November 15, 2012
Volume 86, Number 10 American Family Physician 947
Case Study
A 40-year-old woman presents to your office for a routine well-woman examination. She has
no significant medical history. She recently participated in a health fair at work and under-
went free lipid and glucose screening; both levels were within normal limits. Her pulse is
68 beats per minute, her respiration rate is 16 breaths per minute, and her blood pressure is
120/76 mm Hg. She is 170 cm (5 ft, 7 in) tall and weighs 89.8 kg (198 lb). You calculate her
body mass index (BMI) to be 31 kg per m
Case Study Questions
1. Based on the recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), what
is the most appropriate action to take with this patient?
A. Measure her waist circumference to confirm a diagnosis of obesity.
B. Do not initiate a discussion about her weight, because she does not have other
cardiovascular risk factors.
C. Explain the potential health risks associated with obesity, and offer referral to
intensive, multicomponent behavioral interventions.
D. Explain the potential health risks associated with obesity, and offer a behavioral
counseling intervention, as well as a prescription for orlistat or metformin.
2. Which one of the following statements about behavioral interventions for obesity manage-
ment is correct?
A. Individuals who participate in multicomponent behavioral interventions lose an
average of 11.25 to 13.5 kg (25 to 30 lb) over the course of one year.
B. Clinical trials have demonstrated that multicomponent behavioral interventions
decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
C. There is convincing evidence that multicomponent behavioral interventions lead
to clinically important weight loss in individuals who are overweight, as opposed
to obese.
D. The most effective behavioral interventions (i.e., those resulting in the greatest
amount of weight loss) include 12 to 26 sessions in a year.
3. You recommend that your patient consider joining a local, community-based weight-loss
program. The patient agrees, but asks if she should also take a weight-loss medication (orlistat)
that she heard about on the news. Which of the following statements about orlistat are correct?
A. Orlistat in combination with behavioral interventions does not lead to weight loss.
B. The use of orlistat has been associated with severe liver disease in rare cases.
C. There is a lack of long-term safety data available for orlistat.
D. The use of orlistat may increase fasting glucose levels.
Answers appear on the following page.
Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults
JENNIFER CROSWELL, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Program, Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality
SHELLY LUGER, RN, MS, Director of Undergraduate Nursing, Mount Marty College; Advanced Leadership Residency,
University of Kansas School of Nursing
See related U.S.
Preventive Services
Task Force Recommen-
dation Statement at
Access to the statement
is free and unrestricted.
This clinical content con-
forms to AAFP criteria for
evidence-based continuing
medical education (EB
CME). See CME Quiz on
page 908.
The case study and
answers to the following
questions are based on
the recommendations of
the U.S. Preventive Ser-
vices Task Force (USPSTF),
an independent panel of
experts in primary care
and prevention that sys-
tematically reviews the
evidence of effectiveness
and develops recom-
mendations for clinical
preventive services. More
information on this subject
is available in the USPSTF
Recommendation State-
ment and the evidence
synthesis on the USPSTF
Web site (http://www.
uspreventiveservicestask The practice
recommendations in this
activity are available at
A collection of Putting
Prevention into Practice
quizzes published in
available at http://www.
Putting Prevention into Practice
An Evidence-Based Approach
Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncom-
mercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
Putting Prevention into Practice
948 American Family Physician Volume 86, Number 10
November 15, 2012
1. The correct answer is C. The USPSTF
recommends that all adults be screened for
obesity, and that clinicians offer or refer
patients with a BMI of 30 kg per m
greater to intensive, multicomponent behav-
ioral interventions. Although recent evidence
suggests that waist circumference may be
an acceptable alternative (not addition) to
BMI measurement in some patient sub-
populations, the USPSTF recommendation
is based on BMI calculation alone. Studies
are needed to reassess the best methods for
obesity screening in adults (for example,
waist circumference or waist-to-hip ratio).
The USPSTF recommendation on obesity
applies to all adults, not just a subset of
individuals with known cardiovascular risk
factors. Interventions that combine pharma-
cologic agents (orlistat or metformin) with
behavioral interventions have been shown
to result in weight loss and improvement
in physiologic outcomes. However, there
are concerns about the potential harms of
orlistat, metformin is not approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
for the treatment of obesity, and sufficient
data are lacking for both medications on the
maintenance of improvement after discon-
tinuation of therapy. As a result, the USPSTF
is unable to recommend medication use.
2. The correct answer is D. The USPSTF
found that the most effective behavioral
counseling interventions for obesity man-
agement were comprehensive and of high
intensity (12 to 26 sessions in a year), and
involved multiple behavioral management
activities, such as group and individual ses-
sions, setting weight-loss goals, addressing
barriers to change, and active use of self-
monitoring. Weight-loss outcomes improved
when interventions involved more sessions;
behavioral intervention participants lost an
average of 6 percent of their baseline weight
in the first year with 12 to 26 treatment
sessions compared with little or no weight
loss in control participants. The average
6 percent weight loss for obese individuals
participating in high-intensity, multicom-
ponent behavioral counseling interventions
translates to a loss of about 4 to 7 kg (8.8
to 15.4 lb) over one year. Although the
USPSTF found adequate evidence that
intensive, multicomponent behavioral
interventions for obese adults can improve
physiologic risk factors for cardiovascular
disease, it found inadequate evidence about
the effectiveness of these interventions on
actual long-term cardiovascular health out-
comes. Trial results were not stratified by
BMI category, and the mean BMI across
trials was in the obese range, making it dif-
ficult to ascertain the certainty of benefit
in overweight (BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg per m
groups. The USPSTF was unable to examine
differential effects of interventions in over-
weight, as opposed to obese, individuals;
therefore, less is known about the effect of
screening and behavioral counseling inter-
ventions on outcomes for this population.
3. The correct answers are B and C. There
are concerns about the potential harms of
orlistat because of recent FDA reports of
rare severe liver disease and a lack of long-
term safety data. In clinical trials, interven-
tions that combined orlistat with behavioral
interventions resulted in weight loss and
improvement in physiologic outcomes. Orli-
stat led to an average weight loss of about
2.6 kg (5.7 lb), a decrease in waist circum-
ference of 1.9 cm, and a decrease in fasting
glucose level.
Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations to
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for and
management of obesity in adults: U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med.
LeBlanc ES, O’Connor E, Whitlock EP, Patnode CD, Kapka
T. Effectiveness of primary carerelevant treatments for
obesity in adults: a systematic evidence review for the
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med.