Vaccination Effors:
2021 Repor
Dec. 21, 2020 – Dec. 21, 2021
There have been very few times in our nation’s history where we have
confronted challenges as significant as COVID-19. It has been a trying,
hear-breaking, and devastating time for so many. Forunately, we
are beginning to return to a world of hope and optimism thanks to the
advent of the vaccines.
At Walmar, we have been working around the clock to do our par to
administer vaccines and offer education to millions of individuals across
the country. At the hear of our effors is an all-hands-on-deck approach
in reaching underserved communities where we are parnering with local
non-profits, faith based organizations, local elected officials and many
others to get out the vaccine.
Opening Statement
Dr. Cheryl Pegus
Executive Vice President of Health & Wellness
Vaccination Timeline
Walmar administered our first patient
vaccination on December 21, 2020 in New
Mexico, which was also where the first Walmar
associate, pharmacy clinical services manager
Alexis Abbatantuono, was vaccinated. In this
earliest phase of our vaccination program, we
parnered with five states—Arkansas, Georgia,
Louisiana, New Mexico, and South Carolina
—to begin distributing the vaccine to eligible
Eight weeks later, more than 1,000 Walmar
and Sam’s Club pharmacies in 22 states
received federal vaccine allocations. Locations
were selected with a focus on those that
reach customers in underserved and rural
communities with limited access to health
care, as well as referencing the Social
Vulnerability Index to select these locations.
Additionally, Walmar and Sam’s Club increased
administering vaccinations under state
allocation in 11 states, the District of Columbia
and Puero Rico.
During this time, we were also beginning to
build out our concept for community events,
which we would execute in conjunction with
local community groups and stakeholders,
businesses and organizations, and payor
parners. The first community event we
executed was in Chicago and focused on
reaching eligible patients in pars of the city
that were traditionally medically underserved.
The Chicago event (see detail, right) was stood
up and executed in roughly two weeks’ time
and served as an imporant model for the
community- and population-centric events that
we continue to execute.
Also in February 2021, Walmar was called on
by the federal government to use additional
vaccine allocation to stand up community
events to reach some of the country’s most
underserved populations. With the Chicago
event as a model, we used this extra allocation
to create a series of community events at an
initial 43 locations across 18 states, focusing on
underserved communities. The initiative also
reached eligible 70-year-old+ populations in
parnership with community groups and payors.
Since we began administering vaccinations a
year ago, our effors have grown to encompass
51 states and territories and more than 5,100
retail locations across the country. Of the
millions of vaccines Walmar has administered,
80 percent have been delivered to patients
in areas that are classified by the Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
as “medically underserved.” With eligibility
across the country now extending to anyone
age 5 and older, and booster vaccines for those
who received their last dose at least six months
ago, we continue to serve the communities
where we live and work while maintaining an
emphasis on reaching out to help the most
vulnerable among us.
Case Study:
Walmar in Chicago
Mid January 2021: Chicago reached out to us in to offer
allocation (1000 doses) for Phase 1a – Healthcare Workers
The city assigned 1a cohor members by store and
paired us up; demand was very weak due to minimal
promotion to the impacted communities.
The state/city then moved to 1b (essential workers,
65+) which expanded the eligible population.
January 26: Parnership and shift to
manual scheduling
Meeting with Rush Health, community leaders, as
well as Aldermen, County Supervisor and the Mayor’s
Office led to expedited effor to schedule and
communicate together to underserved communities.
January 27-28: Vaccination for 1b Cohor
Continued communication with Aldermen
and key state legislators that we had available
vaccines; provided dedicated phone numbers for
each location and set up “events” for maximum
vaccination administration, utilizing garden centers at
Health & Wellness personnel manually scheduled
appointments to ensure that vaccines were going to
the targeted population.
January 29-February 2:
1000 doses administered in 5 days
The first Walmar pharmacist to receive a vaccine in one of
our facilities was pharmacy clinical service manager Alexis
Abbatantuono, a 13-year associate.
Amanda Jenkins
Vice President, H&W Operations
“I have never been a par of something so
big, which took multiple divisions within our
own company, competitors within our own
industry and both the public and private
sector to accomplish. It was such an
incredible effor and story to be a par of,
and we will never operate the same; we will
always be better because of it.
Parnerships have been the most effective
tactic Walmar has employed in reaching
underserved communities and other eligible
populations with education and vaccination
opporunities. These parnerships have taken
multiple forms throughout the evolution of our
vaccination effors. Namely, we have parnered
through vaccine equity grants, community
organizations, educator groups, employers, and
Vaccine Equity Grants
In February, the Walmar Foundation dedicated
$2.75 million to suppor organizations that are
working on interventions in and with diverse
communities around the United States to
increase education, outreach and awareness of
COVID-19 vaccines. The Walmar Foundation
provided grants to the following organizations
that are positioned to help address education
needs around COVID-19 vaccine uptake:
NAACP Empowerment Programs, Inc.,
Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian
Association of Asian-Pacific Community Health
the National Council of Asian Pacific Islander
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Interaith Youth Core
The Conference of National Black Churches
Community Parnerships
and Vaccine Events
We recognized early on that trusted local
voices are the most effective messengers
to get people vaccinated. Through our
knowledgeable Walmar field team, we
identified individuals and organizations that
could serve as execution parners. These
parners have helped us spread the word
about events, identified and provided spaces
for us to vaccinate, and encouraged as
many community members as possible to
paricipate. We have now held hundreds of
community events across the country with
a diverse range of parners. Those parners
Casa del Inmigrante/Immigrant Home
Foundation, a nonprofit serving immigrants in
Las Vegas, Nevada;
the Indianapolis Urban League in Indiana;
Jackson Housing Authority and Wishrock at
the Golden Key Envision Center in Jackson,
St. James Historical Baptist Church and
Fellowship of Champions Church in
Fayetteville, Arkansas;
West Cobb Islamic Center in West Cobb,
BAPS Charities in Chino Hills, California;
and Camino Community Center in Charlotte,
Norh Carolina.
A senior getting vaccinated at the Casa del
Inmigrante community event in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Parnerships and Outreach
Parnerships, Outreach, and Tools
Del Sloneker
SVP, Walmar+ Operations
“While this past year has been difficult, it
has brought out the best in us as health and
wellness associates. We found new ways of
working, new ways of serving our customers
and the collaboration and teamwork with our
store teams are the best I have ever seen. I
could not be more proud of our associates for
everything they’ve done to make a difference
in our business and their communities. It has
been all of us, working together as one team
to change the lives of our customers we serve
each and every day. Our H&W associates
are a guiding example of what’s good in our
company and in our country.
receive their COVID vaccine while getting their
spors physicals.
We also expanded our parnerships with
colleges and universities to increase the
vaccination rate among young people. For
example, we parnered with the Miami Dade
College in Florida to host vaccination events
at three of their campuses around the greater
Miami area.
Long Term Care Facilities
At the request of the CDC, Walmar and
Sam’s Club pharmacies volunteered to serve
long term care and assisted living residents
with booster vaccines. Before the booster
vaccines were approved we already had long
term care facilities (LTCF) lined up to receive
onsite vaccinations. In the few weeks leading
up to the booster approvals, a cross-functional
team came together to create a process for
scheduling, communicating and executing
events for long term care residents that
included overcoming unique challenges not
faced before. We were able to begin scheduling
clinics as soon as the boosters were approved.
We have served thousands of residents in
hundreds of long term care facilities.
Employer Parnerships
Walmar and Sam’s Club parnered with the
CDC to offer COVID-19 on-site vaccinations,
education, and events to employers and
external groups. In this capacity we have
worked to provide vaccination events and
education to large employers, including
Georgia-Pacific, Tyson Foods, Toyota Motor
Norh America Inc, and NBA/WNBA teams.
We have also worked with states to meet
specific needs for their at-risk populations. In
New Jersey, for instance, we were asked by
the state to vaccinate the developmentally
disabled population. We worked in conjunction
with group homes in the state to determine the
number of doses needed, and then the patients
came to the store to receive vaccinations.
School Outreach
We have parnered with school districts to
increase vaccine awareness and immunize in
areas where teachers are eligible and most at
risk. Educator outreach has continued to be an
imporant means of getting people vaccinated,
but was especially helpful during the period
when educators were first extended eligibility
in cerain states. For example, in Jackson,
Mississippi, our parnership with Jackson Public
Schools allowed us to vaccinate teachers and
run an education campaign targeted at the
most vulnerable, Title 1 schools. During this
early phase, we also held vaccination events in
parnership with Indianapolis School District,
Dallas Independent School District, Gwinnett
County Public Schools in Georgia, and Charer
Schools in Chicago. We also prioritized
appointments for teachers and educators at
1,400 locations from March 20-21, 2021 and
March 27-28, 2021 to ensure access for this
priority group
When eligibility for the Pfizer vaccine opened
to include everyone ages 12+ and then again
for ages 5+, we doubled down on outreach
to school districts to plan events that would
increase access for students and their families.
This included parnerships and events like one
we held in San Antonio, Texas, where high
school student athletes had the opporunity to
Lisa Smith
Senior Director, Clinical Excellence
“Seeing our associates step up to protect the
communities they serve has been not only
humbling, but also such a source of pride.
As a pharmacist, this pandemic has been a
situation that you hope never occurs, but we
were confident that we had the experise and
training to help protect our fellow associates and
community. As the most accessible healthcare
professional in many communities, our pharmacy
staff answered the call and we are so grateful.
Payor Cooperation
Payors have also served as crucial execution
parners for ensuring that communities have
information about and access to vaccine
events. We have worked with Arkansas Blue
Cross Blue Shield, UnitedHealthcare, Humana,
Intermountain Healthcare and others to
identify eligible patients, provide outreach, and
schedule appointments for patients. As a par
of our cooperation with payors, we also share a
weekly repor of our open vaccine appointment
availability in stores across the country that
payors then use in outreach to their members.
Walmar has created many useful tools that have
made vaccination information and appointments
broadly accessible to all communities, including
those that are underserved and paricularly
vulnerable. This has required utilizing a mix of
high- and low-tech solutions to ensure that
vaccine information is readily accessible, and that
vaccine scheduling is equitable.
Communications and
Education Suppor
We approached our communications and
education effors with the understanding that
all communities would have different needs.
With that in mind, we tailored our messaging
based on the community we are trying to reach.
For instance, we have created communications
targeted at different groups (for example, those
ages 70+) and have translated our information
for patients, both in physical and digital form,
into multiple languages based on the specific
communities being served.
Supporive Walmar Technology
Our outreach effors were also suppored by the
robust Walmar.com and Samsclub.com
scheduling tool. The online scheduler helps
members find locations with vaccines near them
and make an appointment to get vaccinated.
The websites also include answers to imporant
frequently asked questions and information
dispelling myths about the COVID-19
vaccine. For greater accessibility, the
scheduling site is available in English and
in Spanish. Additionally, we realized that
online scheduling may put those without
consistent access to internet or an internet-
connected device at a disadvantage for
getting an appointment slot. For this reason,
many of the events we hold—paricularly in
underserved or at-risk communities—are
coordinated using the CVENT telephone
scheduling tool. Using a scheduling system
that is solely telephone-based helps to
ensure greater and more equitable access to
crucial vaccine appointments.
Digital Vaccine Records
Walmar announced our role in an
international effor to provide standardized
digital health records to people, staring with
vaccine records. Customers who receive
their COVID-19 vaccinations at a Walmar or
Sam’s Club pharmacy are offered a Digital
Vaccination Record (DVR) that confirms
their vaccination status.
As our vaccination effors expanded with the
addition of children’s vaccinations, we have
released a set of features to allow family
members to add their dependents
and view their DVRs on their Walmar
Pharmacy account.
Yuav teem caij le caag txhaj le tau moog txhaaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab
mob COVID-19
Txuj kev txhaaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob COVID-19 yog ib yaam tsi kuas koj them ib tug nqe le.
Kuv yuav tsum nqaa tej yaam dlaabtsi moog rua lub caij teem tau moog ntsib puab?
Kuv puas tau txais koob tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob COVID-19 taamsim nuav?
Vim le caag kuv txhaj le yuav tsum tau txhaaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob?
Kev txhaaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob COVID-19 tsi yog ib yaam kws yuav paab tiv thaiv koj nkaus xwb, tawmsis
paab tau rua cov tuab neeg nyob ib puag ncig koj kws tsis tau tsim nyog txais
koob tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob los yog cov tuab neeg kws yeej tsi taug hab tsi khov. Yog ua tau le has, qhov koj
ua nuav yeej yog ib txuj kev paab rua koj lub zej lub zog hab paab qheb tau cov kev paab cuam lug khu mob nkeeg
rua cov tuab neeg kws muaj kev tu ncua txug lwm cov kaab mob kev nkeeg.
Yog xaav paub ntxiv ces moog saib CDC.gov/Covidvaccine.
Koob tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob puas nyaab xeeb?
Nyaab xeeb! Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob yeej nyaab xeeb hab yeej siv tau kuas muaj kev zoo tshaaj le ntawm
90% lug moog tiv thaiv tau COVID-19 tom qaab txhaaj ob koob*.
Thaus koj tau txais thawj koob tshuaj, peb yuav teem caij rua koj rov tuaj ntsib dlua txhaaj koob thib ob.
Koj yuav tsum txais kuas tau ob koob tshuaj txhaaj tuab si. Koob tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob COVID-19 yuav
muab tsis tau tug kaab mob COVID-19 rua koj.
Nub kws koj teem tau moog ntsib puab thov nqaa koj dlaim ID, ntawv pov thawj tsim nyog txhaaj koob
tshuaj tiv thaiv kaab mob yog tas muaj (piv txwv le koj dlaim ID ua num), hab dlaim npaav ntawv paab them
nqe khu mob yog tas koj muaj ib dlaim. Thov npaaj nyob rua lub chaw hov qhov tsawg kawg yog 15 nas this
tom qaab koj txhaaj koob tshuaj taag es ca peb ntsuag koj saib puas muaj tej yaam txhum faab dlaabtsi.
Peb txuj kev muaj sa muaj zug ua ke yog pib ntawm nuav!
Walmart taab tom muab ib co tshuaj txhaaj tiv thaiv kaab mob COVID-19 rua cov tuab neeg
mob kws muaj kev tsim nyog txais koob tshuaj lug ntawm tshaaj le 1000 lub khw nyob rua huv
lub xeev hab cov cheeb tsaam num tswv kaav, tsis has xaam rua Puerto Rico hab District of Columbia.
1. Moog saib rua www.walmart.com/COVIDvaccine.
2. Moog saib peb
lub vaag saab ces
xaiv “teem caij
moog ntsib
taamsim nuav,”
hab nkaag rua huv
koj tug as khauj
Walmart los yog
moog tsim ib tug
as khauj tshab.
3. Xaiv ib
lub chaw
kws koj
xaav moog
ntsib puab.
tshuaj hab
cov ntawv
Cov ntsab lug has txug kev txhaaj tshuaj tiv thaiv
kaab mob COVID-19
* *
Información sobre
la vacuna contra el COVID-19
Cómo programar una cita para recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19
La vacuna contra el COVID-19 está disponible sin costo para ti**.
¿Qué debo llevar a mi cita?
* De acuerdo con los datos de la Fase III de Pfizer BioNtech y Moderna, pero no le impondrán ningún cargo.
¿Puedo recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 ahora?
Consulta el sitio web del departamento de salud de tu estado para determinar si actualmente cumples con
los requisitos para vacunarte. Si cumples con los requisitos, puedes encontrar un centro de vacunación en
un establecimiento de Walmart participante, y programar una cita visitando www.walmart.com/COVIDvaccine.
¿Por qué debería vacunarme?
El día de tu cita, debes traer tu identificación, comprobante de elegibilidad para recibir la vacuna, si aplica (por
ejemplo, tu identificación de trabajo) y tarjeta de seguro, si tienes una. Planifica permanecer en el establec-
imiento al menos 15 minutos después de tu inyección mientras te monitoreamos para detectar cualquier
reacción alérgica.
¡Seamos más fuertes juntos, aquí y ahora!
Actualmente, Walmart está proporcionando vacunas contra el COVID-19 a paci-
entes que cumplen con los requisitos a través de más de 1000 tiendas en 35 esta-
dos y jurisdicciones, incluyendo Puerto Rico y el Distrito de Columbia.
1. Visita a www.walmart.com/COVIDvaccine.
2. Visita nuestra
página web,
“programar ahora”
e inicia sesión con
tu cuenta de
Walmart o crea
una nueva cuenta.
Vacunarte contra el COVID-19 no solo te ayuda a protegerte a tí, sino también a quienes te rodean y que aún no
cumplen los requisitos para recibir la vacuna o son muy vulnerables. Al hacerlo, estás realizando un acto de
servicio a tu comunidad y liberando recursos de atención médica para quienes los necesitan y tienen otras
necesidades médicas.
Para obtener más información, visita CDC.gov/Covidvaccine
¿Es segura la vacuna?
¡Sí! La vacuna es segura y tiene una eficacia de más del 90% para prevenir el COVID-19 después de la segunda
Cuando recibas tu primera dosis, programaremos tu cita para la segunda dosis. Es absolutamente necesario que
recibas ambas dosis. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 no puede transmitirte el COVID-19.
3. Selecciona el
centro que te
gustaría visitar.
4. Verifica si eres apto
para vacunarte y
completa nuestros
formularios de registro.
** Walmart puede facturar los gastos de administración a tu aseguradora, plan de salud o un fondo no asegurado, pero no te impondrá ningún cargo.
Vaccine scheduling
handouts in Hmong
and Spanish.
Davin Biram
Vice President, US Operations
After 25 years with Walmar, I never cease to be amazed
with how special our associates are in extraordinary
environments. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have
had the privilege to work with so many great associates
and teams who have worked diligently to suppor our store
associates and the communities we serve. Seeing all our
associates focus on the safety of each other, the wellbeing
of our communities and rising to every challenge during
the pandemic and especially successfully administering
millions of vaccines, makes me very proud to be par of
this company and a Walmar associate. It has been a truly
humbling experience.
These features include:
An Updated DVR landing page to allow
for a customer to view theirs and their
dependents’ DVRs.
Ability to view previously linked
dependent’s DVRs automatically upon
accessing the DVR landing page.
Ability to add dependents to your
account with COVID-19 vaccine specific
Ability to render a DVR for pediatric
patients (Pfizer Pediatric Ages 5-11)
In an effor to increase vaccination uptake,
we designed a “Get Out The Vaccine” plan
modeled after a full-stakes “Get Out The
Vote” campaign—with distinct strategies
for grassroots and community parnerships,
corporate parners, internal operations, media,
and surrogates. The overarching goal of this
campaign was to suppor goals to get the
majority of eligible US population vaccinated.
We have had to adapt our effors to reach
people with vaccine education and availability
as circumstances have changed. Expanded
eligibility—first to those ages 12 and up and then
to those 5 and up—as well as the authorization
of booster shots has required us to constantly
adapt to reach new segments of the population.
At the same time, we have remained focused
on reassuring those who are vaccine hesitant of
the safety and necessity of getting vaccinated.
With that in mind, the GOTV plan aims to reach
as many diverse segments of the population
as possible with messaging and events
geared toward making the COVID-19 vaccine
accessible and approachable.
Grassroots and
Community Parnerships
Our GOTV campaign leverages the
community parnerships model we have
already used widely. Both through expanding
our relationships with existing parners and
using the parnership model to work with new
parners, we continue to bring vaccine events
and education to diverse communities across
the country. In doing so, we ensure that our
outreach effors continue to reassure people
that the vaccines are safe, effective, and
necessary to protect our communities.
Complementary to Walmar’s existing mobile
vaccine tour schedule, we have also held
community events in many of the tour locations
to encourage attendance and paricipation in
our vaccination events. This has included, for
example, working with Aldermen in Chicago to
get their constituents to attend and spread the
On-and Off-site Clinics
To ensure we are serving as many populations
as possible, we are offering vaccination
clinics in several different models to suit each
community’s unique needs. These models
Events in our pharmacies at Walmar and
Sam’s Club
Events in former stores
Events in parking lots
Drive-thru events
In Las Vegas, for example, we parnered with
Telemundo on a telethon to raise awareness
of an off-site clinic we were holding and to
encourage the vulnerable and underserved
Latino community in the area to come out
and get vaccinated. Nevada Governor Steve
Sisolak and Attorney General Aaron Ford
visited our clinic to suppor our effors and to
thank the Walmar team present that day. We
also brought awareness to the event through a
press conference with the Mexican Consulate
and El Salvadorian Consulate, and had several
local news outlets present to help us get the
message out. Volunteers from Clark County’s
Esta En Tus Manos, a local organization who
parnered with us on execution of the event,
were stationed at five of our locations,
spreading the word that we are vaccinating
in-store every day and at our off-site clinic that
weekend. As a result, we delivered over 1,200
first doses and nearly 800 second doses in one
weekend—a nearly 6X increase on the amount
of vaccines we had been administering.
As eligibility and circumstances changed
throughout the year, our mobile clinics proved
to be an imporant asset that allow us to meet
populations where they are. These clinics
require only 50 x 100 ft of space—roughly the
size of a basketball cour—and contain all of
the necessary stations and equipment to set
up a fully functional vaccination event. With
each pharmacist/tech administering a vaccine
every five minutes, and four stations set up for
patients, this results in roughly 50 shots per
hour. Over a seven-hour clinic, this means
we can deliver 350 vaccines per day with a
mobile clinic.
Get Out The Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine Event for Walmar Supply Chain associates, Arkansas
Health & Wellness Mobile Tour
In addition to our mobile clinics, Walmar
has built out mobile vehicles that tour
the country to educate policymakers and
community leaders about our health &
wellness offerings and priorities. This includes
providing access to COVID-19 vaccination
and boosters, as well as some of the many
other vaccinations that Walmar and Sam’s
Club offer—including influenza, shingles, and
tetanus. We are also able to provide basic
health screenings to those who visit our
mobile units.
Beyond providing vaccinations and health
screenings, these mobile units are stocked
with information about Walmar’s many
health offerings—from optical and hearing
screenings, to our telehealth services.
The Health & Wellness Mobile Tour stops
also offer us the opporunity to share our
perspective on policy matters that are
imporant to us. This includes our work
around opioid stewardship and naloxone
training, access to affordable health care and
prescriptions, and our suppor for expanding
scope of practice to allow our pharmacists to
better serve our communities.
At a recent visit to the National Conference
of State Legislatures (NCSL) conference
in Tampa, Florida, we were able to offer
vaccinations, vision screenings, and glucose
and cholesterol screenings to the nearly 600
state-level elected officials and hundreds of
staff members in attendance. During our two
days at the conference, we provided nearly
120 vaccinations (COVID-19 and flu), 60
vision screenings, and 30 health screenings.
Corporate Parners
In suppor of our GOTV campaign, we
also continue to expand our corporate
parnerships and to look for new corporate
parners who will assist us in our education
and vaccination effors. Large regional and
national corporate parners help us amplify
our message, lend credibility to the work
we’re doing, and assist with the logistics
of standing up and executing community
vaccination events. In addition to impacting
communities, we work with corporate
parners to make sure that their employees
are vaccinated as well.
World Champion and Top Fuel Driver Clay
Millican was identified as an enthusiastic
ambassador for getting vaccinated, and after
connecting his team at Stringer Racing with
Walmar Health & Wellness we built out a
series of engagements including mobile
vaccination events at NHRA and NASCAR
races in Georgia and Norh Carolina. There
were also Walmar-branded race vehicles at
both events as well as “hero cards” passed
out that included a QR code that takes
people directly to the Walmar vaccination
registration webpage.
At the NHRA Southern Nationals in
Commerce, Georgia, we had Walmar
pharmacists on site to vaccinate attendees.
Clay Millican signed autographs and talked to
fans about the benefits of getting vaccinated.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp also stopped
One such parnership was with the NBA and
WNBA. Beginning in March 2021, and in the
weeks afterwards we built out substantial
internal and community offerings for many
team organizations. This included vaccinating
the staff and household members of both
the Miami Heat and American Airlines Arena,
along with 500 members of the community
at a nearby store.
With the WNBA, we built out vaccination
events for all interested teams. In this
collaboration, we vaccinated teams and
coaches and also hosted community events
in parnership with Black Women’s Health
Imperative to vaccinate local members of the
community in underserved areas.
We also formed a parnership with the NHRA
and NASCAR to vaccinate racing fans in
Georgia and Norh Carolina. NHRA six-time
Sherri Keeth
Senior Director, Sam’s Club Health & Wellness
“Through this experience I’ve seen that if you set a high bar
with an extraordinary team, we can truly move mountains. This
team has maintained their focus on safety and quality service
for our patients while moving faster than we ever have before.
It has been incredible to see their ingenuity and problem solving
on a day to day- sometimes hour to hour- basis. In the midst of
all the hard work, the hundreds of individual stories of patients
with tears of relief and gratitude because they finally feel safe
to visit their families have been the proof of our associates’
phenomenal impact.
vaccine. In suppor of the White House’s
National Month of Action in June, for
example, Walmar parnered with the U.S.
Conference of Mayors to hold vaccination
clinics in paricipating cities across the
country, including Albany, New York; Atlanta,
Georgia; and Greenville, South Carolina.
On a more local level, we parnered with
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson and the Dallas
Foundation to contribute to a citywide raffle
that would aim to incentivize Texans in the
Dallas are to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
by to tour the Mobile Wellness Clinic and
thanked the Walmar team for the work they
were doing to get Georgians vaccinated.
We joined forces with NASCAR to host a
similar Mobile Wellness Clinic at the NASCAR
Coca-Cola 600 in Charlotte, Norh Carolina.
At this event, we worked with racer Justin
Haley in addition to Clay Millican to gain
awareness around the vaccine.
Government Parnerships
As cities and states work to reach vaccination
goals, Walmar is acting as a parner in
delivering and incentivizing getting the
NASCAR driver Justin Haley and NHRA racer Clay Millican
with the Mobile Wellness Team at the NASCAR Coca-Cola
600 in Charlotte, Norh Carolina.
Lori Flees
SVP, Walmar
“I couldn’t be more proud of our Walmar
and Sam’s Club associates. Our Health &
Wellness associates did not hesitate to go
into their communities to run hundreds
of offsite clinics to ensure everyone could
get access to a COVID vaccine. With
80% of our pharmacies located in HRSA-
designated medically under-served areas,
their work and willingness to go above and
beyond was critically imporant to helping
ensure the health and safety of their
neighbors and each other.
Jason LaFave
Regional H&W Director
“I am so honored to be a par of Walmar’s
response to supporing communities
recover from the COVID pandemic. I am
truly amazed by our store teams and the
level of care they provided over the last
year! On a daily basis I would hear stories
of our associates delivering world class
care to their patients that inspired me
to deliver more to them. To see how the
entire company embraced and suppored
this mission was a highlight in my career.
This was truly Walmar lnc. delivering our
mission statement versus a Walmar H&W
initiative and I will never forget the total
company effors to protect a nation!”
Internal Operations
Par of the GOTV plan is also to leverage our
external communication channels to target
specific populations with messaging that
resonates. One example of this is updated
in-store signage in multiple languages and
with photographs representing diverse
communities. By making this inclusive signage
available, stores can choose to display
materials that they feel will resonate most
with the communities that they serve.
We have also worked to identify surrogates
that will have credibility with diverse
populations throughout the country. We
have used internal and external surrogates—
primarily medical professionals—throughout
the past year to deliver messages about the
safety, efficacy, and necessity of the vaccine.
For example, NHRA drag-racing champion
Clay Millican is a vaccine proponent and
wants to combat hesitancy among his
fanbase. We have worked with Clay to
increase awareness of Walmar’s vaccine
offerings, and to spread the message that
getting vaccinated is an act of caring for your
Justin Haley’s No. 77 car at the NASCAR
Coca-Cola 600 in Charlotte, Norh Carolina
Jaclyn Ochsner
Senior Manager,
Strategy and Innovation
“Supporing the COVID-19
vaccine program from initial
discussions to administration
in pharmacies across our fleet
allowed me to experience the
size and scale of our company
firsthand. It was extremely
rewarding to see Home Office
teams and our field operational
teams come together and
ultimately deliver in serving
millions of customers in a time
when they needed us most.
Both our internal and external communication
effors have similar goals. The most overarching
of these goals is that we aim to provide facts,
insights, and myth-busting around the COVID-19
vaccine to educate customers and associates
so they can make an informed decision about
getting vaccinated. In pursuit of this goal, we have
promoted and positioned Walmar and Sam’s Club
executives and pharmacists as trusted expers
and utilized CDC, FDA, and other third-pary
sources to promote the safety and efficacy of the
vaccine. We hope that these effors have allowed
us to connect with diverse and underserved
communities within the Walmar family.
Internal Communications
The primary focus of our Associate Education
Communications Plan is to leverage a team of
Vaccine Ambassadors from across the Walmar
Inc. family to help share information, personal
insights, and encourage paricipation in vaccination
effors in America by connecting with different
communities in our enterprise.
In suppor of these aims, we:
Developed an ongoing cadence of
conversation with all associates that reflects
our culture of diversity and inclusion;
Continue to leverage stories from vaccine
ambassadors to reinforce our messaging; and
Have created assets (photos, b-roll), key stats,
learnings and anecdotes to bring these stories
to life via various channels such as blog posts,
OneWalmar, Walmar World, Workplace, The
Scoop, The Rundown, Walmar Radio, The
Huddle, etc.
We also empower our associates with a number
of internal communications tools, which we
update regularly. These include: weekly, store-
level communication about local availability of
vaccines; frequently asked questions; regular
updates from a variety of H&W expers;
myth-busting videos on the vaccine; and
communications via blogs on our corporate site.
External Communications
Our external communications effors leverage
in-store, local, and national opporunities to reach
our education and vaccination goals. These effors
Hyper-local media outreach on vaccine
appointment availability, scheduling
information, and additional updates to keep
vaccines top-of-mind.
Local news and radio interviews with Market
Health & Wellness Directors, pharmacists, and
other vaccine ambassadors.
Press releases on community vaccination
Corporate site updates (www.corporate.
Walmar.com/covid-vaccine) in English and
in Spanish that include news, blog posts, and
press kits.
National media outreach via press releases,
stories in key publications, and broadcast
In-store effors, including community-specific
signage, Walmar radio spots, and in-store PA
announcement from pharmacists on vaccine
walk-up appointments.
Message Testing
Once vaccination rates began to slow, we realized
we would have to tailor our messaging to combat
any skepticism that may exist amongst those
who had not yet been vaccinated. To this end,
we conducted a message testing pilot in rural
Kentucky to see what messaging would help
convince people to get vaccinated.
We targeted five rural counties in Kentucky
(Christian, Lewis, Roberson, Todd, and Spencer)
with vaccine rates barely over 20% to see if
we could eliminate some of the friction points
between residents and receiving the vaccine.
What we found is that while there is real
hesitancy, there is also interest in receiving
more information as par of the decision-making
The general impression of Walmar’s
vaccination effors in the media has
been favorable, and this has been furher
compounded by reporing on the positive
experiences of those who have gotten
vaccinated at our locations. In addition
to organically generated press, we have
been strategic about targeting press and
publication opporunities that will continue
to lend medical and scientific credibility to
our approach to developing our COVID-19
vaccination program.
Dr. Cheryl Pegus, Executive Vice President of
Health & Wellness at Walmar, worked with
two other medical doctors from Humana
to author a study about the imporance
of utilizing cross-industry parnerships
to prevent systemic disparities in vaccine
uptake. This study was published on the
respected The Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) Health Forum
platform. Specifically, the study focuses on
the first-of-its-kind collaboration between
Walmar and Humana in Montgomery,
Alabama, that was successful in getting
vaccinations to vulnerable and underserved
Health Evolution
Dr. Pegus also paricipated in a virual
summit held by health industry convenor
Health Evolution, where she spoke about
Walmar’s internal effors to educate and
empower associates on vaccinations, as
well as our approach to getting vaccines to
underserved communities.
In February, Dr. Pegus was featured on
an episode of WebMD’s online show,
“Coronavirus in Context” in conversation
with WebMD’s chief medical officer, John
Whyte. In this interview, Dr. Pegus spoke
about Walmar’s COVID-19 response and
also provided a broader look at the health
& wellness offerings that Walmar provides
to suppor the health and wellbeing of our
CDC Roundtable
Dr. Pegus represented Walmar at a high-
level roundtable that focused on COVID-19
responses to disproporionately affected
Press and Reputational Impact
Dr. Cheryl Pegus
Health Evolution
“Walmar is the health care service in
some rural communities, they come
to pharmacies and that is where
they receive most of their services,
but it is not enough. Success in
underserved communities requires an
understanding of what the gaps are
in those communities.
populations. This roundtable gave Dr.
Pegus the chance to describe Walmar’s
focus on getting vaccines out to medically
underserved and at-risk communities.
Duke Margolis Center
White Paper
Walmar was also featured in a white
paper published by the prestigious Duke
Margolis Center for Health Policy, which
used contributions from multiple Walmar
team members working on the COVID-19
response. The paper examines the use of
public-private parnerships to suppor
efficient and equitable COVID-19 vaccine
distribution, access, and uptake. Walmar is
spotlighted in a case study examining our
successful parnerships with community
organizations to distribute vaccines to
vulnerable populations.
This repor would not be complete without
underscoring the unfailing generosity, hard work,
and dedication of our associates across the country.
They are no doubt the most imporant asset we
have had in tackling the challenges of the past year.
We have asked a lot of our associates in standing up
and executing vaccination clinics for the past year,
and we can say with resounding confidence that
they have risen to the occasion. The past year has
been challenging for everyone in different ways,
but being able to be a par of something that is
materially impacting the health and wellbeing of our
communities has been incredibly uplifting.
Our Associates
A recent story that illustrates the ingenuity and dedication of our associates comes from
Bradenton, Florida:
Pharmacy team at Bradenton, Florida location.
Our pharmacy manager received a phone call from a sign language
interpreter for a patient that is deaf, who was having difficulty
signing up to receive a vaccine despite being eligible. The pharmacist
informed her that he had the ability to hand schedule appointments
for patients with disabilities, and that the patient could come in
immediately for a vaccine. The patient came in and was thrilled that
a solution to her frustrations had been found so efficiently.
In Bradenton, there is a large deaf and hard of hearing population.
As a result of the positive interaction between this initial patient
and the pharmacist, the patient informed other members of the
community and an additional four patients came to Walmar and
were provided vaccinations. They were thrilled to finally receive
One of the pharmacy technicians at the Bradenton location had
hearing problems as a child and is fluent in sign language. She now
plans to get cerified to communicate with sign language so she can
help this patient population at our pharmacy going forward.
We are incredibly proud of this team—and all of our associates across the country—and grateful
to them for serving their communities with such care during a difficult time.
This area can be used as an introduction for the thank you page.
Aaron Rios
Alexander Cribley
Amanda Jenkins
Amy Hill
Asia Simoniants
Audra Myers
Baron Lowe
Becca Colberg
Becky Dedman
Brandon Smith
Brooke Mueller
Bruce Harris
Chad Donath
Charles Crowson
Chase Tracker
Chelsea Mitchell
Chinni Pulluru
Chris Kollasch
Christine Sinnott
Cicely Vaughn
Colin Brainard
Courney Paulson
Davey Lavergne
All Walmar and Sam’s Club
Pharmacists, Pharmacy Techs and
Pharmacy Staff
All Walmar Vision Center
Walmar and Sam’s Club Market
Health & Wellness Directors
Walmar and Sam’s Club Regional
Health & Wellness Directors
Digital Strategy & Brand
Engagement Team
Global Communication Team
Global Technology Team
Marketing Team
Product Organization
Public Affairs Team
David May
Davin Biram
Deanna Seiler
Debbie Herron
Del Sloneker
Diana Dass
Donna Barnett
Emilee Miles
Eric Berger
Eric Brewer
Erica Streyle
Gerard Dehrmann
Heather Lopez
Jaclyn Ochsner
James Johnson
Jason LaFave
Jason Wong
Jeanine Jiganti
Jeff England
JoAnn Stevens
Joe Cero
Joe Schrauder, Jr
John Lacy
John McDowell
John Wig
Jon Freshman
Jonathan Leonard
Justin Ducharme
Karen Sorenson
Karissa Price
Kevin Host
Kevin Thompson
Kim Frazier
Kimberly Hampton
Laura Ladd Poff
Lee Anne Mills
Linne Fulcher
Lisa Smith
Lisa Thornton
Lori Flees
Lou DiPalma
Lupe Govea
Marilee McInnis
Marissa Kargas
Mark Kuehn
Matthew Broome
Matthew Holt
Michael Burke
Michelle LeClerc
Michele Pagel
Mike Sapoznik
Nemish Shah
Nick Infante
Nikki Ulrich
Ranita Findlay
Rebecca Thomason
Richard Holt
Rick Hammond
Robin Bellomy
Roger Schultheis
Sam Meraj
Sheraz Sheikh
Sherri Keeth
Stacy Zulueta
Stephen Carer
Tim Koch
Tom Van Gilder
Tyler Thomason
Walter Smith
Wendy Johnson
William Cook
The effors of the past year would not have been possible without the tireless work and
dedication of our internal leaders. Special thanks go to the following groups and individuals for
their outstanding contributions:
The past year has been full of challenges and opporunities.
The knowledge and experience we gained during this time
has positioned us well to succeed in the coming months as we
inevitably encounter new challenges. In rising to the needs of the
moment, Walmar and Sam’s Club have positioned themselves as
reliable federal parners, trustworhy community members, and
respected leaders in the Health and Wellness industry.
The collective effors of everyone who has worked on our
COVID-19 vaccination program have ensured that we are
prepared and enthusiastic to tackle the needs of the coming
months and beyond.