Mortgage Lock-In, Mobility, and Labor Reallocation
Julia Fonseca
Lu Liu
March 2023
We study the impact of rising mortgage rates on mobility and labor reallocation.
Using individual-level credit record data and variation in the timing of mortgage orig-
ination, we show that a 1 p.p. decline in mortgage rate deltas (∆r), measured as the
difference between the mortgage rate locked in at purchase and the current market rate,
reduces moving rates by 0.68 p.p, or 9%. This effect is economically meaningful and im-
plies that projected rate increases until 2033 will reduce moving by 25%. Moreover, we
show that this relationship is nonlinear: once r is high enough, households’ alterna-
tive of refinancing without moving becomes attractive enough that moving probabilities
no longer depend on r. Lastly, we find that mortgage lock-in attenuates household
responsiveness to shocks to employment opportunities, measured as MSA-level wage
growth and instrumented with a shift-share instrument. The responsiveness of moving
rates to wage growth is half as large for households who are more locked in (below-
median r) than for those who are less locked in. We provide causal estimates of
mortgage lock-in effects, highlighting unintended consequences of monetary tightening
with long-term fixed-rate mortgages on mobility and labor markets.
Keywords: Mortgages, housing lock-in, mobility, labor reallocation, monetary tightening
JEL Codes: G21, G51, J62, R30, E58
We thank John Campbell, Itamar Drechsler, Sasha Indarte, Greg Kaplan, Ben Keys, Adair Morse, David
Musto, Nick Roussanov and Heidi Thysen for helpful comments and discussions. Fonseca thanks Jialan Wang
for help in creating the Gies Consumer and Small Business Credit Panel and the Gies College of Business for
generously supporting this dataset. Peter Han and Yizhong Zhang provided excellent research assistance.
Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Email: [email protected]
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Email: [email protected]
1 Introduction
Mortgage loans in the United States allow borrowers to lock in interest rates for up to
30 years. After broadly declining for decades and hitting record lows at the end of 2020,
mortgage rates rose sharply in 2022 (Figure 1) and are projected to remain at higher levels.
For households who have locked in low mortgage rates, these rate increases add an implicit
financial cost to the cost of moving, as moving requires prepayment of the current mortgage
and remortgaging at significantly higher mortgage rates. For instance, a 1 percentage point
(p.p.) rise in rates increases the present value of future mortgage payments for the median
borrower by around 27,000 USD, and annual payments by around 1,900 USD.
This implicit financial cost might have unintended consequences for household mobility and
labor reallocation. A widely-cited concern is that this financial cost may “lock in” households,
reducing housing market transactions and labor mobility (Ferreira et al., 2010).
On the
other hand, if this financial cost is small relative to the benefit of moving, the real effects on
mobility and labor reallocation may be relatively muted. In this paper, we provide causal
evidence of the effect of mortgage lock-in on labor mobility. We do so by developing a
simple theoretical framework relating mortgage rates to households’ moving behavior and
using it to derive testable implications. We then take these predictions to the data using
individual-level credit record data and exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in the timing
of mortgage origination.
In our theoretical framework, we define the difference between the previously locked-in mort-
gage rate and current prevailing mortgage rate as the “mortgage rate delta” (∆r). A positive
delta implies that there is a financial gain from remortgaging, while a negative delta implies
a financial cost because the current mortgage rate is higher than the rate that was previously
locked in. Households make a choice between three options: staying put (not refinancing
or moving); refinancing; or moving and remortgaging at the current rate.
The net benefit
of remortgaging depends on the mortgage rate delta and loan balance, which determine the
This calculation assumes a remaining term of 20 years, an initial loan balance of 260,000 USD, a discount
factor of 0.96, and a mortgage rate change from 4.5% (matching the median monthly mortgage payment of
around 1,300 USD) to 5.5%. This ignores the option value of reducing payments again once interest rates
decrease, which would lower the expected NPV.
For discussions of this concern in the media, see, for instance, Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2022,
Financial Times, January 12, 2023.
We refer to the process of obtaining a new mortgage priced at current mortgage rates more generally
as remortgaging, while we refer to prepayment and remortgaging of the existing loan more specifically as
change in mortgage payments when remortgaging, and on a fixed cost of remortgaging. The
net benefit of moving (ignoring the cost of remortgaging) depends on a moving shock and a
fixed cost of moving.
Mortgage lock-in occurs when the benefit of remortgaging net of the remortgaging cost
is negative, leading some households to stay put even though the net benefit of moving
is positive. As a result, we predict an asymmetric relationship between moving and r.
As long as the benefit of refinancing is smaller than the cost, an increase in r alleviates
mortgage lock-in. Because it is costly to remortgage, lock-in can occur when mortgage rate
deltas are positive, i.e. when current mortgage rates are lower than locked-in rates.
the benefit of refinancing is greater than the cost, households’ refinancing option becomes
attractive and provides an outside option to capture the benefit from remortgaging without
the need to move. From that point onward, the relationship between r and moving rates
flattens, as moving only depends on fundamental moving shocks and the moving cost. Thus,
our framework predicts a kink in the relationship between moving rates and r. Lastly, we
predict that r attenuates household responsiveness to a given moving shock, such as an
increase in wage income that can be obtained by moving. In other words, some households
do not pursue higher-paid employment opportunities due to the financial cost imposed by
mortgage lock-in.
To test these predictions, we employ a novel consumer credit panel dataset, the Gies Con-
sumer and small business Credit Panel (GCCP), which allows us to measure locked-in mort-
gage rates and moving for millions of borrowers from 2010 to 2018.
We measure households’
mortgage rate deltas as the difference between the mortgage rate that the household locked
in at the time of mortgage origination and the current mortgage rate. Our main empirical
challenge is that a simple OLS regression of moving rates on household-specific mortgage
rate deltas may be biased if, for instance, households choose to reduce their mortgage rate
by buying points when they are less likely to move (Stanton and Wallace, 1998). To over-
come this challenge, we use an instrumental variables (IV) research design and instrument
household-specific mortgage rate deltas with the aggregate mortgage rate delta determined
by current mortgage rates and average mortgage rates in the month of mortgage origination.
We thus isolate the variation in mortgage rate deltas coming solely from the timing of mort-
gage origination, and control for zip code fixed effects, county×year fixed effects, mortgage
This is in contrast to predictions of negative home equity lock-in where lock-in kicks in below home
equity levels of zero.
The next revision of the paper will use data available up to and including 2022.
and borrower controls, and a zip code house price index.
Our paper has three main sets of findings. First, our two-stage least squares estimate implies
that a 1 p.p. increase in mortgage rate deltas leads to a 0.68 p.p. increase in moving rates,
or 9% of the sample mean. This estimate suggests that the recent rise in mortgage rates will
have substantial effects on future moving rates. In a back-of-the-envelope calculation, we
use forward rates to project mortgage rates until 2033 and find that future mortgage rate
rises should lead to a 1.9 p.p. decline in moving by 2033, or 25% of the sample mean.
Second, we show that the effect of r is indeed nonlinear. Our framework predicts that,
once r is higher than the cost of refinancing, households’ alternative to refinance without
moving becomes attractive enough that moving probabilities become unrelated to r. We
provide graphical evidence consistent with these predictions through a binned scatter plot
of the relationship between moving rates and aggregate mortgage rate deltas, showing that
the relationship between r and moving flattens at a level of r of around 1.8 p.p., broadly
consistent with recent estimates (Andersen et al., 2020; Fisher et al., 2021) and survey
measures (Keys et al., 2016) of refinancing costs, given a median loan balance of around
152,000 USD.
Third, consistent with our theoretical prediction, we find that low r attenuates household
responsiveness to moving shocks such as higher-wage employment opportunities. We measure
the availability of higher-wage employment opportunities using MSA-level wage growth,
which we instrument using a shift-share instrument. We find that the slope of the relationship
between local wage growth and moving rates is higher for borrowers with above-median
aggregate r than for those with below-median aggregate r. This implies that borrowers
who have locked in lower mortgage rates (and thus have lower mortgage rate deltas) move
at lower rates in response to higher local wages. We estimate that, for borrowers with
low aggregate mortgage delta, a one standard deviation increase in MSA-level wage growth
increases within-MSA moving by 0.51 p.p., which is not significant at 5%. On the other
hand, within-MSA moving increases by 1.21 p.p. for borrowers with high mortgage delta,
and that estimate is significant at 1%. This suggests that mortgage lock-in modulates the
geographical allocation of labor and leads to a mismatch between workers and jobs, as some
households forego higher-paid employment opportunities due to the financial cost imposed
by mortgage lock-in.
The two key identifying assumptions behind our IV research design are that (1) aggregate
mortgage deltas are associated with household-specific mortgage deltas and (2) aggregate
mortgage deltas only affect moving rates through their effect on household-specific mortgage
deltas. The latter would be violated if, conditional on controls, the timing of mortgage orig-
ination is related to moving rates through channels other than its effect on the aggregate
mortgage delta. For instance, one potential concern is that financially sophisticated house-
holds are more likely to time their mortgage origination and may move at different rates
than unsophisticated households. While the exclusion restriction is untestable, we conduct
a range of robustness checks that support a causal interpretation of our findings.
First, we directly address the issue of market timing by exploiting increasingly narrow sources
of variation in aggregate mortgage deltas. We show that our results are qualitatively iden-
tical and quantitatively larger when we include origination year, origination half-year, or
origination quarter-year fixed effects. In the most stringent of these specifications—with
origination quarter-year fixed effects—variation in aggregate mortgage deltas comes from
monthly variation in aggregate mortgage rates within the same quarter of mortgage origina-
tion. This specification compares individuals who had a mortgage originated in, for instance,
January with those with a mortgage originated in February or March of that same year. We
also control for the timing of mortgage refinancing by including fixed effects for the year in
which the household last refinanced. Combining origination date and last refinancing fixed
effects, we compare households with similar refinancing and mortgage origination behavior,
further alleviating concerns that our results might be driven by market timing.
We provide further indirect evidence in support of a causal interpretation of our results
by conducting an event study. Using our theoretical framework, we generate dynamic pre-
dictions about the relationship between moving rates and average 30-year fixed mortgage
rates and test those predictions in an event-study setting. Specifically, our framework pre-
dicts that moving rates of borrowers with sufficiently high mortgage rate differentials should
not respond to declining mortgage rates, but should start decreasing once mortgage rates
increase. We document that this pattern holds in the data using the period of declining
mortgage rates in 2010–2012 and the sharp mortgage rate increase of mid-2013. Finally, our
results are also quantitatively similar when we measure the present value of future mortgage
payments in dollars rather than focusing on mortgage rate differentials.
We provide quantitative estimates of mortgage lock-in effects and highlight unintended con-
sequences of monetary tightening in the presence of long-term fixed-rate mortgages. Our
findings suggest that mortgage lock-in is likely to substantially impact housing and labor
markets going forward.
1.1 Related Literature
Our paper contributes to a broader literature of how housing markets affect household mo-
bility (Ferreira et al., 2010, 2012). While earlier studies found mixed evidence of negative
home equity lock-in on labor mobility (e.g. Chan, 2001; Schulhofer-Wohl, 2012; Coulson
and Grieco, 2013), more recent work shows that negative home equity reduces mobility,
labor supply, wages, and job search intensity (Bernstein, 2021; Bernstein and Struyven,
2021; Gopalan et al., 2021; Brown and Matsa, 2020). Negative effects on mobility have also
been documented due to property tax lock-in, caused by caps on property tax growth for
incumbent owners (Wasi and White, 2005). Another source of lock-in are down-payment
constraints (Stein, 1995; Genesove and Mayer, 1997; Andersen et al., 2022), and behavioral
effects such as loss aversion and reference dependence (Genesove and Mayer, 2001; Engel-
hardt, 2003; Anenberg, 2011; Andersen et al., 2022), with evidence of households raising list
prices and spending a longer time on the market to avoid losses relative to their previous
purchase price.
Existing work by Quigley (1987) and Ferreira et al. (2010) shows that mortgage lock-in
reduces household mobility using Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and American
Housing Survey (AHS) data, respectively, in a broadly declining interest rate environment.
We build on these findings to make progress along a number of dimensions. Similar to more
recent work on home equity constraints (Bernstein, 2021; Bernstein and Struyven, 2021;
Gopalan et al., 2021), we employ micro-level household panel data and use an IV strategy
to allow for a causal interpretation. The granularity of our data allows us to document
asymmetric effects of mortgage rate deltas on moving rates consistent with a simple model
of household moving and remortgaging. We further provide evidence that a reduction in
mortgage rate differentials reduces households’ moving rates in response to higher-wage
employment opportunities. We hence provide direct evidence that mortgage rate lock-in
reduces labor reallocation.
Our findings highlight a seeming trade-off between insurance provision and allocative effi-
Fixed-rate mortgages provide insurance against interest rate increases, but can cause
prolonged periods of mortgage lock-in when rates rise, especially in the US where the close
Our findings are consistent with other quasi-experimental settings where alleviating household liquidity
constraints improves moving and labor market matching (He and le Maire, 2021), and somewhat in contrast
to e.g. Demyanyk et al. (2017).
These distortionary effects have been documented in studies on rent control, which can provide insurance
against rent price increases, but reduce allocative efficiency of housing (Glaeser and Luttmer, 2003; Favilukis
et al., 2023).
to 30-year average fixation length is a relative outlier in international comparison (Badarinza
et al., 2016; Liu, 2022). Reduced mobility and a reduction in housing market turnover can
lead to a greater mismatch between employees and jobs and between households and houses
or locations. Understanding the unintended consequences of monetary tightening with fixed-
rate mortgages should further help inform mortgage market design (Piskorski and Tchistyi,
2010; Campbell, 2012; Campbell et al., 2021; Guren et al., 2021; Liu, 2022). The paper
raises the importance of alternative housing market policies such as mortgage assumability
and portability, which provide a way to alleviate the distortionary effects of mortgage lock-in
and are common in many other countries, but not widely available in the US (Quigley, 1987;
Lea, 2010; Berg et al., 2018; Madeira, 2021).
Our work further relates to monetary policy pass-through and the role of the mortgage
market (Scharfstein and Sunderam, 2016; Beraja et al., 2019; DeFusco and Mondragon,
2020; Di Maggio et al., 2020; Fuster et al., 2021; Agarwal et al., 2023), with an emphasis on
the effects of monetary tightening, and the role of past mortgage rates (Berger et al., 2021;
Eichenbaum et al., 2022). More broadly, our paper also relates to studies of the effect of
monetary policy on the allocation of labor across occupations, firms, and sectors (e.g. Faia
et al., 2021; Jasova et al., 2021; Guerrieri et al., 2021; Singh et al., 2022; Bergman et al.,
2022). We complement these works by focusing on how interest rates affect mobility and the
geographical allocation of labor through the mortgage lock-in channel.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines the conceptual
framework using a simple model of household moving and refinancing. Section 3 introduces
the data and empirical strategy. Section 4 presents the main results and section 5 provides
additional results and robustness checks. Section 6 concludes.
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 A Simple Model of Household Moving and Remortgaging
Household Problem. Households live for two periods and are endowed with a house
and mortgage loan of size L. The mortgage interest rate r
is fixed for both periods but
households have the option to prepay after period one and remortgage, to obtain interest rate
in period two. Households maximize their lifetime utility, which is linear in consumption.
For notational simplicity, there is no discounting. At the end of period one, households
face stochastic interest rate and moving shocks and, upon realization of these shocks, make
decision D {S, R, M}, which affects outcomes in period two. Households choose between
three actions: staying put (D = S); refinancing (D = R); or moving (D = M). A simplifying
assumption is that households move into a similarly sized house, such that L stays the same,
and there is no loan repayment in period two.
Moving requires households to pay a moving cost κ
, and to prepay the existing loan, and
take out a new loan at rate r
, at cost κ
. Refinancing requires households only to pay the
cost to remortgage, κ
Households earn income Y
, pay mortgage payment M
, and consume C
in each period
t {1, 2}. The mortgage payment in period one is r
· L. The mortgage payment in period
two is:
· L, if D = S
· L, if D {R, M},
i.e. households are protected from interest rate changes in the second period, but they need
to remortgage in order to obtain the mortgage rate r
. Mortgage rates in period two are
stochastic and follow a random walk:
= r
+ ϵ, where ϵ i.i.d. N (0, σ
), (2)
In period two, households also face a stochastic moving opportunity in the form of a potential
shock to income η that they can realize if they move, and the realization of the shock is known
before decision D needs to be made. The moving shock is i.i.d. normally distributed with
mean 0 and standard deviation σ
. Denote Y the initial income level. Households obtain
= Y in period one. Income in period two is given by
Y, if D {S, R}
Y · (1 + η), if D = M, where η i.i.d. N (0, σ
Given the short time frame of two periods, there is no option value of waiting for the refinancing and
moving decisions, but one can generalize the meaning of refinancing and moving benefits to incorporate a
notion of option value, e.g. using the framework by Agarwal et al. (2013). This framework would likely
result in scaling of household optimality conditions but would preserve model predictions qualitatively.
Households solve the following optimization problem:
U = C
+ C
s.t. budget constraint Λ (4)
Λ =
+ C
= 2Y 2r
L, if D = S
+ C
= 2Y (r
+ r
)L κ
, if D = R
+ C
= (2 + η)Y (r
+ r
)L κ
, if D = M.
Household Decision Rules. Comparing total consumption (i.e., the sum of period one
and period two consumption) when refinancing (D = R) and subtracting total consumption
when staying put (D = S) gives
)L κ
rL κ
, (6)
i.e. the net benefit of refinancing can be represented as the mortgage rate delta (∆r) scaled
by the loan balance, less the cost of refinancing. Using equation 2, equation 6 can be further
simplified to ϵL κ
, which we will use further below.
Similarly, comparing the budget constraint when moving (D = M ) and subtracting the
budget constraint when staying put (D = S) gives
ηY + rL κ
, (7)
i.e. the net benefit of moving and remortgaging is the sum of the moving benefit (change in
income if moving) and benefit from remortgaging, less the cost of remortgaging and moving.
We can define the following useful conditions: when
rL κ
0, (8)
the household is a potential refinancer, as the benefit of remortgaging is greater or equal to
the cost of remortgaging; in other words, the option to refinance is in the money. In a world
without moving concerns, household would find it optimal to refinance.
ηY κ
0, (9)
the household is a potential mover, i.e. in a world where the household does not have a
mortgage, the household would move since the income benefit from moving is greater or
equal to the cost of moving.
Solving the household’s optimization problem yields the following optimal household decision
= S, iff:
rL κ
< 0 ηY + rL κ
< 0, (10)
= R, iff:
rL κ
0 ηY κ
< 0, (11)
= M, iff:
ηY κ
0 ηY + rL κ
0. (12)
Household Groups. To build intuition for households’ decision rules, we can divide house-
holds into five different (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) groups, by splitting
them by their potential mover and potential refinancer status.
Group 1 (Non-Marginal Stayers):
rL κ
< 0 ηY κ
< 0. (13)
These households are neither potential movers nor potential refinancers, and clearly find it
optimal to just stay put (D
= S).
Group 2 (Refinancers):
rL κ
0 ηY κ
< 0. (14)
These households are potential refinancers, but not potential movers, meaning their net
benefit of moving without remortgaging is negative. This implies that ηY +rLκ
rL κ
, such that households are better off exercising the refinancing option, without
moving (thus D
= R).
Group 3 (Non-Marginal Movers):
rL κ
0 ηY κ
0. (15)
These households are potential movers and potential refinancers, and clearly find it optimal
to move and remortgage (D
= M).
What about households who are potential movers, but not potential refinancers? Ideally,
these households would like to port their current mortgage when moving or assume an
existing mortgage, as they want to move, but not refinance. In the absence of such mortgage
policies, their behavior depends on whether the net moving benefit or net refinancing cost
dominates, i.e. whether ηY + ∆rL κ
0. We can split this group of households
into the following two sub-groups.
Group 4 (Marginal Movers):
rL κ
< 0 ηY κ
0 ηY + rL κ
0 (16)
These households move marginally (D
= M), as the net benefit of moving and remortgaging
is positive (last condition above), even though households pay a net penalty to remortgage,
meaning the moving net benefit is large enough to prevent mortgage lock-in.
Group 5 (Marginal Stayers):
rL κ
< 0 ηY κ
0 ηY + rL κ
< 0 (17)
These households do not move (D
= S), as the net benefit of moving and remortgaging is
negative. They are households with mortgage lock-in, in the sense that the financial cost
of remortgaging marginally prevents them from moving despite the net benefit of moving
without remortgaging being positive.
The decision rules of these household groups lead to the optimal decision rules to stay,
refinance or move in equations 10 to 12.
Share of Stayers, Refinancers and Movers. Recall that households i are heterogeneous
in moving shocks η
, with cumulative distribution function F (η
) and density f (η
), and
interest rate shocks ϵ
, with cumulative distribution function G(ϵ
) and density g(ϵ
) (we
were able to omit the i subscript until here). There is a unit mass of households. Denote
, with j {S, R, M }, the share of stayers, refinancers and movers, respectively, such that
j∈{S,R,M }
= 1.
Using condition 9, we can define a cutoff value η
above which a household would be con-
sidered a potential mover:
. (18)
Similarly, using condition 8, we can define a cutoff value ϵ
above which a household would
be considered a potential refinancer:
. (19)
Lastly, using condition 7, we can define a household-specific cut-off value η
(for a given
value of ϵ
) above which the joint moving and remortgaging net benefit is weakly positive:
+ κ
. (20)
As a result, we obtain the fraction of stayers (D
= S) following equation 10 as:
): η
, (21)
and the fraction of households who are refinancers (D
= R) as:
): η
. (22)
To determine the fraction of movers (D
= M ), we need to consider which of the two
conditions in equation 12 is binding, i.e. whether η
or η
is greater:
): η
. (23)
2.2 Model Predictions and Simulation
We use the model to derive predictions regarding the comparative statics of moving. First,
we are interested in household moving decisions with respect to changes in their mortgage
rate delta, r
= ϵ
Proposition 1 Moving is strictly increasing in r
, up to a cutoff value of r
. Above
the cutoff value r
, moving is weakly increasing in r
Proof of Proposition 1: An increase in ϵ
reduces the cutoff value of η
(equation 20),
which raises the fraction of movers λ
as long as η
. η
holds as long as
L, meaning as long as r
= r
. Once η
< η
and η
becomes binding for
moving, moving only depends on moving fundamentals, i.e. households move if η
= η
regardless of further increases in r
Observation on Refinancers. For households who are not potential movers (ηY κ
< 0),
an increase in r increases the number of refinancers (group 2), as non-marginal stayers
(group 1) turn into refinancers.
Next, we are interested in how moving responds to a given moving shock η, when the degree
of lock-in as measured by r
= ϵ
Proposition 2 For any given interval [
η, ¯η] (¯η >
η) and [
ϵ, ¯ϵ] (¯ϵ >
ϵ), λ
η, ¯η],[
ϵ, ¯ϵ]}
η, ¯η],[
ϵ+x, ¯ϵ+x]}
, where x < +.
To see this, consider the difference between households who are potential movers and who
actually move. The share of potential movers (PM) is:
): η
. (24)
For any given interval [η, η + x] where x < +, λ
, i.e. for any given interval of η,
there is a weakly positive share of households who are locked in (i.e. for whom r
), such that the number of potential movers is weakly greater than the number of actual
movers. We also know that the share of households who are locked in is weakly decreasing
in r
, such that the share of movers is weakly increasing in r
This yields the following predictions.
Prediction 1: Non-Linear Relationship between Moving and r
. The relationship
between moving and r
is nonlinear: moving is increasing in r
for marginal households
for whom an increase in r
L κ
relaxes the moving and remortgaging constraint. It is
flat for households for whom r
L κ
Prediction 2: Non-Linearity at r
> 0. With a strictly positive cost of refinancing
> 0, the increasing relationship between r
and moving flattens out at r
> 0.
The moving conditions suggest that moving is only beneficial if the net benefit of moving
without remortgaging (η
Y κ
) is positive. While r
L κ
< 0, households pay a net
penalty to remortgage. However, as soon as r
L κ
= 0, households have the outside
option to refinance to capture the financial benefit of lower interest rates (meaning higher
mortgage rate deltas). That means that the probability of moving is increasing in r
and hence r
up to a point. Once r
= r
, moving only depends on whether
= η
. We should hence see a flattening in the relationship between r
and moving
for r
> 0, with costly refinancing (κ
> 0).
Lastly, we expect a lower r
to tighten the moving and remortgaging constraint for any
given level of the moving shock η
Prediction 3: Moving Rate w.r.t η
and r
. A lower r
(i.e. a greater degree of
lock-in) weakly reduces the probability of moving for any given level of the moving shock η
relative to a higher r
Model Simulation. In the empirical analysis, we exploit variation in r
. To map the
model to our empirical findings, we simulate predictions for household moving behavior
based on the model. To capture dimensions of household heterogeneity in the data, we
further assume heterogeneity in refinancing (k
) and moving cost (k
), and calibrate the
income level and income shock (Y , σ
), initial interest rate level and shock (r
) to match
stylized features of the data, with further detail provided in Appendix Section B.
Figure B5 in the appendix illustrates Predictions 1 and 2, while Figure B6 illustrates Pre-
diction 3.
3 Data and Empirical Strategy
3.1 Data
Our main dataset is the Gies Consumer and small business Credit Panel (GCCP), a novel
panel dataset with credit record data on consumers and small businesses from Experian,
one of the three major national credit reporting agencies in the United States. The GCCP
consists of a one percent random sample of individuals with a credit report, which is linked
to alternative credit records from Experian’s alternative credit bureau, Clarity Services, and
to business credit records for individuals who own a business.
We use data on mainstream consumer credit records between 2010 and 2018 and, given
Figure B7 provides a simplified simulation with a greater range of positive wage shocks, which illustrates
that the moving gap between high and low r
households widens, but once the wage shock η
is sufficiently
large, the wage shock dominates and the share of locked-in households becomes very small, such that the
moving gap narrows again.
See Fonseca (2023) for a discussion of the link between mainstream and alternative credit records in the
GCCP and Fonseca and Wang (2022) on the link between consumer and business credit records.
our focus on the effect of interest rates on mortgage rate lock-in, we restrict attention to
consumers with positive mortgage balances. These records include detailed credit attributes
and tradelines of each individual, including debt levels for all major forms of formal debt
such as mortgages, student loans, and credit cards. The data also includes individuals’ credit
scores and payment history, as well as bankruptcies and other public records. The GCCP
also has information on mortgage interest rates from Experian’s Estimated Interest Rate
Calculations (EIRC) enhancement, which provides interest rate estimates based on balance,
term, and payment information. In addition, the dataset includes basic demographics such
as zip code of residency, age, gender, marital status, and employment status. We define
moving at time t as having a different zip code of residency at time t + 1 than at time t.
We supplement these data with county-level employment and wages from the Quarterly
Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), average 30-year fixed mortgage rates from the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and a house price index at the zip code level from the
Federal Housing Finance Agency.
We report summary statistics for the final sample in Table 1. The average mortgage loan
balance is 205,480 USD, the average remaining loan term is 21 years, and the average mort-
gage rate is 5.10%. The average r is 1.04%, with the distribution shown in Appendix
Figure A1. Moreover, in Appendix Figure A2, we show average mortgage rates by quartile
of the distribution, as well as average 30-year fixed mortgage rates.
3.2 Empirical Strategy
3.2.1 Baseline
Define household i’s mortgage rate delta at time t, r
, as the difference between the
mortgage rate that the household locked in at purchase time p(i), r
, and the current
mortgage rate, r
= r
Consider a model that relates household moving rates to mortgage rate deltas:
Note that, since we define moving as a forward-looking variable, our main dependent variable is not
defined for the last year of available data, 2018. In future revisions, we will use data up to 2022.
= α + βX
+ γr
+ ε
, (26)
where i is a household, t is the year of observation, X
is a vector of controls, and γ is the
causal effect of mortgage rate lock-in on moving rates.
The key challenge that our empirical strategy seeks to overcome is that OLS estimates of
Equation (26) will be biased if moving rates are correlated with unobserved determinants of
mortgage rate deltas. One concern is that household choices and characteristics might be
related to both their propensity to move and their mortgage rate. For instance, households
may choose to purchase points in order to reduce their mortgage rate when they anticipate
that they are unlikely to move.
We estimate the effect of mortgage rate lock-in on moving rates by instrumenting household-
specific mortgage rate deltas with the aggregate mortgage rate delta determined by current
(annual) mortgage rates and mortgage rates in the month of mortgage origination:
Aggregate r
= r
, (27)
where r
is the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate in the month of household i’s home
purchase and r
is the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate at time t. We thus isolate the
variation in mortgage rate lock-in coming solely from the timing of mortgage origination.
The first stage of this instrumental variables (IV) research design takes the form:
= δ
+ κ
+ γAggregate r
+ βX
+ ε
, (28)
where δ
are zip code fixed effects, κ
are county×year fixed effects, and X
the log mortgage balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been
paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, and a zip code house price index. We double
cluster standard errors at the county and origination-month-year throughout.
We estimate the following second-stage equation using two-stage least squares:
= δ
+ κ
+ γ
+ βX
+ ε
, (29)
represents predicted mortgage rate deltas from estimating the first stage Equation
The two key identifying assumptions are that (1) aggregate mortgage deltas are associated
with household-specific mortgage deltas and (2) aggregate mortgage deltas only affect moving
rates through their effect on household-specific mortgage deltas. The first assumption is
empirically testable. Our first stage F-statistic exceeds 1,000, indicating a strong instrument.
The second assumption would be violated if, conditional on controls, the timing of mortgage
origination is related to moving rates through channels other than its effect on the aggregate
mortgage delta. For instance, one concern is that financially sophisticated households might
be more likely to time their mortgage origination and may have different moving propensities
than unsophisticated households. While the exclusion restriction is untestable, we conduct
a range of robustness checks that support a causal interpretation of our findings.
First, we directly address the issue of market timing in Section 5.1 by exploiting increas-
ingly narrow sources of variation in aggregate mortgage deltas. We show that our results
are qualitatively identical and quantitatively larger when we include origination year, orig-
ination half-year, or origination quarter-year fixed effects. In the most stringent of these
specifications—with origination quarter-year fixed effects—variation in aggregate mortgage
deltas comes from monthly variation in aggregate mortgage rates within the same quar-
ter of the house purchase. For instance, this specification compares individuals who had a
mortgage originated in, say, January with those with a mortgage originated in February or
March of that same year. Conditional on observables, it seems plausible that households
cannot perfectly time their mortgage origination or predict the current level of mortgage
rates within the span of a quarter.
Second, we also control for the timing of mortgage refinancing by including fixed effects
for the year in which the household last refinanced. By combining origination date and
last refinancing fixed effects, we compare households with similar refinancing and mortgage
origination behavior, further alleviating concerns that our results might be driven by market
Third, we provide indirect evidence in support of a causal interpretation of our results in
Section 5.2 by conducting an event study. Using our theoretical framework, we generate
dynamic predictions about the relationship between moving rates and average 30-year fixed
mortgage rates and test those predictions in an event-study setting. Specifically, our frame-
work predicts that moving rates of borrowers with sufficiently high mortgage rate differentials
should not respond to declining mortgage rates, but should start declining once mortgage
rates increase. We document that this pattern holds in the data using the period of declining
mortgage rates in 2010–2012 and the sharp mortgage rate increase of mid-2013.
3.2.2 Interaction With Employment Opportunities
Our theoretical framework suggests that mortgage rate lock-in also modulates households’
responsiveness to shocks to the monetary benefit of moving, such as shocks to employment
opportunities. To generate shocks to employment opportunities, we instrument local wage
growth using a shift-share IV that interacts past industry-level wage shares with aggregate
industry-level wage growth.
Let w
denote wage growth in area in year t. We can write:
= g
+ ˜g
where z
is the wage share of industry k in area , and g
is the wage growth of industry k
in area in year t. The latter has two components: g
, the national wage growth of industry
k, and ˜g
, the idiosyncratic component of wage growth for industry k in area in year t.
We instrument w
using a Bartik (1991) instrument:
The instrument exploits the fact that past local industry wage shares are pre-determined
and that industry-level wage growth at the national level is plausibly exogenous to local-area
wage growth.
For a household residing in county c, we define a local area as the MSA to which county c
We construct industry wage shares z
using data from 2007, three years prior to
the start of our sample.
We estimate the following second-stage regression using two-stage least squares:
I[moved within MSA]
= δ
+ κ
+ γ bw
+ βX
+ ε
, (30)
where bw
represents fitted values from the first stage regression. In order to test whether
the responsiveness of moving to local wage growth varies with the degree of mortgage rate
lock-in, we estimate Equation (30) separately for borrowers with aggregate mortgage deltas
above or below the sample median.
4 Main Results
We begin by estimating the effect of mortgage rate lock-in on moving rates. We then explore
how moving responds to shocks to employment opportunities and how that relationship
changes with the degree of mortgage lock-in.
4.1 Mortgage Rate Lock-In and Moving Rates
One of the key predictions of our framework is that mortgage rate deltas affect moving
rates up to a point and, from that point onward, there is no relationship between the two
variables (Prediction 1). Our framework also predicts that the kink point happens in the
strictly positive region of r (Prediction 2). We provide graphical evidence consistent with
these predictions through a binned scatter plot of the relationship between moving rates and
aggregate mortgage rate deltas, which we report in Figure 2. As our framework predicts,
there is a kink in the relationship between aggregate mortgage rate deltas and moving rates
in the strictly positive region of aggregate deltas. The kink point is at a level of around
1.8 p.p., broadly consistent with recent estimates (Andersen et al., 2020; Fisher et al., 2021)
and survey measures (Keys et al., 2016) of refinancing cost, given a median loan balance of
around 152,000 USD.
Table 2 reports estimates of the effect of mortgage rate differentials on moving rates. We
report the OLS estimate in column 1, which shows a positive correlation between household-
An alternative would be to construct the instrument by leaving out the effect of county c, but this
adjustment has been found to be unimportant in the classic Bartik setting (Goldsmith-Pinkham et al., 2020;
Borusyak et al., 2022).
specific mortgage rate deltas and moving rates. In column 2, we report the first-stage
estimate of Equation (28). We find that a 1 p.p. increase in the aggregate mortgage rate
delta is associated with a 0.53 p.p. increase in the household-specific mortgage rate delta.
The first stage F-statistic is above 1,000, suggesting that the aggregate mortgage rate delta
is a strong instrument. Column 3 reports the two-stage least squares estimate of Equation
(29). We estimate that a 1 p.p. increase in mortgage rate deltas leads to a 0.68 p.p. increase
in moving rates (or 9% of the sample mean). This effect is higher than the OLS estimate of
column 1, suggesting that the latter is downward biased.
This estimate suggests that the recent rise in mortgage rates will have substantial effects
on future moving rates. To quantify this effect, we project future mortgage rates using
10-year treasury rates 1-, 2-, and 10 years forward and assuming a constant mortgage rate
spread between 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates relative to 10-year treasury spot rates.
Using projected rates, we then project the distribution of mortgage deltas using the 2018
distribution of locked-in mortgage rates and projected average mortgage rates, and plot the
actual and projected time-series of average mortgage deltas in Figure 3.
This back-of-the-
envelope calculation suggests that, between 2020 and 2033, the average household-specific
mortgage delta will decline by 2.8 p.p. Our estimates imply that this should lead to a 1.9
p.p. (0.68 × 2.8) decline in moving, or 25% of the sample mean.
4.2 Interaction With Employment Opportunities
Next, we test the third prediction of our model: that mortgage rate deltas attenuate the
sensitivity of moving rates to a moving shock. We explore how mortgage lock-in affects labor
reallocation, by studying the response of moving rates to employment opportunities, and how
this response varies with the degree of mortgage rate lock-in. We start by illustrating our
main findings with a binned scatter plot of the relationship between within-MSA moving
rates and predicted MSA-level wage growth in Figure 4. Consistent with our theoretical
prediction, we find that the slope of this relationship is higher for borrowers with above-
OLS estimates might be downward biased if, for example, financially sophisticated borrowers are able
to lock in lower mortgage rates (leading to lower mortgage rate deltas) and are more likely to move than
unsophisticated borrowers.
We set the constant mortgage rate spread to 168 b.p. This equals the average spread between 30-year
fixed-rate mortgage rates and 10-year treasury rates over the 1990–2022 period, which has remained broadly
Future revisions will use the 2022 mortgage rate distribution for this exercise.
This is against the backdrop of an already declining secular trend in interstate migration (Kaplan and
Schulhofer-Wohl, 2017).
median aggregate r than for those with below-median aggregate r. This implies that
borrowers who have locked in lower mortgage rates (and thus have lower mortgage rate
deltas) move at lower rates in response to higher local wages.
Table 3 reports estimates of Equation (30) separately for borrowers with below-median
(columns 1–3) and above-median aggregate mortgage rate delta (columns 4–6). Columns
1 and 3 report OLS estimates and show no significant correlation between wage growth and
moving for borrowers with high or low aggregate r. Columns 2 and 4 report first-stage
estimates, with F-statistics of around 20 for both groups of borrowers. Columns 3 and 6
report estimates of Equation (30). For borrowers with low aggregate mortgage delta, a one
standard deviation increase in wage growth increases within-MSA moving by 0.51 p.p., which
is not significant at 5% (column 3). On the other hand, within-MSA moving increases by
1.21 p.p. for borrowers with high mortgage delta, and that estimate is significant at 1%.
In appendix Table A1, we show that these results are robust to excluding borrowers who are
past the kink point of the relationship mortgage rate deltas and moving rates. Specifically,
we re-run this analysis excluding from the high aggregate r group those borrowers with
aggregate r > 2%. If anything, we find that the difference between borrowers who are
more vs. less locked in is even starker in this setting, with the responsiveness of moving
rates to wage growth being three times as large for households with high aggregate r than
for those who with low aggregate r (column 6 vs column 3).
These results imply that mortgage rate lock-in modulates borrowers’ response to employ-
ment opportunities, with borrowers who have locked in lower rates being less likely to move
in response to rising wages. This suggests that mortgage lock-in meaningfully affects the
geographical allocation of labor, with some households foregoing higher-paid employment
opportunities due to the financial cost imposed by lock-in.
5 Additional Results and Robustness
5.1 Robustness to Market Timing
In this section, we address the concern that the timing of mortgage origination might affect
moving rates through channels other than its effect on aggregate mortgage rate deltas. We
do so by using increasingly narrow sources of variation in origination timing by including
origination year, origination half-year, or origination quarter-year fixed effects in Equation
(29). In the most stringent of these specifications, with origination quarter-year fixed effects,
we compare individuals who had a mortgage origination in the same quarter of the same
year, exploiting only monthly variation in average 30-year fixed mortgage rates within a quar-
ter. Conditional on observables, households plausibly cannot perfectly time their mortgage
origination or predict the current level of mortgage rates within the span of a quarter.
We supplement this analysis by also controlling for refinancing behavior. We do so by includ-
ing fixed effects for the year in which the household last refinanced. By combining origination
date and last refinancing fixed effects, we compare households with similar refinancing and
mortgage origination behavior, further alleviating concerns that our results might be driven
by market timing.
Appendix Table A2 reports the results of this exercise, with column 1 reporting our baseline
estimate. Across columns 2–5, we see that coefficients become larger as we control for
origination timing and remain significant at 1%, suggesting that our baseline estimate is
a conservative estimate of the effect of mortgage lock-in. One interpretation of the fact
that coefficients become larger is that, to the extent that omitted variables influence both
origination timing and moving rates, they introduce a downward bias in our estimates. This
would be the case if, for instance, financially sophisticated households are more likely to time
the market to lock in lower rates (leading to lower aggregate mortgage rate deltas) and are
more likely to move than unsophisticated households.
5.2 Event Study
In order to further support a causal interpretation of our findings, we use our framework to
derive dynamic predictions of how borrowers should respond to changing mortgage rates and
test those predictions in an event-study setting. Specifically, our framework predicts that
moving rates of borrowers with sufficiently high mortgage rate differentials—high enough
that they are in the region of r where the relationship between r and moving is flat—
should not respond to declining mortgage rates. That is because declining mortgage rates
will further increase their mortgage rate deltas but, since those are already high enough that
there is no longer a relationship between mortgage rate deltas and moving, there should be
no moving response to declining rates.
On the other hand, once mortgage rates increase, mortgage rate deltas will decrease. This
will push at least some borrowers into the region where there is a positive relationship
between r and moving rates. Thus, our model predicts that, once mortgage rates increase,
moving rates should decrease.
We test this prediction through an event study, exploiting the period of declining mortgage
rates in 2010–2012 and the sharp increase in rates in mid-2013 (Figure 1). We focus on the
group of borrowers who were past the kink point in mortgage rate deltas, after which there
is no relationship between moving rates and deltas, at the start of our sample period. To
alleviate the endogeneity concerns discussed in Section 3, we use aggregate mortgage rate
deltas—our instrumental variable—to select this group of consumers. Specifically, we restrict
attention to consumers with aggregate r in 2010 greater or equal to 2 p.p., based on the
graphical evidence of Figure 2 suggesting that this is approximately equal to the kink point.
We estimate the following event-study specification for this group of borrowers:
= δ
I[t = τ] + βX
+ ϵ
, (31)
where δ
are zip code fixed effects and the vector of controls X
includes mortgage balance,
mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age,
age squared, gender, and a zip code house price index. Our coefficients of interest are γ
which show the evolution of moving rates across years.
We report coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals of Equation (31) in Appendix
Figure A3, with 2013 as the omitted category. As our model predicts, we see no effect of
declining mortgage rates between 2010 and 2012 in the moving rates of this group of bor-
rowers. But after the rate rise of mid-2013, moving rates start declining and are statistically
distinguishable from their 2013 baseline from 2015 to 2017.
5.3 Placebo Check: Refinancing and Employment Opportunities
One potential concern with the analysis of Section 4.2 is that MSA-level wage growth, in-
strumented by our shift-share instrumental variable, could function as a shock to variables
other than moving rates, such as income levels. In this section, we provide further evidence
that (instrumented) local wage growth is a moving shock.
To do that, we analyze a related household decision for which our model generates starkly
different predictions: the decision to refinance. Our model predicts that refinancing rates
should not increase with the monetary benefit of moving. In fact, since moving provides
households with an alternative way to realize the same option value as refinancing, our
framework predicts that the refinancing rates of households with high mortgage rate deltas
decline with the magnitude of the wage growth shock. We illustrate this prediction in
Appendix Figure B8, which plots simulated refinancing rates against the moving shock for
different levels of mortgage deltas.
We test this prediction by estimating Equation (30) with a dummy for refinancing as the
dependent variable. As in Section 4.2, we start with a binned scatter plot of the relation-
ship between refinancing rates and predicted MSA-level wage growth in Appendix Figure
A4. As our model predicts, we see no relationship between refinancing rates and predicted
wage growth for borrowers with below-median aggregate mortgage deltas and a negative
relationship for those above the median.
We report two-stage least squares estimates of Equation (30) with refinancing as the depen-
dent variable in Appendix Table A3. Consistent with the graphical evidence discussed above,
we see that the two-stage least squares estimate of the effect of wage growth on refinancing
is indistinguishable from zero for borrowers with low aggregate r (column 3) and negative
and significant for those with high aggregate r (column 6). This evidence is consistent
with our interpretation of instrumented MSA-level wage growth as a shock to within-MSA
moving rates.
5.4 Robustness to Present Value of Mortgage Payments
Next, we show that our results are robust to focusing on changes in the present value of
mortgage payments (∆PVM) rather than on interest rate differentials. This measure, which
we describe in detail in Appendix C, captures how changes in interest rates affect the present
value of all mortgage payments and more closely maps to the dollar effect of varying mortgage
We report estimates of Equation 29 with ∆PVM as the explanatory variable and find results
that are consistent with our baseline findings, even in terms of magnitudes. We find that a
$1,000 increase in ∆PVM leads to a 0.04 p.p. increase in moving (column 4). This implies
that a one standard deviation ($45, 897) increase in ∆PVM increases moving by 1.84 p.p.
($45, 897 × 0.04). Similarly, our baseline estimate suggests that a one standard deviation
(1.97 p.p.) increase in r leads to a 1.34 p.p. increase in moving.
5.5 Housing Market Liquidity
We expect mortgage lock-in to affect housing market turnover and hence liquidity in the
market, as a decrease in the mortgage rate delta raises the financial cost of buying and selling
a house with a mortgage. We test whether mortgage lock-in affects housing market liquidity
using data from Economic Research, which provides aggregated information
on the number of active listings, average listing price, and median days on the market for
all MLS-listed for-sale homes at monthly frequency.
We create county-by-year averages of
aggregate r and merge them with county-level annual averages of the database.
We then regress variables relating to housing market liquidity on average aggregate r and
include county and year fixed effects.
The regression results are presented in Table A5 in the Appendix. Controlling for county-
level fixed effects, the log number of active listings (Column 1) and median days on the
market (Column 5) are significantly increasing in aggregate r, while the log average listing
price is decreasing (Column 3). Controlling for both county and year fixed effects, only
the effect on log number of active listings remains statistically significant at the 10 percent
level (Column 2), suggesting that a 1 p.p. decrease in aggregate r reduces the number of
listings by around 5%. The effects are consistent with mortgage lock-in reducing housing
market liquidity in the form of fewer houses being listed for sale. There is limited evidence
that mortgage lock-in is mitigated by house prices fully adjusting and offsetting changes in
mortgage rates.
6 Conclusion
This paper provides causal evidence of the effect of mortgage lock-in on moving and la-
bor reallocation. We document three main findings. First, household moving rates decline
as mortgage rate deltas decrease, or as households incur a greater financial cost when re-
mortgaging. We estimate that a 1 p.p. decline in r leads to a 0.68 p.p. decrease in the
probability of moving. This effect is economically meaningful and implies that projected
rate increases until 2033 will reduce moving by 25%. Second, we show that this effect is
nonlinear: once ∆r is high enough so that the benefit of refinancing exceeds its cost, moving
probabilities become unrelated to r. Third, we find that low r attenuates household
responsiveness to moving shocks in the form of higher-wage employment opportunities. Us-
ing a shift-share instrument for MSA-level wage growth, we show that the responsiveness
of within-MSA moving rates to wage growth is half as large for households who are more
locked in (below-median aggregate r) than for those who are less locked in.
The findings highlight unintended consequences of monetary tightening with long-term fixed-
rate mortgages, stressing the importance of alternative mortgage market policies. In most
countries other than the US, mortgage contracts have some degree of assumability (allowing
Accessible via
buyers to assume an existing mortgage on the same property), or portability (allowing bor-
rowers to transfer their mortgage to a new property), such that households can move without
having to prepay their current loan (Lea, 2010). In the US, “due-on-sale” clauses typically
mandate that the balance of the mortgage loan is due and payable upon sale of the property
(Quigley, 1987). For assumability to alleviate widespread distortionary effects, these policies
would likely need to be available to a broad range of households as a household’s moving de-
cision would depend on the mortgage associated with the next house being assumable, which
the household likely has limited control over.
And even with improvements in assumability
and portability, our findings suggest that costs associated with assuming and porting could
still generate mortgage lock-in effects.
The predominant mortgage contract in the US, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, provides
households with insurance against interest rate increases, but can cause prolonged periods
of mortgage lock-in when mortgage rates rise, emphasizing the role of mortgage market
design (Campbell, 2012; Piskorski and Seru, 2018). This also highlights the unique mortgage
composition of the US, with average interest rate fixation length in most other countries not
exceeding 10 years (Badarinza et al., 2016; Liu, 2022). Moreover, a reduction in labor
reallocation may affect productivity and inflationary pressures in the medium term, which
is relevant for monetary policy and labor market policies.
Mortgages insured by the FHA (and VA and USDA) are assumable, but only a subset of households is
eligible for FHA-insured loans (see the FHA Handbook 4000.1).
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Figure 1: Average 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage Rates
Mortgage Rate (p.p)
01jan1990 01jan2000 01jan2010 01jan2020
This figure shows average monthly 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates from the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Figure 2: Moving Rates and Aggregate Mortgage Rate Deltas
Moving rate (p.p)
-1 0 1 2 3
Aggregate Δ r (p.p.)
This figure shows a binned scatter plot of the relationship between individual-level moving rates and aggregate
mortgage rate deltas. Variables are residualized from controls. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage
payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, a zip
code house price index, and county× year fixed effects.
Figure 3: Actual and Projected Average Mortgage Deltas
Avg. Δr (p.p.)
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Actual Projected
This figure shows actual and projected average mortgage differentials. We project the distribution of mort-
gage deltas using the 2018 mortgage rate distribution and aggregate 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates (2018-
2023) and projected mortgage rates (2024, 2025 and 2033). Projected mortgage rates are computed using
10-year treasury rates 1-, 2-, and 10-years forward, and assuming a constant mortgage rate spread between
30-year fixed rate mortgage rates relative to 10-year treasury spot rates.
Figure 4: Moving Rates and Wage Growth by Degree of Mortgage Rate Lock-In
Within-MSA moving rate (p.p)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Predicted wage growth (p.p.)
Low Aggregate Δr High Aggregate Δr
This figure shows a binned scatter plot of the relationship between within-MSA moving rates and MSA-
level wage growth. Variables are residualized from controls. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage
payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, a zip
code house price index, and county and year fixed effects. High and low aggregate r refer to borrowers
who are above or below the sample median aggregate r, respectively.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Mean Med. St. Dev.
Moving Rate (p.p) 7.47 0.00 26.28
Within-MSA Moving Rate (p.p) 4.53 0.00 20.80
Refinancing Rate (p.p) 6.12 0.00 23.96
r (p.p.) 1.04 0.77 1.97
Aggregate r (p.p.) 1.07 1.03 1.06
Mortgage Rate (p.p.) 5.10 4.86 2.00
Average 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate (p.p.) 4.06 3.99 0.35
Mortgage Balance ($1,000) 205.48 151.85 213.97
Mortgage Payment ($1,000) 1.66 1.30 3.13
Remaining Mortgage Term (years) 21.02 24.00 8.00
Vantage Score 745.93 770.00 85.21
Income ($1,000) 69.87 61.00 33.26
Debt-to-Income Ratio (p.p) 23.57 22.00 12.05
Credit Card Utilization (p.p) 26.71 14.00 29.86
Female (p.p.) 48.62 0.00 49.98
Age (years) 49.52 49.00 12.94
Observations 3,924,788
Notes: This table shows descriptive statistics for our sample between 2010 and 2017. Credit
outcomes and demographics are from the Gies Consumer and small business Credit Panel. Av-
erage 30-year fixed mortgage rates are from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Table 2: The Effect of Mortgage Rate Deltas on Moving Rates
Dependent Variable: I[Moved] r I[M oved]
(1) (2) (3)
r 0.18*** 0.68***
(0.02) (0.07)
Aggregate r 0.53***
Zipcode FE Yes Yes Yes
County×Year FE Yes Yes Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 1,910.76
Observations 3,924,792 3,924,792 3,924,792
Notes: Column 1 reports OLS estimates of Equation (29). Column 2 re-
ports estimates of the first-stage Equation (28). Column 3 reports two-
stage least squares estimates of Equation (29). Controls include mortgage
balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been
paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, and a zip code house price
index. Standard errors are double clustered at the county and origination-
month-year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Table 3: The Effect of Wage Growth on Moving Rates by Degree of Lock-In
Dependent Variable: I[Moved]
Aggregate r Group: Low High
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Wage Growth 0.01 0.51* 0.01 1.20***
(0.02) (0.29) (0.01) (0.43)
Wage Growth IV 0.64*** 0.69***
(0.14) (0.16)
County FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 20.64 18.82
P-value of (3) = (6) 0.13
Observations 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,895,616 1,895,616 1,895,616
Notes: Columns 1 and 3 report OLS estimates of the relationship between moving rates and MSA-level wage growth.
Columns 2 and 4 report first-stage estimates of the Bartik wage growth IV. Columns 3 and 6 report two-stage least
squares estimates of Equation (30). High and low aggregate r refer to borrowers who are above or below the sam-
ple median aggregate r, respectively. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the
mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, and a zip code house price index. Standard
errors are double clustered at the county and origination-month-year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Internet Appendix for
“Mortgage Lock-In, Mobility, and Labor Reallocation”
Julia Fonseca Lu Liu
A Additional Figures and Tables
Appendix Figure A1: Histogram of Mortgage Rate Deltas
-2 0 2 4 6 8
Δr (p.p.)
This figure shows a histogram of household-specific mortgage rate deltas (∆r), measured as the difference
between the mortgage rate that the household locked in at the time of mortgage origination and the current
average 30-year fixed mortgage rate.
Appendix Figure A2: Average Mortgage Rates by Quartile
Avg. Mortgage Rates (p.p.)
2010 2012 2014 2016
30-Year Fixed Q1 Q2
Q3 Q4
This figure shows average mortgage rates by quartile of the mortgage rate distribution, as well as the
average 30-year fixed rate. When computing average mortgage rates for a given year, we restrict attention
to mortgages originated that year with a 30-year term and a balance below the conforming loan limit.
Appendix Figure A3: Event Study
Moving rate (p.p)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
This figure shows estimates and 95% confidence intervals of Equation (31) for borrowers with aggregate
mortgage delta greater or equal to 2 p.p. in 2010. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage payment,
the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, a zip code house
price index, and zip code fixed effects. Standard errors are double clustered at the county and origination-
month-year level.
Appendix Figure A4: Placebo Check: Refinancing Rates and Wage Growth
Refinancing rate (p.p)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Predicted wage growth (p.p.)
Low Aggregate Δr High Aggregate Δr
This figure shows a binned scatter plot of the relationship between refinancing rates and MSA-level wage
growth. Variables are residualized from controls. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage payment,
the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, a zip code house
price index, and county and year fixed effects. High and low aggregate r refer to borrowers who are above
or below the sample median aggregate r, respectively.
Appendix Table A1: The Effect of Wage Growth on Moving Rates by Degree of Lock-In
Excluding Borrowers Past the Kink
Dependent Variable: I[Moved]
Aggregate r Group: Low High
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Wage Growth 0.01 0.51* 0.03* 1.53**
(0.02) (0.29) (0.02) (0.61)
Wage Growth IV 0.63*** 0.63***
(0.14) (0.17)
County FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 20.10 14.38
P-value of (3) = (6) 0.08
Observations 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,107,551 1,107,551 1,107,551
Notes: Columns 1 and 3 report OLS estimates of the relationship between moving rates and MSA-level wage growth.
Columns 2 and 4 report first-stage estimates of the Bartik wage growth IV. Columns 3 and 6 report two-stage least
squares estimates of Equation (30). High and low aggregate ∆r refer to borrowers who are above or below the sample
median aggregate r, respectively. We exclude from the high aggregate r group those borrowers with aggregate
r > 2%, which approximately corresponds to the kink point in the relationship between aggregate r and moving
rates. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off,
credit score, age, age squared, gender, and a zip code house price index. Standard errors are double clustered at the
county and origination-month-year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Appendix Table A2: Robustness to Controlling for Timing
Dependent Variable: I[Moved]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
r 0.68*** 1.99*** 2.00*** 2.84*** 2.08***
(0.07) (0.15) (0.49) (0.69) (0.67)
Zipcode FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
County×Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Origination Year FE No Yes No No No
Origination Half-Year FE No No Yes No No
Origination Quarter-Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Last Refi FE No No No No Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 1,910.76 319.51 74.60 105.64 105.77
Observations 3,924,792 3,924,792 3,924,792 3,924,792 3,924,792
Notes: This table reports two-stage least squares estimates of Equation (29) with additional fixed effects, in-
dicated in the bottom rows. F-stat refers to the first stage F-statistic. Controls include mortgage balance,
mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender,
and a zip code house price index. Standard errors are double clustered at the county and origination-month-
year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Appendix Table A3: Placebo Check: The Effect of Wage Growth on Refinancing Rates
Dependent Variable: I[Refinanced]
Aggregate r Group: Low High
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Wage Growth 0.08** -0.45 0.09*** -1.59***
(0.04) (0.48) (0.03) (0.56)
Wage Growth IV 0.64*** 0.69***
(0.14) (0.16)
County FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 20.64 18.82
P-value of (3) = (6) 0.12
Observations 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,898,764 1,895,616 1,895,616 1,895,616
Notes: Columns 1 and 3 report OLS estimates of the relationship between refinancing rates and MSA-level wage
growth. Columns 2 and 4 report first-stage estimates of the Bartik wage growth IV. Columns 3 and 6 report two-
stage least squares estimates of Equation (30) with refinancing as the dependent variable. High and low aggregate
r refer to borrowers who are above or below the sample median aggregate r, respectively. Controls include mort-
gage balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared,
gender, and a zip code house price index. Standard errors are double clustered at the county and origination-month-
year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Appendix Table A4: Robustness to Present Value of Mortgage Payments
Dependent Variable: I[Moved]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
PVM 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.04*** 0.06*** 0.06***
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01)
Zipcode FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
County×Year FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Origination Quarter-Year FE No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Last Refi FE No No Yes No No Yes
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-Stat 420.07 75.65 75.76
Observations 3,847,503 3,847,503 3,847,503 3,847,503 3,847,503 3,847,503
Notes: This table reports two-stage least squares estimates of Equation (29) with PVM as the independent variable. F-
stat refers to the first stage F-statistic. Controls include mortgage balance, mortgage payment, the fraction of the mortgage
that has been paid off, credit score, age, age squared, gender, and a zip code house price index. Standard errors are double
clustered at the county and origination-month-year level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Appendix Table A5: County-Level Mortgage Rate Delta and Housing Market Outcomes
Dependent Variable: Log(No. of Listings) Log(Listing Price) Log(Days on Market)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Aggregate r 0.14*** 0.05* -0.07*** -0.00 0.05*** 0.02
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.03)
County FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No Yes No Yes No Yes
Observations 6,056 6,056 6,058 6,058 6,058 6,058
Notes: Columns 1 and 2 report results for the log number of listings. Columns 3 and 4 report results for the
log average listing price. Columns 5 and 6 report results for the median number of days on the market. Robust
standard errors are reported in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
B Model Calibration and Simulation
We calibrate the model in described in Section 2 to match stylized features of the data, and
to obtain predictions for household moving behavior that we can map to our empirical findings.
The parameters used for the model calibration are shown in Table B6. Note that the simulation
primarily captures relative moving patterns with respect to r, and does not target the moving
rate level across households.
In addition, we introduce a drift term c to the interest rate process, to match the r distribution
in the data, which has more mass in the positive domain given a history of decreasing rates.
= c + r
+ ϵ, where ϵ i.i.d. N (0, σ
). (32)
Panel 1 shows the calibration of mortgage rates, which broadly match the distribution of r, and
the median loan balance in the data. Since mortgage rates have been declining over most of the
sample period, the interest rate shock is shifted by c to match the mass of ∆r that is in the positive
domain, but the simulation could be done to cover any given range of r. Panel 2 shows that
the standard deviation of the moving shock σ
is 0.05, while the starting level of income Y
100,000 USD. To allow for additional dimensions of household heterogeneity, we further assume
heterogeneity in refinancing (k
) and moving cost (k
), which are i.i.d normally distributed with
mean and standard deviation µ
, σ
and µ
, σ
, respectively, shown in Panel 3.
For the
moving cost parameters, we do not have underlying information on the true distribution of moving
cost in the data. We set the mean to 10,000 USD and the standard deviation to 5,000 USD to
capture, together with the magnitude of the moving shock, that only a small fraction of households
would want to move in a given period, in line with the data. The calibration of these magnitudes
largely governs the level probability of moving across households, which we are not targeting. We
further set the mean of the refinancing cost to 2,000 USD, and the standard deviation to 500 USD,
which (together with the loan size) determine the point from which the relationship between moving
rates and r flattens.
We truncate the cost distributions such that all costs are weakly positive. An alternative would be to
assume a log-normal distribution which does not materially affect results.
Appendix Table B6: Model Calibration
Parameter Value Description
Panel 1: Mortgage Rates
4 Initial level of mortgage rate (p.p.)
c -2 Constant (shift of interest rate shock distribution) (p.p.)
1.5 S.d. of interest rate shock (p.p.)
L 150,000 Starting loan balance (USD)
Panel 2: Wages and Moving Shock
0.05 S.d. of moving shock
100,000 Starting income level (USD)
Panel 3: Moving and Refinancing Cost
10,000 Mean moving cost (USD)
5,000 S.d. moving cost (USD)
2,000 Mean refinancing cost (USD)
500 S.d. refinancing cost (USD)
Notes: This table shows the calibration of parameters for the baseline simulation of the model (described in Sec-
tion 2).
Appendix Figure B5: Simulated Moving Rates and Mortgage Rate Deltas
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
r (p.p.)
Moving rate (p.p.)
This figure shows an equal-sized binned scatter plot of the relationship between simulated moving rates and
mortgage rate deltas.
Appendix Figure B6: Simulated Moving Rates and Positive Wage Shocks by Degree of
Mortgage Rate Lock-In
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Wage growth shock (p.p.)
Moving rate (p.p.)
High r
Low r
This figure shows an equal-sized binned scatter plot of the relationship between simulated moving rates and
positive wage growth shocks (over the range of the wage growth shock η [0, 10]%), for households with low
(below median) and high (above median) mortgage rate deltas.
Appendix Figure B7: Simulated Moving Rates and Positive Wage Shocks by Degree of
Mortgage Rate Lock-In (Large Wage Shocks)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Wage growth shock (p.p.)
Moving rate (p.p.)
High r
Low r
This figure shows an equal-sized binned scatter plot of the relationship between simulated moving rates
and positive wage growth shocks (over the full range of the wage growth shock in the positive domain),
for households with low (below median) and high (above median) mortgage rate deltas. In this simulation,
we reduce the mean of the moving cost µ
to 5,000 USD, with no heterogeneity in moving or refinancing
cost (σ
= 0, σ
= 0), and increase the standard deviation of the moving shock σ
to 0.1, relative to the
baseline calibration specified in Table B6.
Appendix Figure B8: Simulated Refinancing Rates and Wage Shocks by Degree of
Mortgage Rate Lock-In
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Wage growth shock (p.p.)
Refinancing rate (p.p.)
High r
Low r
This figure shows an equal-sized binned scatter plot of the relationship between simulated refinancing rates
and wage growth shocks.
C Present Value of Mortgage Payments
A fully-amortizing mortgage with original term to maturity T
(in years), annual mortgage rate r
and original loan size L
has a constant annual mortgage payment M (r
, L
, T
) of:
, L
, T
) =
1 (1 + r
· L
The discounted present value of all mortgage payments (“PVM”) between today and time T is:
P V M =
· M (r
, L
, T
) = (ρ + ρ
) · M (r
, L
, T
) =
(1 ρ
1 ρ
, L
, T
), (34)
where ρ =
and δ is the discount rate used for discounting. The difference in the net present
value of mortgage payments under the locked-in rate r
and the current market rate r
P V M (r
, r
(1 ρ
1 ρ
, L
, T
) M (r
, L
, T
)] . (35)
To measure P V M (r
, r
) empirically, we start by using our observed measure of payments
, L
, T
), the locked-in interest rate r
, and the term T
to infer the original loan size L
using equation (33). Once we have a measure of L
, we use equation (33) to compute the counter-
factual loan payment under the current interest rate M (r
, L
, T
), measured as the average 30-year
fixed prime rate in year t. With both the observed and the counterfactual payment, we compute
P V M (r
, r
) according to equation (35), setting the discount factor ρ to 0.96.
Our instrument for ∆P V M (r
, r
) is analogous to our baseline instrument for mortgage rate deltas
and exploits variation coming solely from the timing of mortgage origination. Specifically, we use
equation (33) to compute the counterfactual payment under the average 30-year fixed prime rate
at the month of origination, M(r
, L
, T
). We then define our instrument for P V M (r
, r
) as:
Aggregate P V M (r
, r
(1 ρ
1 ρ
, L
, T
) M (r
, L
, T
. (36)