Understand the Components of the
Muscular System
OUR MUSCULAR SYSTEM controls all of your body movement
with coordinated teams of muscles. Muscle tissue moves
the body, powers internal processes, maintains posture, and
produces body heat. There are up to 700 large and small
muscles in your body that bulge and ripple under your skin and
are arranged in crisscrossing layers.
þ Explain how your muscular system controls your body.
Key Terms:
The Muscular System
Tendons—tough fibrous cords of connective tissue—connect skeletal muscles to your
bones and cause bones to move when muscles contract (shorten).
There are three types of muscles: voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac.
Muscles you consciously control are voluntary skeletal muscles; they are attached to
bones. Arm and leg muscles are voluntary and move only when you move them. When you
move the big muscle in your arm (biceps), it contracts, and your lower arm moves up. Skeletal
muscles have long, thin fibers that are striated (striped or streaked). These striations,or
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bands, are created by the align
ment of densely packed muscle
fibers. There are more than 600
skeletal bones in your body.
Involuntary smooth muscles
work automatically and are in the
walls of your stomach, intestines,
blood vessels, and other body
organs. They are smooth, without
striations. They contract slowly
and steadily. Flat sheets of invol
untary smooth (a muscle that
contracts without conscious con
trol) muscles cover your rib cage
and control your chest movement as you breathe. Other flat sheets of smooth muscles stretch
your stomach when you eat a big meal. Some involuntary muscles contract constantly to main-
tain body posture. Strong, stabilizing muscles in your neck, inner shoulders, and upper back
are in constant activity tensing to steady your head and contracting in coordinated teams to
permit neck movements. Upper back muscles that attach to your shoulder blades (scapula)
help stabilize your shoulders.
Cardiac muscle is the involuntary muscle of your heart that is striated like skeletal muscle
and is found only in your heart. It contracts automatically and constantly. It never tires or rests.
It contracts about 70 times a minute and 100,000 times per day. Blood carries oxygen to your
cells and muscle fibers. Membranes between the cells in your heart allow electrical impulses to
travel rapidly through them so contractions are better coordinated. Each heartbeat, or contrac
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FIGURE 1. Arm muscles are voluntary and move only when you move them.
SCIENCE CONNECTION: Muscles Show Signs of Age
Healthy young skin has resilient fibers made of protein elastin that helps skin return to its
original position, as after smiling. With age, elastin breaks down. As a result, the skin’s dermis
becomes loosely attached to the muscles beneath. Wrinkles appear when the skin can no longer
stretch or shrink easily. “Crow’s feet” radiate from the corners of the eyes, followed by lines
around the brow and mouth, between the eyebrows, on the chin, and on the bridge of the nose.
Facial wrinkles are at right angles to the muscle fibers so they reveal the pattern of facial
muscles. Exposure to excessive sunlight and temperatures hastens wrinkling.
tion, pumps blood from your heart to your entire body, carrying nutrients to all your body
cells, including your muscle fibers.
The striations in skeletal and cardiac muscles are evenly spaced stripes that run perpendicu
lar (vertical) to the length of the muscle cell. Skeletal muscles have long cells. In contrast, car
diac muscles have short, branching cells. All muscles are made of the same proteins, but the
arrangement in striated muscles is more densely organized, making contractions faster and
stronger than those in smooth muscles.
TABLE 1. Characteristics and Location of the Three Muscles Types
Tissue Nervous Control Cell Appearance Examples
Skeletal Voluntary Striated, long Biceps
Smooth Involuntary Smooth, short Digestive tract,
bladder, and intestines
Cardiac Involuntary Striated, short Heart
Muscles are dependent on the nervous system to stimulate and integrate your activities.
Your brain controls your body and sends messages to every part along nerves that reach into
every muscle and touch every muscle fiber. When a message reaches a muscle fiber, the tiny
strands inside it move. Strands slide toward each other. The muscle fiber gets shorter, and the
whole muscle contracts and moves the body
part to which it is attached.
Muscles are made of cells. Each muscle
cell is called a fiber. Muscle fiber is thinner
than one of the hairs on your head. Hun
dreds of strands, composed of even thinner
strands, make up each muscle fiber. The
thinnest strands overlap each other and look
crisscrossed like your fingers laced together.
Some skeletal muscles are attached to other
muscles; some are attached to skin. A typical
muscle spans a joint and tapers at each end,
attaching to a fibrous tendon that attaches to
a bone. Each tendon connects to at least two
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FIGURE 2. More than 600 muscles are at work throughout
your body.
Skeletal muscles can only pull; they can never push. They come in pairs that act in opposi
tion to each other. One muscle (the agonist) pulls the bone in one direction; the opposite mus
cle (the antagonist) pulls the bone back into position where it relaxes and lengthens. In your
upper arm, your biceps muscle is paired with
your triceps muscle, which is attached to bones in
your lower arm and shoulder.
Facial Muscles
Nearly one-fourth of your skeletal muscles are
in your face. They raise your eyebrows and eye
lids. Others pull the corners of your mouth into a
smile. Six muscles control the movement of each
of your eyeballs, allowing you to focus in many
directions. These eye muscles move approxi
mately 200,000 times per day.
Sizes and Shapes
Muscles vary in size and shape. They are clas-
sified as big, medium, and small. In addition,
muscles are arranged in groups. For example,
when there is a large muscle, there is a small
muscle. Your leg has a combination of all three
sizes. Big, fan-shaped muscles in your chest help
you move your arms and your shoulders. Twenty
small muscles in your hands allow you to make a
fist, pick things up, and play the piano.
More than 300 skeletal muscles work together
when you take one step. Calf muscles are some of
the strongest muscles. They help you walk, run,
and jump. The longest skeletal muscles are on the
inside of your legs and stretch from your hips to
the insides of your knees.
Skeletal muscles are powerful. Muscles are
always contracting and working together. Body
motion is generated by the contraction of skeletal
muscles and tendons. Exercise makes muscles
bigger and stronger. Without exercise, muscles
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FIGURE 3. Eye muscles move approximately 200,000
times per day.
FIGURE 4. More than 300 skeletal muscles work
together when you take one step.
shrink and lose strength. The harder muscles work, the more oxygen they need. When you
exercise, you breathe faster and more deeply to receive more oxygen. When you experience
shortness of breath, your muscles have lost oxygen and are too tired to contract. Your body is
signaling that it is time to rest so your muscles can recuperate.
Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissue makes up 50 percent of your body weight. Your body’s major movements are
controlled by at least 30 pairs of muscles that hoist and stretch together to move, lift, and rotate
bones as a group. Male and female bodies are composed of at least 640 muscles. While muscle
makes up two-fifths of a man’s weight, the smaller muscles in a woman make the proportion
of muscle weight five percent less. Smaller muscles can exert less force. Muscles grow only
when injury requires them to mend themselves.
Muscles generate body heat in a process called thermogenesis (the creation of heat).
When muscles contract, they burn food for energy, and heat is produced. The more activity,
the more heat is produced. The normal body temperature is 98.6°F (37°C). If the body drops
beneath this temperature, it becomes cold and often shivers. Shivering is caused by rapid
muscle contractions. Also, when you are cold, tiny smooth muscles pull on the hairs in your
skin, resulting in goose bumps.
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SCIENCE CONNECTION: Common Muscle Disorder
Muscle disorders can be strains, tears, or tendonitis (inflammation). A common muscle disor
der is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), where compression of a nerve in the wrist leads to tingling
and pain in the hand, wrist, and forearm. This often weakens a person’s grip.
The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway formed by the carpal ligament on the inside of your
wrist and the underlying wrist bones: the carpals. Long tendons run through the passageway
from the muscles in the forearm to the bones in the hand and fingers. In carpal tunnel syn
drome, the median nerve is compressed by swelling of the tissues around the tunnel.
Causes can include a wrist injury, pregnancy, and rheumatoid arthritis. In some cases, repeti
tive movements can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS usually affects women between the
ages of 40 and 60. Anti-inflammatory drugs, and sometimes surgery, loosen the ligament and
bring relief.
There are three types of muscles: voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac. Your muscu
lar system has four functions. Muscle tissue moves the body, powers internal pro
cesses, maintains posture, and produces body heat. It controls movement with coor
dinated teams of muscles. Tendons connect muscles to your bones and cause bones
to move when muscles contract.
Checking Your Knowledge:
´ 1. Name the four activities that muscles control.
2. What are the three types of muscle tissue?
3. How do muscles differ in appearance?
4. What happens when your muscles run out of oxygen?
5. How does your body control its temperature?
Expanding Your Knowledge:
Consider how your muscles act as levers. Compare the workings of a seesaw with
the movement of your arm. The three parts of a lever are the fulcrum, force, and
load. What muscles in your arm fulfill these functions?
Web Links:
: Functional Anatomy: Tutorials and Quizzes
The Muscular System
The Skeletal System
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