Copyright 0 Society for Neuroscience
Printed in U.S.A.
The Journal of Neuroscience
Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 1414-1421
July 1983
Anatomy and Embryology, University College, London, WCIE 6BT, England
Received November 18, 1982; Revised January 11,1983; Accepted January 31,1983
The gap junctions between embryonic striated muscle cells are lost during development. The time
course of their elimination has been examined with electrophysiological techniques in myotomes of
Xenopus laevis embryos. Gap junctions were detected by the passage of electrotonic current or the
fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow, from one muscle cell to another. These tracers only spread to
neighboring cells when injected intracellularly.
All the muscle cells are electrically coupled at stage 24 when neuromuscular transmission begins,
but normally many cells become uncoupled during the next 48 hr. In contrast, the muscle cells
remain electrically coupled if neuromuscular transmission is blocked during that period with tricaine
or a-bungarotoxin. When muscle activity recovers, the loss of coupling resumes. Once the coupling
has disappeared, neuromuscular blockade does not restore it. Muscle contraction is blocked during
development in a mutant of Xenopus, even though the muscle cells remain electrically excitable.
After stage 32 in these immobile embryos, the muscle cells are stimulated repeatedly by regular
bursts of neural activity. Although they never contract, the mutant muscle cells become uncoupled
at the same time as the muscle cells in normal embryos.
The results suggest that some consequence of repeated cholinergic activation, other than contrac-
tion, stimulates the loss of gap junctions between striated muscle cells during development. The
elimination of gap junctions may be required for neural control of subsequent muscle differentiation.
Developing striated muscle cells are electrically cou-
pled to one another by a direct, low-resistance pathway
(Dennis, 1975; Blackshaw and Warner, 1976; Dennis et
al., 1981). Gap junctions have been identified as the
morphological correlate of such electrical coupling, and
they connect striated muscle cells during development in
many vertebrate embryos (Kelley and Zacks, 1969;
Hayes, 1975; Keeter et al., 1975; Blackshaw and Warner,
1976; Schmalbruch, 1982). Gap junctions evidently allow
small metabolites as well as ions to pass directly from
the cytoplasm of one embryonic muscle cell to another
(Kalderon et al., 1977), but their role in myogenesis
remains to be discovered. Adult skeletal muscle fibers
are not electrically coupled (Dennis, 1975; Dennis et al.,
1981); the gap junctions disappear after neuromuscular
transmission matures (Keeter et al., 1975; Schmalbruch,
This work was supported by the British Medical Research Council
and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America. We are also
grateful for the gifts of Lucifer Yellow from Dr. Walter Stewart, 01-
bungarotoxin from Dr. Stuart Bevan, and mature immobile heterozy-
gotes from Dr. Anne Droin.
To whom correspondence should be addressed at his new address.
Present address: Station Zoologique, 06230 Villefranche-sur-mer,
1982). In this paper we consider the possibility that
muscle activity precipitates their elimination.
Harrison (1904) introduced the use of drugs that block
neuromuscular transmission to investigate the role of
activity in muscle development. Subsequently, several
features of nerve and muscle differentiation have been
shown to depend on functional synaptic transmission
(reviewed by Harris, 1981). For example, the extrasynap-
tic acetylcholine receptors on embryonic skeletal muscle
also disappear after muscle activity begins (Diamond and
Miledi, 1962; Dennis and Ort, 1977), but their elimination
can be delayed while neuromuscular transmission is
blocked pharmacologically (Gordon and Vrbova, 1975;
Burden, 1977). Similar observations are reported here for
the gap junctions between developing muscle cells. A
preliminary report of some of the results has been pub-
lished (Armstrong and Warner, 1980).
Materials and Methods
Xenopus laevis embryos were obtained from mature
pairs of toads by injections of chorionic gonadotropin
(Organon, Ltd.). Normal embryos were staged according
to the system of Nieuwkoop and Faber (1956) and reared
in water from the mains at room temperature. Just before
The Journal
Neuroscience Gap Junctions and Muscle Development
recording, embryos were anesthetized briefly in tricaine,
removed from the vitelline membrane, decerebrated, and
transferred to Ringer’s solution with the following com-
position, (in millimoles per liter): NaCl, 110; KCl, 2;
CaC12, 4; MnC12, 2; HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piper-
azine-ethanesulfonic acid), 5mM, pH 7.3. Manganese ions
were included to prevent neurally evoked muscle con-
tractions. The preparation was pinned out on Sylgard
(Dow Corning, 184) with tungsten wire pins and viewed
through a binocular dissecting microscope. The overlying
ectoderm was removed from the myotomes with glass
needles and fine forceps. The myotomes develop in a
rostrocaudal sequence, and myotome formation contin-
ues throughout the life of the tadpole. Consequently, the
timing of muscle differentiation and uncoupling may vary
among the myotomes. We have restricted our observa-
tions to the 12 most rostra1 post-otic myotomes since
these are formed before any experiments were begun.
Electrical measurements. Two muscle cells in adjacent
myotomes were each penetrated with a glass microelec-
trode. The micropipettes were filled with 0.8
citrate and had resistances between 50 and 70 megohms.
Current was injected into one cell, and the membrane
potential of the other was recorded differentially with
conventional electrophysiological techniques. The cur-
rent was measured as the voltage drop across a I-megohm
resistor between the bath and earth. Current pulses of 25
nA or less lasted about 1 set and were adjusted to
produce steady-state hyperpolarizing responses smaller
than 10 mV. No voltage responses were detected when
similar currents were passed extracellularly. In practice
the microelectrodes were several cells apart, and many
of the intervening cells must have been coupled for
current to spread between them.
One can make a rough estimate of the amount of
coupling by dividing the voltage change in one cell with
the current applied to the other cell. In circuit theory
this ratio (mV/nA) is referred to as a transfer resistance,
but the term mutual resistance has been used here to
emphasize that its value is determined by the electrical
properties of the entire cell membrane and not just the
gap junction (cf. Detwiler and Hodgkin, 1979). For ex-
ample, if a cell were damaged by the electrode, its mem-
brane resistance might be sufficiently smaller than the
gap junction’s resistance to make the cells appear uncou-
pled. This possibility was avoided by studying only mus-
cle cells with membrane potentials more negative than
-80 mV. Since extracellular voltage changes were never
detected with currents smaller than 25 nA, values of
mutual resistance greater than 0.04 mV/nA can only be
explained by a direct pathway for current flow between
the cells. Cell fusion might provide such a pathway, but
in Xenopus myotomes the muscle cells remain mononu-
cleate until stage 45 (Muntz, 1975).
Fluorescence measurements. Lucifer Yellow (Stewart,
1978) was iontophoresed into cells by repeating negative
current pulses (5 nA; 1 set) at 0.5 Hz for several minutes.
The microelectrodes were filled with a 3% solution (w/v)
of the dye in 0.1
LiCl. The spread of fluorescence was
observed through a high-pass filter (50 nm cut-off) on a
Zeiss microscope with a 50-W mercury vapor lamp and
a BG 12 excitation filter. At early stages, autofluorescence
from the numerous yolk granules precluded dye-coupling
studies. The amount of dye injected was limited by the
duration of the penetration and the modest currents
required to avoid electronic saturation with high-resist-
ance micropipettes. These factors may have been respon-
sible for some of the variability in the extent of dye
coupling. None of the muscle cells were filled with dye
when it was released extracellularly.
Pharmacological studies. Muscle activity was sus-
pended during development with ethyl m-aminobenzoate
methane sulfonate (tricaine, 1 to 2 m&f). Tricaine rapidly
crosses the embryos’ external membranes and interrupts
neuromuscular transmission. Tricaine probably acts pre-
synaptically. When tricaine was applied at these concen-
trations to adult frog sciatic nerves, the extracellularly
recorded compound action potential was abolished (n =
2). Intact embryos were exposed to tricaine for varying
periods during development. Most of the embryos re-
sumed swimming within 30 min after removing the tri-
Caine. Although tricaine noticeably slowed their devel-
opment, some tadpoles were raised up to metamorphosis
after their return to water. The experimental embryos
were allowed to recover momentarily before recording to
make sure they were still alive. Superficially normal
embryos were then re-anesthetized and prepared for
recording in the standard Ringer’s solution without tri-
Caine, exactly as described above for the controls.
Neuromuscular transmission was blocked postsynapt-
ically with a-bungarotoxin which binds irreversibly to
the cholinergic receptor on skeletal muscle (Chang and
Lee, 1963; Miledi and Potter, 1971). The muscle cells
were exposed to toxin at stage 24 by opening a flap in the
ectoderm above the myotomes while the embryos were
immersed in Ringer’s solution which contained 0.1
a-bungarotoxin. After 2 hr, the embryos were transferred
to diluted Ringer’s solution (1:9), also with 0.1
where the ectoderm gradually healed. At the time of
transfer, intracellular recording revealed no sign of spon-
taneous neuromuscular transmission in myotomes im-
mediately underneath the flap, and embryos were dis-
carded if they showed any movement. Two hours later
still, the embryos were returned’to water. Over the next
2 days, most of the embryos recovered, presumably be-
cause toxin-bound receptors were degraded and replaced
with active ones (cf. Burden, 1977).
Electrical coupling. In myotomes of early Xenopus
embryos, striated muscle cells are electrically coupled to
one another when neuromuscular transmission begins
(Blackshaw and Warner, 1976). Figure 1, left illustrates
such electrical coupling. In this case, roughly 25 nA
produced a lo-mV response in a neighboring cell. The
same current produced no response when either of the
electrodes was withdrawn to a position just outside the
cell; thus, the coupling cannot be explained by a restricted
extracellular space. This was confirmed for every record-
ing. Before stage 36, similar recordings can be obtained
from any two muscle cells in adjacent myotomes, al-
though the amount of coupling measured by the mutual
resistance declines steadily with age (Table I).
Figure 1, left was taken from an embryo at stage 35, or
Armstrong et al. Vol. 3, No. 7, July 1983
about 48 hr after fertilization. By that stage the embryos
have emerged from their vitelline membrane and begun
to swim freely. The recording in Figure 1, right was made
on another embryo which was several hours older. Here
the same current produced a much smaller response in a
neighboring cell. The spontaneous quantal events which
appear can be eliminated by 10
tubocurarine. There
was an inverse correlation between the amplitudes of the
spontaneous events and the mutual resistance during
Electrical coupling was observed much less frequently
in embryos that had been swimming for several hours.
Figure 2 plots the incidence of electrical coupling against
the stage of development. Although no coupling could be
detected in most embryos after stage 38, this does not
necessarily mean that all of the gap junctions have dis-
appeared. Since the electrodes were separated by several
cells during the electrical measurements, not all of the
intervening cells would have to be uncoupled for current
spread to be disrupted. Furthermore, the electrical meas-
urements of coupling require that current spread both
within the myotome and across myotomal borders.
Dye coupling. Gap junctions can also be identified by
the intercellular transfer of dyes which do not enter the
cells from the extracellular space (Payton et al., 1969).
Such dye coupling should not depend on the electrical
resistance of the nonjunctional membrane, and the dye
can be detected wherever it spreads, at least among the
surface cells. Eight individual muscle cells in six embryos
were filled with Lucifer Yellow after stage 36. In every
case but one the dye spread rapidly to at least one
neighboring cell, but never more than three cells away
from the injected cell (Fig. 3). When an electrode was
placed in adjacent cells to which the dye had diffused,
electrical coupling to the injected cell was always ob-
served (n = 5/5). The presence of dye coupling between
muscle cells makes it very unlikely that the electrical
coupling which we observe arises solely from the close
apposition of unspecialized membranes with low resist-
Lucifer Yellow seldom spread to cells within the same
myotome (n = 2/7), and neighboring cells without dye
Stage 35
25”A 1 -, r
were not usually electrically coupled to the injected cell
(n = l/5). This explains the difficulty of detecting wide-
spread electrical coupling when so many cells remain dye
coupled. We observed dye coupling between abutting
cells in adjacent myotomes as late as stage 45, when the
onset of cell fusion made further studies uninterpretable
(Muntz, 1975). Taken together, electrical coupling and
dye transfer studies suggest that many of the gap junc-
tions within each myotome disappear at the same time
0.1 n-l
19 26 32 35136
Nieuwkoap and Faber Stages
1 1 I 4
24 36 46
60 72
Hours after fertilization
Figure 2.
incidence of electrical coupling
decreases dur-
ing development. Mutual resistances greater than 0.05 mV/nA
were scored as coupled. Each
represents at least 10
measurements from five or more normal embryos at a particular
developmental stage (Z!I 1 stage). Each
represents at
least 5 measurements from two or more
after fertilization are only approximate and vary with
Stage 38
1 set
10mV ( Lr
10 mV
Figure 1.
Electrical coupling between striated muscle cells. Recordings from two
embryos at different developmental stages.
Upper traces:
current injected into one
cell; lower traces: simultaneous voltage response in another cell in an adjacent
myotome. No responses occurred when the current was released extracellularly.
Roughly the same current produces a much smaller response in the older embryo,
and this reduction in coupling is associated with the appearance of spontaneous
quantal events.
The Journal
Gap Junctions and Muscle Development
Figure 3. Dye coupling between striated muscle cells in normal Xenopus myotomes at stage 40. Lucifer Yellow was injected
into the cella indicated by the arrowheads. Upper photomicrographs: phase contrast view of two preparations. The muscle cells
are roughly 100 pm in length and are organized into myotomes. Lowerphotomicrographs: diffusion of Lucifer Yellow viewed with
fluorescence in the same field. Magnification
the embryos begin using their muscle cells repeatedly to
produce sustained swimming movements. The possible
significance of this temporal relationship was revealed to
us by chance.
The role of activity. We routinely anesthetized the
embryos with tricaine before sacrificing them and pin-
ning the myotomes out in Ringer’s solution. Tricaine
rapidly and reversibly abolishes neural activity. We no-
ticed that, at about stage 36, muscle cells were substan-
tially better coupled in the embryos which had been left
in tricaine for several hours than in their counterparts
which were exposed to tricaine momentarily. Therefore,
we investigated the effects of rearing embryos in tricaine
during the period when electrical coupling normally dis-
Tricaine. Embryos were placed in tricaine between
stages 26 and 30, after the rostral myotomes had formed
and neuromuscular transmission had begun, and they
remained in tricaine past stage 36. All of the embryos
were returned to Ringer’s solution without tricaine for
measurements of electrical coupling. In contrast to nor-
mal embryos at that stage, electrical coupling was de-
tected in all of the tricaine-treated embryos. Treatment
with tricaine not only maintains electrical coupling be-
yond the stage at which it normally disappears but im-
proves the degree of coupling, too. The average mutual
resistance was 1.19 mV/nA between the tricaine-treated
myotomes (Table I). Tricaine might improve coupling by
increasing the resistance of the nonjunctional membrane,
Electrotonic coupling between myotomes
after neuromuscular
End Mean* SD n
Normal embryos
Untreated - - 26-28 b 0.52 + 0.26 20
32-35 0.29 f 0.16 15
36-40 0.01 f 0.03 14
Tricaine’ 26-30 * 36-40 * 36-40 1.19 f 0.41 11
26-30 38 45 0 4
38 45 45 0 7
c+Bungarotoxin 26-28 ? 36-40 0.06 + 0.09 5
26-28 40 40
1.10 + 0.61 4
Untreated - - 36-40 0.04 + 0.09 5
Tricaine c 26 38-41 38-41 1.34 f 0.93 7
a Average mutual resistance of adjacent myotomes in
Values less than 0.05 mV/nA could not be detected.
* Nieuwkoop and Faber (1956) stages.
Measurements of electrical
coupling were made in Ringer’s solution
without tricaine.
but repeated measurements of mutual resistance during
the initial exposure to tricaine revealed no instantaneous
improvement in coupling. Inactivity itself also increases
muscle membrane resistance (Westgaard, 19751, but
widespread electrical coupling does not reappear when
the embryos are exposed to tricaine for the first time at
Armstrong et al.
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 1983
stage 38. Thus tricaine only prevents the loss of coupling
if it is present when the motoneurons begin stimulating
the muscle cells to contract repeatedly.
Other properties of the muscle membrane were unaf-
fected by the prolonged exposure to tricaine. The muscle
cells retained high resting potentials (-85 to -9OmV)
throughout the exposure to tricaine. Within 30 min of
their removal from tricaine, the muscle cells were able to
spike and respond to acetylcholine. The effect of tricaine
on coupling was more slowly reversible, but the electrical
coupling eventually disappeared when the embryos were
returned to water (Table I); thus it is unlikely that
tricaine induces coupling by stimulating cell fusion.
These results raise the possibility that neuromuscular
activity is required for the elimination of gap junctions
between striated muscle cells during development. This
hypothesis is substantiated by experiments with a more
specific pharmacological probe.
a-Bungarotoxin. Embryos were exposed to a-bungar-
otoxin at stage 24 as described under “Materials and
Methods.” More than 90% of these embryos recovered
movement before stage 36, and very little electrical cou-
pling could be detected at that time (Table I); however,
in those embryos that remained paralyzed until stage 40,
the myotomes were clearly coupled electrically (Fig. 4;
Table I). Since a-bungarotoxin specifically blocks acetyl-
choline’s ability to activate the cholinergic receptor on
skeletal muscle (Chang and Lee, 1963; Miledi and Potter,
1971), this result implies that some consequence of cho-
linergic activation is required for gap junction elimina-
Immobile mutants. Droin and Beauchemin (1975) have
described a lethal recessive mutation in Xenopus which
blocks motor activity in early embryos. Apart from their
paralysis, the development of these immobile embryos is
superficially normal until stage 42, when their inability
to feed and the exhaustion of intracellular yolk granules
lead eventually to cell degeneration and death. Silver
staining reveals a normal nerve supply to the myotomes,
and ultrastructural studies confirm that the muscle cells
4 toxin
0.1 set
Figure 4.
Electrical coupling remaining between striated
muscle cells in adjacent myotomes at stage 40, after exposure
to a-bungarotoxin during development (see “Materials and
Methods”). The Ringer’s solution did not contain manganese
ions during this recording.
contain regular myofibrils which, after extraction,
shorten on stimulation with adenosine 5’-triphosphate
(Droin and Beauchemin, 1975). Intracellular recordings
demonstrate that the innervation is functional: neuro-
muscular transmission is apparently normal, and the
mutant muscle cells are able to generate action potentials
(Warner, 1981).
As early as stage 32, one can record bursts of over-
shooting action potentials from the striated muscle cells
in immobile embryos. Nevertheless, the muscles do not
contract, and the embryos do not move. By stage 36 this
activity is evident in all of the mutant embryos (Fig. 5).
The bursts occur at roughly regular intervals and last for
several seconds with 20 to 50 spikes/set. The spikes are
abolished by tubocurarine (10
so we presume they
are generated by spontaneous neural activity. It is pos-
sible that similar bursts of neural activity produce the
sustained swimming which appears in normal embryos
at this stage of development. Before stage 36 one can also
record normal electrical coupling between the myotomes
in mutant embryos. This electrical coupling disappears
with the same time course as the coupling in normal
embryos, even though the mutant muscle cells never
contract (Fig. 2). Exposing the mutants to tricaine blocks
both the spikes and the loss of electrical coupling (Table
We have measured the electrical coupling between
striated muscle cells in myotomes of normal Xenopus
laevis embryos and in embryos whose activity was sus-
pended during development. Electrical coupling is wide-
spread until the embryos begin sustained and frequent
swimming at about stage 36. This increase in activity in
normal embryos is correlated with the onset of neurally
evoked bursts of overshooting spikes in the muscle cells
of immobile mutants. After stage 36 the incidence of
widespread electrical coupling declines precipitously in
both normal and mutant embryos. Electrical coupling
between cells within the same myotome evidently dis-
appears sometime before the coupling between cells in
adjacent myotomes. Some muscle cells remain coupled
as late as stage 45. Pharmacologically blocking neuro-
muscular transmission delays the loss of electrical cou-
pling within the myotomes.
Electrical coupling between muscle cells in Xenopus
myotomes is present as soon as the myotomes are formed
(Blackshaw and Warner, 1976). Gap junctions are gen-
erally recognized as the membrane structures which al-
low ions, dyes, and small metabolites to pass directly
from one cell’s cytoplasm to another (Payton et al., 1969;
Kalderon et al., 1977), and there is little doubt that they
mediate the electrical coupling which we observe. Gap
junctions have been identified in Xenopus myotomes at
these stages (Hayes, 1975; Blackshaw and Warner, 1976;
Kullberg et al., 1977), and control experiments rule out
alternative explanations for the electrical coupling. Elec-
trical coupling between embryonic striated muscle cells
seems to be a general feature of vertebrate skeletal
muscle development (Dennis, 1981). Since adult skeletal
muscle fibers are not connected by gap junctions, two
interesting questions present themselves: what role does
the coupling play in muscle development and why does
The Journal of Neuroscience
Gap Junctions and Muscle Development
5. Intracellular recordings from a striated muscle
in an
mutant at stage 38. Manganese ions were only
present in the
lower right
trace. Note the spontaneous bursts of overshooting spikes in the
upper trace.
Much of the variability
in spike amplitude was an artifact of the pen recorder. Several sweeps on a faster time scale are shown at
lower left;
the spikes
decay with a different time course than do the synaptic potentials. No electrical coupling could be detected between adjacent
myotomes in this embryo.
it disappear? Our experiments are directed at the mech-
anism of gap junction elimination.
The relationship between the disappearance of electri-
cal coupling and the elimination of gap junctions is not
known. Functional uncoupling can occur without gap
junction elimination, as is found in
(Rayport and
Kandel, 1980), as a consequence of a reduction in the
resistance of the nonjunctional membrane. However, it
is more likely that the loss of electrical coupling which
we observe is related to an increase in gap junction
resistance. The amplitude of miniature endplate poten-
tials increases as uncoupling proceeds, and at late stages
there is a good correlation between the restricted pattern
of dye spread and the poor electrical coupling. Neverthe-
less, some muscle cells remain coupled to adjacent my-
otomes much later in development. The loss of electrical
coupling evidently proceeds faster within myotomes than
between them. There is no obvious explanation for this,
but the gap junctions also disappear in the same order,
both in
and axolotl myotomes (Hayes, 1975;
Keeter et al., 1975).
Muscle activity.
embryos, as in other ver-
tebrates (Dennis, 1975; Dennis et al., 1981), the matura-
tion of neuromuscular transmission precedes the loss of
electrical coupling during development. Since muscle
activity is required for the elimination of both the extra-
Armstrong et al.
3, No. 7,
junctional acetylcholine receptors and the supernumer-
ary motor synapses on embryonic skeletal muscle (Den-
nis, 1981), it is easy to speculate that muscle activity also
stimulates the elimination of the gap junctions between
developing muscle cells. Our results support this hypoth-
esis; the loss of electrical coupling can be prevented while
neuromuscular transmission is blocked pharmacologi-
cally with tricaine.
At the same time, we have demonstrated that the loss
of widespread coupling within the myotomes proceeds at
the normal time in mutant embryos whose muscle cells
never contract. Other features of embryonic skeletal mus-
cle also develop normally in cultures of embryonic mouse
muscle cells which are unable to contract (Powell et al.,
1979). In both of these mutants the muscle cells remain
electrically excitable. In the immobile mutants of Xeno-
pus, the mdscle cells become electrically excitable early
in neuromuscular development (Warner, 1981); neverthe-
less, there is no decline in the incidence of electrical
coupling in the myotomes until the motoneurons begin
stimulating the muscle cells repeatedly with regular
bursts of activity. The temporal characteristics of this
neural activity are very similar to those that were most
effective for eliminating extrajunctional acetylcholine re-
ceptors by direct electrical stimulation of denervated
adult skeletal muscle (Lomo and Westgaard, 1975). Tri-
Caine blocks both the neural activity and the loss of
coupling in the immobile mutants. One concludes that
the elimination of coupling depends upon repeated mus-
cle stimulation. This may explain the apparent lack of
correlation between the development of electrical excit-
ability and the loss of electrical coupling in the embryonic
nervous system (Goodman and Spitzer, 1981; Spitzer,
The effect of activity on the muscle cells is evidently
irreversible; once it has disappeared, the widespread elec-
trical coupling cannot be restored by exposing the em-
bryos to tricaine. Morphological studies of Xenopus my-
otomes confirm that the number of gap junctions de-
creases during development (Hayes, 1975; Kullberg et al.,
1977). Since neuromuscular block with a-bungarotoxin
during that period in development also prevents the loss
of electrical coupling, this implies that gap junction elim-
ination depends on some consequence of acetylcholine
binding. Muscle excitation is the most obvious conse-
quence of cholinergic activation, but there are examples
of acetylcholine action which cannot be reproduced by
direct electrical stimulation of the postsynaptic cell (Par-
nas et al., 1974; Mathers and Thesleff, 1978; Chalazonitis
and Zigmond, 1980). In other systems the gap junctions’
conductance can be reduced by a variety of+experimental
perturbations. Acetylcholine reversibly uncouples acinar
cells in the pancreas (Iwatsuki and Petersen, 1978). In-
creases in the transjunctional voltage (Spray et al., 1981)
or the intracellular concentration of hydrogen or calcium
ions also uncouple cells in several vertebrate embryos
(Turin and Warner, 1980; Bennett et al., 1981). All of
these events may be associated with neuromuscular
transmission, but it remains to be determined whether
the repeated presentation of such perturbations could
result in the elimination of the gap junctions altogether.
In this regard it is interesting that the degree of electrical
coupling measured by the mutual resistance after pro-
longed neuromuscular blockade is substantially higher
than that observed at early developmental stages (Table
I). This implies some effect of neuromuscular activity on
gap junction permeability early on in neuromuscular
junction formation, and raises the possibility that impo-
sition of rapid stimulation early in development might
hasten the elimination of electrical coupling.
Gap junctions and muscle development. The func-
tional role of electrical coupling between developing
striated muscle cells is not known. In vitro studies of
muscle development have focused on the gap junctions
between myoblasts and their possible role in myotube
formation (Rash and Fambrough, 1973; Kalderon et al.,
1977), but recently, another cell organelle has been im-
plicated in the process of myoblast fusion (Kalderon and
Gilula, 1979). In vivo, there is less correlation between
gap junction formation and myoblast fusion. In Xenopus
myotomes, many of the gap junctions disappear before
cell fusion begins. In other species where fusion occurs
earlier in development, the myotubes remain connected
by gap junctions (Keeter et al., 1975; Schmalbruch, 1982).
Several authors have proposed that this electrical cou-
pling might allow coordinated reflex responses before
innervation is established.
It is also possible that early muscle activation is re-
quired for normal cellular differentiation. Motoneurons
control the expression of many muscle cell proteins by
regulating the pattern of muscle activity during devel-
opment (reviewed by Vrbova et al., 1978). Gap junction
elimination would be a prerequisite for such control;
otherwise all the muscle cells would experience the same
pattern of electrical activity. Now that the normal elim-
ination of gap junctions can be delayed experimentally,
these ideas can be pursued with further experiments.
D. L., and A. E. Warner (1980) On the elimination
of gap junctions between developing muscle cells. J. Physiol.
(Lond.) 300: 64P.
Bennett, M. V. L., D. C. Spray, and A. L. Harris (1981) Electrical
coupling in development. Am. Zool. 21: 413-427.
Blackshaw, S. E., and A. E. Warner (1976) Low resistance
junctions between mesoderm cells during development of
trunk muscles, J. Physiol. (Lond.) 255: 209-230.
Burden, S. (1977) Development of the neuromuscular junction
in the chick embryo: The number, distribution and stability
of acetylcholine receptors. Dev. Biol. 55: 317-329.
Chalazonitis, A., and R. E. Zigmond (1980) Effects of synaptic
and antidromic stimulation on tyrosine hydroxylase activity
in the rat superior cervical ganglion. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 300:
Chang, C. C., and C. Y. Lee (1963) Isolation of neurotoxins from
the venom of
Bungarus multicintus
and their modes of
neuromuscular blocking action. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn.
Ther. 144: 241-257.
Dennis, M. J. (1975) Physiological properties of junctions be-
tween nerve and muscle developing during salamander limb
regeneration. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 244: 683-702.
Dennis, M. J. (1981) Development of the neuromuscular junc-
tion: Inductive interactions between cells. Annu. Rev. Neu-
rosci. 4: 43-68.
Dennis, M. J., and C. A. Ort (1977) The distribution of acetyl-
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