documentary Evidence. During the course of investigations IOs normally collect
copies of documents, records, and other physical evidence to aid them in their duties. Assuming
it is authentic, documentary evidence gives the investigator a snapshot in time. One way to
verify the authenticity of a document is to have it identified by its author, especially in the case
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 83
of correspondence, personal notes, and computer records. This process is known as
authentication and must be referenced in the final report if the document has been so verified.
4.11.2. Computer Records. Data contained on computer hard drives, local area networks, e-
mail systems, disks, etc., are considered to be documentary in nature but pose special
challenges in accessing. Obtaining access to this information should be coordinated through
the servicing SJA office.
4.11.3. Testimony. The other major form of evidence is presented by a witness in the form of
testimony. Normally, the bulk of evidence during an investigation is collected in this format
and will be discussed separately in this section.
4.11.4. Hearsay. A statement or testimony given by a witness who relates not what he/she
knows personally, but what others have said and is therefore dependent on the credibility of
someone other than the witness. Although IOs may consider evidence obtained as hearsay,
whenever possible, an IO should always try to talk to the actual witness who made the
statement, especially if they are reasonably available and the statement is important.
4.11.5. Privileged Communication. Judge Advocates, to include ANG Judge Advocates, and
Department of the Air Force civilian attorneys represent the Department of the Air Force as it
acts through its authorized representatives. Per AFI 51-110, Professional Responsibility
Program, Rule 1.13, when a Department of the Air Force official, member, or employee acting
within the scope of his or her official duties communicates with a Department of the Air Force
lawyer, the communication is generally protected (but see Title 5 United States Code Section
1212(b)(5)(c)) from disclosure to anyone outside the Department of the Air Force. The
disclosure requirements of 5 USC § 1212(b)(5)(c) do not apply to attorneys acting in their
capacity as defense counsel.
4.12. Interviewing Witnesses. The bulk of evidence collected during IG investigations will
normally come from witness testimony. After properly framing the scope and purpose of the
investigation, the next most important aspect is the preparation of intelligent, well-planned
questions. Effective, cogent interviews can only be accomplished through thorough preparation.
IOs should consult with their legal advisor when formulating interview questions and should
determine whether the legal advisor’s presence during interviews would be beneficial.
4.12.1. A witness’ status will determine how they will be interviewed. (T-1) The complainant is a key witness who must be interviewed first to clarify
allegations and focus the investigation. (T-1) Exception: IOs should interview any SME
or Technical Advisors first so the IO can adequately understand what the complainant is
presenting The subject is equally important since he or she is the one against whom the
allegations have been made. The subject(s)/suspect(s) must be interviewed. (T-1) A
subject should be considered a suspect if, prior to the subject interview, the IO has a
reasonable belief, based on the evidence discovered during the investigation, that the
allegation(s) against the subject will be substantiated by a preponderance of the evidence.
This person should be interviewed last and given an opportunity to respond to the specific
allegations against him/her. Additionally, he or she should be given a reasonable
opportunity to respond to significant adverse information or changes in the investigation
84 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
scope or allegations that may come about subsequent to the subject’s initial interview. If
the subject is no longer associated with the Department of the Air Force, every attempt
must be made to contact him or her to give him or her an opportunity to give his or her side
of the story. (T-1) This process is also important to the complainant as a substantiated
allegation may enable the complainant to correct his or her AF record and become whole
again. If a subject/suspect elects not to testify, the IO must not base any findings only on
the fact the subject/suspect elected not to testify, but must consider all available evidence.
(T-1) Expert witnesses have special knowledge and expertise in a particular subject
matter. They may be used as consultants for background information or as a regular
witness during the investigation. Because of their special expertise, their testimony is normally given more
weight than the testimony of non-experts in their area of specialty. IOs should not allow the testimony of an expert witness to control their
final findings and recommendations. IOs should base their final findings and
recommendations on all the testimony and facts gathered. Character witnesses are people who can verify the reputation of a particular
person for certain conduct or personality traits, for example, honesty, violence, etc.
4.12.2. Regardless of their status, all witnesses in investigations must be sworn. (T-1) This
puts witnesses on notice that the investigation is a serious matter and they are expected to
testify truthfully. The IO must: For each witness who is neither a suspect nor a subject, tailor the witness
interview format outlined in Attachment 2 as appropriate. (T-1) Use the individually-
tailored witness interview format for each witness interview. (T-1) For each subject, tailor
the subject interview format outlined in Attachment 3 as appropriate and use it for that
subject’s interview. (T-1) For suspect interviews, use the suspect interview format in
Attachment 4 and guidance in paragraph 4.15. Provide each witness with a Privacy Act
Statement found in Attachment 5. (T-1) Advise subjects/suspects they may submit additional relevant information for the
IO’s consideration within a reasonable time following their interview. (T-1) Electronically record (audio only) all witness testimony to accurately capture
what was said during the interview. (T-1) Advise all witnesses they are not authorized to
record the interview in any manner. Witnesses can take notes, but the notes become an IG
record and cannot be retained by the witness. At the completion of the investigation, the
IO must provide all electronic recordings to the IG. (T-1) Transcribe verbatim (word-by-word) the testimony of complainants, subjects,
and key witnesses for 10 USC § 1034 cases. (T-1) At the discretion of the appointing
authority, summarized testimony may be acceptable in all other cases. IO will review transcripts and correct errors/omissions/incomplete statements
based on firsthand knowledge to provide reviewers the most complete document possible.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 85 Sign all testimony to certify its validity. Add the following statement to the end
of the testimony: ”I certify the above to be a true sworn (or affirmed) testimony given to
me on (date) at (place).” (T-1) Witnesses should also sign summarized testimony
whenever the witness is reasonably available to do so.
4.12.3. For witnesses outside the local area, an IO can either travel to meet and interview the
witness, or interview the witness telephonically/virtually. If the witness is interviewed
telephonically, the IO should make arrangements to verify the witness’ identity. The appointed
IO will (when possible) interview all subjects or suspects in person. (T-1)
4.12.4. If a witness’ status changes during the course of an investigation to that of a subject or
suspect, the witness must be re-interviewed (following the format outlined in Attachment 3
or Attachment 4, as applicable) and given an opportunity to respond to the suspected
misconduct or allegations in light of his or her new status. (T-1) The appointing authority will determine whether additional or modified
allegations will be investigated separately and, if necessary, expand the scope of the
investigation. If the scope of investigation is expanded, an addendum to the appointment
letter must be completed. (T-1) The IO will take no further action on any additional
allegation until consulting with the appointing authority and the legal advisor. (T-1) Conduct the proper read-in/rights advisement for a subject/suspect prior to the
interview/re-interview. (T-1) Refer to paragraph 4.15 for further rules regarding rights
advisement. The read-in/rights advisement is mandatory. (T-1) Consult with the legal
advisor prior to rights advisement. (T-1)
4.12.5. Witnesses who are military members or federal civilian employees may refuse to
testify only if they believe they might incriminate themselves (refer to paragraph 4.16.3.). If
self-incrimination is not a concern, witnesses may be ordered/directed by their commander to
testify. Further refusal may be the basis for disciplinary action. Subjects are required to
participate in the interview process, but may elect to not answer specific questions based on
self-incrimination. Suspects, on the other hand, may elect not to participate in the interview
based on invoking their Article 31 rights.
4.13. Persons Present During an Interview. A typical interview will involve the IO, the
witness/subject/suspect, any technical advisor (if necessary), and the legal advisor (if deemed
beneficial). The introduction of any unauthorized party into the process reduces the ability to
preserve a reasonable level of confidentiality.
4.13.1. A suspect has the right to have an attorney present during an interview. The suspect
may consult with the attorney during the interview; however, the attorney must not be allowed
to answer any question for the suspect. (T-1)
4.13.2. When witnesses are considered subjects, they may consult with an attorney prior to
any interview, and their attorney may be present (but will not answer questions) during the
interview.. (T-1)
4.13.3. Union officials may have the right to be present during interviews per the provisions
in paragraph 4.14 of this instruction. (T-1)
4.13.4. Victim’s Counsel may be present during interviews of victims who are their client.
86 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
4.13.5. Even if a witness has not been named as a subject/suspect, if an witness has retained
legal counsel and the witness requests their legal be present during the interview, legal counsel
will not be excluded from the interview, but will not answer questions. The IO has no duty to
inform the witnesses of this opportunity unless required by law or service regulation..
4.14. Civilian Employees Represented by Unions. Civilian employees (including non-
appropriated fund employees) may have a right to union representation when interviewed as a
suspect, subject, or witness. This right applies if the employee’s position meets the definition for
inclusion in the collective bargaining unit. The employee's status as a dues paying or non-dues
paying union member has no bearing on his or her right to representation. Additionally, the union
has an independent right to be present during formal discussions (sworn/recorded IG interviews
are considered formal discussions) involving bargaining unit members and if the discussion
concerns a grievance (complaint by a bargaining unit employee about any term or condition of
employment) or personnel policy or practice or general condition of employment. The union must
be notified and given an opportunity to attend whenever such formal interviews will take place.
(T-1) Presence by a union representative is a statutory right meant to protect the interests of the
bargaining unit as a whole, regardless of the employee’s wishes. The union determines who will
represent the union during the interview, not the employee and not the agency. Before
interviewing witnesses, subjects, or suspects represented by unions, consult with the legal advisor
to determine what, if any, rights advisement is required IAW any applicable collective bargaining
4.14.1. Weingarten Rights, per the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute
("FSLMRS" or "Statute"), are the rights to union representation for federal civilian employees
who belong to an appropriate bargaining unit. This right arises during interviews with a federal
employee in connection with investigations if: (a) the employee reasonably believes
disciplinary action may be taken against him or her as a result of the interview, and (b) the
employee requests union representation. This right does not apply to management personnel.
4.14.2. FSLMRS does not require an IO to advise an employee of the right to union
representation before an interview. The Statute merely requires management to inform its
employees annually of this right unless the collective bargaining agreement provides that the
IO will advise the employee of this right. If the employee invokes Weingarten rights, the IO
should consult with the legal advisor and civilian personnel office before proceeding with the
4.14.3. The exercise of the right to union representation shall not interfere with the
investigation. (T-1) Determinations regarding union representation should be coordinated in
advance with the legal advisor and the Civilian Personnel Office Labor Relations Specialist.
The union representative is a personal representative of the employee and may advise the
employee, ask questions to clarify issues, and suggest other employees who may have
knowledge of the facts at issue. However, he or she may not do so in a manner that interferes
with the interview and may not testify for the employee. (T-1) The IO has authority to
terminate the interview if he or she determines the union representative is impeding or
attempting to impede the investigation. Consult with the legal advisor on how to proceed after
terminating the interview. (T-1)
4.15. Procedures Regarding Rights Advisements. In order to protect due process and the rights
of subject/suspects, the following guidance should be used on a case-by-case basis to determine
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 87
when a witness or subject should be considered a suspect and, if so, when a suspect must be advised
of his or her rights and which rights are applicable to the suspect. As a general rule, a subject
should be considered a suspect and read the appropriate rights advisement as discussed below if,
prior to the subject interview, the IO has a reasonable belief, based on the evidence discovered
during the investigation, that the allegation(s) against the subject will be substantiated by a
preponderance of the evidence.
4.15.1. For active duty military suspects (and retired or separated military members subject to
recall, and Air Force Reserve members or Air National Guard members in Title 10 status at
the time of the interview), advise them of their rights as specified under Article 31, UCMJ.
4.15.2. In regard to Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel, IOs need to verify
the Title 10/Title 32 status of the suspect at the time of the occurrence and at the time of the
scheduled interview. (T-1) If the IO reasonably believes the member is a suspect, and in Title
32 status, consider requesting the member be in Title 10 status for the interview, which would
then require advising the member of his or her rights under Article 31, UCMJ. There is no constitutional or statutory requirement to read any version of rights
to an Air National Guard suspect. As a matter of policy, advise such personnel of his or
her rights under the state code equivalent of Article 31, UCMJ. (T-1) If a member is a dual-status technician and is in technician (civilian) status during
the interview, the member need not be advised of his or her Fifth Amendment rights.
4.15.3. Civilian witnesses, to include state employees, Senior Executive Service employees,
and Department of the Air Force civil service employees, even if suspected of a criminal
offense, do not have to be advised of their Fifth Amendment rights when interviewed as part
of an IG investigation. Under the law, such rights advisements are only required in conjunction
with custodial interrogations (i.e., interrogations in which the interviewee is not free to leave
at will) by law enforcement personnel. Interviews by an IG/IO under authority of this
instruction do not meet that threshold requirement (i.e., IGs and IOs are not considered law
enforcement personnel for Fifth Amendment purposes). The lack of a requirement to advise
civilian witnesses of their Fifth Amendment rights does not preclude them from invoking such
rights if circumstances warrant.
4.15.4. Aside from those civilian witnesses discussed in para 4.15.3, if, during the course of
an interview, the IO discovers information leading him or her to believe the witness or subject
is a suspect, the IO must stop the interview, consult with the appointing authority and legal
advisor, and (if allowed to proceed) advise the suspect of his or her rights. (T-1) Attachment
4 provides a template format for a suspect interview and rights advisement and must be read
to the suspect verbatim. If, after rights advisement, the suspect refuses to testify or requests an
attorney, then the interview must stop. (T-1) Consult with the legal advisor before attempting
to re-interview the suspect. (T-1)
4.15.5. “Kalkines/Garrity” warnings are required to be given to civilian subjects being
interviewed in an IG investigation. (T-0) Consult your legal advisor with questions concerning
rights advisement. The following warning would be appropriate:
“You are being asked to provide information as part of an administrative investigation. This is a
voluntary interview, and you will not be kept here involuntarily. You have the right to be fully
88 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
informed of any allegations against you. You have the right not to answer a question if the answer
would be self-incriminating. No disciplinary action will be taken against you solely for refusing
to answer questions. However, the evidentiary value of your silence may be considered in
administrative proceedings as part of the facts surrounding your case.”
4.16. Procedures Regarding Subject/Suspect/Witness Hand-offs. Department of the Air
Force procedures regarding investigative interviews of Regular Air Force personnel, USSF
personnel, AFR personnel, ANG personnel, and Department of Air Force civilian employees
requires special handling of certain interviewees.
4.16.1. Department of the Air Force experience has found that subjects/suspects of an
investigation may be at a greater risk of committing suicide, or making irrational decisions. A
primary concern is that being a subject/suspect of an investigation may result in stress and
turmoil within an individual’s life. The hand-off procedure is intended to act as a safety net to
those individuals who might be so emotionally distraught as to pose a danger to themselves or
others, and ensure wingman support is available through command lines. These hand-offs require person-to-person contact between the IO and the
subject’s/suspect’s commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as
a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor. Hand-offs will require
pre-coordination and advanced planning. As a general rule, the command representative
designated to receive the hand-off should be of equal or greater rank than the
subject/suspect. In-person hand-offs are preferred. However, if in-person hand-off is
impractical, a virtual hand-off can be coordinated if the IO believes the hand-off
representative can make an accurate assessment of the subject/suspect’s mental state
through the virtual means. Following interviews with Department of the Air Force personnel who are the
subject/suspect of an investigation, IOs must refer such individuals to their commander or
designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or
designee, first sergeant, or supervisor. (T-1) The command representative must make
person-to-person contact immediately following the interview and receive the
subject/suspect. (T-1) Before providing the hand-off, the IO should advise the commander or designee
that the individual is the subject or suspect of an IG investigation. The IO should also
explain the reason for any concern he or she has about the individual’s personal safety (e.g.,
individual was emotionally distraught, shocked, etc.). However, the IO will not disclose the identity of the complainant or the
substance of testimony or other evidence obtained during the investigation. (T-1) If time permits, the IO should coordinate with the IG before handing off an
individual or notifying the commander. However, an IO should not delay obtaining
appropriate assistance for an individual whose emotional state demands immediate
attention simply to obtain IG coordination. The hand-off must be documented at the end of the testimony. (T-1) IOs may
use the documentation at the end of the readout or include the following annotation: “At
the conclusion of the interview, the witness/subject/suspect was handed off by the IO to
the commander (or commander's representative) IAW DAFI 90-301, paragraph 4.16.”
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 89
4.16.2. If any witness appears to be emotional, distraught, or stunned during the process of
any interview, he or she should not be allowed to depart alone, but should be released to his or
her commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-
101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor, who will help ensure the individual receives the
necessary support to safely handle his or her personal crisis (referred to as handing-off). In most instances, hand-offs will require pre-coordination so consider the
possible impacts of the interview on the witness during advanced planning. A hand-off is only required for witnesses if the IO determines the witness has
been sufficiently disturbed by the interview to warrant person-to-person contact. The IO should also explain the reason for any concern he or she has about the
individual’s personal safety (e.g., individual was emotionally distraught, shocked, etc.).
However, the IO will not disclose the identity of the complainant or the substance of
testimony or other evidence obtained during the investigation. (T-1) The hand-off must be documented at the end of the testimony. (T-1) IOs may
use the documentation at the end of the readout or include the following annotation: “At
the conclusion of the interview(s), the witness(es)/subject(s)/suspect(s) was/were handed
off by the IO to the commander (or commander's representative) IAW DAFI 90-301,
paragraph 4.16.”
4.16.3. When suspects, subjects or witnesses invoke their Fifth Amendment or Article 31,
UCMJ rights during an interview, the commander or designee, civilian leading an organization
designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor will be informed
of this fact and instructed to avoid any questioning, interrogation, or discussions in the
subject’s/suspect’s presence of a nature likely to elicit statements or admissions regarding the
alleged offenses. (T-0) Document this in the Report of Investigation. (T-0)
4.16.4. If subjects are represented by an attorney for the matter under investigation, notify the
attorney of the hand-off. (T-1) Notify the legal advisor of any suspect, subject, or witness
represented by an attorney. (T-1)
4.16.5. When dealing with civilian employee subjects or distraught witnesses, the IO must
make a reasonable effort to hand-off the individual directly to his or her unit representative,
commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101
or designee, or supervisor. (T-1)
Section 4D—Step 6: Writing the Report (≤ 34 Days)
4.17. Standard of Proof.
4.17.1. The standard of proof applicable to IG investigations is preponderance of the evidence.
A preponderance of the evidence is defined as the greater weight of credible evidence. When
the greater weight of credible evidence supports the alleged events, it means the events as
alleged are more likely than not to have occurred and the IO may consider the events proven.
4.17.2. IOs must be careful not to apply this standard too mechanically. Quality counts as
much as quantity and an IO may choose to believe one witness rather than five others if the
one is sufficiently credible and the five are not. In addition, there is no way to measure the
90 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
weight of a document against the testimony of a witness other than by evaluating credibility as
discussed in paragraph 4.18.2.
4.18. Analyzing the Evidence. Keeping in mind the standard being sought (preponderance of
the evidence), IOs will follow a four-step process when analyzing the evidence they collected.
4.18.1. What are the allegations? Review the allegations framed prior to starting the
investigation. Do they still make sense? The report must include properly framed allegations.
Consult with the legal advisor and appointing authority if allegations need to be revised after
the investigation has begun. The revision may require notification to the subject/suspect,
depending on the change and the stage of the investigation.
4.18.2. What are the facts (what happened)? Facts are not conclusions, but rather information
and data, from which the IO must draw logical conclusions. Each fact contained in the report
of investigation must be supported by evidence contained in an exhibit attached to the report.
Facts are not always consistent and are often in dispute. The IO is responsible for determining
what the facts were at a specific point in time. He or she evaluates the credibility of witness
testimony considering factors such as demeanor, bias, motive to lie, knowledge, ability to
observe, recency of observations, corroborating evidence, and prior inconsistent statements.
The IO must analyze the available evidence and use the preponderance of the evidence standard
to make the tough call and arrive at logical/concrete conclusions. (T-0)
4.18.3. What standards apply? What laws, regulations, policies, or other controlling standards
were allegedly violated? Applicable standards should have been identified at the beginning
when framing the allegations. The report should include a complete discussion of the standards
in effect at the time of the alleged violation.
4.18.4. Were the standards violated (was a rule, regulation, policy, or law broken)? To reach
a conclusion, the IO must consider and discuss the credible evidence that supports or does not
support whether the subject violated a particular standard. Utilizing the preponderance of the
evidence standard, the IO concludes the allegation is or is not substantiated. IOs should consult
their technical advisor, policy experts, in conjunction with the legal advisor when in doubt
about whether a particular action violated Department of the Air Force standards. However,
the final decision rests with the appointing authority during the final approval process.
4.19. Category of Findings. There are only two possible findings for each allegation:
4.19.1. Substantiated: A substantiated finding results when a preponderance of the evidence
supports the allegation of a wrong or violation of law, regulation, procedure, or Department of
the Air Force policy or standard. The facts indicate a violation of standards occurred.
4.19.2. Not Substantiated: A not substantiated finding results when a preponderance of the
evidence supports the conclusion the alleged misconduct did not occur. The facts indicate no
violation of standards occurred.
4.20. Procedures Regarding Report Writing.
4.20.1. All IG investigations (and their findings) must be documented with objectivity,
thoroughness, and in a timely manner. (T-1) The ROI must maintain an impartial and balanced
tone and exclude any biases for or against the complainant, subject, or witnesses. (T-1) An
ROI must be a stand-alone documentall the essential facts, documents, portions of
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 91
regulations, interviews, etc., must be included in the report so a reviewer can arrive at a
determination without reference to information outside the report. (T-1) The IO must sign the report. (T-1) The appointing authority approves the report in writing. (T-1) The IO must address each of the framed allegations in the report. (T-1) If the
appointing authority determines an allegation should not be examined in the investigation,
the IO must document the appointing authority’s decision. (T-1)
4.20.2. Recommendations are required. In not substantiated cases, at the end of Section II, Tab C, state: “We make no
recommendations in this matter.” In substantiated cases, state at the end of Section II, Tab C: “We recommend that
the commander take appropriate corrective action regarding the substantiated finding;” and
“We recommend that the complainant petition the Air Force Board for Correction of
Military Records to reconsider [appropriate action based upon the case] based upon the
substantiated finding(s).”
4.20.3. IGs will refer IOs to this instruction and the SAF/IGQ IO Guide for specific
information and techniques on report writing. (T-1)
4.20.4. All IG investigative case files must comply with the standardized IG case file format
described in paragraph 4.21, see DAFCRPSG Attachment 8 for a template. (T-1)
4.21. Case File Format. A case file is a standardized compilation of documents relevant to an
IG complaint. The case file consists of three sections. Section I, the Administrative File, is always
used and contains documents such as the Complainant Notification Letter, and recommendations
if requested. The documents in Section I are solely used to supervise and manage the complaint
resolution. Section II, Report of Investigation, is the formal investigative report prepared by the
investigating officer. For example, this section contains the chronology, background and
allegations, as well as the findings of fact, analysis, and conclusion. Section II contains the bulk
of the IO’s work and is normally releasable under FOIA. Section III, Support Documents, contains
all the supporting evidence associated with the Report of Investigation and additional Quality
Control Checklists. The witness testimony, documentary evidence, and the appointment letter are
maintained in Section III. All case file documents will be attached to the applicable ACTS
electronic case file. (T-1)
4.21.1. DAFCRPSG Attachment 8 shows the case file format which matches the ACTS
Attachments tab.
4.21.2. The investigative case file should be organized according to DAFCRPSG Attachment
8 using the tabs applicable in each situation. Prepare a Table of Contents showing the contents
of the case file. Unused tabs should be documented in the table of contents with the statement
”This tab not used.” (T-3) Do not include the unused tabs in the actual case file. (T-3)
4.21.3. As a minimum, case files for cases resulting in investigation must contain the
following documentation (indexed and inserted in Sections I, II, and III at the prescribed tab):
the complaint; tasking memos (if any); ROI; legal review; the testimony (transcribed or
summarized, if taken); copy of response to complainant; copy of notification to the subject’s
92 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
commander; copy of commander’s action (if applicable); and administrative documents
including memos, and complaint acknowledgment or periodic memos to the complainant.
4.21.4. ACTS is the System of Record for storing IG records; IG offices should not maintain
paper copies of records.
4.22. Reporting Requirements Periodic Updates (PU). IGs will use DAFCRPSG Attachment
11 to provide the complainant a PU within 60 days after receipt of the complaint and approximately
every 30 days (not to exceed 60 days) thereafter. (T-1) PUs are the responsibility of the IG
working the case when the update is due. For ANG and Air Force Reserve IGs, provide PUs not
to exceed every other UTA. If complaint results in an IG investigation, IGs must also provide a
PU to the complainant and subject whenever a case transfers between agencies or levels of
command, which satisfies the intent of PU frequency. (T-1) IGs will use the DAFCRPSG
Attachment 26 to provide the subject(s) a PU approximately every 30 days (not to exceed 60 days)
days after the investigation is initiated and approximately every 30 days (not to exceed 60 days)
thereafter. (T-1) A PU does not take the place of the 180 Day Notification Letter referred to in
paragraph 5.6.2.
Section 4E—Step 7: IG Quality Review (≤ 7 Days)
4.23. Requirement for IG Quality Reviews. All investigations will receive a quality review
(QR) by the IG staff to ensure completeness, compliance with this instruction and other appropriate
directives, and objectivity. Use SAF/IGQ Quality Review Checklist (DAFCRPSG Attachment
18) to assist in the review. (T-1)
4.23.1. If the IG QR detects deficiencies with the investigation or report, the IG should return
the case to the IO to be reworked.
4.23.2. If a case needs to be returned to the IO to be reworked due to deficiencies, the IG must
explain the specific problems and rationale to the IO. (T-1)
4.23.3. If an IG disagrees with the IOs findings and conclusions, document the disagreement
and proceed with the next step in the Complaint Resolution Process. (T-1)
Section 4F—Step 8: Technical Review (≤ 3 Days)
4.24. When is a Technical Review Necessary?
4.24.1. Sometimes an IO will be asked to evaluate information or interpret guidance in a
technical field beyond his/her normal range of expertise. When this happens, the appointing
authority should ask for a technical (expert) review of the applicable evidence, findings, and
conclusions before the report is sent for a legal sufficiency review. The key question will be how important the technical information is to the overall
conclusions in the report. A good faith effort will be made to retain complainant confidentiality. (T-1) The
Technical Advisor should only review the portion of the investigation required to provide
the technical assistance and should be advised of the need to maintain confidentiality.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 93
4.24.2. A technical review must explain, in detail, whether the report is technically sufficient.
(T-1) If the report is found to be technically inaccurate or deficient, it will be returned to the
IO to be reworked. (T-1) In this case, the technical review must explain, in detail, the reasons
why the report was deficient and the minimum requirements for sufficiency. (T-1)
Section 4G—Step 9: Legal Review (≤ 10 Days)
4.25. Requirement for Legal Reviews.
4.25.1. IGs will have all Reports of Investigation reviewed by a JA for legal sufficiency. (T-1)
The JA will provide written reviews before the appointing authority approves the report and
its findings. (T-1) IGs should ensure the local servicing SJA is familiar with the SAF/IGQ
JAG Guide to IG Investigations.
4.25.2. A different JA should perform the legal review other than the individual assigned to
advise the IO.
4.25.3. A thorough legal review is critical to the IG investigative process and IG-JA-CC
relationships. The written review must reflect a thorough review of the case, to include an
independent review of all testimony and evidence. When conducting a legal review of any IG
investigation, the attorney performing the legal review must complete the Inspector General
Investigations Legal Review Checklist, which is available on the Air Force Military Justice
and Discipline-Investigations, Inquires and Relief Division(AF/JAJI) Flite Knowledge
Management website under the JAJI Investigations, Inquiries & Relief IG Legal Review
Checklist and Templates tab. (T-1)
4.25.4. Each legal review must examine whether: (1) Each allegation has been addressed; (2)
Allegations allege a violation of law, regulation, procedure, or policy; (3) The IO reasonably
applied the preponderance of the evidence standard in arriving at findings; (4) Conclusions are
supported by, and consistent with, the findings; (5) The investigation complies with all
applicable legal and administrative requirements; (6) Any errors or irregularities exist, and if
so, their legal effects, if any. (T-1) Along with documenting conclusions concerning each of
these matters, the legal review must contain as an attachment a completed Inspector General
Investigations Legal Review Checklist. (T-1) If the legal review states the case is not legally sufficient, it must include a
detailed explanation of what the report is missing or lacking that makes it legally
insufficient. (T-1) The IG will return the case to the IO to be reworked IAW Section 4H.
(T-1) The IO must make the report legally sufficient. (T-1) In cases in which the legal review simply disagrees with the IO’s ultimate
findings and conclusions, the rationale for that disagreement will be provided to the IO for
consideration. (T-1) If the IO, after considering the review, disagrees with the legal
review, the IO will not be directed to change the disputed findings or conclusions. (T-1)
Instead, the ROI and legal review will be provided to the appointing authority for a final
determination. (T-1) In situations where the disputed findings pertain to an investigation
of reprisal or restriction, the appointing authority will provide their determination but, DoD
IG will be the final determination authority. (T-1)
4.25.5. After the legal review and when the ROI is presented for review and approval of the
appointing authority, if the appointing authority disagrees with the IO’s findings and/or
94 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
conclusions, the appointing authority must issue alternative findings and conclusions and
document them in an addendum. (T-1) In such case, the appointing authority’s determination
must include the rationale for his or her decision. (T-1) Merely deferring to or referencing the
legal review is insufficient. Rather, the appointing authority’s determination must separately
set out the basis for the determination through an analysis and issue new findings and/or
conclusions. (T-1) If the appointing authority arrives at findings different than the original
ROI and documents those alternate findings in an addendum, a subsequent legal review must
be accomplished. (T-1)4.25.6. For ROIs requiring a higher headquarters review, MAJCOMs,
FLDCOMS, NGB, FOAs, DRUs, and SAF/IGQ may adopt a lower-level legal review. All
investigations require a minimum of one legal review. (T-1) Additional reviews are optional;
however, additional reviews are required if higher level quality review indicates the need for
an additional legal review or if an addendum is accomplished that alters the findings or
significantly changes the analysis in the ROI. (T-1) HHQ IGs may consult with HHQ JA on
sufficiency of lower level legal review as part of their QR.
Table 4.3. Actions to Take Based on Legal Sufficiency Review. (T-1)
If an investigation is found to
Legally sufficient
Appointing authority approves and sends final
response to complainant, unless higher-level QR and
approval is required. If the appointing authority
disagrees with the IO, see paragraph 4.25.5 or
paragraph 4.27.2.
Not legally sufficient
Report is returned to the IO to be reworked. The IO
must make the report legally sufficient.
Administratively sufficient
Appointing authority approves and sends final
response to complainant, unless higher-level QR and
approval is required. If the appointing authority
disagrees with the IO, see paragraph 4.25.5 or
paragraph 4.27.2.
Not administratively sufficient
Report is returned to the IO to be reworked if required.
Section 4H—Step 10: Reworking the Report (≤ 5 Days)
4.26. When Reports are Returned for Rework. If a report is found to be insufficient, then the
report will be returned to the IO for rework. (T-1)
4.26.1. The reason for the rework and the dates must be logged into ACTS. (T-1)
4.26.2. IG quality reviews, technical reviews, and/or legal reviews must provide reasons why
the report was not sufficient and detail the minimum requirements for sufficiency. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 95
Section 4I—Step 11: Completing the Case (≤ 7 Days)
4.27. Appointing Authority Approval. Final approval of an IG investigation rests with the
appointing authority, except for investigations of reprisal or restriction. (T-1)
4.27.1. The appointing authority will sign and approve the ROI in writing. (T-1)
4.27.2. In cases where the appointing authority disagrees with the IO’s findings and
conclusions, the appointing authority will non-concur with the ROI in writing in an addendum
to the ROI. (T-1) Merely deferring to or referencing the legal review (if applicable) or findings
and conclusion is insufficient. The appointing authority must clearly explain the reasons for
the disagreement and the supporting rationale in the addendum. (T-1) The IO’s findings, legal
review, and the appointing authority’s addendum will be retained as part of the investigation
case file. (T-1) If the appointing authority arrives at findings different than the original ROI
and documents those alternate findings in an addendum, a subsequent legal review must be
accomplished. (T-1) Should a non-IG appointing authority overturn the IO’s findings in an
IG investigation, the case file must be reviewed by the next higher-level IG office. (T-1) See
paragraph 4.32.
4.27.3. Prior to final approval and signature of the ROI containing substantiated findings, the
appointing authority will provide the subject/suspect’s commander a tentative conclusion letter
(TCL). (T-3) The commander will then provide the TCL to the subject/suspect. (T-3) When
making TCL notifications to the subject/suspect, commanders will comply with DAFI 90-
5001, Integrated Resilience. (T-1) The TCL will briefly outline the allegations substantiated
against the subject/suspect, the primary reasons that support the substantiated conclusion, and
will include a redacted copy of the relevant portions of the preliminary ROI as well as a
transcript of the subject/suspect’s testimony as attachments. (T-3) The relevant portions are
the portions of the ROI where the investigation officer analyzed the evidence used to determine
the finding against the subject. That would be the allegation, facts, analysis, and conclusion
related to allegations against the subject. If there are multiple substantiated allegations against
the subject, provide the same for each allegation. (T-3) Provide portions of the ROI that
contain not substantiated allegations (if any) if relevant to any response by the subject. All
portions of the ROI provided must be redacted to remove all third party PII (name, email
address, rank (lower ranked)) to include witnesses. (T-0) Information that could identify the
third parties includes items such as duty titles, position, etc. If the ROI has testimony
embedded in it, redact portions of the testimony where the information can be tied to a
particular witness. (T-0) If a subject or suspect elects not to participate in an interview, the
requirement to initiate the TCL process is not required. Prior to transmitting the letter, the appointing authority will coordinate the draft
TCL with his or her legal advisor and the investigating officer. (T-3) The subject/suspect will be allowed no more than two calendar weeks to provide
a response to the appointing authority with any relevant documentation/evidence not
previously considered. (T-3) Upon receipt of the response from the subject, the appointing authority will
provide the response to the IO who will consider any modifications of the analysis or
findings of the allegation(s). (T-3) If the IO determines no change to the analysis or
findings is necessary, he or she notifies the appointing authority who notes the completion
96 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
of the TCL process in their approval of the ROI, and proceeds with paragraph 4.28.,
Closure Requirements. If the IO believes the response from the subject/suspect indicates modification
of the analysis or findings is appropriate, the IO will: Consider the relevant documentation and evidence submitted by the
subject/suspect, to include modifying the conclusions. (T-3) Request the legal advisor review the TCL, response and any modifications
to the analysis or findings and determine if a second legal review is required. (T-3)
4.27.4. The IO returns the modified ROI and associated documentation to the appointing
authority. If the appointing authority disagrees with the IO, see paragraph 4.27.2. If the
appointing authority agrees with the IO, the appointing authority proceeds with paragraph
4.28. Upon appointing authority approval of the ROI, the IG will place the case in completed
status in ACTS. (T-1)
4.28. Closure Requirements. Upon the appointing authority’s approval of an investigation, all
notification procedures IAW the applicable notification matrix must be completed, unless
otherwise directed by a higher-level IG. Use Table 4.4 for investigations, Table 7.1 for officers,
and Table 8.2 for senior officials.
4.28.1. Mandatory actions required to close a case are: ROI approved by appointing authority. (T-1) Subject’s commander notified of results. (T-1) Complainant notified of results. (T-1) Command action if appropriate. (T-1) For closure requirements on reprisal cases, refer to paragraph 5.8. For closure requirements on restriction investigations, refer to paragraph 6.9. For additional closure requirements for investigations conducted as a result of a
DoD Hotline complaint, refer to Chapter 9.
4.28.2. IGs at every level are required to update all completed actions in ACTS (refer to the
ACTS User’s Manual) and are required to maintain an electronic case file in ACTS until its
final disposition date. (T-1) Leave case in completed status in ACTS until all required quality,
legal, and higher-level reviews as well as required notifications and any command actions are
complete, at which time the case will be closed in ACTS by the appropriate IG (MAJCOM-
FLDCOMIGQ for reprisal and restriction cases). (T-1)
4.28.3. Cases pending command/corrective action may be assigned a followup suspense on
the suspense tab in ACTS until a copy of the action taken is received. (T-1)
4.29. Notification Requirements for Case Closures.
4.29.1. Table 4.4 describes the notification requirements upon completion of IG
4.29.2. The appointing authority must notify the subject’s current commander of the results of
the investigation in writing. (T-1) The commander must, in turn, notify the subject of the
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 97
results of the investigation in writing. (T-1) Documentary evidence of this notification is
required. (T-1) When notifying the subject/suspect of the final result, the commander will
comply with DAFI 90-5001, Integrated Resilience. (T-1) The notification letters must include
a description of the specific allegations and related findings. (T-1) The letters must not contain
the names of the complainants, witnesses, or other subjects of the investigation. (T-1) Refer
to DAFCRPSG Attachment 12 for a sample results notification to the subject’s commander
with an endorsement for the commander’s notification to the subject.
4.29.3. The appointing authority will automatically provide the subject’s commander with a
copy of the relevant portions of an approved and substantiated report of investigation (without
attachments) for determining appropriate command action. (T-1) Recipients must comply
with all applicable guidance in Chapter 10. For Senior Official cases, see paragraph 8.4.2.
In the case where there is an addendum that becomes part of the ROI, the originating appointing
authority of the addendum is the authority responsible for making release determinations.
4.30. Responding to Complainants after Closing an Investigation. Providing a final response
to the complainant is generally the final step before case closure.
4.30.1. Responses to complainants must be timely, and supported by the evidence. (T-1)
4.30.2. Responses to complainants should address all allegations as framed for the
investigation. The response does not necessarily have to address each individual question or
allegation originally made by the complainant.
4.30.3. Complainants will receive a response from the level that conducted the investigation,
unless otherwise directed by higher-level IG. (T-1)
4.30.4. Complainants will receive a final response, in a publicly-releasable format (must not
contain subject or witness names), in writing, with the findings of the investigation. (T-0)
When responding to third-party complainants, refer to paragraph 4.30.7.
4.30.5. Final responses to complainants must inform them of their right to petition the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records regardless of the findings in the case. IGs
should inform them of the need to exhaust all appeals and remedies before petitioning the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records. (T-1) Final responses to complainants must
also inform them of their rights to request review by the next level IG above that which
conducted the investigation. (T-1) For reprisal cases, see paragraph 5.8.2 and for restriction
cases, see paragraph 6.9.2, respectively. Simply disagreeing with the findings or with the command action taken in
response to the findings is not sufficient reason to justify a higher-level review or additional
investigation. (T-1) It is the complainant’s responsibility to provide new and compelling information
that justifies a higher-level review on previously considered issues. (T-1) It is the complainant’s responsibility to request this review in writing to the next
level IG within 90 calendars days of receiving the response and to provide specific reasons
why they believe the original complaint resolution was not valid or adequate. (T-1)
4.30.6. Ensure responses to complainants are in a publicly releasable format consistent with
FOIA and PA release guidelines in Chapter 10. (T-1)
98 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
4.30.7. Third party complainants are only entitled to an acknowledgement that their complaint
was received, which should be done immediately after receipt. (T-3) They will not receive
information regarding the resolution unless the affected party authorizes the release of
information to that third-party via a Privacy Act release. (T-3)
Table 4.4. Notification Matrix for Closure of IG Investigations. (T-1)
If an
investigation is
conducted and
the allegations
1. Appointing authority notifies subject’s commander in writing (see
paragraph 4.29.2).
2. Commander notifies subject, in writing (see paragraph 4.29.2), and
takes disciplinary/corrective action.
3. For 10 USC § 1034 cases, MAJCOM/IG, or FLDCOM/IG provides
final response to complainant. For other investigations, the IG at the
level where the investigation was conducted provides the final response
(see paragraph 4.30).
4. Commander notifies appointing authority of command or corrective
5. Appointing authority provides IG with a signed copy of the
notification to the subject’s commander and the completed command
action, to include any rebuttal, for inclusion in the ACTS case file.
Notify SAF/IGQ via ACTS.
1. Appointing authority notifies subject’s commander in writing (see
paragraph 4.29.2).
2. Commander notifies subject in writing (see paragraph 4.29.2).
3. For 10 USC § 1034 cases, MAJCOM/IG, or FLDCOM/IG provides
final response to complainant. For other investigations, the IG at the
level where the investigation was conducted provides the final response
(see paragraph 4.30).
4. Appointing authority provides IG with a signed copy of the
notification to the subject’s commander and the completed command
action, to include any rebuttal, for inclusion in the ACTS case file.
Notify SAF/IGQ via ACTS.
4.31. Command Action. Command action is the responsibility of the commander who is
responsible for, and maintains accountability of, the process, operation, organization, or individual.
Section 4J—Step 12: Higher Headquarters Review (≤ 23 Days, see Table 3.1)
4.32. Requirement for Higher Headquarters Quality Review (QR).
4.32.1. The following cases will be sent to higher headquarters for QR: (T-1) Allegations of reprisal or restriction. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 99 A non-IG appointing authority overturns an IG investigation’s findings. ANG cases will be routed from the unit through the JFHQ to NGB to SAF/IGQ
for higher headquarters QR. (T-1)
4.32.2. NGB, MAJCOMs, FLDCOMs, NAFs, JFHQs, FOAs, and DRU IGs will conduct
oversight and reviews for investigations; complete the checklist in DAFCRPSG Attachment
18, before forwarding the case file to SAF/IGQ for review, (T-1) to ensure that: All valid allegations were addressed. (T-1) The investigation was conducted with thoroughness, objectivity, and in a timely
manner. (T-1) The findings and conclusions are supported by a preponderance of the evidence.
(T-1) Legal reviews were conducted as required by this instruction. (see paragraph
4.27). (T-1) Command action (when required) is/was taken and is documented. (T-1)
4.32.3. When deficiencies are identified, reopen the investigation if necessary to correct any
shortcomings. Whenever possible, have the original IO complete the additional work needed
and revise the report. When circumstances warrant, SAF/IGQ, MAJCOM, FLDCOM or NGB
may complete the additional work needed, conduct an additional legal review, and revise the
report with an addendum. When an addendum is accomplished, IGs must check the
"Addendum Accomplished" checkbox in the ACTS case file main tab. (T-1)
4.32.4. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, and DRU IGs will provide feedback to lower-level
IGs upon completion of the QR. Each level of review will complete the SAF/IGQ Quality
Review Checklist (DAFCRPSG Attachment 18) and upload it to ACTS. Refer to paragraph
4.33 if disagreeing with lower-level findings. (T-3)
4.33. Disagreement with Findings. In cases where a higher headquarters QR disagrees with the
findings, conclusions, or determinations made at the level immediately below, the higher-level IG
will reach a determination and document the findings in an addendum. The higher-level IG will
review the issues and consult a JA before forwarding the report to SAF/IGQ, if required. Under no
circumstances will MAJCOM, FLDCOM, or NGB IG forward a disputed case to SAF/IGQ for
resolution. The higher-level IG will:
4.33.1. Reopen the case at their level to address the issues in dispute or unresolved issues,
when warranted. (T-1)
4.33.2. Document any discrepancies/new findings in writing with an addendum to the ROI,
fully explaining the rationale for the new findings, and address any disagreements between
IOs, legal reviewers or other reviewers. (T-1)
4.33.3. Notify lower-level IG of the disagreement and change in findings and provide them a
copy of the applicable addendum. (T-1) Document this action in an ACTS case note. (T-1)
4.33.4. If a higher headquarters’ review overturns a not substantiated finding to substantiated,
the higher headquarters must complete the TCL process described in paragraph 4.27.3. (T-1)
100 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
4.33.5. If the higher headquarters arrives at findings different than the original ROI and
documents those alternate findings in an addendum, a subsequent legal review must be
accomplished. (T-1)
Section 4K—Step 13: SAF/IGQ Review (≤ 5 Days)
4.34. Requirement for SAF/IGQ Review. SAF/IGQ will:
4.34.1. Conduct a review for military reprisal or restriction cases before forwarding them to
IG DoD, as required.
4.34.2. Conduct a QR on other cases when so specified in the SAF/IGQ tasking letter to
4.34.3. Notify MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs of discrepancies or
deficiencies noted in reports.
4.34.4. Return (when required) all case documents and re-task cases for any supplemental
information or additional investigation required to be incorporated into the original report.
4.34.5. Examine cases for systemic problems or trends and notify DAF/IG. Notify
commanders, civilians leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101, or
appropriate agencies as needed to ensure resolution or future preventive action.
4.34.6. In cases where SAF/IGQ is the reviewing authority on an IG report (but is not the
appointing authority) and the SAF/IGQ QR disagrees with the findings, conclusions, or
determinations made at the level immediately below or significantly changes the analysis in
the ROI, SAF/IGQ will: Before significantly changing the analysis or formally overturning an
investigation finding through an addendum, SAF/IGQ will coordinate with the originating
IG office on the identified deficiencies, affording that office the opportunity to address
those deficiencies. If the originating office declines to address the deficiencies, SAF/IGQ
will address through an addendum. Obtain an additional legal review for legal sufficiency before determining the
final finding (substantiated or not substantiated). Non-concur with the report or legal review determinations in writing in an
addendum to the ROI. Clearly adopt an official position on the disputed item(s) and explain
the rationale for the new findings in the addendum. When an addendum is accomplished,
IGQ must check the "Addendum Accomplished" checkbox in the ACTS case file main tab. Notify the lower-level IG office or commander of the different findings and
provide them with a copy of the addendum. The lower-level IG must follow Table 4.4 to
inform recipients of the findings. Document this action in an ACTS case note.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 101
Chapter 5
5.1. Governing Directives. 10 USC §1034, Protected communications; prohibition of
retaliatory personnel actions and DoDD 7050.06, Military Whistleblower Protection, and DoDI
7050.09, Uniform Standards for Evaluating and Investigating Military Reprisal or Restriction
Complaints provide guidance on whistleblower rights and responsibilities.
5.2. Whistleblower Protection Against Reprisal Under Title 10 United States Code, Section
1034 (10 USC § 1034).
5.2.1. Members of the armed forces shall be free from reprisal for making or preparing or
being perceived as making or preparing to make a protected communication (PC). Regular
Air Force members, Air Force Reserve members, and Air National Guard members, and
civilian employees who fail to obey the prohibitions of this chapter are in violation of 10
USC 1034 and may be punished. No person may take (or threaten to take) an unfavorable personnel action; or
withhold (or threaten to withhold) a favorable personnel action as reprisal against a member
of the armed forces for making or preparing to make, or being perceived as making or
preparing to make, a protected communication. Civilian employees who violate this prohibition are subject to administrative or
disciplinary action under applicable directives or implementing instructions governing
civilian disciplinary or administrative action. No commander or supervisor may refer a military member for an mental health
evaluation (MHE) as a reprisal for making or preparing to make a protected
5.2.2. The following may receive protected communications (Note: see the definition of
protected communication in Attachment 1 for more guidance on when a communication made
to any of the following is a protected communication): Member of Congress or a member of their congressional staff. An Inspector General or a member of the Inspector General’s investigative staff. Personnel assigned to DoD audit, inspection, investigation, or law enforcement
organizations, equal opportunity, safety, sexual assault prevention and response designees,
and family advocacy. Any person in the member’s chain of command. The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Chief Master of Sergeant of the Space
Force, command chiefs, group/squadron superintendents, and first sergeants. A court-martial proceeding. Any other person or organization designated pursuant to regulations or other
established administrative procedures for such communications. Testimony, or otherwise participating in or assisting in an investigation or
proceeding related to a communication under paragraphs through, or filing,
102 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
causing to be filed, participating in, or otherwise assisting in an action brought under this
5.2.3. Nothing in this issuance will be construed to limit the ability of a commander to consult
with a superior in the chain of command, an IG, or a judge advocate on the disposition of a
complaint against a service member for an allegation of collateral misconduct or for a matter
unrelated to a protected communication. Additionally, nothing in this instruction will dissuade
commanders from taking timely and appropriate corrective actions for legitimate reasons,
including violations of the UCMJ, violations of other criminal statutes, or other misconduct,
whether or not information regarding the misconduct came through a protected
communication. Commanders should understand the prohibitions on reprisal and restriction
and should coordinate with the servicing SJA office for effective legal guidance on these
5.2.4. Department of the Air Force military members may file complaints of reprisal with IGs
at any level and receive the protections of 10 USC § 1034.
5.2.5. To gain statutory protection of the law, the service member must file the complaint with
any IG within one year of becoming aware of the personnel action that is the subject of the
allegation. (T-0) The IG may waive this time requirement if they determine there are
extenuating circumstances justifying the delay in filing the complaint or there is special
Department of the Air Force interest in the matter. See Table 3.13., Rule 3.
5.3. Procedures for Receipt of Reprisal Complaints. The following outlines Department of the
Air Force procedures for receiving reprisal complaints. All IGs during the complaint analysis
process will consider the personnel actions and protected communications (PCs) presented by the
complainant in the complaint regardless of whether reprisal is raised. (T-1)
5.3.1. Military Members. Department of the Air Force IGs must advise military members
alleging reprisal of the provisions of 10 USC § 1034 (the Military Whistleblower Protection
Act) and DoDD 7050.06, and of the rights afforded to complainants the statute. ( T-0) IGs
should use DAFCRPSG Attachment 14, Whistleblower Rights under 10 USC § 1034, to assist
them. IGs should ask complainants whether they have also filed their complaint with IG
DoD. If the complainant has, then IGs should include this in the notification letter to IG
DoD (refer to paragraph 5.4.). No complaint analysis by the IG receiving the complaint
is required unless otherwise directed by a higher-level IG (refer to paragraph 5.5.3.). IGs must ask the complainant whether the allegations that constituted the
member’s protected communication were previously addressed. (T-1) For additional
information, refer to paragraph 5.5.1.
5.3.2. Civilian/Nonappropriated Fund Employees and Defense Contractors. If an IG
receives a complaint from a civilian/nonappropriated fund employee or a defense contractor in
which they allege reprisal, follow the guidance in Table 5.1. (T-1)
Table 5.1. Reprisal Referral for Civilian Employees.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 103
If the aggrieved party is
Department of the
Air Force civil
service employee
Direct the complainant to IG DoD Hotline
(, the Office Special Counsel
(OSC) or local EO office for reprisal allegations relating to an
EEO complaint.
Department of the Air
Force nonappropriated
fund employee
Direct the complainant to IG DoD Hotline
(, the Office Special Counsel
(OSC) or local EO office for reprisal allegations relating to an
EEO complaint.
Defense contractors
Direct the complainant to IG DoD Hotline
5.3.3. Department of the Air Force IGs will not conduct investigations into complaints of
reprisal actions alleging Department of the Air Force civil service employees, nonappropriated
fund employees, or defense contractor employees are the target of reprisal. (T-0) These
employees receive protection from statutes other than 10 USC § 1034. Do NOT add allegations
of reprisal to an ACTS case file if the complainant is civilian.
5.3.4. 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1614 requires civilian reprisal allegations in
connection with an EEO complaint be processed through the EEO procedures. (T-0)
5.3.5. If IG DoD receives a reprisal complaint directly from a complainant, IG DoD will
conduct the intake. If IG DoD elects to refer the complaint to the Department of the Air Force,
they will forward the analysis and a tasking letter to SAF/IGQ. SAF/IGQ will forward the
package to the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IG for proper handling of the
5.4. Notification Requirements for Reprisal Complaints. IAW DoDD 7050.06, IG DoD must
be notified (through SAF/IGQ) within 10 duty days from the date an IG receives sufficient
documentation (e.g., written complaint, DAF Form 102, etc.) from the complainant to determine
if prima facie reprisal elements have been met. (T-0) If DoD IG referred the complaint to the
Department of the Air Force, no notification is required. To meet IG DoD’s notification
requirement, IGs at all levels will notify SAF/IGQ through MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF,
JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG within 7 duty days using DAFCRPSG Attachment 15. (T-1) Attach the
completed notification in ACTS and send the notification in ACTS to the next higher-level IG.
All named RMOs of a reprisal complaint must be added to the subject tab of ACTS, with the
appropriate allegation type (reprisal) selected on the allegation tab. This ensures that ACTS tracks
the case as a 1034 case, and makes the appropriate automatic special interest category selections
on the Main tab.
5.4.1. If the IG receiving the complaint determines the complaint needs to be transferred to
another IG, notification requirements belong to the receiving IG. (T-1) Reference Tables 3.8
and 3.9.
5.4.2. Prior to sending the notification, if the IG determines that answers to questions one and
two of the elements of reprisal (DAFCRPSG Attachment 16) are not both “yes,” or, that while
the answers to questions one and two are "yes," the reason for the personnel action is not
104 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
reprisal (i.e., the action was taken for a valid reason), the required notification can include a
recommendation to dismiss the issue. (T-1) A recommendation to dismiss the allegation on
the DAFCRPSG Attachment 2 must include the rationale, based on the elements of reprisal,
for the selected resolution strategy and supporting documentation. (T-1) The IG must then
analyze the complaint for abuse of authority using DAFCRPSG Attachment 17.
5.4.3. Upload a copy of the written complaint, or a detailed narrative of the allegations, with
the notification template (DAFCRPSG Attachment 15) in ACTS and notify SAF/IGQ through
the appropriate MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG. (T-1) Clearly
document if the complaint of reprisal involves sexual assault reporting or loss of access to
classified information. (T-1) IG DoD may retain these types of cases for resolution.
5.4.4. IGs receiving allegations not within the purview of the Department of the Air Force will
transfer the complaint to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG. (T-1) For complaints appropriate for transfer to DHA, the IG receiving the
allegations will complete the notification to DoD annotating that the DAF is transferring the
case to DHA. (T-1)
5.4.5. Dismissals for untimeliness of complaint. If it becomes apparent during the intake
process that the complaint was not filed within one year of the complainant becoming aware
of the most recent alleged personnel action, IGs will consider whether the untimely complaint
filing, based on compelling reasons or circumstances, should not be dismissed. (T-1) These circumstances may include situations in which the service member: Was actively misled regarding his or her rights; Was prevented in some extraordinary way from exercising his or her rights;
or Filed the same allegation within the one year period with the wrong office
or agency. After consideration of the above factors, if no such circumstances exist, the IG
may recommend dismissal of the case as untimely. The MAJCOM-NGB-FLDCOM-FOA-
DRU/IGQ or JFHQ/IG will approve recommended dismissal by a lower-level IG and, if
approved, send a letter to the complainant explaining that the case is dismissed and closed. Document the untimeliness on the DOD approved decision document
(DAFCRPSG Attachment 2) and transfer the case to SAF/IGQ through the MAJCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG for higher-level review, including the appropriate
checklist from DAFCRPSG Attachment 18.
5.4.6. Dismissal for unresponsive or uncooperative complainant. In general, complainants
understand that investigations require their timely cooperation. In the infrequent case in which,
during the intake or investigation process, the complainant becomes unresponsive, IGs will
make at least three attempts to reach the complainant using appropriate methods of contact.
(T-1) If the complainant remains unresponsive, the IG will advise the complainant in writing
that it will not be possible to investigate the alleged reprisal without the complainant's
cooperation and that the case will be dismissed unless a response is received within 10 days.
(T-1) If no response is received after allowing a minimum of 10 days for the complainant to
respond, the IG may recommend dismissal of the case for lack of cooperation. Documentation
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 105
of the dates and methods used in attempts to contact the complainant will be included in the
DAFCRPSG Attachment 2. (T-1) Transfer the complaint to SAF/IGQ through the MAJCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG, including the appropriate checklist from DAFCRPSG
Attachment 18. (T-1) The MAJCOM-FLDCOM-NGB-FOA or DRU/IGQ will review the
recommended dismissal by a lower-level IG and, if approved, send a letter to the complainant
explaining that the case is dismissed and closed. (T-1)
5.4.7. Dismissal for withdrawals. When a complainant communicates the intent to withdraw
a complaint in writing, IGs must evaluate whether the withdrawal was voluntary. (T-1) IGs
are not obligated to approve withdrawals, particularly if investigative efforts to date indicate
misconduct may be substantiated. If the IG is satisfied that the request was not coerced, he or
she may approve the withdrawal and recommend dismissal. The MAJCOM-FLDCOM-NGB-
FOA or DRU/IGQ will review the recommended dismissal by a lower-level IG and, if
approved, send a letter to the complainant explaining that the case is dismissed and closed.
(T-1) Transfer the complaint to SAF/IGQ through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF,
JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG for higher-level review. (T-1) If the request for withdrawal occurs before initial complaint notification to IG
DoD is made, the notification and the withdrawal may be sent simultaneously,
accompanied by the DAFCRPSG Attachment 2 and a copy of the complaint to SAF/IGQ
through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG. (T-1) If the request for withdrawal occurs after the initial complaint notification to IG
DoD was made, the copy of the withdrawal letter or email, copy of the complaint, and the
DAFCRPSG Attachment 2 will suffice to close the case. Transfer the complaint to
including the appropriate checklist from DAFCRPSG Attachment 18. (T-1)
5.4.8. Dismissal for duplicate complaint. IGs may cease evaluation if the incoming complaint
is a duplicate or is intrinsically related to a previously filed complaint and contains no new and
compelling information that would warrant the reopening of a closed case or the creation of a
new one. Once an IG confirms that a complaint meets these criteria, close the case as a
duplicate. (T-1)
5.5. Conducting Complaint Analysis for Allegations of Reprisal. The IG receiving the
complaint must expeditiously conduct a complaint analysis to determine whether an investigation
is warranted. (T-1) Within 30 days after receipt of the complaint, the IG must notify SAF/IGQ
(through the MAJCOM, NAF, NGB, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) of the results of the complaint
analysis. (T-0) Reserve and Guard IGs must complete the complaint analysis within three UTAs
after receiving the complaint. (T-1)
5.5.1. Before conducting the complaint analysis, the IG must find out if the issues that
constituted the protected communication were previously addressed. (T-1) If the complainant
files concurrent complaints with an Department of the Air Force IG and IG DoD, IG DoD will
determine which office will conduct further analysis. (T-1) If the issues were previously addressed, IGs should obtain a copy of the applicable
documents from the appropriate agency. If the issues were not previously addressed, the IG will conduct a complaint
analysis on them to determine the appropriate avenue for resolution. (T-1)
106 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
5.5.2. A complaint analysis will be conducted following the procedures in Section 3C and this
paragraph. (T-1) Document the complaint analysis following the format in DAFCRPSG
Attachment 2. The IG completing the complaint analysis will create, as a separate document,
a chronology of protected communications, personnel actions and other significant events and
attach it to the complaint analysis. (T-1) The IG may consult with the servicing SJA office
prior to formalizing the complaint analysis. IGs should refer to the elements of reprisal (DAFCRPSG Attachment 16) as a
guide to complete DAFCRPSG Attachment 2. DAFCRPSG Attachment 2 will be
completed within 30 days of receipt by the office conducting the complaint analysis. (T-1)
When documenting the complaint analysis, the IG will answer the first three elements of
the reporting template (DAFCRPSG Attachment 16). (T-1) If the answers to the first three
Element questions are "Yes," the IG will complete/conclude the complaint analysis with a
recommendation to the appointing authority to investigate unless a decision to dismiss can
be logically derived primarily from documentary evidence and minimal clarification
interviews. If insufficient documentary evidence exists to recommend dismissal,
investigation is required. (T-1) During the complaint analysis, answering Element 4 is
not required, unless the answer to the first three elements is “yes” and the IG is
recommending dismissal. If the answer to any of the first three Element questions is “No,” or if the complaint
analysis determines the allegation does not meet the definition of reprisal under 10 USC §
1034, the IG will then complete/conclude the complaint analysis with a recommendation
to dismiss (allegations of reprisal). (T-1) The IG must then analyze the complaint for
abuse of authority using DAFCRPSG Attachment 17. If the abuse of authority allegation
is not dismissed, refer the allegation to command and create a separate ACTS case. (T-1) If an investigation is warranted, notify SAF/IGQ through the appropriate
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU via ACTS. (T-1) Ensure the
Date Investigation Began Block is completed prior to sending DAFCRPSG Attachment 2
as part of the notification process and include appointing authority approved framed
allegations. (T-0) The investigation start date can be either the date the investigation
decision is made, the date the IO appointment letter is signed, or the date the appointing
authority concurs with the decision to investigate. A quality review using DAFCRPSG
Attachment 18 is not required until the investigation is complete. SAF/IGQ will forward the decision document to notify IG DoD of the
decision to investigate. If IG DoD disagrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination
to investigate, (e.g., complaints related to PPD-19 or previous reports of sexual assault)
they may retain the complaint for investigation. SAF/IGQ will then direct the lower-
level IG to close the case. If a complaint analysis determines a reprisal investigation is not warranted, IGs
will select “Dismiss” in ACTS and transfer the case to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG office. (T-1) Do not close the case,
unless directed. (T-1) Before forwarding the case file to SAF/IGQ, MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA and DRU IGs will conduct a quality review and document the
quality review on DAFCRPSG Attachment 18 (T-1) Provide a periodic update to the
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 107
complainant whenever a case transfers between levels of command. (T-1) A periodic
update does not take the place of the 180 Day Notification Letter referred to in paragraph
5.6.3. SAF/IGQ will provide a periodic update to complainants informing them the
complaint analysis was forwarded to IG DoD for final determination. IGs will not
advise the complainant of the recommendation that was sent to IG DoD. (T-1) SAF/IGQ will forward the complaint analysis to IG DoD for approval. If IG DoD agrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination, they
will notify SAF/IGQ who will in turn notify the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG. It is the responsibility of the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or
DRU IG to notify the complainant there is insufficient evidence to conduct a reprisal
investigation under 10 USC § 1034. Upon case closure, the MAJCOM IGQs will notify
(via ACTS) the IG that conducted the complaint analysis. If IG DoD disagrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination
to dismiss (i.e., not investigate), they may retain the complaint for investigation or
direct the Department of the Air Force to conduct an investigation. SAF/IGQ will
normally delegate the investigation down to the lowest-level IG office through the
5.5.3. To the maximum extent possible the complaint analysis should focus on the "Who,
What, When, Where and How" facts of possible violations of standards to include reprisal and
restriction. If after collecting these facts, the IG is unable to make a determination as to
whether prima facie evidence exists of possible misconduct without interviewing the
subject(s), then the IG will recommend to the appointing authority that an investigation be
conducted. (T-1) IGs will not interview RMOs during complaint analysis without written
approval from the MAJCOM/IGQ. (T-2) IGs serving as IOs under blanket appointment
letters are still required to complete a documented complaint analysis recommending
investigation and receive appointing authority approval before conducting RMO interviews
unless given specific written authorization to do so in a particular case. (T-1)
5.6. Investigating Reprisal Complaints. Conduct reprisal investigations IAW DoDD 7050.06,
DoDI 7050.09, and Chapter 4 of this instruction.
5.6.1. The IO conducting the reprisal investigations will be either: Outside the immediate chain of command of both the member submitting the
allegation and the individual or individuals alleged to have reprised, or: (T-0) At least one organization higher in the chain of command than the organization of
the member submitting the allegation and the individual or individuals alleged to have
reprised. (T-0)
5.6.2. IAW DoDD 7050.06, the owning IG must provide a 180 Day Notification Letter to IG
DoD (through SAF/IGQ) and to the complainant if the investigation is not completed within
180 days after the initiation of the investigation (tasking date in ACTS) and every 180 days
thereafter. (T-0) The letters must include the reasons for the delay, an estimated time of
completion for the investigation, and a copy must be included in the ACTS case file. IGs must
108 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
also comply with Department of the Air Force requirements for periodic updates as specified
in paragraph 4.22 of this instruction. (T-1)
5.6.3. If the investigation determines the allegation does not meet the definition of reprisal
under 10 USC § 1034, analyze the allegation as potential abuse of authority and document the
analysis separately in the ROI in Tab F. (T-1) Use DAFCRPSG Attachment 17 for the acid
test for abuse of authority in your analysis. If the reprisal allegations are not substantiated, the
appointed IO will conduct the abuse of authority acid test(s) in a separate document IAW DAFI
90-301 and DAFCRPSG Attachment 17 to determine if abuse of authority has taken place.
(T-1) If no abuse of authority is found, no further action is necessary. If the acid test for abuse
of authority indicates abuse did occur, frame an allegation of abuse of authority, with DAFI
90-301 as the standard, and substantiate the allegation. (T-1) Abuse of authority investigation
findings will be reported directly to the respective appointing authority and documented in
ACTS under the Subjects/Allegations Tab. (T-1)
5.6.4. The final ROI must identify all protected communications, all personnel actions alleged
to be reprisal taken after the protected communication was made, and all RMOs. (T-1) If an
RMO identified in the complaint analysis is not a subject of the investigation, fully explain the
rationale in the ROI. (T-1)
5.6.5. The final ROI must contain a thorough analysis of the elements of reprisal with all four
questions answered for each allegation of reprisal. (T-1) However, if the investigation reveals
that the answer to any of the first three elements is “no,” then it is not necessary to proceed to
Element 4. Refer to DAFCRPSG Attachment 16 for the format to analyze the elements of
5.6.6. The final case file must contain a chronology of events beginning with the
complainant’s initial protected communication plus any subsequent PCs and list all
unfavorable personnel actions taken against the military member after the initial protected
communication. (T-1)
5.6.7. In a case with substantiated findings of reprisal, the ROI must contain recommendations
for an appropriate remedy for the whistleblower, see paragraph 4.20.2. (T-1) The IO will
recommend specific remedial actions to return the whistleblower, as nearly as practicable and
reasonable, to the position the whistleblower would have held had the reprisal not occurred.
(T-0) Also, the IO should include general recommendations that appropriate
command/corrective action be taken against the RMO. (T-1)
5.6.8. When a complainant alleges a combination of reprisal and restriction within the same
complaint, IGs must ensure all applicable reporting requirements for reprisal or restriction, are
completed IAW Chapters 5 or 6. (T-1)
5.6.9. All reprisal investigations require a minimum of one legal review. (T-1) Additional
legal reviews are optional but required if higher level quality review indicates the need for an
additional legal review or if an addendum is accomplished that alters the findings or
significantly changes the analysis in the ROI.
5.6.10. If any allegations are substantiated, refer to paragraph 4.27.3 for tentative conclusion
letter requirements.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 109
5.7. Reviewing and Approving Reprisal Investigations. IG DoD must approve all military
reprisal investigations regardless of the level where the investigation was conducted. IGs must
transfer the case in ACTS to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ, FOA,
or DRU IG. (T-1)
5.7.1. Before forwarding the case file to SAF/IGQ, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA and DRU IGs will conduct a quality review and document the quality review on
Department of the Air Force Complaint Resolution Program Supplemental Guide Attachment
18 (T-1) Provide a periodic update to the complainant whenever a case transfers between
levels of command. (T-1) A periodic update does not take the place of the 180 Day
Notification Letter referred to in paragraph 5.6.2.
5.7.2. SAF/IGQ will provide a periodic update to complainants and subjects informing them
the investigation has been completed and forwarded to IG DoD for final approval. Do not
inform complainants or subjects of the unapproved investigation findings (i.e., substantiated
or not substantiated). (T-1)
5.7.3. SAF/IGQ will conduct a review, IAW paragraph 4.34, prior to forwarding the case to
5.7.4. Follow the procedures specified in Section 4J and/or 4K of this instruction if, during
higher-level QR, deficiencies are identified or the reviewing official disagrees with the
findings. (T-1)
5.8. Final Approval and Notification Requirements. IG DoD will notify SAF/IGQ upon
approval of the investigation’s findings.
5.8.1. SAF/IGQ will provide a copy of IG DoD’s final approval to the applicable MAJCOM,
5.8.2. The MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IG will provide the final response to
the complainant in a publicly releasable format within 30 days after IG DoD’s approval of the
findings as mandated by 10 USC § 1034. (T-0) Ensure responses to complainants are
consistent with FOIA and PA release guidelines in Chapter 10. (T-0) Upon case closure, the
MAJCOM or FLDCOM IGQs will notify the wing IG via ACTS, when applicable. If applicable, complainants shall also be advised of proper procedures for
OPR/EPR/PRF appeal to the Evaluation Reports Appeal Board (ERAB). (T-0)
Complainants should be referred to the vMPF for assistance. Final responses to complainants must advise them of their right to petition the Air
Force Board for the Correction of Military Records for correction of adverse personnel
actions (regardless of the findings in the case), and their right to later appeal the Air Force
Board for the Correction of Military Records findings to the Secretary of Defense. (T-0)
Complainants should be referred to the instruction page of DD149 Application for
Correction of Military Record Under the Provisions of Title 10 U.S. Code, Section 1552. Complainants who petition the Air Force Board for the Correction of
Military Records should inform the Air Force Board for the Correction of Military
Records if IG records exist pertaining to the pending request.
110 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 SAF/IGQ will provide supporting documentation directly to the Air Force
Board for the Correction of Military Records (or applicable SAF/MRB agency) upon
receipt of an Official Use Request from the board for IG records. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs will provide a redacted copy of
the ROI (and addendum if any) with the final response to the complainant. (T-0) The ROI
should be redacted using exceptions allowed by the FOIA; however, no coordination with
the FOIA office is required. Additionally, IGs have the authority (under 10 USC § 1034)
to act on complainant requests for additional documentation from reprisal investigations
without going through the FOIA office. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs will attach a copy of the final
response to the complainant in ACTS. (T-1)
5.8.3. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs will forward a copy of IG DoD’s final
approval of the investigation to the applicable appointing authority. (T-1) The appointing
authority must notify the subject’s commander of the final investigation findings but will not
provide a copy of IG DoD’s letter to the commander. (T-1) The commander will notify the
subject. (T-1) A copy of the endorsed notification letter to the subject must be included in the
ACTS case file. (T-1)
5.8.4. A copy of command action, to include any rebuttal, must be provided to IG DoD within
30 days. (T-1) However, if action is verbal or no action is taken, IGs will obtain a written
description of the action from the commander. (T-1) IGs will forward these documents to
SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG, within
7 duty days of becoming aware of such action being completed. (T-1) SAF/IGQ will forward
the information to IG DoD.
5.8.5. IGs will close reprisal complaints IAW established procedures as described in Chapter
4 of this instruction. (T-1)
5.8.6. In cases in which an applicant alleges an erroneous finding of reprisal in violation of 10
USC §1034, to the Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records, the Air Force Board
for the Correction of Military Records will refer the complaint to DAF/IG for consideration,
in coordination with IG DoD. The Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records will
inform the applicant the Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records cannot
consider the application or portion of the application regarding the allegation of an erroneous
finding of reprisal, and that the Board has referred the complaint to SAF/IG for review.
SAF/IG must review the complaint in light of the evidence previously considered in its
investigation into the allegation of reprisal and shall determine whether the complaint includes
new, relevant and material evidence. If SAF/IG determines the complaint includes new,
relevant and material evidence, SAF/IG will review its original findings and conclusion
regarding the allegation of reprisal. If SAF/IG determines its original findings and conclusion
are modified by the evidence, SAF/IG will coordinate the modification with IG DoD. After
IG DoD approves or denies the modification, SAF/IG will notify the Air Force Board for the
Correction of Military Records of the results. Only then may the Air Force Board for the
Correction of Military Records consider, without altering, the original DoD approved finding,
or if modified by IG DoD, the IG DoD modified finding in its resolution of any additional
portion of the complaint.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 111
Chapter 6
6.1. Governing Directives. 10 USC § 1034, Protected communications; prohibition of
retaliatory personnel actions and DoDD 7050.06, Military Whistleblower Protection, and DoDI
7050.09, Uniform Standards for Evaluating and Investigating Military Reprisal or Restriction
Complaints provide guidance on whistleblower rights and responsibilities.
6.2. Department of the Air Force members and civilian employees who fail to obey the
prohibitions of this chapter are in violation of 10 USC 1034 and may be punished.
6.2.1. Pursuant to 10 USC § 1034, DoDD 7050.06, and as further defined in this instruction,
no person may restrict a member of the armed forces from making or preparing to make a
lawful communication to any of the following: A Member of Congress or a member of his or her staff. An Inspector General or a member of an Inspector General’s staff.
6.2.2. Civilian employees who violate this prohibition are subject to administrative or
disciplinary action.
6.2.3. Department of the Air Force members may file complaints of restriction with IGs at any
6.2.4. Department of the Air Force members may file a complaint with any IG once aware of
restriction. There is no time limit for filing a restriction complaint.
6.3. Procedures for Receipt of Restriction Complaints. The following outlines Department of
the Air Force procedures for receiving restriction complaints.
6.3.1. Military Members. Department of the Air Force IGs must advise military members
alleging restriction of the provisions of 10 USC § 1034 (the Military Whistleblower Protection
Act) and DoDD 7050.06, and of the rights afforded to complainants under the statute. (T-0)
IGs should use DAFCRPSG Attachment 14, Whistleblower Rights Under 10 USC § 1034 to
assist them. The IG must comply with the notification requirements described in paragraph
6.4, and depending upon the subject’s grade, follow the procedures in paragraph 7.3 or 8.2
as appropriate. (T-0) IGs should ask complainants whether they have also filed their complaint with IG
DoD. If the complainant has, then IGs should include this in the notification letter to IG
DoD (refer to paragraph 6.4.). Close the case with no further action unless otherwise
directed by a higher-level IG.
6.3.2. IGs will not conduct investigations into complaints of restriction when the complainant
is an Department of the Air Force civil service employee, nonappropriated fund employee, or
defense contractor employee. (T-1) See Table 3.7 and paragraph 6.3.3 for handling these
types of complaints. Do NOT add allegations of civilian restriction to the ACTS case file.
6.3.3. If an IG receives a restriction complaint from a civilian employee, Department of the
Department of the Air Force civil service employee, nonappropriated fund employee, or a
112 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
defense contractor, 10 USC § 1034 does not apply, and the complaint will be addressed as an
abuse of authority.
6.4. Notification Requirements for Restriction Complaints. IAW DoDD 7050.06, IG DoD
must be notified (through SAF/IGQ) within 10 duty days from the date an IG receives sufficient
documentation (e.g., written complaint, DAF Form 102, etc.) from the complainant. (T-0) To
meet IG DoD’s 10-day notification requirement, IGs at all levels will notify SAF/IGQ through
their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG within 7 duty days using the
notification template in DAFCRPSG Attachment 15. (T-1) Once notification has been
accomplished, attach the notification template in ACTS and send the notification in ACTS to the
next higher-level IG. (T-1) All named RMOs of a restriction complaint must be added to the
subject tab of ACTS, with the appropriate allegation type (restriction) selected on the allegation
tab. (T-1) This ensures that ACTS tracks the case as a 1034 case, and makes the appropriate
automatic special interest category selections on the main tab despite the fact that case may only
be in the complaint analysis phase.
6.4.1. If the IG receiving the complaint determines the complaint requires transfer to another
IG, notification requirements belong to the receiving IG. (T-1) Reference Table 3.8 and 3.9.
6.4.2. Upload a copy of the written complaint, or a detailed narrative of the allegations, with
the notification letter in ACTS and notify SAF/IGQ. (T-1)
6.4.3. IGs receiving allegations not within the purview of the Department of the Air Force will
transfer the complaint to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA, or DRU IG. (T-1) For complaints appropriate for transfer to DHA, the IG receiving the
allegations will complete the notification to DoD annotating that the DAF is transferring the
case to DHA. (T-1)
6.4.4. Dismissal for unresponsive or uncooperative complainant. In general, complainants
understand that investigations require their timely cooperation. In the infrequent case in which,
during the intake or investigation process, the complainant becomes unresponsive, IGs will
make at least three attempts to reach the complainant using appropriate methods of contact.
(T-1) If the complainant remains unresponsive, the IG will advise the complainant in writing
that it will not be possible to investigate the alleged restriction without the complainant’s
cooperation and that the case will be dismissed unless a response is received within 10 days.
(T-1) If no response is received after allowing a minimum of 10 days for the complainant to
respond, the IG may exercise its discretion to recommend dismissal of the case for lack of
cooperation. Documentation of the dates and methods used in attempts to contact the
complainant will be included in the DAFCRPSG Attachment 2. (T-1) The MAJCOM-
FLDCOM-NGB-FOA or DRU/IGQ will review the recommended dismissal by a lower-level
IG and, if approved, send a letter to the complainant explaining that the case is dismissed and
closed. (T-1) Documentation of the dates and methods used in attempts to contact the
complainant will be included in the decision document. Transfer the complaint to SAF/IGQ
through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG, including the
appropriate checklist from DAFCRPSG Attachment 18. (T-1)
6.4.5. Withdrawals. When a complainant communicates the intent to withdraw a complaint in
writing, IGs must evaluate whether the withdrawal was voluntary. (T-1) IGs are not obligated
to approve withdrawals, particularly if investigative efforts to date indicate misconduct may
be substantiated. If the IG is satisfied that the request was not coerced, he or she may approve
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 113
the withdrawal and recommend dismissal,. The MAJCOM-NGB-FOA or DRU/IGQ will
review the recommended dismissal by a lower-level IG and, if approved, send a letter or email
to the complainant explaining that the case is dismissed and closed. (T-1) Then transfer the
complaint to SAF/IGQ through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU
IG for higher-level review, including the appropriate checklist from DAFCRPSG Attachment
18. (T-1) If the request for withdrawal occurs before initial complaint notification to IG
DoD is made, the notification and the withdrawal decision document (DAFCRPSG
Attachment 3) may be sent simultaneously, accompanied by a copy of the complaint to
SAF/IGQ through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG. If the request for withdrawal occurs after the initial complaint notification to IG
DoD was made, complete a withdrawal decision document (DAFCRPSG Attachment 3)
and include a copy of the withdrawal letter or email. (T-1) Transfer the complaint to
including the appropriate checklist from DAFCRPSG Attachment 18. (T-1)
6.4.6. Dismissal for duplicate complaint. IGs may cease evaluation if the incoming complaint
is a duplicate or is intrinsically related to a previously filed complaint and contains no new and
compelling information that would warrant the reopening of a closed case or the creation of a
new one. Once an IG confirms that a complaint meets these criteria, close the case as a
duplicate. (T-1)
6.5. Conducting Complaint Analysis into Allegations of Restriction. The IG receiving the
complaint must expeditiously conduct a complaint analysis to determine whether an investigation
is warranted. (T-0) Within 30 days after receipt of the complaint, the IG must notify SAF/IGQ
(through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) of the results of the
complaint analysis. (T-1) Reserve and Guard IGs must complete the complaint analysis within
three UTAs after receiving the complaint. (T-1)
6.5.1. A complaint analysis will be conducted following the procedures in Section 3C and this
paragraph. (T-1) Document the complaint analysis following the format in DAFCRPSG
Attachment 3. (T-1) The IG may consult with the servicing SJA office prior to formalizing
the complaint analysis.
6.5.2. If an investigation is warranted, notify SAF/IGQ through the appropriate MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU via ACTS. (T-1) Ensure the Date Investigation
Began Block is completed prior to sending DAFCRPSG Attachment 3 as part of the
notification process and include appointing authority approved framed allegations. (T-0) The
investigation start date can be either the date the investigation decision is made, the date the
IO appointment letter is signed, or the date the appointing authority concurs with the decision
to investigate. A quality review using Department of the Air Force Complaint Resolution
Program Supplemental Guide Attachment 18 is not required until the investigation is complete. SAF/IGQ will forward the decision document to notify IG DoD of the decision to
investigate. If IG DoD disagrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination to
investigate, (e.g., complaints related to PPD-19 or previous reports of sexual assault) they
114 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
may retain the complaint for investigation. SAF/IGQ will direct the lower-level IG to close
the case.
6.5.3. If a complaint analysis determines a restriction investigation is not warranted, IGs will
select “Dismiss” in ACTS and transfer the case to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG office. (T-1) Do not close the case, unless
directed. (T-1) Before forwarding the case file to SAF/IGQ, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB,
NAF, JFHQ, FOA and DRU IGs will conduct a quality review (QR) and document the QR on
DAFCRPSG Attachment 18 (T-1) Provide a PU to the complainant whenever a case transfers
between levels of command. (T-1) A PU does not take the place of the 180 Day Notification
Letter referred to in paragraph 6.7.3. SAF/IGQ will provide a periodic update to complainants informing them the
complaint analysis was forwarded to IG DoD for final determination. IGs will not advise
the complainant of the recommendation that was sent to IG DoD. SAF/IGQ will forward the complaint analysis to IG DoD for approval. If IG DoD agrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination, they will
notify SAF/IGQ who will in turn notify the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ, FOA, or
DRU IG. It is the responsibility of the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IG to
notify the complainant there is insufficient evidence to conduct a restriction investigation
under 10 USC § 1034. (T-0) IGs will close restriction complaints IAW established
procedures as described in Chapter 3 of this instruction. (T-1) Upon case closure, the
MAJCOM or FLDCOM IGQs will notify (via ACTS) the IG that conducted the complaint
analysis. If IG DoD disagrees with the Department of the Air Force’s determination to
dismiss (i.e., not investigate), they may retain the complaint for investigation or direct the
Department of the Air Force to conduct an investigation. SAF/IGQ will normally delegate
the investigation down to the lowest-level IG office through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
6.5.4. If the complaint analysis determines the allegation is not a case of restriction, analyze
the allegation as potential abuse of authority and document the analysis in a separate document
from the complaint analysis. (T-1) Use DAFCRPSG Attachment 17 for the acid test for abuse
of authority in the analysis. (T-1) If the abuse of authority allegation is not dismissed, refer
the allegation to command and create a separate ACTS case. (T-1)
6.5.5. To the maximum extent possible the complaint analysis should focus on the "Who,
What, When, Where and How" facts of possible violations of the standards of restriction. If
after collecting these facts, the IG is unable to make a determination as to whether prima facie
evidence exists of possible misconduct without interviewing the subject(s), then the IG will
recommend to the appointing authority that an investigation be conducted. (T-1) IGs will not
interview RMOs during complaint analysis without written approval from the MAJCOM/IGQ
or FLDCOM/IGQ. (T-2) IGs serving as IOs under blanket appointment letters are still
required to complete a documented complaint analysis recommending investigation for
appointing authority approval before conducting subject interviews unless given specific
written authorization to do so in a particular case. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 115
6.6. Evaluating Allegations of Restriction. The IG or IO must follow the questions in Table 6.1
in determining if the elements of restriction are present. (T-1)
Table 6.1. Elements for use in Evaluating Restriction.
How did the RMO limit or attempt to limit the member’s access to an IG or a Member of
Would a reasonable person, under similar circumstances, believe he or she was actually
restricted from making a lawful communication with the IG or a Member of Congress
based on the RMO’s actions?
Note: Restriction may be communicated by a variety of means (e.g., verbal, written policy,
regulation, order, procedure, counseling, or public statement) and may create a chilling effect.
6.7. Investigating Restriction Complaints. Restriction investigations will be conducted IAW
DoDD 7050.06, DoDI 7050.09, and Chapters 4 and 6 of this instruction. (T-0)
6.7.1. The IO conducting the restriction investigations will be either: Outside the immediate chain of command of both the member submitting the
allegation and the individual or individuals alleged to have restricted, or: (T-0) At least one organization higher in the chain of command than the organization of
the member submitting the allegation and the individual or individuals alleged to have
restricted. (T-0)
6.7.2. If IG DoD receives a complaint directly from a complainant, then IG DoD will conduct
the complaint analysis. If IG DoD tasks the Department of the Air Force to conduct the
investigation they will forward the analysis and a tasking letter to SAF/IGQ. SAF/IGQ will
forward the package to the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG for proper
handling of the complaint.
6.7.3. IAW DoDD 7050.06, the owning IG must provide a 180 Day Notification Letter to IG
DoD (through SAF/IGQ) and to the complainant if the investigation is not completed within
180 days after the initiation of the investigation (tasking date in ACTS) and every 180 days
thereafter. (T-0) The letters must include the reasons for the delay and an estimated time of
completion for the investigation and a copy must be included in the ACTS case file. (T-0) See
IG DoD Guide to Investigating Military Whistleblower Reprisal and Restriction Complaints.
IGs must also comply with Department of the Air Force requirements for PUs as specified in
paragraphs 4.22 of this instruction. (T-1) Use the sample format in DAFCRPSG Attachment
11 for PUs. (T-1)
6.7.4. When a complainant alleges a combination of reprisal and restriction within the same
complaint, IGs must ensure all applicable reporting requirements for reprisal or restriction are
completed IAW Chapters 5 or 6. (T-0) Ensure the IO investigates all the issues associated
with the reprisal or restriction allegation(s). (T-0)
6.7.5. All restriction investigations require a minimum of one legal review. (T-1) Additional
reviews are optional but required if higher level quality review indicates the need for an
additional legal review or if an addendum is accomplished that alters the findings or
significantly changes the analysis in the ROI.
116 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
6.7.6. If the investigation determines the allegation does not meet the definition of restriction
under 10 USC § 1034, analyze the allegation as potential abuse of authority and document the
analysis separately in the ROI Tab F. (T-1) See DAFCRPSG Attachment 18 for the acid test
for abuse of authority in the analysis. If the restriction allegations are not substantiated, the
appointed IO will conduct the abuse of authority acid test(s) in a separate document IAW DAFI
90-301 and DAFCRPSG Attachment 17 to determine if abuse of authority has taken place.
(T-1) If no abuse of authority is found, no further action is necessary. If the acid test for
abuse of authority indicates abuse did occur, frame an allegation of abuse of authority, with
DAFI 90-301 as the standard, and substantiate the allegation. (T-1) Abuse of authority
investigation results will be reported directly to the respective appointing authority and
documented in ACTS under the Subjects/Allegations Tab. (T-1)
6.7.7. If any allegations are substantiated, refer to paragraph 4.27.3 for tentative conclusion
letter requirements.
6.8. Reviewing and Approving Restriction Investigations. IG DoD must review and approve
all restriction investigations, regardless of the level where the investigation was conducted. IGs
must transfer the case in ACTS to SAF/IGQ through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF,
JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG. (T-1) IGs at every level of command will accomplish a PU before
transferring the case to the next HHQ IG. (T-1)
6.8.1. SAF/IGQ will provide a PU to complainants and subjects informing them the
investigation has been completed and forwarded to IG DoD for final approval. (T-1) Do not
inform complainants and subjects of the unapproved investigation findings (i.e., substantiated
or not substantiated). (T-1)
6.8.2. Before forwarding the case file to SAF/IGQ, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ,
FOA and DRU IGs will conduct a QR. (T-1) IGs will document the QR using the SAF/IGQ
Quality Review Checklist, Attachment 18, in the Department of the Air Force Complaints
Resolution Program Supplemental Guide. (T-1) Each level of review will complete the
checklist and upload it to ACTS. (T-1)
6.8.3. SAF/IGQ will conduct a review, IAW paragraph 4.34, prior to forwarding the case to
6.8.4. Follow the procedures specified in section(s) 4J and/or 4K of this instruction if, during
higher-level quality review, deficiencies are identified or the reviewing official disagrees with
the findings.
6.9. Final Approval and Notification Requirements. IG DoD will notify SAF/IGQ upon final
approval of the investigation’s findings.
6.9.1. SAF/IGQ will provide a copy of IG DoD’s final approval to the applicable MAJCOM,
6.9.2. The MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IG will provide the final response to
the complainant in a publicly releasable format within 30 days after IG DoD’s approval of the
findings as mandated by 10 USC § 1034. (T-0) Ensure responses to complainants are
consistent with FOIA and PA release guidelines in Chapter 10. (T-1) MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, and DRU IGs will provide a redacted copy of
the ROI (and addendum, if any) with the final response to the complainant. (T-0) The
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 117
ROI should be redacted using exceptions allowed by the FOIA; however, no coordination
with the FOIA office is required. Additionally, IGs have the authority (under 10 USC §
1034) to act on complainant requests for additional documentation from restriction
investigations without going through the FOIA office. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, and DRU IGs will provide SAF/IGQ with a
copy of the final response to the complainant. (T-1)
6.9.3. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, and DRU IGs will forward a copy of IG DoD final
approval of the investigation to the applicable appointing authority. (T-1) The appointing
authority must notify the subject’s commander of the final investigation findings but will not
provide a copy of IG DoD’s letter to the commander. (T-1) The commander will notify the
subject. (T-1) A copy of the endorsed notification letter to the subject must be included in the
ACTS case file. (T-1)
6.9.4. A copy of command action, to include any rebuttal, must be provided to IG DoD within
30 days. (T-1) If action is verbal or no action is taken, IGs will obtain a written description
of the action from the commander. (T-1) IGs will forward these documents to SAF/IGQ
through their MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG, within 7 duty days
of becoming aware of such action being completed. (T-1) SAF/IGQ will forward the
information to IG DoD.
6.9.5. IGs will close restriction complaints IAW established procedures as described in
Chapter 4 of this instruction. (T-1)
118 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 7
7.1. Overview. One of the key tenets of the officer appointment policy is that all officers
recommended for Secretary of Defense appointment or Presidental appointment following Senate
confirmation are mentally, physically, morally, and professionally qualified for appointment and
meet the exemplary conduct provisions of Title 10. As such, officers requiring Senate
confirmation (majors and above) will be centrally screened by SAF/IG to check for potential
adverse/derogatory information as part of the promotion process. In general, adverse information
is defined as (1) a substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially documented
investigation or inquiry; or (2) any credible information that reflects unacceptable conduct, or a
lack of integrity or judgment on the part of an individual. A detailed definition can be found in
Attachment 1. This section will explain the collection, documentation and notification
requirements to SAF/IG and, in general, how and when screening will be accomplished for
officers, civilians and enlisted personnel as appropriate.
7.2. Governing Directives. Title 10 United States Code Section 615, Information Furnished to
Selection Boards, Title 10 United States Code Section 9233, Requirement of Exemplary Conduct,
Title 10 United State Code Section 14107, Information Furnished by the Secretary Concerned to
Promotion Boards, DoDI 1320.04, Military Officer Actions Requiring Presidential, Secretary of
Defense, or Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Approval or Senate
Confirmation, AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization; DAFI 36-2501, Officer Promotions and
Selective Continuation, DAFI 36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions, AFI 36-2504, Officer
Promotion, Continuation and Selective Early Removal in the Reserve of the Air Force, AFI 36-
3203, Service Retirements, DAFMAN 1-101, Commander Directed Investigations.
7.3. Collecting, Documentation and Notification requirements for Investigations and
adverse information involving officers. In order for SAF/IG centralized officer screening to be
effective, it requires that IGs not only accomplish reprisal and restriction investigations, but that
IGs at all levels must also collect, document, and notify SAF/IG of investigations opened by
commanders (CDIs) on any officer (2d Lt through Col) and the issuance of stand-alone adverse
action, such as LOAs, LORs or Article 15s, to all officers. (Installation IGs collect CDIs at the
base level, MAJCOM IGs collect CDIs at the MAJCOM level etc.). (T-0) In addition to IG and
commander investigation or inquiry, there are numerous other types of investigations or inquiries.
Although not all inclusive, Table 7.1 highlights some of these types of investigations or inquiries.
Even though these organizations have their own databases where potential adverse information is
cataloged, IGs must notify SAF/IGQ and collect adverse information documentation required by
Table 7.1 when made aware of the investigation or inquiry. (T-0)
7.4. Commanders, directors and civilians leaders will:
7.4.1. Notify the local IG at the start of any investigation or inquiry when an officer is named
as a subject. (T-0) In addition, notify the local IG anytime you become aware of any complaint
of misconduct against a Colonel (O-6) which is not obviously without merit and which, if true,
would constitute misconduct or improper/inappropriate conduct. Do not wait until the
investigation or inquiry starts, make the notification when first becoming aware of the
complaint. (T-0)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 119
7.4.2. Notify the local IG at the conclusion of any investigation or inquiry when an officer (or
civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) was named as a subject whether substantiated or not.
Refer to Table 7.1 for a list of required documents. (T-0)
7.4.3. Commanders must also provide a copy of stand-alone command action (LOAs, LORs,
Article 15s) on any officer (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) that was not the result of
an investigation or inquiry. (T-0) Note: Stand-alone LOCs (No investigation or inquiry) are
not reportable.
7.4.4. Commanders, directors, and civilian leaders must also provide a copy of all command
action as the result of any substantiated investigation or inquiry to the local MPF for inclusion
to the military personnel record. (T-0) Note: If the commander elects to provide verbal
counseling or no command action following the substantiated finding, it still must be
documented in an MFR format and the subject will be provided an opportunity to provide
rebuttal as well. (T-0) See the discussion of adverse information in DAFI 36-2907, paragraph
7.5. IGs will:
7.5.1. Notify SAF/IGQ through ACTS within 7 days (through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) at the start of any investigation or inquiry when an
officer is named as a subject (T-1) Ensure the subject tab in ACTS is fully completed,
including Social Security Number and DoD ID number (Electronic Data Interchange Personnel
Identifier (EDIPI)). (T-1) In addition, notify SAF/IGQ (through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB,JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) upon receiving or becoming aware of any complaint of
misconduct against Colonels which are not obviously without merit and which, if true, would
constitute misconduct or improper/inappropriate conduct. Do not wait until the investigation
or inquiry starts, make the notification when first becoming aware of the complaint.
7.5.2. Create a case in ACTS when a notification is made to SAF/IGQ under the provisions of
paragraph 7.4 or this paragraph. (T-1) Once the investigation or inquiry is complete, attach
all closure documents required by Table 7.1 in ACTS. Use attachment 25 in the DAFCRPSG
as a guide when creating the ACTS case file for these cases. (T-1) Once all required
documents are uploaded, the case may be closed.
7.5.3. Notify SAF/IGQ through ACTS within 7 days (through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) at the conclusion of any investigation or inquiry when
an officer (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) was named as a subject, whether
substantiated or not (T-1)
7.5.4. Notify SAF/IGQ through ACTS within 7 days (through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG) when any officer (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent)
is administered any command action following a substantiated finding of an investigation or
inquiry from any source. (T-1) Use attachment 24 in the DAFCRPSG as a guide when creating
the ACTS case file for these cases. (T-1)
7.5.5. Notify SAF/IGQ through ACTS, via the Group Box, within 7 days (through the
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NAF, JFHQ, or DRU IG) when any officer (or civil servant grade 15
or equivalent) receives standalone command action at the level of a LOA or higher. Note:
Standalone LOCs are not required to be reported or documented in ACTS. (T-0)
120 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Table 7.1. Collection, Documentation and Notification Requirements in support of the
Department of the Air Force Officer Promotion Screening (T-1).
If the adverse
information is a result
Then SAF/IGQ requires the following documents to close the
An IG conducted Report
of Investigation (ROI)
1. Copy of entire case file (ROI and attachments)
2. Copy of legal review
3. Copy of command/corrective action
4. Copy of command action rebuttal by subject
A commander-directed
investigation (CDI)
1. Copy of CDI report (case file and all attachments)
2. Copy of legal review (if accomplished)
3. Copy of the final command actions (including non-judicial
punishment, an LOR, an LOA, an LOC, a Record of Individual
Counseling, or a memorandum documenting verbal counseling
of the subject)
4. Copy of any rebuttal or statement provided by the subject
Commanders inquiry
with no documentation
or report
1. A memorandum, signed by the commander, outlining how the
allegations were addressed
2. Copy of legal review (if accomplished)
3. Copy of the final command actions (including non-judicial
punishment, an LOR or an LOA).
4. Copy of any rebuttal or statement provided by the subject
1. Copy of the charge sheet
2. Notification of charges referred and estimated date of trial
3. Upon completion, copy of the results of trial
Adverse Clinical
Privileging Action
1. Copy of investigative report
2. Copy of legal review (if accomplished)
3. Copy of command actions taken upon completion of
4. Any rebuttal or statements provided by the subject
Anti-Deficiency Act
1. Copy of investigative report
2. Copy of legal review (if accomplished)
3. Copy of DoD’s Report of Violation
4. Copy of command actions taken upon completion of
5. Copy of any rebuttal or statements provided by the subject
Accident Investigation
Board (AIB)
1. Copy of Summary of Facts, Statement of Opinion, and any
other portions of AIB report containing derogatory information,
unless the entire report is required by SAF/IGQ
2. Copy of any documents containing derogatory information
which were created/obtained by any post-AIB investigation or
3. Copy of legal review of derogatory information (if
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 121
Independent Command
1. Copy of the command action (e.g., LOA, LOR, etc.)
2. Copy of any rebuttal or statements provided by the subject
Other types of
e.g., EO (formal and
informal), FM, OSC,
AFOSI, SF, etc.
1. Copy of investigative documents (if available)
2. Copy of legal review (if accomplished)
3. Copy of command/corrective action (if accomplished)
4. Copy of command action rebuttal by subject (if applicable)
7.6. Department of the Air Force Screening.
7.6.1. Officers being considered for promotion to major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, or
brigadier general will be screened both pre-board and post-board. The purpose of pre-board
screening is to ensure applicable adverse information is provided to HAF/A1, AF/REP,
NGB/A1, as appropriate, for inclusion in the officer’s record. The purpose of post-board
screening is to report open investigations or inquiries on officers selected for promotion. SAF/IGQ is responsible for all pre- and post-board screening actions from Major
up to and including Colonel. If the post-board check finds that an officer is named in an open investigation or
inquiry, report the individual’s name, with a general synopsis of the allegation, to the
appropriate headquarters personnel office using an MFR format. These individuals will be
withheld from the selection list (scroll) pending completion of the investigative process. If the open allegation is eventually substantiated, the officer’s commander
will review the finding of the investigation or inquiry and make a recommendation back
to the headquarters personnel office on whether or not the promotion should still be
supported. (T-1) If the commander no longer wishes to support the promotion, the
commander will comply with DAFI 36-2501, Officer Promotions and Selective
Continuation, Chapter 5, Promotion Propriety Actions. (T-1) If the open allegation is eventually not substantiated, the officer’s record will
be placed back into the promotion process. (T-1)
7.6.2. Officers being considered for promotion to Major General. Officers with adverse information that is not documented in their Officer
Performance Report or their Officer Selection Record (OSR) will have a Senior Officer
Unfavorable Information File created for consideration by the promotion board. Senior
Officer Unfavorable Information Files on brigadier generals are based on adverse
information not previously considered by the Senate pursuant to the officer’s appointment
to that grade. Adverse information includes any substantiated adverse findings or conclusions
from an officially documented investigation or inquiry, or other adverse actions, including,
but not limited to LOCs, LOAs, LORs, non-judicial punishment, pursuant to Article 15,
UCMJ, and other adverse information. SAF/IGS acts as a central repository for all adverse
information on senior officials and prepares the draft adverse information summaries and
documentation of command action for review by the Senior Officer Unfavorable
Information File decision authority (SAF/GC).
122 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 SAF/GC, acting for the SECAF, determines the content of the Senior Officer
Unfavorable Information File and whether the Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File
will be provided to a selection board. The subject officer will be given a copy of the draft Adverse Information
Summary and documentation of the command action prepared for the selection board and
will be afforded an opportunity to submit written comments to the selection board IAW
Title 10 United States Code§ 615(a)(7)(A) and Title 10 United States Code Section
14107(a)(7)(A). (T-0) Attachments to officer’s comments are discouraged. If provided, they must be
limited to matters directly raised in the Adverse Information Summary and/or command
action and not otherwise included in the OSR. (T-1) The draft Adverse Information Summary, documentation and the officer’s
comments (if any) will be reviewed by SAF/GCI before being forwarded to SAF/GC for
final decision. (The officer will be advised if a substantial change to the Adverse
Information Summary is necessitated by the comments.) If SAF/GC determines the Adverse Information Summary and documentation will
be provided to the board, the subject officer’s comments will accompany the Adverse
Information Summary and documentation to form the approved Senior Officer
Unfavorable Information File. HAF/A1LG provides a copy of the approved Senior Officer Unfavorable
Information File to the subject’s senior rater on or before the Promotion Recommendation
Form (PRF) accounting date, if possible. If an eligible officer is selected for promotion/federal recognition, the information
contained in the Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File may also be considered
during the nomination and confirmation process. Information provided to a selection board may not be provided to subsequent
boards unless SAF/GC has made a new determination that the information will be
forwarded to the board, and the individual is afforded another opportunity to comment. A
decision not to provide a Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File to a selection board
does not preclude a decision to provide it to a subsequent board. Adverse information documented in the OSR (e.g., UCMJ action, administrative
reprimand, etc.) will not be included in a Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File. Adverse information not considered by a selection board will be presented to a
Special Selection Review Board (SSRB) before SECAF decides whether to support the
officer for appointment to the next higher grade. (All Senior Officer Unfavorable
Information File guidance noted above apply to SSRB Senior Officer Unfavorable
Information Files.).
7.7. Roles in the Officer Screening Process (1st Lt - Colonel Promotions).
7.7.1. The role of the commander is to report the opening and closing of all investigations or
inquiries to the IG and to provide command action documents to both the IG and to the local
MPF. (T-0)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 123
7.7.2. The role of the wing, NAF, FOA/DRU, FLDCOM, and MAJCOM/IG is to document
in ACTS, and notify SAF/IGQ, the opening and closing of all investigations/inquiries on
officers. (T-0)
7.7.3. The role of SAF/IGQ: Pre-board Screen FGO boards for adverse information and report all required
adverse information to HAF/A1, AF/REP, NGB/A1, AFPC and ARPC. Post-board Screen FGO boards for open investigation or inquiry and report all
found to HAF/A1, AF/REP, NGB/A1, and AFPC and ARPC.
7.7.4. The role of HAF/A1 is to recommend to SECAF whether or not to support a promotion,
whether or not to start Promotion Propriety Actions (removal from promotion list) or whether
or not to accomplish a SSRB. If a SSRB is necessary, it will be completed by AF/A1 under
the direction of SAF/GC.
7.8. Screening Outside the Promotion Process.
7.8.1. Centralized screening for purposes outside of the promotion process can also be
accomplished by SAF/IGQ at the direction of the SECAF, CSAF, or CSO, but these processes
are not statutory (required by law) in nature but rather are by DAF policy. They include but
are not limited to: Command Screening Board (CSB), Selective Early Retirement Board
(SERB), Continuation Boards Squadron Commander Board, Command Chief Master Sergeant
Board, ROTC PAS Board, USAFA Dean of Faculty, 12 Outstanding Airman of the Year, and
Guardians of the Year.
7.8.2. The use of the IG database, ACTS, is expressly prohibited for the screening of
individuals below DAF level or for any purpose. (T-1)
7.8.3. Officer Grade Determination (OGD) AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, paragraph 8.6.3. requires commanders to
review officer’s records who have applied for retirement, to determine the grade at which
the officer will be allowed to retire based on satisfactory or creditable service. As part of
the processing for retirements, AFI 36-3203, paragraph 8.6.4. states: “… commanders
should send a formal request for a records review to the following offices/personnel: IG,
JA and MPF.” If an IG receives such a request, use the following guidance to conduct a
records review: Search ACTS using the “global search” function to determine whether or
not the individual in question is listed as a subject. (T-1) If the individual is not listed as a subject in ACTS, the response to a
records review request would be: “The individual has no records on file in the IG
database.” (T-1) If the individual is listed as a subject in ACTS and the finding is listed
as “not substantiated” or “not applicable,” the response to a records review request
would be: “The individual has no substantiated cases in the IG database.” (T-1) If the individual is listed as a subject in ACTS and the finding is listed
as “substantiated,” the response to a records review request would be: “The
individual has a substantiated case in the IG database.” (T-1)
124 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 If the individual has a case in ACTS but cannot be viewed due to
hierarchy restrictions, then refer the request to the next higher level IG. Continue
to elevate within the ACTS’ hierarchy, through the respective NAF, FLDCOM,
MAJCOM, or SAF/IGQ, if necessary, to respond to the request. (T-1) ACTS records reviews conducted in support of Commander OGD
requirements do not give IGs unrestricted authority to release records from the IG
database. Release authority depends on the particular record being considered for
release. Refer requests for CDIs, EO, AFOSI and other non-IG
investigations/inquiries to the office that conducted the investigation or inquiry.
(T-1) Refer the request for documents related to command action (e.g.,
Article 15s, LORs, LOAs and LOCs) to the office that originally took the command
action. (T-1) Refer request for IG ROIs to SAF/IGQ. (T-1) If no records are found, document OGD requests in a new ACTS case file as an
“assist” and close. (T-1) If records are found, document actions in a case note in the
respective case(s). (T-1)
7.8.4. Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP). Search ACTS using the “global search” function to determine whether or not the
individual in question is listed as a subject. (T-0) If the individual is not listed as a subject of an IG investigation in ACTS, the
response to a records review request would be: “The individual has no records on file in
the IG database.” (T-0) If the individual is a D-SAACP applicant and is listed as a subject of an IG
investigation in ACTS, the response to a records review request would be: “The individual
is the subject of an IG investigation in the IG database.” (T-0) Do not provide any further
information. (T-1) If the individual is a SAPR PM, SARC, or SAPR VA and is listed as a subject of
an IG investigation in ACTS and the allegation against the individual is sexual in nature or
has a nexus to their SAPR duties, the response to a records review request would be: “The
individual is the subject of an IG investigation in the IG database with an allegation against
the individual that is sexual in nature or has a nexus to their SAPR duties.” (T-0) Do not
provide any further information. (T-1) If the individual is listed as a subject in ACTS, but the case cannot be viewed due
to hierarchy restrictions, then refer the request to the next higher level IG. Continue to
elevate within the ACTS’ hierarchy, through the respective NAF, MAJCOM, FLDCOM,
or SAF/IGQ, if necessary, to respond to the request. (T-1) If no records are found, document D-SCAAP requests in a new ACTS case file as
an “assist” and close. (T-1) If records are found, document actions in a case note in the
respective case(s).
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 125
7.8.5. Individuals selected for positions within the IG enterprise (IG, IGI, IGQ). Individuals selected for positions within the IG enterprise (IG, IGI, IGQ) at all
levels will be screened for adverse information prior to completion of the assignment/hiring
action. (T-1) All O-6 assignment actions are centrally screened by SAF/IGQ after
receiving the list of candidates from the Colonel’s group (both USAF and USSF).
Individuals selected for positions below the O-6 level at the SAF/IG, MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, or installation wing level should must be screened at that
level using the following process. (T-1) Search ACTS using the “global search” function to determine whether or
not the individual in question is listed as a subject. (T-1) If the individual is not listed as a subject in ACTS or the finding is
listed as “not substantiated” or “not applicable” no further action is required. If the individual is listed as a subject in ACTS and the finding is listed
as “substantiated,” review the case to determine whether or not this person is still
appropriate for the position he/she is being hired for. (T-1) Note: adverse
information is not a disqualifier for any IG position, but should be considered
before finalizing the hiring action. If the individual has a case in ACTS but cannot be viewed due to hierarchy
restrictions, then refer the request to the next higher level IG. (T-1) Continue to elevate
within the ACTS’ hierarchy, through the respective SAF, MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB,
NAF,or JFHQ IG, if necessary, to complete the screening review. (T-1) If no records are found, document IG file check requests in a new ACTS case file
as an “assist” and close. (T-1) If records are found, document actions in a case note in the
respective case(s). (T-1)
126 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 8
8.1. Requirements for Investigating Allegations Against Senior Officials.
8.1.1. SAF/IGS manages the Senior Official Complaints Program. Only SAF/IGS (unless
otherwise specified by SAF/IG or as indicated in the sub-paragraphs below) will conduct
investigations into non-criminal allegations against Department of the Air Force senior
officials. Complaints alleging violations of Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) policy by a
senior official are handled by SAF/IGS. IAW DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity Program,
SAF/IGS does not investigate civilian EO/Sexual Harassment allegations against senior
officials. Those matters will be worked within the appropriate EO channels. If a complaint is received on an O-6 subject and the matter has not been resolved
when that subject is selected for promotion to brigadier general (or is selected for a
Certificate of Eligibility for promotion to O-7 in the case of ANG officers), SAF/IGS may,
at its discretion, either assume responsibility for the complaint or allow it to continue to
resolution at the lower level. Complaints resolved and/or investigations completed below
the SAF/IGS level must be approved by SAF/IG. (T-1) SAF/IGS will provide an oversight
review of these matters. SAF/IGS must be notified of all complaints involving ANG O-6s
selected for a Certificate of Eligibility for promotion to O-7. Cases completed below the
SAF/IGS level must be staffed through that lower level’s supporting SJA and must include
a thorough legal review indicating the investigation is legally sufficient. (T-1) SAF/IGS procedures may vary from those otherwise outlined in other chapters of
this instruction, consistent with IG DoD and SAF/IG guidance, current management and
personnel policies affecting senior officials, or other pertinent factors.
8.1.2. Commanders and civilians leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-
101, Manpower and Organization, at all levels, including joint commands, will immediately
notify SAF/IGS of any allegations (criminal, administrative, or otherwise), any adverse
information, or any potentially adverse information involving senior officials and provide an
information copy to the servicing wing IG office, which will provide a copy to its
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG. (T-0) IGs will notify SAF/IGS of any allegations or potentially
adverse information using the procedures in Table 8.1. (T-1) Use the notification letter format
described in DAFCRPSG Attachment 13. (T-1) IGs who receive complaints against a Department of the Air Force senior official
may only inform their commanders about the general nature of the issues and the identity
of the subject. (T-1) To protect the complainant’s confidentiality, do not reveal either the source or
specific nature of the allegations. (T-1)
8.1.3. SAF/IGS must notify SAF/IG when it becomes aware of credible allegations of
misconduct or potentially adverse information against senior officials.
8.1.4. SAF/IGS will conduct a complaint analysis on all complaints involving Department of
the Air Force senior officials. The complaint analysis will be used to analyze the validity of
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 127
the complaint and to recommend a course of action to SAF/IG. Due to the limited number of
investigating officers, the unconstrained nature of complaints, and the complexities involved
with conducting sensitive investigations across the entire Department of the Air Force, the
CRP timelines in Table 3.1 may be extended.
8.1.5. SAF/IGS will conduct a complaint analysis for complaints containing allegations with
multiple subjects that include a senior official. SAF/IGS will notify SAF/IGQ of any credible
allegations involving non-senior officials.
8.1.6. SAF/IG (or as delegated) will review and approve the complaint analysis.
8.1.7. Throughout the complaint process, from the initial receipt of the complaint to the
closing of the case, the appropriate notifications will be made as set forth in Table 8.2. (T-1)
The intent is to keep appropriate commanders, agencies, complainants, and subjects informed
throughout the process.
8.2. Notification Requirements. Follow the Complaint Processing and Notification Matrix in
Tables 8.1 and 8.2 for cases involving senior officials. (T-0)
Table 8.1. Senior Official Complaint Processing.
If the complainant makes
Against a senior official
Create a case in ACTS, attach the complaint and the
notification letter IAW DAFCRPSG Attachment 13 and
send the appropriate “Notify” case note, through the
DRU IG to SAF/IGQ. SAF/IGQ will notify SAF/IGS.
Do NOT take “action” in ACTS until SAF/IGS
determines they will accept the case. SAF/IGS does not
investigate civilian EO/Sexual Harassment allegations
against senior officials; those matters will be worked
within the appropriate EO channels. If SAF/IGS
accepts the case, the notifying IG will close the case as a
Against a senior official and
lower ranking members
Coordinate with SAF/IGS (and SAF/IGQ as
appropriate) through the MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB,
NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG to determine case
management requirements. SAF/IGS will determine if
all RMOs will be addressed in one case file (managed
by SAF/IGS) or they will direct the use of multiple case
files to address all RMOs. Notification using
DAFCRPSG Attachment 13 is still required.
128 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Table 8.2. Senior Official Notification Matrix.
In Complaint
Complaint has arrived,
but complaint analysis
is not completed
1. SAF/IGS notifies SAF/IG
2. SAF/IGS conducts complaint analysis
Complaint analysis has
been completed and
SAF/IG determines an
investigation is not
SAF/IGS notifies complainant and closes case
Complaint analysis has
been completed and
SAF/IG determines an
investigation is
1. SAF/IG notifies SAF/OS, AF/CC, CSO,
SAF/US, AF/CV, and VCSO (as necessary),
AF/A1LG or SAF/MRL (as applicable),
SAF/GCA are included for SES or equivalent
subjects only; SAF/MR is notified when cases
involve the US Air Force Academy (USAFA).
2. SAF/IG notifies MAJCOM/CC or
FLDCOM/CC (or equivalent) or the Director
of the Air National Guard and the state
Adjutant General where applicable
3. SAF/IG notifies subject
4. SAF/IGS provides notification letters to
the complainant and subject
5. SAF/IGS notifies IG DoD of credible
allegations within five duty days
Investigation is ongoing
SAF/IGS provides status reports to
complainant and subject throughout the
course of the investigation
After SAF/IG
Allegations were not
1. SAF/IG notifies SAF/OS, AF/CC, CSO,
SAF/US, AF/CV, and VCSO (as necessary),
AF/A1LG or SAF/MRL (as applicable),
SAF/GCA are included for SES or equivalent
subjects only; SAF/MR is notified when cases
involve the US Air Force Academy (USAFA).
2. SAF/IG notifies MAJCOM/CC or
FLDCOM/CC (or equivalent) or the Director
of the Air National Guard and the state
Adjutant General where applicable
3. SAF/IG notifies subject
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 129
4. SAF/IGS provides notification letter to the
5. SAF/IGS provides a copy of the
investigation to IG DoD
Allegations were
1. SAF/IG notifies SAF/OS, AF/CC, CSO,
SAF/US, AF/CV, and VCSO (as necessary),
AF/A1LG or SAF/MRL (as applicable),
SAF/GCA are included for SES or equivalent
subjects only; SAF/MR is notified when cases
involve the US Air Force Academy (USAFA).
2. SAF/IG notifies MAJCOM/CC or
FLDCOM/CC (or equivalent) of
results for the purpose of taking
command action; AF/CV takes
command action for ANG subjects
(SAF/IG notifies the Director of the
Air National Guard and the state
Adjutant General for information
purposes); SAF/IG refers substantiated
civilian senior official cases to
SAF/MR for appropriate action IAW
AFI 36-901, Civilian Senior Executive
3. SAF/IG notifies subject of investigation
4. SAF/IGS notifies complainant of
investigation results
5. SAF/IGS provides a copy of the
investigation to IG DoD
6. Office responsible for taking
command action notifies SAF/IG of
action taken
7. SAF/IGS provides a copy of the command
action taken to SAF/IG, the appropriate
personnel management office, and IG DoD
8.3. Investigating Allegations Against Senior Officials. If SAF/IG decides an investigation is
warranted, SAF/IGS will:
8.3.1. Designate an IO to conduct the investigation.
8.3.2. Ensure all allegations are addressed and expeditiously investigated. Due to the limited
number of investigating officers, the unconstrained nature of complaints, and the complexities
involved with conducting sensitive investigations across the entire Department of the Air
Force, the CRP processing timelines in Table 3.1 may be extended.
130 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
8.3.3. Ensure the findings and conclusions are supported by a preponderance of the evidence.
8.3.4. Ensure AF/JAJI reviews the final report for legal sufficiency.
8.3.5. Since subjects in senior official investigations are frequently not co-located with their
supervisory chain, the hand-off for senior official cases may be conducted via direct electronic
means such as through VTC, telephonically, or other similar method, at the discretion of the
subject’s supervisor. In all instances, the spirit and intent of the hand-off policy will be met
by ensuring senior official subjects have a “wingman” expressly assigned to assist as needed
after a subject interview.
8.3.6. SAF/IG will keep supervisors of subjects in SAF/IGS cases aware of other stressful
events in the investigative process, such as the opening of an investigation, the issuing of a
TCL (if necessary), and the closing of an investigation so the supervisor can provide or arrange
necessary support to the subject.
8.3.7. Prior to final SAF/IG approval and signature of a SAF/IGS ROI containing
substantiated allegations, SAF/IGS will provide the subject a redacted copy of the relevant
portions of the preliminary ROI, as well as a transcript of the subject’s testimony, for the
subject’s use in responding to the report’s conclusions. If a subject elects to not participate in
an interview, or if the subject does not reasonably participate in the interview, the TCL process
is not required.
8.4. Closing a Senior Official Investigation.
8.4.1. Notifications will be made as set forth in Table 8.2.
8.4.2. SAF/IG will forward substantiated cases to the AF/CV, MAJCOM/CC, FLDCOM/CC
(or equivalent), or SAF/MR (as applicable) for consideration of possible command action, to
include action deemed appropriate to correct the negative effect of substantiated misconduct
on individuals and/or the unit. Substantiated cases involving Department of the Air Force
civilian senior officials, are referred to SAF/MR for action IAW AFI 36-901, Civilian Senior
Executive Management. AF/CV takes command action for ANG subjects. SAF/IG will send
AF/CV, MAJCOM/CC, FLDCOM/CC (or equivalent), or SAF/MR (as applicable) an
unredacted copy of the substantiated ROI and a copy of all exhibits for their use in determining
the appropriate command action. Additionally, SAF/IG will send AF/CV, MAJCOM/CC,
FLDCOM/CC, or SAF/MR a redacted copy of the ROI for possible use by the subject in
responding to potential command action as deemed appropriate by AF/CV, MAJCOM/CC,
8.4.3. AF/CV, MAJCOM/CC, FLDCOM/CC (or equivalent), or SAF/MR (as applicable) will
forward command action, and any other actions taken related to the reports, to SAF/IGS for
closure. SAF/IGS will ensure command action (if taken) has been documented in the case file.
8.4.4. SAF/IGS will provide IG DoD a copy of the final report, including testimony and
attachments, within five duty days after the final report is approved by SAF/IG.
8.4.5. SAF/IGS notifies SAF/MRL and SAF/GCA on all matters substantiated against AF
civilian senior leaders and officials. These offices are tasked with taking the matters to the
SAF/MR for action IAW AFI 36-901. (T-1) SAF/IGS will provide a copy of the final ROI to
SAF/GCA and the exhibits when requested.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 131
8.4.6. Upon receipt from the command action authority, SAF/IGS provides a copy of the
command action taken to SAF/IG, the appropriate personnel management office, and IG DoD.
132 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 9
9.1. Governing Directive. DoDI 7050.01, DoD Hotline Program, establishes policies and
procedures used in processing allegations referred to the Department of the Air Force Inspector
General by the DoD Hotline.
9.2. Overview. This chapter implements DoD Directive (DoDD) 5106.01 Inspector General of
The Department of Defense (IG DoD), and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 7050.01. The DoD Hotline
provides a confidential, reliable means for individuals to report fraud, waste, and abuse, violations
of law, rule or regulation, mismanagement, and classified information leaks involving the DoD.
The detection and prevention of threats and danger to the public health and safety of the DoD and
the United States are essential elements of the DoD Hotline mission. All DoD Components are
obligated to resolve credible violations of standard within DoD Hotlines under their Components
purview. SAF/IGQ is the administrative and programmatic authority for the processing of DoD
Hotlines in the Department of the Air Force, delegating the authority to process DoD Hotlines to
subordinate IGs. Part of the processing of DoD Hotlines is the review and referral to a Department
of the Air Force command or agency for resolution as necessary. Department of the Air Force
commands and agencies must resolve the DoD Hotlines in accordance with DoDI 7050.01. This
chapter gives specific direction for servicing IGs to process DoD Hotlines and for commands and
agencies who receive referrals or other official coordination from their servicing IG office.
9.3. SAF/IGQ Responsibilities. SAF/IGQ will:
9.3.1. Designate a DoD Hotline Component Coordinator by position to report the results of
Department of the Air Force inquiries conducted in response to DoD Hotline referrals to DoD
9.3.2. Receive and evaluate DoD Hotline ACTIONs and DoD Hotline INFOs and transfer
them as appropriate to the servicing IGs for resolution.
9.3.3. Notify the complainant through email that the SAF/IGQ received their DoD Hotline
ACTION and processed for resolution to the appropriate level IG for possible referral to a
command or agency.
9.3.4. Track the status and final disposition of all DoD Hotline ACTIONs and DoD Hotline
INFOs with substantiated findings.
9.3.5. Ensure the Department of the Air Force answers DoD Hotline ACTIONs and DoD
Hotline INFOs with substantiated findings by completing a Hotline Completion Reports
(HCR). Reviews and analyzes all HCRs to determine whether all aspects of the complaint
were fully addressed, appropriate corrective action was taken based on the stated findings and
conclusions, and the HCRs were prepared using the appropriate format IAW DoDI 7050.01.
Notifies the servicing IGs of deficiencies in HCRs found at either the DoD Hotline or SAF/IGQ
level. Ensures servicing IGs process the deficiencies to the referred Department of the Air
Force command or agency for further resolution and response back to SAF/IGQ. For DoD
Hotlines kept at the Department of the Air Force level, answer complaints by completing an
HCR and processing appropriately in ACTS.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 133
9.3.6. Ensure allegations of IG misconduct or mishandling of IG processes filed to the DoD
Hotline are resolved through the appropriate level IG. Allegations of IG misconduct or
mishandling of IG processes are NOT referred to command or an agency. If applicable, the
appropriate level IG will conduct the appropriate level inquiry and process the resolution to
SAF/IGQ through an HCR.
9.4. Subordinate level IG Responsibilities. Receive, evaluate, and process DoD Hotline
ACTIONs and DoD Hotline INFOs following the steps in Table 9.1 and Table 9.2 (T-1)
9.5. DoD Hotlines. The DoD Hotline will refer two types of DoD Hotlines to Department of the
Air Force: DoD Hotline ACTION and DoD Hotline INFO. A DoD Hotline ACTION has
allegations that can be resolved by the Department of the Air Force and which may be an indication
of a systemic problem within the service, or have been determined through the DoD Hotline review
process as requiring attention. A DoD Hotline INFO is a complaint that does not require a DoD
inquiry, but does contain an allegation that should be brought to the Department of the Air Force’s
attention and may require an inquiry at the Department of the Air Force’s discretion.
9.5.1. DoD ACTION Hotlines. After determining if a DoD Hotline is an ACTION Hotline,
DoD Hotline personnel refer cases to SAF/IGQ according to the following priorities IAW
DoDI 7050.01: Priority 1 Emergency. These cases require immediate action. (T-0) They
usually involve an immediate threat to life, physical harm to a person, significant property
damage, or an immediate threat to national security. These cases must be worked to the
exclusion of everything else until the case is referred to and received by the proper
authority. (T-0) Priority 1 Emergency cases require prompt initial feedback from
SAF/IGQ to the DoD Hotline within a suspense established by the DoD Hotline at the time
of the referral. The suspense is established based on the urgency of the matter. Priority 1 Expedited Referral. DoD Hotline personnel notify the proper
authorities and refer the case within 1 workday of receipt. For example, an expedited
referral case may involve a danger to public health or safety. Priority 2 Prompt Referral. DoD Hotline personnel notify the proper authorities
and refer the case within 3 workdays of receipt. For example, a prompt referral case may
involve allegations of whistleblower reprisal, senior official misconduct, or other matters
of heightened concern to the department. Priority 3 Routine. DoD Hotline personnel refer the case within 10 workdays of
receipt. All IGs at all levels will evaluate and process DoD ACTION Hotlines following
the steps in Table 9.1. (T-1)
Table 9.1. How to process a Department of Defense Hotline for ACTION (T-1):
Appropriate level IG will review the DoD Hotline ACTION sent by SAF/IGQ. DoD
Hotlines are not referred for reprisal, restriction, or senior official complaints. Contact
SAF/IGQ with any questions.
134 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Complete a complaint analysis. IGs may contact the complainant if clarification is
If there are complaints not under the purview of the Department of the Air Force,
document justification in ACTS case notes and notify SAF/IGQ through ACTS so
SAF/IGQ can coordinate with DoD Hotline for closure.
Per DoDI 7050.01, only DoD Hotline can approve closure of DoD Hotline ACTIONs.
IGs below the SAF/IGQ level WILL NOT close DoD Hotline ACTIONs without
coordination with SAF/IGQ. IGs can consider the reasons in Table 3.13 (e.g.,
timeliness, non-cooperation, or withdrawal) for requesting closure of DoD Hotlines but
this must be coordinated through SAF/IGQ. Contact SAF/IGQ if reasons in Table 3.13
are compelling enough to request closure from DoD Hotline.
If applicable, continue to process remaining complaints under Department of the Air
Force purview.
If appropriate for resolution by an agency or grievance channel outside of the IG, the
servicing IG should refer the DoD Hotline ACTION to command or an agency using
the “DoD Hotline ACTION Referral” in DAFCRPSG Attachment 32. Included as
attachments to the “DoD Hotline ACTION Referral” are the following: 1) DoD
Hotline Completion Report (HCR) “How to Guide” with guidance to the command or
agency on how to successfully complete an HCR and includes DoDI 7050.01, and 2)
the DoD Hotline ACTION.
The servicing IG will be the technical advisor to the command or agency for
completing the HCR in accordance with DoDI 7050.01. The command or agency
completes and signs the HCR. Suspense the command or agency to respond within 90
days for the appropriate levels of IG review, including a final SAF/IGQ review.
Note: If the DoD Hotline ACTION contains complaints regarding IG
misconduct/mishandling, then the IG at least one echelon above the alleged
misconduct IG should resolve using the HCR and process to SAF/IGQ
accordingly. No allegations of IG misconduct/mishandling should be referred
outside the IG enterprise. The IG resolving the allegations against subordinate
IGs can contact SAF/IGQ or their higher level IG for assistance.
Provide the complainant with the DoD Hotline ACTION Referral Notification Letter.
Document letter and notification in ACTS. See DAFCRPSG Attachment 32.
No formal updates are required to complainant as this is a referral to command or an
agency, not an IG investigation.
Servicing IG must update the ACTS case notes monthly with the status of the DoD
Hotline ACTION referral. If there is no change in status, then annotate there is no
change. The servicing IG may determine how to monitor the progress of the DoD
Hotline resolution (e.g., call or email command or agency for an update). SAF/IGQ will
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 135
check ACTS case notes to monitor the status of DoD Hotline ACTIONs.
Servicing IG must coordinate with the referred command or agency to receive the HCR
and supporting documents in a timely manner. Do not provide the HCR directly to the
complainant nor provide the complainant the command or agency findings. The
complainant will be notified after DoD Hotline approves the HCR. Servicing IGs will
track all HCRs referrals under their purview to best meet the suspense provided to the
command or agency in the “DoD Hotline ACTION Referral.”
If the suspense cannot be met, servicing IG will use the ACTS notify function to
provide the SAF/IGQ DoD Hotline Coordinator with an extension request before the
suspense date. The notify will state the reason for the delay and the expected
completion date. SAF/IGQ will provide the determination for extension through an
ACTS notify.
After receiving the resolution documents from the command or agency (which must
include the HCR and supporting documents), the servicing IG must review the
information for quality standards defined in DoDI 7050.01. This includes investigative
sufficiency, confirming the HCR is free from any impediments to investigative
independence (see paragraph, and adheres to the HCR format. If servicing
IGs find deficiencies with the HCR, they must coordinate correction of the HCR with
the command or agency. The servicing IG must document HCR quality review within
ACTS Case Note before transfer to the next higher-level IG for their review. This
review must occur before uploading documents to ACTS.
The servicing IGs will upload the HCR and supporting documents (such as ROIs, CDIs,
and legal reviews) into “Disposition/Resolution Documents” in ACTS for processing
back for higher level IG review (if appropriate) and final SAF/IGQ review. Transfer the
ACTS casefile to the next higher-level IG for processing to SAF/IGQ.
Note: Do not upload “DRAFT” HCRs or old versions of HCRs in ACTS. Only the
HCR intended for review by DoD Hotline will be attached in ACTS under Attachments:
All HCRs put into ACTS for review by SAF/IGQ will be labeled clearly as the HCR
and include the DCATS number.
Servicing IGs will confirm that the ACTS case is in “completed” status before
transferring to SAF/IGQ.
Servicing IGs will ensure all officers who are subjects within the final HCR are
annotated on the ACTS Subjects Tab with appropriate identifying data,
allegations, and findings in accordance with Chapter 7.
136 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
After transferring to SAF/IGQ, if needed, servicing IGs will coordinate the
resolution of any deficiencies identified by higher-level IGs, SAF/IGQ, or DoD
Deficiencies will be documented and communicated in ACTS case notes. All
deficiencies should be coordinated with the referred agency or command for their
inputs (if appropriate).
DoD Hotline will notify the complainant that their Hotline complaint is resolved upon
approval of the HCR.
DoD Hotline will instruct the complainant to submit a FOIA request for the HCR
SAF/IGQ will notify the complainant that their DoD Hotline ACTION is closed and
provide instructions regarding Department of the Air Force FOIA.
SAF/IGQ will notify the MAJCOM, or NGB-IG of the DoD Hotline ACTION closure
and close the ACTS casefile using the closure date on the DoD Hotline Closure
9.5.2. DoD INFO Hotlines. IGs at all levels will evaluate and process DoD INFO Hotlines
following the steps in Table 9.2. (T-1)
Table 9.2. How to process a Department of Defense Hotline for Information (INFO) (T-1):
Appropriate level IG will review the DoD Hotline INFO sent by SAF/IGQ. DoD Hotlines
are not referred for reprisal, restriction, or senior official complaints. Contact SAF/IGQ
with any questions.
Complete a complaint analysis. IGs may contact the complainant if clarification needed.
If there are complaints not under the purview of the Department of the Air Force, document
justification in ACTS case notes and close at the IG level that determined the Department
of the Air Force did not have purview. Therefore, respond to the complainant regarding
the dismissal and direct them to the appropriate agency. Document the notification to the
complainant in ACTS and close. There is no requirement to ask permission from SAF/IGQ
to close the ACTS casefile.
IGs can consider the reasons in Table 3.13 (e.g., timeliness, non-cooperation, or
withdrawal) for closure of DoD Hotline INFOs. Provide justification in ACTS case notes
and respond to the complainant regarding the dismissal. Document the notification to the
complainant in ACTS and close. There is no requirement to ask permission from SAF/IGQ
to close the ACTS casefile.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 137
If DoD Hotline INFO is appropriate for Department of the Air Force resolution and not
dismissed in accordance with Table 3.13, continue to process DoD Hotline INFO
complaints in accordance with the remainder of this table below.
These are the following resolution paths for servicing IGs to resolve the DoD Hotline INFO:
1. If the resolution to the DoD Hotline INFO is an assist to an appropriate grievance channel
or agency outside of the Department of the Air Force, assist the complainant, then document
and close in ACTS.
2. If appropriate for referral to command or agency, the servicing IG should refer to
command or agency using the “DoD Hotline INFO Referral” in DAFCRPSG Attachment
Included as attachments to the “DoD Hotline INFO Referral” are the following:
1) DoD HCR “How to Guide” with guidance to the command or agency on how
to successfully complete an HCR and includes DoDI 7050.01, and 2) the DoD
Hotline INFO. Suspense the command or agency in accordance with Table
3.12. to ensure enough time for the appropriate levels of IG review if the HCR
is sent to DoD HL for oversight.
Provide the complainant with the DoD Hotline INFO Referral Notification
Letter. Document letter and notification in ACTS. No formal updates are
required to the complainant as this is a referral to command or an agency, not an
IG investigation.
If not substantiated, the command or agency provides the servicing IG with an HCR. Attach
the HCR and final response to complainant to ACTS and close at the servicing IG level.
Receiving an HCR without any substantiated findings permits the servicing IG to close at
their level without SAF/IGQ and DoD HL approval. The command or agency must provide
(if applicable) a copy of any final response provided to the complainant to the servicing IG
for documentation in ACTS.
If substantiated, the command or agency provides the servicing IG with an HCR to
resolve a DoD Hotline INFO, but does not provide the findings to the complainant,
1) Servicing IGs will confirm that the ACTS case is in “completed” status if a referral
was completed to command, before transferring an HCR to SAF/IGQ.
2) Servicing IGs will ensure all officers who are subjects within the final HCR are
annotated in the ACTS Subjects Tab with appropriate identifying data, allegations,
and findings in accordance with Chapter 7.
3) After receiving the resolution documents from the command or agency (which must
138 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
include the HCR and supporting documents), the servicing IG must review the information
for quality standards defined in DoDI 7050.01 (outlined in paragraph 9.9. below). This
includes investigative sufficiency, confirmation the HCR is free from any impediments to
investigative independence (see paragraph, and adheres to the HCR format. This
review must occur before uploading documents to ACTS. If you find deficiencies with the
HCR, your level IG is responsible for coordinating correction of the HCR. The servicing IG
must document HCR quality review within ACTS Case Note before transfer to the next
higher-level IG for their review.
After review and the documents are satisfactory, the servicing IGs will upload the
HCR and supporting documents (such as ROIs, CDIs, and legal reviews) into ACTS
for processing back for higher level IG review (if appropriate) and final SAF/IGQ
review. Transfer the ACTS casefile to the next higher-level IG for processing to
Note: Do not attach “DRAFT” HCRs or old versions of HCRs in ACTS. Only the
HCR intended for review by DoD Hotline will be attached in ACTS under
Attachments: Disposition/Resolution Documents.
All HCRs put into ACTS for review by SAF/IGQ will be labeled clearly as the HCR
and include the DCATS number.
Servicing IGs will coordinate the resolution of any deficiencies identified by higher-
level IGs, SAF/IGQ, or DoD Hotline and document deficiencies and coordination in
ACTS case notes. All deficiencies should be coordinated with the referred agency or
command for their inputs (if appropriate).
Upon approval of the HCR, DoD Hotline will notify the complainant that the complaint they
filed with the DoD Hotline is resolved.
DoD Hotline will instruct the complainant to submit a FOIA request for the HCR findings.
SAF/IGQ will notify the complainant that their DoD Hotline INFO is closed and provide
instructions regarding Department of the Air Force FOIA.
SAF/IGQ will notify the MAJCOM, or NGB-IG of the DoD Hotline INFO closure and
close the ACTS casefile using the closure date on the DoD Hotline Closure Report.
If no referral to command or an agency is appropriate (usually occurs when the DoD Hotline
INFO is a duplicate of an AF IG complaint already documented in ACTS), the servicing IG
may resolve using any pertinent information within IG channels or discussion with
command or an agency. If there are no substantiated allegations in the duplicate AF IG
cases, then close the ACTS casefile with sufficient documentation to justify closure. Notify
the complainant of resolution and close in ACTS.
If the duplicate issues were substantiated, refer to command and complete HCR process in
Step 4 of this table. Contact SAF/IGQ to coordinate if needed.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 139
9.6. Allegations under OSI purview. DoD Hotline will normally send DoD Hotline taskings
regarding criminal allegations directly to AFOSI/IGQ (OSI Hotline Coordinator). If an IG should
receive a DoD Hotline tasking that they believe is under AFOSI investigative purview, coordinate
with SAF/IGQ. (T-1) It is possible the entire DoD Hotline will be transferred to AFOSI/IGQ for
actions or only part of the DoD Hotline will be resolved by AFOSI.
9.7. Command or agency responsibilities when receiving a DoD Hotline. All Department of
the Air Force commands and agencies are required to comply with the quality standards for
hotlines outlined in DoDI 7050.01. (T-0)
9.7.1. Commands or agencies who received DoD Hotline referrals from their servicing IG
must: Notify the servicing IG, as soon as possible, of command and agency actions taken
in response to a Priority 1 Emergency referral. (T-0) For DoD Hotline ACTION referrals, interview the complainant and clarify 1) who
are the personnel with alleged misconduct and 2) what specific violations of standards
occurred. (T-1) If complainant is not available or cooperative, document to servicing IG
through the HCR. (T-1) For DoD Hotline INFO referrals, determine if an inquiry is warranted. (T-1) If
inquiry warranted, proceed with the complainant interview to clarify 1) who are the
personnel with alleged misconduct and 2) what specific violations of standards occurred.
(T-1) Track all DoD Hotlines referred by the servicing IG for resolution. (T-1)
9.7.2. Department of the Air Force commands and agencies will not forward DoD Hotline
cases outside the Department of the Air Force. (T-1) In instances where the Department of
the Air Force command or agency believes the matter should be referred to another DoD
Component, coordinate with the servicing IG to return the DoD Hotline ACTION/INFO
referral to SAF/IGQ so SAF/IGQ can recommend DoD Hotline refer the matter elsewhere.
9.7.3. For both DoD Hotline ACTION and DoD Hotline INFO referrals with substantiated
allegations, the commands or agencies who received the referrals from their servicing IG must: Provide the HCR to the servicing IG by the suspense. (T-1) If the suspense cannot
be met, provide the servicing IG with an extension request, before the suspense date, stating
the reason for the delay and the expected completion date. (T-1) Ensure that personnel who conduct any type of inquiry to resolve a DoD Hotline
referral must be free, both in fact and appearance, from possible conflicts of interest. (T-0)
This standard for investigative independence places the responsibility for maintaining
independence upon the DoD Hotline and Department of the Air Force so that decisions
used in prioritizing, processing, investigating, reviewing, and reporting on hotline
complaints will be impartial and will be viewed as independent.
9.7.4. Both commands or agencies will ensure their servicing IG receives all the
documentation that supports the findings and conclusions contained in the HCR. (T-0) This
includes, but is not limited to, the following (T-0):
140 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 The HCR. Actions taken to determine the facts and make findings. The complete identity of all witnesses, their contact information, and the date of
and pertinent information relayed during interviews. Specific details and locations of all documents reviewed during the inquiry. A description of any other actions taken by the command, agency, or other legal
authority as a result of the hotline inquiry. Evidence relied upon in making the final determination including: Documents gathered during the inquiry and pertinent information within. Transcripts or summaries of interviews conducted. Investigative reports. Final legal reviews. Full and complete results including corrective actions taken.
9.8. Matters Not Appropriate For The DoD Hotline. Not all matters are appropriate for
resolution in a DoD Hotline.
9.8.1. No reprisal or restriction allegations will be resolved through a DoD Hotline. (T-0)
9.8.2. If the command or agency with a DoD Hotline referral determines there is no credible
violations of standard, the DoD Hotline can be closed or specific issues in the DoD Hotline
can be closed without an HCR. (T-1) Justification for not initiating an inquiry into the
allegations within a DoD ACTION Hotline must be provided to the servicing IG for processing
to SAF/IGQ for approval by DoD Hotline. (T-1)
9.8.3. To avoid duplication of effort, it is permissible for the command or agency who received
a DoD Hotline referral to request closure without further inquiry if the command or agency is
asked to resolve complaints for which other channels to address the matter have been
established by law, rule, or regulation and there is no credible evidence of a process failure
provided by the complainant. Examples of these types of complaints are: EO, MEO, HIPAA,
civilian personnel grievances, etc. Best practices are for the command or agency to coordinate
with the resolution offices governing those complaints and provide the justification to the
servicing IG for coordination with SAF/IG and DoD Hotline for closure.
9.9. HCR quality standards. There are minimum quality standards for Hotline inquiries
conducted in response to DoD Hotline referrals to the Department of the Air Force. HCRs must
be accurate, complete, clear, concise, impartial, timely, and well-organized. DoD Components
should present facts in straightforward, grammatically-correct language and avoid jargon,
redundancy, ambiguity, and obscurity. (T-0)
9.9.1. Department of the Air Force commands or agencies resolving a DoD Hotline referral
must ensure the following per DoDI 7050.01: (T-0) DoD Components will use DoD Hotline format detailed in DoDI 7050.01 for all
HCRs. (T-0)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 141 The organization conducting the Hotline inquiry must ensure that the activities are
conducted by personnel who collectively possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
security clearances to perform the required tasks. In all matters relating to investigative work, personnel and organizations
conducting the inquiry must be independent, both in fact and appearance. (T-0)
Individuals assigned to conduct and review the hotline inquiry must be either: Outside the immediate chain of command, for example, work directly for or
directly over, of both the individual submitting the allegation(s) and the individual(s)
accused of misconduct; (T-0) OR At least one organization higher in the chain of command than the
organization of the individual submitting the allegation and the individual or
individuals accused of misconduct. (T-0) All cases must be handled in a diligent and complete manner, and reasonable steps
must be taken to ensure that relevant matters are sufficiently resolved; and to ensure that
all appropriate criminal, civil, contractual, or administrative remedies are considered.
(T-0) All cases must be initiated, conducted, and reported in accordance with all
applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and other prosecuting authorities; and internal DoD
Component policies and procedures. (T-0) Inquiries should be conducted with respect for the rights and privacy of those
involved. Specific methods and techniques used in each case must be appropriate for the
circumstances and objectives. (T-0) All cases must be handled in a fair and equitable manner, with the perseverance
necessary to determine the facts. (T-0) Evidence must be gathered, analyzed, and reported in an unbiased and
independent manner in an effort to determine the validity of an allegation. (T-0) This
includes inculpatory and exculpatory information. Inquiries must use preponderance of evidence as the standard of proof to
substantiate or not substantiate allegations. (T-0)
142 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 10
Section 10ADirective, Terms and Overview
10.1. Governing Directives. DoDI 5200.48_DAFI 16-1403, Controlled Unclassified
Information; DODM 5200.01 V1-3_AFMAN 16-1404 V1-3, DoD Information Security Program;
DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program; DoDM 6025.18,
Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule
in DOD Health Care Programs; AFPD 90-4, Relations with Congress; AFI 33-332, Air Force
Privacy and Civil Liberties Program; DAFI 36-148, Discipline and Adverse Actions of Civilian
Employees; AFI 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment; and AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with
Congress, and AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, provide
guidance on related records management and release.
10.2. Overview. This chapter covers the Department of the Air Force IG Records Maintenance
and Release Program. The Department of the Air Force Inspector General grants access to IG
records under the following two separate records release programs, subject to the provisions
stipulated in this chapter.
10.2.1. Official Use Requests (OUR) - Section 10D.
10.2.2. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) requests - Section 10E.
Section 10BMaintenance of IG Records
10.3. Marking IG Records.
10.3.1. Classify reports according to the policies and procedures contained in security
regulations (DODM 5200.01 V1-3, DoD Information Security Program, DoDI 5200.48 _DAFI
16403, Controlled Unclassified Information, and the AFIS Security Classification Guide).
10.3.2. IG reports and case related records will be marked “Controlled Unclassified
Information” (CUI) unless they are classified as outlined in DoDM 5200.01-V2. (T-1) Mark or stamp all IG documents on the outside of the front cover (if any), at the
bottom of the first page, and each succeeding page above the “CUI” marking with the
following disclaimer: This is a protected document. It will not be released (in whole or
in part), reproduced, or given additional dissemination (in whole or in part) outside of
Inspector General channels without prior approval of The Inspector General (DAF/IG) or
designee.” (T-1) In accordance with DoDI 5200.48_DAFI 16-403, all Department of the Air Force
records will include, on the first page or cover of any document or material containing CUI,
a CUI designation indicator containing the information as shown in Figure 1. The point
of contact (POC) is from the office marking the material. (T-0)
Figure 10.1. CUI Designation Indicator for All Documents and Material.
Controlled by: Department of the Air Force (Only if not on letterhead)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 143
Controlled by: SAF/IG
CUI Category: CUI//PRIIG
Distribution/Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: [Phone or email address] Mark all documents provided by the complainant as “COMPLAINANT
10.3.3. E-mails that contain and/or transmit IG reports, complaint analyses, notification
memos, records, or information must call attention to the CUI and/or attachments. (T-1)
Include CUI in the e-mail subject line, if the subject line contains CUI. (T-1) All e-mails will
be encrypted IAW applicable directives. (T-0) Add the following e-mail header at the
beginning of the body of the message text that contains CUI:
information which must be protected under the Privacy Act and AFI 33-332.(T-0)
10.4. Protection of IG Records.
10.4.1. IG reports are protected documents. Only SAF/IG, or designated representatives, can
approve release of IG documents outside of IG channels. Refer to Sections 10D and/or 10E
for further guidance.
10.4.2. Refer to DODI 5200.48_DAFI 16-1403 for proper marking of e-mail. (T-1)
10.5. Protecting Privacy Interests.
10.5.1. IOs conducting IG investigations will not provide witnesses, subjects, or other third-
parties with copies of complaints or investigative reports or documents or allow those parties
to read any complaint filed through IG channels, unless authorized by law or policy. (T-1) A complaint to an IG, or a complaint worked in IG channels, is protected
information, unless otherwise noted by applicable law or policy. During interviews, subjects and suspects must be advised of the specific nature
of the allegations against them to permit them to properly respond to or defend against such
allegations. (T-1) Witnesses need only be generally advised of the matters under investigation to
permit them to respond to the questions asked and to provide other relevant information.
10.5.2. If the complainant consents to release of their information, the complainant should be
told the IO or commander (or civilians leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI
38-101) may discuss the case with appropriate officials and witnesses to resolve the complaint.
10.5.3. Generally, do not release the complaint, materials or information provided by the
complainant, or the response to the complainant to a third-party requester or the subject,
without the complainant’s written consent or IAW the FOIA/PA or other applicable law or
policy, such as an appropriate request from a DoD component for official use purposes, court
order, etc.
10.5.4. Do not release medical information unless authorized by law and policy. (T-0)
Medical information possessed by the IG is protected by the Privacy Act rather than the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
144 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
10.5.5. When an IG investigation is halted because it is determined another type of
investigation is warranted, guard the protected nature of the IG records involved. (T-1)
10.6. Maintenance and Disposition of IG Records.
10.6.1. Records must be maintained for the Complaints Resolution program. Maintain and
dispose of records according to the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule, Tables 90-01, 90-
03, and 90-04, available at (T-1) According to those Air Force
Records Disposition Schedule tables, the disposition of some IG documents is based on the
date the case “closed.” IG offices will use the definition of “closure” as listed in Attachment
1 of this instruction to determine the case “closed” date. (T-1)
10.6.2. In order to maintain a record of each complaint and its disposition, all IG records
(including emails, referrals, transfers, assistance, investigations, and dismissals) must be
attached to the ACTS case file. (T-1) Each case/complaint is its own record.
10.6.3. Records should not include classified materials, reports of special security
investigations, or other similarly sensitive documents. If a case must contain sensitive
documents, IGs must cross-reference its identifying number or subject and indicate its primary
storage location. (T-1) Do not retain it in the local IG office file. (T-1)
10.6.4. Do not file any IG complaint correspondence or related documents in an individual’s
unit Personal Information File, field personnel records, or a system of records other than the
system established for IG records (ACTS). (T-1) Properly redacted portions of ROIs provided
to subjects for command action IAW paragraph 10.11 and required by DAFI 36-2907,
Adverse Administrative Actions, are permitted.
10.6.5. Upon case closure, remove and destroy documents such as draft reports, unnecessary
working papers, handwritten notes, Post-it notes, duplicates, etc., if permitted under record
retention rules. (T-3)
10.6.6. Upon case closure, all relevant emails must be uploaded into ACTS. (T-1) Examples
of relevant emails would include emails referenced in a complaint analysis or ROI, or used as
evidence in a case
10.6.7. Recorded testimony (for example, .wav files or other electronically recorded files)
must be destroyed or deleted after the highest level of quality review has been completed or
after the command action has been completed, whichever is later. (T-3)
10.6.8. AF Electronic Records Management. Records attached to ACTS case files will follow
guidelines IAW AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program.
10.6.9. Referral Completion Reports are IG records. The templates should be properly marked
as IG records when referred to the agency for action. However, the inquiry documentation and
evidence collected by the referral agency to support the inquiry are not IG records unless placed
into the IG system of records (ACTS) by the IG.
10.7. Maintenance and Disposition of Commander Directed Investigation (CDI) Records.
10.7.1. As directed by DAFMAN 1-101, commanders will provide their servicing IG with
copies of all CDIs and supporting documentation conducted under their authority. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 145
10.7.2. IGs will attach CDIs in ACTS following the procedures outlined in DAFCRPSG
Attachment 33. (T-1) IGs will ensure that command has properly marked the CDI and
supporting documentation IAW DAFMAN 1-101 prior to attaching those documents in ACTS.
10.7.3. The command that authorized a CDI stored in ACTS is the release authority for that
CDI, regardless of whether the CDI was the result of an IG referral or not.
10.7.4. In situations where command no longer has a copy of the CDI, command can request
a copy (through the servicing IG) for release.
Section 10CRestrictions for Use of IG Records
10.8. Restrictions for Use of IG Records. IG records are subject to the following restrictions.
10.8.1. Do not use IG records as attachments or exhibits to other official records without the
written approval of the authority responsible for making release determinations, as delegated
in this instruction. (T-1)
10.8.2. Copies of IG records must be properly destroyed upon completion of stated need.
10.8.3. Do not further release (in whole or in part) IG documents without proper authorization
from the authority responsible for making release determinations. (T-3)
10.8.4. Comply with the provisions of the PA Program in the management of IG records.
10.8.5. Comply with the provisions and restrictions of Title 10 United States Code
Section1102 and AFI 44-119 and DHA-PM 6025.13, Volume 3 in using any records obtained
from a Surgeon General quality assurance review. (T-0) These are records generated by
federal medical treatment facility committees in reviewing the quality and standards of care
provided to patients treated by the medical facility. Ordinarily, these records should be
reviewed and returned to the originator without being attached to the IG record. Consult your
servicing SJA office before attaching any quality assurance documents to an IG report. If a
quality assurance record (or any portion of a record) is included in an IG record, ensure it is
prominently marked as protected by 10 USC § 1102 as a quality assurance document. (T-0)
10.8.6. See DoDM 6025.18, especially paragraph 3.2a., for guidance on the protection and
use of records protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
to IG operations.
Section 10DOfficial Use Requests (OUR)
10.9. Release Determination for OURs. SAF/IG is the authority responsible for making release
determinations for all IG records requested under OUR. SAF/IG makes the following delegations:
10.9.1. Senior official investigation records: The Director, SAF/IGS, or designee, is the
authority responsible for making release determinations for senior official investigation
146 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
10.9.2. Colonel (or civil servant grade 15 or equivalent) and below: The Director, SAF/IGQ,
or designee, is the authority responsible for making release determinations for colonel (or civil
servant grade 15 or equivalent) and below IG investigative records.
10.9.3. For command action. The IG responsible for the relevant ROI or case. (T-1)
10.9.4. If a DoD/Department of the Air Force organization or employee requests records (for
example CDIs, command action, etc.) to perform their DoD/ Department of the Air Force
official duties, they should receive all necessary records, subject to any additional
administrative procedural request requirements, such as that exist for classified records or
Privacy Act/medical records.
10.10. Procedures for all OURs. OURs for IG records must be submitted through MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, NGB, NAF, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IG offices to DAF/IG. (T-2) In every case, the
following guidance applies:
10.10.1. Release of IG records pursuant to OURs will ordinarily be made after case closure
(see paragraph 4.28 for closure requirements).
10.10.2. To make an OUR for IG records, requestors must: Submit requests in writing. (T-1) Identify the records requested as specifically as possible (e.g., date of
investigation, name of IO, subject, and/or complainant). (T-1) Explain in detail why the records are needed. (T-1) Specify when the records are needed. (T-1)
10.10.3. SAF/IG will evaluate OURs and notify the requestor of any applicable restrictions
on the information provided in the release. Make entries in ACTS to show processing of OURs
for IG records.
10.10.4. Maintenance of OURs. Requests and associated will be retained IAW the AF
Records Disposition Schedule in the Air Force Records Information Management System
(AFRIMS). (T-1)
10.11. OURs Related to Command Action. In accordance with paragraph 4.29.3, the
responsible IG will automatically provide the subject’s commander with a copy of the relevant
portions of an approved and substantiated report of investigation (without attachments) for
determining appropriate command action. (T-1) After providing the ROI to the subject’s
commander, JAs may act on behalf of the commander requesting additional IG records.
Commanders submit an OUR to the responsible IG to obtain additional portions of the case file
beyond the information initially provided by the authority responsible for making release
determinations. When possible, the responsible IG should provide the information to the
commander, and specify what is releasable to the subject simultaneously. For Senior Official
cases, see Chapter 8, paragraph 8.4.2.
10.11.1. Release to Subject. Commanders may decide to provide the subject with evidence (if any)
supporting the proposed command action in conjunction with the notice of the action IAW
DAFI 36-2907, appropriately redacted IAW the Privacy Act. Note: Evidence to support
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 147
the command action includes information favorable to the defense and may range from no
evidence to all the evidence collected. Refer to AFI 51-202 when providing evidence in an Article 15 action against
an active duty person. (T-1) Refer to AFI DAFI 36-148 when providing evidence relied
on to support command action against DoD civilians. (T-1) Defense Counsel Requests. When defense counsel requests IG records to
represent military members in courts-martial or other disciplinary actions, defense counsel
requests the records from the servicing SJA office who will decide what records are
relevant for the defense counsel to obtain. (T-1) IGs should cooperate with any request
by the servicing SJA office to provide IG records.
10.12. OURs for Other than Command Action.
10.12.1. Requests from AF/A1. AF/ A1 is charged with the responsibility to advise the
Secretary whether officers being recommended for promotion, who have adverse information,
meet the exemplary conduct standards prescribed in Title 10 United States Code Section 9233.
In order to do so, they must have access to relevant IG records. Process requests under this
provision as expeditiously as possible.
10.12.2. Requests from within DoD. All requests for SAF IG records from other DoD offices, such as the Office of
the Secretary of Defense, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG DoD),
the Joint Staff, unified commands, defense agencies and field activities, and the other
service components (including the Reserve Components), must be forwarded to DAF/IG.
(T-1) IG DoD must have expeditious and unrestricted access to and, when required,
must be able to obtain copies of all records, reports, investigations, audits, reviews,
documents, papers, recommendations, or other material available to or within any DoD
component. Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records Cases. Complainants
who petition the Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records should advise the
Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records if relevant IG records exist. The
Air Force Board for the Correction of Military Records may submit an OUR to SAF/IG for
those records as it deems appropriate.
10.12.3. Requests from Government Agencies Outside the DoD, Except Congress. Official
use requests received from non-DoD governmental agencies for IG records must be forwarded
to SAF/IG. (T-2)
10.12.4. Requests From Congress. SAF/IG will process all Congressional requests in
accordance with AFI 90-401.
148 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Section 10EFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests
10.13. Authority Responsible for Making Release Determinations for FOIA and PA
10.13.1. The Initial Denial Authority, (IDA) is the denial authority for records that fall under
their functional area. SAF/IG is the IDA for all IG records requested IAW DoDM
5400.07_AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program. (T-1) DAF/IG makes the
following delegations: SAF/IGS is the IDA for senior official cases. SAF/IGQ is the IDA for all IG cases closed at SAF/IGQ level. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs are the release authority for
IG records at their level and below. (T-1)
10.14. Procedures Regarding FOIA Requests.
10.14.1. The FOIA Manager tasks the IG to locate records responsive to FOIA Requests. The
IG will review the FOIA request, search and retrieve the responsive records from ACTS. Add
case note in ACTS to annotate records were retrieved in response to FOIA request. Add FOIA
number as a Source Reference in ACTS and attach FOIA request.
10.14.2. The IG will redact the records in accordance with the current FOIA guidelines. (T-0)
The recommended release (i.e., redactions) must be coordinated with the servicing legal office.
10.14.3. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, JFHQ, FOA, or DRU IGs must coordinate all proposed
FOIA responses with their FOIA and servicing legal offices . (T-1)
10.14.4. The IG will draft a closure memo with their recommended release decision (that is,
partial denial, full denial) to provide the FOIA office. (T-1)
10.14.5. If a FOIA request comes directly to the IG from the requester, IGs will forward the
request to their FOIA office. (T-1)
10.14.6. When a FOIA request is received from a complainant and “complainant provided”
materials are responsive records to the request, if possible, contact the complainant to clarify
if he or she is requesting “complainant provided” materials. After clarification, annotate the
complainant wishes in the FOIA file. (T-1) If clarification does not occur, process the
“complainant provided” materials and include releasable portions with response to
complainant. (T-1)
Note: Documents released pursuant to a FOIA request are then public documents and may be
further disclosed at the recipient’s discretion.
Section 10FMaking Release Determinations
10.15. General Guidance.
10.15.1. All FOIA or PA responses must be coordinated with the servicing legal office. (T-1)
Denials require a written legal review. (T-1)
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 149
10.15.2. Requests by an individual (complainant or subject) for their own records must be
considered under both the FOIA and the PA, even if the requestor does not cite either Act (See
DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302 and AFI 33-332). (T-0) This does not mean the person
receives a copy; it only means both acts must be considered.
10.15.3. Generally, release of IG records under FOIA or PA will be made only after command
action, if required, is complete and, the case has been closed. (T-1) Respond to requests for
open cases citing the appropriate FOIA or PA exemptions and exceptions after consulting with
your servicing legal office. (T-1) Although a search and the production of all responsive
documents must be accomplished pursuant to a FOIA request, the release of documents
associated with an open/ongoing investigation to a FOIA requester will usually be denied under
FOIA Exemptions (b)(7)(A) and (b)(7)(C) because release of investigative documents prior to
a final decision by the decision authority may compromise the integrity of the investigation
and investigative process.
10.15.4. In cases of reprisal and restriction, federal law, 10 USC § 1034 and DoDD 7050.06
requires the IG automatically “transmit a copy of the report on the results of the investigation
to the member of the armed forces who made the allegation investigated.” (T-0) This is
normally a properly redacted copy of a report of investigation. (T-0) If a FOIA request is
made for reprisal or restriction records by the complainant, the request is processed formally
under the FOIA.
10.16. Further FOIA Guidance. For guidance on analysis of FOIA or PA requests, refer to:,
Lieutenant General, USAF
The Inspector General
150 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 1
Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution
President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency, Quality Standards for Federal Offices of
Inspector General, Aug 12
Title 5 United States Code, Section 552, Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act of
Title 5 United States Code, Section 1212(b)(5)(c), Powers and functions of the Office of Special
Title 5 United States Code, Section 2302(b), Prohibited personnel practices
The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended by The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008,
Title 5 Appendix 3, Section 7
Title 10 United States Code, Section 615, Information furnished to selection boards
Uniform Code of Military Justice (Title 10 United States Code, Section 801, et seq)
Presidential Policy Directive 19 Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified
Information, 10 Oct 12
Title 10 United States Code, Section 936(b)(6), Authority to administer oaths
Title 10 United States Code, Section 1034, Protected communications; prohibition of retaliatory
personnel actions (Military Whistleblower Protection Act of 1988)
Title 10 United States Code, Section 1102, Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records
Title 10 United States Code, Section 9013, Secretary of the Air Force
Title 10 United States Code, Section 9020, Inspector General
Title 10 United States Code, Section 9233, Requirement of exemplary conduct
Title 10 United State Code Section 14107, Information furnished by the Secretary concerned to
promotion boards
Title 31 United States Code Section 1341, Antideficiency Act
Title 32 United States Code Section 709, Technicians: employment, use, status
William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year
2021, Section 554
5 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1201, Practices and Procedures, 1 Jan 2011
29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1614, Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity, 17
Sep 2014
32 Code of Federal Regulations Section 310.40(c), Protection of privacy and access to and
amendment of individual records under the Privacy Act of 1974
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 151
Presidential Policy Directive 19, Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified
Information, 10 Oct 2012
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Quality Standards for
Investigations (QSI), 15 Nov 2011.
DoDD 1401.03, DoD Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Employees Whistleblower
Protection, 13 Jun 2014
DoDD 5240.01, DoD Intelligence Activities, 27 Aug 2007
DoDD 7050.06, Military Whistleblower Protection, 17 Apr 2015
DoDI 1020.03, Harassment Prevention and Response in the Armed Forces, 8 Feb 2018
DoDI 1320.04, Military Officer Actions Requiring Presidential, Secretary of Defense, or Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Approval or Senate Confirmation, 3 Jan 2014
DoDI 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of
the Armed Forces, 27 Nov 2009
DoDI 5200.48_DAFI 16-403, Controlled Unclassified Information, 5 Oct 2021
DoDI 6495.02, Volume 3, Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Retaliation
Response for Adult Sexual Assault Cases, 24 Jun 2022
DoDI 7050.01, DoD Hotline Program, 17 Oct 2017
DoDI 7050.09, Uniform Standards for Evaluating and Investigating Military Reprisal or
Restriction Complaints, 12 Oct 2021
DoDM 5200.01 V1_AFMAN 16-1404 V1, DoD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification, 6 Apr 2022
DoDM 5200.01 V2_ AFMAN 16-1404 V2, DoD Information Security Program: Marking of
Classified Information, 7 Jan 2021
DoDM 5200.01 V3_ AFMAN 16-1404 V3, DoD Information Security Program: Protection of
Classified Information, 12 Apr 2022
DoDM 5200.02_AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force Personnel Security Program Management, 1 Aug
DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program, 7 Apr 2018
DoD 5240.01-R, Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence Components that
Affect United States Persons, 7 Dec 1982
DoDM 6025.18, Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) Privacy Rule in DOD Health Care Programs, 13 Mar 2019
DHA-PM 6025.13, Volume 3, Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System;
Healthcare Risk Management, 29 Aug 2019
DAFPD 90-3, Inspector General, 3 Feb 2021
DAFPD 32-60, Housing, 25 Jan 2021
DAFI 32-6000, Housing Management, 18 Mar 2020
152 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
DAFI 36-147, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, 11 Jan 2023
DAFI 36-148, Discipline and Adverse Actions of Civilian Employees, 27 Sep 2022
DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, 15 Nov 2021
DAFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, 14 Nov 2019
DAFI 36-2501, Officer Promotions and Selective Continuation, 16 Jun 2004
DAFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion and Demotion Programs, 16 Apr 2022
DAFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR), 4 Oct 2022
DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity Program, 18 Jun 2020
DAFI 36-2803, Military Awards and Decorations Program, 3 May 2022
DAFI 36-2905, Department of the Fitness Program, 21 Apr 2022
DAFI 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility, 13 May 21
DAFI 36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions, 14 Oct 2022
DAFI 36-2910, Line of Duty Determination (LOD), Medical Continuation (MEDCON) and
Incapacitation (INCAP) Pay, 3 Sep 2021
DAFI 36-3034, Remission of Indebtedness, 10 Jan 2023
AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 29 Jan 2021
DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations, 24 Jun 2022
DAFI 51-201, Administration of Military Justice, 14 Apr 2022
DAFI 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment, 4 Jan 2022
DAFI 51-508, Political Activities, Free Speech and Freedom of Assembly of Air Force
Personnel. 24 Mar 2023
DAFI 90-160, Publications and Forms Management, 14 Apr 2022
DAFI 90-302, The Inspection System of the Department of the Air Force, 15 Mar 2023
DAFI 90-5001, Integrated Resilience, 25 Jan 2019
DAFI 90-6001, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, 14 Jul 2020
DAFMAN 1-101, Commander Directed Investigations, 9 Apr 2021
DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions, 27 Sep 2019
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 Apr 2022
DAFMAN 91-203, Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards, 25 Mar 2022
AFPD 90-4, Relations with Congress, 6 Nov 2018
AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards, 7 Aug 2012
AFI 14-404, Intelligence Oversight, 3 Sep 2019
AFI 24-302, Vehicle Management, 21 Feb 2020
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 153
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements, 18 Oct 2013
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 Mar 2020
AFI 33-324, The Air Force Information Collections and Reports Management Program, 22 Jul
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, 10 Mar 2020
DoDI 1400.25-V771_AFI 36-706, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:Administrative
Grievance System, 14 Nov 2018
AFI 36-901, Civilian Senior Executive Management, 23 Jan 12
AFI 36-2504, Officer Promotion, Continuation and Selective Early Removal in the Reserve of
the Air Force, 9 Jan 2003
AFI 36-2909, Professional Relationships and Conduct, 14 Nov 2019
AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization, 29 Aug 2019
AFI 38-402, Airmen Powered by Innovation, 9 Feb 2018
AFI 44-119, Medical Quality Operations, 16 Aug 2011
AFI 51-110, Professional Responsibility Program, 11 Dec 2018
AFI 51-306, Administrative Claims for and Against the Air Force, 14 Jan 2019
AFI 51-401, The Law of War, 3 Aug 2018
AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption of Command, 14 Jan 2019
AFI 51-505, Complaints of Wrongs Under Article 138, Uniform Code of Military Justice, 14 Jan
AFI 51-1102, Cooperation with the Office of Special Counsel, 23 Apr 2015
AFI 71-101V1, Criminal Investigations Program, 1 Jul 19
AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations With Congress, 15 Sep 2020
Chief National Guard Bureau Manual 9601.01, National Guard Discrimination Complaint, 25
Apr 2017
ANGI 36-3, National Guard Military Discrimination Complaint System, 30 Mar 2001
ANGI 36-6, The Air National Guard Statutory Tour Program Policies and Procedures, 9 Nov
ANGI 36-101, Air National Guard Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Program, 21 Apr 2022
ANGI 36-2602, Air National Guard Retention Programs, 14 Jun 2019
ANGI 36-2651, Air National Guard Selective Retention Review Boards, 22 Sep 2014
AF RDS, Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (available at
Department of the Air Force Complaints Resolution Program Supplemental Guide, 31 Mar 2022
ACTS User’s Manual
154 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
SAF/IGQ Guide for Investigating Officers (IO Guide)
SAF/IGQ JAG Guide to IG Investigations
Prescribed Forms
DAF Form 102, Inspector General Complaint Form
Adopted Forms
DD Form 2910-2, Retaliation Reporting Statement for Unrestricted Sexual Assault Cases
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 1359, Report of Result of Trial
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACTSAutomated Case Tracking System
ADCArea Defense Counsel
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AFFORAir Force Forces
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFISAir Force Inspection System
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRIMSAir Force Records Information Management System
ANGAir National Guard
ANGRCAir National Guard Readiness Center
APIAirman Powered by Innovation Program
ARCAir Reserve Component
CAPCivil Air Patrol
CDICommander-Directed Investigation
CIGIECouncil of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
CJCSIChairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
COCOMCombatant Command
CPTSComptroller Squadron
CRPComplaints Resolution Program
C-NAFComponent Numbered Air Force
CSAFChief of Staff, Air Force
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 155
CSBCommand Screening Board
CSOChief of Space Operations
DAFCRPSGDepartment of the Air Force Complaints Resolution Program Supplemental Guide
D-CATSeDefense Case Activity Tracking System, Enterprise
DAFIDepartment of the Air Force Instruction
DAFMANDepartment of the Air Force Manual
DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Service
DHADefense Health Agency
DIG (DIEM)Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
EEOEqual Employment Opportunity
EOEqual Opportunity
EPREnlisted Performance Report
ERABEvaluation Reports Appeal Board
FMFinancial Management
FOAField Operating Agency
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FRNOFile Reference Number
FSLMRSFederal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute
FWAFraud, waste, and abuse
GSGeneral Schedule
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
HCRHotline Completion Report
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts
IAWIn accordance with
IDAInitial Denial Authority
IG DoDInspector General of the Department of Defense
IGIIG Inspections
IGQIG Complaints Resolution
156 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
IGTC-QInspector General Training Course-Complaints Resolution
IOInvestigating Officer
JAJudge Advocate
JFHQ(State)Joint Force Headquarters-State
LOALetter of Admonishment
LOCLetter of Counseling
LODLine of Duty
LORLetter of Reprimand
MAJCOMMajor Command
MEDCONMedical Condition
MEOMilitary Equal Opportunity
MFRMemorandum for Record
MHEMental Health Evaluation
MPFMilitary Personnel Flight
MTFMilitary Treatment Facility
NAFNumbered Air Force
NAFNonappropriated Fund
NGBNational Guard Bureau
NVeditNon-validation edit
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
OSCOffice of Special Counsel
OSROfficer Selection Record
OUROfficial Use Request
PAPrivacy Act or Public Affairs
PCProtected Communication
PDFPortable Document Format
POCPoint of Contact
PRFPromotion Recommendation Form
PSABPersonnel Security Appeal Board
PUPeriodic Update
QRQuality Review
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 157
QSIQuality Standards for Investigations
RDSRecords Disposition Schedule
RMOResponsible Management Official
ROIReport of Investigation
SAPSpecial Access Program ()
SSRBSpecial Selection Review Board
SECAFSecretary of the Air Force
SERBSelective Early Retirement Board
SESSenior Executive Service
SJAStaff Judge Advocate
TAGThe Adjutant General
TCLTentative Conclusion Letter
TIGThe Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force
UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
USCUnited States Code
UTAUnit Training Assembly
VC—Victims’ Counsel
vMPFVirtual Military Personnel Flight
WRIWhistleblower Reprisal Investigations
Office Symbols
AF/A1Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services
AF/A1LGAir Force General Officer Management Office
AF/A1LOAir Force Colonels Management Office
AF/A1LSAir Force Senior Executive Management
AF/JAOffice of The Judge Advocate General
AF/JACLAir Force Personnel and Information Law Division
AF/JAJIInvestigations, Inquiries and Relief Division
AF/JAJOAir Force Office of Disability Counsel
AF/JAXProfessional Development Directorate
AF/SGThe Surgeon General
AF/A4SDirectorate of Security Forces
AFAAAir Force Audit Agency
158 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
AFCAFAir Force Central Adjudication Facility
AFCAROAir Force Civilian Appellate Review Office
AFDW/IGAir Force District of Washington, Inspector General
AETC/IGAir Force Education and Training Command, Inspector General
AFFOR/IGAir Force Forces Inspector General
AFIAAir Force Inspection Agency
AFOSIAir Force Office of Special Investigations
AFOSI/IGAir Force Office of Special Investigations, Inspector General
AFOSI/PJAir Force Office of Special Investigations, Office of Special Project
ARPCAir Reserve Personnel Center
SAF/AQCAir Force Contracting
C-NAF/CCComponent Numbered Air Force-NAF Commander
C-NAF/IGComponent Numbered Air Force IG
IG DoD/WRIInspector General of the Department of Defense, Whistleblower Reprisal
JFHQ/IGJoint Force Headquarters Inspector General
NCONon-Commissioned Officer
NGB/A1National Guard Bureau, Manpower and Personnel
NGB/HRNational Guard Bureau, Human Resources
NGB/IGNational Guard Bureau, Inspections (ANGRC)
NGB-IGNational Guard Bureau, Office of The Inspector General
SAF/AQCSecretary of the Air Force, Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) (Contracting)
SAF/FMSecretary of the Air Force, Office of the Assistant Secretary (Financial Management
& Comptroller)
SAF/GCSecretary of the Air Force, Office of the General Counsel
SAF/GCASecretary of the Air Force, Office of the General Counsel, Office of the Deputy
General Counsel for Fiscal, Ethics and Administrative Law
SAF/GCISecretary of the Air Force, Office of the Deputy General Counsel for Intelligence,
International, and Military Affairs
SAF/IGSecretary of the Air Force, Office of The Inspector General
SAF/IGQSecretary of the Air Force, Office of The Inspector General, Complaints Resolution
SAF/IGSSecretary of the Air Force, Office of The Inspector General, Senior Officials Inquiries
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 159
SAF/IGXSecretary of the Air Force, Office of The Inspector General, Special Investigations
SAF/LLSecretary of the Air Force, Legislative Liaison
SAF/LLCSecretary of the Air Force, Legislative Liaison, Congressional Correspondence
SAF/MRAssistant Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SAF/MRBAAssistant Secretary of the Air Force-Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Air Force
Civilian Appellate Review Office
SAF/MRLAssistant Secretary of the Air Force-Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Civilian Senior
Executive Management Office
SAF/OSOffice of the Secretary of the Air Force
SAF/PASecretary of the Air Force, Office of Public Affairs
SAF/USUnder Secretary of the Air Force
SF/S1LSpace Force Senior Leader Management
AbuseIntentional wrongful or improper use of government resources. Examples include misuse
of grade, position, or authority that causes the loss or misuse of resources such as tools, vehicles,
computers, or copy machines.
Abuse of AuthorityAn arbitrary and capricious exercise of power by a military member or a
federal official or employee. To qualify as arbitrary and capricious, the following must be met:
1) the action either adversely affected, or has potential to adversely affect, any person or resulted
in personal gain or advantage to the responsible management official (RMO), or other preferred
persons; and
2) the RMO did not act within the authority granted under applicable regulations, law or policy;
the RMO’s action was not based on relevant data and factors; or the RMO’s action was not
rationally related to the relevant data and factors.
AccessIn reference to restriction, the ability to enter, approach, or communicate with individuals
or offices designated to receive protected communications. The freedom or ability to make
protected communications.
AccountabilityAccountability means you are responsible for all your actions and the actions of
the people you supervise which you could have reasonably influenced. It is the duty of every
leader to hold themselves and their subordinates answerable for their actions and to correct
systemic faults. Appropriate remedial measures shall be taken against individuals who have acted
unlawfully, improperly or inappropriately. Remedial or corrective measures may be educational,
administrative, or punitive and must be appropriate and proportional to the act.
Acid TestIn reference to abuse of authority, a conclusive test of whether abuse of authority
160 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Administrative ActionsNon-criminal proceedings; includes, but is not limited to letters of
counseling, letters of admonishment, letters of reprimand, control roster actions, unfavorable
information files, non-judicial punishment reenlistment denials, promotion actions, suspensions
(for civilians) and involuntary separation actions, called ”removals“ for civilians.
The Adjutant General (TAG)The senior military officer (either Army or Air) of the National
Guard of each state, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam. TAG is responsible for
performing the duties prescribed by the laws of that state and the day-to-day peacetime
management and training of the state National Guard (Army and Air).
Adverse InformationDAF policy defines adverse information as:
1. Any substantiated finding or conclusion from an officially documented investigation or inquiry
or any other credible information of an adverse nature. To be credible, the information must be
resolved and supported by a preponderance of the evidence. To be adverse, the information must
be derogatory, unfavorable, or of a nature that reflects clearly unacceptable conduct, integrity or
judgment on the part of the individual. See AFI 36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions, for
further guidance. Adverse information includes, but is not limited to:
a. Any substantiated adverse finding(s) or conclusion(s) from an officially documented
investigation or inquiry, regardless of whether command action was taken as a result.
b. Approved court-martial findings of guilt (Court-Martial Orders or Entry of Judgement).
c. Nonjudicial punishment pursuant to Article 15, UCMJ.
d. LORs.
e. LOAs.
f. Notice of Relief of Command (for cause).
g. LOC related to a substantiated finding or conclusion from an officially documented
investigation or inquiry.
h. Developmental Education Removal (for cause).
2. Adverse information does not include:
a. Information previously considered by the Senate pursuant to the officer’s appointment; or
b. Information attributed to an individual 10 or more years before the date of the personnel
action under consideration, except for incidents, which if tried by court-martial, could have
resulted in the imposition of a punitive discharge and confinement for more than one year from
the date of the substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially documented
investigation or inquiry is used to establish the time period, not the date of the incident.
Air Reserve ComponentDepartment of the Air Force component comprised of the Air Force
Reserve and Air National Guard.
AllegationA postulated assertion (assumed without proof) formed by the IG concerning an
individual or a detrimental condition to be resolved during an investigation. An allegation is a
hypothetical statement containing four elements, all of which must be proved by a preponderance
of evidence to be true for the allegation to be substantiated. A properly framed allegation will
contain the following elements:
1. When, (in what time frame did the improper conduct or behavior occur),
2. Who, (a person, identified by as much information as necessary to uniquely identify),
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 161
3. Did what, (the specific behavior or conduct that was improper and represents the adverse
4. In violation of what standard, (law, policy, regulation, instruction, or procedure). A properly
framed allegation is constructed as follows:
When(On or about 10 January 2004), Who (Major John A. Smith, XX Sq/CC) did what, (gave
a referral EPR to SrA William Tell in reprisal for a protected communication), in violation of
what standard, (in violation of 10 USC 1034).
Appointing AuthorityIndividuals holding the positions listed in paragraph 1.6 are appointing
authorities. Appointing authorities have the singular authority to direct IG investigations, appoint
Ios, and approve reports of investigations directed under their authority.
Arbitrary and capriciousThe absence of a rational connection between the facts found and the
choice made, constituting a clear error of judgment. The action does not appear to be supported
by fair, solid, and reasonable cause, or based upon relevant factors.
AssertionA declaration made by a complainant without regard to any supporting evidence
AssistIG assistance is the process of providing the complainant with information that allows
him or her to engage with an outside agency or alternate grievance channel to address their
concerns. The IG may facilitate assistance by making phone calls, asking questions, or soliciting
helpful information from appropriate offices or agencies and providing that information to the
AuthenticationThe process of having a document (correspondence, personal notes, computer
records, etc.) verified as genuine.
Automated Case Tracking System (ACTS)An IG tool to capture all IG investigative and
administrative activity AF-wide. ACTS is the primary data collection tool for IGs at all levels.
IGs create an entry in ACTS for any action defined as an investigation, referral, assist, records
release, review, dismissal, rebuttal, or transfer. The ACTS User’s Manual provides specific
instructions for the use of ACTS.
Case FileA compilation of documents relevant to an IG complaint that are gathered/prepared
during the Complaint Resolution Process, such as the complaint and complainant provided
documents. DAFCRPSG Attachment 8 shows the standard case file format.
Chain of CommandFor the purpose of this instruction, chain of command includes not only
the succession of commanding officers from a superior to a subordinate through which command
is exercised, but also the succession of officers, enlisted or civilian personnel through which
administrative control is exercised including supervision and rating performance.
Chilling EffectThose actions, through words or behavior, that would tend to prevent an
individual(s) from taking a proposed course of action.
Civil LibertiesCivil liberties are the rights of individuals to exercise the freedoms and rights
guaranteed to them under the United States Constitution without the government’s improper
interference. The civil liberties are considered to be:
162 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
1. First Amendment Rights: freedom of religion; freedom of speech or of the press; right to
peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
2. Second Amendment Rights: right to keep and bear arms.
3. Fourth Amendment Rights: right against unreasonable searches and seizures.
4. Fifth Amendment Rights: prohibition against deprivation of life, liberties, or property,
without due process of law.
5. 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments Right: right to vote.
Civilian EmployeeA person employed by the Department of the Air Force and paid from
appropriated or nonappropriated funds who is a US citizen or an alien admitted for permanent
ClosureA case that results in an IG investigation will be considered closed after all required
reviews and approvals (appointing authority, DoD, etc.) are completed, the subject’s commander
or subject, as appropriate, is notified of the results, and the complainant receives a final response.
Colonel (or civil servant grade 15)A Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve, or Air National
Guard officer in the grade of O-6; or an officer who has been selected for promotion to the grade
of O-6, but has not yet assumed that grade; or an Department of the Air Force civil service
employee in grade 15 (GS/GM/GG/etc).
Command ActionAction taken by the commander, who is responsible for the process,
operation, organization, or individual. A commander’s decision to elect to take no action is
deemed to be command action and must be documented.
CommanderOnly officers may command. An officer succeeds to command in one of two
ways; by appointment to command or by assuming command. Generally, an officer assigned to
an organization, present for duty, eligible to command the organization, and senior or equal in
grade to all other officers in the organization, may be appointed to command the organization by
an authorized official. When not otherwise prohibited by superior competent authority, an
officer’s authority to assume command of an organization passes by operation of law to the senior
military officer (by grade and, within the same grade, by rank within that grade) assigned to an
organization who is present for duty and eligible to command that organization. For specific rules
on appointment to, and assumption of command in the Regular Air Force, Space Force, Air Force
Reserve, and Air National Guard when in federal service, refer to AFI 51-509, Appointment to and
Assumption of Command.
Commander-Directed Investigation (CDI)All commanders possess inherent authority to
investigate matters or incidents under their jurisdiction unless preempted by a higher authority.
The conduct of CDIs does not fall under the authority of The Inspector General and is governed
by DAFMAN 1-101, Commander Directed Investigations.
The Commanding GeneralThe senior military officer of the National Guard of The District of
Columbia. The Commanding General is responsible for performing the duties prescribed by the
laws of The District of Columbia and the day-to-day peacetime management and training of The
District of Columbia National Guard (Army and Air).
ComplainantAny individual making a complaint concerning an AF member, program,
organization, process or operation. A complainant may be any individual including military
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 163
members, civilian employees, retirees, family members, or other parties that request to use the IG
complaint system.
ComplaintA formal assertion concerning a wrong; or violation of law, regulation, instruction,
policy, procedure or rule; or report of conditions detrimental to the operation, mission, or
reputation of the AF.
Complaint AnalysisA complaint analysis is the process for determining the most effective
resolution strategy to resolve the issues raised by the complainant’s assertion. It is a preliminary
review of assertions and evidence to determine the potential validity and relevance of the assertion
to the AF and to determine what action, if any, in IG, supervisory, or other channels is necessary.
The complaint analysis decision document is used to record the rationale for the selected complaint
resolution strategy.
Complaint ClarificationThe process of interviewing the complainant to ensure the details and
intent, including any potentially contradictory information within the complaint, are verified.
Complaint IntakeThe process of receiving a complaint to begin the complaint resolution
Complaint Resolution ProcessThe Complaint Resolution Process describes actions required
to resolve a complaint from receipt through closure. The process, which involves 15 steps
representing the lifecycle of a complaint, is divided into three phases, Complaint Analysis,
Investigation, and Quality Review. See Table 3.1.
Complaint Without MeritAs used in this instruction, a complaint without merit is one that fails
to allege facts that, if true, would constitute a violation of a standard, whether defined by statute,
regulation, or custom of service. For assertions against non-senior officials, an IG will consider
the need for a complaint clarification before making such a determination.
Complaints Resolution ProgramA program designed to ensure the discipline, efficiency, and
economy of the Department of the Air Force by resolving complaints of fraud, waste, abuse or
gross mismanagement; violations of law, policy, procedures, instructions, or regulations; an
injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct (as defined by this instruction);
or a deficiency or like condition.
Completed StatusThe status in ACTS when awaiting results of higher level review/approval, a
determination of command/corrective action, or response to recommendation.
CompletionAn IG investigation is completed when the appointing authority approves the report
of investigation.
ConfidentialityThe protection of individual privacy. The IG has a responsibility to safeguard
the personal identity of individuals seeking assistance or participating in an IG process such as an
investigation and to honor the legal agreements between parties concerning confidentiality
provisions in settlement agreements. While this does not mean communications made to an IG
are privileged or confidential, it does mean disclosure of those communications (and the identity
of the communicant) is strictly limited to an official, need-to-know basis. This information is not
disclosed unless required by law or regulation, when necessary to take adverse action against a
subject, or with the approval of The Inspector General (SAF/IG), or approval of the appointing
ContactThe act of receiving a complaint/disclosure (written or oral).
164 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Corrective ActionA determination derived from command action.
Criminal OffenseA violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice or any applicable federal,
state or local criminal law. This includes, but is not limited to, homicide, sexual assault,
use/possession/sale of drugs, theft, travel fraud, etc. The legal advisor or servicing SJA office
should be consulted to determine whether an offense is categorized as criminal or not.
Discovery RequestsA request for information to be used by either counsel in preparation for a
courts-martial or trial proceedings.
DismissA complaint is dismissed if a thorough complaint analysis determines it cannot be
referred, transferred or addressed through assistance and is not appropriate for IG investigation
(see Table 3.13.).
DoD Intelligence ComponentsAll DoD organizations that perform national intelligence,
defense intelligence, and intelligence- related functions, including: the Defense Intelligence
Agency; the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the
National Security Agency/Central Security Service, and the intelligence elements of the Active
and Reserve components of the military departments, including the United States Coast Guard
when operating as a service in the Navy.
EvidenceInformation or data upon which a conclusion or judgment may be based. Evidence is
simply information that tends to prove or disprove the existence of an alleged fact. Direct evidence
supports the truth of an assertion directly, i.e., without an intervening inference. Circumstantial
evidence, by contrast, consists of a fact or set of facts which, if proven, will support the creation
of an inference that the matter asserted is true.
FactInformation or data that has actual existence or occurrence.
Files CheckA search for adverse information on senior officials and colonels (or civil servant
grade 15) in SAF/IG, DCII, IG DoD, and other government investigative files.
FollowupA case will be placed in follow-up status when awaiting results of corrective action,
a determination of command/corrective action, or response to recommendations.
FraudAny intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the government of something
of value or to secure from the government for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or
consideration to which he or she is not entitled. Such practices include, but are not limited to:
1. The offer, payment, acceptance of bribes or gratuities, or evading or corrupting inspectors or
other officials.
2. Making false statements, submitting false claims or using false weights or measures.
3. Deceit, either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material facts, or to deprive the
government of something of value.
4. Adulterating or substituting materials, falsifying records and books of accounts.
5. Conspiring to carry out any of the above actions.
6. The term also includes conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized
disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters. For purposes of
this instruction, the definition can include any theft or diversion of resources for personal or
commercial gain.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 165
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)5 USC § 552.
Freedom of Information Act RequestA written request for DoD records from the public that
cites or implies the FOIA.
Gross MismanagementA management action or inaction that creates a substantial risk of
significant adverse impact on the agency’s ability to accomplish its mission. It is more than mere,
trivial misconduct or negligence. It does not include management decisions that are merely
debatable, nor does it mean action or inaction that constitutes simple negligence or misconduct.
There must be an element of blatancy.
Gross Waste of FundsAn expenditure that is significantly out of proportion to the benefit
expected to accrue to the government. It is more than a debatable expenditure.
Hand-offThe physical person-to-person referral of an interviewee to their commander or
designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first
sergeant, or supervisor immediately following the interview.
Headquarters US Air ForceThe senior headquarters of the AF, consisting of two major
entities: the Secretariat (including the Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary’s principal
staff), and the Air Staff, headed by the Chief of Staff.
Hotline Completion Report (HCR)Prescribed format for reporting investigative actions and
findings for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) complaints filed with IG DoD through the DoD
Hotline. An HCR is designed to be a stand-alone document and provide all necessary background
ImpartialityA principle holding that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than
on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper
Improper ConductConduct (acts or omissions) found to violate an identifiable directive,
instruction, policy, regulation, rule, statute, or other standard applicable to the AF, without regard
to knowledge, motive, or intent.
Inappropriate ConductAction a reasonable person would consider likely to erode confidence
in the integrity of the AF, but which does not violate an identifiable directive, instruction, policy,
regulation, rule, statute, or other standard applicable to the AF.
In-Camera ReviewA private review by a judge to evaluate information that may be relevant to
a court proceeding.
IndependenceIn all matters relating to Inspector General operations, inspectors general must
be free, in fact and appearance, from all impairments to independence. The responsibility for
maintaining independence rests with the commander so that judgments used in conducting
inspections, evaluations, investigations, and recommendations concerning corrective action will
in fact be impartial, as well as viewed as impartial by knowledgeable third parties.
Initial Denial Authority (IDA)The official with the delegated authority to deny the release of
a document or a portion of a document.
InquiryAn examination into facts or principles.
166 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Inspector General (IG)An individual assigned to an authorized IG position by a MAJCOM,
FLDCOM, JFHQ, FOA, DRU, NAF, Center, National Guard State, Wing, Delta, or host
Installation commander, or other IG positions as approved by SAF/IG. Implements the IG
Program for the commander within the parameters established by The Inspector General.
The Inspector General (TIG)The individual appointed to oversee and who is responsible for
the Department of the Air Force Inspector General (SAF/IG) program.
Intelligence ActivityRefers to all activities that DoD intelligence components are authorized to
undertake pursuant to Executive Order 12333 and DoD 5240.1-R. Note that EO 12333 assigns the
services’ intelligence components responsibility for: 1. “Collection, production, dissemination of
military and military related foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, and information on the
foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking.” 2. “Monitoring of the development,
procurement and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conducting
related research, development, and test and evaluation activities.”
Intelligence Oversight ComplaintAn intelligence oversight complaint is an allegation of
conduct that constitutes, or is related to, an intelligence activity that may violate the law, any
Executive Order or Presidential Directive, or DoD policy, regarding intelligence activities. This
includes activities of any AF organization, even if not specifically identified as an intelligence
activity that is being used for counterintelligence or foreign intelligence purposes. It applies to
improper activities by an intelligence or counterintelligence unit or staff or personnel assigned
InterrogatoriesA formal list of written questions prepared by the IO or IG for a witness to
answer. The questions may be revised and updated as facts are developed.
InvestigationA duly authorized, systematic, detailed examination to uncover the facts and
determine the truth of a matter conducted by an investigating officer. IG investigations are
administrative in naturethey are fact finding rather than judicial proceedings. They are not
criminal proceedings in which proof beyond a reasonable doubt is required. Rather, the standard
of proof that applies is proof by a preponderance of the evidence. Investigations require formal
collection of evidence, taking sworn testimony from complainants, witnesses and subjects, and
documentation of the findings in a ROI. An investigation is an evidence-gathering exercise to
substantiate or not substantiate an allegation.
Investigation Plan—A statement of intent, which sets forth the IO’s proposed course of action.
Included in such a plan are the allegations to be investigated, a list of witnesses to be interviewed,
a list of evidence to be collected, and an itinerary. The plan will include administrative matters
such as itinerary and potential personnel actions. The plan will also include a list of issues to be
resolved and some preliminary questions which the IO intends to ask the key witnesses in the case.
Investigating Officer (IO)A field grade officer, senior NCO, or AF civilian appointed by a
competent appointing authority to conduct an IG investigation.
1. An IO is the personal representative of the appointing authority.
2. The appointing authority conveys authority for the investigation to the IO in writing.
3. An IO’s authority extends to all subordinate echelons of the command and requires the
compliance and cooperation of subordinate supervisory channels.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 167
4. An IO must have a substantial breadth of experience, exceptional maturity, and demonstrated
sound judgment.
IssueA complaint, request for information, or request for assistance to the IG that does not list
an individual as the violator of a standard or policy. Issues will be analyzed during the complaint
analysis phase.
Lawful CommunicationAny communication, whether verbal or written or otherwise
transmitted, including complaints, witness statements, and testimony, which is not otherwise
unlawful (see definition of unlawful communication below).
Legal ReviewA review of an IG case by the servicing SJA or designee to ensure legal
sufficiency before the appointing authority approves the report and its findings.
Legal SufficiencyA review of the ROI to determine whether:
1. Each allegation has been addressed.
2. Allegations allege a violation of law, regulation, procedure, or policy.
3. The IO reasonably applied the preponderance of the evidence standard in arriving at findings.
4. Conclusions are supported by, and consistent with, the findings.
5. The investigation complies with all applicable legal and administrative requirements.
6. Any errors or irregularities exist, and if so, their legal effects, if any.
Mental Health Evaluation (MHE)A psychiatric examination or evaluation, a psychological
examination or evaluation, an examination for psychiatric or psychological fitness for duty, or any
other means of assessing the mental health of a service member. It does not include interviews
under Family Advocacy programs or Air Force Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation programs.
MisconductConduct undertaken with:
1. The knowledge the conduct violates a standard or disregard for that possibility, or
2. The intention to harm another or disregard for that possibility, or
3. The purpose of personal profit, advantage, or gain.
Nonappropriated Fund EmployeePersons who are employed in, and receive compensation
from a nonappropriated fund instrumentality.
Nonappropriated Fund InstrumentalityA DoD fiscal and organizational entity primarily
performing programs to support military members, family members, and authorized civilians.
Non-Validation EditA mode of data entry in ACTS in which the system does not validate a
user’s entry upon submission of the complaint.
Not Substantiated Finding—A “not substantiated” finding results when a preponderance of the
evidence supports the conclusion that the alleged misconduct did not occur. The facts indicate no
violation of standards occurred.
Officer Performance ReportAF Form 707. Used to document potential and performance as
well as provide information for making a promotion recommendation, selection, or propriety
168 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
action; selective continuation; involuntary separation; selective early retirement; assignment;
school nomination and selection; and other management decisions.
Officer Selection RecordThe officer selection record is identified as the Officer, HQ USAF
Selection Record Group (AFI 36-2608). It consists of the documents provided to selection boards.
Official Use Request (OUR)A request to use a report for official purposes.
OmbudsmanA government official appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by
individuals against other government officials regarding abuses or capricious acts, investigates
reported complaints, reports findings, and helps to achieve equitable resolution of complaints.
Personnel ActionAny action taken on a member of the armed forces that affects or has the
potential to affect that military member’s current position or career, to include making or
threatening to make a significant change in the duties or responsibilities of a member of the armed
forces not commensurate with the member’s grade, the failure of a superior to respond to any
retaliatory action or harassment (of which the superior had actual knowledge) taken by one or more
subordinates against a member, or the conducting of a retaliatory investigation of a member. See
DoDD 7050.06 for additional examples.
Preponderance of the EvidenceThe standard of proof for IG investigations is that degree of
relevant evidence that a reasonable person, considering the case evidence as a whole, would accept
as sufficient to find that a contested fact is more likely to be true than untrue. In other words, it
is more likely than not that events have occurred as alleged, there is a preponderance of the
evidence, and the IO may consider the events proven.
Privacy Act (5 USC § 552a)Federal law establishing a Code of Fair Information Practice that
governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information
about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies.
Privacy Act RequestAn oral or written request by an individual about his or her records in a
system of records.
Prima FacieEvidence that is sufficient to raise a presumption of fact or to establish the fact in
question unless rebutted.
ProhibitTo prevent from doing something, to forbid or restrain by force of authority.
Prohibited ActivityEngaging in protests, extremist activities and criminal gang activities as
provided for in Enclosure 3 of DoDI 1325.06, Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang
Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces.
Prohibited Personnel PracticesFourteen prohibited personnel practices defined in 5 USC §
2302 (b) and by the Office of Personnel Management that a federal employee who has authority
over civilian personnel decisions may not take.
Proof Analysis MatrixA technique that lists elements of reprisal, definitions, testimony and
documents in a matrix. It provides a record of the analysis used to examine the facts to ensure the
validity and repeatability of tracking all the facts through analysis and on to conclusions.
Special Selection Review BoardA board convened under regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the Air Force to review adverse information prior to the submission of a
recommendation for nomination to the Secretary of Defense when the adverse information has not
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 169
been reviewed by the promotion selection board, special selection board, or federal recognition
Promotion Propriety Actions—The actions necessary to initiate action to delay an officer’s
promotion, to find an officer not qualified for promotion, or to remove an officer’s name from a
promotion list. It is applicable to officers selected for promotion to major through colonel.
Protected CommunicationSee below.
1. Any lawful communication to a Member of Congress or an IG.
2. A communication in which a member of the Armed Forces communicates information that
the member reasonably believes evidences a violation of law or regulation, including a law or
regulation prohibiting rape, sexual assault, or other sexual misconduct in violation of Articles
120 through 120c of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, sexual harassment, or unlawful
discrimination, gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds or other resources, an abuse of
authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a threat by another
member of the armed forces or employee of the federal government that indicates a
determination or intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury to members of the armed forces or
civilians or damage to military, federal, or civilian property, when such communication is made
to any of the following):
a. Member of Congress or a member of their staff.
b. An Inspector General or a member of the Inspector General’s staff.
c. Personnel assigned to DoD audit, inspection, investigation, law enforcement, equal
opportunity, safety, sexual assault prevention and response designees, and EO personnel, or
family advocacy organizations.
d. Any person in the member’s chain of command.
e. The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, command chiefs, group/squadron
superintendents, and first sergeants.
f. A courts-martial proceeding.
g. Any other person or organization designated pursuant to regulations or other established
administrative procedures for such communications.
3. Testimony, or otherwise participating in or assisting in an investigation or proceeding related
to a communication under part 1 or 2 above, or filing, causing to be filed, participating in, or
otherwise assisting in an inquiry/investigation of a reprisal and/or restriction complaint.
4. A communication described in part2 above shall not be excluded from the protections
provided in this definition because:
a. The communication was made to a person who participated in an activity that the member
reasonably believed to be covered by part2 above;
b. The communication revealed information that had been previously disclosed;
c. Of the member’s motive for making the communication;
d. The communication was not made in writing;
e. The communication was made while the member was off duty; and
f. The communication was made during the normal course of duties of the member.
Quality ReviewA review of investigative documents that ensures completeness, and
compliance with this instruction and other directives, objectivity, and legal sufficiency.
170 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
RedactTo remove non-releasable material.
ReferralA referral is a complaint that is determined to be more appropriately handled by an
organization or agency outside the DAF IG system.
Referral Completion ReportPrescribed format for reporting resolution actions and findings
for complaints referred to other agencies. An Referral Completion Report is designed to be a
stand-alone document and provide all necessary background information and case resolution
Referral for ActionDoD Hotline allegations referred for action are allegations that can be
resolved by the AF and which may be an indication of a systemic problem within the service, or
have been determined through the DoD Hotline review process as requiring attention.
Referral for InformationDoD Hotline complaints that do not require intervention by the
Department of the Air Force; the tasking may lack sufficient detail or significant subject matter to
warrant a formal investigation.
Report of Investigation (ROI)The ROI must be a stand-alone document, all the essential facts,
documents, portions of regulations, interviews, etc., must be included in the report so that a
reviewer can arrive at a determination without reference to information outside the report. The
report of investigation is a subset of the case file.
ReprisalTaking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action, or withholding or
threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action on a military member for making or preparing
or being perceived as making or preparing to make a protected communication.
Responsible Management Official(s)Responsible management officials are: 1. Official(s)
who recommended to the deciding official that he/she take, withhold, or threaten to take/withhold
a management/personnel action. 2. Official(s) who decided to take, withhold, or threaten the
management/personnel action. 3. Any other official(s) who approved, reviewed, or indorsed the
management/personnel action.
Responsive RecordA record that fits the description provided by the requestor.
RestrictionPreventing or attempting to prevent members of the Armed Forces from making or
preparing to make lawful communications to Members of Congress and/or an IG.
RetaliationSee AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct
Self-InvestigationInvestigating or directing an investigation into allegations pertaining to the
appointing authority or members of the IG staff. It is critical to the integrity of the IG system to
refrain from self-investigation or the appearance of such. If needed, the complaint should be
elevated to the next higher level IG, to avoid the appearance of self-investigation.
Senior Officer Unfavorable Information FileA Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File
is a written summary of adverse information pertaining to a general officer, plus any comments
from the subject officer regarding the written summary. Senior Officer Unfavorable Information
Files are created for use during the general officer promotion process and exist solely for that
purpose. The Secretary of the Air Force or designee (SAF/GC) determines if a Senior Officer
Unfavorable Information File is provided to a promotion board.
Senior OfficialAny active duty, retired, Reserve, or National Guard military officer in grades
O-7 and above, and any officer selected for promotion to O-7 whose name is on the O-7 promotion
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 171
board report forwarded to the military department Secretary (including Air National Guard
Colonels selected by a General Officer Federal Recognition Board for a Certificate of Eligibility
(COE)). Any current or former member of the Senior Executive Service. Any current or former
DoD civilian employee whose position is deemed equivalent to that of a member of the Senior
Executive Service (e.g., Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service, Senior Level employee,
and nonappropriated fund senior executive). Any current or former Presidential appointee. The
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force.
Sexual HarassmentA form of unlawful sex discrimination. Unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual
harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of an individual’s employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an
individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such
conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. For more
detailed definitions, see DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity Program,.
StandardsA law, regulation, policy, procedure, operating instruction, or custom of service that
establishes a criterion for measuring acceptability.
StatementA written or oral declaration of events made to an IO or IG by a complainant, witness,
subject or suspect. For all reports, type any written statements. The witness or IO should sign the
typed statement to certify the validity.
Statutory AuthorityAuthority derived from statute. For example, The DoD Inspector General
derives their authority from The Inspector General Act of 1978, 5 USC Appendix 3.
SubjectA military member or civil service employee against whom allegations of misconduct
have been made and/or whose conduct is the focus of an investigation.
Substantial and Specific Danger to Public Health or SafetyTwo of the factors that determine
when a disclosed danger is sufficiently substantial and specific are (1) the likelihood of harm
resulting from the danger and (2) when the alleged harm may occur. If the disclosed danger could
only result in harm under speculative or improbable conditions, it is less likely to be found specific.
If the harm is likely to occur in the immediate or near future as opposed to manifesting only in the
distant future it is more likely qualify as a specific danger. Both of these factors affect the
specificity of the alleged danger, while the nature of the harmthe potential consequences
affects the substantiality of the danger.
SubstantiatedA substantiated finding results when a preponderance of the evidence supports
the complainant’s allegation of a wrong or violation of law, regulation, procedure, or AF policy or
standards. The facts (from documentation and testimony) indicate the complainant was wronged
or a violation of standards occurred.
Summarized TestimonyA written summary of witness testimony prepared and certified by the
IO. It normally includes only those items directly related to the matters under examination. The
witness or IO must sign all summaries. It is encouraged (not mandatory) that witnesses also sign
summarized testimony, whenever the witness is reasonably available to do so.
SuspectAn individual who, based upon the facts and circumstances known at the time of the
interview, is reasonably suspected of committing a violation of the UCMJ. Active duty military
172 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
suspects must be advised of their Article 31, UCMJ, rights before the interview begins. Members
of the Reserve Component (Reservists and National Guardsmen) suspects may also be entitled to
applicable rights advisements. Consultation with the legal advisor or servicing SJA office is
required before reading rights to a suspect.
SystemicA trend or pattern that relates to, or is common to, an organization.
Technical ReviewA technical (expert) review of applicable evidence, findings, and
TestimonyA solemn declaration, usually made orally by a witness, in response to a formal
questioning. It may be recorded and summarized or transcribed verbatim (word-by-word). 1.
Sworn. Obtained from a witness who has taken an oath or affirmation to tell the truth. 2. Unsworn.
Obtained from a witness who has not taken an oath or affirmation to tell the truth.
Third-Party ComplainantAn individual who makes a complaint on behalf of another
individual against an Department of the Air Force military member, civil service employee,
program, or organization; or only have indirect evidence of a violation or misconduct.
Third-Party ComplaintA complaint made on behalf of another individual against an
Department of the Air Force military member, civil service employee, program, or organization or
based on indirect evidence of a violation or misconduct .
ThoroughnessAll Inspector General operations must be conducted in a diligent and thorough
manner, addressing relevant aspects of the readiness, economy, efficiency, and state of discipline
of the institution. IG operations must clearly and concisely reflect all elements of the issues under
examination. Reasonable steps should be taken to ensure pertinent issues are sufficiently resolved
and that all appropriate root causes and remedies are considered. The results of Inspector General
operations must not raise unanswered questions, nor leave matters open to question or
TimelinessInspector General operations must be conducted and reported with due diligence in
a timely manner. The objective is to be responsive to all parties thereby enhancing AF credibility.
IG operations are to be conducted and completed within a timeframe that facilitates efficient and
effective mission accomplishment while protecting the public’s safety and security. IGs are
responsible to ensure that the investigation, inspection or evaluation is completed at the appropriate
TransferA complaint is transferred when a complaint analysis determines an AF IG other than
the one receiving the complaint should resolve it.
Unlawful CommunicationAny communication by a military member, whether verbal or
written or otherwise transmitted, that constitutes misconduct, a violation of the UCMJ, or a
violation of other applicable criminal statutes. Some examples of unlawful communications
include, but are not limited to, knowingly providing false statements; unauthorized disclosures of
classified, privileged, or private information; obscene statements; threatening statements; and
statements made under circumstances disrespectful to higher authorities.
Unlawful Discrimination (Civilian EEO)An unlawful employment practice that occurs when
an employer fails or refuses to hire or promote, discharges, or otherwise discriminates against any
individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because
of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, reprisal, physical or mental disability, or genetic
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 173
information; limits, segregates or classifies employees or applicants for employment in any way
that deprives or tends to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise
adversely affects his/her status as an employee because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, reprisal, physical or mental disability, or genetic information.
Unlawful Discrimination (MEO)Any unlawful action that denies equal opportunity to a
military member or members based on their race, color, sex, national origin, or religion.
WasteThe extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of government funds or the
consumption of government property that results from deficient practices, systems controls, or
decisions. The term also includes improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud. Note:
Consider wartime and emergency operations when explaining possible waste. For example,
legitimate stockpiles and reserves for wartime needs, which may appear redundant and costly, are
not considered waste.
WhistleblowingA protected communication disclosing information by an employee or
applicant that he or she reasonably believes evidences a violation of a law, rule, or regulation;
gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific
danger to public health or safety.
WingIncludes wings as defined by AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization, also includes
wing-equivalent organizations such as Space Force Deltas, as well as independent groups.
WitnessAny individual, civilian or military, who is interviewed, or testifies, during the course
of an IG investigation.
174 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 2
Note: This interview format is for use with witnesses who are NOT subjects and who are NOT
A2.1. Prior to Witness Arriving. Arrive early to work with your IG POC to ensure that the
interview room is ready. Here are some recommended items to go over:
A2.1.1. A good practice is to add your questions to this template and use it as your note taker.
A2.1.2. Discuss with your legal advisor the potential for rights advisement as well as
bargaining unit representation, (as applicable).
A2.1.3. Ensure that you have a copy of the Privacy Act Statement readily available for the
witness to review and other documents that you may want to refer to or have the witness
review. Check that they are in order you will use them.
A2.1.4. Have tissues on hand in the event the witness becomes emotional and water for
yourself and the witness, if desired.
A2.1.5. Ops check the recorder(s) one more time.
A2.1.6. Ensure that the phones are turned off or being answered by someone in the IG office.
A2.1.7. Place a “Do Not Disturb - Interview in Progress” sign on the door.
A2.1.8. Have pens, pencils, and note paper available and handy.
A2.1.9. The Department of the Air Force hand-off procedure does not require a hand-off for
witnesses in an investigation. However, if you encounter a witness that is distraught or visibly
upset, ensure that you have a plan to hand them off to a responsible individual.
A2.2. Interview Structure. The interview is conducted in four parts: Pre-Interview, Read-In,
Questioning, and Read-out. The following are suggested topics to cover for each part of the
interview during the Pre- Interview discussion.
A2.3. Pre-Interview (Recorder is OFF). The Pre-Interview is an opportunity for the
investigating officer to relay to the witness what they can expect during the interview. It relaxes
the witness and eases some of the apprehension that they feel. It also starts the bonding process
between you as the investigating officer and them as the witness.
A2.3.1. The first step is to use small talk to relax the witness and build rapport. Remember
that the witness may not be sure why they are in the IG office so it’s a good time to assure
them that they are a witness and not the subject of the investigation.
A2.3.2. More often than not, the witness‘ attention will be immediately drawn to the recorder.
This is a good time to acknowledge that the interview will be recorded to ensure that an
accurate record of the interview is captured. The recording will be transcribed or summarized
and included in the report of investigation that you will prepare. If the individual does not
focus on the recorder at first, be sure to address its use later in the Pre-Interview portion.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 175
A2.3.3. Ask for some identification to verify the witness is who you are expecting. At the
same time, show the witness your ID card and appointment letter (but not the attached page
with the allegations. Explain that you will be going into more detail as you start the interview.
A2.3.4. Explain your role as the investigating officer. Below are some suggested areas to
A2.3.4.1. Impartial representative of the commander and IG.
A2.3.4.2. Unbiased and impartial fact finder.
A2.3.4.3. Gather documents and interview witnesses; analyze the relevant facts; and
determine whether the allegation(s) are substantiated or not based on a preponderance of
the evidence.
A2.3.4.4. Your conclusion will be documented in a report of investigation for the
appointing authority to approve after it receives an IG and legal review.
A2.3.5. Explain the role they play in the investigation:
A2.3.5.1. Their statements are valuable as a first person account of the circumstances
surrounding the allegations and are invaluable to you to ensure that all the facts are
A2.3.5.2. Their testimony, or any witness testimony, will be used within the Department
of Defense for official purposes.
A2.3.5.3. It is Department of the Air Force policy to keep such information and reports
closely held. Nonetheless, in some instances, there may be public disclosure of IG
materials, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, or as otherwise
provided for by law and regulations. In most cases, their identity will be redacted but there
is a chance it could be released. Any release outside the Department of the Air Force
requires the approval of SAF/IG, and in such cases, release (when unavoidable) is kept to
the minimum necessary to satisfy legal or Department of the Air Force requirements.
A2.3.5.4. Advise the witness of the general nature of the allegations under investigation.
To the maximum extent possible, you should protect the identifying information of
complainants, subjects, and suspects.
A2.3.6. If there are any other individuals in the interview, explain their role and ensure the
witness knows that you are the investigating officer and responsible for the interview.
A2.4. Read-In. The read-in as well as the read-out are required to be verbatim. This may be
uncomfortable as you will be referring to your script and not maintaining constant eye contact.
Assure them that the questioning will flow more naturally.
A2.4.1. Explain that during the Read-In, you will be asking them to provide personal
information about themselves--name, address, etc. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that the
investigating officer inform the witness of the requirement to gather this information and how
it will be used. Let them read the Privacy Act statement during the Pre- Interview and explain
that you will confirm that they have read the statement and have no questions.
176 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A2.4.2. They will be answering questions under oath. Ask if they prefer to use swear or
affirm. This is a good time to mark through the other option on the read-in and remember that
if they elect to affirm, also strike the words, “ So help me God.”
A2.4.3. Inform them that you will be telling them that as a witness, they are not authorized to
have legal counsel with them. Inform reprisal and restriction case complainants and witnesses
who are victims of sexual assault of their right to have a Victims’ Counsel (VC) present prior
to conducting an interview. The VC may advise and provide counsel to the complainant or
witness, but may not answer questions on behalf of the complainant or witness. The
complainant or witness may request a pause in the recorded interview in order to discuss
matters with the VC.
A2.4.4. Advise all witnesses they are not authorized to record the interview in any manner.
A2.5. Questioning. Briefly tell them your note taking technique and remind them that the
interview is being recorded so you‘ll use that as the primary source of information. Too much
note taking detracts from maintaining eye contact and being part of the interview while taking no
notes can be perceived as not thinking what the witness says is important. Discussing this before
will help to alleviate these perceptions.
A2.5.1. The questions should be non-adversarial and designed to elicit information, not to get
a confession. Do not ask leading questions; let them talk; don‘t fill in answers or lead them to
answers you want to hear.
A2.5.2. Inform the witness that this is an administrative investigation and both hearsay and
opinion may be used in your evaluation of the facts but you will be validating the information
through additional interviews and documentation.
A2.5.3. If you use interim summaries, explain that to the witness before starting the interview.
Be sure that they know you are not attempting to put words in their mouth but rephrasing to
ensure you understand what they are communicating. This technique also allows you to listen
to your summary and may point out an inconsistency or gap in their answers.
A2.5.4. Assure them that often in an interview, a person may draw a blank or not recall certain
facts. You‘ll note this and come back to it later in the interview. Also, they will have an
opportunity to provide additional information if they recall it later but you will have to have
that information soon in order to incorporate it in your report.
A2.6. Read-Out. During the read-out, explain that you will order (or direct for USAFR/ANG
personnel and civilian employees not subject to the UCMJ) that they not discuss the interview with
anyone except a chaplain, member of congress, an IG, or their counsel (if they have one). Reiterate
that they are not the subject of the investigation and are not authorized to have counsel but if they
decide to talk to a lawyer, they may discuss the interview. Explain that you will be asking them
at the end of the Read-Out if they are stressed. The Department of the Air Force hand-off requires
that any witness appearing to be emotional, distraught, or stunned during the process of any
interview must be released to the commander or designee, civilian leading an organization
designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor.
A2.7. Witness Read-In (Recorder is ON): Use the template below:
“The time is now ________ on __________ (day, month, year). Persons present are the witness
_____________, the investigating officer(s) __________[recorder(s) (if present)] ___________
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 177
[and (others)(if present)] _______________. We are located at
My name is ___________________. I have been appointed by ______________________ to
investigate allegations that _______________ to which you may have been a witness.
During the course of this interview, I will ask you to furnish information about yourself. The
Privacy Act of 1974 requires that I inform you of the authority for this requirement. The
statement, which I am handing you, serves this purpose. (hand statement to witness). Please
read the statement at this time.
Your testimony will be recorded and transcribed so that a written report can be made available
to the appointing authority, ______________________ (name of appointing authority).
Please answer each question verbally, since the recorder cannot pick up any nods or gestures.
Additionally, all your statements will be on-the-record, whether the recorder is turned on or not.
Because this is simply a witness interview, you are not authorized to have legal counsel present,
and DAFI 90-301 mandates that you answer all questions except those that may incriminate you.
However, if you are the victim of a sexual assault, you may have a Victims’ Counsel present to
provide counsel during this interview. Do you wish to have a Victims’ Counsel present?”
Note: Be sure the complainant’s response is captured on tape. If a VC is requested and is
present for the interview, have the VC state his/her rank, name and organization on tape. If a
VC is requested and not present, reschedule the interview.
A2.8. Oath. Have the witness swear or affirm using the oath below:
“Before we continue, I want to remind you how important it is to give truthful testimony. It is a
violation of federal law to knowingly make a false official statement under oath. Now, as a part
of our interview process, I will administer the oath.
Please raise you right hand so that I can swear you in:
Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that the testimony you are about to give shall be the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help you God)? (Note: If the interviewee prefers to
affirm, the verbiage “so help you God” is not used. Determine the interviewee’s preference
before giving the oath)
Please state for the record your:
Full name: (spell it out)
Grade: (Active, Reserve, Retired)
Address: (home or office)
A2.9. Questioning the Witness (Recorder is ON).
A2.9.1. The following are some items for consideration as you prepare for the questioning
part of the interview:
A2.9.2. Describe the general nature of the relevant allegations. Do not read the allegations
verbatim. Only refer to the allegation(s) relevant to the particular witness. Never identify the
178 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A2.9.3. Proceed with questions necessary to obtain all direct knowledge of the matters under
investigation. If a witness refuses to answer questions based on self-incrimination or any other
reason, stop the interview and consult with the IG and legal advisor on how to proceed.
A2.9.4. Be prepared for the witness to diverge from the question. You can allow some
divergence but remember that you are the interviewer and control the session. Be sure that
you get an answer to your question and not let the witness escape answering. If necessary,
repeat the question.
A2.9.5. Take notes of items that you need, or want, to re-address later in the interview as well
as documentation that the witness does not have with them.
A2.9.6. Be sensitive to the need for a break during an extended interview. The length between
breaks is dependent on the flow of the interview but normally an hour is a good target. Ensure
that you capture the time of the break before turning off the recorder then don‘t forget to restart
the recorder when the interview continues and remind the witness that he/she is still under oath.
A2.9.7. Ask these follow-up questions: Do you have any further information, statements, or
evidence, which you wish to present concerning the matters we have discussed?” and “Do you
know of anyone else who can provide further information concerning these issues?”
A2.10. Witness Read-Out (Recorder is ON). Read the following verbatim:
This is an official investigation. It is protected in the sense that my report will be made to the
appointing authority of higher authority for such use as deemed appropriate.
You are ordered (or “directed for USAFR/ANG persons and civilian employees not subject to the
UCMJ or “requested” for contract employees or civilians not employed by the federal
government) not to divulge the nature of this investigation or the questions, answers, or
discussions included in this interview with anyone except a chaplain, member of Congress, IG,
union representative (for civilian employees only), or your counsel, if you have one, unless
authorized to do so by the appointing authority, higher authority, or me.
If anyone should approach you regarding your testimony or the matters discussed here, you are
required to report it immediately to me or (state the name of the IG and the appointing
Per DAFI 90-301, I, as the investigating officer, am prohibited from providing a copy of your
testimony to you. However, you may submit a request in writing for the report or any part
thereof to the IG office or the appropriate FOIA office. The release authority will evaluate your
request under both the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act and provide the
releasable information to you.
You may submit additional relevant information for my consideration, but if you with me to
consider the additional information before my investigation closes, I must receive that
information on or before ___________ (insert date).
If you are under stress related to this interview, you may seek assistance from your supervisory
channel, the mental health community, or you may contact either the IG or me and arrangements
will be made for you to receive assistance.
Do you have any questions?
The time is ________. This concludes the interview. Thank you.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 179
Note: The witness may recall additional information or want to discuss the circumstances
further after the recorder is off. Remind them that anything they say is on the record, even if
the recorder is off. If you believe the information is essential to your investigation, inform the
witness that you will be re-starting the recorder. It is OK to use an abbreviated read-in but
ensure that they understand they are still under oath and explain the circumstances under
which the interview was re-initiated.
180 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 3
Note: This interview format is for use with witnesses who are subjects and NOT suspects.
A3.1. Prior to Subject Arriving. Arrive early to work with your IG POC to ensure that the
interview room is ready. Here are some recommended items to go over:
A3.1.1. A good practice is to add your questions to this template and use it as your note taker.
A3.1.2. Discuss with your legal advisor the potential for rights advisement as well as
bargaining unit representation as applicable. Ensure you understand what may trigger the
change from a subject to a suspect and know what to do at that point.
A3.1.3. Ensure that you have readily available a copy of the Privacy Act Statement for the
subject to review and other documents that you may want to refer to or have the subject review.
A3.1.4. Have tissues on hand in the event the subject becomes emotional and water for
yourself and the subject, if desired.
A3.1.5. Ops check the recorder(s) one more time.
A3.1.6. Ensure that the phones are turned off or being answered by someone in the IG office.
A3.1.7. Place a “Do Not Disturb - Interview in Progress” sign on the door.
A3.1.8. Have pens, pencils, note paper available and handy.
A3.1.9. Ensure that you have coordinated the hand-off with the commander or designee for
all initial interviews of the subject.
A3.1.9.1. These referrals require a person-to-person contact between the IO and the
subject‘s commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit
IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor.
A3.1.9.2. The person designated to receive the subject after the interview should be
directed not to discuss the interview or other aspects of the investigation with the subject.
They should also be informed if the subject invoked his/her right to remain silent and that
further discussion could violate the subject‘s Article 31 rights.
A3.1.9.3. The IO must document the hand-off within the report of investigation.
A3.2. Interview Structure. The interview is conducted in four parts: Pre-Interview, Read-In,
Questioning, and Read-out. These are expanded below.
A3.3. Pre-Interview (Recorder is OFF). The Pre-Interview is an opportunity for the
investigating officer to relay to the subject what they can expect during the interview. It relaxes
the subject and eases some of the apprehension that they feel. It also starts the bonding process
between you as the investigating officer and them as the subject.
A3.3.1. The first step is to use small talk to relax the subject. Remember that the subject has
been previously notified by the commander that they are the subject of an investigation but
several days or weeks may have elapsed since that notification. They will most likely be
nervous about the exact allegations and anxious at the same time to tell their side of the story.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 181
A3.3.2. More often than not, the subject‘s attention will be drawn to the recorder. This is a
good time to acknowledge that the interview will be recorded to ensure that an accurate record
of the interview is captured. The recording will be transcribed or summarized and included in
the report of investigation that you will prepare. If the individual does not focus on the recorder
at first, be sure to address its use later in the Pre-Interview portion.
A3.3.3. Ask for some identification to verify the subject is who you are expecting. At the
same time, show the subject your ID card and appointment letter (but not the attached page
with the allegations). Explain that you will be going into more detail as you start the interview.
A3.3.4. Explain your role as the investigating officer. Below are some suggested areas to
A3.3.4.1. Impartial representative of the commander and IG.
A3.3.4.2. Unbiased and impartial fact finder.
A3.3.4.3. Gather documents and interviewing several witnesses; analyze all the relevant
facts; and determine whether the allegation(s) are substantiated or not based on a
preponderance of the evidence.
A3.3.4.4. Your conclusion will be documented in a report of investigation for the
appointing authority to approve after it receives an IG and legal review.
A3.3.5. Explain the role they play in the investigation:
A3.3.5.1. This is their opportunity to provide their side of the situation and reasons for
their actions.
A3.3.5.2. Their testimony, or any subject testimony, will be used within the Department
of Defense for official purposes.
A3.3.5.3. It is Department of the Air Force policy to keep such information and reports
closely held. Nonetheless, in some instances, there may be public disclosure of IG
materials, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, or as otherwise
provided for by law and regulations. In most cases, their identity will be redacted but there
is a chance it could be released. Any release outside the Department of the Air Force
requires the approval of SAF/IG, and in such cases, release (when unavoidable) is kept to
the minimum necessary to satisfy legal or Department of the Air Force requirements.
A3.3.6. If there are any other individuals in the interview, explain their role and ensure the
subject knows that you are the investigating officer and responsible for the interview.
A3.4. Read-In. The read-in as well as the read-out are required to be verbatim. This may be
uncomfortable as you will be referring to your script and not maintaining constant eye contact.
Assure them that the questioning will be freer flowing.
A3.4.1. Explain that during the Read-In, you will be asking them to provide personal
information about themselves--name, address, Social Security Number, etc. The Privacy Act
of 1974 requires that the investigating officer inform the subject of the requirement to gather
this information and how it will be used. Let them read the Privacy Act statement during the
Pre- Interview and explain that you will confirm that they have read the statement and have no
182 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A3.4.2. They will be answering questions under oath. Ask if they prefer to use swear or
affirm. This is a good time to mark through the other option on the read-in and remember that
if they elect to affirm, also strike the words, “so help me God.”
A3.4.3. Inform them that you will be telling them that as a subject, they are not authorized to
have legal counsel with them. The subject may ask you if they should confer with an attorney
before the interview but it is not your place to advise them. Inform reprisal and restriction case
subjects who are victims of sexual assault of their right to have a Special Victims’ Counsel
(VC) present prior to conducting an interview. The VC may advise and provide counsel to the
complainant or witness, but may not answer questions on behalf of the complainant or witness.
The subject may request a pause in the recorded interview in order to discuss matters with the
A3.4.4. IOs will advise subjects of the allegation(s) under investigation. The IO will read the
allegations verbatim to the subject. For reprisal and restriction cases, inform the subject that if
reprisal or restriction is not substantiated, the IO will analyze the allegation to determine if an
abuse of authority occurred.
A3.4.5. Advise the subject they are not authorized to record the interview in any manner.
A3.5. Questioning. Briefly tell them your note taking technique and remind them that the
interview is being recorded so you‘ll use that as the primary source of information. Too much
note taking detracts from maintaining eye contact and being part of the interview while taking no
notes can be perceived as not thinking what the subject says is important. Discussing this in
advance will help to alleviate these perceptions.
A3.5.1. The questions should be non-adversarial and designed to elicit information, not to get
a confession.
A3.5.2. Inform the subject that this is an administrative investigation and both hearsay and
opinion may be used in your evaluation of the facts but you will be validating the information
through additional interviews and documentation.
A3.5.3. If you use interim summaries, explain that to the subject before starting the interview.
Be sure that they know you are not attempting to put words in their mouth but rephrasing to
ensure you understand what they are communicating. This technique also allows you to listen
to your summary and may point out an inconsistency or gap in their answers.
A3.5.4. Assure them that often in an interview, a person may draw a blank or not recall certain
facts. You‘ll note this and come back to it later in the interview. Also, they will have an
opportunity to provide additional information if they recall it later but you will have to have
that information soon in order to incorporate it in your report.
A3.5.5. At the end of the questioning, they will be afforded an opportunity to make further
A3.6. Read-Out. During the read-out, explain that you will order (or direct for USAFR/ANG
persons and civilian employees not subject to the UCMJ) that they not discuss the interview with
anyone except a chaplain, member of Congress, IG, union representative (civilian personnel only),
or their counsel (if they have one). Explain that Department of the Air Force hand off policy
requires that all subjects must be released to the commander or designee, civilian leading an
organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 183
Inform the subject that this has been coordinated and give them the name of the person to whom
they will be released.
A3.7. Subject Read-In (Recorder is ON). Use the template below:
“The time is now ________ on __________ (day, month, year). Persons present are the subject
_____________, the investigating officer(s) __________[recorder(s) (if present)] ___________
[and (others)(if present)] _______________. We are located at
My name is ___________________. I have been appointed by ______________________ to
investigate allegations that you may have _______________ )(read all allegations verbatim but
do not disclose the complainant. If allegation is reprisal or restriction add:) IAW DAFI 90-301,
not substantiated allegations of reprisal/restriction will be analyzed and/or investigated as an
abuse of authority.
If you desire, during this interview, you may comment on this information to give your side of the
story. You may also show me evidence to contradict or explain the allegations.
During the course of this interview, I will ask you to furnish information about yourself. The
Privacy Act of 1974 requires that I inform you of the authority for this requirement. The
statement, which I am handing you, serves this purpose. (hand statement to witness). Please
read the statement at this time.
Your testimony will be recorded and transcribed so that a written report can be made available
to the appointing authority, ______________________ (name of appointing authority).
Please answer each question verbally, since the recorder cannot pick up any nods or gestures.
Additionally, all your statements will be on-the-record, whether the recorder is turned on or
(1) For active duty personnel and USAFR/ANG personnel subject to the UCMJ:
“At this time, you are NOT suspected of any offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ), federal, or local law. Therefore, you are not authorized to have legal counsel present,
and I am not advising you of your Article 31 rights. In addition, DAFI 90-301 mandates that you
answer all questions except those that may incriminate you.”
(2) For subjects NOT subject to the UCMJ at the time of the interview (USAFR/ANG personnel
not on Title 10 orders):
“This is a non-custodial interview. You are NOT suspected of any criminal act at this time.
While you have a duty to assist in this investigation and DAFI 90-301 mandates that you answer
all questions except those that may incriminate you, you will not be kept here involuntarily”.
“Kalkines/Garrity” warnings are required to be given to civilian subjects being interviewed in an
IG investigation. Consult your legal advisor with questions concerning rights advisement. The
following would be appropriate:
“You are being asked to provide information as part of an administrative investigation. This is a
voluntary interview, and you will not be kept here involuntarily. You have the right to be fully
informed of any allegations against you. You have the right not to answer a question if the
answer would be self-incriminating. No disciplinary action will be taken against you solely for
refusing to answer questions. However, the evidentiary value of your silence may be considered
in administrative proceedings as part of the facts surrounding your case.”
184 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A3.8. Oath. Have the witness swear or affirm using the oath below:
“Before we continue, I want to remind you how important it is to give truthful testimony. It is a
violation of federal law to knowingly make a false official statement under oath. Now, as a part
of our interview process, I will administer the oath.
Please raise you right hand so that I can swear you in:
Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that the testimony you are about to give shall be the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help you God)? (Note: If the interviewee prefers to
affirm, the verbiage “so help you God” is not used. Determine the interviewee’s preference
before giving the oath)
Please state for the record your:
Full name: (spell it out)
Grade: (Active, Reserve, Retired)
Address: (home or office)
A3.9. Questioning the Subject (Recorder is ON). A dvise the subject of the nature of the
allegations against him/her, reading the framed allegations verbatim.
A3.9.1. Proceed with questions necessary to obtain all direct knowledge of the matters under
investigation. If a subject refuses to answer questions based on self-incrimination or any other
reason, stop the interview and consult with the IG and legal advisor on how to proceed.
A3.9.2. Be prepared for the subject to diverge from the question. You can allow some
divergence but remember that you are the interviewer and control the session. Be sure that
you get an answer to your question and not let the subject escape answering. If necessary,
repeat the question.
A3.9.3. Take notes of items that you need, or want, to re-address later in the interview as well
as documentation that the subject does not have with them.
A3.9.4. Be sensitive to the need for a break during an extended interview. The length between
breaks is dependent on the flow of the interview but normally an hour is a good target. Ensure
that you capture the time of the break before turning off the recorder then don’t forget to restart
the recorder when the interview continues and remind the subject that he/she is still under oath..
A3.9.5. At the conclusion of the interrogatories, ask “Do you have any further information,
statements, or evidence, which you wish to present concerning the matters we have discussed?”
and “Do you know of anyone else who can provide further information concerning these
A3.10. Subject Read-Out (Recorder is ON). Read the following verbatim:
“This is an official investigation. It is protected in the sense that my report will be made to the
appointing authority of higher authority for such use as deemed appropriate.
You are ordered (or “directed for USAFR/ANG persons and civilian employees not subject to the
UCMJ) not to divulge the nature of this investigation or the questions, answers, or discussions
included in this interview with anyone except a chaplain, member of Congress, IG, union
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 185
representative (for civilian employees only), or your counsel, if you have one, unless authorized
to do so by the appointing authority, higher authority, or me.
If anyone should approach you regarding your testimony or the matters discussed here, you are
required to report it immediately to me or (state the name of the IG and the appointing
Per DAFI 90-301, I, as the investigating officer, am prohibited from providing a copy of your
testimony to you. However, if I substantiate any allegation, the appointing authority will provide
you a copy of the relevant portions of the report as well as your testimony, and allow you to
make comments. Otherwise, you may submit a request in writing for the report or any part
thereof to the IG office or the appropriate FOIA office. The release authority will evaluate your
request under both the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act and provide the
releasable information to you. If this report becomes the basis of an adverse action against you,
you will automatically be provided the portions you are entitled to IAW DAFI 90-301.
You may submit additional relevant information for my consideration, but if you with me to
consider the additional information before my investigation closes, I must receive that
information on or before ___________ (insert date).
In accordance with the Department of the Air Force hand-off procedures, I must personally refer
you to your commander or designee, civilian leading an organization as a unit IAW AFI 38-101
or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor at the conclusion of this interview. I have coordinated
this requirement with your commander and _________________ (state the name of the
individual who will accomplish the person-to-person hand-off) will meet you here as we
conclude the interview.
Do you have any questions?
The time is ________. This concludes the interview. Thank you.”
Note: The subject may recall additional information or want to discuss the circumstances further
after the recorder is off. Remind them that anything they say is on the record, even if the
recorder is off. If you believe the information is essential to your investigation, inform the
subject that you will be re-starting the recorder. It is OK to use an abbreviated read-in but ensure
that they understand they are still under oath and explain the circumstances under which the
interview was re-initiated.
A3.11. Hand-off. Document the hand-off at the end of the interview. Include your perception of
their emotional state, who was designated to meet them, their position, and the time of the hand-
186 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 4
Note: This interview format is for use with witnesses who are suspects and NOT subjects.
A4.1. Prior to Suspect Arriving. Arrive early to work with your IG POC to ensure that the
interview room is ready. Here are some recommended items to go over:
A4.1.1. A good practice is to add your questions to this template and use it as your note taker.
A4.1.2. Ensure that you have readily available a copy of the Privacy Act Statement for the
suspect to review and other documents that you may want to refer to or have the suspect review.
A4.1.3. Have an Article 31 Rights Advisement card or statement with the proper allegations
filled in. Consult with the legal advisor to ensure you do this right. Also discuss with your
legal advisor the procedures if the suspect initially elects to confer with a lawyer and then
returns to continue the interview or the suspect's lawyer is present during the interview.
A4.1.4. Have tissues on hand in the event the suspect becomes emotional and water for
yourself and the suspect, if desired.
A4.1.5. Ops check the recorder(s) one more time.
A4.1.6. Ensure that the phones are turned off or being answered by someone in the IG office.
G. Place a “Do Not Disturb - Interview in Progress” sign on the door.
A4.1.7. Have pens, pencils, note paper available and handy.
A4.1.8. Ensure that you have coordinated the hand-off with the commander or designee for
all initial interviews of the suspect.
A4.1.8.1. These referrals require a person-to-person contact between the IO and the
suspect‘s commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit
IAW AFI 38-101 or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor.
A4.1.8.2. The person designated to receive the suspect after the interview should be
directed not to discuss the interview or other aspects of the investigation with the suspect.
They should also be informed if the suspect invoked his/her right to remain silent and that
further discussion could violate the suspect‘s Article 31 rights.
A4.1.8.3. The IO must document the hand-off within the report of investigation.
A4.2. Interview Structure. The interview is conducted in four parts: Pre-Interview, Read-In,
Questioning, and Read-out. These are expanded below.
A4.3. Pre-Interview (Recorder is OFF). The Pre-Interview is an opportunity for the
investigating officer to relay to the suspect what they can expect during the interview. It relaxes
the suspect and eases some of the apprehension that they feel. It also starts the bonding process
between you as the investigating officer and them as the suspect.
A4.3.1. The first step is to use small talk to relax the suspect. Remember that the suspect has
been previously notified by the commander that they are the suspect of an investigation but
several days or weeks may have elapsed since that notification. They will most likely be
nervous about the exact allegations and anxious at the same time to tell their side of the story.
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 187
A4.3.2. More often than not, the suspect‘s attention will be drawn to the recorder. This is a
good time to acknowledge that the interview will be recorded to ensure that an accurate record
of the interview is captured. The recording will be transcribed or summarized and included in
the report of investigation that you will prepare. If the individual does not focus on the recorder
at first, be sure to address its use later in the Pre-Interview portion.
A4.3.3. Ask for some identification to verify the suspect is who you are expecting. At the
same time, show the suspect your ID card and appointment letter (but not the attached page
with the allegations. Explain that you will be going into more detail as you start the interview.
A4.3.4. Explain your role as the investigating officer. Below are some suggested areas to
A4.3.4.1. Impartial representative of the commander and IG.
A4.3.4.2. Unbiased and impartial fact finder.
A4.3.4.3. Gather documents and interviewing several witnesses; analyze all the relevant
facts; and determine whether the allegation(s) are substantiated or not based on a
preponderance of the evidence.
A4.3.4.4. Your conclusion will be documented in a report of investigation for the
appointing authority to approve after it receives an IG and legal review.
A4.3.5. Explain the role they play in the investigation:
A4.3.5.1. This is their opportunity to provide their side of the situation and reasons for
their actions.
A4.3.5.2. Their testimony, or any suspect testimony, will be used within the Department
of Defense for official purposes.
A4.3.5.3. It is Department of the Air Force policy to keep such information and reports
closely held. Nonetheless, in some instances, there may be public disclosure of IG
materials, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, or as otherwise
provided for by law and regulations. In most cases, their identity will be redacted but there
is a chance it could be released. Any release outside the Department of the Air Force
requires the approval of SAF/IG, and in such cases, release (when unavoidable) is kept to
the minimum necessary to satisfy legal or Department of the Air Force requirements.
A4.3.6. If there are any other individuals in the interview, explain their role and ensure the
suspect knows that you are the investigating officer and responsible for the interview.
A4.4. Read-In. The read-in as well as the read-out are required to be verbatim. This may be
uncomfortable as you will be referring to your script and not maintaining constant eye contact.
Assure them that the questioning will be freer flowing.
A4.4.1. Explain that during the Read-In, you will be asking them to provide personal
information about themselves--name, address, Social Security Number, etc. The Privacy Act
of 1974 requires that the investigating officer inform the suspect of the requirement to gather
this information and how it will be used. Let them read the Privacy Act statement during the
Pre- Interview and explain that you will confirm that they have read the statement and have no
188 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A4.4.2. Inform the suspect you will read them their rights (see paragraph A4.8.). Inform
them that you will be telling them that as a suspect, they are authorized to have legal counsel
with them. The suspect may ask you if they should confer with an attorney before the interview
but it is not your place to advise them. If the suspect invokes their rights and refuses to continue
the interview, terminate the interview and consult your legal advisor.
A4.4.3. They will be answering questions under oath. Ask if they prefer to use swear or
affirm. This is a good time to mark through the other option on the read-in and remember that
if they elect to affirm, also strike the words, “so help me God.”
A4.4.4. IOs will advise suspects of the allegation(s) under investigation. The IO will read the
allegations verbatim to the suspect. For reprisal and restriction cases, inform the subject that if
reprisal or restriction is not substantiated, the IO will analyze the allegation to determine if an
abuse of authority occurred.
A4.4.5. Advise the suspect they are not authorized to record the interview in any manner.
A4.5. Questioning. Briefly tell them your note taking technique and remind them that the
interview is being recorded so you‘ll use that as the primary source of information. Too much
note taking detracts from maintaining eye contact and being part of the interview while taking no
notes can be perceived as not thinking what the suspect says is important. Discussing this before
will help to alleviate these perceptions
A4.5.1. The questions should be non-adversarial and designed to elicit information, not to get
a confession.
A4.5.2. Inform the suspect that this is an administrative investigation and both hearsay and
opinion may be used in your evaluation of the facts but you will be validating the information
through additional interviews and documentation.
A4.5.3. If you use interim summaries, explain that to the suspect before starting the interview.
Be sure that they know you are not attempting to put words in their mouth but rephrasing to
ensure you understand what they are communicating. This technique also allows you to listen
to your summary and may point out an inconsistency or gap in their answers
A4.5.4. Assure them that often in an interview, a person may draw a blank or not recall certain
facts. You‘ll note this and come back to it later in the interview. Also, they will have an
opportunity to provide additional information if they recall it later but you will have to have
that information soon in order to incorporate it in your report.
A4.5.5. At the end of the questioning, they will be afforded an opportunity to make further
A4.6. Read-Out. During the read-out, explain that you will order (or direct) that they not discuss
the interview with anyone except a chaplain or their counsel (if they have one). Explain that the
Department of the Air Force hand-off procedure requires that all suspects must be released to the
commander or designee, civilian leading an organization designated as a unit IAW AFI 38-101 or
designee, first sergeant, or supervisor. Inform the suspect that this has been coordinated and give
them the name of the person to whom they will be released.
A4.7. Suspect Read-In (Recorder is ON). Use the template below:
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 189
“The time is now ________ on __________ (day, month, year). Persons present are the subject
_____________, the investigating officer(s) __________[recorder(s) (if present)] ___________
[and (others)(if present)] _______________. We are located at
My name is ___________________. I have been appointed by ______________________ to
investigate allegations that you may have _______________ )(read all allegations verbatim but
do not disclose the complainant. If allegation is reprisal or restriction add:) IAW DAFI 90-301,
not substantiated allegations of reprisal/restriction will be analyzed and/or investigated as an
abuse of authority.
If you desire, during this interview, you may comment on this information to give your side of the
story. You may also show me evidence to contradict or explain the allegations.
During the course of this interview, I will ask you to furnish information about yourself. The
Privacy Act of 1974 requires that I inform you of the authority for this requirement. The
statement, which I am handing you, serves this purpose. (hand statement to witness). Please
read the statement at this time.
Your testimony will be recorded and transcribed so that a written report can be made available
to the appointing authority, ______________________ (name of appointing authority).
Please answer each question verbally, since the recorder cannot pick up any nods or gestures.
Additionally, all your statements will be on-the-record, whether the recorder is turned on or
A4.8. Rights Advisement. Two categories of rights advisement are included below for suspect
interviews. The first is for active duty personnel and USAFR/ANG subject to the UCMJ. The
second category is for civilians and USAFR/ANG personnel not subject to the UCMJ.
A4.8.1. For active duty personnel and USAFR/ANG personnel subject to the UCMJ:
Before we begin our discussion, I want to make clear that you have the following rights:
Under Article 31 of the UCMJ: I am investigating the alleged offense(s) of of which
you are suspected. I advise you that under the provisions of Article 31, UCMJ, you have the
right to remain silent, that is say nothing at all. Any statement you make, oral or written, may
be used as evidence against you in a trial by court-martial or in other judicial or
administrative proceedings. You have the right to consult a lawyer and to have a lawyer
present during this interview. You have the right to military legal counsel free of charge. In
addition to military counsel, you are entitled to civilian counsel of your own choosing, at your
own expense. You may request a lawyer at any time during this interview. If you decide to
answer questions without a lawyer present, you may stop the questioning at any time.
Do you understand your rights?
Do you want a lawyer? (If yes, stop the interview at this time and allow the suspect to
contact his/her lawyer)
Advise the subject of the nature of the allegations against him/her, reading the framed
allegations verbatim
Are you willing to answer questions?
190 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
Proceed to the oath
A4.8.2. For suspects NOT subject to the UCMJ at the time of the interview (i.e., Civilians,
and USAFR/ANG personnel (depending on status), etc.). Regardless of whether a
collective bargaining agreement applies, civilians, Reserve, and Air National Guard personnel
should be advised of the following:
This is a non-custodial interview. While you have a duty to assist in this investigation and
may face adverse administrative action for failing to cooperate, you will not be kept here
involuntarily. You also have a right not to answer questions that are self-incriminating.
You have a right to be fully informed of any allegations that have been made against you.
Do you understand your rights?
Are you willing to answer questions?
Proceed to the oath
A4.9. OATH. Have the witness swear or affirm using the oath below:
“Before we continue, I want to remind you how important it is to give truthful testimony. It is a
violation of federal law to knowingly make a false official statement under oath. Now, as a part
of our interview process, I will administer the oath.
Please raise you right hand so that I can swear you in:
Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that the testimony you are about to give shall be the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help you God)? (Note: If the interviewee prefers to
affirm, the verbiage “so help you God” is not used. Determine the interviewee’s preference
before giving the oath)
Please state for the record your:
Full name: (spell it out)
Grade: (Active, Reserve, Retired)
Address: (home or office)
A4.10. Questioning the Suspect (Recorder is ON). Proceed with questions necessary to obtain
all direct knowledge of the matters under investigation.
A4.10.1. Be prepared for the suspect to diverge from the question. You can allow some
divergence but remember that you are the interviewer and control the session.
A4.10.2. Be sure that you get an answer to your question and not let the suspect escape
answering. If necessary, repeat the question.
A4.10.3. Take notes of items that you need, or want, to re-address later in the interview as
well as documentation that the suspect does not have with them.
A4.10.4. Be sensitive to the need for a break during an extended interview. The length
between breaks is dependent on the flow of the interview but normally an hour is a good target.
Ensure that you capture the time of the break before turning off the recorder then don‘t forget
to restart the recorder when the interview continues and remind the suspect that he/she is still
under oath..
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 191
A4.10.5. At the conclusion of the interrogatories, ask: “Do you have any further information,
statements, or evidence, which you wish to present concerning the matters we have discussed?”
and “Do you know of anyone else who can provide further information concerning these
A4.11. Suspect Read-Out (Recorder is ON). Read the following verbatim:
“This is an official investigation. It is protected in the sense that my report will be made to the
appointing authority of higher authority for such use as deemed appropriate.
You are ordered (or “directed for USAFR/ANG persons and civilian employees not subject to the
UCMJ) not to divulge the nature of this investigation or the questions, answers, or discussions
included in this interview with anyone except a chaplain, member of Congress, IG, union
representative (for civilian employees only), or your counsel, if you have one, unless authorized
to do so by the appointing authority, higher authority, or me.
If anyone should approach you regarding your testimony or the matters discussed here, you are
required to report it immediately to me or (state the name of the IG and the appointing
Per DAFI 90-301, I, as the investigating officer, am prohibited from providing a copy of your
testimony to you. However, if I substantiate any allegation, the appointing authority will provide
you a copy of the relevant portions of the report as well as your testimony, and allow you to
make comments. Otherwise, you may submit a request in writing for the report or any part
thereof to the IG office or the appropriate FOIA office. The release authority will evaluate your
request under both the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act and provide the
releasable information to you. If this report becomes the basis of an adverse action against you,
you will automatically be provided the portions you are entitled to IAW DAFI 90-301.
You may submit additional relevant information for my consideration, but if you with me to
consider the additional information before my investigation closes, I must receive that
information on or before ___________ (insert date).
In accordance with the Department of the Air Force hand-off procedures, I must personally refer
you to your commander or designee, civilian leading an organization as a unit IAW AFI 38-101
or designee, first sergeant, or supervisor at the conclusion of this interview. I have coordinated
this requirement with your commander and _________________ (state the name of the
individual who will accomplish the person-to-person hand-off) will meet you here as we
conclude the interview.
Do you have any questions?
The time is ________. This concludes the interview. Thank you.”
Note. The suspect may recall additional information or want to discuss the circumstances
further after the recorder is off. Remind them that anything they say is on the record, even
if the recorder is off. If you believe the information is essential to your investigation,
inform the suspect that you want will be re-starting the recorder. It is OK to use an
abbreviated read-in but ensure that they understand they are still under oath and explain
the circumstances under which the interview was re-initiated.
192 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
A4.12. Hand-off. Document the hand-off at the end of the interview. Include your perception of
their emotional state, who was designated to meet them, their position, and the time of the hand-
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 193
Attachment 5
The Privacy Act statement is required to be read and acknowledged by each witness at the
beginning of the interview process.
Authority: DoD Instructions 7050.06 Military Whistleblower Protection; DoD Instruction
7050.01; Defense Hotline Program; DAFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints
Resolution; 10 United States Code (USC) 9013, Secretary of the Air Force: powers and
duties; delegation by 10 USC 9020, Inspector General, and E.O. 9397 (SSN).
Principal Purpose: Information is collected during an inquiry or investigation to aid in
determining facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations. The information is
assembled in report format and presented to the appointing authority as a basis for DoD or
Department of the Air Force decision-making.
The information may be used as evidence in judicial or administrative proceedings or for other
official purposes within the DoD, Disclosure of Social Security number, if requested, is used to
further identify the individual providing the testimony.
Routine Uses:
In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 USC 552a (b) of the Privacy Act, as
amended, these records contained therein may specifically be disclosed outside the DoD as a
routine use pursuant to 5 USC 552a (b) (1) as follows:
a. AFBCMR Cases/Litigation: Complainants who petition the AFBCMR should advise them if
relevant IG records exists. AFBCMR releases IG records to the Air Force Personnel and
Information Law Division (AF/JACL). This routine use complies with 5 USC 552a (b) (1),
when AFBCMR determines that such disclosure is necessary for litigation purposes.
b. To appropriate Federal, State, local, territorial, tribal, foreign, or international agencies for
the purpose of counterintelligence activities. This routine use complies with U.S. law or
Executive Order, or for the purpose of executing or enforcing laws designed to protect the
national security or homeland security of the United States, including those relating to the
sharing of records or information concerning terrorism, homeland security, or law enforcement.
c. To the appropriate Federal, State, local, territorial, tribal, foreign, or international law
enforcement authority or other appropriate entity where a record, either alone or in conjunction
with other information, indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether criminal,
civil, or regulatory in nature.
d. To any component of the Department of Justice for the purpose of representing the DoD, or
its components, officers, employees, or members in pending or potential litigation to which the
record is pertinent.
e. In an appropriate proceeding before a court, grand jury, or administrative or adjudicative
body or official, when the DoD or other Agency representing the DoD determines that the
records are relevant and necessary to the proceeding; or in an appropriate proceeding before an
194 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
administrative or adjudicative body when the adjudicator determines the records to be relevant
to the proceeding.
f. To the National Archives and Records Administration for the purpose of records management
inspections conducted. This routine use complies with 44 USC §§ 2904 and 2906.
g. To a Member of Congress or staff acting upon the Member’s behalf when the Member or
staff requests the information on behalf of, and at the request of, the individual who is the
subject of the record.
h. To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when (1) The Department of Defense (DoD)
suspects or has confirmed that there has been a breach of the system of records; (2) the DoD has
determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed breach there is a risk of harm to
individuals, the DoD (including its information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal
Government, or national security; and (3) the disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and
persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the DoD’s efforts to respond to the
suspected or confirmed breach or to prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
i. To another Federal agency or Federal entity, when the Department of Defense (DoD)
determines that information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to assist the
recipient agency or entity in (1) responding to a suspected or confirmed breach or (2)
preventing, minimizing, or remedying the risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information systems, programs and operations), the Federal Government,
or national security, resulting from a suspected or confirmed breach.
Mandatory or Voluntary Disclosure:
FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: Disclosing your Social Security number is voluntary.
Disclosing other personal information relating to your position responsibilities is mandatory
and failure to do so may subject you to disciplinary action.
number is voluntary. However, failure to disclose other personal information in relation to your
position responsibilities may subject you to adverse personnel action.
FOR ALL OTHER PERSONNEL: Disclosing your Social Security number and other
personal information are voluntary. No adverse action can be taken against you for refusing to
provide information about you.
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this statement and understand it.
____________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024 195
Attachment 6
(1) Each quarterly report will contain aggregate data for the preceding fiscal quarter. At a
minimum, the report will aggregate the following data for the reporting period, broken down by
military service and component (active, reserve, national guard) and:
(a) The number of allegations referred to DIG (DIEM)
(b) The number of investigations and inquiries reported to DIG (DIEM)
(c) The number of allegations not referred for investigation or inquiry, as reported to DIG
(d) The number of final reports of investigation or inquiry referred to DAF commanders or other
appropriate authorities for action, as reported to DIG (DIEM)
(e) The number of allegations found to be substantiated and not substantiated, as reported to DIG
(f) The number of service members who, on the basis of determinations described in paragraph, (that they engaged in prohibited activities)were subject to some form of punitive and/or
administrative action, as reported to DIG (DIEM)
(g) The number of service members who, on the basis of determinations described in
paragraph, (that they engaged in prohibited activities), were subject to each of the
following forms of punitive and/or administrative action, as reported to DIG (DIEM)
1. Court-Martial
2. Other criminal prosecution
3. Non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ
4. Involuntary administrative separation from the Armed Forces
5. Denial of reenlistment due to a substantiated allegation
6. Insider Threat mitigation
7. Counseling
(h) The number of service members who, notwithstanding determinations that
allegations were substantiated under paragraph were not subject to any action
reportable under paragraph, as reported to DIG (DIEM).
(2) The second, third, and final quarterly report of each fiscal year will also contain aggregate
data for the fiscal year-to-date.
(3) The final report of each fiscal year will:
(a) Discuss any new or amended Air Force or Space Force (as appropriate) policies, processes,
and mechanisms implementing the requirements of William M. (Mac) Thornberry National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-283, Section 554 as laid out in
this memorandum and attachment
(b) Discuss the data submitted for the preceding fiscal year, noting any major incidents or trends
196 DAFI90-301 4 JANUARY 2024
(c) Provide an attachment containing the raw data submitted by IG to DIG (DIEM) in de-
identified form, as described in paragraph 1 during the preceding fiscal year
(d) Starting in FY 2024, discuss data trends observed across at least the preceding three fiscal