DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.61
Research Article
The long-term consequences of parental divorce
for children’s educational attainment
Fabrizio Bernardi
Jonas Radl
2014 Fabrizio Bernardi & Jonas Radl.
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Table of Contents
Theory and hypotheses
Data and methods
Sensitivity checks
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61
Research Article 1653
The long-term consequences of parental divorce for
children’s educational attainment
Fabrizio Bernardi
Jonas Radl
In this paper we study the long-term consequences of parental divorce in a comparative
perspective. Special attention is paid to the heterogeneity of the consequences of
divorce for children’s educational attainment by parental education.
The study attempts to establish whether the parental breakup penalty for tertiary
education attainment varies by socioeconomic background, and whether it depends on
the societal context.
Data are drawn from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey, covering 14
countries. We estimate multi-level random-slope models for the completion of tertiary
The results show that parental divorce is negatively associated with children’s tertiary
education attainment. Across the 14 countries considered in this study, children of
separated parents have a probability of achieving a university degree that is on average
seven percentage points lower than that of children from intact families. The breakup
penalty is stronger for children of highly educated parents, and is independent of the
degree of diffusion of divorce. In countries with early selection into educational tracks,
divorce appears to have more negative consequences for the children of poorly educated
For children in most countries, parental divorce is associated with a lower probability of
attaining a university degree. The divorce penalty is larger for children with highly
European University Institute, Italy. E-Mail:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
educated parents. This equalizing pattern is accentuated in countries with a
comprehensive educational system.
Future research on the heterogeneous consequences of parental divorce should address
the issue of self-selection into divorce, which might lead to an overestimation of the
negative effect of divorce on students with highly educated parents. It should also
further investigate the micro mechanisms underlying the divorce penalty.
1. Introduction
Studies of the implications of parental separation for children’s well-being have
consistently shown that children of divorced parents fare worse on different measures of
well-being than children living in intact families (Amato 2001; Amato and Keith
. While there is ample evidence that divorce has negative implications for
children in the short term, there is less research examining the effect on long-term
socioeconomic outcomes (Liu 2007). The consequences of divorce for educational
attainment may be of special importance as having a poor education may lead to other
socioeconomic and health-related disadvantages, and may therefore persistently
undermine an individual’s life chances (Ross and Wu 1995; Shavit and Müller 1998).
Until relatively recently, research linking family structure and children’s well-being has
not paid much attention to the moderating effects of socioeconomic background (Demo
and Acock 1988). Although newer studies of the consequences of divorce have
increasingly controlled for social origin, questions of whether and how the long-term
parental breakup penalty for children’s educational achievement is related to their
socioeconomic background are still largely unanswered (McLanahan, Tach, and
Schneider 2013). As Amato (2010: 661) put it, “focusing on the average effects of
divorce masks the substantial degree of variability that exists in people’s adjustment.”
Finally, possibly due to a lack of adequate data, comparative analyses of cross-country
differences in the effects of divorce on children are still rare (but see Dronkers and
Härkönen 2008; Engelhardt, Trappe, and Dronkers 2002; Lange, Dronkers, and
Wolbers 2009; Pryor and Rodgers 2001).
In this paper, we aim to fill these gaps in the literature by focusing on the penalty
associated with a parental breakup for tertiary education achievement in a comparative
perspective. We do so by bringing together insights from two strands of research:
studies on the consequences of divorce and family forms on the one hand, and studies
In this article we use the terms divorce, parental separation, and parental breakup as synonyms.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1655
on educational attainment and social mobility on the other. We examine whether the
diffusion of divorce and the configuration of the educational system affect the impact of
parental separation on children’s educational achievement, and whether these two
factors also moderate the relationship between social background and the breakup
More precisely, we address the two following research questions. First, to what
extent do the long-term consequences of parental separation on tertiary education
attainment vary by level of parental education? In other words, we ask whether the
negative consequences of parental separation for educational attainment are the same
for children from highly educated families and from poorly educated families. Second,
does the parental breakup penalty for children’s educational attainment vary depending
on the type of educational system and the level of diffusion of divorce?
We use data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey covering
14 countries. We analyze educational attainment in different country-cohort clusters,
and employ multi-level models to investigate the effects of divorce on tertiary
educational achievement across institutional contexts.
1.1 Theory and hypotheses
The divorce literature has focused on four mechanisms that might explain the observed
negative association between parental breakup and children’s educational attainment.
(Amato 2000; Conger, Conger, and Martin 2010; Magnuson and Berger 2009):
reduction in economic resources following a breakup (McKeever and Wolfinger 2001);
changes in parental time and in parenting practices (Beck et al. 2010; Gershoff et al.
2007); an increase in parenting stress (Beck et al. 2010; Cooper et al. 2009; Nomaguchi
and Brown 2010); and a child’s emotional crisis linked to parental separation (Jekielek
1998). Our key interest in this paper is to investigate how parental education might
moderate these different mechanisms.
A fifth important theme that is omitted here refers to self-selection into divorce (Kim 2011). Since divorce is
not a random event but is more likely to occur in troubled families, the negative association between parental
divorce and children’s educational outcomes may be (co)determined by some unobserved characteristics that
influence both divorce and children’s educational outcomes. It has also been suggested that the well-being of
children from high-conflict families might actually be higher following parental breakup than if their parents
had stayed together (Amato, Loomis, and Booth 1995; Jekielek 1998). The present study is of a largely
descriptive nature and does not offer any counter-factual estimates on the causal effects of divorce. The use of
“causal” terminology (“effect,” “consequences,” etc.) is purely for stylistic purposes, as our data only allow
for naïve estimates of the “divorce penalty.” It is worth noting in this context that quasi-experimental
approaches for analyzing divorce effects are not without problems either, as it becomes difficult to derive
substantial meaning from causal estimates that have been purged of all types of selection effects (cf. Sigle-
Rushton et al. 2014).
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
To the extent that the impact of divorce on children’s educational attainment is due
to a loss of economic resources, we can expect it to vary across different socioeconomic
backgrounds. Since highly educated parents are more likely than their less educated
counterparts to have a high income and substantial savings, we might expect to find that
parental breakup has less harmful consequences for the educational trajectories of their
children. Moreover, we might expect to find that having a high level of education helps
parents in coping with the stress of parenting and in reducing the emotional turmoil
experienced by their children following a breakup (Cooper et al. 2009). Thus, it is often
assumed that highly educated parents may be able to minimize the likelihood that their
children, like many children of divorced parents, will have worse school results
following the separation of their parents. In addition, even if the school results of the
children worsen, studies on educational inequalities have shown that students from
advantaged social backgrounds are more likely to have a second chance,” and are more
likely to progress to the next educational level despite having below-par educational
performance (Boudon 1998; Gambetta 1987). This phenomenon has been labelled the
“social origin compensatory effect” (Bernardi 2012, 2014).
Based on these considerations, we might therefore expect to find that highly
educated parents, who are assumed to have superior economic resources and skills for
coping with their own and their children’s feelings of stress, would manage to mitigate
the negative long-term consequences associated with divorce for their childrens
educational outcomes. To recapitulate, the “compensation hypothesis” states that:
H1: Parental separation has less harmful consequences for the educational
achievement of children of highly educated parents than of children with less
educated parents.
However, we might also argue that children of parents with low levels of education
suffer less from divorce because their expected levels of educational attainment are
already very low to begin with. In societies with marked inequalities in educational
opportunity, only the most talented children from poorly educated families will manage
to progress through the various educational transitions and eventually achieve a high
level of education (Mare 1993). In other words, for a child from a disadvantaged
socioeconomic background, the road to university is already so steeply uphill that the
additional disadvantage of family breakup does not make the climb significantly more
difficult. Only exceptionally talented students from poorly educated families will
eventually make it to the top. They already have to overcome so many obstacles on
their way through the school system that a parental breakup does not prove to be a
decisive hurdle.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1657
Evidence supporting this argument has been found in previous studies on racial
differences. Studies of the United States have shown that the consequences of divorce
for children are less pronounced among black families than among white families
(Brown 2010; McLanahan and Bumpass 1988). Another study found that children of
Caribbean origin in the Netherlands are less strongly affected by parental separation
than whites (Kalmijn 2010). Kalmijn also offered an insightful and slightly different
explanation for why the relative income loss associated with divorce is smaller among
ethnic minorities. Specifically, he noted that poverty levels among people of Caribbean
origin tend to be high regardless of family background, partly because the men are often
unemployed. The essence of Kalmijn’s argument is that if the dual-parent families of a
given minority group are already very poor, there is not much room to sink further, and
thus the children do not have much to lose from a parental breakup.
A parallel argument can also be made about the consequences of parental breakup
for parenting styles and behavior. Parents with high and low levels of education differ
in their parenting styles. Compared to their less educated counterparts, highly educated
parents participate more in the organization of their children's after-school activities,
and spend more time with their children engaging in activities that foster cognitive
development and learning (Laureu 1998). A parental breakup might, however, reduce
the amount of time parents have to engage in these types of activities. For instance,
highly educated mothers have been found to be more likely to reduce literacy-
promoting activities after experiencing a change in marital status (Beck et al. 2010).
The core of the argument in this case is that children with highly educated parents can
lose more learning opportunities if their parents separate. Meanwhile, the amount of
time poorly educated parents spend engaging in activities that enhance the school
results of their children is likely to have been low both before and after separation.
To sum up, only the most talented and motivated children from poorly educated
families manage to progress to the higher levels of the educational system. On the one
hand, they are a positively selected group, and this should minimize the repercussions
of divorce. On the other hand, they have a lower risk of educational and occupational
downward mobility because they start from a low level. Similarly, these children have
less to lose from changes in parental practices following divorce. These mechanisms
suggest that the negative implications of divorce should be less pronounced for children
of lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The “floor effect hypothesis” thus leads us to
formulate a prediction in direct opposition to that of the compensation hypothesis:
H2: Parental separation has less harmful consequences for the educational
achievement of children of poorly educated parents.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
With regard to cross-country differences, it has long been recognized that the
structure of the educational system affects the reproduction of social inequality (Van de
Werfhorst and Mijs 2010). In particular, the degree of stratification of a given
educational system, defined by the system of tracking into higher and lower tier
secondary schools, appears to affect social mobility. There is robust evidence that the
degree of stratification of educational systems, conventionally measured by the age of
first selection into different educational tracks, is positively associated with the level of
inequality of educational opportunities (Horn 2009). The earlier children are assigned to
diverging educational tracks according to their performance, the stronger the
background effects on children’s final educational attainment are (Brunello and Checchi
Linking these insights to the divorce literature, we might ask whether the
consequences of a parental breakup are more negative for a student enrolled in a
stratified educational system than for a student enrolled in a comprehensive system. In
this context, it is worth noting that a large proportion of parental separations occur
when the children are still in primary education or younger (Andersson and Dimitrov
2002). Previous research has shown that a parental break-up is associated with an
immediate deterioration in school performance (Kim 2011). If the educational system is
more selective based on demonstrated performance, any source of disadvantage that
affects short-term academic achievement, including parental divorce, could have a
magnified influence on final educational attainment. The “educational system
hypothesis” thus stipulates that a drop in school performance has more long lasting
consequences for the final educational attainment in stratified educational systems than
it does in comprehensive systems:
H3: The divorce penalty for achievement of tertiary education is larger in stratified
educational systems.
Another possible macro-level determinant of parental separation penalties is the
degree of diffusion of divorce. Several authors have defended a socio-structural
argument that links the level of diffusion of a given living arrangement to its normative
acceptance and institutionalization, and in turn to its impact on individual well-being
and life chances (Cherlin 2004; Kalmijn 2010; Soons and Kalmijn 2009). According to
this so-called “institutionalization hypothesis(Lacey et al. 2012), the negative effects
of parental separation on children are expected to be stronger in contexts in which the
divorce rate is low because of the widespread normative disapproval of divorce.
According to this view, single parenthood and divorce tend to be more institutionalized
in those countries and cohorts in which divorce is more common. A higher incidence of
divorce may translate into less stigmatization of single parents and greater acceptance
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1659
of the children of divorced parents. Moreover, there might be selection effects at work
here as well: if the conditions necessary to bring about separation are more serious in
nature, the parents who do get divorced might have had very serious problems in their
marriage. The level of discord in the marriage might in turn have grave implications for
the well-being of their children. Hence, the institutionalization hypothesis states that:
H4: The adverse effect of a parental breakup on a child’s educational attainment is
smaller in those social contexts in which the experience of divorce is more
Finally, we are also interested in examining whether the social background
differences in the consequences of divorce for children’s educational attainment vary
depending on the type of educational system and the level of diffusion of divorce.
Although we do not develop hypotheses for these issues, in the empirical analyses we
will examine the three-way interactions of social background, divorce, and,
respectively, the characteristics of the educational system and the diffusion of divorce.
2. Data and methods
To examine the long-term effects of parental separation the study draws on the first
wave of the Generations and Gender Survey
covering 14 countries: Australia, Austria,
France, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Estonia,
Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, and Russia.
Depending on the country, the data collection
took place between 2003 and 2008. We selected all respondents aged 25 years and
older, yielding a total sample size of 83,048. Since the incidence of divorce varies
greatly not only across countries but also over time, we decided to use a hierarchical
design to account for contextual circumstances that may alter the consequences of
parental separation. Specifically, we constructed 55 country-cohort clusters with four
birth cohorts in each country: 1945−1954, 1955−1964, 1965−1974, and 1975−1984.
The dependent variable is whether or not subjects obtained a tertiary education
degree. The advantage of focusing on tertiary education attainment (ISCED 5 or more)
as an outcome measure is that the dependent variable is highly comparable across
countries. We present estimations of multi-level linear probability models with robust
standard errors, where the upper-level units are formed by country-cohort clusters, and
For details see
The data for Germany had to be disregarded because of faulty information on parental breakup.
There are no observations for the oldest cohort in Austria, which sampled a smaller age range than the rest
of the countries.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
where the dependent variable is whether the respondent has achieved a university
degree (ISCED level 5 or 6). The model features a random slope for the breakup
penalty. The choice to use multi-level linear probability models (LPM) instead of multi-
level logit models was made for both practical and theoretical reasons. In our practical
considerations, we took into account the fact that the coefficients of the LPM are very
close to the marginal effects of the equivalent logit model if the proportion of out-of-
range predictions (between zero and one) is low, as in our case (about 1%). On the other
hand, it appears that when using an LPM instead a logit model, the estimation is less
grueling, the interpretation of interactions is more straightforward, and it is possible to
compare coefficients across models (Mood 2010). In our theoretical considerations, we
observed that both the floor and the institutionalization hypotheses discussed in the
previous sections are framed in terms of absolute variations in the divorce penalty,
rather than relative variations. The floor and institutionalization hypotheses are
therefore more directly addressed when we focus on the coefficients of an LPM rather
than on the log-odds or the odds ratios of a logit model.
Our independent variables of interest at the individual level are parental divorce
and parental education. Divorce is measured using the survey question: “Did your
biological parents ever break up?” This means that like in most other studies our
definition of divorce includes union dissolutions that did not result in divorce (because
the parents were either never married or remained married after splitting up). Subjects
who responded affirmatively were then also asked about the year in which the parental
separation happened. We only consider parental separations that occurred before
respondents turned 18 years of age.
We use parents’ level of education as an indicator for social background. We
consider the highest level of educational attainment among both parents if the
respondent spent their childhood with both biological parents. If the respondent lived
with only one parent, the educational information refers to the parent with whom the
respondent spent most of his or her childhood (until age 15). In other words, we apply
either the dominance model for intact families or the respective education of the
primary caring parent (who in 83% of cases is the mother). Unfortunately the GGS data
provide educational information for both parents of divorced and separated families in
only three of the 14 countries included in this study. This is an important limitation, and
we will come back to it when discussing the sensitivity checks that have been
performed. We distinguish between four levels: primary education or less (ISCED 01),
A possible floor effect in the divorce penalty should not be perceived as a statistical artifact based on the fact
that a probability is bound to be greater than zero. If an event is relatively rare (such as, for instance, tertiary
education attainment among the children of poorly educated families) and its probability is close to zero, the
occurrence of other events (such as parental separation) is structurally less likely to yield large absolute
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1661
lower secondary education (ISCED 2), upper or post-secondary education (ISCED
34), and tertiary education (ISCED 56).
At the macro level we include three covariates. First, the incidence of divorce is
measured in terms of crude divorce rates per 1000 inhabitants. Except for a few data
points that were collected from miscellaneous sources, these data come from Eurostat
(2012). It would have been preferable to use cohort-adjusted divorce rates, but
unfortunately these rates were not available for all countries and time points. Second,
we control for enrollment rates in tertiary education using data from the Cross-National
Time-Series (CNTS) Data Archive. Enrollment rates refer to the percentage of the
population participating in tertiary education at any given moment. Both the divorce
rates and the enrollment rates have been mean-centered. Finally, the first age of
selection in the educational system is compiled from various sources (Brunello and
Checchi 2006; OECD 2005), and was completed through expert consultations. It
captures the age at which pupils are placed into different school tracks or educational
career paths. We distinguish between the educational systems in which tracking takes
place at early (at ages 10 through 12), late (at age 15 or 16), and average ages (at age 13
or 14)
. All of the macro-level variables are linked with individual subjects based on
their year of birth, and respectively refer to the situation in a given country when the
respondents were between six and 15 years old.
In order to test our hypotheses, we focus on the interactions between parental
separation with socioeconomic background on the one hand, and the (cross-level)
interactions of parental separation with divorce rates and the comprehensiveness of the
educational system on the other.
3. Results
Table 1 shows basic descriptive statistics for the analysis sample. Country-specific
samples range from 3,217 subjects in Austria to 9,687 in Norway. There is substantial
cross-country variation on all variables. As for the dependent variable, the average rate
of tertiary education attainment is 29%, but ranges from 12% in Romania to 45% in
Russia. While the incidence of parental breakup (before age 18) is 9% on average, the
lowest level is found in Italy (only 1.5%) and the highest level is found in Australia
(18.6%). The distribution of parental education also varies greatly across contexts.
These large country disparities underline the need for a multi-level design that allows
We have also estimated models with age of first selection specified as a continuous variable. The pattern of
results is the same. In the end we present the results based on the categorical specification because it allows
for a clear-cut distinction between early and late selection countries.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
the relationship between parental breakup and educational attainment to vary across
Table 1: Descriptive statistics by country
Parental Education (highest level)
Primary or
37.6% 18.6% 9.0% 48.0% 6.0% 37.0%
21.7% 12.3% 0.2% 24.2% 66.6% 9.0%
41.7% 9.1% 33.0% 18.6% 24.7% 23.6%
24.1% 6.0% 15.9% 33.8% 37.3% 13.1%
33.0% 18.0% 9.2% 28.6% 45.8% 16.4% 3,934
33.4% 10.2% 1.6% 57.9% 27.5% 12.9%
33.3% 3.2% 10.2% 15.6% 52.4% 21.8%
18.6% 10.6% 15.6% 26.4% 40.2% 17.8%
13.2% 1.5% 63.4% 17.7% 14.4% 4.5%
27.2% 9.0% 27.5% 23.9% 35.5% 13.9%
38.7% 5.2% 20.0% 39.6% 20.9% 19.5%
39.7% 10.4% 26.9% 50.0% 23.1% 9,687
12.0% 5.3% 51.6% 31.1% 15.1% 2.2%
45.4% 14.2% 16.3% 29.7% 29.2% 24.8%
28.7% 8.8% 23.7% 26.2% 33.7% 16.3%
Source: GGS wave 1 version 4
Table 2 shows the divorce rates and the first age of selection in the 14 countries in
our sample. Depending on when the divorce regulations were liberalized, in most
countries we see a rising trend in divorce at some point between 1960 and 1990.
Additionally, there is substantial cross-country variation, with divorce rates ranging
from close to zero in Italy to around four per thousand in Russia and Estonia in 1990.
The lowest age of selection, or age 10, is found in Austria; while the highest age of
selection, or age 16, is found in Norway and Australia. The other countries have ages of
Only Romania has taken a different road, as it experienced a backlash because of restrictions in legislation
that took place with the 1966 reform.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1663
selection that are somewhere in between. In France, Hungary, and the Netherlands there
have been educational reforms that changed the first age of selection.
Table 2: Divorce rates and tracking ages by country and cohort
Divorce rate
(per 1,000 inhabitants)
Age of first selection in the
educational system
1960 1970 1980 1990 1960 1970 1980 1990
0.6 1.0 2.7 2.5
16 16 16 16
1.1 1.4 1.8 2.1
10 10 10 10
0.5 0.7 1.5 2.0
12 12 12 12
0.9 1.2 1.5 2.0
2.1 3.2 4.1 3.7
0.7 0.8 1.5 1.9
13 13 16 15
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
15 15 15 15
1.7 2.2 2.6 2.4
15 15 15 11
0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5
11 14 14 14
0.9 2.2 3.2 3.4
14 14 14 14
0.5 0.8 1.8 1.9
0.7 0.9 1.6 2.4
2.0 0.4 1.5 1.4
15 15 15 15
1.5 3.0 4.2 3.8
15 15 15 15
Note: Various sources, authors' compilation.
Table 3 and Table 4 show the results of the multivariate random-slopes models.
The first model shows that parental separation is associated with a decrease in
university education attainment rates. On average, children whose parents divorced
have a deficit of almost seven points in the probability of achieving a university degree
when compared with children from intact families. Considering that the average
attainment of tertiary education is 29%, a difference of seven percentage points is not
large, but neither is it small. Table 3 and Table 4 also document an advantage for girls
in achieving a university degree of about five percentage points. This divorce penalty is
therefore about the same size as the college gender gap that has recently received a lot
of academic and media attention (Becker, Hubbard, and Murphy 2010; DiPrete and
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
Buchman 2013),
and is consistent with previous research. The probability that
subjects whose parents have a tertiary education will obtain a university degree is 53
percentage points higher than that of subjects whose parents’ highest level of education
is primary or less.
Table 3: Multi level random-slopes model of tertiary education attainment
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
b se b se b se
Parents' education (reference: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Parental breakup
-.033* (.014)
-.034* (.014)
Group-specific Breakup effect (ref.: div X par.prim.)
Breakup X parents: lower secondary
Breakup X parents: upper secondary
-.034* (.016)
-.033* (.016)
Breakup X parents: tertiary
Level-2 covariates
Age at tracking (ref: late, 1516)
early (1012)
.010 (.031)
average (1314)
Enrolment rate
.002 (.002)
Divorce rate
-.017 (.014)
N of observ.
83,048 83,048 83,048
Source: GGP Wave 1
+ p<0.1, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Model 2 tests hypotheses 1 and 2, according to which the consequences of divorce
vary depending on parents’ education. The estimated interaction effects show that the
negative effect on educational attainment associated with divorce becomes larger as the
level of parental education increases. The divorce penalty is about 12 percentage points
among those children whose parents have a university degree (-.033-.084), compared to
With regard to the media, see, for example, the following articles on the college gender gap in The
Guardian and Fortune:
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1665
three percentage points among those children whose parents have only a primary
education or less. Model 2 thus shows that the negative consequences of divorce for
university degree attainment are more pronounced among children with highly educated
parents. A recent paper on Finland reported a similar finding (Erola and Jalovaara
2012). This result is at odds with the hypothesis of a compensation effect (H1),
according to which children from a privileged background should be less affected by
parental separation. It is, however, in line with the floor effect hypothesis (H2). The
underlying explanation for this finding is that a divorce cannot substantially worsen the
already limited educational opportunities of children who come from poorly educated
families. A similar pattern has also been documented for disadvantaged ethnic
minorities (Kaljmin 2010).
To illustrate these group differences, Figure 1 shows the predicted probabilities of
tertiary education attainment by parental level of education with either divorced or
intact families. We can see that the gap between children from divorced and intact
families is larger for those whose parents have a university education than for those
whose parents have only a primary education. If we look at Figure 1 from another
perspective, we can see that the degree of social background inequality is greater among
intact families than among divorced families.
Returning to Table 3, in the third model we add mean-centered enrollment and
divorce rates as contextual covariates at level 2. We also include dummies in order to
distinguish between educational systems with early, average, and late ages of selection
into tracks. Country-specific enrollment rates in tertiary education in the respective
decade are used here to control for educational expansion. We do not find any clear-cut
associations between university degree attainment and these three contextual variables.
The coefficients are small and not precise (the standard errors are large). Robustness
checks involving the stepwise inclusion of the various macro-level covariates separately
confirmed these results.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
Figure 1: Predicted probability of tertiary education attainment by parental
divorce and parental education
Source: GGP Wave 1
To test hypotheses 3 and 4, the next specification (Model 4 in Table 4) adds a set
of cross-level interaction effects between parental divorce and the two contextual
variables. The coefficient for the cross-level interaction between early age of selection
and parental breakup is negative (minus three percentage points). This result gives some
support to hypothesis 3, and suggests that the negative consequences of a parental
breakup on educational attainment are slightly more pronounced in cases in which the
educational system assigns students to tracks at an early age. But as the standard error
associated with the coefficient is large, we must be cautious in interpreting the point
The results of model 4 also show a small negative interaction effect in terms
of the degree of diffusion of divorce. This finding is surprising because it so clearly
refutes the claims of the institutionalization hypothesis (H4). According to our
estimates, divorce penalties for attaining a university degree seem to actually increase
as divorce becomes more common.
Significance tests have no meaning in terms of classic statistical inference with a non-random convenience
sample of cohort by country clusters (Freedman, Pisani, and Purves 1978). It might be proposed that we use
some sort of “supra-population” of cohort-by-country constellations, including possible future cases, of which
the data under analysis are a specific sample. This kind of argument is, however, hardly convincing (Berk
2004). In this paper we report the standard error and the conventional symbols to highlight statistical
significance, because this is still standard practice in multi-level modeling.
The estimated interactive effect of divorce rates on the break-up penalty is unaffected by different model
specifications. Moreover, additional analyses showed that the three-way interaction effects estimated in
Model 6 do not change when models are fitted without controlling for divorce rates.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1667
Table 4: Multi level random-slopes model of tertiary education attainment
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Parents' education (reference: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Parental breakup
Group-specific Breakup effect (ref.: div X par.prim.)
Breakup X parents: lower secondary
Breakup X parents: upper secondary
Breakup X parents: tertiary
Level-2 covariates
Age at tracking (ref: late, 1516)
early (1012)
average (1314)
Enrolment rate
Divorce rate
Cross-level interactions
Breakup X divorce rate
Breakup X early tracking
Breakup X average tracking
Early tracking X parents: tertiary
Early tracking X parents: upper secondary
Early tracking X parents: lower secondary
Average tracking X parents: tertiary
Average tracking X parents: upper secondary
Average tracking X parents: lower secondary
Three-way interactions
Breakup X par.tert X average tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X average tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X average tracking
Breakup X par.tert X early tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X early tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X early tracking
N of observ.
Source: GGP Wave 1
+ p<0.1, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
In Model 5 we include a set of interaction terms between parental education and
the structure of the educational system, measured by the age of first selection. As
expected, almost all the coefficients here are positive. In accordance with previous
social mobility research (Brunello and Checchi 2006; Van de Werfhorst and Mijs
2010), the model shows that the association between parental education and children’s
educational achievement is stronger when the educational system has an early or an
average tracking age than when it has an older tracking age.
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
Finally, in model 6 we introduce a set of three-way interaction effects of parental
divorce, social origin, and the age of first selection in the educational system. In this
specification, we find positive effects for the interaction terms of early age of first
selection, parental education, and parental breakup. Accordingly, in countries where
tracking takes place at a young age, the tertiary education attainment of children whose
parents have upper secondary or tertiary education is relatively less affected by parental
To get a clearer look at these group specificities across societal contexts, Figure 2
shows the estimated divorce penalty for children with high and low levels of parental
education, respectively; with early, average, and late selection into diverging tracks.
The bars in Figure 2 express the differences in the predicted probability of obtaining
tertiary education between children of divorced parents and children from intact
families in each origin group. The differences in Figure 2 are all negative, which means
that in cases with divorce the probability of achieving a university degree is smaller
In comprehensive educational systems with a late age of first selection (age 15 or
16) there are virtually no adverse effects for children whose parents only have a primary
education, whereas the divorce penalty for children from highly educated families is
much larger, at 10 percentage points. Strikingly, the pattern is almost reversed in
countries with very early selection. The probability of obtaining a college degree among
children from poorly educated families is reduced by 12 percentage points in
educational systems with an early age of selection (ages 10 to 12), while the
corresponding reduction in attainment rates among children from advantaged social
backgrounds is slightly smaller. Overall, Figure 2 suggests that the relative
disadvantage stemming from divorce grows larger for children from lower social
backgrounds the earlier the educational system places children into qualitatively
different tracks. The pattern is less clear for children from higher social backgrounds,
for whom the differences in the divorce penalty across societal contexts are less
pronounced, and do not follow a linear pattern in terms of the age of selection.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1669
Figure 2: Difference in the predicted probability of attainment of tertiary
degree for respondents from divorced families when compared to
intact families by level of parental education and tracking age
3.1 Sensitivity checks
All of the analyses have been replicated with multi-level (random slopes) logit models
rather than with a multi-level (random slopes) linear probability model (see Table A.1
in appendix). The main conclusions are the same when the divorce penalty in the
educational attainment is measured in terms of log-odds. A second sensitivity analysis
consisted of considering educational attainment in general instead of focusing only on
university degree attainment. With this aim in mind, we have recoded the respondents
educational level into the average number of years required to achieve that educational
level. The results of the analysis with this different specification of the dependent
variable have an overall pattern similar to that of the findings for the attainment of a
university degree (Table A.2). Most importantly, we again find a larger divorce penalty
among children with highly educated parents, which provides further support for
hypothesis 2.
Finally, unlike the rest of the sample, three countries participating in the
Generations and Gender SurveyEstonia, Hungary, and Italyprovide information on
the educational levels of both parents for divorced families. In Table A.3 of the
appendix we have replicated the analyses for these three countries, while also taking
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
into account the education of the absent parent. The first model specification enables us
to validate the robustness of our previous findings when using the dominance principle
to measure the highest level of parental education with full information on both parents.
The estimated coefficients for the origin-specific breakup penalty turn out to be
markedly similar to those obtained for the full set of countries with only partial
information on the education of divorced parents (Table 3, model 2).
When we consider the educational level of the mother and father separately
(models 2 and 3), we also find that the divorce penalty is larger for children of highly
educated parents, regardless of whether it is measured with reference to the level of
education of the mother or the father. The same result is confirmed overall when we
jointly consider the mother’s and the father’s levels of education (model 5), although in
this latter case the estimates are not statistically significant due to multicollinearity and
large standard errors.
4. Conclusions
In this paper we were interested in gaining a better understanding of to what extent the
negative consequences for children associated with parental divorce depend on the
social origins of the families, and on the societal context. First, we found that parental
breakup is associated with negative long-term consequences for children's educational
attainment. On average across countries and cohorts, we found a parental breakup
penalty of about seven percentage points for the chances of attaining a university
degree. Second, this penalty is not uniform, but varies by socioeconomic background
and across countries and cohorts. More precisely, our findings suggest that parental
divorce tends to be more detrimental for children of highly educated parents: for them,
a divorce is associated with a 12-percentage-point drop in the probability of attaining a
university degree. Interestingly, a recent study by Erola and Jalovaara (2012) found a
similar result for Finland. Moreover, we showed that the socioeconomic background
penalty associated with parental breakup varies depending on the level of stratification
of the educational system. On average, we found that the divorce penalty is larger
(about three additional percentage points) if selection takes place early. It should be
emphasized, however, that this estimate was not precise enough to allow us to draw
firm conclusions on this point. After further scrutinizing the interaction between
parental breakup, social background, and age of selection, we found that if selection
into different educational tracks takes place early, a larger divorce penalty is observed
for children from poorly educated families. As a result, in stratified educational
systems, the divorce penalty barely changes according to parental level of education.
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1671
In other words, our findings indicated that when the level of stratification in an
educational system is low, parental divorce tends to reduce inequality of educational
opportunities. It therefore seems that the characteristics of the educational system, and
particularly the extent of early tracking, play key roles in mediating the consequences of
parental breakup. On the other hand, our empirical evidence did not confirm the
institutionalization hypothesis, which states that the adverse consequences of divorce
are smaller in societies in which divorce rates are high. While this idea may be intuitive,
our results did not support the assumption that a high degree of diffusion of divorce
would, via diminished social stigma, lead to lower penalties for divorce. Our models
yielded the opposite finding, suggesting that the divorce penalty might be larger in
countries and cohorts in which divorce is more diffused (although the respective
coefficient is only marginally significant). This finding may reflect the fact that in the
initial period after divorce is legalized in a given context, it is mostly used by social
elites who may well be capable of protecting their offspring from any negative
In order to compare various countries in this study, we had to forego the option of
directly testing the micro mechanism driving the heterogeneity in divorce penalty by
social background. Thus, the main limitation of this study is that we were only able to
consider the educational level of the parent (the mother in the large majority of the
cases) co-residing with the child after divorce. We therefore have not been able to
investigate directly the mechanisms of economic and occupational downward mobility
that may contribute to the large divorce penalty observed for the children of highly
educated single parents.
Similarly, we did not have sufficient data to control for further differences between
children of divorced parents and children from intact families, which may induce
selection effects (Bhrolcháin 2001; Kim 2011; Steele, Sigle-Rushton, and Kravdal
2009). Of major relevance for our conclusions is the fact that, in recent years, a negative
educational gradient in the risk of divorce has been documented in the majority of
countries (Amato and James 2010; Lyngstad and Jalovaara 2010). Divorcing parents
with high and low levels of education might therefore differ in terms of unobserved
factors that could affect the children's educational attainment. If, for instance, highly
educated parents are less likely to divorce and do so only when there is a very high
degree of conflict in the relationship, then their children might be selected on negative
unobserved characteristics that might also explain their larger penalty in educational
attainment. To complicate matters further, the educational gradient has changed over
time from positive to negative, making it difficult to predict the implications for the
potential biases due to selection into divorce in a cross-cohort study like this one
(Bernardi and Martínez Pastor 2011; Härkönen and Dronkers 2006; Matysiak, Styrc,
and Vignoli 2011).
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
These concluding observations suggest the need for additional research on the
social background gradient in the divorce penalty which draws on more information
about the social background of both parents, and which is based on research designs
that permit the analysis of the endogenous nature of divorce when studying its
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank Héctor Cebolla-Boado, Feinan Chen, Jaap Dronkers, Jani
Erola, Alexi Gugushvili, Juho Härkönen, Daniel Horn, and the two anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European
Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no.
320116 for the research project FamiliesAndSocieties.
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Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
Table A1: Multi-level random-slopes logit model of tertiary education
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Parents' education (reference: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Parental breakup
Group-specific Breakup effect (ref.: div X par.prim.)
Breakup X parents: low. sec.
Breakup X parents: upp. sec.
Breakup X parents: tertiary
Level-2 covariates
Age at tracking (ref: late, 15-16)
early (10-12)
average (13-14)
Enrolment rate
Divorce rate
Cross-level interactions
Breakup X divorce rate
Breakup X early tracking
Breakup X average tracking
Early tracking X parents: tertiary
Early tracking X parents: upp. sec.
Early tracking X parents: low. sec.
Aver. tracking X parents: tertiary
Aver. tracking X parents: upp. sec.
Aver. tracking X parents: low. sec.
Three-way interactions
Breakup X par.tert X aver. tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X aver. tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X aver. tracking
Breakup X par.tert X early tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X early tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X early tracking
N of observ.
Source: GGP Wave 1.
+ p<0.1, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Demographic Research: Volume 30, Article 61 1679
Table A2: Multi-level random-slope model of years of education
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Model 6
Parents' education (reference: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Parental breakup
Group-specific Breakup effect (ref.: div X par.prim.)
Breakup X parents: lower secondary
Breakup X parents: upper secondary
Breakup X parents: tertiary
Level-2 covariates
Age at tracking (ref: late, 15-16)
early (10-12)
average (13-14)
Enrolment rate
Divorce rate
Cross-level interactions
Breakup X divorce rate
Breakup X early tracking
Breakup X average tracking
Early tracking X parents: tertiary
Early tracking X parents: upper secondary
Early tracking X parents: lower secondary
Average tracking X parents: tertiary
Average tracking X parents: upper secondary
Average tracking X parents: lower secondary
Three-way interactions
Breakup X par.tert X average tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X average tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X average tracking
Breakup X par.tert X early tracking
Breakup X par.upp.sec. X early tracking
Breakup X par.low.sec. X early tracking
N of observ.
Source: GGP Wave 1.
+ p<.1, * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001
Bernardi & Radl: The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment
Table A3: Linear probability models of tertiary education attainment in
Estonia, Hungary, and Italy
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Parental breakup
Parents' education (reference: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Group-specific Breakup effect (ref.: div X par.prim.)
Breakup X parents: lower secondary
Breakup X parents: upper secondary
Breakup X parents: tertiary
Mother's education (ref.: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Interation of Breakup and Mother's education (ref.: breakup X mother prim.)
Breakup X mother: lower secondary
Breakup X mother: upper secondary
Breakup X mother: tertiary
Father's education (ref.: primary or less)
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
Interation of Breakup and Father's education (ref.: breakup X father prim.)
Breakup X father: lower secondary
Breakup X father: upper secondary
Breakup X father: tertiary
Country (ref. Hungary)
adj. R-squared
N of observ.
Source: GGP Wave 1.
+ p<0.1, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Note: Models control for birth cohort.