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Financial Edge Credit Card Management
Patch 14 for Financial Edge 7.87 includes new credit card functionality that allows you to
better manage your organization’s credit card activity.
With this new functionality, you can now:
Track and manage your credit card charges and payments
View credit card activity on the credit card account record and register
NOTE: This credit card functionality does not include any credit card processing.
Important Considerations
Before you run the Financial Edge patch, please consider the following:
Before you can begin recording credit card payments, there is some setup required. You
should carefully consider how the billing is currently handled by the vendor linked to the
credit card. For a detailed example, see Credit Card Setup Considerations
When setting up the credit card account, you are asked to specify the GL liability account
to use. You must decide if you want to use a liability account for each credit card, or if you
want one account for all credit cards. For more information, see
GL Liability Account
If you are currently using a workaround in Banks or Journal entry to track and manage
credit card payments, we recommend you pay off the card balances, and begin using the
new credit card functionality after the month-end or year-end close.
Credit card accounts use the same security as bank accounts, including account record
specific security.
Credit card activity will show as an option for all Bank reports, and you can use GL
accounts to filter on credit card accounts.
You cannot void an invoice payment made by a credit card. You must delete the invoice,
which will delete the payment.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
At this time, credit card functionality does not support recurring invoices, WebPortal, FAST!,
Global Change, Import/Export, or Query.
Recommended Steps
Before you can begin tracking credit card charges and payments, you must create a credit card
account, as well as a vendor to receive the payments. To ensure you set up the new credit card
functionality properly, we recommend you do the following:
Review this document and all the available resources before you get started, especially if
you are currently using a workaround to track and manage credit card payments. This will
ensure a smooth transition to the new functionality.
Set up the credit card vendor. You must have a vendor set up to receive the credit card
payments. For additional information, see Set up Credit Card Vendor.
Set up credit card account. This includes linking to the vendor who will receive the
payment and setting up the GL liability account. For more information, see
Set up Credit
Card Account.
Set up additional credit cards, if necessary. For more information, see
Additional Credit
Set up Credit Card Vendor
A vendor is required to receive credit card payments. When you create the vendor, you can
specify the account to use when making credit card payments. You can also view all the credit
cards associated the vendor on the new Credit Cards tab.
The vendor is the organization you remit payment to, for example, Chase Manhattan Bank. For
more information, see Credit Card Setup Considerations
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
1. Enter the information on the Vendor tab, including the default payment information,
like the Payment method, Payment options and Account to use fields.
2. Once you have saved the new vendor, you are on your way to making credit card
payments. You next step will be to set up the credit card account.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
NOTE: Keep in mind, the vendor record now displays all the credit card accounts linked to the
vendor on the Credit Cards tab. You can create a new credit card account for the vendor from
this tab as well.
Set up Credit Card Account
A credit card account record is very similar to a bank account record. However, for credit card
accounts, you will select “Credit Card” as the Account type, and you must also link to the
vendor who will receive the payment, as well as specifying the GL liability account.
1. You can set up the credit card account directly from vendor record on the Credit Cards tab.
You can also add a new credit card from Banks, when you select New credit card
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
2. Enter the Account, Bank name and Account ID fields.
3. Select the Credit card type. If the drop-down menu does not contain the credit card type
you need, you can add a new type in Configuration. To add new credit card type, go to
Accounts Payable, Configuration, Tables, Credit Card Type.
4. Enter the Account status. Your choices are “Open” and “Closed.”
5. Specify the credit limit for the credit card.
6. In the Vendor name field, select the vendor who will receive the credit card payment.
7. Enter the GL liability account. When you assign a liability account to a credit card, you
must decide if you want a liability account for each credit card, or if you want one account
for all credit cards. For more information, see GL Liability Account Example
8. From the Credit Cards tab, you can add additional credit cards to this account. For more
information, see Additional Credit Cards
9. The Adjustment Categories tab displays all saved adjustment categories. You can open a
saved category to make changes, delete an adjustment category, or copy an existing
category to create a new one based on its settings.
TE: Adjustment categories are required when you create an adjustment from the credit
card register.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Additional Credit Cards
Some organizations have multiple credit cards that roll up to one main account. For example,
corporate credit cards often have numerous individual cards, or subsidiary cards, all reported
on the same credit card statement.
You can add additional cards and the card holders on the Credit Cards tab of the Credit Card
Account record.
1. Select the Credit Cards tab of the Credit Card Account record.
2. Enter each cardholder and the last four digits of the credit card they use.
3. If the card is currently in use, mark Active.
4. The Adjustment Categories tab displays all saved adjustment categories. You can open a
saved category to make changes, delete an adjustment category, or copy an existing
category to create a new one based on its settings.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
NOTE: Adjustment categories are required when you create an adjustment from the credit
card register.
Record Credit Card Charges and Pay Off Statement
Before you can pay off a credit card statement, you must acknowledge credit card charges by
creating an invoice.
Note: Discount and 1099 information is not applicable when the payment method is credit
Keep in mind, when you save a credit card invoice, the status changes to “Paid.” An unposted
dummypayment is created and the distribution is shown in the payment - distribution.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
As shown below, the GL distribution for the credit card charge will show a debit to the
applicable expense account and a credit to the GL liability account.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Once you’ve recorded the credit card charges, you can pay off the credit card statement by
creating a new invoice and linking the credit card vendor invoice to the credit card account.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Creating an invoice for the Chase Manhattan - Visa statement, will show a debit to the GL
liability account and a credit to the AP Summary Account.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
The last step is to pay off the invoice to the credit card vendor, Chase Manhattan.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Paying off the invoice to the credit card vendor, Chase Manhattan, will show a debit to the AP
Summary Account and credit to Cash.
View Credit Card Register
Credit card accounts are setup like bank accounts in Financial Edge. By doing so, you can
easily track charges and payments in the credit card register. You access the Credit Card
register from the Banks page.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Under General tasks, click Open register to open the register for the selected credit card
The Credit Card Register displays all your credit card transactions, including date, type, credit
card number, payee, status, and balance information. On this screen, you can filter, sort, and
void transactions and view transaction details.
Add an Adjustment
1. To create a credit card adjustment, select New Adjustment from the Credit Card register.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
2. In the Category field, you can select a pre-defined adjustment category or enter a name to
create a new one. If you select a pre-defined adjustment category, the program automatically
loads default information into the fields.
3. In the Date and Amount fields, enter the date and amount of the adjustment.
4. In the Type field, select “Charge” orPayment/Credit”.
5. In the Post status field, select “Not yet posted” or “Do not post”.
6. In the Post date field, enter the date the adjustment is posted to General Ledger.
7. In the Notes box, enter any descriptive notes about the adjustment.
8. Once the adjustment appears in the bank account, mark Cleared on and enter the clear date
in the field.
9. Select the GL Distribution tab. To create a distribution for the adjustment, designate debit and
credit accounts for the adjustment, the amounts to distribute to the accounts, and select a
class for the distribution on the Distribution tab.
10. Click Save and Close to save the adjustment and return to the Credit Card Register.
Credit Card Setup Considerations
When you set up your credit card accounts, you should consider how the billing is currently
handled by the vendor linked to the credit card.
For example, let’s say Bank of America is a vendor and sends a consolidated statement
containing three subsidiary Visas, totaling $100,000 (V1 = $20,000, V2 = $30,000 and V3 =
$50,000). We recommend creating one credit card account for three subsidiary cards. That
way, you will have one register, which can be filtered by subsidiary card, and the payment of
$100,000 would pay off the register balance to zero.
In the example above, if you create three separate credit card accounts, then three registers
will be created. The vendor statement of $100,000 will need to be divided into three invoices
(V1 = $20,000, V2 = $30,000 and V3 = $50,000), and you will make three separate payments to
update each of the three registers.
However, if Bank of America sends three separate statements (one for each subsidiary Visa),
we recommended you create a credit card account for each subsidiary.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Credit card charge (tied to a subsidiary card)
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Payment to Credit Card Vendor tied to a Credit Card - not a subsidiary card
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
Results in Credit Card Register (Visa 3)
Notice there is no subsidiary card identified with a payment -- only a charge.
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
GL Liability Account Example
Each credit card must have a default GL liability account. This serves as a clearing account.
After a credit card statement/bill is received, this account should have a zero balance.
You can choose to have one-to-one relationship between this GL liability account and a credit
card account (Visa liability account, Mastercard liability account, American Express Liability
account, etc.) or consolidate all credit cards into one GL liability account. Having one liability
account per credit card account will allow you to run GL reports on individual credit card
accounts. Using a single liability account will allow you to report on overall credit card liability.
In the above example, one GL liability account is created (Accrued Expenses- Other). The
accounting would be the following:
Step 1: Credit charge for office expenses on Visa statement:
Office Expense XXX
GL liability account XXX
2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston, SC 29492 T 800.443.9441 F 843.216.6100 www.blackbaud.com
*An unposted dummy payment is created and the distribution is shown in the payment
Step 2: Visa statement is received with only this transaction
GL liability account XXX
AP Summary XXX
Step 3: Visa statement is paid for this transaction
AP Summary XXX
Operating Cash XXX
The GL liability account for credit cards should net to zero, unless charges are incurred, or if
there is a discrepancy between what is charged and what is billed.