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Career Resources Science Communication
Career Exploration
Science communication work in the following sectors (not exhaustive):
Science and medical journalism
Museum and science centres
Science education and outreach events
Research funding councils
Science policy and governmental agencies
Professional associations and groups
Pharmaceutical and biomedical companies
Public relations and marketing Departments
Articles of Interest
A beginner’s guide to science communication opportunities in Canada (Medium by Farah)
Reflections: 100 Voices for Canadian Science Communication (Science Borealis)
Making science more accessible: science communication careers (ASBMB)
Science writing and editing (ScienceMag) https://www.sciencemag.org/careers/2011/10/science-writing-and-editing
Science communication : A career where PhDs can make a difference (ASCB)
Science Journalism Resources (CASW) http://showcase.casw.org/resources/
To further explore science alternative careers:
o Science Alternatives (Oxford University)
o Book: Alternative careers in science: Leaving the ivory tower https://mcgill.on.worldcat.org/oclc/74171439
Jobs Search Websites
Canadian Association of Science Centres Job Board https://www.canadiansciencecentres.ca/job-bank
NewScientistJobs https://jobs.newscientist.com/
Science Careers https://jobs.sciencecareers.org/jobs/
Asian American Journalists Association Job Board https://www.aajacareers.org/
Online News Association Job Board https://careers.journalists.org/
Media Bistro https://www.mediabistro.com/
Writing & editing Job Boards: https://mcgillcaps.ca/directory/wpbdp_category/writing/
Freelance Job Boards: https://mcgillcaps.ca/directory/wpbdp_category/freelance/
Associations and Groups
The following sites provide a list of organizations/contacts. Contact them for funding, career events and resources.
Science Writers & Communicators of Canada https://sciencewriters.ca/
Canadian Science Research Centres https://profils-profiles.science.gc.ca/en/facilities
Canadian Think Tanks https://www.mcgill.ca/caps/files/caps/guide_canadianthinktanks.pdf
Government of Canada’s Scientists and Professionals Directory https://profils-profiles.science.gc.ca/en/
Toronto Science Policy Network – Organizations https://tspn.sa.utoronto.ca/resources/organizations/
Council for the Advancement of Science Writing https://casw.org/
National Association of Science Writers https://www.nasw.org/
This handout is available at:
What can I do with my studies? (http://www.mcgill.ca/caps/discipline) -> Career Resources Guides