Concur Expense: Payment
Setup Guide
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
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Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide i
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Permissions ................................................................................................1
Section 2: Overview ....................................................................................................1
Available Payment Types ............................................................................................. 2
About the Pending Card Transaction Payment Type ................................................... 2
Payment Codes .......................................................................................................... 3
Reimbursement Offsets .......................................................................................... 6
Section 3: Configuration ..............................................................................................7
Access the Payment Types Tool.................................................................................... 7
Add a Payment Type ................................................................................................... 8
Modify a Payment Type ............................................................................................. 11
Remove a Payment Type ........................................................................................... 12
Set a Payment Type as Default .................................................................................. 12
Section 4: Special Cases ............................................................................................ 13
Redirecting Funds for Payment to IBCP Company Card.................................................. 13
Configuration ...................................................................................................... 17
ii Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Revision History
Notes / Comments / Changes
September 2, 2022
Removed existing UI information
April 14, 2022
Added information about the existing UI and NextGen UI; made minor
modifications throughout; cover revision date updated.
December 8, 2021
Clarified the Company Paid code.
June 24, 2021
Added information about being able to redirect funds to a credit card when
creating an expense report.
January 7, 2021
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
September 1, 2020
Added a note about the default payment type Cash in the Available Payment
Types section.
May 1, 2020
Updated personal credit card import notes in the Add a Payment Type table.
January 2, 2020
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
January 4, 2019
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
April 4 2018
Changed the check boxes on the front cover; no other changes; cover date
not updated
January 5 2018
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
September 26 2017
For Clearing Account Code, added that it is required for IBCP, too
July 18 2017
Added the code and description for Company Paid (reimbursement offsets not
used), and edited Company Paid to remove “always.”
July 17 2017
Added a clarification note to the Reimbursement Offsets section.
December 14 2016
Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes.
Demcember 9 2016
Updated the guide content to new corporate style; no content changes.
November 4 2016
Updated graphic and table for renamed check box. The check box, Use for
company card import only is now named Exclude from employees'
Payment Type list (applies only to imported card transactions). The
functionality of this setting has not changed.
September 9 2016
Updated information about the Pending Card Transaction Payment type
because in some instances Concur will now use it even if the admin has not
activated this payment type for the group.
May 13 2016
Updated instances of he/she to they.
December 11 2015
Updated the Clearing Account Code description.
February 19 2015
Removed information about the current user interface; changed the
copyright; no other content changes
January 16 2015
Correction to a page name; updated to the enhanced UI
September 24 2014
Added information about two user interfaces; no other content changes.
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide iii
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Notes / Comments / Changes
April 15 2014
Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes
December 28 2012
Made rebranding and/or copyright changes; no content changes
December 14 2012
A default payment type can now be specified via the Group Configurations
June 22 2011
Updated to include new Send card accounts with this payment type to
Travel check box that allows or disallows a card account associated with a
payment type from being included or excluded from the Employee Extract job
to Travel.
January 20 2012
Addition of the Pending Card Transaction payment type
Addition of Company Billed/Company Paid (offset applied) payment code type
June 28 2011
Clarified information about the Clearing Account Code field
December 31 2010
Updated the copyright and made rebranding changes; no content changes
December 2010
Updated instructions to the current user interface
December 2009
Changed to stand-alone setup guide; no content change
Jun. 2008 (SU 32)
Added information about the two available user interfaces:
Classic user interface
Current user interface
Section 1: Permissions
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide 1
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Payment Types
NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this
content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your
implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented, home
page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.
Section 1: Permissions
A company administrator may or may not have the correct permissions to use this
feature. The administrator may have limited permissions, for example, they can
affect only certain groups and/or use only certain options (view but not create or
If a company administrator needs to use this feature and does not have the proper
permissions, they should contact the company's SAP Concur administrator.
Also, the administrator should be aware that some of the tasks described in this
guide can be completed only by an SAP Concur administrator. In this case, the client
must initiate a service request with SAP Concur support.
Section 2: Overview
Payment Types define the way an employee paid for an expense during a
transaction. These include cash, personal credit card, or company card, and pending
card transaction. It is a required field that appears on the New Expense or
Expense tab on an expense report (with the expense entry open).
The admin creates and maintains payment types in the Payment Types tool within
Expense Admin. Payment type is a global-only feature. Only the Global Expense
Configuration administrator can create, edit, or delete payment types. Group
Expense Configuration administrators may view the list of payment types but cannot
change them.
The system maps payment types to a group. They are associated with a group
because most payment types are company cards that companies issue on a group
basis. The Global Expense Configuration administrator creates payment types for a
group when you create a company card feed for that group. You use the Group
Configurations tool to link payment types to a group.
Section 2: Overview
2 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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Available Payment Types
Several payment types are available by default, and they appear in the default
configuration as shown in the table below. These payment types are not all active in
the default policies. The admin activates them in the Group Configurations tool (as
described later in this guide). At that time, the admin can also elect to set any single
payment type as the default. (The default payment type initially displays to the user
but can be changed by the user as necessary.)
For definitions, refer to the Payment Codes section in this guide. For
information about how to set a default payment type, refer to Setting a
Default Payment Type for the User.
The available payment types are as follows:
CBCP Corporate Card
Company Paid
IBCP Corporate Card
IBIP Corporate Card
Pending Card Transaction
Personal Credit Card
NOTE: The default payment type of Cash cannot be fully inactivated, as it will be
used by the system in some circumstances regardless of status. Please keep
in mind that the name of this payment type if edited should retain the
original intent, and the payment type code should not be altered.
About the Pending Card Transaction Payment Type
Concur Expense uses the Pending Card Transaction payment type, regardless of
whether the admin has activated this payment type for the group.
This occurs when the user moves an Available Expense to their expense report.
Eligible expenses meet all of the following criteria:
The expense is from an itinerary, an e-receipt, or ExpenseIt.
The expense was booked or paid with the company-sponsored credit
card linked to the user’s Concur Expense account.
Section 2: Overview
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide 3
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NOTE: These accounts are visible under Administration > Company >
Tools > Company Card. This will not apply to personal cards entered
by the user into the profile for use on travel bookings.
Once the card transaction arrives, Concur Expense will match the card transaction to
the expense and update the payment type.
! IMPORTANT: Concur Expense will not allow an expense to be submitted while it
has the Pending Card Transaction payment type. The user will have to wait
until the expense matches a credit card transaction or manually update the
payment type before Concur Expense will allow them to submit the expense.
The Pending Card Transaction payment type will not be visible for the user to
select in the list of payment types when manually editing an expense unless it has
been activated by the expense admin for the user’s expense group.
The user completes a trip booked in the Concur Travel part of the system. On the
last day of the trip, the one-click icon appears on the trip list, allowing the user to
auto-create an expense report from that trip. Each reservation in the travel booking
trip will create a corresponding entry on the expense report. Airfare transactions
have an amount, as the system knows what the actual cost was that was charged for
airfare since it was purchased in Concur Travel. Other types of expenses like hotel or
car rental are created with a zero amount as a placeholder for the actual charge,
since the booking reservation does not know what the final charge will be, due to
additional charges such as fuel for car or room service for hotel.
These transactions are assigned the Pending Card Transaction payment type if the
segment was booked or paid with the company-sponsored credit card that is linked
to the user’s Concur Expense account. An expense with this payment type may never
be submitted. The system will block the submission and provide an exception
message to the user. The user is allowed to edit the payment type, as there are
always valid business reasons for an exception to policy where the user may have
used a personal card or other payment method to settle the bill. Each time the user
opens an unsubmitted expense report, the system will check all expenses not yet
matched to a card transaction against any card transactions that have arrived since
the last check to look for new matches.
NOTE: Concur Expense will not set the transaction to Pending Card Transaction if
the user booked in Concur Travel using an alternative method of payment
that is not linked to their system profile.
Payment Codes
Payment Codes identify the way that the payment type is handled within the system
and the output file that exports into a company's general ledger. Concur Expense has
six payment codes that appear upon installation. Every payment type created must
Section 2: Overview
4 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
Last Revised: April 14, 2022
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
be associated with one of these codes. These codes do not appear to the employee.
Transaction was employee out-of-pocket expense that may
be cash or personal credit card. If the approver approves it,
the system reimburses this type of expenditure.
Company Billed/Company
(reimbursement offsets applied)
When using Company Billed/Company Paid (CBCP), the
employee uses the company card to charge their expenses,
but the company receives the bill and pays the company card
vendor directly.
Reimbursement offsets applied means that if there are any
personal expenses or expenses that the approvers reject, the
system offsets employee reimbursements with the amount of
personal or unapproved expenses. This ensures that the
company does not overpay for reimbursements to the
employee when the employee owes the company for non-
reimbursed expenses.
For more information, refer to the Reimbursement
Offsets section of this guide.
Company Billed/Company
(reimbursement offsets not used)
When using Company Billed/Company Paid (CBCP), the
employee uses the company card to charge their expenses,
but the company receives the bill and pays the company card
vendor directly.
The employee pays unapproved and personal amounts
charged to the card directly to the company card vendor or
the company pays it. The offsets occur within the company's
internal financial system. Financial officers make
arrangements (such as payroll deductions) with the
Company Paid
(reimbursement offsets used)
Works similar to CBCP, but without a charge card. Company
Paid uses reimbursement offsets. The company has an
account with a vendor and pays them at a certain time, such
as monthly.
When an employee purchases an item or service, they place
the transaction on the company bill. Company paid always
has offset reimbursements. Typically, the payment type
created for this is the vendor name, such as Acme
Limousines, with the payment code of Company Paid.
Section 2: Overview
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide 5
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Company Paid
(reimbursement offsets not used)
Works like Company Paid, however, without offsets applied.
The company has an account with a vendor and pays them at
a certain time, such as monthly.
When an employee purchases an item or service, they place
the transaction on the company bill. Company Paid
(reimbursement offsets not used) means that the amount
due the vendor is always the sum of the approved business
expenses charged to the company bill. The amounts due to
the employee are always the sum of approved cash
expenses. The employee pays unapproved and personal
amounts charged to the company bill directly to the vendor
or the company pays it. The offsets occur within the
company's internal financial system. Financial officers make
arrangements (such as payroll deductions) with the
Individually Billed/Company
(reimbursement offsets applied)
When using Individual Bill/Company Paid (IBCP), the
individual cardholder (employee) makes the charges on his
company card and then adds the charge activity to an
expense report. The company reimburses the company card
vendor based upon all company card charges that the
employee submits on expense reports in that payment cycle.
Reimbursement offsets applied means that if there are any
personal expenses or expenses that the approvers reject, the
system offsets employee reimbursements with the amount of
personal or unapproved expenses. This ensures that the
company does not overpay for reimbursements to the
employee when the employee owes the company for non-
reimbursed expenses.
NOTE: A user can redirect funds owed them by their
company to pay all or part of the balance they may owe on a
company card.
For more information, refer to the Reimbursement
Offsets section of this guide.
Individually Billed/Company
(reimbursement offsets not used)
Same as the IBCP above, however, without offsets applied.
When the company card is set up with IBCP
reimbursement offsets not used (never pay personal or
unapproved amounts), the amount due the card vendor is
always the sum of the approved business expenses charged
to the card. The amounts due to the employee are always the
sum of approved cash expenses.
The employee pays unapproved and personal amounts
charged to the card directly to the company card vendor or
the company pays it. The offsets occur within the company's
internal financial system. Financial officers make
arrangements (such as payroll deductions) with the
Section 2: Overview
6 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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Individual Billed/Individual
A charge card that is issued by a company and is in the
employee name. The system sends the bill to the employee.
The company expects the employee to pay the bill and then
submit an expense report for the company to reimburse.
Reimbursement Offsets
In a reimbursement offset, the system offsets (reduces) employee reimbursements
by the amount of any personal or unapproved expenses. In this way, the company
avoids overpaying for reimbursements to the employee when the employee owes the
company for non-reimbursed expenses.
The database is only storing totals for the expense total amount and the approved
amount on each row. There is also a flag that marks an expense as personal.
NOTE: The offset selection for Company Billed/Company Paid will have no impact on
the actual payments. The offset selection for CBCP will only determine how
the Standard Accounting Extract (SAE) presents data. Using offsets will
reduce the number of journal rows in the extract file to remove rows that
cancel each other compared to not using offsets, which will send the
full/verbose set of journal entries without any consolidation.
The following outlines an example of expenses incurred with an IBCP card that has
offsets applied. The company pays the total amount due to the employee, but there
are personal and rejected expenses that are still due to the company card vendor.
Expense report example:
Total Amount
From the above example, $235 is due to the company card vendor (the sum of the
IBCP amounts). Of that amount, the company pays $180 for the approved business
expenses (deducting personal and unapproved amounts). The company also owes
the employee the $35 from the approved cash business expense. However, instead
of paying this amount to the employee, the company applies it to the amount it owes
the company card vendor. So, in total, the company pays the company card vendor
$215. The employee is then responsible for the remaining $20 due to the credit card
vendor, and the employee must pay this directly or with whatever method that the
company has set up.
Section 3: Configuration
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The system displays the total amount due for any party, vendor, employee, and
company, on the Report Totals page within Concur Expense and the Expense
Section 3: Configuration
Access the Payment Types Tool
To access the payment types tool:
1. Click Administration > Expense > Expense Admin.
2. Click Payment Types (left menu). The Payment Types page appears.
NOTE: The Payment Types page lists all payment types that are visible to
the current administrator for all group configurations (Global and
Group Expense Configuration administrators).
Section 3: Configuration
8 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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Add a Payment Type
When you create a new payment type, it is inactive by default. The steps below
show how to add and activate a new payment type.
To add a payment type:
1. On the Payment Types page, click New. The Payment Type window
2. Complete all required fields.
Payment Type
Type a unique alphanumeric name. This text appears to the
employee within Concur Expense.
Type an additional description of the payment type. This
description does not appear anywhere else in Concur Expense.
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Clearing Account
When there are amounts in the company's ledger that the
employee has charged on a company-paid card, it may
sometimes happen that the company does not reimburse the
charges. In such cases, the company can use the clearing
account code to book amounts that the employee owes back
to the company.
The Clearing Account Code field must be populated for an
employee to submit a company card transaction expense in an
expense report for an expense marked as IBCP, CBCP, or
Company Paid. The field may be populated in the payment
type configuration, or in the user's card account.
If the field is blank, the user receives an error message stating
that this field was not completed, and the user is not be able
to submit the expense report. This field is required only for
payment types with IBCP, CBCP, or Company Paid payment
type codes.
Payment Type
Choose the type of payment code you want associated with
this payment type. See the Payment Codes section of this
guide for more information on each of the choices.
The choices are:
Company Billed/Company Paid (reimbursement offsets
Company Billed/Company Paid (reimbursement offsets
not used)
Company Paid (reimbursement offsets used)
Company Paid (reimbursement offsets not used)
Individually Billed/Company Paid (reimbursement offsets
Individually Billed/Company Paid (reimbursement offsets
not used)
Individually Billed/Individually Paid
NOTE: For a CBCP payment type, the payment type used for
Yodlee (personal card imports) must be the default record
provided by Concur Expense. (The payment type KEY must
= CBCP. This is not a configurable element but is determined
by the database and every customer has only one
predefined CBCP payment type with a PAT_KEY = CBCP.)
Exclude from
Payment Type list
(applies only to
imported card
transactions) check
Selecting this check box only allows users to view this
payment type from a company card transaction that is added
to a report. An employee cannot select this payment type
when they create an expense from scratch.
When a company card transaction with this payment code is
added to a report, the payment type is read-only and the
employee is not able to edit it.
NOTE: If you are using the automated personal card import,
verify that this check box is not selected.
Section 3: Configuration
10 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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Send card
accounts with this
payment type to
Select to have card accounts that include this payment type
included (selected) or excluded (cleared) when the Employee
Extract job to Travel is run.
NOTE: This check box only appears if activated by SAP Concur
support - submit a Service Request to do so.
Test Payment Type
Used for the Test User feature
Refer to the Shared: Test User Setup Guide.
3. Click Save. The payment type is ready to be activated, as described below.
To activate the payment type:
1. Click Group Configurations (left menu). The Group Configurations page
Section 3: Configuration
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide 11
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2. Click Modify in the Payment Types column for the group whose payment
type(s) you want to change. The Configuration for Group window appears.
3. Select (enable) the check box in the Is Active for Group column for the new
payment type.
4. Click Save.
Modify a Payment Type
Modifications to payment types take place immediately if a payment type is
associated with a group.
To modify a payment type:
1. On the Payment Types page, either:
Select the desired payment type and click Modify.
Double-click the desired payment type.
The Payment Type window appears.
2. Make any required changes.
For field definitions, refer to Add a Payment Type section of this guide.
Section 3: Configuration
12 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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3. Click Save.
Remove a Payment Type
Removing a payment type removes it completely from the system. If any submitted
report has the payment type attached to it, the payment type will no longer appear.
To delete a payment type:
1. On the Payment Types page, select the desired payment type.
2. Click Remove.
Set a Payment Type as Default
To set the default payment type:
1. Click Group Configurations (left menu). The Group Configurations page
Section 4: Special Cases
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide 13
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2. Click Modify in the Payment Types column. The Configuration for Group
window appears.
3. Select (enable) the check box in the Default Payment Type column for the
desired payment type.
Note the following:
You can select only one.
You cannot select an inactive payment type. Activate a payment type, if
4. Click Save.
Section 4: Special Cases
Redirecting Funds for Payment to IBCP Company Card
A Concur Expense user can elect to redirect funds owed them by their company to
pay all or part of the balance they may owe on a company card. This feature is
available to users:
With a company card arrangement where the company (the card holder) pays
the card provider directly for authorized business expenses.
Section 4: Special Cases
14 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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Where the card holder also pays the card provider for personal expenses
when the card provider and the card user(s) are both owed funds by the
company for expenses an expense report.
Where the card user also has an outstanding personal balance on that
company card.
During the expense report submission process, the user may check the box on the
Report Totals page to elect to redirect funds to a card payment.
To Redirect Funds When Creating an Expense Report
1. From the Report Totals page, select Request to move money owed to
you to a credit card.
Section 4: Special Cases
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1. If you have more than one company card account, from the Redirect Funds
to Card list, select the desired card.
NOTE: If your reimbursement currency is different than the billing currency of
the selected card, you will see additional currency information to assist
you with the entry of the amount.
Section 4: Special Cases
16 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide
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2. In the Redirect Funds Amount field, enter the amount to be redirected as a
card payment.
3. Click Submit Report.
Section 4: Special Cases
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To see this option each user must have an IBCP card assigned to them, and the
Redirect Funds To Card Account field must be added to the expense report
header using the Forms & Fields tool. To do this, most clients will need to submit a
change request to SAP Concur support. The request should specify the report header
forms to be altered and the position of the field on the form.
Refer to the Expense: Forms and Fields Setup Guide for more information.