Important: Please print neatly or complete electronically
*This document must be completed before you vend on campus each year!*
Date of Application:
Company Name:
Primary Vendor Contact:
Detailed description of product/service:
Requested Dates for Student Alumni Union (“SAU”) Lobby:
In consideration of RIT’s permission to engage in vending activities on university property, the vendor
agrees to the following terms and conditions:
To be sponsored by an officially recognized RIT department, organization, or club; and
To arrange with the sponsoring department, organization, or club through the Vending Graduate
Assistant (Center for Campus Life), a place to conduct the business and to complete the vending
To pay the following per table/per day fees: All fees are non-negotiable.
Non-RIT (External) Vendors
One (1) table- $50.00
Two (2) tables- $75.00
Three (3) tables- $85.00
RIT Faculty/Staff/Alumni Vendors
One (1) table- $25.00
Two (2) tables - $35.00
Three (3) tables- $45.00
Permission to move outside of the SAU for vending purposes must be granted no later than 10:00 AM
on the day of your vending by Sr. Associate Director, Campus Life Complex, Laura Hellwig; you can
contact her at (585) 475-5658.
Vendors must pay table fees to the Vending Graduate Assistant or their designee with a credit card,
certified check, or cash.
Vendor agrees to at all times comply with all RIT policies and procedures, as they may be
amended from time to time at RIT’s sole discretion. In the event of a conflict between the
terms of this Agreement and an RIT policy and/or procedure, the policy and/or procedure shall
Vendors will not use the official name, trademarks, logos, seal, letterhead, pictures, records,
or any other representations of the university in promoting the business and will not, in any
other way, imply a university endorsement of the product or service being sold.
All advertisements, contracts, and promotional materials shall comply with Center for Campus
Life posting procedures to be found on the Campus Life website.
NO solicitation, recruitment, or network marketing by any vendor. There shall be no solicitation of
credit cards.
No selling of candles or other open flame devices, incense and potpourri, health/energy drinks,
cosmetics, CBD oil, torchier style lamps, including but not limited to those that use halogen,
incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, fog machines, and similar devices allowed.
No selling of tapestries and/or other fabric wall hangings (including flags).
Vendors shall provide a 100% money-back guarantee on all goods or services upon request of the
purchaser, the Sr. Associate Director, Campus Life Complex, and/or the Director of Procurement
Vendor shall comply with the following Vending policies and procedures:
A maximum of three tables per vendor/per day may be reserved.
Vendors may not conduct vending activities on campus more than fifteen days per
semester without special permission.
Vendors must remain in their designated spaces and may not assume additional
space. External tables are prohibited. No more than one external rack/display (ones that
do not go on top of the table) are allowed. Vendors who assume more than their allotted
space will be assessed a $25.00 fee and future requests to vend will be denied.
All Vendors must stay behind their allotted table at all times-NO SOLICITING is allowed
elsewhere in the lobby or building. NO DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITING is permitted in RIT
residence halls or in offices and departments. Merchandise may not be displayed in such
a way as to cover lobby display cases.
Vending may occur in the Student Alumni Union Lobby Monday through Friday 8:30
AM-5:00 PM.
Six-foot tables are provided for vendors in the SAU lobby- Only RIT tables are allowed.
Inform the Vending Graduate Assistant of all cancellations at least 24 hours prior to confirmed dates.
Failure to do so will result in no return of payment and/ or may result in loss of vending privileges at
Understand that permission to sell at the university is granted by RIT and the Center for Campus Life
and permission may be suspended or revoked at any time by an official representative of RIT, the
department, a member of the sponsoring organization, a member from the Department of Public
Safety and/or the Department of Parking and Transportation, upon their sole discretion with or without
cause. Suspension of privileges may result from activities, which include, but are not limited to:
(a) sales activity or conduct of the vendor which fails to comply with the terms of this agreement,
the general regulations of vending procedures;
(b) failure to comply with any university policy or procedure (including, but not limited to, security,
fire safety, parking, and traffic regulations) or the instruction of university officers and/or
officials. Vendors can contact the RIT Parking and Transportation Office at (585)-475-
5000 or at the Welcome Center to obtain a visitor pass;
(c) present a potential, perceived, or actual danger to the university community or any university
(d) impair normal operation of the university, its students, or its employees;
(e) rudeness to staff, students, or any member of the RIT community.
The right to vend at the university does not grant any exclusive rights to the vendor, including
but not limited to the right for exclusive sale at a particular date and time.
No responsibility is assumed by, nor will the university be responsible for, any money or losses
incurred by the vendor due to any reason, including but not limited to fire, theft, vandalism, customer
default, or personal liability.
Vendors can include their New York State Tax ID on the Vendor Agreement Form. The vendor is
responsible for reporting his/her own taxes quarterly to New York State.
Privileges are granted only for the time period indicated on each vendor agreement form.
Requests for additional tables and extended vending days may be made in writing to the Vending
Graduate Assistant ( and appealed to the Sr. Associate Director, Campus Life
Complex, Laura Hellwig (lhcc[email protected]).
The privilege to vend at RIT is non-exclusive and non-transferable.
All food sales must receive prior written approval by the Executive Director of Dining Services (or
his/her designee) through the Center for Campus Life and comply with state/local health laws.
Vendor will accept full responsibility (including financial) for any costs incurred by the university as a
result of Vendor’s actions or omissions, including those of the Vendor’s employees or agents.
Vendor shall be an independent contractor with no authority to bind RIT and shall have no other
relationship to RIT while acting as a vendor pursuant to this agreement.
Vendor shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend with competent counsel, indemnify and
hold harmless RIT, its employees, officers, trustees, and/or agents from and against all liabilities,
claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, arising out of or
resulting from the Vendor’s use of RIT’s premises.
If the vendor is a minor, a parent or legal guardian must complete and sign the vending contract and
must be present during the full vending timeframe.
COVID Compliance:
Vendors are required to complete any and all COVID compliance procedures, per
university guidelines, prior to arriving on campus. Current policies can be found at Failure to comply can result in loss of vending
Reservation dates may be subject to last-minute changes or cancelations as a result of
university policies.
Vendor’s signature: Date: ______________
Graduate Assistant’s signature: Date: ______________
Sr. Associate Director’s signature: Date: ______________
You may mail your vending agreement to: Laura Hellwig, Rochester Institute of Technology,
Campus Center Building 3 Suite 1030, 34 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623