Washington, D.C. 20210
Unemployment Insurance
January 19, 2024
Change 1
Deputy Assistant Secretary
SUBJECT: Instructions for Reconciling Funds Made Available to States Under the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act - Section
1. Purpose. To provide states with instructions for reconciling funding under Section 2105 of
the CARES Act, as amended: Temporary Full Federal Funding of the First Week of
Compensable Regular Unemployment for States with No Waiting Week.
2. Action Requested. The U.S. Department of Labor’s (Department’s) Employment and
Training Administration (ETA) requests that State Workforce Agency (SWA) Administrators
provide the information in this Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) and the
Attachment to appropriate program, financial, and other SWA staff to reconcile the funding
states received from the Department with the activity that has occurred under CARES Act
Section 2105 provisions to date. States are expected to complete these reconciliation
activities and provide all requested supporting documentation back to the Department
no later than June 30, 2024.
3. Summary and Background.
Summary - This UIPL provides direction and instruction to states on the process to
reconcile funding associated with certain provisions of the CARES Act Section 2105, as
amended, that provided relief to states to help offset the financial impacts of the
coronavirus pandemic.
States must complete reconciliation activities, ensure accuracy of ETA 2112 reports,
follow instructions to request additional federal funds or return excess federal funds,
submit the “Section 2105 Information Collection form found in Attachment I to this
UIPL, and ensure appropriate record maintenance and disposal of records.
States are expected to complete these reconciliation activities and provide all requested
supporting documentation including Attachment I of this UIPL, to the Department as
described in Section 4.a, no later than June 30, 2024. Any excess funding must be
returned prior to the submission of theSection 2105 Information Collection form.
Background On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which
includes the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act set out in Division A, Title
II, Subtitle A. Section 2105 of the CARES Act provided for temporary full federal
funding of the first week of regular unemployment compensation (UC) for states with no
waiting week. The CARES Act was designed to mitigate the economic effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways. UIPL No. 14-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 Summary of Key Unemployment Insurance
(UI) Provisions and Guidance Regarding Temporary Emergency State Staffing
Flexibility, issued April 2, 2020, summarizes the various provisions within the CARES
Under Section 2105, a state could voluntarily enter into an agreement with the
Department for the Federal Government to provide full reimbursement of regular UC
paid to individuals by the state for their first week of regular unemployment, as well as
any additional administrative expenses incurred by the state because of the agreement.
To enter into such an agreement, Section 2105(b) of the CARES Act requires that
compensation be paid to an individual for their first week of regular unemployment
without serving a waiting week. States that did not have a waiting week provision in
their existing state UC law were eligible to participate. States with a non-compensable
waiting week provision in their existing state UC law were eligible to participate if they:
waived their waiting week provision pursuant to the Families First Coronavirus
Response Act, Division D, Emergency Unemployment Insurance Stabilization
and Access Act of 2020 (EUISAA), section 4102(a)
, as described in Section 5 of
UIPL No. 13-20, or if they amended their state law to provide that compensation
be paid to individuals for their first week of regular unemployment without
serving a waiting week, and
they had executed an agreement in effect with the Department providing for the
Section 2105 reimbursement. See UIPL No. 20-20, Section 4.b.
States that met these requirements were eligible for full reimbursement of regular UC
paid to individuals by the state for their first week of regular unemployment, as well as
any additional administrative expenses incurred by the state because of the agreement.
Reimbursement was available for weeks of unemployment beginning after the date on
which the Department entered into an agreement with the Department and ended with
weeks of unemployment ending on or before December 31, 2020.
Section 2105 was modified by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which
includes the Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 (Continued
Section 4102(a) of EUISSA amended section 903 of the Social Security Act (SSA) (42 U.S.C. § 1103) to add a
provision that “[t]he State has demonstrated steps that is has taken or will take to ease eligibility requirements and
access to unemployment compensation for claimants, including waiving…the waiting week. See SSA section
903(h)(3)(B) (42 U.S.C. § 1103(h)(3)(B)).
Assistance Act) set out in Division N, Title II, Subtitle A. This Act extended the
reimbursement under Section 2105 through weeks of unemployment ending on or before
March 14, 2021, and amended the amount of federal funding reimbursement from 100
percent to 50 percent for weeks of unemployment ending after December 31, 2020. See
UIPL No. 09-21, Section 4.b.iv.
Section 2105 was further modified by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).
This Act extended the reimbursement under Section 2105 to weeks of unemployment
ending on or before September 6, 2021. It also amended the amount of federal funding to
retroactively establish 100 percent reimbursement for weeks of unemployment ending
after December 31, 2020. See UIPL No. 14-21, Section 4.c.iv.
States that chose to implement CARES Act programs each signed an Agreement
Implementing the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (Agreement). Under
the Agreement, each state agreed to do the following:
In paragraph VII of the Agreement, to use all money paid to the state pursuant to
this agreement for the payment of benefits, and related administrative costs, for
the purpose for which the money was paid to the state, and [to] return to the
United States Treasury, upon request of the Department of Labor, any such
money (a) if the Department of Labor finds that the money is not needed for such
purpose or that the money has been used for a purpose other than that for which it
was paid, or (b) on termination of this Agreement.”
In paragraph VIII of the Agreement, totake such action as reasonably may be
necessary to recover for the account of the United States all benefit amounts
erroneously paid and restore any lost or misapplied funds paid to the state for
benefits or the administration of this Agreement.”
In paragraph IV of the Agreement, tomaintain such records pertaining to the
administration of each provision of the Act identified in paragraph XIV
as the
Department of Labor requires, and [to] make all such records available for
inspection, examination, and audit by such federal officials or employees as the
Department of Labor may designate or as may be required by law.”
The Department reimburses states through direct transfers based on figures reported on
lines 16F, 25, 42d, and 47E in the ETA 2112 UI Financial Transaction Summary report.
See also UIPL No. 20-20, Section 4.e. States are reminded that the Agreement only
permits the state to use the Section 2105 funds for the payment of benefits for the first
waiting week. Accordingly, if the state is made whole for the first week payments
through a different provision (e.g., Sections 2103, 2108 of the CARES Act), the state
cannot also be reimbursed under Section 2105 since these funds may not be used to pay
first waiting week benefits a second time.
Paragraph XIV of the Agreement requires the state to implement the provisions of CARES Act Section 2105 and
“to participate in the provisions program and abide by the requirements in the statute, operating instructions and
4. Guidance. The funding period for the Department to reimburse states under Section 2105 of
the CARES Act is closing. The Department will reconcile its accounts and return any unused
funds to Treasury by the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. Therefore, states must ensure that
they have appropriately reported deposits and expenditures and that all unused or otherwise
recovered funds associated with the identified provisions are returned to the Federal
Unemployment Account (FUA) no later than June 30, 2024.
States must review the following instructions and take the necessary steps to ensure that they
are reimbursed for appropriate weekly benefit amounts and to return unused/recovered
balances to support the Department’s end of FY 2024 reconciliation of these accounts. This
activity includes completing reconciliation activities, ensuring accuracy of ETA 2112 reports,
following instructions to request additional federal funds or return excess federal funds,
submitting theSection 2105 Information Collection form found in Attachment I to this
UIPL, and ensuring appropriate record maintenance and disposal of records.
Reconciliation Activities. If your state waived the waiting week, or did not have a
waiting week in effect, and entered into an agreement with the Department for
reimbursement, then, as stated in Section 4.e.i. of UIPL No. 20-20, benefit disbursements
for the first compensable week which qualified for federal funding under Section 2105 of
the CARES Act should be reported separately on the ETA 2112 Financial Transaction
Summary report.
i. States may generate complete transaction reports through the Department of
Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system interface
to determine historical drawdown activity from the WD for 2105 Temporary Comp
sub-account. If the sum of the figures reported as disbursements under Row 42d of
the ETA 2112 report does not match the amount drawn by the state in the “WD for
2105 Temporary Comp sub-account, then ETA will not accept the state’s submitted
information collection.
A. Double reimbursement scenarios are prohibited. If the state is made whole
for the first week payments through a different provision (e.g., Sections
2103 or 2108 of the CARES Act), the state cannot also be reimbursed under
Section 2105 since it may not use the funds for paying first week benefits a
second time. The excess funding amount, including anydouble
reimbursed funding must be reported on the “2105 Information Collection
form included with this UIPL as Attachment I. The state must also correct
the amounts reported on the ETA 2112 and return all excess funding.
B. Federal Employee/Ex-Service-Member Claims. Claims under the
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) and
Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) may be
reimbursed only as provided by 5 USC §§ 8509 and 8521(b). Accordingly,
CARES Act Section 2105 funds may not be used to reimburse these claims.
Additionally, as noted in UIPL No. 18-20, the Federal Government is not an
employer included in Section 3309(a), FUTA (26 U.S.C. § 3309(a)), and,
therefore, is not included in the emergency relief under Section 903(i),
Thus, states must reconcile any errors in this regard in accordance
with the timeline set forth in the UIPL. Specifically, states must submit the
ETA 191, Statement of Expenditures and Adjustments of Federal Funds for
Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees and Ex-
Servicemembers, for all UCFE and UCX benefits paid with CARES Act
funds and must draw down the reimbursement for the first week of benefits
from the Federal Employee Compensation Account (FECA). If the state
erroneously reported the first week of UCFE or UCX benefits in row 42d of
the ETA 2112 report, these amounts should be subtracted from row 42d and
added to the appropriate lines for UCFE (row 46) or UCX (row 36)
respectively. The state must return all funding associated with Section 2105
for benefits reimbursable from FECA to avoid double reimbursement for the
same benefit payment. See section 4.d. of this UIPL for instructions to
return excess funding.
C. Period of Weeks of Eligibility Subject to Reimbursement. States may be
reimbursed for the first week of regular UI benefits paid for the period set
out in Section 2105 of the CARES Act, as amended. This provision
provides for federal reimbursement for weeks of unemployment ending
between April 4, 2020 (or the week ending date after which the state entered
into agreement with the Department) and September 6, 2021. States must
ensure that the weeks reimbursed fall within this covered timeframe.
ii. Amounts in excess of the reconciled Section 2105 provision funding, including
overpayment recoveries identified as amounts paid under this provision, must be
reported back to ETA on the “Section 2105 Information Collectionform provided as
Attachment I of this UIPL.
The amounts reported on the “Section 2105 Information Collectionform must also
reconcile with the amounts reported as disbursements and deposits on the ETA 2112
report as outlined below. Excess amounts must then be returned to FUA through the
funds return process outlined in Section 4.d. of this UIPL.
If excess funding remains allocated under the WD for 2105 Temporary Comp sub -
account, but is not drawn as of June 30, 2024 and is in excess of what has been
reported as disbursed on the ETA 2112, then ETA will direct Treasury to de-allocate
the excess funding.
iii. Any additional funding required by the state must be reported as an additional
funding requirement on the Section 2105 Information Collection form provided as
Attachment I of this UIPL. See Section 4.c. of this UIPL for additional details.
CARES Act section 2103(b) amended SSA section 903 (42 U.S.C. § 1103) by adding subsection 903(i).
iv. The reconciliation of amounts paid for the first compensable week as drawn from or
reimbursed through later state drawdowns in the ASAP system under theWD for
2105 Temporary Comp sub-account must be maintained as support for the
completed reconciliation and supplied as appropriate for any future monitoring or
audit activity.
ETA 2112 Reporting Requirements. States must ensure that activities are appropriately
reported on the ETA 2112 report. For a state’s reconciliation process to be determined
complete, the state must ensure that the amount drawn from ASAP under theWD for
2105 Temporary Comp sub-account matches the total amount reported on the ETA 2112
report as deposited to the state unemployment trust fund account and disbursed from the
state’s benefit payment account. Due to the timing of the reconciliation process and the
3-year revision window for the ETA 2112 report, states may report updated figures in the
September report for each Federal Fiscal Year during which the activity occurred. This
means states may report revisions reflecting activity that occurred between March 2020
and September 30, 2020, in the September 2020 ETA 2112 report, FY 2021 activity in
the September 2021 report, and FY 2022 activity in the September 2022 report.
i. Reporting disbursement of benefits for the first week of regular UC. As directed in
Section 4.e. of UIPL 20-20, disbursements of benefits for the first week of regular UC
must be reported on row 42d (columns C and F) of the ETA 2112 report. The amount
reported here should not be included in the amount reported on row 31 as net UI
benefits so that the total disbursements during the period are not duplicated.
Recovered Federal funds for the first week of regular UC (such as overpayment
recoveries) should be netted out (subtracted from) of disbursements reported on row
ii. Reporting federal funds received for the first week of regular UC. Federal funds
received for the first week of regular UC must be reported on line 25 of the ETA
2112 Report labeled Other Sources #1(columns C and E) and included in the intra-
account transfer fields (row 16, column F and row 47, column E) as appropriate. The
amount for the first week of regular UC should be identified in the comments section
of the report. The total amount reported and identified as deposited on row 25 must
match the amount the state has drawn down from ASAP under the WD for 2105
Temporary Comp sub-account. Recovered federal funds for the first week of regular
UC must be returned to Treasury and should be netted out of (subtracted from) the
deposits on row 25 (columns C and E) along with corresponding adjustments to the
intra-account transfer lines (row 16, column F and row 47, column E) to account for
the funding.
Requesting Additional Federal Funds. If a state determines that additional funding is
required following the completion of the reconciliation process, the state must report this
information to ETA. The amount of additional funding identified and requested must be
outlined on the “Section 2105 Information Collection form included with this UIPL as
Attachment I.
States must ensure that this additional funding amount is supported by the amounts
reflected in the ETA 2112 report as described above and the net draws reflected on
Treasury’s transaction records. Additional funding requests must be submitted to ETA
no later than June 30, 2024.
Any additional funding to be provided will be subject to sequestration as reimbursement
of prior state costs. This will reduce the amount of funding by the rate of sequestration in
effect during the Fiscal Year in which the funding is provided. The Department
publishes a UIPL providing the rate of sequestration in effect for each Fiscal Year. The
FY24 UIPL is currently in development.
Returning Excess Federal Funds: The preferred method to return excess funds is via
ACH using the ASAP.gov website. To initiate a return using this method, the state must
select the Return ACH Payment” option under thePayment Requests” tab of the
website. For assistance returning funding through ASAP, states may contact ASAP
Customer Support at asaphelpdesk@fiscal.treasury.gov.
A return via ACH using the ASAP.gov website will not be possible if the state’s
drawdown from ASAP was completed using Fedwire or if the state’s bank account does
not permit debit transactions. If a return via ACH using the ASAP.gov website is not
possible, the state must contact the Unemployment Trust Fund team with Treasury’s
Bureau of Fiscal Service at UTF@fiscal.treasury.gov to discuss returning the funds via a
Fedwire bank-to-bank transaction or completing a book transfer return from the state’s UI
account to the appropriate program under the FUA account.
States must have returned all excess funding on or before June 30, 2024, and prior
to the submission of the Section 2105 Information Collection form.
Submitting the Section 2105 Information Collection form. Once the state has
completed the reconciliation process as outlined in Section 4.a. through d. of this UIPL
and compiled supporting documentation from those steps, the state should complete the
Section 2105 Information Collectionform included as Attachment I of this UIPL. On
this form, the state will indicate if any additional funding is required and include the
amount of additional funding needed.
The “Section 2105 Information Collectionform should be submitted by June 30, 2024
and sent via email to Attention: Division of Fiscal and Actuarial Services through the
OUI EMAIL ADDRESS at eta-ui-inquiries@dol.gov.
Record Maintenance and Disposal of Records. The state must maintain CARES Act
program payment data as required by the Department.
i. Record Maintenance. Each state will maintain records on the administration of
CARES Act programs and will make all such records available for inspection,
examination, and audit by such federal officials, employees as the Department may
designate, or as may be required by the law. Reference ET Handbook No. 401 (5th
edition), UI Report Handbook for details.
ii. Disposal of Records. The electronic/paper records created in the administration of
the CARES Act programs must be maintained by the state for three years after final
action (including appeals or court action) on the payments, or for less than the three-
year period if copied by micro photocopy or by an electronic imaging method. At the
end of the three-year period, CARES Act program records shall be transferred to state
accountability under the conditions for the disposal of records that apply to UCFE
and UCX records, as explained in Chapter X of ET Handbook No. 391 (1994 Edition)
(OMB No. 1205-0179) and Chapter I of ET Handbook No. 384 (1994 Edition) (OMB
No. 1205-0176).
OMB Information Collection Statement. In general, under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (PRA), no person is required to respond to a collection of information unless
such collection displays a valid OMB control number. However, Section 2116 of the
CARES Act provides that the PRA does not apply to Subtitle A of Title II of Division A
of the CARES Act.
5. Inquiries. Please direct inquiries to the appropriate ETA Regional Office.
6. References.
Sections 2105, 2103, and 2108 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act, Pub. L. 116-136, including Title II, Subtitle A, Relief for Workers
Affected by Coronavirus Act (https://www.congress.gov/116/plaws/publ136/PLAW-
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260), including Division H, Title II,
Subtitle A, Chapter 1 (“Continued Assistance to Unemployed Workers”)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Pub. L. 116-127), including Division D
Emergency Unemployment Insurance Stabilization and Access Act of 2020 (EUISAA)
Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 (26 U.S.C. 3304 note)
Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), 26 U.S.C. § 3301 et seq.
Social Security Act (SSA), 42 U.S.C. § 1103
5 U.S.C. Chapter 85, Subchapter II, Unemployment Compensation for Ex-
Servicemembers (5 U.S.C. §§ 8521-8525) (the UCX law))
5 U.S.C. Chapter 85, Subchapter I, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees
(5 U.S.C. §§ 8501-8509);
UIPL No. 14-21, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) Key Unemployment
Insurance (UI) Provisions, issued March 15, 2021,
UIPL No. 09-21, Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 (Continued
Assistance Act) Summary of Key Unemployment Insurance (UI) Provisions, issued
December 30, 2020, https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/advisories/unemployment-
UIPL No. 20-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Operating, Financial, and Reporting Instructions for Section 2105: Temporary Full
Federal Funding of the First Week of Compensable Regular Unemployment for States
with No Waiting Week, issued April 30, 2020,
UIPL No. 18-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Emergency Unemployment Relief for State and Local Governmental Entities, Certain
Nonprofit Organizations, and Federally-Recognized Indian Tribes, issued April 27, 2020,
UIPL No. 14-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Summary of Key Unemployment Insurance (UI) Provisions and Guidance Regarding
Temporary Emergency State Staffing Flexibility, issued April 2, 2020,
UIPL 13-20, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Division D Emergency
Unemployment Insurance Stabilization and Access Act of 2020, issued March 22, 2020,
ET Handbook No. 384, Handbook on Unemployment Compensation for Ex-
Servicemembers (UCX) (1994 edition),
ET Handbook No. 391, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)
Instructions for State Agencies (1994 edition),
https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/advisories/handbooks/et-handbook-no-391; and
ET Handbook No. 401, 5
Edition Revised ETA Handbook No. 401, Unemployment
Insurance Reports Handbook, https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/advisories/handbooks/et-
7. Attachment(s).
Attachment I: Section 2105 Information Collection Form
Attachment I to UIPL 20-20, Change 1
This information collection applies to the provisions in the Agreement Implementing the Relief
for Workers Affected by the Coronavirus Act between the State and the Secretary of Labor,
specifically: The Temporary Full Federal Funding of the First Week of Compensable Regular
Unemployment for States with No Waiting Week (Section 2105).
I. The State of ____________________ provides the following information:
a. The state did not did have a requirement to serve a waiting week in its law as
of the date the CARES Act was enacted.
b. The state did not have a requirement to serve a waiting week in its law as of the date
the CARES Act was enacted, and the state instituted a requirement to serve a waiting
week during the CARES Act program period (weeks of unemployment ending
between April 4, 2020, and September 6, 2021). Yes, and this occurred on (insert
date(s)). No.
c. The state waived its waiting week effective (insert date(s) here) by executing (select
applicable action):
i. legislation (insert date(s))
ii. regulation (insert date(s))
iii. executive order (insert date(s))
d. The state provided a copy of its law waiving the waiting week to the Regional Office
on (insert date here).
e. The state executed an agreement with the Department for the section 2105
reimbursement effective (insert date here)__________________________.
f. The agreement referenced in paragraph e. covered the dates of (insert dates here).
g. The agreement referenced in paragraph e. did not lapse during the CARES Act
program period (weeks of unemployment ending between April 4, 2020, and
September 6, 2021). Yes No.
h. The agreement referenced in paragraph e. lapsed on (insert date or dates here or “not
i. The agreement referenced in paragraph e. was reinstated on (insert date or dates here
or “not applicable”) and covered the dates of (insert date or dates here).
j. The state provided a copy of its reinstated agreement(s) or other documentation
reinstating the agreement(s) for the section 2105 reimbursement to the Regional
Office on (insert date(s) here)__________________.
k. The state determined that all waiting weeks waived for which federal reimbursement
was applied were for weeks of unemployment ending between April 4, 2020, or the
week ending date after which the state entered into agreement with the Department,
and September 6, 2021, and were payable under the relevant provisions of Section
2105 of the CARES Act as amended and has drawn and/or requested all funding for
all eligible waiting weeks waived. Yes No
Attachment I to UIPL 20-20, Change 1
II. The state determined that all waiting weeks waived were payable. Yes No
III. The state reconciled its accounting for Section 2105 funds as instructed by UIPL No. 20-
20, Change 1, and as of the date of this information collection (mark the appropriate
a. The state has requested all funding for all eligible waiting weeks waived and
neither owes the federal government funds nor is owed any funds by the federal
b. The state determined that it owes the federal government funds in the amount of
(insert amount here) ________________ for all eligible waiting weeks waived and
the repayment was completed on (insert date here): ________________.
c. The state determined it is owed funds by the federal government in the amount of
(insert amount here): _____________________________________ and has notified
the Division of Fiscal and Actuarial Services at eta-ui-inquiries@dol.gov of this
additional funding required to cover all remaining eligible waiting weeks waived on
(insert notification date here): _______________________.
IV. The state submitted all required ETA 2112 UI Financial Transaction Summary reports,
including all necessary revisions, which reflect Section 2105 deposits and disbursements
as of the date of this information collection. Yes No
V. In the event of an audit, the state has all records, as well as documented processes
pertaining to the administration, implementation, and reconciliation of Section 2105 of
the Cares Act as the Department requires and is ready to make such records available for
inspection, examination and audit by such federal officials or employees as the
Department may designate or as may be required by law. Yes No