Juniper Mist Wired Assurance
Conguraon Guide
Juniper Networks, Inc.
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Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right
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Juniper Mist Wired Assurance Conguraon Guide
Copyright © 2024 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
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The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
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Agreement ("EULA") posted at hps:// By downloading, installing or using such
soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.
Table of Contents
About This Guide | vii
Get Started
Juniper Mist Wired Assurance Overview | 2
Hardware and Soware Requirements for Your Wired Network | 3
Switch Administrator Role Requirements | 3
Deploy Your Wired Network | 6
Explore Juniper Mist Features | 8
Port Proles Overview | 9
Group-Based Policy Conguraon Overview (Mist) | 14
Switch Conguraon
Switch Conguraon Overview (Mist) | 17
Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud | 18
Switch Onboarding Prerequisites | 18
Onboard a Greeneld Switch | 19
Onboard a Browneld Switch | 19
Congure Switches | 22
Create a Switch Conguraon Template | 23
Assign a Template to Sites | 24
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs | 24
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Manually | 25
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Using the Bulk Upload Opon | 25
Verify the Switch Conguraon | 27
Switch Conguraon Opons | 29
QoS Conguraon | 65
Congure SNMP on Switches | 75
Congure SNMP at the Organizaon Level | 76
Congure SNMP at the Site Level | 78
Congure SNMP at the Device Level | 80
Congure DHCP Server or Relay on a Switch | 82
Prerequisites | 82
Congure DHCP Server | 82
Congure DHCP Relay | 89
Manage or Update Conguraon Sengs | 92
Manage Templates Sengs | 93
Update Switch Conguraon Sengs at the Site Level | 94
Add or Delete a CLI Conguraon | 94
Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch | 96
Free Up Storage Space on Your Switch | 96
Upgrade the Junos OS Soware on Your Switch | 99
Assign a Role to Switches | 103
Replace a Switch | 104
Switch Dashboards
Switch Metrics | 109
Switch Details | 110
Switch Ulies | 118
Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis Overview (Juniper Mist) | 121
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX2300, EX4650, or QFX5120 Switches | 125
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or
EX4600 Switches | 129
Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist (Add, Delete, Replace, and Modify Members) | 134
Prerequisites | 135
Replace a Member Switch in a Virtual Chassis | 136
Replace a Non-FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis | 136
Replace the FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis | 140
Renumber the Virtual Chassis Members | 144
Reassign the Virtual Chassis Member Roles | 146
Delete Virtual Chassis Members | 148
Add a Member Switch to a Virtual Chassis | 149
Campus Fabric Conguraon
Which Campus Fabric Topology to Choose | 154
How to Migrate a Tradional Enterprise Network to a Juniper Campus Fabric | 162
Congure Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming | 167
Congure Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon | 175
Congure Campus Fabric IP Clos | 185
Wired Service Levels
Service Level Expectaons (SLE) | 196
Wired SLEs Dashboard | 205
Wired Throughput SLE | 207
Wired Successful Connect SLE | 209
Switch Health SLE | 210
Switch Bandwidth SLE | 212
Troubleshoot Your Switch | 216
Cloud-Ready LED Blink Paerns | 220
Cloud-Ready Connecon Process | 223
Troubleshoot with Marvis | 224
FAQs (Mist Wired) | 224
Deploy and Manage EX Series Switches at a Branch | 228
About This Guide
Hey there! If you're looking to congure Juniper switches using the Mist portal, you've come to the right
place. The Mist portal oers essenal features for switch conguraon and management through the
Juniper Mist Assurance cloud service.
Just a heads up, if you want to congure switches through the portal, make sure you have a Mist Super
User role assigned to your account. Having this role will give you the necessary permissions and access
to perform switch conguraons within the portal. Happy conguring!
Get Started
Juniper Mist Wired Assurance Overview | 2
Hardware and Soware Requirements for Your Wired Network | 3
Switch Administrator Role Requirements | 3
Deploy Your Wired Network | 6
Explore Juniper Mist Features | 8
Port Proles Overview | 9
Group-Based Policy Conguraon Overview (Mist) | 14
Juniper Mist Wired Assurance Overview
Juniper Mist™ Wired Assurance is an AI-driven cloud service that brings some awesome benets, such
as cloud management and Mist AI, to enterprise campus switches. Wired Assurance simplies all aspects
of switch management that include device onboarding, conguraon at scale, and monitoring and
With Wired Assurance, you get real-me visibility into the health and performance of your wired
network. You can see how your switches are doing, check out service level expectaons (SLE) metrics,
and even get insights into the end user experiences.
For a quick overview of Wired Assurance, watch the following video:
Video: Mist Wired Assurance Overview
When it comes to switch conguraon, Wired Assurance lets you use conguraon templates to easily
apply consistent conguraons across all your sites and devices, providing a streamlined switch
management experience. Wired Assurance also has handy tools and features that help you troubleshoot
network issues easily.
Wired Assurance is available as a subscripon-based service right through the Juniper Mist portal.
Wired Assurance supports EX and QFX Series switches. We recommend using EX Series switches in
places where you need interoperability with Juniper Mist Access Points (APs). To nd out which
switches are supported by Juniper Mist Wired Assurance, refer to Juniper Mist Supported Hardware.
Watch the following video to understand how Wired Assurance can automate and simplify device
provisioning, deployment, and operaon.
Video: Wired Assurance - Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2+
Switch Conguraon Overview (Mist) | 17
Hardware and Soware Requirements for Your
Wired Network
Read this topic to learn about the various hardware opons and get started installing and
onboarding your devices.
Juniper provides a wide range of hardware to support your wired networking needs. Juniper Mist Wired
Assurance supports onboarding, conguraon, and management of Juniper EX Series and QFX Series
switches. Click the links below to access datasheets, quick start guides, and hardware guides for these
switches on the Juniper Mist Supported Hardware page:
EX Series Switches
QFX Series Switches
NOTE: The informaon provided on the Juniper Mist Supported Hardware page is not specic to
Wired Assurance. This page lists all the devices that can be managed through the Mist portal.
For the Wired Assurance support, the minimum required Junos OS release (rmware image) for Juniper
switches across plaorms is 18.2R3. Be aware that 18.2R3 has reached end of support. We recommend
that you upgrade to a JTAC-suggested Junos release. For the suggested releases, refer to Junos
Soware Versions – Suggested Releases to Consider and Evaluate. If you have any quesons, write to
Switch Administrator Role Requirements
Before you onboard and congure your switches, ensure that you have the required switch
administrator role.
The following table lists the available privileges for each switch administrator role (Super User,
Network Admin, Help Desk, and Observer). A check mark next to a privilege means that the user
role enjoys that privilege. An x means that the user role does not enjoy that privilege.
Privileges Super User Network
Admin (All
Sites Access)
Admin (Site
Group or
Specic Sites
Helpdesk Observer
Claim switches × × × ×
Adopt switches
Release switches × × × ×
View switch details
Access ulity tools
(ping, traceroute,
cable test, bounce
× ×
Access switch shell × ×
Reboot the switch × ×
Edit, save, and apply
switch conguraon
from the Switches
page or the Site >
Switch Conguraon
× ×
Access switch
× × × ×
Privileges Super User Network
Admin (All
Sites Access)
Admin (Site
Group or
Specic Sites
Helpdesk Observer
Assign switch
template to sites
only to roles
with access
to all sites.
Not available
to roles with
access to all
site groups or
specic sites.)
only to roles
with access
to all sites.
Not available
to roles with
access to all
site groups or
specic sites.)
Enable/disable switch
× ×
Send the switch logs
to the Mist cloud
× ×
View the Inventory
× ×
Assign to a site
only to the
opon on the
switch details
× × ×
Privileges Super User Network
Admin (All
Sites Access)
Admin (Site
Group or
Specic Sites
Helpdesk Observer
Rename the device
only to the
opon on the
switch details
× ×
Access the switch
management root
× × ×
Access to wired SLE,
wired clients, the
wired insights switch,
or wired insights
Deploy Your Wired Network
Complete these essenal tasks to set up your organizaon and sites, ensure security, install your
devices, and start conguring your network.
Table 1: Deployment Tasks and Links
Category Task More Informaon
Prerequisites Before you can congure your
wired network or onboard your
devices, you need to complete
these tasks in the Juniper Mist™
Create your organizaon, set up
at least one site, and acvate
your subscripons.
Add user accounts for other
personnel who are working with
you to deploy Juniper Mist. You
can even enable limited access
for the personnel who are
installing devices.
Congure your rewall to allow
Juniper Mist trac.
Set up other security opons as
needed. For example, manage
cercates, disable Juniper Mist
support access, or enable Single
Juniper Mist Quick Start
Firewall Conguraon: Juniper
Mist IP Addresses and Ports
Security Opons
Understand Admin Permissions Make sure that your admin account
gives you the permissions that you
need for your conguraon tasks.
"Switch Administrator Role
Requirements" on page 3
Onboard Switches Add switches to your Juniper Mist
organizaon, either in a greeneld
(new cloud-ready switches) or a
browneld (previously deployed)
"Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud"
on page 18
Table 1: Deployment Tasks and Links
Category Task More Informaon
Congure Switches Get started conguring your
switches. For large-scale
deployments, we recommend using
switch conguraon templates.
Instead of conguring each switch
individually, you can use a
conguraon template to set up
and streamline conguraons
across mulple sites.
"Congure Switches" on page 22
Explore Juniper Mist Features
Now that your wired network is up and running, explore other Juniper Mist™ features to meet your
business needs.
Here are some features we think you'll nd especially helpful.
Switch Dashboard—Track the switch performance against compliance parameters. See:
"Switch Metrics" on page 109
"Switch Details" on page 110
"Switch Ulies" on page 118
Wired Service Level Expectaons (SLEs)—Use the SLE dashboards to assess the network's user
experience and resolve any issues proacvely. See"Wired SLEs Dashboard" on page 205 .
Port Proles—Port proles provide a convenient way to manually or automacally provision switch
interfaces. See "Port Proles Overview" on page 9.
Campus Fabric—Juniper Networks campus fabrics provide a single, standards-based Ethernet VPN-
Virtual Extensible LAN (EVPN-VXLAN) soluon that you can deploy on any campus. You can deploy
campus fabrics on a two-er network with a collapsed core or a campus-wide system that involves
mulple buildings with separate distribuon and core layers. To get started, see "Which Campus
Fabric Topology to Choose" on page 154.
Group Based Policy—A group-based policy (GBP) helps you achieve microsegmentaon and
macrosegmentaon, for example to secure data and assets, in Virtual extensible Local Area Network
(VXLAN) architecture. See "Group-Based Policy Conguraon Overview (Mist)" on page 14.
Virtual Chassis—The Virtual Chassis technology enables you to connect mulple individual switches
together to form one logical unit and to manage the individual switches as a single unit. See "Virtual
Chassis Overview (Juniper Mist)" on page 121.
Port Proles Overview
Stac Port Proles | 9
Dynamic Port Proles | 10
Best Pracces in Port Conguraon | 12
Port proles provide a convenient way to manually or automacally provision switch interfaces. Mist
supports the following two types of port proles based on how a prole is assigned to a port:
Stac port proles—A stac port prole is the prole that is manually assigned to a specic switch
port. These proles are used for stac provisioning of switch ports.
Dynamic port proles—Dynamic port proles help the switch port detect the device connected to it
by using the port assignment rules congured and assign a matching prole to the port dynamically.
Dynamic port proles are used for autoprovisioning of switch ports (colorless ports).
Stac Port Proles
The stac port prole assignment involves two steps - conguring a port prole and assigning it
manually to a specic switch port. You can congure port proles from the Port Proles le on the
switch template or the switch details page. You can manually assign the prole to a port from the Port
Cong tab in the Select Switches secon of the switch template, or from the Port Conguraon secon
on the switch details page.
Video: Port Proles
Dynamic Port Proles
Dynamic port proles enable you to congure rules for dynamically assigning port proles to an
interface. When a user connects a client device to a switch port with dynamic prole conguraon, the
switch idenes the device and assigns a suitable port prole to the port. Dynamic port proling ulizes
a set of device properes of the client device to automacally associate a precongured port and
network seng to the interface. You can congure a dynamic port prole based on the various
parameters such as LLDP name and MAC address.
Dynamic port conguraon involves two steps:
1. Set up rules for dynamically assigning port proles. Here's an example of a rule that automacally
assigns the port prole 'AP' to a Mist AP. As per this rule, when the port idenes a device with a
chassis ID that starts with D4:20:B0, it assigns the 'AP' prole to the connected device.
For more informaon, see the Dynamic Port Conguraon step in "Congure Switches" on page 22.
2. Specify the ports that you want to funcon as dynamic ports. You can do this by selecng the Enable
Dynamic Conguraon check box on the Port Cong tab in the Select Switches secon of the switch
template. You can also do this at the switch level, from the Port Conguraon secon on the switch
details page.
We recommend that you create a restricted network
prole that can be assigned to unknown devices
when connected to the switch ports enabled with dynamic port conguraon. In the above example, the
port is enabled with dynamic port conguraon and is assigned with a restricted VLAN. In this case, if
the connected device doesn't match the dynamic proling aributes, it will be placed into a restricted
VLAN such as a non-routable VLAN or a guest VLAN.
NOTE: Ensure that the default or restricted VLAN used in dynamic port conguraon does not
have an acve DHCP server running. Otherwise, you might encounter stale IP address issue on
certain legacy devices.
See "Congure Switches" on page 22 for more informaon on how to congure port proles.
Video: Dynamic Port Proles (for Colorless Ports)
Best Pracces in Port Conguraon
Here are a few recommendaons for your switch ports to work seamlessly with the Mist APs:
On a trunk port, prune all the unwanted VLANs. Only the required VLANs (based on the WLAN
conguraon) should be on the port. Since the APs do not save the conguraon by default, APs
should be able to get the IP address on the nave VLAN to get connected to the cloud and get
We do not recommend port security (MAC address limit), except in the case where all WLANs are
Feel free to enable BPDU guard, as BPDUs are typically not bridged from wireless to wired
connecon on an AP unless it is a mesh base. BPDUs are data messages that are exchanged across
the switches within an extended LAN that uses a spanning tree protocol topology. BPDU packets
contain informaon on ports, addresses, priories, and costs and ensure that the data ends up where
it was intended to go.
Here is a sample port conguraon for a Juniper EX Series switch. This conguraon assumes the
existence of a dedicated management VLAN, a sta VLAN, and a guest VLAN.
interfaces {
ge-0/0/0 {
native-vlan-id 100;
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
interface-mode trunk;
vlan {
members [ management staff guest ];
vlans {
guest {
vlan-id 667;
staff {
vlan-id 200;
management {
vlan-id 100;
l3-interface irb.100;
The following example shows how to set an IP address on the management VLAN of a switch
( to be accessible from other networks (gateway of
interfaces {
ge-0/0/0 {
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode trunk;
vlan {
members [ management staff guest ];
native-vlan-id 100;
vlan {
unit 100 {
family inet {
routing-options {
static {
route next-hop;
vlans {
guest {
vlan-id 667;
staff {
vlan-id 200;
management {
vlan-id 100;
l3-interface vlan.100;
NOTE: For Juniper EX switches, we recommend that you include your switch’s management
address in the LLDP conguraon.
In this example, the VLAN 100 is used for management, and the same is adversed over LLDP.
The following sample conguraon is shown in set mode.
set interfaces irb unit 400 family inet address
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options static route no-resolve
set protocols lldp management-address
set protocols lldp port-id-subtype interface-name
set protocols lldp interface all
set protocols lldp-med interface all
Group-Based Policy Conguraon Overview (Mist)
A group-based policy (GBP) helps you achieve microsegmentaon and macrosegmentaon, for example
to secure data and assets, in Virtual extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) architecture. GBP leverages
the underlying VXLAN technology to provide locaon-agnosc endpoint access control. GBP allows you
to implement consistent security policies across the enterprise network domains, and simplies your
network conguraon as it spares you the need to congure large number of rewall lters on all your
switches. GBP blocks lateral threats by ensuring consistent applicaon of security group policies
throughout the network, regardless of the locaon of endpoints or users.
VXLAN-GBP works by leveraging reserved elds in the VXLAN header for use as a Scalable Group Tag
(SGT). You can use the SGTs to match condions in rewall lter rules. Using an SGT is more robust than
using port or Media Access Control (MAC) addresses to achieve comparable results. SGTs can be
assigned stacally (by conguring the switch on a per port or per MAC basis), or they can be congured
on the Remote Authencaon Dial in User Service (RADIUS) server and pushed to the switch through
802.1X when the user is authencated.
The segmentaon enabled by VXLAN-GBP is especially useful in campus VXLAN environments because
it provides a praccal way to create network access policies that are independent of the underlying
network topology. Segmentaon simplies the design and implementaon phases of developing
network-applicaon and endpoint-device security policies.
Watch the following video for a quick overview of GBP:
Video: Campus Fabric GBP Microsegmentaon
On the Mist portal, you can congure GBP using the switch templates (Organizaon > Switch
Templates), or directly from the switch conguraon page (Switches >
Switch Name
). The GBP
conguraon involves creang GBP tags and including them in switch policies. The GBP tags enable you
to group users and resources. In a GBP, you match a user group tag to a resource group tag to provide
the specied users access to the specied resources.
The following video takes you through the steps involved in conguring a GBP:
Video: Group Based Policy Demo
See also: Microsegmentaon with GBP Using Mist Wired Assurance.
Switch Conguraon
Switch Conguraon Overview (Mist) | 17
Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud | 18
Congure Switches | 22
Switch Conguraon Opons | 29
QoS Conguraon | 65
Congure SNMP on Switches | 75
Congure DHCP Server or Relay on a Switch | 82
Manage or Update Conguraon Sengs | 92
Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch | 96
Assign a Role to Switches | 103
Replace a Switch | 104
Switch Conguraon Overview (Mist)
The Mist portal is a handy tool that simplies the whole switch conguraon process. One of its cool
features is the template-based, hierarchical conguraon model. Instead of conguring each switch
individually, you can use a conguraon template to set up and streamline conguraons across
mulple sites. See "Create a Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23 for more informaon on how
to congure switches.
Any device connected to a parcular site will inherit the template sengs applied to that site. The
conguraon inheritance model follows this hierarchy: organizaon-level template > site-level
conguraon > device-level conguraon. In this hierarchy, the template provides the global sengs
that are applied to all the switches managed by it. Any site-specic updates will apply to all the devices
in a site. You can congure any device-specic conguraon updates (such as, adding hostname, switch
role, and IRB interfaces) at the individual switch-level.
When a conict between the organizaon-level template sengs and site-level conguraon sengs
occurs, the narrower sengs override the broader sengs. For example, when sengs at both the
template and site levels apply to the same device, the narrower sengs (in this case, site sengs)
override the broader sengs dened at the template or organizaon level.
The conguraon template also has opons to include CLI commands in the set format to congure
addional sengs, for which the template doesn't provide GUI opons.
Also, you can use the port conguraon feature in the organizaon template to create dierent port
conguraon rules for each of the switch models found in the organizaon. For more informaon, see
"Port Proles Overview" on page 9.
To further simplify your conguraon tasks, Mist also provides an opon to use site variables to
streamline the switch conguraon. Site variables, congured at Organizaon > Site Conguraon > Site
Variables, provide a way to use tags to represent real values so that the value can vary according to the
context where you use the variable. This means the same variable can congure dierent values in
dierent sites. The elds that support conguraon through site variable have a help text showing the
site variable conguraon format underneath them.
To congure site variables, follow the steps provided in Congure Site Variables.
Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud
Switch Onboarding Prerequisites | 18
Onboard a Greeneld Switch | 19
Onboard a Browneld Switch | 19
NOTE: Ignore the steps in this topic if your switches are already onboarded to the Mist cloud.
To congure and manage a switch through Juniper Mist cloud, you must ensure that the switch is added
to the Mist cloud. To see the switch models supported by Mist, visit Juniper Mist Supported Hardware.
You can add greeneld or browneld switches to the Mist cloud.
In this context, greeneld switches are new cloud-ready switches, while browneld switches are the
switches that are being brought into the Juniper Mist cloud architecture from a previous deployment.
Switch Onboarding Prerequisites
Before you onboard a switch:
Ensure that you have a Juniper Mist Wired Assurance Subscripon, and login credenals for the
Juniper Mist portal. To get started with Mist, follow the instrucons in Quick Start: Mist.
Ensure that the switch is connected to a DNS server (an NTP server is also recommended), and is
able to connect to the Juniper Mist cloud architecture over the Internet.
If there is a rewall between the cloud and the switch, allow outbound access on TCP port 2200 to
the management port of the switch.
Onboard a Greeneld Switch
You can onboard a single greeneld, cloud-ready switch to the Mist cloud via the Mist AI Mobile App.
However, if want to onboard mulple cloud-ready switches together, you can do that via the Juniper
Mist portal, by using the acvaon code associated with the purchase order.
To onboard a greeneld switch, follow the instrucons in Quick Start: Cloud-Ready EX and QFX
Switches with Mist.
For a quick demo, watch the following video:
Video: Onboard One or More Switches Using a Web Browser
Onboard a Browneld Switch
It is important to back up your exisng Junos OS conguraon on the switch before acvang a
browneld switch because when the switch is adopted for management from the Juniper Mist cloud, the
old conguraon is replaced. Back up your exisng Junos OS conguraon by running the request system
configuration rescue save command, which saves the currently acve conguraon and any installaon-
specic parameters.
In this procedure, you will make a few conguraon changes to the Juniper Mist portal, and some to the
switch using the Junos OS CLI. Be sure you can log in to both systems.
To onboard a browneld switch to the Mist cloud:
1. Log in to your organizaon on the Juniper Mist cloud and then click Organizaon > Inventory in the
2. Select Switches at the top of the page that appears, and then click the Adopt Switch buon in the
upper-right corner to generate the Junos OS CLI commands needed for the interoperability. The
commands create a Juniper Mist user account, and a SSH connecon to the Juniper Mist cloud over
TCP port 2200 (the switch connecon is from a management interface and is used for conguraon
sengs and sending telemetry data).
Figure 1: The Switch Adopon Page
3. In the page that appears, click Copy to Clipboard to get the commands from the Juniper Mist cloud.
4. Log in to the switch via Junos OS CLI.
5. In the CLI, type edit to start conguraon mode, and then paste the commands you just copied
(type top if you are not already at the base level of the hierarchy).
6. If you want to add a system message, use the following command:
user@host# set system login message
message text here
7. You can conrm your updates on the switch by running show commands at the [system services] level
of the hierarchy, and again at the [system login user
] level of the hierarchy.
show system services
ssh {
protocol-version v2;
netconf {
outbound-ssh {
client juniper-mist {
device-id 550604ec-12df-446c-b9b0-eada61808414;
secret "trimmed"; ## SECRET-DATA
keep-alive {
retry 3;
timeout 5;
services netconf; {
port 2200;
retry 1000;
timeout 60;
dhcp-local-server {
group guest {
interface irb.188;
group employee {
interface irb.189;
group management {
interface irb.180;
show system login user juniper-mist
user@Switch-1# show system login user juniper-mist
class super-user;
authentication {
encrypted-password "$trimmed ## SECRET-DATA
8. Run the commit command to save the conguraon.
9. On the Juniper Mist portal, click Organizaon > Inventory > Switches and select the switch you just
10. Click the More drop-down list at the top of the page, and then click the Assign to Site buon.
11. In the page that appears, choose which site you want to assign the switch to, and then select
Manage conguraon with Mist.
For a quick demo, watch the following video:
Video: Onboard a Browneld Switch
Congure Switches
Create a Switch Conguraon Template | 23
Assign a Template to Sites | 24
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs | 24
Verify the Switch Conguraon | 27
We recommend that all switches in an organizaon be managed exclusively through the Juniper Mist
cloud, and not from the device’s CLI.
The process of conguring a switch with Juniper Mist™ Wired Assurance involves two main steps:
creang a switch conguraon template and applying it to one or mulple sites. The conguraon
sengs linked to a parcular site will be applied to the switches within that site. This allows you to
manage and apply consistent and standardized conguraons across your network infrastructure,
making the conguraon process more ecient and streamlined.
For a quick overview of the switch templates, watch the following video:
Video: Conguraon Models (Global Templates)
To congure a switch, you need to have a Super User role assigned to you. This role grants you the
necessary permissions to make changes and customize the switch sengs.
To nd out which switches are supported by Juniper Mist Wired Assurance, refer to Juniper Mist
Supported Hardware.
Create a Switch Conguraon Template
Switch conguraon templates make it easy to apply the same sengs to switches across your sites.
Whether it's one site or mulple sites, you can use the template to quickly congure new switches.
When you assign a switch to a site, it automacally adopts the conguraon from the associated
NOTE: Conguraon done on the switch through the Mist dashboard overrides any
conguraon done through the device CLI. The switch details page doesn’t display any
conguraon changes you make directly on the switch through the switch CLI.
To create a switch conguraon template:
1. Open the Juniper Mist™ portal and click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click Create Template, enter a name for the template in the Template Name eld, and then click
The Switch Templates page appears. The selected template is idened at the top of the page.
NOTE: If you prefer, you can import the template sengs in a JSON le instead of manually
entering the informaon. To import the sengs, click Import Template. To get a JSON le
with the conguraon sengs that can be customized and imported, open an exisng
conguraon template of your choice and click Export. For more informaon, refer to
"Manage Templates Sengs" on page 93.
3. Enter your sengs in these secons:
"All Switches" on page 30
"Management" on page 46
"Shared Elements" on page 48
"Select Switches Conguraon" on page 57
"Switch Policy Labels (Beta)" on page 62
"Switch Policy (Beta)" on page 64
4. Click Save to save the switch template.
The Conrm changes window appears.
5. Click Save on the Conrm changes window.
The template is saved. To view the new template, go to Organizaon > Switch Templates.
Assign a Template to Sites
Aer creang a switch conguraon template, you need to assign it to the relevant sites. This ensures
that the conguraon sengs are applied to the devices within those sites. You have the exibility to
apply the template to a single site or mulple sites, depending on your specic requirements.
To assign a template to one or mulple sites:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
The Switch Templates page appears.
2. Click the template that you want to assign to sites.
The Switch Templates:
page appears.
3. Click Assign to Sites.
The Assign Template to Sites window appears.
4. Select the sites to which you want to apply the template and then click Apply.
Alternavely, you can apply a template to a site from the Site Conguraon page, using the following
1. Click Site > Switch Conguraon.
2. Click a site from the list to open it.
3. Select a template from the Conguraon Template eld, and then click Save.
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Manually | 25
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Using the Bulk Upload Opon | 25
You need to congure certain parameters on individual switches. This can be specic to each switch and
cannot be congured via the template. The switch-specic sengs could include a switch name, role,
management interface (out of band), and an IRB interface. You can either congure the sengs manually
on the individual switches, or import the sengs.
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Manually
To congure addional switch-level conguraon sengs manually:
1. Click Switches.
2. From the List tab, click the switch you want to edit.
3. Congure the switch-specic sengs that include the following:
INFO— Congure the details on the INFO tab. The details include a hostname for the switch and
the role of the switch in the network (example: Access).
IP Conguraon (Out of Band)—The management interface sengs. If you want to override these
sengs, select the Override Site/Template Sengs check box, and then make the changes. You
can specify if the IP address is stac or DHCP-based. You can also enable or disable Dedicated
Management VRF (out of band). For all standalone devices or Virtual Chassis running Junos
version 21.4 or later, this feature connes the management interface to non-default virtual
roung and forwarding (VRF) instances. Management trac no longer has to share a roung table
with other control trac or protocol trac.
IP Conguraon—The IRB interface sengs for inter-VLAN roung. If you want to override these
sengs, select the Override Site/Template Sengs check box, and then make the changes. You
can specify if the IP address is stac or DHCP-based. You can specify mulple IP addresses in the
Addional IP Conguraon secon.
NOTE: If the IP address specied in the Addional IP Conguraon secon under IP
Conguraon does not fall within the scope of the subnet congured in the associated
network (VLAN), the IP Conguraon window displays a warning message to indicate the
Port Conguraon—Congure switch ports and apply port proles to them.
4. If you want to override the template sengs applied to the switch, follow these steps:
a. Select the Override Site/Template Sengs check box in relevant les.
b. Edit the sengs and then click Save. The changes are immediately applied to the switch.
Congure Switch-Specic Sengs Using the Bulk Upload Opon
If you don't want to manually congure the switch-specic sengs on each switch, you can congure
the sengs by uploading them through a CSV le. You can upload the sengs for one or more switches
at once. You can upload the following sengs: MAC address, serial number, switch name, switch role,
router-ID, IP conguraon (OOB), Primary IP (In-Band), and Default Gateway (In-Band).
To upload the switch level sengs:
1. Click Switches.
2. From the List tab, select the switches you want to congure.
You can select one or more switches. These switches can be in connected or disconnected state. You
can select switches regardless of whether they have conguraon management enabled in Mist or
not. However, we recommend that you disable conguraon management on the devices before you
perform this conguraon update, and enable it back aer the switch conguraon update is
completed. This approach prevents any unwanted conguraon overrides.
3. Click Bulk Upload Conguraon. The Bulk Upload Conguraons window appears.
4. Download a sample CSV le from the Bulk Upload Conguraons window by clicking Download
Device List.
If you don't need a sample le, you can use your own custom conguraon le directly.
If you want any networks or L3 interfaces/sub Interfaces conguraon to be present in
the sample CSV downloaded, specify those on the Bulk Upload Conguraons window
before downloading the le. The downloaded sample le includes elds to congure
sengs for the specied networks and interfaces. The network selecon allows you to
congure addional IP addresses on individual devices as IRB interfaces.
You can add only one VLAN to an L3 sub interface. Only the networks created in the
switch conguraon or switch template can be added to the L3 sub interface
5. Update it with the required informaon in accordance with the guidelines provided in the sample
All elds except Name, IP Conguraon ( OOB), and Primary IP (In-Band ) are oponal.
The header row must be the rst row in the CSV le. Don't modify the MAC addresses
and the serial numbers in the CSV le.
If any eld in the CSV le is le empty, the corresponding eld on the switch conguraon
will be updated with a null value. This means any exisng value for that eld will be
removed from the switch conguraon.
6. Aer you update the conguraon le, use the Drag and Drop or Click to Upload CSV File opon to
upload it.
You can use the guidelines on the Bulk Upload Conguraons window to perform the upload.
7. When you open the le to be uploaded from le upload window, the UI page loads the conguraon
in an editable format as shown below,
If the CSV le does not contain informaon for some of the switches you selected, the
conguraon will not be pushed to those switches (the ones that are missing in the le).
If the CSV le contains informaon for switches you haven't selected, the conguraon
will not be pushed to those switches either.
8. Aer making any further changes (if required), click Save.
A conrmaon message, indicang the number of devices updated, is displayed.
Verify the Switch Conguraon
You can easily review the conguraon applied to your switches and make any updates through the
"switch details" on page 110 page on the Mist portal.
To access the switch details page:
1. On the Mist portal, click the Switches tab on the le menu to open the Switches page.
2. On the List tab, click a switch to open the switch details page.
When the switch details page opens, you'll nd yourself on the Front Panel tab. This tab gives you a
comprehensive overview of the switch's port panel.
To check the conguraon and status of a specic port, hover over that port in the front panel
illustraon. For instance, if you hover over port ge-0/0/45 in the following example, you'll see
informaon indicang that a Mist AP is connected to that port. The displayed informaon also includes
details about speed, power, the IP address, and more.
Click the port on the front panel illustraon to see a more detailed view. From this view, you can
perform tasks such as accessing the connected devices (for example, APs), viewing switch insights and
eding the port conguraon.
On the switch details page, you can also nd informaon about switch events such as conguraon
changes in the "Switch Insights" on page 116 secon.
If you want to download the conguraon in a text le, select the Download Junos Cong opon on the
Ulies drop-down list on the switch details page.
To see the complete conguraon applied to the switch, simply scroll down to the Switch Conguraon
secon. From there, you can view and, if needed, edit the conguraon elements.
If required, you can update the sengs at the switch level, site level, or template level. You can also use
CLI commands to congure features that the predened drop-down lists and text elds on the Mist
portal do not support. For more informaon on how to update the sengs, refer to "Manage or Update
Conguraon Sengs" on page 92.
Manage or Update Conguraon Sengs | 92
Switch Details | 110
No Link Title
Switch Conguraon Opons
Use this informaon to congure your switches.
Overview | 29
All Switches | 30
Management | 46
Shared Elements | 48
Shared Elements—Port Proles | 50
Select Switches Conguraon | 57
Switch Policy Labels (Beta) | 62
Switch Policy (Beta) | 64
You can enter switch sengs at the organizaon level or the site level.
To congure organizaon-wide sengs, select Organizaon > Switch Templates from the le menu
of the Juniper Mist portal. Then create your template and apply it to one or more sites or site groups.
To congure switch sengs at the site level, select Site > Switch Conguraon from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist portal. Then select the site that you want to set up, and enter your switch sengs.
If an organizaon-level switch template was assigned to the site, the site conguraon will appear in
view-only mode. You can keep the sengs from the template or make adjustments. In each secon
of the page, you can select Override Conguraon Template and then enter your changes. These
changes will apply only to this site, not to the template.
The following example shows how to override a template and set a site-specic root password.
NOTE: The elds that support conguraon through site variable have a help text showing the
site variable conguraon format underneath them. To congure site variables, follow the steps
provided in Congure Site Variables. For more informaon about the switch conguraon
process and switch templates, see "Congure Switches" on page 22.
At both the organizaon and site levels, the switch sengs are grouped into secons as described
All Switches
Congure these opons in the All Switches secon of the Organizaon > Switch Templates page and the
Site > Switch Conguraon page.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
RADIUS Choose an authencaon server for validang
usernames and passwords, cercates, or other
authencaon factors provided by users.
Mist Auth—Select this opon if you want to
congure Juniper Mist Access Assurance, a cloud-
based authencaon service from Mist, on your
switch. For this opon to work, you also need to
use a port with dot1x or MAB authencaon. For
more informaon, see the 'Introducing Mist Access
Assurance' secon on this product updates page.
NOTE: Mist Auth on wired switches requires Junos
20.4R3-S7 or above, 22.3R3 or above, 22.4R2 or
above, or 23.1R1 or above.
To congure Mist Access Assurance features such
as authencaon policies, policy label, cercates,
and identy providers, navigate to Organizaon >
RADIUS—Select this opon to congure a RADIUS
authencaon server and an accounng server, for
enabling dot1x port authencaon at the switch
level. For the dot1x port authencaon to work,
you also need to create a port prole that uses
dot1x authencaon, and you must assign that
prole to a port on the switch.
The default port numbers are:
port 1812 for the authencaon server
port 1813 for the accounng server
NOTE: If you want to set up RADIUS authencaon
for Switch Management access (for the switch CLI
login), you need to include the following CLI
commands in the Addional CLI Commands secon in
the template:
set system authentication-order radius
set system radius-server
port 1812
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
set system radius-server
set system radius-server
set system login user remote class
For RADIUS or TACACS+ local authencaon to the
Switch, it is necessary to create a remote user account
or a dierent login class. To use dierent login classes
for dierent RADIUS-authencated users, create
mulple user templates in the Junos OS conguraon
by using the following CLI commands in the Addional
CLI Commands secon:
set system login user RO class read-only
set system login user OP class operator
set system login user SU class super-user
set system login user remote full-name "default
remote access user template"
set system login user remote class read-only
TACACS+ Congure TACACS+ for centralized user
authencaon on network devices. Addionally, you
can enable TACACS+ accounng on the device to
gather stascal data about user logins and logouts on
a LAN, and send this data to a TACACS+ accounng
The port range supported for TACACS+ and
accounng servers is 1 to 65535.
NOTE: For TACACS+ to authencate into the Switch, a
similar login user as dened in the RADIUS secon
above needs to be created.
NTP Specify the IP address or hostname of the Network
Time Protocol (NTP) server. NTP is used to synchronize
the clocks of the switch and other hardware devices on
the Internet.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
DNS SETTINGS Congure the domain name server (DNS) sengs. You
can congure up to three DNS IP addresses and
suxes in comma separated format.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
SNMP Congure Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) on the switch to support network
management and monitoring. You can congure the
SNMPv2 or SNMPv3. Here are the SNMP opons that
you can congure:
Opons under SNMPv2 (V2)
General—Specify the system's name, locaon,
administrave contact informaon, and a brief
descripon of the managed system. When
using SNMPv2, you have the opon to specify
the source address for SNMP trap packets sent
by the device. If you don't specify a source
address, the address of the outgoing interface is
used by default.
Client—Dene a list of SNMP clients. You can
add mulple client lists. This conguraon
includes a name for the client list and IP
addresses of the clients (in comma separated
format). Each client list can have mulple
clients. A client is a prex with /32 mask.
Trap Group—Create a named group of hosts to
receive the specied trap nocaons. At least
one trap group must be congured for SNMP
traps to be sent. The conguraon includes the
following elds:
Group Name—Specify a name for the trap
Categories—Choose from the following list
of categories. You can select mulple
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
Targets—Specify the target IP addresses.
You can specify mulple targets.
Version—Specify the version number of
SNMP traps.
Community—Dene an SNMP community. An
SNMP community is used to authorize SNMP
clients by their source IP address. It also
determines the accessibility and permissions
(read-only or read-write) for specic MIB
objects dened in a view. You can include a
client list, authorizaon informaon, and a view
in the community conguraon.
View(Applicable to both SNMPv2 and
SNMPv3)—Dene a MIB view to idenfy a
group of MIB objects. Each object in the view
shares a common object idener (OID) prex.
MIB views allow an agent to have more control
over access to specic branches and objects
within its MIB tree. A view is made up of a
name and a collecon of SNMP OIDs, which
can be explicitly included or excluded.
Opons under SNMPv3 (V3)
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
General—Specify the system's name, locaon,
administrave contact informaon, and a brief
descripon of the managed system. When
using SNMPv2, congure an engine ID, which
serves as a unique idener for SNMPv3
USM—Congure the user-based security model
(USM) sengs. This conguraon includes a
username, authencaon type, and an
encrypon type. You can congure a local
engine or a remote engine for USM. If you
select a remote engine, specify an engine
idener in hexadecimal format. This ID is used
to compute the security digest for
authencang and encrypng packets sent to a
user on the remote host. If you specify the
Local Engine opon, the engine ID specied on
the General tab is considered. If no engine ID is
specied, local mist is congured as the default
VACM—Dene a view-based access control
model (VACM). A VACM lets you set access
privileges for a group. You can control access by
ltering the MIB objects available for read,
write, and nofy operaons using a predened
view (you must dene the required views rst
from the Views tab). Each view can be
associated with a specic security model (v1,
v2c, or usm) and security level (authencated,
privacy, or none). You can also apply security
sengs (you have the opon to use already
dened USM sengs here) to the access group
from the Security to Group sengs.
Nofy— Select SNMPv3 management targets
for nocaons, and specify the nocaon
type. To congure this, assign a name to the
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
nocaon, choose the targets or tags that
should receive the nocaons, and indicate
whether it should be a trap (unconrmed) or an
inform (conrmed) nocaon.
Target—Congure the message processing and
security parameters for sending nocaons to
a parcular management target. You can also
specify the target IP address here.
View(Applicable to both SNMPv2 and
SNMPv3)—Dene a MIB view to idenfy a
group of MIB objects. Each object in the view
shares a common object idener (OID) prex.
MIB views allow an agent to have more control
over access to specic branches and objects
within its MIB tree. A view is made up of a
name and a collecon of SNMP OIDs, which
can be explicitly included or excluded.
For more informaon, see "Congure SNMP on
Switches" on page 75.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
STATIC ROUTE Congure stac routes. The switch uses stac routes
It doesn't have a route with a beer (lower)
preference value.
It can't determine the route to a desnaon.
It needs to forward packets that can't be routed.
Types of stac routes supported:
Subnet—If you select this opon, specify the IP
addresses for the desnaon network and the next
Network—If you select this opon, specify a VLAN
(containing a VLAN ID and a subnet) and the next
hop IP address.
MetricThe metric value for the stac route. This
value helps determine the best route among
mulple routes to a desnaon. Range: 0 to
PreferenceThe preference value is used to select
routes to desnaons in external autonomous
systems (ASs) or roung domains. Routes within an
AS are selected by the IGP and are based on that
protocol’s metric or cost value. Range: 0 to
Discard—If you select this check box, packets
addressed to this desnaon are dropped. Discard
takes precedence over other parameters.
Aer specifying the details, click the check mark ()
on the upper right of the Add Stac Route window to
add the conguraon to the template.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
CLI CONFIGURATION To congure any addional sengs that are not
available in the template's GUI, you can use set CLI
For instance, you can set up a custom login message to
display a warning to users, advising them not to make
any CLI changes directly on the switch. Here's an
example of how you can do it:
set system login message \n\n Warning! This switch
is managed by Mist. Do not make any CLI changes.
To delete a CLI command that was already added, use
the delete command, as shown in the following
delete system login message \n\n Warning! This
switch is managed by Mist. Do not make any CLI
NOTE: Ensure that you enter the complete CLI
command for the conguraon to be successful.
OSPF From this le, you can:
Dene an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) area.
OSPF is a link-state roung protocol used to
determine the best path for forwarding IP packets
within an IP network. OSPF divides a network into
areas to improve scalability and control the ow of
roung informaon. For more informaon about
OSPF areas, see this Junos documentaon:
Conguring OSPF Areas.
Enable or disable OSPF conguraon on the
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
DHCP SNOOPING Enable the DHCP snooping opon to monitor DHCP
messages from untrusted devices connected to the
switch. DHCP snooping creates a database to keep
track of these messages. This helps prevent the
acceptance of DHCPOFFER packets on untrusted
ports, assuming they originate from unauthorized
DHCP servers.
DHCP conguraon has the following opons:
All Networks— Select the All Networks check box
to enable DHCP snooping on all VLANs.
Networks—If you want to enable DHCP snooping
only on specic networks, click Add (+) in the
Networks box and add the required VLANs.
Address Resoluon Protocol (ARP) Inspecon—
Enable this feature to block any man-in-the-middle
aacks. ARP Inspecon examines the source MAC
address in ARP packets received on untrusted
ports. It validates the address against the DHCP
snooping database. If the source MAC address
does not have a matching entry (IP-MAC binding)
in the database, it drops the packets.
You can check ARP stascs by using the following
CLI commands: show dhcp-security arp inspection
statistics, and show log messages | match DAI.
The device logs the number of invalid ARP packets
that it receives on each interface, along with the
sender’s IP and MAC addresses. You can use these
log messages to discover ARP spoong on the
IP Source Guard—IP source guard validates the
source IP and MAC addresses received on
untrusted ports against entries in the DHCP
snooping database. If the source addresses do not
have matching entries in the database, IP Source
Guard discards the packet.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
NOTE: IP Source Guard works only with single-
supplicant 802.1X user authencaon mode.
If you have a DHCP server connected to an
untrusted access port, DHCP won't funcon
properly. In such cases, you may need to make
adjustments to ensure that DHCP works as
intended. By default, DHCP considers all trunk
ports as trusted and all access ports as untrusted.
You need to enable VLAN on the switch for the
DHCP snooping conguraon to take eect. So,
you need to create a port prole (described later in
this document) with the VLAN included and apply
the prole to the switch port.
A device with a stac IP address might not have a
matching MAC-IP binding in the DHCP snooping
database, if you have connected the device to an
untrusted port on the switch. To check the DHCP
snooping database on your switch and view the
bindings, use the CLI command show dhcp-security
binding. This command will provide you with
informaon about the DHCP bindings recorded in the
snooping database.
For more informaon, see DHCP Snooping and Port
Security Consideraons.
NOTE: You need to enable this feature if you want to
view the DHCP issues for the switch under the
Successful Connect SLE metric.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
SYSLOG Congure SYSLOG sengs to set up how system log
messages are handled. You can congure sengs to
send the system log messages to les, remote
desnaons, user terminals, or to the system console.
Here are the conguraon opons available for
SYSLOG sengs:
Files—Send log messages to a named le.
Hosts—Send log messages to a remote locaon.
This could be an IP address or hostname of a
device that will be noed whenever those log
messages are generated.
Users—Nofy a specic user of the log event.
Console—Send log messages of a specied class
and severity to the console. Log messages include
priority informaon, which provides details about
the facility and severity levels of the log messages.
Archive—Dene parameters for archiving log
General—Specify general informaon such as a
me format, roung instance, and source address
for the log messages.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
PORT MIRRORING Congure port mirroring.
Port mirroring is the ability of a router to send a copy
of a packet to an external host address or a packet
analyzer for analysis. In the port mirroring
conguraon, you can specify the following:
Input: The source (an interface or network) of the
trac to be monitored. Along with the input, you
can specify whether you want Mist to monitor the
ingress trac or the egress trac for an interface.
If you want both ingress and egress trac to be
monitored, add two input entries for the same
interface - one with the ingress ag and the other
with the egress ag.
Output: The desnaon interface to which you
want to mirror the trac. You cannot specify the
same interface or network in both the input and
output elds.
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
Roung Policy Congure roung policies for the enre organizaon
(Organizaon > Switch Templates) or for a site (Site >
Switch Conguraon). These roung policies will only
be pushed to the switch conguraon if it is ed to the
BGP Roung Protocol. The Roung policies that are
already dened inside the BGP tab of a switch will now
appear on the Roung Policy tab. The roung policies
are ed to protocols such as BGP or OSPF. A roung
policy framework is composed of default rules for each
roung protocol. These rules determine which routes
the protocol places in the roung table and adverses
from the roung table. Conguraon of a roung
policy involves dening terms, which consist of match
condions and acons to apply to matching routes.
To congure a roung policy:
1. Click Add Roung Policy on the Roung Policy le.
2. Provide a name to the policy, and then click Add
3. Provide a name to the term and specify other
match details such as:
AS Path
Community—A route aribute used by BGP to
administravely group routes with similar
Then—Then acon (Accept or Reject) to be
applied on the matching routes.
Add Acon—Addional acons such as prepend
AS path, set community, and set local
Table 2: All Switches Conguraon Opons
Field Descripon
4. Click the check mark () on the right of the Add
Term tle to save the term. You can add mulple
5. Click Add to save the roung policy.
Congure these opons in the Management secon of the Organizaon > Switch Templates page and
the Site > Switch Conguraon page.
Table 3: Management Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Conguraon Revert Timer This feature helps restore connecvity between a
switch and the Mist cloud if a conguraon change
causes the switch to lose connecon. It automacally
reverts the changes made by a user and reconnects to
the cloud within a specied me duraon. By default,
this me duraon is set to 10 minutes for EX Series
switches. You can specify a dierent me duraon.
Root Password A plain-text password for the root-level user (whose
username is root).
Table 3: Management Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Protecon of Roung Engine Enable this feature to ensure that the Roung Engine
accepts trac only from trusted systems. This
conguraon creates a stateless rewall lter that
discards all trac desned for the Roung Engine,
except packets from specied trusted sources.
Protecng the Roung Engine involves ltering
incoming trac on the router’s lo0 interface. Enabling
Protecon of Roung Engine on Juniper Switches is
suggested as the best pracce.
When Protecon of Roung Engine is enabled, Mist by
default ensures that the following services (if
congured) are allowed to communicate with the
switch: BGP, BFD, NTP, DNS, SNMP, TACACS, and
If you need addional services that need access to the
switch, you can use the Trusted Networks or Services
secon. If you want to set up access to the switch via
ssh, select the ssh opon under Trusted Services. If you
need to allow switch to respond to pings, select the
icmp opon under Trusted Services.
If you have other segments that you would like to
reach the switch from, you can add them under Trusted
Networks or Trusted IP/Port/Protocol.
For more informaon, refer to Example: Conguring a
Stateless Firewall Filter to Accept Trac from Trusted
Sources and Example: Conguring a Stateless Firewall
Filter to Protect Against TCP and ICMP Floods.
Idle Timeout The maximum number of minutes that a remote shell
session can be idle. When this limit is reached, users
are logged out. (Valid Range: 1-60).
Login Banner Enter text that you want users to see when they log in
to the switch. Example: “Warning! This switch is
managed by Juniper Mist. Do not make any CLI
changes.” You can enter up to 2048 characters.
Shared Elements
Congure these opons in the Shared Elements secon of the Organizaon > Switch Templates page
and the Site > Switch Conguraon page.
Table 4: Shared Elements Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Networks Add or update VLANs, which you can then use in your
port proles.
For each VLAN, enter the name, VLAN ID, and subnet.
See the on-screen informaon for more ps.
Port Proles Add or update port proles. For help with the prole
opons, see the on-screen ps and "Shared Elements—
Port Proles" on page 50.
Table 4: Shared Elements Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Dynamic Port Conguraon Dynamic port proling uses a set of device properes
of the connected client device to automacally
associate pre-congured port and network sengs to
the interface.
You can congure a dynamic port prole based on the
following parameters:
LLDP System Name
LLDP Descripon
LLDP Chassis ID
Radius Username
Radius Filter-ID
MAC (Ethernet mac-address)
In this example, the rule applies a port prole to all
devices with the specied LLDP system name.
Table 4: Shared Elements Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
For your dynamic port conguraons to take eect,
you also need to specify the ports that you want to
funcon as dynamic ports. You can do this by selecng
the Enable Dynamic Conguraon check box on the
Port Cong tab in the Select Switches secon of the
switch template or in the Port Conguraon secon of
the switch details page.
It takes a couple of minutes for a port prole to be
applied a port aer a client is recognized, and a couple
of minutes aer that for the port prole assignment
status to appear on the Mist portal.
In case of switch reboots or a mass link up or down
event aecng all ports on a switch, it takes
approximately 20 minutes for all the ports to be
assigned to the right prole (assuming that dynamic
port conguraon is enabled on all the ports).
VRF With VRF, you can divide an EX Series switch into
mulple virtual roung instances, eecvely isolang
the trac within the network. You can dene a name
for the VRF, specify the networks associated with it,
and include any addional routes needed.
NOTE: You can't assign the default network (VLAN ID
= 1) to VRF.
Shared Elements—Port Proles
In the "Shared Elements" on page 48 secon, you can congure port proles. These opons appear
when you click Add Prole or when you click a prole to edit.
For general informaon about proles, see "Port Proles Overview" on page 9.
If you're working at the site level, you might see asterisks (*) next to the port prole names.
These port proles were created in the switch template. If you click them, you'll see the
sengs in view-only mode. To make site-specic changes (aecng only this site and not the
switch template itself), select Override Template Dened Prole and then edit the sengs.
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Name, Port Enabled, and Descripon Basic sengs to idenfy and enable the port.
Trunk—Trunk interfaces typically connect to other
switches, APs, and routers on the LAN. In this
mode, the interface can be in mulple VLANs and
can mulplex trac between dierent VLANs.
Specify the Port Network, VoIP Network (if
applicable), and Trunk Networks.
Access—Default mode. Access interfaces typically
connect to network devices, such as PCs, printers,
IP phones, and IP cameras. In this mode, the
interface can be in a single VLAN only. Specify the
Port Network and the VoIP Network (if applicable).
Port Network and VoIP Network—Select the
VLANs for this port.
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Use dot1x authencaon Select this opon to enable IEEE 802.1X
authencaon for Port-Based Network Access
Control. 802.1X authencaon is supported on
interfaces that are members of private VLANs
The following opons are available if you enable dot1x
authencaon on a port:
Allow Mulple Supplicants—Select this opon to
allow mulple end devices to connect to the port.
Each device is authencated individually.
Dynamic VLAN—Specify dynamic VLANs that will
be returned by the RADIUS server aribute
'tunnel-private-group-ID' or 'Egress-VLAN-Name'.
This conguraon enables a port to perform
dynamic VLAN assignment.
MAC authencaon—Select this opon to enable
MAC authencaon for the port. When this opon
is selected, you can also specify an Authencaon
Protocol. If you specify a protocol, it must be used
by supplicants to provide authencaon
Use Guest Network—Select this opon to use a
guest network for authencaon. Then select a
Guest Network from the drop-down list.
Bypass authencaon when server is down—If you
select this opon, clients can join the network
without authencaon if the server is down.
You need to also do the following for dot1x
authencaon to work:
Congure a RADIUS server for dot1x
authencaon from the Authencaon Servers le
in the All Switches Conguraon secon of the
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Assign a dot1x port prole to a switch port for the
RADIUS conguraon to be pushed to the switch.
You can do this from the Port Cong tab in the
Select Switches Conguraon secon of the
Speed Keep the default seng, Auto, or select a speed
Duplex Keep the default seng, Auto, or select a Half or Full.
MAC Limit Congure the maximum number of MAC addresses
that can be dynamically learned by an interface. When
the interface exceeds the congured MAC limit, it
drops the frames. A MAC limit also results in a log
The default value: 0
Supported range: 0 through 16383
PoE Enable the port to support power over Ethernet (PoE).
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
STP Edge Congure the port as a Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
edge port, if you want to enable Bridge Protocol Data
Unit (BPDU) guard on a port. This seng ensures that
the port is treated as an edge port and guards against
the recepon of BPDUs, which are control messages in
the STP. If you plug a non-edge device into a port
congured with STP Edge, the port is disabled. In
addion, the Switch Insights page generates a Port
BPDU Blocked event. The Front Panel on the "Switch
Details" on page 110 will also display a BPDU Error for
this port.
You can clear the port of the BPDU error by selecng
the port on the Front Panel and then clicking Clear
BPDU Errors.
You can also congure STP Edge at the switch level,
from the Port Prole secon on the switch details
For more informaon on STPs, see How Spanning Tree
Protocols Work.
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
QoS Enable Quality of Service (QoS) for the port to
priorize latency-sensive trac, such as voice, over
other trac on a port.
NOTE: For opmal results, it's important to enable
Quality of Service (QoS) for both the downstream
(incoming) and upstream (outgoing) trac. This ensures
that the network can eecvely priorize and manage
trac in both direcons, leading to improved
performance and beer overall quality of service.
You have the opon to override the QoS conguraon
on the WLAN sengs page (Site > WLANs >
). To override the QoS conguraon, select the
Override QoS check box and choose a wireless access
class. The downstream trac (AP > client) gets marked
with the override access class value specied. The
override conguraon doesn't support upstream trac
(client > AP).
See also: "QoS Conguraon" on page 65.
Storm Control Enable storm control to monitor trac levels and
automacally drop broadcast, mulcast, and unknown
unicast packets when the trac exceeds a trac level
(specied in percentage). This specied trac level is
known as the storm control level. This feature acvely
prevents packet proliferaon and maintains the
performance of the LAN. When you enable Storm
Control, you can also choose to exclude broadcast,
mulcast, and unknown unicast packets from
For more informaon, see Understanding Storm
Table 5: Port Prole Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Persistent (Scky) MAC Learning Enable Persistent (Scky) MAC to stop unauthorized
devices from connecng to your network. When
enabled, the switch learns the MAC addresses of
devices that arrive on the port and saves them in
memory. If the number of MAC addresses learned
exceeds the 'MAC Limit' specied above, the port
drops the frames. Also, you will see a 'MAC Limit
Exceeded' event on the Insights page.
You can hover over the port from the front panel on
the switch details page to see the MAC Limit and the
MAC Count (the number of MAC addresses that the
port learned dynamically).
You cannot enable this feature on a Trunk port or
on a port with 802.1X authencaon, as Junos OS
does not support this combinaon.
Enable this feature for stac wired clients. Do not
enable it for Mist AP interfaces.
The Juniper Mist portal does not show the MAC
addresses that an interface has learned. It shows only
the maximum MAC address count. To view the MAC
addresses that an interface learned, select the Ulies
> Remote Shell opon on the switch details page and
run the following commands:
show ethernet-switching table persistent-learning
show ethernet-switching table persistent-learning
The MAC Count value remains on the port unl you
clear it from the front panel on the switch details or
unl you disable the Persistent (Scky) MAC Learning
feature. To clear the MAC addresses that a port
learned, select the port on the switch front panel and
then click Clear MAC [Dynamic/Persistent]. This acon
generates a MAC Limit Reset event on the Switch
Insights page. Read more about the front panel in
"Switch Details" on page 110.
Select Switches Conguraon
Create rules to apply conguraon sengs based on the name, role, or model of the switch.
Click a rule to edit it, or click Add Rule. Then complete each tabbed page. As you enter sengs, click the
checkmark at the top right to save your changes. You can also create a switch rule entry by cloning an
exisng rule. To do that, you just need to click the clone buon and name the new rule.
The various tabs are described in separate tables below.
Table 6: Select Switches—Info Tab
Opon Notes
Name Enter a name to idenfy this rule.
Applies to switch name Enable this opon if you want this rule to apply to all
switches that match the specied name. Then enter
the text and the number of oset characters. For
example, if you enter
with an oset of 0, the rule
applies to switches whose names start with
. If the
oset is 5, the rule ignores the rst 5 characters of the
switch name.
Table 6: Select Switches—Info Tab
Opon Notes
Applies to switch role Enable this opon if you want this rule to apply to all
switches that have the same role. Enter the role by
using lowercase leers, numbers, underscores (_), or
dashes (-).
Applies to switch model Enable this opon if you want this rule to apply to all
switches that have the same model. Then select the
Table 7: Select Switches—Port Cong Tab
Opon Notes
Conguraon List Click Add Port Conguraon, or select a port
conguraon to edit.
Port IDs and Conguraon Prole Enter the port(s) to congure and the conguraon
prole to apply to them.
Table 7: Select Switches—Port Cong Tab
Opon Notes
Enable Dynamic Conguraon When you enable this feature, a port prole is assigned
based on dened aributes of the connected device. If
the device matches the aributes, Mist assigns a
matching dynamic prole to the device. But if the
device doesn't match the aributes, it is placed in a
specied VLAN.
In the following example, the port is enabled with
dynamic port allocaon and is assigned with a
restricted VLAN. In this case, if the connected device
doesn't match the dynamic proling aributes, it will
be placed into a restricted VLAN such as a non-
routable VLAN or a guest VLAN. Interfaces enabled
with Port Aggregaon don't support dynamic port
Up/Down Port Alerts When you enable this feature, Juniper Mist monitors
transions between up and down states on these
ports. If you enable this feature, also enable Crical
Switch Port Up/Down on the Monitor > Alerts > Alerts
Conguraon page.
Table 7: Select Switches—Port Cong Tab
Opon Notes
Port Aggregaon When you enable this feature, Ethernet interfaces are
grouped to form a single link layer interface. This
interface is also known as a link aggregaon group
(LAG) or bundle.
The number of interfaces that you can group into a
LAG and the total number of LAGs that a switch
supports vary depending on switch model. You can use
LAG with or without LACP enabled. If the device on
the other end doesn't support LACP, you can disable
LACP here.
You can also congure the LACP force-up state for the
switch. This conguraon sets the state of the
interface as up when the peer has limited LACP
You can also congure an LACP packet transmission
interval. If you congure the LACP Periodic Slow
opon on an AE interface, the LACP packets are
transmied every 30 seconds. By default, the interval
is set to fast in which the packets are transmied every
Allow switch port operator to modify port prole When you enable this feature, users with the Switch
Port Operator admin role can view and manage this
Table 8: Select Switches Conguraon—IP Cong Tab
Opon Notes
Network (VLAN) List Select a network for in-band management trac. Or
click Add Network and complete the New Network
elds as described in the remaining rows of this table.
Name Enter a name to idenfy this network.
VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID from 1-4094, or enter a site
variable to dynamically enter an ID.
Subnet Enter the subnet or site variable.
Select Switches—IP Cong (OOB) Tab
Enable or disable Dedicated Management VRF (out of band). For all standalone devices or Virtual
Chassis running Junos version 21.4 or later, this feature connes the management interface to non-
default virtual roung and forwarding (VRF) instances. Management trac no longer has to share a
roung table with other control trac or protocol trac.
Select Switches—Port Mirroring Tab
This tab displays the list of port mirroring conguraons already added. Click an entry to edit it. Or click
Add Port Mirror to enable port mirroring. This feature allows you to dynamically apply port mirroring on
switches based on the parameters such as the switch role, switch name, and switch model as specied in
the rules. This feature is typically used for monitoring and troubleshoong. When port mirroring is
enabled, the switch sends a copy of the network packet from the mirrored ports to the monitor port.
The conguraon opons include the following:
InputThe source (an interface or network) of the trac to be monitored. Along with the input, you
can specify whether you want Mist to monitor the ingress trac or the egress trac for an interface.
If you want both ingress and egress trac to be monitored, add two input entries for the same
interface - one with the ingress ag and the other with the egress ag.
OutputThe desnaon interface to which you want to mirror the trac. You cannot specify the
same interface or network in both the input and output elds.
The rules under Select Switches Conguraon take precedence over the global Port Mirroring
conguraon. Also, if the global port mirroring is congured, it is displayed as the default rule in the
Select Switches conguraon secon and is displayed as read-only. You can edit it at the global level.
Select Switches—CLI Cong Tab
Enter addional CLI commands, as needed.
Switch Policy Labels (Beta)
In this secon, add GBP tags to idenfy groups of users and resources to reference in your switch
NOTE: Only the following devices that run Junos OS Release 22.4R1 and later support GBPs:
EX4400, EX4100, EX4650, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y.
The following example shows the tags that a user created, along with the policies that reference them.
NOTE: This feature is currently available only to beta parcipants.
To get started, click Add GBP tag. Then enter a name, select the type, and enter the value. Then click
Add at the lower-right corner of the screen.
When you enable a tag, you'll see on-screen alert about the impact on standalone switches and virtual
chassis. Read the on-screen informaon before proceeding.
NOTE: If you congure 802.1X authencaon with mulple-supplicant mode, the GBP tagging is
MAC-based. If you congure 802.1X authencaon with single-supplicant mode, the GBP
tagging is port-based.
Table 9: Switch Policy Label (GBP Tag)
Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
Dynamic or Stac By default, Juniper Mist chooses the Dynamic opon.
If you select Stac, specify a GBP tag source. It can be
a MAC address, network, or an IP subnet.
Table 9: Switch Policy Label (GBP Tag) Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
GBP Tag Enter value or GBP source tag for host-originated
packets (range: 1 through 65535).
Switch Policy (Beta)
Congure Group Based Policies (GBPs) that you can use in your campus fabric IP Clos deployments.
When you create a policy, you use organizaon-level and site-level labels and your GBP tags (from the
Switch Policy Labels secon) to idenfy users who can or cannot access specied resources.
NOTE: Only the following devices that run Junos OS Release 22.4R1 and later support GBPs:
EX4400, EX4100, EX4650, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y.
The following image shows a sample policy, using tags that were dened in the Switch Policy Labels
To get started, click Add Switch Policy. Then enter the sengs, as described in the following table.
Table 10: Switch Policy Conguraon Opons
Opon Notes
USER/GROUP Click + and add the users or groups that need access to
the resources. You can use the GBT tags here, if you
have dened them already.
RESOURCE Click + and add the resources that you need to map to
the selected users or groups. You can use the GBT tags
here too, if you have dened them already.
By default, users are given access to the resources
added. If you want to deny the user access to certain
resources, click the Resource label that you have added
and set the access to deny.
QoS Conguraon
Enable QoS on a Switch Port | 67
Override QoS | 69
Verify QoS Sengs (API) | 69
Verify QoS Conguraon Through the CLI | 70
NOTE: QoS conguraon is part of the switch conguraon workow described in "Congure
Switches" on page 22. This topic provides more detailed informaon focused solely on QoS
concept and conguraon steps.
Quality of Service (QoS) is a trac-control mechanism that helps you priorize latency-sensive trac
(such as voice) over other trac in a congested network. The QoS implementaon in Juniper Mist™
generally involves the following:
Classifying trac.
Dening trac-to-queue mappings (forwarding classes).
Dening scheduler and re-write rules for each queue. These rules govern the priorizaon,
bandwidth control, and congeson management of the trac on each interface.
Applying QoS components to the interfaces.
In Juniper Mist, QoS ulizes the Behavior Aggregate (BA) classicaon, where the DiServ code point
(DSCP) or class of service (CoS) values in the incoming trac govern the classicaon. The BA classier
maps a CoS value in the packet header to a forwarding class and loss priority.
Enabling QoS on an interface adds DSCP markings to that port based on the class and rewrite rules. The
QoS mechanism maps the incoming packets with a DSCP marking to one of the seven forwarding
classes listed in the following table:
Code Point/Loss
Transmit Queue Buer Size(%) Transmit
be default-app 0 Remainder Remainder Low
af41/Low af42/
High af43/High
video 1 8 8 Low
af31/Low af32/
High af33/High
bizapp-af3 2 10 10 Low
af21/Low af22/
High af23/High
bizapp-af2 3 10 10 Low
Code Point/Loss
Transmit Queue Buer Size(%) Transmit
af11/Low af12/
High af13/High
net-tools 4 3 3 Low
cs5/Low ef/Low voice 7 10 10 Strict-high
net-control 5 3 3 Low
As shown in the preceding table, the packet classicaon assigns an incoming packet to an output
queue based on the packet’s forwarding class. In case of trac congeson on the link, Juniper Mist
priorizes the latency-sensive trac (for example, voice trac) over other trac (provided that the
incoming trac is marked appropriately). Juniper Mist also congures re-write rules automacally to
retain markings as the packets exit the switch.
Enable QoS on a Switch Port
You can congure QoS on a switch port from the Port Prole le on the switch details page or switch
To enable QoS on a switch port:
1. To congure QoS at the organizaon level, click Organizaon > Switch Templates >
template name
Or, if you want to congure QoS at the switch level, click Switches >
switch name
2. From the Port Prole le, select the port prole you want to update. Or if you want to create a new
port prole, click Add Prole.
3. In the conguraon, remember to select the QoS check box.
4. Save the conguraon by clicking the ck mark on the upper right of the port prole conguraon
5. Aer conguring QoS in the port prole, assign the prole to the switch port on which you want to
congure QoS. You can do that from the Port Cong tab in the Select Switches secon of a switch
conguraon template (See "Create a Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23) or from the Port
Conguraon secon on the Switch Details page ("Switch Details" on page 110).
Ensure that you enable QoS for both downstream and upstream port proles, to obtain opmum results.
Override QoS
You also have the opon to override the QoS conguraon on the WLAN sengs page (Site > WLANs >
WLAN name
). To override the QoS conguraon, select the Override QoS check box and choose a
wireless access class (see WLAN Opons). The downstream trac (AP > client) gets marked with the
override access class value specied. The override conguraon doesn't support upstream trac (client
> AP).
For further details on QoS on Juniper EX Switches, please see Example: Conguring CoS on EX Series
Switches. If required, any addional QoS conguraon updates can be done via CLIs in the Addional
CLI Commands secon in the switch details page.
Verify QoS Sengs (API)
The following example has “enable_qos”: true set for the port proles qos-test and uplink. This indicates
that the port prole has QoS enabled.
"port_usages": {
"qos-test": {
"name": "qos-test",
"mode": "access",
"disabled": false,
"port_network": "vl10",
"voip_network": null,
"stp_edge": false,
"all_networks": false,
"networks": [],
"port_auth": null,
"speed": "auto",
"duplex": "auto",
"mac_limit": 0,
"poe_disabled": false,
"enable_qos": true
"uplink": {
"mode": "trunk",
"all_networks": true,
"stp_edge": false,
"port_network": "vlan3",
"voip_network": null,
"name": "uplink",
"disabled": false,
"networks": [],
"port_auth": null,
"speed": "auto",
"duplex": "auto",
"mac_limit": 0,
"poe_disabled": false,
"enable_qos": true
Verify QoS Conguraon Through the CLI
The following is a sample QoS conguraon on a switch:
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af2 loss-priority high code-points af22
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af2 loss-priority high code-points af23
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af2 loss-priority low code-points af21
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af3 loss-priority high code-points af32
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af3 loss-priority high code-points af33
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af3 loss-priority low code-points af31
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af3 loss-priority low code-points cs3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class default-app loss-priority low code-points be
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class net-control loss-priority low code-points nc1
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class net-control loss-priority low code-points nc2
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class net-tools loss-priority high code-points af12
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class net-tools loss-priority high code-points af13
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class net-tools loss-priority low code-points af11
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class video loss-priority high code-points af42
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class video loss-priority high code-points af43
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class video loss-priority low code-points af41
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class video loss-priority low code-points cs4
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class voice loss-priority low code-points cs5
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default forwarding-
class voice loss-priority low code-points ef
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service classifiers dscp dscp-classifier-default import
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 0 default-app
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 1 video
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 2 bizapp-af3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 3 bizapp-af2
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 4 net-tools
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 5 voice
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service forwarding-classes queue 7 net-control
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/0 scheduler-map sched-maps-default
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 classifiers dscp dscp-
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 rewrite-rules dscp dscp-
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/9 scheduler-map sched-maps-default
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/9 unit 0 classifiers dscp dscp-
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/9 unit 0 rewrite-rules dscp dscp-
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewrite-default import
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af2 loss-priority low code-point af21
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class bizapp-af3 loss-priority low code-point af31
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class default-app loss-priority low code-point be
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class net-control loss-priority low code-point nc1
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class net-tools loss-priority low code-point af11
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class video loss-priority low code-point af41
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-rewriter-default forwarding-
class voice loss-priority low code-point ef
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
bizapp-af2 scheduler bizapp-af2-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
bizapp-af3 scheduler bizapp-af3-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
default-app scheduler default-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
net-control scheduler net-control-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
net-tools scheduler net-tools-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
video scheduler video-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service scheduler-maps sched-maps-default forwarding-class
voice scheduler voice-scheduler
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af2-scheduler buffer-size percent
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af2-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af2-scheduler transmit-rate
percent 10
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af3-scheduler buffer-size percent
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af3-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers bizapp-af3-scheduler transmit-rate
percent 10
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers default-scheduler buffer-size remainder
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers default-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers default-scheduler transmit-rate remainder
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-control-scheduler buffer-size
percent 3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-control-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-control-scheduler transmit-rate
percent 3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-tools-scheduler buffer-size percent 3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-tools-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers net-tools-scheduler transmit-rate
percent 3
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers video-scheduler buffer-size percent 8
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers video-scheduler priority low
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers video-scheduler transmit-rate percent 8
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers voice-scheduler buffer-size percent 10
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers voice-scheduler priority strict-high
set groups mist-qos-default class-of-service schedulers voice-scheduler shaping-rate percent 10
To verify the trac-matching QoS policies and their corresponding queue counters:
1. Review the current interface stascs and CoS informaon by running the following command:
root@ex2300-home> show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive
Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes
0 default-app
1 video
2 bizapp-af3
3 bizapp-af2
4 net-tools
5 voice
7 net-control
CoS information:
Direction : Output
CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit
% bps % usec
0 default-app r r r 0 low none
1 video 8 80000000 8 0 low none
2 bizapp-af3 10 100000000 10 0 low none
3 bizapp-af2 10 100000000 10 0 low none
4 net-tools 3 30000000 3 0 low none
5 voice r r 10 0 strict-high none
7 net-control 3 30000000 3 0 low none
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
2. Generate some video and voice trac. The device marks the trac with DSCP values (queue 1 for
video trac and queue 5 for voice trac).
ping -I eth0 -Q 184
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
53 packets transmitted, 53 received, 0% packet loss, time 140ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.421/2.811/5.064/0.428 ms
ping -I eth0 -Q 136
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
62 packets transmitted, 62 received, 0% packet loss, time 157ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.396/3.103/6.578/0.609 ms
Run the show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive command again. You can view the packet counts displayed
under Queued Packets and Transmied Packets.
root@ex2300-home> show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive
Egress queues: 8 supported, 7 in use
Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets
0 9821 9821 0
1 62 62 0
2 0 0 0
3 7185 7185 0
4 0 0 0
5 53 53 0
7 0 0 0
Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes
0 default-app
1 video
2 bizapp-af3
3 bizapp-af2
4 net-tools
5 voice
7 net-control
CoS information:
Direction : Output
CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit
% bps % usec
0 default-app r r r 0 low none
1 video 8 80000000 8 0 low none
2 bizapp-af3 10 100000000 10 0 low none
3 bizapp-af2 10 100000000 10 0 low none
4 net-tools 3 30000000 3 0 low none
5 voice r r 10 0 strict-high none
7 net-control 3 30000000 3 0 low none
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
See also: Example: Conguring CoS on EX Series Switches
Congure SNMP on Switches
Congure SNMP at the Organizaon Level | 76
Congure SNMP at the Site Level | 78
Congure SNMP at the Device Level | 80
NOTE: SNMP conguraon is part of the switch conguraon workow described in "Congure
Switches" on page 22. This topic provides more detailed informaon focused solely on SNMP
conguraon steps.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) enables network administrators to monitor and manage
network-connected devices in IP networks (see SNMP Architecture and SNMP MIBs Overview).
In a switch, SNMP is disabled by default. If required, you can enable it at the organizaon level (from the
organizaon level switch templates), site level (from the site level switch templates) at device level (from
the switch details page.)
Mist allows you to congure SNMP V2 or SNMP V3 sengs.
Congure SNMP at the Organizaon Level
If you want to apply SNMP to all the switches in the enre organizaon (all sites), you can do that at the
organizaon level.
To congure SNMP at the organizaon level:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click Create Template if you want to congure SNMP as part of a new switch template. For more
informaon, see "Create a Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23.
Or, if you want to update an exisng template with SNMP conguraon, click that template to open
3. On the SNMP le (in the All Switches Conguraon secon), click the Enabled check box.
4. Specify the SNMP informaon, which includes General informaon, Clients, Trap Groups,
Community, and Views. Mist supports the SNMP versions V2 and V3. For the eld descripons, refer
to the SNMP informaon in the All Switches Conguraon Opons table in "All Switches" on page
The conguraon elds appear based on the selecon of SNMP version (V2 or V3).
5. Save the template.
6. Assign the template to a site. For instrucons to do so, see "Assign a Template to Sites" on page 24.
Congure SNMP at the Site Level
You can choose to have SNMP conguraon to specic sites in an organizaon. If the SNMP is disabled
at the organizaon level but you want to enable it at a parcular site, you can override the organizaon
templates sengs inherited by that site. If you congure SNMP at the site level, the conguraon gets
applied to all the switches in that site. Any update in the site-level sengs does not override the values
in the associated organizaon template. The change is applied only to the selected site.
To congure SNMP at the site level:
1. Click Site > Switch Conguraon.
2. Click the site, where you want to congure SNMP, to open it.
3. Scroll down to the SNMP le in the All Switches Conguraon secon.
4. Select the Override Conguraon Template check box.
5. Click the Enabled check box in the SNMP le.
6. Specify the SNMP informaon, which includes General informaon, Clients, Trap Groups,
Community, and Views. Mist supports the SNMP versions V2 and V3. For the eld descripons, refer
to the SNMP informaon in the All Switches Conguraon Opons table in "All Switches" on page
The conguraon elds appear based on the selecon of SNMP version (V2 or V3).
7. Save the conguraon.
Congure SNMP at the Device Level
If you want to congure SNMP for specic switches in a site, you can do that from the switch details
page. If the SNMP is disabled at the site level but you want to enable it for a specic switch, you can
override the site templates sengs inherited by that switch. Any update in the switch-level sengs
does not override the values in the associated site or organizaon template sengs. The change is
applied only to the selected switch.
Mist allows you to congure a poron of SNMP sengs at the switch level and use the remaining
poron from the template. This means you can merge the SNMP values congured at the switch-level
with the SNMP values that the switch inherited from a site-level or organizaon-level template. This
feature is helpful when you want the switch to use some SNMP values from the switch-level
conguraon and some from the associated template. For example, you can use the name and locaon
from the switch-level conguraon and everything else from the associated template.
NOTE: Before you congure SNMP at the switch level, ensure that the switch is in connected
state with stable connecvity to cloud.
To congure SNMP at the switch level:
1. Click Switches >
Switch Name
2. Click the switch (to be updated) from the list to open it.
3. Scroll down to the SNMP le in the Services secon.
4. Select the Override Site/Template Sengs check box.
5. Click the Enabled check box in the SNMP le.
6. Specify the SNMP informaon, which includes General informaon, Clients, Trap Groups,
Community, and Views. Mist supports the SNMP versions V2 and V3. For the eld descripons, refer
to the SNMP informaon in the All Switches Conguraon Opons table in "All Switches" on page
The conguraon elds appear based on the selecon of SNMP version (V2 or V3).
7. Save the conguraon.
Congure DHCP Server or Relay on a Switch
Prerequisites | 82
Congure DHCP Server | 82
Congure DHCP Relay | 89
This chapter lists the steps that are required to congure DHCP server or relay on a switch.
Before conguring the DHCP server or relay, ensure the following:
The VLAN for which DHCP server will be congured on switch is assigned to the ports connecng to
the DHCP clients. You can do this by applying a relevant port prole to the port. For more
informaon about port proles, see "Port Proles Overview" on page 9.
The switch has a Stac IP Conguraon or Addional IP conguraon for the network to run DHCP
server. Or the L3 Interface is congured for DHCP server or relay.
Congure DHCP Server
To congure DHCP server on a switch:
1. Navigate to Switches on the le menu and then click a Switch from the list.
The switch details page is displayed.
2. On the switch details page, scroll down to the DHCP Server / Relay le in the Services secon.
3. On the DHCP Server / Relay le, select the Enabled check box and then click Add DHCP Network.
The DHCP Server / Relay conguraon window is displayed.
4. Ensure that Server is selected as conguraon Type.
5. From the Network drop-down list, select a network for the DHCP server.
6. Specify the following elds:
IP Start—The starng IP address within the DHCP IP address assignment pool.
IP End—The ending IP address within the DHCP IP address assignment pool.
Gateway—Default gateway for the DHCP client. Usually, it is the switch IRB IP address for the
corresponding network.
DNS Servers (Oponal)—You can add up to three DNS IP addresses in a comma separated format.
DNS Sux (Oponal)—You can add up to three domain suxes in a comma separated format.
If you do not congure the DNS Servers and DNS Sux, Mist auto-generates the conguraon by
taking DNS servers and DNS Sux congured at the switch level.
7. Save the changes.
The following conguraon will be applied to the API /sites/:site-id/devices/device-id:
Check the corresponding intended conguraon to be pushed to the following API: /sites/:site-id/
The DHCP server is enabled on the irb.10 interface for the vl10.
set groups top system services dhcp-local-server group vl10 interface irb.10
The address assignment pool conguraon looks like the below:
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet network",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet range vl10 low",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet range vl10 high",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes name-server",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes name-server",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes name-server",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes router",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes option 15
array string",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes option 15
array string",
"set groups top access address-assignment pool vl10 family inet dhcp-attributes option 15
array string,"
8. Verify the conguraon on the switch by using the following CLI:
The DHCP clients for v110 networks should now be assigned IP address by DHCP server as shown
Here are some useful Junos CLI commands:
show dhcp server binding or show dhcp server binding detailTo view the DHCP server binding
show dhcp server statisticsTo view the DHCP messages sent/received stascs.
clear dhcp server binding interface x-x/x/xTo clear the DHCP client binding for a client on a parcular
clear dhcp server binding <address>To clear the DHCP client binding based on an IP address or MAC
address of the wired client.
Congure DHCP Relay
To congure DHCP relay on a switch:
1. Navigate to Switches on the le menu and then click a Switch from the List.
The switch details page is displayed.
2. On the switch details page, scroll down to the DHCP Server / Relay le in the Services secon.
3. On the DHCP Server / Relay le, select the Enabled check box and then click Add DHCP Network.
The DHCP Server / Relay conguraon window is displayed.
4. Select Relay as conguraon Type.
5. From the Network drop-down list, select a network for the DHCP relay.
6. In the DHCP Servers eld, congure the IP address for the remote DHCP server. You can add up to
three IP addresses in a comma separated format.
7. Save the changes.
The following conguraon will be applied to the API /sites/:site-id/devices/device-id:
Check the corresponding intended conguraon to be pushed on following API: /sites/:site-id/
The conguraon looks like the below:
"set groups top forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group v111",
"set groups top forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group v111 interface irb.11",
"set groups top forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group v111 active server group v111",
8. Verify the conguraon on the switch using the following CLI:
9. Make sure the remote DHCP server is reachable from the switch.
10. Verify DHCP relay binding on the switch.
Here are some useful Junos CLI commands:
show dhcp relay binding or show dhcp relay binding detailTo view the DHCP relay binding informaon.
show dhcp server statisticsTo view the DHCP relay messages sent/received stascs.
clear dhcp relay binding interface x-x/x/xTo clear the DHCP client binding for a client on a parcular
clear dhcp relay binding <address>To clear the DHCP client binding based on an IP address or MAC
address of the wired client.
See also: DHCP Relay Agent.
Manage or Update Conguraon Sengs
You can manage conguraon sengs at the
template level, site level, and device level.
Manage Templates Sengs | 93
Update Switch Conguraon Sengs at the
Site Level | 94
Add or Delete a CLI Conguraon | 94
Manage Templates Sengs
The mist portal provides you opons to modify, clone, export, or delete a template. If you modify a
template, conguraons of all the switches managed by that template are modied. You can use the
Export opon to download the template sengs in JSON format. You can store the JSON le in your
local machine and use it to quickly create new templates, using the Import opon on the template
creaon page.
To modify a template:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click the template you want to modify. The template opens.
3. Modify the sengs. For eld descripons and addional informaon, refer to "Create a Switch
Conguraon Template" on page 23.
4. Aer modifying the template sengs, click Save.
To clone a template:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click the template you want to clone. The template opens.
3. Click More > Clone.
4. Enter a template name and then click Clone. A new template, based on the selected template, is
To export a template:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click the template you want to export. The template opens.
3. Click More > Export. The template is downloaded in a JSON le.
To delete a template:
1. Click Organizaon > Switch Templates.
2. Click the template you want to delete. The template opens.
3. Click Delete Template on the top right.
4. On the Conrm Delete window, click Delete. The deleted template is removed from the template list
and from all the sites to which it was assigned.
Update Switch Conguraon Sengs at the Site Level
Aer applying a template to a site, you can:
Customize or edit the sengs applied to a parcular site, if required. You can also replace or unlink a
template from the site conguraon page.
Congure addional switch-specic sengs from a switch page. The switch-specic sengs include
a switch name, role, management interface (out of band), and an IRB interface.
To edit the site-level switch conguraon sengs:
1. Click Site > Switch Conguraon.
2. Click a site from the list to open it.
3. If you want to replace the enre template, select the desired template from the Conguraon
Template drop-down list. If you select the value (none), the exisng template gets unlinked from the
4. To edit specic template sengs of the site:
a. Select the Override Conguraon Template in relevant conguraon le.
b. Edit the sengs and then click Save. The changes are immediately applied to the switches in the
site. For more informaon, see "Create a Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23.
Add or Delete a CLI Conguraon
The CLI command opons on the switch conguraon pages in the Juniper Mist™ portal let you
congure features that the predened drop-down lists and text elds on the Mist portal do not support.
You can add a CLI conguraon to a switch by using the set command through the Mist portal. Example:
set system ntp server
Similarly, you can remove a CLI conguraon from a switch by using the delete command through the
Mist portal. Example: delete system ntp server
To add or delete a CLI conguraon:
1. Click Switches to go to the Switches page.
2. Click your switch from the list to open the switch conguraon page.
3. Navigate to the relevant CLI commands box (Addional CLI commands).
You can also make CLI changes in the Site/Template CLI Commands and Rule-based CLI Commands
boxes available through the switch templates (Organizaon > Switch Templates).
4. To add a CLI conguraon, enter the set command. For example, set system ntp server
5. To remove a conguraon, replace set with delete in the command. For example, delete system ntp
The following image shows the delete operaon.
When you save the delete commands, the following operaons take place:
Mist sends the delete commands to the switch.
The Switch Insights page on the Mist portal generates a Cong Changed by User event, with a
response UI_COMMIT_COMPLETED. You can access Switch Insights from "Switch Details" on page
Mist deletes the CLI commands from the switch. Later, if required, you can remove these commands
from the CLI commands box on the Mist portal.
Mist updates the delete commands in the following API call:<site_id>/devices/00000000-0000-0000-1000-<switch_mac>/
Just selecng a few commands from any CLI command box on the Mist portal and hing the Backspace
or Delete buon does not remove the commands from the switch. It removes the commands only from
the API, which contains the current switch conguraon that is present on the Mist portal.
Deleng the CLI commands only from the GUI also generates a Cong Changed by User event on the
Switch Insights page. However, this event doesn't show the UI_COMMIT_COMPLETED response. The
changes are made only on the Mist portal GUI, not on the switch.
We don't recommend logging in to the switch CLI and making any changes there if the Mist cloud
manages your switch. The changes you make on a switch through the CLI don't get included in the
switch conguraon in the Mist cloud.
Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch
Free Up Storage Space on Your Switch | 96
Upgrade the Junos OS Soware on Your Switch | 99
You can upgrade the Junos OS version running on your switch from the Juniper Mist™ portal.
Before upgrading the Junos OS soware running on your switch, ensure that the switch has the
The storage space required to accommodate the new image.
A stable SSH connecon to the Mist cloud.
Free Up Storage Space on Your Switch
When you iniate the switch upgrade process, Juniper Mist™ runs the request system storage cleanup
command on the switch before copying the soware image. This process mostly ensures the availability
of storage space to accommodate the soware image in the /var/tmp folder on the switch. However, in
the case of some switches, such as EX2300 and EX3400, the request system storage cleanup command
doesn't clear the required space. In this case, you will need to free up more space.
To perform the steps listed in this topic, you must have the root password congured in the
site sengs on the Organizaon > Site Conguraon page of the Juniper Mist portal.
Perform the steps listed in this topic only if your switch doesn't have the required space for
the upgrade.
To free up storage space on your switch:
1. On the Juniper Mist portal, click Switches to go to the list of switches.
2. Locate the switch on which you want to perform the storage cleanup operaon.
3. Select Ulies > Remote Shell.
4. Begin a shell session by entering the start shell user root command, followed by the root password.
{master: 0}
mist@Mist_Sw> start shell user root
This step starts a shell session on the primary FPC member by default.
5. Check the storage usage, by running the df -h command.
Generally, the /dev/gpt/junos le system takes up most of the space.
user@Mist_Sw:RE:0% df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0.uzip 22M 22M 0B 100% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/gpt/junos 1.3G 941M 315M 75% /.mount
...output truncated...
6. Run the following command to free up the space on the switch:
root@Mist_Sw :RE:0% pkg setop rm previous
root@Mist_Sw :RE:0% pkg delete old
7. Check the available storage, using the df -h command. The output now shows lesser space as used
under /dev/gpt/junos.
user@Mist_Sw:RE:0% df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0.uzip 22M 22M 0B 100% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/gpt/junos 1.3G 567M 689M 45% /.mount
...output truncated...
8. Exit the shell session to return to the CLI operaonal mode, and then check the storage usage from
user@Mist_Sw:RE:0% exit
{master :0}
user@Mist_Sw> show system storage
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/gpt/junos 1.3G 941M 315M 75% /.mount
tempfs 393M 68K 393M 0% /.mount/tmp
tempfs 324M 576K 324M 0% /.mount/mfs
...output truncated...
In the case of a Virtual Chassis upgrade, the preceding steps free up the space only on the primary
member (member 0). You also need to iniate a session with each of the other FPC members (such as
member 1 and member 2) and repeat the storage cleanup steps. See the following example:
user@Mist_Sw> request session member 1
Last login: Tue Feb 16 00:42:30 from
mist@Mist_Sw> start shell user root
user@mist_sw:RE:0% df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0.uzip 22M 22M 0B 100% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/gpt/junos 1.3G 916M 340M 73% /.mount
...output truncated...
Upgrade the Junos OS Soware on Your Switch
The Juniper Mist™ portal supports upgrading the Junos OS soware on the following plaorms:
EX2300, EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300-P, EX4300-MP, EX4400, EX4600, EX4650, EX9200,
QFX5110, QFX5120, and EX Series Virtual Chassis.
In the case of Virtual Chassis, you can only upgrade the mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis, which combines
EX4300 mulgigabit model (EX4300-48MP) switches with any other EX4300 model switches. Juniper
Mist does not support nonstop soware upgrade (NSSU).
For both standard EOL and EEOL releases, you can upgrade to the next three subsequent releases or
downgrade to the previous three releases. For example, you can upgrade from 21.2 to the next three
releases – 21.3, 21.4 and 22.1 or downgrade to the previous three releases – 21.1, 20.4 and 20.3.
For EEOL releases, you have an addional opon - you can upgrade directly from one EEOL release to
the next two subsequent EEOL releases, even if the target release is beyond the next three releases.
Likewise, you can downgrade directly from one EEOL release to the previous two EEOL releases, even if
the target release is beyond the previous three releases. For example, 21.2 is an EEOL release. Hence,
you can upgrade from 21.2 to the next two EEOL releases – 21.4 and 22.2 or downgrade to the
previous two EEOL releases – 20.4 and 20.2. Check Junos OS Dates and Milestones to see whether a
release has reached EEOL.
To upgrade the Junos OS soware on your switch:
1. Click Switches on the le navigaon pane in the Juniper Mist portal.
2. Locate the switch to be upgraded, and ensure that it is connected (displays the Connected status).
If the switch doesn't appear on Mist as connected, troubleshoot the issue as explained in
"Troubleshoot Your Switch" on page 216.
3. From the List tab, select the switches that require a soware upgrade, and then click Upgrade
Switches. You can select one or more switches for the upgrade.
Alternavely, you can also upgrade the switch by using the Upgrade Firmware opon on the Ulies
drop-down list on the switch details page (see "Switch Details" on page 110).
4. In the Upgrade Switch Firmware window, select the target soware version from the Upgrade to
Version drop-down list, and then click Start Upgrade. The drop-down list displays the suggested
soware version for the selected switch, along with all the applicable versions.
If you don't see the soware version you are looking for, write to [email protected]. We will make
the version available from 24 to 48 hours aer receiving the request. See also: Junos Soware
Versions - Suggested Releases to Consider and Evaluate.
Select the Reboot switch aer image copy check box if you want the switch to reboot automacally
aer the image copy procedure is complete.
If you select this opon, the switch boots up with the new image.
If you do not select this opon, the switch remains in a state of pending reboot. In this case, do
the following to complete the upgrade:
a. Navigate to the switch details page (Switches >
Switch Name
b. Reboot the switch from Ulies > Reboot Switch.
Once the upgrade starts, the Status column in the switch list view shows the switch status as Upgrading.
The column also shows the progress of the upgrade.
If you don't see the Status column in the switch list view, click the hamburger menu in the upper right of
the page. Select the Status check box to display the column.
You can also view the switch status (as Upgrading) on the switch details page and the Switch Insights
You can view the upgrade events in the Switch Events secon of a Switch Insights page. To access the
Switch Insights page, open a "switch details" on page 110 page and click the Switch Insights link on the
Properes le.
The above image shows a Switch Insights page, which lists switch upgrade events. The Upgraded by
User event indicates that a user has iniated the upgrade. The Upgraded event indicates that the
upgrade operaon is complete. This means that the new soware image was copied and the switch was
An upgrade will fail if:
The switch doesn't have an SSH connecon to the Juniper Mist cloud or if an uplink port is apping.
The switch doesn't have enough storage. If the upgrade fails because of insucient space, the
upgrade failure event is displayed on the Switch Insights page as shown below:
See also: "Free Up Storage Space on Your Switch" on page 96
You iniate an upgrade to the same soware version that is already running on the switch. In this
case, the Switch Events secon of the Switch Insights page shows this failure reason:
Upgrade not needed. Please check current or pending version.
The me on the switch is incorrect. In this case, the Switch Events secon of the Switch Insights
page shows this failure reason:
OC FWUPDATE WRITEFAILED. See also: [EX/QFX] Cercate errors - Cannot validate Junos
Image : Format error in cercate.
Assign a Role to Switches
You can select and apply a role to an individual switch from the switch details page or from the switch
list. This feature ensures that a switch does not inherit a role that does not exist. The role you assign to a
switch should exist in the conguraon template associated with the selected switch. A switch can have
only one role at a me.
You can create new switch roles as part of Select Switches Conguraon rules in a switch template
(Organizaon > Switch Templates or Sites > Switch Conguraon). See also: "Congure Switches" on
page 22.
To assign a role to a switch:
1. Click Switches to go to the switch list.
2. Idenfy the switch that you want to assign a role to and then select the switch check box.
3. On the More menu, click Assign Switch Role.
4. In the Role eld, specify the switch role and then click OK. Click inside the Role eld to view all the
available roles. The Role eld displays the switch roles that exist in the conguraon template
associated with the selected switch.
Alternavely, navigate to the switch details page (Switches > Switch-Name), specify the switch role in
the INFO secon, and save the conguraon (see the image below).
Replace a Switch
You can replace a switch in your Juniper Mist™ network from the switch details page without disrupng
network services.
Before replacing a switch, ensure the following:
The old switch that needs to be replaced is claimed or adopted by your organizaon and is assigned
to a site. This switch can be in Connected or Disconnected state.
The new switch being added is not assigned to any site in the organizaon. Furthermore, the new
switch is listed on the Inventory page with the status Unassigned.
To replace a switch:
1. Click Switches on the le navigaon pane of the Mist portal.
2. On the list tab, click the switch that needs to be replaced.
The "switch details" on page 110 page appears.
3. Select the Replace Switch opon from the Ulies drop-down list on the details.
4. From the MAC Address of the unassigned switch drop-down list, select the MAC address of the
unassigned switch. This is the replacement switch—the switch you will use to replace the switch that
you selected in Step 2. If the Mist network doesn't include any unassigned switches, the Mist portal
doesn't display unassigned switches. In that case, this drop-down list doesn't show any MAC
By default, Mist copies the conguraon of the exisng switch to the new switch. To discard any
specic conguraons that you don't want to copy to the new switch, select the appropriate check
boxes on the Replace Switch window.
If the new switch has a dierent number of ports than the switch being replaced, Mist discards the
port conguraon automacally. If the current switch template on the site doesn't cover the
conguraon requirement of your new switch, we recommend that you assign a dierent template.
Assign your site a template with a conguraon that meets the requirements of the new switch. See
"Congure Switches" on page 22.
5. Click Replace.
When Mist replaces the switch, the new switch takes the place of the old switch on the Mist portal.
The status of the old switch changes to Unassigned. You can view the old switch on the Inventory
Switch replacement using APIs
To replace a switch using APIs, make a POST API call as shown in the example below:
POST /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/inventory/replace
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-65c4-057819f0862b",
"mac": "5c5b35000101",
"inventory_mac": "5c5b35000301",
"discard": []
On the discard list, you can specify the aributes that you do not want to copy to the new switch
conguraon. If the discard list is blank, Mist copies all the exisng switch aributes from the old switch
to the new switch.
If a switch with a higher number of ports is being replaced with a switch with a lower number
of ports, the port conguraon is applied only to the ports with overlapping port numbers.
The rest of the port conguraons are discarded.
If a switch with mge ports is being replaced with a switch with ge ports or vice versa, the port
conguraons are not applied to the switch.
Switch Dashboards
Switch Metrics | 109
Switch Details | 110
Switch Ulies | 118
Switch Metrics
The metrics on the Switches page help you track the switch performance against certain
compliance parameters.
To view switch metrics, click Switches on the le navigaon pane on the Mist portal.
Figure 2: Switch Metrics on the Switches Page
Here's a list of the switch metrics you can track:
Switch-AP AnityThis indicator shows the weighted percentage of the switches for which
the number of APs connected exceeds the threshold congured. By default, the Switch-AP
Anity threshold is set to 12 APs per switch. You can congure a threshold value for the
number of APs per switch to be considered in the Switch-AP Anity metric calculaon. To
congure the AP threshold, click the Switch-AP Anity indicator, and then click the hamburger
icon on the right of the Switch-AP Anity secon.
PoE ComplianceThis indicator shows the percentage of APs that have the required 802.3at
power. PoE compliance is impacted when the APs draw more power from the switch than what
is allocated.
VLANsThis indicator shows the percentage of APs for which all the wired VLANs are acve.
Click this indicator to view the list of switches and APs that have inacve or missing VLANs,
along with the port informaon.
Version Compliance— This indicator shows the percentage of switches that have the same
Junos soware version (per switch model). To achieve 100 percent version compliance, you
must ensure that all the switches in your site run the same Junos version per switch model.
Switch UpmeThis indicator shows the percentage of me a switch was up during the past
seven days, averaged across all switches. Click this indicator to view the list of switches that
had less than 100 percent upme during the past 7 days.
You can click each of the switch metric indicators to get a ltered view and quickly access each
device dashboard.
For more details on the switch metrics, watch the following video:
Video: Switch Metrics Overview
Switch Details
Front Panel | 111
Port List | 115
Switch Insights | 116
Metrics | 117
Switch Ulies | 117
Switch Conguraon | 117
The switch details page is your ulmate go-to place on Mist for everything you need to know about a
switch. You can view the status of each port and the stascs of the devices connected to the switch,
access the switch conguraon, review and modify the conguraon, and track how the switch is
performing against key metrics that maer to you.
The switch details page also has the tools that help you with switch tesng and troubleshoong.
To access a switch details page:
1. Open the Mist portal and click Switches on the le pane.
2. Select a switch from the List tab.
You can use the Site drop-down list to lter the switches by a site.
Here's an example of the details page of a switch named ld-cup-idf-a-sw22.
Front Panel
When you open a switch details page, you'll nd yourself on the Front Panel tab. This tab gives you a
comprehensive overview of the switch's port panel.
In this Front Panel view, you get a logical representaon of the switch's ports. You can view the port
status, port conguraon, and the clients or APs connected to each port. The following image
represents a sample Front Panel.
The port icons on the Front Panel view help you quickly idenfy the client devices or APs connected to
each port and their status. The following table lists the key port icons and their descripons:
Table 11: Port Icons and Their Descripons
Port Icon Descripon
The port is empty. No device is connected.
A wired client is connected.
A wired client is connected (trunk port).
A Mist AP is connected.
A camera is connected. This icon applies only to
Verkada cameras.
Virtual Chassis port (VCP). A member device is
The port is up.
Somemes, when a switch port is learning mulple
MAC addresses on the same interface, the switch
cannot idenfy which device is connected to the port.
When that happens, the Mist portal might not display
the connected device as a wired client, even though
the port icon stays solid green. However, if the
connected device has LLDP enabled, the portal
idenes which device is connected to the port.
The port is empty, with acve alerts.
A wired client is connected, but the port has acve
Table 11: Port Icons and Their Descripons
Port Icon Descripon
A Mist AP is connected, but the port has acve alerts.
An uplink is connected. But the port has acve alerts.
For a sneak peek into what's happening on a specic port, simply hover your mouse over the port. You
can view the type of device connected to the port, the port speed, power sengs, IP address, and much
Here's an example of what you might see if you hover over port ge-0/0/45:
To get a more detailed view of what's going on with a port, click that port to select it. When you select a
port from the front panel, the following happens:
If you select mulple ports, the conguraon page displays the Port Conguraon, Networks, and
Port Proles les with the sengs applied to the selected ports. You can make conguraon
adjustments to the ports from these les. If the selected ports do not have any conguraon, the
Port Conguraon, Networks, and Port Proles les are displayed without any data.
If you select only a single port, the conguraon page addionally displays port Stascs and Wired
Client insights. From the Wired Client insights le, you can access the connected devices.
From the detailed view of the port, you can also bulk edit the port conguraon, perform cable tests,
bounce (restart) the port in case you encounter any issues with it, and clear MAC addresses stored
through persistent MAC learning.
To bulk edit your port conguraon or override any exisng port conguraon on a switch, select the
ports to be congured from the Front Panel on the switch details page, and click Modify Port
Conguraon (shown in the above picture). In case the selected ports are already part of an exisng port
range conguraon, a warning message indicang the same is displayed. When you save the new
conguraon, it will replace the exisng conguraon for the selected ports. Previously, you had to
manually remove any port conguraon overlap before you carry out a bulk port edit.
On the right side of the front panel, you can also see the device usage indicators. To view the usage
informaon, hover over the indicators on the upper right of the screen. For example, you can see the
temperature values of each component that contribute to the total temperature of the switch.
All in all, this detailed view and the addional features make managing your switch a breeze.
Port List
If you want to see a list of all the ports, just click the Port List tab right beside the Front Panel tab.
In this Port List view, you'll nd a wealth of informaon about each port. You can see the port name, its
status, the clients connected to it, the power draw, port prole, port mode, port speed, and even the
amount of data transmied and received. You can also access each connected client by clicking the
client name hyperlink.
By default, Port List displays a select set of columns. You can add more columns to the view from the list
of available columns. To do that, go to Table Sengs by clicking the hamburger menu in the upper right
of the page. From the Table Sengs page, select a check box to display the corresponding column (see
the image below).
Switch Insights
If you want to gain valuable insights into your switch, the events such as switch conguraon changes,
performance, and connected endpoints, visit the Switch Insights page by clicking the Switch Insights
hyperlink on the Properes le.
NOTE: You also can go to the Switch Insights page by using the hyperlink on the main Switches
Switch Insights gives you a bird's-eye view of all the switch events that have taken place. It's like a log of
conguraon changes, soware updates, and system alarms.
Switch Insights also lets you track some important metrics like CPU and memory ulizaon of the
switch. You can also dive into details about BGP neighbors (applicable to campus fabrics). You can also
view trac paerns, port errors, and power draw at the switch or port level.
The key secons on the Switch Insights page are the following:
Switch Events—Provides a log of all the switch events reported. You can lter good, neutral, and bad
Table Capacity—Provides the following indicators:
MAC Address Table—Displays the percentage of the MAC address table capacity used. The MAC
address table contains MAC Address-interface bindings associated with each VLAN.
ARP Table—Displays the percentage of Address Resoluon Protocol (ARP) table capacity used.
The ARP table contains the learned MAC Address-IP bindings of the devices connected to the
Route Summary—Displays the percentage of roung table capacity used.
EVPN Database—Available for switches that are part of an EVPN topology.
You can click the Search Entries buon under each metric to open a shell view in a new window
where you can search for entries aer specifying lters. You also have the opon to refresh and clear
the entries displayed. Clicking Refresh on the upper right of the window provides a connuous
display of the entry every three seconds for a total of 30 seconds. To stop the refresh before the 30-
second mer is complete, close the window or click another table. Clicking the Clear
which is available only for MAC and ARP table, clears the respecve entry from the table. You also
have the opon to clear the buer on the screen by clicking Clear Screen at the lower le of the
Switch Charts—A set of charts providing insights into the key metrics such as CPU and memory
ulizaon, power draw, and port errors.
Switch Ports—A detailed port list. You can see all the ports along with informaon about the
connected endpoints.
Video: Switch Insights Overview
The Metrics secon on the switch details page helps you track the performance of your switches against
specic compliance parameters, and idenfy if there are any areas that need aenon. You'll nd a
bunch of important compliance parameters that are being monitored. For example, you can keep an eye
on switch-AP anity, version compliance, PoE compliance, and switch upme. When you click each
metric, you'll be taken to a detailed view that provides more informaon.
For more informaon, see "Switch Metrics" on page 109.
Switch Ulies
The switch details page provides troubleshoong and tesng tools to help you get to the root of any
issue. To access these tools, click the Ulies drop-down list in the upper right corner of the page.
For more informaon on switch ulies, see "Switch Ulies" on page 118.
Switch Conguraon
If you need to take a closer look at the conguraon or make changes to it, scroll down to the Switch
Conguraon secon on the switch details page. This secon shows all the conguraons applied to the
switch through the template linked to the site to which the switch is onboarded. It also shows addional
switch-specic sengs.
To learn more about the switch conguraon templates and dierent conguraon opons, see "Switch
Conguraon" on page 23.
Switch Ulies
The Switch Ulies on the switch details page help you troubleshoot and test your switch.
To access the switch ulies:
1. On the Mist portal, click Switches on the le pane.
2. Click a switch from the List tab to open the switch details page.
3. Select the ulity or tool from the Ulies drop-down list on the upper right of the page.
The switch ulies include the following tools:
Tesng tools—Use the switch tesng tools to check the switch connecvity and monitor the switch
health. The following tools are available:
Ping—Check the host reachability and network connecvity. To run the test, specify a hostname
and then click Ping. You can also specify the number of packets to be transmied in the test.
Traceroute—View the route that packets take to a specied network host. Use this opon as a
debugging tool to locate the points of failure in a network. To run the test, specify a hostname,
port, and a meout value, and then click Traceroute.
Cable Test —Run a Cable Test on a port to monitor the connecon health of the cable on the
specied port. To run the test, specify the interface name (example: ge-0/0/4) and then click
Cable Test. This acon runs a me domain reectometry (TDR) diagnosc test on the specied
interface and displays results. A TDR test characterizes and locates faults on twisted-pair Ethernet
cables. For example, it can detect a broken twisted pair and provide the approximate distance to
the break. It can also detect polarity swaps, pair swaps, and excessive skew.
Bounce Port—Restart any unresponsive ports on your switch. To restart a port, specify the
interface name (example: ge-0/0/4) and then click Bounce Port.
Remote Shell—Access the command line directly through the Mist portal. You can enter commands
on the switch's CLI without making a physical connecon to the console port or using SSH.
Send Switch Log to Mist—When you experience an issue with a switch, use this opon to securely
send the switch logs to Mist. The Juniper Mist support team uses these logs to understand the issue
and provide troubleshoong support.
Reboot Switch—Reboot the switch directly from the switch details page.
Upgrade Firmware—Upgrade switches directly from the switch details page. Before performing an
upgrade, ensure that the switch has enough storage and a stable SSH connecvity to Mist cloud. If
the switch doesn't have enough space, the upgrade will fail. To free up the space, run the following
command as a root user:
user@switch01> start shell user root
root@Switch01:RE:0% pkg setop rm previous
root@Switch01:RE:0% pkg delete old
For more informaon, see "Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch" on page 96.
Create Template—Create a switch conguraon template based on the switch conguraon. See
also: "Create a Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23.
Snapshot Device—Store a recovery snapshot in the OAM (Operaons, Administraons and
Maintenance) volume, which holds a full backup that can be used in case something goes wrong with
the switch conguraon.
Download Junos Cong—Use this tool to download the switch's Junos conguraon in a text le.
Replace Switch—Replace a switch without disrupng the network services on your network topology.
By default, this acon copies the exisng switch conguraon to the new switch. You can also
choose to discard specic conguraons that you don't want to copy to the new switch. For more
informaon, see "Replace a Switch" on page 104.
NOTE: If the new switch has a dierent number of ports than the switch being replaced, the
port conguraon is discarded. If the current switch template doesn't cover the conguraon
requirement of your new switch, we recommend that you assign your site with a dierent
template that covers the new switch. See "Congure Switches" on page 22.
Sync Conguraon—Somemes, the conguraon push to a switch might fail for various reasons. In
such cases, you can use this opon to resend the conguraon to the switch. The Sync Conguraon
operaon will overwrite any conguraon dened on the switch manually through the CLIs.
Switch Details | 110
Virtual Chassis Conguraon
Virtual Chassis Overview (Juniper Mist) | 121
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX2300, EX4650, or QFX5120 Switches | 125
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400,
or EX4600 Switches | 129
Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist (Add, Delete, Replace, and Modify
Members) | 134
Virtual Chassis Overview (Juniper Mist)
Mixed and Non-Mixed Virtual Chassis | 123
Design Consideraons for Virtual Chassis | 123
The Virtual Chassis technology enables you to connect mulple individual switches together to form
one logical unit and to manage the individual switches as a single unit. You can congure and manage a
Virtual Chassis using the Juniper Mist™ portal. The switches you add to a Virtual Chassis are called
. In a Virtual Chassis setup, Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) connect the member switches and are
responsible for passing the data and control trac between member switches.
A Virtual Chassis helps you migate the risk of loops. It also eliminates the need for legacy redundancy
protocols such as spanning tree protocols (STPs) and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). In
core and distribuon deployments, you can connect to the Virtual Chassis using link aggregaon group
(LAG) uplinks. These uplinks ensure that the member switches in a Virtual Chassis have device-level
A Virtual Chassis can include from two to 10 switches. Such a physical conguraon can provide beer
resilience if a member switch goes down. One possible disadvantage to combining several switches into
a Virtual Chassis is that this conguraon requires more space and power than a single device requires.
Video: Virtual Chassis Overview
You can create a Virtual Chassis using the Form Virtual Chassis opon on the Juniper Mist portal. The
Form Virtual Chassis opon applies only to the EX2300, EX4650, and QFX5120 switches as these
switches don't have dedicated Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs). This opon is not available to the EX3400,
EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, and EX4600 switches as they come with dedicated VCPs. To
create a Virtual Chassis with these switches, follow the procedure in this topic: "Congure a Virtual
Chassis Using EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or EX4600 Switches" on page 129.
However, the Modify Virtual Chassis workow (see "Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist (Add, Delete,
Replace, and Modify Members)" on page 134) supports all the switches that Juniper supports Virtual
Chassis on.
The table below shows the switch models along with the maximum number of member switches
allowed in a Virtual Chassis conguraon.
Table 12: Maximum Number of Member Switches Allowed in a Virtual Chassis Conguraon
Switch Model Maximum Member Switches Allowed
EX2300 4
EX4650 4
EX3400 10
EX4100 10
EX4100-F 10
EX4300 10
EX4400 10
EX4600 10
QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48T, QFX5120-48Y 2
QFX5120-48YM 4
Table 12: Maximum Number of Member Switches Allowed in a Virtual Chassis Conguraon
Switch Model Maximum Member Switches Allowed
QFX5110 10
Mist supports only preprovisioned Virtual Chassis conguraon. It doesn't support nonprovisioned
conguraon. The preprovisioned conguraon lets determiniscally control the roles and member IDs
assigned to the member switches when creang and managing a Virtual Chassis. The preprovisioned
conguraon disnguishes member switches by associang their serial numbers with the member ID.
For more informaon, see Virtual Chassis Overview for Switches
Mixed and Non-Mixed Virtual Chassis
A Virtual Chassis that includes switches of the same model can operate as a non-mixed Virtual Chassis.
However, a Virtual Chassis that includes dierent models of the same switch (for example, two or more
types of EX Series switches) must operate in mixed mode because of architecture dierences between
the dierent switch models.
Table 13: Supported
Combinaon of Switches in a Mixed-Mode Virtual Chassis
Allowed Roung Engine Members Allowed Linecard Members
EX4300 EX4300 and EX4600
EX4300-48MP EX4300-48MP and EX4300 (excludes EX4600)
EX4600 EX4600 and EX4300 (excludes EX4300-48MP)
For more informaon about the combinaon of switches that a mixed or a non-mixed Virtual Chassis
conguraon supports, see Understanding Mixed EX Series and QFX Series Virtual Chassis.
Design Consideraons for Virtual Chassis
We recommend that you physically distribute your Juniper access points (APs) across the network
operaons center (NOC) oor. This helps you connect each switch in a virtual stack to a dierent AP.
Doing so provides beer redundancy. This design also helps in handling hardware failures related to
power supply.
Figure 3: Virtual Chassis Setup in a NOC
For example, you can use one of the following two
opons if you want to deploy a soluon that includes
96 ports:
Use two EX4300-48P switches, with one switch serving as the primary and the other as the backup.
This opon is cost eecve and ensures a compact footprint. The main disadvantage of this opon is
that a failure of one switch can negavely aect 50 percent of your users.
Use four EX4300-24P switches, with one switch serving as the primary, one as the backup, and the
remaining two switches as linecard members. This opon provides a beer high availability because
any failure of one switch aects only 25 percent of users. A switch failure does not necessarily aect
the uplinks (if the failed switch did not include any uplinks). This opon requires more space and
Regardless of the opons you choose, we recommend that you do the following:
Congure the primary and backup switches in the Virtual Chassis in such a way that they are in
dierent physical locaons.
Distribute the member switches of the Virtual Chassis in such a way that no more than half of the
switches depend on the same power supply or any single point of failure.
Space the member switches evenly by a member hop in the Virtual Chassis.
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX2300, EX4650,
or QFX5120 Switches
The Juniper Networks EX2300, EX4650, and QFX5120 switches do not form a Virtual Chassis by
default, as these switches don’t have dedicated Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs). Therefore, to create a
Virtual Chassis with these switches, you need to use the Form Virtual Chassis opon on the Juniper
Mist™ portal. The Form Virtual Chassis opon applies only to the EX2300, EX4650, and QFX5120
switches. This workow creates a preprovisioned Virtual Chassis conguraon. Mist supports only the
preprovisioned Virtual Chassis conguraon.
The procedure to congure a Virtual Chassis using the EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400,
or EX4600 switches is dierent, as those switches have dedicated Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs). For more
informaon, see "Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or
EX4600 Switches" on page 129.
Before conguring a Virtual Chassis, ensure the following:
All the switches that you want to include in the Virtual Chassis are onboarded to the Juniper Mist™
cloud and assigned to the same site. To onboard a new switch (greeneld deployment), see Onboard
Switches to Mist Cloud. To onboard an exisng switch (browneld deployment) to Juniper Mist, see
"Onboard a Browneld Switch" on page 19. Navigate to the Switches page on the Mist portal and
verify that all the switches that you onboarded are listed on the page.
The switches are connected to the Mist cloud and have the conguraon management opon
enabled on the Mist portal.
NOTE: The switches need to have a direct connecon to the Mist cloud. Ensure that you have
an uplink connecon directly to the switch.
All the switches are running the same Junos soware version. If they are not, you can upgrade the
switch soware using a USB drive locally or using the Juniper Mist portal. See "Upgrade Junos OS
Soware on Your Switch" on page 96.
To congure a Virtual Chassis using EX2300, EX4650, or QFX5120 switches:
1. Click the Switches tab on the le to navigate to the Switches page.
2. Select the switches that you want to include in the Virtual Chassis.
An EX2300 switch variant can form a Virtual Chassis with any EX2300 switch variants. An EX4650
variant switch can form a Virtual Chassis with any EX4650 switch variants. A QFX5120 switch
variant can form a Virtual Chassis only with the same QFX5120 switch variant. Therefore, the Form
Virtual Chassis opon is available only if you select the right switch models for a Virtual Chassis.
3. Click More > Form Virtual Chassis.
NOTE: You can see the Form Virtual Chassis opon only if:
The selected switches are running the same Junos version and have the conguraon
management opon enabled.
All the selected switch models are supported by the Virtual Chassis.
You can also create Virtual Chassis from the switch details page by using the Ulies > Form Virtual
Chassis opon.
The Form Virtual Chassis window appears, as shown in the following sample picture.
4. On the Form Virtual Chassis window, specify the following:
a. Port IDs for the switches. These are IDs for the Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs). This window displays
all the switches you selected from the Switches page.
b. The Primary switch. The switch that you selected rst is the primary switch by default. You can
modify that.
c. The Backup switch. This conguraon is oponal. If you don't select a switch to funcon in the
backup role, Mist assigns the linecard role to that switch.
Ensure that you have an uplink connecon directly to the primary switch.
5. Click Form Virtual Chassis and wait for 3 to 5 minutes for the Virtual Chassis to be created.
The switches page shows a message indicang that you must connect the switches to each other
using the VCPs.
6. Connect the switches to each other using the VCPs congured.
When the Virtual Chassis formaon is in progress, the Switches page shows the switch status as VC
Aer the Virtual Chassis formaon is successful, the Switches page displays only one entry for the
Virtual Chassis with the name of the primary switch. However, the MIST APs column displays one AP
for each Virtual Chassis member in a comma-separated format.
The switch details page displays the front panel of all the Virtual Chassis members.
You can use the Modify Virtual Chassis opon on the switch details page to renumber and replace
Virtual Chassis members and add members to a Virtual Chassis connected to the Mist cloud. For more
informaon, see "Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist (Add, Delete, Replace, and Modify Members)" on
page 134.
Congure a Virtual Chassis Using EX3400, EX4100,
EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or EX4600 Switches
The EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, and EX4600 switches come with dedicated Virtual
Chassis ports (VCPs). You can create Virtual Chassis using these switches by connecng them to each
other via VCPs. These switches don't support the Form Virtual Chassis opon on the Switches page on
the Mist portal. However, once a Virtual Chassis is created with these switches, you can use the Modify
Virtual Chassis opon on the switch details page to modify and manage the Virtual Chassis. The Virtual
Chassis workow for these switches involves the following two steps:
Virtual Chassis formaon by connecng the switches via the dedicated VCPs and powering on them.
Preprovisioning the Virtual Chassis using the Modify Virtual Chassis opon on the Juniper Mist
Portal. Mist supports only the preprovisioned Virtual Chassis conguraon. The preprovisioned
conguraon species the chassis serial number, member ID, and role for both member switches in
the Virtual Chassis. When a new member router joins the Virtual Chassis, Junos compares its serial
number against the values specied in the preprovisioned conguraon. Preprovisioning prevents
any accidental role assignments, or the accidental addion of a new member to the Virtual Chassis.
Each role, member ID, addion or removal of members, is under the control of the conguraon.
Before conguring a Virtual Chassis using the EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or
EX4600 Switches, ensure the following:
All the switches that you want to include in the Virtual Chassis are onboarded to the Juniper Mist™
cloud and assigned to the same site. To onboard a new switch (greeneld deployment), see Onboard
Switches to Mist Cloud. To onboard an exisng switch (browneld deployment), see "Onboard a
Browneld Switch" on page 19.
All the switches are running the same Junos soware version. If they are not, you can upgrade the
switch soware using a USB drive locally or using the Juniper Mist portal. See "Upgrade Junos OS
Soware on Your Switch" on page 96.
In addion to Virtual Chassis creaon, you can renumber, replace, or add a member to an exisng Virtual
Chassis, by using the Modify Virtual Chassis opon on the Switch Details Page. The Modify Virtual
Chassis opon is available for switches that have the conguraon management enabled in Mist.
You can congure the Virtual Chassis in mixed mode or non-mixed mode. A Virtual Chassis that includes
switches of the same model operates as a non-mixed Virtual Chassis. However, a Virtual Chassis that
includes dierent models of the same switch operates in mixed mode because of architecture
dierences between the dierent switch models. For more informaon, see "Mixed and Non-Mixed
Virtual Chassis" on page 123.
Table 14: Supported
Combinaon of Switches in a Mixed-Mode Virtual Chassis
Allowed Roung Engine Members Allowed Linecard Members
EX4300 EX4300 and EX4600
EX4300-48MP EX4300-48MP and EX4300 (excludes EX4600)
EX4600 EX4600 and EX4300 (excludes EX4300-48MP)
To congure a Virtual Chassis using EX3400, EX4100, EX4100-F, EX4300, EX4400, or EX4600
1. Power o the switches that you want to include in the Virtual Chassis.
2. Connect the switches to each other using the dedicated Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs), preferably in a
full ring topology, as shown below. The following is a sample image. The locaon of the VCPs will
vary depending on the switch models.
3. Power on the switch that you want to funcon in the primary role.
This member will become FPC0.
NOTE: The order in which you power on devices also determines the member ID. If you
prefer to see the Virtual Chassis members on the Mist portal in the same order as they are
physically stacked, you need to power them on and then connect them to the other exisng
switches in that order.
4. Approximately one minute aer powering on the switch that you selected for the primary role,
power on the switch that you want to funcon in the backup role.
NOTE: In the case of some switch models, you may need to wait for more than one minute as
they take more me to boot up.
This member will become FPC1.
5. Wait for approximately one more minute, and then boot up the rest of the switches that you want to
funcon in the linecard role.
NOTE: In the case of some switch models, you may need to wait for more than one minute as
they take more me to boot up.
6. Wait for the MST LED on the primary and backup switches to come up. The LED appears solid on
the primary switch. On the backup switch, the LED stays in a blinking state.
A Virtual Chassis is now physically formed but not preprovisioned.
7. Connect the Virtual Chassis to the Juniper Mist cloud by connecng the uplink port on the primary
switch to the upstream switch.
This step iniates a zero-touch provisioning (ZTP) process on the Virtual Chassis and connects it to
the Juniper Mist cloud.
8. Click Switches >
Switch Name
to go to the Virtual Chassis page (the switch details page) to verify the
The switches appear as a single Virtual Chassis as shown below:
9. Aer Virtual Chassis is connected to the Mist cloud, preprovision it. Preprovisioning allows users to
dene the roles and renumber appropriately. To preprovision the Virtual Chassis, follow the steps
a. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis page appears.
b. On the Modify Virtual Chassis page, click Preprovision Virtual Chassis. See a sample Modify
Virtual Chassis page below:
This step pushes the preprovisioned Virtual Chassis conguraon to the device and overwrites
the old autoprovision Virtual Chassis conguraon in the device. This opon assumes the current
posioning of the members and preprovisions them as is.
NOTE: If you make any changes on the Modify Virtual Chassis page, such as moving the
members around or adding or removing members, the Preprovision Virtual Chassis buon is
disabled and the Update buon is enabled. In this case, click the Update buon to eect the
changes made and Preprovision the Virtual Chassis.
All conguraons are pushed instantly aer you preprovision the Virtual Chassis. The stats could
take up to 15 minutes to appear on the Mist dashboard.
For a detailed procedure on how to modify a Virtual Chassis, see "Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist
(Add, Delete, Replace, and Modify Members)" on page 134.
Manage a Virtual Chassis Using Mist (Add, Delete,
Replace, and Modify Members)
Prerequisites | 135
Replace a Member Switch in a Virtual Chassis | 136
Renumber the Virtual Chassis Members | 144
Reassign the Virtual Chassis Member Roles | 146
Delete Virtual Chassis Members | 148
Add a Member Switch to a Virtual Chassis | 149
You can use the Modify Virtual Chassis opon on the switch details page to manage your Virtual
Chassis. The operaons you can perform include renumbering and replacing the Virtual Chassis
members and adding new members to a Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis workow leverages the pre-provisioned way of Junos conguraon. This
opon is visible for switches that have the conguraon management opon enabled in Mist.
The preprovisioned conguraon species the chassis serial number, member ID, and role for both
member switches in the Virtual Chassis. When a new member router joins the Virtual Chassis, Junos
compares its serial number against the values specied in the preprovisioned conguraon.
Preprovisioning prevents any accidental role assignment to a Roung Engine, or any accidental addion
of a new member to the Virtual Chassis. Role assignments, member ID assignments, and addions or
deleons of members in Virtual Chassis are under the control of a preprovisioned conguraon.
The Modify Virtual Chassis opon is available:
To Super Users or Network Admins.
For switches that have their conguraon managed by Mist.
This workow applies to all the EX Series and QFX Series plaorms that support Virtual
To delete the FPC0, trash and replace it with an exisng member in the Virtual Chassis. You
cannot add a new member during the deleon of the FPC0.
The Add Switch dropdown only shows the switches that:
Share the same major rmware version as the exisng members in the Virtual Chassis.
Are part of the same site. Models with dedicated Virtual Chassis ports can be in connected
or disconnected state. However, to modify the EX2300, EX4650, or QFX5120 Virtual
Chassis, the members should be in the connected state as these switches don’t have
dedicated Virtual Chassis ports.
Have conguraon management enabled in Mist.
Are not currently part of the same or another Virtual Chassis.
Are of the same model family.
The Modify Virtual Chassis buon is disabled when the Conguraon Management opon is
disabled for the switch.
When a Virtual Chassis conguraon is in progress, you cannot make any changes inside the
Modify Virtual Chassis page.
The Modify Virtual Chassis workow leverages the Junos preprovisioning method which congures the
role and serial number of all members in a Virtual Chassis. To learn more about preprovisioning, see
Example: Conguring an EX4200 Virtual Chassis Using a Preprovisioned Conguraon File.
Before your perform any modicaon to a Virtual Chassis, you must remove all the addional CLI
commands specic to Virtual Chassis (the
commands) from the associated device or site
template. The addional CLI commands take precedence over other types of conguraons. If a Virtual
Chassis conguraon is detected under the Addional CLI Commands secon, you cannot make any
changes using the Modify Virtual Chassis opon. When you aempt to modify a Virtual Chassis, the
Mist dashboard displays a message to indicate that the Addional CLI commands (if present) need to be
removed and saved.
Replace a Member Switch in a Virtual Chassis
Replace a Non-FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis | 136
Replace the FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis | 140
You can replace a disconnected Virtual Chassis member switch with another, by deleng the old
member and adding a new member. For this feature to work, you must ensure the following:
The new switch is of the same model as the other members in the Virtual Chassis.
The new switch runs the same Junos version as the other members.
The new switch is connected to the network.
The new switch is assigned to the same site as the other members in the Virtual Chassis.
Replace a Non-FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis
To replace a non-FPC0 member:
1. Onboard the replacement switch to the Mist cloud and assign it to the same site as the other
members in the Virtual Chassis. To onboard the switch, use the Claim Switch or Adopt Switch
opon on the Inventory page (Organizaon > Inventory). You can also use the Mist AI mobile app to
claim a switch.
During the switch onboarding, remember to enable the conguraon management for the switch
by selecng the Manage conguraon with Mist opon.
For the Adopt Switch workow, the Manage conguraon with Mist opon is available during the
site assignment step. For more informaon on the Adopt Switch workow, see "Onboard a
Browneld Switch" on page 19.
For the Claim Switch workow, the Manage conguraon with Mist opon is available on the Claim
Switches and Acvate Subscripon page. For more informaon about the Claim Switch workow,
see Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud.
2. Ensure that the new switch is running the same Junos version as the other members in the Virtual
Chassis. If it is not, upgrade the switch using a USB drive locally or using the Juniper Mist portal.
See "Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch" on page 96 for more informaon.
3. Power o the new switch (the replacement switch). If you are replacing the FPC0 member, you
must keep the replacement switch powered on all the me.
4. Power o the member to be replaced. Or, remove the Virtual Chassis port (VCP) cables from this
5. Connect the Virtual Chassis cables from the exisng Virtual Chassis members to the new
replacement switch.
6. On the Mist portal, navigate to the switch details page of the Virtual Chassis by clicking Switches >
Switch Name
(the Virtual Chassis name).
7. Wait for the switch details page (the Virtual Chassis page) to display the member switch to be
replaced as oine, as shown below:
8. Click Modify Virtual Chassis.
Because you have removed the VCP connecon from the member switch being replaced, the
Modify Virtual Chassis window displays a broken link for this member switch along with a delete
(trash) icon.
9. Delete the member to be replaced by clicking the trash icon.
10. Click Add Switch to add the new replacement member.
11. Renumber the new switch by dragging and dropping it into the appropriate slot. Remember to edit
the MAC address of the backup switch if you are replacing the backup switch.
12. Click Update.
13. Power on the replacement switch and wait for Virtual Chassis formaon to be complete.
The Switch Events page displays all the Virtual Chassis update events.
The switch details page displays the updated Virtual Chassis informaon.
Replace the FPC0 Member in a Virtual Chassis
The FPC0 is used as the device idener and is used to communicate to the Mist cloud. You cannot
replace the FPC0 with another member in a single operaon. You need to follow a 2-step process -
adding the new replacement switch and then removing the switch to be replaced. You should carry out
the FPC0 replacement operaon in a maintenance window as this operaon can impact the trac to the
clients connected.
1. Click Switches >
Switch Name
to go to the switch details page of the Virtual Chassis to be modied.
2. Click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window appears.
3. On the Modify Virtual Chassis window, click Add Switch and add the replacement switch to the
Virtual Chassis as a new member.
The new switch must be powered on and connected to the cloud.
4. Click Update.
5. Remove the uplink connecon (in-band or OOB) from FPC0 member (if an uplink is present). Ensure
the connecvity to the Mist cloud is maintained aer the removal of the uplink. If this is the only
uplink, connect it to another member that can provide the uplink connecvity.
6. Power o the FPC0 member to be replaced. Or, remove the VCP cables from it.
7. Remove the DAC cables from the FPC0 being replaced and connect it to the new member in the
same ports.
The Mist cloud adds the new member to the Virtual Chassis.
8. On the Mist portal, navigate to the switch details page of the Virtual Chassis by clicking Switches >
Switch Name
(the Virtual Chassis name).
The switch details page (the Virtual Chassis page) will display the new member switch as part of the
Virtual Chassis.
9. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
Because you have removed the VCP connecon from the FPC0 being replaced, the Modify Virtual
Chassis window displays a broken link against this member switch along with a delete (trash) icon.
10. Delete the member to be replaced by clicking the trash icon.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window displays a message indicang that FPC0 is required.
11. Move the new switch to slot 0 (the FPC0 slot) by dragging and dropping it. Also, update the Backup
eld with the MAC address of the new switch, as shown below:
This step links the new FPC0 device MAC address to the web browser URL and updates the
outbound SSH MAC address eld with the new FPC0 device MAC address.
12. Click Update.
Renumber the Virtual Chassis Members
If you prefer to see the Virtual Chassis members on the Mist portal in the same order as they are
physically stacked, you need to power these members on and then connect them to the other exisng
Virtual Chassis switch members in that order.
You can modify the member switches’ order on the Mist portal by renumbering the members. On the
Modify Virtual Chassis window, accessed from the switch details page, you can move around the port
panel of a switch to change the order of the member. The order is incremental. The rst entry is member
0, the second is member 1, and so on. You are required to specify the FPC0.
To renumber the switches in a preprovisioned Virtual Chassis:
1. Click the Switches tab on the le to navigate to the Switches page.
2. Click the Virtual Chassis in which you want to renumber the members.
The switch details page appears.
3. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window appears.
4. On the Modify Virtual Chassis screen, drag and drop the port panel of a switch to dierent slots to
change the switch number. The order is incremental. The rst entry is member 0, the second is
member 1, and so on. In the example below, the FPC1 has been renumbered as FPC2 and the FPC2
has been renumbered as FPC1.
You must specify the FPC0 in this conguraon. Within a Virtual Chassis, you cannot
renumber, move around, or delete FPC0 unless it is disconnected. It is the device idener
for connecvity to the Mist cloud.
Renumbering the members within a Virtual Chassis does not renumber the port
conguraons and port prole assignment. When you renumber a VC, Mist displays the
following warning (as shown in the picture above): "Renumbering of VC members has been
detected. The port conguraons dened under Port Conguraon > Port Prole
Assignment will not be modied. Please verify that port conguraons are correct aer
saving these changes."
So, ensure that these changes are taken care of before or aer renumbering the members
in the Virtual Chassis.
5. Aer you have made the changes, click Update.
The members are renumbered.
Reassign the Virtual Chassis Member Roles
A Virtual Chassis conguraon in a Juniper Mist™ network has two switches in the Roung Engine role -
one in the primary Roung Engine role, and the other in the backup Roung Engine role. The remaining
member switches operate in the linecard role. You can change the role of a switch from primary to
backup or backup to linecard or linecard to primary.
To change the role of Virtual Chassis members:
1. Click the Switches tab on the le to navigate to the Switches page.
2. Click the Virtual Chassis in which you want to change the member roles.
The switch details page appears.
3. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window appears.
4. On the Modify Virtual Chassis screen, specify a primary switch and a backup switch (oponal) from
the Primary and Backup drop-down list. All the other switches assume a linecard role.
5. Aer you have made the changes, click Update.
The member roles are changed.
You will see the updated status about the role change on the switches page on the Mist portal. The role
change will take some me (approximately 15 minutes) to appear on the Mist portal. You can see a
banner message at the top aer every change that you make, as shown below:
Delete Virtual Chassis Members
You can delete the member switches from the Virtual Chassis, by clicking the delete (trash) icon on the
Modify Virtual Chassis window. Before deleng any member switch, you must ensure that the switch to
be removed is disconnected from the Virtual Chassis. If the switch is connected, power it o or remove
the VCP connecon from it.
To delete a member switch from Virtual Chassis:
1. Remove the physical VCP connecon of the member switch that you want to delete from the Virtual
2. On the Mist portal, click the Switches tab on the le to navigate to the Switches page.
3. Click the Virtual Chassis from which you want to delete a member switch.
The switch details page appears.
4. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window appears. Because you have removed the VCP connecon from
the member switch, the Modify Virtual Chassis window displays a broken link for the member switch
along with a delete icon.
5. Click the delete icon and then click Update.
Mist removes the member switch from the Virtual Chassis.
Add a Member Switch to a Virtual Chassis
You can add one or more member switches to a Virtual Chassis from the Modify Virtual Chassis window.
Before adding a new member switch to a Virtual Chassis, ensure the following:
The new switch is of the same model as the other members in the Virtual Chassis.
The new switch runs the same Junos version as the other members.
The new switch is connected to the network.
The new switch is assigned to the same site as the other members in the Virtual Chassis.
To add a new member switch to the Virtual Chassis:
1. Onboard the replacement switch to the Mist cloud and assign it to the same site as the other
members in the Virtual Chassis. To onboard the switch, use the Claim Switch or Adopt Switch opon
on the Inventory page (Organizaon > Inventory). You can also use the Mist AI mobile app to claim a
During the switch onboarding, remember to enable the conguraon management for the switch by
selecng the Manage conguraon with Mist opon.
For the Adopt Switch workow, the Manage conguraon with Mist opon is available during the
site assignment step. For more informaon on the Adopt Switch workow, see "Onboard a
Browneld Switch" on page 19.
For the Claim Switch workow, the Manage conguraon with Mist opon is available on the Claim
Switches and Acvate Subscripon page. For more informaon about the Claim Switch workow,
see Onboard Switches to Mist Cloud.
2. Ensure that the new switch is running the same Junos version as the other members in the Virtual
Chassis. If it is not, upgrade the switch using a USB drive locally or using the Juniper Mist portal. See
"Upgrade Junos OS Soware on Your Switch" on page 96 for more informaon.
3. On the Mist portal, click the Switches tab on the le to navigate to the Switches page.
4. Click the Virtual Chassis to which you want to add the new member switch.
The switch details page appears.
5. On the switch details page, click Modify Virtual Chassis.
The Modify Virtual Chassis window appears.
6. On the Modify Virtual Chassis window, click Add Switch.
7. Specify the VC port ID for the switch, if needed (the port ID conguraon applies to the EX2300,
EX4650, and QFX5120 switches).
8. Click Update.
9. Connect the VCPs as specied on the Modify Virtual Chassis window and wait for 3 to 5 minutes for
virtual chassis to be updated.
While the Virtual Chassis is forming, the switches page displays the status as 'VC Forming'.
Aer Mist updates the Virtual Chassis, the switch details page displays the front panel of all the three
Virtual Chassis members.
Campus Fabric Conguraon
Which Campus Fabric Topology to Choose | 154
How to Migrate a Tradional Enterprise Network to a Juniper Campus Fabric |
Congure Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming | 167
Congure Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon | 175
Congure Campus Fabric IP Clos | 185
Which Campus Fabric Topology to Choose
EVPN Mulhoming for Collapsed Core | 154
Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon for Tradional 3-Stage Architecture | 157
Campus Fabric IP Clos for Micro-Segmentaon at Access Layer | 160
Juniper Networks campus fabrics provide a single, standards-based Ethernet VPN-Virtual Extensible
LAN (EVPN-VXLAN) soluon that you can deploy on any campus. You can deploy campus fabrics on a
two-er network with a collapsed core or a campus-wide system that involves mulple buildings with
separate distribuon and core layers.
You can build and manage a campus fabric using the Mist portal. This topic describes the following
campus fabric topologies, all of which Juniper Mist™ supports.
EVPN Mulhoming
Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon
Campus Fabric IP Clos
To help you determine which campus fabric to use, the following secons describe the use cases that
each of the above topologies addresses:
EVPN Mulhoming for Collapsed Core
The Juniper Networks campus fabrics EVPN mulhoming soluon supports a collapsed core
architecture, which is a small to mid-size enterprise networking architecture. In a collapsed core model,
you deploy up to two Ethernet switching plaorms that are interconnected using technologies such as
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) and mulchassis link
aggregaon group (MC-LAG). The endpoint devices include laptops, access points (APs), printers, and
Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These endpoint devices plug in to the access layer using various
Ethernet speeds, such as 100M, 1G, 2.5G, and 10G. The access layer switching plaorms are
mulhomed to each collapsed core Ethernet switch in the core of the network.
The following image represents the tradional collapsed core deployment model:
Figure 4: Collapsed Core Topology
However, the tradional collapsed core deployment model presents the following challenges:
Its proprietary MC-LAG technology requires a homogeneous vendor approach.
It lacks horizontal scale. It supports only up to two core devices in a single topology.
It lacks nave trac isolaon capabilies in the core.
Not all implementaons support acve-acve load balancing to the access layer.
EVPN Mulhoming addresses these challenges and provides the following advantages:
Provides standards based EVPN-VXLAN framework.
Supports horizontal scale up to four core devices.
Provides trac isolaon capabilies nave to EVPN-VXLAN.
Provides nave acve-acve load-balancing support to the access layer using Ethernet Switch
Idener-link aggregaon groups (ESI-LAGs).
Provides standard Link Aggregaon Control Protocol (LACP) at the access layer.
Migates the need for spanning tree protocol (STP) between the core and access layer.
Figure 5: EVPN Mulhoming
Choose EVPN Mulhoming if you want to:
Retain your investment in the access layer.
Refresh your legacy hardware that supports collapsed core.
Scale your deployment beyond two devices in the core.
Leverage the exisng access layer without introducing any new hardware or soware models.
Provide nave acve-acve load-balancing support for the access layer through ESI-LAG.
Migate the need for STP between the core and the access layer.
Use the standards-based EVPN-VXLAN framework in the core.
The following Juniper plaorms support EVPN Mulhoming:
Core layer devices: EX9200, EX4400-48F, and EX4400-24X, EX4650, QFX5120, QFX5110,
QFX5700, and QFX5130
Access layer devices: Third party devices using LACP, Juniper Virtual Chassis, or standalone EX
Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon for Tradional 3-Stage Architecture
Enterprise networks that scale past the collapsed core model typically deploy a tradional three-stage
architecture involving the core, distribuon, and access layers. In this case, the core layer provides the
Layer 2 (L2) or Layer 3 (L3) connecvity to all users, printers, APs, and so on. And the core devices
interconnect with the dual WAN routers using standards-based OSPF or BGP technologies.
Figure 6: 3-Stage Core-Distribuon-Access Network
This tradional deployment model faces the following challenges:
Its proprietary core MC-LAG technology requires a homogeneous vendor approach.
Only up to two core devices are supported in a single topology.
Lack of nave trac isolaon capabilies anywhere in this network.
Requires STP between the distribuon and access layers and potenally between the core and
distribuon layers. This results in sub-opmal use of links.
Careful planning is required if you need to move the L3 boundary between core and distribuon
VLAN extensibility requires deploying VLANs across all links between access switches.
The Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon architecture addresses these challenges in the physical layout of a
three-stage model and provides the following advantages:
Helps in retaining your investment in the access layer. In an enterprise network, your company makes
most of the Ethernet switching hardware investment in the access layer where endpoints terminate.
The endpoint devices (including laptops, APs, printers, and IOT devices) plug in to the access layer.
These devices use various Ethernet speeds, such as 100M, 1G, 2.5G, and 10G.
Provides a standards-based EVPN-VXLAN framework.
Supports horizontal scale at the core and distribuon layers, supporng an IP Clos architecture.
Provides trac isolaon capabilies nave to EVPN-VXLAN.
Provides nave acve-acve load balancing to the access layer using ESI-LAG.
Provides standard LACP at the access layer.
Migates the need for STP between all layers.
Supports the following topology subtypes:
Centrally routed bridging (CRB): Targets north-south trac paerns with the L3 boundary or
default gateway shared between all core devices.
Edge-routed bridging (ERB): Targets east-west trac paerns and IP mulcast with the L3
boundary or the default gateway shared between all distribuon devices.
To know about more benets of Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon deployments, See Benets of Campus
Fabric Core-Distribuon.
Figure 7: Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon - CRB or ERB
Choose Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon if you want to:
Retain your investment in the access layer while leveraging the exisng LACP technology.
Retain your investment in the core and distribuon layers.
Have an IP Clos architecture between core and distribuon built on standards-based EVPN-VXLAN.
Have acve-acve load-balancing at all layers, as listed below:
Equal-cost mulpath (ECMP) between the core and distribuon layers
ESI-LAG towards the access layer
Migate the need for STP between all layers.
The following Juniper plaorms support Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon (CRB/ERB):
Core layer devices: EX4650, EX9200, EX4400-48F, EX4400-24X, QFX5120, QFX5110, QFX5700,
and QFX5130
Distribuon layer devices: EX4650, EX9200, EX4400-48F, EX4400-24X, QFX5120, QFX5110,
QFX5700, and QFX5130
Access layer devices: Third party devices using LACP, Juniper Virtual Chassis, or standalone EX
Campus Fabric IP Clos for Micro-Segmentaon at Access Layer
Enterprise networks need to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and ecient
networks. This demand includes a great number of IoT and mobile devices. This also creates the need for
segmentaon and security. IP Clos architectures help enterprises meet these challenges. An IP Clos
soluon provides increased scalability and segmentaon using a standards-based EVPN-VXLAN
architecture with Group Based Policy (GBP) capacity.
A Campus Fabric IP Clos architecture provides the following advantages:
Micro-segmentaon at the access layer using standards-based Group Based Policy
Integraon with third-party network access control (NAC) or RADIUS deployments
Standards-based EVPN-VXLAN framework across all layers
Flexibility in scale supporng 3-stage and 5-stage IP Clos deployments
Trac-isolaon capabilies nave to EVPN-VXLAN
Nave acve-acve load balancing within campus fabric by ulizing ECMP
Network opmized for IP mulcast
Fast convergence between all layers, using a ne-tuned Bidireconal Forwarding Detecon (BFD)
Oponal Services Block for customers who wish to deploy a lean core layer
Migated need for STP between all layers
To know about more benets of Campus Fabric IP Clos deployments, see Benets of Campus Fabric IP
The following images represents the 3-stage and 5-stage IP Clos deployment.
Figure 8: Campus Fabric IP Clos 3 Stage
Figure 9: Campus Fabric IP Clos 5 Stage
The following Juniper Network plaorms support Campus Fabric IP Clos:
Core layer devices: EX9200, EX4400-48F, EX4400-24X, EX4650, QFX5120, QFX5110, QFX5700,
and QFX5130
Distribuon layer devices: EX9200, EX4400-48F, EX4400-24X, EX4650, QFX5120, QFX5110,
QFX5700, and QFX5130
Access layer devices: EX4100, EX4300-MP, and EX4400
Services Block devices: QFX5120, EX4650, EX4400-24X, EX4400, QFX5130, QFX5170, EX9200,
and QFX10k
How to Migrate a Tradional Enterprise Network to
a Juniper Campus Fabric
Build Campus Fabric in Parallel to the Exisng Network | 164
Interconnect the Campus Fabric to the Exisng Network | 164
Migrate VLANs to the Campus Fabric | 165
Migrate the Crical Infrastructure to the Services Block | 166
Migrate WAN Router(s) to the Services Block | 167
Decommission the Exisng Enterprise Network | 167
This document details a strategy to migrate a tradional enterprise network-based architecture to a
Juniper Campus Fabric EVPN-VXLAN architecture.
Juniper’s campus fabric leverages EVPN VXLAN as the underlying technology for small, mid, and large
enterprise deployments. You can build and manage campus fabric by using Mist’s Wired Assurance
Cloud-ready framework. For addional informaon on Juniper’s Campus Fabric, see Juniper Mist Wired
Assurance datasheet.
Video: Three Step Campus Fabric
This migraon strategy focuses on an enterprise network consisng of the tradional 3-stage
architecture of access, distribuon, and core. In this example, core provides layer 3 connecvity to all
users, printers, access points (APs), and so on. And the core layer interconnects with dual WAN routers
using standards based OSPF or BGP technologies.
Figure 10: Tradional Enterprise Network
At a high-level, migraon from a tradional enterprise network to a Juniper campus fabric architecture
involves the following steps:
1. Build a campus fabric architecture in parallel to the exisng enterprise network.
2. Interconnect the campus fabric to the exisng network using a services block.
3. Migrate VLANs one by one to the campus fabric.
4. Migrate the crical infrastructure such as DHCP server and RADIUS to the services block.
5. Migrate WAN router(s) to the services block.
6. Decommission the exisng enterprise network once all the connecvity is veried.
Build Campus Fabric in Parallel to the Exisng Network
As the rst step, build a campus fabric by using Mist’s Wired Assurance framework. This step allows you
to deploy an operaonal campus fabric in parallel to the exisng network. In this example, we choose
the campus fabric IP Clos architecture because the customer has a micro-segmentaon strategy
deployed at the access layer. The customer has chosen the following Juniper equipment to be deployed
within the Campus Fabric IP Clos architecture:
QFX5120 switches (core layer)
QFX5120 switches (distribuon layer)
EX4100 and EX4400 switches in Virtual Chassis mode (access layer)
QFX5120 switches (services block)
See also: "Congure Campus Fabric IP Clos" on page 185.
Figure 11: Co-existence of Campus Fabric with Enterprise Network
Interconnect the Campus Fabric to the Exisng Network
You can use the services block to interconnect the campus fabric with the enterprise network. You can
do this by using ESI-LAG technologies at layer 2, or the standard roung protocols such as BGP or OSPF
if layer 3 connecvity is required. In this case, we interconnect the services block to the core enterprise
using OSPF.
Figure 12: Services Block Interconnects with the Core Using OSPF
The loopback reachability between the two networks should be established through the services block.
For example, the campus fabric build assigns loopback addresses to each device. By default, these
addresses are part of the same subnet. OSPF should exchange these addresses with routable prexes
sent by the core layer through the services block. The end-user should verify reachability between these
prexes before moving to the next step.
Migrate VLANs to the Campus Fabric
This process requires you to remove each VLAN and associated layer 3 interface from the enterprise
network. You need to migrate all devices within the VLAN to the campus fabric and then have the end-
user verify full connecvity from the devices on the migrated VLAN to the applicaons and devices on
the enterprise network. The following summarizes this step:
Migrate VLANs to campus fabric by disabling or removing the layer 3 subnet from the current
Users and devices migrate to the access layer of the campus fabric.
Layer 3 interconnect provides reachability on a VLAN-by-VLAN basis.
Users and devices must validate all applicaon reachability before moving to the next VLAN.
Figure 13: All VLANs and Access Devices Migrated to the Campus Fabric
Migrate the Crical Infrastructure to the Services Block
Juniper recommends dual homing of each crical infrastructure service (such as DHCP server and
RADIUS) to the services block. You can do this by using ESI-LAG technologies at layer 2, or the standard
roung protocols such as BGP or OSPF if layer 3 connecvity is required. Accessibility of crical
infrastructure services within the campus fabric and from the enterprise network should be veried
before moving to the next step.
Figure 14: Crical Infrastructure Migraon to the Services Block
Migrate WAN Router(s) to the Services Block
Mist lets you connect WAN router(s) to the services block using BGP or OSFP. Aer WAN routers are
connected to the service block, verify the accessibility of WAN services to and from the campus fabric
before moving to the next step.
Figure 15: WAN Routers Migraon to the Services Block
Decommission the Exisng Enterprise Network
We recommend that you keep the enterprise network up and operaonal for at least one week aer all
services and applicaons are reachable without issue to and from the campus fabric. Aer that,
decommission the exisng enterprise network.
Congure Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming
The Juniper Networks campus fabrics EVPN mulhoming soluon supports a collapsed core
architecture. This architecture merges the core and distribuon layers into a single switch. Merging
these layers into a single switch turns the tradional three-er hierarchical network into a two-ered
network. This architecture also eliminates the need for STP across campus networks by providing
mulhoming capabilies from the access layer to the core layer.
For a detailed conguraon example, see Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming Workow.
To congure campus fabric EVPN mulhoming:
1. Click Organizaon > Campus Fabric.
2. From the site drop-down list beside the page heading, select the site where you want to build the
campus fabric.
The topology type EVPN Mulhoming is available only for the site-specic campus fabric. You
cannot build it for an enre organizaon.
3. Click whichever opon is relevant. Click the:
Congure Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site doesn't have a campus fabric conguraon
associated with it).
Create Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site already has at least one campus fabric
conguraon associated with it).
The Topology tab is displayed.
4. Select the topology type EVPN Mulhoming.
5. Congure the remaining sengs on the Topology tab, as described below:
NOTE: We recommend that you use the default sengs on this screen unless they conict
with any networks aached to the campus fabric. The point-to-point links between each
layer ulize /31 addressing to conserve addresses.
a. In the CONFIGURATION secon, congure the following:
Topology Name—Enter a name for the topology.
Virtual Gateway v4 MAC Address—If you enable it, Mist provides a unique MAC address to
each Layer 3 (L3) virtual gateway (per network). This seng is disabled by default.
b. (If you choose not to use the default sengs) In the OVERLAY SETTINGS secon, enter the
BGP Local AS—Represents the starng point of private BGP AS numbers that Mist allocates
to each device automacally. You can use any private BGP AS number range that suits your
deployment. Mist provisions the roung policy so that only the loopback IP addresses are
exchanged in the underlay of the fabric.
c. (If you choose not to use the default sengs) In the UNDERLAY SETTINGS secon, congure
the following:
AS BaseThe AS base number. The default is 65001.
Underlay—Select an internet protocol for the underlay. Opons are IPv4 and IPv6.
SubnetThe range of IP addresses that Mist uses for point-to-point links between devices.
You can use a range that suits your deployment. Mist breaks this subnet into /31 subnet
addressing per link. You can modify this number to suit the specic deployment scale. For
example, a /24 network would provide up to 128 point-to-point /31 subnets.
IPv6 Loopback Interface—Specify an IPv6 loopback interface subnet, which is used to
autocongure IPv6 loopback interface on each device in the fabric.
Auto Router ID Subnet/Loopback Interface—Mist uses this subnet to automacally assign a
router ID to each device in the fabric (including access devices irrespecve of whether they
are congured with EVPN or not). Router IDs are loopback interfaces (lo0.0) used for overlay
peering between devices. For new topologies, this eld auto-populates a default subnet
value (, which you can modify. When you edit an exisng topology, this
eld doesn’t populate any default value. The router ID is used as an idener when
deploying roung protocols such as BGP. Aer you add the switch to the collapsed core
layer, click the switch icon to see the associated router ID.
You can overwrite the automacally assigned router ID by manually conguring a loopback
interface in the Router ID eld on the Roung le on the switch conguraon page (Switches
Switch Name
). However, if you modify the campus fabric conguraon aerwards, Mist
performs the automac assignment of the router ID again, replacing the manually congured
loopback interface.
6. Click Connue to go to the Nodes tab, where you can select devices that form part of the campus
fabric deployment.
7. Add switches to the collapsed core layer and access layer.
We recommend that you validate the presence of each device in the switch inventory before
creang the campus fabric.
To add switches:
a. Click Select Switches.
b. Choose the switches that you want to add to the campus fabric.
c. Click Select.
8. Aer selecng the switches, click Connue to go to the Network Sengs tab, where you can
congure the networks.
9. Congure the network sengs, as described below:
a. On the NETWORKS le, add networks or VLANs to the conguraon. You can either create a
new network or import the network from the switch template dened on the Organizaon >
Switch templates page.
To add a new VLAN, click Create New Network and congure the VLANs. The sengs include a
name, VLAN ID, and a subnet.
To import VLANs from the template:
i. Click Add Exisng Network.
ii. Select a switch template from the Template drop-down list to view the VLANs available in
that template.
iii. Select the required VLAN from the displayed list, and click the mark.
VLANs are mapped to Virtual Network Ideners (VNIs). You can oponally map VLANs to
virtual roung and forwarding (VRF) instances to logically separate the trac.
b. Review the sengs in the OTHER IP CONFIGURATION le. This secon populates the sengs
automacally aer you specify the networks in the NETWORKS secon.
c. Oponally, congure VRF instances on the VRF le. By default, Mist places all VLANs in the
default VRF. The VRF opon allows you to group common VLANs in the same VRF or separate
VRFs depending on trac isolaon requirements. All VLANs within each VRF have full
connecvity with each other and with other external networking resources. A common use case
is isolaon of guest wireless trac from most enterprise domains except Internet connecvity.
By default, campus fabric provides complete isolaon between VRFs, forcing inter-VRF
communicaons to traverse a rewall. If you require inter-VRF communicaon, you need to
include extra routes to the VRF. The extra route could be a default route that instructs the
campus fabric to use an external router. It could also be a rewall for further security inspecon
or roung capabilies.
To create a VRF:
i. Click Add VRF Instance and specify the sengs. The sengs include a name for the VRF
and the networks to be associated with the VRF.
ii. To add extra routes, click the Add Extra Routes link on the New VRF Instance page, and
specify the route.
d. On the CORE / ACCESS PORT CONFIGURATION le, complete the port conguraon for ESI-
LAG between the collapsed core and access switches. The sengs include a name and other
port conguraon elements. By default, this conguraon includes the networks added on the
NETWORKS le on the same page. If you want to remove or modify the sengs, click Show
Advanced and congure the sengs. Use the ps on the screen to congure the port prole
e. On the DHCP RELAY le, congure the DHCP relay sengs. You have the following opons:
Enabled—Congures DHCP relay on all the IRB-enabled devices in campus fabric. This opon
allows you to enable DHCP Relay on networks that you selected. The network will be
populated inside the DHCP Relay le as long as it is listed on the Networks tab on the same
Disabled—Disable DHCP relay on the devices in campus fabric. When you select this opon,
the DHCP relay is disabled on all the IRB-enabled devices. You should carefully select this
opon as this will remove the locally dened DHCP Relay on the Switch Detail page.
None—This opon is automacally selected when the campus fabric topology has a mix of
devices in terms of the DHCP relay conguraon; that is, some devices have the DHCP relay
enabled, some have it disabled, and some do not have it dened. This opon will be visible
for all Campus Fabric topologies that have DHCP Relay locally dened on individual switches.
If you want to remove all locally dened DHCP Relay networks, select Enabled and then choose
Remove all exisng device level DHCP Networks. You can simplify your DHCP Relay
deployment by centralizing any conguraon change from the campus fabric workow.
If you enable DHCP relay in a campus fabric conguraon, it is enabled on all the IRB-dened
devices in the fabric and disabled on the rest of the devices. For example, in EVPN Mulhoming
topologies, DHCP relay is enabled on collapsed core devices and disabled on the rest.
10. Click Connue to go to the Ports tab, where you can congure the ports and create a connecon
between the core, distribuon, and access layer switches.
11. Congure the switch ports in the collapsed core layer as follows:
a. Select a switch in the Collapsed Core secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
d. Select:
Link to Collapsed Core to connect the port to a core switch.
Link to Access to connect the port to an access switch.
e. Select the core or access switch (based on the selecon in the previous step) on which the link
should terminate. You need to congure all the ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
To congure the switch ports in the access layer:
a. Select a switch in the Access secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
In case the access layer uses a Virtual Chassis (VC), you can congure ports on the Primary and
Backup tabs.
For the access switches, select only those interfaces that should be used to interconnect with the
distribuon switch. The system bundles all interfaces into a single Ethernet bundle through the AE
index opon. You can specify an AE index value for the access devices.
If you want to view the conguraon and status informaon of a specic port, hover over the
numbered box represenng that port in the port panel UI.
12. Click Connue to go to the Conrmaon tab.
13. Click each switch icon to view and verify the conguraon.
14. Aer verifying the conguraon, click Apply Changes > Conrm.
This step saves the campus fabric conguraon to the Mist cloud and applies it to the switches. If
the switches are oine, the conguraon will be applied to them when they come online next me.
A switch might take up to 10 minutes to complete the conguraon.
15. Click Close Campus Fabric Conguraon.
Aer Mist builds the campus fabric, or while it is building the fabric, you can download the
connecon table. The connecon table represents the physical layout of the campus fabric. You can
use this table to validate all switch interconnects for the devices parcipang in the physical
campus fabric build. Click Connecon Table to download it (.csv format).
16. Verify the campus fabric conguraon. To verify, follow the steps listed in the Vericaon secon in
Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming Workow.
Video: Deployment of Campus Fabric EVPN Mulhoming With Wired Assurance
Congure Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon
Juniper Networks campus fabrics provide a single, standards-based EVPN-VXLAN soluon that you can
deploy on any campus. The campus fabric core-distribuon soluon extends the EVPN fabric to connect
VLANs across mulple buildings. This network architecture includes the core and distribuon layers that
integrate with the access switching layer through the standard LACP.
For more background informaon about campus fabric core-distribuon architectures, see the following
Campus Fabric Core Distribuon CRB (JVD)
Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon ERB (JVD)
To congure campus fabric core-distribuon:
1. Click Organizaon > Campus Fabric.
2. If you want to create the campus fabric for a site, select the site from the drop-down list beside the
page header. If you want to create the campus fabric for the enre organizaon, select Enre Org
from the drop-down list.
You can use an organizaon-level campus fabric topology to build a campus-wide architecture with
mulple buildings. Otherwise, build a site-specic campus fabric with a single set of core,
distribuon, and access switches.
3. Click whichever opon is relevant. Click the:
Congure Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site doesn't have a campus fabric conguraon
associated with it).
Create Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site already has at least one campus fabric
conguraon associated with it).
The Topology tab is displayed.
4. Select the topology type Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon.
5. Congure the topology name and other sengs on the Topology tab, as described below:
NOTE: We recommend that you use the default sengs on this screen unless they conict
with any networks aached to the campus fabric. The point-to-point links between each
layer ulize /31 addressing to conserve addresses.
a. In the CONFIGURATION secon, enter the following:
Topology Name—Enter a name for the topology.
Topology Sub-type—Choose one of the following opons:
CRB—In this model, the Layer 3 (L3) VXLAN gateway funcon is congured only on the
core devices. This is accomplished by dening integrated roung and bridging (IRB)
interfaces on the core devices to provide L3 roung services. This opon uses virtual
gateway addressing for all devices parcipang in the L3 subnet. Enabling this opon
congures core switches with a shared IP address for each L3 subnet. This address is
shared between both the core switches and is used as the default gateway address for all
devices within the VLAN. In addion, Mist assigns each core device with a unique IP
Virtual Gateway v4 MAC Address—Available only if you have selected CRB. If you
enable it, Mist provides a unique MAC address to each L3 IRB interface (per network).
ERB—In this model, the L2 and L3 VXLAN gateway funcons are congured on the
distribuon devices. In this case the IRB interfaces are dened on the distribuon devices
to provide L3 roung services. This opon uses anycast addressing for all devices
parcipang in the L3 subnet. In this case, the distribuon switches are congured with
the same IP address for each L3 subnet.
b. (If you choose not to use the default sengs) In the TOPOLOGY SETTINGS secon, enter the
BGP Local AS—Represents the starng point of private BGP AS numbers that Mist allocates
to each device automacally. You can use any private BGP AS number range that suits your
deployment. Mist provisions the roung policy so that only the loopback IP addresses are
exchanged in the underlay of the fabric.
Underlay—Select an internet protocol for the underlay. Opons are IPv4 and IPv6. Only to
ERB topologies support IPv6. You get the opon to select IPv6 only if you selected ERB as
Topology Sub-type.
Subnet— The range of IP addresses that Mist uses for point-to-point links between devices.
You can use a range that suits your deployment. Mist breaks this subnet into /31 subnet
addressing per link. You can modify this number to suit the specic deployment scale. For
example, a /24 network would provide up to 128 point-to-point /31 subnets.
IPv6 Loopback Interface—Specify an IPv6 loopback interface subnet, which is used to
autocongure IPv6 loopback interface on each device in the fabric.
IPv4 Auto Router ID Subnet / Loopback Interface—Mist uses this subnet to automacally
assign a router ID to each device in the fabric (including access devices irrespecve of
whether they are congured with EVPN or not). Router IDs are loopback interfaces (lo0.0)
used for overlay peering between devices. For new topologies, this eld auto-populates a
default subnet value (, which you can modify. When you edit an exisng
topology, this eld doesn’t populate any default value. The router ID is used as an idener
when deploying roung protocols such as BGP.
You can overwrite the automacally assigned router ID by manually conguring a loopback
interface in the Router ID eld on the Roung le on the switch conguraon page (Switches
Switch Name
). However, if you modify the campus fabric conguraon aerwards, Mist
performs the automac assignment of the router ID again, replacing the manually congured
loopback interface.
Loopback per-VRF subnet—Mist uses this subnet to automacally congure loopback
interfaces (lo0.x) per the virtual roung and forwarding (VRF) instance that is used for
services such as DHCP relay. For new topologies, this eld auto-populates a default subnet
value (, which you can modify. This eld supports a /19 or smaller subnet
(for example, /24). When you edit an exisng topology, this eld doesn’t populate any
default value.
6. Click Connue to go to the Nodes tab, where you can select devices that form part of the campus
fabric deployment.
7. Add switches to the Core, Distribuon, and Access layer secons.
To add switches:
a. Click Select Switches in the secon to which you want to add switches.
b. Choose the switches that you want to add to the campus fabric.
c. Click Select.
We recommend that you validate the presence of each device in the switch inventory before
creang the campus fabric.
By default, Mist congures the core switches to funcon as border nodes that run the service block
funconality. In a campus fabric topology, border nodes interconnect external devices such as
rewalls, routers, or crical devices. External services or devices (for example, DHCP and RADIUS
servers) connect to the campus fabric through border nodes. If you want to ooad this task from
the core switches and use dedicated switches as border nodes, clear the Use Core as border
checkbox on the upper le of the page. You can then add up to two switches as dedicated border
Also, Mist provides pods for improved scalability. Your access and distribuon devices are grouped
into pods. A pod could represent a building. For example, you can create a pod for each of the
buildings in your site and create connecons between the access and the distribuon devices in
that pod. You do not have to connect the same set of access devices to the distribuon devices
across mulple buildings. You can create mulple pods by clicking +Add Nodes.
8. Aer selecng the switches, click Connue to go to the Network Sengs tab, where you can
congure the networks.
9. Congure the network sengs, as described below:
a. On the NETWORKS le, add networks or VLANs to the conguraon. You can either create a
new network or import the network from the switch template dened on the Organizaon >
Switch templates page.
To add a new VLAN, click Create New Network and congure the VLANs. The sengs include a
name, VLAN ID, and a subnet.
To import VLANs from the template:
i. Click Add Exisng Network.
ii. Select a switch template from the Template drop-down list to view the VLANs available in
that template.
iii. Select the required VLAN from the displayed list, and click the mark.
VLANs are mapped to Virtual Network Ideners (VNIs). You can oponally map the VLANs to
VRF instances to logically separate the trac.
b. Review the sengs on the OTHER IP CONFIGURATION le, which populates the informaon
automacally aer you specify the networks in the NETWORKS secon.
Mist provides automac IP addressing of IRBs for each of the VLANs. Then, the port prole
associates the VLAN with the specied ports.
c. Oponally, congure VRF instances on the VRF le. By default, Mist places all VLANs in the
default VRF. The VRF opon allows you to group common VLANs into the same VRF or
separate VRFs depending on trac isolaon requirements. All VLANs within each VRF have full
connecvity with each other and with other external networking resources. A common use case
is the isolaon of guest wireless trac from most enterprise domains, except Internet
connecvity. By default, a campus fabric provides complete isolaon between VRFs, forcing
inter-VRF communicaons to traverse a rewall. If you require inter-VRF communicaon, you
need to include extra routes to the VRF. The extra route could be a default route that instructs
the campus fabric to use an external router. It could also be a rewall for further security
inspecon or roung capabilies.
To create a VRF:
i. Click Add VRF Instance and specify the sengs. The sengs include a name for the VRF
and the networks to be associated with the VRF.
ii. To add extra routes, click the Add Extra Routes link on the New VRF Instance page and
specify the route.
d. On the DISTRIBUTION / ACCESS PORT CONFIGURATION le, complete the port
conguraon for ESI-LAG between the collapsed core and access switches. The sengs include
a name and other port conguraon elements. By default, this conguraon includes the
networks added on the NETWORKS le on the same page. If you want to remove or modify the
sengs, click Show Advanced and congure the sengs. Use the ps on the screen to congure
the port prole sengs.
e. On the DHCP RELAY le, congure the DHCP relay sengs. You have the following opons:
Enabled—Congures DHCP relay on all the IRB-enabled devices in campus fabric. This opon
allows you to enable DHCP Relay on networks that you selected. The network will be
populated inside the DHCP Relay le as long as it is listed on the Networks tab on the same
Disabled—Disable DHCP relay on the devices in campus fabric. When you select this opon,
the DHCP relay is disabled on all the IRB-enabled devices. You should carefully select this
opon as this will remove the locally dened DHCP Relay on the Switch Detail page.
None—This opon is automacally selected when the campus fabric topology has a mix of
devices in terms of the DHCP relay conguraon; that is, some devices have the DHCP relay
enabled, some have it disabled, and some do not have it dened. This opon will be visible
for all Campus Fabric topologies that have DHCP Relay locally dened on individual switches.
If you want to remove all locally dened DHCP Relay networks, select Enabled and then choose
Remove all exisng device level DHCP Networks. You can simplify your DHCP Relay
deployment by centralizing any conguraon change from the campus fabric workow.
If you enable DHCP relay in a campus fabric conguraon, it is enabled on all the IRB-dened
devices in the fabric and disabled on the rest of the devices. For example, in Campus Fabric
Core-Distribuon (CRB) topologies, DHCP relay is enabled on core devices and disabled on the
rest. Similarly, in Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon (ERB), DHCP is enabled on distribuon
devices and disabled on the rest.
10. Click Connue to go to the Ports tab, where you can congure the ports and create a connecon
between the core, distribuon, and access layer switches.
11. Congure the switch ports in the core layer as described below:
a. Select a switch in the Core secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the core switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
d. Choose the distribuon switch on which the link should terminate. You need to congure all the
ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
To congure switch ports in the distribuon layer:
a. Select a switch in the Distribuon secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
d. Select:
Link to Core to connect the port to a core switch.
Link to Access to connect the port to an access switch.
e. Select the core or access switch (based on the selecon in the previous step) on which the link
should terminate. You need to congure all the ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
To congure the switch ports in the access layer:
a. Select a switch in the Access secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
In case the access layer uses a Virtual Chassis (VC), you can congure ports on the Primary and
Backup tabs.
For the access switches, select only those interfaces that should be used to interconnect with the
distribuon switch. The system bundles all interfaces into a single Ethernet bundle through the AE
index opon. You can specify an AE index value for the access devices.
If you want to view the conguraon and status informaon of a specic port, hover over the
numbered box represenng that port in the port panel UI.
12. Click Connue to go to the Conrmaon tab.
13. Click each switch icon to view and verify the conguraon.
14. Aer verifying the conguraon, click Apply Changes > Conrm.
This step saves the campus fabric conguraon to the Mist cloud and applies it to the switches. If
the switches are oine, the conguraon will be applied to them when they come online next me.
A switch might take up to 10 minutes to complete the conguraon.
15. Click Close Campus Fabric Conguraon.
Aer Mist builds the campus fabric, or while it is building the fabric, you can download the
connecon table. The connecon table represents the physical layout of the campus fabric. You can
use this table to validate all switch interconnects for the devices parcipang in the physical
campus fabric build. Click Connecon Table to download it (.csv format).
16. Verify the campus fabric conguraon. To verify, follow the steps listed in the Vericaon secon
of Campus Fabric Core Distribuon CRB (JVD) and Campus Fabric Core-Distribuon ERB (JVD).
For a demo, watch the following video:
Video: Deployment of Campus Fabric Core Distribuon
Congure Campus Fabric IP Clos
Juniper Networks campus fabrics provide a single, standards-based EVPN-VXLAN soluon that you can
deploy on any campus.
The campus fabric IP Clos architecture pushes VXLAN L2 gateway funconality to the access layer. This
model is also called end-to-end, given that VXLAN tunnels terminate at the access layer.
The campus fabric IP Clos architecture supports Group Based Policies (GBPs) that enable you to achieve
micro segmentaon in the network. The GBP opon gives you a praccal way to create network access
policies that are independent of the underlying network topology. In a GBP, you match a user group tag
to a resource group tag to provide the specied users access to the specied resources. See "Create a
Switch Conguraon Template" on page 23 to learn how to congure GBP on switches.
In a campus fabric IP Clos architecture, Mist provisions layer 3 (L3) integrated roung and bridging (IRB)
interfaces on the access layer. All the access switches are congured with the same IP address for each
L3 subnet. The end users terminang on the access layer have the default gateway set to the IRB
address shared by all access layer devices. This deployment model ulizes anycast addressing for all
devices parcipang in the L3 subnet. This deployment model provides a smaller blast radius for
broadcast trac and is ideal for east-west trac paerns and IP Mulcast environments.
For more detailed informaon about IP Clos architecture and its deployment, see Campus Fabric IP Clos
Using Mist Wired Assurance—Juniper Validated Design (JVD).
To congure campus fabric IP Clos:
1. Click Organizaon > Campus Fabric.
2. If you want to create the campus fabric for a site, select the site from the drop-down list beside the
page heading. If you want to create the campus fabric for the enre organizaon, select Enre Org
from the drop-down list.
You can use an organizaon-level campus fabric topology to build a campus-wide architecture with
mulple buildings. Otherwise, build a site-specic campus fabric with a single set of core,
distribuon, and access switches.
3. Click whichever opon is relevant. Click the:
Congure Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site doesn't have a campus fabric conguraon
associated with it).
Create Campus Fabric buon (displayed if the site already has at least one campus fabric
conguraon associated with it).
The Topology tab is displayed.
4. Select the topology type Campus Fabric IP Clos.
5. Congure the topology name and other sengs on the Topology tab, as described below:
NOTE: We recommend that you use the default sengs on this screen unless they conict
with any networks aached to the campus fabric. The point-to-point links between each
layer ulize /31 addressing to conserve addresses.
a. In the CONFIGURATION secon, enter the following:
Topology Name—Enter a name for the topology.
b. (If you don't want to use the default sengs) In the TOPOLOGY SETTINGS secon, enter the
BGP Local AS—Represents the starng point of private BGP AS numbers that are
automacally allocated to each device. You can use any private BGP AS number range that
suits your deployment. Mist provisions the roung policy so that only the loopback IP
addresses are exchanged in the underlay of the fabric.
Underlay—Select an internet protocol for the underlay. Opons are IPv4 and IPv6.
Subnet— The range of IP addresses that Mist uses for point-to-point links between devices.
You can use a range that suits your deployment. Mist breaks this subnet into /31 subnet
addressing per link. You can modify this number to suit the specic deployment scale. For
example, a /24 network would provide up to 128 point-to-point /31 subnets.
IPv6 Loopback Interface—Specify an IPv6 loopback interface subnet, which is used to
autocongure IPv6 loopback interface on each device in the fabric.
IPv4 Auto Router ID Subnet / Loopback Interface—Mist uses this subnet to automacally
assign a router ID to each device in the fabric (including access devices irrespecve of
whether they are congured with EVPN or not). Router IDs are loopback interfaces (lo0.0)
used for overlay peering between devices. For new topologies, this eld auto-populates a
default subnet value (, which you can modify. When you edit an exisng
topology, this eld doesn’t populate a default value. The router ID is used as an idener
when deploying roung protocols such as BGP.
You can overwrite the automacally assigned router ID by manually conguring a loopback
interface in the Router ID eld on the Roung le on the switch conguraon page (Switches
Switch Name
). However, if you modify the campus fabric conguraon aerwards, Mist
performs the automac assignment of the router ID again, replacing the manually congured
loopback interface.
Loopback per-VRF subnet—Mist uses this subnet to automacally congure loopback
interfaces (lo0.x) per virtual roung and forwarding (VRF) instance that is used for services
such as DHCP relay. For new topologies, this eld auto-populates a default subnet value
(, which you can modify. This eld supports a /19 or smaller subnet (for
example, /24). When you edit an exisng topology, this eld doesn’t populate a default value.
6. Click Connue to go to the Nodes tab, where you can select devices that form part of the campus
fabric IP Clos deployment.
7. Add switches to the Core, Distribuon, and Access layer secons.
To add the switches:
a. Click Select Switches in the secon to which you want to add switches.
b. Select the switches that you want to add to the campus fabric.
c. Click Select.
We recommend that you validate the presence of each device in the switch inventory before
creang the campus fabric.
By default, Mist congures the core switches to funcon as border nodes that run the service block
funconality. In a campus fabric topology, border nodes interconnect external devices such as
rewalls, routers, or crical devices. External services or devices (for example, DHCP and RADIUS
servers) connect to the campus fabric through border nodes. If you want to ooad this task from
the core switches and use dedicated switches as border nodes, clear the Use Core as border
checkbox on the upper le of the page. You can then add up to two switches as dedicated border
nodes. The minimum number of dedicated border nodes required is one.
Also, Mist provides pods for improved scalability. Your access and distribuon devices are grouped
into pods. A pod could represent a building. For example, you can create a pod for each of the
buildings in your site and create connecons between the access and the distribuon devices in
that pod. You do not have to connect the same set of access devices to the distribuon devices
across mulple buildings. You can create mulple pods by clicking +Add Nodes.
8. Aer selecng the switches, click Connue to go to the Network Sengs tab, where you can
congure the networks.
9. Congure the network sengs, as described below.
a. From the NETWORKS le, add networks or VLANs to the conguraon. You can either create a
new network or import the network from the switch template dened in the Organizaon >
Switch templates page.
To add a new VLAN, click Create New Network and congure the VLANs. The sengs include a
name, VLAN ID, and a subnet.
To import VLANs from the template:
i. Click Add Exisng Network.
ii. Select a switch template from the Template drop-down list to view the VLANs available in
that template.
iii. Select the required VLAN from the displayed list, and click the mark.
VLANs are mapped to Virtual Network Ideners (VNIs). You can oponally map the VLANs to
VRF instances to logically separate the trac.
b. Review the sengs on the OTHER IP CONFIGURATION le. This le populates the sengs
automacally aer you specify the networks in the NETWORKS secon.
Mist provides automac IP addressing of IRB for each of the VLANs. Then, the port prole
associates the VLAN with the specied ports.
c. Oponally, congure VRF instances in the VRF le. By default, Mist places all VLANs in the
default VRF. The VRF opon allows you to group common VLANs into the same VRF or
separate VRFs depending on trac isolaon requirements. All VLANs within each VRF have full
connecvity with each other and with other external networking resources. A common use case
is the isolaon of guest wireless trac from most enterprise domains except Internet
connecvity. By default, a campus fabric provides complete isolaon between VRFs, forcing
inter-VRF communicaons to traverse a rewall. If you require inter-VRF communicaon, you
need to include extra routes to the VRF. The extra route could be a default route that instructs
the campus fabric to use an external router. It could also be a rewall for further security
inspecon or roung capabilies.
To create a VRF:
i. Click Add VRF Instance and specify the sengs. The sengs include a name for the VRF
and the networks to be associated with the VRF.
ii. To add extra routes, click the Add Extra Routes link on the New VRF Instance page and
specify the route.
d. On the DHCP RELAY le, congure the DHCP relay sengs. You have the following opons:
Enabled—Congures DHCP relay on all the IRB-enabled devices in campus fabric. This opon
allows you to enable DHCP Relay on networks that you selected. The network will be
populated inside the DHCP Relay le as long as it is listed on the Networks tab on the same
Disabled—Disable DHCP relay on the devices in campus fabric. When you select this opon,
the DHCP relay is disabled on all the IRB-enabled devices. You should carefully select this
opon as this will remove the locally dened DHCP Relay on the Switch Detail page.
None—This opon is automacally selected when the campus fabric topology has a mix of
devices in terms of the DHCP relay conguraon; that is, some devices have the DHCP relay
enabled, some have it disabled, and some do not have it dened.
If you want to remove all locally dened DHCP Relay networks, select Enabled and then choose
Remove all exisng device level DHCP Networks. You can simplify your DHCP Relay
deployment by centralizing any conguraon change from the campus fabric workow.
If you enable DHCP relay in a campus fabric conguraon, it is enabled on all the IRB-dened
devices in the fabric and disabled on the rest of the devices. For example, in Campus Fabric IP
Clos edge topologies, DHCP is enabled on access devices and disabled on the rest.
10. Click Connue to go to the Ports tab, where you can congure the ports and create a connecon
between the core, distribuon, and access layer switches.
11. Congure the switch ports in the core layer as described below:
a. Select a switch in the Core secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the core switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (for example, ge or xe).
d. Choose the distribuon switch on which the link should terminate. You need to congure all the
ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
To congure switch ports in the distribuon layer:
a. Select a switch in the Distribuon secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (example: ge or xe).
d. Select:
Link to Core to connect the port to a core switch.
Link to Access to connect the port to an access switch.
e. Select the core or access switch (based on the selecon in the previous step) on which the link
should terminate. You need to congure all the ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
To congure switch ports in the access layer:
a. Select a switch in the Access secon to open the switch port panel.
b. From the port panel of the switch, select a port that you want to congure.
c. Specify a port type (example: ge and xe).
d. Choose the distribuon switch on which the link should terminate. You need to congure all the
ports that need to be part of the campus fabric.
If you want to view the conguraon and status informaon of a specic port, hover over the
numbered box represenng that port in the port panel UI.
12. Click Connue to go to the Conrmaon tab.
13. Click each switch icon to view and verify the conguraon.
14. Aer verifying the conguraon, click Apply Changes > Conrm.
The campus fabric conguraon is saved to the Mist cloud. The conguraon is immediately
applied to the switches if they are online. If the switches are oine, the conguraon will be
applied to them when they come online next me. A switch might take up to 10 minutes to
complete the conguraon.
15. Click Close Campus Fabric Conguraon.
Once the campus fabric is built or is in the process of being built, you can download the connecon
table, which represents the physical layout of the campus fabric. You can use this table to validate
all switch interconnects for the devices parcipang in the physical campus fabric build. Click
Connecon Table to download it (.csv format).
16. Verify the campus fabric conguraon. To verify, follow the steps listed in the Vericaon secon
of Campus Fabric IP Clos Wired Assurance.
For a demo of the conguraon steps, watch the following video:
Video: Deployment of Campus Fabric IP Clos
Aer building an IP Clos campus fabric, you can integrate it with a third party gateway (such as a router
or rewall) by using BGP groups. Watch the following video for more informaon:
Video: Integrate IP Clos Fabric Using BGP
Wired Service Levels
Service Level Expectaons (SLE) | 196
Wired SLEs Dashboard | 205
Wired Throughput SLE | 207
Wired Successful Connect SLE | 209
Switch Health SLE | 210
Switch Bandwidth SLE | 212
Service Level Expectaons (SLE)
Get familiar with the Service Level Expectaons
(SLEs) and the SLE dashboard.
What Are Service Level Expectaons
(SLEs)? | 196
Finding the SLE Dashboard | 197
Selecng the Context and Time Period | 197
Using the System Changes Timeline | 199
Seng the SLE Thresholds | 200
Adjusng the SLE Display Opons | 201
Understanding the SLE Blocks | 201
Sample SLE Block | 203
Viewing the Root Cause Analysis Page | 203
What Are Service Level Expectaons (SLEs)?
The following video gives you a quick, high-level introducon to SLEs.
Video: Mike and Marvis Episode 2: Understanding Service Level Expectaons
Juniper Mist™ captures, analyzes, correlates, and classies event and performance data from your
network and devices. It then provides you with an assessment of the quality of users' experiences on
your network.
Many factors contribute to posive or negave user experiences. Juniper Mist organizes these factors
into Service Level Expectaons (SLEs). You can set the SLE thresholds to dene exactly what "success"
means for SLEs such as throughput, capacity, AP health, switch health, and more (as relevant to your
When user experiences fail to meet your SLE success thresholds, Juniper Mist idenes the root cause
of each poor experience and provides complete details so that you can address the issues.
By skimming the SLE dashboard, you can see at a glance which service levels are low and what types of
issues need to be addressed.
Finding the SLE Dashboard
To access an SLE dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of the Juniper Mist
portal. Then use the buons at the top of the page to select the dashboard that you want to view (such
as Wireless, Wired, WAN, Locaon, and Insights).
NOTE: Your subscripons determine which buons appear (for example, you need a Juniper Mist
Wi-Fi Assurance subscripon for Wireless SLEs).
Selecng the Context and Time Period
At the top of the Monitor page, select the context, which can be an enre organizaon, an access point,
or a client. In addion, select a me period, such the last 60 minutes, the last 7 days, or a date range.
NOTE: The Monitor page displays data as recent as the past 60 minutes or as far back as the last
7 days. If you purchase a Premium Analycs subscripon, you can access up to 3 years' worth of
wireless network insights and other data. To access the informaon available through your
Premium Analycs subscripon, select Analycs > Premium Analycs from the le menu of the
Context Example: Organizaon
To compare the performance of all sites in your organizaon, select Enre Org as the context.
Use the lter buons above the table to change the view:
Overall Service—This is the default view when you select Enre Org as the context. You can compare
the overall user experience at each site.
SLE lter buons—Zoom in on a single SLE by using the SLE buons above the table. The buon
opons vary, depending on which page you're on (Wireless, WAN, and so on).
You also have the opon to view All Sites or the Worst 100 Sites. For the Worst 100 opon, also use the
drop-down list to select the SLE that you're concerned about. For example, if you're troubleshoong an
issue with capacity, you'd select that opon from the drop-down list to see which sites are having the
most issues with this SLE.
NOTE: The available SLEs for the lter buons and the Worst 100 drop-down list vary,
depending on whether you're looking at Wireless, Wired, or WAN SLEs.
Context Example: Site
To compare all SLEs for one site, select the site as the context.
NOTE: This image shows a Wireless example, but the SLE blocks are set up the same way for
Wired, WAN, and so on.
Using the System Changes Timeline
When invesgang issues, your rst queson might be, "Did anything change on the network?" With
this meline, you can see at a glance if any system changes occurred and how many users or clients
were acve at the me.
The triangles below the meline represent various types of system changes:
Yellow triangle—AP Health
Green triangle—Radio Management (RRM)
Blue triangle—Admin Acons
You can adjust the meline sengs to specify the types of changes to include. To get started, click the
meline sengs buon:
In the System Changes window, select or deselect check boxes for each event that you want to include
or exclude.
Seng the SLE Thresholds
Each SLE has a success threshold. For the Time to Connect SLE, for example, you might set a threshold
of 2 seconds. This means that you consider your network successful when users can send and receive
data over the Internet within 2 seconds of aempng to associate with an access point.
To view or modify the SLE thresholds, you can click the Sengs buon on the right side of the SLE
In the Customize Service Levels window, you can modify the thresholds as needed to ensure that the
SLE sengs meet your goals for your network.
NOTE: This example shows the wireless SLEs. Depending on the dashboard that you're viewing,
you'll see dierent SLEs in this window.
Adjusng the SLE Display Opons
You can adjust the SLE dashboard display as follows:
Show success rates or values.
Include all WLANs or hide excluded WLANs.
Understanding the SLE Blocks
Each SLE is represented by a separate block (sub-secon) on the dashboard.
In each block, you'll see:
Overall Service Level. On the le side of each SLE block, you'll see the overall service level for the
selected site and me period.
Click Success Rate to see the
of user experiences that met the SLE success threshold.
Click Values to see the
of user experiences that met the SLE success threshold.
Timeline. In the middle of each SLE block, you can explore the meline. As your mouse moves across
the meline, informaon appears under it.
Click Success Rate to see the
of successful user experiences at the selected point in
Click Values to see the
of successful user experiences at the selected point in me.
Classiers. On the right side of each SLE block, you see the
for the user experiences that
didn't meet the SLE success threshold. Juniper Mist aributes each unsuccessful user experience to
one classier. Together, the classiers give you a high-level root cause analysis of the unsuccessful
user experiences.
Click Success Rate to see the
of unsuccessful user experiences that were caused by
each classier.
NOTE: Together, these individual percentages total 100 percent of the unsuccessful user
Click Values to see the
of unsuccessful user experiences that were caused by each
NOTE: Together, these individual values represent the total number of unsuccessful user
Sample SLE Block
In this example, the Success Rate buon is selected, so you see percentages instead of values.
On the le, you see that the overall success rate for the selected site and me period was 88
In the middle, the meline capon shows that the mouse is hovering over 24-Jun 5:30 am - 5:40 am.
At that point, the success rate was 88 percent.
On the right, you see that 75 percent of the SLE-lowering issues occurred in the Associaon process
and 25 percent occurred in the DHCP process. Together, these classiers account for 100 percent of
the user experiences that failed to meet the threshold. The other classiers show 0 percent, meaning
that they did not have any impact on this SLE.
Viewing the Root Cause Analysis Page
From the dashboard, you can click any SLE or classier to go to the Root Cause Analysis page.
This example shows the Root Cause Analysis page for the wireless Time to Connect SLE.
At the top of the page, you see the data for all classiers and their sub-classiers (if applicable).
In the lower part of the page, you see addional details about the selected item. Depending on the
classier, you might see signal strength informaon, a list of aect devices and clients, or other
informaon. These details help you to understand the scope of the issues.
On the Aected Items page, you can use the Filter box to search for an item. As shown in the
animaon below, simply start typing in the box, and matching items will appear in a drop-down list.
Then click the item that you want to view.
Wired SLEs Dashboard
Get started using the wired service-level experience
(SLE) dashboard to assess the service levels for user-
impacng factors such as throughput, connecvity,
and switch health.
Finding the Wired SLEs Dashboard | 206
Wired Assurance: Day 2 - Wired Service Level
Expectaons (SLEs) Video Overview | 206
Using the Wired SLE Dashboard | 206
Juniper Mist™ cloud connuously collects network telemetry data and uses machine learning to analyze
the end-user experience. You can access this informaon through the Juniper Mist wired service-level
expectaon (SLE) dashboards, which help you assess the network's user experience and resolve any
issues proacvely. The wired SLE dashboards show the user experience of the wired clients on your
network at any given point in me. You can use these interacve dashboards to measure and manage
your network proacvely by idenfying any user pain points before they become too big of an issue.
Finding the Wired SLEs Dashboard
To nd the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of the Juniper
Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired buon.
NOTE: The buons appear only if you have the required subscripons. For informaon about
these requirements, see the Juniper Mist AI-Nave Operaons Guide.
Wired Assurance: Day 2 - Wired Service Level Expectaons (SLEs) Video
Video: Wired Assurance: Day 2 - Wired Service Level Expectaons (SLEs)
Using the Wired SLE Dashboard
For a general introducon to SLEs, see "Service Level Expectaons (SLE)" on page 196.
For help interpreng the wired SLEs and classiers, explore the other Wired SLE topics in this chapter.
Wired Throughput SLE
Use the Wired Throughput SLE to assess users'
experiences with throughput on your wired network.
What Does the Wired Throughput SLE
Measure? | 207
Classiers | 207
Throughput is one of the Service-Level Expectaons (SLEs) that you can track on the wired SLEs
NOTE: To nd the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired buon.
What Does the Wired Throughput SLE Measure?
This SLE represents the ability of wired users to pass trac without impedance.
When the throughput threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classiers. The classiers
appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, less than 1 percent of the issue were
aributed to Congeson Uplink, 19 percent to Interface Anomalies, 1 percent to Storm Control, and 80
percent to Congeson. (See the classier descripons below the example.)
Congeson UplinkThe SLE dashboard shows high congeson uplink when:
One of the neighbors is a switch or a router (known through LLDP).
The port is a Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) root port.
The uplink port has a higher number of transmied and received packets compared to the other
Aggregated Links. Congeson can also be caused by aggregated Ethernet links and module ports.
Interface AnomaliesThe details for interface anomalies are all obtained from the switch. The
Interface Anomalies classier contains three sub-classiers: MTU Mismatch, Cable Issues,
and Negoaon Failed.
MTU Mismatch—As an administrator, you can set an MTU value for each interface. The default
value for Gigabit Ethernet interfaces is 1514 . To support jumbo frames, you must congure an
MTU value of 9216, which is the upper limit for jumbo frames on a routed virtual LAN (VLAN)
interface. It's important to ensure that the MTU value is consistent along the packet's path, as any
MTU mismatch will result in discarded or fragmented packets. In Juniper Networks switches, you
can check for MTU mismatches in the MTU Errors and Input Errors secons of the show interface
extensive command output. Each input error or MTU error contributes to a "bad user minute"
under MTU mismatch.
Cable IssuesThis sub-classier shows the user minutes aected by faulty cables in the network.
Negoaon Failed—Latency on ports can happen due to autonegoaon failure, duplex conicts,
or user misconguraon of device sengs. Moreover, older devices may fail to achieve maximum
speed and could operate at a slower link speed of 100 Mbps. This sub-classier idenes and
helps migate instances of bad user me caused by these issues.
Storm Control—Storm control allows the device to monitor trac levels and drop broadcast,
unknown unicast, and mulcast packets when they exceed a set threshold or trac level. This
threshold is known as a storm control level or storm control bandwidth. The default storm control
level is 80 percent of the combined broadcast, mulcast, and unknown unicast trac on all Layer 2
interfaces of Juniper switches. Storm control helps prevent trac storms, but it can also potenally
throle applicaons or client devices. This classier idenes these condions and helps users
proacvely migate throughput issues.
CongesonThis classier measures the number of output drops. When packets come into a switch
interface, they are placed in an input queue (buer). When the buer becomes full, it will start to
drop packets (TxDrops). We use a formula that takes into account the following raos to determine if
there is a 'bad user minute' due to congeson:
TxDrops to TxPackets—Total transmied bytes dropped to total packets transmied.
Txbps to Link speed—Total bytes transmied per second to link speed.
RxSpeed to Link speed—Total bytes received per second to link speed.
Wired Successful Connect SLE
Use the Wired Successful Connect SLE to assess
clients' experiences connecng to your wired
What Does the Wired Successful Connect
SLE Measure? | 209
Classiers | 209
Successful Connect is one of the Service-Level Expectaons (SLEs) that you can track on the Wired SLEs
NOTE: To nd the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired buon.
What Does the Wired Successful Connect SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist monitors client connecon aempts and idenes failures. This SLE helps you to assess the
impact of these failures and to idenfy the issues to address.
NOTE: This SLE will show data only if you use 802.1X on the wired network to authencate
clients or if you have DHCP snooping congured.
When connecon aempts are unsuccessful, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classiers. The classiers
appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 100 percent of the issues are aributed to
Authencaon. (See the classier descripons below the example.)
DHCP—Dynamic Host Conguraon Protocol (DHCP) snooping enables the switch to examine the
DHCP packets and keep track of the IP-MAC address binding in the snooping table. This classier
adds a failure event every me a client connects to a network and fails to reach the ‘bound’ state
within a minute (DCHP meouts).
NOTE: The SLE dashboard shows DHCP failures only for those switches that have DHCP
snooping congured.
Authencaon—Each me a client authencates, a client event is generated. These could either be
successful or failed events. This classier helps you idenfy issues that caused authencaon
failures. Here's a list of possible reasons for an 802.1X authencaon failure:
If a single switch port fails to authencate, it could be due to a user error or miscongured port.
If all switch ports fail to authencate, it could be because:
The switch is not added as a NAS client in the RADIUS server.
A roung issue exists between the switch and the RADIUS server.
The RADIUS server is down.
If all switch ports on all the switches fail to authencate, it could indicate a temporary failure with
the RADIUS server at that specic moment.
If a specic type of device, such as a Windows device, fails to authencate, it may suggest an
issue related to cercaons.
Switch Health SLE
Use the Switch Health SLE to assess switch
performance and to idenfy user-impacng issues
with switch reachability, memory, CPU, and more.
What Does the Switch Health SLE
Measure? | 211
Classiers | 211
Switch Health is one of the Service-Level Expectaons (SLEs) that you can track on the Wired SLEs
NOTE: To nd the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired buon.
What Does the Switch Health SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist™ monitors your switches' operang temperatures, power consumpon, CPU, and memory
usage. Monitoring switch health is crucial because issues such as high CPU usage can directly impact
connected clients. For instance, if CPU ulizaon spikes to 100 percent, the connected APs may lose
connecvity, aecng the clients' experience.
When the Switch Health threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classiers. The
classiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 82 percent of the issues are
aributed to Switch Unreachable and 12 percent to System. (See the classier descripons below the
Switch UnreachableThe switch can't be accessed.
ARP Table—Usage exceeded 80 percent of the Address Resoluon Protocol (ARP) table capacity.
Route Table—Usage exceeded 80 percent of the roung table capacity.
MAC Table—Usage exceeded 80 percent of the MAC table capacity.
NetworkYou can use this classier to monitor user minutes when the throughput is lower than
expected due to uplink capacity limitaons. It idenes issues based on the round-trip me (RTT)
value of packets sent from the switch to the Mist cloud. The Network classier has two sub-
classiers that help you idenfy these issues:
WAN Latency—Displays user minutes aected by latency. The latency value is calculated based
on the average value of RTT over a period of me.
WAN Jier—Displays user minutes aected by jier. The jier value is calculated by comparing
the standard deviaon of RTT within a small period (last 5 or 10 minutes) with the overall
deviaon of RTT over a longer period (day or week). You can view this informaon for a parcular
switch or site.
CPUThe CPU usage of the switch is above 90 percent.
MemoryThe memory ulizaon is above 80 percent.
TempThe operang temperature of the switch is outside the prescribed threshold range, going
either above the maximum limit or below the minimum requirement.
PowerThe switch is consuming over 90 percent of the available power.
Switch Bandwidth SLE
What Does the Switch Bandwidth SLE Measure? | 213
Classiers | 213
Switch Bandwidth is one of the Service-Level Expectaons (SLEs) that you can track on the Wired SLEs
NOTE: To nd the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist™ portal, and then select the Wired buon.
What Does the Switch Bandwidth SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist™ measures the available bandwidth on your network based on the queued packets and
dropped packets for each congured queue. The rao between total_DropppedPackets and
total_QueuedPackets is used to determine congeson at the interface level. Thee most dropped queue
is also noted in the details for distribuon/aected items. This SLE can help you to determine if you
need more wired bandwidth on your site.
You can click the Sengs buon (above the SLE blocks) to set the percentage to use as the success
threshold for this SLE. The percentage represents the total_DropppedPackets as a poron of
When the Switch Bandwidth threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classiers. The
classiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 33 percent of the issues are
aributed to Congeson and 67% to Bandwidth Headroom. (See the classier descripons below the
CongesonThis classier measures the number of output drops. When packets come into a switch
interface, they are placed in an input queue (buer). When the buer becomes full, it will start to
drop packets (TxDrops). We use a formula that takes into account the following raos to determine if
there are bad user minutes due to congeson:
TxDrops to TxPackets—Total transmied bytes dropped to total packets transmied.
Txbps to Link speed—Total bytes transmied per second to link speed.
RxSpeed to Link speed—Total bytes received per second to link speed.
Bandwidth HeadroomThis classier is triggered if the bandwidth usage exceeds the threshold for
this SLE.
Congeson UplinkThe SLE dashboard shows high congeson uplink when:
One of the neighbors is a switch or a router (known through LLDP).
The port is a Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) root port.
The uplink port has a higher number of transmied and received packets compared to the other
There is congeson due to aggregated Ethernet links and module ports.
Troubleshoot Your Switch | 216
Cloud-Ready LED Blink Paerns | 220
Troubleshoot with Marvis | 224
FAQs (Mist Wired) | 224
Troubleshoot Your Switch
If the Juniper Mist™ portal shows a switch as disconnected when it is online and reachable locally, you
can troubleshoot the issue. You need console access or SSH access to the switch to perform the
troubleshoong steps listed in this topic.
To troubleshoot your switch:
1. Ensure that the Junos OS version running on the switch supports zero-touch provisioning (ZTP). For
example, the EX2300 and EX3400 switches require Junos OS version 18.2R3-S2 or later. The
EX4300 switch requires Junos OS 18.4R2-S2 or later. The EX4600 and EX4650 switches require
Junos OS 20.4R3 or later.
2. Log in to the switch CLI and run show interfaces terse.
user@switch> show interface terse
Interface Admin Link Proto Local
ge-0/0/0 up up
irb.0 up up inet
me0 up down
me0.0 up down inet
You should see the integrated roung and bridging (IRB) interface (irb.0) with an IP address. You
might see mulple IRB interfaces, depending on the switch model (or in the case of a Virtual
At least one IRB interface needs to have a valid IP address. The switch can also connect using a
management IP address, which you can see on the me0 interface. Ensure that either the irb0 or
me0 interface has a valid IP address and has its Admin and Link states up.
3. Ensure that the switch can reach the gateway.
4. Use a ping test, as follows, to ensure that the switch can reach the Internet:
user@switch> ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=117 time=22.996 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=117 time=24.747 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=117 time=16.528 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 16.528/21.424/24.747/3.535 ms
5. Check if the switch can resolve
user@switch> ping
( 56 data bytes
If the switch is not resolving, make sure that the switch has a DNS server
user@switch> show configuration | display set | grep name-server
set system name-server
set system name-server
set system name-server
If the switch doesn't have a DNS server, congure the server as shown in the following example:
user@switch# set system name-server
6. Ensure that the required rewall port (TCP port 2200 for is open.
user@switch> show system connections | grep 2200
See Device-to-Cloud Addresses and Ports to determine which port to enable, depending on your
cloud environment.
7. Check the system me on the switch to make sure the me is correct.
user@switch> show system uptime
Current time: 2020-09-01 21:49:05 UTC
Time Source: LOCAL CLOCK
System booted: 2020-08-27 06:57:04 UTC (5d 14:52 ago)
Protocols started: 2020-08-27 07:01:35 UTC (5d 14:47 ago)
Last configured: 2020-09-01 17:21:59 UTC (04:27:06 ago) by mist
9:49PM up 5 days, 14:52, 2 users, load averages: 0.79, 0.65, 0.58
If the system me is not correct, congure it. For more informaon, see Congure Date and Time
8. Check device-id to make sure it is in the format <org_id>.<mac_addr>, as shown below:
user@switch# show system services outbound-ssh
traceoptions {
file outbound-ssh.log size 64k files 5;
flag all;
client mist {
device-id ca01ea19-afde-49a4-ad33-2d9902f14a7e.e8a2453e672e;
secret "$9$L7i7-wgoJUDkg49Ap0IRrevW-VYgoDHqWLGDkqQzRhcreWLX-Vs2XxGDHkPfn/Cp0IcSeMLxn/LxN-
CtuEhKM87wYaJDkqfoaQFn6At1RhrM8xNd"; ## SECRET-DATA
keep-alive {
retry 3;
timeout 5;
services netconf; {
port 2200;
retry 1000;
timeout 60;
See outbound-ssh for more informaon.
You can also examine the log messages by using the command show log messages.
9. If you are adding the switch for the rst me, do the following:
Delete the present Juniper Mist conguraon from the switch using the delete command.
Onboard the switch again using the claim or adopt workow.
Verify the system connecon using the show system connections | grep 2200 command. If the switch
remains disconnected with the sessions stuck in FIN_WAIT state, but is able to reach the
Internet and resolve DNS, check for any maximum transmission unit (MTU) issues.
10. To check for any MTU issues, iniate a ping test toward any public server (for example,
Another way to check for MTU issues is to review the uplink packet capture le from the switch. A
failing transacon due to an MTU issue would look like the following example. The example shows
that the packets with a size of 1514 are being retried.
See also: Packet Captures in Mist.
To troubleshoot this issue further, do a ping test from the switch. Use dierent ping sizes as shown
in the following example:
user@switch> ping size 1450
PING ( 1450 data bytes
76 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=59 time=12.444 ms
— ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 12.318/12.381/12.444/0.063 ms
As you can see below, the ping test with the size of 1480 has failed.
user@switch> ping size 1480
PING ( 1480 data bytes
— ping statistics —
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
To resolve this issue, you can adjust the MTU on the uplink, based on the byte size at which packets
are geng med out.
11. Deacvate and then reacvate the outbound SSH, as shown below:
user@switch# deactivate system services outbound-ssh client mist
user@switch# activate system services outbound-ssh client mist
user@switch# commit
Watch the following video as well for more informaon on how to troubleshoot a switch:
Video: Wired Assurance Troubleshoong
Cloud-Ready LED Blink Paerns
Cloud-Ready Connecon Process | 223
If your switch can't connect to the cloud, LED blink paerns on the switch can help tell you why.
The following table tells what the dierent blinking CLD LED paerns mean and what you can do to
address it. In addion to observing the physical switch, you can also assess the status from the Junos CLI
by issuing the show chassis led command.
Note that for Virtual Chassis (VC) deployments managed from the Mist cloud, the CLD LED reect the
state of the primary, except when a soware download is in progress (in which case all members of the
VC will show OS upgrade blink paern and color).
Table 17: Cloud LED Blink
CLD LEDs Blink Paern Meaning
solid green The ZTP process is complete.
solid white Connected to Mist cloud.
Table 17: Cloud LED Blink Paerns
CLD LEDs Blink Paern Meaning
3 yellow
No IP Address. The DHCP server is
not congured or could not be
reached. Junos did not receive a
DHCP lease or IP address.
4 yellow
No default gateway. Either the
address was not received or it is not
congured on the device,
5 yellow
The default gateway could not be
reached. No ARP from the default
6 yellow
No DNS server(s) found in the
stac conguraon, or in the DHCP
7 yellow
No response from the DNS server.
The switch received an IP address
for the DNS server via DHCP, but it
cannot not reach the Mist cloud.
Table 17: Cloud LED Blink Paerns
CLD LEDs Blink Paern Meaning
9 yellow
The Mist agent cannot reach the
Mist cloud.
1 yellow, pause, 2 yellow
Could not connect to the redirect
server, most likely due to a rewall
blocking TCP port 443, TCP port
2200. See also Ports to Open in
Your Firewall.
1 yellow, pause, 4 yellow
Invalid conguraon on the redirect
server (PHC). This device received a
500 or 404 error from the redirect
server at
1 yellow, pause, 5 yellow
Incorrect me on the switch.
During ZTP, the phone home client
(PHC) received a cercate with
the wrong me. ZTP could not
1 yellow, pause, 6 yellow
Cloud unreachable. During ZTP, the
PHC could not reach the cloud.
Cloud-Ready Connecon Process
Juniper EX Series switches are cloud-ready devices, which means they are Day-0 capable of connecng
to the Juniper Mist cloud. When running a supported version of Junos, these switches can also
automacally establish a connecon to Juniper Mist cloud services, where they can then be on-boarded
(Day 1), managed (Day 2), and monitored (Day2+) from the Mist portal.
As part of zero-touch-provisioning (ZTP), a secure TCP connecon uses pre-shared keys on both the
device and cloud to establish a connecon. Figure 1 provides a break-down of the ZTP process.
On the front of EX4100, EX4100-F, and EX4400 switches there is a CLD interface LED that you can use
to monitor the ZTP progress. The blink paern of the LED can help troubleshoot any Day 0 connecon
For switches already in the cloud, you can view the connecon status from the Switches page of the
Mist portal.
Figure 16: Stages in the ZTP Process for Cloud Ready Switches
The rst me a cloud-ready switch is powered on, an on-board phone-home client (PHC) connects to a
redirect server, which then redirects it to a phone home server (PHS) where the switch can get the latest
Junos conguraon. You can also have the switch connect to a DHCP server that supports ZTP and run
the ZTP process from there.
Cloud-Ready LED Blink Paerns | 220
Cloud-Ready Connecon Process | 223
Troubleshoot with Marvis
Marvis® Virtual Network Assistant is an AI-driven, interacve virtual network assistant that streamlines
network operaons, simplies troubleshoong, and provides an enhanced user experience. With real-
me network visibility, Marvis provides a comprehensive view of your network from an organizaonal
level to a client level with detailed insights. Marvis leverages the Mist AI to idenfy issues proacvely
and provide recommendaons to x issues.
To use Marvis for switches, you must have the Marvis for Wired subscripon in associaon with the
Wired Assurance base license.
Marvis can automacally x issues (self-driving mode) or recommend acons that require user
intervenon (driver-assist mode). The Marvis Acons page lists the high-impact network issues that
Marvis detects. Marvis Acons also displays the recommended acons for your organizaon's network.
For more informaon about Marvis acons for switches, see Marvis Acons for Switches.
Video: Marvis Acons for Switches
FAQs (Mist Wired)
What does the Inacve wired VLANs warning on the Mist dashboard mean? | 225
How to check which VLAN is missing on the switch port? | 225
How to verify if Marvis is detecng the correct case of missing VLANs? | 226
How to x the missing VLAN error? | 226
In an EX Series switch-based Virtual Chassis (VC) system, how do I convert the DAC-aached VC port
to a trunk port? | 226
What does the Inacve wired VLANs warning on the Mist dashboard
When your APs do not detect incoming trac from a parcular VLAN that is used in either an AP or a
WLAN conguraon, Mist suspects that this VLAN is not congured on the switch port where the APs
are connected. The Inacve wired VLANs warning appears on the AP list page to indicate this issue, and
an icon is displayed next to the APs experiencing the inacve wired VLAN issue.
How to check which VLAN is missing on the switch port?
To nd out which VLANs are missing on the switch port:
1. Go to the Marvis Acons page (Marvis > Acons).
2. From the acons tree, select Switch > Missing VLAN to see the VLANs that are missing.
How to verify if Marvis is detecng the correct case of missing VLANs?
To verify whether the Marvis AI is detecng the correct case of missing VLANs, do a packet capture or
port mirroring on the switch port to which the AP is connected, and use the Wireshark tool to analyze
the trac. You can also use the VLAN lter to verify if any trac is coming from that VLAN. See
Dynamic and Manual Packet Captures for more help on seng up Wireshark.
How to x the missing VLAN error?
Once you have idened the VLAN that is missing from the switch port but is being used in your AP or
WLAN conguraon, you can congure that VLAN on your switch. Aer the VLAN is correctly
congured on your switch and the AP starts detecng trac from it, Mist takes some me to verify the
x and ensure that the issue is resolved. Aer that, the warning disappears automacally.
NOTE: If you see the warning even aer xing all the VLANs on your switch ports, open a
support cket for assistance. For more informaon, see Create a Support Ticket.
In an EX Series switch-based Virtual Chassis (VC) system, how do I
convert the DAC-aached VC port to a trunk port?
You can do this by converng the VC port on the Virtual Chassis to network port by using the following
CLI commands in the Addional CLI Commands secon on the switch details page (Switches > Switch
request virtual-chassis mode network-port
Aer saving the above conguraon, reboot the switch using the Reboot opon on the Ulies menu
on the switch details page (Switches > Switch Name). This behavior applies to the EX Series switches
that come with a default VC port.
Deploy and Manage EX Series Switches at a Branch | 228
Deploy and Manage EX Series Switches at a Branch
You can use Juniper Networks® EX Series Switches at branch locaons as tradional standalone
switches or as a Virtual Chassis combining up to ten switches and managing them as a single
device. For higher scale deployments at the branch, you can use topologies that contains
distribuon switches between access switches and WAN devices.
The following document takes you through the workow involved in deploying and managing EX
Series Switches at the branch using the Juniper Mist™ cloud.
Distributed Branch EX Series—Juniper Validated Design (JVD).