Citrix VDI Handbook and Best Practices
XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15
Long Term Service Release
Version 2.01
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 2: Assess ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Step 1: Define the Organization .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Step 2: Define the User Groups .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Step 4: Define the Applications .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Step 5: Define the Project Team .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Section 3: Design ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Layer 0: Conceptual Architecture ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Layer 1: The User Layer ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Layer 2: The Access Layer .................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Layer 3: The Resource Layer ............................................................................................................................................................ 63
Layer 4: The Control Layer ................................................................................................................................................................ 93
Layer 5: The Hardware Layer ....................................................................................................................................................... 131
Section 4: Monitor ................................................................................................................................................ 141
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Process 1: Support ............................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Process 2: Operations ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Process 3: Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................................................... 165
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................................... 179
Authors ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
Subject Matter Experts .................................................................................................................................................................... 179
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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Citrix (NASDAQ:CTXS) is leading the transition to software-defining the workplace, uniting virtualization,
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Section 1: Overview
In traditional business environments, workers suffer from productivity loss in many ways, including
downtime during PC refreshes, patches and updates, or simply when they are away from the office.
Application and desktop virtualization centralizes apps and desktops in the datacenter, rather than on local
devices. This allows IT to deliver apps and desktops to users on demand, to any device, anywhere.
Take the following response from a desktop virtualization user:
Unfortunately, organizations sometimes struggle to achieve this level of success. Why does one
organization succeed while another organization struggles?
If we compare the factors between success and failure between desktop virtualization and other
technology related projects, we see that there is little difference:
1. Lack of justification Without a solid business reason, desktop virtualization is simply a new way to
deliver a desktop. A business justification gives the project team a goal to strive towards.
2. Lack of a methodology Many people who try and struggle to deploy a desktop virtualization
solution do so because they jump right in without understanding or implementing the
appropriate prerequisites. A structured methodology provides the path for the project.
3. Lack of experience For many who embark on a desktop virtualization project, there is a lack of
experience, which creates a lack of confidence in the design. Architects begin to second-guess
themselves and the project stalls.
Our hope is that this handbook can alleviate the anxiety associated with desktop virtualization by showing
how challenges can be resolved in a manner that is technically sound, but also feasible and effective for
organizations facing deadlines and other organizational challenges.
Citrix has successfully employed the methodology, experience and best practices shared within this
handbook across thousands of desktop virtualization projects.
Experience from the Field
As a remote employee for [company], I struggled every time I needed to access the company’s intranet,
which forced me to VPN into the network. I also kept data on my local device because trying to access
it over my broadband connection was too slow. Some coworkers did the same and lost data due to a
virus, thankfully I was luckier.
Depending on my mood (and the weather), changing devices and locations was a challenge as I had to
have my applications and data copied to many different endpoints. I know this was unsecure, but I
didn’t care because I was more concerned with flexibility.
Since moving to a virtual desktop, I’m able to use any device. I’m able to work from any location. And
best of all, I don’t have to worry about copying my data and applications onto all of my personal
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The Citrix VDI Handbook follows the Citrix Consulting methodology. A proven methodology that has been
successfully employed across thousands of desktop virtualization projects. Each phase includes guidance
on the important questions to ask, what tools to use and tips to help you succeed. The Citrix Consulting
methodology consists of five phases:
Figure 1: Citrix Consulting Methodology
1. Define Builds the business case for desktop virtualization by creating a high-level project roadmap,
prioritizing activities and estimating storage and hardware requirements.
2. Assess Key business drivers are rated so that work effort can be prioritized accordingly. In addition,
the current environment is reviewed for potential problems and to identify use cases for the project.
This information will be used to set the direction of the Citrix deployment, upgrade, or expansion.
3. Design Define architecture required to satisfy key business drivers and success criteria identified
during the assess phase. Topics such as environment scalability, redundancy and high availability are
4. Deploy During the deploy phase, the infrastructure is installed and configured as described in the
design phase. All components of the infrastructure should be thoroughly unit and regression tested
before users are provided with access to the environment.
5. Monitor Define architectural and operational processes required to maintain the production
The Citrix Consulting methodology follows an iterative Assess > Design > Deploy process for each major
initiative of your project. In doing so, your organization is left with tangible improvements to the
environment at the end of each engagement. For example, high priority user groups can progress through
the assess, design and deploy phases earlier than other user groups
Note: The VDI Handbook provides content on the Assess, Design and Monitor phases of the Citrix Consulting
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Section 2: Assess
Creating an app and desktop delivery solution begins with a proper assessment. Architects that fail to
properly assess the current environment find that they require the assess information later on, forcing
them to backtrack, which can potentially stall and put the project at risk.
By gathering all of the information from the outset, the architect will gain an appreciation for the current
environment and be able to work from the beginning on properly aligning business and user requirements
with the overall solution.
The assess phase is a four-step, simple to follow process:
Figure 2: Assess Process
Step 1: Define the Organization
The first step in your virtual desktop project should be to understand and prioritize the strategic
imperatives of the organization. This enables the project management team to define success criteria and
allows the design team to create a tailored and optimized architecture.
Requirements can be captured during meetings or by distributing questionnaires. Meetings are more time
consuming, but allow for follow-up questions to be asked and help to simplify the prioritization process. It
is important that this exercise be completed jointly by both business managers and IT decision makers
since both groups will have significantly different viewpoints. Take the following examples of what certain
organizations faced, which drove their selection of desktop virtualization.
These are just a few examples, but they demonstrate how organizations think about their priorities. Most
organization do not focus on technology, they focus on the needs of the user and of the organization.
These needs can be met with technical solutions but it is imperative the team understands the “Why” of
the project.
Define the
Define the user
Define the
Define the
project team
Experience from the Field
Finance A large financial institution had a base of operations in the city designated as the host city for
an upcoming G8 summit. As these types of meetings historically include riots, protests and other issues
that can disrupt business and the safety of their employees, the financial organization needed an
alternative allowing their users to work from the safety of their homes.
Agriculture Due to thin margins, an agriculture organization wanted to save money by extending the
life of desktop PCs while still being able to run the latest applications.
Healthcare A large healthcare organization was in need of a solution to simplify application updates
as the main application required updates on a weekly basis. Due to the distributed nature of the
endpoint devices, the organization was in need of a better application delivery solution.
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In addition to the three real-world examples, the following table identifies a few other priorities often
stated from many organizations:
Business managers
Better IT agility and responsiveness Flexible desktop solution that is capable of
accommodating periods of change such as rapid growth or downsizing. For example,
enabling the business to setup project offices or temporary points of sale very rapidly
without long delays, hardware acquisitions or IT notification periods.
Bring your own device Empower employees to choose their own devices to improve
productivity, collaboration and mobility.
Collaboration With an increase in both globalization and mobility, team members are
often dispersed across multiple physical locations. Powerful collaboration capabilities are
required to ensure high levels of productivity, efficiency and quality.
Work from anywhere The business needs to support home workers in order to attract and
retain top talent, and / or travelling employees.
IT decision makers
Better desktop management Simplify the management of desktop infrastructure. IT is not
as proactive as they would like and spend too much time fighting fires.
Increase security Data theft or the loss of devices containing sensitive data is a big risk and
preventive measures are a top priority.
Extend desktop hardware lifecycle Replacing workstations every three to five years in
order to keep up with the requirements of the operating system or the applications has
been very costly.
Reducing IT Management Scope Improve IT efficiency by focusing on only the aspects
driving the business while offloading remaining functions to 3
parties via cloud or service
Improving user experience - Increasing performance or enabling features which would
otherwise not be possible with a geographically dispersed user population
Table 1: Sample Business Drivers
The prioritization process should be completed in collaboration with the project team, business managers
and IT managers so that all views are considered.
Step 2: Define the User Groups
Although there are multiple approaches towards defining user groups, it is often easiest to align user
groups with departments as most users within the same department or organizational unit consumes the
same set of applications.
User Segmentation
Depending on the size of the department, there might be a subset of users with unique requirements.
Each defined user group should be evaluated against the following criteria to determine if the
departmental user group needs to be further divided into more specialized user groups.
Primary datacenter
Each user will have a primary datacenter or cloud resource location
assigned that will be used to host their virtual desktop, data, and application servers. Identify
the datacenter that the user should be assigned to rather than the datacenter they are
currently using. Users will be grouped based on their primary datacenter so that a unique
design can be created for each one.
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Personalization requirements are used to help determine the appropriate VDI
model for each user group. For example, if a user group requires complete personalization, a
personal desktop will be recommended as the optimal solution. There are three classifications
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User cannot modify any user or application
settings, for example - kiosk.
User can modify user-level settings of desktops
and applications.
User can make any change, including installing
Table 2: Personalization Characteristics
Security requirements are used to help determine the appropriate desktop and
policy (or policies) for each user group. For example, if a user group requires high security, a
hosted pooled desktop or a local VM desktop will be recommended as the optimal solution.
There are three classifications available:
Security Level
Users are allowed to transfer data in and out of the
virtualized environment.
All authentication and session traffic should be
secured; users should not be able to install or modify
their virtualized environment.
In addition to traffic encryption, no data should leave
the data center (such as through printing or
copy/paste); all user access to the environment
should be audited.
Table 3: Security Characteristics
Mobility requirements are used to help determine the appropriate desktop model
for each user group. For example, if a user group faces intermittent network connectivity, then
any VDI model requiring an active network connection is not applicable. There are four
classifications available:
Always uses the same device, connected to an
internal, high-speed and secured network.
Roaming Local
Connects from different locations on an internal,
high-speed, secured network.
Sometimes connects from external variable-speed,
unsecure networks.
Often needs access when the network is
intermittent or unavailable.
Table 4: Mobility Characteristics
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Desktop Loss Criticality
Desktop loss criticality is used to determine the level of high
availability, load balancing and fault tolerance measures required. For example, if there is a
high risk to the business if the user’s resource is not available, the user should not be allocated
a local desktop because if that local desktop fails, the user will not be able to access their
resources. There are three classifications available:
Desktop loss
No major risk to products, projects or
Potential risk to products, projects or
Severe risk to products, projects or
Table 5: Desktop loss criticality Characteristics
Workload Types and number of applications accessed by the user impacts overall density and
the appropriate VDI model. Users requiring high-quality graphics will either need to utilize a
local desktop implementation or a professional graphics desktop. There are three
classifications available:
User Type
1-2 office productivity apps or kiosk.
2-10 office productivity apps with light
multimedia use.
Intense multimedia, data processing or
application development.
Table 6: Workload Characteristics
Note: Performance thresholds are not identified based on processor, memory or disk utilization
because these characteristics will change dramatically following the application rationalization
and desktop optimization process. In addition, it is likely that the user’s management tools and
operating system will change during the migration process. Instead, workload is gauged based on
the number and type of applications the user runs.
Experience from the Field
Utility company A large utility company collected data on every user in their organization. During
the user segmentation process, it was realized that the organization’s existing role definitions were
sufficiently well defined that all the users within a role shared the same requirements. This allowed a
significant amount of time to be saved by reviewing a select number of users per group.
Government A government organization discovered that there was significant deviation between
user requirements within each role, particularly around security and desktop loss criticality. As such,
each user needed to be carefully reviewed to ensure that they were grouped appropriately.
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Assign VDI Models
As with physical desktops, it is not possible to meet every user requirement with a single type of VDI.
Different types of users need different types of resources. Some users may require simplicity and
standardization, while others may require high levels of performance and personalization.
Implementing a single VDI model across an entire organization will inevitably lead to user frustration
and reduced productivity.
Citrix offers a complete set of VDI technologies that have been combined into a single integrated
solution. Because each model has different strengths, it is important that the right model is chosen for
each user group within the organization.
The following list provides a brief explanation of each VDI model.
Hosted Apps The hosted apps model delivers only the application interface to the user. This
approach provides a seamless way for organizations to deliver a centrally managed and hosted
application into the user’s local PC. The Hosted Apps model is often utilized when organizations
must simplify management of a few line-of-business applications. Hosted apps includes a few
Windows Apps The Windows apps model utilizes a server-based Windows operating
system, resulting in a many users accessing a single VM model.
VM Hosted Apps The VM hosted apps model utilizes a desktop-based Windows
operating system, resulting in a single user accessing a single VM model. This model is
often used to overcome application compatibility challenges with a multi-user operating
system, like Windows 2008, Windows 2012 and Windows 2016.
Linux Apps The Linux apps model utilizes a server-based Linux operating system,
resulting in a many users accessing a single VM model.
Browser Apps The browser apps model utilizes a server-based Windows operating
system to deliver an app as a tab within the user’s local, preferred browser. This approach
provides a seamless way for organizations to overcome browser compatibility challenges
when users want to use their preferred browser (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge,
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) but the web application is only compatible with a
specific browser.
Shared Desktop With the shared desktop model, multiple user desktops are hosted from a
single, server-based operating system (Windows 2008, 2012, 2016, Red Hat, SUSE, CentOS and
Ubuntu). The shared desktop model provides a low-cost, high-density solution; however,
applications must be compatible with a multi-user server based operating system. In addition,
because multiple users share a single operating system instance, users are restricted from
performing actions that negatively impact other users, for example installing applications,
changing system settings and restarting the operating system.
Pooled Desktop The pooled desktop model provides each user with a random, temporary
desktop operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10). Because each user receives
their own instance of an operating system, overall hypervisor density is lower when compared to
the shared desktop model. However, pooled desktops remove the requirement that applications
must be multi-user aware and support server based operating systems.
Personal Desktop The personal desktop model provides each user with a statically assigned,
customizable, persistent desktop operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Red
Hat, SUSE, CentOS and Ubuntu). Because each user receives their own instance of an operating
system, overall hypervisor density is lower when compared to the shared desktop model.
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However, personal desktops remove the requirement that applications must be multi-user aware
and support server based operating systems.
Pro Graphics Desktop The pro graphics desktop model provides each user with a hardware-
based graphics processing unit (GPU) allowing for higher-definition graphical content.
Local Streamed Desktop The local streamed desktop model provides each user with a centrally
managed desktop, running on local PC hardware
Local VM Desktop The local VM desktop model provides each user with a centrally managed
desktop, running on local PC hardware capable of functioning with no network connectivity.
Remote PC Access The remote PC access desktop model provides a user with secure remote
access to their statically assigned, traditional PC. This is often the fastest and easiest VDI model to
deploy as it utilizes already deployed desktop PCs.
Each user group should be compared against the following table to determine which VDI model
best matches the overall user group requirements. In many environments, a single user might utilize
a desktop VDI model and an app VDI model simultaneously.
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Hosted Apps
Hosted Pro
Remote PC
Roaming Local
Desktop Loss Criticality
”: Recommended, ““: Not Recommended, “ºViable
Table 7: VDI Model Capability Comparison
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Don’t forget to follow these top recommendations from Citrix Consulting based on years of
Citrix Consulting Tips for Success
1. Start with Windows apps, shared and pooled desktops As you can see in the VDI capability
table above, the Windows apps, hosted shared and pooled desktop models can be used in
the majority of situations. The local streamed and local VM desktop models should only be
used on an exception basis. By reducing the number of VDI models required, you will help to
reduce deployment time and simplify management.
2. Perfect match It may not be possible to select a VDI model that is a perfect match for the
user group. For example, you can’t provide users with a desktop that is highly secure and
offers complete personalization at the same time. In these situations, select the VDI model
which is the closest match to the organization’s highest priorities for the user group.
3. Desktop loss criticality There are only three VDI models that meet the needs of a high
desktop loss criticality user group (backup desktops available) none of which allow for
complete personalization. If a high-desktop loss criticality user group also requires the ability
to personalize their desktop they could be provided with a pool of backup desktops (hosted
shared, pooled) in addition to their primary desktop. Although these desktops would not
include customizations made to their primary desktop, they would allow users to access core
applications such as mail, Internet and Microsoft Office.
4. Consider Operations & Maintenance The ongoing support of each VDI model should be
factored in when deciding on a VDI model. For example, pooled desktops can be rebooted
to a known good state which often leads to reduced maintenance versus a personal desktop
where each desktop is unique.
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Step 4: Define the Applications
Once the users have been divided up in to groups the next step is to determine which applications they
require. This is a two-step process:
1. Application rationalization Help to simplify the application assessment by removing redundant
applications from the inventory that were captured during the data capture.
2. Link apps to users Use the results from the data capture process to map applications to user
Application Rationalization
The number of applications identified during the inventory is often surprising, even for organizations
that believe they have a high-level of control over applications. To help reduce complexity as well as
overall time required, it’s important to take the time to consolidate the list of applications.
The following guidelines will help ensure that your application list is consolidated appropriately:
Multiple versions Different versions of the same application may have been identified during
the inventory. There are various reasons for this, including an inconsistent patching or upgrade
process, decentralized application management, limited licenses and situations where users
require specific application versions for compatibility with other applications, macros and
document formats. Where possible, work with the application owners to reduce the number of
versions required. The leading practice is to standardize on a single version of each application,
typically the latest.
Non-business applications Applications that are not required by the business should be
removed from the application inventory to reduce resource requirements and to help simplify
the overall project. Non-business related applications are typically found in an application
inventory when users have been provided with the ability to install their own applications and
typically include games, communication clients, screen savers, peripheral software and media
Legacy applications The inventory may identify legacy applications that have since been
retired or that are no longer required within the business. These applications may not have
been removed from the desktops because there is no established process to do so or because
there are always more high-priority activities to complete. These applications should be
consolidated during the rationalization stage of the application assessment.
Management applications The antivirus, application delivery, monitoring, inventory,
maintenance and backup applications will be completely re-designed across the organization
during the desktop virtualization project. These applications should also be consolidated
during this stage.
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Application Categorization
Each application included in the project should be categorized based on certain criteria, which will help
determine the most appropriate way to host and integrate the app. Each application can be installed
directly into the image, virtualized in an isolated container and streamed to the desktop (Microsoft
App-V), captured in a unique layer and attached to the virtual machine (Citrix App Layering) or installed
locally on the user’s endpoint device and seamlessly integrated into the user’s virtual desktop (Citrix
Local App Access). Due to the uniqueness of every application, many large-scale deployments
simultaneously utilize multiple approaches.
Each application should be categorized as follows:
Common Apps - Every organization includes a suite of applications utilized by almost every
user, Microsoft Office for example. This suite of applications is often the most utilized
application in a desktop VDI model.
Departmental Apps - A certain set of applications are only relevant for a unique business unit
or department. For example, an engineering department will often require software
development applications.
User Apps - Often making up the largest grouping of apps are the apps used by very few
individual users. In a traditional PC implementation, these applications are installed by the user
as a temporary requirement or a personal requirement, often not directly impacting the
Management Apps Many desktop deployments include a combination of antivirus,
monitoring, inventory, maintenance and backup applications. Many of these applications have
unique virtualization requirements and are often required across the entire organization.
Application Characterization
The following characteristics should be identified for each application so that the right application
delivery model can be selected during the design phase of the project:
Complex An application should be classified as complex or technically challenging if it is
difficult to set up, has extensive dependencies on other applications or requires a specialized
configuration, for example an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) application. Complex
applications need to be identified during the application assessment because they are not
generally appropriate for installation in a pooled/personal desktop model or delivery by
application streaming. Delivering complex applications as a hosted app often helps to reduce
the complexity of the base desktop image.
Demanding Collecting application resource requirements allows the virtualization
infrastructure to be sized and an appropriate application delivery model to be selected. For
example, demanding or resource intensive applications will not be delivered via a
Experience from the Field
Government: A government organization identified that there were 2,660 applications installed
across their desktop estate. Most of which were installed by users with local administrative rights. By
following the application rationalization recommendations above, it was possible to reduce the
number of applications required to 160.
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pooled/personal desktop model because there is limited control over how the resources are
shared between users. There are two classifications available in the user assessment worksheet:
Application requires 1GB+ of RAM or
averages 50%+ CPU utilization.
The application is not resource
Table 8: Application Workload Characteristics
Mobile Some user groups may require the ability to work while mobile, sometimes when
offline. If so, it is important that the design can determine which applications will work without
a network connection and which ones will not. Applications that require backend infrastructure
such as web and database servers are not typically available offline.
Peripherals If applications require connectivity with peripheral devices, identify the interface
required so that it can be made available to the application when it is run from a virtual session.
Restrictions Application access may need to be restricted due to insufficient licenses /
resources and to protect sensitive data / tools. For example, applications with a limited number
of licenses should not be installed on a base image that is shared with unlicensed users. There
are three restricted access categories in the application assessment workbook:
Restricted Access
There are no restrictions for the application and it
can be accessed by any user within the organization.
User group
The application may be installed on a multi-user
operating system but only a specific group of users
should be provided with an icon.
Virtual machine
Application should only be installed on a virtual
machine that is accessible by authorized users, often
because of licensing requirements.
Table 9: Restricted Access Characteristics
Step 5: Define the Project Team
Desktop virtualization is a fundamental change that requires close collaboration between various business
and technical teams in order to be successful. For example, the virtualization and desktop teams need to
work together to ensure that the virtual desktop image meets user needs while also being optimized for
the datacenter. Failure to build a cohesive project team that consists of the right roles and skillsets can
negatively impact performance, availability, user experience and supportability while also increasing costs
and risk.
The following tables identify the business and technical roles required during an enterprise virtual desktop
deployment. Although the list may seem quite large, many of these roles are only required for a short time
and multiple roles may be performed by a single person. The project manager and Citrix architect are
considered to be full time roles with other team members being brought in only when required. The
project manager role is key to ensuring that the right people are involved in the project at the right time.
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Business Roles
Example Responsibilities
Project sponsor
The project sponsor is a senior
company executive who
recognizes the benefits that
desktop virtualization will bring to
the business. The project sponsor
role is often performed by the
chief technology officer (CTO).
Promote desktop virtualization within
Identify members of the steering
Secure funding
Assess general costs associated with
Identify and prioritize key business drivers
Project manager
The project manager directs the
project team and is responsible for
ensuring that project objectives
are completed on time and within
All steps
Define key project milestones
Create and update project plan
Track progress against plan
Track expenditure against budget
Maintain issue and risk register
Manage scope changes
Create weekly project reports
Brief steering committee on progress
Organize project workshops and meetings
Ensure project teams are synchronized
Ensure pre-requisites are in place
Creates change control requests
Depending on company structure
and size, business managers
oversee planning and
performance at a department,
region or company level. A
business manager understands the
requirements necessary for their
employees to be successful.
Assist with application consolidation
Provide details on connectivity
requirements of user group, including
offline usage
Provide details on risk tolerance of user
Identify requirements for peripherals
Promote benefits of desktop virtualization
Assist with coordinating the rollout
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The business continuity manager
ensures that an organization can
continue to function after a
disruptive event such as natural
disaster, crime or
human/computer error.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of the current business
continuity plan
Update business continuity plan to
incorporate the new Citrix infrastructure
Test business continuity plan
Test manager
The test manager is responsible for
ensuring that the test and user
acceptance environments match
the production environment as
closely as possible. The test
manager helps to reduce risk by
ensuring that changes are fully
tested before being implemented
in production.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current testing
infrastructure and processes
Work with Citrix architect to design an
appropriate testing infrastructure and test
plan for new Citrix environment
Ensure that testing design is implemented
correctly and new Citrix infrastructure is
fully tested before rollout
An application owner is a subject
matter expert on specific
applications deployed within the
business. Application owners are
responsible for ensuring that
problems with the applications are
resolved and that
upgrades/updates are performed
without issue. Application owners
are also responsible for managing
support agreements with the
application vendors.
Assist with application consolidation
Identify application licensing limitations
Provide details on security restrictions
Provide details on application
Provide location of backend resources
Provide installation pre-requisites and
install guide
Assist Citrix team with installing and testing
applications in VDI environment
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Service desk
The service desk manager helps to
improve productivity and end-user
satisfaction by ensuring that
production issues are logged,
escalated and resolved in a timely
manner. The service desk manager
is also responsible for reporting on
common issues, call volumes and
service desk performance.
Identify common issues with existing
Provide details on support tools currently
Assist Citrix architect with designing a
delegated administration model
Participate in operations and support
design workshops
Work with training manager to identify
training requirements
Monitor helpdesk calls for rollout related
The training manager ensures that
support staff and end-users are
proficient with new areas of
technology. The training manager
also has responsibility for ensuring
that the training plan is up-to-date
and followed appropriately.
Determine current skill set for support staff
and end users
Create training plan for support staff and
end users
Implement training plan for support staff
and end users
The communication manager is
responsible for disseminating key
information throughout the
Work with project manager to create
communications plan
Relay benefits of desktop virtualization
Inform users of key migration dates
Ensure expectations are set accordingly
Table 10: Business Roles
Technical Roles
Example Responsibilities
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Citrix desktop
The Citrix architect acts as the
design authority for all Citrix
products and liaises with other
architects to ensure that the Citrix
infrastructure is successfully
integrated into the organization.
Work with project sponsor and key
stakeholders to identify and prioritize key
business drivers
Oversee user segmentation and app.
Map VDI models to user groups
Perform capabilities assessment to
determine current state of readiness
Identify areas of risk and provides remedial
Create Citrix design that includes hardware
and storage estimates
Coordinate with other architects to
integrate Citrix infrastructure into
Work with monitoring architect to ensure
that Citrix environment is monitored
Create operations and support design
Create implementation and rollout design
Create test plan
Ensure that the Citrix environment is
implemented in accordance with design
Verify that implementation passes test plan
Ensure that the Citrix design is
implemented correctly
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Active directory
Design authority on Microsoft
Active Directory, including
Organizational Units (OU) and
Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current Active Directory
Work with the Citrix architect to design OU
structure, group policies, permissions,
service accounts, etc. for new Citrix
Update Active Directory infrastructure
design to reflect centralization of user data
and accounts
Ensure that Active Directory design is
implemented correctly
Design authority on server and
desktop virtualization using Citrix
XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V,
Nutanix Acropolis or VMware
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current virtualization
Work with Citrix architect to design
hardware, networking, storage, high
availability, etc. for server and desktop
Work with monitoring architect to ensure
that virtualization environment is
monitored appropriately
Ensure that the virtualization design is
implemented correctly
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Design authority on networking,
including routing, VLANs, DHCP,
DNS, VPN and firewalls.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current networking
Work with Citrix architect to design physical
network, virtual networks, routing, firewalls,
quality of service, remote access, network
optimization, etc. for new Citrix
Work with monitoring architect to ensure
that network is monitored appropriately
Ensure that network design is implemented
Design authority on Microsoft
desktop operating systems,
including Windows XP, Windows 7
and Windows 8.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current desktop
Work with Citrix architect to design core
desktop virtual image, core applications,
desktop optimizations, etc. for new Citrix
Work with monitoring architect to ensure
that the virtual desktops are monitored
Ensure that desktop design is implemented
Design authority on storage
solutions, including direct-
attached storage, storage-
attached networks and network
attached storage.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current shared storage
Work with Citrix architect to design storage
architecture, tiers, sizing, connectivity, etc.
for new Citrix environment
Work with monitoring architect to ensure
that storage is monitored appropriately
Ensure that storage design is implemented
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Design authority on backup and
recovery, including virtual
machines, desktops, servers, user
data and databases.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current backup
architecture and processes
Work with Citrix architect and disaster
recovery architect to design backup
architecture, process, schedule, retention,
etc. for new Citrix environment
Ensure that backup design is implemented
Design authority on packaging
applications for deployment via
the systems management team.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current application
packaging process and status
Ensure that all required applications are
packaged according to design
Design authority on monitoring,
including hardware, network,
servers, storage and security
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current monitoring
architecture and processes
Work with Citrix architect to design
monitoring architecture, metrics, alerts, etc.
for new Citrix environment and supporting
Ensure that monitoring design is
implemented correctly
Provide regular reports on capacity and
trends during rollout
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Design authority on systems
management, including
server/desktop build process,
patching and automated
application installation.
Provide Citrix architect with a detailed
understanding of the current systems
management processes
Works with Citrix architect to define
server/desktop build process, patching and
application delivery strategy for new Citrix
Ensure that the systems management
design is implemented correctly
Design authority on security,
including desktops, servers,
networks and VPNs.
Provide Citrix architect with detailed
understanding of current security policy
Work with Citrix architect to design security
standards for new Citrix environment,
including authentication, encryption, port
numbers, firewall rules, etc.
Ensure that security design is implemented
Table 11: Technical Roles
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Section 3: Design
Designing a desktop virtualization solution is simply a matter of following a proven process and aligning
technical decisions with organizational and user requirements. Without the standardized and proven
process, architects tend to randomly jump from topic to topic, which leads to confusion and mistakes. The
recommended approach focuses on working through five distinct layers:
Figure 3: Five-Layer Design Model
The top three layers are designed for each user group independently, which were identified during the
user segmentation section of the assess phase. These layers define the users resources and how users
access their resources. Upon completion of these three layers, the foundational layers (control and
hardware) are designed for the entire solution.
This process guides the design thinking in that decisions made higher up impact lower level design
Layer 0: Conceptual Architecture
The conceptual architecture helps define the overarching strategies for the entire solution based on
business objectives and organizational structure.
Although an organization’s conceptual architecture will change over the coming years, it is worthwhile to
start the design phase by defining the long-term objectives around delivery models and the physical,
geographical distribution of solution.
Decision: Delivery Model
A XenDesktop and XenApp solution can take on many delivery forms. The organization’s business
objectives help select the right approach.
Even though the infrastructure remains the same for all delivery models, the local IT team’s
management scope changes.
User Layer User Layer User Layer User Layer
Access Layer Access Layer Access LayerAccess Layer
Resource Layer Resource Layer Resource LayerResource Layer
Control Layer
Host Layer Host Layer Host Layer
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On Premises - All components hosted from the organization’s local data center. The on-
premises model requires the local IT team to manage every aspect of the solution.
Figure 4: On-Premises Architecture
Public Cloud - All components hosted from a public cloud infrastructure using Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS). The public cloud model eliminates hardware management from the local IT
team‘s management scope.
Access Control ResourcesUsers
XenApp / XenDesktop
Pooled Windows Desktops
Linux Apps
Windows Apps
Access Control ResourcesUsers
XenApp / XenDesktop
Pooled Windows Desktops
Linux Apps
Windows Apps
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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Figure 5: Public Cloud Architecture
Hybrid Cloud - A single implementation executes from an on-premises data center as well as
the public cloud. Even though components of the solution are using different hosting
providers, the entire solution is a single solution using the same code and managed as a single
entity. The local IT team continues to manage all aspects of the solution except for the
hardware associated with the cloud-hosted resources.
Figure 6: Hybrid Cloud Architecture
Citrix Cloud - The XenApp and XenDesktop Service offering from Citrix Cloud breaks a typical
deployment into multiple management domains. The access and control layer components
are hosted and managed in the Citrix cloud by Citrix while the resource layer components
continues to be managed by the local IT team either as an on-premises, public cloud or hybrid
cloud model. Citrix manages the hardware, sizing and updates to the access and control
components while the local IT team manages the resources. In addition, if the public cloud
hosts the resources, the local IT team does not have to manage the resource hardware. Citrix
Cloud continues to expand the number of offerings to help solve specific user cases. To learn
Access Control ResourcesUsers
XenApp / XenDesktop
Pooled Windows Desktops
Linux Apps
Windows Apps
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 35
more and understand the full array of offerings, please explore the workspace services within
the Citrix Cloud.
Figure 7: Citrix Cloud Architecture
Decision: Site Topology
A XenApp and XenDesktop site groups desktops and applications together to form a single
architectural and management entity. All persistent and dynamic data for the site, including site
configuration, desktop assignments, and session state, is stored in a site’s database.
A site can be contained within a single location, span across multiple locations or be a partial location.
Through rigorous testing, a single XenApp/XenDesktop site can support 40,000 or more concurrent
Figure 8: Delivery Site Design Examples
Access Control ResourcesUsers
XenApp / XenDesktop
Pooled Windows Desktops
Linux Apps
Windows Apps
Citrix Cloud Citrix Cloud
Cloud Connector
Cloud Connector
Data Center 4
Concurrent Users: 150
Applications: 1
Location: Germany
Data Center 2
Concurrent Users: 5,000
Applications: 3
Location: England
Data Center 1
Concurrent Users: 10,000
Applications: 26
Location: USA-West
Site 2 Site 3
Data Center 3
Concurrent Users: 200
Applications: 1
Location: USA-Central
Data Center 1
Concurrent Users: 10,000
Applications: 30
Location: USA-West
Site 1
Data Center 4
Concurrent Users: 150
Applications: 1
Location: Germany
Data Center 2
Concurrent Users: 5,000
Applications: 3
Location: England
Data Center 3
Concurrent Users: 200
Applications: 1
Location: USA-Central
Data Center 1
Concurrent Users: 20,000
Applications: 56
Location: USA-West
Site 1 Site 2
Data Center 4
Concurrent Users: 150
Applications: 1
Location: Germany
Data Center 2
Concurrent Users: 5,000
Applications: 3
Location: England
Data Center 3
Concurrent Users: 200
Applications: 1
Location: USA-Central
Data Center 1
Concurrent Users: 20,000
Applications: 56
Location: USA-West
Site 1
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Zones subdivide single sites, often associated with geographical locations. There are several factors to
consider when determining the overall topology of the XenApp and XenDesktop solution:
Risk Tolerance Create multiple XenDesktop sites to minimize the impact from a site-wide
outage. For example, corruption of the XenDesktop site database could affect site-wide
availability. For many organizations, the decreased risk from implementing multiple sites
outweighs the additional management overhead and supporting infrastructure required.
Security Although delegated administration is available, high-security organizations may
require complete separation between environments to demonstrate compliance with specific
service level agreements.
Administrative Boundaries Due to billing/charge back requirements or how IT is structured,
multiple sites might be required to separate administrative boundaries.
Geographical Connectivity Although the implementation of zones does allow a single site to
span geographical locations, there must be enough bandwidth between the satellite zone
and primary zone for the site database to capture the session information. Higher latency or
larger zones impacts response times for the user.
XenApp/XenDesktop 7.13
XenApp/XenDesktop 7.11
Latency (ms)
Concurrent Requests
Average Response Time
Brokering Requests per second
Time to launch 10,000 users
13 minutes
26 minutes
Table 12: Zones Brokering Performance
Session count
Max concurrent
session launches
Min site-to-site
Max site-to-site
round trip latency
Less than 50
1 Mpbs
250 ms
50 to 500
1.5 Mbps
100 ms
500 to 1,000
2 Mbps
50 ms
1,000 to 3,000
8 Mbps
10 ms
Experience from the Field
Finance A large financial institution hosts 10,000 desktops from a single
datacenter. To reduce risk, it was decided that no site should exceed 5,000
desktops. Therefore, despite the desktops being connected by a fast and
redundant network, two sites were created.
Experience from the Field
Retail A retail organization required complete separation for employees
responsible for managing financial data. To meet this requirement, two separate
sites were created within the same datacenter one for the financial employees
and a second for all other employees.
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Over 3,000
8 Mbps
5 ms
Table 13: Zone Networking Requirements
In general, administrators should minimize the number of XenDesktop sites and zones to reduce
architectural complexity and administrative effort.
Decision: Image Management Strategy
A XenApp and XenDesktop solution requires the creation and management of master image(s).
Organizations must decide early what strategy to pursue for image management.
Installed Images
An installed image requires the administrator to install the operating system and applications for each
image. This approach is straightforward but creates a duplication of effort as the admin installs the
same operating system and core applications across multiple master images.
Maintaining master images also includes duplication of effort as the same operating system version
and core applications are part of multiple images, each requiring the same update process.
Scripted Images
Administrators can automate many of the tasks associated with installed images with scripting or
automation tools. Many operating system and application installs support automated scripting, which
mitigates the duplication of effort impact on the administrator’s time with installed images.
Unfortunately, learning, creating and maintaining a scripting framework for the entire image is
challenging and time consuming. Scripting an entire build takes time and often results in unexpected
failures if directory structures change, processes take too long to complete or a filename changes.
Layered Images
Each unique operating system (Windows 10, Windows 2012R2 and Windows 2016), platform
(XenApp/XenDesktop 7.13 VDA, XenApp/XenDesktop 7.14 VDA and XenApp/XenDesktop 7.15 VDA)
and application (Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) is a layer. A
master image is the merging of one operating system layer, one platform and many applications.
A layered image approach eliminates the duplication of effort challenges associated with installed and
scripted images. Each unique layer is available to any master image. When an application requires an
update, that layer receives the updates and all master images utilizing the layer receives the update. If
an organization requires ten unique Windows 10 images, each of the ten images shares the same
Windows 10 layer. When the administrator needs to upgrade the VDA from version 7.14 to 7.15 across
ten images, the administrator only updates a single platform layer.
Initially, the layered image approach does require more time to deploy because the administrator must
build the organization’s library of layers. However, once the layers are available, the time to maintain the
images is drastically reduced.
Layer 1: The User Layer
The top layer of the design methodology is the user layer, which each unique user group defines.
The user layer appropriately sets the overall direction for each user group’s environment. This layer
incorporates the assessment criteria for business priorities and user group requirements in order to define
effective strategies for endpoints and Citrix Receiver. These design decisions affect the flexibility and
functionality for each user group.
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Endpoint Selection
There is a variety of endpoints devices available, all with differing capabilities, including:
Tablet based
Desktop PC
Thin client
The user’s primary endpoint device must align with the overall business objectives as well as each user’s
role and associated requirements. In many circumstances, multiple endpoints may be suitable, each
offering differing capabilities.
Decision: Endpoint Ownership
In many organizations, endpoint devices are corporate owned and managed. However, more and
more organizations are now introducing bring your own device (BYOD) programs to improve
employee satisfaction, reduce costs and to simplify device management. Even if BYOD is a business
priority, it does not mean that every user should be allowed to use a personal device in the
corporate environment.
Certain user requirements, which were identified during the user segmentation, can greatly impact
the suitability of personal devices:
Security Users requiring a high-level of security might not be able to bring a personal
device into the secured environment for risk of data theft.
Mobility Users operating in a disconnected mode might not be able to use a personal
device, as the local VM desktop VDI model associated with this type of requirement can
have specific hardware requirements, or special maintenance requirements.
Desktop loss criticality Users with a high desktop loss criticality rating might require
redundant endpoints in the event of failure. This would require the user to have an
alternative means for connecting in the event their personal device fails, likely making these
users poor candidates for a BYOD program.
VDI models A personal device should not be recommended for user groups utilizing a
local VDI model like a local streamed desktop, local VM desktop or Remote PC Access.
These VDI models typically require a specific hardware configuration or installation that will
restrict device selection.
The following diagram provides guidance on when user owned devices could be used:
Figure 9: BYOD or Corporate Device
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Decision: Endpoint Lifecycle
Organizations may choose to repurpose devices in order to extend refresh cycles or to provide
overflow capacity for contract workers. Endpoints now offer more capabilities allowing them to
have longer useful lifespans. In many cases, these hardware capabilities vastly outstrip the needs of
a typical user. When coupled with the ability to virtualize application and desktop workloads, this
provides new options to administrators such as repurposing existing workstations. These options go
well beyond the simple three-year PC refresh cycle. However, the benefits of repurposing or
reallocating a workstation should be balanced against the following considerations.
Minimum standards While cost factors of repurposing existing workstations may be
compelling, certain minimum standards should be met to guarantee a good user
experience. At a minimum, it is recommended that repurposed workstations have a 1GHz
processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB of free disk space and a GPU that is capable of supporting
HDX features.
Business drivers Priorities underpin the success of any major project. Those organizations
that have prioritized reducing capital expenditure by means of prolonging the hardware
refresh cycle can benefit from repurposing hardware. Conversely, if an organization’s
business drivers include reducing power consumption as part of an overall green initiative,
purchasing newer endpoints may be beneficial in order to take advantage of the latest
generation of power management capabilities available in the most modern devices.
Workload The type of work and VDI model for an end user can determine whether they
are a good candidate for a repurposed endpoint, or may be better served with a new device.
If the work performed by the individual involves locally installed applications, the individual
may be best served by a new endpoint that offers the most powerful and recently updated
processor and graphics architecture. However, if a user is largely performing tasks
associated with virtualized applications that do not involve the latest multimedia capabilities
such as webcams, VoIP and media redirection, then a repurposed workstation should be a
viable alternative.
The following planning matrix outlines considerations when repurposing existing hardware:
Endpoint Provisioning Criteria
Procure New
Capital restrained environment
High number of virtualized
Desire to prolong hardware refresh
High failure rate among existing
Outmoded client-side feature set
Power consumption or green
Table 14: Endpoint Procurement Criteria
Decision: Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
VDI allows users to work on any device from any location while still getting access to their apps and
data. With distributed users accessing the environment across multiple devices, including mobile
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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devices, administrators need to be able to centrally secure and support the mobile devices.
Administrators need to:
Selectively wipe a device if the device is lost, stolen, or out of compliance.
Require passcode security standards
Define geo-location device restrictions
Simplify Exchange ActiveSync configuration
Define WiFi parameters for office locations
Integrate certificates to secure communications
Managing the distributed endpoints is only part of the challenge. Administrators need to define
levels of access. Administrators need to secure and control access to the apps and data. Security
becomes a greater concern when users have access to corporate XenApp and XenDesktop
resources from personal devices. A few things to consider when delivering XenApp and XenDesktop
apps to mobile devices:
What resources can a jailbroken device access?
Can users copy/paste between personal apps and XenApp and XenDesktop apps?
Can a device with no configured passcode get access to corporate resources?
Can users continue to use a native or untrusted third party email client?
Can mobile device users access Intranet sites with a browser optimized for mobile devices
or with a published desktop browser?
UEM Solutions, like Citrix XenMobile, protects app data and lets admins control app data sharing.
UEM also allows for the management of corporate data and resources, separately from personal
Decision: Mobile Device Management (MDM)
VDI allows users to work on any device from any location while still getting access to their apps and
data. With distributed users accessing the environment across multiple devices, including mobile
devices, administrators need to be able to centrally secure and support the mobile devices, which is
knows as Mobile Device Management (MDM).
MDM solutions, like Citrix XenMobile, enables organizations to protect devices and data on devices
at a system level. For example,
Selectively wipe a device if the device is lost, stolen, or out of compliance.
Require passcode security standards
Define geo-location device restrictions
Simplify Exchange ActiveSync configuration
Define Wi-Fi parameters for office locations
Integrate certificates to secure communications
MDM is typically suitable for corporate-owned mobile devices because most users with personal
devices do not want to give the IT team that much control over their personal devices.
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Decision: Mobile Application Management (MAM)
With a distributed workforce accessing the XenApp and XenDesktop environment across numerous
devices, administrators need to secure and control access to the apps and data. Security becomes a
greater concern when users have access to corporate XenApp and XenDesktop resources from
personal devices. A few things to consider when delivering XenApp and XenDesktop apps to mobile
What resources can a jailbroken device access?
Can users copy/paste between personal apps and XenApp and XenDesktop apps?
Can a device with no configured passcode get access to corporate resources?
Can users continue to use a native or untrusted third party email client?
Can mobile device users access Intranet sites with a browser optimized for mobile devices
or with a published desktop browser?
MAM solutions, like Citrix XenMobile, protects app data and lets admins control app data sharing.
MAM also allows for the management of corporate data and resources, separately from personal
MAM is often suitable for bring-your-own (BYO) devices because, although the device is
unmanaged, corporate data remains protected.
Decision: Endpoint Form Factor
The capabilities of endpoints have grown along with efficiencies offered in thin client form factors.
Even mid-range thin clients now have graphics capabilities that allow utilization of HDX features
such as multi-monitor support while offering management and power efficiency benefits. Citrix has
developed a three-tiered classification for thin clients based on their HDX capabilities: HDX Ready,
HDX Premium, and HDX 3D Pro, which can be used to help narrow the field of appropriate thin
client devices based on the use case requirements. This expansion of capabilities has given IT
administrators more options and flexibility than ever before.
Most organizations will likely deploy a mixture of fully featured clients as well as thin clients.
However, certain endpoint devices are more appropriate when used in combination with certain
VDI models as explained in the following table.
VDI Model
Hosted Windows Apps
Hosted Browser Apps
Hosted Shared Desktop
Hosted Pooled Desktop
Hosted Personal Desktop
Hosted Pro Graphics
Local Streamed Desktop
Local VM Desktop
Remote PC Access
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 42
”: Recommended, ““: Not Recommended, “ºViable
Table 15: Primary Endpoint Selection
Receiver Selection
Citrix Receiver is an easy-to-install software client that provides access to applications, desktops and
data easily and securely from any device, including smartphones, tablets, PCs and Macs.
The following section provides a series of design decisions that should be considered when deploying
Citrix Receiver.
Decision: Receiver Type
While most organizations should simply deploy the latest Citrix Receiver compatible with their
endpoint, it is important to recognize that there are certain differences between editions. The
following table should be referenced to determine the most appropriate edition of Citrix Receiver
for each user group. For the latest feature matrix, please refer to Receiver Feature Matrix.
Decision: Initial Deployment
There are several deployment options available for delivering Citrix Receiver to an endpoint.
Although it is usually a best practice to have a full version of Citrix Receiver deployed to an endpoint
to provide the greatest level of functionality, it is important to consider fallback options such as the
HTML5 Receiver for those situations where the installation of Citrix Receiver is simply not possible.
Note that although the HTML5 Receiver can be used as a fallback option, like the Java client was
with Web Interface, it is not generally recommended as the primary Receiver for enterprises to
standardize on due to the limited feature set and common browser restrictions around unsecured
WebSockets connections (see CTX134123 for more information).
Experience from the Field
Large systems integrator A large systems integrator recommended that a customer deploy a single
type of low-end, limited capability endpoint for all users. Upon deployment to production, users
immediately complained that they received a poor user experience when viewing multimedia
content over the WAN. At great cost, the systems integrator and customer re-assessed the
environment and chose to deploy endpoints that supported HDX MediaStream. The mistake caused
a schism between systems integrator and the customer, resulting in lost time, capital and the end of
a business relationship that was fostered over many years. It is critical that the endpoints assigned to
each user group can support their requirements.
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The following mechanisms are commonly used to deploy and update Citrix Receiver:
StoreFront If Citrix StoreFront is available, administrators can deploy Citrix Receiver via a
Receiver for Web site by enabling the “Client Detection” feature. When deployed, a Receiver
for Web site enables users to access StoreFront stores through a web page. If the Receiver
for Web site detects that a user does not have a compatible version of Citrix Receiver, the
user is prompted to download and install Citrix Receiver. The Receiver clients can be hosted
on the StoreFront server, or users can be directed to for the latest Receiver files.
Internal download site Users may be prevented from downloading software from the
Internet, even if they have permission to install applications. Administrator can create an
internal website for supported Citrix Receivers or host them on a common software
distribution point for a more seamless user experience. This could be an alternative to
enabling Client Detection on the StoreFront Receiver for Web site, which can result in an
inconsistent user experience depending on browser’s ActiveX settings.
Markets and stores Citrix Receiver is available on the Windows, Android and iOS stores..
Enterprise software deployment Many organizations employ an enterprise software
deployment (ESD) or Mobile Application Management (MAM) solution. ESD/MAM solutions
can be used to deploy Citrix Receiver to managed endpoint devices. Employee-owned
devices can only be managed if the user successfully registered the device with the
management tool.
Master image Most organizations have a group of master desktop images, which are
deployed to each business owned desktop, laptop, server, or virtual desktop. A common
mechanism to ensure access to virtual desktops and applications is to include a supported
version of Citrix Receiver in the master image. Subsequent updates to Citrix Receiver are
handled either by enterprise software deployment tools or manually.
Group policy For customers without a robust ESD solution, it is possible to deploy and
configure Citrix Receiver via Microsoft Group Policy. Sample start-up scripts that deploy and
remove Citrix Receiver are available on Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop media:
Citrix Receiver and Plugins\Windows\Receiver\Startup_Logon_Scripts
Experience from the Field
Furniture distributor A furniture distributor maintains a configurator application for various
furniture options. The configurator application is accessed via a limited functionality kiosk that is
deployed at various furniture outlets, including small, independent retailers with little to no IT staff
present. The kiosks are completely locked down in many situations, to the point where even the
running of Java applications is limited. The kiosks do feature a modern browser (Google Chrome),
and therefore, are able to utilize the HTML5 Receiver in order to provide access to the configurator
County government A government IT organization provides services to all agencies operating in
the county. A mixture of full desktops are applications are deployed to both Windows based
desktops and iPads. Since the desktops are joined to the Active Directory domain, GPOs are utilized
to deploy and configure Citrix Receiver. Mobile users accessing the Citrix environment via an iPad
install and configure Receiver from the App Store. To allow for seamless provisioning, email based
discovery was configured. This allows users to configure Receiver for both internal and external
access through NetScaler Gateway by entering in their email address.
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Manual install All supported versions of Citrix Receiver are available from the Citrix
Receiver Download site. Upon landing on this site, client detection is performed and a
platform and operating system specific link is provided to allow users to download an
appropriate edition of Citrix Receiver. It is important to note that no configuration will be
accomplished via this download, so users will receive the first time use prompt to enter a
server URL or email address. This option is likely to be utilized in a BYOD environment.
Selecting the appropriate deployment method is based on the type of Citrix Receiver selected.
The following table should be referenced to help identify the appropriate deployment options
for Citrix Receiver.
Deployment Options
Thin clients
Desktop PC
Base image
Group Policy
Receiver for Web Site
Internal Download
App Store
”: Recommended, ““: Not Recommended
Table 16: Receiver Deployment Options
Decision: Initial Configuration
Citrix Receiver must be configured in order to provide access to enterprise resources. The method of
configuration varies by Citrix Receiver edition, the form factor of the device, and lastly the access
method (local or remote) that is involved. Several methods may be viable for an organization. The
method utilized is contingent on the resources (people, systems, time) available as well as larger
organizational initiatives such as BYOD programs.
The following methods can be used to configure Citrix Receiver:
Email based discovery The latest releases of Citrix Receiver can be configured by entering
an email address. Email based discovery requires Citrix StoreFront as well as an SRV DNS
record which points to the FQDN of the StoreFront server.
Note: Any DNS platform should support email-based discovery, however only Windows DNS
has been explicitly tested.
For remote access, NetScaler Gateway must be utilized with the corresponding SRV record
in external DNS. A valid server certificate on the NetScaler Gateway appliance or StoreFront
server must be present in order to enable email-based account discovery. This configuration
assumes that the portion of the email address after the “@” is the DNS namespace that
should be queried for this SRV record. This can be challenging for customers with different
external and internal namespaces or email addresses that are different from DNS
Group policy Microsoft Group Policy can be used to configure Citrix Receiver. This can be
done via start up scripts used to deploy Receiver by ensuring there is a value for the
SERVER_LOCATION=Server_URL parameter or by using the ADMX/ADML template files
included with the installation of Citrix Receiver to set the StoreFront Account List option in
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conjunction with another Receiver deployment method. Provide the URL of the server
running Citrix StoreFront in the format https://baseurl/Citrix/storename/discovery.
Provisioning file For environments running StoreFront, it is possible to provide users with a
provisioning file that contains store information. Provisioning files are exported from the
StoreFront console. The file is saved with a “*.cr” extension and can then be placed on a
shared network resource, a Receiver for Web site, or other web based resource or emailed
to users. The file can then be launched from an endpoint, which automatically configures
Citrix Receiver to use the store(s). If users browse to the Receiver for Web site and select the
“Activate” option under their username, this also automatically downloads this same “.cr” file
and configure the Receiver client for users.
Manually If allowed, it is usually possible to configure Citrix Receiver manually by entering
the server URL. This method should be reserved for administrators or users that have
advanced knowledge.
Studio In addition to the above methods, in order to configure Receiver deployed on a
virtual desktop or server image (within a XenDesktop or XenApp environment), it is possible
to set the StoreFront address via the properties of the Delivery Group.
Decision: Updates
Citrix Receiver is in active development. As such, periodic updates are released that provide
enhanced functionality or address user issues. As with any actively developed product, the latest
version of these products should be deployed to the endpoints so that users benefit from the latest
functionality and to maintain compliance with product support lifecycles. There are multiple
methods available to update Citrix Receiver and, if applicable, associated plug-ins.
Auto-Update Receiver for Windows 4.8+ and Receiver for Mac 12.6+ includes an auto-
update capability that automatically checks for newer versions of Receiver. The auto-
update service can be configured to allow users to defer updates as well as to skip any
updates that are not long-term service release (LTSR) versions. Receiver for iOS and Android
are automatically updated through their appropriate store.
Enterprise software deployment ESD tools provide an organization with direct control
over the time/frequency of Receiver updates to managed devices. Additional thought must
be given to updating unmanaged devices and endpoints outside of the corporate firewall.
Manual updates When no automated solution is available, manual methods can be used
to update Citrix Receiver. Whether deployed on Receiver for Web site, StoreFront, an
internal Citrix Receiver site, or an external site, these options will require user involvement in
updating Citrix Receiver. Due to the involved nature of manual updates coupled with the
opportunity for a user mistake, this option should only be considered as a last resort.
Layer 2: The Access Layer
The second layer of the design methodology is the access layer, which is defined for each user group.
Creating an appropriate design for the access layer is an important part of the desktop virtualization
process. This layer handles user validation through authentication and orchestrates access to all
components necessary to establish a secure virtual desktop connection.
The access layer design decisions are based on the mobility requirements of each user group as well as the
endpoint devices used.
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Getting access to resources is based on the user’s identity. Defining the authentication strategy
takes into account the user’s entry point into the environment as well as how the user will
Decision: Authentication Provider
Traditionally, users required an Active Directory username and password to get access to their
XenApp and XenDesktop resources. As most organizations standardized on an on-premises Active
Directory deployment, this particular requirement was simple to achieve.
Organizations are using external contractors, which requires an account to get access to the
XenApp and XenDesktop resources. Organizations are investigating the use of a third party identity
provider (IdP) like Azure Active Directory, Google, LinkedIn, etc., instead of managing their own.
With the implementation of Citrix Federated Authentication Service, XenApp and XenDesktop
supports the use of a third party IdP. An administrator can have a contractor use their Google
account to gain access to their approved applications and desktops, simplifying onboarding.
Decision: Authentication Point
Before a user connects to a virtual resource, they must first authenticate. The place of
authentication is often determined by the user group’s mobility requirements, which were
defined during the user segmentation process. There are two authentication points available in
StoreFront Citrix StoreFront provides authentication and resource delivery services for
Citrix Receiver, enabling centralized enterprise stores to deliver desktops, applications
and other resources.
NetScaler Gateway NetScaler Gateway is an appliance providing secure application
access and granular application-level policy controls to applications and data while
allowing users to work from anywhere.
The following table lists preferred authentication points according to user group mobility
User Group’s Mobility Requirement
Preferred Authentication Point
Roaming local
NetScaler Gateway
NetScaler Gateway
Table 17: Preferred Authentication Point
Authentication for user groups with a mobility requirement of remote or mobile may occur
directly on StoreFront where required. For example, DMZ security policies may prohibit access
from the NetScaler Gateway to the domain, which is required to support Smartcard client
certificate authentication. Access to StoreFront for authentication may then be delivered via a
NetScaler SSL_BRIDGE virtual server, which provides a conduit for https traffic. Typically, the
virtual server would be hosted alongside a NetScaler Gateway on the same NetScaler configured
to provide HDX Proxy access to the virtual desktop environment. Although such a use case may
sometimes be necessary, the recommended best practice is to authenticate external users via
NetScaler Gateway.
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Decision: Authentication Policy
Once the authentication point has been identified, the type of authentication must be
determined. The following options are the primary methods available:
StoreFront Supports a number of different authentication methods, although not all
are recommended depending on the user access method, security requirements and
network location. Note that by default StoreFront authenticates users directly with Active
Directory, not via XML as Web Interface did. StoreFront 3.0+ can be optionally
configured to delegate authentication to XML if required (such as if the StoreFront
servers are in a domain that does not trust the user domains).
o User name and password Requires users to logon directly to the site by
entering a user name and password.
o Domain pass-through Allows pass-through of domain credentials from users'
devices. Users authenticate to their domain-joined Windows computers and are
automatically logged on when they access their stores.
o NetScaler Gateway pass-through Allows pass-through authentication from
NetScaler Gateway. Users authenticate to NetScaler Gateway and are
automatically logged on when they access their stores.
o Smart card Allows users to authenticate using smart cards and PINs through
Citrix Receiver for Windows and NetScaler Gateway. To enable smart card
authentication, user accounts must be configured either within the Microsoft
Active Directory domain containing the StoreFront servers or within a domain
that has a direct two-way trust relationship with the StoreFront server domain.
Multi-forest deployments involving one-way trust or trust relationships of
different types are not supported.
o Anonymous Allow users to access applications and desktops without
presenting credentials to StoreFront or Citrix Receiver. Local anonymous
accounts are created on demand on the Server VDA when sessions are
launched. This requires a StoreFront store configured for authenticated access, a
Server OS based VDA, and a XenApp Delivery Group configured for
unauthenticated users.
NetScaler Gateway The NetScaler Gateway supports several authentication methods.
The list below includes those primarily used in virtual desktop environments. Each may
be used individually, but are often combined to provide multi-factor authentication.
o LDAP The lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) is used to access
directory information services such Microsoft Active Directory. NetScaler
Gateway uses LDAP to authenticate users and extract their group membership
o RADIUS (token) Remote authentication dial in user service (RADIUS) is a UDP
based network security protocol that provides authentication, authorization and
accounting. A network access server (NetScaler Gateway in this case) forwards
credentials to a RADIUS server that can either check the credentials locally, or
check them against a directory service. The RADIUS server could then accept the
connection, reject the connection, or challenge and request a second form of
authentication such as a token.
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o Client certificate Users logging on to a NetScaler Gateway virtual server can
also be authenticated based on the attributes of a client certificate presented to
the virtual server. Client certificates are usually disseminated to users in the form
of smartcards or common access cards (CACs) that are read by a reader attach
to each user’s device.
The authentication type for a user group is often determined based on security requirements as
well as the authentication point used. The following table helps define the appropriate solution
for each user group based on the level of security required:
Authentication Point
Security Requirement
Authentication Type
LDAP Username and Password
LDAP Username and Password
LDAP and/or Smartcard
NetScaler Gateway
LDAP Username and Password
LDAP Username and Password
LDAP and Token
LDAP and Smartcard
Token and Smartcard
Table 18: Authentication Policy Guidance
Experience from the Field
Retail A small private retail company provides virtual desktop users with access to non-sensitive
data such as marketing catalogs and email. They are not required to adhere to security
regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley. Therefore, LDAP authentication has been implemented
based on user name and password.
Financial A medium financial enterprise provides their virtual desktop users with access to
confidential data such as banking transaction records. They are governed by security regulations
such as the Statement on Accounting Standards (SAS) 70 and are required to utilize multi-factor
authentication for remote access users. LDAP authentication has been implemented based on
user name and password along with RADIUS authentication using tokens.
Government A large federal institution provides virtual desktop users with access to highly
confidential data such as private citizens’ personal records. They are subject to regulation by
Department of Defense (DOD) security standards. LDAP authentication has been implemented
based on user name and password, along with Client Certificate authentication using CAC cards.
Healthcare - A hospital is using XenApp to deliver their EMR application to users. ThinClient
devices on stationary and mobile carts are being used by doctors and nurses to capture and
retrieve patient data. Unauthenticated access has been configured to prevent medical staff from
having to authenticate to the domain as well as the EMR application.
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Citrix StoreFront authenticates users to XenApp and XenDesktop resources. StoreFront enumerates
and aggregates available desktops and applications into a single interface that users access through
Citrix Receiver for Windows, iOS, Android, or the StoreFront web site.
Decision: High Availability
If the server hosting StoreFront is unavailable, users will not be able to launch new virtual desktops,
published applications or manage their subscriptions. Therefore at least two StoreFront servers
should be deployed to prevent this component from becoming a single point of failure. By
implementing a load balancing solution, users will not experience an interruption in their service.
Options include:
Hardware load balancing An intelligent appliance, which is capable of verifying the
availability of the StoreFront service and actively load balance user requests appropriately.
Citrix NetScaler is a great example of a hardware load balancer. Citrix NetScaler is an ideal
load balancer, coming pre-configured with StoreFront health checks.
DNS round robin Provides rudimentary load balancing across multiple servers without
performing any checks on availability. If a StoreFront server becomes unavailable, DNS
round robin would still route users to the failed server. Because of this, DNS round robin is
not recommended by Citrix.
Windows network load balancing A Windows service capable of performing
rudimentary checks to verify the server is available but cannot determine the status of
individual services. This can cause users to be forwarded to StoreFront servers which are
not able to process new requests. The user would then not be able to access applications
or desktops.
Decision: Delivery Controller Reference
To provide users with desktops and applications, StoreFront must be configured with the IP
address or DNS name of at least one Controller in each XenDesktop and XenApp site. For fault
tolerance, multiple controllers should be entered for each site and/or farm specified. By default,
StoreFront treats a list of servers in failover order (active/passive).
For large deployments or environments with a high logon load an active distribution of the user
load (active/active) is recommended. This can be achieved by means of a load balancer with
built-in XML monitors, such as Citrix NetScaler or by configuring StoreFront to load balance the
list of Controllers instead of treating them as an ordered list.
Decision: Beacons
Citrix Receiver uses beacons (websites) to identify whether a user is connected to an internal or
external network. Internal users are connected directly to StoreFront for authentication while
external users are connected via Citrix NetScaler Gateway. It is possible to control what a user
sees by restricting applications due to which beacon they have access to.
The internal beacon should be a site that is not resolvable externally. By default, the internal
beacon is the StoreFront base URL. This will have to be adjusted if the same external and internal
URL is configured. The external beacon can be any external site that produces an http response.
Citrix Receiver continuously monitors the status of network connections (for example, link up,
link down or change of the default gateway). When a status change is detected, Citrix Receiver
first verifies that the internal beacon points can be accessed before moving on to check the
accessibility of external beacon points. StoreFront provides Citrix Receiver with the http(s)
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addresses of the beacon points during the initial connection/configuration download process
and provides updates as necessary.
It is necessary to specify at least two highly available external beacons that can be resolved from
public networks.
Decision: Resource Presentation
By default, StoreFront allows users to choose (subscribe) to the resources they want to regularly
use after they logon (favorites). This approach, deemed “Self-Service,” allows users to restrict the
resources that they see on their home screen to the ones that they use on a regular basis. The
resources chosen by every user for each store are recorded by the subscription store service and
stored locally on each StoreFront server (synced automatically between servers in the same
server group) so that they can be displayed on the Citrix Receiver home screen from any device
that the user connects from. Although by default subscriptions are per store and per server
group, administrators can configure two stores within a server group to share a subscription
database and/or sync subscriptions between two identically named stores in two separate server
groups on a defined schedule if required.
Administrators should determine which applications should always be displayed to users on their
home screen or the featured tab. In general, these applications are common applications such as
the Microsoft Office Suite and any other applications that every user in an environment may
need. StoreFront can filter/present these resources using Keywords defined within the published
application properties Description field.
The following table explores the Keyword options:
Automatically subscribes all users of a store to an application. When users
log on to the store, the application is automatically provisioned without
users needing to manually subscribe to the application. Users can choose
to subsequently remove this subscription if desired.
New in StoreFront 2.5, the Mandatory keyword will make applications
automatically be subscribed to users of the store. However, users will not
have the option to remove the application. This setting is useful when
creating a core set of applications which must always be presented to all
Advertise applications to users or make commonly used applications easier
to find by listing them in the Receiver Featured list.
Specify a locally installed application should be used instead of an
application available in Receiver.
Receiver searches for the specified name/path to determine if the
application is installed locally. If it is, Receiver subscribes the application
and does not create a shortcut. When the user starts the application from
the Receiver window, Receiver starts the locally installed (preferred)
If a user uninstalls a preferred application outside of Receiver, the
application is unsubscribed during the next Receiver refresh. If a user
uninstalls a preferred application from the Receiver window, Receiver
unsubscribes the application but does not uninstall it.
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By default, XenDesktop VDI desktops and XenApp hosted shared desktops
are treated like other desktops by Receiver for Web sites. By using the
keyword “TreatAsApp,” the desktop will be displayed in the application
views of Receiver for Web sites rather than the desktop views. Users are
required to subscribe before they can access the desktop.
When in a multi-site deployment, using this keyword ensures that an
application is delivered from a designated site. If an application is available
from multiple sites, with the same name, the application from the
secondary site will only be displayed if the application is not available from
the primary site.
A same property as the “Primary” keyword, except it designates an
application in the secondary site.
Table 19: Keywords for Application Delivery
Decision: Aggregation Groups
If the XenApp/XenDesktop solution includes multiple delivery sites, StoreFront merges the
available resources together so the user has a single interface for all published resources.
However, if multiple sites publish the same resources, the user might experience confusion as a
single application appears multiple times.
Figure 10: User experience without aggregation
StoreFront aggregation groups define how the resources in multiple sites merge to provide the
user with a single, easy to understand view. StoreFront aggregates duplicate published
resources into a single icon.
Figure 11: User experience with aggregation
The administrator must determine how to load balance users across the different
XenApp/XenDesktop sites when the icon is an aggregation. The options are:
Load Balancing Used when the duplicate sites are created based on capacity
recommendations. StoreFront distributes user requests across all configured sites.
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Failover Used when geographies need to have resources available in the event of an
outage or when migrating users from one site to another site (like a XenApp migration
It is advisable to document the users, stores and aggregation methods during the design phase.
User Group
Available Store(s)
Load Balancing Stores
Failover Stores
Table 20: Aggregation Groups
Decision: Scalability
The number of Citrix Receiver users supported by a single StoreFront server depends on the
resources assigned and level of user activity. Note that Receiver for Web users will consume
more RAM on average than native Receiver users, but a minimum of 4 GB of RAM is
recommended per StoreFront server in all cases as a baseline. Additionally, more sites/farms
enumerated per store will increase both CPU utilization and server response time, with XenApp
IMA farms having a greater scalability impact than XenApp/XenDesktop FMA site.
StoreFront deployment
CPU Usage
Simultaneous activities
Standalone deployment
4 CPUs
Heavy Usage (logon, enumerate,
subscribe, unsubscribe, logoff)
291 per second
375 per second
Cluster StoreFront deployment
2 Nodes each with:
o 4 CPUs
o 4 GB RAM
o Heavy Usage (logon, enumerate,
subscribe, unsubscribe, logoff)
529 per second
681 per second
Table 21: StoreFront Scalability
Tests have shown diminishing returns after a single StoreFront deployment grows beyond 3-4
StoreFront nodes with a maximum of 5-6 servers supported in a single server group.
NetScaler Gateway
User groups utilizing NetScaler Gateway as their authentication point have additional design
decisions to consider. These design decisions are not applicable for non-NetScaler Gateway
authentication points.
Decision: Topology
Selection of the network topology is central to planning the remote access architecture to
ensure that it can support the necessary functionality, performance and security. The design of
the remote access architecture should be completed in collaboration with the security team to
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ensure adherence to corporate security requirements. There are two primary topologies to
consider, each of which provides increasing levels of security:
1-Arm (normal security) With a 1-arm topology, the NetScaler Gateway utilizes one
physical or logical bonded interface, with associated VLAN and IP subnet, to transport
both frontend traffic for users and backend traffic for the virtual desktop infrastructure
servers and services.
Figure 12: 1-Arm Topology
2-Arm (high security) With a 2-arm topology, the NetScaler Gateway utilizes two or
more physically or logically bonded interfaces, with associated VLANS and IP subnets.
Transport of the frontend traffic for users is directed to one of these interfaces. The
frontend traffic is isolated from backend traffic, between the virtual desktop
infrastructure servers and services, which is directed to a second interface. This allows
the use of separate demilitarized zones (DMZs) to isolate frontend and backend traffic
flows along with granular firewall control and monitoring.
Figure 13: 2-Arm Topology
Decision: High Availability
If the NetScaler Gateway is unavailable, remote users will not be able to access the environment.
Therefore at least two NetScaler Gateway hosts should be deployed to prevent this component
from becoming a single point of failure.
*Port 80 used for
https redirect
443, 80 (HTTP\TCP)
3010, 3008, 22 (TCP)
Corp. Infrastructure
Internal Devices
Remote End Users
External Devices
Citrix Infrastructure
80, 8080, 443 (HTTP\TCP)
1494, 2598 (TCP)
*Port 80 used for
https redirect
443, 80 (HTTP\TCP)
3010, 3008, 22 (TCP)
Corp. Infrastructure
Internal Devices
Remote End Users
External Devices
Citrix Infrastructure
80, 8080, 443 (HTTP\TCP)
1494, 2598 (TCP)
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When configuring NetScaler Gateway in a high availability (active/passive) pair, the secondary
NetScaler Gateway monitors the first appliance by sending periodic messages, also called a
heartbeat message or health check, to determine if the first appliance is accepting connections.
If a health check fails, the secondary NetScaler Gateway tries the connection again for a specified
amount of time until it determines that the primary appliance is not working. If the secondary
appliance confirms the health check failure, the secondary NetScaler Gateway takes over for the
primary NetScaler Gateway.
Note that in firmware 10.5 and above, clustering is also possible with multiple NetScaler Gateway
instances to provide high availability, although support for spotted versus stripped
configurations varies by firmware and Gateway configuration (full SSL VPN versus ICA proxy).
Decision: Platform
In order to identify an appropriate NetScaler platform to meet project requirements, the key
resource constraints must be identified. Since all remote access traffic will be secured using the
secure sockets layer (SSL), transported by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in the form of
HTTPs, there are two resource metrics that should be targeted:
SSL throughput The SSL throughput is the gigabits of SSL traffic that may be processed
per second (Gbps).
SSL transactions per second (TPS) The TPS metric identifies how many times per
second an Application Delivery Controller (ADC) may execute an SSL transaction. The
capacity varies primarily by the key length required. TPS capacity is primarily a
consideration during the negotiation phase when SSL is first setup and it is less of a
factor in the bulk encryption / decryption phase, which is the majority of the session life.
While TPS is an important metric to monitor, field experience has shown that SSL
throughput is the most significant factor in identifying the appropriate NetScaler
The SSL bandwidth overhead average is often considered negligible relative to the volume of
virtual desktop traffic and is not typically accounted for as part of required SSL throughput.
However, making provisions for SSL bandwidth will help ensure the total throughput estimated
is sufficient. The fixed bandwidth added to packet headers can vary according to the encryption
algorithms used and the overall percentage of bandwidth may vary widely according to packet
size. Ideally, the overhead should be measured during a proof of concept or pilot. However, in
the absence of such data incrementing the workload bandwidth by 2% is a reasonable rule of
thumb. Therefore, to determine the SSL throughput required by a NetScaler platform, multiply
the maximum concurrent bandwidth for a datacenter by 1.02:
   
For example, assuming 128Mbps maximum concurrent bandwidth, the appropriate NetScaler
model can be determined as follows:
   
The SSL throughput value should be compared to the throughput capabilities of various
NetScaler platforms to determine the most appropriate one for the environment. There are three
main platform groups available, each of which provides broad scalability options.
VPX A NetScaler VPX device provides the same full functionality as hardware NetScaler.
However, NetScaler VPXs can leverage ‘off the shelf’ servers for hosting and are suitable
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for small to medium sized environments. Typically, organizations create a baseline cap
for the VPX instances at 500 users.
MPX A NetScaler MPX is the hardware version of the NetScaler devices. The MPX
device is more powerful than the virtual NetScaler and can support network
optimizations for larger scale enterprise deployments, particularly when SSL offload will
be configured as this is done in software on the VPX versus dedicated SSL chips on the
SDX A NetScaler SDX is a blend between the virtual and physical NetScaler devices. An
SDX machine is a physical device capable of hosting multiple virtual NetScaler devices.
This consolidation of devices aids with reducing required shelf space and device
consolidation. NetScaler SDXs are suitable for handling network communications for
large enterprise deployments and/or multi-tenant hosting providers.
SSL throughput capabilities of the NetScaler platforms may be found in the Citrix NetScaler data
sheet. Therefore, based on the example calculation above, a NetScaler MPX 5550 appliance
would be sufficient to handle the required load. However, actually scalability will depend on
security requirements. NetScaler SSL throughput decreases with the use of increasingly complex
encryption algorithms and longer key lengths. Also, this calculation represents a single primary
NetScaler. At a minimum, N+1 redundancy is recommended which would call for an additional
NetScaler of the identical platform and model.
Note: The Citrix NetScaler data sheet typically represents throughput capabilities under optimal
conditions for performance. However, performance is directly affected by security requirements.
For example, if the RC4 encryption algorithm and a 1k key length are used, a VPX platform may
be able to handle more than 500 HDX proxy connections. However, if a 3DES encryption
algorithm and 2k key length are used (which are becoming more common), the throughput may
be halved.
Decision: Pre-Authentication Policy
An optional pre-authentication policy may be applied to user groups with NetScaler Gateway as
their authentication point. Pre-authentication policies limit access to the environment based on
whether the endpoint meets certain criteria through Endpoint Analysis (EPA) Scans.
Pre-authentication access policies can be configured to test antivirus, firewall, operating system,
or even registry settings. These policies can be used to prevent access entirely or can be used by
XenDesktop to control session features such as clipboard mapping, printer mapping and even
the availability of specific applications and desktops. For example, if a user device does not have
antivirus installed, a filter can be set to hide sensitive applications.
The following figure provides an overview of how multiple policies can be used to customize the
features of a virtualization resource:
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Figure 14: Simplified SmartAccess Decision Logic
Decision: Session Policy
User groups with NetScaler Gateway as their authentication point must have corresponding
session policies defined. Session policies are used to define the overall user experience post-
Organizations create sessions policies based on the type of Citrix Receiver used. For the purpose
of session policy assignment, devices are commonly grouped as either non-mobile (such as
Windows, Mac and Linux OS based), or mobile (such as iOS or Android). Therefore, a decision on
whether to provide support for mobile devices, non-mobile devices, or both should be made
based on client device requirements identified during the assess phase.
To identify devices session policies, include expressions such as (
Mobile devices The expression is set to REQ.HTTP.HEADER User-Agent CONTAINS
CitrixReceiver which is given a higher priority than the non-mobile device policy to
ensure mobile devices are matched while non-mobile devices are not.
Non-mobile devices The expression is set to ns_true which signifies that it should apply
to all traffic that is sent to it.
Experience from the Field
Retail A small private retail company use EPA to scan for the presence of updated antivirus
definitions prior to allowing access.
Financial A medium financial enterprise use EPA scans of the Domain SID to verify that users are
members of the enterprise domain prior to allowing access.
Government A large federal institution use EPA to scan endpoint devices to ensure that a
specific certificate (or set of certificates) has been installed on the device prior to allowing access.
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An alternative use of session policies is to apply endpoint analysis expressions. These session
policies are applied post authentication yet mimic the previously mentioned pre-authentication
policies. Use of session policies is an option to provide a fallback scenario to endpoints that do
not meet full security requirements such read-only access to specific applications.
Decision: Session Profile
Each session policy must have a corresponding session profile defined. The session profile
defines details required for the user group to gain access to the environment. There are two
primary forms of session profiles that determine the access method to the virtual desktop
SSLVPN Users create a virtual private network and tunnel all traffic configured by IP
addresses through the internal network. The user’s client device is able to access
permitted intranet resources as if it were on the internal network. This includes
XenDesktop sites and any other internal traffic such as file shares or intranet websites.
This is considered a potentially less secure access method since network ports and
routes to services outside of the virtual desktop infrastructure may be opened leaving
the enterprise susceptible to risks that may come with full VPN access. These risks may
include denial of service attacks, attempts at hacking internal servers, or any other form
of malicious activity that may be launched from malware, Trojan horses, or other viruses
via an Internet based client against vulnerable enterprise services via routes and ports.
Another decision to consider when SSLVPN is required is whether to enable split
tunneling for client network traffic. By enabling split tunneling, client network traffic
directed to the intranet by Citrix Receiver may be limited to routes and ports associated
with specific services. By disabling split tunneling, all client network traffic is directed to
the intranet, therefore both traffic destined for internal services as well as traffic destined
for the external services (Internet) traverses the corporate network. The advantage of
enabling split tunneling is that exposure of the corporate network is limited and network
bandwidth is conserved. The advantage of disabling split tunneling is that client traffic
may be monitored or controlled through systems such as web filters or intrusion
detection systems.
Figure 15: SSL VPN
HDX proxy With HDX Proxy, users connect to their virtual desktops and applications
through the NetScaler Gateway without exposing internal addresses externally. In this
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configuration, the NetScaler Gateway acts as a micro VPN and only handles HDX traffic.
Other types of traffic on the client’s endpoint device, such as private mail or personal
Internet traffic do not use the NetScaler Gateway.
Based on the endpoint and Citrix Receiver used, a decision must be made as to whether
this method is supported for each user group. HDX Proxy is considered a secure access
method for remote virtual desktop access since only traffic specific to the desktop
session is allowed to pass through to the corporate infrastructure. Most Citrix Receivers
support HDX Proxy and it is the preferred method:
Figure 16: HDX Proxy
Decision: Preferred Datacenter
Enterprises often have multiple active datacenters providing high availability for mission critical
applications. Some virtual desktops or applications may fall into that category while others may
only be accessed from a specific preferred datacenter. Therefore, the initial NetScaler Gateway
that a user authenticates to in a multi-active datacenter environment may not be within the
preferred datacenter corresponding to the user’s VDI resources. StoreFront is able to determine
the location of the user’s assigned resources and direct the HDX session to those resources;
however, the resulting path may be sub-optional (WAN connection from the NetScaler Gateway
to the virtual desktop/application resources as opposed to LAN connection).
There are static and dynamic methods available to direct HDX sessions to their virtual desktop
resources in their primary datacenter. The decision regarding which method to select should be
based on the availability of technology to dynamically assign sites links such as Global Server
Load Balancing (GSLB) along with the network assessment of intranet and Internet bandwidth as
well as Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities.
Note: For more information on configuring the static and dynamic methods of GSLB, please refer
to Citrix Product Documentation - Configuring GSLB for Proximity.
o Direct The user may be given a FQDN mapped to an A record that is dedicated
to the primary datacenter NetScaler Gateway(s) allowing them to access their
virtual desktop directly wherever they are in the world. This approach eliminates
a layer of complexity added with dynamic allocation. However, it also eliminates
fault tolerance options such as the ability to access the virtual desktop through
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an alternative intranet path when a primary datacenter outage is limited to the
access infrastructure.
o Intranet For most dynamic environments, the initial datacenter selected for
authentication is the one closest to the user. Protocols such as GSLB dynamic
proximity calculate the least latency between the user’s local DNS server and the
NetScaler Gateway. Thereafter, by default, the HDX session is routed through
the same NetScaler Gateway to whichever datacenter is hosting the user’s virtual
desktops and applications. The advantage of this approach is that the majority
of the HDX session would traverse the corporate WAN where quality of service
may be used.
Figure 17: Intranet Connection
o Internet - Alternatively, the HDX session can be re-routed through an alternate
NetScaler Gateway proximate to the backend VDI desktop / XenApp server,
resulting in most of the HDX session travelling over the Internet. For example, a
user with a dedicated desktop in the United Stated, traveling in Europe may be
directed to a NetScaler Gateway hosted in a European datacenter based on
proximity. However, when the user launches their desktop, an HDX connection
will be established to the virtual desktop via a NetScaler Gateway hosted in the
preferred datacenter in the United States.
This conserves WAN network usage (at the cost of QoS) and is recommended in
cases where the user’s Internet connection may provide a more reliable
experience than the corporate WAN.
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Figure 18: Internet Connection
Some customers will use a combination of these methods, such as geo-specific dynamic URLs
such that fault tolerance is provided within a geographic area (such as North America) without
incurring the complexity of global GSLB.
Site-to-Site Connectivity
A XenApp and XenDesktop site is capable of spanning multiple locations, In order to successfully
implement a multi-site solution, the design must take into account the site-to-site links and XenApp
and XenDesktop session routing between locations in order to provide the best user experience.
Decision: HDX Optimized Routing
In a multi-site XenApp and XenDesktop solution, certain criteria, like fastest response time or
closest proximity, routes users to the optimal site. These algorithms do not take into account the
resources a user wants to access.
Improper routing of a user’s session results in the following:
Figure 19: HDX Optimized Routing Not Optimized
1. User routed to the most preferred site, based on proximity or response time
Corporate WAN
Site 2
NetScaler Gateway
Apps and Desktops
Site 1
NetScaler Gateway
Apps and Desktops
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2. NetScaler Gateway proxies the ICA traffic to the correct resource, which could be across
the corporate WAN.
Ideally, optimized routing should resemble the following:
Figure 20: HDX Optimized Routing - Optimized
1. User routed to the most preferred site, based on proximity or response time
2. Based on the selected resource, NetScaler Gateway reroutes the session to a NetScaler
Gateway in the preferred site.
3. NetScaler Gateway proxies the ICA traffic to the correct resource, which stays on the
local LAN.
Using the optimized HDX routing option within StoreFront offloads traffic from the corporate
WAN and places it on the public network.
Decision: Virtual WAN
In branch office scenarios, a XenApp and XenDesktop design must evaluate the branch office’s
connection to the data centers hosting the application and desktop resources. If the WAN
connection between the branch office and data center is not able to meet the user
requirements, the overall user experience degrades.
Organizations have a couple of options on their WAN connections:
Scale Up Organizations can simply increase the size of the WAN pipe connecting the
branch offices to the data center, typically at a sizable cost.
Scale Out Organizations can maintain their current WAN connection and augment it
with multiple low-cost alternatives. The integration of all connections between the
branch office and data center creates a software defined virtual WAN, like NetScaler SD-
WAN. The appliance sends duplicate network packets across all WAN connections
defined within the virtual WAN. The appliance on the other end of the WAN uses the
first arriving packet, discarding all subsequent packets. As the conditions of the multiple
links change throughout the day, this approach guarantees the best experience possible.
Corporate WAN
Site 2
NetScaler Gateway
Apps and Desktops
Site 1
NetScaler Gateway
Apps and Desktops
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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Figure 21: NetScaler SD-WAN
Broadband Circuit
MPLS Circuit
Branch Office A
NetScaler SD-WAN
NetScaler SD-WAN
Data Center
Apps /
Software Defined WAN
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Layer 3: The Resource Layer
The resource layer is the third layer of the design methodology and the final layer focused specifically on
the user groups.
The overall user acceptance of the solution is defined by the decisions made within the resource layer.
Profiles, printing, applications and overall desktop image design play a pivotal role in how well the desktop
is aligned with the user group’s requirements, which were identified within the assess phase.
User Experience
Perception is everything when it comes to a good VDI experience. Users expect an experience
similar to or better than that of a traditional, physical desktop.
Codecs, transport protocols and self-service capabilities affects the overall experience. Poor quality
graphics, lagging video or 120 second logon times can destroy the user experience. A proper user
experience design can meet any network challenge.
Decision: Display Protocol
Selecting the correct display protocol determines the quality of static images, video and text
within the user’s session as well as determining the impact on single server scalability.
Administrators have the following options:
Legacy - optimized for Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2 graphic engines (GDI/GDI+).
Desktop Composition Redirection offloads desktop Windows manager DirectX
commands to the endpoint, but only supports a Windows desktop VDA. Plus, in the 7.15
LTSR release, Desktop Composition Redirection is a depreciated feature.
Framehawk a UDP-based protocol that is able to provide high refresh rates in
environments with high latency and high packet loss scenarios at the cost of greater
network bandwidth utilization, commonly found on broadband wireless connections.
H.264 Often referred as the video codec, which provides the highest frame rates
required for high quality video while saving network bandwidth. It does come at the
expense of CPU processing time, reducing single server scalability. H.264 is the preferred
codec when users predominately use multimedia applications.
Thinwire Based on the original Citrix patents from the 1990s that thinly transfers data
over a wire. Use Thinwire in the majority of use cases as it provides a good user
experience with minimal resource costs. There are two variations of Thinwire
o Legacy - optimized for Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2 graphic engines
o Thinwire+ - optimized for Desktop Windows Manager (DWM) graphics engine
in Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 and Windows 2016
Selective H.264 (Adaptive Display) - utilizes multiple codecs (H.264 and Thinwire+)
simultaneously for portions of the screen
Do not use only uses Thinwire+ and not H.264. Best for users without server-
rendered video or other graphically intense applications.
For entire screen Only uses H.264. Best for users with heavy use of server-rendered
video and 3D graphics, especially in low-bandwidth situations.
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For actively changing regions Uses H.264 for the portions of the screen that are
constantly changing while the remainder of the screen uses Thinwire+. This is the best
option for most users.
Selecting the right codec not only has an impact on the overall user experience, but also on the
scalability of the server.
Figure 22: Codec Single Server Scalability
Decision: Transport Protocol
There are three ways to transport the HDX protocol across the network:
TCP Uses the industry standard TCP transport protocol. Common transport protocol
over LAN and low-latency WAN connections, but suffers when connection distances
increases, thus increasing latency and incurring more retransmissions.
EDT Uses a Citrix proprietary transport protocol called Enlightened Data Transport,
based on UDP. Meant for high latency/packet loss networks, most common on long-
distance WAN links. Provides a more interactive experience for the user without
increasing CPU load on the server, but consumes more network bandwidth than TCP.
Adaptive Transport Uses TCP and EDT transport protocols. EDT used unless the
network does not support transporting EDT over the network, which then automatically
changes to TCP.
Most environments will use Adaptive Transport as the standard transport option unless the
network does not have the appropriate firewall ports opened or NetScaler Gateway configured
Decision: Logon Optimization
Every time a user logs onto a XenApp/XenDesktop session, the logon process must complete,
which includes session initialization, user profile loading, group policy preferences execution,
drive mapping, printer mapping, logon script execution and desktop initialization. Each process
takes time and increases logon duration.
Most organizations include many mappings and complex logon scripts. When each of these
items executes, the logon time drastically increases.
Codec Impact on Single Server Scalability
Framehawk H.264 Selective H.264 Thinwire+
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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Figure 23: Logon Script Duration
Workspace Environment Management removes drive mappings, printer mappings, logon scripts
and roaming profiles from the standard logon process. With logon optimization, Workspace
Environment Management applies the mappings/scripts/profiles in the background after the
session and desktop initializes. The user receives the same environment but they receive their
desktop interface faster. To learn more, review the following Logon Optimization video.
Most environments should enable logon optimization as a default configuration.
Decision: User Self Service
Self-service allows users to modify, update and troubleshoot their environments on their own
without requiring help desktop intervention. Most organizations have policies in place that
require users to change their passwords every 60-90 days. When users have multiple endpoint
devices with saved passwords, it is extremely easy for their account to be locked out until each
device is updated.
With StoreFront, can save time by self-servicing their own accounts with the following
Account Unlock When the user’s account is locked due to too many failed logon
attempts, common with multiple devices, they can unlock their account if they know
answers to their security questions.
Password Reset When users forgot their newly created password, they can reset their
password if they know the answers to their security questions.
The self-service password reset architecture introduces the SSPR Service, Central Store and two
Data Proxy Account Responsible for accessing the central store, which contains
encrypted answers to the user’s security questions.
Self Service Account An Active Directory account with password reset and account
unlock rights.
Baseline Drive Mappings Printer
Logon Scripts Roaming Profile
Logon Time
Logon Time
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 66
Figure 24: SSPR Architecture
In addition, properly designing self-service password reset requires the admin to create security
questions that users will answer. Ideally, admins should create groups of questions around
different categories then require users to answer a subset of questions for each group. The
questions must be something the user knows that does not change and is not known by others.
User Profiles
A user’s profile plays a critical role in delivering a consistently positive experience within a virtual
desktop or virtual application scenario. Even a well-designed virtual desktop solution can fail if users
are frustrated due to lengthy logon times or lost settings.
The user profile solution chosen must align with the personalization characteristics of the user
group captured during the assess phase as well as the VDI model selected.
Decision: Profile Type
This section provides an overview on the different profile types available and provides guidance
on the optimal user profile for each VDI model.
Local profiles Local profiles are stored on each server or desktop operating system and
are initially created based on the default user profile. Therefore, a user accessing these
resources would create an independent profile on each system. Users are able to retain
changes to their local profile on each individual system, but changes are only accessible
for future sessions on that system. Local profiles require no configuration; if a user
logging into a server or desktop operating system does not have a profile path
administratively defined, a local profile is created by default.
Roaming profiles Roaming profiles are stored in a centralized network repository for
each user. Roaming profiles differ from local profiles in that the information in the
profile (whether it is a printer, a registry setting, or a file stored in the documents folder)
can be made available to user sessions accessed from all systems in the environment.
Configuring a user for a roaming profile requires an administrator to designate the
user’s profile path (for virtual desktops) or terminal server profile path to a particular
network share. The first time the user logs on to a server or desktop operating system,
the default user profile is used to create the users roaming profile. During logoff, the
profile is copied to the administrator-specified network location.
Mandatory profiles Mandatory profiles are typically stored in a central location for
many users. However, the user’s changes are not retained at logoff. Configuring a user
for a mandatory profile requires an administrator to create a mandatory profile file
(NTUSER.MAN) from an existing roaming or local profile and assign users with a terminal
services profile path. This can be achieved by means of Microsoft Group Policy,
customizing the user properties in Active Directory or Citrix Profile Management.
User StoreFront SSPR Service
Active Directory
Central Store
Self Service Account
Data Proxy Account
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Hybrid profiles Hybrid profiles combine a robust profile core (a mandatory profile or a
local default profile) with user specific registry keys or files that are merged during logon.
This technique enables administrators to tightly control which changes are retained and
to keep the user profiles small in size. Furthermore, hybrid profiles address the last write
wins issue using mature queuing techniques that automatically detect and prevent
simultaneous writes that could potentially overwrite changes made in another session.
Thus minimizing user frustration resulting from lost profile changes when accessing
multiple servers or virtual desktops simultaneously. In addition, they capture and record
only the changes within the profile, rather than writing the entire profile at logoff. A
good example of a hybrid profile solution is Citrix Profile Management, which will be
discussed in detail within this chapter.
The following table compares the capabilities of each profile type:
Central management
/ roams with user
User settings are
stored persistently
Granular capture of
user settings
”: Functionality available “º”: Optional ““: Functionality not available
Table 22: Profile Type Capability Comparison
In order to select the optimal profile type for each user group it is important to understand their
personalization requirements in addition to the VDI model assigned.
The following table provides recommendations on selecting the appropriate user profile type
based on VDI resource:
User setting persistence required (personalization characteristic: basic / complete)
Hosted Windows App
Hosted Browser App
Hosted Shared Desktop
Hosted Pooled Desktop
Hosted Personal Desktop
Hosted Pro Graphics Desktop
Local Streamed Desktop
Local VM Desktop
Remote PC Access
User setting persistence not required or not desired (personalization characteristic: none)
Hosted Windows App
Hosted Browser App
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Hosted Shared Desktop
Hosted Pooled Desktop
Hosted Personal Desktop
Hosted Pro Graphics Desktop
Local Streamed Desktop
Local VM Desktop
Remote PC Access
”: Recommended “º”: Viable ““: Not Recommended
Table 23: Profile Type Selection
Decision: Folder Redirection
Redirecting special folders can supplement any of the described profile types. While redirecting
profile folders, such as user documents and favorites, to a network share is a good practice to
minimize profile size, architects need to be aware that applications may frequently read and
write data to profile folders such as AppData, causing potential issues with file server utilization
and responsiveness. It is important to thoroughly test profile redirection before implementation
in production to avoid these issues. Therefore, it is important to research profile read / write
activities and to perform a pilot before moving to production. Microsoft Outlook is an example
of an application that regularly performs profile read activities, as the user signature is read from
the user profile every time an email is created.
The following table provides general recommendations to help identify the appropriate folders
to redirect:
Application Data
My Documents
My Music
My Pictures
My Videos
Saved Games
Start Menu
”: Recommended “º”: Optional ““: Not recommended
Table 24: Folder Redirection Matrix
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Page 69
Decision: Folder Exclusion
Excluding folders from being persistently stored as part of a roaming or hybrid profile can help to
reduce profile size and logon times. By default Windows excludes the AppData\Local and
AppData\LocalLow folders, including all subfolders, such as History, Temp and Temporary
Internet Files. In addition, the downloads and saved games folders should also be excluded. All
folders that are redirected should be excluded from the profile solution.
Decision: Profile Caching
Local caching of roaming or hybrid user profiles on a server or virtual desktop is default Windows
behavior and can reduce login times and file server utilization / network traffic. With profile
caching, the system only has to download changes made to the profile. The downside of profile
caching is that it can consume significant amounts of local disk storage on multi-user systems,
such as a hosted shared desktop hosts.
In certain VDI models and configurations, the VDI resource is reset to a pristine state. Having
locally cached profiles be deleted upon logoff is an unnecessary consumption of resources.
Based on this, the leading recommendation is to not deleting locally cached profiles for the
following VDI models:
Hosted Personal Desktops
Hosted Pooled Desktops only in situations where a reboot occurs after logoff.
Local VM Desktops
Remote PC Access
Configuring the “Delay before deleting cached profiles” Citrix policy sets an optional extension to
the delay before locally cached profiles are deleted at logoff. Extending the delay is useful if a
process keeps files or the user registry hive open during logoff. This can also reduce logoff times
for large profiles.
Decision: Profile Permissions
For security reasons, administrators, by default, cannot access user profiles. While this level of
security may be required for organizations that deal with very sensitive data, it is unnecessary for
most environments and can complicate operations and maintenance. Therefore, consider
enabling the “Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles” policy setting. The
configuration of this policy should be aligned with the security characteristics of the user groups
captured during the assess phase. For more information on the permissions required for the file
share hosting user profiles and data, please refer to Microsoft TechNet - Deploying Roaming
Decision: Profile Path
Determining the network path for the user profiles is one of the most significant decisions
during a user profile design process. In general, it is strongly recommended to leverage a
redundant and high performance file server or NAS device.
There are four topics that must be considered for the profile share:
Performance File server performance will affect logon and logoff times, and
depending on other decisions such as redirected folders and profile streaming, can
impact the user’s experience within the session. For large virtual desktop infrastructures,
a single file server cluster may not be sufficient to handle periods of peak activity. In
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Page 70
order to distribute the load across multiple file servers, the file server address and share
name will need to be adjusted.
Location User profiles are transferred over the network by means of the SMB protocol,
which does not perform well on high-latency network connections. Furthermore, WAN
connections are typically bandwidth constrained, which can add additional delay to the
profile load process. Therefore, the file server should be located in close proximity to the
servers and virtual desktops to minimize logon times.
Operating system platforms User profiles have a tight integration with the underlying
operating system and it is not supported to reuse a single user profile on different
operating systems or different platforms like 64-Bit (x64) and 32-Bit (x86). For more
information, please refer to the Microsoft knowledge base article KB2384951 Sharing
32 and 64-bit User Profiles. Windows 2008 and Windows Vista introduced a new user
profile structure, which can be identified by .V2 profile directory suffix, which makes
older user profiles incompatible with newer operating systems such as Windows 2012, 7
and 8. In order to ensure that a separate profile is used per platform, the profile directory
has to be adapted.
Indexing capabilities To take full advantage of Windows Search functionality on a
user’s redirected data, Windows file servers that index the user’s data must be used, as
opposed to a share on a NAS appliance. This is important for use cases that are heavily
dependent on Windows Search or are especially sensitive to perception of slowness or
There are two methods that can be used to address these challenges that are based on
Windows built-in technology:
User object For every user object in Active Directory, an individual profile path, which
contains file server name and profile directory, can be specified. Since only a single
profile path can be specified per user object, it is not possible to ensure that a separate
profile is loaded for each operating system platform.
Computer group policy or system variables The user profile path can also be
configured by means of computer specific group policies or system variables. This
enables administrators to ensure that a user profile is dedicated to the platform. Since
computer specific configurations affect all users of a system, all user profiles will be
written to the same file server. To load balance user profiles across multiple servers
dedicated XenDesktop delivery groups have to be created per file server.
Note: Microsoft does not support DFS-N combined with DFS-R for actively used user profiles. For
more information, please refer to the Microsoft articles:
Information about Microsoft support policy for a DFS-R and DFS-N deployment scenario
Microsoft’s Support Statement Around Replicated User Profile Data
When using Citrix Profile Management, a third option is available to address these challenges:
User object attributes and variables Citrix Profile Management enables the administrator to
configure the profile path by means of a computer group policy using attributes of the user
object in Active Directory to specify the file server dynamically. In order to achieve this, three
steps are required:
1. Create a DNS alias (for example, fileserver1) that refers to the actual file server
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2. Populate an empty LDAP attribute of the user object (for example, l or UID) with the DNS
3. Configure Citrix Profile Management by means of GPO to use a profile path that refers
to the LDAP attribute (for example, if attribute UID is used the profile path becomes
In addition, Citrix Profile Management automatically populates variables to specify the profile
path dynamically based on the operating system platform. Valid profile management variables
!CTX_PROFILEVER! Expands to v1 or v2 depending on the profile version.
!CTX_OSBITNESS! Expands to x86 or x64 depending on the bit-level of the operating
!CTX_OSNAME! Expands to the short name of the operating system, for example Win7
By combining both capabilities of Citrix Profile Management, a fully dynamic user profile path
can be created, which can be load balanced across multiple file servers and ensure profiles of
different operating system platforms are not mixed. An example of a fully dynamic user profile
path is shown below:
Decision: Profile Streaming
Note: The following design decision only applies to those environments that use Citrix Profile
With user profile streaming, files and folders contained in a profile are fetched from the user
store (file server) to the local computer when a user accesses them. During the logon process,
Citrix Profile Management immediately reports that the profile load process has completed
reducing profile load time to almost zero.
Citrix recommends enabling profile streaming for all scenarios. If it is desired to keep a local
cached copy of the user profile for performance reasons, it is recommended to enable the
“Always Cache” setting and configure a size of 0. This ensures that the user profile is downloaded
in the background and enables the system to use this cached copy going forward.
Decision: Active Write Back
Note: The following design decision only applies to those environments that use Citrix Profile
By enabling the active write back feature, Citrix Profile Manager detects when an application has
written and closed a file and copies the file back to the network copy of the profile during idle
periods. In scenarios where a single user leverages multiple virtual desktops or hosted shared
desktops simultaneously, this feature can be tremendously beneficial. However, Citrix Profile
Management does not copy any registry changes back to the network, except during an ordered
logoff. As such, there is a risk that the registry and files may get out of alignment on non-
Experience from the Field
General Some poorly written applications might load faster if their AppData has already been
streamed to the VDI resource. Enabling the “Always Cache” option for profile streaming can help
improve performance when the AppData folder is not redirected.
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Page 72
persistent systems, where locally cached profile information is wiped upon reboot. Therefore, it is
recommended to disable active write back functionality for non-persistent scenarios.
Decision: Configuration Approach
Note: The following design decision only applies to those environments that use Citrix Profile
Citrix Profile Management can be configured by means of an “.inifile, Microsoft Group Policy
and Citrix Policy (Citrix Profile Management 5.0 and newer). While each option offers the same
configuration settings, Group Policy is recommended because it allows administrators to
perform Windows and Citrix profile configurations from a single point, minimizing the tools
necessary for profile management.
Note: With Citrix Profile Management 5.0 and newer, the desktop type is automatically detected
and Citrix Profile Management policies set accordingly. For more information, please refer to Citrix
Docs How automatic configuration works.
Decision: Replication
While having an active/active datacenter on a network level is easily accomplished with GSLB,
the replication of user data makes having a fully active/active deployment complex in most
situations. To have an active/active configuration where users are not statically assigned to a
specific datacenter, will require users to have no form of personalization requirements. This will
limit the user’s ability to make any configuration changes and will not allow them to create any
documents or persistent data. The exception to this is when a high-speed, low latency
connection such as dark fiber is available between datacenters. This will let resources in both
locations can point to the same file server allowing for a true active/active solution. Also, an
active/active configuration can be accomplished when applications are used that rely solely on a
backend database that is actively replicated between datacenters and do not store any data in
the user profile.
For redundancy and failover purposes, user data such as Windows profiles and documents
should be synchronized between datacenters. Although it is recommended to replicate user
data between datacenters, the replication would be an active/passive configuration. This means
the data can only be actively consumed from a single datacenter. The reason for this limitation is
the distributed file locking method inside Windows that only allows a single user to actively write
to a file. Therefore, active/active replication of user data is not supported. Any supported
configuration consists of a one-way replication of data that is active in a single datacenter at any
point in time.
For example, the figure below describes a scenario where user data is passively replicated from
Datacenter A to Datacenter B. In this example, File Server A is the primary location for user data
in Datacenter A and File Server B is the primary location in Datacenter B. One-way replication of
the user data occurs for each fileserver to allow for the user data to be available in the opposite
datacenter if a failover occurs. Replication technologies such as Microsoft DFS can be configured
to mirror user profiles and documents to a file server in another datacenter. DFS Namespaces
can also be used to have a seamless path for the location of the user data. However,
implementing a replication solution like this requires an administrator familiar with Microsoft
DFS and user profiles.
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User Data
In order to be effective, users must access their data. The data must be in close proximity to the
application for the user to have a good experience. As the distance between the application and
data increases, latency also increases, which slows down any file operation (opening, saving,
In a VDI-based environment, administrators must understand where users store their data and
impact of access.
Decision: User Data Location
Users traditionally stored their data on their local device or on a network file server designated
with a drive mapping. Due to IT storage space limitations or the inability to have the data follow
the user to other mobile devices, users turned to free, cloud-based storage offerings like
OneDrive, DropBox and Box. To get access to the data, the user would install the storage
vendor’s agent on their traditional Windows PC, allowing them direct access to the cloud-hosted
storage repository.
Administrators must design the solution to take into account user storage by looking at the
following options:
Multi-Agent Strategy In VDI, users require the admin to install and configure the agent
for each storage provider, which assumes the storage agent supports the non-persistent
VDI model. Each agent is a new application that the admin must manage and maintain.
Storage Connector Strategy A single agent consolidates storage repositories from
numerous cloud-hosted and on-premises providers into a single folder structure. For
Datacenter B
Datacenter A
Primary Mirror
Primary Mirror
File Server A
File Server A
File Server B
File Server B
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example, when a user connects to Citrix ShareFile, they see a consolidated folder
structure containing their user data from the cloud (ShareFile, OneDrive, DropBox, Box
and Google Drive) and from on-premises (SharePoint, Windows network shares and
local endpoint shares).
Decision: User Data Access
A critical aspect to a successful VDI solution is for the user experience to remain the same as it
was with a traditional PC. If users open files from within the application, that functionality must
continue to function. If users navigate with Explorer to access a file, that functionality must
continue to function.
A user’s data can exist on the local PC, on a network file share and hosted in the cloud.
Figure 25: User Data Storage Locations
With local PC, on-premises network shares and cloud-hosted storage options available to users,
administrators need to understand how users accessing their data affects the infrastructure and
VDI experience.
Direct Data Access Users access a file on a remote server (on-premises Windows server
or cloud-hosted storage provider). The distance between the application and file directly
affects the experience. Longer distances equates to higher latency. Each file operation
(navigate, open, close, save, etc.) takes more time as the latency between application and
file storage increases. Windows file servers are often located in the same data center as
the user’s VDI desktop making direct data access feasible; but cloud-hosted solutions
and local PC Access will experience poor response times if the connection between the
VDI desktop and the storage repository has high latency.
Local Synchronization With a traditional PC, users are accustomed to having files local,
which mitigates any slow application response times due to extremely low latency. Many
cloud-hosted solutions provide data synchronization to enable access speeds similar to
a local storage model. Many of the cloud-hosted solutions provide full synchronization
or user-configured partial synchronization of certain folders and files. With partial
synchronization, only the synchronized files are visible and accessible on the device,
causing user confusion. Full and partial synchronization increases VDI costs. Each session
is an entirely new desktop requiring synchronization of user’s folders/files, which takes
time, network bandwidth and VDI storage space. Every file synchronized to the VDI
Virtual Desktop/App
Cloud-Hosted Storage
Windows File Share
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desktop must be stored within the organization’s data center for the duration of the VDI
On-Demand Synchronization When navigating Explorer, users see a complete, but
virtual, file/folder structure even though those files/folders do not physically exist on the
desktop. Selecting a file begins an automatic synchronization to the VDI desktop for that
single file. At this point, file access is local, which creates a user experience like that of a
traditional PC. When the user saves or closes the file, the file synchronizes back to the
cloud. Only the files accessed synchronize, eliminating the waste incurred with the local
data access model. Citrix ShareFile includes Drive Mapper, allowing the user to interact
with their data via Explorer while utilizing on-demand synchronization when accessing a
file. As only accessed files synchronize, the impact to the underlying storage
infrastructure and associated storage costs are minimal.
Direct Data Access
Network File Server
Local PC
”: Recommended “: Not recommended
Table 25: User Data Access Recommendations for VDI
Decision: Data Recovery
File corruption is an issue most users experience. Improperly shutting down the application or PC
(hitting the power button instead of closing the application and shutting down the operating
system gracefully) often causes many corruption issues.
A few options exist to provide users with data recovery options:
Multi-File With a traditional PC, users have few recovery options if the files are local.
Users often manually create a new copy of the file each day in order to provide some
level of recovery. This solution is hard to manage.
Backup/Restore Administrators can implement a backup and restore solution to help
with file recovery. However, these solutions rarely work with local files and for a network
file share, the backup process usually only runs nightly or weekly. In addition, restoring a
corrupted file requires the user to call support.
Versioning Cloud-hosted options, like Citrix ShareFile, include file versioning, which
automatically creates new versions of the file as changes are saved. Versioning requires
no user intervention and allows users to recover from corruption quickly and with little
loss of data.
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Figure 26: ShareFile Versioning
Policies provide the basis to configure and fine tune XenApp and XenDesktop environments,
allowing organizations to control connection, security and bandwidth settings based on various
combinations of users, devices or connection types.
When making policy decisions it is important to consider both Microsoft and Citrix policies to ensure
that all user experience, security and optimization settings are considered. For a list of all Citrix-
related policies, please refer to the Citrix Policy Settings Reference.
Decision: Preferred Policy Engine
Organizations have the option to configure Citrix policies via Citrix Studio or through Active
Directory group policy using Citrix ADMX files, which extend group policy and provide advanced
filtering mechanisms.
Using Active Directory group policy allows organizations to manage both Windows policies and
Citrix policies in the same location, and minimizes the administrative tools required for policy
management. Group policies are automatically replicated across domain controllers, protecting
the information and simplifying policy application.
Citrix administrative consoles should be used if Citrix administrators do not have access to Active
Directory policies. Architects should select one of the above two methods as appropriate for
their organization’s needs and use that method consistently to avoid confusion with multiple
Citrix policy locations.
It is important to understand how the aggregation of policies, known as policy precedence flows
in order to understand how a resultant set of policies is created. With Active Directory and Citrix
policies, the precedence is as follows:
Policy Precedence
Policy Type
Processed first (lowest
Local server policies
Processed second
Citrix policies created using the Citrix
administrative consoles
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Processed third
Site level AD policies
Processed fourth
Domain level AD policies
Processed fifth
Highest level OU in domain
Processed sixth and
Next level OU in domain
Processed last (highest
Lowest level OU containing object
Table 26: Policy Precedence
Policies from each level are aggregated into a final policy that is applied to the user or computer.
In most enterprise deployments, Citrix administrators do not have rights to change policies
outside their specific OUs, which will typically be the highest level for precedence. In cases where
exceptions are required, the application of policy settings from higher up the OU tree can be
managed using “block inheritance” and “no override” settings. Block inheritance stops settings
from higher-level OUs (lower precedence) from being incorporated into the policy. However, if a
higher-level OU policy is configured with no override, the block inheritance setting will not be
applied. Given this, care must be taken in policy planning, and available tools such as the “Active
Directory Resultant Set of Policy” tool or the “Citrix Group Policy Modeling” wizard should be
used to validate the observed outcomes with the expected outcomes.
Note: some Citrix policy settings, if used, need to be configured through Active Directory group
policy, such as Controllers and Controller registration port, as these settings are required for VDAs
to register.
Decision: Policy Integration
When configuring policies, organizations often require both Active Directory policies and Citrix
policies to create a completely configured environment. With the use of both policy sets, the
resultant set of policies can become confusing to determine. In some cases, particularly with
respect to Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Citrix policies, similar functionality can
be configured in two different locations. For example, it is possible to enable client drive
mapping in a Citrix policy and disable client drive mapping in a RDS policy. The ability to use the
desired feature may be dependent upon the combination of RDS and Citrix policy. It is important
to understand that Citrix policies build upon functionality available in Remote Desktop Services.
If the required feature is explicitly disabled in RDS policy, Citrix policy will not be able to affect a
configuration as the underlying functionality has been disabled.
In order to avoid this confusion, it is recommended that RDS policies only be configured where
required and there is no corresponding policy in the XenApp and XenDesktop configuration, or
the configuration is specifically needed for RDS use within the organization. Configuring policies
at the highest common denominator will simplify the process of understanding resultant set of
policies and troubleshooting policy configurations.
Decision: Policy Scope
Once policies have been created, they need to be applied to groups of users and/or computers
based on the required outcome. Policy filtering provides the ability to apply policies against the
requisite user or computer groups. With Active Directory based policies, a key decision is whether
to apply a policy to computers or users within site, domain or organizational unit (OU) objects.
Active Directory policies are broken down into user configuration and computer configuration.
By default, the settings within the user configuration apply to users who reside within the OU at
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logon, and settings within the computer configuration are applied to the computer at system
startup, and will affect all users who logon to the system. One challenge of policy association
with Active Directory and Citrix deployments revolves around three core areas:
Citrix environment specific computer policies Citrix servers and virtual desktops often
have computer policies that are created and deployed specifically for the environment.
Applying these policies is easily accomplished by creating separate OU structures for the
servers and the virtual desktops. Specific policies can then be created and confidently
applied to only the computers within the OU and below and nothing else. Based upon
requirements, virtual desktops and servers may be further subdivided within the OU
structure based on server roles, geographical locations or business units.
Citrix specific user policies When creating policies for XenApp and XenDesktop there
are a number of policies specific to user experience and security that are applied based
on the user’s connection. However, the user’s account could be located anywhere within
the Active Directory structure, creating difficulty with simply applying user configuration
based policies. It is not desirable to apply the Citrix specific configurations at the domain
level as the settings would be applied to every system any user logs on to. Simply
applying the user configuration settings at the OU where the Citrix servers or virtual
desktops are located will also not work, as the user accounts are not located within that
OU. The solution is to apply a loopback policy, which is a computer configuration policy
that forces the computer to apply the assigned user configuration policy of the OU to
any user who logs onto the server or virtual desktop, regardless of the user’s location
within Active Directory. Loopback processing can be applied with either merge or
replace settings. Using replace overwrites the entire user GPO with the policy from the
Citrix server or virtual desktop OU. Merge will combine the user GPO with the GPO from
the Citrix server or desktop OU. As the computer GPOs are processed after the user
GPOs when merge is used, the Citrix related OU settings will have precedence and be
applied in the event of a conflict. For more information, please refer to the Microsoft
TechNet article - Understand User Group Policy Loopback Mode.
Active Directory policy filtering In more advanced cases, there may be a need to apply a
policy setting to a small subset of users such as Citrix administrators. In this case,
loopback processing will not work, as the policy should only be applied to a subset of
users, not all users who logon to the system. Active Directory policy filtering can be used
to specify specific users or groups of users to which the policy is applied. A policy can be
created for a specific function, and then a policy filter can be set to apply that policy only
to a group of users such as Citrix administrators. Policy filtering is accomplished using
the security properties of each target policy.
Citrix policies created using Citrix Studio have specific filter settings available, which may be used
to address policy-filtering situations that cannot be handled using group policy. Citrix policies
may be applied using any combination of the following filters:
Filter Name
Filter Description
Access control
Applies a policy based on access control
conditions through which a client is connecting.
For example, users connecting through a Citrix
NetScaler Gateway can have specific policies
User settings
Citrix CloudBridge
Applies a policy based on whether or not a user
session was launched through Citrix CloudBridge.
User settings
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Client IP address
Applies a policy based on the IPv4 or IPv6 address
of the user device used to connect the session.
Care must be taken with this filter if IPv4 address
ranges are used in order to avoid unexpected
User settings
Client name
Applies a policy based on the name of the user
device used to connect the session.
User settings
Delivery group
Applies a policy based on the delivery group
membership of the desktop running the session
User and computer settings
Delivery group
Applies a policy based on the type of machine
running the session. For example, different
policies can be set depending upon whether a
desktop is pooled, dedicated or streamed.
User and computer settings
Applies a policy based on the OU of the desktop
or server running the session.
User and computer settings
Applies a policy based on any tags applying to
the desktop running the session. Tags are strings
that can be added to virtual desktops in
XenDesktop environments that can be used to
search for or limit access to desktops.
User and computer settings
User or group
Applies a policy based on the Active Directory
group membership of the user connecting to the
User settings
Table 27: Citrix Policy Filters
Note: Citrix policies in XenDesktop 7.x provide a merged view of settings that apply at the user
and computer level. In table 24, the Scope column identifies whether the specified filter applies to
user settings, computer settings, or both.
Decision: Baseline Policy
A baseline policy should contain all common elements required to deliver a high-definition
experience to the majority of users within the organization. A baseline policy creates the
foundation for user access, and any exceptions that may need to be created to address specific
access requirements for groups of users. It should be comprehensive to cover as many use cases
as possible and should have the lowest priority, for example 99 (a priority number of “1” is the
highest priority), in order to create the simplest policy structure possible and avoid difficulties in
determining the resultant set of policies. The unfiltered policy set provided by Citrix as the default
policy may be used to create the baseline policy as it is applied to all users and connections. In
the baseline configuration, all Citrix policy settings should be enabled, even those that will be
configured with the default value, in order to explicitly define desired/expected behavior, and to
avoid confusion should default settings change over time.
Citrix Policy templates can be used to configure Citrix policies to effectively manage the end-user
experience within an environment and can serve as an initial starting point for a baseline policy.
Templates consist of pre-configured settings that optimize performance for specific
environments or network conditions. The built-in templates included in XenDesktop are shown
Built-in Templates
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High definition user
Includes settings for providing high quality audio,
graphics, and video to users.
High server scalability
Includes settings for providing an optimized user
experience while hosting more users on a single
Optimized bandwidth for
Includes settings for providing an optimized
experience to users with low bandwidth or high
latency connections.
Security and control
Includes settings for disabling access to peripheral
devices, drive mapping, port redirection, and Flash
acceleration on user devices.
Table 28: XenDesktop 7 Built-in Policy Templates
For more information on Citrix policy templates, please refer to Citrix Docs - Manage Citrix Policy
A baseline policy configuration should also include Windows policies. Windows policies reflect
user specific settings that optimize the user experience and remove features that are not
required or desired in a XenDesktop environment. For example, one common feature turned off
in these environments is Windows update. In virtualized environments, particularly where
desktops and servers may be streamed and non-persistent, Windows update creates processing
and network overhead, and changes made by the update process will not persist a restart of the
virtual desktop or application server. Also in many cases, organizations use Windows software
update service (WSUS) to control Windows updates. In these cases, updates are applied to the
master disk and made available by the IT department on a scheduled basis.
In addition to the above considerations, an organization’s final baseline policy may include
settings specifically created to address security requirements, common network conditions, or to
manage user device or user profile requirements:
Citrix XenApp and Citrix XenDesktop support a variety of different printing solutions. In order to plan
and successfully implement the proper printing solution it is important to understand the available
technologies as well as their benefits and limitations.
Decision: Printer Provisioning
The process of creating printers at the start of a XenApp or XenDesktop session is called printer
provisioning. There are multiple approaches available:
User Added Allowing users to manually add printers gives them the flexibility to select
printers by convenience. The drawback to manually adding network-based printers is
that it requires the users to know the network name or path of the printers. There is also
a chance that the native print driver is not installed in the operating system and the Citrix
Universal Print Driver is not compatible, thereby requiring the user to seek administrative
assistance. Manually adding printers is best suited in the following situations:
o Users roam between different locations using the same client device (i.e. laptop,
o Users work at assigned stations or areas whose printer assignments will rarely
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o Users have personal desktops with sufficient rights to install necessary printer
Auto Created Auto-creation is a form of dynamic provisioning that attempts to create
some or all of the available printers on the client device at the start of a user session. This
includes locally attached printers as well as network-based printers. Auto-creating all
client printers can increase the session logon time as each printer is enumerated during
the logon process.
Session Based Session printers are a set of network-based printers assigned to users
through a Citrix policy at the start of each session.
o Proximity based session printers are filtered by IP subnet. The network printers
created under this policy may vary based on where the user’s endpoint device is
located. Proximity printing is recommended in situations where: Users roam
between different locations using the same endpoint device (i.e. laptop, tablet)
and where thin clients are used, which do not have the ability to connect to
network-based printers directly.
o Session printers may be assigned using the “Session Printer” policy or the
“Printer Assignments” policy. The “Session printer” policy is intended to be used
to set default printers for a farm, site, large group, or OU. The “Printer
Assignments” policy is used to assign a large group of printers to multiple users.
If both policies are enabled and configured, the session printers will be merged
into a single list.
Universal Printer The Citrix Universal Printer is a generic printer object that is auto-
created at the start of a session and is not linked to a printing device. When using the
Citrix Universal Printer, it is not required to enumerate the available client printers during
logon, which can greatly reduce resource usage and decrease user logon times. By
default, the Citrix Universal Printer will print to the client’s default printer, however the
behavior can be modified to allow the user to select any of their compatible local or
network-based printers.
The Citrix Universal Printer is best suited for the following scenarios:
The user requires access to multiple printers both local and network-based which
may vary with each session.
The user’s logon performance is a priority and the Citrix policy “Wait for printers to
be created” must be enabled due to application compatibility.
The user is working from a Windows based device or thin client.
Note: Other options for provisioning printers, such as Active Directory group policy, “follow-me”
centralized print queue solutions, and other 3
party print management solutions can be used to
provision printers into a Citrix session.
Decision: Printer Drivers
Managing print drivers in XenApp and XenDesktop can be a tedious task, especially in large
environments with hundreds of printers. In XenApp and XenDesktop there are several methods
available to assist with print driver management.
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User Installed When adding a printer within a XenApp or XenDesktop session and the
native print driver is not available, the drivers can be installed manually, by the user. Many
different print drivers can potentially be installed on different resources creating
inconsistencies within the environment. Troubleshooting printing problems and
maintenance of print drivers can become very challenging since every hosted resource
may have different sets of print drivers installed. To ensure consistency and simplify
support and troubleshooting, user installed drivers is not recommended.
Automatic Installation When connecting a printer within a XenApp or XenDesktop
session, a check is made to see if the required print driver is already installed in the
operating system. If the print driver is not already installed, the native print driver, if one
exists, will be installed automatically. If users roam between multiple endpoints and
locations, this can create inconsistencies across sessions since users may access a
different hosted resource every time they connect. When this type of scenario occurs,
troubleshooting printing problems and maintenance of print drivers can become very
challenging since every hosted resource may have different sets of print drivers installed.
To ensure consistency and simplify support and troubleshooting, automatic installed
drivers is not recommended.
Universal Print Driver The Citrix Universal Printer Driver (UPD) is a device independent
print driver, which has been designed to work with most printers. The Citrix Universal
Printer Driver (UPD) simplifies administration by reducing the number of drivers required
on the master image. For auto created client printers, the driver records the output of
the application and sends it, without any modification, to the end-point device. The
endpoint uses local, device-specific drivers to finish printing the job to the printer. The
UPD can be used in conjunction with the Citrix Universal Print Server (UPServer) to
extend this functionality to network printers.
Decision: Printer Routing
Print jobs can be routed along different paths: through a client device or through a print server.
Client Device Routing Client devices with locally attached printers (printers attached
through USB, LPT, COM, TCP, etc.) will route print jobs directly from the client device to
the printer.
Windows Print Server Routing By default, print jobs sent to auto-created network-
based printers will be routed from the user’s session to the print server. However, the
print job will take a fallback route through the client device when any of the following
conditions are true:
o The session cannot contact the print server
o The print server is on a different domain without a trust established
o The native print driver is not available within the user’s session
Citrix Universal Print Server Routing Print job routing follows the same process as
Windows Print Server Routing except that the Universal Print Driver is used between the
user’s session and the Citrix Universal Print Server.
The specifics with print job routing are based on the printer provisioning method. Auto-created
and user-added printers can route print jobs based on the following diagrams:
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Figure 27: Auto-created and User-Added Print Job Routing
However, if the printers are provisioned as session printers, the print job routing options changes
slightly. The jobs are no longer able to route through the user’s endpoint device.
Figure 28: Session Printers Print Job Routing
The recommended option is based on the network location of the endpoint device, the user’s
session and the print server.
Client Device Routing
Attached Printer
Compressed Print Job
Print Job
Client Device Routing
Attached Printer
Print Job (fallback)
Print Job
Windows Print Server Routing
Print Server
Print Job
Attached Printer
Print Job (fallback)
Print Job
Windows Print Server Routing (with Universal Print Server)
Print Server
Attached Printer
Print Job
Windows Print Server Routing
Print Server
Print Job
Attached Printer
Print Job
Citrix Universal Print Server Routing
Print Server
Print Job
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o Use for locally attached printer implementations.
o Use if a Windows endpoint device and printer are on the same high-speed, low-
latency network as the Windows Print Server.
Windows Print Server Routing
o Use if the printer is on the same high-speed, low-latency network as the
Windows Print Server and user session.
Windows Print Server Routing (with Universal Print Server)
o Use if non-Windows endpoint device and printer are on the same high-speed,
low-latency network as the Windows Print Server.
Decision: Print Server Redundancy
Network-based printers, managed with a Microsoft print server or the Citrix Universal Print Server
should be configured with redundancy in order to eliminate a single point of failure. The Citrix
Universal Print Server redundancy should be defined within a Citrix Policy.
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Properly integrating an application requires understanding compatibility and how the user/business
requirements influences the appropriate delivery method.
Decision: Compatibility
VDI typically requires significant changes to be made to an organization’s application delivery
and management strategy. For example, many organizations will take the opportunity to
upgrade their desktop operating system and to simplify management by reducing the number
of applications installed into the base image using techniques such as application streaming and
application layering. These are significant changes that require comprehensive compatibility
testing. Important compatibility requirements that may need to be verified include:
Operating system the application must be compatible with the preferred operating
Multi-User Some applications may be more appropriate for delivery via a hosted
shared desktop or a hosted Windows App. In these situations, the compatibility of the
Experience from the Field
A print media company leverages Thin Clients and Windows-based workstations at the company
headquarters. Network based printers are placed throughout the building (one per floor). Windows
print servers reside in the datacenter and manage the network printers. XenDesktop and XenApp
servers also reside in the datacenter.
A regional office has numerous Windows, Linux and Mac endpoints with network attached printers.
A remote branch office has a few Windows workstations with locally attached printers.
Three different print strategies are applied:
A Citrix Universal Print Server is used for printing within the XenApp and XenDesktop session. Native
print drivers are not required on the Windows based workstations. A session printer policy is configured
per floor which connects the floor printer as the default printer. The policies are filtered based on the
subnet of the thin client for proximity printing.
Quality of Service (QoS) policies are implemented. Inbound and outbound network traffic on ports TCP
1494 and TCP 2598 are prioritized over all other network traffic. This will prevent HDX user sessions
from being impacted by large print jobs.
Regional Office
A Universal Print Server is deployed within the regional office. The print job uses the Universal Print
Driver and is compressed and delivered from the user’s session to the Universal Print Server, across the
WAN. The job is then sent to the network-attached printer in the office.
Branch Office
Since all branch users work on Windows based workstations, auto-created client printers in
conjunction with the Citrix Universal Printer Driver are used. Since the print job is delivered over ICA, the
print data is compressed which saves bandwidth. The Citrix Universal Printer Driver ensures all printers
connected to the client can be used within the XenApp or XenDesktop session without concern of the
printer model used.
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application must be verified against the multi-user capabilities of a server operating
system like Windows Server 2012R2.
Application architecture It is important to understand whether the application includes
16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit code so that an appropriate operating system can be selected.
16-bit code cannot be executed on a 64-bit operating system. However, a 16-bit
application can be delivered to users as a Hosted Windows App from a 32-bit desktop-
based operating system like x86 editions of Windows 7, 8 or 10.
Interoperability Some applications may experience complications if they coexist on the
same operating system. Possible causes include shared registry hives, dll files or INI files
as well as incompatible dependencies. Application interoperability issues should be
identified so that appropriate remediation steps can be taken or an alternative delivery
model selected.
Dependency Applications may need to interact with each other to provide the users
with a seamless experience. For example, applications that present information in a PDF
format require a suitable PDF viewer to be available. Many times, the dependent (child)
applications are version specific to the parent application.
Application virtualization The use of application virtualization techniques, like
streaming and layering, helps to simplify image management by reducing the number of
applications installed into the base image. However, not all applications are suitable for
streaming and layering because they may install device drivers, use COM+ or form part
of the operating system.
Application compatibility can be achieved by doing a combination of manual, user testing,
utilizing pre-verified lists maintained by the software vendor, or using an automated application
compatibility solution, like Citrix AppDNA, which runs through thousands of tests to verify
Decision: Application Delivery Method
It is unlikely that a single delivery method will meet all requirements. Based on the outcome of
the application categorization assessment process and the overall image management strategy
(installed images, scripted images and layered images), several application delivery methods can
be considered.
Choosing one of the appropriate application delivery method helps improve scalability,
management and user experience.
Installed app The application is part of the base desktop image. The install process
involves dll, exe and other files copied to the image drive as well as registry
Streamed App (Microsoft App-V) The application is profiled and delivered to the
desktops across the network on-demand. Application files and registry settings placed in
a container on the virtual desktop and isolated from the base operating system and
each other, which helps to address compatibility issues.
Layered App (Citrix App Layering) Each layer contains a single application, agent or
operating system. Layering simplifies ongoing maintenance, as an OS, agent and
application exists in a single layer; update the layer and all deployed images containing
that layer are updated. App Layering has two different delivery options:
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o Layered Image By integrating one OS layer, one platform layer
(XenApp/XenDesktop VDA, Provisioning Services agent) and many application
layers, an administrator can easily create new, deployable images.
o Elastic Layer A XenApp and XenDesktop user can dynamically receive a new
app layer based at logon. On a XenApp host, an elastic layer is session-aware,
where an attached layer is only available to a user’s session granted access to
the layer.
Hosted Windows App - An application installed on a multi-user XenApp host and
deployed as an application and not a desktop. A user accesses the hosted Windows app
seamlessly from the VDI desktop or endpoint device, hiding the fact that the app is
executing remotely.
Local App An application deployed on the endpoint device. The application interface
appears within the user’s hosted VDI session even though it executes on the endpoint.
The following table provides recommendations on the preferred approaches for integrating
applications into the overall solution,
App Category
Installed App
Layered App
Windows App
Local App
”: Recommended, ““: Not Recommended, “ºViable
Table 29: App Deployment Recommendations
Virtual Machines
Virtual resources require proper allocation of the processor, memory and disk. These decisions have
a direct impact on the amount of hardware required as well as the user experience.
The key to successful resource allocation is to ensure that virtual desktops and applications offer
similar levels of performance to physical desktops. Otherwise, productivity and overall user
satisfaction will be affected. Allocating resources to the virtual machines above their requirements
however is inefficient and expensive for the business.
The resources allocated should be based on the workload characteristic of each user group,
identified during the assess phase.
Experience from the Field
Energy An energy company installs applications on the base image for the majority of
users and streams departmental applications as required.
Financial A banking customer maintains and deploys multiple desktop images containing
user group focused applications as required by various departments.
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Decision: Virtual Processor (vCPU)
For hosted desktop-based VDI models (hosted pooled desktops and hosted personal desktops),
the general recommendation is two or more vCPUs per virtual machine so that multiple threads
can be executed simultaneously. Although a single vCPU could be assigned for extremely light
workloads, users are more likely to experience session hangs.
For hosted server-based VDI models (hosted Windows apps, hosted browser apps, hosted
shared desktops), the proper vCPU allocation is based on the Non-Uniform Memory Access
(NUMA) architecture of the processors.
Figure 29: NUMA Architecture
Each socket is divided into one or more NUMA nodes. Hosted server-based VDI models will often
utilize 4 or more processors. Allocating more vCPU than the NUMA node contains results in a
performance hit. Allocating a portion of a NUMA node to a virtual machine results in a
performance hit if the portion allocated is not easily divisible by the size of the NUMA node. It is
often ideal to allocate the number of cores within a NUMA node to a virtual machine or allocate
½ of the cores to a virtual machine, while doubling the number of virtual machines.
Operating System
Configured for Scale
Configured for Experience
Windows 7
2 vCPU
2 vCPU
Windows 10
2 vCPU
2 vCPU
Windows 2012R2
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Windows 2016
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Windows 7
2 vCPU
3 vCPU
Windows 10
2 vCPU
3 vCPU
Windows 2012R2
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Windows 2016
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Windows 7
3 vCPU
4 vCPU
Windows 10
3 vCPU
4 vCPU
Windows 2012R2
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 89
Windows 2016
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
NUMA or ½ of NUMA
Table 30: vCPU Allocation
Note: Windows 2012R2 recommendations are based on the hosted Windows app, hosted
browser app and hosted shared desktop VDI model.
Decision: CPU Optimization
In a shared and virtualized environment, a single user can monopolize CPU resources due to a
runaway process or an intense data processing operation in Excel. If the processor is
oversubscribed, it will not be able to fulfill other users’ requests, resulting in a hung session.
Citrix Workspace Environment Management, a component of XenApp and XenDesktop,
incorporates CPU optimization. When a process consumes a certain percentage of the CPU over
a defined timeframe, the process priority lowers from normal to low or very low, giving all
remaining processes a higher priority and overcoming the runaway process risk. CPU
optimization will also remember processes that triggered CPU protection and automatically start
the process at a lower priority on future launches.
Most environments should enable CPU optimization as a default configuration.
Decision: Virtual Memory (vRAM)
The amount of memory allocated to each resource is a function of the user’s expected workload
and application footprint. Assigning insufficient memory to the virtual machines will cause
excessive paging to disk, resulting in a poor user experience; allocating too much RAM increases
the overall cost of the solution.
The following table provides guidance on the virtual RAM that should be assigned based on
Operating System
Configured for Scale
Configured for Experience
Windows 7
2 GB
3 GB
Windows 10
2 GB
3 GB
Windows 2012R2
256 MB per user
Windows 2016
320 MB per user
Windows 7
3 GB
4 GB
Windows 10
3 GB
4 GB
Windows 2012R2
512 MB per user
Windows 2016
640 MB per user
Windows 7
6 GB
8 GB
Windows 10
6 GB
8 GB
Windows 2012R2
1024 MB per user
Windows 2016
1280 MB per user
Table 31: vRAM Allocation
Note: Windows 2012R2 recommendations are based on the hosted Windows app, hosted
browser app and hosted shared desktop VDI model.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 90
Note: Memory allocation above 4GB requires a 64-bit operating system
Note: If used, the Machine Creation Services and Provisioning Services cache in RAM amount
should be added onto the virtual machine RAM specifications.
Decision: RAM Optimization
Even though users only work within a single application at a time, most have five or more
applications running but idle. When a process moves from active to idle, the application and
operating system releases a portion of the process’s active working set of memory to free up
system resources. However, this is only a small percentage of the applications working set. The
rest remains locked for the application, severely limiting available system resources.
Using RAM Optimization within Citrix Workspace Environment Management, applications that
are idle (have not been interacted with by a user) for a certain time are forced to release excess
memory until they are no longer idle. When the application returns to an active state, the
released memory is loaded back into the active working set.
Most environments should enable RAM optimization as a default configuration. A RAM
optimization exclusion list is available if certain processes encounter issues with optimization.
Decision: Disk Cache
The amount of storage that each VM requires will vary based on the workload and the image
type. If creating hosted personal desktop without leveraging an image management solution,
each VM will require enough storage for the entire OS and locally installed applications.
Deploying machines through Machine Creation Services or Provisioning Services can
substantially reduce the storage requirements for each virtual machine. Disk space requirements
for the write cache and difference disk will depend on application usage and user behavior.
However, the following table provides a starting point for estimating disk space requirements
based on machine sized with vCPU and vRAM as per the guidelines above:
Operating System
Storage Space
(Differencing Disk / Write Cache Disk)
Windows 7
10 GB
Windows 10
10 GB
Windows 2012R2
40 GB
Windows 2016
60 GB
Windows 7
15 GB
Windows 10
15 GB
Windows 2012R2
40 GB
Windows 2016
60 GB
Windows 7
20 GB
Windows 10
20 GB
Windows 2012R2
40 GB
Windows 2016
60 GB
Table 32: Disk Cache Allocation
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 91
Decision: RAM Cache
Provisioning Services and Machine Creation Services have the capability to utilize a portion of the
virtual machine’s RAM as a buffer for the storage cache. The RAM cache is used to improve the
performance of traditional storage by sharing the virtual machine’s non-paged pool memory
Operating System
RAM Cache
Configured for Scale
RAM Cache
Configured for Experience
Windows 7
128 MB
256 MB
Windows 10
128 MB
256 MB
Windows 2012R2
2 GB
Windows 2016
4 GB
Windows 7
256 MB
512 MB
Windows 10
256 MB
512 MB
Windows 2012R2
4 GB
Windows 2016
8 GB
Windows 7
512 MB
1024 MB
Windows 10
512 MB
1024 MB
Windows 2012R2
6 GB
Windows 2016
10 GB
Table 33: RAM Cache Allocation
Note: If used, the Machine Creation Services and Provisioning Services cache in RAM amount
should be added onto the virtual machine RAM specifications.
Note: If additional RAM is available on the host, the RAM Cache amounts can be increased to
provide even greater levels of performance.
Decision: Storage IOPS
Storage performance is limited by the number of operations it can handle per second, referred
to as IOPS. Under allocating storage IOPS results in a VDI desktop where apps, web pages and
data are slow to load.
The following table provides guidance on the number of storage IOPS generated per user based
on workload and operating system. Storage IO activity will be higher during user logon/logoff.
Operating System
Storage IOPS
(without RAM-Based
Storage IOPS
(with RAM-Based
Windows 7
Windows 10
Windows 2012R2
0.5 IOPS
Windows 2016
Windows 7
Windows 10
1.5 IOPS
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 92
Windows 2012R2
0.5 IOPS
Windows 2016
Windows 7
Windows 10
Windows 2012R2
0.5 IOPS
Windows 2016
Table 34: IOPS Allocation
Decision: IO Prioritization
With shared environments, every user’s IO process receives an equal share of resources. A user
running some IO intensive task can affect mission critical applications. Citrix Workspace
Environment Management allows administrators to define IO priorities for processes.
If a process requires more IO resources or the process is monopolizing IO resources, the process
and process priority is manually increased or decreased via the console. This advanced
configuration is only used in special circumstances.
Decision: Graphics (GPU)
Without a graphical processing unit (GPU), graphical processing is rendered with software by the
CPU. A graphical processing unit (GPU) can be leveraged to improve server scalability and user
experience or enable the use of graphically intensive applications. During the desktop design it is
important to decide how the GPU (if used) will be mapped to the virtual machines. There are
three methods available.
Pass-Through GPU Each physical GPU is passed through to a single virtual machine
(hosted apps or hosted desktops).
Hardware Virtualized GPU Using a hypervisor’s vGPU technology, an NVIDIA GRID or
Intel Iris Pro is virtualized and shared between multiple machines. Each virtual machine
has the full functionality of GPU drivers and direct access to the GPU.
Software Virtualized GPU The GPU is managed by the hypervisor and intercepts
requests made by the VDI desktops. This process is used if a GPU is not installed within
the host.
GPU (NVidia)
GPU (Intel)
Citrix XenServer
Microsoft Hyper-V
VMware vSphere
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 93
”: Available “: Not Supported
Table 35 GPU Allocation Options
User groups with a heavy use of graphical applications will often require the use of a NVidia
hardware virtualized GPU. User groups who rely on office-based applications can have an
observable benefit with the use of a hardware virtualized GPU from Intel.
Layer 4: The Control Layer
Active Directory
Decision: Forest Design
Multi-forest deployments, by default, do not have inter-domain trust relationships between the
forests. An AD administrator can establish trust relationships between the multiple forests,
allowing the users and computers from one forest to authenticate and access resources in
another forest.
For forests that have inter-domain trusts, it is recommended that the appropriate settings be
configured to allow the Delivery Controllers to communicate with both domains. When the
appropriate trusts are not configured, multiple XenDesktop sites for each forest must be
configured. This section outlines the storage requirements on a per product basis and provides
sizing calculations. For more information, please refer to Citrix article: CTX134971 Successfully
Deploying XenDesktop in a Complex Active Directory Environment
Decision: Organizational Unit Structure
Infrastructure components for a XenApp and XenDesktop deployment should reside within their
own dedicated organizational units (OUs); separating workers and controllers for management
purposes. By having their own OUs, the objects inside will have greater flexibility with their
management while allowing Citrix administrators to be granted delegated control.
A sample Citrix OU structure can be seen below.
<Datacenter 1>
Citrix Infrastructure
Delivery Controllers
Provisioning Services Servers
StoreFront Servers
Citrix VDAs
Desktop OS
Server OS
Figure 30: Example Citrix OU Structure
Decision: User Groups
Whenever possible, permissions and authorization should be assigned to user groups rather
than individual users, thereby eliminating the need to edit a large amount of resource
permissions and user rights when creating, modifying, or deleting user accounts.
Permission application example:
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 94
An application published to one group of 1,000 users requires the validation of only one
object for all 1,000 users.
The same application published to 1,000 individual user accounts requires the validation
of all 1,000 objects.
The majority of Citrix products discussed within this document require a database. The following
table outlines the usage on a per product basis:
Runtime Data
Audit / Change
Log Data
Provisioning Services
”: Optional
Table 36: Database usage
Decision: Edition
There are multiple editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2012: Express, Web, Standard, Business
Intelligence, and Enterprise. Based on the capabilities of the various SQL Server editions available,
the Standard edition is often used for hosting the XenApp and XenDesktop databases in
production environments.
The Standard edition provides an adequate amount of features to meet the needs of most
environments. For more information on the databases supported with Citrix products please
refer to the Citrix Database Support Matrix. Different versions of Citrix products support different
versions of the SQL server; therefore, it is important to check the support matrix to ensure the
version of SQL server used is compatible with the Citrix product being deployed.
Decision: Database Server Sizing
The SQL server must be sized correctly to ensure the performance and stability of an environment.
Since every Citrix product uses SQL server in a different way, no generic all-encompassing sizing
recommendations can be provided. Instead, per-product SQL server sizing recommendations are
provided below.
XenApp and XenDesktop
XenApp and XenDesktop Brokers use the database as a message bus for broker
communications, storing configuration data and storing monitoring and configuration log data.
The databases are constantly in use and the performance impact on the SQL server can be
considered as high.
Based on results from Citrix internal scalability testing the following SQL server specification for a
server hosting all XenDesktop databases are recommended:
2 Cores / 4 GB RAM for environments up to 5,000 users
4 Cores / 8 GB RAM for environments up to 15,000 users
8 Cores / 16 GB RAM for environments with 15,000+ users
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 95
The database files and transaction logs should be hosted on separate hard disk subsystems in
order to cope with a high number of transactions. For example, registering 20,000 virtual
desktops during a 15-minute boot storm causes ~500 transactions / second and 20,000 users
logging on during a 30-minute logon storm causes ~800 transactions / second on the
XenDesktop Site Database.
Provisioning Services
In addition to static configuration data provisioning servers store runtime and auditing
information in the database. Depending on the boot and management pattern, the
performance impact of the database can be considered as low to medium.
Based on this categorization, a SQL server specification of 4 Cores and 4 GB RAM is
recommended as a good starting point. The SQL server should be carefully monitored during the
testing and pilot phase in order to determine the optimal configuration of the SQL server.
Decision: Instance Sizing
When sizing a SQL database, two aspects are important:
Database file Contains the data and objects such as tables, indexes, stored procedures
and views stored in the database.
Transaction log file Contains a record of all transactions and database modifications
made by each transaction. The transaction log is a critical component of the database
and, if there is a system failure, the transaction log might be required to bring the
database back to a consistent state. The usage of the transaction log varies depending
on which database recovery model is used:
o Simple recovery No log backups required. Log space is automatically
reclaimed, to keep space requirements small, essentially eliminating the need to
manage the transaction log space. Changes to the database since the most
recent backup are unprotected. In the event of a disaster, those changes must
be redone.
o Full recovery Requires log backups. No work is lost due to a lost or damaged
database data file. Data of any arbitrary point in time can be recovered (for
example, prior to application or user error). Full recovery is required for database
o Bulk-logged Requires log backups. This is an adjunct of the full recovery model
that permits high-performance bulk copy operations. It is typically not used for
Citrix databases.
For further information, please refer to the Microsoft Developer Network SQL Server
Recovery Models.
In order to estimate storage requirements, it is important to understand the disk space
consumption for common database entries. This section outlines the storage requirements on a
per product basis and provides sizing calculations. For more information, please refer to Citrix
article: CTX139508 XenDesktop 7.x Database Sizing.
XenDesktop General
XenApp 7.x and XenDesktop 7.x use three distinct databases:
Site Configuration database Contains static configuration and dynamic runtime data
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 96
Monitoring database Contains monitoring data which is accessible via Director
Configuration logging database Contains a record for each administrative change
performed within the site (accessible via Studio)
Site Database
Since the database of a XenApp or XenDesktop site contains static configuration data and
dynamic runtime data, the size of the database file depends not only on the physical size of the
environment but also user patterns. The following factors all impact the size of the database file:
The number of connected sessions
The number of configured and registered VDAs
The number of transactions occurring during logon
VDA heartbeat transactions
The size of the Site Database is based on the number of VDAs and active sessions. The following
table shows the typical maximum database size Citrix observed when scale testing XenApp and
XenDesktop with a sample number of users, applications, and desktop delivery methods.
Desktop Types
Expected Maximum Size (MB)
Hosted Shared
Hosted Shared
Hosted Shared
Hosted Pooled
Hosted Pooled
Hosted Pooled
Table 37: XenDesktop Site DB sample size calculations
Note: This sizing information is a guide only. Actual database sizes may differ slightly by
deployment due to how databases are maintained.
Determining the size of the transaction log for the Site database is difficult due to factors that
can influence the log including:
The SQL Database recovery model
Launch rate at peak times
The number of desktops being delivered
During XenDesktop scalability testing, Citrix observed the transaction log growth rate at 3.5MB
an hour when the system is idle, and a per user per day growth rate of ~32KB. In a large
environment, transaction log usage requires careful management and a regular backup, to
prevent excessive growth. This can be achieved by means of scheduled jobs or maintenance
Monitoring Database
Of the three databases, the Monitoring database is expected to be the largest since it contains
historical information for the site. Its size is dependent on many factors including:
Number of Users
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 97
Number of sessions and connections
Number of workers
Retention period configuration Platinum customers can keep data for over a year
(default 90 days). Non-platinum customers can keep data for up to 7 days (default 7
Number of transaction per second. Monitoring service tends to execute updates in
batches. It is rare to have the number of transactions per second go above 20.
Background transaction caused by regular consolidation calls from the Monitoring
Overnight processing carried out to remove data outside the configured retention
The following table shows the estimated size of the Monitoring database over a period of time
under different scenarios. This data is an estimate based on data seen within scale testing
XenApp and XenDesktop (assuming a 5 day working week).
Estimates with 1 connection and 1 session per user with a 5 day work week
1 week (MB)
1 month (MB)
3 months (MB)
1 year (MB)
Estimates with 2 connections and 1 session per user with a 5 day work week
1 week (MB)
1 month (MB)
3 months (MB)
1 year (MB)
Table 38: Monitoring DB size estimations
Note: The 100,000 HSD tests are based on a test environment consisting of:
2 Delivery Controllers
43 Hosted Shared Desktop workers
3 SQL servers, configured with databases held within one Always On Availability Group.
For more information please see the Citrix Support article XenDesktop 7.x Database Sizing.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 98
The size of the transaction log for the Monitoring Database is very hard to estimate, but XenApp
and XenDesktop scalability testing showed a growth rate of about 30.5 MB an hour when the
system is idle, and a per user per day growth rate of ~9 KB.
Configuration Logging Database
The Configuration Logging Database is typically the smallest of the three databases. Its size and
the size of the related transaction log depends on the daily administrative activities initiated from
Studio, Director or PowerShell scripts, therefore its size is difficult to estimate. The more
configuration changes are performed, the larger the database will grow. Some factors that can
affect the size of the database include:
The number of actions performed in Studio, Director and PowerShell.
Minimal transactions which occur on the database when no configuration changes are
taking place.
The transaction rate during updates. Updates are batched whenever possible.
Data manually removed from the database. Data within the Configuration Logging
Database is not subject to any retention policy, therefore it is not removed unless done so
manually by an administrator.
Activities that have an impact on sessions or users, for example, session logoff and reset.
The mechanism used for deploying desktops.
In XenApp environments not using MCS, the database size tends to fall between 30 and 40MB. For
MCS environments, database size can easily exceed 200MB due to the logging of all VM build data.
Temporary Database
In addition to the Site, Monitoring, and Configuration Logging databases, a system-wide
temporary database (tempdb) is provided by SQL Server. This temporary database is used to store
Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation data. XenApp 7.x and XenDesktop 7.x uses this SQL Server
feature to reduce lock contention on the XenApp and XenDesktop databases. Citrix recommends
that all XenApp 7.x and XenDesktop 7.x databases use Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation. For
more information please see How to Enable Read-Committed Snapshot in XenDesktop.
The size of the tempdb database will depend on the number of active transactions, but in general
it is not expected to grow more than a few MBs. The performance of the tempdb database does
not impact the performance of XenApp and XenDesktop brokering, as any transactions that
generate new data require tempdb space. XenApp and XenDesktop tend to have short-lived
transactions, which help keep the size of the tempdb small.
The tempdb is also used when queries generate large intermediate result sets. Guidance and
sizing the tempdb can be found on the Microsoft TechNet article Optimizing tempdb
Provisioning Services
The Provisioning Services farm database contains static configuration and configuration logging
(audit trail) data. The record size requirements outlined below can be used to help size the
Configuration Item
DB Space
Required (KB)
Number of
Items (Example)
Total (KB)
Base farm configuration
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 99
User group w/ farm access
Device collection
Farm view
Farm view to device relationship
Site View
Site view to device relationship
Device bootstrap
Device to disk relationship
Device printer relationship
Device personality data
Device status (when booted)
Device custom property
vDisk version
Disk locator
Disk locator custom property
Server IP
Server status (when booted)
Server custom property
vDisk store
vDisk store to server relationship
Connection to XenServer
vDisk update task
Administrative change (auditing
Table 39: Provisioning Services Farm DB sample size calculations
During the PVS farm setup, a database with an initial file size of 20MB is created. Due to the nature
of the data in the PVS farm database the transaction log is not expected to grow very quickly,
unless a large amount of configuration is performed.
In contrast to XenApp, which also offers the ability to track administrative changes, the related
information is not written to a dedicated database but directly to the Provisioning Services farm
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 100
database. In order to limit the size of the Provisioning Services database it is recommended to
archive the audit trail data on a regular schedule.
Decision: Database Location
By default, the Configuration Logging and Monitoring databases are located within the Site
Configuration database. Citrix recommends changing the location of these secondary databases
as soon as the configuration of the site has been completed, in order to simplify sizing,
maintenance and monitoring. All three databases can be hosted on the same server or on
different servers. An ideal configuration would be to host the Monitoring database on a different
server from the Site Configuration and Configuration Logging databases since it records more
data, changes occur more frequently and the data is not considered to be as critical as the other
databases. For more information, please refer to Citrix Docs Change secondary database
Note: The location of the Configuration Logging database cannot be changed when mandatory
logging is enabled.
Decision: High-Availability
The following table highlights the impact to XenApp, XenDesktop and Provisioning Services when
there is a database outage:
Impact of Database Outage
Site configuration
Users will be unable to connect or reconnect to a virtual desktop.
Note: Local Host Cache allows users with Hosted Shared Desktops,
Hosted Windows and Browser Applications, and Personal Desktops to
reconnect to their applications and desktops even when the site
database is unavailable.
Monitoring database
Director will not display any historical data and Studio cannot be started.
Brokering of incoming user requests and existing user sessions will not
be affected.
Configuration logging
If allow changes when the database is disconnected has been enabled
within XenApp and XenDesktop logging preferences, an outage of the
configuration logging database will have no impact (other than
configuration changes not being logged). Otherwise, administrators will
be unable to make any changes to the XenApp and XenDesktop site
configuration. Users are not impacted.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 101
Provisioning Services
farm database
When offline database support is enabled and the database becomes
unavailable, the stream process uses a local copy of the database to
retrieve information about the provisioning server and the target devices
supported by the server. This allows provisioning servers and the target
devices to remain operational. However, when the database is offline,
the console and the management functions listed below become
Auto Add target devices
vDisk creation and updates
Active Directory password changes
Stream process startup
Image update service
PowerShell and MCLI based management
If offline database support has not been enabled, all management
functions become unavailable and the boot and failover of target
devices will fail.
Table 40: Impact of a database outage
Note: Please review HA options for 3
party databases (for example, App-V, SCVMM or vCenter)
with the respective software vendor.
In addition to the built-in database redundancy options, Microsoft SQL Server, as well as the
underlying hypervisor (in virtual environments), offer a number of high availability features. These
enable administrators to ensure single server outages will have a minimal impact (if any) on the
XenApp and XenDesktop infrastructure. The following the SQL / hypervisor high availability
features are available:
VM-level HA This high availability option is available for virtual SQL servers only, which
need to be marked for High Availability at the hypervisor layer. In case of an unexpected
shutdown of the virtual machine or the underlying hypervisor host, the hypervisor will try
to restart the VM immediately on a different host. While VM-level HA can minimize
downtimes in power-outage scenarios, it cannot protect from operating system level
corruption. This solution is less expensive than mirroring or clustering because it uses a
built-in hypervisor feature. However, the automatic failover process is slower, as it can take
time detect an outage and start the virtual SQL server on another host. This may interrupt
the service to users.
Mirroring Database mirroring increases database availability with almost instantaneous
failover. Database mirroring can be used to maintain a single standby or mirror database,
for a corresponding principal or production database. Database mirroring runs with either
synchronous operation in high-safety mode, or asynchronous operation in high-
performance mode. In high-safety mode with automatic failover (recommended for
XenDesktop) a third server instance, known as a witness, is required, which enables the
mirror server to act as a hot standby server. Failover from the principal database to the
mirror database happens automatically and is typically completed within a few seconds. It
is a good practice to enable VM-level HA (or a similar automatic restart functionality) for at
least the witness to ensure SQL service availability in case of a multi-server outage.
Note: Microsoft is planning to remove mirroring as a high availability option in a future
release of SQL Server and is discouraging its use in new network development. Please refer
to the Microsoft article Database Mirroring (SQL Server) for more information.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 102
AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances Failover clustering provides high-availability support
for an entire instance of Microsoft SQL Server. A failover cluster is a combination of two or
more nodes, or servers, using a shared storage. A Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover
Cluster Instance, introduced in SQL Server 2012, appears on the network as a single
computer, but has functionality that provides failover from one node to another if the
current node becomes unavailable. The transition from one node to the other node is
seamless for the clients connected to the cluster. AlwaysOn Failover cluster Instances
require a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource group. The number of
nodes supported in the WSFC resource group will depend on the SQL Server edition.
(Please refer to the table in the Decision: Edition earlier in this chapter.) For more
information please refer to MSDN AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances (SQL Server).
AlwaysOn Availability Groups AlwaysOn Availability Groups is an enterprise-level high-
availability and disaster recovery solution introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2012, which
enables administrators to maximize availability for one or more user databases. AlwaysOn
Availability Groups require that the Microsoft SQL Server instances reside on Windows
Server failover clustering (WSFC) nodes. Similar to failover clustering a single virtual IP /
network name is exposed to the database users. In contrast to failover clustering, shared
storage is not required since the data is transferred using a network connection. Both
synchronous and asynchronous replication to one or more secondary servers is supported.
As opposed to mirroring or clustering secondary servers can be actively used for
processing incoming read-only requests, backups or integrity checks. This feature can be
used to offload user resource enumeration requests to a secondary SQL server in
XenDesktop environments to essentially scale-out a SQL server infrastructure. Since the
data on active secondary servers can lag multiple seconds behind the primary server, the
read-only routing feature cannot be used for other XenDesktop database requests at this
point in time. For more information, please refer to MSDN AlwaysOn Availability Groups
(SQL Server).
The following table outlines the recommended high availability features for Citrix databases:
Failover Cluster
Site database
Configuration logging
Monitoring database
Provisioning Services farm
DesktopPlayer database
”: Recommended “º”: Viable ““: Not Supported “”: Recommended for test environments only
Table 41: Recommended SQL high availability options
Citrix Licensing
Citrix offers organizations the flexibility of multiple licensing models that align with common usage
scenarios. The different licensing models vary based on the Citrix product used, but can include per
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 103
user/device and per concurrent user. Several Citrix products use the license server, while other
products require a license to be installed on the product itself.
License Location
Citrix License Server
Citrix License Server
Provisioning Services
Citrix License Server
Citrix License Server
On the product
NetScaler Gateway
On the product
For more information on XenDesktop 7.x licensing, please refer to CTX128013 - XenDesktop
For more information on Microsoft Licensing, please refer to the Microsoft document Licensing
Microsoft’s Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Technology.
Decision: Sizing
Internal scalability testing has shown that a single virtual license server with two cores and 2GB
of RAM can issue approximately 170 licenses per second or 306,000 licenses per half hour. If
necessary, the specification of the license server can be scaled out to support a higher number of
license requests per second.
Decision: High Availability
For a typical environment, a single license server is sufficient. Should the license server become
unavailable, dependent Citrix products will enter a 30-day grace period, which provides more
than enough time to resolve connectivity issues and/or restore or rebuild the license server.
Note: If the license server and the Citrix product do not communicate within 2 heartbeats (5-10
min), the Citrix product will enter a grace period and will allow connections for up to 30 days.
Once communication with the license server is re-established, the license server will reconcile the
temporary and actual licenses.
Note: A CNAME record in DNS is a convenient way to reference the license server. Using CNAMEs
allows the license server name to be changed without updating the Citrix products.
If additional redundancy is required, Citrix supports the following high availability solutions for
the license server.
Windows Clustering Cluster servers are groups of computers that work together in
order to increase availability. Clustering allows the license server role to automatically
failover in the event of a failure. For more information on clustering, please see the Citrix
Docs article Clustered License Servers.
Duplication of license server Create a VM level backup of the license server. This
backup should not be stored on the same host as the license server. Instead, it should be
stored in a safe location, such as a highly available storage solution, or backed up to tape
or disk. The duplicate server is not active, and will remain on standby until the need arises
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to restore the active license server. Should the license server be restored using this
backup, any new licenses must be re-downloaded to the server.
For more information, please refer to Citrix eDocs Licensing Architecture Overview.
Each method allows an administrator to exchange a single license server for another without an
interruption in service; assuming that the change occurs during the grace period and that the
following limitations are considered.
License files will reference the server specified during the allocation process. This means
that the license files can only be used on a server with the same binding information
(Hostname) as the server that was previously specified.
Two Windows-based, domain joined license servers cannot share the same name and
be active in the environment at the same time.
Because license servers do not communicate with each other, any additional licenses
must be placed on both the active and backup license server.
Decision: Optimization
License server performance can be optimized by tuning the number of “receive” and
“processing” threads. If the thread count is set too low, requests will be queued until a thread
becomes available. Conversely, if the thread count is set too high, the license server will become
The optimal values are dependent on the server hardware, site configuration, and license request
volume. Citrix recommends testing and evaluating different values to determine the proper
configuration. Setting the maximum number of processing threads to 30 and the maximum
number of receiving threads to 15 is a good starting point for large scale deployments.
This optimization will improve the Citrix License Server ‘s ability to provide licenses by increasing
its ability to receive and process license requests.
For more information, please refer to the Citrix Docs Improving Performance by Specifying
Thread Use
Delivery Controllers
Decision: Server Sizing
Delivery Controller scalability is based on CPU utilization. The more processor cores available, the
more virtual desktops a controller can support. Each desktop startup, registration, enumeration
and launch request impacts the controller’s processor. As the storm increases in intensity, the
CPU utilization of the controller will increase. If the CPU reaches a critical threshold, roughly 80%,
the site will need to either scale up or scale out.
Adding additional CPU cores to a Delivery Controller will lower the overall CPU utilization, thus
allowing for greater numbers of desktops supported by a single controller. This is really only
feasible when dealing with virtualized controllers as adding virtual CPUs is fairly easy and
straightforward. The other alternative is to add another controller into the site configuration. The
controller would have the same configuration as other controllers, and the load would be evenly
distributed across all controllers, thus helping to reduce the overall load on each single
Testing has shown that a single Delivery Controller, using the following configuration, can
support more than 5,000 desktops.
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Page 105
4 vCPU
Bonded virtual NIC
Host Storage
40GB shared storage
Operating System
Windows Server 2012R2
Table 42: Delivery Controller Specification for 5K Sessions
The following formula can be used to calculate the number of Delivery Controllers required for a
Citrix site.
 
Decision: High Availability
If the server hosting the Delivery Controller is unavailable, users will not be able to access their
virtual desktops or published applications. Therefore at least two Delivery Controllers (N+1
redundancy) should be deployed per zone on different physical servers to prevent this
component from becoming a single point of failure. If one controller fails, the others can
manage connections and administer the site.
The locations of all Delivery Controllers are specified on the VDA, allowing it to automatically
failover if communication with one Delivery Controller is unavailable. The VDA checks the
following locations, in order, stopping at the first place it finds the Delivery Controller:
1. A persistent storage location maintained for the auto-update feature. This location
contains controller information when auto-update is enabled and after the VDA
successfully registers for the first time after installation.
For its initial registration after installation, or when auto-update is disabled, the VDA checks the
following locations.
2. Policy settings (Delivery Controllers, Delivery Controller SIDs).
3. The Delivery Controller information under the VDA ListofDDCs registry key. The VDA
installer initially populates these values, based on the information specified when
installing the VDA.
4. OU-based discovery. This is a legacy method maintained for backward compatibility.
5. The Personality.ini file created by Machine Creation Services.
Citrix Consulting recommends utilizing the auto-update feature (enabled by default). This
feature will simplify management of the environment by keeping VDA’s updated when adding
and removing Delivery Controllers.
Decision: Local Host Cache
Even if the SQL database is highly available, there is the risk of not having access to the database if
the network connection between the delivery controller and SQL database fails, which is an
important concern for sites that span geographical locations.
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To overcome this risk, the delivery controllers can utilize the local host cache feature that creates a
local copy of the SQL database, used only if the delivery controller loses contact with the database.
The following must be considered when using local host cache:
Elections When the zones loses contact with the SQL database, an election occurs
nominating a single delivery controller as master. All remaining controllers go into idle
mode. A simple alphabetical order determines the winner of the election.
Sizing When using local host cache mode, a single delivery controller is responsible for
all VDA registrations, enumerations, launches and updates. The elected controller must
have enough resources (CPU and RAM) to handle the entire load for the zone. A single
controller can scale to 10,000 users, which influences the zone design.
o RAM The local host cache services can consume 2+GB of RAM depending on the
duration of the outage and the number of user launches during the outage.
o CPU The local host cache can use up to 4 cores in a single socket.
o Storage During local host cache mode, storage space increased 1MB every 2-3
minutes with an average of 10 logons per second.
Power Options Powered off virtual resources will not start when the delivery controller is
in local host cache mode. Pooled virtual desktops that reboot at the end of a session are
placed into maintenance mode.
Consoles When using local host cache mode, Studio and PowerShell are not available.
Decision: XML Service Encryption
In a typical session, the StoreFront server passes credentials to the Citrix XML Service on a
Delivery Controller. The Citrix XML protocol uses clear text to exchange all data, with the
exception of passwords, which are transmitted using obfuscation.
If the traffic between the Storefront servers and the XenDesktop Controllers can be intercepted
it will be vulnerable to the following attacks:
Attackers can intercept the XML traffic and steal resource set information and tickets.
Attackers with the ability to crack the obfuscation can obtain user credentials.
Attackers can impersonate the XenDesktop Controller and intercept authentication
For most organizations, the Citrix XML traffic will be isolated on a dedicated physical or virtual
datacenter network making interception unlikely. However, for safety consider using SSL
encryption to send StoreFront data over a secure HTTP connection.
Decision: Server OS Load Management
Default Load Management policies are applied to all Server OS delivery groups. The default
settings specify the maximum number of sessions a server can host at 250 and do not consider
CPU and Memory usage. Capping session count does not provide a true indication of load, which
can lead to an overburdening of Server OS delivery groups resulting in a degradation of
performance or an underutilization of Server OS delivery groups resulting in an inefficient usage
of resources.
Citrix Consulting recommends creating unique “custom” Load Management policies for each
Delivery Group based on performance and scalability testing. Different rules and thresholds can
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be applied to each Delivery Group depending on the different resource bottlenecks identified
during testing. For more information on the available Load Management policy configurations
refer to Citrix Docs Load Management policy settings.
If adequate testing cannot be performed prior to production, Citrix Consulting recommends
implementing the following “custom“ Load Management policy which can be applied to all
servers as a baseline:
CPU Usage - Full Load: 80%
CPU usage excluded process priority Below Normal or Low
Memory Usage - Full Load: 80%
Memory Usage base load Report zero load (MBs): 786
Maximum number of sessions X
The “Maximum number of sessions” policy is included for capping purposes this is considered a
best practice for resiliency. Organizations can choose an initial value of 250 (denoted by “X
above). It is highly recommended that this value and others be customized based on the results
from scalability testing.
Cloud Connector
The XenApp and XenDesktop Service within Citrix Cloud utilize a set of services contained within the
Citrix Cloud Connector. A redundant set of Cloud Connector virtual machines must be placed in
each data center/resource location containing VDA hosts.
Decision: Server Sizing
Cloud Connector scalability is based on CPU utilization. The more processor cores available, the
more virtual desktops a cloud connector can support. Each desktop startup, registration,
enumeration and launch request affects the cloud connector’s processor. As the storm increases
in intensity, the CPU utilization of the cloud connector will increase. If the CPU reaches a critical
threshold, roughly 80%, the site will need to either scale up or scale out.
Testing has shown that a single Cloud Connector Controller, using the following configuration,
can support 5,000 desktops.
On-Premises Specification
Azure Hosted Specifications
Number of VMs
(with N+1 Fault Tolerance)
6 Standard_A2_V2 instances
Processors per VM
4 vCPU
2 vCPU
Memory per VM
Host Storage per VM
40GB shared storage
20GB temp storage
Operating System
Windows Server 2012R2
Windows Server 2012R2
Table 43: Cloud Connector Specification for 5K Sessions
Provisioning Services
Citrix Provisioning Services (PVS) uses streaming technology to simplify the deployment of virtual
and physical machines. Computers are provisioned and re-provisioned in real-time from a single
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shared-disk image. In doing so, administrators can completely eliminate the need to manage and
patch individual systems. Instead, all image management is performed on the master image.
Decision: Topology
A Provisioning Services farm represents the top level of the Provisioning Services infrastructure,
which can be further broken down into sites. All provisioning servers in a farm share the same
SQL database and Citrix license server.
Each site is a logical entity containing provisioning servers, vDisk pools and target device
collections. Although all sites within a farm share the same database, target devices can only fail
over to other provisioning servers within the same site.
Figure 31: PVS Site structure
There are factors that must be considered when determining the overall Provisioning Services
Network Provisioning servers are constantly communicating with the farm database to
retrieve system configuration settings. Therefore, separate farms should be created for
each physical location where target devices reside, unless they are connected to the
database server by a fast and robust connection.
Administration Organizations may need to maintain the separation of administrative
duties at a departmental, regional or countrywide basis. Additional Provisioning Services
farms will add some complexity to the management of the environment. However, this
overhead is typically limited to initial configuration, desktop creation and image updates.
Organization A practical reason for building multiple sites is due to organizational
changes. For example, two companies may have recently merged through acquisition,
but need to keep resources separate while integration takes place. Configuring the
organization to use separate sites is one way to keep the businesses separate but
managed centrally through the Provisioning Services console.
Only create additional sites if the business requirements warrant it. A single site per farm is easier
to manage and requires no additional configuration.
Decision: Device Collections
Device collections provide the ability to create and manage logical groups of target devices.
Creating device collections simplifies device management by allowing actions to be performed
at the collection level rather than the target device level.
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Figure 32: Device Collection structure
Device collections can represent physical locations, subnet ranges, chassis or different
departments within an organization. Collections can also be used to logically separate
production target devices from test and maintenance ones.
Consider creating device collections based on vDisk assignment so that the status of all target
devices assigned to a particular vDisk can be quickly identified.
Decision: High Availability
Provisioning Services is a critical component of the virtual desktop infrastructure. The following
recommendations should be followed to eliminate single points of failure:
Provisioning Server A minimum of two provisioning servers should always be
implemented per site. Sufficient redundancy should be incorporated into the design so
that a single server failure does not reduce the total number of target devices that can
be supported per site.
The Provisioning Services boot file should be configured for high availability. Up to four
Provisioning Servers may be listed in the boot file. Target devices will try to contact the
servers in the order that they are listed. The server that responds may not necessarily be
the server that will provide streaming services to the target device. If Load Balancing is
enabled, the target device may be reassigned to another server in the site that is less
loaded than the others.
vDisks and Storage For vDisk stores hosted on local, Direct Attached Storage (DAS) or
Storage Area Network (SAN), replication should be used to synchronize the vDisks. If
using Network Attached Storage (NAS), ensure that the vDisks are hosted on a highly
available network share.
Networking The provisioning servers should have redundant NICs. If the provisioning
server is deployed as a physical server, redundant NICs should be teamed and if the
provisioning server is deployed as a virtual server, the underlying hypervisor should
incorporate redundant NICs.
Note: The target devices will only failover to NICs that are in the same subnet as the PXE
boot NIC.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a communications protocol used for transferring
configuration or boot files between machines. Provisioning services can use TFTP to deliver the
bootstrap file to target devices. There are several options available to make the TFTP service
highly available. Some of the more commonly used options are:
DNS Round Robin A DNS entry is created for the TFTP service with multiple A records
corresponding to the TFTP services running on the provisioning servers in the farm. This
method is not recommended since the state of the TFTP service is not monitored. Clients
could potentially be sent to a non-functioning server.
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Hardware load balancer Use a hardware load balancer, such as Citrix NetScaler, to
create virtual IPs that corresponds to the provisioning servers. The NetScaler can
intelligently route traffic between the provisioning servers. In the event that one of the
servers becomes unavailable, NetScaler will automatically stop routing TFTP requests to
that server. This is the best method for making TFTP highly available, but can be
complicated to setup.
Multiple DHCP Option 66 entries This method is easy to implement but requires a
DHCP service that supports entering multiple entries in option 66. Microsoft DHCP
server allows one option 66 entry so this method would not be feasible in environments
with Microsoft DHCP services. If using a non-Microsoft DHCP server or appliance, check
with the manufacturer to verify that multiple option 66 entries is supported.
There are other options available that can achieve the same result without having to use
Proxy DHCP Use the provisioning servers PXE service to provide the bootstrap
information. If one of the servers is down, the next available server in the farm can
provide the bootstrap information. This method requires the provisioning servers to be
on the same broadcast domain as the target devices. If there are other PXE services
running on the network (Altiris, SCCM, etc.) then multiple VLANs may be required to keep
the PXE services from interfering with each other.
Boot Device Manager Use the Boot Device Manager to create a bootstrap file that is
either placed on the local hard drive, or used as a bootable ISO file. If the ISO file is used,
configure the target devices to boot from the CD/DVD-ROM drive, and place the ISO file
on a highly available shared network location or local storage of each target device.
When either method is utilized, the TFTP service is not used at all.
High availability should always be incorporated into the Provisioning Services design. Although
high availability may require additional resources and increased costs, it will provide a highly
stable environment so that users experience minimal impact due to service outages.
Decision: Bootstrap Delivery
A target device initiates the boot process by first loading a bootstrap program which initializes
the streaming session between the target device and the provisioning server. There are three
methods in which the target device can receive the bootstrap program:
Using DHCP Options
1. When the target device boots, the target device sends a broadcast for IP
address and boot information. DHCP will process this request and provide an IP
as well as scope option settings 66 (the name or IP address of the Provisioning
Services TFTP server) and 67 (the name of the bootstrap file).
Note: If using a load balancer for the TFTP service then the address of the load
balancer is entered in option 66.
2. Using TFTP, a request for the bootstrap file is sent from the target device to the
provisioning server. The target device downloads the boot file from the
provisioning server.
3. The target device boots the assigned vDisk image.
Note: Requires UDP/DHCP Helper to be configured when targets are not on the same
subnet as the DHCP servers in order to receive PXE broadcasts.
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Using PXE Broadcasts
1. When a target device boots from the network, the target device sends a
broadcast for an IP address and boot information. DHCP will process this
request and provide an IP address. In addition, all provisioning servers that
receive the broadcast will return boot server and boot file name information.
The target device will merge the information received and start the boot
2. Using TFTP, a request for the bootstrap file is sent from the target device to the
provisioning server which responded first. The target device downloads the boot
file from the provisioning server.
Note: Make sure no other PXE services are in use on the same subnet, such as the Altiris
PXE service, or isolate using VLANs otherwise conflicts may occur with Provisioning
Note: Requires UDP/DHCP Helper to be configured when targets are not on the same
subnet as the DHCP and PVS servers in order to receive PXE broadcasts.
Using Boot Device Manager The Boot Device Manager (BDM) creates a boot file that
target devices obtain through a physical CD/DVD, a mounted ISO image or as a virtual
hard disk assigned to the target device. A BDM partition can be upgraded in one of three
o by collection
o by a group of highlighted devices
o by a single device
A summary of the advantages and disadvantages for each delivery method is listed in the
following table.
Delivery Method
DHCP Options
Easy to implement.
Requires changes to production
DHCP service.
DHCP service may only allow one
option 66 entry.
Requires UDP/DHCP helper for
targets on different subnets.
Easy to implement
Can interfere with other running
PXE services on the same subnet.
Requires UDP/DHCP helper for
targets on different subnets.
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Page 112
Does not require PXE or
TFTP services
Extra effort required to boot
physical target devices.
BDM ISO is regarded as a single
point of failure if a single file is
BDM Partition
The BDM boot partition
upgrade does not
require PXE, TFTP, or
TSB; it's considered a
single stage
bootloader, at boot
time it automatically
finds all relevant PVS
server information and
does not need external
services provided by
An extra 8MB partition is created
for each target device.
Table 44: Bootstrap delivery options and advantages/disadvantages.
Note: When configuring the bootstrap file, up to four provisioning servers may be listed. The order
in which the provisioning servers appear in the list determines the order which the provisioning
servers are accessed. If the first server does not respond, the next server in the list is contacted.
Decision: vDisk Format
Provisioning Services supports the use of fixed-size or dynamic vDisks:
Fixed-size disk For vDisks in private mode, fixed-size prevents disk fragmentation, and
offers improved write performance over dynamic disks.
Dynamic disk Dynamic disks require less storage space than fixed-size disks, but offer
significantly lower write performance. Although vDisks in Shared mode do not perform
writes to the vDisk, the time required to complete vDisk merge operations will increase
with dynamic disks. This is not a common occurrence as more environments choose to
create new vDisks when updating.
Since most reads will be to the System Cache in RAM, there is no significant change in
performance when utilizing fixed-size or dynamic disks. In addition, dynamic disks require
significantly less storage space. Therefore, dynamic disks are recommended.
Decision: vDisk Replication
vDisks hosted on a local, Direct Attached Storage or a SAN must be replicated between vDisk
stores whenever a vDisk is created or changed. Provisioning Services supports the replication of
vDisks from stores that are local to the provisioning server as well as replication across multiple
sites that use shared storage. The replication of vDisks can be performed manually or
Manual Manual replication is simple, but can be time consuming, depending on the
number of vDisks and vDisk stores. If an error occurs during the replication process,
administrators can catch them straight away and take the appropriate steps to resolve
them. The risk of manual replication is vDisk inconsistency across the provisioning servers
which will result in load balancing and failover to not work properly. For example, if a
vDisk is replicated across three servers and then one of the vDisks is updated, that vDisk
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is no longer identical and will not be considered if a server failover occurs. Even if the
same update is made to the other two vDisks, the timestamps on each will differ, and
therefore the vDisks are no longer identical.
Automated For large environments, automated replication is faster than the manual
method due to the number of vDisks and vDisk Stores required. Some automated tools,
such as Microsoft DFS-R, support bandwidth throttling and Cross File Remote
Differential Compression (CF-RDC), which use heuristics to determine whether
destination files are similar to the file being replicated. If so, CF-RDC will use blocks from
these files to minimize the amount of data transferred over the network. The risk of
automated replication is that administrator do not typically monitor replication events in
real-time and do not respond quickly when errors occur, unless the automation tool has
an alerting feature. Some tools can be configured to automatically restart the copy
process in the event of a failure. For example, Robocopy supports “resume copying” in
the event that the network connection is interrupted.
For medium and large projects, use a tool to automate vDisk replication. Select a tool that is
capable of resuming from network interruptions, copying file attributes and preserving the
original timestamp.
Note: Load balancing and high availability will not work unless the vDisks have identical
Decision: Server Sizing
Generally, a Provisioning Server is defined with the following specifications:
4 to 8 vCPU
2GB + (# of vDisks * 2GB)
10 Gbps NIC
Host Storage
40 GB shared storage
vDisk Storage
Depending on number of
Operating System
Windows Server 2012R2
Table 45: General Provisioning Services specifications
Citrix Provisioning Services can be installed on virtual or physical servers:
Virtual Offers rapid server provisioning, snapshots for quick recovery or rollback
scenarios and the ability to adjust server resources on the fly. Virtual provisioning servers
allow target devices to be distributed across more servers helping to reduce the impact
from server failure. Virtualization makes more efficient use of system resources.
Physical Offers higher levels of scalability per server than virtual servers. Physical
provisioning servers mitigate the risks associated with virtual machines competing for
underlying hypervisor resources.
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In general, virtual provisioning servers are preferred when sufficient processor, memory, disk and
networking resources can be made available and guaranteed to be available.
Note: For high availability, ensure that virtual Provisioning Servers are distributed across multiple
virtualization hosts. Distributing the virtual servers across multiple hosts will eliminate a single
point of failure and not bring down the entire Provisioning Services farm in the event of a host
Provisioning Services is not CPU intensive. However, under allocating the number of CPUs does
impact the optimization of the network streams. The number of streams that a Provisioning
Services server can run concurrently can be determined by the following formula:
   
By default, the Streaming Service is configured with 20 sequential network ports, and 8 threads
per port. Therefore, by default, a provisioning server can support 160 concurrent targets. If more
than 160 streams are required, Provisioning Services continuously switches between streaming
different target devices
Ideally, if the environment needs to support more than 160 concurrent targets, the number of
ports, and threads per port can be adjusted in the Provisioning Services console. Best
performance is attained when the threads per port is not greater than the number of cores
available on the provisioning server. If the provisioning server does not have sufficient cores, the
server will show a higher CPU utilization, and target devices waiting for requests to be processed
will have a higher read latency.
Even though Provisioning Services is not CPU intensive, allocating 2 CPUs will require a larger
contiguous network port range.
Small environments (up to approximately 500 virtual machines) 4 vCPUs are
Larger environments 8 vCPUs are recommended.
The Windows operating system hosting Provisioning Services partially caches the vDisks in
memory (system cache) reducing the number of reads required from storage. Reading from
storage is significantly slower than reading from memory. Therefore, Provisioning Servers should
be allocated sufficient memory to maximize the benefit from this caching process.
The following formula can be used to determine the optimal amount of memory that should be
allocated to a provisioning server:
 
  
Unlike most other XenApp and XenDesktop components, Provisioning Services does not
bottleneck the CPU. Provisioning Services scalability is based on network throughput.
The following table shows the approximate amount of data that Provisioning Services requires
to boot different operating systems:
Operating System
Avg Boot Data
Usage (MB)
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 115
Windows 10 x64
Windows 8 x86
Windows 8 x64
Windows 7 x86
Windows 7 x64
Windows 2012
Windows 2012 R2
Windows 2008 R2
Windows Vista x86
Windows Vista x64
Table 46: Approximate boot data usage by OS
Determining how much time will be required to boot the target devices can be estimated using
the following formula:
 
Operating System
Number of VMs
Network Throughput
Time to Boot
Windows 10 x64
1 Gbps
960 Seconds
(16 minutes)
Windows 10 x64
10 Gbps
96 Seconds
(1 minute, 36 seconds)
Table 47: Boot time estimate
A 10Gbps network is recommended for use with Provisioning Services. If a 10Gbps network is not
available, consider link aggregation to provide additional bandwidth to the provisioning servers,
or a dedicated physical streaming network.
Tip: Firewalls can add latency and create bandwidth bottlenecks in Provisioning Services
environments. If the use of firewalls cannot be avoided, refer to the Citrix whitepaper CTX101810
Communication Ports Used By Citrix Technologies, for the list of ports that should be enabled for
full functionality.
As the farm grows, administrators will need to decide whether to add more resources to the
provisioning servers or to add more provisioning servers to the farm.
There are a number of environmental factors that need to be considered when determining
whether the Provisioning Servers should be scaled up or scaled out:
Redundancy Spreading user load across additional less-powerful servers helps reduce
the number of users affected from a single provisioning server failure. If the business is
unable to accept the loss of a single high-specification server, consider scaling out.
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Failover times The more target devices connected to a single provisioning server, the
longer it will take for them to failover in the event that the server fails. Consider scaling
out to reduce the time required for target devices to failover to another server.
Data center capacity The data center may have limited space, power and/or cooling
available. In this situation, consider scaling up.
Hardware costs Initially, it may be more cost effective to scale up. However, there will
be a point where scaling out actually becomes more cost effective. A cost analysis
should be performed to make that determination.
Hosting costs There may be hosting and/or maintenance costs based on the number
of physical servers used. If so, consider scaling up to reduce the long-term cost of these
Decision: Network Configuration
As mentioned before it is essential that the network is sized correctly to prevent network
bottlenecks causing high disk access times and directly affecting virtual desktop performance.
The following diagram outlines a common Provisioning Services network infrastructure:
Figure 33: Sample PVS Network Configuration
The following network configuration is recommended for the network sections outlined within
the diagram:
PVS Uplink All disk access from the target devices will be transferred via the PVS
network uplink. This means hundreds or even thousands of devices will use this network
connection. Therefore, it is vital that this connection is redundant and can failover
without any downtime. Furthermore, Citrix recommends a minimum bandwidth of
1Gbps per 500 target devices. For virtual provisioning servers a respective QoS quota or a
dedicated physical network uplink should be configured to ensure best performance.
Hypervisor Uplink Used by all PVS target devices hosted on a particular hypervisor host.
Therefore, redundancy with transparent failover is strongly recommended. Unless the
target devices run a very I/O intensive workload or perform I/O intensive tasks (e.g.
booting) simultaneously, a bandwidth of 1Gbps is sufficient for this uplink.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 117
VM Uplink All network traffic for a virtual machine, including PVS streaming traffic, will
traverse this virtual network connection. Unless the workload is extremely I/O intensive a
bandwidth of 100 Mbps is sufficient to handle even peak loads during I/O intensive
tasks, such as booting from vDisk. For example, a Windows 2012 R2 Server will read
approximately 232MB during a period of 90 seconds from the vDisk until the Windows
Logon Screen is shown. During this period an average data rate of 20.5 Mbps with peaks
up to 90 Mbps can be observed.
The following switch settings are recommended for Provisioning Services:
Disable Spanning Tree or Enable PortFast In a switching environment the Spanning
Tree Protocol (STP) places ports into a blocked state while it transmits Bridged Protocol
Data Units (BPDUs) and listens to ensure the BPDUs are not in a loopback configuration.
The port is not placed in a forwarding state until the network converges, which
depending on the size of the network, may incur enough time to cause Preboot
Execution Environment (PXE) timeouts. To eliminate this issue, disable STP on edge-
ports connected to clients or enable PortFast.
Storm Control - Storm Control is a feature available on Cisco switches that allows a
threshold to be set whereby, multicast, broadcast, or unicast traffic may be suppressed.
Its purpose is to prevent malicious or erroneous senders from flooding a LAN and
affecting network performance. PVS Servers may send a large amount of traffic by
design that falls within a storm control threshold, therefore the feature should be
configured accordingly.
Broadcast Helper The broadcast helper is required to direct broadcasts from clients to
servers that would otherwise not be routed. In a PVS environment it is necessary to
forward PXE boot requests when clients are not on the same subnet as the servers. If
possible the recommended network design is to have PVS servers residing on the same
subnet as the target devices. This mitigates the risk of any service degradation due to
other networking infrastructure components.
The following network interface features should be taken into consideration when selecting a
network interface for Provisioning Services:
TCP Offloading Offloading I/O tasks to the network interface reduces CPU usage and
improves overall system performance, however, PVS Streaming Services can be
negatively impacted when Large Send Offload is enabled due to the extra work placed
on the network adapter. Many network adapters will have Large Send Offload and TCP
checksum offload enabled by default.
Note: If Large Send Offload is enabled and the switch that the traffic is passing through
does not support the frame size sent by the Large Send Offload engine, the switch will
drop the frame causing data retransmission. When retransmitting, the operating system
will segment the frames instead of the network adapter, which can lead to severe
performance degradation.
Receive Side Scaling (RSS) Receive side scaling enables packets received from a
network adapter to be balanced across multiple CPUs which allows incoming TCP
connections to be load balanced, preventing bottlenecks from occurring to a single CPU.
In Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012/2012 R2, RSS is enabled by
Note: For more information on PVS networking best practices please refer to Best Practices for
Configuring Provisioning Services Server on a Network.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 118
Note: For Provisioning Services implementations on low bandwidth networks (1Gbps or slower),
performance may be improved by isolating streaming traffic from other network traffic on the
Note: Microsoft does not support NIC teaming with Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2;
however, third party solutions are available. Microsoft does support NIC teaming with Hyper-V on
Windows Server 2012/2012 R2. All support queries regarding teaming with Hyper-V should be
directed to the NIC OEM.
Decision: Subnet Affinity
The Provisioning Services Subnet Affinity is a load balancing algorithm that helps to ensure
target devices are connected to the most appropriate provisioning server. When configuring
subnet affinity, the following options are available:
None Ignore subnets; uses the least busy server.
Best Effort Uses the least busy server/NIC combination from within the same subnet. If
no server/NIC combination is available within the subnet, select the least busy server
from outside the subnet. If more than one server is available within the selected subnet,
perform load balancing between those servers. This is the default setting.
Fixed Use the least busy server/NIC combination from within the same subnet. Perform
load balancing between servers within that subnet. If no server/NIC combination exists
in the same subnet, do not boot target devices assigned to this vDisk.
The following examples show common network configurations for physical provisioning servers.
Similar configurations can be implemented for virtual provisioning servers without
compromising on performance or functionality.
Blade Design
The provisioning servers and the target devices that they support reside within the same chassis.
In most cases, the chassis will have a dedicated 10Gbps switch shared among all blade servers
within the chassis.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 119
Figure 34: PVS Blade Enclosure Design
The “Best Effort” subnet affinity option is used to keep Provisioning Services traffic within the
same chassis. Should the provisioning server become unavailable, the targets will failover to the
second provisioning server in the second chassis, but same Provisioning Services site.
Rack Design
The second example is based on a rack design that uses rack switches to keep the provisioning
traffic within the rack.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 120
Server Rack
Rack Switch
Provisioning Services
Provisioning Services
IP Subnet
Server Rack
Provisioning Services
Provisioning Services
IP Subnet
Core Switch
Rack Switch
PVS Site
Figure 35: PVS Rack Design
As opposed to the blade chassis design, the subnet affinity feature is not used. Instead a
Provisioning Services site with two provisioning servers will be configured per server rack. This will
ensure that the target devices are streamed from provisioning servers within the same rack.
Decision: Read Cache
PVS Accelerator enables a PVS proxy to reside in the XenServer's Control Domain on a host
where streaming of a Provisioning Services vDisk is cached at the proxy before being forwarded
to the virtual machine. Using the cache, subsequent booting (or any I/O requests) of the virtual
machine on the same host can be streamed from the proxy rather than streaming from the
Experience from the Field
Manufacturing A manufacturing company is designing a Provisioning Services solution
to support five thousand virtual desktops. The company has concerns that Provisioning
Services streaming traffic will create a bottleneck on the network affecting other
applications. The company chose to build the environment on blade servers so that
provisioning traffic is contained within the blade enclosure and will not impact other
traffic on the network.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 121
server over the network. PVS Accelerator requires more local resources on the XenServer host,
but streaming from the server over the network saves resources, effectively improving
Table 48: PVS Read Cache (PVS Accelerator)
PVS Accelerator is a XenServer only capability. Utilizing this integrated technology reduces the
load on the PVS server, reduces the overall network utilization and reduces the time it takes to
boot a virtual machine.
For more information on the relationship among XenServer and Provisioning Services, see the
blog XenServer and PVS: Better Together.
Decision: Write Cache
Because the master image is read-only, each virtual machine has a writable disk to store all
changes. The administrator must decide where to store the write cache disk.
Citrix XenServer
Shared Storage
Write Cache
Master Image
Write Cache
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
PVS Accelerator
PVS CPU Utilization Network Throughput Average VM Boot Time
PVS Accelerator - Percent Resource Reduction
Provisioning Services Provisioning Services Accelerator
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 122
PVS Server Local Storage
The Provisioning Services local storage holds the write cache drives for each target virtual
machine. Although this is the default setting, it does increase network bandwidth requirements
and increases the utilization of the Provisioning Services server.
Figure 36: Server-side Local Storage Write Cache
PVS Server Shared Storage
Shared storage associated with the Provisioning Services server holds the write cache drives for
each target virtual machine. This option does increase network bandwidth requirements and
increases the utilization of the Provisioning Services server. It also places temporary data (write
cache) on expensive shared storage.
Figure 37: Server-side Shared Storage Write Cache
VM Local Storage
Local storage associated with the virtual machine holds the write cache drives for each target
virtual machine. This option uses low cost local storage and does not consume additional
resources on the Provisioning Services server. However, the local storage must be capable of
support the IOPS of all virtual machines on the host.
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Write Cache
Master Image
Write Cache
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
Shared Storage
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Write Cache
Master Image
Write Cache
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
Shared Storage
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 123
Figure 38: VM Local Storage Write Cache
VM Cache in RAM
RAM associated with the virtual machine holds the write cache drives for each target virtual
machine. This option provides high performance due to the speed of RAM. However, if the RAM
cache runs out of space, the virtual machine will become unusable. In order to use this option,
significant amounts of RAM must be allocated to each virtual machine, increasing the overall
Figure 39: VM Cache in RAM
VM Cache in RAM with Overflow to Disk
A combination of RAM and local storage is used for the write cache. First, writes are stored within
the RAM cache, providing high performance. As the RAM cache is consumed, large blocks are
removed from the RAM cache and placed onto the local storage write cache disk. This option
provides high-levels of performance with the low cost of local storage.
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Write Cache
Master Image
Write Cache
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
Shared Storage
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Shared Storage
Master Image
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
Write Cache
Write Cache
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 124
Figure 40: VM Cache in RAM
Utilizing this integrated technology reduces write IOPS by 95%.
Cache in RAM with Overflow to Disk is the recommended option.
Decision: Antivirus
By default, most antivirus products scan all files and processes, which has a significant impact on
Provisioning Services performance. For details on how antivirus software can be optimized for
Provisioning Services, please refer to CTX124185 Provisioning Services Antivirus Best Practices.
Antivirus software can cause file-locking issues on provisioning servers. The vDisk Store and write
cache should be excluded from antivirus scans in order to prevent file contention issues.
When a virtual disk is running in standard mode and needs to be restarted, it downloads all of
the previously loaded virus definitions. This can cause performance degradation when restarting
several target devices at a time, often causing network congestion while the operation persists.
In extreme cases, the target device and provisioning server can become sluggish and consume
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Shared Storage
Write Cache
Master Image
Write Cache
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
PVS Server
Write Cache
Write Cache
Windows 2012R2 Windows 10
Average IOPS
Steady State Write IOPS - Provisioning Services
Without MCS RAM Cache With MCS RAM Cache
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 125
more resources than necessary. If the antivirus software supports it, definition files should be
redirected to the write cache drive so that they are preserved between reboots.
Machine Creation Services
Machine Creation Services (MCS) uses disk-cloning technology to simplify the deployment of virtual
machines. Computers are provisioned and re-provisioned in real-time from a single shared-disk
image. In doing so, administrators can eliminate the need to manage and patch individual systems.
Instead, administrators perform all image management on the master image.
Decision: Storage Location
Machine Creation Services allows administrators to break up a virtual desktop into multiple
components and store those pieces on different storage arrays.
Shared Storage
The first option utilizes shared storage for the operating system disk and the differencing disk.
Table 49: MCS Shared Storage
Although this option allows the sharing of the master image across multiple hypervisor hosts, it
puts more strain on the storage array because it must also host the differencing disk, which is
temporary data.
Hybrid Storage
The second option uses shared storage for the operating system disk and local hypervisor
storage for the differencing disk.
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Shared Storage
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Master Image
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 126
Table 50: MCS Hybrid Storage
This is the most common option giving the administrator the benefits of sharing of the master
image across multiple hypervisor hosts while offloading expensive, temporary write IOPS to
cheap, local hypervisor storage.
XenServer IntelliCache Storage
The third option uses shared storage for the operating system disk and local hypervisor storage
for the differencing disk and local XenServer storage for a local cache of the operating system
Table 51: MCS IntelliCache
This is only an option for XenServer implementations. It provides the same value as the hybrid
storage approach while also reducing read IOPS from shared storage. IntelliCache can coexist
with the XenServer RAM-based read cache, if XenServer RAM is limited.
Decision: Cloning Type
Machine Creation Services incorporates two types of cloning techniques.
Thin - Every VM within the catalog utilizes a single, read-only virtual disk for all reads. A
second virtual disk, unique for each VM, captures all write IO activity.
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Shared Storage
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Master Image
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
Citrix XenServer
Shared Storage
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Master Image
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 127
Full Every VM within the catalog receives a full copy of the master disk image. Each VM
fully owns the disk, allowing for read/write activity. Full cloning technology is only
available for personal virtual desktops, where a dedicated virtual machine saves all
changes to a local disk.
Administrators should consider the following when deciding between thin and full cloning
Thin Clone
Full Clone
Storage Space
Has greatest storage space savings.
A single master disk image is shared
across multiple VMs. Only the
differencing disk (writes) consume space,
which continues to grow until the VM
High storage space requirements
Each VM receives a full copy of the
master image. The size continues to
grow as changes are made to the VM.
Backup /
Many 3rd party Backup/DR solutions do
not support snapshot/delta disks,
making thin provisioned VMs
hard/impossible to backup or move to
other storage arrays.
The VM exists within a single virtual disk,
making it easy to backup and restore.
Only requires a single disk image
Slow (can be mitigated)
Each VM requires a full copy of the
master image. Storage optimization
technologies can help mitigate.
A read I/O can occur twice, one for
master disk and one for differencing
disk, increasing read IOPS.
All read/write direct to a single disk.
Boot Storm
High Impact
In a boot storm, all differencing disks re-
size to hold all writes from Windows
start up; placing a high load on the
storage as it happens all at once.
Low Impact
Table 52: Machine Creation Services Thin/Full Cloning
Decision: Read Cache
During boot and logon, virtual desktops incur high levels of storage read IOPS, which can put a
strain on the underlying storage subsystem. When deployed on Citrix XenServer, Shared and
Pooled VDI modes utilize a RAM-based read cache hosted on each XenServer.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 128
Table 53: MCS Read Cache
Utilizing this integrated technology reduces read IOPS by 50-80%.
Decision: Write Cache
During steady state, virtual desktops incur high levels of storage write IOPS, which can put a
strain on the underlying storage subsystem. Shared and Pooled VDI modes can utilize a RAM-
based write cache by using non-paged pool RAM from the virtual machines operating system.
Citrix XenServer
Shared Storage
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Master Image
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
Read Cache
Windows 2012R2 Windows 10
Average IOPS
Boot Read IOPS - Machine Creation Services
Without XenServer Read Cache With XenServer Read Cache
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 129
Table 54: MCS Write Cache
Utilizing this integrated technology reduces write IOPS by 95%.
Depending on the requirements of the organization, different security standards should be
implemented within the solution. It is advisable refer to the following papers:
Getting Started Guide for Security
End-to-End Encryption
System Hardening Guide
Common Criteria
Secure Browsing
Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere
Shared Storage
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Master Image
Identity Disk
Differencing Disk
Virtual Desktop/App
Virtual Desktop/App
Write Cache
Write Cache
Windows 2012R2 Windows 10
Average IOPS
Steady State Read IOPS - Machine Creation Services
Without MCS RAM Cache With MCS RAM Cache
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 130
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 131
Layer 5: The Hardware Layer
Hardware Sizing
This section covers hardware sizing for the virtual infrastructure servers, virtual desktops, and virtual
application hosts. The sizing of these servers is typically done in two ways.
The first and preferred way is to plan ahead and purchase hardware based on the workload
The second way is to use existing hardware in the best configuration to support the different
workload requirements.
This section will discuss decisions related to both methods.
Decision: Workload Separation
When implementing a XenApp and XenDesktop deployment, the workloads for the infrastructure,
XenDesktop, and XenApp workloads can be separated into dedicated resource clusters or mixed on
the same physical hosts. Citrix recommends using resource clusters to separate the workloads,
especially in an enterprise deployment. This allows better host sizing as each workload has unique
requirements such as overcommit ratios and memory usage.
In smaller environments where resource clusters are cost prohibitive, the workloads may be mixed in
a manner which still allows for a highly available environment. Citrix leading practice is to separate
the workloads however mixed workloads is a cost based business decision.
Decision: Physical Processor (pCPU)
The following table provides guidance on the number of virtual desktops that can be supported
for light, medium and heavy workloads per physical core. Each desktop correlates to a single
concurrent user, with the assumption that the operating system underwent optimization.
Operating System
Users per Physical Core
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 2008R2
Windows 2012R2
Windows 2016
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 2008R2
Windows 2012R2
Windows 2016
Windows 7
Windows 8
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 132
Windows 10
Windows 2008R2
Windows 2012R2
Windows 2016
Table 55: Processor Requirements by Workload
The estimate for “Users per Physical Core” is a baseline number running Microsoft Office 2010.
The baseline number must be adjusted based on specific infrastructure requirements. As a
general guideline, the following characteristics are baseline changes to server density.
Server Density Impact
Antivirus (not optimized)
25% decrease
Real-time Monitoring
15% decrease
Office 2013
20% decrease
Office 2016
25% decrease
20% increase
Table 56: Server Density Adjustments
To estimate the total number of physical cores required for the XenApp and XenDesktop
workload, use the following formula for each user group:
  
       
  
     
represents the sum of all user group combinations “i”.
= Number of concurrent users per user groups
= Number of users per physical core
AV = Antivirus impact (default = 0.25)
Mon = Monitoring tools impact (default = 0.15)
Off13 = Office 2013 impact (default = .2)
Off16 = Office 2016 impact (default = .25)
HT = Hyper-Threading impact (default = .2)
If workloads will be separated (XenApp and XenDesktop workloads), the formula should be
calculated twice, once for all XenDesktop users and the second for all XenApp users in order
Decision: Physical Memory (pRAM)
The recommended method for sizing memory to a physical host is to size based on the total
memory required to support the virtual machines and the CPU capacity of the host. In order to
calculate the total memory required for XenApp and XenDesktop, simply multiply the number of
virtual machines by the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machines. The sum of all of
the machine catalogs will be the total RAM required for XenApp and XenDesktop hosts. This is
shown in the formula below.
 
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 133
 
represents the sum of all user group combinations “i”.
= Number of concurrent users per user groups
= Amount of RAM assigned to each virtual machine
If workloads will be separated onto different hosts (XenApp and XenDesktop workloads), the
formula should be calculated twice, once for all XenDesktop users and the second for all XenApp
Decision: Physical Host (pHost)
In most situations, the number of physical hosts (pHost) to support the XenApp and XenDesktop
workloads will be limited on the number of processor cores available.
The following formula provides an estimate for the number of hosts required for the user
workloads. The formula is based on the best practice of separating the XenApp and XenDesktop
workloads due to the different recommended CPU overcommit ratios for each.
 
 
Once the number of physical hosts has been determined based on processor cores, the amount
of RAM for each host is calculated.
 
  
 
  
Decision: GPU
Hosts used to deliver graphical workloads require graphics processors to deliver a high end user
experience. Specific hardware hosts and graphics cards are required to support high end graphics
using HDX 3D Pro. An updated list of tested hardware is available in a knowledge base article. Sizing
of the desktop and application hosts of high end graphics users should be based on the GPU
requirements ensuring that the host then has adequate CPU and memory resource to support the
NVIDIA GRID cards can be leveraged with vGPU profiles to support multiple users. Sizing guidelines
are provided from NVIDIA in the table below.
Use Case
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 134
512 MB
256 MB
Power User
Power User
Power User
512 MB
Power User
256 MB
Storage Sizing
Decision: Storage Architecture
The primary storage architectures are as follows:
Local Storage - Uses hard disks directly attached to the computer system. The disks
cannot be shared with other computer systems, but if the computer is hosting pooled or
hosted shared desktops, a shared storage solution is not necessary. In many cases local
storage can perform as well as shared storage. Scalability is limited to the number of
drive bays available in the computer system. Many blade servers for example have just
two drive bays, so using local storage to support a XenDesktop deployment may not be
DAS - Storage sub-system directly attached to a server or workstation using a cable. It
uses block-level storage and can be a hard disk local to the computer system or a disk
shelf with multiple disks attached by means of external cabling. Unlike local disks, disk
shelves require separate management. Storage shelves can be connected to multiple
servers so the data or disks can be shared.
NAS - Provides file-level storage to computer systems through network file shares. The
NAS operates as a file server, and NAS systems are networked appliances which contain
one or more hard drives, often arranged into logical, redundant storage containers or
RAID arrays. Access is typically provided using standard Ethernet and network file sharing
protocols such as NFS, SMB/CIFS, or AFP.
Note: NAS can become a single point of failure. If the network share becomes
unavailable, all target devices streamed from the disk will be unavailable as well.
SAN - Dedicated storage network that provides access to consolidated, block-level
storage. SANs allow computers to connect to different storage devices, so no server has
ownership of the storage subsystem enabling data to be shared among multiple
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 135
computers. A SAN will typically have its own dedicated network of storage devices that
are generally not accessible through the network by standard means. In order to
connect a device to the SAN network a specialized adapter called the Host Bus Adapter
(HBA) is required. SANs are highly scalable with no noticeable change in performance as
more storage and devices are connected. SANs can be a costly investment both in terms
of capital and the time required to learn, deploy and manage the technology.
Hybrid - A NAS head refers to a NAS which does not have any on-board storage, but
instead connects to a SAN. In effect, it acts as a translator between the file-level NAS
protocols (NFS, CIFS, etc.) and the block-level SAN protocols (Fibre Channel and iSCSI).
Thus it can combine the advantages of both technologies and allows computers without
Host Bus Adapters (HBA) to connect to centralized storage.
The following table summarizes the storage options available and rates their suitability for
XenDesktop deployments.
Storage Properties
Med - High
Med - High
Low - Med
Med High
Low - Med
Med - High
Typical use case
Small to
production and
Small to
Small to medium
Medium to large
Table 57: Storage feature comparison
Note: Hyper-V 2008 R2 does not support NAS technology. Hyper-V 2012/2012 R2 only supports
NAS solutions that support the SMB 3.0 protocol. For more information please refer to the Hyper-
V 2008 R2 and Hyper-V 2012 R2 sections of the handbook.
Local storage is best suited for storing virtual machines which do not have high availability
requirements or persistent data attached such as random (pooled) desktops or hosted shared
desktops. Local and DAS is suited for storing user data and home directory files. If using Machine
Creation Services, master images as well as any updates must be replicated to each server.
NAS and SAN storage is best suited for infrastructure servers supporting the XenDesktop
environment, and virtual machines with persistent data such as static (dedicated) desktops.
Decision: RAID Level
To choose the optimal RAID level, it is necessary to consider the IOPS and read/write ratio
generated by a given application or workload in combination with the individual capabilities of a
RAID level. For hosting read intensive workloads, such as the Provisioning Services vDisk store,
RAID levels that are optimized for read operations such as RAID 1, 5, 6, 10 are optimal. This is
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 136
because these RAID levels allow read operations to be spread across all disks within the RAID set
For hosting write intensive workloads, such as Provisioning Services write cache and Machine
Creation Services differencing disks, RAID levels such as RAID 1 or 10 are optimal, as these are
optimized for writes and have a low write penalty.
The following table outlines the key quantitative attributes of the most commonly used RAID
Fault Tolerance
Write Performance
Minimum #
of Disks
Very High
(Write Penalty 1)
Single-drive failure
Very High
(Write Penalty 2)
Single-drive failure
(Write Penalty 4)
Dual-drive failure
(Write Penalty 6)
Single-drive failure
in each sub array
Very High
(Write Penalty 2)
Table 58: RAID levels
Note: The write penalty is inherent in RAID data protection techniques, which require multiple disk
I/O requests for each application write request, and ranges from minimal (mirrored arrays) to
substantial (RAID levels 5 and 6).
Decision: Number of Disks
To determine the number of disks required it is important to understand the performance
characteristics of each disk, the characteristics of the RAID level and the performance
requirements of the given workload. The basic calculation for determining the total number of
disks needed is:
 
  
For example, a disk manufacturer is reporting that a particular disk array which they have
developed has a total workload IOPS of 2000. The raw IOPS per disk is 175. To determine how
many disks are required to support a workload with 20% read operations and 80% write
operations on RAID 10:
 
 
 
Based on the previous example, the following table shows how the disk count will vary based on
the RAID level and the read/write ratio.
(per disk)
Workload IOPS
Read %
Write %
Disk count
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 137
1 / 10
Table 59: Example of how disk count changes per RAID level and R/W ratio
Decision: Disk Type
Hard disk drives (HDDs) are the traditional variation of disk drives. These kinds of disks consist of
rotating platters on a motor-driven spindle within a protective enclosure. The data is
magnetically written to and read from the platter by read/write heads.
Different implementations of this technology are available on the market, which differ in terms
of performance, cost and reliability.
Serial ATA (SATA) disk transmit data serially over two pairs of conductors. One pair is for
differential transmission of data, and the other pair is for differential receiving of data.
SATA drives are widely found in consumer desktop and laptop computers. Typical SATA
drives have transfer speeds ranging from 1500 6000Mbps and support hot-swapping
by design.
Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) disks use a buffered, peer to peer interface that
uses handshake signals between devices. Many SCSI devices require a SCSI initiator to
initiate SCSI transactions between the host and SCSI target. SCSI disks are common in
workstations and servers and have throughputs ranging from 40 5120Mbps. iSCSI
(Internet Small Computer System Interface) is a mapping of the regular SCSI protocol
over TCP/IP, more commonly over Gigabit Ethernet.
Fibre Channel (FC) disk is the successor to the parallel SCSI disk and is common in SAN
storage devices. Fibre Channel signals can run on an electrical interface or fibre-optic
cables. Throughput can range from 1 20Gbps, and connections are hot-pluggable.
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) disk uses a new generation serial communication protocol to
allow for higher speed data transfers than SATA disks. Throughput can range from 2400
In contrast to traditional hard disks, Solid State Disks (SSDs) use microchips to retain data in
either NAND non-volatile memory chips (flash) or DRAM and contain no moving parts. SSDs are
less susceptible to physical shock, have lower access times and latency and have higher I/O rates.
SSDs have significantly higher random read performance. An SSD drive can attain anywhere from
5,000 to 20,000 random reads per second. SSDs are also more expensive per gigabyte (GB) and
typically support a limited number of writes over the life of the disk.
Flash memory-based SSDs can be either based on multi-level cells (MLC) or single-level cells
(SLC). SLC devices only store one bit of information in each cell. MLC devices can store multiple
bits of information with each cell. Flash based SSDs cost lower than DRAM based SSDs but
perform slower. DRAM based SSD devices are used primarily to accelerate applications that
would otherwise be held back by the latency of flash SSDs or traditional HDDs.
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SSDs were previously not viable for enterprise storage solutions because of the high cost, low
capacity and fast wear of the drives. Improvements in SSD technology and lowering costs are
making them more favorable over HDDs. Solid state hybrid drives (SSHD) combine the features
of SSDs and HDDs, by containing a large HDD drive with an SSD cache to improve performance
of frequently accessed data.
Comparing SSDs and HDDs is difficult since HDD benchmarks are focused on finding the
performance aspects such as rotational latency time and seek time. As SSDs do not spin, or seek,
they may show huge superiority in such tests. However, SSDs have challenges with mixed reads
and writes and their performance may degrade over time.
The following table compares the transfer rates of some of the more common storage types
available on the market today.
Rate (bit/s)
iSCSI over Fast Ethernet
Ultra-2 wide SCSI (16
bits/40 MHz)
iSCSI over Gigabit Ethernet
SATA rev 3
FCoE over 10GbE
SATA rev 3.2 SATA Express
iSCSI over Infiniband
Table 60: Common disk types and transfer rates
SCSI and SATA disks are best suited for storing data that does not have high performance
requirements like the PVS vDisk store. SAS, Fibre Channel, or SSD drives are best suited for storing
data that have high performance requirements like the PVS write cache.
Decision: Storage Bandwidth
Storage bandwidth is the connectivity between servers and the storage subsystem.
Understanding bandwidth requirements can help determine the proper hardware for delivering
data and applications at speeds for a positive end user experience. For most datacenters 10Gbps
Ethernet or 10Gbps FCoE is sufficient for storage connections. Smaller environments however
may only need 1Gbps bandwidth. In virtualized environments it is not just important to look at
the bandwidth requirements of the physical host and storage subsystem, but determining how
much bandwidth is required for each virtual machine plays a factor too.
In order to plan for the required bandwidth, it is necessary to determine the throughputs for
every individual system that uses a shared component or network path. For example, the
following information is provided for an environment with 100 similar virtual machines (hosted
on 10 virtualization hosts and connected to one NAS head).
Throughput per VM
Throughput per host
(10 VMs * 10Mbps)
(10 VMs * 30Mbps)
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 139
Throughput per storage
(10 hosts * 100Mbps)
(10 hosts * 300Mbps)
Table 61: Throughput
The NIC used for storage communication needs to be a 1Gbps adapter in order to handle the
peak load. The NAS head as well as its network connection need to support 3Gbps worth of data
traffic in order to support the peak load of all systems.
Decision: Tiered Storage
A one-size-fits-all storage solution is unlikely to meet the requirements of most virtual desktop
implementations. The use of storage tiers provides an effective mechanism for offering a range
of different storage options differentiated by performance, scalability, redundancy and cost. In
this way, different virtual workloads with similar storage requirements can be grouped together
and a similar cost model applied.
For example, a XenDesktop implementation using tiered storage may look like the following:
Tier 1 storage group - Write intensive files such as the write cache and differencing disks
are placed in a storage group consisting of SSDs.
Tier 2 storage group - Mission critical data, or data that requires high availability, are
placed in a storage group consisting of less expensive high performing drives.
Tier 3 storage group - Seldom used data files, read-only files, or other non-mission
critical data placed in a storage group consisting of low cost and lower performing
Decision: Thin Provisioning
Thin provisioning allows more storage space to be presented to the virtual machines than is
actually available on the storage repository. This lowers storage costs by allowing virtual
machines access to disk space that is often unused. This is particularly beneficial to Machine
Creation Services which uses a linked-clone approach to provisioning virtual machines. Thin
provisioning minimizes the storage space required for the master image copies used to build
virtual machines. Thin provisioning is possible at the physical storage layer, a feature usually
available with most SAN solutions, and at the virtual layer. NFS based storage solutions will
usually have thin provisioning enabled by default.
At the physical storage layer, it is important to ensure that sufficient storage is available to
prevent the risk of virtual machines not being available in a storage “overcommit” scenario when
available disk space is exhausted. Organizations should decide if the cost savings thin
provisioning provides outweighs the associated risk and consider enabling if the storage solution
supports it.
Note: Virtual machines may not function if disk space is exhausted so it is important to have a
process in place, either through alerts or notifications that will give administrators enough time to
add more disks to the storage solution so that the XenDesktop environment is not impacted.
Decision: Data De-Duplication
Data de-duplication is a data compression technique whereby duplicate data is replaced with
pointers to a single copy of the original item. This reduces storage requirements and costs by
improving storage utilization, however it can impact storage performance. There are two
implementations of de-duplication available:
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Post-process de-duplication The de-duplication is performed after the data has been
written to disk. Post-process de-duplication should be scheduled outside business hours
to ensure that it does not impact system performance. Post Process de-duplication
offers minimal advantages for random desktops as the write-cache/difference disk is
typically reset on a daily basis.
In-line de-duplication Examines data before it is written to disk so that duplicate blocks
are not stored. The additional checks performed before the data is written to disk can
sometimes cause slow performance. If enabled, in-line duplication should be carefully
monitored to ensure that it is not affecting the performance of the XenDesktop
If the storage solution supports it, enabling post-process data de-duplication is recommended
for minimal impact to XenDesktop performance.
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Page 141
Section 4: Monitor
Like any integrated system, monitoring and maintenance is critical to the overall health of the solution.
Without proper support, operations and health monitoring systems in place, the user experience will
slowly start to degrade.
Process 1: Support
When problems arise, technical support is the first point of contact. This section addresses the proper
staffing, organization, training, delegated administration and tools that should be used to maintain the
Citrix deployment.
Decision: Support Structure
Multiple levels of support have been found to be the most effective ways of addressing support
issues. Low criticality, low complexity or frequently occurring issues should be managed and
resolved at the lower support levels. High criticality and complex issues are escalated to more
experienced architects or infrastructure owners. The diagram below outlines a common multi-level
support structure.
Figure 41: Support Structure
If a user encounters an issue, Level-1 support (help desk) is the entry point to the support system.
Level-1 should resolve 75% of all issues encountered, of which a majority will be routine problems
that only require a limited knowledge of the Citrix environment. At this level, issues are quickly
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Page 142
resolved and some may be automated (self-service), for example password resets and resource
Non-routine problems that exceed Level-1’s abilities are escalated to Level-2 (Operators). This
support level is generally comprised of administrators supporting the production Citrix environment.
Information on the end user’s problem and attempted troubleshooting steps are documented at
the first level allowing Level-2 technicians to immediately begin addressing the problem. Level-2
technicians should handle only 20% of the support tickets and are highly knowledgeable on the
Citrix environment.
Complex issues that exceed Level-2’s abilities should be escalated to Level-3 (Implementers). Level-2
and Level-3 support may often both be members of the Citrix Support Team, with Level-3
comprising the senior staff maintaining the Citrix environment. Level-3 issues are complicated and
often mission critical requiring expert knowledge of the virtual desktop and application
environment. Level-3 support tickets should amount to no more than 5% of all support issues.
The final level, Level-4 (Architects), is focused on the strategic improvements for the solution, testing
new technologies, planning migrations, and other high level changes. Generally, Level-4 is not
involved in active support of a production environment.
Should support discover an issue that is related to an application or underlying infrastructure, the
ticket is handed to the appropriate team for troubleshooting. If a program bug is discovered, the
issue is then re-escalated and a ticket is established with the appropriate vendor.
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Decision: Support Responsibilities and Skill Set
The following table highlights the recommended characteristics of each support level.
Support Level
Skill Set
(Help Desk)
Provide first-line support
of reported issues.
Initially, servicing support
messages and phone
calls. This level needs to
perform initial issue
analysis, problem
definition, ticket routing,
and simple issue
resolution. Often
processes requests for
application access or
support with configuring
Perform issue definition, initial analysis and basic
issue resolution
Perform initial troubleshooting to determine the
nature of the issue
Create ticket, collect user information, and log all
troubleshooting steps performed
Resolve basic Citrix related issues, connectivity
problems and application related issues using
existing knowledge base articles
Escalate issue to Level-2 if advanced skills or
elevated permissions are required
Ability to isolate the issue to be Citrix related,
Microsoft related or third party Application related
If it affects the production environment or is
potentially causing a system level outage, escalate
directly to Level-3
Generate requests for additional issue resolution
guides as necessary
Follow up with end users when a support ticket is
closed to ensure the problem has been
satisfactorily resolved
General Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop knowledge
General Windows client OS/server OS knowledge
General Active Directory knowledge
General Networking knowledge (CCNA)
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Primarily supporting day-
to-day operations of the
Citrix environment; may
include proactive
monitoring and
management. In
addition, this role should
also perform
intermediate level
troubleshooting and
utilize available
monitoring or
troubleshooting tools.
Assist with resolving
issues escalated by Level-
1 support.
Perform intermediate issue analysis and resolution.
Identify root cause of issues.
Respond to server alerts and system outages.
Create weekly report on number of issues, close
rate, open issues, etc.
Review vendor knowledge base articles.
Respond to out-of-hours helpdesk calls.
Respond to critical monitoring alerts.
Generate internal knowledge base articles and
issue resolution scripts and maintain Level-1
troubleshooting workflows.
Perform basic server maintenance and operational
Manage user profiles and data.
Escalate ticket to Level-3 or appropriate
technology owner if advanced skills or elevated
permissions are required.
Generate requests for additional issue resolution
scripts and knowledge base articles as necessary.
Able to read built-in event logs for Windows and
Citrix to do basic troubleshooting following public
information via Google/Bing.
Experience with Microsoft Windows Server
including but not limited to:
o Configuring operating system options
o Understanding Remote Desktop Services
policies and profiles
o Using Active Directory
o Creating users/managing permissions and
administrator rights
o Creating and modifying Active Directory
group policies
Basic administration skills, including:
o An understanding of protocols (TCP)
o An understanding of firewall concepts
o An understanding of email administration and
account creation
o An understanding of Remote Desktop
Services policies and profiles
o The ability to create shares and give access to
shared folders/files
Experience performing the following:
o Managing, maintaining, monitoring and
troubleshooting Citrix solutions
o Backing up components in Citrix
o Updating components in Citrix environments
o Creating reports for trend analysis
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Central point for
administering and
maintaining Citrix
desktop and application
infrastructure. This role
focuses on deploying
new use cases and
leading lifecycle
management initiatives.
Generally, one
Implementer could focus
on one use-case at a
time. For example, three
new concurrent use
cases would require
three Implementers.
Escalates issues to
software vendor specific
technical support and
notifies Level-4 about
this issue.
Perform advanced issue analysis and resolution.
Perform maintenance and environment upgrades.
Addresses high severity issues and service outages.
Manage the Citrix environment.
Oversee and lead administrative tasks performed
by Level-2.
Manage network and storage infrastructure as it
relates to the Citrix environment (depending on
size of company or Citrix environment).
Review periodic reports of server health, resource
usage, user experience, and overall environment
Review vendor knowledge base articles and newly
released updates.
Perform policy-level changes and make Active
Directory updates.
Review change control requests that impact the
Citrix environment.
Perform advanced server and infrastructure
Review knowledge base articles and issue
resolution scripts for accuracy, compliance, and
Create knowledge base articles and issue
resolution scripts to address Level-2 requests.
Escalate ticket to vendor specific technical support,
when necessary, and notify Level-4 of the issue.
Knowledge of how the following Windows
components integrate with Citrix technologies:
o Active Directory Domain Services
o Active Directory Certificate Services
o Policies
o Domain Name System (DNS)
o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
o Group Policy Objects (GPOs)
o NTFS Permissions
o Authentication and Authorization
o Knowledge of IIS
o Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 7
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2
Roles and features of Windows Server
Knowledge of SQL 2008 R2 and newer
Knowledge of SQL Clustering, Mirroring and
AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
General networking skills (i.e. routing, switching)
Knowledge of hypervisors.
Knowledge of shared storage configuration and
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The Level-4 team has
minimal exposure to
administrative tasks but
focuses on scoping,
planning and executing
Citrix-specific service and
project requests. An
architect translates
business requirements
into a technical design.
Provide technical leadership for upcoming
Lead design updates and architecture revisions.
Address high severity issues and service outages
Oversee technology integration workflows.
Review periodic reports of server health, resource
usage, user experience, and overall environment
performance to determine next steps and upgrade
Initiate load testing to determine capacity of
Review frequently recurring helpdesk issues
Ensure technical specifications continue to meet
business needs.
Update design documentation.
Advanced architectural assessment and design
skills for:
o Citrix XenApp
o Citrix XenDesktop
o Citrix XenServer / VMware vSphere / Microsoft
o Citrix Provisioning Services
o Citrix NetScaler
o Citrix StoreFront
o Active Directory
o Storage solutions
o Networking
o Application delivery
o Disaster recovery
o Policies/policy structures and security
o Licensing
o Methodology
Intermediate knowledge of:
o General networking skills
o Change control process
o Project management
o Risk assessment
Vendor assistance may be necessary should defects in a program be discovered. At this stage, Level-3 engineers need to establish a support
ticket with the appropriate vendor to assist with finding a solution.
A self-service portal should be utilized for noncritical tasks such as application access, permissions, password resets, etc. The portal can range
from a simple FAQ page to a fully automated process requiring no human interaction. The purpose of the self-service portal is to add an
additional touch point for end users to address basic issues, preventing the creation of new support tickets.
Table 62: Support Levels
Decision: Certifications and Training
The following table details the recommended training, certifications and experience for each support level.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
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Recommended Training
Help Desk
(Level 1)
Level-1 support personnel should be provided with basic training on Citrix
XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop and supporting technologies. This can include
internal training from subject matter experts or from a Citrix Authorized
Learning Center. The training provided should focus on the following
High level overview of the XenApp and XenDesktop implementation
Using Citrix Director to manage user sessions
Troubleshooting Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop sessions
Troubleshooting methodology
In addition, regular training should be provided to the Tier-1 team
members on the latest troubleshooting recommendations from the Level-
2 and Level-3 teams as well as details on any relevant changes to the
environment. This will help to ensure a good baseline knowledge level
across the team and consistent customer service.
CXD-105: Citrix
XenApp and
XenDesktop Help
Desk Support
1+ years
(Entry level also
Level-2 personnel should conduct regular team training sessions to refine
administrative skills and ensure a baseline knowledge level across the
Formalized trainings are also essential when there are architectural
updates to the environment and the Level-2 team is working with
unfamiliar technologies. All members of the Level-2 team should achieve
the Citrix Certified Associate (CCA) certification for Citrix XenApp and
XenDesktop. Advanced training on Windows concepts will also be
essential for Level-2 team members who do not have desktop or server
support experience.
Finally, on-the-job training along with close integration with Level-3
administrators is essential as the Level-2 roles are formalized and
responsibilities are handed over from Level-3 to Level-2.
CXD-210: XenApp
and XenDesktop
7.1x Administration
Citrix Certified
Associate -
2-3 years
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Page 148
Level-3 support team members hold a minimum of three years of
enterprise experience implementing and supporting XenApp, XenDesktop,
Provisioning Services and Windows operating systems.
Level-3 staff should also complete the Citrix Certified Professional (CCP)
certification track as this will prepare them to proactively manage the user
community and implement Citrix solutions according to Citrix leading
CXD-310: XenApp
and XenDesktop
7.1x Advanced
after completion of
level-2 CXD-210
Citrix Certified
Professional -
3-4 years
(Level 4)
Experience is essential for Level-4 staff. A qualified Level-4 resource should
have a minimum of five of experience implementing, supporting, and
serving in a technology architect role for a XenApp and/or XenDesktop
environment as well as additional administrative experience with
integrated technologies such as application and profile management
solutions. The ideal candidate will have served in such a capacity at two or
more environments for purposes of product exposure and in at least one
environment of over 1,200 concurrent users. A Citrix Certified Expert (CCE)
certification or comparable training and experience should be a
prerequisite of the role.
Designing App and
Desktop Solutions
with Citrix XenApp
and XenDesktop
after completion of
level-3 CXD-310
Citrix Certified
Expert -
5+ years
Table 63: Training Recommendations
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Decision: Support Staffing
The following table provides guidance on the recommended number of support staff.
Small Environment
Sites: 1
Users: <500
Images: 1-2
Mid-size Environment
Sites: 1-2
Users: 1000-5000
Images: 3-5
Large Environnent
Sites: 2+
Users: >5000
Images: 5+
Help Desk (Level-1)
Operator (Level-2)
Implementer (Level-3)
Architect (Level-4)
Note: This table should only be used as a baseline. Support staffing decisions should be evaluated
against the defined requirements, projected workloads, and operational procedures of an
organization. Multiple levels can be combined, for example there may be insufficient design projects
to have a dedicated architect role or a more senior member of the Citrix team can act as an Operator
and Implementer.
Decision: Job Aids
General Support Tools
The following table details tools that should be made available to all support levels.
Ticket Management System
Used to document customer information and issues. A typical ticket
management system provides the following functionality:
Monitoring the queue of tickets.
Setting a limit on the number of open tickets.
Establishing thresholds such as how long a certain type of ticket
should take to be answered.
Identifying a group of users or individuals who require higher
priority assistance.
Informing the user when their ticket is open, updated, or closed.
Provide an internal knowledge base for the support professionals
to search for known resolved issues.
Call Scripts
The first contact help desk personnel should have documented scripts to
ensure that all relevant data is captured while the user is on the phone. This
practice also assists in proper triage and allows the next support level to
perform research prior to customer contact. A sample call script is provided
for reference.
Remote Assistance Tools
Remote assistance tools are useful when troubleshooting user issues.
Support technicians and administrators can remotely observe a user’s
Knowledge Base
Documentation should be created and maintained in a knowledge base or
library of known issues. Articles should be searchable for quick recovery.
Knowledge bases help support staff to quickly resolve known issues and
reduce the need to perform time consuming research.
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Page 150
Table 64: Recommended General Helpdesk Tools
Citrix Support Tools
The following table provides recommendations on the Citrix support tools that should be made
available to each support level.
Support Level
Citrix Director
Citrix Director provides an overview of
hosted desktops and application
sessions. It enables support teams to
perform basic maintenance tasks and to
monitor and troubleshoot system issues.
Citrix Studio
Citrix Studio enables administrators to
perform configuration as well as
maintenance tasks for a
XenApp/XenDesktop site and associated
virtual desktops or hosted applications.
Citrix Insight
Run from a single Citrix Delivery
Controller to capture key data points and
CDF traces for selected computers
followed by a secure and reliable upload
of the data package to Citrix Technical
Support for escalation.
HDX Monitor
HDX Monitor is a tool to validate the
operation of the Citrix ICA/HDX stack of a
user session. HDX Monitor provides
information about client capabilities,
network performance / activity, session
settings and many more items.
The Provisioning Services Console
enables administrators to perform
configuration and maintenance tasks for
a Provisioning Services farm.
XenCenter enables administrators to
perform configuration and maintenance
tasks for a XenServer Resource Pool.
Table 65: Support Citrix Tool Assignment
Citrix Insight Services
Administrators can utilize Citrix Insight Services to simplify the support and troubleshooting of
the Citrix environment. Citrix Insight Services is run locally to collect environment information.
Online analysis capabilities analyze that information and provide administrators
recommendations based on their Citrix environment and configuration. Additional information
regarding Citrix Insight Services can be referenced in the Citrix Support article CTX131233 - FAQ:
Citrix Insight Services.
A full list of the available tools provided by Citrix Support to assist with troubleshooting can be
referenced in Citrix Supportability Pack.
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Page 151
Call Script
The following call script can be used as an initial baseline for a Citrix Help Desk team. Citrix
Consulting recommends reviewing this sample call guide and adding any environment specific
details that may need to be collected.
What is the name and location of the user?
This question will identify if the user is accessing the environment from an external or internal
network location.
Is the problem always reproducible? If it is a Yes, get the exact reproduce steps.
This question is very important for the support team to troubleshooting an issue.
Do any other users at the site/location experience the same issue? Can they have a colleague
logon from same and/or different workstation?
These questions help to determine if this is a workstation issue or a user issue.
What type of endpoint device is the user utilizing? (Corporate device, BYOD, thin client, pc, laptop,
This question will help determine if the issue is related to the user’s endpoint.
What is the Citrix Receiver version and connection information?
This question will verify if the user is using the right version of Receiver (the latest Receiver version
or the version standardized by the company).
Can the user see the StoreFront authentication page?
This question helps to identify network issues.
What is the name of the application (or virtual desktop) the user is attempting to use? Does the
user see the appropriate application or desktop icon on the StoreFront site?
These questions help to determine if there is an issue with user access and/or group membership.
Does the application (or desktop) launch when the icon is selected? Does the application logon
screen appear (if applicable)?
These questions help to determine if a connection is made into the Citrix XenDesktop
Can the user authenticate into the application (if applicable)? Does the issue occur after the
application is launched?
This question helps to determine if the issue is with the application rather than the application
delivery infrastructure.
What is the specific error seen (if applicable)? Get screen captures
This question identifies the specific error. The user should be requested to provide a screenshot, if
Decision: Delegated Administration
Each support level must be provided with sufficient rights to effectively perform their role. The
following tables provide guidance on the recommended privileges per support level.
XenApp/XenDesktop Delegated Rights
Admin Role
Support Level
Help Desk Administrator
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Page 152
Full Administrator
Full Administrator
Full Administrator
Table 66: XenApp/XenDesktop Delegated Rights
For further information about delegated rights within a XenApp/XenDesktop Site, please refer to
Citrix Product Documentation - XenApp and XenDesktop Delegated Administration.
Provisioning Services Delegated Rights
Admin Role
Support Level
Site Administrator
Farm Administrator
Full Administrator
Table 67: Provisioning Services Delegated Rights
For further information about delegated rights within a Provisioning Services Site, please refer to
Citrix eDocs - Provisioning Services Managing Administrative Roles.
StoreFront Delegated Rights
Admin Role
Support Level
Local Administrator on SF server
Full Administrator
Table 68: StoreFront Delegated Rights
Users with local administrator rights have access to view and manage all objects within
StoreFront or Web Interface. These users can create new sites and modify existing ones.
Citrix License Server Delegated Rights
Admin Role
Support Level
Table 69: Citrix License Server Delegated Rights
By default, the account used during the installation of the license server becomes the
administrator for the console. Often the accounts used for the installation are not the intended
accounts for the regular administration tasks. For the steps on how to change the default
administrator, please reference CTX135841 - How to Change the Default Administrator for the
Citrix Licensing Server Version 11.10. All users created through this process are full administrators
of the Citrix License Server.
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Page 153
XenServer Delegated Rights
Admin Role
Support Level
Virtual Machine Operator
Pool Administrator
Full Administrator
Table 70: XenServer Delegated Rights
For further information about delegated rights within a XenServer Resource Pool, please refer to
XenServer 7.0 Administrators Guide (see chapter Role Based Access Control).
Process 2: Operations
This section defines routine operations for the Citrix environment that help to improve stability and
Decision: Administrative Tasks
The Citrix Support Team should perform regular operations and maintenance tasks to ensure a
stable, scalable Citrix environment.
Each operation is categorized by the associated component of the solution as well as the frequency
of the operation (ongoing, daily, weekly and yearly). Tasks have been aligned to the roles described
within Decision: Support Responsibilities and Skill Set.
If the administrators performing operations are the same the support team, then the designations
are linked as follows:
Level 2 Support = Operators
Level 3 Support = Implementers
Daily Periodic Tasks
The following table outlines the tasks that should be performed by the Citrix Support Team on a
daily basis.
Review Citrix
Monitor, Event
Log, and other
software alerts
Check for warnings or alerts within Citrix Director, event
logs, or other monitoring software. Investigate the root
cause of the alert if any.
Note: A computer and monitor can be set up to display
the Citrix Director dashboard to create a Heads Up
Display for the Citrix department. This ensures the
status of the environment is clearly visible.
Monitoring recommendations for XenDesktop and
XenApp 7.x are included in the Monitoring section of
the VDI Handbook.
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Page 154
Verify backups
Verify all scheduled backups have been completed
successfully. This can include but is not limited to:
User data (user profiles / home folders)
Application data
Citrix databases
StoreFront configuration
Web Interface configuration
Provisioning Services vDisks (virtual desktops
and application servers)
XenServer VM/Pool metadata (or equivalent
for other hypervisors)
Dedicated virtual desktops
License files
Simulate a connection both internally and externally to
ensure desktop and application resources are available
before most users log on for the day. This should be
tested throughout the day and may even be
Virtual machine
power checking
Verify that the appropriate number of idle desktops
and application servers are powered on and registered
with the Delivery Controllers to ensure availability for
user workloads.
backup of Citrix
Perform incremental-data backups of the following
Citrix databases:
Site Database
Configuration Logging Database
Monitoring Database
Database team
(if Citrix
environment is
using a shared
Check Citrix
Server utilization
Check the number of target devices connected to the
Citrix Provisioning Servers and balance the load across
servers, if required.
backup of Citrix
PVS database
Incremental backup of Citrix Provisioning Server
database hosted on SQL Server infrastructure.
Database team
(if Citrix
environment is
using a shared
Table 71: Daily Operations
Weekly Periodic Tasks
The following table outlines the tasks that should be performed by the Citrix Support Team on a
weekly basis.
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Page 155
Review latest
hotfixes and
Review, test, and deploy the latest Citrix hotfixes and
ascertain whether the Delivery Controllers and Server-
Based OS / Desktop-Based OS virtual machines require
Note: Any required hotfixes should be tested using the
recommended testing process prior to implementation
in production.
Create Citrix
status report
Create report on overall environment performance
(server health, resource usage, user experience) and
number of Citrix issues (close rate, open issues, and so
Review status
Review Citrix status report to identify any trends or
common issues.
Maintain internal
knowledge base
Create knowledge base articles and issue resolution
scripts to address Level-1 and Level-2 support requests.
Review knowledge base articles and issue resolution
scripts for accuracy, compliance, and feasibility.
requests, and
review process)
Logging reports
Confirm that Citrix site-wide changes implemented
during the previous week were approved through
change control.
Perform full
backup of Citrix
Perform full-data backups of the following Citrix
Site Database
Configuration Logging Database
Monitoring Database
Database team
(if Citrix
environment is
using a shared
Check storage
(only prior to
updating a vDisk)
Review storage utilization, used and free storage space,
for vDisk store and each vDisk.
Note: Lack of space within the vDisk repository will be
an issue only when the vDisks are updated using
versioning or when a vDisk is placed in private mode
during an update procedure.
Storage utilization within vDisk should also be
investigated. For example, a 20GB vDisk may only have
200MB of free storage. If the vDisk itself is limited for
storage, then it needs to be extended. Citrix does not
support resizing of a VHD file. Refer to the Microsoft
link Resize-VHD for information on resizing a VHD file.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 156
Perform vDisk
updates (as
Perform a full backup of the vDisk before
implementing any updates.
Update the master vDisk image files and apply the
Windows software updates and patches
Operating system and application changes
Anti-virus pattern and definitions updates
Note: Updates should be tested using the
recommended testing process prior to implementation
in production.
Check auditing
Review the Citrix Provisioning Services auditing Logs.
Note: Provisioning Server auditing is off by default and
can be enabled to record configuration actions on
components within the Provisioning Services farm. To
enable auditing refer to the Citrix eDocs article
Enabling Auditing Information
Perform full
backup of Citrix
PVS database
Backup of Citrix Provisioning Server database hosted
on SQL Server infrastructure.
Database team
(if Citrix
environment is
using a shared
Table 72: Weekly Operations
Monthly Periodic Tasks
The following table outlines the tasks that should be performed by the Citrix Support Team on a
monthly basis.
Perform capacity
Perform capacity assessment of the Citrix environment
to determine environment utilization and any scalability
Note: Recommendations for performing a capacity
assessment are included in Decision: Capacity
Management in the Monitoring section of the Virtual
Desktop Handbook.
Table 73: Monthly Operations
Yearly Periodic Tasks
The following table outlines the tasks that should be performed by the Citrix Support Team on a
yearly basis.
Conduct Citrix
Review Citrix policies and determine whether new
policies are required and existing policies need to be
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 157
Review software
Review and assess the requirement for new Citrix
software releases or versions.
Continuity Plan
(BCP)/ Disaster
Recovery (DR)
Conduct functional BCP/DR test to confirm DR
This plan should include a yearly restore test to validate
the actual restore process from backup data is
functioning correctly.
Review the usage of applications outside and within
the Citrix environment. Assess the validity of adding
additional applications to the Citrix site, removing
applications that are no longer required, or upgrading
the applications to the latest version.
Archive audit
Perform an archive of the Citrix Provisioning Server
Audit Trail Information for compliance requirements.
Decision: Backup Location
The location of backups directly effects the recovery time and reliability of the Citrix environment. It
is recommended to store backups of critical data both onsite and at an offsite location. If offsite
backups are not possible due to costs associated or sensitivity of the data, backups should be placed
at separate physical locations within the same datacenter.
Each backup option is discussed further below.
Onsite Backups Onsite backups should be located on a storage device in the datacenter
that will allow the data to be recovered quickly in the event of a failure. Onsite backups are
ideal for issues that only affect a small subnet of hardware in the datacenter. Backups can
also be stored on a cold storage solution such as tape. While this medium is slower to
recover from, it provides additional protection since it is only active during the backup
Offsite Backups Although the time to recover is much higher, offsite backups provide
additional protection in the event of a disaster. Offsite backups may require transferring
data over the Internet to a third party provider or they are created onsite and then
transported to a remote location on storage mediums such as tape. It is typical to put a
limited number of backups offsite. For example, one backup a week or month.
Decision: Testing Process
Regular updates and maintenance are an everyday part of IT operations. Standard processes must
be followed to ensure updates do not negatively impact the production environment. This includes
maintaining a dedicated testing infrastructure where modifications can be validated prior to being
implemented in production.
Since changes to Citrix infrastructure can impact thousands of virtual desktop and application users,
multi-phase testing is critical for the reliability and performance of the environment. As such, the
process for testing should resemble the following:
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 158
Figure 42: Testing Process
Development - The development infrastructure exists outside of the production network.
Typically, it consists of short-lived virtual machines whose configuration matches
production as closely as possible. The purpose of the development phase is to provide
change requestors a non-production environment to perform proof of concepts, determine
integration requirements and perform iterative testing as part of a discovery phase.
Proposed changes should be documented so they can be applied in the test phase.
Testing - The test environment is a standalone 1:1 copy of the production infrastructure and
is used to confirm that the proposed changes can be easily repeated prior to the pre-
production staging environment. The changes made should follow documentation from
the development stage. If testing fails within the testing stage, the architect must determine
the severity of failure and determine whether minor updates to documentation is sufficient
or a full development cycle is needed.
Pre-production - The pre-production environment should mimic the current production
environment. The goal of staging is to implement the proposed changes with little risk or
uncertainty. It is expected that any changes made to the staging infrastructure have been
tested and documented for repeatability. There should not be any iterations or adjustments
required within this phase. During this phase and within this environment User Acceptance
Testing (UAT) should be performed.
Production - The production environment is a fully redundant and scalable solution
designed for normal usage by end users. There should be minimal changes to the
environment. If possible, all approved changes should be rolled out in stages to the
production environment. This process is known as a staged rollout and mitigates risk by
allowing changes to be rolled back, if necessary, without impacting the entire environment.
Decision: Change Control
Standardized processes that manage changes throughout a system’s lifecycle are necessary to
ensure consistent and accountable performance. The following change control leading practices
should be considered.
Use a change control window so that all applicable parties know when there might be
Make sure that all teams are represented in the Change Advisory Board (CAB).
Every change should have a roll back plan.
If a change fails have a “hot wash” to determine what went wrong.
Always use an automated change control system so that support staff can quickly and easily
identify changes.
When available, ensure configuration logging is enabled to track any changes made to the
Citrix environment.
Development Testing
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Page 159
The change control process should be closely followed starting with a change request. A change
request form should be filled out detailing changes requested, reasons for the change, and
intended timeframes for the action. This is then reviewed and edited if required by a Change
Manager and advisory board. When the change request has gone through the entire change
approval process it is given to a change implementer who stages the change for testing, and finally
conducts the implementation in production.
A sample change control process, including detailed steps, is provided in the diagram below:
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 160
Figure 43: Change Control Process
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Citrix VDI Handbook
Page 161
The process is as follows:
1. The Change Request (CR) form is completed by any person requesting a change.
2. After appropriate manager approvals have been acquired, the CR is forwarded to the
appropriate Change Manager(s).
3. The Change Manager validates the CR for completeness and logs the CR information into
the Change Control Log for tracking. Incomplete change requests are returned to the
requestor for update and re-submission.
4. The Change Manager assesses the impact of the change in conjunction with subject matter
experts and/or managers of the teams associated/affected by this change.
5. The Change Manager works with the associated/affected teams as well as the change
requestor in order to confirm the priority, category and type of the change as well as the
proposed rollback plan.
6. If the change is approved by the Change Manager, the CR is forwarded to the CAB for
approval. If the change is rejected, the Change Control Log is updated with the current
status as well as the reason of the rejection and the CR is send back to the requestor.
7. The CAB reviews and validates the change in detail, and discusses and evaluates purpose,
reasons, impact, cost and benefits. Each board member represents their department and
provides guidance on the change requests. The CAB also reviews multiple requests to
coordinate implementations and “package” requests into a single release schedule.
8. Upon approval the change is sent back to the Change Manager to schedule the change for
implementation into the staging environment.
9. The change is implemented and tests are conducted. The results are sent back to the
Change Manager.
10. If the staging implementation and testing are successful, the change is scheduled for
production implementation. In case the staging phase was not successful another staging
iteration will be conducted.
11. If possible, the change is rolled out in stages to the production environment. This process is
known as a staged rollout and mitigates risk by allowing changes to be rolled back, if
necessary, without impacting the entire environment. A rollback plan should be in place if
there is an issue implementing a change in the production environment.
12. The Change Manager reviews the implementation and finally updates the Change Control
13. On a periodic basis, the Change Manager reviews the Change Control Log to identify trends
on type, frequency and size of changes and forwards the results to the CAB for review.
In an emergency, the processes may be expedited. Should an issue be declared an emergency, a
change request form is still filled out and delivered to the appropriate change management
representative. When approved, the requested change is immediately implemented and the
advisory board notified.
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Citrix VDI Handbook
Page 162
Decision: Availability Testing
Availability testing is focused on ensuring resources are still available in the instance of a component failure. These tests are essential to ensuring
users always have access to business critical resources. The testing should be conducted during nonbusiness hours or during a scheduled
maintenance weekend when appropriate notice has been given to end users to make them aware if any unforeseen issues arise.
The following is a list of the key components that should be tested on a regular basis.
StoreFront StoreFront should be load balanced and health checked by a NetScaler or other load balancing device. To validate its
configuration, all but one of the StoreFront servers should be shutdown. This will validate that the load balancing device is detecting the
failure and directing users to the functioning server.
SQL SQL Server should be in a high availability configuration. To validate the configuration, the primary SQL server should be taken
offline and then the Citrix Studio console should be opened. Since Citrix Studio will not be accessible without a functioning SQL server, it
will validate that the SQL server failover mechanisms are functioning properly.
Delivery Controllers - Resources deployed should be configured with a list of multiple Delivery Controllers. If one is made unavailable,
desktops and application hosts will automatically establish a connection to another server in the list. To validate this, shutdown one of
the Delivery Controller hosts and determine if the resources initially connected to it automatically register to another server. This can be
determined by viewing the registration status of the resources inside Citrix Studio.
Sample Testing Workflow: Citrix Provisioning Services
Prerequisites and configuration requirements:
Hypervisor, XenApp, and XenDesktop services are up and running.
At least two PVS servers are installed and configured, providing the streamed disk image.
Resilient networking and storage infrastructure with multiple links to each server.
Test users are active on the XenApp or XenDesktop machines.
Expected Results
PVS Server Outage
Shutdown one of the Provisioning Servers.
Validate PVS continues to function.
Restart PVS Server.
Validate connections rebalance between PVS Servers.
Try the other(rest) PVS server(s) one by one.
Existing XenApp/XenDesktop machines connect to another PVS server.
There is limited to no impact to the users utilizing that server.
New XenApp/XenDesktop machines can be booted and start correctly.
SCOM reports that the PVS server is down / not available.
Live connections are rebalanced between both PVS servers once both PVS
servers are made available again.
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Page 163
PVS Bond Disruption
Disable / unplug a NIC in the PVS Streaming Bond on
the PVS server.
Provisioning Server continues to stream over remaining NICS in PVS
Streaming Bond.
SQL Server PVS Database Mirror Failover
Admin logs on to Principle SQL Server.
Initiate failover of PVS database.
Validate PVS continues to function.
Initiate failback of PVS database.
Validate PVS continues to function.
PVS continues to function.
SQL Service Outage
Admin reboots both Principle & Mirror SQL Servers
Validate PVS continues to function, but that
administration is not possible.
Wait for the SQL Server to come back online.
Validate PVS administrative functions are once again
PVS continues to function.
PVS administrative functions are no longer available.
PVS administrative functions are available once the SQL services are
Sample Testing Workflow: Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp Services
Prerequisites and configuration requirements:
Hypervisor, XenDesktop, and StoreFront services are up and running.
Network and storage services available.
Provisioning Services is providing the streamed disk images.
Test users are active on the virtual machines.
SQL (Mirroring) and XenDesktop servers are up and running.
Ensure multiple StoreFront servers are running.
NetScaler load balancing services.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 164
Expected Results
XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x Delivery Controller Citrix Broker Service
Stop the Citrix Broker Service on one of the Delivery
Controller servers.
Validate virtual desktops or applications can still be
enumerated and launched.
Start the Citrix Broker Service on the Delivery Controller
Shutdown one of the Desktop Controllers.
Validate virtual desktops or applications can still be
enumerated and launched.
With a desktop launched, determine which Controller
owns the host connection. Shut the Controller down
and verify that another Controller takes over the session.
Note: This should be done during the maintenance window. Once
complete, the VDI resources should be rebooted so the VDAs are
evenly distributed across all controllers.
StoreFront correctly identifies service as being unavailable and redirects
connections to remaining Delivery Controller.
Desktops continue to be enumerated and launch successfully.
Launched desktop can be supported if a hosting Controller goes down.
SQL Server Database Mirror Failover:
Admin logs on to principle SQL Server.
Initiate failover of XenApp/XenDesktop database.
Validate XenApp/XenDesktop continues to function.
The database should failover and the Citrix Studio should pick up the
failover database with no issues.
Existing sessions are not impacted.
New sessions are possible.
Administrative functions are possible.
SQL Service Outage:
Admin restarts both principle & mirror SQL Servers
Validate XenApp/XenDesktop continues to function, but
that administration is not possible.
Wait for the SQL Service to come back online.
Validate administrative functions are once again
Existing XenDesktop sessions are not impacted
Recently used applications, hosted shared desktops and assigned VDI can
be accessed due to local host cache.
XenDesktop Administrative functions are not possible
XenDesktop Administrative functions are possible once SQL service is
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 165
Sample Testing Workflow: Citrix Licensing Services
Prerequisites and configuration requirements:
Citrix Licensing Server up and running (with valid licenses installed).
Hypervisor, XenApp/XenDesktop and StoreFront services are up and running.
Users are active on the Server OS or Desktop OS machines.
Expected Results
Service continuity during complete failure of the Citrix Licensing
Shutdown the Citrix Licensing server.
Reboot an existing Server OS machine.
Logon to the Citrix StoreFront and launch a published
Reboot an existing Desktop OS machine.
Logon to the Citrix StoreFront and launch a virtual
License Server connectivity error posted in Event Log.
Provisioned Server OS boots successfully.
Users are able to launch published applications.
Provisioned Desktop OS boots successfully.
User is able to launch a virtual desktop.
Administrators will have 30 days grace to recover the Citrix Licensing Server.
Process 3: Monitoring
By having an in-depth understanding of current and expected behavior of the Citrix environment and its components, administrators are better
equipped to discover an issue before it affects the user community. Furthermore, the data tracked during normal operations is beneficial for
trending and capacity planning. This section defines the monitoring recommendations for a Citrix environment as well as some recommended tools.
Decision: Automated Monitoring
Depending on the size and scope of the XenApp and XenDesktop solution, it can take considerable time for an administrator to verify services,
events, capacity and performance. It is advisable for administrators to investigate automation into their monitoring strategy.
Citrix includes a cloud-hosted monitoring solution called Smart Check (, which is a free service for any organization with
active Citrix Customer Success Services: Select offering. Smart Check executes the following in a XenApp and XenDesktop environment:
Site Health Checks Evaluates all services with the XenApp and XenDesktop site
Apps and Desktops Checks = Verifies delivery group availability
Update Checks Tracks and recommends patches and hotfixes for delivery controllers
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 166
LTSR Checks Verifies the delivery controllers and VDAs within the site comply with LTSR versions.
Custom Checks Allows administrators to import their own custom scripts to test across their XenApp and XenDesktop site.
A list of the current Smart Check capabilities, review the Smart Check documentation.
Decision: Performance Monitor Metrics
Monitoring the performance of the overall environment is crucial towards making sure all components are available and performing effectively to
ensure users have a high quality experience.
Different components within the overall solution require monitoring of unique metrics with appropriately set thresholds. The metrics and
thresholds presented are based on real world experience but may not apply to all environments. Organizations will need to perform their own
baselining, validity testing and validation before implementing within a production environment.
Note: Some hypervisors, such as VMware vSphere and Hyper-V, provide specific performance counters for tracking CPU and Memory utilization
within virtual machines (i.e. “VM Processor \ % Processor Time”). These performance counters should be used in addition to the general counters
listed below.
These performance counters should be used to monitor the key performance metrics of the Citrix infrastructure, application servers, and
virtual desktops.
Troubleshooting / Remediation
Processor - %
Processor Time
% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time
that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle
thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration of
the idle thread is active in the sample interval, and
subtracting that time from interval duration. (Each
processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles
when no other threads are ready to run). This counter
is the primary indicator of processor activity, and
displays the average percentage of busy time
observed during the sample interval. It is calculated
by monitoring the time that the service is inactive and
subtracting that value from 100%.
80% for 15
95% for 15
Identify the processes/services consuming
processor time using Task Manager or Resource
If all processes/services work within normal
parameters and the level of CPU consumption is
an expected behavior it should be considered to
add additional CPU resources to this system in
the future.
If a process/service can be identified which
works outside normal parameters, the process
should be killed. Please note that killing a
process can cause unsaved data to be lost.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 167
System - Processor
Queue Length
Processor queue length is the number of threads in
the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this
counter shows ready threads only, not threads that
are running. There is a single queue for processor
time even on computers with multiple processors.
Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you
need to divide this value by the number of processors
servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue
of less than ten threads per processor is normally
acceptable, dependent of the workload.
5 (per core)
for 5
6 (per core)
for 15
10 (per
Core) for 10
12 (per
core) for 30
A long CPU queue is a clear symptom of a CPU
bottleneck. Please follow the steps outlined for
counter “Processor - % Processor Time”.
Memory Available
Available memory indicates the amount of memory
that is left after nonpaged pool allocations, paged
pool allocations, process’ working sets, and the file
system cache have all taken their piece.
<30% of
total RAM
20% of
over 6
<15% of
total RAM
5% of
over 6
Identify the processes/services consuming
memory using Task Manager or Resource
If all processes/services work within normal
parameters and the level of memory
consumption is an expected behavior it should
be considered to add additional memory to this
system in the future.
If a process/service can be identified which
works outside normal parameters, the process
should be killed. Please note that killing a
process can cause unsaved data to be lost.
Memory Pages/sec
Pages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or
written to disk to resolve hard page faults.
A high value reported for this counter typically
indicates a memory bottleneck, except if
Memory Available Bytes” reports a high value
at the same time. In this case most likely an
application is sequentially reading a file from
memory. Please refer to Microsoft Knowledge
Base article KB139609 High Number of
Pages/Sec Not Necessarily Low Memory for
further information.
Paging File - %Usage
This is the percentage amount of the Page File
instance in use.
80% over 60
95% over 60
Review this value in conjunction with “Memory -
Available Bytes” and “Memory - Pages/sec” to
understand paging activity on the affected
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 168
sk - % Free Space
% Free Space is the percentage of total usable space
on the selected logical disk drive that is free.
<20% of
physical disk
after 2
<10% of
physical disk
after 1
Identify which files or folders consume disk
space and delete obsolete files if possible. In
case no files can be deleted, consider increasing
the size of the affected partition or add
additional disks.
sk - % Disk Time
% Disk Time marks how busy the disk is.
90% over 15
95% over 15
Identify the processes / services consuming disk
time using Task Manager or Resource Monitor.
If all processes/services work within normal
parameters and the level of disk consumption is
an expected behavior it should be considered to
move the affected partition to a more capable
disk subsystem in the future.
If a process/service can be identified which
works outside normal parameters, the process
should be killed. Please note that killing a
process can cause unsaved data to be lost.
sk Current Disk
Queue Length
Current disk queue length provides a primary
measure of disk congestion. It is an indication of the
number of transactions that are waiting to be
>=1 (per
3 over 15
>=2 (per
10 over 30
A long disk queue length typically indicated a
disk performance bottleneck. This can be
caused by either processes/services causing a
high number of I/Os or a shortage of physical
memory. Please follow the steps outlined for
counter “LogicalDisk/PhysicalDisk - % Disk Time”
and counter “Memory Available Bytes”
sk Avg. Disk
Avg. Disk Sec/Write
Avg. Disk
The Average Disk Second counters show the average
time in seconds of a read/write/transfer from or to a
High disk read or write latency indicates a disk
performance bottleneck. Systems affected will
become slow, unresponsive and application or
services may fail. Please follow the steps
outlined for counter “LogicalDisk/PhysicalDisk -
% Disk Time”
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 169
Network Interface
Bytes Total/sec
Bytes Total/sec shows the rate at which the network
adaptor is processing data bytes. This counter
includes all application and file data, in addition to
protocol information, such as packet headers.
< 8 MB/s for
100 Mbit/s
<80 MB/s
for 1000
60% of NIC
traffic for 1
70% of NIC
traffic for 1
Identify the processes / services consuming
network using Task Manager or Resource
If all processes/services work within normal
parameters and the level of bandwidth
consumption is an expected behavior it should
be considered to move the respective
process/service to a dedicated NIC (or team of
If a process/service can be identified which
works outside normal parameters, the process
should be killed. Please note that killing a
process can cause unsaved data to be lost.
Table 74: Recommended Metrics to Monitor for all Virtual Machines
These performance counters are specific to the Delivery Controllers.
Troubleshooting / Remediation
Database Avg.
Transaction Time
The time on average, in seconds, taken to execute a
database transaction. A baseline needs to be
established in the environment in order to accurately
establish threshold values.
Based on
Based on
In case the reported values exceed the baseline
response time constantly, a potential
performance issue needs to be investigated at
the SQL server level.
Database Connected
Indicates whether this service is in contact with its
database. (1 is connected; 0 is not connected).
0 (for over
30 minutes)
Both values report connectivity issues of the
XenDesktop Broker service with the database. In
case issues are reported, SQL server and
network availability needs to be verified.
Database Transaction
The rate at which database transactions are failing.
Both values report connectivity issues of the
XenDesktop Broker service with the database. In
case issues are reported, SQL server and
network availability needs to be verified.
Table 75: Recommended XenApp/XenDesktop Metrics
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 170
These performance counters are specific to the StoreFront servers.
Troubleshooting / Remediation
ASP.NET Request
The number of requests waiting to be processed by
ASP. A baseline needs to be established in the
environment in order to accurately establish
threshold values.
Based on
Based on
In case the queue length exceeds the critical
limit requests may be rejected. In this case it
should be considered to add additional
StoreFront or Web Interface servers to the load
balancing team in order to distribute the load
across more nodes.
ASP.NET Requests
The number of requests rejected because the request
queue was full.
When this limit is exceeded, requests will be
rejected with a 503 status code and the
message "Server is too busy." Please follow the
steps outlined for counter “ASP.NET – Request
rent Application Pool
State\Citrix Receiver
for Web
A value of 5 indicates the Application Pool is
stopped and Receiver for Web will display an
rent Application Pool
State\Citrix Delivery
A value of 5 indicates the Application Pool is
stopped and StoreFront Authentication will not
be successful.
rent Application Pool
State\Citrix Delivery
Services Resource
A value of 5 indicates the Application Pool is
Request response
regardless it is authentication, enumerate or
subscription) should be 3 to 5 seconds
Table 76: Recommended StoreFront/Web Interface Metrics
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 171
Citrix License Server
These performance counters are specific to the Citrix License Server.
Troubleshooting / Remediation
Citrix Licensing Last
Recorded License
Check-Out Response
Displays the last recorded license check-out response
time in milliseconds.
>2000 ms
> 5000 ms
If the reported values exceed the 5000 ms
response time, a potential performance issue
needs to be investigated in the Citrix License
Citrix Licensing
License Server
Connection Failure
Displays the number of minutes that XenDesktop has
been disconnected from the License Server.
> 1 minute
> 1440
Both values report connectivity issues with the
License Server. In case issues are reported,
License Server and network availability needs to
be verified.
Table 77: Recommended Citrix License Server Metrics
Decision: Services Monitoring
Windows services that are critical to basic server functionality should be automatically monitored to ensure that they are running properly. The
following table provides a list of the common Windows services that should be monitored. When any of these services are restarted or stopped a
warning (Yellow) or critical (Red) alert should be assigned respectively. The recommended recovery actions for the services listed below are as
First failure: Restart the Service
Second Failure: Restart the Service
Subsequent Failures: Put the server in maintenance mode and investigate the root cause
Administration Risk
Citrix AD Identity
Manages Active Directory computer accounts.
WMI Service
Machine Creation Service relies on this service to create virtual machines.
Administrators will be unable to create new or modify existing Machine
Catalogs. Administrators will be unable to establish new connections to
Citrix Studio.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 172
Citrix Broker
Manages connections to virtual machines and applications.
If this service is stopped administrators will be unable to make changes to
the environment or establish new connections to Citrix Studio. Any existing
administrator connections to Citrix Studio can also be terminated.
If this service is stopped existing user connections are not affected. No new
connections can be established. Users logging into StoreFront will be unable
to see any resources available for selection. Once the service is restarted
users will need to re-login to StoreFront to establish connections.
Logging Service
Logs administrator activity and configuration changes in a
XenDesktop deployment.
If this service is stopped XenApp/XenDesktop will be unable to
communicate with the Configuration Logging Database. Administrators will
be unable make changes to the environment or establish new connections
to Citrix Studio.
Stores service configuration information.
WMI Service
If this service is stopped administrators will be unable to make changes to
the environment or establish new connections to Citrix Studio.
Citrix Delegated
Manages configuration of delegated administration
If this service is stopped XenApp/XenDesktop cannot assign administrative
permissions. Administrators will be unable to make changes to the
environment or establish new connections to Citrix Studio. Administrators
will be unable to establish new connections to Citrix Director and existing
sessions within Citrix Director will be interrupted.
Citrix Diagnostic
Facility COM
Server Service
Manages and controls Citrix diagnostic trace sessions on the
RPC Service
This service has no impact on the production environment. It is used to
generate CDF trace files which aid in troubleshooting issues.
Test Service
Manages tests for evaluating the state of a XenDesktop Site.
If this service is stopped administrators will be unable to establish new
connections to Citrix Studio. Administrators will also be unable to check the
status of the Citrix site configuration, machine catalogs, and delivery groups
by running the tests under “Common Tasks” in the Citrix Studio
administration console.
Citrix Host
Manages host and hypervisor connections.
WMI Service
Administrators will be unable to create new Machine Catalogs or control
virtual machine power settings via Citrix Studio. Administrators will be
unable to establish new connections to Citrix Studio.
Users may experience issues connecting to virtual desktops when this service
is not available. If this service is stopped existing connections are not
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 173
Citrix Machine
Creation Service
Creates new virtual machines.
WMI Service
Administrators will be unable to create new or modify existing Machine
Catalogs or establish new connections to Citrix Studio. Administrators will be
unable to establish new connections to Citrix Studio.
Citrix Monitor
Monitors the FlexCast system.
If this service is stopped XenApp/XenDesktop will be unable to
communicate with the Monitoring Database. Citrix Director will be unable to
retrieve any data on the environment. Administrators will be unable to
establish new connections to Citrix Studio.
Citrix StoreFront
Manages deployment of StoreFront.
Administrators will be unable to establish new connections to Citrix Studio.
Table 78: XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x Services
Delivery Controller Services Monitoring in Citrix Director
The Infrastructure pane within the Citrix Director dashboard provides status of the services running on the Delivery Controllers and will provide
warning indications if a service or Controller is unavailable. These alerts can be accessed by clicking the Alert hyperlink within the Infrastructure
Figure 44: Citrix Director Infrastructure Pane
Provisioning Services
Citrix PVS PXE
Provides the PVS PXE Boot Server functionality.
Note: Only applicable when PXE boot is used.
On failure of this service target devices may not be able to boot successfully
if PXE booting is leveraged.
Citrix PVS Stream
Streams contents of the vDisk to the target device on
If this service stopped it will not be possible to stream vDisk images.
Provides framework for external or existing solutions to
interface with Provisioning services.
Note: Only impacts console operations. User is unaffected
If this service fails PVS Server to PVS Server communication as well as PVS
Console to PVS Server communication is not possible.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 174
Provides the TFTP Server functionality.
Note: Only applicable when TFTP is used.
On failure of this service target devices may not be able to boot if this server
is used as TFTP server for the bootstrap.
Citrix PVS Two-
Stage Boot
Provides the bootstrap functionality for devices booting by
means of a BDM ISO file.
Note: Only when BDM boot partitions are used.
On failure of this service target devices may not be able to boot if a BDM ISO
file is used.
Table 79: Provisioning Server Services
Citrix Cluster Join
Provides Server Group join services.
This service is started when adding additional StoreFront servers to a Server
Group. If this service does not start or is interrupted when this process is
initiated the additional server will be unable to join the indicated Server
Group and the process will result in an error.
Provides access to Delivery Services configuration
This service only exists on the primary StoreFront server of a Server Group. If
this service is stopped additional StoreFront servers will be unable to join the
Server Group and any changes made to the primary StoreFront server will
not be replicated to other servers. This can result in servers within the Server
Group being out of sync.
Citrix Credential
Provides a secure store of credentials.
Citrix Peer Resolution Service
If this service is stopped users will be unable to login to access their desktops
or applications. Users logged into StoreFront will be unable to launch new
application or desktop sessions. Existing application or desktop sessions are
Citrix Default
Domain Services
Provides authentication, change password, and other
domain services.
If this service is stopped users will be unable to login to access their desktops
or applications. Users currently logged in will not be affected.
Citrix Peer
Resolves peer names within peer-to-peer meshes.
On failure of this service both the Citrix Credential Wallet and Citrix
Subscriptions store are stopped generating the risks associated with those
Citrix Storefront
Manages privileged operations on Storefront
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 175
Provides a store and replication of user subscriptions.
Citrix Peer Resolution Service
If this service is stopped Citrix Receiver cannot add, remove, and reposition
applications within StoreFront. Users will need to re-add applications and all
changes made to their selection of applications within the StoreFront store
will not be saved or replicated to other sessions. Original user configuration
will be restored once the service is restarted.
World Wide
Web Publishing
Provides web connectivity and administration through the
Internet Information Services Manager.
RPC Service
Access to published applications or published desktops will not be available
through StoreFront. Users will be unable to resolve the Receiver for Web
login page. Users logged into StoreFront will be unable to launch new
application or desktop sessions and will need to reenter credentials when
the service is restarted. Existing application or desktop sessions are
Table 80: StoreFront Services
Web Interface
World Wide
Web Publishing
Provides web connectivity and administration through the
Internet Information Services Manager.
RPC Service
Access to published applications or published desktops will not be available
through Web Interface if the WWW service is not available.
Table 81: Web Interface Services
Citrix License Server
Citrix Licensing
Provides licensing services for Citrix products.
Licensing mode changes to grace period when service is stopped or License
Server cannot be contacted. If not monitored, functionality of Citrix products
will cease after grace period expires.
Citrix Licensing
Support Service
This account controls reading the license files and updating
strings with license trailers (data dictionary functionality).
Citrix Licensing
The Citrix License Management Console collects license data
information using the WMI service.
Table 82: Citrix License Server Service
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 176
Decision: Events Monitoring
Monitoring the Windows Event Log for unknown or critical events can help to proactively discover
issues and allow administrators to understand event patterns:
Licensing - Errors in the Event Log dealing with Remote Desktop licensing should be
investigated. This might be a result of the installed Citrix product not being able to contact
the Remote Desktop Licensing Server or the Citrix Licensing Server. If errors in the Event Log
are not reviewed, users might eventually be denied access because they cannot acquire a
valid license.
Hardware Failure - Any event notification that relates to a hardware failure should be
looked at immediately. Any device that has failed will have an impact on the performance of
the system. At a minimum, a hardware failure will remove the redundancy of the
Security Warnings - Customers should investigate security warnings or audit failure events
regarding failed logons in the security log. This could be an indication that someone is
attempting to compromise the servers.
Disk Capacity - As the drives of a Windows system reach 90% of capacity, an event error
message will be generated. To ensure continuous service, customers should poll these
event errors. As the system runs out of hard disk space, the system is put at severe risk. The
server might not have enough space left to service the requests of users for temporary file
Application / Service errors - Any event notification that relates to application or services
errors should be investigated.
Citrix errors - All Citrix software components will leverage the Windows Event Log for error
logging. A list of the known Event Log warnings and errors issued by Citrix components can
be found at the following links:
o Event Codes Generated by PVS
o XenDesktop 7 - Event Log Messages
It is important to periodically check the Event Viewer for Citrix related warnings or errors.
Warnings or errors that repeatedly appear in the logs should be investigated immediately,
because it may indicate a problem that could severely impact the Citrix environment if not
properly resolved.
In multi-server environments it becomes easier to administer the servers when logs can be collected
and reviewed from a central location. Most enterprise grade monitoring solutions provide this
functionality. More sophisticated monitoring solutions enable an administrator to correlate event
information with other data points such as performance metrics or availability statistics. In case the
selected monitoring solution does not provide this functionality the Windows Server 2008 R2 or
Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 Event Log subscription feature can be used. This feature allows
administrators to receive events from multiple servers and view them from a designated collector
computer. Please see Microsoft TechNet article Manage Subscriptions for more information.
XenServer is also capable of sending its logs to a central syslog server. The administrator sets the IP
address of the syslog daemon server in the properties of each XenServer in the pool. This
configuration allows administrators to capture real-time activity across multiple XenServer hosts.
Further information can be found within the XenServer Admin Guide.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 177
Decision: Capacity Management
In addition to the day-to-day monitoring of system-level metrics, performance metrics should be
tracked from a historical perspective to help plan for future growth as more users access the
A baseline of the environment performance should be taken so that it can be compared against
performance over time. For example, if a user complains of poor performance, this baseline can be
used for comparison purposes to identify if the issues are related to the user load exceeding the
capacity of the environment.
An example of baseline performance metrics for capacity management would include historical
data for CPU, Memory, and network utilization on the Delivery Controller and application servers or
Citrix Director
Administrators can utilize the Trends view within Citrix Director to track different parameters of
the Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop deployment over time. These parameters can be leveraged for
capacity planning of the Citrix environment.
From the Trends view, administrators can see historical data that is broken up into several
categories including:
Sessions - Provides the concurrent session usage over time enabling the ability to size
the environment appropriately.
Connection Failures - Gives an overview of the different types of connection failures that
have occurred across different Delivery Groups.
Failed Desktop OS Machines Gives an overview of the different problems associated
with failures in desktop machines.
Failed Server OS Machines - Gives an overview of the different problems associated with
failures in server machines.
Logon Performance Shows how long it takes for users to log on to their applications
and desktops.
Load Evaluator Index Provides various performance counter-based metrics, including
CPU, Memory, and Disk Usage for Server OS machines.
Capacity Management Shows utilization of published applications and desktops
Resource Utilization Provides information on CPU, Memory and storage resource
Custom Reports Allows administrators to create custom historical reports on
numerous metrics captured by the system.
Hosted Application Usage Details all applications published in the site and can provide
usage information about each individual applications in detail (concurrent instances,
launches, usage duration, and so on).
Note: Requires XenApp or XenDesktop Platinum licensing
Network Network analytics provided through NetScaler HDX Insight.
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 178
Figure 45: Citrix Director Trends View
For more information on Citrix Director Trends, please refer to the following.
Citrix Blogs Citrix Director: Trends Explained
Citrix Support CTX139382 Best Practices for Citrix Director
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 179
The creation of the handbook is a time consuming process and requires real deployment experience
across many scenarios. Citrix would like to thank the authors and subject matter experts who contributed
to the Citrix VDI Handbook.
Daniel Feller
Lead Architect
Nicholas Rintalan
Lead Architect
Jeff Qiu
Matthew Brooks
Sr. TechProduct Marketing Manager
Andy Baker
Senior Architect
Thomas Berger
Sr. Product Marketing Manager
Amit Ben-Chanoch
Technical Product Manager
Rich Meesters
Roger LaMarca
Principal Consultant
Adeel Arshed
Sr. Consultant
Rafael Jose Gomez
Ed Duncan
Kevin Nardone
Principal Consultant
Subject Matter Experts
Brendan Lin
Sr. Architect
Sarah Steinhoff
Sr. Architect
Dan Morgan
Principal Consultant
Diego Madiedo
Cid Neves
Sr. Architect
Michael Havens
Principal Consultant
Ryan Robott
Josh Fu
Maria Chang
Senior Consultant
Pablo Legorreta
Uzair Ali
Principal Consultant
Steven Kruger
Lead Systems Engineer
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 180
Revision History
Change Description
Updated By
XD7.6 LTSR Handbook Released
Daniel Feller
(Lead Architect)
30, 2016
Minor grammatical changes throughout handbook
Daniel Feller
(Lead Architect)
November 9,
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 181
Updates for XenApp/XenDesktop LTSR 7.15
Assess - Define the Organization requirements
Assess - VDI Models
Design - User Layer - Receiver - Updates
Design - Resource - Applications - App Delivery
Design - Resource - VM - Virtual Processor
Design - Resource - VM - Virtual Memory
Design - Resource - VM - Disk Cache
Design - Resource - VM - RAM Cache
Design - Resource - VM - Storage IOPS
Design - Resource - VM GPU
Design Control PVS Bootstrap Delivery
Design Hardware Physical Processor (pCPU)
Design Hardware Physical Memory (pRAM)
Design Hardware GPU
Monitor Support Certifications and Training
Design - Layer 0 - Conceptual Architecture
Design Layer 0 Conceptual Architecture
Delivery Model
Design Layer 0 Conceptual Architecture Site
Design Layer 0 Conceptual Architecture
Image Management Strategy
Design - User Layer Unified Endpoint
Management (UEM)
Design - Access - Authentication - Authentication
Design - Access - StoreFront - Aggregation
Design Access Site-to-Site
Design Access Site-to-Site HDX Optimized
Design Access Site-to-Site Virtual WAN
Design - Resource - User Experience Display
Design - Resource - User Experience Transport
Design - Resource - User Experience Logon
Design - Resource - User Experience User Self
Design - Resource - User Data Data Location
Design - Resource - User Data Data Access
Design - Resource - User Data Data Recovery
Design - Resource - VM - CPU Optimization
Design - Resource - VM - RAM Optimization
Design - Resource - VM - IO Prioritization
Design - Control - Delivery Controller - Local
Host Cache
Daniel Feller
(Lead Workspace Architect)
Jeff Qiu
Matthew Brooks (Sr. Tech
Product Marketing Manager)
August 12,
Citrix VDI Handbook - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
Page 182
Design Control Cloud Connector
Design Control Cloud Connector Server
Design Control PVS Read Cache (PVS
Design Control MCS
Design Control MCS Storage Location
Design Control MCS Cloning Type
Design Control MCS Read Cache
Design Control MCS Write Cache
Monitor Monitoring Automated Monitoring
Design - Control - Database - Connection
Assess Define User Group Assign VDI Models
(Linux app definition)
Daniel Feller
(Lead Workspace Architect)
August 29,
Design Conceptual Site Topology (corrected
table header)
Daniel Feller
(Lead Workspace Architect)
August 30,