I. Scope of Rules
Rule 1.1 Scope of Rules. ...................................... 1
Rule 1.2 Availability of the Local Rules. ..................... 1
II. Commencement of Action; Service of Process, Pleadings,
Motions, and Orders
Civil Cover Sheet. ...................................
Mediation. ...........................................
General Format of Papers Presented for Filing ........
Appearances; Withdrawal as Counsel. ..................
Court Service to Attorneys Through
Clerk’s Office Boxes.................................
Electronic Filing. ...................................
Rule 6.1 Computation of Time. ................................ 15
III. Pleadings and Motions
Rule 7.1 Documents Filed with the Court. ..................... 15
Rule 7.2 Motions In Limine. .................................. 16
Rule 7.3 Motions for Reconsideration. ........................ 16
Rule 9.1 Social Security Number in Social Security Cases. .... 17
Rule 11.1 Citation of Authority. ............................. 17
Rule 11.2 Violations of Local Rules........................... 17
Rule 12.1 Dispositive Motions Pursuant to Federal Rule
of Civil Procedure 12............................... 17
Rule 15.1 Form of a Motion to Amend and its Supporting
Documentation....................................... 18
Rule 16.1 Pretrial Procedure. ................................ 19
IV. Parties
Rule 23.1 Designation of “Class Action” in the Caption. ...... 20
Rule 24.1 Procedure for Notification of Claim of
Unconstitutionality................................. 20
V. Depositions and Discovery
Document Production; Documents Not Filed. ..........
Participation Limits; Duplicative Disclosures. .....
Expert Witness -- Written Report; Video Taping. ....
Filing of Depositions. .............................
Interrogatories. ...................................
Pre-Filing Conference of Counsel. ..................
Moving Papers.......................................
Cooperation of Counsel - Sanctions. ................
VI. Trials
Notation of “Jury Demand” in the Pleading. .........
Exhibits. ..........................................
Juror Contact. .....................................
VII. Judgment
Rule 54.1 Bills of Costs...................................... 26
Rule 56.1 Summary Judgment Motions. .......................... 26
VIII. Provisional and Final Remedies and Special Proceedings
Rule 67.1 Monies Paid into Court. ............................ 28
Rule 67.2 Withdrawal of a Deposit Pursuant to Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 67.......................... 28
Rule 69.1 Execution. ......................................... 29
IX. Special Proceedings
Rule 71A.1 Proceedings to Re-determine Deficiency in
Income Tax......................................... 30
Rule 72.1 Magistrate Judges Authority in Pretrial Matters. . 31
Rule 72.2 Objections to Non-Dispositive Orders................ 31
Rule 72.3 Objections to Magistrate Judge's Proposed
Findings, Recommendation or Report.................. 31
Rule 72.4 Procedure for Objecting to a Magistrate Judge’s
Non-Dispositive Order, Proposed Findings,
Recommendation or Report............................ 32
Rule 73.1 Magistrate Judges Trial Matters................... 32
Rule 73.2 Magistrate Judges Additional Duties............... 32
X. District Courts and Clerks of the Courts
Rule 79.1 Books and Records of the Clerk of the Court. ....... 33
Rule 80.1 Court Reporting Fees................................ 34
XI. General Provisions
Rule 82.1 Who May Appear as Counsel; Who May Appear Pro Se.... 34
Rule 83.1 Admission of Attorneys...............................34
Rule 83.2 Attorneys: Disciplinary Rules and
Enforcement . ......................................41
I. Scope of Rules
Rule 1.1 Scope of Rules
(a) TITLE AND CITATION. These Rules shall be known as the
Local Rules of Civil Procedure of the District Court of the
Virgin Islands of the United States. They shall be cited as
(b) SCOPE OF RULES. These Rules apply in all proceedings in
civil actions. Rules 72.1-3 and 73.1-2 govern proceedings
before Magistrate Judges.
(c) EFFECTIVE DATE. These Rules become effective on January
25, 2008.
These Rules supersede all previous civil rules promulgated by
this Court or any Judge of this Court. They govern all applicable
proceedings brought in this Court after they take effect. They
also apply to all proceedings pending at the time they take
effect, except to the extent that in the opinion of the Court the
application thereof would not be feasible or would work
injustice, in which event the former rules govern.
(e) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. United States Code, Title 1, Sections
1 through 5, shall, as far as applicable, govern the construction
of these Rules.
Rule 1.2 Availability of the Local Rules
Copies of these Rules, as amended and with any appendices
attached hereto, are available online at www.vid.uscourts.gov or
from the Clerk of the Court’s office, for a reasonable charge.
II. Commencement of Action; Service of Process, Pleadings,
Motions, and Orders
Rule 3.1 Civil Cover Sheet
(a) Every complaint or other document initiating a civil
action shall be accompanied by a completed civil cover sheet on a
form available at the Court’s website. This requirement is solely
for administrative purposes, and matters appearing only in the
civil cover sheet have no legal effect in the action.
(b) If the complaint or other document is filed without a
completed civil cover sheet, the Clerk of the Court shall mark
the document as to the date received and promptly give notice of
the omission to the party filing the document. When the civil
cover sheet has been completed, the Clerk of the Court shall file
the complaint or other document nunc pro tunc as of the date of
the original receipt.
(c) Persons filing civil cases pro se are exempt from the
foregoing requirements.
Rule 3.2 Mediation
(a) “Mediation” means a process whereby a neutral third
person called a mediator acts to encourage and facilitate the
resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. It is an
informal and nonadversarial process with the objective of helping
the disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary
agreement. In mediation, decision making authority rests with the
parties. The role of the mediator includes, but is not limited
to, assisting the parties in identifying issues, fostering joint
problem-solving and exploring settlement alternatives.
(b)(1) Certification of Mediators.
(A) The Court shall certify as many mediators as it
determines to be necessary.
(B) Each individual certified as a mediator shall take the
oath or affirmation prescribed by Title 28 U.S.C. Section 453
before serving as a mediator.
(C) A list of all persons certified as mediators shall be
maintained with the Court.
(D) For certification, a mediator must:
(i) Complete a minimum of twenty (20) hours in a training
program approved by the Court; and,
(ii) Observe a minimum of four district or other mediation
conferences conducted by a certified mediator and conduct four
District Court mediation conferences under the supervision and
observation of a Court-certified mediator;
(iii) Meet one of the following requirements:
(a) Be a member in good standing of the Virgin Islands Bar
with at least five years of Virgin Islands practice and an active
member of the Virgin Islands Bar within one year of application
for certification; or,
(b) If approved by the Chief Judge, upon written request
setting forth reasonable and sufficient grounds, be a retired
judge who was a member of the bar in the state or Territory in
which the judge presided. The judge must have been a member in
good standing of the bar of another state for at least five years
immediately preceding the year certification is sought but need
not meet the requirements of subsection (b)(1)(D)(ii); or,
(c) Hold a master’s degree and be a member in good standing
in his or her professional field with at least five (5) years of
practice in the Virgin Islands.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements for
certification, the Court may, in the absence of available
certified mediators, appoint as a mediator a qualified person
acceptable to the Court and the parties.
(3) A person certified as a mediator by the American
Arbitration Association or any other national organization
approved by the Court shall be deemed to qualify under this
section as a Court Mediator.
(c)(1) Referral by Court. Except as hereinafter provided, the
Court may hereafter order any contested civil matter or
selected issue to be referred to mediation.
(A) Conference or Hearing Date. The first mediation
conference shall be held within the deadline ordered by the
(B) Role of Counsel. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court,
counsel to the parties shall attend and participate in mediation
(C) Mediation conferences shall take place on a date, and at
a time and location, agreed to by the parties and the mediator
unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
(2) Motion to Dispense with Mediation. A party may move to
dispense with mediation if:
(A) The issue to be considered has been previously mediated
between the same parties;
(B) The issue presents a question of law only;
(C) Other good cause is shown.
(d)(1) Duties of Mediators. Mediators have a duty to define and
describe the process of mediation and its costs at the first
mediation conference. The subjects covered should include the
(A) Mediation procedures;
(B) The differences between mediation and other forms of
conflict resolution;
(C) The circumstances under which the mediator may meet
alone with either of the parties or with any other person;
(D) The confidentiality provided for by Title 5,
Section 854 of the Virgin Islands Code;
(E) The duties and responsibilities of the mediator and
the parties;
(F) The fact that any agreement reached must be reached by
mutual consent of the parties;
(G) The information necessary to define the disputed
(2) Mediators have a duty to disclose any fact that would be
grounds for disqualification. Mediators have a duty to be
impartial and to advise all parties of any circumstances
suggesting possible bias, prejudice or lack of impartiality.
Persons selected as a mediator shall be disqualified for bias,
prejudice or partiality, as provided by Title 28 U.S.C. Section
144, and shall disqualify themselves in any action in which they
would be required under Title 28 U.S.C. Section 455 to disqualify
themselves if they were a Judge or Magistrate Judge. Any party
may move the Court to enter an order disqualifying a mediator for
good cause.
(3) Mediators appointed by the Court pursuant to these Rules
shall have judicial immunity in the same manner and to the same
extent as a judge.
(e)(1) Completion of Mediation. Mediation shall be completed
within ninety (90) days of the first mediation conference unless
extended by order of the Court.
(2) Exclusions from Mediation. The following actions shall
not be referred to mediation:
(A) Criminal actions;
(B) Forfeitures of seized property;
(C) Habeas corpus and extraordinary writ; or
(D) Any litigation expedited by statute or rule.
(3) Discovery. Discovery may continue throughout
mediation. Such discovery may be delayed or deferred upon
agreement of the parties or by order of the Court.
(4) Disclosure Privilege. Each party involved in a Court-
ordered mediation conference has a privilege to refuse to
disclose, and to prevent any person present at the proceeding
from disclosing, communications made during such proceeding.
(5) Inadmissibility of Mediation Proceedings. All
communications, written or oral, made in the course of a
mediation proceeding, other than an executed settlement
agreement, shall be inadmissible as evidence in any subsequent
legal proceeding, unless all parties agree otherwise.
(f)(1) Interim or Emergency Relief. Mediators may apply to the
Court for interim or emergency relief at any time, at the
initiation of the mediator after consultation with the parties,
or at the parties’ request. Mediation shall continue while such a
motion is pending absent a contrary order of the Court or a
decision of the mediator to adjourn pending disposition of the
motion. Time for completing mediation shall be tolled during any
periods where mediation is interrupted pending resolution of such
a motion.
(2) Sanctions for Failure to Appear. If a party, without
good cause, fails to appear at a duly noticed mediation
conference or fails to participate in the mediation in good
faith, the Court shall impose sanctions, including an award of
mediator and attorney fees and other costs. If, in the opinion of
the mediator, a party has not participated in the mediation in
good faith, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Rule, the mediator shall notify the referring judge in writing
who shall conduct such further proceedings as appropriate to
resolve the issue. If a party to mediation is a public entity,
that party shall be deemed to appear at a mediation conference by
the physical presence of a representative with full authority to
negotiate on behalf of the entity and to recommend settlement to
the appropriate decision-making body of the entity. Otherwise,
unless stipulated by the parties, a party is deemed to appear at
a mediation conference if the following persons are physically
(A) The party or its representative having full authority to
settle without further consultation; and,
(B) A representative of the insurance carrier for any
insured party who is not such carrier’s outside counsel and who
has full authority to settle without further consultation.
(3) Communication with Parties. The mediator may meet and
consult with the parties or their counsel, individually or
collectively, on any issue pertaining to the subject matter of
the mediation. Should the mediator wish to discuss a matter with
parties, the mediator must inform all parties to the mediation.
(4) Appointment of the Mediator.
(A) Within ten (10) days of the order of referral, the
parties may agree upon a stipulation with the Court
(i) A certified mediator; or
(ii) A mediator who does not meet the certification
requirements of these Rules but who, in the opinion of the
parties and upon review by the Court, is otherwise qualified by
training or experience to mediate all or some of the issues in
the particular case.
(B) If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator within ten
(10) days of the order of referral, the plaintiff or petitioner
shall so notify the Court. The Court shall appoint a certified
mediator selected by rotation or by such other procedures as may
be adopted by administrative order of the Court.
(5) Compensation of the Mediator. The mediator shall be
compensated by the parties. The Court may determine the
reasonableness of the fees charged by the mediator. In the
absence of a written agreement providing for the mediator’s
compensation, the mediator shall be compensated at the hourly
rate set by the Court in the referral order. Each party shall pay
one-half or such other proportionate share of the total charges
of the mediator as may be agreed upon, unless the mediator and/or
the Court determines that one party has not mediated in good
(g)(1) No Agreement. If the parties do not reach any agreement
as to any matter as a result of mediation, or if the mediator
determines that no settlement is likely to result from the
mediation, the mediator shall report the lack of an agreement to
the Court without comment or recommendation. With the consent of
the parties, the mediator’s report may also identify any pending
motions or outstanding legal issues, discovery process, or other
action by any party which, if resolved or completed, would
facilitate the possibility of a settlement.
(2) Agreement. If an agreement is reached, it shall be
reduced to writing and signed by the parties and their counsel,
if any. The agreement shall be filed when required by law or with
the parties’ consent. If the agreement is not filed, a joint
stipulation of dismissal shall be filed. By stipulation of the
parties, the agreement may be electronically or stenographically
recorded, and any transcript may be filed with the Court.
(3) Imposition of Sanctions. In the event of any breach of
or failure to perform under the agreement, the Court upon motion
may impose sanctions, including costs, attorney fees, or other
appropriate remedies including entry of judgment on the
Rule 5.1 General Format of Papers Presented for
(a) All pleadings, motions, and other papers presented for
filing shall be double-spaced, except for quoted material. Each
page shall be numbered consecutively. All documents shall be
prepared in an 8-1/2 x 11-inch format and shall be plainly
typewritten or printed, on a white background, or prepared by a
clearly legible duplication process.
(b) This Rule does not apply to: (1) exhibits submitted for
filing or, (2) documents filed in actions prior to removal from
the state courts.
Rule 5.2 Appearances; Withdrawal as Counsel
(a) The attorney for each party in any cause shall promptly
file an appearance in the office of the Clerk of the Court,
giving the address in the Virgin Islands where all notices and
papers may be served upon the attorney.
(b) No attorney may withdraw an appearance except with leave
of Court after notice to the attorney’s client. All motions for
withdrawal as counsel shall include a verified statement as to
contact with or attempts to contact the client concerning such
withdrawal and an indication of service upon or efforts to serve
the client with the moving papers. The proposed order submitted
should include the following:
- allowing withdrawal
- providing for stay of a reasonable number of days to allow the
client to obtain new counsel
- providing for service on client of order allowing withdrawal by
withdrawing counsel and the filing of proof thereof.
Rule 5.3 Court Service to Attorneys Through Clerk’s Office Boxes
Attorneys in active practice in the District Court have
assigned boxes in the Clerk’s office for service by the Court of
orders and other communications that are not served
electronically. It is the duty of counsel to check their boxes
sufficiently often to ensure that they receive timely notice of
such orders and other notices.
Rule 5.4 Electronic Filing
(1) Except as provided by these Rules or by order of the
Court, all cases are assigned to the Electronic Filing System.
Unless otherwise provided by these Rules or by order of the
Court, all pleadings and other documents required to be filed
with the Court by a Filing User (see LRCi 5.4(b)) in connection
with a case assigned to the Electronic Filing System must be
electronically filed. All such cases shall be filed in
accordance with these Rules and the District Court of the V.I.
Electronic Case Files User Manual located on the Court’s website:
http://www.vid.uscourts.gov. Payment must be made when documents
that require payment are filed electronically. Payment can be
made by cash, check or money order or by such electronic payment
that may be approved in the User Manual. If payment is not
received by the close of business on the next working day after
filing, the Court shall take necessary action which may include
striking the document or dismissal of the action.
(2) In a case assigned to the Electronic Filing System after
it has been opened, parties who are Filing Users, or are
represented by Filing Users, must promptly provide the Clerk with
electronic copies of all documents previously provided in paper
form on which they subsequently rely in electronically filed
documents. All documents filed thereafter must be filed by Filing
Users electronically except as provided in these Rules or as
ordered by the Court.
(3) In cases removed from the Superior Court of the Virgin
Islands, the removing party must electronically file all removal
documents required by 28 U.S.C. § 1446.
(1) Attorneys who intend to practice in this Court,
including those regularly admitted or admitted pro hac vice to
the bar of the Court and attorneys authorized to represent the
United States or Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands without
being admitted to the bar, must register as Filing Users of the
Court’s Electronic Filing System in a form prescribed by the
Clerk. Attorneys who are unable to register (e.g., because they
do not have an Internet e-mail address) must receive specific
exemption from the Court in a form prescribed by the Clerk.
(2) If the Court permits, a party to a pending civil action
who is eligible to proceed pro se may register as a Filing User
in the Electronic Filing System solely for purposes of the action
in a form prescribed by the Clerk. If, during the course of the
action, the party retains an attorney who appears on the party’s
behalf, the attorney must advise the Clerk to terminate the
party’s registration as a Filing User upon the attorney’s
(3) Registration as a Filing User constitutes consent to
electronic service of all documents as provided in these Rules in
accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
(4) Once registration is completed, the Filing User shall
receive notification of the user log-in and password. Filing
Users must protect the security of their passwords and
immediately notify the Clerk if they learn that their password
has been compromised. Filing Users may be subject to sanctions
for failure to comply with this provision.
(5) Once registered, a pro se Filing User may withdraw from
participation in the Electronic Filing System by providing the
Clerk’s office with written notice of the withdrawal.
(1) Electronic transmission of a document to the Electronic
Filing System consistent with these Rules, together with the
transmission of a Notice of Electronic Filing from the Court,
constitutes filing of the document for all purposes of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and these Rules, and constitutes
entry of the document on the docket kept by the Clerk under
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 58 and 79.
(2) Before filing a scanned document with the Court, a
Filing User must verify its legibility
(3) When a document has been filed electronically, the
official record is the electronic document as stored by the
Court, and the filing party is bound by that document. Except in
the case of documents first filed in paper form and subsequently
submitted electronically, a document filed electronically is
deemed filed on the date and at the time stated on the Notice of
Electronic Filing from the Court.
(4) Filing a document electronically does not alter the
filing deadline for that document. Unless otherwise ordered by
the Court a filing must be completed before 11:59 p.m. U.S.
Virgin Islands time in order to be considered timely filed that
All orders, decrees, judgments, and proceedings of the Court
shall be filed in accordance with these Rules. Such filing shall
constitute entry on the docket kept by the Clerk under Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure 58 and 79. All signed orders shall be
filed electronically by the Court or Court personnel. Any order
or other Court-issued document filed electronically without the
original signature of a Judge or Clerk has the same force and
effect as if the Judge or Clerk had signed a paper copy of the
(1) Orders may also be issued as “text-only” entries on the
docket, without an attached document. Such orders are official
and binding.
(2) The Court may sign, seal and issue a summons
electronically, but a summons may not be served electronically.
(3) A Filing User submitting a document electronically that
requires a Judge’s signature must promptly deliver the document
in such form as the Court requires.
Filing Users must submit in electronic form all documents
referenced as exhibits or attachments for which a hyperlink is
not available, unless the Court permits conventional filing. A
Filing User must submit as exhibits or attachments only those
excerpts of the referenced documents that are directly germane to
the matter under consideration by the Court. Excerpted material
must be clearly and prominently identified as such. Filing Users
who file excerpts of documents as exhibits or attachments under
this Rule do so without prejudice to their right to timely file
additional excerpts or the complete document. A Filing User
must, however, provide the complete document from which excerpts
are made to parties known not to have a copy. Responding parties
may timely file additional excerpts or the complete document that
they believe are directly germane. The Court may authorize or
require parties to file additional excerpts or the complete
Documents ordered to be placed under seal may be filed
conventionally or electronically as authorized by the Court. A
motion to file documents under seal may be filed electronically
unless prohibited by law. The order of the Court authorizing the
filing of documents under seal may be filed electronically unless
prohibited by law. If filed conventionally, a paper copy of the
order must be attached to the documents under seal and delivered
to the Clerk.
Documents (excluding depositions) that are electronically
filed and require original signatures other than that of the
Filing User must be maintained in paper form by the Filing User
until five years after all time periods for appeals expire. On
request of the Court, the Filing User must provide original
documents for review.
(1) The user log-in and password required to submit
documents to the Electronic Filing System serve as the Filing
User’s signature on all electronic documents filed with the
Court. They also serve as a signature for purposes of Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 11, other Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, these Rules, and any other purpose for which a
signature is required in connection with proceedings before the
Court. Electronically filed documents must include a signature
block and must set forth the Filing User’s name, address
(including email address), telephone number and the attorney’s
U.S. Virgin Islands bar registration number, if applicable. In
addition, the name of the Filing User under whose log-in and
password the document is submitted must be preceded by an “s/”
and typed in the space where the signature would otherwise
(2) No Filing User or other person may knowingly permit or
cause to permit a Filing User’s password to be used by anyone
other than an authorized agent of the Filing User.
(3) Documents containing the signature of non-Filing Users
are to be filed electronically with the signature represented by
a “s/” and the name typed in the space where a signature would
otherwise appear, or as a scanned image.
(4) Documents requiring signatures of more than one party
must be electronically filed either by: (i) submitting a scanned
document containing all necessary signatures; (ii) representing
the consent of the other parties on the document; (iii)
identifying on the document the parties whose signatures are
required and by the submission of a notice of endorsement by the
other parties no later than three business days after filing; or
(iv) in any other manner approved by the Court.
(1) The “Notice of Electronic Filing” that is automatically
generated by the Court’s Electronic Filing System, except as
provided below, constitutes service of the filed document on
Filing Users. Parties who are not Filing Users must be served
with a copy of any pleading or other document filed
electronically, together with the Notice of Electronic Filing, by
an alternate method in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure and these Rules.
(2) In the absence of a Notice of Electronic Filing, service
of any sealed document by an alternate method, in accordance with
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and these Rules, is
(3) A certificate of service must be included with all
documents that are served, including those that are filed
electronically, indicating that service was accomplished through
the Notice of Electronic Filing for parties and counsel who are
Filing Users and indicating how service was accomplished on any
party or counsel who is not a Filing User.
Immediately upon the entry of an order or judgment in an
action assigned to the Electronic Filing System, the Clerk shall
transmit to Filing Users in the case, in electronic form, a
Notice of Electronic Filing. Electronic transmission of the
Notice of Electronic Filing constitutes the notice required by
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 77(d). The Clerk must give
notice in paper form to a person who has not consented to
electronic service in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil
A Filing User whose filing is made untimely as the result of
a technical failure and who is unable to make a timely filing by
traditional means must seek appropriate relief from the Court.
(1) Parties shall refrain from including, or shall partially
redact where inclusion is necessary, the following personal data
identifiers from all documents filed with the Court, including
exhibits, whether filed electronically or on paper, unless
otherwise ordered by the Court:
(A) Social Security numbers. If an individual’s Social
Security number must be included, only the last four digits of
that number should be used.
(B) Names of minor children. If the involvement of a minor
child must be mentioned, only the initials of that child should
be used.
(C) Dates of birth. If an individual’s date of birth must be
included, only the year should be used.
(D) Financial account numbers. If financial account numbers
are relevant, only the last four digits should be used.
(2) A party wishing to file a document containing the
personal data identifiers listed above may:
(A) file an unredacted version of the document under seal,
(B) file a reference list under seal. The reference list
shall contain the complete personal data identifier(s) and the
redacted identifier(s) used in its (their) place in the filing.
All references in the case to the redacted identifiers included
in the reference list shall be construed to refer to the
corresponding complete personal data identifier. The reference
list must be filed under seal and may be amended as of right.
(3) The unredacted version of the document or the reference
list shall be retained by the Court as part of the record. The
Court may, however, still require the party to file a redacted
copy for the public file.
(4) The responsibility for redacting these personal
identifiers rests solely with counsel and the parties. The Clerk
will not review documents for compliance with this Rule.
(1) Electronically filed documents may contain the following
types of hyperlinks:
(A) Hyperlinks to other portions of the same document
and/or, where possible, other documents within the CM/ECF system;
(B) Hyperlinks to a location on the Internet that contains a
source document for a citation.
(2) Hyperlinks to cited authority do not replace standard
citation format. Complete citations must be included in the text
of the filed document. Neither a hyperlink, nor any site to which
it refers, is part of the record. Hyperlinks are simply
convenient mechanisms for accessing material cited in a filed
A copy of any recorded lis pendens shall be filed with the
pleading or other document to which it pertains.
Rule 6.1 Computation of Time
As used in Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 6(a) and 77(c)
“legal holiday” includes, in addition to the days set forth in
those rules, any other day appointed as a holiday by the
Territory of the Virgin Islands on which the District Court of
the Virgin Islands is closed.
III. Pleadings and Motions
Rule 7.1 Documents Filed with the Court
(a) MOTION, RESPONSE AND REPLY. Only a motion, a response in
opposition, and a reply may be served on counsel and filed with
the Court; further response or reply may be made only by leave of
Court obtained before filing (counsel will be sanctioned for
violation of this limitation).
(b) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. When allegations of fact not
appearing of record are relied upon in support of a motion,
response or reply, all affidavits and other pertinent documents
shall be filed before the hearing of the motion.
(c) BRIEFS. Motions, responses and replies shall be
accompanied by a brief which shall contain a concise statement of
reasons and citation of authorities.
(d) PAGE LIMIT. With the exception of exhibits and other
supporting documentation, no document filed with the Court shall
exceed twenty (20) pages without leave of Court.
(1) A party shall file a response within fourteen (14) days
after service of the motion. For good cause shown, parties may
be required to file a response and supporting documents,
including brief, within such shorter period of time as the Court
may specify, or may be given additional time upon request made to
the Court.
(2) A party shall file a reply, if any, within fourteen (14)
days after service of the response.
(3) Nothing herein shall prohibit the Court from ruling
without a response or reply when deemed appropriate.
(4) The time period for any response and reply to a motion
filed under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12 shall be as
provided in LRCi 12.1. The time period for any response and reply
to a summary judgment motion filed under Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 56 shall be as provide in LRCi 56.1.
(f) REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT. A request for oral argument shall
be separately stated by the movant or respondent at the
conclusion of the motion or response.
Amended December 1, 2009.
Rule 7.2 Motions in Limine
All motions in limine shall be filed no later than twenty-
one (21) days before the day scheduled for jury selection, absent
good cause shown to the Court upon a timely written motion to
file out of time.
Rule 7.3 Motions for Reconsideration
A party may file a motion asking the Court to reconsider its
order or decision. Such motion shall be filed within fourteen
(14) days after the entry of the order or decision unless the
time is extended by the Court. Extensions will only be granted
for good cause shown. A motion to reconsider shall be based on:
1. intervening change in controlling law;
2. availability of new evidence, or;
3. the need to correct clear error or prevent manifest injustice.
Amended December 1, 2009.
Rule 9.1 Social Security Number in Social Security Cases
Any person seeking judicial review of a decision of the
Secretary of Health and Human Services under Section 205(g) of
the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. § 405(g)] shall provide, on a
separate paper attached to the complaint served on the Secretary
of Health and Human Services, the social security number of the
worker on whose wage record the application for benefits was
filed. The person shall also state, in the complaint, that the
social security number has been attached to the copy of the
complaint served on the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Failure to provide a social security number to the Secretary of
Health and Human Services will not be grounds for dismissal of
the complaint.
Rule 11.1 Citation of Authority
By signing a motion or supporting memorandum or brief, an
attorney certifies to the Court that:
(a) the applicable law in this jurisdiction has been cited,
including authority for and against the position being advocated
by counsel;
(b) the applicable law in this jurisdiction has been
presented before law from another jurisdiction is cited. Counsel
must file with the document a copy of any foreign law relied upon
therein unless that authority is available in the Court’s
Rule 11.2 Violations of Local Rules
The Court may sanction for violation of any Rule governing
the form of pleadings and other papers filed with the Court only
by the imposition of a fine against the attorney or a person
proceeding pro se. Rules governing the form of pleadings and
other papers filed with the Court include, but are not limited
to, those Rules requiring a special designation in the caption
and, when the Court permits paper filing, those regulating paper
size and the number of copies filed.
Rule 12.1 Dispositive Motions Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 12
The following procedures govern dispositive motions filed
pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12.
(1) Motion. Each motion shall be accompanied by a brief.
(2) Reply. Any reply from the movant shall be filed within
fourteen (14) days of the filing of an opposition from an adverse
Any party responding to a motion submitted under this Rule
may file a response brief within twenty (20) days of the filing
of the motion.
(1) No party may amend the deadlines for the filing of
motions or responses thereto if the Court has issued an order
setting such deadlines. In the absence of such an order, a party
may seek an extension from the other party of the deadline
otherwise prescribed in this Rule. When a party requests an
extension of time from the other party, the parties shall first
make a good faith effort to negotiate a reasonable extension,
which shall not exceed thirty (30) days from the deadline
otherwise prescribed in this Rule. Only one such extension for
the motion in question is permitted. The party seeking the
extension must file notice of any such negotiated extension
before the filing date prescribed in this Rule.
(2) If the parties cannot agree, the party seeking an
extension may apply to the Court. If the Court grants the
application, the parties may not thereafter alter the deadlines
set by the Court without leave of the Court.
No brief shall exceed twenty pages without leave of Court.
If granted, the same leave shall automatically extend to any
responding brief.
Amended December 1, 2009.
Rule 15.1 Form of a Motion to Amend and its Supporting
A party who moves to amend a pleading shall file the
amendment with the motion. Except as otherwise ordered by the
Court, any amendment to a pleading, whether filed as a matter of
course or upon a motion to amend, must reproduce the entire
pleading as amended specifically delineating the changes or
additions and may not incorporate any prior pleading by
reference. A proffered amended pleading must note prominently on
the first page the numbered amendment it represents; i.e., 1st,
2nd, 3rd amendment, etc.
Rule 16.1 Pretrial Procedure
(a) DISCOVERY MEMORANDUM. All parties shall conduct discovery
expeditiously and diligently. No less than three business days
prior to the initial scheduling conference held pursuant to
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 16, each party shall file with
the Court a discovery memorandum which shall include, but need
not be limited to, the following items:
(1) a brief statement of the facts underlying the
claims or defenses in the action and of the legal issues in
the case;
(2) a description of all discovery conducted by the
party to date;
(3) a description of all discovery problems encountered to
date, the efforts undertaken by the party to remedy these
problems, and the party’s suggested resolution of the problems;
(4) a description of the party’s further discovery needs,
including any special needs (e.g., videotape, telephone
depositions, or problems with off island witnesses or documents,
(5) the party’s estimate of the time needed to
complete discovery;
(6) a statement regarding whether expert testimony will be
necessary, and the party’s anticipated schedule for retention of
experts and submission of their reports;
(7) a statement regarding whether there should be any
limitation placed upon use of any discovery device and, if so,
the reason the limitation is sought.
(b) JOINT FINAL PRETRIAL ORDER. The proposed Joint Final
Pretrial Order shall be prepared through cooperation of counsel
within the deadlines and in accordance with instructions given
by the Court. After each counsel has submitted the respective
portions of the proposed pretrial order to other counsel,
plaintiff’s counsel shall convene a conference, in person or by
telephone, to attempt
to reconcile any matters on which there is a disagreement. After
diligent efforts to resolve such disagreements, all areas of
agreement or disagreement shall be noted in the proposed Joint
Final Pretrial Order. The proposed Order shall be a single
document reflecting efforts of all counsel, signed by all counsel
of record, and then filed by plaintiff’s counsel for review and
entry by the Court. The Court may enforce the provisions and
requirements of the Joint Final Pretrial Order by sanctions
against counsel or the parties.
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW. No later than seven (7) days before the date set
for trial or at such time as the Court may direct:
(1) Each party must file a trial brief or memorandum with
citations and authorities and arguments in support of the party’s
position on all disputed issues of law.
(2) In a jury case, each party must also file written
requests for charge to the jury. Supplemental requests for charge
may be submitted at any time prior to the arguments to the jury.
All requests for charge must be plainly marked with the name and
number of the case; shall contain citations of supporting
authorities if any; shall designate the party submitting the
same; and in the case of multiple requests by a party, shall be
numbered in sequence.
(3) In a non-jury case, the litigants must file proposed
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law.
Amended December 1, 2009.
IV. Parties
Rule 23.1 Designation of “Class Action” in the Caption
In any case sought to be maintained as a class action, the
complaint or other pleading asserting a class action shall
include next to its caption, the legend “Class Action.”
Rule 24.1 Procedure for Notification of Claim of
(a) In any action, suit, or proceeding in which the
Territory or any agency, officer, or employee thereof is not a
party, and in which the constitutionality of any statute of the
Territory affecting the public interest is drawn in question, the
party raising the constitutional issue shall notify the Court of
the existence of the question either by checking the appropriate
box on the Civil Cover Sheet or by stating on the pleading that
alleges the unconstitutionality, immediately following the title
of that pleading, “Claim of Unconstitutionality” or the
(b) Failure to notify the Court as provided in subsection
(a) is not a waiver of any constitutional right otherwise timely
V. Depositions and Discovery
Rule 26.1 Document Production; Documents Not Filed
When Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5(d) forbids filing
documents or other material in connection with disclosures or
discovery requests and responses, a party serving such material
shall promptly file a notice setting forth the nature of the
material and the date on which it was served. The Clerk of the
Court shall return any documents or other material that are filed
in violation of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5(d).
Rule 26.2 Participation Limits; Duplicative Disclosures
No more than one attorney for each party may question the
deponent, except as provided by stipulation of the parties or
upon order of the Court.
The parties may, by stipulation, extend the scope of
disclosures under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26 (a).
In complying with their obligations under Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 26(a)(1)(D), parties shall provide reports or
documents received from insurers that bear on reservation of
rights or denial of coverage.
Duplicative disclosure is not required, and a statement that
disclosure has already been made, and where it has been made,
discharges the obligation imposed under Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 26.
Rule 26.3 Expert Witness Written Report; Video Taping
The testimony of an expert witness at trial shall be based
upon the opinions advanced in the written report disclosed under
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(2) and/or the expert’s
deposition, if any. Experts shall not be permitted to testify on
matters beyond the scope of the subjects and the opinions
expressed in the referenced written report (or, if elicited on
cross-examination, at a deposition).
Absent good cause shown, if a trial date has been set at
least forty-five (45) days in advance, and the testimony of an
expert witness has not been video taped, and the witness is
unavailable for the trial, the parties will be required to
(1) Unless the parties have agreed to the contrary in
writing, responsibility for compensating experts shall be
according to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(4)(C). Unless
otherwise provided by the Court, a proposed bill for the expert’s
charges must be provided to the party seeking discovery twenty
(20) days prior to the deposition. If the deposing party objects
to the charges, prompt application shall be made to the Court to
obtain a ruling on their reasonableness before the deposition.
(2) If an expert demands payment in advance of the
deposition date, absent an agreement to the contrary, the party
seeking discovery must advance or otherwise secure such sums.
Rule 30.1 Filing of Depositions
If a case is to proceed to trial, the depositions eligible for
filing shall be filed three (3) business days before the trial is
to begin. In that regard, a party taking the deposition shall be
the custodian of the original deposition, and at its own
initiative, or upon timely request by another party seeking to
use the deposition, shall electronically file a copy of the
- Amended December 1, 2009.
Rule 33.1 Interrogatories
Interrogatories shall be prepared so that sufficient space
for insertion of the answers is provided after each interrogatory
or subsection thereof. The answering party shall insert answers
on the original interrogatories served and return the original to
counsel for the party that propounded such interrogatories with
copies served on counsel for all other parties. If insufficient
space exists on the original for insertion of answers, the
answering party shall retype the questions and provide answers so
as to ensure that each answer follows the question or subsection
Rule 37.1 Pre-Filing Conference of Counsel
Prior to filing any motion relating to discovery pursuant to
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26-37, other than a motion
relating to depositions under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30,
counsel for the parties shall confer in a good faith effort to
eliminate the necessity for the motion or to eliminate as many of
the disputes as possible. It shall be the responsibility of
counsel for the moving party to arrange for this conference. To
the extent practicable, counsel are encouraged to meet in person
at a mutually convenient location. If, in the consideration of
time and/or resources, counsel agree that meeting in person is
not practicable, the conference may take place telephonically or
electronically. Unless otherwise provided by stipulation or by
written order of the Court, the conference shall be completed
within thirty (30) calendar days after the moving party serves a
letter requesting such conference. The moving party’s letter
shall identify each issue and/or discovery request in dispute,
state briefly with respect to each the moving party’s position
(and provide any legal authority), and specify the terms of the
discovery order to be sought.
Rule 37.2 Moving Papers
(a) STIPULATION. If counsel are unable to resolve all of their
differences, they shall formulate and sign a written stipulation
to that effect, expressly certifying their compliance with LRCi
37.1. The stipulation shall include the moving party’s letter
requesting a pre-filing conference of counsel and shall be filed
and served with the motion.
(b) MOTION PRACTICE. Motion practice hereunder shall comply
with LRCi 7.1, addressing only those issues in dispute and, with
respect to each such issue, the contentions and authorities of
the party. To the extent possible, the parties should not refer
the Court to documents other than those to which they are
responding. In particular, those discovery requests and
responses, or parts thereof, to which objections are made should
be set forth in the motion, response or reply or an accompanying
(c) FAILURE TO FILE STIPULATION. The Court will not consider any
discovery motion in the absence of (1) the signed stipulation and
certification required by LRCi 37.2(a), or (2) a declaration from
counsel for the moving party establishing that opposing counsel:
(1) failed to confer in a timely manner after receipt of a
letter requesting a conference under LRCi 37.1; or
(2) refused to sign the stipulation and certification
required by LRCi 37.2(a).
Rule 37.3 Cooperation of Counsel - Sanctions
The failure of any counsel to comply with or cooperate in,
or the abuse by counsel of, the foregoing procedures may result
in the imposition of sanctions.
VI. Trials
Rule 38.1 Notation of “Jury Demand” in the Pleading
If a party demands a jury trial by endorsing it on a
pleading, a notation shall be placed on the front page of the
pleading immediately following the title, stating “Demand For
Jury Trial” or an equivalent statement. This notation will serve
as a sufficient demand under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
38(b). Failure to use this manner of noting the demand will not
result in a waiver under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38(d).
Rule 39.1 Exhibits
(a) All exhibits received in evidence or offered and
rejected during trial or any evidentiary hearing, shall be
delivered to the Clerk of the Court through the courtroom deputy,
who shall keep the same in custody until it is determined whether
an appeal has been taken from a final judgment. In the event of
an appeal, exhibits shall be retained by the Clerk until
disposition of the appeal. The Clerk may permit United States
Magistrate Judges, Official Court Reporters, and chambers staff
to have custody of exhibits when necessary to expedite the
business of the Court. No persons other than the United States
Magistrate Judges, Official Court Reporters, or chambers staff
shall be permitted to remove exhibits from the Clerk’s custody,
except upon order of the Court in extreme circumstances.
(b) Sensitive exhibits, after submission into evidence,
shall remain in the custody of the proponent or the appropriate
agency during the trial of the case and for any appeal period
thereafter. Such evidence includes, without limitation,
narcotics, weapons, currency, and any other evidence designated
by the Court as sensitive.
(c) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, all exhibits in
the custody of the Clerk shall be returned to the offering party
upon the later of the following: (1) the expiration of the
period within which an appeal must be filed, or (2) the
completion of the appellate process. The Clerk shall notify the
offering party in writing of the requirement to present
him/herself to the Clerk’s Office to claim such exhibits within
thirty days of receipt of the Clerk’s written request. Unclaimed
exhibits may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Court.
Rule 43.1 Interpreters
The parties involved in litigation in which there will be a
need for an interpreter are responsible for securing and
submitting the name(s) of qualified interpreters for approval by
the Court at least six (6) days before the interpreter’s services
are required.
Rule 47.1 Juror Contact
(a) Before or during the trial of a case, no attorney,
party, or witness shall, directly or indirectly, communicate
with or cause another to communicate with any prospective or
current member of the jury.
(b) After the conclusion of a trial, no attorney, party, or
witness shall, directly or indirectly, communicate with or cause
another to communicate with any member of the jury without first
receiving permission from the Court.
Amended October 31, 2008.
VII. Judgment
Rule 54.1 Bills of Costs
(a) Within thirty days after the entry of a final judgment
or a judgment allowing costs, the prevailing party shall serve
on the adverse party and file with the Clerk of the Court a Bill
of Costs, together with a notice of motion when application will
be made to the Clerk to tax the same.
(b) Such Bill of Costs shall precisely set forth each item
thereof, so that the nature of the charge can be readily
understood, and shall be verified by the attorney for the
applicant, stating that: (1) the items are correct, (2) the
services were actually and necessarily performed, and (3) the
disbursements were necessarily incurred in the action or
proceeding. Counsel shall append to the verified Bill of Costs
copies of all invoices in support of the request for each item.
(c) Upon failure of the prevailing party to comply with
this Rule, all costs shall be waived.
(d) A dissatisfied party may seek review by the Court upon
written notice of motion served within seven (7) days of the
Clerk’s action, as provided in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
Amended December 1, 2009.
Rule 56.1 Summary Judgment Motions
The following procedures govern motions for summary
judgment filed pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56.
(1) Motion. Each summary judgment motion shall be
accompanied by a brief, affidavits and/or other supporting
documents, including a separate statement of the material facts
about which the movant contends there is no genuine issue. Each
fact paragraph shall be serially numbered and shall be supported
by specific citation to the record. The movant shall affix to the
statement copies of the precise portions of the record relied
upon as evidence of each material fact.
(2) Reply. Any reply to the respondent shall be filed
within fourteen (14) days of the filing of the response. If a
respondent has asserted additional facts as provided in
Subsection (b), the moving party shall respond to these
additional facts by filing a reply in the manner and form
specified in subsection (b).
Any party adverse to a motion filed under this rule may
file a response, brief, affidavits and other supporting
documents within twenty (20) days of the filing of the motion.
The respondent must address the facts upon which the movant has
relied pursuant to subsection (a)(1), using the corresponding
serial numbering and either (i) agreeing that the fact is
undisputed; (ii) agreeing that the fact is undisputed for the
purpose of ruling on the motion for summary judgment only; or
(iii) demonstrating that the fact is disputed. The respondent
shall affix to the response copies of, and cite to, the precise
portions of the record relied upon as evidence of each material
fact. In addition, the respondent may file a concise statement of
any additional facts that the respondent contends are material
to the motion for summary judgment and as to which the
respondent contends there exists a genuine issue to be tried.
(1) No party may amend the deadlines for the filing of
motions or responses thereto if the Court has issued an order
setting such deadlines. In the absence of such an order, a party
may seek an extension from the other party of the deadline
otherwise prescribed in this Rule. When a party requests an
extension of time from the other party, the parties shall first
make a good faith effort to negotiate a reasonable extension,
which shall not exceed thirty days from the deadline otherwise
prescribed in this Rule. Only one such extension for the motion
in question is permitted.
The party seeking the extension must
file notice of any such negotiated extension before the filing
date prescribed in this Rule.
(2) If the parties cannot agree, the party seeking an
extension may apply to the Court. If the Court grants the
application, the parties may not thereafter alter the deadlines
set by the Court without leave of the Court.
Failure to respond to a movant’s statement of material
facts, or a respondent’s statement of additional facts, as
provided by these Rules may result in a finding that the asserted
facts are not disputed for the purposes of summary judgment.
No brief shall exceed twenty pages without leave of Court.
For this purpose, “brief” does not include the separate statement
of material facts. If granted, the same leave shall
automatically extend to any responding brief.
Amended December 1, 2009.
VIII. Provisional and Final Remedies and Special Proceedings
Rule 67.1 Monies Paid into Court
(a) All moneys paid into court or received by an officer
thereof, in any case pending or adjudicated in the Court, shall
forthwith be deposited in a depositary designated by the Court,
in the name and to the credit of the Court. Any such money may,
however, be paid to the rightful owner upon security, according
to the agreement of the parties, under the direction of the
(b) No money deposited shall be withdrawn except by order of
the Court. In every case in which the right to withdraw money
deposited in court has been adjudicated or is not in dispute and
such money has remained so deposited for at least five (5) years
unclaimed by the person entitled thereto, the Court shall cause
such money to be deposited in the treasury of the Virgin Islands
in the name and to the credit of the Government of the Virgin
Islands. Any claimant entitled to any such money may, thereafter,
on petition to the Court and upon notice to the United States
Attorney and full proof of his right thereto, obtain an order
directing the Government to pay such money to him/her.
Rule 67.2 Withdrawal of a Deposit Pursuant to Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 67
Any person seeking withdrawal of money which was deposited
in an interest-bearing account or instrument as required by
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 67, shall provide, on a separate
paper attached to the motion seeking withdrawal of the funds, the
social security number or tax identification number of the
ultimate recipient of the funds. This separate paper shall be
forwarded by the Court directly to the institution holding the
Rule 69.1 Execution
(a) No attachment or execution shall be made on wages except
as provided by Title 5 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 44, and this
(b) A judgment creditor, upon application and filing an
affidavit that contains a description of the judgment and its
amount and states that execution has been returned unsatisfied,
and after giving mailed notice to the employer-garnishee and the
judgment debtor, may obtain an order for the garnishment of the
wages of the judgment debtor.
(c) An employer-garnishee or judgment debtor may move at any
time to vacate a lien and continuing levy created pursuant to
Title 5, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 44. Upon receiving written
notice of any court proceeding attacking the levy or the judgment
on which it is based, the employer-garnishee shall make no
further payments until receipt of an order of the Court
terminating the proceedings.
(d) The judgment creditor shall:
(1) file with the Clerk of the Court every three (3) months
after serving the levy upon an employer-garnishee a receipt
showing the amount received and the balance due under the levy as
of the date of filing, and furnish copies thereof to the
employer-garnishee and judgment debtor;
(2) file a final receipt with the Court, and furnish a copy
thereof to the employer-garnishee and judgment debtor; and,
(3) move to vacate the levy within twenty (20) days after
such levy has been satisfied.
If the judgment creditor fails to file any of the receipts
prescribed by 5 V.I.C. § 524(a), any interested party may move
the Court to compel the defaulting judgment creditor to appear in
court and make an accounting forthwith.
A judgment creditor receiving payments under this rule from
an employer-garnishee shall give the Clerk of the Court written
notice of the receipt of amounts from any other source that are
credited against the judgment.
(e) No discovery under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26
to 37 shall be conducted in a proceeding pursuant to this Rule
without first obtaining an order of the Court, except that the
following questions may be propounded to the employer-garnishee
upon written interrogatory:
(1) Were you, at the time of receiving this interrogatory,
the employer of the defendant?
(2) State the amount paid the defendant as wages in the most
recent pay period.
IX. Special Proceedings
Rule 71A.1 Proceedings to Re-determine Deficiency in Income Tax
determine income tax liability pursuant to a notice of deficiency
or notice of liability of any person shall be by petition naming
the Director, Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue, as
respondent. To the extent consistent with the Internal Revenue
Code as applicable to the Virgin Islands, the following rules of
the United States Tax Court, as amended from time to time, shall
34 (
a) (b)
Submission Without Trial
Burden of Proof
Computation By Parties For
Entry of Decision
210, 211, 213, 215, 216, 217 Declaratory Judgment Actions
In applying each rule of the Tax Court incorporated herein,
the word “Director” shall be substituted for “Commissioner” and
the words “District Court of the Virgin Islands” shall be
substituted for “Tax Court.” Any provision of the Tax Court Rules
incorporated by this rule (1) relating to service of a petition
or other papers, (2) describing the number of copies of a paper
or pleading to be filed, or (3) relating to the place or manner
of filing a petition shall not apply. The Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure otherwise apply.
(b) SPECIAL RULE FOR SMALL TAX CASES. For cases in which the
income tax deficiency (including any additions to tax, additional
amounts and penalties) in dispute is less than $10,000, Rules 170
(General), 171 (Small tax case defined), 172 (Election of small
tax case procedure), 173 (Discontinuance of proceedings),
175(a)(1), (3), (b), and (c) (Pleadings), 176 (Preliminary
hearings), 177(b) and(c) (Trial) of the United States Tax Court,
as amended from time to time, and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
73, shall apply to the extent consistent with the Internal
Revenue Code as applicable to the Virgin Islands.
(c) OTHER ACTIONS. All other actions relating to the income
tax laws of the Virgin Islands are not affected by this Rule.
Rule 72.1 Magistrate Judges Authority in Pretrial Matters
The Magistrate Judges are hereby designated to hear and
determine in all civil causes any pretrial matter permitted by 28
U.S.C. § 636 and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 72.
Rule 72.2 Objections to Non-Dispositive Orders
(a) A party who objects to a Magistrate Judge’s order
concerning a non-dispositive matter shall file a notice of
objection which shall specifically designate the order or part
thereof objected to and the basis for the objection. The notice
of objection shall include a transcript of that portion of the
hearing before the Magistrate Judge wherein findings of fact were
(b) The filing of a notice of objection does not operate to
stay the order pending a determination by the District Judge. A
stay of a Magistrate Judge’s order must be sought in the first
instance from the Magistrate Judge whose order has been objected
to, upon due notice to all interested parties.
Rule 72.3 Objections to Magistrate Judge’s Proposed Findings,
Recommendation or Report
Any party who objects to a Magistrate Judge’s proposed
findings, recommendations or report, shall file objections that
specifically identify the portions of the proposed findings,
recommendations or report to which objection is made and the
basis of such objection. Such party shall also file a transcript
of the specific portions of any evidentiary proceeding to which
objection is made.
Rule 72.4 Procedure for Objecting to a Magistrate Judge’s Non-
Dispositive Order, Proposed Findings, Recommendation or Report
The provisions of Rule 7.1 shall govern objections to a
Magistrate Judge’s non-dispositive order under Rule 72.2 and
objections to a Magistrate Judge’s proposed findings,
recommendations or report under Rule 72.3.
Rule 73.1 Magistrate Judges Trial Matters
(a) AUTHORITY. The Magistrate Judges are hereby designated to
hear and determine in all civil causes any trial matter permitted
by 28 U.S.C. § 636 and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 73.
form signed by or on behalf of all parties shall be filed
promptly. Plaintiff shall be responsible for securing execution
and filing of such consent form.
Rule 73.2 Magistrate Judges Additional Duties
The Magistrate Judges are hereby designated to perform such
additional duties as are not inconsistent with the Constitution
and laws of the United States, including but not limited to the
(a) Conducting proceedings for the collection of civil
penalties of not more than $200 assessed under the Federal Boat
Safety Act of 1971, in accordance with 46 U.S.C. § 4311(d).
(b) Conducting examinations of judgment debtors in
accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 69.
(c) Reviewing petitions in civil commitment proceedings
under Title III of the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act.
(d) Issuing warrants or entering orders permitting entry
into and inspection of premises, and/or seizure of property, in
non-criminal proceedings, as authorized by law, when properly
requested by the IRS or other Governmental agencies.
(e) Serving as a special master in an appropriate civil
action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(2) and Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 53.
(f) Supervising proceedings conducted pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
§ 1782 with respect to foreign tribunals and to litigants before
such tribunals.
X. District Courts and Clerks of the Courts
Rule 79.1 Books and Records of the Clerk of the Court
(a) The Clerk of the Court shall:
(1) Have custody of the seal of the Court and affix it when
(2) Receive, deposit in depositaries designated by the Court
and disburse in accordance with law and the rules and orders of
the Court, all fees and other moneys due to the Clerk of the
Court or otherwise payable into court;
(3) Take charge of and safely keep or dispose of according
to law all books, papers and records which may be filed and
deposited in the office of the Clerk of Court;
(4) Supervise and direct the work of deputies and
assistants, and act as administrative officer of the Court;
(5) Attend in person or by deputy each session of the Court;
(6) Issue all process and notices required to be issued;
(7) Keep the minutes of all sessions of the Court;
(8) Keep in each judicial division criminal, civil,
admiralty, bankruptcy, probate, naturalization and miscellaneous
dockets in the form required by the Director of the
Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and enter in
the appropriate docket the title of each cause or proceeding
begun in the judicial division, and a memorandum of every
subsequent proceeding therein, with the date thereof, and a
record of all fees charged;
(9) Keep such other indexes and records and make such
reports as may be necessary in the performance of the duties of
the office of the Clerk of the Court and as may be required by
law, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure, the Admiralty Rules, the General Orders in
Bankruptcy, these Rules or by the Director of the Administrative
Office of the United States Courts, and certify copies of the
same whenever requested;
(10) Exercise such other powers and perform such other
duties as may be assigned to the Clerk by the Court.
(b) The Clerk of the Court shall prepare a calendar for each
session of the District Court in each judicial division which
shall list the causes on the several dockets which are ready to
be heard at that session in that division. Cases that become
ready for hearing during the session may be added to the
Rule 80.1 Court Reporting Fees
A current schedule of transcript fees, as established by the
Judicial Conference, is posted in the Clerk of the Court’s office
and is available from the official court reporters.
XI. General Provisions
Rule 82.1 Who May Appear as Counsel; Who May Appear Pro Se
Only members of the bar of this Court may appear as counsel
in civil cases. Only individuals who are parties in civil cases
may represent themselves. All other non-attorneys are not
permitted to represent a party before this Court. Individuals
representing themselves are responsible for performing all duties
imposed upon counsel by these Rules and all other applicable
federal rules of procedure. All parties other than individuals
must be represented by counsel.
- Amended April 29, 2011.
Rule 83.1 Admission of Attorneys
(a) SCOPE OF ADMISSION. The bar of the Court shall consist of
those persons heretofore admitted to practice in the Court and
those who may hereafter be admitted in accordance with these
rules. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the
following category of persons shall not be admitted: any attorney
who has been suspended or disbarred, or who has resigned or
withdrawn from the practice of law and has not been reinstated as
a member of the bar of this Court.
(1) Regular. Any attorney who is a member in good standing
of the Virgin Islands Bar may by verified application and on
motion of a member of the bar of the Court and upon taking the
prescribed oath be admitted as a member of the bar of the Court.
(2) Appearance Pro Hac Vice; Local Counsel. Any attorney
who is a member in good standing of the bar of any United States
court or the highest court of a state, the District of Columbia
or a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States
may in the discretion of the Court, on motion, be permitted to
appear and participate in a particular case. If it has not been
done prior to the granting of such motion, an appearance as
counsel of record shall be filed promptly by a member of the bar
of the Court (Local Counsel) upon whom all notices, orders and
pleadings may be served. An attorney admitted pro hac vice to
the bar of the Court may file papers, enter appearances for
parties, sign stipulations, or sign and receive payments on
judgments, decrees or orders. Documents filed by an attorney
admitted pro hac vice shall also include the signature of Local
Counsel. Filings by attorneys admitted pro hac vice are deemed to
include a representation that the filer shared the document with
and received approval for filing from Local Counsel. An attorney
may be admitted pro hac vice in no more than a total of three (3)
cases in any calendar year and may not be further admitted at any
time if such attorney is then admitted pro hac vice in three (3)
active cases regardless of when such admissions occurred.
Admission pro hac vice is not a substitute for admission to the
bar of the Court, but rather is intended to facilitate occasional
appearances only. Notwithstanding a lawyer’s pro hac vice status,
such an attorney is within the disciplinary jurisdiction of the
(3) Special Admission.
(A) An attorney may seek special admission to the bar of
the Court, if, upon verified application, the Court determines
that the applicant meets the qualifications of a regular
admission except for having passed the Virgin Islands Bar
examination; and (1) the applicant is admitted to practice in the
highest court of a state, the District of Columbia or a
commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States; (2)
the applicant is otherwise professionally, morally and ethically
qualified for admission to the bar of the Court; (3) there is
good cause for the admission of such person and the applicant’s
admission would be in the best interest of the Court; and (4) the
applicant is either: an attorney representing the Government of
the Virgin Islands, its branches, departments, agencies and
instrumentalities; an attorney representing a public interest
group; or, an attorney representing a party on a pro bono basis.
(B) In every case, the burden shall be upon the person
seeking admission pursuant to this Rule to establish to the
satisfaction of the Court his or her qualifications for
admission. An application must be supported by the applicant’s
declaration demonstrating his or her qualifications for
admission. Additionally, the applicant must provide the Court
current certificates of good standing bearing the original seal
of the highest court from each jurisdiction to which he or she is
admitted. A certificate of good standing from a bar association
in and of itself is not sufficient for a Special Admission. An
applicant for special admission must satisfy the same fitness
requirements as any other applicant seeking permanent regular
active admission to the bar of the Court. Good cause may be
satisfied by demonstrating that pro hac vice admission has been
exhausted or is inadequate. The Court may require the submission
of such other information as might be deemed necessary to satisfy
itself as to the attorney’s fitness to practice specially before
the Court.
(C) An admission issued pursuant to this Rule shall state
its special nature and it shall terminate automatically when the
person fails to remain in good standing in each jurisdiction of
admission. Special admission also may be terminated if the good
cause upon which special admission was predicated no longer
exists. While admitted under this Rule, a person shall be
treated as a regular member of the bar of the Court with all
responsibilities and privileges thereof.
(D) The special admission provided by this Rule shall expire
after three (3) years, unless, for good cause shown, the Court
extends that period.
(4) Adherence to Schedules; Sanctions. All members of the
bar of the Court and those specially permitted to participate in
a particular action shall strictly observe the dates fixed for
scheduling conferences, motions, pretrial conferences, trials or
any other proceedings. Failure of counsel for any party, or of a
party appearing pro se, to comply with this Rule may result in
the imposition of sanctions, including the withdrawal of the
permission granted under subsection (b)(2) of this Rule to
participate in the particular action. All motions for continuance
shall be made promptly.
(5) Appearance by Patent Attorneys. Any attorney who is a
member in good standing of the bar of any United States court or
the highest court of a state, the District of Columbia or a
commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States may
be qualified for admission to the bar of this District, subject
to the limitations hereinafter set forth, on motion of a member
of the Court and upon taking the prescribed oath and signing the
roll, provided such applicant has filed with the Clerk of the
Court a verified application for admission as an attorney of the
Court establishing that the applicant:
(A) is a member in good standing of the bar of any United
States court or admitted to practice in the highest court of a
state, the District of Columbia or a commonwealth, territory or
possession of the United States for at least five (5) years;
(B) has been admitted to practice as an attorney before the
United States Patent Office and is listed on its Register of
(C) has been continuously engaged in the practice of patent
law as a principal occupation in an established place of business
and office located in the Territory of the Virgin Islands for at
least two (2) years prior to date of application; and
(D) has sufficient qualifications both as to pre-legal and
legal training to satisfy the Court. No member admitted under
this subdivision shall designate himself or herself other than as
a patent attorney or patent lawyer, and that person’s admission
to practice before the Court shall be limited to cases solely
arising under patent laws of the United States or elsewhere.
Failure to continue to maintain an established place of business
or office within the Territory for the practice of patent law
shall, upon proof thereof to the Court and after notice and an
opportunity to be heard, justify the striking of such attorney’s
name from the roll of patent attorneys established under this
Rule. In any litigation, any patent attorney admitted under this
subdivision shall be associated of record with a member of the
bar of the Court admitted under subsection (b)(1) of this Rule.
Nothing herein contained shall preclude any patent attorney from
being admitted under subsections (b)(1) -(b)(3) of this Rule.
(6) Appearance by Attorneys for the United States. Any
attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of any
United States court or the highest court of a state, the District
of Columbia or a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the
United States may practice before the Court in any proceeding in
which he or she is representing the United States or any of its
officers or agencies. If such attorney does not have an office in
this district, he or she shall designate the United States
Attorney to receive service of all notices or papers in that
action. Service upon the United States Attorney or authorized
designee shall constitute service upon a government attorney who
does not have an office in this district.
(7) Appearance by Professional Law Corporations. The
provisions of this Rule shall extend to duly created professional
law corporations, authorized to be formed under the law of the
jurisdiction to which the attorney employed by the corporation
shall have been admitted to practice, to the same extent as they
apply to partnerships and other unincorporated law firms. In
every case in which such a professional law corporation
participates, all appearances and papers shall be in the full
name of the corporation, including such designations as
“Chartered,” “Professional Association,” “P.C.,” and the like,
and shall be executed on its behalf by an individual attorney
qualified under this Rule and employed by it as “Authorized
Attorney.” Both the corporate entity and its attorney employee
shall be subject to all provisions of these Rules.
(8) Appearance by Supervised Law Students. With the Court’s
approval, an eligible law student may appear under supervision of
an attorney on behalf of any client, including the United States,
who has consented in writing.
(A) The attorney who supervises a student shall:
(i) be a member of the bar of the Court who maintains a bona
fide office in this district;
(ii) personally assume professional responsibility for the
student’s work;
(iii) assist the student to the extent necessary;
(iv) appear with the student in all proceedings before the
Court; and
(v) file written agreement to supervise the student.
(B) In order to appear, the student shall:
(i) be enrolled in a law school approved by the American Bar
(ii) have successfully completed legal studies amounting to
at least two-thirds of the credits needed for graduation or the
(iii) be certified by either the dean or a faculty member of
that law school as qualified to provide the legal representation
permitted by these Rules (This certification may be withdrawn by
the person so certifying at any time by mailing a notice to the
Clerk of the Court, or upon termination by the Judge presiding in
the case in which the student appears without notice or hearing
and without a showing of cause. The loss of certification by
action of a judge shall not be considered a reflection on the
character or ability of the student.);
(iv) be introduced to the Court by an attorney admitted to
practice in this District;
(v) neither ask for nor receive from the client represented
any compensation or remuneration of any kind for services
rendered; but this limitation shall not prevent an attorney,
legal aid bureau, law school, public defender agency, a state,
Territory, or the United States from paying compensation to the
eligible law student, nor shall it prevent any agency from making
proper charges for its services;
(vi) certify in writing that he or she is familiar and will
comply with the Disciplinary Rules;
(vii) certify in writing that he or she is familiar with the
federal procedural and evidentiary rules relevant to the action
in which he or she is appearing.
(C) The law student, supervised in accordance with these
Rules, may:
(i) appear as counsel in court or at other proceedings when
the written consent of the client (or of the United States
Attorney when the client is the United States) and the written
agreement of the supervising attorney have been filed, and when
the Court has approved the student’s request to appear in the
particular case to the extent that the Judge presiding at the
hearing or trial permits;
(ii) prepare and sign motions, petitions, answers, briefs,
and other documents in connection with any matter in which the
student has met the conditions of (2) above; each such document
shall also be signed by the supervising attorney.
(D) Forms for designating compliance with this Rule are
available in the Clerk of the Court’s office. Completed forms
shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court.
(E) Participation by students under this Rule shall not be
deemed a violation in connection with the rules of admission to
the bar of any jurisdiction concerning practice of law prior to
admission to that bar.
(9) Appearance by Attorneys in Criminal Cases. The Court
may suspend this Rule with respect to the appearance of attorneys
in criminal cases.
(10) Appearance by Attorneys for the Government of the
Virgin Islands. A member in good standing of the bar of any
United States court or the highest court of a state, the District
of Columbia or a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the
United States may in the discretion of the Court and on motion by
the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands or authorized
designee, be permitted to appear and participate in any
proceeding in which he or she is representing the Government of
the Virgin Islands or any of its officers or agencies.
(1) Original Applications. Each applicant for admission or
attorney seeking leave to appear and participate in any
proceeding shall file an application on a form prescribed by the
Court. The application shall be made available by the Clerk upon
request. An application by an applicant for admission to the bar
shall also be accompanied by a motion filed by the applicant’s
sponsor, who shall be a member of the bar of the Court. The
sponsor shall set forth sufficient grounds in the motion for
admission to satisfy the Court that the sponsor has reason to
know the applicant is qualified for admission. Each applicant
for admission shall also pay an admission fee. The current
admission fee schedule approved by the Court, is posted at
(2) Renewal Applications. Each member of the bar of the
Court shall submit an application to renew his or her membership
no later than February 4 of each calendar year, unless otherwise
directed by the Court. The application shall be on a form
prescribed by the Court. Notice shall be sent by the Clerk to
each member of the bar of the Court at least thirty (30) days
prior to the date on which the application is due. An
application for renewal shall also include the payment of the
renewal fee set by the Court in its admission fee schedule. A
timely renewal application shall be granted if the applicant
meets all of the qualifications for admission to the bar of the
Court and if he or she pays the renewal fee. Failure to submit a
timely renewal application or to pay the renewal fee will cause
the attorney’s membership in the bar of the Court to be changed
to inactive status.
(3) Admission Fund. The Clerk of the Court shall collect
the admission fees outlined herein and maintain them in the
manner set forth by the Court in the Plan for Administration and
Operation of the Attorney’s Admission Fee Account. Such funds
are to be used for projects which the Court determines are for
the benefit of the bench and bar in the administration of justice
within the District.
Editor’s Note: Members of the bar submitted comments suggesting
that any provision regarding the admission to the bar of this
Court by non-Virgin Islands Bar Members be configured in a manner
closer to that outlined in V.I. S.CT.R. 202. The final version
of Rule 83.1(b)(3) herein reflects those comments. It also
reflects the considerable counsel of the Lawyer’s Advisory
- Amended April 29, 2011.
Rule 83.2 Attorneys: Disciplinary Rules and Enforcement
(1) In order to maintain the effective administration of
justice and the integrity of the Court, each attorney admitted
or permitted to practice before this Court shall comply with the
standards of professional conduct required by the Model Rules of
Professional Conduct (the “Model Rules”), adopted by the
American Bar Association, as amended. Attorneys who are admitted
or permitted to practice before this Court are expected to be
thoroughly familiar with the Model Rules’ standards.
(2) Any attorney admitted or permitted to practice before
this Court, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, may be
disbarred, suspended from practice, reprimanded, or subjected to
such other disciplinary action as the circumstances may warrant
for misconduct.
(3) Acts or omissions by an attorney admitted or permitted
to practice before this Court, individually or in concert with
any other person or persons, which violate the Model Rules,
shall constitute misconduct and shall be grounds for discipline,
whether or not the act or omission occurred in the course of an
attorney-client relationship or in the course of judicial
When misconduct or allegations of misconduct which, if
substantiated, would warrant discipline on the part of an
attorney admitted or permitted to practice before this Court,
shall come to the attention of a judicial officer of this Court,
whether by complaint or otherwise, and the applicable procedure
is not otherwise mandated by these Rules, the judicial officer
shall inform the Chief Judge. Thereafter, the Chief Judge or
the Chief Judge’s designee shall refer the matter to a
magistrate judge or a committee designated by the Chief Judge
(Disciplinary Committee) for investigation and a report and
recommendation. The magistrate judge or the Disciplinary
Committee shall afford the attorney the opportunity to be heard.
The attorney may submit objections to the report and
recommendation. Any objections are to be filed with the Court
within fourteen (14) days upon filing of the report and
recommendation. The matter will then be submitted to the Court
for final determination.
(1) An order imposing discipline under this rule may
consist of any of the following:
(A) disbarment;
(B) suspension;
(C) public or private reprimand;
(D) monetary penalties, including an order to pay the costs
of proceedings; or
(E) if the attorney was admitted pro hac vice or has been
otherwise permitted to appear, preclusion from, or the
placement of conditions on, any further appearances before
this Court.
(2) Any suspension or reprimand imposed may be subject to
additional specified conditions, which may include continuing
legal education requirements, counseling, supervision of
practice, or any other condition which the Court deems
(1) The remedies for misconduct provided by this rule are
in addition to the remedies available to individual judges under
applicable law with respect to lawyers appearing before
them. Misconduct of any attorney in the presence of a judge or
in any manner with respect to any matter pending before the
Court may be dealt with directly by the judge in charge of the
matter or, at the judge’s option, referred to the Chief Judge,
or both.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall limit the Court’s power to
punish contempt or to sanction counsel in accordance with the
federal rules of procedure or the Court’s inherent authority to
enforce its rules and orders.
The clerk shall give prompt notice of any order imposing
discipline under this rule to the Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit, the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands, and the
American Bar Association.
Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, complaints,
grievances, and any files based on them, shall be treated as
(1) Affidavit of Consent. Any attorney admitted or
permitted to practice before this Court who is the subject of an
investigation into, or a pending proceeding involving,
allegations of misconduct may consent to disbarment or
suspension, but only by delivering to this Court an affidavit
stating that the attorney desires to consent to disbarment or
suspension and that:
(A) the attorney’s consent is freely and voluntarily given;
the attorney is not being subjected to coercion or duress;
the attorney is fully aware of the implications of
(B) the attorney is aware that there is a pending
investigation or proceeding involving allegations that
grounds exist for the attorney's discipline the nature of
which the attorney shall specifically set forth;
(C) the attorney acknowledges that the material facts so
alleged are true; and,
(D) the attorney so consents because the attorney knows that
if charges were predicated upon the matters under
investigation, or if the proceedings were prosecuted, the
attorney could not successfully defend against the charges.
(2) Order of Disbarment or Suspension on Consent. Upon
receipt of the required affidavit, the Court may enter an order
disbarring or suspending the attorney.
(3) Disclosure. The order disbarring or suspending the
attorney on consent shall be a matter of public record. The
affidavit required under the provisions of this rule shall
not be publicly disclosed, however, or made available for use in
any other proceeding except upon order of this Court.
(1) Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court who
is disbarred, disbarred on consent, or resigns from the bar of
any Court while an investigation into allegations of misconduct
is pending, shall be stricken from the roll of attorneys
admitted to practice before this Court, upon the filing of a
certified copy of the judgment or order of disbarment or
accepting such disbarment on consent or resignation.
(2) Any attorney admitted to practice before this Court,
upon being disbarred, disbarred on consent, or resigning from
the bar of any Court while an investigation into allegations of
misconduct is pending, shall promptly inform the clerk of the
disbarment, disbarment on consent, or resignation.
(1) Felony Convictions.
(A) Conviction in this District. Upon the entry of judgment
of a felony conviction against an attorney admitted or
permitted to practice before this Court, the clerk shall
immediately notify the Chief Judge of the conviction. The
Chief Judge or the Chief Judge’s designee may then
immediately issue an order suspending the attorney,
regardless of the pendency of any appeal, until final
disposition of a disciplinary proceeding as set forth in
this rule. A copy of such order shall be served upon the
(B) Convictions in Other Courts. Upon the filing with this
Court of a certified copy of a judgment of conviction
demonstrating that any attorney admitted or permitted to
practice before this Court has been convicted of a felony
in any Court of the United States or of a state, the
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Territory of Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, or the Virgin Islands of the United States, the
Chief Judge or the Chief Judge’s designee shall enter an
order immediately suspending that attorney, regardless of
the pendency of any appeal, until final disposition of a
disciplinary proceeding to be commenced upon such
conviction. A copy of such order shall be served upon the
(C) Other Crimes. Upon the filing of a certified copy of a
judgment of conviction of an attorney for any crime, the
Chief Judge may appoint a Disciplinary Committee for
whatever action deemed warranted.
(2) Certified Judgment as Conclusive Evidence. A certified
copy of a judgment of conviction of an attorney for any crime
shall be conclusive evidence of the commission of that crime in
any disciplinary proceeding instituted against that attorney
based upon the conviction.
(3) Reinstatement Upon Reversal of Conviction. An attorney
suspended under the provisions of this rule will be reinstated
immediately upon the filing of a certificate demonstrating that
the underlying conviction has been reversed, but the
reinstatement will not terminate any disciplinary proceeding
then pending against the attorney.
(1) When it is shown to this Court that any member of its
Bar has been suspended or disbarred from practice in any other
court of record, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a
member of the bar of this Court, the member will be subject to
suspension or disbarment by this Court. The member shall be
afforded an opportunity to show good cause, within such time as
the Court shall prescribe, why the member should not be
suspended or disbarred. Upon the member’s response to the order
to show cause, and after hearing, if requested or ordered by the
Court, or upon expiration of the time prescribed for a response,
if no response is made, the Court shall enter an appropriate
(2) Upon the filing of a certified copy of a judgment or
order establishing that an attorney admitted or permitted to
practice before this Court has been disciplined by any court of
competent jurisdiction, this Court shall issue forthwith a
notice directed to the attorney containing:
(A) a copy of the judgment or order from the issuing court;
(B) an order directing the attorney to show cause within
thirty (30)days after service why disciplinary action
should not be taken against the attorney.
(3) The Chief Judge may designate another judge or a
Disciplinary Committee to investigate and submit a report and
(1) After Disbarment or Suspension. An attorney suspended
or disbarred may not resume practice until reinstated by order
of this Court.
(2) Hearing on Application. Petitions for reinstatement by
an attorney who has been disbarred or suspended under this rule
shall be filed with the Chief Judge of the Court who shall
schedule the matter for consideration by the active district
judges of this Court within thirty (30) days from receipt of the
petition. In considering the petition for reinstatement, the
active district judges shall enter the order they deem
appropriate. In considering the petition for reinstatement, the
Court may schedule a hearing.
(3) The petitioner shall have the burden of demonstrating
by clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner has the
moral qualifications, competency and learning in the law
required for admission to practice before this Court and that
resumption of the practice of law will not be detrimental to the
integrity of the bar, the administration of justice, or
undermine the public interest.
(4) Conditions of Reinstatement. If the petitioner is found
unfit to resume the practice of law, the petition shall be
dismissed. If the petitioner is found fit to resume the practice
of law, the judgment shall reinstate the petitioner, provided
that the judgment may make reinstatement conditional upon the
payment of all or part of the costs of the proceedings and upon
the making of partial or complete restitution to parties harmed
by the petitioner whose conduct led to the suspension or
disbarment. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
(1) Upon being informed that an attorney admitted or
permitted to practice before this Court has been convicted of
any crime, the clerk shall determine whether the clerk of
the court in which such conviction occurred has forwarded a
certificate of such conviction to this Court. If a certificate
has not been forwarded, the clerk shall promptly obtain a
certificate and file it with this Court.
(2) Upon being informed that an attorney admitted or
permitted to practice before this Court has been subjected to
discipline by another court, the clerk shall determine
whether a certified or exemplified copy of the disciplinary
judgment or order has been filed with this Court, and, if not,
the clerk shall promptly obtain a certified or exemplified
copy of the disciplinary judgment or order and file it with this
(3) Whenever it appears that any person convicted of any
crime or disbarred or suspended or censured or disbarred on
consent or precluded from appearance and practice by this Court
is admitted to practice law in any other jurisdiction(s) or
before any other court, the clerk shall promptly transmit to the
other court(s) a certificate of the conviction or a certified
exemplified copy of the judgment or order of disbarment,
suspension, censure, disbarment on consent, or order of
preclusion, as well as the last known office and residence
addresses of the defendant or attorney.
(4) The clerk shall, likewise, promptly notify the National
Discipline Data Bank operated by the American Bar Association of
any order imposing public discipline upon any attorney admitted
to practice before this Court.
- Amended November 4, 2011