The Collaborative Mapping Model: Relationship-Centered Instructional Design for Higher Education
Online Learning JournalVolume 23 Issue 3 – September 2019 5 56
The Collaborative Mapping Model: Relationship-
Centered Instructional Design for Higher Education
Jason Drysdale
University of Colorado Denver
Collaborating with faculty is an integral part of the instructional designer’s role. However, faculty
can be skeptical regarding the added value of the instructional designer’s expertise and
contribution in helping them (Intentional Futures, 2016). Additionally, instructional designers
experience a high degree of job misperception and struggle to advocate for clear and defined roles
(Drysdale, 2018). Four primary responsibilities of instructional designers in higher education were
defined by evaluating the industry standard models of instructional design, comparing their
structure and usage for relevance to the consultative role designers assume in higher education.
The collaborative designer piece was missing from the literature leading to the development of the
collaborative mapping model (CMM) that puts relationship at the center of higher education
instructional design and addresses issues of scale, quality, and empowerment. Development of the
CMM was informed by several key theories and concepts, including authentic leadership theory
(Kiersch & Byrne, 2015), shared leadership theory (Bolden, 2011), and appreciative inquiry (Kadi-
Hanifi et al., 2014).
After several years of implementation and refinement, the preliminary research described here was
conducted to examine the effectiveness of the model toward facilitating the collaborative
relationship between instructional designer and faculty. Fifty faculty who had designed a course
in partnership with an instructional designer through the CMM were surveyed regarding their
experience with the process. Among the results, 92% of the 37 respondents indicated an
improvement in the quality of their courses and 73% indicated that they saved time by working
with an instructional designer in the CMM. Key themes included an increased value and respect
for the expertise of the instructional designer, a significant improvement to the quality of online
courses designed and developed through the CMM, and enthusiasm for continued collaboration
with instructional designers. This study describes the development of the model, an overview of
theoretical influences and processes, and the results of research examining the effectiveness of the
CMM of instructional design.
Keywords: instructional design, instructional design models, collaboration, faculty
partnership, advocacy, leadership, course mapping, curriculum design, professional roles
Drysdale, J. (2019). The collaborative mapping model: Relationship-centered instructional
design for higher education. Online Learning, 23(3), 56-71. doi:10.24059/olj.v23i3.2058
The Collaborative Mapping Model: Relationship-Centered Instructional Design for Higher Education
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The Collaborative Mapping Model:
Relationship-Centered Instructional Design for Higher Education
While higher education administrators may recognize the value instructional designers
bring to online learning, limited resources for staffing can inhibit the kind of growth needed for
institutional leaders to effectively empower them (Fredericksen, 2017). Brigance (2012) suggested
that instructional designers are positioned to be leaders in their institutions, due to their significant
expertise in online learning and instructional design. French and Raven (2010) posited that this
expert power has the potential to increase social influence. Instructional designers, as leaders with
influence but not overt authority, can advocate for their role as partners with faculty. However,
designers often struggle to persuade resistant faculty to collaborate and often find it challenging to
stay focused on their primary work: the conceptual design of courses through consultation with
faculty (Intentional Futures, 2016). This key role is frequently misperceived or misrepresented,
stretching instructional designers thin and allowing secondary job responsibilities to overtake the
primary work of design collaborations (Drysdale, 2018). According to Seaman, Allen, and Seaman
(2018), recent enrollments in online courses have been increasing while face-to-face enrollments
have decreased. Expertise in online learning design is more vital than ever in order to recruit,
retain, and graduate students through high-quality online programs (Shaw, 2012). A new model of
instructional design focused on collaboration and building positive relationships between faculty
and designers was developed to address these challenges of misperception, collaboration,
scalability, and quality. Known as the collaborative mapping model (CMM), this approach to
instructional design encourages faculty and designers to value each other’s considerable and
distinct expertise. The CMM was developed specifically to address the unique challenges
instructional designers face in higher education. After several CMM design model iterations from
2014 and 2017, this paper presents the findings of research to assess the effectiveness of the model
from the perspective of faculty who designed online courses in partnership with an instructional
designer using the CMM process. Developed specifically for higher education, the CMM is
positioned differently than other models of instructional design, the most ubiquitous of which are
rooted in the fields of corporate training and professional learning.
Literature Review
Instructional design is a field of practice that focuses on the design, development, and
implementation of learning experiences (Saba, 2011). The design of learning is enacted and guided
through models of instructional design. Andrews and Goodson (1980) conducted a pivotal study
comparing a range of instructional design models that were developed by individual practitioners.
They discovered that most models of instructional design emerged from the individual
experiences, context, and perspective of their creators, and that many were modifications of
previously existing models of design (Andrews & Goodson, 1980). Sixty-five percent of the
models compared in the study claimed a theoretical origin, including learning theory, while 50%
claimed an empirical origin; these underpinnings were not mutually exclusive (Andrews &
Goodson, 1980). Models of design from this study espoused one of three purposes: teaching the
instructional design process, production of instructional products and materials, or a reduction in
the cost of education (Andrews & Goodson, 1980, p. 11). Further, each model had a focus on either
the design of single learning experiences or systems of learning, such as programs or curricula
(Andrews & Goodson, 1980).
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Gustafson and Branch (2002) produced a taxonomy of instructional development models,
which they defined as inclusive of both design and development practices. They categorized the
included models of development into three classifications: classroom-centric, or created to
improve small-scale instruction; systems-centric, or created to design and improve programs and
curricula; and product-centric, or created to facilitate development of instructional materials
(Gustafson & Branch, 2002). The taxonomy described characteristics of design models in relation
to these three orientations, including team or individual effort, the skill needed to successfully
implement the model, and the anticipated degree of iteration (Gustafson & Branch, 2002, p. 34).
The models included in the taxonomy were developed for situational use and lacked a clear,
pervasive approach aside from a commitment to the basic tenets of instructional systems design:
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (Gustafson & Branch, 2002).
Neither Gustafson and Branch’s (2002) taxonomy nor Andrews and Goodson’s (1980) comparison
of design models were organized by modality. However, since the advent of the Internet as a native
and ubiquitous environment for learning, this characteristic has become an important facet of
instructional design models, particularly those used in online learning.
Although many instructional design models exist, three have emerged in the field as the
primary processes used across different industries, iterated upon both formally and informally
based on context: ADDIE, AGILE, and backward design. However, these instructional design
models operate less as clear processes for designing and developing learning systems and
experiences than as design philosophies or approaches that inform the work, role, and focus of
instructional designers.
The ADDIE Model
The ADDIE model—which stands for analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate
is of uncertain origin; some suggest that it emerged at Florida State University from work
commissioned by the U.S. Army, although the acronym ADDIE was not formally used during the
project (Molenda, 2003). Further, ADDIE did not appear in any of the major literature around
instructional design models from the 1980s or 1990s (Molenda, 2003). As a result, Molenda (2003)
concluded that ADDIE was “merely a colloquial term used to describe a systematic approach to
instructional development, virtually synonymous with instructional systems development” (p. 35).
Still, the key tenets of ADDIE have become the cornerstone of instructional design and
development processes across many contexts; ADDIE is widely characterized as the traditional
industry-standard model of instructional design.
In each phase of ADDIE, the instructional designer works with a subject matter expert
(SME); the focus of ADDIE is on the systematic and intentional creation of high-quality learning
materials. The ADDIE approach begins with assessing the needs, environment, and characteristics
of learners through detailed analysis. The next stage, design, moves from needs assessment to
conceptualizing interventions and experiences tailored to learners, and informed by the SME. The
development phase is inclusive of all steps for product development, and often emerges as a back-
and-forth between the instructional designer, who produces storyboards, writes copy, creates
assignments, and develops rubrics or assessment metrics, and the SME, who provides content and
feedback. In the implementation stage, students learn using the developed materials; the ADDIE
model culminates in an evaluation of their learning and the effectiveness of the instructional
materials created through the design process. As an instructional design model, ADDIE takes a
broad approach to categorizing the activities of instructional design with significant leeway given
for the perspectives and process of each instructional designer or team. The model emphasizes the
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development of quality products—the materials created as a result of the instructional design
The AGILE Model
The AGILE model—which stands for align, get set, iterate and implement, leverage, and
evaluatewas developed by Conrad Gottfredson, and has roots in agile software development and
project management (Neibert, 2013-a). The agile philosophy emphasizes prioritization and
iteration for the purpose of rapid development and deployment of learning solutions that meet the
performance needs of an organization. Often used in the design and development of e-learning
materials—technology-driven learning experiences often delivered in a self-paced, asynchronous
format—the AGILE model has become a standard practice in corporate and professional e-
learning environments where the emphasis is on an accelerated pace of delivery and a team-centric
approach to learning development. In AGILE design, the first stage of work is alignment: ensuring
that stakeholders and team members are aligned on strategy and business needs for the project, as
well as the value it will add for learners (Neibert, 2013-a).
The second stage of AGILE, get set, focuses on analysis of the audience, performance
goals, the operational demands of the project, and, in complex projects, establishing a learning
experience and performance plan (LEaP) as a support mechanism for learners (Neibert, 2013-b).
This is the primary planning stage prior to the development of instructional materials in Stage 3,
known as iterate and implement. This phase focuses on rapid cycles of development and
incremental implementation, with a stated purpose of creating adaptable learning experiences at a
scale and pace that meet the needs of the organization (Neibert, 2014). The final two stages,
leverage and evaluate, focus on access and quality: leveraging the technology resources of an
organization for pervasive delivery and evaluating the quality and success of the learning
experiences developed (Neibert, 2014). Although AGILE has similarities to ADDIE, it repositions
the role of the instructional designer to one participant of a larger team working to produce learning
materials for specific business needs. AGILE methodology encourages rapid iteration and detailed
project management as vital responsibilities for all stakeholders. As a result, the focus of the
AGILE model is on improving the efficiency of processes, leading to responsive product
development that results in a change seen as valuable to the organization and, ideally, the learner.
Backward Design
Backward design was first defined by Wiggins and McTighe (2005) as a method of
planning learning by focusing first on the intended outcomes for students, then moving backward
through their stages of engagement: outcomes, assessments, and learning activities. This approach
to curricular and classroom planning, also known as Understanding By Design (UbD), encourages
a student-centric approach to learning design that shifts the focus of learning design and teaching
from content to student learning (Bowen, 2017). The stages of backward design are informed by
the experience and perspective of the faculty or instructional designer. Many focus on outcomes
development through the use of Bloom’s taxonomy, which places action verbs into categories of
student engagement based on the level of sophistication and challenge (Bloom, 1956). Others
center on outcomes development as an exercise of identifying academic, content-specific, or
professional skills in which students will be expected to be proficient upon completion of the
course. The next element of backward design is to describe the assessments which measure student
growth on the intended outcomes. The final stage is to define learning experiences, curate
resources, and develop learning materials that prepare students for the identified assessments
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(Bowen, 2017). Backward design has been operationalized into a method of instructional design
or curriculum planning; however, Wiggins and McTighe (2005) did not intend for their approach
to be seen as a prescriptive method of design but as a means of focusing design work on the needs
of students. Similar to both ADDIE and AGILE, backward design is an approach to learning design
intended to frame the work of instructional design but not to strictly dictate its method or process.
Still, backward design has been adopted as a formal process of instructional design and is largely
focused on producing high-quality, student-centered learning experiences.
The Missing Piece: Defining the Roles of Instructional Designers in Higher Education
ADDIE, AGILE, and backward design were not intended as formalized processes or
models of instructional design but as approaches to design, upon which instructional designers and
teams iterate based on the unique needs and expectations of their contexts and learners. However,
all three have been operationalized as formal approaches to instructional design, each with a key
focus on either process or product development. As none of these models were developed
specifically for the needs of faculty or instructional designers in higher education, each has been
adapted to the meet the needs of the higher education context. As a part of this research into the
commonly used instructional design models, the roles instructional designers play at institutions
of higher education became a further focus of interest. Gustafson and Branch (2002) characterized
the design and development of learning as two separate but connected processes. Intentional
Futures (2016) identified four common tasks associated with instructional designers: designing
courses, training faculty, technology support, and project management. These core responsibilities
of instructional designers were further categorized into four key roles: traditional designer, course
developer, technology support, and collaborative designer. These roles each have a different area
of focus, associated with the design models that align most with their primary set of
responsibilities. Additionally, the roles were categorized by the type of leadership exhibited and
experienced by designers who assume these roles: collaboration focused or compliance focused,
and high oversight or high autonomy. These leadership categories were influenced by Blake and
Mouton’s (2010) managerial grid, which described management style in relation to the degree of
concern for production or people. Roles with high compliance or high oversight were categorized
as focused more on process or product than people, while the role with high collaboration and
autonomy—collaborative designer—was categorized as focused more on relationship. Figure 1
shows the results of this categorization, with instructional designer roles associated with a specific
model of instructional design.
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Figure 1. Roles and associated models of instructional design.
This categorization of instructional designer roles and models became the basis of
development for the CMM: No ubiquitous model of instructional design had been developed and
implemented for the collaborative designer role, which focused on relationship rather than on
product or process.
Traditional designer. Professionals with a traditional instructional designer role focus on
designing high-quality products, such as online courses or modules, in concert with a faculty
member who acts as the SME for the project. Traditional designers operate as their own project
managers, coordinating all aspects of the design or redesign project, including setting up meetings
and establishing deadlines for deliverables from SMEs. Primary decision-making authority over
the instructional decisions of the course—such as pedagogy, assignment types and differentiation,
structure of the learning experiences, and assessments—are made by the instructional designer.
SMEs, however, maintain expertise and authority over content—course readings, articles, videos,
case studies, and any other passively consumed information relevant to and valuable for students
in the course or learning experience. The designer–faculty relationship, in this context, focuses on
mediating differences of opinion and value, working toward consensus from two different
perspectives on the purpose and value of the course. While both designer and faculty member have
equal authority, their expertise covers different areas, and they often operate independently, with
meetings focused on cycles of iteration, mediation, and approval in order to deliver a high-quality
design and—if timelines allow—a developed product. The traditional designer role is most closely
associated with the ADDIE model of instructional design.
Course developer. Instructional designers with a course developer role operate primarily
as developers of instructional materials, including digital media, documents, presentations, and
content or assignments which integrate use of instructional technology tools. Course developers
often work directly within a learning management system or with e-learning authoring software to
produce course copy and content for faculty, focusing on cycles of design iteration for these
materials based on faculty feedback. The designer–faculty relationship for course developers
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favors the authority of faculty, as they are expected to possess both the content knowledge and
teaching expertise, while the instructional designer focuses their skills on technology training and
development of learning resources. The course developer role is most closely associated with the
AGILE model of instructional design.
Technology support. Instructional designers with a primary focus on technology support
experience both course design and development as a peripheral responsibility. Their focus is first
on providing customer service and training to faculty in the use of instructional technologies. Tasks
or responsibilities for designers in a technology support role may include phone, chat, or direct
support, ticket escalation, formal and informal consultation on instructional technology, and
troubleshooting issues with technology. Although critical for faculty and student success, this role
occupies a peripheral place in instructional design and development. As such, no model of
instructional design was associated with technology support.
Collaborative designer. Instructional designers with a collaborative design role focus
foremost on the pedagogical work of learning design. They view faculty as partners and
collaborators in the process of conceptualizing learning and adopt a student-centered mindset.
Collaborative designers hold no direct decision-making authority over courses but instead rely on
their influence and expertise to guide faculty toward innovative designs inclusive of the unique
perspectives, values, and expertise of their faculty partners. Collaborative designers do not see
faculty as SMEs, but as co-teachers with different expertise and shared investment in the well-
being and transformative learning of their students. Production of learning materials may or may
not be an expected responsibility of collaborative designers; regardless, their focus is first on
pedagogy, and all decisions on technology or developing instructional materials are filtered
through the lens of pedagogy. Although the backward design approach is often used by
collaborative designers, it is not a model intended for or focused on the collaborative relationship
between instructional designers and faculty.
Through this process of discovery, it became apparent that no widely known model of
instructional design had been specifically created or implemented for the collaborative designer
role, specifically the relationship between higher education faculty and instructional designers. I
developed the CMM to address the clear gap in design models associated with the role of the
collaborative designer in higher education. Each of the other roles of instructional design focus on
either product or process, while collaborative designers focus first on relationships. Collaborative
designers foster shared investment, collaborate from different frames of expertise, and value
faculty members as far more than SMEs: These designers see SMEs as the teachers, content
experts, mentors, and practitioners that must have their visible presence and active influence
infused into the courses they teach to help students improve their lives and learning.
Conceptual Influences on the Collaborative Mapping Model
The CMM has four primary conceptual influences: authentic leadership theory, shared
leadership theory, appreciative inquiry, and backward design. Kiersch and Byrne (2015) define
authentic leaders as those who “are transparent and consistent in decision making and in
interactions with followers. They situate themselves to make well-informed decisions by
encouraging followers to voice diverse viewpoints and by incorporating those decisions into their
decision-making process” (p. 293). Authentic leaders act based on their values and morals; they
espouse integrity and expect their colleagues and followers to act in kind (Kiersch & Byrne, 2015).
In the collaborative designer role, instructional designers act as leaders; the CMM encourages
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designers to act with authenticity, emphasizing diverse perspectives and a values-centric approach
as critical elements of successful partnership and design. As collaborative designers do not hold
authority over faculty but possess influence based on their expert power (French & Raven, 2010),
authentic leadership is the cornerstone of positive relationship development.
Bolden (2011) described leadership as “not the monopoly or responsibility of just one
person” in shared leadership theory but as the collective responsibility and social process found in
teams and professional relationships (p. 252). Shared leadership de-emphasizes the single
authoritative leader, instead focusing on leadership as a process distributed to two or more people.
In the collaborative designer–faculty relationship, both people hold significant but different frames
of expertise and responsibility. Shared leadership theory and the CMM encourage a collaborative
approach to decision-making and inquiry, rather than paradigm based on authority and independent
Appreciative inquiry (AI) is an approach to change management that focuses on positive
core questioning as a means of enacting change, rather than the identification of problems or
challenges. The core value of AI is in its focus on positive inquiry: “its ability to engage, enthuse,
energize and enhance learning communities” (Kadi-Hanifi et al., 2014, p. 584). The four stages of
AI, known as the 4D cycle, are discovery, dream, design, and destiny (Kadi-Hanifi et al., 2014).
The discovery phase facilitates an exploration of the things people value most in their current
environments and relationships. The dream phase encourages thinking beyond the scope of the
current environment, instead imagining and casting a vision for the best future built on the
foundation of the elements shared in the discovery phase. The design phase focuses on
conceptualizing a plan to realize the future and vision from the dream phase; destiny, the final
phase, outlines a commitment to change, fueled by the shared investment created in the previous
phases of the 4D cycle (Kadi-Hanifi et al., 2014). Appreciative inquiry influenced the CMM as the
means for building shared investment between instructional designers and faculty; rather than
focus on perceived problems in a course or with the people designing the course, appreciative
inquiry promotes the things that matter most and elevates those in the design of learning
Although backward design is an influence on the CMM, it does not strictly guide the
process of design used in the model. Rather, the CMM retains a focus on students rather than on
content or assessment as the starting point for design. This focus may be realized in a variety of
ways based on the perspectives and preferences of both the instructional designer and the faculty
member. Examples include developing formal learning outcomes or a commitment to the
emergence of learning based on the input and contributions of students.
Process Overview of the CMM
Like other models of instructional design, the CMM consists of two overarching elements:
the design of learning experiences and the development of instructional materials. In the CMM,
these elements are structured as two distinct phases; the roles of both instructional designer and
faculty change in each phase. In the design phase, the instructional designer guides the faculty
member through a process of inquiry regarding their students and the course, visualizing the
conversation into a course map that captures the different elements present in the learning design:
overall course structure, topics, passive learning resources, learning activities and assignments,
outcomes, and alignments.
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Design phase. The design phase consists of a series of five mapping meetings—sometimes
more, sometimes less, depending on the complexity of the design and the emerging faculty–
designer partnership—each with a different focus.
Consultation 1. The first meeting is a planning session for the designer to learn more about
the faculty member, their perspectives on and hopes for their students, their pedagogical
perspective, their experience with the modality in which they will be teaching, and the key
elements of their course. The instructional designer encourages faculty to not rely on previous
materials for this stage of inquiry; rather, the designer hears and learns about the faculty, the
course, and the students through conversation, in order to discover and reinforce the values and
perspectives that need to be infused into the course design or redesign. In this meeting, the
instructional designer also gives a process overview.
Consultations 2 and 3. The next two meetings focus on student outcomes. Although this
process varies from one designer to the next, the goal is to encourage faculty to think about their
perspectives on and hopes for students, and to write them as statements that will resonate with
students and frame their experience in the course. Outcomes development can be highly formalized
or less rigid; it can focus on Bloom’s taxonomy as a means of development or on framing the
course through participation, encouraging students to write their own outcomes in categories
related to the content of the course. There is room here for adaptability and flexibility based on the
perspectives and pedagogy of both the instructional designer and their faculty collaborator.
Consultations 4 and 5. The final two meetings are used for delineating topics within the
determined structure of the course, typically a weekly structure, and to conceptualize assignments
and align them to outcome statements. A critical element of these mapping sessions is faculty self-
discovery. Instructional designers do not aim to tell faculty what or how to change in the CMM,
which positions designers as evaluators or critics of faculty work. Rather, they facilitate self-
discovery through positive core questions and through shared ideation. Recommendations for
change then shift from criticisms of previous work to designing new ideas, pathways, solutions,
and ideas through partnership.
The instructional designer’s role during the design phase of the CMM centers around
positive core questions; examples of such questions include the following:
What are the things you love most about your course?
How would you envision this decision affecting your students’ learning?
How can I ensure that our time together is fruitful and helpful?
How do you envision your students changing as a result of the time they spend with
you and each other in this course?
What would you say makes your teaching and your course truly unique?
How does the structure of your course help your students build confidence as the
concepts increase in difficulty and complexity?
Such questions promote a sense of purpose in the meetings but also orient the time toward
positive relationship building. By asking questions about the faculty member, their course, and
their unique experience and perspective, the instructional designer demonstrates that they value
the faculty member and want to work in a collaborative capacity. For instructional designers, who
struggle to collaborate effectively with faculty (Intentional Futures, 2016), these questions also
help reinforce their role as expert pedagogical collaborators.
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The mapping process of the design phase can be facilitated through any visual mapping
tool. A sample course map can be found in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Course map sample image.
The course map template consists of a row on top for weekly topics, a middle row for
learning resources and materials, and a row for assignments and activities with an evaluated
deliverable. The outcomes row is situated on the bottom of the map, even though instructional
designers start with outcomes design. This is to visualize the course from the perspective and
experience of students, who first see and experience topics, then content, then assignments, which
ideally lead to outcomes. This structured map is not the only way to implement the CMM;
however, it is a useful way to visualize—for faculty and students alike—the experiences designed
into the course. The visual medium makes it easier to consider more opportunities for change in
both new and redesigned courses.
The first of these opportunities is workload balance and calculation, or how much time
students are asked to spend each week in the course, and what kind of engagement they will have
during that time. Another is the intentional design of the course as a system of learning: What is
the pedagogical approach taken throughout the course? Is it reinforced each week, or are there
spaces of divergence from the intended pedagogical perspective? Are learning activities diverse
enough to keep students engaged but consistent enough to build confidence and healthy rhythms?
Have your design decisions led to technology integration, or is technology driving your decisions?
Another opportunity is to adjust assignments or outcomes based on the visible alignment between
these two elements. It is simple to see outcomes or assignments that are not aligned, which become
opportunities for positive change in the course.
Development phase. In the development phase of the CMM, the instructional designer
transitions to a consultative role; rather than leading the mapping sessions, the designer now moves
into a role focused on providing feedback and guidance at the behest of their faculty partner, who
assumes primary responsibility for developing instructional materials. During the development
phase, faculty will ideally participate in a professional development course designed to give them
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the experience of being an online student while also equipping them with teaching and
development skills to create their courses. In the absence of such a course, the instructional
designer may be consulted more frequently, and must manage expectations and maintain role
clarity with their faculty partners. Consultation topics include sharing assignment directions for
feedback, requests to review videos, or looking through the entire course to see if it is consistent
with the design created in collaboration. The faculty partner leads the development phase, while
the instructional designer coaches, consults, and provides feedback. This is a critical element of
the CMM, as it empowers instructional designers to focus their time primarily on design
collaborations, empowers faculty to create course materials through their unique experience and
presence, and makes the model scalable within the funding and personnel constraints common to
instructional design teams.
After several years of refining the CMM, I wanted to know if it was solving the challenges
that led to its creation. As a result, this study examined the effectiveness of the model from the
perspective of faculty who had designed a course in collaboration with an instructional designer
through the CMM. The research question was, “How has the CMM influenced the experience of
faculty designing and developing learning experiences in partnership with an instructional
To address this research question, I chose an action research design focused on evaluating
program effectiveness. Action research is an emergent process focused on solving practical
challenges through the discovery and implementation of creative solutions (Ivankova, 2015).
Further, action research “addresses specific practical issues that have value for a specific
community and professional setting” (Ivankova, 2015, p. 30). The CMM was developed to address
the practical challenges instructional designers have collaborating with faculty, addressing role
misperceptions, and advocating for their professional roles. As such, an action research design
focused on program effectiveness was the best way to assess the effectiveness of the model from
the perspective of faculty who had participated in instructional design using the CMM. The
population for the study was a group of 50 faculty who had designed an academic, credit-bearing
course in partnership with an instructional designer through the CMM, identified through
purposive sampling.
A survey consisting of eight closed-ended, Likert-style questions, and a single open-ended
question captured faculty reactions. The Likert-style questions were required, and the open-ended
question was optional. The survey was field tested by a group of SMEs, including instructional
designers familiar with the CMM, faculty, and researchers versed in qualitative, quantitative, and
action research methodologies. This focus group of experts provided feedback that helped clarify
the questions and ensure the validity of the survey. The survey was conducted through Google
Forms and was open for a period of 2 weeks; all submissions were anonymous, and any identifying
information from the open-ended question was de-identified and anonymized prior to data
analysis. The survey was sent out to identified faculty via email; I sent out reminders twice a week
during the data collection window to encourage a high response rate. Data were analyzed for the
Likert-style questions by calculating the mean for each response to each question. The open-ended
question was analyzed through an emergent qualitative coding pass in which I highlighted key
quotes and consistent themes from the participants’ responses.
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Out of the 50 participants, 37 responded to the survey for a response rate of 74%.
Respondents identified their perspective on Likert-style questions as strongly agree, agree,
neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree. The results of each Likert-style question may be found in
Table 1.
Table 1
Results of the Faculty Survey (N = 37)
The quality of my course improved
from working with an instructional
I plan to collaborate with an
instructional designer on a course
map again in the future.
Creating a course map made me
more open to developing the course
(writing assignments, etc.) with an
instructional designer.
Collaborating with an instructional
designer on a course map saved me
time designing my course.
The collaborative mapping model
was useful for evaluating the design
and structure of my course.
Collaborating on a course map
made teaching my course more
The collaborative mapping model
improved the quality of my course
design work as a faculty member.
The course map helped me evaluate
my course in ways I had not
previously considered.
The results of the Likert-style questions indicated a clear value associated both with
collaboration with an instructional designer and with the CMM, specifically with the development
of a course map. Eighty-nine percent of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the course
maps helped them evaluate their courses in new ways. Seventy-five percent of respondents agreed
or strongly agreed that collaborating on a course map made their teaching more seamless, and 73%
agreed or strongly agreed that collaborating on a course map saved them time. Ninety-two percent
of respondents indicated that they intended to collaborate with an instructional designer again on
a course in the future.
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The open-ended question at the end of the survey was, “How has collaborating with an
instructional designer in this model of course design helped you most as a faculty member?” Of
the 37 respondents to the survey, 18 chose to answer the open-ended question. One respondent
indicated that “the expertise of the instructional designer and his collaborative work style led to
productive work sessions, brainstorming, outcome development, and overall better design than I
could accomplish myself.” Another participant shared that “through mapping I learned that my
courses required too much work. I was able to eliminate some assignments which I think made the
remaining ones more meaningful.” One faculty member shared that it helped them “find
redundancy of material, gaps in content and improve assignments for stronger connections to the
content being taught.” Finally, two respondents shared that the collaboration with a designer was
new, though they were experienced teaching online. These participants indicated that “the
experience was absolutely wonderful and resulted in a polished product at the beginning of the
course,” and that after teaching online for 10 years, “with the instructional design group I feel I
am offering the best online course I have ever done.”
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the CMM of instructional
design from the perspective of faculty who had designed a course in partnership with an
instructional designer using the model. I administered a survey comprised of eight Likert-style,
closed-ended questions and one open-ended question to 50 faculty, chosen through purposive
sampling. The results indicated that faculty found significant value in collaboration with
instructional designers using the CMM. The results from the Likert-style questions indicated a
strong perception among respondents that the CMM—and collaborating with an instructional
designer—was beneficial and resulted in positive changes to their courses. Further, faculty
indicated an improvement to their teaching preparation, time investment, and openness to
collaboration with an instructional designer. Responses of disagree or strongly disagree were
minimal across all questions, and neutral responses were only of note in two questions, the first of
which asked if collaborating with a designer saved time, and the second of which asked if course
maps made teaching more seamless. The results from the Likert-style questions indicated strong
support for both the CMM and for faculty collaborating with an instructional designer.
Analysis of the open-ended question responses indicated three key themes: value and
respect for the expertise of the instructional designer, a significant improvement to the online
courses designed and developed through the CMM, and enthusiasm for continued collaboration
with instructional designers. Faculty participants noted that the designs they created were both
better than what they could have done independently and that they were the best online courses
they had ever offered. Further, two participants suggested that they wished the instructional
designers had more time available to work with them; this is both a reflection on the insufficient
size of the instructional design team from this study and the value the faculty members placed on
their expertise and input. None of the open-ended question responses indicated a misperception in
the role of instructional designers. No respondents referenced technology support, assistance, or
content development as the role of an instructional designer. Instead, responses focused on the
process of design, the collaboration with an instructional designer, the benefits experienced from
working with a designer, or the intent to continue working with an instructional designer.
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Recommendations and Conclusions
Based on the data collected and analyzed in this action research study, the CMM appears
to be an effective model of design for instructional designers in higher education. Faculty indicated
that significant value was added to their work from partnering with an instructional designer in
this model, and they indicated no role misperceptions in their open-ended question responses.
However, there are limitations to the study, including the exclusive focus on faculty perceptions
of the value of the CMM. Instructional designers were not included in this study as participants;
further, the study was enacted through an action research model, a contextualized approach to
research intended to solve practical problems of practice. Although the CMM was designed to
solve profession-wide challenges in higher education instructional design, the data reflects the
results of only a single location and faculty body. While this is helpful and reflects a positive trend,
broader studies in a variety of higher education contexts—inclusive of the perspectives of
instructional designers—may be warranted. Additionally, an opportunity exists to evaluate the
effectiveness of the CMM for designing larger systems of learning than courses—specifically, full
academic programs.
I recommend that instructional designers and online learning administrators implement the
CMM at their institutions if they experience role misperception, challenges in collaborating
effectively with faculty, or have concerns about the scalability of quality instructional design for
online courses and programs. The data in this research study indicated a clear positive influence
on each of these issues. Focusing first on relationships, rather than product or process, builds a
truly collaborative culture between faculty partners and instructional designers.
Instructional designers hold unique and significant expertise that faculty often do not have;
they are positioned to be leaders of positive change at institutions of higher education but need the
tools and advocacy to have a visible and lasting influence. The collaborative mapping model
equips instructional designers toward this end: building meaningful relationships through
partnership in design, advancing the work of faculty and designers both for the betterment of
student learning.
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