1 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller
Program Guide
2 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
About this guide
This guide is for independent software vendors (ISVs) and data providers selling products, services and data in AWS Marketplace
or AWS Data Exchange (ADX). For the purposes of this guide, we will refer to ISVs, and data providers as “Sellers”. The guide
is designed to demonstrate to Sellers how they can grow their business in AWS Marketplace by driving demand generation
activities independently or as part of the AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market (GTM) Program. In this guide, Sellers will nd
essential information to help navigate each step of their GTM journey. Sellers should also note that the program requirements,
policies, and processes outlined in this guide will serve as the governance.
Program overview
AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program Overview
Benets of participation
Program requirements
Requirements to participate in AWS Marketplace Seller
GTM Program
Program benets
Participation benets in AWS Marketplace Seller
GTM Program
AWS-led GTM campaigns
Seller-led GTM campaigns
APN Marketing Concierge Service
AWS Marketplace 180-day GTM Academy
Data reporting requirements
Who is responsible for what?
What systems are used to report?
AWS Marketplace Seller Management Portal
Marketing analytics dashboard Referral tags
Standard AWS Marketplace reports
GTM best practices
Site merchandising
Email nurture
Blog posts
Social media
GTM guidelines
PR guidelines
GTM content review guidelines
Logo guidelines
AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led treatments
Co-branded treatments
Working with our brand
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / About this guide
3 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program overview
AWS Marketplace Seller GTM
Program overview
The AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program oers Sellers GTM support and GTM best practices to generate demand and
drive awareness for their solutions and product listings in AWS Marketplace. This invitation-only program oers dierent
GTM engagement packages to Sellers that AWS selects based on pre-dened criteria. Sellers that are not part of the AWS
Marketplace Seller GTM Program can access the 180-day GTM Academy (Self Service GTM) from AWS Marketplace Seller
Management Portal or APN Marketing Central (login required).
Benets of participation
Why participate in the program?
The AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program assists Sellers—from large software vendors to startups— in growing demand for
their solutions in AWS Marketplace. The program is designed to accelerate GTM execution and activate demand generation
campaigns with selected Sellers, while oering self-service GTM resources to all Sellers. The program helps Sellers:
1 2 3
Accelerate GTM execution by
working with AWS Marketplace
GTM Leads or using APN Marketing
Concierge Service.
Improve GTM return on investment
(ROI), by utilizing AWS Market
Development funds (MDF)
investments and access to AWS-led
GTM Programs.
Grow business by reaching a
global audience by customizing
campaign messaging, executing
demand generation campaigns in
multiple regions
, and by targeting
AWS audiences through integration
into AWS-led demand generation.
Available GTM Packages
AWS Marketplace oers four distinct GTM Packages to support Sellers, depending on their focus and support for listings in
AWS Marketplace:
Premium GTM Package
To qualify for this invitation-only package, Sellers should have a history of demonstrated revenue growth and have made
a sizeable commitment to building demand for their listings in AWS Marketplace. They should also be able to demonstrate
robust feature adoption and ensure their solutions are in alignment with AWS Marketplace sales motions. AWS will provide
a GTM Lead to develop a deep GTM relationship with Sellers. Sellers oered this package are expected to provide the same
level of commitment. For instance, it is expected that the Seller (Chief Revenue Ocer /Sales Leader /Chief Marketing Ocer)
will sponsor this partnership and own the AWS Marketplace revenue goal, dedicate GTM resources and budget, and commit
their time to review performance in Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs). Sellers must also commit to share monthly GTM
funnel data on Seller-led GTM activities in the format and process described in this guide. For details, please refer to Program
Requirements section.
4 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program overview
Advantage GTM Package
To qualify for this invitation-only package, Sellers need to demonstrate growth potential, have a strong AWS Marketplace feature
adoption, and have made commitments to building demand for their listing(s) in AWS Marketplace. Sellers must meet specic
requirements for this package such as assigning a GTM resource for AWS Marketplace GTM execution and GTM investments.
GTM support for Sellers participating in this package will be oered through the AWS Marketplace Module of the APN Marketing
Concierge Service, also supported by an AWS Marketplace GTM Lead. In 2022, the APN Marketing Concierge Service – an agency-
led GTM engagement model with exible GTM packages available to Sellers – will serve Advantage Sellers. A virtual partner
marketing manager (vPMM) from the AWS-recruited agency will work with Sellers to help them onboard, select GTM packages,
execute, and track performance. Sellers in this package must report GTM funnel data to AWS on a monthly basis using the AWS
Marketplace Seller Reporting process as described in this guide. For details, please refer to Program Requirements section.
Select GTM Package
To qualify for this invitation-only package, Sellers need to have a paid listing in AWS Marketplace. These Sellers are typically
laying the foundation to scale their GTM strategy by building AWS Marketplace into their sales compensation plan and adopting
AWS Marketplace features to eectively support their customers. Sellers must meet specic requirements for this package, such
as having an assigned GTM resource for AWS Marketplace GTM execution and providing one or more AWS customer references.
Sellers in Select GTM package will use APN Marketing Concierge Service to execute campaigns. For details, please refer to
Program Requirements section.
Listed GTM Package
This package is designed for Sellers that are new to AWS Marketplace and in the early stages of building their listings in AWS
Marketplace. Sellers get prescriptive guidance on messaging development, campaign assets, and performance management
modules, delivered through the self-service AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Academy. Additionally, Sellers will be able to buy GTM
packages oered by the APN Marketing Concierge Service. Sellers will not have virtual partner marketing manager services and
they must fund, execute, and track campaign performance on their own.
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
1. AWS Marketplace Readiness
Invitation-only program
AWS Marketplace revenue commitment in 2022:
Infrastructure Sellers: Gross Software Sales (GSS)
$50MM+ $15MM+ $2M+
Vertical Sellers: Total Contract Value (TCV) commitment $50MM+ $10MM+ $2M+
ADX Sellers: Total Contract Value (TCV) commitment $30MM+ $3MM+
Revenue ownership: CRO/Sales Leader and CMO ownership
of AWS Marketplace revenue target
Required Required Preferred
Sales compensation: Sales and Channel teams have
compensation parity for all AWS Marketplace revenue
Required Required Preferred
Paid public listing in AWS Marketplace
Required Required Required Required
ACE participation: Must participate in APN Customer
Engagements (ACE) Program
Required Required Required
5 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program requirements
Program requirements
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
2. Go-To-Market (GTM) Readiness
GTM strategy: Seller has: 1) dened AWS Marketplace GTM
strategy, aligned to the AWSMP sales goals documented in
Seller sales plan and, 2) operational plan to progress GTM-
driven leads and opportunities for transacting in
AWS Marketplace
Required Required Preferred
GTM investment: Budget commitment to invest in Seller-led
and AWS-Seller “joint” GTM motion
$300K or more up to $75K up to $20K
GTM data sharing: Share GTM performance data, on a
monthly cadence, through AWS Marketplace Seller GTM
reporting process
Required Preferred Preferred
GTM resourcing:
GTM resource for AWS Marketplace GTM execution Assigned Assigned Assigned
Business Intelligence (BI) resource to track and share full-
funnel performance data on GTM execution
Assigned Assigned
Sales resource to follow-up on GTM-driven leads for
conversion to pipeline and wins
Assigned Assigned
Customer success: Publicly referencable customer
3 or more 2 or more 1 or more
Joint Messaging and Promotion: Must develop joint Seller
and AWS Marketplace messaging
and commit to driving
Seller-led/ioint GTM trac to AWS landing page on Sellers
website with call-to-action to AWS Marketplace
Required Required Required
6 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program requirements
7 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program Benets
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
1. Investment and GTM Benets
Market Development Funds (MDF)
Up to $600K Up to $150K Up to $40K
1.1a) Eligible for AWS Marketplace investment in Seller-led
and AWS-Seller “joint” GTM activities (matching seller
investment required)
(up to $200K) (up to $50K) (up to $10K)
1.1b) Performance-based funds: Seller unlocks additional MDF
in 2H’22, contingent on meeting 1H’22 GSS and execution
(up to $100K) (up to $25K) (up to $10K)
1.2a) Eligible for AWS Marketplace investment in AWS-led
demand generation programs (no seller investment
(up to $200K) (up to $50K) (up to $10K)
1.2b) Performance-based funds: Seller unlocks additional MDF,
contingent on converting Partner Shared Leads (PSLs) to
opportunities and wins
(up to $100K) (up to $25K) (up to $10K)
Access to AWS Credits to support demand generation and free
trial programs
Up to $100K Up to $25K Up to $5K
Joint annual GTM planning
Eligible for AWS-Seller “joint” case study
AWS-Seller “joint” sales follow-up on Marketing Qualied
Leads (MQLs) sourced from AWS-led campaigns
Program benets
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
2. AWS-led Demand Generation
Inclusion in AWS Marketplace Solutions
Eligible for Thematic Webinar Campaign
8 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
1. Transactable Paid Listing in AWS Marketplace - for Sellers in Industry Verticals, BizApps, and Public Sector.
2. AWS Marketplace will reimburse 50% of the total eligible GTM investment by the Seller. Funds to be invested in Seller-led and AWS-Seller
“joint” GTM activities.
3. Refer to AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program Guide for details on AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Reporing Process (pages 23-25).
4. As outlined in AWS Marketplace 180-day Seller GTM Academy Messaging Positioning Framework (MPF) identies target audience, key value
proposition, customer pain points, and AWS product integrations.
5. Funds are invested by AWS Marketplace Demand Generation team to promote ISVs featured in AWS-led campaigns, such as Thematic
Campaigns and AWS Marketplace Solutions. Seller is not required to match the investment for AWS-led campaigns.
6. Virtual Partner Marketing Manager (vPMM) is a third-party agency resource that helps Sellers onboard into the program and build, execute,
and report on GTM campaigns.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Program Benets
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
4. Scale with Self-service Resources
180-day Go-to-Market (GTM) Academy: Prescriptive
guidance to AWS Marketplace Sellers on messaging
development, campaign assets, and performance
management modules, delivered through a self-service portal
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
5. GTM and Business Enablement
AWS Marketplace GTM Lead Assigned Assigned vPMM
AWS Marketplace Category Lead or Business Development
Lead (BD)
Assigned Assigned Assigned Variable
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
GTM Package
3. Accelerate Seller-led and AWS-Seller “joint” GTM
AWS Marketplace Module of APN Marketing Concierge
Service: GTM services, oered by a third-party resource
(virtual Partner Marketing Manager
) to help accelerate Seller-
led GTM - from onboarding Sellers into the program and
providing guidance as you dene your GTM goals, to selecting
standardized third-party party demand generation packages
and tracking campaign performance
9 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
How does AWS Marketplace collaborate with Sellers?
AWS Marketplace works with Sellers to build and execute high-value GTM campaigns that align with AWS customer journeys
to the cloud. To this end, the AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program enables Sellers to drive demand, engage and assist buyers
with choice, selection, and purchases, while increasing business impact through a three-pronged approach:
AWS-led campaigns,
AWS-Seller “joint”, and
Seller-led GTM campaigns
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AWS Marketplace GTM motions
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / How does AWS Marketplace collaborate with Sellers
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AWS-led GTM Campaigns
AWS Marketplace campaigns and demand generation programs drive awareness and demand for Seller listings in AWS
Marketplace. These campaigns target and are promoted across relevant AWS digital channels at key touch points spanning the
AWS Marketplace buyer’s journey. Sellers with solutions listed in AWS Marketplace are eligible for inclusion in AWS-led demand
generation campaigns based on their relevancy to AWS-dened customer use cases. Highly customizable, co-invested (Seller +
AWS Marketplace funded) programs that include Seller-specic propensity targeting and/or account-based marketing elements
are also available to qualied Sellers. Below you’ll nd more information on key campaign opportunities available to Sellers
in 2022.
Participation in this program is based on AWS prioritization of category, solutions, customer use cases, and Seller’s relevance to
those. Please contact your Category Lead for more information.
AWS Marketplace Solutions
AWS Marketplace Solutions is a foundational GTM program that facilitates solution discovery and education for AWS customers
by aligning Sellers in AWS Marketplace to key customer use cases. Current solution topic areas include Business Applications,
Data and Analytics, DevOps, Internet of Things, Infrastructure Software, Machine Learning, Media and Entertainment, Migration,
Security, and industry solutions such as, Financial Services, Public Sector, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Telecommunications, and
Media and Entertainment. AWS will continue to expand the topic areas and use cases in 2022. AWS promotes these solutions
to customers through the AWS Marketplace website solutions experience (http://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/solutions),
which features educational assets, rich media, and prescriptive guidance on launching solutions. An “always-on” promotional
campaign brings a high volume of potential buyers to AWS Marketplace Solutions pages most relevant to them, based on their
demographic and engagement prole.
Targeted Thematic Campaign Series
This demand generation program will run throughout the duration of 2022 to engage and educate AWS customers with
persona-relevant training on how to execute on key use cases with AWS and Seller solutions. Educational tracks for the 2022
campaign series are:
Security (Security Buyers)
Ops (IT Buyers)
Dev (Developer Buyers)
Customers are provided with access to a rich mix of educational content including live webinars, whitepapers, buyer guides,
proof-of-concept oers, analyst contributions, newsletters, and more. The content is delivered jointly by AWS subject matter
experts and industry thought leaders. Seller inclusion into the core curriculum is based on relevance to the use cases covered
in the educational paths. Joint investment opportunities are available to a select group of Sellers (minimum $80K joint AWS +
Seller investment). Sellers who invest in a customized educational program must have solutions that align across use cases and
will receive crafted content relevant to their oerings, including an implementation guide and a joint AWS + Seller co-hosted
webinar, as well as promotion to relevant AWS customers.
AWS Marketplace Site Merchandising
The AWS Marketplace home page is the primary destination for AWS customers to discover and get information on Seller
solutions available in AWS Marketplace. The Site Merchandising program promotes eligible Seller products to customers via
high-visibility placements on this page. A number of dierent placement types are available—each curated by category to
provide customers with a variety of selections, including popular products and those that are newly listed. Site merchandising
placements feature calls-to-action driving trac to Seller Product Detail Pages within the AWS Marketplace website. Eligible
Sellers should work with their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead to request placement.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-led GTM Campaigns
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AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Seller-led GTM Campaigns
Seller-led GTM campaigns
Seller-led GTM campaigns allow Sellers to build awareness and generate demand for their solution(s) in AWS Marketplace. These
campaigns are Seller-driven and include various demand generation tactics, such as landing pages, emails, banner ads, webinars,
content syndication tactics, social media posts, and physical events. AWS Marketplace oers Sellers self-service resources and
GTM services to help them accelerate Seller-led GTM execution and grow their AWS Marketplace business. Below you’ll nd
information on key resources and GTM services available to Sellers.
APN Marketing Concierge Service
AWS Marketplace Module
The APN Marketing Concierge Service AWS Marketplace Module oers GTM services to eligible Sellers to grow demand for
listed solution(s) in AWS Marketplace. Leveraging these services, you can accelerate GTM execution and extend your reach to
prospective buyers globally
, while improving GTM ROI.
Sellers in Select, Advantage, and Premium Sellers GTM packages can select standardized demand generation packages, oered
by third-party agencies, to help activate your Seller-led demand generation. Throughout this engagement, a third-party resource
(virtual Partner Marketing Manager or vPMM), will support you to onboard into the program, help dene GTM goals, and select
standardized demand generation packages best suited to meet those goals – from generating leads and building pipeline, to
growing revenue in AWS Marketplace.
How it works
Sellers in the Advantage and Select GTM packages of the AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program are assigned a vPMM who
provides GTM support and will act as the primary point of contact throughout your engagement in APN Marketing Concierge
Service. Your assigned vPMM will assist you to build a quarterly GTM plan by dening the target market, GTM goals, and
selecting relevant GTM packages oered through the APN Marketing Concierge Service. You will select and launch standardized
third-party agency demand generation packages to build your GTM foundation in AWS Marketplace. Your assigned vPMM will
assist in tracking campaign performance and KPIs against your GTM goals.
If you are a Seller in the Advantage GTM package, you will also have consultative assistance available from an AWS Marketplace
GTM Lead throughout your GTM engagement. If you are a Seller in the Select GTM package, you should consult your AWS
Marketplace Category Lead, if you need assistance beyond what your vPMM provides.
Seller participation and engagement in APN Marketing Concierge Service is governed by AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program,
which is detailed in the Seller GTM Program Guide.
What is a vPMM?
A vPMM is a third-party resource who will act as the primary point of contact throughout your GTM engagement in APN
Marketing Concierge Service and help you accelerate your GTM execution in AWS Marketplace. Your vPMM will onboard you into
APN Marketing Concierge Service, provide guidance as you dene GTM goals, and select from standardized and economically
priced GTM packages oered by third-party agencies. Once you select GTM packages, your vPMM will oversee the execution and
regularly review performance metrics with you.
7. Service availability: US, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand,
and Singapore.
12 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Sellers in Select, Advantage, and Premium GTM packages
What’s included
Dedicated support from your vPMM throughout your GTM engagement in APN Marketing Concierge Service
AWS MDF investments and standardized, economically priced GTM packages oered by third-party agencies
Support from your vPMM in connecting with the third-party agencies to select relevant GTM packages
Monthly reporting on campaign performance and KPIs
Integration into relevant AWS-led demand generation programs (Advantage Sellers only)
Dedicated AWS Marketplace GTM Lead (Advantage Sellers only)
What’s not included
Your vPMM’s assistance is strictly limited to onboarding, activation, execution, and tracking for Sellers in Premium, Advantage,
and Select GTM packages
Your vPMM does not dene your GTM goals or develop any messaging. You are responsible for dening goals and
developing messaging
Your vPMM does not select demand generation agencies for you. You are responsible for selecting the agencies that best
meets your GTM needs
Your vPMM does not commit to any revenue or pipeline goals. Your selected agency is responsible for the agreed upon
Seller engagement phases
Your vPMM will onboard you to APN Marketing Concierge Service and educate you on available GTM packages, AWS
investments, and execution timings. Once you select the GTM packages, your vPMM will oversee the execution and regularly
review performance metrics with you.
Sellers are invited to the
program and educated
on the self-service tools
and resources, building
Seller GTM foundation in
AWS Marketplace.
A vPMMs will guide
Sellers as you dene
GTM goals and select
from standardized, third-
party agency demand
generation packages.
A vPMM will work with
Sellers and chosen
agency to launch GTM
campaigns specic to
Seller objectives.
A vPMMs will work
with Sellers and chosen
agency to consolidate
metrics and track
campaign performance
against Seller GTM goals.
Phase: Program onboarding
During this initial phase, you will conrm your participation in the program and view an introductory webinar about the APN
Marketing Concierge Service. Following the webinar, your vPMM will lead a 1:1 follow-up call to walk you through next steps and
ensure that you are aware of GTM Academy and understand the available programs to help with your GTM journey.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
13 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
vPMM role
Kicko GTM engagement
Brief you on program and self-service resources
Set up ongoing check-ins
As a result of the onboarding phase, Sellers will receive
Access to your vPMM, who will be your primary point of contact throughout the GTM engagement in APN Marketing
Concierge Service
Phase: Activation
After onboarding, your vPMM will host planning sessions to help dene a quarterly or half yearly GTM plan. You need to ensure
your vPMM is aware of the GTM goals previously established with your Business Development (BD) or Category Lead. After a
plan has been agreed upon, your vPMM will provide a list of standardized GTM packages from third-party agencies, available
through APN Marketing Central, with MDF to partially fund these packages. If you choose to work with a third-party agency,
your vPMM will facilitate introductions.
Key activities
Create GTM plan
Your vPMM will work alongside you to document your target market and GTM goals, and build a demand generation plan to
meet those goals.
Key activities
Participation conrmation
Conrm your participation and consent to be contacted by your vPMM before the vPMM can initiate GTM engagement.
Initiate GTM engagement
Your vPMM will set up a kicko call to brief you on the service and start your GTM engagement in the service.
Self-service resource introduction (GTM Academy)
Self-service resource introduction (GTM Academy): Your vPMM will provide guidance on AWS Marketplace Seller GTM
Academy and how it helps you build and execute GTM campaigns.
MDF and payment walkthrough
Your vPMM will brief you on MDF utilization and payment as part of the campaign closure.
Seller role
Provide a marketing point of contact (POC) who will work with your vPMM for the duration of the program and be part of
ongoing reviews
Review program requirement/benets and align on roles and responsibilities
Participate in regular (weekly or bi-monthly) communications and meetings with your vPMM
Familiarize your team with the tools and resources required for GTM planning and execution, as outlined by your vPMM
14 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
vPMM role
Assist with building GTM plan
Recommend self-service resources to address any content and messaging gaps
Brief you on available third-party demand generation packages
As a result of the activation phase, Sellers will receive
A clearly dened GTM plan, with assistance from your vPMM
Access to self-service programs and content creation resources
Guidance from your vPMM on choosing GTM packages best suited to drive desired outcomes
A third-party agency to create content and messaging
Phase: Execution
During execution, your vPMM will support you in the chosen campaign, based on agreed upon roles and responsibilities.
If using a third-party agency, you will work with the agency to develop content in alignment with the GTM plan. Throughout the
duration of the campaign, your vPMM will act as support between you and the agency to ensure GTM plans are being executed.
You will receive campaign execution support regardless of whether you are executing internally or with an external agency. Your
vPMM will collect KPIs and metrics from the agency or your team and create consolidated reports to be reviewed during check-
in calls. Throughout the campaign, and beyond, your vPMM is available to answer questions, participate in agency check-in
meetings, handle escalations, and provide suggestions for upcoming campaigns.
You are required to fully participate in the campaign execution. If you decide to choose your own agency outside of the agencies
available through the program to execute demand generation campaign, then you are responsible for introducing your vPMM to
the agency.
Audit content
You will review your content inventory and assess gaps to determine messaging needs for the campaign.
GTM package identication
Your vPMM will direct you to a list of GTM packages oered by third-party agencies to meet the GTM goals outlined in your
GTM plan. You are responsible for selecting the agency that best meets your GTM needs..
Seller role
Dene your target market and GTM goals
Ensure your vPMM is aware of the dened GTM strategy and goals established with your Category Lead
Audit content and build messaging
Work with agency (if using one) to create co-branded content needed for the execution of GTM packages
Work with your vPMM to identify and select self-service campaigns that drive the GTM plan
15 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
Seller role
Engage with the selected agency and your vPMM to execute the dened GTM campaign
Monitor campaign progress and provide feedback as necessary and raise concerns about campaign execution to your vPMM
as soon as possible
Designate a lead nurture and sales follow-up process for leads obtained during the campaign
vPMM role
Connect you with the third-party agency to execute demand generation campaigns
Coordinate between you and the third-party agency for campaign execution plan
Update you regularly on campaign progress and provide optimization guidance
As a result of the execution phase, Sellers will receive
Assistance in executing GTM plans using AWS MDF and/or Seller investment
Timeline, budget, and campaign health monitoring by your vPMM
Regular check-in calls run by your vPMM to monitor campaign progress and MDF usage
Phase: Tracking
Throughout the duration of the campaign, your vPMM will meet with you regularly on an agreed cadence to review current
campaigns and outcomes. As campaigns conclude, your vPMM will review campaign performance and track outcomes against
the GTM plan. You are encouraged to provide feedback around campaigns, workows, agencies, or general APN Marketing
Concierge Service functions. Your vPMM will work with you to determine any potential lead nurture activities to follow
the campaign.
Key activities
Assess campaign performance
Your vPMM will set up formal reviews of campaign performance metrics to ensure progress is made to achieve your dened
GTM goals.
Final campaign assessment
Your vPMM will conduct a nal campaign assessment to wrap-up the current engagement, review learnings and provide
guidance for future engagements.
Key activities
Execute GTM plan
Agencies will execute GTM packages selected by Sellers.
Monitoring campaign progress
Your vPMM will coordinate marketing activities between you and the chosen agency to ensure GTM plans are being executed,
monitor progress, and provide feedback as necessary.
Optimize execution
Your vPMM will host regular meetings with you at an agreed upon cadence to review campaign development, timeline,
outcomes, address concerns, and work with agency to adjust campaigns based on your feedback.
16 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
Seller role
Participate in nal campaign assessment and wrap-up call with your vPMM
Provide visibility on GTM outcomes to your vPMM that will be critical to maintaining an accurate picture of campaign status
Share GTM metrics through the Seller GTM Reporting process on a monthly basis
Determine lead nurture follow-up plan (if any) with your vPMM
vPMM role
Consolidate metrics from you and the third-party agency executing the package to track campaign performance
Update you and AWS stakeholders on campaign progress and performance
Conduct nal review with you and AWS to assess overall campaign success
As a result of the tracking phase, Sellers will receive
Visibility on campaign performance
Access to consolidated campaign metrics from the agency executing your GTM packages
Suggestions for lead nurture campaigns. After the campaign has ended, you may choose the lead nurture follow-up option or
begin a new campaign. Your vPMM will provide support across both options, taking into consideration available MDF and the
larger GTM strategy for the Seller’s organization
How the MDF reimbursement process works
The APN Marketing Concierge Service (Concierge Service) drives demand generation with Sellers with joint AWS MDF and Seller
investments. Sellers participating in the AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program in the Advantage and Select GTM packages
(Startups are part of Select GTM package) receive AWS MDF investment based on the 50/50 co-funded model with dierent MDF
reimbursement policies for Advantage and Select Sellers. Sellers in Advantage GTM package are eligible to receive up to $75,000
and Select GTM package are eligible to receive up to $20,000 in MDF. Please note that these amounts cover campaigns in all
regions – NAMER, EMEA, and APJC. bChannels will maintain a log of GTM activities for Sellers across all regions and keep a running
total of AWS investments globally. Once the total committed amount in GTM activities hits the maximum amount of AWS MDF,
($75,000 for Advantage GTM package and $20,000 for Select GTM package), the vPMM will communicate this to the Seller and the
AWS Marketplace GTM Lead. Any new campaigns must be funded 100% by the Seller.
For Advantage GTM package, a Seller will pay 100% of the campaign cost at the time of execution and delivery of services to the
third-party agency. AWS will reimburse Seller though a 2-step process. In Step 1, AWS will reimburse 25% of the total campaign
cost to the Seller at the time of the delivery of services. In Step 2, Seller will share the campaign results as dened in the AWS
Marketplace Seller GTM Program Guide to get the remaining 25% of the campaign cost. bChannels
, the third-party agency
commissioned by AWS to support Concierge Service, will process these payments on behalf of AWS once each of these two
milestones are achieved. Sellers in Advantage GTM package can get up to $75,000 in MDF.
Provide campaign assessment
Your vPMM will conduct a nal campaign assessment to wrap up the current engagement, review learnings, and provide guidance
for future engagements.
Provide campaign feedback
You are encouraged to provide feedback on campaign success or functions within the overall APN Marketing Concierge Service.
Review payment process and MDF
Your vPMM will walk through the payment process and MDF utilization.
17 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
For Select GTM package, a Seller will pay 50% of the total demand generation spend. bChannels
, through funds provided by AWS
Marketplace, will pay 50% once services are delivered. Sellers in Select GTM package can get up to $20,000 in MDF.
Payment will be made to third-party agencies, only on the eligible and approved marketing activities mutually agreed between
Sellers and the AWS Marketplace GTM Lead, as per the MDF benets detailed under Program Benets. If the Seller uses their own
agency, which is not part of APN Marketing Concierge Service, bChannels, on behalf of AWS, will reimburse the Advantage and
Select Sellers only. bChannels, on behalf of AWS, will review campaign performance and proof of execution to ensure that the
campaign has been delivered as per the original agreement before nal payment to the agency or the Seller is made. Premium
Sellers are reimbursed directly by AWS Marketplace with the MDF funds they are entitled to.
List of eligible MDF activities.
Funding process
For Advantage Seller using agencies oered through APN Marketing Central
Seller will cover 100% of the campaign cost and will invoice through bChannels (AWS c/o bChannels):
Seller will pay the agency 50% up front before services are delivered
Seller will pay the remaining 50% at the time services are delivered
After campaign(s) has completed, bChannels will pay 25% at the time services are delivered
The remaining 25% will be paid once qualied opportunities/leads have been identied. Sellers will have up to 6 months (2 full
quarters) to provide opportunity/leads from campaigns.
Qualied leads/opportunities will be dened by the following criteria:
For Private Oer/lead generation campaigns performance will be measured by Sales Qualied Leads or SQL qualied for BANT
(Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) and pipeline value
For self-service campaigns performance will be measured by # of Unique Visitors (UV) landing on the targeted AWS Marketplace
product page
Campaign benchmarks are determined by the campaign goals outlined in GTM Plan (min. 50% of goal as set by SQL/PO or
50% of UVs)
1. You, the Seller, assisted by your vPMM, will dene the GTM goals and plan GTM tactics, to meet those goals
2. You will conrm the total investment in demand generation packages. AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Lead will conrm and
approve the AWS portion of the total investment in demand generation packages after which you and the selected third-party
agency/agencies will sign a scope of work, which sets out each party’s respective responsibilities and that the agency will be
reimbursed by you.
3. At the same time, you will sign a scope of work with AWS c/o bChannels that sets out the MDF funds you are entitled to and
how they are to be claimed, based on your GTM package. The scope of work will state that you will pay the agency/agencies
the full costs of the campaign.
7. bChannels is a third-party agency that acts as an aggregator for AWS Marketplace MDF program, and they will coordinate funding
disbursement and audit for Sellers participating in AWS Marketplace module of APN Marketing Concierge Service. Make sure to address the
invoice to “AWS Inc c/o bChannels Inc”, 2701 N Thanksgiving Way, STE 100, Lehi, Utah 84043, United States and email to the vPMM and
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
18 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
For Premium Seller campaigns
Seller will cover 100% of the campaign cost and will invoice AWS Marketplace through
Amazon Payee Central:
Seller will pay the agency 50% upfront before services are delivered
Seller will pay the remaining 50% at the time services are delivered
4. Once all parties have signed their respective scopes of work, your vPMM will get nal approval from AWS to begin
executing the campaign. The third-party agency/agencies can then be instructed to execute the dened campaigns.
5. Once the dened campaigns have been delivered in full, you will pay the agency/agencies directly for 100% of the
campaign costs and raise an invoice to AWS c/o bChannels for the agreed MDF funding
6. Your invoice to AWS c/o bChannels should be submitted together with proof of delivery of the campaign by the
7. bChannels, on behalf of AWS, will review the campaign performance and proof of execution to ensure that the campaign
has been delivered as per original agreement, before approving the payment of your invoice. bChannels will pay 25%
once the campaign has been completed. Once the Seller provides qualied opportunities and leads, bChannels will pay
the remainder 25% of the campaign.
8. Once approved, bChannels will organize, on behalf of AWS, to pay via bank transfer, the agreed MDF funds you are
entitled to based on the GTM package
For Select Sellers using agencies oered through APN Marketing Central
Note: Premium Sellers are reimbursed directly by AWS Marketplace with the MDF funds they are entitled to. Premium Sellers will cover the total
cost of the campaign and will invoice AWS Marketplace through Amazon Payee Central for the MDF funds they are eligible to receive.
1. You, the Seller, assisted by your vPMM, will dene the GTM goals and select demand generation packages, oered
through APN Marketing Concierge Service, to meet those goals
2. You will conrm the total investment in demand generation packages. Your AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Lead will
conrm and approve the AWS portion of the total investment in demand generation packages.
3. After you and your AWS Marketplace GTM Lead agree on respective investment in demand generation campaigns, the
third-party agency will create a scope of work, which sets out each party’s responsibilities. Your vPMM will provide you
and the agency with the exact split on funding based on the GTM package available to you and how the agency will
be reimbursed.
Note to third-party agencies: The funding split must be included in the SOW and agencies must include the following verbiage in the SOW:
“<Agency Name>”, on the signing by both parties of the scope of work, will invoice AWS the agreed funding for the service, addressed
to “AWS Inc c/o bChannels Inc”, 2701 N Thanksgiving Way, STE 100, Lehi, Utah 84043, United States and email to the vPMM and
4. Once the scope of work is signed by both parties, your vPMM will get nal approval from AWS to begin executing the
campaign. The third-party agency will begin to execute the dened campaigns
5. Once the third-party agency has delivered the campaign as required, the agency will invoice you and AWS c/o bChannels
for the respective investment amounts set out in the scope of work as two separate invoices, one to you and one to AWS
c/o bChannels
6. You will reimburse the agency for your portion of the agreed investment as agreed in the SOW and stated in your
invoice from the agency. bChannels, on behalf of AWS, will reimburse the agency for AWS’s portion of the investment
based on their invoice from the agency
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
19 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
For Select Sellers using agencies outside APN Marketing Central
1. You, the Seller, assisted by your vPMM, will dene the GTM goals and plan GTM tactics, to meet those goals
2. You will conrm the total investment in demand generation packages. AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Lead will conrm and
approve the AWS portion of the total investment in demand generation packages after which you and the selected third-
party agency/agencies will sign a scope of work, which sets out each party’s respective responsibilities and that the agency
will be reimbursed by you.
3. At the same time, you will sign a scope of work with AWS c/o bChannels that sets out the MDF funds you are entitled to
and how they are to be claimed, based on your GTM package. The scope of work will state that you will pay the
agency/agencies the full costs of the campaign.
4. Once all parties have signed their respective scopes of work, your vPMM will get nal approval from AWS to begin
executing the campaign. The third-party agency/agencies can then be instructed to execute the dened campaigns.
5. Once the dened campaigns have been delivered in full, you will pay the agency/agencies directly for 100% of the
campaign costs and raise an invoice to AWS c/o bChannels for the agreed MDF funding
6. Your invoice to AWS c/o bChannels should be submitted together with proof of delivery of the campaign by the
7. bChannels, on behalf of AWS, will review the campaign performance and proof of execution to ensure that the campaign
has been delivered as per original agreement, before approving the payment of your invoice. Seller will need to provide
qualied opportunities and leads to receive full payment.
8. Once approved, bChannels will organize, on behalf of AWS, to pay via bank transfer, the agreed MDF funds you are
entitled to based on the GTM package
For Premium Sellers using agencies outside APN Marketing Central
Premium Sellers are reimbursed directly by AWS Marketplace with the MDF funds they are entitled to. Premium Sellers will cover
the total cost of the campaign and will invoice AWS Marketplace through Amazon Payee Central for the MDF funds for which
they are eligible.
Getting Started
To participate in this service, complete the consent form in APN Partner Central (log-in required.) Once you sign the
consent form, your assigned vPMM will set up the kick-o call to start onboarding.
Once in the APN Partner Central Portal:
Go to Marketing tab (at the top)
Select/Launch AWS Marketing Central
Select Marketing Concierge (right side)
Select AWS Marketplace (Get started)
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
20 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
AWS Marketplace Academy
What is it?
AWS Marketplace GTM Academy provides self-service marketing resources and guidance to enable Sellers to build, activate,
and track performance of demand generation campaigns.
Who is it for?
All AWS Marketplace Sellers and Consulting Partners. Specically, the categories of Sellers we’re trying to engage include:
1. Sellers that are new to AWS Marketplace and want to progress to the next level.
2. Sellers that are already in the GTM program, but they want to use the Academy resources.
3. Sellers not a part of the GTM program but want to use the self-service resources as a launchpad for growth.
What does it contain?
The GTM Academy contains a portal with videos, webcasts, exercises, templates, and a self-service workshop that allow
Sellers to move through the materials at their own pace, and eventually become certied to execute on GTM campaigns in
AWS Marketplace.
How Sellers access the portal
Your roadmap to GTM success?
The 180-day GTM Academy provides Seller onboarding and self-service resources designed to help you build, activate, and
measure demand generation campaigns for your oerings in AWS Marketplace.
© 2021, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
How Sellers access the portal
Sellers registering for the first time
1. Login to AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP)
using Seller account.
2. Click on the 180-day GTM Academy link in the
“Marketplace Resources” or the “Announcements”
section to register.
3. Once registered, sign in at www.AWSMPAcademy.com.
Sellers returning to portal
1. Sign in at www.AWSMPAcademy.com.
21 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
180-day GTM Academy phases
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / APN Marketing Concierge Service
© 2021, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
180-day GTM Academy phases
AWS Marketplace listing launch
Understand the
Customer cloud adoption and AWS Marketplace value proposition
Customer use case and messaging framework
GTM strategy
Develop Your
GTM Campaign
Campaign development, including KPIs and ROI, CRM and marketing automation, as well as lead management
Asset development, including Level 1 and Level 2 foundational elements
to Launch
Campaign tactics, including promotional, nurturing, and retargeting tactics
Sales enablement planning and resources
Your Campaign
Build campaign assets, including promotional, nurturing, and retargeting assets
Drive demand with paid search, social media, email, live events, and content syndication
Measure, Track, and
Report GTM Metrics
Reporting, including reporting and tracking tools, KPIs, and sales funnel
Optimization, including A/B testing and behavioral lead scoring
Your Reach
Consulting Partner planning
Consulting Partner activation
Sellers registering for the rst time
1. Login to AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP) using Seller account.
2. Click on the 180-day GTM Academy link in the “Marketplace Resources” or the “Announcements” section to register.
3. Once registered, sign in at awsmarketplaceacademy.com.
Sellers returning to portal
1. Sign in at awsmarketplaceacademy.com.
22 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Benets details
Co-marketing with AWS Marketplace
The AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program provides funding opportunities to help Sellers build their own GTM campaigns to
promote their AWS Marketplace listings.
Market Development Funds (MDF) are available from AWS Marketplace for a variety of dierent eligible marketing activities.
Sellers should talk to their AWS Marketplace Category Lead for details on how to qualify for MDF opportunities. It is important
to note that Sellers do not have immediate, automatic access to the cash fund and cannot request credits before their rst
successful campaign. A successful campaign is quantied as one that can deliver a minimum of 200 leads over a period
of three months. The deadline to submit all forms and necessary paperwork is November 15, 2022. (November 15 is only
applicable for Premium). Advantage/Select have until November 30, 2022.
List of eligible MDF activities.
AWS Promotional Credits help accelerate adoption of AWS Marketplace listings across all Sellers. Opportunistically oering
credits to oset infrastructure costs can accelerate cloud adoption for strategic customers and workloads. All Sellers with the
exception of those that are part of the Listed GTM Package are eligible to receive credits.
Note: funding is subject to AWS tax and legal approval
What are the requirements for using MDF and how do I
request them?
MDF require a go-to-market plan/strategy centered on AWS Marketplace for approval (geographic restrictions apply). To apply
for MDF, a Seller needs to take the following steps:
Develop an AWS Marketplace Seller GTM plan
Premium/Advantage Package: Work with AWS Marketplace GTM Lead to ll out AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Plan Template.
Select Package: Using the APN Marketing Concierge Service, work with vPMM to dene GTM goals. Select Sellers in this package
are not required to develop an annual GTM plan. Advantage and Select Sellers must start execution on a minimum of one GTM
package within 60 days of onboarding by a vPMM to APN Marketing Concierge Service. Failure to start execution within this
period, the Seller will forfeit Advantage or Select GTM package and associated AWS MDF. At that time, AWS reserves the right to
invite other Sellers to the program.
Get set up in the Payee Central system
In order to claim AWS Funds, Seller must be set up in the AWS account payable System, Payee Central. If you do not have a
Payee Central account, please contact your AWS Marketplace Category or GTM Lead and provide the following information to
set up your account: company name, vendor contact name, and email address. (Premium Sellers only).
Note: this process is required by AWS to remit payment of MDF co-funding and is separate from the nancial setup process Sellers follow to
receive payments for an AWS Marketplace listing
Submit specic activities for pre-approval
Seller should present the marketing activities that they want to use to drive demand to their AWS Marketplace product listing
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Benets details
23 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
to their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead (for Sellers in Premium/Advantage GTM package) or to vPMMs (for Sellers in Select GTM
package). Requests for MDF are approved based on the following considerations:
Agreed upon ROI
Funding percentage and campaign performance metrics
Program eligibility requirements
Spending within dened timeline (70% of MDF spent in 1H’2022 and the remaining 30% spent in 2H’2022)
Sharing KPIs from GTM activities
Build assets and execute campaign
Seller follows the guidelines described in this guide to develop the assets outlined in their plan and executes the GTM campaign.
Share KPIs
To qualify for MDF reimbursement, it is mandatory for Sellers to share metrics generated from co-funded campaigns on a
monthly basis. Premium, Advantage, and Select Sellers that receive AWS MDF investments, must share GTM funnel metrics by
using the AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Process as outlined in this guide.
Submit for reimbursement
Once the activities outlined in the plan are completed, the Seller should send campaign results and proof of expenditure to
the AWS Marketplace GTM Lead. If MDF requirements, including ones outlined above, are met, Sellers can receive expense
reimbursement as indicated within their seller GTM package. The deadline to submit all forms and necessary paperwork is
November 15, 2022. (November 15 is only for Premium Sellers. Advantage and Select have until November 30, 2022).
Note: Once expenses are approved to be paid, payment will be remitted in accordance with Amazon’s payment terms.
Before Sellers request MDF funding, they should consider the following guidelines:
List of eligible MDF activities
All upfront costs associated with agency packages or campaign fees are to be covered by the Seller
Only external third-party costs can be covered; AWS cannot reimburse for any internal costs
After the activity is complete, AWS will provide the Seller with reimbursement funds
AWS will only pay a claim based on actual results or costs, and can decrease (or increase) the payment to the Seller based on
these factors (results/costs)
Sellers are expected to share GTM performance data on Seller-led and AWS-Seller “joint” GTM activities (see “Seller data
reporting requirements” section below) with AWS Marketplace GTM Lead
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Benets details
24 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS credits
AWS credits are another way in which the AWS Marketplace GTM program can support a Sellers AWS Marketplace-specic
marketing activities with co-funding. Sellers can use AWS credits as an incentive to get AWS Marketplace customers to try their AMI-
based product. Codes are typically good for 6 months from the issue date.
AWS credits (as it is a credit to the account) are used to cover future AWS infrastructure usage fees up to the credit amount
available. It is only possible to get monthly usage available when the customer bill is generated. AWS credits oset all or part of
the AWS infrastructure costs associated with using a product listed in AWS Marketplace. They can be used as incentives in lead
generation and product adoption activities such as free trials and webinars. AWS credits can only be applied to infrastructure costs
associated with use of AWS services. AWS credits are available for Sellers to provide customers and potential customers with a free
trial of their product listing at various Seller and AWS events, including re:Invent and AWS Summits. Sellers can request AWS credits
from their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead.
In addition, AWS credits are available for Sellers to enable their customers to pursue new technology projects on AWS. It does so
by reimbursing an AWS Marketplace Seller for the costs incurred in connection with completing a Proof of Concept (POC) project
for an AWS customer. This helps customers move forward on projects that they may not have pursued otherwise. To request AWS
credits for Proof of Concept projects, Sellers should submit requests to their AWS Marketplace Category Lead.
The Seller’s AWS Category or GTM Lead must approve AWS credits for distribution, including where and how the AWS credits
are distributed.
All planned activities requiring the use of credits should be submitted and approved by November 15, 2022.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Benets details
25 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Seller data reporting requirements
Sellers participating in AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Program in Premium, Advantage, and Select GTM packages, are required to
share GTM performance data on Seller-led and AWS-Seller “joint” GTM activities with AWS on a monthly basis. AWS Seller GTM
team consolidates this data with the AWS-led GTM and shares the combined GTM performance metrics with Sellers. This data also
helps both the Seller and AWS to continuously monitor GTM performance and optimize GTM campaigns and tactics to achieve
Marketing Return On Investment (MROI) goals. Please note, participation in the program and MDF reimbursement are contingent
on meeting this data sharing requirement, without exception.
Who is responsible for what?
The Sellers and AWS Marketplace will share the following campaign metrics for each co-funded campaign in the format outlined
Number of Marketing Accepted Leads and/or Marketing Qualied Leads from AWS Marketplace campaigns
Number of Sales Qualied Leads or Opportunities for AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace pipeline value associated with AWS Marketplace opportunities
Number of deals won (new AWS Marketplace Subscriptions) or lost
AWS Marketplace revenue generated (GSS and/or TCV)
Seller investment amounts per campaign
Sellers will report these metrics on a monthly cadence through the AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Reporting process. Sellers must
commit to share GTM funnel data from their CRM systems in the format and process described in this guide.
Report all AWS campaigns (Seller-led, AWS-led or AWS-Seller “joint”) you are running or for which you are managing lead follow
Provide 19 elds of KPI data dened in the template (see below) to include campaign, lead, opportunity, win, pipeline revenue,
billed revenue (GMS) and investment
Provide aggregate data by the 2nd of every month from January 1, 2022 to present
Use required le naming convention and dened eld level requirements
Run validations on your le before submitting it to AWS Box location
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Seller data reporting requirements
26 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Seller data reporting requirement
Seller campaign, lead, opportunity and win data
Seller campaign and investment data
If a Seller needs help in data extraction, preparation, and delivery to AWS, AWS oer free-of-cost assistance from a third-party
agency to Premium and Advantage Sellers. To engage with the third- party agency, please contact your vPMM for next steps.
Marketing Accepted Leads: Contacts that convert through marketing activities with valid information that marketing has
accepted and approved
Marketing Qualied Leads: A contact or website visitor whose engagement levels indicate they are more likely to become a
customer than other MALs
Sales Qualied Leads or Opportunities: A contact that has been researched and vetted, rst by the organization’s marketing
department and then by the sales team and is deemed ready to hand o to sales
AWS Marketplace pipeline value associated with AWS Marketplace opportunities: The revenue expected if the opportunity
is won
Number of deals won (New AWS Marketplace Subscriptions): Closed won deals
AWS Marketplace revenue generated (GMS and/or TCV): The revenue generated in AWS Marketplace from the won billed
deals (Don’t include AWS Services revenue). Revenue should be reported in Gross Merchandise Sales (GMS) or Total Contract
Value (TCV)
Seller Investment amounts per campaign: The amount a Seller invested into a campaign, not including AWS investments
27 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Number of deals won (New AWS Marketplace Subscriptions): Closed won deals
AWS Marketplace revenue generated (GMS and/or TCV): The revenue generated in AWS Marketplace from the won billed
deals (Don’t include AWS Services revenue). Revenue should be reported in Gross Merchandise Sales (GMS) or Total Contract
Value (TCV)
Seller Investment amounts per campaign: The amount a Seller invested into a campaign, not including AWS investments
What systems are used to report?
AWS will track Buyer trac and conversions through following two key mechanisms:
Seller Reporting
Seller reporting allows Sellers that are part of the Premium (Advantage/Select also use tracking URL) GTM package to track the
performance of marketing activities that drive trac to their listing(s) in AWS Marketplace. The reports show trac volumes
and resulting subscription activity whether the trac came from AWS Marketplace campaigns or Seller-driven campaigns. To
include Seller driven campaign trac, Sellers must append a tracking code to the link that points to the intended listing in AWS
Marketplace. The tracking code will be provided by the Seller’s AWS Marketplace GTM Lead, if they are part of Premium GTM
Package, or by the vPMM if they are part of Advantage or Select GTM Package. Adding a unique tracking code to each link in
demand generation activities, such as landing pages, emails, banner ads, and social media posts, will allow AWS to accurately
attribute a listing’s trac, usage, and revenue to specic marketing tactics. Example of URL tracking code:
Marketing Analytics Dashboard:
All Sellers can use Marketing Analytics Dashboard, an analytics tool, available in the Marketing tab of AWS Marketplace
Management Portal. The AWS Marketplace Management Portal is a sales and marketing management dashboard, oering
many capabilities including marketing, reporting, and support functions. The dashboard provides Sellers with data showing the
Seller-driven trac, usage, and revenue generated by each of their marketing activities. For more information on using the
Management Portal and the Marketing Analytics Dashboard, see the following section.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Seller data reporting requirement
Eligible MDF Activities Description Best Practices for MDF Activity
Case study, e-book, whitepaper, solution
brief, technical brief, messaging, video
Tell us how you are going to use this content
Will the whitepaper be displayed on your website as gated content?
Through an e-mail marketing campaign?
What’s the plan beyond the creation of the content/literature?
Paid media
Content, copy and creative for Display ads,
banners, Search ads, SEO
Execute your own campaigns and use MDF to support your
marketing costs from search, social media platforms and display
advertising. (i.e. Google AdWords, LinkedIn, print)
Targeted website content about your AWS solution with clear call-
to-action to your listing in AWS Marketplace
* Content and copy,* email design and
template,* Email drop execution via
Marketo, Eloqua etc.
Keep your subject line short and concise
Consider your target audience: what will be compelling to them?
What will resonate?
Include a clear call-to-action to your listing in AWS Marketplace
Include an unsubscribe button and a link to your privacy policy
Think about the timing of the campaign. When do you think
sending out the campaign will be most eective?
Keep the email short and clear
Webinar, online
Webinar set up, hosting, platform
Landing page, registrations page, web
Email copy for invite and follow up
mail, template, execution
Social media, copy, banners, creative
Include a clear call-to-action or promotional oer
Consider recording your webinar for future use in marketing
Keep the length around 30-60 minutes
Industry conference
event (in person or
Seller sponsors a third-party industry or
technology conference to showcase your
solutions in AWS Marketplace
Look for third-party conferences where you can showcase your
unique value
These events could be industry specic (e.g., Healthcare), aligned to
job role (e.g., CMO), solution focused (e.g., DevOps), location (e.g.,
Atlanta small business), or some combination of these
Look for events where you have the opportunity to engage
customers at a physical or virtual booth or through a speaking /
workshop session
Seller-led customer
Customer in-person or virtual networking
events run by Seller focused exclusively
on Seller’s solution(s) in AWS Marketplace
The event content is primarily centered around the Seller’s solution in
AWS Marketplace
*** Social/recreational costs will not be covered
28 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Eligible Market Development
Funds (MDF) activities
Please review below for a list of eligible MDF activities. Your AWS Marketplace Seller GTM Lead or vPMM
will approve the activity before you start the execution. Please note that only campaigns approved for AWS
Marketplace qualify for MDF.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Eligible Market Development Funds Activities
Eligible MDF Activities Description Best Practices for MDF Activity
Social Media
Content and copy for social posts
Organic social
Paid social media
Social post copy, creative, banner
Run your own campaign and use MDF to support your advertising
costs from Google AdWords, LinkedIn, etc.
Hire a third-party agency to execute an end-to-end campaign on
your behalf
Battlecard, sales call script, rst call
Telesales outreach (call down
Contact database (if oered by agency)
List purchase list
List purchase
List enhancement or enrichment
Consider industry specic or role-based lists
Demonstrations and
Demo booths and workshops to showcase
the Seller oerings in AWS Marketplace
The activity enables end customers to try the solution for a specied
time period
Story boarding, script writing
Editing and production
Promotion (e.g. social media, paid
media, email, syndication, etc.)
Video created to showcase your solution or oering in AWS
Marketplace through a demo, customer success story, use case etc.
Content lead
Content development
Paid digital ads, syndication via digital
media publication
Landing page for gated asset
Leads associated with marketing
Web development
Web page, landing page, registrations
page HTML development
Customer event
When a Seller is participating in a
customer event
The event showcases your solution or oering in AWS Marketplace to
end customers
Individual gifts and/or giveaways
cannot exceed a total dollar value of
$5 USD per unit (max reimbursement is
$2.50 USD per unit)
This includes swag, rae items, thank
you gifts
29 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Eligible Market Development Funds Activities
30 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Accessing the AWS Marketplace
Seller Management Portal
The AWS Marketplace Management Portal is a sales and marketing management dashboard, oering many capabilities including
marketing, reporting, and support functions. This guide focuses on the Marketing and Reporting tabs of the portal, which
provide trac, usage, and revenue growth data to help Sellers manage and improve their GTM campaigns.
Marketing Analytics Dashboard
The Marketing Analytics Dashboard is available in the Marketing tab of the AWS Marketplace Management Portal (see gure
below). This dashboard provides Sellers with campaign results for Seller-driven trac, usage, and revenue generated by each of
their marketing activities.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS Marketplace Seller Management Portal
31 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Marketing Analytics Dashboard in AWS Marketplace
Seller Management Portal
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Using the Management Portal
32 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Using the Management Portal
Standard AWS Marketplace reports
The Reporting tab on the AWS Marketplace Management Portal oers a variety of reports to help Sellers track adoption, trac,
and nancial data including:
The Customer Subscriber Report is sent daily and provides a list of AWS Customer IDs for those AWS Customers that subscribed
to a Seller’s products, including the number of current and new annual subscriptions for each day. Using this report, a Seller can
see how their subscriptions have increased over time and which versions of a product perform best. A Seller can use this data to
adjust ad spends for each edition or version of a product to increase trac and subscriptions.
The Daily Business Report gives a daily snapshot of a Seller’s business in AWS Marketplace. In this report, a Seller can nd data
on how customers are using its products, the expected revenue due to that usage, how many new customers subscribed to its
products, and how many customers are converting to paid usage from a free trial for its products. Sellers can see spikes in usage
to help identify what type of user has subscribed. The Seller can also identify spending by region and product, to better target
marketing and increase subscriptions. This report also shows whether certain customer IDs use a Seller’s product continuously or
only in intervals, which could be used to help shape how that Seller optimizes their campaign.
The Monthly Billed Revenue Report shows billable usage to a Sellers AWS Marketplace customers. This is the revenue from
product usage, monthly fees, and annual subscriptions. This data can help a Seller report AWS Marketplace revenue in nancial
statements. This revenue has not necessarily been collected from customers yet. The Seller may also want to consider using the
Monthly Disbursement Report, which shows how much revenue has been disbursed to the Seller. These two reports dier in that
the revenue report shows how much has been billed, whereas the disbursement report shows what was actually collected.
The Monthly Disbursement Report provides a breakdown of all funds collected on a Seller’s behalf during the settlement period.
The total settlement amount reected in the report should match the amount deposited to a Seller’s bank account. The usage
section summarizes the hours used that contributed to the amounts billed and collected on a Seller’s behalf for the period.
Monthly Disbursement Reports are generated every 30 days, starting from the day a Seller joined AWS Marketplace.
The U.S. Sales and Use Tax Report shows U.S. sales and use tax collected by AWS Marketplace for a Seller’s tax-enabled
software products.
Note: the disbursement report is not generally sent to Sellers when AWS Marketplace does not owe any disbursements. AWS Marketplace reports do
not provide identiable customer data in order to protect AWS Marketplace customers’ identities, but some customer information might be available
for product support purposes.
33 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
GTM best practices
Site merchandising
The AWS Marketplace home page is the primary destination for AWS customers to discover and get information on Seller products
available within the AWS Marketplace catalog. The Site Merchandising program exists to promote select Seller products to
customers via high-visibility placements on this page. A number of dierent placement types are available — each curated topically
to provide customers with a variety of selection, including popular products and those that are newly listed. Site merchandising
placements feature calls-to-action driving trac to Seller Product Detail Pages within the AWS Marketplace website. All Sellers
enrolled in the program are eligible to participate and should work with their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead to request placement.
More information on specic placement opportunities is available below:
The AWS Marketplace carousels
AWS Marketplace features select products on the home page carousel banners of the AWS Marketplace website. This opportunity
is only oered to Premium and Advantage Sellers and is based on a commitment of marketing resources, revenue, and AWS
Marketplace specic goals. Sellers should work with their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead during annual GTM planning to reserve
banner inventory for the year. Sellers who qualify must adhere to brand and image guidelines. Image guidelines dier between the
desktop and mobile devices.
On the desktop:
No pictures, illustrations only
1100px × 300px
least 300 dpi
Follow AWS PR Guidelines
On mobile devices:
No pictures, illustrations only
768px × 540px
At least 300 dpi
Follow AWS PR Guidelines
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
34 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
The call-to-action (CTA button should be “Launch Now” or “Free Trial Available.” If the “Free Trial Available” CTA is used on an AMI
based listing, the Seller should include “*AWS usage fees apply” underneath. The CTA should only link to a Seller’s AWS Marketplace
listing. The CTA text must be all capital letters, in Amazon Ember Medium 15-point font, with a maximum of 20 characters. You can
modify the color of the button and the text, but you cannot modify the button’s shape, size, or shadow. You also cannot end the
button’s text with a period (‘.’, exclamation point (‘!’, or a question mark (‘?’.
Banners may be rejected for any of the following:
The claims are dicult to demonstrate or use superlatives like “the best”
It does not follow Amazon branding and PR rules
The CTA is not simple and/or there is more than one CTA
If the banner mentions a free trial, the banner must note that the free trial is only for the AWS Marketplace product listed,
not for the AWS service
Sellers should ask their AWS Marketplace GTM Lead for more information on whether their business qualies or for additional
guidelines for carousel submissions.
Other marketing options with AWS Marketplace
Featured products
The Featured Products section provides another opportunity for qualied Sellers to showcase their products on the AWS Marketplace
website. The Seller’s AWS Marketplace Category Manager determines the calendar dates and frequency of listings for chosen
products. Featured products are selected based on a commitment of marketing resources, revenue, and
AWS Marketplace-specic goals.
Featured SaaS products
The Featured SaaS Products section showcases AWS Marketplace SaaS products. The Seller’s AWS Marketplace Category
Lead determines the calendar dates and frequency of listings for chosen products. Featured products are selected based on a
commitment of marketing resources, revenue, and AWS Marketplace-specic goals.
New product spotlight
The New Product Spotlight section highlights products that have been added to AWS Marketplace. All new, paid products are eligible;
however, they are subject to prioritization by an AWS Marketplace Category Manager. To have a new product listed in this section,
Sellers should contact their AWS Marketplace Category Lead.
Popular products
The Popular Products section showcases AWS Marketplace top products, based on page views. Products are chosen and rotated
regularly. Sellers who want to be featured in the popular products listing should focus on GTM marketing activities that drive
customers to their product listing page.
35 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
Email nurture through AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace provides Sellers with the capability to reach out to customers via automated emails triggered by real-time
AWS Marketplace usage data. Sellers can congure the following three types of emails:
First-use/Welcome emails, which are delivered to customers when they rst subscribe to product(s)
New-version emails, which are delivered whenever a Seller releases a new software version
Declining usage emails, which are delivered when customers do not use a product for a certain period of time. The time
period is congurable by the Seller.
For all three email notication types, Sellers can dene and continuously rene the content being sent. Once a Seller provides the
content and denes some simple rules for delivery, AWS Marketplace will take care of the rest.
Automated emails are a great way for Sellers to provide links directing customers to helpful websites, documentation, and other
resources. Emails support both text and HTML, so if a customer’s email client does not support HTML, they will receive a text
based version. HTML emails are sent in Arial 15-point font.
Sellers submitting emails will need to provide the metadata necessary to build the product listing. Sellers should submit text
or HTML code, along with their automated email content, to AWS Marketplace Seller Catalog Operations team. See below for
recommended content to include in each type of email.
36 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
First use/welcome email – content recommendations
<Dear AWS Marketplace customer,>
1. Introductory sentence such as “Thank you for subscribing to Big Data
Analytics! See below for resources to help you get up and running quickly.”
2. Information and links on how to deploy and congure the software Example:
“Launching the software is easy. Step-by-step instructions for conguration
and deployment are available at www.companyname.com/productname/
3. Information and links on documentation, additional resources such as
community forums, blogs, wiki, FAQ.
Example: “You can nd additional resources, including documentation,
community forums and FAQs, at www.companyname.com/productname/
4. Details on available support with links and how to contact you directly.
Example: “Your subscription comes with free email support, available by
contacting us at: support@companyname.com. Additional support resources
are available at: www.companyname.com/support”. 24/7 phone paid phone
support is also available for AWS users. Contact 1-800-999-9999 for more
information. Please have your AWS Account ID available.
5. Closing statement if desired. Recommend adding a customer review and provide
a link to review page.
If you have any questions about any of your AWS services or AWS account
please contact AWS customer service (add contact link to AWS Support)
Thank you again for your subscription, we appreciate your business
The <Product Name> Team and Amazon Web Services
AWS Marketplace
Thank you for using <Product Name>
37 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
New product version email – content recommendations
<Dear AWS Marketplace customer,>
1. Introductory sentence explaining the release of the product and the pricing models
it applies to (Hourly, Monthly, BYOL).
2. Clearly list the main benets of the new release which may include:
New features, benets and use cases
Increased performance and benets
Support for new AWS instances or regions
3. Instructions on how to upgrade:
Resources and documentation available with links
Example: “Upgrading the software is easy and more information including
conguration and deployment steps is available at: www.companyname.com/
Support available for upgrading
Example: If you have any questions about upgrading, please us at: upgrade@
<If you have any questions about your AWS services or account please
contact AWS customer service.>
<Thank you,>
<The AWS Marketplace Team>
AWS Marketplace
<Product Name> <Version> released and now available
38 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
<Dear AWS Marketplace customer,>
<Product Name> oers a broad range of resources and support to help you.
1. Short introduction on the resources available to your customer to help them
deploy, congure and use the product.
Example: (Product name) conguration guides are available to help you. For more
information on how to deploy on AWS you can nd best practices and deployment
steps at: www.companyname.com/productname/congure”
2. Details on available support with links and how to contact you directly
Example: “Support is available to help troubleshoot issues and ensure your prod-
uct is running correctly on AWS. Contact us at support@ companyname.com. or
<Company Name> provides paid 24/7 phone support to <Product Name> users
on AWS. You can contact support at: www.companyname.com/support. Please
have your AWS Account ID available.
<If you want to adjust or modify your subscription go to ‘Your Software’ page
under ‘Your Account’.>
<If you have any questions about your AWS services or account please contact
AWS customer service.> Link
<Thank you,>
<The AWS Marketplace Team>
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
Declining usage email – content recommendations
Please note, to trigger the automated declining usage email, Sellers will need to provide AWS
Marketplace Seller Catalog Operations team with the amount of time a customer stops usage.
It is very important that the email align with messaging on the Sellers website and on the product’s AWS
Marketplace listing page.
AWS Marketplace
<Product Name> resources and support available
39 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
Blog posts
The AWS Marketplace blog reaches a wide base of AWS customers, AWS Marketplace customers, and AWS Marketplace
sellers globally. Sellers can increase their visibility to AWS customers by contributing blog posts that provide thought
leadership and teach customers how to solve common business challenges. For examples, visit the AWS Marketplace
blog channel and the AWS Partner Network blog channel.
A successful blog post is one that teaches customers how to do something that will improve their AWS experience.
Sellers should focus on giving step-by-step instructions on how to achieve a specic outcome that your customers need
or want. Posts should be educational in nature, provide 200-level information on a topic relevant to customers, and
involve the voice of at least one of your customers. Blog posts should be about 500-1,000 words (shorter is better),
including relevant images, graphics, cations, links, next steps, or resources. Blog posts must be original; we do not accept
content that has previously been published elsewhere or re-purposed from marketing materials or documentation.
Additionally, when writing, Sellers should use accessible, plain language, addressing the reader as “you” and referring to
your company as “we.” It helps to think of a specic customer and imagine speaking just to that person. Use the active
voice rather than the passive voice (“you can perform this task” rather than “this task can be performed”). People tend
to skim online content, so blogs should have a clearly stated purpose in the introduction and use consistent key words
throughout the post. Sellers must provide written permission for any company logo use.
40 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Best Practices
Social media
Sellers can also use the following steps to increase their chances of gaining exposure in AWS Marketplace
social media properties:
» Follow or like AWS Marketplace and/or AWS social media accounts.
» Sellers can increase their chances of having a tweet re-tweeted on the AWS Marketplace Twitter page by following these
guidelines for their tweets:
Follow the guidelines for AWS Carousel banners, but size tweets at 800x400, with no black border.
Tweets can link to the Seller’s AWS Marketplace listing page, a PR announcement, educational blog, landing page,
webinar, etc.
Include an image, ideally one that is technical, such as an architectural diagram or how to video (see example below).
Mention the AWS Marketplace Twitter handle: @awsmarketplace
Tweets should link to paid oerings. It is possible to promote free oerings if a content review validates the value
to customers.
All tweets should be in English.
Example of a Seller re-tweet on the AWS
Marketplace Twitter feed
AWS Marketplace
Twitter handle is
mentioned in the
Link to Seller’s AWS
Marketplace listing
Short video showing
how to get started
quickly using the Seller’s
41 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
GTM guidelines
Sellers should follow these guidelines for all GTM activities.
Working with AWS communications (PR/AR):
AWS must approve all press releases or external documents that mention AWS or any of our products
AWS reserves the right to alter and/or decline any proposed mentions or quotes per our guidelines
Each request is evaluated individually by AWS PR Review timeline and process:
Review timeline and process:
Seller reaches out to their
AWS Marketplace
Category Manager to let
them know they want to
issue a press release and
request release guidelines.
1 2 3 4
Seller drafts the release
based on the guidelines.
Seller sends the release
to their AWS Marketplace
Category Lead for review.
AWS reviews the release.
AWS sends release back.
Seller reviews and edits as
Seller returns release to
AWS for nal approval.
Seller provides a heads-up
to AWS 48 hours prior to
their release issue date.
Sellers must always follow all applicable guidelines contained in this document.
5 6 7 8
Release is issued.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / GTM Guidelines
42 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Brieng press and analysts on AWS news:
If the Seller is participating in an AWS-led announcement, they should not discuss their participation in the launch with press
or analysts until after the AWS announcement has gone live (via press release or blog post)
We ask that Sellers do not conduct pre-briefs, have embargoed discussions on the news, or share their release under NDA
with members of the press or analyst community
Once the AWS release has gone live, Sellers are more than welcome to coordinate press and analyst briengs discussing their
announcement and success with AWS. We encourage them to do so! As a courtesy, Sellers should inform their Category Lead
of the interviews ahead of time.
Press release messaging guidelines
To streamline the press release review process, please keep the following guidance from our PR team in mind.
DO NOT use the terms “partners” or “partnership” or “alliance” to describe the AWS relationship. We prefer the terms
“agreement,” “teamed,” “in cooperation with,” or “relationship
DO NOT use the name “Amazon” when referring to Amazon Web Services or AWS.
DO NOT include a quote from an Amazon or AWS executive unless previously agreed upon and approved.
DO NOT include any sales projections.
DO NOT disclose proprietary information about Amazon or AWS.
DO NOT refer to our stock ticker symbol.
DO NOT use the “About AWS” boilerplate. These are reserved for AWS releases only.
Use of the terms “hybrid”, “hybrid architecture”, “hybrid cloud”, “public cloud”, “private cloud” or “on-premises environment”
may be approved, but those terms should NOT be used to describe AWS. For example, it is not approved to say “AWS hybrid
cloud” or the “AWS public cloud”. But you may describe how your solution enables a hybrid cloud architecture connecting
AWS to an on-premises environment.
PR guidelines
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / PR Guidelines
43 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Additional points to keep in mind on AWS requirements:
The release should highlight a clear call to action and the customer benet. PR will not provide an AWS quote for a future
service or for releases that are merely stating that the two companies “will be working together.”
We will not approve any declarative statements about someone being “the best”, “the rst”, “the only”, etc. without
substantiation of the claim.
Please do not use the term “partnering” in your press release because it could insinuate that there was co-development done.
It’s ne to say that we are “working with so and so”, but the term “partner” will often get rejected.
AWS Marketplace does not endorse any AWS Marketplace Seller feature, product, or benet. You may say that your feature or
product is available in AWS Marketplace.
Do not include statements that could be interpreted to imply that AWS is not secure, not scalable, not cost eective, not
accessible, etc., without your product or service. When it comes to security, it is best to look at the messaging on the Security
page of the AWS Website and the AWS Shared Responsibility Model.
We recommend including customer quotes in your press release submissions.
Lastly, make sure it does not sound like a solution runs “in” AWS. It is more appropriate to reference that it runs “on” AWS, or
supports AWS. Stating that something runs “in” AWS makes it sound more integrated than it actually is. For this reason, please
also avoid language that says that your solution is tightly “integrated” with AWS.
Approved language:
“The engagement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) builds on an existing relationship. Together, the companies are
providing a complete cloud services and cloud management portfolio that will give enterprise customers fast, exible
access to the cloud.
“XYZ application runs on the exible, scalable, pay-as-you-go AWS Cloud.”
“…while using the company’s existing on-premises environment.
“XYZ and Amazon Web Services are working together to….
Not Approved language:
“XYZ announces a strategic partnership with Amazon Web Services.”
“The Amazon Web Services alliance with XXX signicantly extends what is already a clear and dramatic
leadership position for both companies. No other company currently can match the exibility and power of this
“XYZ is the rst to provide these capabilities for enterprise customers.
“XYZ will speed the adoption of the AWS cloud.”
“XYZ application protects organizations from the risks of cloud systems.”
“XYZ application is designed for enterprise workloads and runs in the AWS Cloud.”
…”while using the company’s existing private Cloud environment.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / PR Guidelines
44 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Seller sends content to
AWS Marketplace
Category Manager (for
Select sellers) or AWS
Marketplace GTM
Manager (for Premium
and Advantage Sellers).
AWS Marketplace
reviews content for
compliance with
branding and legal
guidelines and technical
AWS Marketplace
sends the content
back and Seller edits
as needed.
Seller returns nal
content to AWS
Marketplace for nal
Content goes
live with
1 2 3 4
GTM content review guidelines
GTM content that references AWS or uses AWS branding, is used in joint campaigns with AWS Marketplace, and/or is
co-funded by AWS Marketplace, must be reviewed and approved by AWS Marketplace.
Review timeline and process (refer to PR guidelines section for press release review timeline and process):
Review timeline and process
Sellers must always follow all applicable guidelines contained in this document. Failure to not follow approval
guidelines by AWS Marketplace, can result in decline of MDF funds.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Content Review Guidelines
45 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Logo guidelines
Sellers are encouraged to highlight the fact that their product is available for purchase in AWS Marketplace on their websites
and other GTM materials. The AWS Marketplace Logo is an easy way for Sellers to inform customers that their software is
available in AWS Marketplace. The AWS Marketplace Logo is AWS trademark and any use is subject to our usage guidelines.
Use the AWS Marketplace Logo in one of the provided color combinations. The multi-color versions are preferred. In cases
where color needs to be restricted, the one-color logos are acceptable. Choose the color option with the highest contrast.
Squid ink is our primary dark color. Black versions of the logo are available but should only be used in cases where maximum
contrast is needed or the use is primarily only black and white.
AWS Marketplace Logo
To access the AWS Marketplace logo, please follow these steps:
Login to APN Partner Central
Select Marketing tab (at the top)
Select/Launch AWS Marketing Central
Select Marketing Toolkit (right side)
Select AWS Marketplace logos
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Logo Guidelines
46 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
In collaboration with
partner logo
AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led
AWS Marketplace-led examples
Landing page and webinar
AWS Marketplace-led scenarios are when AWS Marketplace has primary control of content creation, messaging,
and/or customer experience and wins customer opportunities.
Place the AWS Marketplace logo in a primary layout location (for example, in the top left corner) to illustrate that AWS Marketplace
leads the marketing scenario.
Your logo is placed in a secondary layout location under the term “In collaboration with” (for example, on the right side, above the
fold) to illustrate your supporting role in the scenario.
Up to ve partners’ logos can be included in the AWS Marketplace-led branding treatment.
Landing page Webinar
In collaboration with
partner logo
partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-Led and AWS Marketplace-Led Treatments
47 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace-led examples
Case study, whitepaper, and social ads
Case study Whitepaper
In collaboration with
partner logo
partner logo
In collaboration with
partner logo
partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-Led and AWS Marketplace-Led Treatments
Social ads
In collaboration with
partner logo
In collaboration with
partner logo
partner logo
partner logo
48 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Summary of AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led treatments
Primary and interior page layout options
AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led scenarios
AWS-led marketing scenarios are when AWS has primary control over content creation, messaging, and/or the customer
experience, and wins the customer opportunities.
The AWS logo is placed in a primary layout location (for example, in the top left corner), as AWS leads in the
marketing scenario.
Your logo will be featured in a secondary layout location under the term “In collaboration with” to demonstrate how you work
with AWS in this marketing scenario.
Up to ve partner logos are permitted to be shown in this branding treatment.
This branding treatment also applies to AWS Marketplace-led marketing scenarios.
Please follow the usage and specications guidelines for each treatment.
Limit the use of badges or visual treatments that include the AWS smile to one per page.
Primary and interior page layout locations Interior page treatments
In collaboration with
partner logo
Available in AWS Marketplace
Available in
AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-Led and AWS Marketplace-Led Treatments
powered by
powered by
Available in
AWS Marketplace
49 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Primary and interior page layout options
Shown on this page are examples of some design decisions that do not follow our branding style.
Additionally, do not use outdated partner logos, and ensure that partner branding guidelines do not prohibit use of
placement next to another partner/competitor.
In collaboraon with
partner logo
Do not set the “In collaboration with” line in any font but
Amazon Ember Regular.
In collaboraon with
partner logo
Do not set the “In collaboration with” line in any color but black
or white.
In collaboration with
partner logo partner logo
Do not violate clearspace.
In collaboration with
Do not use the AWS Partner badge under “In collaboration with.”
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-Led and AWS Marketplace-Led Treatments
50 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Usage rules
For AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led scenarios:
The cover page of AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led assets will always leverage the respective AWS logo plus the
term “In collaboration with” which includes between one and ve partner logos under this term.
AWS Partner badges cannot be used in place of the AWS Partner logo in any brand treatment for marketing assets,
websites/landing pages, communications, email marketing, yers, or invitations.
The interior page layout location of AWS-led and AWS Marketplace-led marketing assets may include one of the
brand treatments illustrated on page 47 of this guide per page, subject to usage rules for each treatment.
Multiple badges are permissible in the same document. But, you’re required to limit usage of one badge per page. If
multiple badges are used, you may vary the types of badges, rather than using one type for all pages.
Social posts and ads may include the “In collaboration with” treatment with the partners logo.
The use of AWS Partner badges applies to partners who have met the requirements to access the AWS Partner
badge. You can check your eligibility status in AWS Partner Central.
Limit the use of badges or visual treatments that include the AWS smile to one per page.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / AWS-Led and AWS Marketplace-Led Treatments
51 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Co-branded treatments
AWS logo lockup
Co-branded AWS logo lockup
The co-branded treatment is restricted to marketing scenarios when AWS and partner(s) have equal investment
and control over content, message and/or customer experience, and AWS has provided written permission to
co-brand, either through a logo usage agreement, or approval through AWS’ established process.
The AWS Marketplace logo shall not be used in co-branded treatments.
Up to two partners’ logos may appear in this branding treatment.
Your AWS representative will submit co-branded requests on your behalf. Please allow 7-10 business days to
hear back.
Co-branded logo lockup
par tner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
52 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
partner logo
partner logo
Size and arrangements
Co-branded arrangements
Co-branded arrangements include the AWS logo and one or two partner logos.
A maximum of three logos are allowed within the standard and alternate co-branded scenarios.
Replicate the clearspace described on this page when showing more than two partners.
Co-branded arrangements can only be used in social media channels when created and approved by AWS for ad use.
Construct the co-branded arrangement using the specications described, then scale the arrangement as needed.
AWS logo size
The AWS logo is 150px high.
The pipe is 190px high and has a 3pt stroke.
Partner logo sizing
The area designated for your logo is determined by the height of the AWS logo.
Standard arrangements
Align your logo top and bottom to the AWS logo.
“w” from AWS logo is used to determine space between AWS, pipe, and partner logo.
partner logo partner logo
190px high
3pt stroke
190px high
3pt stroke
Multi-partner arrangements
Align partner logos top and bottom
to the AWS logo.
“w” from AWS logo is used to
determine space between AWS,
pipe, and the rst partner logo.
Additional partner logos use the
“w” space without the pipe.
partner logo
partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
53 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Color and clearspace
Color and backgrounds
AWS is colored either Squid Ink or White.
Use the Squid Ink version of the AWS logo for white or light-colored backgrounds.
Use the white AWS logo for black or dark-colored backgrounds.
Make the divider line the same color as the AWS logo, depending on background.
The minimum clearspace around the logo is equal to the height of the letter “a” in the AWS logo.
The pipe is not included when measuring clearspace.
Clearspace requirements are the same for all arrangements and color variations.
Squid ink version of AWS logo for use on white or light-colored backgrounds
par tner logo
White AWS logo for use on black or dark-colored backgrounds
partner logo
partner logo
partner logo partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
54 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Landing page and presentation
The co-branded treatment is reserved for scenarios when AWS and partner(s) have equal investment in and control
over content, message, and/or customer experience, and AWS has provided written permission to co-brand, either
through a logo usage agreement or approval through AWS’ established process.
Place the co-branded treatment in a primary layout location (for example, in the upper left corner).
Be sure the co-branded treatment is consistent throughout all touchpoints.
Landing page
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
55 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
ebook, case study, whitepaper, and social ads
The co-branded treatment is reserved for marketing scenarios when AWS and partner(s) have equal investment in and
control over content, message, and/or customer experience, and AWS has provided written permission to co-brand,
either through a logo usage agreement or approval through AWS’ established process.
Place the co-branded treatment in a primary layout location (for example, in the upper left corner).
Be sure the co-branded treatment is consistent throughout all touchpoints.
eBook Case study
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
Social ads
56 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Summary of co-branded treatments
Primary and interior page layout options
Co-branded scenarios
The co-branded treatment includes the AWS logo, and one or two partner logos placed in a primary layout
location (for example, in the top left corner). Its use is reserved for scenarios when AWS and partner(s) have equal
investment in and control over content, message, and/or customer experience, and AWS has provided written
permission to co-brand, either through a logo usage agreement or approval through AWS’ established process.
The AWS Marketplace logo shall not be used in co-branded treatments.
Your AWS representative will submit co-branding requests on your behalf. Please allow 7-10 business days to
hear back.
Please follow the usage and specications guidelines for each treatment.
Limit the use of badges or visual treatments that include the AWS smile to one per page.
Primary and interior page layout locations Interior page treatments
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
Available in AWS Marketplace
Available in
AWS Marketplace
powered by
powered by
Available in
AWS Marketplace
57 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Shown on this page are examples of some design decisions that do not follow our branding style.
Do not use the co-branded treatment without express approval from AWS, requested by your AWS representative.
Do not use the AWS Partner Network logo in co-branded
Do not use the AWS Marketplace logo in co-branded treatments.
Do not use partner badges in co-branded treatments.
Do not create new co-branded treatments.
partner logo
par tner logo
partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
58 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Usage rules
For co-branded scenarios:
The co-branded treatment is restricted for use in marketing scenarios when AWS and partner(s) have equal
investment and control over content, message, and/or customer experience, and AWS has provided written
permission to co-brand, either through a logo usage agreement or approval through AWS’ established process.
Once approved for use by AWS, the co-branded treatment may be used for joint marketing campaigns or jointly
hosted event-specic promotions. Permission to use the co-branded treatment does not extend beyond the
limited scope of a specic asset, campaign, or event.
The co-branded treatment is allowed on the landing page, email, marketing assets, digital ads, and social media
posts (only when AWS creates the posts) specic to the approved scenarios campaign or event.
Broader use of the co-branded treatment on the AWS Partners website is not allowed, except when linking to the
campaign or event-specic website or landing page. Broader use beyond the specic campaign or event is
not allowed.
Assets produced within an approved co-branded campaign can be used at events, assuming that the assets are
still current and are appropriate for use at the event.
Use of the co-branded treatment in other event assets is heavily restricted and requires permission and approval
from AWS.
The co-branded treatment may not be used on promotional items of any kind, including event giveaways.
The AWS Marketplace logo shall not be used in co-branded treatments.
AWS Partner badges cannot be used in place of the AWS Partner logo in any brand treatment for marketing
assets, websites/landing pages, communications, email marketing, yers, or invitations.
The interior page layout location of co-branded marketing assets may include one of the brand treatments
illustrated on page 56 of this guide per page, subject to usage rules for each treatment.
Multiple badges are permissible in the same document. But, you’re required to limit usage of one badge per page.
If multiple badges are used, you may vary the types of badges, rather than using one type for all pages.
The use of AWS Partner badges applies to partners who have met the requirements to access the AWS Partner
badge. You can check your eligibility status in AWS Partner Central.
Limit the use of badges or visual treatments that include the AWS smile to one per page.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Co-Branded Treatments
59 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Working with our brand
AWS Marketplace logo and Available in AWS Marketplace
When creating assets that include AWS Marketplace or “Available in AWS Marketplace” branding elements and
marks, please adhere to our guidelines. You are permitted to use AWS logos worldwide per these guidelines, with
the exception that they do not extend to mainland China. You are not permitted to actively promote the AWS logo in
China where the Amazon Cloud Technologies logo must be used instead.
Explore these logos by visiting the Marketing Toolkit in AWS Partner Central.
Color Variations
Two Color: Squid Ink & Amazon Orange
This option may be used only on white or squid Ink
backgrounds. (Note: “AWS” is reversed out in white for
Squid ink backgrounds).
One Color: Squid Ink
This option may be used on light color backgrounds.
One Color: White
This option may be used on dark color backgrounds.
The clear space is the area that should be free of
other logos, text, or graphics. Use the height and
width of the letter “a” in the logo.
Horizontal and vertical space requires the full height
and width of the “a” on either side as shown.
AWS Marketplace logo Available in AWS Marketplace
The AWS Marketplace logo is our visual
brand identity and is used in AWS
Marketplace-led marketing scenarios.
You can use either logo with text or the text treatment
Available in AWS Marketplace” to tell your customers
that your software runs on AWS and is available in
AWS Marketplace.
Logo lockup clearspace Logo with text clearspace
Text only
Available in AWS Marketplace
Available in
AWS Marketplace
Amazon Ember bold
Tracking: 0
Size: 10-12 pt
Color: Squid ink or White
Leading: Auto
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Working With Our Brand
Available in
AWS Marketplace
Available in
AWS Marketplace
60 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Available in AWS Marketplace examples
Websites, email, booth graphics, yers, and demos
Websites and landing pages Email marketing
partner logo
partner logo
Booth graphics Flyers
partner logo
partner logo
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Working With Our Brand
partner logo
Available in
AWS Marketplace
61 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Put your audience rst
Emphasize “AWS Partner” and your specic partner designations to showcase what matters most to customers.
Highlight how your oering works with AWS.
Make content educational, factual, and supported by data, sources, and references.
Only use images, graphics, and logos that you have appropriate corporate license or written permission to use.
Use “AWS” or any of the AWS trademarks within your domain name.
Make claims around being “the best,” “the rst,” “the only,” “the leader,” etc. unless it can be clearly substantiated
by third-party research.
Include any personally identiable information (PII) of real people in your content, such as names, contact info,
account numbers, and user names.
Directly compare products or companies, compare companies’ strengths or weaknesses, or dene companies in
any negative manner.
Use AWS icons, logos, or badges next to your own logo, or other third-party logos.
Use design elements (pipes, ampersands, pluses, x signs, equal signs, etc.) to denote
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Messaging
62 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Highlight how you work with AWS and AWS Marketplace
Use the term “AWS Partner” to showcase your relationship with AWS.
When using the term “AWS Partner,” use “AWS Partner” in full in the rst instance. Use the term “partner” for subsequent
references in the same document.
Use descriptions from the AWS website when describing AWS products and services.
Showcase your expertise to your customers with program and partner tier designations using the terminology below.
AWS no longer refers to partners as Consulting Partner or Technology Partner.
When referring to AWS Marketplace, always include “AWS” before Marketplace. At no time, should the term
“Marketplace” be used as a standalone term. You must always spell out AWS Marketplace in every instance it is referred.
Do not abbreviate to AWS MP, AWSMP, MP, or any other variation.
When referencing AWS Marketplace, the word “Marketplace” should always be one word and have a capital “M.
AWS Marketplace does not endorse any AWS Marketplace Seller, feature, product, or benet.
You may say that your feature or product is available in AWS Marketplace.
When referring to AWS Marketplace sellers, features, products, or benets, you must use the phrasing “in” AWS
Marketplace, not “on” AWS Marketplace.
Do not use the terms “partners,” “partnering,” “partnership,” or “strategic alliance” to describe your relationship with
AWS. Opt for language such as “agreement,” “teamed,” “in cooperation with,” “working with,” or “relationship.”
When speaking about the cloud, do not refer to AWS as “AWS hybrid,” “AWS hybrid cloud,” or “ecosystem.”
When promoting your security solutions, do not use terms that create fear, uncertainty, or doubt, such as “exploit,”
“attack,” “breach,” or “hacker.”
For high-visibility assets used in AWS-led campaigns or at AWS events, such as booth graphics, session content,
in-booth demos and videos, and display ads at AWS events, do not include the names or logos of other public cloud
providers. If you prefer not to use AWS specically, you may reference “the cloud,” “your cloud,” or “multi-cloud.”
Do not use the term “3rd-party” when referring to sellers in AWS Marketplace. Instead, please use “independent
software vendors” (preferred), “software sellers,” or “data providers.” You can abbreviate “independent software vendors”
to “ISVs” as long as it’s not the rst reference in the document.
Single designation examples
AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner
AWS Advanced Tier Training Partner
AWS Migration Competency Partner
AWS Partner with an AWS Qualied Device oering
AWS Partner with an AWS Qualied
Software oering
Multiple designation examples
AWS Premier Tier Services Partner with an
AWS Qualied Software oering and Migration
AWS Partner with Migration Competency and AWS
Managed Service Provider designation
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Messaging
63 © 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its aliates. All rights reserved.
AWS Marketplace 180-day GTM Academy »
Self-service online portal providing GTM campaign guidance. Access from AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP).
AWS Marketplace Seller Management Portal »
Sales and marketing management dashboard, oering many capabilities including marketing, reporting, and support functions.
Provides guidance on building assets for campaigns, including AWS logos, icons, badges usage guidelines, general branding, and
co-marketing guidelines to position your solution.
About AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy
to nd, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on AWS.
APN Marketing Central »
Provides marketing tools for Select tier (formerly Standard tier) and above APN Partners to generate demand for their solutions
on AWS. (Log into the APN Partner Central and visit the Marketing Tab)
APN Registration Portal »
Register for the AWS Partner Network via the APN Registration Portal.
APN Messaging and Branding Guide »
Getting started as an AWS Marketplace Seller »
Review the requirements to sell your solutions in AWS Marketplace. Then follow the steps to register as a seller.
AWS Marketplace Seller Go-To-Market Program / Resources