Amazon Community Lending Program
Program and Applicaon Guide
Through the Amazon Community Lending program, Amazon, in partnership with
Lendistry, is providing access to aordable nancing for small and medium-sized
businesses selling in the Amazon US store.
Small businesses approved for a loan from Lendistry through the Amazon Community
Lending program can use these funds to grow their business in Amazon’s US store
and to cover other strategic business needs, such as stang and operaons costs,
inventory, product development and manufacturing, and markeng eorts to build
their brands and grow their customer base.
In addion to nancing, program parcipants will be able to leverage specic
supplementary resources from Lendistry, which may include one-on-one consulng,
webinars, and on-demand educaonal classes, curated and tailored to meet the
unique needs of the businesses served by Lendistry.
All U.S.-based Sellers are invited to learn more and determine if nancing
opons from Lendistry are the right t for their business needs. Business owners who
idenfy with communies that Lendistry serves are encouraged to apply. This
includes tradionally low-to-moderate income communies, minority-owned
businesses, and other historically disadvantaged business owners and the communies
they serve.
A partnership
between Amazon
and Lendistry.
What is Amazon
Community Lending?
Through the Amazon Community Lending program,
Amazon, in partnership with Lendistry, is providing access
to aordable nancing for small and medium-sized
businesses selling in the Amazon US store. This program
supports urban and rural small businesses in socially and
economically distressed communies through short-term
loans at compeve and aordable rates.
Who is Lendistry?
Lendistry is a designated third-party lender oering
loans to sellers through the Amazon Community
Lending program. Lendistry hosts and manages a portal
for the program’s loan applicaon, processes, reviews
and approves each loan applicaon, and provides the
nancing to approved applicants. Lendistry and its
authorized representaves may communicate directly
with applicants to provide nocaons on the status
of their applicaons and to request any addional
informaon or documentaon necessary to help
applicants comply with loan requirements.
Visit to learn more about Lendistry.
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Is this program available
to all sellers?
All U.S.-based Sellers are invited to learn more and
determine if nancing opons from Lendistry are the
right t for their business needs. Business owners who
idenfy with communies that Lendistry aims to serve
are encouraged to apply. This includes tradionally low-
to-moderate income communies, minority-owned
businesses, and other historically disadvantaged business
owners and the communies they serve.
How can my business apply?
Any acve U.S.-based Seller is welcome to express
interest in the program on Seller Central by clicking to
learn more about the program and indicang interest.
If you click on the “Yes, I’m interested” buon on Seller
Central and your business meets Lendistry’s eligibility
criteria, you will see a loan presentment from Lendistry.
However, if your business does not have a loan
presentment aer clicking on the “Yes, I’m interested”
buon, Amazon will nofy you once Lendistry has a loan
presentment for your business.
What are the requirements to get
a loan from Lendistry?
The following are certain key requirements for a business
to be eligible for a loan from Lendistry under the program:
Must be a current Amazon Seller account in good standing
Must be an established Amazon Seller with 1 or more
years on Amazon Seller Central
Must be a U.S. based business with all owners
domiciled within the U.S.
Must have a U.S. business checking account, and the
authority to apply for credit on behalf of the business
Must have sasfactory personal credit
Loan terms are provided for reference purposes only and
do not constute an oer for credit. The availability of
any applicable Lendistry business loan product is subject
to certain eligibility requirements, including without
limitaon, the creditworthiness of the business and its
owners, and the applicant’s acceptance of the terms
of loan documentaon to be provided by Lendistry. To
determine eligibility for a Lendistry business loan product,
you will be asked to complete an electronic applicaon
made available through Lendistry’s portal. Neither the
compleon nor the submial of an applicaon will
constute a guarantee of approval for any Lendistry loan
product, and you may be required to submit addional
documentaon and informaon in support of your
applicaon. Please see hps://
of-use/ for addional informaon, eligibility requirements
and authorizaons that may be required as a condion to
receiving a Lendistry business loan product through the
Amazon Community Lending program.
What documents will I need
if I decide to move forward
with an applicaon?
An applicant will need a government-issued photo ID and
a copy of their last two months business bank account
statements (if their bank account is unable to be veried
Will any data on Amazon be shared
with Lendistry? If yes, what data?
No personal informaon will be shared without your
explicit consent before sharing any data. Amazon will
share your business’s sales and performance data on with Lendistry aer receiving your consent.
Prior to being redirected to the Lendistry website to apply
for a loan, you will be asked in Seller Central whether you
agree to share your business’s sales data with Lendistry.
Refer to Data Share FAQ for more informaon on the data
Amazon will share with your consent.
Will Lendistry share any
personal informaon used in the
applicaon process with Amazon?
Amazon does not ask Lendistry for your name,
shareholder(s) names, or loan guarantor, nor does Amazon
ask Lendistry for your contact informaon such as phone
number, email, and address. To learn more about what
informaon Lendistry will share with Amazon, refer to the
Data Share FAQ. Any informaon shared with Amazon
will be shared in accordance with Lendistry’s privacy
policy available here.
Will Lendistry share any
personal informaon with
any other third-party?
The security of your personal informaon is of the highest
priority for Lendistry. Lendistry does not sell your personal
informaon to adversers or other third-pares for
nancial gain. Any sharing of personal informaon with
third-pares is done in accordance with Lendistry’s privacy
policy available here, and is primarily for the purposes of
making available and/or providing Amazon Community
Lending program products and services to you.
Will I be signing a loan agreement
with Amazon?
No. The seller will sign a loan agreement directly with
Lendistry. Amazon will not be a party to the agreement.
Does Lendistry pull credit reports
as a part of the applicaon process?
Yes, Lendistry does pull personal credit reports through
Experian for the main owner that is applying on the
applicaon with 20% or more of the equity or ownership
of the business.
Note : You must list enough owners on the applicaon whose
combined equity or ownership represents at least 50% of the
ownership of the business. Listed equity/ownership does not
have to total to 100% of ownership.
Can my business’s
interest rate adjust?
No, your business’s interest rate will remain the same
throughout the life of the loan if your business pays on
me. Any future loans could have higher or lower
interest rates depending on your business’s credit
prole at that me.
Is there any prepayment penalty if
I want to pay the loan o early?
No, there is no penalty for paying the loan o early. You
may prepay any amounts outstanding at any me, in
whole or in part. You are able to pay o your loan directly
online, by logging into MyLendistry and following the
instrucons. If you have any quesons, please contact
the Lendistry Program Call Center at 888-216-6445.
Why is Lendistry requiring addional
informaon or documentaon for
the applicaon process?
Since the loan is extended by Lendistry, it determines
what informaon it needs to process an applicaon and
determine your business’s eligibility for credit.
How do you lock a bank account?
In order to lock the account, visit the approved applicaon
in Seller Central by referring to the secon labeled
Applicaons in progress”. Click the “Lock account” buon
and follow the steps that appear onscreen.
Note : This account will remain locked unl the loan is paid in
full and the loan is closed. For any issues during this process,
please contact [email protected].
Why is locking a bank
account required?
Locking the Seller’s bank account on le with Amazon
may be a prerequisite from the third-party lender.
Once it is locked, the third-party lender veries it
matches what was provided in the loan applicaon.
The account on le with Amazon cannot be changed
aer this step.
How does the bank
account unlock?
The account will be automacally unlocked once
Lendistry conrms that the loan has been paid in full. If
the loan is closed, but a bank account remains locked,
send an email to [email protected]om with
the request and a copy of the payo leer from
Lendistry that the account has been paid o.
Who can I contact with
quesons about the program
or my business loan?
You can contact the Lendistry Program Call Center at
888-216-6445 during the hours of 6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Pacic Time Monday - Friday.
Tips for
You do not have to complete the applicaon in one session
and will have an opon to save and connue it later.
To make your applicaon process as smooth as possible or
if you experience dicules while applying, these are some
suggesons that may help.
Use the Latest Versions of
Website Browsers
For the best user experience, please use
the latest version of Google Chrome,
Microso Edge, or Safari throughout the
enre applicaon process.
Open Incognito Window
Opening Incognito allows you to enter
informaon privately and prevents your
data from being remembered or cached.
Clear Your Cache
Cached data is informaon that has been
stored from a previously used website or
applicaon and is primarily used to make
the browsing process faster by auto-
populang your informaon.
However, cached data may also include
outdated informaon or informaon you
may have previously entered incorrectly.
Registering your MyLendistry Account
When registering your account, please
do the following:
Make sure you pick a strong password
that includes:
8 minimum character length
1 uppercase character
1 lowercase character
1 digit
Add a conrmaon code that you
will be texted with the number
you provide during the registraon
How to Unlock your
MyLendistry Account
For your security, when aempng to log
in to MyLendistry if you use the incorrect
password more than ve mes, your
MyLendistry Account will be locked. To
unlock it, you must call the Lendistry
Program Call Center at 888-216-6445.
As a reminder you can reset your
password by going to the MyLendistry
page and following the
What is your Federal Tax ID/Employer
Idencaon Number (EIN)?
An Employer Idencaon Number
(EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax
Idencaon Number, and is used to
idenfy a business enty. Generally,
businesses need an EIN. You may apply
for an EIN in various ways, and may be
able to apply online. This is a free service
oered by the Internal Revenue Service
and you can get your EIN immediately.
Learn more at the IRS website.
Providing Ownership Informaon
List all owners of 20% or more of
the equity of the business. You must
list enough owners whose combined
equity represents at least 50% of the
ownership of the business.
Listed equity does not have to total to
100% of ownership.
If an owner is not from the United
States, therefore does not have a social
security number, the owner can enter
their alien card, green card number
What is Plaid?
Plaid is a quick, seamless way for you to provide what we need to verify your banking informaon.
It replaces you having to scan and upload documents, making it easier for you and giving us an
opportunity to provide you with a decision faster.
Plaid is a third-party technology Lendistry uses to set up Automated Clearing House (ACH)
transfers by connecng accounts from any bank or credit union in the U.S. to an app like
MyLendistry. The third-party does not share your personal informaon without your permission
and does not sell or rent it to outside companies. The use of personal informaon on or through
Plaid is subject to Plaid’s End User Privacy Policy. Lendistry uses this technology to verify and
review your bank statements.
This method of bank vericaon is preferred, but may not be acceptable, including if your banking
instuon is not available through the provider. In this case, you can verify your bank account
using other methods.
Using Plaid to Verify Your Bank Account in
When registering in MyLendistry, you will be
prompted to provide bank details and you click
“Start Plaid”.
First, select your bank account and provide
credenals. It is important that you use
your Amazon Seller Central account when
selecng your bank. Otherwise, it will not be
funded if approved.
Aer following direcons in Plaid, you will be
back in MyLendistry and if you have more than
one account in that bank, they will all be listed.
You must select and conrm the same Bank
Account you use in Amazon Seller Central,
which must be a business or personal account.
If you run into errors, you have the opon
to try again. If you connuously run into
errors or your bank instuon is not available
through the provider, you can proceed using
another method, by clicking the link provided.
Video: How to Use Plaid
Uploading Required Documents
All documents that are required to be
uploaded have certain requirements,
mainly to make sure informaon is read
Must be in clear, straight format with
no disrupve backgrounds
File name CANNOT contain
any special characters, such as
File size must be under 10MB
Reviewing Your Applicaon Status
If a decision wasn’t immediately made
on your applicaon, you can review
the status at any me by logging in to
MyLendistry. Your Applicaon Number
was provided aer you submied your
applicaon on the applicaon site and
sent via email.
How to Lock Your Amazon Seller
Central Bank Account
If approved, the next step required
to receive funds is to lock your bank
account in Amazon Seller Central.
How to do that and addional quesons
about account locking in Amazon Seller
Central are provided in the FAQ secon,
which you can go to here.
How to DocuSign
Aer successfully locking your Amazon
Seller bank account using your Amazon
Seller Central portal, you should return
to your Lendistry loan applicaon.
When you return to your applicaon on
MyLendistry you should be prompted
to “Sign your agreement” via DocuSign.
This will take you to DocuSign to where
you can review your loan applicaon
and securely sign and nalize your
If you have issues, please contact
the Lendistry Program Call Center at
Contact Us
Lendistry Program Call Center
Monday – Friday
6:00 am – 5:00 pm PT
Borrower’s Bill of Rights
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Mobile Terms and Condions
Credit and Other Authorizaons